Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 08, 1883, Image 5

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    - - - - - - - - -
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- ' I , , St . I S l t.ui ia..t'l % Id 'iI Ii V I. I J'1ul.h , II ) . ' l 9'- -
. . _
1- I 11ii 1JLt L Li , a.a , .
U ThE ] EILd
AND ITA N.TI'ItAi. ( ) VIfltNA ( 1)lSCOV
fl4\ ER AFIIX'TIX ( T111
\ N :13a1d. :
lIFug hits Done.7'ie Roots l ) .Xt
( 'tune thst H'Iien t/ic / IThir 1.rare the SUn ,
It ) Il i'A 1fCfl tIq1lOtI thit aftcr the head he.
t'ame 1zei1 and shIny It iOpe1eq to eIVVt Ifl3
) ilr. \\e ho ( ! OflIoIIttati4 that ti ) , L irroneouq
by hln grnwn hair ni htiiidrcd nt heads n g1cd
a a 'hflhiarI ) ) I" for yeats.
fli foIItIng cut gtn th of tim 1ilr
III Illitfttrftto letter tUflWOtuIq ) th 1t1bev of thu
1de. ThIs cut h n nrncok view , f the follicle
jid I'lIII from which thu hdr : gro
T/thi i/ut , ' will 141U Out .
IYic .S'Cil ) ) ,
The Jtj , ' Bulb , - - :
lFw ( , ) , Ib(1CjOfl , - .
The .4Vu' .Thti , , . - . S :
2'/w Jtpil1t , - ' 0
II will bo readily 50011 by this cuL thaL
though the hair is gene front the surface
it is titill alive and healthy beneath the
sca1) , 1111(1 iB 0111)1)loVotttetl from growing
by the contraction of ( ho follicle II' which
I it should grow. Find a substance that
will give sulilcientolasticity to the follicle ,
UU1 add the necessary food the tissue Va.
quires , 1111(1 thu now hair vi11 force its way
out , and. the previously bald head viI1 be
covered witir now hair. These are facts
that can be readily attested , 811(1 that all
IthYBiciflhls adiniL ; this substance is found
only in the BENTON'S II.un O1town : ,
which acts Oil the head as phosphrto on
; 1io vegetable , streiitIioiiing and expand.
ing the tissues , givng ; the 1)apilIa 110W
vitality and vigor. and adding nourishinoiit
and power to the week , debilit.ated hair
Growth , We have hair growing on thous.
anus of heads Uiat. had giveli up nil Iiojo
of a hirsute covering.
' BAld ) ILEttD.
The head is iiinst frequently years in
becoming bald. lii this tniie the epidor-
nuB becomes hard and sinooLli and the
follicles olFectually closed. It is for tide
rcasoii that wo iiisfst so strongly on the
rllbblIlg of the scalp ( iefoic tue aplication
of the Grower ; the surface becomes soft
and pliable , and the glands aiid tissues
absorb more readily the food so necessary
to their development. Tlio roots of the
hair do not heave the scalp. Wlieii the
hair fails out the young hair is still alive
and healthy ; but , like any foirn of vegetable -
able life , cannot force its way through the
hard crust , but lies dormant until the
aurface is softened ; thioglands and tissues
can thieii absorb the hair food ( akin to
manure in the vegetable world ) ; the weak
life is stimulated into new ciicrgy and
activity , and the hair starts on a fresh
growth , uiider new and favorable conch.
, tions.
Thuis analysis of the hair into its ole-
f iiieiits first brought this matter to the
V attentioii , anti the possibility of securing
. : i these elements in the vogotbIc kingdom ,
and compounding them into a form that
would give the weakened hair just the
necessary nourishment , dawned upon the
eliemist. The hair is composed of hiydro.
gen , nitrogen , carbon , oxygen , and sul.
phur. During five years the chemist
studied every form of combitiation kiiown ,
until after iaiiy failures lie finally coin-
biiicd these elements into the Hair
Grower LiS it now stands , giving to tue
" ' weakeiicd tissues just the food that they
\b require.
L ' En reference to the hair are not generally
knowii except to timso who have made
the tissues of the skin a study W'cro
. they known , the prevailing skepticism in
reference to the poiiibility of a growth of
. new hair would iiot be so great , nor would
: : our hair Grower meet the centinued diii-
belief of its powers. All admit the s1in
vill absorb easily all with which it assimilates -
lates , such surely the tissues of the scalp
will absorb most readily just these sub-
atawes which are demanded by the hair ,
of which it is coniposeci.
It is much easier to praeit the hair
falhiiu out timii it is to renew it , and we
guarantee to stop the worst cases of falling
hair in ten tLys by the use of BENT0N'H
HA11GnovnIt nloiio. Ladies have applied
to us frequently after haviiig bean told
. . that the only 'a' to save their hair waii
to have the head shavsd , We have ne'or
' - found it necessary to so ti'c it ; but have
lrovezitcl that calamity by a few applica-
' tiwis of tlio Grower , and , if periuitted ,
. could refer to many ladies who to-day are
: : ; ; . rejoicmg in the increacd iuxuiiaiice of
. - their own natural hair.Vc Would
- strongly urge all those whuso hair
is falling out to comniolice saving it at
. Wo are frequently asked by pcrsoius con-
culLing us , "If we can grow hair on ( heir
heads" Our uliewor invariably is , we
- . , can grow hair on eighty or ninety per
. cent , of all cases and are doing so coil-
stautly ; but there are cases whore the
follicle has lcQn destroyed by skiii da- :
cases anti the use of OiSO1lOUS liepara.
tions , On these wo make no impression ;
iflit these cases am so few that everyoiiu
.iiliould try "BiNTON'fl hAm Giiowiic" before -
fore despairing of ever having hair ,
Surelyit is worth a trial.
Ji'tldnoss naturally cOiiimOiiCCe oil the
orow.n of the head , If you will use the
Hair Croyer in time , there is iio jiced of
your becoming bald , J.we . can qroev
latr.afer ( ( rll 1l(1l bCL'OfllO (1(11(1
.antl gky JoJI.i8 , ? U ) b.cIei' eehlcnce
(8 2I'(11iJl ' that it niay ho preservoul uiiitd
ld ago.
, OIUO tiincsbaldness coIIICLOU tile fruiiit
PIOJ1 of the head , and in such cases it is
- . geiiczhly ttio result of fevers , or soiiiu
other sifiuunL If it n iio checked at
oIio it usual ! ) ' spreads rijiidiy , atitla
large portion of the scalp becoue3 bald in
a shiorS. time , few applieatioil8 of J lair
( lrowci will stop it at uijicu , ; UILL IIiay be
considereti a sliecific for it ,
1'ltflVl'NT1dJ l BETTER
' OUlIfl ,
Vu wish we coulul impress ovc'Iy Quo
With the face that it is much easier 'OJrC-
: 'e , , ( lldlioss luau to cure it. Very' few
becolnu bald ztiddeiihy , fnhhiiig hair is
monitory iiyintoiii ( If lalduess , 811(1 llut-
TON' $ hAul ( Jiiowitii will iiiost aesuretll'
Stoh ) the hair flhing. 1od as a ( lrcssnig ,
there is iiothing 0(111111 ( to it , as it kcepii
the hair soft and louy , removes the
daiidrulh curei itelung of the scalp and
1)C'Oiit5 the hafr luriiiiig gray. lice the
( Irowoi' as a drtJii and ) 'OU will i4tis'er
by blul.
s , . 'I.
T , \
' I . , I
C. . c ' 11
wlf ,
w t tt WL f
\'i I 4' 1 I
I i 4k I
From Photographs Taken Before and Afor Ustn ,
I Iae iistI iItims II.tit (1noa , rI iioitt , only , au' ' these ctitq rcjrc
scat the tilio voiiltio , , , nt Inc liciI It fotn niil aft c r ii.Ir , It I ii ftt3.cight (
yeArI of tgc' , ttj n the gratcr It1tIoi , of iuy , licl IiaI hccii % % , for 3 UI' , I
sI , reit1y iiirrcd , to ce tlio nc giFWtII ft liairof itiralc,1or , ,
.1. .7.
l'oi ennti iii l'rclcy & ShIp. . nut , I. Ic elaliul , 0.
I I Aul1u' , di d , Fciittiry Ii ) , 1Sa.
I l'lctil out three of your rcfcrt , , ev niitl trrot to thcii. , In all tijice
I t'Ct'Ii cl rei'l Ic ntiI t,1lrahutcq t hat ti , , ( iit er Iat , $ n tet lIIe aug11 on their
hoiti. Mr. , I. \t1lisui , of I hh i'ace. 1ui , gvu % tti
M I1d. t 1It ( ) ( I 1 sciiAi't' : It.
( ' , ' , Oiii , ' , Pdriar 21 IS'2.
I lia , , tie.1 I ' 's I I ti U itu en for tioaI win s rRr. ttttl It Itle lirttlttecil
ft oo.i groouli if link wIikii aeari ccocr tIloitnhl. . ( 'AI'T. A. L. Me.Ih3fl4.
( 'l.KI.A I , , ( liii , , , I'c1ittiit 24 , 1 SS. ! .
( let tAiut t n ycarl liieo in hair teiotne ticoil 511(1 Ifeh , nnti cob.
I,1tIcciI feillii out 1' hziifiil. , , titit if iwnt I. , on of , n a I'Al e P.M ILu
i'flhIU of liy , iatii. , , fl. thu iii of fliTI\I4 I I U II u ; n ,1out , IOSi in , , my
hair , t. Its itIgh al ittlit ) . nmitl nuo hae a e hrail ) f lou
ecr. p. i , t'Ai.iii.
: N 'i '
'roin Photographs Taken Before anlt After Using
liKt , " lIi Usto , Co ter ir I Icl flflt PiiIetI the (1rer ( hut it
few , , toLtmtbcii heW hair contmcmtt'eil tngrotc over AU timatlotiof mnv hCiI wIiIli
tait o hahi , em , , ) I iov , Iste eq good ri ) ietI ot liitir im nitrdt It ii ti'e ' onit.
I'rel ttnttl i , I Uc.y kiit , hidi , , tttI , grow liitlt fur elm itctimrtl ftrt.
M. II iIi ; : ii , ( , , , . I I ,
liTI' lI.ts , (1IttlIt ( 'o. ( knIM-I.A't VAIl I comuiiune'ii ml'in oir , Iltir
( I ron er , I " it.m .pilto i'thi .tii ) nf III IititI , itiI , 10(1 1 tt Ic litil It Ii , , i , ,
rej.roditIiij , litr , hut I h'eI , it inl.iht cure I ima tirrIIle It lii tiil , lieti ip the
,1ter lti..i. , , lug I lircu hot tIi , I 'o fl ngr coil v luriruseil t t1mmiI , , m , ,
( 'rot , itmm , milotmieI ' , itti it .11k3 i > at of litir froth a lou f tti tutu' . 'jlattri % of
nil Inch 1)11 . tinirm' trih ,
- .1 : iuoi i : ii. t'i i i itA ' , Viciii , , I II. .1 mimic t , i
Ii ' it' . M lLi P' , (11111' , 1u1riart ii ; , I i1.
I ml'Cl Otis bottle , , f the ( irt , er , ititli hi , us po.i groo iii ' f ImIr.
0. ii I'lI'It.
. limciiinem' , Vs , F(1IItIrr ' $ , iS. .
iIt , : , ' I iti ii (1 sot , mom ( 'i Ciet choit , , 0. ( lciit . I ani miiv'li lilt a.i , t ; tI
the citec t nor I laIr ( Iron er. n lildi one of iii . at lout g Ita L'tcii uiig.
l'Iee eil , it I , ttie to 1)11 ) S.MPi. MO)111 : O2Vot tlnt'o i411cLt
' -Th
/ :
( h
u . . . . ' :
N. DOTV-Pictuie froii iIfc I1oto- N. iOTY-Tiia effect of BK'ioi
graiii &t tim I ge of (1 ( 1 ears. L'n to It tilt ( lItoWgn , after eijnton mnontIi'
prove'l by core of tItiiccs Vhcmm ue ; the growth of hair In the ate , it
tiii iIcttiro one tittcii ho hal heeti 1a1d cao ttas as gooil iui iii 3mth.
for thirty ycar.
flMsToN Iltis UkimEn Ci , , Gent. I itmim forty tv 3eariinf age , mitmil ilatu l.cmi
btId for itomne teti .t cnr , . I t.oiinncn' iii the mtc m'f liemitom , , hair ( I rotvr i'
woekH ago only , anti It Iia' irolIici a most extrannultiary grotIi of hair. thicI ,
cocrs tue foicriitidiicmi , , to the uniforni length of not. iwu than one tiiIi. ,
ft. TI1OMI'SON , imtemltor'I'Il'liIileon , , ( lumiCluvcIaiitI , ohm.
MAIm.iwotn , ieccmnicr , , hSiil.
I tis1 it-last year , and like it imuicim. MtU. M. 1' . IUNKLiiL
NITOX IA. , October24. 1881.
I eoinnieiiced , iInr about the flrbt of June , and hitto nearly two inclieit
length of hair. M. A. SMAItT.
NMt1.iiiiiiiy , l.i , . , Ottober 26 , ISSi
it hat tarIcd a growth aluit , an inch long. . it. SIIAFCII
10mTtI' , PA. , December 10 , 11,81.
31 nude , 1. P. 1iine , itnya he lit , a new rott1 ( If hair.I .
I ) . J , 1i0W1I.L.
fr. LOUIM , lcomiihcr 13 , 1883.
This } 'ali , 1 found to toy Numprisii , cnIiltrah1u , miami , four or the inches
longgn't log fromi , thu bald spots. juts. MASON.
- - - . - - - - - - - - - - -
- -
YiL or nirows
Every lit GIIOWEIL a
PIle t hen lImying it ,
1ut before ' all of the first 1ottlo , ac.
klisot ledge tIit' it ia , , either toppeil the
hair fromi , FALl (1 ouT or cred then of
DANDRIJrP , t e1 the ItllilIg the itcaiji
or that new hair ia t)1flhIeIceI to grow ,
I I you 1io , if ii , , one is s , ha hi miin it ; ,
( LIII at our ofihtu amiti tt c tt ill i , u no IIC8 , of
. . . rc.Iionslhut , parties that .viti t.a , , ttl1 upon
, k.rc.Iionslhut ohuraelvcs. .
: , . . . if. upon exahmilmi.
, titiOfl of hcai ,
- your , we tell too the hair
'vu iIi IIEFUNL , TiIl M0NY
' f one bottle tloe miot liot you new hair.
'all , te un Illore to comit inee you that it
.10 jii4 'that te , laim fui It.
RUIlOIlI , Ohio , April 80 , hSS3.
Beio 11.oit ( nlItEt , ( ' , . , Cleireiind , 0. Gcnticmne-'IIe , , uo of voir , hair
Oratt or hai .topcl "u hair falliii. As it dressing it i oxcdleit , n it keeps the
scalj , clean aiiI free flout daiidrtatT. Yours 1upectfil1y { , ,
Mits. It. A. CUOSSLiv.
I1r.o o , litma ( iitowr.n ( o. Iear SIrs-how miiticli ejli you sil moo two lint.
tei ! of triple treuigtIi for ? I hint the hIll of vrics so that I ( atilmot tell. lIy
hair has Itiii 'nit for twenty ycals , amid I hatogot it .tirtei tilciiiy. My hair
griolmir liis , old a great mimarly bottles , tIioo that I.ay toy ijetil leIoru I , ,
to use it aiiI sIiie they saw that lIio hair hits began t , , grsi' , it cot tIieii wild ,
Yours truly .1. Ii. SIIEi1IIAN , ibx ti3Otl Icuscr ) , Col.
J liii ii. Taylor , (0,10 ( , of ( Ito heirs to tlio Imiiineiu , 'F.syior estate ) . of New-
Port. 1y. , iays liii' llr.N1oi ii % Ii cain , ca : "I hatu tmcd it emiIflnil : It au that Iii
clal mieI , for It. I iilto it cry iiiiiel i. It ham gr'ia n iialr on iiiy head to sommic
litNTIIa : liMit Gituwcii C .b. Clot ciatiti , 0. hear .SIr-Ycir , ictter recelt ed
asking 1eriiilssIoii to toe mit. mijs letters for Itlblication. Not remneIIljorig , , shat
I Mrate , I feel MeIialthu about Iia'Iii it sliowmi to the piihiilo. I it lii itay iii tIil
that can cheerfully m ccoiiiiieiiiI , t on r Heir ( iros , or os hat iii dunn for immo what
no otlie r mneiilcine has , ioiie , atiti I lat o Iecii muider miletilcal t reatimicut of time liest
doctors for many scars iiot only in thii.i hut oilier States. My eao was a sOul , .
born one , huitit yleldeulto your hair ( iroaer from the start. halo reromohuieu , .
, leiI it to a great mauuy hero. emil they ave uiscul it wit ! , ucceu.s. I cannot jeak
too iuijrhily ( if it , You caui 11.0 I his let for it wbii.
\urs JlupLctluI1 ! ) hISS iliANuls irii. :
I :
S . . I '
. ' N i
: ,
-I :
. ,
.I . .
( ' .
; , , zI I T' ' : -h.1 : : ' 4
Iul.IoItI. : : UI4INO , AI i 111 IsiNti
Hit'ii' ifAlli ( IROWE.Ci ) . ( icati For souls years i iuumre 'lOch ' quIte haul on
I from , , ont.tiihmil to une.islf ) iiy , licaul. i tiuiiiiiieiiod the di'o of [ i'.tu'
(1RtEid ) about ak ttcuks , .himcu niuui ti mumy great stiriurio , It llt4Irnduico1 a
tiul k groa th of hair froiui ohIo.taf to .uie Imirim Iti leiigtti ,
Ii , : iI , FItINciI : , &ii Propcct Stt'icte1aum ] , 0hui.
A iniott one tIuIl of iuiy he sul tu aS ball , atiti now on calm haull t mnitieu the
siuot at tuji. it ha , uioi , trouuilers for iue. ALVA V. tiIug. :
I hail mint alilikul tue ( irwer Iiui lefarc , itprolumred uigouI growth of lis.'r '
of nitnu si eoliir au ( It or itli t hit uuurt if my licisil ithi , n & fortuierly haul , thu
is luuw from tiirsu to for , incie : , h1 iiItiI , ii'd euntimitirs to gron thicker auth
health. . 3111s. 0.Y. . IIELDON , CiueiauI , , , Ohio.
Ch.c1tiATI. ( ) iiii , J0uuiary 8 , lS.
Myhair is itnrosiuig , WM. Ii. HAItMENINU , U8 Cilotuin $ troet.
flcFrAt.o N. 'V. , JsuIusry28 , 188 ! .
1ntead of being bald. I list it how it oouI ro)1 ) 01 hair.
. L0Ui unTMIiI , sos l.irland $ tieet.
0ftLAIo4 , lsn 1'cluruiary 6 , 1SS2
I hac itcemi one bottle of the Hair ( iruwur used with satisfactory rtsuit .
I have imseul the lisirOrower miot toexteed ten steckit , it1 , too huiost ultra.
ordinary results. Thencw runvtli of i air being ono.lialf to umie mci , iii lemugth ,
andtldcker anuhhicasierthan uverheforo. A. H. IflNECKE1I.C'ut.ISIIIIOuIo. ) )
( : ' - , ' 'A ; - 2' - SET1)OM IIEI'AIN Till : A1WNO. I
k----- ' -j' " aiuieS unco of their hair to old atc , al.
though tots' Iueciiio , entirely lli'i 1,1) . I
' ? If tues _ would rub Otis iieaui ry thoroughly with hue
c : ( CII , ! , , of the Iii gers us cry muiglit and 01,113 iIN1 ( ) N' $ I
lit ( ltOiVl ii ot cry iutier , ulidit , thi.u hair st ouitl not I
. . . 'iJ.T. OUT or Our , , ( IILAY amid 1)ANIiiUi'l wunhILl I
I1cutr. it iuu an eidant ircstiuig , anti itpu ills iit Ii. I
I crhuujui , or Ciltis , nUll hits ii one of thu objectiomialulo I
rolierties of hair oil.
Three car ago I lual ; au attat ii Of ryi lioiul fever , liicc tiicim liii ! lotir 11aM
liceui tallimig 'nit. I hatu , ucI 0110 bottle of rjentoui'i , hair Orower itiiul Iii ) , hair
has . ceasoul , unt , and I behlete ojie liottio of , lotililo strength tuili mutart a
lies , groa tii of hair.
MItS. 11. 1.1. MOOiIl. CIluitoum , in.
Dear Sir-A1iout : ( unucar anul a half ago , I Iuuiight , a boOth of onr litir
( lrowcr amid I founui that it btarteul sot a new gron tli of hair on nuy iieaul s % I icli
ha huceui juartlail bald for veare. hieietfiiiir yohIru.
.1. II. iiAl.u'm' Mitciiclt hut.
VII.ltltuuTOii. lit , . , Ichirtuary 7. 1883.
flito l1tiit Guowout CO. ( Jeiitlenie-\'ouur , , iureiaratloui hits itt'uhiIJII ) my
hair frouuu full g cutit , auiul a uiut gruus thu hiss mnutIuu Its LIjIluoaIltuucu. i'ic&uuti seuiui
another huottlo for mnyuueif aui'J one for a friend. ltoiuy , emicloscul.
Yoirs , , .1 , ' . 4 .JlN liNt.
Dear Sirs - Tutu preparatiun tOm i.ent. flue to 131111) ffl , Va , , litit July , luM
StOiIIitui 1I13 hair falling out , and a sIiI hi runu . I hi , uf hat r luiti uinudu It ujuilear-
alice. Yours , .3. 5. .l'OiiIlNSiliiiugtuumu , Oct.
hJr.lTot hAuL (1htowuuu. Co. hear Sirs Aluint ml. 3OI ago. omue.haf ! of my
head st as b.tltl ahlul shlii v , aiiul am huirc : tiM I lie inlmn , uf 1113 luamuul. I % , aIu tout luy
lIhYiClahiM that It WthiJ ) be iuiuuuitthulu for hair to row ou , III ) hiunul , as I 1usd stif.
fumed so 1011(11 fromis hlehIrtIlgia. I uumn user , Ity e.urs of au anul huegaul to siso
your IfMr ( irotter ICMM thizii a 3 ear aro. I 111110 PlOW ac gOuuil It head of hair as
0 % CF had in OmIt Ii , It I nuit' frouia Il'o t 0 t'I 'c iiictio IIu IeuiI4tli , ituiul iii such a lux-
U taut condjtioi that no Omie a ouiul tiiink I list us or liocli luald.
31 liii. C. II , % \ i 11 , lit Cllntuui lt m eat , Cliveituuul , OhuI.
Mu . A. V. 1nt mall , Hilt ilk , Ohio , says : ' I t Iutuik 01 0 haIr lu u.t rsuiuc 'Ill I r.
Jauutiiaui's , head. IL certainty starteut uloan hlelt to his oil heir suit tiit , haul
sj0t Oil IIt ) heat ! luau got a thick groa tii of fluic hair about cii mcii Ion. "
From Photo-microscopic view of
the Diseased Hair. Hair From Photo-nL9roecoPIc view of
I the I- ' ' - ' Hair. _
. This discasti i cubed by a cegetahule huauahte of
/ / / /
. % fumuiguuiul growth auth hit
. , g000rallyuhlyideul into sot eral .
tarhoties. Somnetjic , tue ' /
taut at other thmiic tue dieao eltuOulS Over the a hole Aj (
ciu1iu , tinul not hlfitreuiiaeitiy , the hair fali off the u 0. ! ; i Il , '
.e / I , 1u u' , 1 % I. itker and othiitr II , , tiouM ( If the hotly alto , , ' 4 , , e ; ;
, ' - uflCthinu thu ' uliht III the hair for a long i/ i
. - - . : . ' tuio before the nature of Ohio i1litio is iunown ; but ,
- -u ; . _
_ 501) CC urlatcr , It Is uiru todestroy tue vitality suit
_ _ ; : : audo Ohio hair to ( au
_ _ _ out rspii1i , mtnuh Iii ninny cae "
. ' irc.uhuclng heiuJrics In a low weeks. tinoriii the
: - rnp. reiuioiuhtory .ymnjI olnu will usually b fuuuuuh an ht1. i/ / / ; /4 /
- , . - htj ; of thu scnlj , auuut sooru thc haIr becomes brsiy ) , , . . . , I
aunt iiartli amuul fiIls : out rusjuidly. In sonic varietIes ( .
- - . - . , . . It eozuie out ui circuihar patrhuc , lealilig the ealju / ' . , I
- - - - .
- . - - . .4 hare , uriul if thin Is . .l/ , 4
- - - - : -r. - I iuarJslte not u1ctruycul at once , e. . / / h/i
teud 05cr liii , , i iuule of thu u.calju. Ami troublel hi ///t / /
; tiil uihtease ran anuul Iii ii fetu hairs for uxanilnthuui , " f' 4 I ,
. aiuuh svo us ihi u.cuih a urterIutjuu , , free , to Iuu uved Iii ' )
.u tuinuutctioii ; alibi llr.'uut , , Ir.tia duOs , out
- - - -
All a 110 l 0 B a I d , till abut , are 1uromnhmij ji I ci , all 'a Iii , duu uout u nuit to ho I d , a'l ' a ho aru tr.ubheil with n d r ufY , 'or I to h I n g , ut thus scalju
nil ehio % sahIt Mustaches or 'mJh lakers. LI u1hii' ' i'Flt cII'tif : Ohuosu 1islhii 11 IiI1ON'I1 hAul OIIOWEII , liaso gru.ahl uuuslr. It rahla suIfletilIhti3 It hiemi
the fiulhlviui Of the hitir hiaru I 001 khlicul by IlulsIuulolIt proiuarathu'uiuu or ekluu , , but thuoe cases aru so few thiac every one ShhOIJl.l ) 'FIIY IT. If II fahlsto stol'
the hair falling , It Is froiui a Ilar3bIto or Aloluecla , as dwsrIhueul above
What Kind ofOald Heads May be Sure of a Growth of Hair.
'Ihii'ough ick.itu , an' ) tc irs the haIr e tiuctincs , laths of ! Ii , a hort thin ; , uuiuh though the er , , , tony hate rtmnai.Il ! livid for cars , there ( all lie uo.en a
growth , of hair , ttlikbi coyur thu su.slp. if you , u'u thu ( irowor nccordhi , to ,1itu tluuii you are suhtu of a gronthi of haIr.
IIir c3-rcwr
\\'ILL PItEVEN' ! ' 'l'IIE llttIlt 'I'UINING GRAY I vjjj , S'l'Ol' 'l'IIE IIAlt FAJ4l4lN ( OIVI' I
In ) nilulreds of cases iii which we have prouluccul a good growth of hair on those who have lucoii balL anti gliuzoul 1w' yeaRs ,
we Ihavu fully substantiated the following facts :
1 . Vo rail grow hair In SO case , , out of etcry 100 , PlO matter tiou liuig lujIl , 6. W'u have the um104 vulnIIcruih ( Ih.ausiry ever renr.lel Iii the aiuuials c4
- , . To grow a leavy nuuitarluu or eyehurutss , it is juuit thu thuhn. sclvrcu.
:3Vo : ( auI grow haIr cmi a ii.iui , or hcaL I 7. it is it SItelIlo for falling haIr , , haiulriIT , , , umid Itu'Iitiiji of the u.iulju.
4. tJuhthu tither I1riarattu1i , , it coutahuus Jun sugar mit heal. or teetable or f 8. 'flue flaIr ( hrussLr i II loIr bush , auul its c.Iuhljuosjtiugi 14 uluiot , usacti
or imihuicral Iohoxls. I hlkethia till ahbcli ituIlIluliCS Ohio haIr suhih , Iltuiht ) ,
3. It I juust as ca5 % to gruvt hair as s egutahuueuu. i a. it t jumut vi lint It Is rejurescuuttul , uiiil notlihuig lu.
Double and Triple Stronth When thu slut , , I. tory toughs aruul Jiaril , aul tie foIhitic l' uaruutiy dr.ctuiahly rlsd , thu iubu , , .treuiidhi su II
soineUues Lj I to read , the ' umuihi t tul such tttvu , t hue uiuuuhuio or tri1IIc atrvigth ; , muliould lu's % * siI lii coil Jut ethu , , , sejili thu single , tisimii ; tlit in gilturuun tI , I'rieu , J ) uulIs
Htrt'lgttu , , .i.OO jiir tiottie ; I'rfiiki iitrcrigthi , 4l.
'I. , , itliuw that sso huts ( I conthuieuie itu 1IINTON'H I hAt It I hlou'III : , u will south , biargts , prepald , t u any nil on rvrthjut uuf J'is ii iol hi . , Si.ur , Ii , uttI's lit
sluiglu strcuigthi amiul iio Iuuttl of uluuhi1ettrciitI , . If niul lwnruhIui ii , , hircctloi , iumiuh thu lersouu l , ut 05cr tO tar of age , s e luiI uuuirstjlucs Eu , leflIlilt thui.I
hlIorley If tin lidS roa In ( uf haIr Is 1'rod'I 111101 thu IhtuhututtIc huato lice , , 'Ibed Oh , onti l'CIshi , , tr5o cuitracts , tatuvui umuiess wtuitI 1ualtum , uiitt.
liOllI I'81-'fluusu t41.i1 buy it and ahuilylO thiuunu.ele ci , , reottu just as muutieti luemidilt fruiu it as If treatoul at our ullheu , If tIv , vlhI use It stil thy iuouorIlui
Is 4hiethhoiir. If you arc haul uiui , vuuit a grouthi of hair , luuy Rho ( irosr suit muse It ; hut IC ( ) L * ito hut Irutuid to line art'urujimi I' , , hhrcrtIoId , , % iuI Vu , , uihii
lf.lMdl 1rcfr you woumluhict it ajomie anulsasu your ni'uiwy ' amuul ( ho rejiutatiomi of the hair ( re4er ato.
Price , Single Strength , $1.00 ; Double Strength , $2.00 ; Triple Strength , $3.00.
If ) 'Qur clrugiets hiiive not got it , % ve will semi it prepaid on receipt of price. 1.Euehi iuitereeting rounthitig abwtiL fim hair free
oil alLJhieatiOiI. )
Addre8 B1NTON HAIR GROWING OOMP1NY , Brainard B1ock , Cleveland Ohio.
Pill ! Statiiiciit of the Paiious
Farkcr Knliii Estate nit.
Tvu Thimnisnuit hive Ilusmutireul AeteM
Vnhti'uI at Omu' hluittireul
The suiiL ( if J. M. Parker vs. N. A.
ICtihiti , 1i(1 oIl trial iii thtos lisricL ( Court ,
lia oxchtoul COhIit'llehflhlO ( ) ituteret iii the
city. Mr. 3. r , Kuhiii bought in 1860 ,
011 jtmdgtitotit. against the Florence lainl
Cesinpatty , ti,1360 aries arosuttd h'ries lake ,
valtied 11(1W at $100,000 , on which there
were tltcll stainhing mortgages executed
in 1857.
lii title case the ilruintihI , Iirst
in court tlit' l1at'IitM frotit thu govern-
lhtCitt. to the pro.utnptons , olceula front the
pre.elnptois to t lIe Fluirenco l4iinul Coin.
Ilitily , iiiortguigcs oif time lanul Cotnally
matte iii Sotolnber [ ) , 1S7 , auth also et-
olciiee tuf tite sitits of foteclosuro , ( If I StitI
atni l8'uO ( , nitil tiureliuso tittolur the hat.
tar. hiM PilIchiaso vas innule hillIer
sale of l'titster ' ! .lntties Ci , Cltaptiiaii ,
ill 1860. Iti addition to itll title
evitloitco , there vctu lIrolticed iiiatty
other deeds , and the record books of the
cOUnty , showitig a peifect chiniti of title
down to the presehit Utiio , and jrOof Of
Possession nitut resiulumee of over twenty.
three eare itt aduhil ion to costly ititol viii-
ul'uiule IhtllroveInente during that time.
'l'hie ' counter claim of 1tIlmU to all timis
jut a uiuhgtiiotit obtnimmed iugniust.
t ho 1lorcmmce Ltimd : company , the
tmtortgagors , ulumriimg the foreclosure of the
mortgages held by the thrum of Cook , Siur-
geant tS : ; l5itrkur tutu a part of time hutids in
commtroveray ohm t 1w uhiutus before stated.
The sale ouch inmrcliMe uiiider said juuig
iIltiIit ill 1860 was subject to siuti inort-
gages executed in 18117. 1. l'it. Parker
imutrcimased itt the l'taster'mt nab in April ,
1860 , and the sale vits conlirIneul iii J tmiy
( If time satmie ycai- , and the iilntmter's uiced
istmetl , h'arker t.nkimmg luossession 1111(1
inaimitaihmilig it ever BjhlCl ) .
ltllihi rested ( Iii time simimile rotitIll of
time sherifF , doing itotlmitig in time immttor
for over tweimty 3Oiii S. lie filially cammme
immto cotmrt ut Jamimimwy , 1880 , askmumg the
COlIrt-Witimttit notice to anyone-to eon-
saiti sale of 1860. 'l'his was ( lomb by
tim court amid a deed ordereti to be
tiiade by the SImeriIi which was
dommo and recorded. Tiuereupomm
iimhmi assigmmcd this vaitmable property to
his soum , Norman A. Ktmimn for time autt of
fifty thllans.
Time vlaintifr claitne that yotimmg ICumhmn
thereupon coimimmiunced to sell the lniida
under the Slierifi's deed , at imomtmimmal
priccfl , rnmmgiiig froumi two to three dollars
pr acre upon lamul worth $15 to $2i1 at
the time , thereby ollmbalrasumilmg aimol
greatly injuriumg time plaiiititi's title and
bug possession.
Froni Spriimgfleld , Mel. , Mr. Chine. 0.
Addisuim , writes as follows : ' 'I hitch a
severe spraihi ill nmy right knee conipoll-
ing mc to use crtitclias for several weeks.
1 found 11(1 relief Iii other reimiodics nlmd
limmally tried St. Jacobs Oil. In ii slwrt.
tiimte I could bommd my knee : umd before
usitmg mu bottle 1 laid aside may crutches
1111(1V8S able to walk a well as ever. "
L'El.SON aid.
circular , 155110(1 by ( eIlrgo It. Iloidrodgo ,
uissstttit : gciieiutl itmaimagor o time 11. & M.
railroad iii Nebraska , aiumiouitmee the reuuigmia.
hoii of i'ullr. ' .1. ut. I harr , , utrchmimvi mig agent , Iii
order tinccujut it P0510101m ubuovhoro , iusul thin
iiju1ioiitiuiouit ( If ilr. C. 'uE'oimul Lu , fill time
, J. E. Iiluirkcl , vhiu , imut. lucoum coimhittod to hmlu
lueuI , sutifomliug fruumum humlllarial favor Is rohuurtouI
iuiiichm butter.
I' . .1 2\lcShmiumiu loft fuui Chicago ycuuterdiuy
aftcriiouumm hl , tue sliuurt liit , ,
.Atitly 'mtoimyliami wemut caut y040rlImy oil a
husinosa tiii.
CotinciimuiuuiVooilvvuirtiu immiul ( 1ilof i on-
hoer Fatiimliig , of the Barber Ashijuiialt coin-
lultuly , weiit out to Valley yesterday.
lf'ii. 'P. 'I' . Stuigluisor , secretary of I iluihmu ,
coma In front the vcst latt nigimt. lie wits
takemi ill oil this trat mm iii , ' ! cuouttiolloul to stai
over at Ohio l'tixtoti fur a ulny oiOwu , ,
N. Slueitoii VAIl Iii town yesterday.
u1rs. I I envy ( : i Iuu mm xiiiul ilamigluter caine hi
( mum Salt Lalcu City Inst tiiglit.
Jioracti Nowiitaim loft , Sittumrdiiy for a tiip
lli. ? ii. If. Iihiuui wemmt to l'iujuilliuii yostor-
Iloui , J , hi. ] huitlctt w : a vouut bunmimd pa-
suniger yoiutcruluy.
Vic ] Hurhowor goei to Custer county yes.
terulay tu , attuimul court.
E. 1' . 1)avis and fauuliy imave retuirumoll Irma
us visit to Clilciugu , timid ? mlilwuiukee.
S. ' 1' . StiIUi , gouutirtii smiiicriuuteuuIoimt , of time tlI Islimm of tii Union I 'aol lie , is I it this
] 'tilsi IIlzahoLhm Anuleisoim , of 1lmmrIettim ,
Ohio , lit viMitimug Miss Butterfield at. Itnyor
! l IIIj I I anmiumhi Smith lumit ( or ltii ver Friday
ovouimug L u Vilt. her brother. Sims will he sl-
suiuit ii imiotith.
Ju'V _ hhmmitliiuiier Is thu do1.ot , uasonger
a.geimt ( if the LJjiliim , l'acItic , liaviui liolti that
title iiinco May 1st. .tis ij _ OCIIlO.I.hlt
utIis.i Jila lItllllUy , thi. , luIliluihlir lady Iwlis
Ims3 haul cliargoutIio , , 1'.vxtuinhuum flrjLtilI !
tiews'stuiil for stuns tiitu4iuasloft
a visit , to I ) Lttiuiiwa a1muhlululriuo , lii.jju , tIV1SD
\v. C Xirclmmuumitm , of % 'aiiui , , the Iioiuuibllcimui
caitdlulatu for coummty clerk of 8auumuler couttuty ,
uauucd through time city to.diuuy cmi rommts Ituh110
froimi ii triti to Chicago motul hialtlimiuro. At the
latter jdmcs hum atteuitleul time convontiuuii of thu
Jhuhiczgija ii I tuumniun Catholic , I be miovohohit lJmilui. ,
'l'huu tolIuwiuig use umiioimg time arritumis ut the
J'iuxt.iui S&mthlrhIsy : 14. A. Itnritiimo , sFuirys.
vile , mIo , ; l , I ' . I I umumbrlghmt , , i'iuiiuiulelpliia ;
Chits. . , l umuitz , J'hui liii id idilut ; .1 , A . huichiuiituu ,
LI. . H. 4t. Main J.eorm , New York ; ( ieuurjoV. .
\Vuigtutier , I 'huhltvulohpiilim ; Luther h I yule , Neiv
York ; ( loorgu , JcyTumlomitlno , Nmuhi , ; .1 , 8 ,
'I'uiI ' 1 sIam , Clulcajo ; I .t. 'i ulmmus ; , LI. 8. 't . ; .1.
I 1 , Sott , IT , 8. . 't. ; I I. J'ltmiol , Jiostun ;
Clots. 1. . Voy , lhu4'iui ; it. .f. Fiurui , Jr. , 111dm'
iuuun1 , 'u'a.V' ; , 8. I tiggi , Cluiragu , ; V. mI.
' 1'iuyltr , St. I .uuuls ; 'J'lmuis. ( ochmm'mmtu , ChiIcagi ;
(1. ( 1) . Jmmvls ) , Coveuituuji , iy. ; It , jul. Steven-
Cl lll 'l Isuuuiri ; ; 1. C ) . id uuliiisk , Huim iraiic1sce ;
J , 0. u I . , urhiumiulChiicagu , ; I'd. ' ( oouimummum , Chilcagu ;
V. V. l'ilco , stiiiioii , Nub. ; \ " , 1' . .1. Deltoid ,
Ciilol4.flu ; .1 ohuiiV , \VI Isomi , N. 't' , ; .f misVuire1
Ogailahmi ; Jmt. A. I ioouhlui , jT , 5 , it. ; 0. Il ,
Cmmimorditill , 1lWLI , Johami .1 , Carmiovur , Chicago ;
1rod. l'iircuby , ( Jiiicmigo ; 'il. 0. lIohhls , 1irt
I ) uitaiia ; ( ' . I I . linker , l'ulluitituapolls ' ; Chits. it ,
cuuhhiiis amid sister , Ottawa , bolva ; .1 , V , ' , Luti-
wick , Chicago ; Jdward luIeEumti ! , St. 1oo ; ii ,
S. Stateker , cimicitimmati ; Class. lOin iaaiis , Ciii'
cage ; V. J. hlaticock , Ii' , L. Claric , lirs ,
% Vmdkor , Ituoti uuimd 1)aii , C. 11 , ; 11 ebort 13 ,
Cone , N , \.i P. \S'Imitnoy , V. ; Church
I 1.111 0 , Aiultmnm .1 , (1. ( Scott , ( 'hilcago ; Vin.
13 , hhmrgess , lhroiukiyn ; i. It , 1ooto , lies.
t'uii ; , I. S. utolatiiels , N. V. city ;
\\1hI Chuumston , elurnska ; ( InnV , hooker
iitl vie ( , Han Fraiieiscu , ; Capt. 'iItmnsiim and
'v lie , Ft. hirIulgor A. ( lootitnuun , CailformmIa
Alex Imilmmiatt , Now \'ork ; I'roui ' 1' . Vnuii ,
( 'hicsguu ; Iltts , 1) . AIling , Now 'tirk ; i ) , 11.
\Vlme1er , PiIsttsmnnmtli ; 1) . 11.Vhmoolcr , , lr. ,
i'latt.stiiuutitim ; Tliiuq , 0. iutclormoil , Fnlrlmry ,
Ia. ; 11 , 0. .AlatImll , Nstt't'rk' 11 , 11111 ,
SurImigticlui , 'ulaas. ; A , \ V.Voobklii , evv
Vork ; .1. 0. Slitter , \Vashmimigtoii , 1) , 0. ; ( i.
M. Sweony'ahmingtott , I ) . CJoum. ; . A. lci.
StIlu , Ot'ork ; A , Cnlmtitm , Chicago ; ( . ' . 'I' ,
U liliotO anut s lie , limuhlamma ; 0) . .1. hing , 1 .3mm.
colit ; Chits , 'I' . l'nrslou ) , a's , 1.ehuriuuki , l. S.
'l'iui , , 3 , , ? ly l'artmit'r 1'V. . Hoyt , ' ( OV. '
\ul k ; 'l'huui , I \Ill1aItmMIort , 1 'a. ; \t.
Ii , Priestloy , los Moitmes ; Mrs.'lli S.1sc ,
l'Iattsmnuumth ; ? d rs..Tmmo.Seaiuuurms , l'IIlttsmnmmtIl ;
\Irs , lr. lituslysheii , tihuimwool , , in. ; Mitrs , 1
v. hilmiMohl , ( iicttvol , Ia , ; V. I. \\'hulte ,
i'iuuttuilmuutim ; N , Siiermiinii , l.'uuknk ; ? uI ,
Sturmu , I lmvstlmugs ; .1. II. Alloui , ( llikaguu ; C. 'r.
Clark , Clmicagtu ; W. l , i'lnlIu , , Slouma CityJ.
. 't3kuim , Cimlca + o hlnwoy Stork , CiulezuugoV. ; .
I : , .leimklns , New \rk ; .1 , 0. 'uliurr1vny ,
i'lattsmimotmthm ; A. Vt' . Cribs , I'lattvttmotuth ; .1.
I 3 , uIarshmidi , ( uummncll hhiumhTh ; 'rhieroti Nyu ,
Froiuiotmt ; fl. 11 , Oakly , lAncolnV. ; . 0. Ilol.
Its , I .Imueuuiam ; J C. Ctmrtlss , Clicago ; Mrs S.
C. Smith , Beatrice : \IIss Vauutmlu iligly ,
( otiuua Fulls , N. 1' . ; i. ? l. 'ularshialI , vite amid
uliumglitor , ( ireotm ilityVmn ; , II'lmlto , Clii.
. ' : ugo ; l.ornmi Clink , Albiomi , Nob. ;
F' . M Sackutt , Aituloim , Nob. ' .
( l. j1 , ilanilitoim , St. . l'otui ; llotmryootl'
haiti ! , Chikavts ; C , l ) . 1.111) ) ' , louisvlllu , icy. ;
,1 . , 1 .lliy , Chminugo ; iIrs. I I. I s. I luuvemi , St.
I .uumiI : I" . 1)ttmmhap , Chtcngui ; , I. I ) . llnyulon ,
Siiehl'meiui , I hi. ; .1. 0 1 , Flbson , 1Jtlca , N , \ ' . ;
i.ureim Clark , Aibiomi , Nn1. ; 1 , .1. Clark amid
iatly ; , Iohh 0. ii. hgiuii , Nevv\'ork ; Fratmk hi.
\Vytutatt , New Vturk ; P. S.VoIr , Now Yorlc ;
I ) . K. Tuttle , lialtIlimuro ; iIrs. ( irossati , hat.
tinituro ; it . 1. Lee , Vrointsim ; F. (1. 1 lotmder.
i.hutt , Ottawa , Iowa ; Fraimlc StaltorulAubtmrmm ,
N , V. ; I. 'i. \\'tvut. \ , htostomiV. ; . C. Cimnaimm.
by , Slulmmtuy ; 14. 1) , lkubldtis , ? dn.usachmtmsotts ;
I ) . It. hiopklmiim , ( : hutcitgo ; 1) . S. hum , 't\'otud.
ford , Iii. ; LawrommcaVhiitcomnt , , Ikustoim ; .1.
l. Nylammdto , Chtuyoiumo ; 0. 1 . . Frimtmcliu , Clues.
t.r , Ill , I 0. S. Chamiubomiaitm , Chuicagus ; It. 0.
ilogors , Cimiciugo ; l. It. l.yforui , hutton ; A.
Sawyer , Chicago ; U.V. . 1)atis amid vsifo , Now
York ; EV. . ( ) hlurimman , luuammsas City ; Mrs.
Crossiui , iiuisaa Clty 1tisum l.oumlse Itummimsoy ,
llaruihiimiltovvis ; hut , , iu'tammels I'imtersomi , ? uhar.
muimaiituswim ; II. A. iutoKee , Ilollefonto , ¶ I'umm-
Tini follovvimmg were uttuioig the murrivais at
the 1'atomi hotel Smmmday : I I. 13. Summithm , city ;
It. hull , ] humlfnlo , N. Y. ; Itimliuhi Iiln.itindale ,
i'hilhiuiehidtia ; It. Sergeant , l'mttiurg ; P. it. .
Arnold , Chicago ; F. Fider , Sclmuylor ; J. C.
Baird , Chioyeimne ; 0. F 0. Smmiltit , St. lunmls ;
71. 1)Veicti , lAnc'oltm ; 0. A , hiarmiumo , New
York ; .l. F. liammo , l'liliuulelphmia ; ( . hicimtoim ,
Now York ; 1) . Fargo , Amirora ; (1.V. .
Ituudkiti , New York ; Outy A. Lang amid wife ,
North l'latto ; 1)1muu Brotlerick , Fort ( iibioim ;
(1. ( \Vilhlaiuistuti , New York ; \V. A. North.
rump , New York ; V' . hi. Euiglisim , Kiuisa8
City : , lmtimwsV. . huugaii , New York ; \V. A.
higher , New York ; I. Tj. 1.cinltigton , Ash.
land ; (1.V. . tles ) , Chicago : 11. Kimiuithm ,
New York ; Limwreimce 'iViulteombo , Boston ;
Jul111 'iVotutlward , Chicago ; 1mmghm Clotmm-
itlotiM , ? uluuiciosier ) , luavit ; T. P. l'ortcr , Obey-
amine ; J , S. Clarlcsuiim , Schuyier ; ( . i1u1 , l.aimi.
litum Loam , ltmclmm , ; , r , tilucmmluol timer , i'eu Vurk ;
.1 , :111. : i.edgerwumil , Chicago ; harry liarkimi ,
Nuss ltelIud ; 11 , 1 u. JIttehi , mIittimciiiuolls ; (1.
1) . Iitvi , imitiii ; S.V. . lJOWtiOy ,
nile ; i. \Vylaiiler , Ciioyoiiii'i ' ; .1 . r. Til.
ihtoit , 1 'lullituloijuimia ; .1 .1V. . huiit'r utimul .1 osoluli
( l lecmnmI u , l'cui in ; ] i'.i. . , tl Ills , uI nrshialitovti ;
'I . ii. lirtitmulago , I ihuwatita ; 1uIvvhim Jrbos , ,
Cluiciiguu ; I : , I I . I t coul aitul dnughmtor , Bloonu-
liigtuuii ; 'I' . I' . I utuleritulhi , St. .1 on ; I I . I 'tutu.
sk3Oltiengo ; i. .1. . . 'oIutiis : , I'ittslnmrg ; 1)avu
I I , , esch , J.uts , title , ICy. ; ( ; . 'mV. l'itmkor , .1 r ,
Now \ 'ork'iIl ; \I. Thiuirby , l'htiladuhiduia ;
ii. A. ? ulltiur , Clikagn ; A. Ii. .stmiiuuhiroy , New
York ; iuhi' . .1. C Ilruso , Coituicil hihuuhls ; r.
\v. Cliaj utmuom , Cuiim utci I J fluffs ; .1 . 1. h'iest.tii ,
p. i' . c. ' . . a , ; .j B. 'ii ! ckho aiiI , wife , \VeoIIhtg
\ VatcrVt ; it. 'J'i on , I huuinUulilluifs ; I ) . l'uuumi lug-
thl , , Now York ; 1rniicisuuilhurimIgu , U. S.
A. ; 2'ihis .1. itiuguiu. , lotroit ; J. Corey , Ciiiculuu ;
S. Ii. Ziegler , Phiilutultuiiuiuiim ; Chums. 11. howe ,
? etv m'i uric ; ii , I I u uttuti , mud wi , o , Chicago' I E.
E. I Irovyit , I lostuim ; 1ui . Schuuitiuakor , Chiicvgu ;
N. Motguimustoliu , New York ; 'mV. GTumelcor ,
I , . I' . C. ( .i. ; I 1. 8. ( ilthlsll , P. 1' , C. C. ; .J.
N. Cortulsim ; llnutuiumg ; 'mV. F. WoelcH , 1) . 1)os.
cliii , , r. ir. , Johitiuuiutt , Nuvv uuiurk ; .1 ,
I luss , Cluicagu' ' ; ( lerriaViluutaclt , Citicuugi , ;
, ) uuH. \ Vilsoim'huoiuiImug , \n. ; V. C. Allen zuiul
vlfo , Sioux Fails ; 'miis jhleuu , Sioux Falls ;
Ltuuis llsotiulrathi , I Emuit , ( kiuu. WostJ.S. _ 1.
Aruuiiiuuioniit , Chicago , J , J ) . Prederlclcuuoti ,
N , y , ; ( iCV. . ( irity , Miehu , ; .si. 0 , ICeitli ,
Niirtiu 1'litte ; , Ius. ( hue , 1)avonpurt , liv , ; ' 1. ' .
sr , Sitiltit , N't' . . ; 'uirs ' , V. Sachuui aimul ciiiltl ,
( loiivtucuul , I us. ; it. B. luierunuit , I tastings ,
Nu,1 , . ; 1'V. . ? utc'iy , Nituusas City ; Ttii , . A.
lCd iuur , S t. I .u ntis ; 1 , I , hluirmihtamim , 1. ] . Summ-
, . ; 'mV ' , Sweat , ChmicaguhiS
\'t'uisCr , 1) . , J , ( ) 'loimahmuuo , N , Y. ; ( ] oo. II.
CImatitV .1 , Jamhuat 0 , Coutmucli ] l tills ;
(1. NIchols , Now York ; Jkus , ' 1' . 1 ° , Situjilsum ,
I ii rum ; Eu , liiu toit , 'I'erre I I auto , I tiuhiuttium. it
J. ( arrott , l'coi in , hlhiiuuiis ; E hirili , hiuuirutlu ,
New York ; C' . .J. Fremich , Conitectietut ; it. A.
Koaiiuoy umumul wife , Staimtuun , Nebraska ; iiiss
Ella Cluitutut ito , Counel I 131 tiffs , ul iss i'uiary '
Chuumhuhul liii , Council hilmull's ; 8 , \ \ ' . Strykes ,
I'huhhuuuiehpiuua ; .1 . 1) . Claik , I 'atullilomi ; 'rhuius , .1 ,
\Vhliuatuis , ICimiusuru City ; lint , \'ouung , St. .Jne ;
E. .1 , Iiluiruimu , NebraMlcit City , ti . Fmiudlnmuttor ,
Nohirruska City ; 0. ii. Imlmtstur , l'huuauluhiuhla ;
I I. I : , I ) ovvtu , Clu'mcagi , ; .1 , i . 't.ulfuttaim , uiil-
wututkeo ; 0 , 1 1 , ( arnuiciiao1 , 'l'umnua City , Jowum ;
, iT , , t . i1aruiliaii , I i umeohtu , Niulu. . uE. Ctuit , , ,
Aslmimuiti , Nub , ; 1 1. ii. luththuunht , wife auid Lvvu
chiiltiiemi , hi. ? ul , luuttuuuiimi , S. iuiy , iliulso City ;
I , t ltclueil umuid wiuu , , A , hiisuii , , N , 'i' . ; i % , 5.
\'ihhmuer , I'lattsuitoutthi ,
A Novv Oi'gzuttlzatlori ,
Uiioum Pacilic Lodge No , 17 , it. 0 , U ,
\v , , was ihietitmhtud umiudut' charter by T
A , .P'onurniu , hejuumty Oiuumd lIasterVomk -
1111111 , of the Ancient 01(101' \Vurkhtinlm ,
CII Frimitiy itighit , Ocudior 5th , with a
charter hit of forLy-vb , andsomne of the
hoist iilSihhCJltt ltuuhl of the city are lucia-
baits ,
( hlumo followiuig are the ollicers of umiol
lodge :
1' . l , W.--W , I , linker ,
\V , ( .1 , ' , Y , ( hmliutvlier ,
1ut'euiuiutmY. . I ' . Oauu tIlhiuhl ,
IyeiseerI. I. It , Lichitobeuger ,
ltceuurtier l. hhuckimigjuuutm ,
Fhmtaimeicr-F , 1 , Cuutler ,
ltocelvcr--i ( , ii. ICeir
C timlulu ( ; ou , . 1. \'riglit.
I , \r _ ( j g , White.
(1. ( \\--t1ux hloohutike.
.uiuuuiicuth Exumituitmor I.V. . I lyilu.
'l'rtmstecs .1 . S. Simmolushlru , ( I , ' , ( aila-
thiot' tumid ' \V. r , linker , of Nurtltuauuterim Nehru ha have
shiaFiocmuid thucir ' 'tootiutuicksi" ' lu uihit for time
overworked ettijtloytits uul tint 0. , , t. 1' , , i1 , 1t
0. road , uj'110 North Nobraktm Eagle isis not
vvuhl umttum41h1 1itistouI to Iiituw where time fault
lIes , but we know thmat twettty-ftutur Immure a
day vi0u ii little smiatelu of sleep jumat as they
calm cahiht it , for seven ilays In time week iii
inure tiuuitu aimy body of mumeut ciuu stammol amud (10
stUdent service , "
Mallufest Aiinoyaiica at the Iijllne-
11011 llut Bollht Against
The IlOam(1 ( It IIumCfltktt ( ltlvzilhlng
tIu Council in 104 1iiter-
At time sluecial inccthmg of time Board of
Eolttcatioii Friday , tbo first timing done
, nfi to employ Tutr , Cowin to defend the
Iloarol in tiio , imijmiimction suit in the Dis.
trict court this lnornihug. Potitloim received -
ceived front the PrimmciPais of the East.
aimot South school for carpets in their
oflices Won ) received aimd called forth imo
actiotm save a intution from Mr , Spcuht
t.hmat , time teacimurit try straw , 'l'lmemi canto
01I time voxtSd qumestion of einpioyiumg
hmoimme or foreign toachiets amtd titis 10(1 to
nit excited thiscumits'iuti ulitoli tue iuitroIIIC-
tiOlt of the ' 'fancy branches. " l'ulr. Ci,1to' ,
hutul favored thmo eimi1lOymtlOhmt , of our
111011 SCIIOOT. flhtAth7.tTt14. )
Mr , Siuecht.vaimcol ( Jacob llaumck , the
nitist , to uixainhue time drawing lonelier.
uir , Loummz oleimmoleul immumsie in the school ,
tiid saul that , there was no objectiotm to )
it at. time timumo a Ciermmumlm was tcachiittg it ,
Mr. l'omiits elmoweil that , out of all the
iiOlleiS of certificates , there nra only two
whuos are iiot now emuiployed. Mr. Gibbon
t9tl that tvehity-flve years ago iii a Iron-
her town \Viticomisin wimore lie was ciii-
pho)3'Col they hail itmus'mo teachers jim tue
SChIOlS. 'l'iie outcome of all timis was time
election of it imew
Comupousad ( If Siimiotn Bloom aumol , J.uimn
flttshi , with thme addition itt the place of
? mIrs. 1)itmstiioro of Stiperiuitommdent .Jaitmea ,
who recu'm'es Ito coniprnmsation besides his
eaiary , 4.00 a ( lay being allowed to the
otlmur iuommmbois.
'l'lmo purchase of time 2 , tOO drawing
slates was re.comms'mtlcrcd mid to "promote
imarimmoimy" it was ( lCcidCU itot to buy
tiiemmm. It was coinpiaiiicd that certain
teachers ditucrimuiimitutcol in favor of cortaimi
hues of goods with certain booksellers
aimol it was discovered thmt the specilimen
goods were time ones referred to , lmavimmg
beeim iOCOmuiiiiClillcd by tue drawing
teacher. Nothing was olone about it. .
NiS' scimooiq.
It win ; decided to submit to time voters
at ; time coining election a proposition to
allow the board to ) 5lOtmd , without additional -
tional tax levy , : teo0o , for a school
Imouso at. Thirtiotit ad Douglas streets ;
$9,000 for it brick addition to the Hart-
nmtui school ; $1,000 for a site fora school
Imouse near lianscoimi park , and $1iiOOfor
a situ near hianscom park ,
- .
. .
Time 1t03)umlhiClttt l'rlimmavicH amill the
" .Vom1ciimgmmmcn'ms Central Coiumnmlt tee.
l'urstiaiit to prococdimmgs of the lte1)ub )
iicnu Central committee of Douglas
couiity , rriuumftries to elect twelve delegates -
gates front time city of Omaha , being two
froth each ward , to time Bepmublican lis-
triet 3 udicial convention to be hold iii
Ommiaima , October 11 , 1883 , are hereby
called to be held in their respective
yards , froumi 5 to 7 o'clock p. mum , , Octo-
her 10 , 1883 , itt the places following :
First \Vmnd-St. , Jamncs hotel on 'J'ciitim
Second \Vari1-llonncssy'a on Emgh-
toeimthm sttoot atmd St. 1Iary's avenue. o
Third \yarl4tt northwest cosuici' of
Twelfth aimol liarumoy streets.
Fourth ward-At time court house.
Fifth wardICtumfimian's wine juar-
lore emi Sixteeimthi street.
Sixth warol-Eimgine house.
Dated October 'ItIm , A. D. , 1888.
Oim'im. Itep. Ceum , Coiui , ofDouglas Coat.
Time workitugiuiun's ceimtral CoIlmltuittCO
immet last imighit iii time police court room
and decided to hold a coitvemitioit on
Wodiicsday , October 17th.
TIme cimairinan of time committee , .1 . It.
Lewis , calls a meeting of time coumiimuittoe
itt time City hail next \\Tcdiicsdmiy eveiming
at 7:80 : o'clock , auni all ineunbore arc re'
ujuiested to be prcauimt.
Social l'sLvcimmeimtum In Ottuahmut's Nvar-
(14t Smmbtmrhi ,
I1t' , Edward Patrick is at hioumie on liii
tisual VacathIm , front Limo far woumt. Ed is
a primimo good fellow and his fricuids are
glad to iimeot iiini.
E. P. Browetur itt spendiimg a few days
in our bturg lmoluulmttory to leavimig for
(1 mud I siniud , where lmo will attciid sclmooh
( hlhriumg time viiitor.
:1\lis : \ , , J. .1 , Suiiithm am1 ciiihuircn have
rotturimed to Bluir uuftor a iulcasaimt visit at
Oraiidtita Patrick's ,
lies' . V. E. Coluelnhmol , of the iJiiitimrian
clmurclm , itldrossed time Union Sunday
tiChloIl 011 Sabbath evwiing , a good atmdi-
aimco being in nttoudaimco , , and it is with
giant tuicasuro that we are able to an-
iioutmcti ide return on next Stuuiday
evoimihig , October 7 , at 7 o'clock , 'limo
school will give nit ontertainntoiit on next
\V'edIieslay evuim'mug for time beimefit of its
library , whm'tclm will include ci luncim of hot
coffee aimd. puiinitlcimi pie , au art gallery ,
time traditional fishming pouch , a postotlice
tutU aim abundance of flowers , iuielutling
two handsome desighis , which will be
voted to the hiaiidsoiuicst young lady and
time iuiomst poIumlar geluthotlmaum. A small
adtmiuasion fee will be charged. TIme city
friends are cordially iimvitcd.
Thu youumg ietulle socialize at Mr.
Dmumieh I tuieurd's this ovoimiug.
'J'hmo tea varty given by Mrs. 1' . 1iL
Smith , in hioiior of liar sistem' , tl is. V.
1) , hiiaekbilriu , W'edimcsdayaItettootm , was
a very lheasalituutlair. 'rhio litiudu s'ne ill-
dccii a bahi(1Litt ) iii extent uuutl vmniety , in.
cludhtg all time dolicac'iets of time season.
Ahmmomug those iurcaeimt rero : Mmus. Jatnca
IL ICyimur , Mrs. D , 11 , S'uumitim , Lewis Lit-
tiuliuld , Mi' , and Iths , Avury , Mr. and
Mrs. Crowd , Mr. null Mrs. A , 0. Smuith ,
Mists Littieliolol , Miii , Coiurad , Mrs , Neal
atiol others ,
? ur. A , C. Smti'ithi and wife imave returned -
turned from Freinont. Creaoo ,
- -
\'iihlu hieumticy is probably thom I. as farmer
loytf ) Noltr.isla , lie raised 4&t3 luiiuuhmohs ot
wheat fromim slxteomu acres this yoam , as ve1l
juiaiitiiig mmd cultivating sixty micros uuf corn
that Is itum good as amuy iilaim'us corim In this sac-
tiomt , 'rho field lii estimated to aora"o fifty
liushel her mwre. BeatrIce his eorui omit1' wheat
Ito 1mM 550 bushul of oats raisuoi by liii own
luamid , several hundred bushels of P0tt08 ,
amid any moumtt of garden jurooluco , Alithis
lie ions done lilmuisolf smut linus done jill the
chores of a futrumu. VIllio is muot yet fIt tOQi
yemus of age-Simoltoui [ Chipper ,