- .1).d 1I . 11 , 1U / . . .1 i J'11NIi Iltl Y l.il .1I' l1.I b 1 11. 1t5S. + . _ . . , . . . . \ . / ? fHE OMAHA DAILY . BEE. . LAS _ . rFIrR'I'EEN.nI , YEAR. , t . ( JMA11ANEE.tI'UESIAY MORNING , OCTOBER 9 t88. . N0. , a7 , 'I ' e MORSE& 00. Great Fall Sale I MORNING , OCTOBEB 01 1083. Anticipating a sale that will exceed in magnitude ALL OUR PAST ACHIEVEMENTS We have made such arrangements in our store stock and and corps of employes as will be best calculated to the convenience and comfort of our friends and patrons , and enable us to transact our immense trade with accuracy - racy and dispatch. BIG 13ARGA1Na IN DRESSOOODS ! _ Our present stock is Ilse lnrgest we have ever shown , even overs llad- owing all the other stocks of dress goods mil Olnahu conlbuled. 7,600 yds. lVool Casltnleres tntd DoBeges during this rule at 7c , worth 15c. ' 3,000 yards double width New Colura till Ulack Casluu re during this sale 891 5e n yard , selting everywhere - where at 25 to 30e. 5.009 yards F ule Bsiges. Silk and Wool Gururt nexturea 6-4 Casiuneres reduced to before the stile were 37 } , 40 and 50c. 3,000 yards 48-inch beautiful d Colo'ed Cashmeres , Navy B uf , Garnets , Vin's , , Brawn , New ' Greens' ' &c at 45e a yard , worth 60 J t o 7 s' i 1,500yaras 42-inch Foule finish ' f all wool Sli"odir CaiSll ueres at U9e a yard , before the sate were a bargain - gain at 75e. l 2 + 000 yards Novelties Silk and wool m&xtures & dtuhte w dtll will yptt ; be closed ovt at a unifnrnr price of See , worth $1,00 to $1.50 a yard. t r Of sane make old dyed by Gttil- auet , the best dyer in France ; we 11lport and sell direct two gturhtles : Quality "ill. " very fine , all wool , ill wines , g L in ts , hrowiis , my riles , navy , C4rdiaal. at 57u ayard , usually - ally sold at loc. Quality "N , " the finest Cashmere - mere shown rx cor.ons , in addition to myrtle , liar . s' al brown , wines , etc. , all new F lades , masts , mouse color , drabs , tabac , bro'ze , , clair , wood browm , etc. , at 75c a ynr ' ; i these goods will be found equal to any sold elsewhere tit 9Uc and S 1. , r BLACK 0000 $ ! "GOLDEN ST'All CASHMESES , " "A ; 34 in , all wool black Cashmere - mere , 27 } c. I B , 34 i1) , all wool black Cash- , niero , $7e. C 38 in , all wool black Cashmere more , SOc. D , 40 in , all wool blaolc Cash- ' 4 more 6 ic , E , 40 in. very fine black Cashmere - mere , Coe. F , 40 in , extra black Cashmere - mere , 850. G , 46 in , finest black Cash i mere , $1. , I + We solicit comparison witlugooIs is smaller stores , who prirelmase from jobbers , at :3 per cent higher then above prices. 10 pieces all wool fine Bret t eade Satins during this sale at 87 } n yard , worth i 10 pieces very fine Sulk AVnr i llenrletta mil dl , 5 n yard , worth Arid rduced , from $1.85. I J-l - _ _ 1. . Cotton Flannels ! MUSLIN SIIEETiNGS. 10 Bales best quality finest Un- ble. + ehed y'ttrd wide 2lu.li' , Ole. 2 0 Boles verv hest heavi. sl Un- ble ached yard wide Aluslin 740. _ 10 Cases very best Utica and An- droscogt'on ysira tvole 13l''diet t 111usliu al 8c a ysrd , worth utt Illloleynle 12e. 5 Cils s rood heresy , U + b'etichc 3 Cotton Ilauuuel at 5c a yard tvortlr 1c. ( ) + ' S I0' ' Cases Bleneherl and Un blenehed Cotton Fhuumel at , a uni- n10111 price of 12 4e , wo.th u u- ally 20. I 5 Cases Wanisutta , yard wide , 1P-4 U eachetl Sli etiug at 3110 a yard , wwth 40c. 5 Cut < es Utica , 2,4 yard wide. , 10.4 Bleached heetiiig at 30c u yard , wertn 4O . 4 Cages fine heavy Bleached Slleetiag , 2 } yards wid + , at 25e , usually' sold ILL 30e t' , 3 'sc. 4 "ase beat Unbleached Sheet. ine,2 yards wide , at 22e , worth usually 31'c. ' f ' 109 pair I0.4 whit. Blankets at $1.00 a p iir worth $ 2 U. 1(10 ( pair 10.4 tvlri a I31an1ets of a quality told swflint. . tt + tial y sill nt $3.5o and $ i.OU will be clo ed oat on this solo at a at form price of $ 2.50 a pair. 150 pir very soft VPool 131rtnk ets , tai h htnid onu + red or hire striped borders at $3.80 a pair. f x- actly the suture Blanket retuiliug elsewhere aL $5.09. 21)O ) pa rs of 11.4 six horln(1 all wool white Blankets , very h vy unld aII bargain , during this sale at t5. ( ) ( ) a pair , + ortl X7.50. 100 pairs very line rich bordered 1' . 4 all wool Bliu'kets ' , purellitse't ' by us at auction stiles f nd tlorti , tu- duiy in New York markets $1000. will he closed during thus sale fur $7.75 , never before sold less tluui ct.U9. 75 pair California all wool Islis 51011111iIIs Blankets at $7.75 a pair , wo tlt 13.00. COMFORTS ! IUO 13th t s lute white cotton fulled Comforts , made of best stand aulard Calico , Si.Bo , each reduce d from $2.00. 50 Bales hest 'Turkey Red ai ( 1 Fur irure Chintz Comforts at 52,11,1 , each , reduced from and can not be bought for less than $3.uO , 2(10 ( cases , fast color , now der k full prints , at 31111 yard , sold every wluele at Sc. Cocheo , Allen , Best Arvld , ) , P It1119 Oriental , ti eta. 3lerinlac , Americtun , ' a l'nrd , Iticlllnoul , Windsor , lllc Indigo filue Calico Ojc. 20 Cases best Apron Chock Wng hnrlis at Ole a yard. 20 Cases new style , very choiees Dress Plaid Ginghams , all this sett sou patterns , at 7c a yard , 200 pt0ces very finest Frenck urn Scorch Plaid Gilrghainv , new Frd patterns , l 5e a yard1 rv'ortli 250. SN PMorse& Cb STREET. Occupying the largest Store and carrying the Largest Stock of Dry Goods between Chicago and San Fr.ncico. Tlil ' INAUUURATION OF 0UR IlIMENSE FALL SALE ! Morniog , October 9th , 1883. We know that the public of Omaha will expect great results from us and we propose - pose to sell them goods with the three distinct profits of the manufacturer , jobber and retailer , placed , as i vrere , in the pockets of our patrons. Our magnificent stock aggregating , will be offered at this sale , from our pins and needles to our Silks and Velvets ; from a yard of printed Calico to our Richest Fabrics , All will be sold ever known in the annals of the Dry Goods trade in this country. BLACK Silk Department. 't'hat our utrons ( mil'y ' obtain Lbr greates baltiIiH they v , ' cv e ve seen i11 lilielt Silks , we have d' iil , i to red'Ice ufl'r entire stork , amid a is apptuc , t to all tv.o , , . ' it is by f'ar the a'ge t stork ni Omaha , and the only ne bought is Lyons itt The Looms airoot. 50 pieces. 22 and 24 inch Lyon , ( 'ashnrere finish Bl.tck Silks wilt bF otfcreu durilg this subu at x(100 a yard ; were sold by the iinanafiletn- 20 pieces Cash eP'incessBlack Sitlbs , double warp , rich , lustrous tiuisti , full t & „ mid some 24 aches wide , at $1.35 , w'r.h $1.75 to $ &tloa 1 warranted to Ive4r without - out btenking. 28 pieces Cashmere Alexrutdre , 24 twit tslal.k S lks. tt''ll buthold dart g this sule at fi1.G511yurd. 'l'Il se a e the IC ulur 2.UU quality , w tit su- litrb lust , e , heavy tvei.It r utnd are ad.wtyn considered cheap at $2.09 a yard. 20 pieces Ciu..hutere Ah'x + tiilr 24 mlch Black Silks , t' ' o qu iii y , retailed cunt I1 - aual'y ' w be-I yultt by us eft this sill. at d 2.10 a t turd. 12 pieeer widest , lwnviest and be-t quid ty of C.tslluiure Alexuudre 2l f clt Blackaiihs , usuallyrold by all bt'st eastern houses for $3.00 t ; 3,511 a yard , will be sold by us our n , thus sale for $2.50. 1 6 ph'ee + of the celebrated ' 1'np- pisiei' h'rere ' Grease frost Black Silk , full 24 ful.hes wi + te , will be -old at $3 75 a yard. These time Ihe ltlilst gintlity [ lout is Blade hr these s Iks , said we advise ueh of our patro"s as weredi apprinled iii ob- tatim g theta from us last siring to cal + early , its they will set in the first few days of this sale , being the only silk m ide [ lint is warrantee n t to wear 1411 nyor greasy , ' [ 'hey lie a rare bargain , FLANNELS ! 25 pieces heavy , wide white Shaker Flannel at 5c a vnrdworlh 250. 25 pieces all wool lied Flannels at 20c , reduced fron125e. A Big Ilart ain in California very - hf avy Iteul T will Flannel , during this stle } at 45c , never sold under 9Uc. t 50 pieces best quality Basket Sacling Flannels , ltod , Wine , I Navy , Cardinal , Pink , Light Blue , I &o , at 5110 a yard , are sold elsewhere - where ut ( iOe. Napkins & Towels 1tOdoyen ( ; Blenched Damask Ntp' ' iii uon ii t ) ont $1.00 to 1I.2iwilI be solll in one lot at 75c. 15(1 ( dozen Blenched Damask Ntilkttt + , PPIy hue anti t'oots' pat- t. . ) ti' . at cI 00 a dozen , worth from 11.50 t i 42.09. 300 dozens very fine Cream iuunn.h Nnplci' ' s will be sold in our II , t at $ I.6 i u d , zl'n ; not a dr'zen , in the let's ' wnrtIi not less thuui $2.110 and s ilitU 2.50. , i 1/t0 / dozen aid nubl ntin rcuCl1 ; } ? ' " H' . , 1 , I/U naoeii , , BED SPREADS. 1,001) ) full sin' Crochet Spreads , piuehs rl try , .s tit ; auction lairs in N. . ' + v fork mil half price , will In' sold tit 9Uc , worth $ i.25. 500 xha large line and heavy 2.4 1i1tn'setlle , B d Spreads at tI,1'0 eucll , tvuuld be chf'lp itt $1.25. 259 very finest 1'3-4 Miirseillev Specials Limt tvero Iint rted far Samples wit' ' he Fold at it nniforni li'lcP of $2.00 , wol'tli $4.60 tO 5.(10. TOWELS. 2aO dnZum Irrge &ze , all linoi Lluck and D nuts' ( Towels at 15c cite ! , would be a good value at 25c. 30'1 ' doz-'n I''ilt"st hock 1)uuilasl ( 1111(1 linoitctl I + 'ringe 7'nwels at 25e each , ustudjy sold at 37 } to SOc. 11)0dn'e11 Finest iiucc ) iutd Dnnl- a'k 1 iiihroidur"d km , tied fringe 1111(1 . pun wort ( 't'owels , nil very finest , good. , tvill be sold mil one lot u1) She , worth 75c to $1.50. Shawl Department 50 undies' heavy B'av , r Shawls in b'intt'fnl c'1ors , will be suld ( lull'- 1n7 [ hits sale at * 4.b ( ) each , usually considered cheap u1) 6 00. 101) ) f n + 'st , double suit-wool , re ersiblo S , awls , size 72x114 itiehlei , itty 5.511 each , listuuhly sold nt front 48 to $10. 20 fine double Broche Shawls at $ i0 , reduced from 450. 10. Superior Quality Dotllil ( liro0ho Shawls at$39 , reduced front $4U. 12 beat quality Doubly Broehi Sluwl at $35 and $40 , reduce : fronr$45 and 450. Hosiery DEPARTMENT ! 'l'he bmgnins , i i this d'pnrtlneni will he suited to the wants of the miuy , , its front our cheapest t , the linrst Ii'rio the sell , our patr'uls will lititi one 110(1 all at ub0ut lalI the u unl price. 160 dozen Ladies' Seamless uu- bleached Balbriggan Huse , with doubt , heel audToo at 20e n pair. 100 dozen Lt li's' Seamless Merino - no linwh , ribbed Hose , warm mu heavy , in red , blue nod brown , a t 1Sc a parr , sold last year at 2.c. S0 (1oznn hadlns .Seamless Dorb apt-velv choie , asyortmentol'culo at 45c , sold last season at GSc t o 7 Sc. 59 dozen Ladies' , Silk hose , in I lilac ] : , brotvu , navy blue , garneL Cill lliIitltH , etc. , at 41.110 a pair worthl $1.75. About fill d zeir Ladies' line Lisl e Cnttu11 anti 1''tncy ' IJttibr iiderel 1 Ito-e [ hire vin ni a 5Oc b' x , not I parwortIi less Lhau 7Se to.ti1. iO. - - - Children's ' Hosiery 81) ) dozen Chtldren'sSeuulless , 111c ri o Ribbed hose , red , blue , brown etc. . till izes , 5Sto - 84 inch at lU c a pair ; would be cheap at 20c. 21 6 d Izen Saanl ss heavy weigh rottou striped std solid color Nose all sizes , S to 8.- inch , red , hlu e brown , ote. , tvar'unt' (1 fit't colors at a uniform price of 25c , wurtl i0c a putt' . ( ; 9do7.AnChula' Selulllprs Solh Color Cuwhnu'reV it hose , mil tdz 's. S to 84 inch , will be of'et'ea at 25c a pair , worth 5U to 7 Stu Ahnut 86 dozen Child's ' fine quail it. ' , . 1.nlisli end hreiieh Caslmn r Ilene , all sins , 5 to 8 } inch au ( beautiful colors at SUe , worth 75 to 85c. 35 dozen very finest ) ; n lis l Caslrlnere Bose , ii I sizes nail co it hurl 11ot a pair worth l.ss than $1 will be thrown iii one lot to-are r row 6 ic , Tablelinens. _ 25 pieces 64 inch Scotch 1001 Dalnt sl ( , free frottl dressing , ver heavy Sul a great bargain at 37 } never shown before by ony ate 1'0 lesst hit11i 6Sc. I : pircIS 68 inch heavy Crean Satin Damask will he ofiered on th' at 55e , never' retailed before log than 7Sc , ' 25 pieces newest trill richest Pa terns , still two yards wide , Deub Satin Dunuusk , very fun and hoax being our ( iwn uuportntiou , will I offered on this sale for $1UO 1 nrd , urd worth tumid never chew afore less Ilium $1.60. 1 . : E r Great' Fall Sale I WIORNINC 1883. , _ 1 . i Coming at a time of year when household expenses are necessarily large , when a more expensive class of Dry Goods are needed for Winter outfitting than in the t Spring. The importance of this sale and the benefits of ' it accruing to the rich and poor alike , cannot overesti- mated. We , Ilierefore , ask that every reader of this paper will consult their own interest by studying our prices do vu to the last wrd on this page , knowing that the result will be a great saving to them and make our our store in future , as in the past , the concentrating point for the largest RETAIL TRADI IN THE WESTERN 'COUNTRY. ' KID CLOVES. Anticipat'ug our ScottAannul sal. ' one of the lulgest main afnctu- run's in 1rtuice 11nulu for us as a leader : l0O ( low 5 Honk , new shades , K'd ' Gloves , every pair wtu'raatrd , t' ll bt sold by on this sale 0t. 75c , n'o'lll timid usually sold itt$1.It 45 dozen Togskin driving m street cull'gauntlrls , all llt'w l ; cods turd new st'y'les , w'ttrritntcd , will be clo-ed out at$1.25 , worth $ ? .75 to $2A0. 121) dozen Ladies' 113utt'tu Biarritz - ritz , Climn'is ' Slin Gloves , in new shales of Inn at $1 it puu , worth $1.50 130 dozen 3 T3uttnl " 1301 Marche" K ; Gloves , 111 tiew H111ldeN of mode , m'ttb , tint , etc , , will be sold at 75c , worth $1.25. b ( ) dozen S ] sultan "lion llrarehe' Kid Gloves of $1,110 , never befurc offered less thou $1.50. - - 1 . - S Cnsesm left omit of flue ihlmlrAstt t artlc Tni u's' ! Fini , V"sty dosed out at ; 35c each. . The a will be t'onnd ful ly ns good as any one is selling at 5U to 6ttc. Very best qunlity Domestic heavy ' ] 1lerino Vests with sill ( cnibroid red ' ueels and firlisltt(1 seaurs at 5Sc eali , exactly the same lot ethos ash$1.410fo' . 40 dozen Ladies' ' all woo' ' Scarlet I Vt'rts it'd Pmit , fine gnnlity gill ( liuish 1 , at fit cneh , never shown tllldel' $1.20. 81) ) dozen Ladies fiat st quality all wool Cochineal dye Scarlet Vi'sty nod 1'iuits , dtu'inn this solo tt'ill be closed ( mutt Itt $4 a stilt , smile quality - - ty always sold at $5. (119 ( (11)7.011 Child's lllertno Vests and I'au1s at 25c , 3oc , 45c , sunum quality usually sold at lOc , SOc , . Corset'Dartment 1 I 1Vo have secured f WI ) of the great - I est bargains in Curs"tai that loutc 1 ever been shiown in A11terica and w ( new ollit'Ou ; t eustoilners : 100 dozot Satine French ( 'orset H O with 60 bones timid rows of cord' ' ( ; I between , i1) all colors , red , black , L lilit blue , pink , gold , crotuu , ecru white , enib odered w [ Ii eolore'i ' silk fl ss , will he sold it 75c each , wortln $1.50. ly' 1) y' 80 doz u 3(1(1 ( ( bona Fri itch woven . Corsets , white uuid drab , will be closed out on ally stleatI.1)I/cacti ) / usually sold itt$1,50Sul $2,00. We adv > e our custonnrs to secure cure tk' ' above at once. It will b u jilt ? ' to duplicate thorn , Ii Velvets , Plushes r 40 lieges extrr faro "Arcadia' and" o inireil" Yelveteens at CU t yard usual retail price One dollar n 25 pieces 21 luck now shades is sill { jittiFhles redtlceti to 2.00 dolls s a yard , sold everywhere at 2.50 t .3.00 dollars. U1) pieces our finest quality 1 J Ii. finch Skirting anti Suitings velvet le reduced to 2 IS a yard otluerti set y , them itt 2.75 to 3.00dotlura , be 46 pieces all we have left of 1 9 a inch lira Skirting velvets in neweol ii ors at 1 sr ) a yard would ho a bar gatm at $2.00. _ . . , Cloak Department. SECOND FLOOR I + 'ILONl' . 1Vo have n beautiful a.ssnrtnuent of Plasll , Silk , Sa1in sal l3rosude , Ulninus , and .Jet'seys , turd rail at- telltioir tootle initliCrlsti lot of 12O mull-wool Dulunuls , plush triuuuings at $3 O ( eucll , actual value $15,00. ; t 100 ulI-Vaal Dolnlnus , trimmed in cut plush oratuuents nod cords and tassels , will be sold itt $7.50 each , worth $20. r I i.O . new , heurvy winter t el : ht Jer ey' , lit kets , just op 'n at itt $ l I etch ; were bought to sell at $15 , bntcomo anderthe general rednc- tiun. 51) Silk Plult Jackets , gnilt ° d slut linings anti handsomely trim- t coed ser ' 25 each worth 35. _ 5 1 ! f 25 Senl.Plush gnrinoeta trinnned. ; ' " ( rr. . : . . . . . + wi"thSenlsruifutnluttnts. ! In fact , , " 48 + inchei lougatirr ai gtih' iealrJg4an ; : ; _ at ° 48.00 , t 25 Seal Plush holurins , 48 inch- c5 lomg.with gniltfd silk lining , seal shit urnn0i'11ts , a b0a0'if tl rich giu'nlent at $39 , usually sold itt $40.00. r - - - - - - MENrf9 r 1 1 ng Goods tt 1 Case 111en's very litre lhuislwd 5eant , famcy sniped tiriler.tiirts nail drawers , two in a box , , educt d to lac arch , usual retail price , $1.25. 1 Cast ; fluky vertical stripe Shirts turd Drawers , at ' 1.25 each , iltiVe t" shown before less tliun $175. 80 dozer fauey mottled- and stiped , Scarlet Shirts and lJruwt ra , at $1.50 , itch , never sold before Luse [ 11011$1.00 , I Ii i 'I ' , jAm's ' Handkerf's. ' . 80 dozen Mon's fiio linen , full a size , printed border , Henisticlled 1 luuilkerchiefs , rvitl ho soil. at 2ae each , worth SOc. c . . . .1 . Men's ' Gloves. I I SQ dtizan , Aicn' s stitched back , dugskint driving gloves , nit sizes , 7-I - to 'iuchIevery ; i uir warranted , ! - will be closed out ntt $1.35. i