Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 09, 1883, Page 2, Image 2

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i / . , 11IE ; 1 1f , rinse , . . . l. [ tti 1 \t ( ) : Y. 1t L'.i31ti J i n ) a
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tMm IIRMi. An
! uu1nl11u rnrofnt
Armtnal ii'enk
n , 'ne + + , Bpctmntarh )
nnA all Iitealu
that follow ns a
. tidh
AMte ; Ioes of m
yfmnn , hhdter
tire3RETARIN0an11nr ltndcratnAITER TARING.
- e , sack , Ulmncu of t'Idon , I'rcmaturo Old Age ,
nary other dlecnsea t hat Iced to menu Ity or Con
mil nptlon nod n I'trmaturo Orate ,
BRBARR of nhcdtrcinents to refund motley , when
drugglste from whom the medicine IR bought do not
rePoRd , but refer you In hie manntndurcrs , and the
requlremcntt are such that they arc seldom f erer
m mplinl with. see their written guamnteo A trl.i
mof one einglo W.cknge of arfi $ a Specific will cons Inca
the mod ite .deal of 11'rnl manta.
On urounl of cnunte..elton , wa } rave adopted the
Yellow Wrapper ; the only genuine ,
tArFu11 nrtlnrlar > t hi flit lamphlct , which wo do
elre to semi free by mall to nay one. .terTle Spe
dOe Nulletnc ie coif by nil druggists rat i)1 per pack.
age , or sax iuckngc + for (3 , or will be scut tree by
mall on the receipt of the money , by addree in r
TiiE ( ILAY MIICINCCO ! , , tiu0aln.h.V.
Sold in Omaha br O o'.r.Itnxn , Ir IDmkon a
'so. ' e f p .u .
. y
L .
, + Y
r '
A s
1 . ( '
' This remedy being Injected dircctlr to the seat.
the dlscaeo , roquece no change of duct or nautcous ,
mercurial or potttnous tnafIchlci to bu taken Itltenl
i0y. Whcn teat et a provcntAo i either eex , it le
( mp.oe ible to ooutrect any pritatu dISaaeo ; hut. In the
oaeael thusoelraadyunrortuneteg allllctrdwu guar.
anteo throe bozos to cure , or wo will rcfmid the
money. Price by tnail , pstttaga I.eId , Y2 per box , or
three boxes fur 85.
esuod by all authorized egcnte.
Dr.FelixLeBrun&Co iItorullToux
i Noh Hula Agent , for Cn a
nA , wl
Health is Wealth
- snarl aftili
' aE.cwfs
Dr , I. C. Wnet't Nerve end Brain Treatment ,
guaranteuttpnclfin for Ily.terla , Olxzlneto , Camia
daunt , Fits , Nervoii Nirualgin , itcainrbu , Nervou )
I'rontretlon c used bx the nee i f nlenhoi or tabnrxw ,
Wnkofulneev Stuntal Ieprwnlou Furtcning of the
. Breit , reeulting bm au ) y and leallag to miter ) ,
decay and death , l'renc.e ire and Ago , Ilarrcnneee
Lust of power ht ottbur , luvnbuitar' Lobe
Bponnatnrrhlw eum.iel by over exorlluni ) f
brehieelt abueaornier Indnlgcnna. Facb
taint one tnmtths troatmei L. $ IOO a hoe , , r
L buret for P6.OO. Aunt by , nail prcitoid on rccclpt
' T" cure any rasa With cacti onicr ricuitud b1 t. .
for .1 * boot anann Ianlel with 5.I wuwllleetd the
urcharer our
- _ t _ . _ _ } ' ° lsr , u
, 1
, r I ,
iV.ulanlvd uhenhtirliprr
Cann" , from which ihv uxrc.s o
i ) ' 0117uiehrrnr'mod , iLltas1/irre
I 'un. ) tActr' op d of Corut uthul
with Starch.lruwruutur Hngttr ,
L / ' mid la therefuru f tr wuru reotoud.
( aim It 1 + dclkiuus , lag ,
. l II otrtt IIicniii , caddytilgcrlidand
i utbtlrnbi ) ' adoplyd for lurnllds ne
. t u ell ut fur prrsans fu Mental.
Uull by iroeerRcrorwhcro.
WI BAKER & COf I Borchcs1cr 1l7ass.
" , ' C. SPECHT
r nil Ihntghas HL , Otttaha , Neb.
. ' 11ANUFAerual.nt . up
talvanlzea Iron Cornices
tirUornicr mylnuowe , Fbualt 'fin , hoe and Slatr
r Bo.dhig Npwhts unrest ) itU.fikt HkIlght , Patent
a1Jt0tai hatchet Har and hroekil Hht'hing , l ram
Imo guutoal agent tar the ahmu tutu ut gtesla Iruo
cm iii , ( eei tluge. hnlutradtw , Vrraudas , fruit Uutk
Abu y' ) , { yhldtiw Illlnda , ( 'e liar L'uanltale. grncrei
tut IrtletnonkIIiit atentthnldalilbtd ,
at 'V .I
1 z
uouee Cleaning Ptlrpoaela ,
1'AI\7 , 'IAUBLE , 011 , t.i'TllIiA'1'll
TI'IIt , ( Rut hLltl' , I , I'm I.III.t ( 11 tI1Lb ,
W'IN1)OWe , d0.
TIN , 1111AHSC'uriitt' it.T1:1Lt1'A1tl.H : :
dewttrlbl. ° ae"niyn..uroark ° f-tel R. , . ,
Qtrr ; tld' 1 O UpE'to Nut'ADELPHlA
A Chapier Especially for the Ladies f
Which Gcatlcaioil arc EKBCCtcd
to 'Skip. "
A Typical Moxioan Oaao--Parlor
and Bedroom and the
Furniture Tlloreofr
Court , Corral , Garden and Lanmdry.
Rpociel C ° rtctpmiilcnce of Tor BRrr '
OoitA , October 4.-Tlio wonder is that
anybody over gate married in Mexico.
Not only arc there the (1ilncultics of
cotutiug 'under the roso-of , which l
have told you -'but tnarriago hero mains
the expenditure of more utone ) ' thou thu
avorngo youth can acquire till ho has
safely i > atsccl the ago whet most men
aaro to bravo the pains amid per of
matrimony. lu Mexico the prospecttvu
brfdo groom must not only first purcltano
itntl furnish n arouse , but ho must buy all
the wedding troesenu , - - aver to the
ininutaet smallacccsrorim of the toilet
which any ho noeduti for years to come ,
autl is expected also to pay nil the ox
pusses of the wctlding feast and subsequent -
quent festivities , and to make gifts to time
bridee umai(1s , the bride's fiunily , and iii.
the immediate friends concerned. Fortu-
untely for his depicted pocketbook there
is no going elf on wedding tours-the ab
souco of railways having made that fool-
ishuees an imposeibility-but the mar'
Tied pair go directly to their now hmno
on the weddimig tiny nud eat
brealLust tinder their own vine anti fig
There is no such variety in the arelri-
teeturo mid furnishumig of houras hero as
in the United Staten , but mm "assn" of
time butter class is almost an exact coon-
tepa t of thousands of others. Let us
take a servo' of this in which I nut ] wing -
ing , ne it is a typical haute of the wull-tor
do , amtbstnntial citizens. Like most others
ill title old city , our area ins built rat
least two hundred years ago , timid its
adobe walls , five feet thick , look capable
of defying Clio stoma of niuty centuries
more. It nuts a great nmany rooms , built
round mid opening into the usual central
court , which is paved ( as they all mire )
with stimuli , eLan , stenos that mtako us
feel , when walkih' 111)011 tlten like
otttuntial { pilgrims othe road to
11 cacti. I u title court floivurs blossom the
whole year through-planted in adobe
boxes elevated several feet above the
ground. In time centre is the inevitable -
ble deep well , its adobe frame work
draped with ferns amid litehelis-
mud home too is generally an
indeecrbnblo canglouteratrtnt of cltfldeun
timid ehiekuus , pign mid peacock's , cats timid
dogs , doves uud donkeys , in vociferous
confusion. Wondeu flours are ltiikllowu
in Illoxico , all hnuees beiu" paved either
with imgu hriclcs , romuror square , or
with cenuut , which resembles pollnhul
stone , ll'nululm aupetn are nut umeh
iudtilged in , except , pm'luqa , an hear
sitnitl at rip or rim" 'I'heu is a native
carpet , tnutlu Room tire fibrutm of the nuiu-
guoy , which ruse ublun our heap in texture -
ure , uud which in pmtitltrd after heimg
wovo,1 , gu orally rose piilc , with dashus
of purple amid grjQl1. Struulaln.sam..j
auhcato culorn tire fmuleiens ' 1'hev is
also a pretty mil durable omitting , au Indian -
dian mauutfncture , brnidod iii large
squares of shredded pnltmi leaves and
TA 1'A LE.
But , really , these flours of polished eo
nmeit , of a soft gray tint , or colored the
usual atrawbe 'y red , mare too beautiful t
he hidden by nnnightlyetil Iignred lirus
eels or ingntiii. Besides , the bare flours
mire nmore tippmOpriatu to this ineeet brord-
iug el iinte , in iii far inure hultithlul timid
cletuily. Itut they hnvo their disad-
vi stages. 'l'imo ' ecuicut con taius unmh
snltputre , wbicli rutaius utoisturo utoru
ally , mil with the frequent nbolutimis
those rucuivu , tue suldont pefuctly , dry.
Rtuxieau brouuis are uxeeeduigly prirni-
tive all'nirs , rid a cruadn never suecuuds
without ( fret dulugiug the prmuisus
flowovor hot time days iu hnvo generally -
orally chilly eights hero , amid one fouls
like going to buti'with ' his boots on rnthui'
tlunt pyt his bate feet upon flours ivhfcli
are as cold as tounbstones or the charity
of the world. Everylluxictit housu bas
its "sums du reeibu" ( paler ) of inure or
loss ii ngniIieoncc. It my not have iueli
in it , but is alwitys Ihu largest eumn in
time hutisu , long timid rua rmv. The nitis-
tie otfuet of the pnveti dears , with walls
of cilimur the nttttirttl grayish pltistur left
like "boa mly unadorned , " a pnimitel ,
with dark trescoe oulliues , ms uxtumuly
pleasing to time uy'1) . 'l'le ( Iuxicat lmdiusu
Wife lens other ideas that ours in time ar-
rongehuot ) of Jtur furniture , ' . 'here are
tilwmiys stutiglmt Isis of clads nud sofas ,
set stilly' against the walls all necund time
room , Although tbe omite feiv nuatafatts
in life wliet so great a ilunibm' of chairs
cold Pusnibly be required , yet them family
fouls itself pour indeed who (11)011 not pen
suss muiugh to touch in au uubrolttmi lute
around time vat iru circuit of thu salmi. .1
ttbuignlar htblo is fitted imito ouchr cor-
mer , rued iii limo center of time room is a
lam'gum mimic--head or oval-which hits its
] crimp iu thit middle of n row of vnaes nud
china ormtutets ranged rat regulm' die'
tattoos strlltgbt tunum l the auto' edges ,
'Tanis crriu'al table is gonuiully Cov0red
vitae to ouornmus crochotcd or him itted
spr0il : , which the lady of time house lie.
gtui 'IWit site was it ild amul liuielmeti for
heir wedding outfit , which ruproseuis
y'am's of ' matiuut labor , grant oxpeudihuu
of aJ usibgist ) mid
IIw 1)imEi9 01' HI'OO1V
et lupu limiumi tii oal ' . 'hero is a great
deartli of brackets , easels , tutu time thou-
stiid ; amid of + u little timings which we tie
light in , but thu euruor stands are each
loudu(1 with Imois nud onpty ) vtPus , both
of which aru vnhtvtl for orutuuouts m'mt bur'
thrum tau , Art jI : tI.hloucrsstmetimues
entp ) ' Bata the ducoratlonbut rare iuleed
ms it Lu see ono uindo by Motbur atuee
witlnu doors. Cluotimus and eitgrai'ilmgs
sparingly adorn fate wmdls - fur ii these
frontier Status , omvimm to into enurummts
dutmea-n chrome which nmay ho bought
fu Iruw York , fi'amo uud mill , for two dlol-
lmus , is hero alutost as oxuusivo ) its a du.
cunt oil painting. it the oxtm'euu end
of the sale , ftmrllmast frump timeoutrauee , fs
iuv ulubly the stone arraugennemit of fur'
miUuro in every imouso- rug , a Bqunru of
carrot , with four cm' six clulirs placed
cllto togptbor , vis n-vis , upon it , lokitmg
like a little island iii the pea of the big ,
btuc idiom , bounded import thu cite aide by
the sofa against the ii'tth , .flues guests
I .ter they too shown , with grout core-
many always to this particular spot ,
where , the miufsttess of the Itouso concmr her forces , sn to speak , as we un-
derstaud time nrt of doing in spiritual
sealmcosatlthreilval meetings.
'f'lit windows reach almost from floor
to ceiliimg , are wilar than doors , and always -
ways with wooden or iron bars befotu
the. A coon1marativelY few cases iii
Mexico luxuriate ram Window glass , but as
time duty ea that substnnco is simply outrageous -
rageous , the vast tmyority dispense with
it altogether. They have heavy ineble
ehuttots , like doors , not furnished withm
movable slats like ours , but open in time
mfddlo both' ways. As Mexicans ontar
tain the idea that wuidows wore made ti )
look iii at as well as to look omit of , the
lower classes sotimotimes stalmd outside time
bars and calmly look at you by limo hour ,
amid as curtnius arc not possible , the only
way to secure time sligltteat degree of
privacy is to close time lower half of time
shutters whoa your household machitlory
Is nut on exhibition , Thu (1001) recesses
these opetings for windows form iii the
thick walls , mtlford ahmplo room for
plncing chairs upon the ledges , and fu
them the family cougrc ate in time cool of
tame day. In stunmcrtununll this is ' ry
Pleasant ; but whet long cold rnins come
nu ( timid they sommetinmus have a little
snow in these higher altitudes ) the nb-
sutmco of wimidoy glass is n grunt discmn
fort , far to close time shutters emitiroly
menus toed (1nrkhuas , li Saltellu , Sale-
tares , end othur mountain citius , the
tern arc really cold , and how they bear
Heusi without mmmy tires in their houses or
protuetiou fromr the outer mlir , in a aiys
tory. There all the family , from oldest
to youugest , wrap thenseh'os in rohosas
and rural curl their feet up titular
tlietu anti
1'o&SIHS TIIIIIt : sourdi IN VATIL'NCE ,
for hover having know any other mode
of life , they do not dream of the poesi
hflityof making thoulsoltes inure co
fortablu. Upoa arriving in lttoxieo th
first si'Int of thesebarrodwindows strikes
the forci comer unpleasantly , amid Ito is apt.
to foul im uisolf ii 1prisobohind timoi m ,
with time steno fluor nntl iron bedsteads
for suitable accessories. But in tiuw lme
sees not only time convmuemce but the nor
cessity of them , aiid by anti by comes to
foul an umiuney sense of insecurity if by
rho elituce imu finds himself nut thus lro-
tucted. It must be renumbered that time
grunter purtior of Mexico is a laud of
perpetual suihmer , whereof necessity time
windows whist be open bout day amid
'might. Those iron or wooden gratings
cannot be "picked" like locks ,
noiselessly , or cut like window
glass , mad time fancily may sleep
with perfect security wtlmott closing a
window. It is , however , wull to remove
owe olructs frou too close proximity , for
the 1idrones have a cheerful lmmtbit of
throwing ropes , with hooks attached , between -
tween time bars , by whi di they dextrious
Iy draw out ammo of your garments-
which I crimps gave rise to time vulgar
phrimu , h0okmg tlutmgs. It is no moru
dean dust to add that there is by fin' loss
tiuevnig going on hero thmi rat time Uuitod
Staten tvitlt ail Our spring locks mid careful -
ful precnutiuus to bring in oven our door-
nutts at night. 1 vouturo to missort that
immure timings are Btolem in New York in a
siuglo day thlin iu all biexieo fn a year ,
1 wish i eetmid paint you right here n
Ilicturo of the roust whichm for many weeks
! mils lweml mmy owi especial nnnetin. Ibis
gtmitu a graid apartntert-fur troxfco-
tumid I have grown to love every article fu
AS ONO ( ilmA'I mini ,
is a fair type of others , let to a describe it
to you. Its two nnciuut doors , guiltless
cif paitit uud garnished with , oamnims
iron iiingos mil staples like thuso of a
bnrii-open , ono inti ) time Sala du mioibu
nud time utlmur into time "hull , " if irve may
so call time main euttmmneu of a hluxicnn
case , thronglm wlmich aaitn , duukuys n111I'
window -litnks out nrtothe ' eumrt
and is mi objCet to dulight time eye ivitli
itt)1 icturesquuuess-tbu pale gray of its
mmpttiutcd woudumi bars ruliuvci by a
fev wires clauiboriug up outeido , amid a
i'no ' loavttd iuesquit branch m trailimig carelessly -
lessly across I mu blessed ivitli time rare
hixury of two yards of carpet , wlticlt my
sole appreciates , I minsure you butween umy
slippuea mmd those uuld bricks , ltore are
chairs uuunglm to eeut time whole 1luxicnu
canary , rmmged um fuuural rows against time
ivalls , time usual corner tables loaded with
lamps mulct vases and nevetni quaint arti-
clan of Gu uituru fu solid umahugtiny which
an autuu ; u'iaim would lnmig to pushes.
limit time chief tieasuro , which would
shine lm any collection of ceraumics iu n y
hued , is time great water jar timid bowl , of
w'atur lottery front Onltdablhara-dark
rcd , witim etrangu liguros pnumted upon
timunm which it ivunid be no sin to wor-
ship. they boiut' mint "fn the likeness of
amylhiug iii time homers above or time
earth below , or time waters uudor time
earth , " lily liltlo braise bedtuati , whusu
sleudor frunte work is pnlishetl till it
glitters like gulp , is dttaped tumid
liku a Freich woum mm'n , gimill less of
springs , amid with a ulntruss to
whieh a good soft hue d w'ould be a
blussitmb' , 1Ve have nu quills or blmikuts
in Muxrco , lint n single uuuutori mme of
gorgeously llowercd dammak , fringed all
tit'oind , mutd cafofully dinpnsed so as not
to conceal the flue liuou aheuta which
trnil fur below it , renelmiig to the fluor ,
'l'ame pillows mire nut fat , square amil soft ,
its Ours are , but flat amid harrow , uaelt ux
notiy as long as time bed is wide , like bol
store , 't'heir crinison ticks arc stufft'd
with ahem timid time eases metlme especial
untie of the buuseiv1fe , of time liuest
linen/ with ividu strips of crocheted or
Itmee insurtion set in at time eides and ruu-
wing the lemiglh of thorn , amid unleh dainty
needly work amid Ince iuiiiing at time uuds.
Over time various species of mminmis who
occup , ' that couch conjointly ivitli umyseif
amid dmspute Ite possussimm-oftem gaming
the clay , or the night ratlier-it is well to
1)nAw' ) TIma YCIL ,
merely rmnnrking that in this tropical
clime ether creatures than "time wicked
flea" nbouud "when no roan purr
southt fury semsibly trunks m
this country mare never sot flat upon
time flour nud left to time tender mercies of
hitch mumd coekronclmus , hut. are elevated
upon ruche nuldu for time purposo. Every
room in oveey case hiss its rotniudere
unto ot less mm mmiut'ous of Cntholoclstti ,
rat crosses nud pictured saints , tumid gun-
orally eotmmwlmure about time Premises is n
faintly nltam' with n woodou miming o of time
Virgin aid at uxeuedingly blood ) ' and
Jttgubriuns Christ in purpotumtl crucifixion ,
'm'ho chief bennty of huts "homo , sweet
hohre , and of luumdrods of smumilnr ones
in Mexico , ms in its garden , though ouu
woild imeiee idstrust its Uiist0ue iiith
Omit. a jjufdu to fiat find it out. Past
numirborluns other ruoos tau n kin chum led
dining room ( wlmicll we alliull visit later ) ,
ollmuis for a Enrage and heaven knows
what , Iliruugll an arched passage std
barrrd door , we unmeii4e fr0in time court
into time eorrnh ' 1'hts big , bamu yard ,
w'lmielt nuswurs all time purposes of a
Yamkoo Baru , is eurrouudccl by an adobe
wall its high its time house itself , being
really it continuation of it. hero are
gruonish pools of nmud in whlelm slvino are
wallowing , the gnats which supply its
ivitli milk , chid ittalls far limo lotlkoys are
arched into the wall at one side. No
sigh of
01,11 , IIIlAUTIF'UL itiaN
hero ; but climb souto adobe stops , open a
couple of honeq doors , ivnmdor through
ammothur walled ' ) assnf4ai nud presto the
ecemle is changed as if by ramgtc ! The
garden is largo enough far a small
rnmiche , with acres of roses iu perpetual
bloom , the grecucst of verdure , amid old
apple trues like those at homo , under
whose branches one might almost forgot
time dreary malice that lie between did not
grnvhng oranges , figs , banamias anti ahna-
cates remind one of "stem realities , "
1Vilhin tlruso silent shades one is corn
pielely isolnted from time world , and finds
it hard to rnnlizo that nil around lies a
city which 'viii hoary with ago before our
trusty infnnt , time United States , was
born. No sound of hmnan ilfo or labor
penetrates hero ; only tutu ringing of time
cathedral balls falls softly upon time ear.
Between limo brnuclmes we catch glimpses
of various church towers , each pointrug
with uplifted cross the Catholic's route to
hcaveu , nud tnomtL'titl peaks wlmiclm pre'
sent ever eimanging pictures of light amid
sluude. lu ono corner of time garden is a
largo circular stone tank , live feet deep ,
which serves time triple purpuso of bath ,
bumudry nud irigatnmg roseu'voir. ] gmes
and ditches conduct time water all over time
grounds , amid time overflow forums a siril
low pool , beside which stand time Rhmll
wooden trays puce of (1111010 ( the rant
used instend of eon1ti w h telt are all time
fmiriiisimiimga necessary for h Mexican
laundry. FANNIIliltlcimmAMVAilml. : .
)1 I''Irl , , lilt ,
1Vhm1 the Propriet trs of Burdock ftorxf lilt-
( o a put tlmis Imotvned luerlleiuu of time warket
tlmey bit it exmctly. ; 'T'hey lift dyspepsia , Iudi
ga + totil and liver nud kidney complnhmts n
llmd blow , frour which they will never rot -
t 'tom.
iulOXIE ANI ) liltUNl:7"L'L : fla SF :
li,1L1 , ,
,1 3pirlted Cmtnmc , In 1Vhfuir [ luck
( lair , Ilme ltulen uriiii , ( anti' tumid
the Young ; Ladles' Ilene lie-
euiu 1)cmuralliell.
Fifteen hundred people witnessed time
gtuuc of base ball between two toaums of
time Mauhnttah Athlotie club's
grounds in Now York , There ivero eight
girls on a side. One side was comilposed
of brunettes and time other of blondes.
'J'Imu ' costumes wore bathing dresses
of time aucieut mil honorable dirtier.
time loose body lmad a long , flowing skirt ,
which reached below the kmou. Stockings
of time regulation style , hasu ball sloes ,
nud witite tints c mllllluted time outfit. Thu
dresses were neatly butuot gaudily trium-
med with white brtrd. Thu hair was
either coiled tightly at the bnek of time
head or worn in iii lung plaits , tied up in
ribbon of a color that pleusetl time ivear-
or's fancy. lslisnI'flliruns , time blue
pitcher , rejoiced in a catty blmmo uud
white cap , which gave ] ter a buSlmess like
'I'hee young ladies , as time nuuagu-
uiemmt of time nliltir nunohuced , were selected -
lected withm a tender solicitude from 300
; m iplicants , variety actresses and ballut
girls being positively bnrred. Only
throe of the lot bad ever been mm time
ehige , amid they were him tlmu strictly legi-
tiuu to losiuess. 0ne of them bliss
U.lisy btuir , ahurt atop of time blondes ,
once played Eva iii Uuclu 'l'am's Cnbii ,
nud also etcu woo a prize uifined by a
Philadelphia p.tper for the heat ruply
to tih olLer of marriage. Must of
the others wcro graduates of Sunday
schools mid norunl colleges. 'they were
of assorted sizes mmd shapes. Sumo woru
short nud stout , soumu wuru tall uud thin ,
' vere ahurt , old timimm oil still
t , is-had bucoutu oxpuel-fur , girls
i'huse e'uro.hisses . Evmms , P. D.m'lingtom ,
blooro amid \Vilhaumn , CJ itrprmsiug
time batteries. 'flme "timers , huaevcr ,
had orfgmai ideas , 't'hey realized the
fact tout wlmuu timey got hold of the
ball tlmey ought to throw it , and they
threw. 't'hey didn't stop to wonder
whore time ball tens going , for they were
guru that it tvuUlI not go tun fiat Each
ueu just raised her baud to time level of
her oar and them smut it fnrwnrl with a
push frouitime elbow. 'l'imo bah didn't
notiut t ) mind it imuteh. At they bat time
must of timeut prefueied to atrike at time
hull aflbr it passed them. 't'hem it gcuer-
nlly pnsse l time attulmer. Feet base ins
lint male ofteuur ti uu fifteen ti ,1lus
ueu throe strikes. It w'a m made just
tibout tae often on called balls , llme
girls displayed an nlaruling fommdimese for
ranking home runts rah tlmreu strikes , too.
It wtis origmal , nud excited rapturousap-
pluuse. One thiim was eortun , they mill
knew' the rules of thu giuno. 'limo bluudu
uugmru , n yuuig tune , tvitlt a black hint
whmell hind a gantly rod baud , did not ie-
joico fn equal knnwludge , and appeued
sunwwlmut disco,1eorted whcu a stemtuiilmu
vuico imt time crowd deuiluitit(1 tbutitdrrss
be limit lml hmilti.
11'heu time hiuos wuut to time bat , Miss
1' , Duelimgtom , pitcher for time rcda , twhu
stood about twenty feet iii front of the
atriko , luoccedud to tie alum black hair
a little tighter , l'heu she pmt another
hair pin iu imur limit , seized time ball recklessly -
lessly , drew back her right unit , and lot
fly viciously bliss blues rcepomded
gnmefully , by whuukimg a little groumilur
to ! fist base , Thu first basewonuut muldu
a until grub , but did not touch the ball ,
wlluruupon tliu mum mmmcr got u1'ouid
to third , wmilu thu other side
pggcd the ball all over time field. Finally
bliss 1Villiunls welt to thu lint and hit u
chic' cutter to short stop , ivho promptly
threw it as fur as she couhl lulu thue night
field. Miss blooro btu hmno. Time next
at"ikur , bliss Myurs , nuulu moue-hasu ht ,
vlmiciu brought mersulf mid Illiss 1Villiamns
honor , uivirig to time futile alteupts of
tiru eutiro opposing niitu to pick time hull
up frour time gromrd , 'flme nuxt three
stlrkurs were put out , amid time brunettes
wunt'in. Bliss ] aaua , who rejoiced iu
bright brmvmi hair , alts time guuuuiu ball
pan ur of time ) ) arty. She wnrntod ono to
right field uud madu her socoit. 'I'huu
bliss P. Darlington went fn aura lift a th '
to the uoudnmm l'im'n , Dais Mimic , Dais '
looked im l at time bright a blue sky , time
iviekod ball auue duvii and imit her ou
time little tingor , mid a look of promaturu
old ago spread ever her co mtmuurco.
She plcl ltd rap time bull amid throw it
away. bliss Darlington rtiu home. bliss
Stumtou mull Miss Fenton lntulu base
huts , time latter gutting' nruunl to third ,
'mun blrs , 'I'Omplc , time hello of time
organization , eanw to time mat , Simo was
full , graceful , timid lutd lm niisomtu think
eyes and a wealth of black lmnu' . ' 'Oh ,
1)nisy ! " "Oh , yen da tiing ! " "Oh , you
sweet timing" Sueii wuru bur greetings
honm time crowd. Site ie"aided tlwtn
not , but , with horsed full uPlmupe , poked
a vmty whim time end of bur bat at the tir't
ball , mind blade himst base en a mlumstot'ly
fumble by the pitellur , Amiss Elliotttmun
collie imp , mlmrd wits tmecidctttally put out on
titvt , lit time uwnutimo ) suss l'umtomi had
run homiii on a foul mad rnnbackto third ,
amid then finally scored , q huduturiuincd
tmamme' in wimicll time brtinottea staid in
see nod to sadden limo blondes ; bpi , after
n series of surprises , time ) ' were amt out ,
1)ysp'Isla Is fAD.
11AD in yls e/Jcclsouantedisjiosrlial ,
'l'ute elan n'ho can't conlfortahly
digest his dinner is not a delightftd
1111) in its ' Sets on fhc Ionschold
Itsets pcop rtt tlrianccivitheach
other anti mil tkcs them irregular
r'ld unreasonable.
JMD ig ifs rJfccts on fltc f lnsc.
A ( lyspeptbc business man can't
manage his afTirsas prosperously
as one with a healthy stomach ,
Brown's Iron Bitters is GOOD.
GOOD in its cjTccfs on flit d 's/icJ fic.
It rives hub a bound digestion ,
ant enables hint to enjoy the food
lie swallows.
GOOD in ifs cfecfs on fhc fanuO' .
It drives ( lyspepsfa out , and with
it time whole COi lpany of little der
moos that male home unhappy.
GOOD in ifs c eels an Gnsincss.
.Vide a sount digestion a nun cmi
face and overcome worries and
troublcswhich would erode a clys
Score of time first inning ; Blomdes , , f ;
brutmottus , 1N
It ins a discouraging i'ad , but the
bloudee did nut weakmm. They u-out in
amid by determined efforts succeeded in
scoring two. 'I'hoy ' would have umde a
great ninny inure , but. Miss Evans , time
brunette catcher , it'as a mean thing and
would not indulge inn passed balls like time
otitor catcher , Miss Moore , wpm ins a
real nice girl. Time host played iuhing
for f elhug was the brttuette's third ,
in which their oppouonmts allowed
thotu to score only hue run , 't'ow'ard
the oil of time gauze the girls began to
slaw symptous of awinces and weariness -
ness , and doggedly refused to rat from
ono base to amumther , until it became
immorally certain that time other side was
hupelosely tttngled up tvitlt time ball.
Often when time fielders could not ate
time ball in any other way they sat down
oft it. 'lids was at oleo ull'ectivo and
picturesque , mid never missed gaining a
great howl of applause , Ouce Miss Evttms
throw to second and put unit Miss
Brown. Tbeet the crowd iufotnted her
sine was a "thunpling" timid a "corker. "
She looked as if she believed it. When
five innings bud boeu played attd the
hack hair mid braise of time girls appeared -
peared to be fit a hopelessly dennralized
condition , ivitim n tnuduucy en time part
of their ] nose to follow suit , time gnome
was called. Tutu girls heaved long sighs
of , relief , started for the dressing rooms ,
and , "like a substantial pageant fmumed.
left not a pin behind. " 'l'ime score was
li4 to 23 in five innings , iu _ favor of the
d ( horn Timing.
"I sonuetiutes a i + h I could take bold of time
stile of farmers' l.efech mc oil fur I toll you it is
a grand thing , nud t ant c"asctelmtious mil sny
iug I auld do a good work. " Itev. E , F.
Crane , Curry. Iva.
Eclectrk tali coved this gentlenau of
quinsy of umany years stalrding.
- - - ' - -
Cuefous luunlgrauft4 to the tiantlivich
San Fmncicn llalietin.
, john Tucker , mamtagen of ono of time
.largo Plautatiuns nu thu islnud of hawaii ,
of thu Sandwich Island group , arrived
fren Pauuuua ' 1'lmrsduy uu time Pacific
Mail stctunship Colimla , britgmmg with
him thirtysmx pairs of that curious timid
useful aninutl called time uutugonsc. Mr.
'fucker was scut by tlmu plimiors of
gWaui . .Jamaica to nIeurlt th..umiamae
lit 1 cOSi)11LOo1mt o17i/U , lie mlmullgnoso
is Si mmmihtir to it weasel , ; umd has pru.ved of
iautleullthle service in time isLuid of
.Jtturiat in iiddimig it of rats , which
am'u so destructive to augur comic. It
has freed that isllumd frame time rat pest ,
and line also acted as a umoduru St.
Patrick , tumid has destroyed every
sualce. Ouu of the gruwirg troubles fu
the iliwttiian Ishumds is taw rat post.
Cane is destroyed iii the tickle and great
losses tee entailed on time plnmtore.
Notlmiug secured to bu able to put n stop
to 11mm Whnlosttle dostriotian , amid it was
delo'nmfuetl tdi inqort ) the uutugooso. Thu
of Limo piamitatiuis cumbiuud , crud Mr ,
' 1'mtclcur wits eemit to .huuaicn. Iii llmat
ishvul time tltouguose had umltiplied to
such art oxteut that timoy are to be seen
overywhe'u. ' 1'hcty run aoruse time roads ,
ewiuvt iii time fields , tool are found ovury
whom-c. 'l'imey tau caught itt box traps ,
as atluirrels aru , tumd are anmetinmes
taught when young mold taimmod. Time
tune oimmguasu lives tuwmmd Ihu house
like ) t teat , They ale nbout time size of nu
orditmtiry rat , irith a lntmgur body and a
coil similar to tlit of a cat. 'l'ine ' un-
ttanedmumiuuuls am e savage little cruatutus ,
havfug a lirgu mutd ugly umuuth iii led in tim
sharp aural Iisteuing teeth. 'I'huy are
i'o ' co ugh to 's , tumid their nmvomcmitii aru
like a ligtttuum4 hash. 1Vhen two of
tlmum min lighhug iu n cage it mutes as
thoaglt thuy ecru simply n shadow flit-
tmug about w'itimimm.
I . is mutid thtmt whcuavor their teeth
tlmeet iii Iteshm limey eanmot be made to let
go their hull mein cider they nr thorr
pruy is dead , 'I'Imo ate Limo ntltnral extor-
nmiuatnrs of rats , entering o'ury rat
turd killing its iuuuttes. ' 1'Imcy thou rmtldcu
time rate muhudu their owl , never propar-
riug am elicitor for tlmenmeol'es. 'I'huy live
oil mumimul food , and fn dtmunica ,
unto that time ids are Roue amid
they have nisu oxterm mimutt ed imammy
of time utltuy pests , they mire
killntg nmtnmp of time uegu-i scbickene , Illr.
'l'uckem obtatmcd 100 nmiiuutls m Jnuafca
mid put then in cages , iuench apartmmet )
of witfuh w'utu plnecd a omtlu timid a fe
mimic , lie lost twenty of lhoun befom e lie
loft Jaumica thruugll their pruehivities to
fight numong thunmeulves uud to smiek each
other's blood. 0u the 1'aumanut railroad
time oumployoa treated time cages nud their
occupants nit if they w'uro east iron , and
several uwru were lost. Ihtt aov'outy
two iuro got ahanrd time Coliitmtt , and
Billet them homo of time aniutnl8 have died ,
AN1) INF'.tiidIILE
mn cuuxn
T.'pftepflc Nita ,
'tRv j ; Sjwmauc , 1'ulling
8lelmless , Coim ul-
sloths , St. Vitus Dammee , .llcuholtsm ,
Opium Eating , Scinitial 1Vealmcss , Iw-
poteucy , SyplmtIP , Eerofuln , and all
Norvouo and Blood Disenoos.
t : To Clergymen , LawversLitenmity Mcmi ,
3lcrdmmts , , Ladlee mumd rill whose
sedcutarvcnmpoyulrut ! rouses Nevi ousl'roe.
trnltei , lrrr' mmlaritlee of time blood stirliacim ,
towels or h ldneys , or into rrqulro srnrrvu
tonic aetizcrorstimulemlSasnoritaa .2' , o'-
i ? fuunblc.
pier aim Thottemigds TIE f BEAT i
" "
wondeful I"1gctr-
mittltatever cda efakiug smistBlmi- svstcni , S E R V E
$1'Iio , at Druggists ,
'roiaS Se o.apn S4. . . + n. . .
J1 SesIl .ol a11G lieu u + aw 5L1"tali U $ ,
IIaS rho Best Stook in Omaha and Makes the Lowest Pr
Mirrors , Bedding , Feathers - '
And Everything pertaining ; r to the F
ture and Upholstery Trade. ,
' 1 ° 00,1303 and 1310 F
TO 'All .LOOrO. . - OMAHA , NB
J Atnheuser ° us
. , i
tact.r ' - Algp 1
" ,
- -
Kea and Bottled
{ x P- This Excollomit Boor sIoak's tote
fU . RBBSCIIBR N G A . . . . , , O1tllE1tS FROM AAY PART .u
. e t. 5T ,1PE OIt PE ENrrl tl ;
1 drsLl0ULMDi i Promptly Sh1 ,
® fua. . g" aii cEl , r cam , . .
Solo Agent for Ontalla and'tho . ,
Cor 0th Street and Capitol Avunue , N "
S : : A
Carraes3 ! BiiiesRoa ,
1310 anti 1lroutarneyStavtandnetS ; , , . lathStreet.r 'p.Jf ;
U Crated Catalo uo furninhwl ( roe upnn.rmdoaiau
1 s safe a Lock c
, , ,
3020 x'arunm f ti ac.t. OaxirdSRn.
- -
' .iSli 1'OUIt CmiOCFltB FOR TiL
Manufactured by the Omaha Dr.Y Bop Yeast ' ,
COItNEIt it1'II ANO 1)AViNm'Omt'i' S1'IIEBTS , OIIAIIA , NEn. 4r
vhokisaie C1othi' _
61301 AND 1303 FARNMP STREET CDR. 13TH ,
Double and Single ActiJPowers , and Nand "
Engine 7'rimnmins , ) fining blrrehinery , Belting , hose , Bross and Irpp _
Stonni Packing mat tvitolusale uud roattih , hALLADAY 1V1NI ) MILLS0
Corner 10th Farnam 'St , Omaha Neb.
a l tt .
Carnenters' Mat CteA
. .
Sash DoorsBlliids1 , / Stairs , . Stair llai1i ! sI Baluster s Wiudol'i & Pao . ,
Iiret-class ( a dif . . k . s tor tt : main ! . turn' . f all kb'da of tlot.l ho ; ; . , i'itudn ; at'm 1latctI , '
' ) nlcrt trout thu .u.itm ti Ii w pr.anm . it . . . . ouutCd !
A.I'n .ii .iniratl'nuin A ) mYFl1L
.A'Bi'ER ( tl ? h i' ,
\VaIl \ Paoall iii1o Sliasir ) I
yd r
1118 FARNAM STREET , . Old
. .
' 4