- - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----s -j : 8 , - - FiT14 DAILY JThI--OAHA. 1ONDA V OOTOPJ 1 8. iF3. I THE DALY BER OMAHA. Monday Morning , October 8. Wcntlicr Indlentloits. For the upper Missip1) ! I vaLIoy , in. crening eloinliness and local rains , fall. t ing barometer , sntionary ( or rising toni. poraturo , southerly winda , lior the Miasouri valley , p3rtly cloudy woittlior and Ioc.i1 rains1 variable winds iliifLtng to norLhorly , at..ataornry or rising barometer in the northern lortion ; falling , followed b rising , barometer in the southern ir tion , Btationnry or falling teinporaturo. I L0OALBiiVITIES , . --a'c money. Send to ] . 1'carollwlrnleMalo cigar and tobacco ( Inilor , for Irlco lft. -Tug 2M \ Vn.r.Vnt -Ott and after tlil ilato the CoLzon wiIlciargo$2.OOperday ) anti I1l gh o the best , neconunotlatloM for that itrico n t1e world. P. RVMMXT & Co. octlrn&e6t. Ainoutit. of work done and materIal fur. n1bctZ for the month ol September on the . . unty court Iioue , t,272.45 ; 1i per cent ro. tane.l , $7D0.87 ; ameunt. Ial ( , 4,18t.t8 ; I atfltlIlt of co.t of the court ltouo up to date , , 13,621.3S ; amount retained , t1TOI3.17. , -The charge of emlrnzzloment ngilnt It. J. } 1ng , late mairngcr of tim Nebraska ] ) rylng and liendering Cotupany , ba'i boon itI. . drawn , omo irtvato settlement havIng boon nutdn. King liat boon discharged In tim 1'OH ( ' 000Tt. - Mr.Vilhlnm Snyder , the cairtago moult. Iiictitrer , iohI one 01 hI. elegant lIgltt buggies with green plush cush1on and grocit fmniMil , to It. C. Outoalt , cashtor of the Mor.di National Bank , of Liticoin. The buggy wilt be , tblpped to the Capital t1ii afternoon anti Is a ditiy in I , . -.Tomn ) Peterson , the Union Paclflc lirako. - nian wht , recently 1o4 a log at Froinont , was l.touglit in on train No. 4 yost.ertlay and taken to bi reeldeuco. lie 1. gettIng a1on mmkoiy and will no doubt recover entirely in a very elmort time. . -A young fisherman has arrivoti in the city Nit ! taken an Interest in the establishment of Mtz & ] to.enstclu , Ito was brought to the 4 cIty by Mr. . Siunuol Motz , the mtonfor lnomii her ttf the firm , ! trs. Motz aiBo taking sum ao . tire Intereit In tim matter. ThO young limb. ennan weigh. ton pound. . -The offices of Stenographer and Supply . .Agcnt of the B. & M. ruliroaci , have iteen cxirnblnod and located at liattsinonth. Mr. . N. Woad , fonnerly of Omaha , ha boon op. pointed supply agent , and after the return of Mr. . Wead from Now York City will reside In l'hitttunouth for the winter. Titis Vii ; a proS I motion well deserved , and we wish Mr. Wood , MI000M in the now ositlon. -The houBo of Dr. Whnuary ! , 2219 Davon. : port street , Was burglarized Friday while J l the doctor and hi. wife wore at thu theater. Thr thief captured a j.ockotbooic contaimiltig ,800 which was hying on the hod , and iiI I I cket which the doctor prizes Very highly , . contaluing a portrait ( If his little girlwho died last .izIng. TImroturn of the picture is no ilcitod. ilcitod.Caidwehi . -Caidwehi , 1(10110 , Is now the operating ter. r minus of the Oregon Short Line , .ltuatoi 4t7 I . iiihle Northwest of Grangar , Wyo. , and 110 milc west of Shoohou , the jmtnction of time : utain hue anti \Vood Rivcrbrnnch. Tim alLi 1 tUlO of Caidwehl is about 2,6tO foot , ittiti the , c town silo coveN a boanLiftil 811)1)0 Ofl the South side of the Boise river. Pwiatimgors for hlolso ti City leave the railway at a .tation called Kitna and travel by atago 15 miles. -One foggy night last iscek Emiginoer c Swift , while pulling the II. & M. stub out 1 front Omaha , suddenly sitleti a mare and ' ory t young colt on the track ahead. The fog was U o heavy that the train was nearly upon the ( unimnais before they were discovered , and In a 'i few second. they wont apiimninr into tim air. 'Fho train was htopimd as quickly as possible , , when it Wt. found that tim colt was uuinjurod , I though its mother was hurt 140 that it was I thought best to kill tier. Then the poor little orithami colt was loathed Into tito lioggogo car : and taken to Behlovuo.-1'lattsniouth Jour. aid. -Tile State steiiogritphors hiehil a ineotitig : Friday night for the Iluriloso of electing officer , for the ensultig year , but owing to tlLO inclemn. I alley of the weather the atteinhituce was very , small. After soiiio dI.custon the meeting J adjourned subject to tlto call of the nocretary. 1 The next meeting will imntiuostioually ho a I hilgitly interesting alto , as nmnoimg othlerzIiatt.4mrs 1)1 vital importance to be brought bemoro the ; meeting vhh1 be the banquet. -The residents of North Omaha tiosite to know whether Sixteenth street will over be 1 brought to grade , so as to enable the ProPerty : uwilers to lay their sidowaiks. if the 0(1111. : iiIttee on streets and grades had ever paid the I least attention to the grading tlto whole street would h&vo beau In ProPer condition at the present time. 'rho street it. it is is iiimpnssa Uo , and it I , high time for somnotltitig to be done. Tile councilino of that ward tiliould rotilember that it im now over three mouths I that I3IXtOOIlth street has boon in a fearful c.n. ditlon. -Passengers on incontingU. I' . train Friday night TePOrthI the snow two or three inches deep in the meountains and the weather cold. -The Twenty.tltird street bridge is said to i be in bad shape for traveler , , the approach on . . the north side being witlwlltallyguard rail. It should be looked alter. L -A. wagon , 1ioaily loaded vithi sniml , Is stranded at the corner of 15th and loilge , in th&t beautiful mmin.i 11010 by the poofflcu. 'Ilto left hind wheel Is oil. t -It Is reported that a soldier deserted froum Fort Omaha Friday uiglit. lie ras 5 foot Inches t.all , satidy COImillOXhltied , wiuar ilwuldored , eta. 'I'Iie usual rowardi.of feted. - I -41r.Nels. Johnson , a tailor In the emplo I of .I'd. 'y1lhiams , is the happy fatllor of tirlim. I boy 011(1 15 girl. 'i'ho new owners arelved till ( 4th inst. , flmll tippeti the scale at ten punti each. .i -'Ehte work o finSililIg the streets , now ii ; J'rcd under the direetioti of Chief liutler 1 of the fire department , 1. quito a bIg thing fui the city , Douglas I alr.swly beginning t . look like a uiet.ro.politan thoroughfare. -TIlt : i3E has been iufonnod that tIs eu of the s1lege4 emabezzlentent of ICing has beii wwpromntied , but that bond. have not beo& gfvcittouioko all deficiencies good In case timl i ste discovered. -Mrs Jt.hu T. Cieland , wife of tlt well I known Commercial trayeIr who died ii Chicago ecezitly of hieaxt d1eease , went Iron Omaha to blaryivilie , Mo. , to attend her bus baUd'I funeral. She was acconipaniod vu he sad journey by Mn. Jugo ! fl , a. huh. -Miss May Cioriuau the little ctlght.year 1 t4I daughter of Mr. I'at. ( iurman furewai i Ill JaUIe $ Stephenson's livery Lab1e , gave i j - - - very delightful birthday hiartY Saturday , to lice friend. , at tile rchionco on Ilarimey street , betweeii Nititli and Tontk Tur. ] his : wishes ! Ioy mnamiy ilflhI1) returns of the ilay. -A maim Friday evening lirotighit in on U. I , . traimi Ni' . 4 , who claimed to have boon omn . of cattle east , lie bad lyCl in taking a 1(11. fallen oil the carsbotween Ogallala 150(1 ( Iratul Islaiid attil hat ! him shoulder and eon brohoti. Ito was takoim to St. .Tnsopii's Ifospitol on his arrival in tlmim city by officer \Viley Ixon. ) -Quito a sensation was created at time depot Saturday , reIl1Litmg from a ( h151ute twean two hOtOl runners , which commenced early in the mnornitmg by one drawing a gun amid threatening to shlOOt. He was at that tililo dimarmei , but at noon time roturmied with a razor iii him hip pocket , which svas StIbme. tjuoittly taken from him by 1)ciot. , l'ollcenian \\tiley DIxon , --Acolored imaimied Butler iii tIm - - man , cmim iloy of Mr. Coutont , was kicked bv.Mr. Cou. taut' . horse yestorilay llmrlling and hiati his log brokemi. Butler is pretty well knowii am time caterer IAJ the l'leasaut hour clith , -4k. gramiti recoltioIL..aIIl ( oyster isllpor t'ill ifti givoti on Vatlnesilay ovoiiittg , Octolmr 10 , \Iasiimio I loll , by the Omaha Soci1 ( 'liii , . ( nmumiilttoo of Arraimgomnsuts - tlrm. Thioiiias Vitiegar , Chairman ; Ira , lfnttio Nowiman , , hiilia SlinmomiIrs , . \Vatkiims , 4'tliss \ Vrighttitts Iuia 1Ciimg anti : i i. AIlmlitm Cl them. - A gctod story is tulil on a well.known Tu ehithi atroot irhjor , whicit is all tim better front the fact that it is trite. Thto gentlomnati tefet roth to had visited tl& State fair , and sco lug ( ito flue ixlltry there , concIudoi tO (1 into the busitiess of raising chickeims hlimself. lie wottt to Li wehi.kllnwn dealer auth was sltovn Snub ho hail for solo , toni imrchieseil three ( l(1ZOlI ittjlecteti by himself cml took thoiti linino. In mucking his purchase , llowovcr , he diii not pay a 'cry strict regard to sox , and It sas ( liHCOSCtlil whioti too late to make the cor mliCtilIt that Ito itati 13 roosters anti one lieu. lie htuot boon settitig thtniim up ts tim biys ever simmee. -I'lto hlt1hicO were looking last night for a milan who fired a couple tf .iiotm through the window ( If tim Iioiiio kept byIlss Carrie tIullon. Tito charge shl1 probahuly 1)o that ho diul not hit the PrOPriOtr. -'Four extra stock triius camito in tin the U. P. Last night , -limo mVaituthi , was an hour auth ii Intif hate yesterday. -There was ii heavy-tram in from tile west on 1.110 U. 1' . last night. -WI ham Sanders , secretary of the Saruy county ngricuiitiirai society , was in the city yesterday afternoon , ani stated to a has re porter that thto result of the exhibition this year was highly satisfactory. Flimusmiciaiiy , tue society finds itself out of debt autti micarly .300 in the treasury. Tue suiccoss uI this , tlto first year , immet Tory gratifying to the hmiiarti of ( liroctors. _ - A. Htnrtling Illacovory. l'hysiciaiia are often istzu-tloil by remarkable discoveries , The fact that Dr. littg's New Iiscovory for Conmamnptioii auth nil throat auth lung diseases is daily curing patients thmat thu IltIi'eglVeIt lIp to die , is startliuug them to ron ize their sense of duity , anti exuoulno into the muierits of titis womulerful discovery ; rottimltimig iii iltindrodS of our boat citizens using it iii their practice. Trial bottles free at 0. F. Goodman's drug store Regular size $1.00. ANOThI11t CO1U'Olt1tTION. A Coinpftny O'gnnizoil to 1)cvclop the ( Iso of 8IllcIousItirLht , Corporatiomis are becoming numerous , and articles of incorporation for miew ones are filed almost daily in Coumity Clerk Bautner's oflico. Title mnorisilIg appeared time incorporators of the "Nebraska Si lien Mamtufacturimig Cotisiusny , " the oh- joel ; of the comupany bein. to develop the use of aiiica-a kimid of amhicinus earth- for all the himrPOSCS ) to which it. may be ap1ihcd in the arts , uLild for doimsestie and inanufacturimig and also to 1111110 , purify and 1Iiovaro pt' silica for the intrkot The capital atocic is ten thousand dol. lays , vithi power to increase to one loin. drod thousand dollars , divided into one hiumidred dollar utliaroui. The corporation dates fur twenty-live years fromum the 3d of Septomuhiur , 1883. The incorpohtors of this cotupamiy are General William W' . Lowe , 'L'heodot'o 1 ? . IllIrioIillurght amid /.iliii. Ilumiry.iliii. _ _ _ _ _ - htinnmaa's : Itilsehi 3itlve lit the mitost vuliuior ( iii heahiii1 mnetliumu in thio world. 'I'ry it. Itoni Estate Transfers , The following ( leeds voro 1110(1 for record in the county clerk's ofilco October - tober ( ithi , reported for Tiii Biii by Ammios' real estate agoAcy : bury E. Ostromu to A. S. Octrom , w. a , lot 31 , block IC , Shuiimt'u Second Addi- ( iou , $500 , Augustus Kounb'.o et al to Patrick O'Donnell , v (1 , lute 12 amid 13 , blk 11 , Koitutzo & lttmtli's add , $2,200. 1. : E , I'otersomi and wife to Mary Ma. honey , iv h , lot 12 , blk 4 , TInlrovoniomit add , $1,100 , - Tlicsoai'o f3ohIil Fnets. Tim best bitt tl Iturifler 1(11th Hystoimi rciilat' or over tl'ceil within the roachi of suiluriti huiuu.uiit ' , truly is Electric Bitters. lnactiv ty of tim liver , Biliousness Jaundice , Consti. jatioii , 'tVeak Kidneys , or amiy ihisnaso of the urinary organs , or whoever requires cmi tt1)110 tizor , tonic tic mii'iltI stinnilaiit , will always 1111(1 Electric ] hitters the best tout emily certain cure knowit , ' .I'liuy act surely 011(1 quickLy , every bottle guaruinteed to ? ivu cmititsatisfac' tituti or lunacy rufuniled. hold itt 50 cents a bottle by 0 F. ( hoodinan. _ - - E. M. A. Utill , Thu Einmnot JSlomiuincnt Associatiumi ivihl give a grand bull at Crounso's ituihl next Wednesday ovomming , October 10th. I There lii mio doubt but title ball will be I like nhl others given by title polulLtr nose. . cnLitIm , trill ) ' enjoyable in every respect. 'rho gClttlutuiOfl iii charge of the arrange. ' miiuntus are ii siti o iuariiiitcetiiuit thieve will ! be the best of orderandregulaijty. 'l'heir ilnimies are tot follows : lteceptiomi-.Il , P. . Mcfloyutt , 'rhoimias 'Fallen , ft. P. luck. orby , Patrick 'l'igur , 1' . F. flmrpiiy , Oumziiuitteeofarriuigemiieuts.Jas , O'lloylo , 1 31 , P. O'Brien , E , F. Moriarty , ' 1. ' 1' , 0 Cullnor , Michael 1400 , J. P. llariiioii r B. McGuum. Floor mnanageru-Johi J Price , Patrick Ilenpity , Patrick Carroll , J. 11 . Furmioy , Jtllfl Shtoohiami. - - - - i A NOW Jewelci' , Omaha is liotOd fur the miunibor tmf tx collemit jewelry estabhishiutiomite It ios. 505508 , and these , of course , give suppori . to a laro iiumber of workmomi , I 'rho live firm of lCdhiolin ' Erickson , I O1)IO5'ltO the Ioatoullco , lois just secured . the services of a new jeweler , Mr. N , J , r Edhioltie being ros.oiutiblo for his ath'onl to title city. 'l'lio iiciY arrival emily weight . ton pouiids , but. lie 1t all wool amid a yard a wide all the same. Mothiur amid son an , both dohsmg well. BLACK , WHITEAND RED. Th Gcnilll Cothbral8 the l11cnent of Qrll1ntovn. A tlorgcoittt Parade nod a ItoilAllig ] IcetImig att t lie Tiirii.hIaIIe. The gentle breeze which , aided in mak imug Siturlay : (1110 of the pieMailteat days of this fall month , phayol with the folds of more huntimig tilnhl hia' ieoii cccli diut. PiaYetl in tue city for a'unO ( line , and ( lie largest vart of it was the mintlonal colors of the Oo.tiiati Erntiro ; , black , white , amid rl , which wre hung out on miany ; a ling. stall' , and in mllnmiy ismatamices side by side rithi tile stars 811(1 t.tripes. 'I'bero wore very few outside ( ho Our- Dm011 loPulatmtti ) who imudorstood the nn ( tire of ( Ito ovotit which was celebrated , hut , itwas ( Ito two hundredth nummirorsary of the landing of thu Cartoons iii ( icr. I tminntowmi , l'tt. Vitlihii these two cemi. Lucius the Ocrimmalls have commic to thus country iii vast muuuumbei's , and now foriut 0110 of ( Ito muiot. iinport.atu ( pai't'uei mu thu body politic , ntid are rccogtuizetl b1i ovury'smmu Rh flhliOlig the ttitst loyal cit'uzcmuut III the houd. Omaha alone muitinbers omuc.RlXthl of its population front ( lie I'uutA1ic : race , uimul it was pecumhimirly npimropriato tiutit thuiy should colubrate flue nuuniversary which hits beau nuotitiomued aluove with eclat. A committee aptutltcd , cOimufris' 11mg representatives frumis the varloums herman societies , has bceui busy for weeks arrailgitIg ( lie details for tim celebration - bration , and tiluit thick efforts wore crowned with success , none who saw the magnificent parade of Saturday evening can tieuiy. l'lommllltly at ciglut o'clock ( ho precession - sion was fornied at Turner Jun11 in four divisiomis , onchu of WlliCll was headed by a band , the Ttlusical Union , the Union I'acilic , Irvimues atud the Ancient Order of ilibortuliums , which prccuuicd a long hues of torchlus , ( hero being in alt iii the at 1iast 700 torches. The colunmmi was oflicered as follows : , Church Smith , chief umat-slual ; liemury ross , Icluief aid atud fsr aids , August hiohitie , lohun l'oloomu , Henry Dietzoii , amid. Vilhiaen Vickhmrd. The route followed by the procossiomi was Tenth to liarmicy , llrtioy to Twelfths , Twelfth toDouglas , Douglasto Sixteenth , , andountormarchlFiftcc1st1i to Farliluammi , Farnhiani to Tenth , and thence to the ball and dioiu'issed. There was a brilliant pyrotechnical die- Ilay along the entire hue of march , the inoatnotablo partf which was thiatatMr. Ed Mdurcr's place , while at Turners hull there was a regular Fourth of July die- play of all sorts of fire works. At the hail thu throng was greater than could hiitve beeui accotnunolatcd iii several tinies the aenoumit , of space. Mr. Jacob ifouck nctud-zii president of the asseiii- bly , and Mr. Ed. Kuesturo as vice prcsi- ticuit. Every part of the hull was crowded ss'itit interested visitors , and ( Ito black , WIlito 1111(1 red , which was draped ( lie flitjro lcmugth of ( lie huh , amid sot off 1)y Corluami and Anierican flare , lout a )1cturcsque amid pleasing oflct to ( lie scene , 11utsic was furnished altormiatohy by ( lie bands , and after the crowd 1usd as- soutibied ( lie presidemit began the pro- grainmno with the following address : i1ii. P11S811)RNT-LalieS niitl gentle- 111011. TIm vice-president line informed you already that owing to the louigthu of the progranimo and the lateness of the hour , the speakers will be short iii their addressee , \Vhon my eyes fell to-uuighit UOfl so magnificent and jubilant a body of mmion , who , with torches iii their hiuuuls and martial inus'ic , marched thiroutzht ( lie principal strt ittut of our iroepcrous city , i : felt. prou(1 liocause I noticed that we have yet 111011 Iii title great country who have a patriotic heart whenever the occa- siomi calls for a feet iii liomuor of ( lie old fathorluisid , lint I will not speak about ( hue historical pirt : of ( his foot , hmcauso ( lie miext speaker vilL dwell upon this subject. The comnumiercitil stausdimig of the Oui'iiiuiiis compares fuvorably at present with that of their Amuui'icami brethren. In industry the Gormnmimis mmik very high. One itulus- try is only iopresemitcd by Gormminius , mud ( limit is tim brewing of beer. 'I'huo Amnori- cami boor , withuiui the last. , tots years , has received iii all oxiuibitiomis the first pie. mmiiuun. The agricultural history of our young State huts its its muiuials a liage iii goldomi lutturut , devoted to our Curmuunti farmers. They wore amulong the first settlers who cultivated ( Ito pra'mr'ies. To.day we notice - tico excellent fluids of corui , gi'ain amid vegetables , amid to ss'iioimt do we owe this great iunprovcnicmii Surely , to that homiest , lutrd working Oorniaii humour. Thu art dopartmnumut is largely i'opro. somited by ( ierluiamie. Thu best historical paimitor , whose ums'iiitiuge tudorti the smIle of the caintol \Vauthingtoim , is a Our- muami by ( lie mmmc of Iheistuudt , ' ( 'ho two great inusicitumia of tIde cmiii- try , Theodore 'I'hiouias and Ilium ihulat- ha , mire Ocrmnaise. 'I'Iio Gormumun theater-amid there is 0110 imi ahmuiost every city amid village-has done a great deal towards eduucatimmg ( lie ( lormuamie , Thu theater is a school for ( lie Our. mans because ( lie best works of their Pouts and literary writers are vut ( In ( lie etmugo , lint there is omsu thing the ( lorimlamla must muot. forgot , and ( lint is to teach their chiildrttmi ( lie mother luuiguuagu-thie auriluali. Every busumiess tuna imi our ( lay 111 glad to Inure tuoiiiobody iii his store who can a1cak , the C umnaui huumugungo , tumiti with ( lie lr1)Ur Atisurromimi education their children smith grow to hioiuor their Ilusrututs. It iii a well-ktisavti fact that time ( leizisan wurkimugitiati is skillful and atomlily ill libu s'ork , In all ( lie largest eatabhialiumiunta iii ( lila country ( lie ( her- tuumun workiiiaui is ( Ito fuivuilte. 1oi' this reason , not its ( ierlguaulB , is-c niay bo vroul of our nationality , and 1 untIe that they always will be rugarded by ( lie Americans as good citizens. ? ilr. T , Sciimunko , of ' [ lie ( i ibumuuespoko uloii Oormnauu.Auusuricmuui history , and conllnumscitig with tue assertion ( bit ( lie ( lurmamu-Auiiericamis , have mm reason to ho asliammied In z'cguunl to the position which they are taking in Aniei'iemun history. it hi.s beomi the abut of itiany historians to iguioro them but this miovorconid succeed , We arc celebrating to-night the first lauding of oimuigrauite formuiiuig a ( icrinnus colomiy iii this country , 2b0 yeas's ago but wo might. alec celubrato an event - ( hint hiappousud oxaculy 400 years ago. in tht year 1483 a German , Mar' ; tiui hiuhaliuu , discovered the coast of Bra- sit amid also the Islamni of Cuba. 'l'liie was nine years liner to the time whioms Columbus diseovertiul San Salvador. Be- L iiafiii was ( hems in the service of Portugal tumid ho took 1ueestoii of Bengal imi the iauuuo of I'ortugah , its thuccourso of ( line I different colomihis were fornied oem the At- I bulb coast in the cast of what Is now I thu ujmiitod States , by French , Emughish1 Dutch and other nations , but Ort Britaiti gamiod s'stiy ucer all lU course ( If ( line , nod the itrhliciltal one of these col- cities , as far as flue ( irutmatms are concerned - ed , was ( limit it , I'&uitisyiu'niiin , whore through \Villiam l'eusn , tile loadets of the colotuizniimun nicty located out the lanhcs of tile Schiitvklll cmi October , Ins : ; . Frauds Ditulel l'auttorioits otLlcd smith muovumity-muittu fnutiihies , and time first. Ouriumatu settleinomut in tItle coutiry. It Ilotmuushied , niud Sotfl muter other Ocrnmami ottIetimemut w ire 111111110i. Jteforritug to ihuo 1teech of tr. hlouck , rhio hind givell nit idemi of what the ( iou'- mnan.Anmerjcamie lund (10mm iii the city's Coililliorco nuid indimetmy , Mr. Schitunk u saul ( hint hue huliuusolf a 0111(1 show sshtat. 1)aL ( ioruuman-Auumcricatms had takomu in ( lie bloody of tiir himutory , ' 1 ho sPeaker thii'n showed the fact. that they hind beemi iii ( lie revel ii I lommlury war , shuemi ( lie first omie killed was mu ( Jerlitami , mumtl ( lie hody.glunrL of the fatluer of this cotmiutry , amid sovouuul ( If our bravest gumi- orals vere ( ic'i'lnnmta itt the Moxictiti sync , where thin Oou'taiutuu Aimuericious did thic'ti' part , amid itt the late civil war ss'huemu flue a'Lirimerut of St. Louis took such a stamni ( lint. ( lie gos-cinmitetut smums aided ti , rally , aiitl hmtci' ( ( lie Ocrtiiuuiu-Auiuuuicnmu generals atiti roiumu n's wt rt.m tluusalvntioii ( If flue Union iti miuuuii us cu isis. Pasahug frumii tfut'ir ticliiuu'ciiiemutut in mnnttm , tIm speaker uthtowed ( lint after ( lie : iril war ss'ns os'et' tl ( ortuttiu-Aitucrieu : ill all piursuiti helped iii the ( le'clopuiiCiIt. Of thuo resources of lIme country , the last ht.iug ( lie huiiltittnc tuf thu Nurtimermi l'a' cufic railway by Villard. . There was more ttuusic at thin terinimia. tioui of ( hue amakiiig , ait l ( hit , 'I'tmrner so duty gave souiuo eleguitit tableaux , ( hue ss'hiolo wititliuug III , it'ithi a gruLuui 111111 , 'l'hiu celubratiutu svas one in every smay crediCahlu IA ) our Germiumutu citizens , muitl mio less eumjiiyailu ( ci thu Autmericamus t.hiuui : to those who have made Autuerica their adopted country. BtlCklOtu'I4 Aiti lou &huivo , The greatest musotlical wontler of the world , SVarraiutoul to siteetilly cure hunts , Cuits , UI. corn , Salt Ithietmiti , Fovem Stros , Camicers l'iIns. Chilblains , Gurus ' 'rotter , Citallilud mnils , and all skiti ' , guitramuteeti to cure In emory instance , or utionoy refutmtled. 25 cents or box. . Sluice Lmrrn-r , Ll.IK : & Co. howe ho- cotmlo popular , othiturs mit-c trying to mu. tate , but look for bi-and.- ui.c&w-1&3 iv . FEEDING THE POOR. HOEr Failhilios Hllabk to Sllt Thom- sc1cs are Kept by tic Coilhity , Seciucs at thin 0111cc ( If the Couiieiiisi- sioiiet't On I"iItlziy Afternoon. Every Friday afteritoomi the lower hall of the court iituusu can ho cccii filled with a lot. of ragged amid haggard loolcimig lCoPle , who , uxcejt for tim fact that tiny do not oxteuid their hands amid whtimue , might be inistakeuu for beggars ivhto had congregated tIlero to ask alum of the law- yore and s'oll.to-do men who psa in and out. constantly. Those lcoplo line the wail from the cuitrance door to the door of ( lie county clerIc's uflico , whore sit the county coninilesioners with the order book , ivhiichu colitains tIme precious shiiu of p ° P ° whdchi are alt ( limit is butweeui these p ( ' people and sarvatiou. Foil St5E1tAi. YISA113 { it limtii beomi the cuttommi of the coniinia- siomiers , in Cases where thioy could miot scud tIm npplicauit to the ioor house for want of room , because the pore smuts able to cans a partial living , to issue or- dora on diffuremit grocers iii town for fifty cents or a dollars' worth of grocci'ies , These grocerics they use with the greatest - est ecomiouusy , amid ittuinmigo to isuake their little last for a long tiuno. Souuiciunes iliOiiO is givots , but ulotoftun , They i.e iii their appemirmuncu regularly , but. close watch is kejIt upuii tlteiti to see ( lint ( lie county is muot. iiti1iosed upoii. ? , lr , Conies , one of the County Comu- unissionurs , vuts foutid by a reporter mimi asked seine ( ltieBtut)118 imu regaL'tt to the mill- proachiiutg ivumiter timid isliut. could ho domue for ( lie poor by mIte county of Douglas. ' 'The city does muothuing for thu poor , " said 1t1r. Corhies , ' 'so it mill tiemolves ttpn the county amid is'e taku onmo of thueie as liberally as we can. hardly a clay ltoses ) but what aonieotio conies to us wants to tone no our i'o rita r'oon itoUsit , sIimsebmmles for emily a few days , until they cams gut ever a Bick siucli. The house is full all the tinie , haut whltni cases are actu ully sick we goiiuraiiy uinmiagu to mnnko rooni for thuemut. I iction' as iiiimuy as twomity cases ( If dostitutiomu iiow ( hint ought to be in tim IPor house but. we act- smelly have muot the qtmniturmt. " ' ' \\'ihl there be mmumre thus winter thou uauiah , on accounit of ( lie increase in the IHIltmiatiOiil" tim inituibor increases every year mid ( lucre protuuisemt to be nuoro thumumi over 110w. Six years ago there were twolity or twcnty.thireo IlaUPem's uuitogethies' , miow there are forty-five .st ( lie poor house and we support , or vmurtlY BUlIlluIrl , no unmuiy as thirty fuitiullicut outsidu. Tue oxpummsu to ( lie county host year was $8,000 ; of which about $5,000 was iii ( lie way of help to the otit-desr amid the rest. to the veer house. " " \'hunt is the average cosT ijum : uin.tm to kcujs the jmoor jut ; the fmuunil" tucked the imiterviuwer. ' "rhimut is t'athier tlifhietult to sa' , and we have mievor tried to tiimuko an cotluinuto , You see , we u-also our own ) ( ) , beef , jIIlitoCs ( , vegetables mid hour , amid lauve 0015's to fLuluiiShi miiilk oii ( lie fuurtii , so it ; costs really s'ory little , whether ( lie house lit full or utut. 'I'lto Ilulsili expemiso is to I ° ) ' Itelji. \\u feuti ( lie hllior Hi the city after Novuuuiber 1 by issuiulg rations direct. froni the farm at the court-house. \Ve give out eothi.i , toil and hour iii usmnahi packages nuud 1frk which has been raised oti the fttrmn. Last vimitur we gave out in ( lii , way 8,000 1wutudutof poik. " "Are you miut aomaotitmwo imposed upoti ? " "No ; we gut so that wo can toll an utmi- vater vou'y (1tliokly. We call toll by the looki of a man whether or itot ho rs a uEtJlNE VAOZIAND. Very often we timid tramusiouta Imsasing tiuroughu the city to be doserring cases , amid although we are not strictly pormnzt- ted by law , we allow thorn unomuoy to pro. coed on their way or to got over tnto Iowa. If a pauper gets oil'a car lucre we can by law keep him iii the jioor-huouso at the coumity a oxpeiusu twelit. ) ' years where we could not by law give bins a dollar amid a half and get rid of him , " "W'huoro do those 1)001)10 brel" "They iiiuinago to keep the raimi ofT front thieuii in all sorts of queer PlttCOO. , Many of thesis liyo down on the bottom iii sluati'ius ivlioro they pay tie rent amid (0)1110f ( hiemmi , ay ( is-n or thtrea dollars a imitimitim rent. 'l'huero arc Sousa skinflints ill ( him titvtu whit , are mahuiti : ' ttIflu3' out. ( f ilastt i uctitmis of poverty. ' ' ' ( ttti (01 give itomno specitie1 iuistaitces ( If Ilvt'rtyi' ( ' "l'iiero's old \frs. Tottaghiuo ; site's Iocmi Oil the county goimmg mu temi 3 ears , I gtiu4s , lii summer she mnnmmagcs to do washilmig , but. In winter it's too niuchu for her , ? Ihueui there's i'lra. 1)uutuum , whose husband is about 70 years old , niut that olth mimaui hookiimg oroimuiL at tIme side of ( lie door at you is j cpu lCutchurs , wluu has (11(1 ague. 'i'hut're are a mutuiusbcr of wounemi whose liuslintitls have ( lie consumuption , or loire 1)0011 otd. to t Ito insane asylumiu , or wIut cammitot do imiitchi work. As soon as they are uultlo to keep thtenmeelves at nil 51 0 sto1t givimmg orders. 'rho ) ' have a great srumgglo though , thtmotmghi thia , loiig wimi. ter , rutud ( hero is mint lmmuhf ( lie attention jsnitl to tluetn ( lint , thi.'ro . should be. . - - 'J'IfI Out tNt ) .JtTltY. 'i'hie VIriut ltt'iiI'l ) ut' \i'k-TiI1' Iistrlet 01)11 1 Iolcet , The grand juicy , sihuichu himi heeui sitting for ( Itt' 11155 $ . uveehi autti iliqtuir'imug into ( lie varbuits ofl'titiuto.i against the law which have beomi cotuitnit.tod dtirin the suitutlur iflomitIls , inado its first i'olOt't ) oil Satur. ( lIly 1(5(11 it t tug the huh In u'i tug liii Is : ruthiio AndlurouIi ( ctiturotl ) for grauutl inreetty. Jithuui C oonny for highway robbery .Juhuii ( hlu.itIli ftr , rt > Ibury , 11 iahu lkiyl"t.s for rsipo. CALl. OF ( ! ASEt4 , ( ) ( iOiuEit 8. 1883. 1k/crc .111(4/C ht'Aely. ' 1' . ' 71) ) [ { , ) fJjiIStti v s. Cliftmts , n. :128 : 1dtvuu-ds vs. Board of Counuty Cu , m usmn issiom tcrs. T. 145 Cole lirothicra & Hart. vs. liii. like. 'l' . liii : ; Sniithi vs. IT' . 203 S's'oimmati vs. 'l'hiomnns. 'I' . 23' ! ILurker vs. Ottmaiua. P. 242 Peterson vs. Petorsomi. Jivforc .Judgc . &emiltr. . T. 76 Pirkur vs. Kumhium , et al. ( on ti-jut . ) P. 100 Mercer vs. Culver. 'p. 132 C. B. & Q It. It. Co. , vs. Viht. P. 108 Bull ot , al. vs. Fretichi at al. T. 170 Sanie VS. ennui. A OPEN SECRET AMONG THE LADIES rp110 lii'ihI hiiit , filSCillfltilhg huts oI'ConilloxioIi ) for which ladies strive are chiefly artificial - ficial , at1 all ivho vil1 take llie ti'oithlo may Secure tiLem. TliCSO roseate , bowitcliiiig 1iue ; followtiie use of liagim's kgttolia Ballfl-a ( lelicate , Jiarm1es ahl(1 alivays i-eliablo ai'licIo. SOIl by all druggists. MallO1itt Balm conceals - ceals every blent ish , 'removes Sillowiicss , P a fl , Retluess , JrU1)ti0flS , all CVi(1dUCCS ol excilement and every imper- fectioll. Its effects are ihnuleliato ( aitl flO nattii'al tliathlo hUflhflhl hieing ChUl ( ICteCt iLs applica- 1.toii. SPECIAL NOTICES. tirSveciala will PositivoSy not be lnsertet uiilea:3 : paid in advance. TO LOAN-Money. ' ! 1ONWT ( ) LOAN-The Omaha 8avuj-n flauliC LI I ! t now' iiroiiari to rn&ku loans ci , Outmius city or 1)ouglas county reni estate at current rate of Interest. No cennsl.siout cII4rgeii. 335-If ONES' TO LOAN-mo lowest rites of interest I _ _ tkunl. ' t.oan Aoiic , 15th & Doiulas. 23i.tt - ' ONtW 'ro i.o.-cou itt l.ac allies of It , 1. . lv _ ibirna , roolti 5Cretgitton mock. ' 1-jjgi5. LMAflKL-HI ( . 'hattet rlornajo , rode 7 til NCSIrSMLB National IlaiikButlittuii. V14. tf ONY TO lOAN-J. T. t5eatty oaus on chattel I property , 213 $ nitl. 1 4th St. sept30 hELP WAWt'Lu. 1TANTE1)Two gIrls St 1513 Ilusard Streot. V S 114.01 ' TANTnD-A f.s'sitsrt energetic stiksntei to cam- ! v.m omnang busOucss inca in liaula , stIll Nob. pp1y let . tell 2 told 5 p. ni. to ( .3. it , Iseticiali Euro. h ° ' ttutel , tueutr U 1' . JJoot 173 12 " % 7ANTED-SS'altor , thlninir room girl and cnuk 1 $ ! int speak ( hruuun autil Euigikh at Fictuch Coflee ltouu on south 'lemilli street tutweti JILI.I.SOD autti JOt115. 575.tf hay of about flftesu want a llace totl. chores J tr his board , Address "X. ' lieu ottle , , . 177.91 ) - for gencral ltvu'ujwork Iui ounall , \7ANTEu-OIrl ( CSLIIIoI us. . 177.9 ' - women to , Io gouut'ral ltoueivorl , T \ sinai ! faiuillr , I"lrst cia-s , lttuathuii. Auth. cents must brluig refcriutces. AhIy iuuiutedla'eiy at Itt , . Clark's lOiU Cutiltol tutuittu. ISI 9J \ yANTEI-Cook ) anti one girl antI is cloapiusn to work arocuid titu kltchteti. ISp CIt -t TANIEI-A ) good dlshssashntr itt tIle Etnutet 1 hIou.o. iOO iuf ' ' ' - 51.11 wsher at tttr.piIlltaul hlteh. \TAN1'El'-A 1 its.O ' 0 \7AN'rIl-clok : arid chamber mat I , wages * 1.00 V 033 ijortlt 19th 51. 757.lOf ' - good , colni-eteult guI Lu do hotac \TANTIU-A 1 sork. Apiy joutluesot corner mit. Star ) ' . ate. enl 2II street. 147'Oi I17tNTEI-A good grrl far general Iloutewor- ) , 1 Aij.hy to iSiS Farnhanm af or C p. in. I IC Of ) - good Oermanglriforgsntmrnl Iat.wtu- . \TANTEt-A \ V ttnrk , Inquire svUlttvst Cotter 20th alliS liar- 1117 wtret-u. 'tTA N'iFt-tltCtJi girl In fanulty of tWO to attend ' \TA ) sby. e. .u. ctN 153 II (1EN'N ( SYAWrEL ) - Large Irotits is-hlluig our I . h'itu.ehlohl 5tiCositlL Heat br tjrculsr , for IisrttctularS. Nituti Ill , l-'ICAIT.FI' & flhtnttN , 121.8 ICC FtikIt hI , , Iltisgu , Ill : , ,7AN1'ittilrh Soc gsnurah housework , 2514 ! ! l > ougla5 itireL V1l.mJ 1TANTEU-Atm cuiglute toruu * b a prsttkal ongi. I neeranti machliii.t. ( toed rcueny. . csn be furnished Address " 55' , if. S. " Iluuettlcu.520 hint 11TANTiW-aoo4 girl. for good famIlies. Iket S 1 wagis. Apply tt.tmedistdy at omrloyuncul burusu Si ? N. lomb ot. No. ouflco fee , 2 II T7AflTID-b1 guil coat utaisri. . Best of irie. fl )4tJ. ) IIL/SNKJ , ItUSUE , 782-U _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1I7ANTED-Ledy seats for tot "Queen t'tetuct. y y or , ' . A new uniter garment for la4toi. maids of soft. tiesible robber. bore protesctlon to the undr. steuwhcn aoce4sary tote stem , 1tstaiI for $2.00 I' feat a. antscaui ehow it. Large profl- . . Address Uundergsnn.ut thnW&cturtng tb. . No 8 Slav oroet , Chke.go , j796-3m UTANrED-Qti at No , 1096 Sherman avenue. 1 V 251-U MiLS.J. 81. cOUNCMAN. ' % ITANTED-ittuattou so eleik In a betel or will C V toad bar. by e ) oUtlg elan hum Ohio. Ss$1- factionguarsetsed. Aditre. . J , 8. P. , lies otlicu , OcIS fl IITANTEI-Sltuatlon as book keeier , 11a. bad V V experIence amid can give roferetlce. S. ISICKNEIL 190 SL Tuscumbli , Mo. I : - - ' - Infants and Children Without Morphine or Narootino. 'Shnt gives rnmr Chlltireus rosy cimeeks , What cures their foyers , mnkt's timeni sioe 'TI. Ciostorlo. When fables fret , anti cry by tuirns , What cures their colic , kIlls their worms hut Caqtirin. What quickly esteem Contipntion , Sour Stomach , Colds , Indigestion litit Cnmtorln , Farmvehl then to ) torphmino Syrups , Castor 011 and I'Aregorlc , and halt Cn.itorIn. _ _ . - - - - Centaur Linlniont.-Ab. . soliito cure for Raosintfttism , Sprains , Burns , Gnus , &o. , anti an instantAnoouu , Paln-rollovor. _ ST1 LOUIS PAPER WAREhOUSE. Graham Paper Co. , / 217 anil 219 North Main St. , St. 1ouis. wu1Otl5AT.E DEALEU.S IN NEWS nOOE. , } PA P E R e , I wn'i'iu wnITtNlNU ENS'EtOPlt , CARL ) UOAIII ) AND PRINTERS' STOCK , MrcftshI pall for usgs and Pipe StockScTap Iron ietrt1. . sItu taller stock % % 'archousct , 122 to 1227 North SIxth . eet2id3m' - ho chrontetlyspep ia and liver corn- o5TETTEe iilaint nutihitu chronic CILIURATID constiI'fltiofl a n st otiur obstinate dim. eases lIotottcr'i Htomnach hitters 1. lieyont ) all comparl- ' loll thto best remedy , . . tltit canhie tkcui.A . - . . ' a mnCtuIS of rcmtorlng . 'r , thostri-migtli ittuil vi' i - - - tel energy ot ) im'SOnm a , ' alto are , Iutktng sun- t _ _ s ' tier the skhtflltating - . r' cffect ot ' aiuifuh thl. . oribers tlittsuut3ard 59t0bi0 Ito Igorant is confessedly en- STOMACH oquelled. l'or sate by all DruggIsts nitil boat. cr3 generally. ( _ _ _ _ _ I IEIIE 3ESTTREAD on SEWiNG MAOH1iii'r 'r SIXCORB SPOOL COTTON Is ENTIItELY The Product of American industry I PRONOUNCED BY EXPERTS TO BE THE BEST THREAD IN THE WORLD FOR hAND AND MAOI-IINE SEWING' . Full assortment constamitly on hand and for sale by HENRY PIIIIILMAN , Premont , Neb. SITUATIONS WANTED. ANTC 0-Situat ion as coitector in some whole. ' 'I Sale or rotatl house. } 'Ivo years oxperlenui , well nquaiuitesl iii city. lhet Of city references. Ad dress 'L. " 1412 Farnaun. 154O' 'rEn-SttItation as book.Ioepcr or sales % ' man In some hardware house by one well ac- qimaitted wIth the sime. No nrefcrelleo as to loca. then. AtIdre , , "J. S. B. " No. 703 north 18th street , Omaha , Nab. 125-Of IIIISCIILLANEOUS WANTS. " ) . \ iaitti , bet clteap , for a spau , of horses and r rlago. Quality can not he too good , Addro's hiox : uS Omaha. 1iS.tf -5 , 7AN1CI-To rent , a small counahsteh fttrzilsh- ed Louise , or ta. ) furuitohici rooms sIth board , in good location. Inquire at the 0111ev at Uarrahrauit auth Cole. i7t'rEn-ny gotitleinuni and wife ( no ohlklroui ) I two or three nuifurnished room , near Ceutterof C tsAidress , "K. " 1810 1)ascdpOrt St. 10501 ' - few day boarders at 113 S. 17th 'IyANTED-A % eteet , 1OR RENT--Houses and Lots. , L : one dotible 1017 ChIcago. 1S&-tf I ht 1tENT-Furnidued house , good location , rent low to a desIrable tenant ( tool referttees cc- litllrel. Apjly to 0. F. 1)AVIS & CO , 1505 1"aruiauiu Street , ' 1720 IuEN'i'-Sulto of tnreofiirnlihe,1 roouns. Alec- I , liigle room 10t5 ChIcago St. 770.121 2209 Dodge street. 113-12 J 501t nmr-m-r--Tt , gentkmen , one large front coons auid oiuo smaller east ioom furnlstied. Daven- rod St. , above 19th. 182.0' ; iO -ltl-NT-A desirable mob for single gentlcnuatu at the S. SY. corner CaPitol ave. and IdUs St. .01 Of I I Olt ItENT-Cottago with 5 rooms on Charles St. 359.tf DII. L'AUL. ; 'eit hUNT-Two or three uullnrullshed rooms , on first 110cr near street car , 2017 Charles St. 156-8 ( Foil ttENT-Two hou.es outts ol U. 1' . Depot. l'HICssIOflglVefl Oct. ii. luuqtituo J. pltLI'1'3. ROE 1512 5. 5th St. 107.112 11011 itINT-1'lanos anti organ , at A , llOSI'ES Sitmslc Small , 105'lusu A Nlcel)5'furnlshed rootufor rent , 1410 Cblcago Street. 183.1i1 F Olt IIENT-Forokheil rooms at Got ) S. 14th St , ' lt,2.iOf nos. F'lttNlc. ( ItENI'-F'urnlslied rooti , , 3810 Dodge strtet. 137'Oi _ _ _ _ I j'Oit IIuNr Fur , lstivl routes cmi the tuorthwet or. 13 It neil Capttolarenuw. 159.tf C Ott ItENT-i'iuriIslseil room fer geuttleuuieui. In. ' qoire at A. Itoape's Art and Munmc Hall. ili.tf } 0ht ItENTOIL ss1u-Crcstoui Brewery and lark. Capacity of Ihrcs cry 25 lan-el. her .iay. Ileser- scir alfords plenty of Iso. There Is fort- acre , of land with tti property , but will remit uttlt or uItIoumt the tautil , I1rewer alloluls cIt luiuilts. Owned by a witlow Ia ly , Call or correspond rcgardln5 rent with ' 1 lIE .1. 1) ) . hARSh LAi'D CO. , 130.01 Cretou , lout , , I 1t h11'r-A esuito ut rooms for genttet'taio and wIfe , 1112 3. 11th , tret. 932-SI Felt ItENr-wttlI board , a furuilsleij room , gas aitibath roolis at 1715 Dodge St. 107.of F ° n IImNT-Teo unfurntshici rooms at 7oo ncr msmnuutt , , at 1014 Webster street. I SOtt mulN'r-FurutIh,1 : mont. , singlu aunt for llgllt lIOt15CkeC1)ifl , lIOS-mer's block , corner 8th and liosarit. 055.11 tlt ) iIENP-L.a-g. , newly ftirutiste.j room lOiS ( : ltlcasmo street , 833.if I jtOit 1tENT-1720 Capitol Aveulne , elegant turn- lslteil root , , , . Ocutietna , , auth wIfe or gcuttleuwtm , 1101 andtnil water , All couietteutce , , 71)8-Of 1'IOIt _ ItENT-FIlcoaheti rooms. N , F. . 235 atud Pa , _ J. ' otroeb' . n'nport _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , Oto 01 , I 'U LE1-Nictdy lutrnihe4 rooms 1721 Douglas , .1 , O3l.tf r It71'-FuriiI.lteil recta. , ttltti board lIes Calt fornia St. b0-1utto. T0ti iuuar : on SALE-Store bulluluig ocr. 11th and ii i'icr'u 131. Coed builllrig ( orgroceryor lltltclior $101) . 83l.iittu' flIt liINr-AooryIlttIe furnlelusi room , to laly oily , for * 5.00 , 2009 Case itreet , blO-L1 -I 10U14C.'I'lO IIE.NT-io. t.otLOiier mouth , Stores _ , t ' allis roouns to remit. CIty rosldeutce for sale $300 tipsard. Vacant lots mall I1artof city. k'ariuihsnds forsahe o exchange. exchange.LOtiNstiUlty & MAIITIWS , lIed E.tato Agwucy.S. v. corner 11th Atni } 'xriiani , 786.tf I ° " IIENT.-NIc.ly tturuti.leii roonhe for thin osliuter. InquIre at east side 15111 St. ltWtieIl Douglas .t lotlge. _ _ _ _ 703 tf -1i"ott : IIENT-Itealdences and storebuildingim. BED. _ I Fotti ) & 500511 , Itcal Estate Agency. Otlicu eat ildu 14th .treet , iiotwccti Farnaun aunt Douglae streets. 792.1 isoim ltasr-'rhze cqInltIoellous 12 room house sltti _ 1 stable , etc. , cii N. SY. ooruieri0th smut ComIng streets , muow oecuj'kd by Charles F. Slandersoti , lii. quire upon i'rettiLI until October 1st , uhen possess. . lou still begheii , Auctloneal.uof house hoki goods Thiuriday , Sept. 27th. 072 U jJult ItENT-Two ttsors ni1 basement , Eli ' attachoti. SW ? Farnam street. 270-U I 10t1 fItLE-Ihoartilag Nones. } 'urnltur , . Address. "C. 1) . " Ii. . othlos. . 123.0 * 5011 HAtS-A fountiry toud waehlnc ohop wi U. l , linn Centrally located and good trade. A tars chance for scm , good moch&oic , Adlroas"C. 8. " lice 051cc , 158.18 volt SALE , TIOR SALI5.-Secual hand "Arganti" bii , mlddleolee , in PtfCI ceder , $20. only at IL. I flhtiahiT i CO. 388 6' ? IIOCEIW roll SALE-My stock of _ A fancy groceries. ( eenswar and natures , iltut . ted In th hiss city oX Creetoti. Ales my pacral storeatN.tIetlhe , iDea. ( flange of bujo rea- IOU for aewag , Ctl on Or &ihtxeas. IL A. NYE , ito-ti Crestomi. Lqws. , O15 SAI.E-A second hand "American" Sea ing I Machine aery cheap. Inquire at Bee offles. los-U 11CEI' FOIl SALE-4100 head ef large , One lIen. no Sheep , couisistluhg of 2200 wethiers. 1,700 ewes and 200 iamb , . The above sheep shoara this spring frouuo 7 to Orounds for weUiers and the ewes averaged - aged six ponuds of wool. Corrcsponlcnce oohlcited. 93'7I itAIt.SIIAL & ItUE , Omaha , Neb Ott i3A1.F-1C0 acres , 10 unItes from town. Good 4 lUilthiflge , well cultivated. Only * d5.OO an act , . ia5.tf AltF.S , 1507 Farnaun. OI1. eLE-l1etatl Grocery dotmIg a , uiletiiid biusi- I -I - Owner going lot. , jobiluig trale. First'clase 0 ionihtlIt , % ' . AMES , 135 0 1507 Farnam. . cot'- , Apply to Er" . ' She'unan. lauk eve. 1O2'8t F ° 11 SALE-Lots lOxlOO , near Park ayeuuue , $525 , Lots lOxICO , hoar Park Avenue , $525 , I.otit 50l60 , near Park .5 venue , $325. 903-tf AMES' . Farnam Street. OR SALE-Six room luouso on I8thSI.$2.700. F Sia OOfl % Itouso theW , 100 feet from l'ark ave. $2,500. ' - Six room houe 2-ith St. soul ) , of Creighton College , $ l.SO0. l.SO0.75Stf ,3tEs. 1SO Fannam. T1o1t SALE-Two portable boilers , ii hoTse hiowors .ij Apply at f B. crrzpAThtlcmc , - - 218 South litliStreet. It 0it SAtE-Two lotsdcslrnbletucatlonand hoap. IaCh _ 276 , on goeS terini. InquIre at tills omce. 33-1-ti oItSALE-A house and lot at ma sacretlee , .J. L MarblS , 217 N. 10th St. 023-tf Ti01 { LEASE-Four choice tots out 20th Itt , , bug _ U tIme , 217 N , 16th hI , J. L. Marble. 625.tf rest SALB-2614 Farnam street 77 feet frontage , 125 depth , live roomed _ houue$1.000. 61&.unot - ' SALE-Good bu.ines , chances.at 217 N. 10th Felt street , J. I. . MARBLE. 139-ti ioit SALE-At abargaiuia small 'IoslerHahniann anti Co's tine proof safe. luiquiro at thIs olfico. F Oil SALE-S rocun house , tttII tot , ban , , $1,200 - doau , , balancenhontlhly payluhents , $2,100. I roouti houu.-e mad baru , , Ilaritey street , $2,000. is acres land , Improved , good house and barn , 2S00 , 3 room houe , lot 40xi20 , Ilarnoy street , $2,250. 3 radiI liouto , two hots , staWe , south , $2,200. 002-tI A3II3' , Farutatu Street. TO1tSALE-Fiiiu farm close to the city. . _ L-I 848.tf PECK , Opposite 1' . 0. F _ sA tj _ first class scCiinU ltauit tOj ) buggy. Call _ at 1510 Ilanney street. Dltf Pout SALF.-Rotldonco auid buelncs vrouicrty in all parts of Omaha , sad Farm Laud. lii alt parts of the State , IlEtFOltD & SOBER , 793-tf 213 S. 14th St. bet. Farnani amid ulao. _ l'oum MALE Ott EXChANGE-Full lot atid three i. dwellings curlier of 11th maid i'aclllo streets. Nine lots In south Omaha. Also 100 acres of land near Santon , Nehrka , amid buliditig and stock of clothing No. 804 Tenth stroct. Wilt exchange for Nebraska form lnidl' . } 'urtler particulars at Geo. Sm. Poterscu' ( iiothluig Storu , 804 Temith street. _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 405-eoil.tf .T-'o1t SALE-Ole rewotsapors mu large and small :1 : qeautltlem at this Oitce tf MISCELLANEOUS. L OST-A Iir ii cuts elope coultalllluhg mortga-e , note anil Insurance ' . l'lcaio tlotlcl' ieaio at JOhN L. Ik-CAGUE'S. 181-8 [ JST-Oiio'O" CIaronet. ! Finder will be rcwartl. : eti by returning the Sante to tIuts. 0111cc , 144.6 "AiEN LJI'-"undav , , Stilt. 20th , ma sutiall cow , red with white kgetatud star iii freime.tdabout seven years ul.l. 0-suer cam , have thio StOilo by naylng daunage aunt costs. JOIIN 'F , i'AULSEN , 151.51 lew' 21st nuid I.'shto Street. -I ft ItESVtltt-Wlltbo laid for the recovery of us rt.P1U black valise , 000taluiiuig various mnauluscrlVj end LItter. addressed to 11ev. Edgar .Tacoh , . 7-so quostloui. .sskd. it. . C. GIJTltLi.IE , 118.1Sf City Mao-shah. . STOIIE FOIL SALE-Cumuslttliug of coiifecUoutcry , FruIts and Fautcy Notions. Alto liasU for hot- taurauit. Good cellar aol welt. thudding 20z02 , ono story. loing a good buitness. Cause of tale , vast " to go out of buetnees. Address 705-Im' 0. 12. COItRI' , Osideuld , Neb. FOR Surveys , mai's or tiIaul of real estate In or out of the city , iil7' to LECK'S CST.tl Arcuicy , OPposIte 1' . 0. EDWARD KUEHL , 81&3ISTEIS OF PAL3II'STERY AND CONDITION. ? sItST 41)8 Tenth street , betsseert } 'nunamn and lIar- Itey , wilt , ttltlm tb , aid of guardian eplrlts , obtub f3t any one a g1aco 01 lb past aol premeat , ant on certaIn c7mldltit'ui , Ic the futumre. l7o IIaD3 tlsoe rii.j t4 viler. l' , . atI-.ta'ttnn g-mantee.m. 1 ' ' 4K1f4G POWDER Absolutely Pure This powder never sines , A tns.ryei of pujUy , strsngui and lholeoomnesss $ , More ecoutnnicaj tba * ' the ordinary kind , , and cannot be said inoozrpst1tic , 'althtIiemultluje of low test , short weigh ) . almost lihoehbato powder. Sold ocly io cane. fQr&t list. ung 1 owder Co. , Vsil 'ttro ' New Yor ,