I rrIE DAILY BEEW ALA , FRILAY 00'1 UBER i 1E : v - TilE CA l ! A. BEE. 4 rubll.hed every nrrning , etoeptlSunday. The eely Monday mornlrg dally , PANC R1 NAIL tie Trarho.m s Three Menthe . , , . .raen llx Momma. . . . . 5.Oa I One Month. . . . . . . . . 1.O lox weUlX RU , rOaLIAIIRDRIRRT waDx MDaT. T1mRNe'rosTrAl D. . . . . One Teer. , . , . . . . . , f7.00 Three Monthe. . . . . .e 81x Months . , . . . . . IOO One Month . . . . . . . . d Amedean Neww Compwny , sole ? AgentaNew.l.a1 an In the United States. , roxxxroxnxvct ( A Communlcannne relating to Newe end Edllon t matters abonld be addre..ed to the EDtroa , er. Tne eaa .relaPM LarrxR , . i Ml Buetncr , tetten and Ilemlttancca'ehould' he addreeeed to Tne Bee I'OaLlalnxo tplIANT , ONAIIA , Drafts , Checks and I'otatace ogle re to bemade , pay able to the order of the company. , TBE BEE BUBLISBING CO. f PROPS , E nosEWATE6Edttor. Teti ; army of c ndidatus for county of. Gees if falling into line anil skirmishing tins already bogus as to who shall lead limo procossilyl. Now that it coat but two cetits.tn send a letter , perhaps Mr. Baird will answer the specific clargos ntado against him by time press of Onaha. 'Fur army record of the lien. Jamcs w. Savage , is one of which ho may well be proud. By the way , what was Mr. Rneso's record during Limo war ? ' 1'uu volumes which contain the list of pensioners of time governinont are out , and iL will sooti be possible to ferret out time frauds who are taking advantage of thu nation's gonorofity. ' 'ei ; Now York postotlco started off with tss O millions of time new two eont statups , anclan order for fifteen million more. Such figures help one to realize tine grcatlICsS of this country and its mo tropolia. hail. VANDajnl11.T handed in his per , eonal chock the ether day in New York for $190,000 in payment of his taxes for the year. Ho protosos to get ever by watering the stock of sons of the half a dozen roads which ho controls. JoIIM RoAol is the cheekiest. of his tribe yet discovered , lie has sett a bill for $21,000 to the Secretaryof the Trna-- ury for taking care of the Roanoke since 1877. This a nounts to $8 a day. Per- ; hapa the Government might compromise the matter by giving John the vessel. I'AT HAwnim and Frank Walters are engineering a Workingman's Loom through a so-called "labor organ" in these parts owned and edited by a stool pigeon has boot a lawyer , a reporter , a jack of all trades and pastor of none. Omaha workingmen are too intelligent to be gulled by political mountubnks and free lunea fonds. ' 1'm ; reduction of time public debt durIng - Ing September was $14,707,229 , or more thiui $8,000,000 greater that that pf August. During the last throe months rho reduction has aggrogatud $20,179071 ; , or utore titan $15,500,000 loss than the reduction during Lilo wino period of last year. At this rate it is ostiniated that thou total roductiomi for the year will be but 875,000,000. t Tur decision of time Now Yo'k Court of Appeals in the suit brought by Rufus I Hatch and otters against time Western is in every respect favorable to that corporation - poration , Thu court lmolde that time ab- surtion of the Atlantic tC Pacific nod American Union teas not fu violation of the law and that the issue of $16,000,000 stock dividend was not prohibited by Limo State statutos. Thai snit will not ho car- nod up to the Federal Courts. Mots army ufieori have-been retired during the past two years for ago or length of service than will leave the army for four years to cone. Time list ioclud ing bicDowell , Iilcigs , Ituckor , ing'alls , Hunt and Eakin , was imlerellsed this week J by time addition of Gunoal Outty , Cole- nel of time Third Artillery , who came under the operation of the compulsory retirement law. The Now York Sou notes time cquamiamity with which the ofi- curs who have thus far been removed from time active list under time cummipulsory atatuto have accepted their fate , One / two of then lad written vigorousl against the moaeuro while it was still pending , but it is mien- probably rocog i < - nized as being mm hmardship. ( ion. Meigs not long ago , oven sort a letter of con , gratulation to Gun. Ekin on having Jjoin- od the retired fiat , based it upon these cumsideratioms ; "Tho country we lcavo aorval fur so many r years bas provided ndlclently for our uoumfort , Mud we ehuuhl nut regret the relief irons later amid activity , while we have nil that iR neecs iary anti tinmo to mmjoy loteurem , wldclt I hope . ' we shall euccoed In makimig pleasant for our- eolvea and proitablu tit those whin dopoud on 04. " in fact , an officer still fu the vigor of manhood , and with nmauy years of heultim d and cujoynott in prospect , line little ground for coniyhaint in being relieved from all , ficial cares amid respummeibilities , while receiving fro i time govurmmunt thireo fourlhs of Limo piny which was comm. sidered au adequate eenm mienation for time devotion of lima Limo to active mmilibmy survico. 1 Only two moro rutiromatts for ago are 1o ho made this year , those of Gunoral Swift , of limo medical duiiartiuunt , amid Chaplain Blake ; for although Gomoral Sherman proposox to turn over the coin. mmand of time army to Gunoral Shuridan on the first of November , which wi11 be soon alLur returning front his travels , ho will ? tot eomploto life sixty-fourth year and he formally put on the retired shelf until the 8th of February. CIIEAI' 1'UBTAGE , The innuguratiou of cheap postage on Tuesday in the United Stites by time opomtinn of limo now postal law , invites attention to trio growth of time 1)ostflice business 1m this country , and the history of its establishment. For several years after the first sottlomemite in Now Eug laud and Virginia , mo stub an official a.s the post master was known. Nine years after the sottleaont of Boston , time general - oral court appointed one moan to recoiw'o all mho loLtos at his house , and to deliverer or send thum to time parson to whoa they were addressed , receiving one penny for oaclm letter for his trouble. The first mail , wlmich was n monthly ono , was established bolwcet Now York nod Boston - ton iii 1072 , and in 1083 11'illiam Penn started im l'hiladolphia time first post. oflico , which was time gernm of time colonial system , It was Ifenjnniin Frank , lie who made time postoflico self-suslnimm- ing and secured a rovemo of $15,000 the year before the omlbreak of Limo rcvolu- t ion , Ouo of time first acts of time Federal govorimimtt after its organization im 1789 was to organize a postoflico systea. TIme first law fixed time rata of post'mgo at 8 euuGi for less llmnm 10 miles ; 10 cants for ices than 00 smiles ; 12 comts for less tlmti 160 utiles ; 17 cotta for under 300 miles ; 20 cells for less than 600 miles , and 25 cents for all distancus exceeding 600 mniies. Thorn were no envelopes , 'l'hu letters wore required to ho written on one piece of paper , or time rate was was doubled. The postage could be paid by time nemmder or receiver , but letters were seldom Iprepnid. Time mails were carried imi stage coaches or on horseback. In 1810 the first change was nmdo im this law and a new schedule of 9 cents for 30 miles , 10 for 80,12 far 160 , 18 for 300 and 25 for 400 miles went into operation amid existed until 1815. The success of ltowland Hill's postage ro- fornm inn Emgiand induced Congress in 1846 to nmako ammtlmor change. 'rho schedule of 1815 fixed Limo rate of asingie letter for any distance under 600 miles at five seta , amid for any further dis tance at ten cents. The vast oxtouahon of territory in consequence of tim acquisition of 'Texims , Ness Mexico and California entailed adclitioal expense , amid it was feared , lint time postoflico do- par tnont could nut ho nmado to pay its oxpeisesnt that rate. In 1861 an effort was nmdo to raise time rate , but it ro- suited im a further reduction to 3 cents for all distances under 3,000 miles , and a cents for mere than 3,000 ; if Limo letter was not prepaid time postngo.was ti coots. It was mint until 1853 tlmt time systen of a umiiform rate of 3 cents for the haalf ounce letter , for all distances in Limo United States , was adopted. Phis is , iii fret , time Itowlaud hill system , which effected - fected such a , ; 'tat amid bemieticemmt clangu fm Euglamid. In 1872 mho free delivery syatcmn wits inaugeaatod mid later time postal card was introduced. Time last atop , a tnmiforut 2-cent letter rate , is now aceonplislwd. What effect Limo reductiom of the postage - ago will , have upon time revenues of time dopartoient it is impossible as yet to estimate. The probabilities are that enough aclditiomal letters and sealed circulars - culars will be sent to nearly make up for time reduction in time rate. Between a emo cant postal card amd a two cent ) otter the difference is so slight that it is roasoo- ab10 to suppose that mammy will make time change on account of time greater privacy secured fron closed Juvolopes. STAND Ul' To ) 7'117 RACK A'74 Tim OMurt ] file admits that air. Reese is am imouust man , a splendid gun , tlonan , mitt a clean-i mded advocate. But it objects to his election because he hits not bust emi limo judicial beimeim before - fore this. 'Timis is twaddle and time teo- ale will so say on olectinm day. If he Bits time legal bility time lenusty amid judgniatt ) , his experience will come to lminm after eluetion , lie is Limo 1)001)10's main , one of then in ovu souse , thwart g , honest , free from every taint studious , able amid will got therer amt don't you forgot it. No Snvaga deno- cait , miuminnlod by tlmo umumiopely campers of time bourbon party , can beat him fair- ly.-lfnalGils Gri eIo Toarneu ( , Do not nmisruproaet , if you pleitso. Quote Tar 111E correctly or dent ( quote it at all. We have mover said Mr. Reuse was an homiest nisi. Wo have never said that lie was hnnost. We have never said that lie is a cuati haudod advocate , but we have said that bt was mm U. IC attar- aioy amid was nipiyed ? by that corporation ' 1m lighting liprighteous claims of Suuit- dnre count homituslcndurs agmaimist the land grabbers. But how can time editor of time Guzelc- ( .Tournal , with any deeeuey , villify and slander Judge Savage , in time face of his own veltuitary undorsement utimde only four weeks age ? glow does his eom- touiptiblo abuse of Judge Savage daring time past week taut iii time light of time follovimg editorial , whicim tvo copied frown time llmistiugs ( htsclo Jnlrnat bu- fore Judge Savage was endorsed by time oiti nmonopolistsh in nommihaiimg Judge Savage for Su Iutvo Judgutlne Dutnucrtts of Nebraska duuu wall. Ifeingg it good o tramped , j eud lhumku r , mid um homiest. and uprght men , if elected Inn will aaku a miupst exeullunt Judge , lie is semettlimg ) of a rmity in Iris party , bath as to patri otisnt mad mmfuroottimm , 'l'ime Deutocrats hm Nebraska don't propuso to plrmee themu- selves rim audi a posntmlli its to be cared bluudurers , 'Plus uouiuatiomi at least is oppeshte to that idea. It was the best they could do , and of tvlmieh they mimed fuel tie shams , ' 1'oImut time very bust nnun for that ollico is limo lieh amt f political wisdom. Itelnmblicaun by ' Time will u ( h' maot to follow time saute Lime of policy , NO scrub lawyer need apply. will be Cann lolled to tut mum tibia anti ac. Itnblo naafi co u eon heiticket or be nmowod uudur tlmie fall. So bras that i ° concerned , time public will be betelitted And in Caen thollupubllcansarodefented therm we shall have a tnmati elected Whc will in no sense disgrace time batch. Now we ask , in all candor , what 1i as caused this sudden changol Has Judg e Savage done anything during time past month that would change tlao good opin. ion any man lofty have formal as to his character or fitness for tie bemiciml have the republicans nominated a better maim or oven as good a maim as Colonel Savage ? Isn't Dfr. Reese really "a scrub lawyer" when we think of hint as n posiblo Chief , lustico of the Supreme Court ? IVill time Editor of the Gnaee Jour'iuml now stand up to time racket likn a man , or does ho prooso ; to swallow himself and act the cowardly bushwhacker and political do. magoguol .101)00 ) GRnSiiAN is time first I'ostnss ler Geteral since Mr. .lnuios who seers determined to get to the bottom of mat , Lets in his owmt depart and to hold his subordinates strictly to their duties. Mr , lfatton , who tinder Mr. Howe put on all the airs of a cabinet oficer , has been elmarply told to attend to his proimer business and to leave patronage peddling alone and Mr. Elmer , wlmo was also fu his own estimation a bigger man titan old Ifowo , has received a sharp rap over ho knuckles from his chief. Both these gmttlcmen talked for several days about handing in their resigantions , but con , eluded to hmamg on to time oflicinl teat as anon aR they discovered that their services - vices wotld be cheerfully dispensed with. llTr. Greslmam is receiving well merited praise for Line businuss like methods which ho is ndojtimg to boner time Bar- vice. PIItSONALIT1ES. Secretary humger suit ex Senator Conkllo g never speak as they pave by. Oiara 1.auiieo Kellogg Is findingg amusement In attondiing Connecticut cattle shows. Tim report that llatton has Moon nppoint- 5d no ( lie Govermnont hog cuotnmiteiun is erroneous - roneous , Jlrno. Miinaio ll.tuk tolls a Ifnston reporter that autograph writing iv one of the bothers of her life. Dr. Mary Walker is going to reside In Bnglaul , an(1 The Roston Coarior thinks she ought to take up her rceidonce in Mlddle sex , General West , of Miaslesippi , calls General Cbalunes a "jug-bellied , tut , " Wo may soon hear of a hdstilo mooting and a pistol eliot or two in the air. . , I Tine l'rlncess of Wales becoming a London letter. This will give her husband a chance to stumble Into bed at the wee' sins' hours wIthant being detected. Calusha A. Grow , the I'ennsylvanIa holitl clan , ma IUSct Ibed a. a "slender , hald hoadeel , silvery-bearded ; tbhi.volcod , plo.u att spokes old geutlemau. " Ito is nut of politics. Cungreceuuum Phil 11.1'hoamsof Kentucky hss Leon visiting Dmtverhut wav not received with nmch eclat. A person who has killed July one than doesn't go for mooch out in 1)en- verifs. . Voorhees , of Indiana , Is reported to be gnnving thin. As ho is known , however , as the " 'full Sycamore of \Vabavh"ho probably - ably intakes up in length what ho lacks fu "hrcatithl' Clmrles Delmmnico , tips fanmous caterer of Now York , is said t" lmavo gave crazy. As lee still continues to charge $2SO for a forty coat steak , however , there seems to be nmethod inn his umadnevs. Saum Randall claims to he the nimani wino broke the back of the thatch nmuopoly , hint as i'ir. ' Carlislu was tine gmdlmurtnn who 5eenrUd the stnteulcut of the duty an tvnteruelans , we will feel conIhtraiued to vote for Mr , Car- Itslu. Senator Vovt has retorted from his Indian mniseinn , Ifo did nut In ; ress the ratio say. ages very frivurrtbly , hint lima errauul cauint ho said to have been altogether umsuceavful , a + ho briogs back with him several tobacco signs forleading St. Lauiscigar stores. Jnlnt Gookol of Raltimaro snoozed so hard nn Friday that ho dislocated his shoulder. Only n short tithe ago n mui ; h , Georgia broke his ack in time sane way. The South dnuv not seem to possess tire robnstiness that It vhould. Still , it's etreugtfnis uotto be sucezed at. Christina of S minima atomper of liner own. Sine recently dashed a purse full of gold in tine face of tine Due de Sesto as ni reward for the 11epldeo hnellan part fin war. suspected of playlug In the scandalous intrigue which brought matters to a crisis between Alfonso anti tine Queen. Supervising Arclntect hill will Probably n rite a series of letters. It is hnpod that his prufewsinoal expsrioinco will teach film not to adopt the severe Quemn Anew literary style of StuphotnV.1)Orsey. . Sounotldug in Elio Corin- tlnau , Doric , or Uuthlc limo weld Iso a ra feesldng change , Sheridai's presidautial boron wouldn't lunvo petered nut sn r inlclcly if it hahm't boon for time mpinlur that le tine uvinnt of his luuther's election , brother 11ike wool l b ° ap po utod to time court tit St , .1 nines. So it ap. pears that hm inure ways thrum one brother tiikels proving an nulsamico , A Clcvolaud i arson by the nano of Arn strong haw been to call u15u Jlr.'I'ilden , end tVnls surprised to learn that the old gontlounau goes up stairs tvith1)nt tlno least lllscwinmf1rt. 9'his , of course , lace a deep signfticano. Mint what in tine world poaeuw us the old gontlmmm that ho keeps the cider barrel to the attic In. etend of tine wllar. Occasionally we see n 1ir.1)azendnrf's mistime uaeutlunod bm the pnblia prints , Imnasnsuch as lie writes ldmnelf dawn as an e'-congressman ho can't be of much ncconnt. I la is probably thns mune person whin shed to talk vv0hy about reform , and at the eauta limo took postage stamigse hm paynwnt of stiltical oserasutonte. Time pile driver of publle acorn didn't strike blue nay too soon. It is xnbl that Queen Victoria'ofjeels to Navin ICmp Alfonso visit Jingland ; focrmse he Is no naughty. It seems as If a stomachs that mn atnind the tiohmgs of the hlgaly liav uteri l'rhmco of 11'rdee ought b be able to put op witlm time little bill tiglmtln sniprota ( 3lud rid. It occurs to us that time Qincoa shouldn't draw time 1hm at gnats as load as sine is bm tine habit of swalluwing camels. A mio dew of lioury 1Vattoreua is said to lave jolined tine churns of the lies , Opera com parry , lie unties by his vocal talout very natnmr iiy. Ibnnry Wattersomi Is uuiclt of n stinger. Ho used to emu , tenor in a Kentucky clnmrch choir twenty years ngu , anal as recent as tine tt muter of 11171 } lie particlpated in tine cantata of "l sthor , thin ] luautiful Queen , " for time heuolt of tire Louisville lottery echent. Of late yeas , however , ins Itas restricted hdom self to weekly Denocralaroquieaas , fuges sod tither numsie of a sober character , ruudoroul In nu Innonynwus , rotiniug way tinrnugh time col , tututs of his pnpor. Yell 1'Ights In I'arls. Paris isabort to be regaled by a geuu- iuu novelty , 'F'ine ( liruetor of time ht ) Nl drone has cone pletod arrasguntentmm for imm lurti6 S early , of bull ti liters from 11luidmld. Time enl nuw . ' lhimiu necessar y for time acelim uttizatiol of thus mastiluu iii Paris is the rnmission of time I'r'ofect of Police , which is withheld utmlil time director - rector will agree to hold imiutself pumeuu ally rcnpmnsiblu for null accidents that mnt ' Occur , 1 hu purformmtces are imitunded to open about October 16th , amid will eon- tfmuu for fifteen miglmta , ' 1'lu : Freimch bulls are nut sufliemomtly wild , so forty bulls will be brougnt ) fro m S emu nutalargo oxpetae. Cunae uumtl tint prices of admfssfon will be ut least doubled. Time bull ligmters ) w iil not be perumitted to mmn m or wotuid time animals , is in Spain , whiclm wilt cause the purformiauco to be inf nituly moro dangerous , as tvhiun time final sou , ma given time bull will be titer. otm 6ghl ' excited' and yet full of strun [ gth and activity. THE WAY OHIO WILL GO , Forecast of No11 Wok's Coll1o E in 1ho Pi oial Statc , I'rceilcting Ur , SII'COM , efttto Itepub hican 8tato'1'Ickot nuul time Sciec. tk mi Of a Ioumucratlc Ieglslatairim. Akron , Ohio , CorrespmdenceChicago herald. The Republicans will carry Ohio next Tuesday-tlmat is , they will inset Foraker and other State officers. 'l'imo ' Deno crats will obtain control of time Gcncral Assembly , wlmiclt will elect a successor to United Stales Senator Pendleton. Time iepublicans are likely to win , because , fn the first plaeo , there are moro Repttbll cans titan Democrats ill time State , and because , secondly , there is to be a very , Heavy vote. That there are moro Re. mubhcans than Deutocrats in Ohio can ho easily demonstrated b figures : Dur- fmi6 time l'tvt six years there have been six State and limo l'residemitial cleetiomia , 'rho Republicans hnivu had n plurality at five of theta , time Deutocrats at two. Locking back over llmese seven elections we find : lflglmcht Republican vote ( I'resldent , 1880) ) . . . . 375,018 highest Democratic vote ( Secretary of State , 1880) ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313,010 Lowest Republican vote ( Ouverour , 1871) ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219.105 Low'Owt 1)eumocratfc vote ( Governor , 1877) ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211,025 Average Republican vote. . . . . . . . . . 315,2t 2 Average Democratlc vote. . . . . . . . 307,25 ( ; At the cnleurtt n , therefore , are 8,000 marl Republicans tlman Democrats So I I , . , col , if we take a comparisotm e. ' at votes , them are 32,000 . m'I ' these figures arc ill in favor of tine tlepublieams until we come to tine fact that the Democrats car- nod time Sato at time last election by 10,000 , plurality. But their total vote last year was 20,000 less , ham Foster received - ceived four years ago , 68,000 less than were cast for Garfield tltreo years ago , and only 4,000 more than Fester received in 1881. Seven hundred and tweimtyfivo thousand - sand votes were cast in Ohio in 1881 , the largest veto of the State. From 700,000 to 716,000 will be castthis year. This vote will be cast , because , first , at is tleyear before the Presidential canpaign , and Ohio has not yet lost her keynote com- cert ; second , time peculiar circuntstitmces nttonding the nominations have awakened - ed much interest ; third , time liquor question - tion agitationtlne legal wreck of the fond law , time enactment and enforcement of time Scott law , and the never-ending dis- ctmssion of all the plmases of time nnatter , have aroused the rotors ; fourth , time close contest for cemtrol of time Legislature , with nearly 300 candidates for seats tearing - ing up time political sail , will be fruitful of results in ballots ; fifth , the onorgics of the campaign managers on both sides are bent , not to creating showy parades or mmitking mmuch noise at Limo hustings , but to perfecting organization - tion to get out the vote ; sixthmi and rather moro unport'uit them any ether reason , is the excitement over tine proposed liquor prohibition amendment to time constitu- tion. 1Vith all these causes in opetnttiom , it would not ho surprising if tine total vote would rcaclm as high as tine vote of 1880 , but a conservative estimmate of tine aggregate is 710,000. No lot us look a little deeper into time probabilities. Grautmg thut Ohiu is a ltopublicrtu State , as lmistory shoes it to b , what made it turn Democratic last year by time counfortablo najomity of 10- 000fTine Tine first great cause was time defection of a largo portion of lime Republieam Geruamns nund nearly all time Rep"blicat liquor nmem on account of time I'ond law. 'Fine aeeond cause wma tine stay-at-home Republiemm rote fn time strong Republican - can counties of the northeast or Western Reserve district of time state. Iii 1881 , whoa Governor Charles Foster was reelected - elected with a plurality of 20,000 , time tai counties comprisumg the Westerm Be- servo district contributed nearly 85 per cunt of it , or 22,410. here , iii these ton counties , is time bulwark of the Ito. publican party of Ohio ; nod although but one of tineni ( CuJ'abobgn , , city of Cleveland ) was appreciably affected by time German liquor element dissatisfaction - tion , in one year that plurality of 22,411) ) dwindled to a paltry 10,143 , a loss of neatly o0 per cent of tine Republican plurality of 1881 im tun counties , casting as little loss than 15 per set of tine whole vote of time Sbte. . Time deductions frofto tits ghumcu at time campaign of 1882 are that , with a fall v'oto ill 1883-a vote larger tluun that cast for Foster two years ago , tlmough not quite as largo as that giver Garfield to 1880-time ltopublfeans will gain over last year , in Limo tun counties spukenmof , about 15,000 votes. But they will not groin that annoy. Lm Cuynlwga cuumity tine for , eigmi and liquor eloammts are very strong , and , despite a partial recovery , will bold time Itu publican gain in limo western reserve - serve down to about 10,000 plurality. Time Re1publicans have to c mtundythis year , as last , with time elumment that is dis satisfied with tine recent liquor legislation. ' [ 'lie Gernmaus are net so excited about it , cud a small portion of thamn will rutmiru to time Ito pubhiaamm rgiumizud Tine liquor amen are as well n this year its true svoru last , oven butter , and will m gain lee rove their Ie gal Imolidit on time 0th of October by Carr J n g Deniooratie votes to time pubs. 'rinrce fuurths of tine aaluoukeepers of the state ( and thorn are 10(100 ( saloons ) swill do motlumig else inn election day but work with uiiglt and uuain ( ruin nerniug until night , with horses , carriages and wagons , gottimg voters to time poles. 't'his is time imlhm- eco that carried time sate fur Dem"crucy lastyenr ; it is the imifhuomicuthats-ill keep the ltopubliemtmm plurnlty undo' 10,000 next week. Timbre are divers utlmer intl enees at work. Chief anmnuj these may be mon- tinned time folowmg ) : llt.ury ilepub. Bean wool-growers tire dissatisfied be. cause Congress reduced the tariff on wool. 'l'ime 1)umocrtta have fainted tlmis diseatisfactiou for all it is worth , but it is nut turning out a large crop , it is taking amore time forme of inmprenesing time Ohio Congressntou whit the danger of O/'ending / ? tine woolgrowers ratlmt'r thou that of uputi and actual revolt , Still , tlmre is a little gains lucre for time Duman. erala , ' ! 'inure aru other ulemmeta in time cam palgm , suchh as tine convict labor questiuu , time ropugmance of sonic Donocntts to their self assuucd bosses and Senatorial nmanl eulators , the cat-mid-dog fglnt tit Hanmiltoti county , and atan others , lint , all of ter mull and emiderin g fntlueimees time uaimi fact is that vim a full vote Ohio is flu publican , amid we are to ha-o a very full vote title year. rant that 25,000 , disaffected Itepublf- can Gurnaus and liquor nmoi avant over to time denocr ey last year-14,000 fu ) Iamilton comfy , 0,000 to Cuyagoga , and 6,000 in time smaller ejtfus-and that 20,000 of thous continuo with the party this year. If they ntuld got in time bal. Int boxea as many votes as were given to Ilnncock in 1880 , vvitii these 20,000 new recruits added to tlmen , they would have but 300,000 , 16,000 more votes thouf there wore cast for Garfield. The b'st time Denwctats Cain hope for--Moro titan some of their leaders predict -is a vote equaling llntcock'sor140,000. ; Foraker can fall 30,000 below Gan-field's vote and yet hove 6,000 plurality over lloadley. hero is a careful estimate as to the result in time State , llcpublcan ( plurality - Aslmtabldn , 4,600 ; Athena 1300' Ilolnnont 150 Carroll - roll , 000 ; Clainpaigm , 1,100 ; Clarke , 1,300 ; Clinton , 1,500 ; Cotumbiana,1,900 ; Delaware , 100 ; Fayette , 736 ; Fulton , 1,000 ; Gallia , 1,000 ; Geauga , 2,100 ; Greene , 1,076 ; Guermey , 725 ; Hardin , 280 ; liarrisomi , 000 ; Highland , 50 ; Huron , 1,260 ; Jackson , 700 ; , lefferaon , 1,326 ; Lake , 1,000 ; I.awrenee , 1,660 ; Logan , 1,236 ; Lorain , 2,700 , Madison , 200 ; Mn- lmuiui , 500 ; Medina , 950 ; Dleigs , 1,025 ; Blame , 1,136 ; Morgan , 425 ; Morrow , ; 100 ; Dinskingumt,1110 ; Noble , 175 ; Paul. ( ling , 26 ; I'ortngo , 450 ; l'reble , 35 ; Scioto , 350 ; Smtunit , 1,200 ; q'rumhull , 3,150 ; Union , 800 ; Vale Wo t , 901Var ; relit , 1,050 ; 1Villlalns , 250 ; 1Vood , 0610. Total , 45,84r , Iumocratne plurality-Adams , 200 ; Al- rem , 1,000 ; Aebbumd , 700 ; Angalizo,1,500 ; Brown , 1,100 ; limier , 2,500 ; Clernont , ; 100 ; CnslmoctIm ( , 700 ; Crawford , 1,900 ; Cuyahoga , 5.0 ( . ; Dam ko , 1,100 ; Defence , 1,030 ; Erie , 000 ; Fairfield , 1,000 ; Franklin - lin , 1,000 ; Ilanuiltou , 0,500 ; Ilnncock , 276 ; henry , 780 ; hackling , 620 ; fiohnes , 1,800 ; lti nox , 50 ; Licking , 1,300 ; Lucas , 800 ; MitriOum , 725 ; Me'eer , 1,006 ; Mun- roe , 2,110 , ; Montgomery , 1,100 ; Ottawa , 1,026 ; Perry , 100 ; Piekaw'ny , 780Piko ; , 400 ; Putummmm , 1,460 ; Richland , 1,000 ; ! toss , 150 ; Saudusky , 700 ; Seneca , 1,000 ; Slmelby , 876 ; Stark , 350 ; Tuscara- was , 075 ; Wimtot , 275 ; iVashingtou , 50 ; layuo , 100 ; Wyamdot , 500 , Total , 48- 240. 240.This This shows n met Republican plurality of 2,605 , 'I'lie Democrats claim all Limo way from 5,000 to 8,000 in Hamilton. It is time homo of bothm candidates , and one's pop , ttlarity will probably affect the other's. 'r'ime figures m the table , 0,600 , are rather above than below time probability. llr nt- ilton gave Foster 4,500 plurality in 1881 , and time next year jumped to time extreme 10,700 Denmocratic plurality , Timis year she will gravitate about half way back to her rnmer position. Result of lee lieeco battle for control of tine General Assoubly is senetlting of a problem , Time last body stood : Rep. Dean. i enate. . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . 12 11 ? louse 70 35 't'otals ' , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 92 40 Majority on joint ballot , , . , . , . . 40 It would seeum hardly possible for the Doom 'cents to capture the Legislature by overconming suclm a preponderance. But there arc twemntythueo mnembe s fromm time four counties of Ilanmiltom , Cuyahoga , Stark , amid Montgomnery alone , now ell Republicans , who are likely to be sump. pbumted by democrats , time only doubtful comity being Cuyahoga , with , eight nmeuo- hers , .rime . Democrats arc certain to elect forty - ty nine umumsnbers of the House without Cuyahoga , witlm a chance for tom more inn doubtful counties , and if they elect their otlht candidates in Cuyalmogu will surely control tine body. Of the thirty-three nieumbera of tire Serrate time Deomiocrata are grotty certainn to elect sixteen , with four doubtful , 'l'ime conclusion of time whnie matter is thltt the Republicans will elect Foraker 10x1 time greater portion of the state ticket by from 1,500 t'm 8,000 plurality , amid that the Deutocrats will obtain control of time General Assembly by a majority of less thou ten on joint ballot. SUNMIT. - - - - - - STATE JOTTINGS. Diphtheria is raving in time southern part of Dakota county. A Molt county mnun sinews a stalk of corn bearing tweuty.eiglnt ears , ' [ 'Inc Norfolk flouriii mills are again inn ope ration , time now roller procosa haying been added , ; ' , brick mason named Ifousel , from LSn coin , died on time streets of Ifwtfngs but Monday - day of imeart diseaso. 't'rains will ruin to Hartington in about two weeks. Several Panes business maen intend recooving to the , new town. 1Vashimgtonm county cattle buyers are picking - ing up hurge nmiubcrs of steers iu Cunning lumd counties further up tine valloy. The Waverly lmutel at Neligin minrrowly os- eaped eleatructiuit by fire a few evenings ago by tine carolcss throwing of a nmatcln iunung curtains , The Nurtln Nebraska born is linvoriog over Cedar cuuuty and It is likely to remain hero fur nu indeliuito period , Other bourns will watt fer this nine to clear time trlclc. More than :550,000 were paid fur real estate , Sn Adams cYmuty , during time mouth of Sop- teumbor. Nearly nil this sun wav paid for faro ] ands , for wldcln vvarrmtydeeds were given , Time Ltucolu News anticip atos time n llen- nmuu , mid predicts "Tun ye.trs hesee it will be as nnoch of a disgrace is Nebraska to get drunk tts horsestedhmg is now a crime" 'flnore's imothiug like [ tutu. Elder Yearnshaw , of I.inculn , wins found dead inn his bud last Jlunday afternoon , Hu hall lived his alloted tinge , three score and ten , and his steps were fiLet fulling , thuuvh lie had Osunlly boon in good Itoaltin for one of leis years , Suuie days ago lltlss Mollie Larson , of Oak- lnumd , dopossted nbuat 5100 mm her stuvo for safe keophlg dui big her abveuce. Ou lwr to- turn sine forgot timer deposit and lands a faro which 51,1)11 chaugud tine bills and decreasotl their value 100 per cent , - - - - 'lhc Sbut Gun Tolley. Now fork Slur. Ex-Governer Sprague's logic amid shut. gun were satisfactory , , miter mull. 'Time re- stilt of his deliumco of tint , court of der dis possossimg Imam of eomtrol of time proaerty of time Quidneck company , recalls tine story of time ( lark ) gam w of poker , fm which ammo had three aces anal time other two jacks amid a razor , 'l'lpu last- nwmitioned land "took Limo pot , " and Goverulr Sprague still huhts time prep , urly. . a. dn t ' + 1t pLE r , , a'gRlr -i- i ' ' ' , R ' 1 tViswl THE GREAT bt1M REMCST. F'Ci : & ] CST. CURES Rheumatism , Nouralyia , Sciatica , Lumbago , Backache , headache , Toothache , Soi 't'hroalSn. lalne. , , probm.lmAder. , mum. , . . Srnd. , lhur tri/e. . ass Att. usmmtmm uau141 rums Abu sulfa , 5o14 br niauou rum ii..1. , . tier.r bcr. t'1n ; Croe. bail , TILE emmuLF.tl A , t vGE1.tt : 1'11 , 111vw11 t. , ya Lilt ac'Am II.mni..Y. . , s4. r.a. a , : . .oc7EI b3 _ H S } T Dry , C. CO. . . , Washington Avenue and ElftIi Street , - - - ST. LOU/S MO STE LEf JOHNSON & Co. , Wholesale Grocers ! A m 3OBImitS : IN FLOUR , SALT , SUGAR1 S CANNED UOOI Cn ND ALL GROCERS' ' SUPPLIES A FULL LINE OF TUE BEST BRANDS OF Cigars and Manufactured Tobacco , AGENTS FOR BENWOOD NAILS AND LAFLIN & RAND POWDER CO - _ _ t m : Cr F , Druggist ! AND DEALER IN Palilts , Oils , Yarilisho I alid ¶ illdO Glass OMAHA. NEBRASKA. t SPECIAL NOTICE TO 4 Growers of Live Stock and Others. 1 WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO Oil It G the best and cheat cet food for etock of any kind. Ono pound le equal to throe pounds.1 corn Stock fed with Ground 011 Cake in the Fa11 and wlna.r , instead of running down , will Increase in weigh and be hi good nnarketablo condition in the spring. Dairymen , as well as others , who nee It can teitltr Its merits. Try It and judge for yourselves , Price .5.O0 per ton ; no charge for Backe. Address o4-eod mo tiOODSIAN LINSEIAOIL , COMI'AN1' , omaka IL i + . , ° i G II iq-L . . . . . . . Ill p - = , lie ca6n..n. - S . - { fl , _ ; - . / T'IT I ' Boiler Iron ork I ' 1 OMAHA , - - - NEBRASKA. Bulld ail kind. of Steam Boilers , Smoke , Stacks , Breeching Lard , Water and Oil Tasks , and do s genera ilato Ironbusbies . Itepairingdone liiCity andCountry. All work I Done at Eastern Prices and Warranted i . Second-hand Boilers wnlbe kept on hand. Itavinghadmany years ozporloncolnthetrade Indifferent parte of the . country mamconadentIcangive . satlsaction , havhdg tine beat ehop atld tool. In the State. Shop J. M. WILSON Proprietor. MAX MEYER & CON , lM1'OILTERS OF HAVANA CIGARS ! AND JOBBERS OF DODIESTIC A 1 1 U PILOPItIETORS OF THE FOLLOWING CELEBRATED BRAN DS : Reina Victorias , Especiales , Roses in 7 Sizes from $60 to $120 per 1000. AND THE FOLLOWING LEADING FIVE CENT CIGARS ; Combination , Grapes , Pro $ ' ester , Nebraska , Wyoming and Brigands. WE DUPLICATE EASTERN PRICES SEND FOR PRICE LIST AND SAMPLES , r iEb , c1 t r > " . .r hts , , , d f ltr + ) f . " , t' , , er . ' , , I , Oy i I a , , , ti „ . , t . . 1IIE LEADING . tl , a 1. % _ y , tti ay5 rr.li ; „ N . r , ar za a ac lgbw T" t lmrra v j v isn'a , s' . as Ak ' ' 1409 011(1 1.111 Dodge Street , QMAHA , - - - - _ _ - NEBRASKA , Am. . II MANUFACTURER OF FINE Bll&ios & Carriages iwd Sprill 1Vaolis My Itepoeltory la constantly filed with a eclat stock. nest Workrnaualdp guaranteed , Office and Factory S { W. Corner 1/t ( and Cap/tot Avenue 0m alt 1 }