- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ - r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S ' , I - - - - . _ rrii _ DAILY _ J3rE---OMAHASA : _ _ _ FUiWAOOTOPA _ _ \ - - G. 1. - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ . _ - _ - _ - _ I ; ' E DALY BEE. OMAHA. Saturday Morning , October 0. LOOALBREVITIES. -Savo money. sena th 1. cig ztr rind tobacco .lealor , ( or prko Hat. -1'r1mztr1o 1.r tim 1101)lIblIcan 1)It.r1ct .1i1 dd&1 conenton II1 bo held OcL 10. -'Ilio Ioa ) CUt. race nt tim drlIng iinrk I xtponcd ono week on nccoiint of a hrul track. -LOST-Between PAXtOn 1iotl flTHI 1E oflico P. i > Ittn , chlds brcc1ct. Fiotk'r 1)1CW40 Icavo t at thIs ofika. -Tim frIetit1 of Mr. ! oo Barkalnw gvo ainre. him n Oermin well hop tefOrO ) 1i .IoJrnrtlr3 Ln iina : 1 o. -Safo for aIo-A , ueditnii SIzed \toMler , Balonnnn .k Co. ZI'fg , nearly new , at a bar. gain. Inquire at tb1 , .tlice. -G reat coin p1Iflt i bt1 ng heard a all dl. rcction about the ltck ( If proper effort lii the illicetion of trcct cleaning. -The Nolir&uka nMoclatlon ) .a . been unrii.I. nou1y ndnLtcd to the general coliferonLo of Yreo Baptfst. at MhnIoaImliR. _ s\111lloI1'4 ( Picnic , " one of the most 1ammghblo shows traveling , will hold fortit at the Academy of M08tc on the lttlm of Oct.o. ber. -Eight. disorderlies stralgittencti iimmt in the polIce court yesterday. 'rime police keep the citypretty ve1l cleaned up ni far zu. bad cbaractens go. Dean Millspntmgb , of tiabi city , ) mai. . been placed on the statiding cousmnittto on the Htato mf the church by the l'rotcstant Episcopal general convention. -The roller skating rink opened again in : 1ThCrary's block Thursday tinder the auspice of some of Omaha's society yoitmg moon. Imivi. taUons were issued to the reception. -Time imridoit ! of the Board of l'tmbllc IVorks says that the reason the street cleaning fund Is not being used is probably bccatmse the oouncWdoo4 not care to let a contract tmntil llarnoy and Sixteenth streets are paved. -Time Nebraska State Stenographer's tsso. elation met iat night at the ollico of .1. .1. Point' . , in Croight.on Block , to arrange for their anommal banquet , which occurs sometime this nmonth , anti for the election nf o1flccrs for the year. -The Thermometer at Max Meyer & llros , indicated the flltwiug from 12 M. yesterday until 12 M. t.o.day : 12 ma. 46 ° ; 2 p. mmm. , 48 ; 5 l , . m. 48 n 7 p. in. 48 ° ; U p. m. 48 ° ; 7 a. mn. 50 ° 10 a. tn. 51 ° : 12 a. m. & 8 ° . -The crosswalks at the intersection of 11th and 1"arnani btreotis are teing kept dry by a Prtcr In tim employ of S. 1' . Morse & Co. , . . who seem homnul to afford our ladies every ' . facility for visltinw their store , now filieI with the finest stock In the west , all boulat for spotuazsh. -Mr. John W. Fox was marriea to Miss hattie Donahmuo , Wednesday morning at St. Bamaba. church by 11ev. John Wilhiamns. Mr. and Mrs. Fox kayo gone to Granti Islanil to pass the first part of their honeymoon at the residence of Mr. Joseph Foc , , father of the groom. groom.The -The Industrial School connecteti with ) Trinity church , a valuable Institution , e)1)ens next Saturday morning at ton o'clock in the chapel , corner 18th amid Capitol Avenue. -Tiii 2'8 WILL WiuOn arm. ! after this date the Cozzomm will charge $2.00 Iorday and will give the best acoonimnoilatiomis for that price in f/ac wor&1. P. 1tuimwy & Co. oct1m&e6t. ¶ -having just rocolvcd large quantities of furniture in now and hmandsomno dosigimis , we . . . Lake ileaure lit Inviting the imubhic , iind cs poclahly those who contemplating furnishing , to calL and look through our stock. To those , wishing to purcbaao we are proparoti to make lower Prices than have over before been offered. CliAs. Snivgtticg , 1200 , 1203 and 1210 Farnam -The proceeds ( ruin the game of the li. 1' , base ball club and n ickod mmmii this afternoon go , to ( ] oorgc , linker , thin change cathher of the ciu who is now lying sicic at St. Louis. Ticket will ho sold for twonty.fivo cents , and no charge vihl be uade : for thio grand stand. -A six foot toim moan by the name of M. II. Davis , from Des Moines , abused a little follow by the name of l'ond , in llornborgos saloon Thursday for not allowing him some money Iota watch ho wanted te dispose of. This Pond resented , and pitc1iol Into the tall chap with a billiard cue , banging his head up comm isidorably. Davis had his wounds dressed In Dr. ilyde's office anti then di8njpoared , -The magnificent East show window in front of Morse's Ialatlal dry gootis store has bcea so tastefully decorated withs BlankoU. of every size , r'rice1 amid one may say color , as to elicit econlums of praise frozim every paser.by. 13. . Morse & Co. are this year sohhlmig MIs idea t1Ihl , California , Blankets diroot fruni the mill. an advantage to their Imatrons , who thereby save the middle or jobbers' Profit. They have to pay other Iwuse who purchase the goods , if at all , fromr. Jobber. . . Morse's $3.75 white blanket is es good as our readers usually buy at 5.00 In small stores , anti their $5.00 6 Iwund large SILO strictly nil wool blnkot Is a great bargain. -It Looks wi if the sun would now dry the ttzoota aufilciently to permit of a torchlight procession. Seine of the ( Jernian citizens bore , who have objected i.e carrying a torch themselves are reminded by 'l'lao ( lerman i 'Tribune that in the old country it I. quite the thing to do , and the most distinguished ir $ ,00s , there , including learned Jrofessors of the unlveraltles , consider It quite an honor to bear ; ' a torch in any feat. especially one that. cole. ' bratos an event like this of the 6th of October. -Yost.erhy Articici of incorporation , ' ; blgned by Moses Horwick , Jacob Shilher , I Jacob Levy anti Daviil Skolinowsky , were fiIed in the county clerk's office , for an organ. Ization to be known as the ilenal Jarnel of I Omaha. At a meeting belt ! Wednesday the organ1ztion of this congregation was effected And a constitution adopted , adopting the word vf clod as taught by time creed and i'mfession ( , f EdI oxg&nlzatlon , hMPiog fur Its object Cbufstlami wor.tldp . only. What this word t ' Chrlstakm" zn , i connectien Is dliii. cult to iav. -Or.e foggy nigbt last week ] ngiuec : ( Hwlft , while muh1ing thc B. & ? .f. stub out from Onba , suddenly spied a mare and ; cry , rotuig cole on the track ahead. The fog wzu. . ho heavy that the train was nearly upon the animal. bcfuo they were discovered , ad In is few , ecuw1a they went iiiunimnp imito the air. 'The train was stopped ni quichihy wi poslb1e , when itwa foundthattlLe colwaa uninjured , though lf. mother was latut so that It wa r thoubt beat to kill her. Then the poor little orphan colt was loaded Into the bgae car amul taken to J3ehl e.-VJattsusuthi , Jour. nail. Gaaiohinoor iitovosinuuy quantity at Guodxrniii ! iilO4E Hi _ RDMANE AND REALITY. Ph PIO \c1Ih \ of the Uridllt1 Mrdllint OlltOll. The Magnificent Stock of A. Oruickshaiik & Oo. Which Pills the Now Palconor Block from Basement to Roof , Thu Cranti Opeimisia flegmtl , YeMfer- day a i ( I. ( 'snit 111110 T.Nighit. In nil the worlcis of pottry or ronmanco , thmero is no mmmcc fnimcinnliumg mmmiii nttrnc tivo creation of fancy than that of time ad. 'entimrous amid ciiterprisiiim. mncrchmaiit of Bngdnl , whmuso suvoim fatuous voyages into It Ii k im.vsm . con m it ri ts , amid miimiii' Lb cii Ii tag exloriutmcos , resllltcl itt his itiwayms return- big to his hinitie with atoros of the richest goods of tilt ) Etst , mhaichs woru the wonder - der and muhaimirntismn of every one and thu envy of timamly , time two opmmsito feulimags comtabmticd , hiavimig reunited iii ( Ito story being tltI amul lncoimo , the favorite one nhmmomag all Oriesititi titles. rnM.'lOI' ' nacoMI.4 : IutLITY. \Vhmnt the rutiowimuti sailnr.tnerchant emidmireti the hardships and vicissitudes of his soeum voyages to amnasm , vouid to. day cut 1)111. ii sorry figure comn1ared , with the costly stuffs which are gitthmered together - gother to-day fromit all jatrts of the world by Limo niorelmiats cf this cemmtuirywhio are aided by time goamii Steam and Electricity. That thin is mao exaggerated illumustration will ho readily believed by those vhin bust night visited thu umaguiticomit store of A. CruLcksimntik & Co. , amid witnessed the OItANI ) Ii8I'LAY of goods whmkhi they exhibited at their fall oiiuitig , amid which , nattier the bril- liatit rays of thu electric light mind the niohlowur glow of iamyria.bm . of gas jots , formed a itCoilo tint. to ho exeecticiti by any dream of nit imnagimmative amaimad. It ii ; scarcely a mnotmtht .simmcu . 'i'uui Bia : described the miow block iii which the uirmn hits located , its vast frontage , coin- mimodioui rooamms and rare ativamitages for the Ptmrimtases for which it is designed. It wais thou stateti that , it had beets paishmeti through with an emmterpmiso nit- vrecedeimtet in this city , by the owner isuid h.trttmor iii the tints { . 0. YALCONF.it. Not only 1.Ir. . } 'slcouier bust. every citizen or visitor to thiuat.iro cannot butbu proud that Omaha cams boamt of such an estab- hiMhitnotit atail mnnstadinit. that tii. . store of rich fabrics withtiti its walls jusitilics thu niapareittly lavish expenditure of vonk muni IIIOIIUy it Cost the builder. Notwithm. standing thu inclement woathior and time outrageous condition of thu stre1s time broad doors wore thrown wide open itt 7 o'clock last imigist for the public t(5 cuter and inspect time imew goods which filleti wisidows , shelves amid cotmtmtermm , hiting auspomided from pillars , rnhia aunt coiling , timid fe-timed a comnbimmistion which for arrnmmguiameimt , taste and uxquisito blemmding of color lana , we boilovo novur booms equalled in the \Veat anywhere. A 1ui reporter wits among time visitors last evening amid desiring to unto a few of the mimntmy attractive femittisus of time oponiimg was kindly aisowim through thooiitiro eatabuislunumiL DAY AN ! ) NICIIIT. Mention has already beets misadu of the oxcohlomit light nihorded by day through big windows en three sides of time builuling and thin ativamitago its equally remumirkablo mit. night. aita juts gleamis iii every part of the spa- CtUH salesronum , isimal iii two of time big aimow windows an electric light is located , the comubineil eikct being immure beautiful thaim cast be tlescrihemi. Siitc&i time emimmacity of Limo stove was doubled , time attack Juts 1)0011 largely iticreasod , tumid never was it ISO well displayed its at lmruaomit , Till' WINIOVH ) are dreesod in Limo immost arthitic style ami(1 are time fiat objcta whelm catch time eye 111)015 npproacimimag time house. 'I'hio One Ott the conmier of Doui.laa , mitsuI Fif- toetmth streets is turracuti with rich silks in blacks , coIomii aimd fancy pmstterna , timid hero , very approi.niatoly . , is located cisc time cloctnia lights , Limo siuoumm of time silks timus prodmicemi fornmimm a mai.lendid . sight alone. In thmo micit window ammo laces , n.e delicate n.e a spider's web ; famms that would Iumivo boon wontimy of the beautiful Oleop. atm Imerseif , amid corsets of limo utmost uimammufacttmro. Moltu i3Ulm.STANTIAL , aimd especially at this IiC1t5IH mire time cots- tetmtn of the micxt wimmulowa , aim otto of which iii seems muLhiiIg but soft. . white biammkots , nmmd in the miuxt coumforts whose very color amid thiicknemum would take time chill olfan Arctic' winter. Time view upon eimtuniimg time store ie at cliarumitig emu namsi indicates thu tlilflmmeumt ( lejmartmunts at a glammce. At time end of enchm of time thmreo rows of iihinrs which extend time full length of time roommm , are draped Madras aini liscu cur. talus , i'itim broad ribbons siemcmmding its time center , himcu ourtaitis liming LIgi mmw1niss about time cast side of the nooumm , mmml cimaim- ileliers decorated jim every commcuivable way , Omu. row is covered with napkins folded jim ( aim 1mmtttonii , atmotimur yitJm lmscc goods , ficimus , etc. , a third with miubimi.s , uumd time fourtim witim hosiery. .1mm front of time east iusitin eimtraimco is is cil executed skot.chi of time Falconer block , in water colons and richly ( ranted. 'flits ma time work of Mr. VI. it , Mcl'hmeraon , time arcimitect of time now buultimmg , timid ma as hmnimdsoimmo as it is op. jropnimstc. it front cf it imi a case of real I lace amid hiatud eimmbmojtlcrotl humsutiker. chief , souse of time 1st tor nuuma imitug its luigim as this dollars each , A look Ilurougli time I stock . liv 1)Ea'AItTuNm L would alone be a day's work amid Itit . brief niciuttoim cams bo immatlu of each. Time whole east side of time room is do. . voted to tiress goods amid a mitre simimt timoy . forum for tue ladles , anal following tiuu3e , . Jim the roar imatmirauly couase time hitihio cloth anti flammmueia , while itt time south I cud are lumen uootla such us table choUrn , napkins , etc. , lam eimdloss % aniety ammm.1 unljmnmiwl quantity. ' 1iuu cast wall is leautifumiiy arriummgott witlm yrmimids of the goods wimicim ltsAon TO TLii cszi.i.a itself amid over o.ichu of which falls thu dehicato foldeof lace curttius. Opusite tiwso geode , 3 ii avaco of equal sitm iim wimichi silks , black toods , laluslies mtimd ye ! . vote are tAm ho teemi , whose ricimusess eats. not bu described. if it wore possmbho to find a moore attractive tasi of time stoo for time ltMIteis U would be betwecim the first two center commuters , ott time cast ido of wimicis siaco is the 11g1vo austi bmmttoim ( leiarturmetmt , " the words quoted being SPolioul ( flit. iii large capitals with cards of buttons. Tita .A1.vn of time biuttotis its thui mimotto is tin iofls titan S7iiO , amud it single letter , " 1) , " is valued at $76 , hero are gloves , tnitim- mmmimmgrm , bmittomuum amiti all kinds of orimml itmetutmi , ( Jimo of time greatest novelties and very beautiful iimdeed is time case of silk applique onimntimeimts for tratmsfer to fancy work or evening dresses. Across fromim this commuter is time stock of ribbomis. 'flueso mmre all isrraumgctL with regard to cohiar , mmmiii time oflect is aitimimly immdemucnibable , tue light fid hug mmii tlmemmi i-oh ecti rig every hue of timu mtimmbow. Alnavtm timis are .lnmmisetl . a siaicimmhici into of Indies' imeck 'cai , Fichmimus in imntmd ruts , Oriental iflack iuitl Creamum Lace , Spammisim Lace , i1'icimmms , Scarfs , etc. 'I'lmcru iii mslao mtlommg cao of Colored Velvet Itibbomis amid Fnuma. 'l'hmu editor space iii time froimt of time store , IS ihileul h)3 A i'itlTTY ASSltTMiNT ( Sf Lndies' Cottoim iJn erwear , Etiihni. dories mumtl Corsets. 1ea'iiig timis timid returning to thutm next center commmmtur to time svest the simithi : ivear alL'iutitmnelut is r.'i'shu"t amid a lovely display - play of kmmit. gomuls seemi. I leme is also is lilac hitmo of hmnhics' hmamud bags its iahimshm , real soul , Itussims ientimer mtiitl real mtliiga- tor , time muices rulutuimig frommi 76 t.emuts to so nimil the assortmntimut being time fimmest of Lists kind ever brougimt to time city. Time ( loilmestica occupy time oposito space , iutviimg becis mmccessatiiy imuoved imp frommi timoir former Plaice iii time basommmemmt TO OIiTAIN toimn $ l'AVR ilown there for otimer goods. Cruickshmammk t Co. carry time largest. ilime of domestics iii time city , amid discount nil othmora itm prices , they buying only ca.se lots amid oh- taimmimig those goods at the mimihls , amid timumis smivilug jolli > eru4' thmey are ummahied to do vimmtt ut ) other firimi camm do its time WILY of prices. Amid nigimt lucre wo mmmity add Lhmmtt in Limits mmmgiuificcmmt store A. Cruickaimamik & Co. set irisctiti1y remit free , time rent of is row of ollices on time east aide aimfi their mimagimiiictnmt pUiliC linus ems time west 10(10 mayiimg immturcat 0mm all time immoney iumvosted. FiOimm tiiti figures we imavo seems it. costs timemim jmist hmitif to smll , thmesu goods timat it costs time Imsigo Eastoism imimsisea. It hits often beau a mumystory to time public hmow Limits iinmm could ascii timeir goods so immuchi iesis timami Cimicago or New York mmd timis is Tim 'X1'LAAT1ON. l'assing on to the next depmrtmmsemmt we fmmmtl timero a big stock of hndies gcmmts' multi cimildremm'is immmdcrwenr , well arranged mitsui very attractive , and opposite this , nit time west aide of Limo building , time hosiery dopartmmiemmt , wimichs is one of time mmsost remimarkable its thmo whmoho imtoro. The array - ray is endless timid what catmmmot be found its it its time way of hosiery would be Imard to discover. Time linmmm imsiporta all its imo. siery fm-nm thmo mnaimufacturuni direct , and jim this tot its other depantumiemits timoy take time llutd. 'I'iw decorations ots the walls are ( miliqUe , time letters "A. C. & Co. , " hieiimg formmmed Of various sized and van- COlomCl Imoso and sot oil' by huge .mapammeao finns of time stmmmo mimatenial. A corimur lucre is devoted to goats' neck-wear of the newest styles , amid of this , too , there is AN IMMONSR STOCK. Time wall above is dzmcoratcd with a cross , wheel , heart , ( liamomsd and spade , composed of ties and scarfs. At time souths end of this aisle is a big stock of zephyrs , sold at 5 cemst.e p ° ( UnCO , sold overywisoro cisc at 10 coimta , amid ulimmiking this department stacks of blamikots amid comforts are pilel up to time very cuihimmg. Iii time socommd story above , whicls will be reached by a grand staircase , is the oflico of time Linus ammd Mr. Falcommer's uSrirlito office , the latter of wimich is fitted UI ) lii time nust uligant style , after the taste of iIr. F. , wisicis is unoxceptiona. ble 1mm everything. Time bulk of tue space is , lmowever , occupied as a ciLak room , time wails lined witim MAH8iWm. CAHmM whmicim are filled with time macst beautiful amid costly goods. Amnnimg the isotabl styles , vimiclm we cammmsut detail too fully , is : t lovely ganimuemit of cut ithmah amid trimmmimmed wiLls ' 'rat-tail" - liltisis frimugo. Also mi msovolt.y imi time piusim , Nowniarkot tihister , syiths Nowaimarkot Jersoya , cloaks iii lltttoimtsso , Amitracimaus ammd lunported goods of every descript on. Thu emnbroidcredJcraoya are very pret. ty timid timia garunoist we are assured promiu 1808 to rotnium its ioimlaniti imoxt year teas as great. a degree as Limbs. Time firm have already souL over a big order for time coasting season , A beautiful line of cimildrems's ilavoioekms , and time finest shmawhs , its time latter time msow black casimmmuoro being the latest muovelty , will bo looked itt with imiucim imsicrost by time ladies. Tim ) ' . itAHEMSMT is also stocked with goods , bmtt detailed imiomutiosm of thmat Partof time oatabhislsmmsumit , it whole sthr in itself , mmmust be deferred for itmmotiscr tiimso. Smithico it to emsy tlmat A. Crumicksisaimic & Co. Imavo by their oimtcrpriso , vimms amid husiumess kmsowlcdgo placed themselves in time samnu positicis iii their bua'mnes wimicis England is so prommd of boasting of-t.hmoy rule time trade , amid timoy voll tlesorve Limo credit of doing so. A t3tnruiing liscovory. : liysieiiimum ) zinc oftums atirthe.i by remusarkablo tiiscovet iti. 'limo fueL timist Dr. , Kimmg's New ] ) isoory fur Commssmmmmiitlomm timmtl till tisrztt ammd lmimmg slisonses is slimily ctmrlng imstiommt tImid. the imitvt , giveum suit to die , is startiimmg thmoims to rca izo tlmtiir semmso of .lmmty . , amid e'xamsmiumo into time immeritis of tlmin vontlerftml discovery ; me.nmltimmg tim hummuitlueds of our best citizomma using it its tlmtiir iractico. 'I'niitl Itottla. free at 0. F. Gooeiammsmm's drug store lkgmmlnr size 81.00. POST'H rSI'I'OINTMENTS. Time Orgmimulzntlaamm sti' tlm imiterimmul lovomiuo ( ml Nebraska isis sit i'resozit. Collector Post has muppoimstod time fol. lowing dupumly collectors for Nebraska zimmtl Dakobi , being kisown as tlmo Imstcnimnl ltovemstmo district of Nebraska : A. K. 11arsim , Suttomm ; 11. A. Ioud , Ozmmaima ; Ii. It. Cowdery , Columubus ; Joins Stucis , \Vahmoo ; Jolmus 11 , Deismmia , Yammkton ; S. I , Va'cst , Fargo. Time storukeupers eta. tmouiud at. W'ihioiv Spniumga distillery , Oumma. hut , time oumly omso its time ilistnict , arc .1. IL Lacey , M. I ) . Lammcamter , .1. M , Ja. cobsemm , 1' . ii.Vaikcr , Cimmistavo Drowers , 'limo gummgera are , II. F , % Vilrodt , St A , I ) . l3alcommmbe , I ) . 0. Brooks , 1) , i , hiomum. gartner , J , F. itobberts. 'L'hio eericim1 force commsi5ts of K M. hlattm , Otumahia , cashuier in ehmargu of mill stamumlilt mitsui reo'rds ; J. 1) , ] vaimsOimmalma , in charge of records ; 0 , Ii , 4thIcnOimnmhta , ism charge of zecomds. _ . - - - Simmco Lii'i'nr , Lst' Co. have be. commie iopular , otiucre arc trying to immsi. late , but look for brand- . . um.c.w.1tJ w' ( iIUltChi N1.'S. Ciunmiges itiati 'Vmamifl'rs 1mm I hue Cat Ito. I Ic l's lest , ( , ( . Several immiportamat elmnmies have boemu auntie iii tluo ptcsthood of Usc Catiittltf chuurchm its Omaha numtl v iciimity tltmniimg time present week. 11ev. F'iitlmor Emiglishi , wimo has lund cimarge of St. Pluitomuommis's catima- dm1 for umiany years , limits iien , trammsfCrrei to Exeter , Nob. , amid left for lmis new field of labor last , evening. Them Imas saidotmi hiceti a separimtioms botwcemm lmastr and hock its Omimmulma that Imas caused sucim sorrow amid regret as time departmuro of Father Etmglisim. Coimmiumg to tlmis city it few years ago a total stmmimger , Imo en- ( learcl imiummiseif to nil ciassets itmimi citiuiim tiitiomis by his mmever cutsiumg eliorts to Imeip nil its need of siiinittmal or teimilOm'mti commifortum. misaim tif few WOl tis but immammy deeds , lie was Limo favoritmi of tIme cotmgro gatiomm , wlmutiuer itt time lmcdsmdo of thu sick , mit time iimimtmammmtt : ( tout or itt time immas- nimige altar. lie goes to soumtlmsvcst isO brnskii viths tIme ' 'Otni Speed" of all. Rev. 1atimer O'Commnor , dmo imas immmus- ageti time pariahs of 1"rommiouit for lamally years , lots beets trammsfcnmeml to timma city , timid it iii roiorted timat Ito will t'ukc charge of time Cathedral. 'l'imo moveroimd fatimer r.timka imigim jim the pmiesthmnod of time QioCestI , and Immivimig mmmatty friemmds mslueatiy imu time city , hue smihl souls be itt Imomime imero. imero.Rev. Rev. Father , Jcammmmette , wimo lund clmarge of St. Phsiloimmeuma's its time imitenimim be. tweumi time deaths of hiishsp O'Oonmmmamm ammd time commsecratioim of time ] tiglmt 11ev. Bishop O'Connor , is back tim Oiimithia to stay , for some titume at least. It ma snmd lie will take charge of time Somutis Oammalma chmurclm , which was recentLy built timrotmglm time efforts of time emmtorpnisiimg Catlmoimcs its timat. growing imeigimbomhmnod. Fntlmer .Jcaiimmetto is wanmuily welcommmed back totimo ( late City. Those ann Soii.'l Facts. The best lahi , ul pummifier and system regulator - or over ltcetl within the reach of suuierimmF hmmmnammit s trimly is Electric ihitters. himactmvi ty of tIme liver , ] iihiousmies , Iasimiimco ( , Comistm. iumtiomi'eak 1ii1mieys , or nmmy thinse of time mit immary orgitmis , mjr thioes or rtqtiircs mum miiito- thor , toimie or mmm lid stimutmiamit , will isl ivays fitiml Iiectric Bitters thu best amid only certatmi cure kimowim. Timey act rarely amid quickly , every bottle guarammtced to ive oimtirn , .atisfac- tlim or mmmoimey refumnicil. hold at 50 eciuts a bottle by C. .F. Goodmoan. - - TIlE TOURISTS. tmmom luer Imma iumemmse house ttmitl iI miii jIIIIittmC. ) Time "Tourists iii a P. 1' . 0. " whiosavo ] travelled as far as Omaima , amid stopping their car last nmghst at Boyd's wore greeted by ams unusua1ly large Imouse. The gal- Icry , particularly1 iva.s psckcd : , amid to time gallery iumucis of time play was directed. Those who hind seems "Lo Voyage en Suisso"a play very simmmilarwcro prepared for compsritive criticiasmn , but , with the exception that there vero no astomsisluimig acrobatic feats iii this , time one perforni. alice was quite imp to the other. 'l'hie representation of thu imitarior of a s1cep- iimg car was capitally domme. To-nighst amid this afternoon 'Tlie Planters Wife" holds the boards , and if else cami judge by the style of time nilvar. tiising domie , time troupe and time acting must be lirst.class. AMONG 'JF' t'OOlt. itelsort ofClty Mission Work , tbr Sep. t ( usher , 188:1 , by litris. II. B. Fishier. Have worked about 130 hours in the last four weeks Feworvisits were made 015 accoummt sf time fair , wimoro imsuch of my tisise for time week was spent. There hints booms little call for Imeip , only a small amumount of provisions being ivcn , amid timirty.nL'c ganimsenta , I think. Timero have beets , however , a few cases where fanmiiietm rere zezilly suffering for waist of beddiimg. Imi one of these a child limits died , ammd the mother amid timrao other cimildreis are sick. The need has been su1phiotl by time kiimdisosa of fniemmda. A. lamr of new blankets was donated by Mis. Charltoii , ammd packages of second. imaud clotiming and quilts , by otimers. A tomnporary Imonie hunts beau founti for Is babe gmveis imp by its sick muotimer. Aim- otlmer imsotimor huts giveli adoption papers for a little bny already in a good house. Another beautiful baby adopted soimso musontims since , hints booms moved by time Good Simepimeid to tIme fold above. The foster fathuer writeBVo : are very sad amid 101101) ' , sweet little oumo , iso himus gomso to a bettor home. " As cold weather nproaciies time de- imimuiti for clotlming amid provisions v'ill be vastly immcrcmmscd. Shall it be muot ' ' 'itis ivimat tmmeaMmre ye mote , it shah be mimeasured to ytmu mmgahmu. BABY'II WARNING. Whoa baby has valmms at dead of iiIiit , Mother In mm fright father hi spuight ; t lieu worms ilo Ilto , baby muust cry , If Icier bets 1mm , baby misay dIe. It crotipy lialmis till Ltotiora , 1mm that iotie , ttieto mmoCAi4TOltlA , Isr muottiers leant s Itimout delay , CASTOIUA cures by milglit amid dat. - Itoal Estate Traimslirs. Time following deeds wore filed for record ims the couumty clerk's office Oc. tobur 4Lim , roportel for 'rims Bis by Amimea' real estate agoimcy : Jas. McLaugimlits amid wife to ( I. A. lirynmit , i ii , hurt lot 3 blk \Vntorloo , F. P. Salimious amid wife to H. Phillips amid A. huimsiu , sm d , lot til , Itees I'Iace , 25O. ? A , Koumstzo amid wife to P. amid LucIus B. Nolsoim , sii , lot 11 , isik 1 , Kountzo's ILls miului , MatL K. lrako at al , to Johmu M. Dougimonty , y ml , lot t , lilk 10 , iteed's let add , 500 , Johns M , Dougimorty to W L. McCauo nmmd II , I ) . Itcetl , w d , lot Ii , blk 10 , Itoed's 1st null ) , $ OO. \\'uml , Ii , McCaquo to F. A. Manger , w tl , ' 17x90 ft its tue cur blk , Sisiuus'ss 8rd add , 81,41i0. _ _ Hmmckleiu'd 4truuioii Salvo. The greatest imiedleal wonder of thiti world , \Vnrrammt.esl to utisoothil ) ' elite iitirmstt , Cuts , UI. cons , 3alt lihmoummu , Foyer Sores , Onmicers l'hios , Clmliblaimma , Corims , 'l'tmtter , Chapped hmtmmds , amid M11 skits enuiptiomma , gtmarammteed to euro its crony imtstammce , or umomicy refunded , 25 cemuts or box , . - - ihIi ) . KAUFMANN Iii this city , Oct. .1 , Katie , time wife of Jtlwaith Kuuufmmsammmm , Yuimmerat to.slay , Saturday , at 2 o'clock p. imm. , froma liar hate residemice , cerise ; Nintim uimd ] iickory streets. Friends are in' . itesi. ( JtiLtT imAa.tiNK , ot 1405 Fanumamu St. , o511 IIICKM.tN's ( hunt ) 1i.tz.tii , _ TIhi UNITat1IIANS. I' , Icet lti. Citlk'il at li macohm t hit Tn-u liast Ilatys of Tim Is 'tIommt Is , Time Nobrnmmia Ummitaniami associatioum wilt hold its lirat ammuimal maccLing at Lhmu. colts , Nebraska , Otober 80 amid 81 , 1883 , Believing tlmmL time thou lists omno for a lmmlitel efFort , ems time part of nit pcrsomss iii time ? dissommri Valley , who believe iii w.rkimig . together for freedommi , fcllowsiimp , amid cimaracter , by time mmmethiod of religion , we , timereforo , .Vhl ( ) imavo imimited ourselves togetimer to eimipimasii.o rigimteotmsmma.'s , amid to iammaht forward religious proguess. surge tmpoiu nil , of wlmataver nammie , .vhmo are mim eimertl symmipatiiy smiths our liberal rehig. Imimus ideas nhmmi mmmcthmods , to mmmi'ot witlu us 1mm open coumferemmco. AccmmmumumnIatmons ( for a Ii misiteti mnmmmibcr immivo already Ieeml sectireti amid we imopo to nrratmgo for time eistertaimsmmscmut of all wlmo immy attomid. 1c'dmmccd rates over miii railroads cots- teritig iii Limmcnits will bit secured , All attemmlimug will address Itci' . E. l'iveh1 ( , Beatrice , Nub. , its itt ; iossihihtt. On amal after October 21 , , address Limmcnimm , Nob. 'rains , I. KIMmmA LL , 1Nocli l'owmtt : , Secretary. l'residcmst. rzr ' - - t grin TORPID 3OWLLS , SORDERED LIVER , and From these sommnies arts thice-lourtlis of Ilto tilsenOus eu time htmmm , " o lace. iIicse LrmiiitAitiS1uidiefltOtIiOlr . . . : .Tcstis o Apjctlte , iO'.VCitS ce nth. , , fimlimmosa nfler caortlnmt df botir ' 'uui , ) f iootI , ; ? ' : ' , mv ' - . CCI spirits , 1rt' - 501)0 tItttV . . 'r' . .Ots , JL . . -X : . 't tito Ireartm ) , .5 gore ( i.e ev..sIiliIYcoI oreci 'Ur. . , ( 'oNsTJV'I'OX , mmii do. mamm(1 ( lie lIMO ofni. remiiutlytlmitt acts tiurecti Dm5 the Lt e' . tsit11'tormflCrltclumO'K'UTT' e'rILS hum no ejual. Their actionomi time IhIuieySttmi't SILIII iii amso prompt ; remuiovliig all Iniiflmnltmos through these timnon "scav. CIIgCVU oE' lime syateni , " protlucimig upe. tile , tsoumul digestloim , rs'gular stool , a omear ' ' ' PILI.S s1dutnmitfavIgrou5tuosm. 'i IJT'Z'S cause no natista or gminlmmg nor iimtcrero wIth u1mliy worlc anti are a pertect A1TOTE ! TO rttLAl1A ! iold CVL'rywlu're.2a0. olib.4 m M.mrray . t.N.Y. TTT' 11YL GnAT ILtmn cit Wmmmsitir.5 clmatmgeU In. stamitmy toaGLOSSV llLicit b7n.singlo ap. plicotlon of hits DTC. Sohi by Druggists , or emit by express on rt'celptot Si. 011k. ' , 4 1 .turraty Strtwt , .w ott. .vi ( T' VMII1'i0F USEFUL RECEIPTS FREE. SPECIAL NOTIOESS .Spec1a1s will Positively not be inserted unless paid in advance. TO LOAN-Monoy. 'tIONEYTO LOAN-The Omaha SavIngs Bamik Is I 'ii new prepared to mimako loans on Omaha city or Pouglat county real estate at current rate of Imitere.t. No comml'sioo cliargod. , ' TONEY TO LOAN-The lowest rates ot Intoret 1vtBeaus' Loan Agency , 15th & Iouglas. 234.1 ! ONEY TO LOAN-Cim at Law ottice f D. L. : i.t : ! Thomas , ro1n 8 , Crelghton Block. 4ONEY LOANIm-on : Chattel mortgage , room 7 lvi Nobraka National flank Building. 184.51 ' 1ltOSEY TO LOAM-J. T. Beatty oaa , , on chattel ivJ. _ property , 213 South ' 54th St. sept10 hELP WAT1ID. TXTANTF.D-A German compositor attho office of ! 1 the Nebraska Tnibumio , 1102 Farnama St. 181.5 17ANTED-A good dishwasher at the Emmet v ! house. leO.1l 1TANTED-Pirt clase , barber at Joe ( iorliy's bar. V I bcr shop , 500 N. 16th St. i5O5i 1'7AtTEt-A , dIsh washer at Lietropelitan hotel. sv ina.c I7ANTEh-Cook and chamber maid , wages1.OO V Y 603 north lOut St 7f74O T1TANT1D-A good , competent girl to do house V V work. Apply southeast corner St. Mary's ave. amid2dstret. 147-01 - ' \rANTEU-A \ good girl for general housework. tPPlY to 1015 h'arnliamn of er 0 p. ma. I tOOl UTANTED-A good Oernianglrhorgencral house. V I work. InquIre southeast corner 20th amid lIar- fey strc.ta 145-0j 1TNTEU-BLca11 tlrh in ! auiily of two to attend T bmby. ( i.J.CANAN&CO. 123 tf ATANTLi-Two good g1rl. , one ns cook aIaI Otto m s for second work at N. W. cur , Catu and 21st streets. 113 41 A GINTh St'ANTEI ) - Laro m reSt. , sellIng our liouiehold mtcce,1tjei. Send for chrculars for particulars. Name title paper. FiIAIT.uy & CIIISON , 121.0 ItS FraokHum it. , Chisgo , Ill. 1yAN'nmo-ourI : for general housework , 2514 V 1)ouglas strcct. 1114.1 ! % 7ANTEI-An engine tenon by a practical ongi. V V neer and mnachhimist. Good references emma ho furnished Address "V. it. S. " JJaootflco 826 hal 1TANTmll-Oood girls for good families. Iteot V V wages. Appmy Immediately itt employment bureau 217 N. lOthSt. No. ottloc fee. 022.tI 17ANT1D-t3Lx good coat maker. . lIct of prkes I S raId. FRANK J. IIAMUI , 732-ti 7ANTED-Lady agents ton the "Queen i'rotect. V V or.A , tew Under garment for ladles , made of soft , 80111)10 rubber , Sure protection to the under. wear , when neccstary to ho 'norn. hhetalls for 2.OO as fast a , atnts can show It. Large profits. Address V. Itim stamp , "Ladles' Utmndcrgarmnent 1anufactmining Co. , o S daystreet , Chlcatro. I. 7116-3m 1TANTih-OIn1 at No. 1O6 Sherman avomitie. ! L251.ti nts.j. Id. COUNSMAN , _ _ _ SITUATIONS WANTED , \ % 7AhTEISituatIou by t'.so experienced girls , to do housework In inlsaito amniilcs , i&4.i8 [ eaten ortii street. ices' \7 ATEL-SituatIomm n chlector in somne whole. V I sale or retail house. Five bears expeniemmco , tchi aequatmmtedumu city. lieu of city rcfcremaeeo. Ad dress "L. " 1412 I'armmam , 1346' 11rANTEl-.5ItuatIon as book.Ioepor or sales V V mean it , acute hardware houto by otto well so. Itualuiteil .ith the tumnu. No lrcteremmce as to mci. 110mm , Addresi " 1 , 5. 13. , ' No. 708 north 18th street , Omaha , Neb , 124-01 MI2OELLANEOUS WAW1S. ' \rANTEft-im gentiemnan amid aifone children ) t40 or thrtouniurnlhed rooms near Cemiterof city. Addrcs "K. ' 1010 lasedport St. 15501 1TANTED-hlonrd end roomn 1mm vzIato famnhly. V V Adilres "Ii , h3. ' lice ottico. 148 St \'rANTEu--A Sow day t.t'arders ' at us s. hum S V stet. 120-Of RENT--Ilousemi and Lots , _ - - -jmolt hIIST--To one or two gentlemen , a nicely _ 1 _ funutlslittI , rome km dcsIrbhe location , Addrcsd "N. E. H. ' hJu citlou. I ' 5Oit itlN1'-A dtslrablcroomnfor slnglegerttlemau at the H. IV. cormiem't3iitol tire. and iStim St 6s 1'OiiiutNT-CottagutIth S rooms on Charles lit. ± ito-ti 1)11 , PAUL. _ _ _ 1 ? Olt ltlNT-Two or three lmnfurnlshed recoil , emma _ a _ lint floor mmcar sticet car,2617 ( . 'hules St. mS $ bl 1moui itlr-To : houses seuthof Ui' . i.i _ 1 I"HseoIori given Oct 1 ! . . InquIre J. i'lIH'I' $ . luot1512 H stusSt. 107511 11Oit IIFN1-5'lanos and organs at A. IIOSI'E'S 1 .4usio Ifahl. 1241100 A Nic1y furnished room fur ccitt , I-ItO ( timicago .L1 Street. 10341 $ i'omt ItlNT-To s stash fauiiIy , ami up-stairs rcai. . _ L tience , S rOome aiisd hail , irunt ammi Year staIrs , well. ematern , etc. htnt low. Call at 1815 Cass lit. 1411 5' T'O1t flNT Furimishu.i room. at 000 S 14th St. _ I' 132-101 511W , FIIANK , " . - - - - - ------I- _ _ _ _ / rrr for Infantsnnd Children. Cn storinpromimntcsl ) I mzet I on TOltchUtOkq , anticoiimi's I' , ' luumlwmey euzisillia- 'Tie tfon , Sour Stomnacim , Diimrrimoa , tumid hmcn ttallcs Intl anti cryhy turns , Fevenisimnegs , It itmamirema healths amid \Imat curios their eolic , kills timoir worms , mimiturmil sleep , witimout JulOl'flhmllse. limit ( , o.toria. - \Vliat qumlchih.v & 'mmrs Constipation , , Sour 5iotiiuc.h , Colds , lndlgeetlomm , ' Castonhis is so will atinpirtI to Chlidnt'mm that Imu I Cattnrln. . I rceoumimmm1'muIItasbujtnior . . . . tonmiy Iirt'seriptiom.s FntiehI thcmm to iIorpliine' Synuips , notsmm to mute. 1. .A. siitttEmi , M. 1) ) . , ' , gtor 011 amid l'imregonle anti S2l'oxtlantl Ate. , hlrookf3rn , , Y. 111111 Castonlaf . . . . - - - - - - - ; - & " - - CENTAUR LINIMENT-sims ithioimmto cure for Ehiositisa- t.lsium , S1)1'1LihlS , 1illViul4 , Gitlhi4 , 'i'luo umost. I'o'ev1'uth 1515(1 10fl0- tratliug l'aims-r'lic'i'ihug 1115(1 llemuhliug 1ciimetiy kimoWit to iusaii , r------- . . . . . . - --'or.'i ' ' - - - - - - - - - --.i s--- - - rLvnrit-.MNw1 : L1iMTxb : ITHEESTTHREADFonSEWNG MACHINES ] ) SIXCORB SPOOL COTTON IS ENTIltiIX The Product of American Industry ! PRONOUNCED BY EXPERTS.TO BE THE BEST THREAD IN THE WORLD FOR hAND AI'.ID MACI-lINE SEWING , Full assortmemit oonstnntly on Irammd and for sale by HENRY P U HRMAN , Pi'm'm ont , N eb. F Oil 1SEN'T-Furuhshod room , 1316 Dodge btreet. 117.11 $ 'tomt mtNv : - 'urfstiem ronnie on the north'.reet cor. 13 Ii and Caititolavemitme. Isatf i-4'oa flm-NT-F'uiraIshed , ronnm frr gemitheniemi. In. ( quire at A. iIoqe's Art and Music lfall. 131.11 ItINTOII 4A1E-Creston Urc'.ery and i'ark. Capacity of hmrct cry 25 barrels ler slay. Iheser- tom affords 1)lcIIty of lee. There is forty acres of land it-Itt , the property. but trill rent with or without the land. Ilrcircvi _ aajolmis city limIts. Owmied iiv a widow IaIy. Call or corrospiid rcgartlluig remit .iith 'I if J. ii. IlAlISti [ ANt ) CO. , 130-01 Crestommiotsa. luEN'm'-A suIte of rooms for gentlei'uimt anti trite , 1112 8. hIlt street. 932-SI Foil htlNT-Wmth boird , a furnished room , gas and ball , roomis at 1714 Dodge St. 107.01 - OR RENT-Two unfurmiishd roomna at $7.00 per mnomttii , at 1014 Webitcr street. O.)6 tf Foil IIENT-Furnkitcd rooms , . , ingle an4 for light housekeephmig. Beetijers block , corner 8th and howard. 035-tf F Ott htaNT-Largo , newly furnished room 1013 Chicago street. 823.81 mon 11uNr-172o Capitol Avenue , elegant luni. Silted roome. ( Jemitlemanand who or gcntienin. 1101 and cold water. All comivenlences , 799 63 Ibis RENT-Nicely fimrmiishccl rooms 18th St. bet. Dodge atmd C1Ito1 aye. 978- & $ . .c'OhL IIENT-Furnmshed rooms. N. ti 23d and Ba. . _ I _ temiport streets. sic ci 4Oht ISENT-Three uxmfuriiholied rooms. InquIre N. V. cermier 2051 _ and Biughas St. 003.55 T , ) LflT.-.Nlccmy furnished rooms 1724 flougias. 93m.tf - ' 0 LET-Furnished roomi with board 18U5 CaiS- fornla St. h20.Imo- F ° R itnrr on. SALF'-Storo buildIng con. 6th and h'ierce St. Good building forgroccryor Butcher sitoit. 831-imo' iuion IIF.NF-.kcozylittlo furmaiMhed room , to lady only , for 4.0O , 2009 Cass street. 840.11 flUsEs'ro itiNT-1O. to.Opor mormth. litoret nitd rooms to remit. City rositenco for isle .1500 iipwartl. Vacant iota mali partsof city. Farmlands for ialo or exchange.LOUNSHUiIY LOUNSHUiIY & MARTIN'S , heal E.statu AgcncyS. W. corner 15th and Fanriani. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 780-ut I 'tiltiENT-Nictly { furnished roomntforthe wittIer. luqoiro at east side 18th St. between Douglas & 1Jode. _ 703 tf Foil ISENT-Ileshilenoes and store huuldlmige. BED. FOISt ) & SOBER , Real Estate Agency. Oilbce Cast tilde 14th street , between Farnam amid Douglas streets. ; soit IIENT-lito commodious 12 room house with stable , etc. , on N. W. corner 20th and Cunilag streets , now occupied by Charko. F. Mandersm , In. qulro upon Prentisca until October lit , mvliea possess 10mm wilt be gliem , . AuctIon sale of house fold goods ThurtidaySept. 27th. 672-ti "oitluENr-Ttso floors aijil basement. Elevator attached. 1107 Farnam street. 270-ti I-'OIt SALF-i3ording house FurnIture. Addrcai .1 "C. U. " lice otllce , 123-0 * , tit ) SALI.-A fomuidry and uachlne 81101 , 511 the U. 1' . limme. Centrally located and good trade. A rare chance for somnsgood niochanics. Addroos"U. S. " Bee 0111cc. 188.10 i,0I SALII. fancy grocerlee , Queenswaro amid flxtur. . , situis. toil lii the ii''o city of Crcstumm. Also may general store at No'.Invhle , Iowa. Chamigo of business ree bOn for selling , Call on or address 11. A. NYE , 110-Si Creston. Iowa. F 01' SAI.1--A scoond hand "American" Sewing Machine very cheah ) . lioiUire at Bee oflhe. 105-tI S hEEl' FOIl SAI.l'-iiOO head of large , timio Men 01) Sheet , , coiisItlngof 220s ) wittier , 1,700 ewes and 200 Iamb , . The above sheep shearo.l this sIrImig front 7 to Upounds fur aethors anti the ewes titer a.getl six pomimids of wool. Correspommicnce solicitol , 9j3.7 IIAIISIIAIL ti hOE , ( Immiaha , Nub OI1 HALE--liaw'.er's , Sub-dl'.Islon , 20O ama acre. lfawver's liub-tImmislomi , $200 an acre. Ilawvur's Sub-tilvisiomi , $200 an acre. Ilawier's Sub division , p200 an acre. IIaw'.er's Stab.dI'.ialomm , t'2)0 ' ( an acre. ISa 'ncr's Sub-dlvisiomm , $200 an acre. lIawvt.r's Sub division , t200 ems acre. Baiter's Suh-diiiiiou , 2UO atm acre. Iltiwser's Sub.divi1on , p200 atm acre , Jtawyer'sSobtIiIslou200 an acre. ilawver's liub-dislalomm , * 200 alt acre. hlsomer's Sub-ditislon , 2U0 amm atre. 034-If Fanmiam lit. I HALE-Scm-un elrgant lte-.idenoes and lots hear Postohtlco. 1-2,500 to 7,00O each. 887.ti I'ECE , O7' ) . I' . 0. IF" ° 't ' SALE-4jote hlrihllanto , flOO an acre , Cole BrIilIante , llOOnn acre. Cote hmrimiiante , 1 ® an acre Cot , lhnilimanto , l00 mitt acre. Cole lmrimllomite , 1100 am , acra Cite hirililamite , 1OO aim acre. Cote iirthliamttc , V00 aim acre , Cole hiriiilarmte , 1100 all acre. Cole lirIlilante , 1100 an acre. Cote Urihiliutte , * 10) an acre. Cotu Itrililaitte , lieu an acne , Cote lirliliante , l11am , acre. Come iiriliiaute , 10O an acre , Cole llnihilante , i0O an acre. Cots , iirllliante , flOO ami acre. AMES' , } 'acnatl 033-tf Street. _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . 10O an acre. Cote nniulantc , # 100 ama acre. Cole itriiiiaitu , , 11110 an acre , Cote iiriillamitt ! , $100 amm acre. C'otu itrililante , $100 an acre , Cute iirhlilaite , 1100 iii acre. Cute liriliiamate , 1t1O amm acre. D'1o.tf AMIS' , Farnam Strtet. ri.E vim.u'-oo Is Olttt0tiiw,1irubemg Carpets , i'anior Isuht , IMirror I hamisber Slots , btoio , , Idehes , situ all ktuds ci liouiehioltl gods. ( 'all at 011cc end secure b4rgalnb at o , 1010 Ilatezi. treet. - - - - - - - - - - jSOht SASS-Ice acres , 10 mlks from town. ODd .I _ bulidimigs , tell cultivated. Only 38.Uo an acre , 185-If AMKI4 , 1107 F.srnamn , imoii s ALS--iitt.oi ( irocery doing a ipletidhl bust- _ I oral. Otsmiergolng Icitojubbing trade. Flrt'class o.'iottumtity , 130 II 1107 Farnamn. Fen SALfl-.A fresh muds cow , Apply to Mrs. Suicimiam , . I'aik ate. 162-Sf 0t SALE-2 acrehoti , west , $ .S00. 2 acre Iotwest , $ ' , OO 2t ice ltsiiest , $00. 21 acre lot' . , test , 2) hero Ito , sect , 60O. 2 acre lots , est.00. S 23 ccc Its , .sot , 00. 001-If AMIS' , Fimarn Street. I SALi-Lote 50x160 , near hark avenue , $525. Lots 5Ot6O , nrar l'ark .kvenuie , $ t25. Iut 05xltXl , micar lark , ivciiuc , $520. _ _ .tf AMES' , Farmiamu Street. F SALC- Sax room house 0mm 18th St. 82.700. Six room house new , 100 feet from l'ark aye. 82.sao. Six room house 24th St. south ofcrelghtoo College , SI .S0'3. .S0'3.784.tf ° MFS , 15 6 Farmam. , I It SALE-1'wo 5ortable hollers , lOhorte lowCrm 'I Apply at f I ) . FIlZ1'ATIIICK , 60s.tf 218 i4.ithl5th Street. . , } 'OiiSA1.Fi-LotsDonockcmi adiltion , $ l&O to 8-400. Lots , Incckcr's addition , 8150 to $100. Lots , 1)oneclcn's u.ltIltion , 1ii0 to $100. Lois , iotickemi' additiop. $150 to 5400. Lots , Donicken't addiUna , $ ito to 4 00. 904-tI . AMES' , Faruan , street I ' 1t SALE-iwo Iotsdotirablelocatlomi and chea Each $ .15 , on good torur. Inquire at lb ofilce. 334 tI Fole S'LE-A hone tot at a sacruilce. .1. L 1 Marble , 217 N. lOll <. 623.tf I 'o --tour : h.icc iotts on 20th St. , long time , 217 N , lath -1. .1. 1 Marble. 6.tf ; moit SALP20hiFarmiamn street 77 feet frontage , 125 d'-pthflvo ronitol lmouu84Mfl0. Otm-mot - I chances at 217 N. ibtb street. .1. L. MARBLE. t30-tf Poit S.tC-Am ; aba'gain , to malt , oler , Ilaminaun and Co's fire proof sate. Inquire at thIs office. ; olt SALI1-5 nomis house , full lot , barn , $1,200 dowmi , ialazjco monthly payment' ' , $2,100. S room house aisil harm , , 1ha.rsiey street , $2,000. Id acres laril , improved , good house and barn , 82.8'O. ' S room house , hot 4.xl8q , hlartiey , .trcet , $2,250. 8 room huuse , two lots , atal.Ie , south , , $1 , 200. 01i2.tf AMIS'.Fanaiim , Street. I jlOitSAI.E---'ino finn close to the c.it' . i'i-3'K , Opioibe P. 0. I iOit SALIS-A ltr.t cLis. secoitu iinU top buggy. Call u11310 lEarner 'tret. 9711 iioit .SALE-lto'.ileuco arid biatmass property in _ I all 1)amt of Omaha , and Facto Lati ] , hi alt parts of the State ButI'OiU ) & SOBER , 793.1 ! 213 8. 11th St. iL Farniuti anti Doliglat , 1itJIt SAit-0ht ECitANGE-Fuii iut amid torte dweiliiigs corner of 15th aid i'acIfio streets. i4inu lott ( II south Omaha. Also 160 acres of hand near Santa , Ntbraska , timil buildIng timid stock of clothing Ni' . 80-I Tenth etr'.et. 5'ili exclutngw to. ' Nebratho farrim linds. Ftmrt.hr partlcnlri at Oco. 11. I'eterso's : Clothing Htore , 804 Tenth ttreet. 460-ood.tf _ CIC cewepapors in large and entaIl .1 , 'antlte. et thi rm't'ce ti I'IIISCELLANEOUS. 0SI'ce 'C"Clanionet. Finder will be reward. I . 4 Cl by returnIng thu seine to thitollice. 144.51 r 'AKEN mJl'-umaday , He-It. 20th , a entaIl cow , red with white Ieg.amitI star in freheadahout seven years olI. Owmer trui have the same , , ) ypaying damage and coats. ' JOHN 'I' . I'AIJLMbN , 181-St hew' 21st and Lake Street ± I 11 lullvAitu-wiIm be ad br ole recovery of a r I Si buck talise , contalffimig varIous moatuseylpi emil tImer , adiIreset1 to 11ev , Edgar Jncubt. No qucetloris askul. ii. C. ( IU'riIitIE , mIS-11 $ City Itarsital. ThitfiFOut SALE-Consisting of comifeetionery , FruIt anti Famicy Notions. Also fIxed for Red' tatirant. Uood cellar tad welt. BuildIng 20x62 , one luCy. Doing a good buinegt. Cause of &de , wama . , , . . , , to go out of Iutines. Athtress 7t13 1nl (1. J-L COREY , Oakland , Nab. 1 I Surveys map , 'in Ilans of real estate In or omit of thu city , isiipty to PECK'S 247-tI Agency , 0ilOSlte P.O. EDWARD KUEH1 MkOISTF.IL OF l'ALIYSTEilY AN ! ) COND1T10 ! ' . ALIS4T. 498 Tenth street , hotwion Fartamri and Itir. hey , will , with tue mill of gnandlai spirits , obtab tam aty elms a glaico of tie past 150(1 ( prcst , amid on certaIn rmiditlorj. I , the futtirt , . I. ' Immud hisa. rrs.di ti p-to , I' , . , .iCi'tv-tir , OY4 P ii ? , ST . \ .4rnG ' , sIl . , $ POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thta Powder Deter series , A mars-el of purity strciigtn mint ! wIt Ioomnt-nes. Ice ecomvmnI0l tkasr the orna.y kiiid , sit ca not besold Itcunqetitiun. with the niultituis of low test , short wttgbt ainiost hus3ht lusder. Soli only ii , casts. itoai taa. 1&1 & I osdar I.U 5U eta-vet Zitw York , -