Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 05, 1883, Page 3, Image 3

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. s S U S . t II % $ J tJ S. I S1' $ I % V F. I I iiIi. I L I iY 7 : - -
- - -
ti _ 7-/c Nebraska NaMonal Bank -
CF OMA1hs ? 'UH.
'itd Up ( a,1tat . . . $2M ' 00
' nrplua Fund , May1,8t3 7 00
½ DIfl1CCTOS :
8. J0IINSoN Prcldent , of Stcle , John ' C
p ; . TOU7.At.IN , Vee PreIlent , uf fltrn.
w. y. MOItSE , of W. V. MOflSi & Co.
Jon COLI.1N9. a U. & .1 8 ColIlnL
. WO0t.WORTII , CotinI1c & Atlorney t t $
S. 1&tF.1) , ( f flyron flee4 & Co.
v. YATE8CnhIcrtor mLtIyar C&hier of t
,1ft NiIon fl&nk of Omh& .
Th flank opeeI for buneApril 27 , 18S2
ixnonr the Iciding bUSICs mon of Orn.hi , md II
bwdne Is conducted with cpedai referenec to t
beet mu thCeMllIg 1titcreitofltncrcantUo 1'&tron
COLLLtrrtoNs : rcit potnp ittcntkn iti
shirgci Iowet obtalniUc hertt or ee1Icrc ,
INTElETiIloed on ttno de1oL Upn fM c
ible terms luiti tipolt RClIt1t ( if tiitk itid banker
FOIUIUN 1-.XCllhiNJE , ( knertiTnent Bonds an
Oount intl City 8ecurtties 1stnzht int oII.
J. w. Flodefer , Broker ,
Sick , , Uomlq , CoriunercaI Pap'r .ind all ntht
I efecur1tkM dealt h , '
Jtootn 4 , N. I'earl St. , Council UIttff , Ii
Nxw Yornc , October 4.
Motiey-Ery at 2cL3 IOr cent. , CICI C
i. : : 2 p.r ceut.
Prim. l'znIor-6@7 per cent. b111-Wo3k at 4.B1 ; demftnt
G.verumouti-A fraction better ; 4 woe
T trifle lower.
3cki-Opcnod z frswtton lower , tlieii a
vanceti j@g per cent , the latter in Orego
Transporttort. ! fly eleven o'clock thu lie
provontent wait lo and the bcar hail th
markutonco inoro under control. Villard
fell ott Northern I'nclfic repel fron
31 to 3O , jroferred ) 00 to 57' ' . Tim rc
maintler of the active hot Kyn1IatlIizcl bit
itliglitly with thcs Hilares , declining only t
: per ccitt , oxcc1)t for Omaha preferred , whic
broke 1 0Q to O ( . Shortly after clove
o'clock Lackawana received Htrong 811p1)ort
1"11Y : ioooo tdiarcs lcing ) takcii In the iiegli
borlwod .if 1 2O1 Tlii had the effoc
of etetninliu the tlowttvtrd movement aiu
caused tn rally of to 1. per ccitt , in whie
Oregon TrnnImrtatiltt Wn3 inot CoIlf3pictlow
soiling ut to .19 ; Northern l'acitic recovere' '
to 31 , Preferred to i and other stock - to
per cent. Front thhi time tintfl IteLrly 1:3 :
the market \Vfl.4 quite dull. About the tim
nientioned a report wi.'t circu lated tlrt th
Icadcr8 weic in coufercuco to dovio uietIn t
end the bear raitis. Sitiitiltattcotily with tlii
aflnoUiicoincnt the diarpcst drive of the da
vas made oh 801110 shares , particularly o
Oregon Nivgation and Nortliive.tcrn. Tli
former broke 1)Oit1t to 1 19& and ortli
wetorn 1 points to 1 2O. The 1iares no
attacked by the bearH yielded but little , abort
; to 1 per cent. Toward the close a
better feeling prevailed anti an advance of t
per ccItt was established with grcit activity
. The underlying cause of tire 8lrarp recover
fJ WV4 the reported conference of ( ould ant
, Villard. It wat currently statel that tb
JJr caIitalist.r in qUetitl1 and two or Inoro prorni
$ ( nont banking houses had agreed to take a cer
tam amount of bontis to ho irricti by th
Northern Pacific company , the proceeds o
which will be l1SOl in taking up the f1oatin
debt and providing the company with meant
to thoroutldy equip their Iincq. It warn zilsc
reported that a inortiomi of the bonds will be
taken for European account. Still nnothei
rumor current va to the effect that Gouli
- .
I..i and Sage would enter thb Oregon Traireportti
tion directory.Vliilc tlten rumors could no
be officially comifirnied , there hr apjnareirtl
\ good ground for believing that a deal in North
erri I'aciflc ha becti iiuinle anti that the ilr
chases inado by the leaning opcratornn to-da
were dacideri rnprrti IJY the ileal inn qtle8tion
In late transactions Northern P.icific rose t
321 , irefcrre&l to fl. 4M compared with h
nigiit'n closing Irice ) , tnnnio tdiarcs KhtW 1I
white othcrnt nrt j to iner ccnt lower , oxcejr
Oregon Navigntiotn , which in down 3.1 ? 20
3'R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1O0
48Coupon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
4c4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
Pacific G'tn of ' 95. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12t )
FITOC(14 ) ANt ) IOI)3.
American Exprot4.n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7
Burl. , Cedar Bapldtm & Northern 77
Central l'acific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Chicago & Mtou. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
do do pfni. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
Ciii. , Burl. & Quincy. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Erie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
do pfd , asked. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Fort Wayne & Clrhago. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
Hannjbrni & St. Jorne1 > b. . . . . . . . . . . . . . j 10
do do do 1)1(1. . . . . . . . . . .
IlIlnolin Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 $
lad. , Bloom. & Weotorn. . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Kativwn & Texas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19h
Lake Shore & Michigan So. . . . . . . . . .
Micitigan Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . si
Mianouri Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9(3 (
Ziortliera Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 ,
(10 do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Northwotrn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
New York Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Ohio & Mlltt4jMsilntL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28j
do do pid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( (0 (
Peoria Decatur & Tvaunnviilo. . . . . . . . 12
flock Inn aIl(1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
L S l'aui & Milwaukee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10l
(10 do do itftl. . . . . . . . . . . jIG ,
Bt. I'arrl , Mmii. & Manitoba. . . . . . . . 107
St. l'nul & Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
do di > ifd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9(3
Union l'adfio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Wa1)a4411 , SL. 14. & Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . 20
% do do nb jild. . . . . . . . . 32
° Tennterin Utilon 'relegraph. . . . . . . . . . . 79
jAhked. E.div1dwnd.
vecia Uptch to Tiji Iliat.
CniCAoo , October 1.-Qufet anti 1iad1ni
Into niulIircntn :3 the ) orvael1tIg itnirit of tc
n1ay'warkets. The fooling was oaier anti i :
mnomo coinninioditica weak , Thu aggregate ( I
bueIne& Lratttnctud WM iitiich 810011cr thai
yesterday's , Loci pucut.r ! were Iindt
1oed to vcrate UILI country order were coti
iinlcr1or11y laciLl1t.S'heat opened easy rim
continued niull throughout the morning. It
ceiittn web iino'Jerr.ito and air Irrercanne In th
'I lithe iniqijily of bJ,000 ( buinliohi vra.s buiIetine
Tins Imidtnecd a few energetic bcar t. . hammunt
down tite mmurleot at the olnemninrg , Tirul
? movemozat.i intet with bOtmtO rcsitarico , a rail
takiimg place , but at. the close Prlcc decline
to c below yedttrlay. November inw tin
primicipal option dealt itt , L'rat1iiig iii it we
light , arr(1 It ci' ' ied t OTc , Corn wr , drill ; a
competiUumn exidto'l armnsn1g * hlpi > erttj wiiu
purciiaeer were unuderatc , anti the speculativ
demand ww er en more o. Foreign : niivlce
quoted ihow dull mnarketni. The viibitm n.ui
ply thowd large decreamo , winch heijied t
butaIn pric tc J'ricc were confined ivithi
' narrow limits , with a declining tendency an
c1one'I ObOl.W yustertby. October c1uet1 o
'Change i t7c ; Nnivtmber 47c bid. ot
were vcry (1 1 .tnd t'iiowcd a KIIght doclIn
iIarIey dull intl about umrclnamrcd. Thu bul
( Jr the eujtzi1 VCrU ge idu below 2v. 2 nd I
'a _ _ _ .
different of ele , by amni'1c , a i-ece1ver ito'
enn1eivor to work it ott with a view of rca
I7.ltlg better iriccs than for iomo itult In itur
Nt. 2 In itoro oid at ti0o ( (31. Soirio ( y anti
Pt about 12c higher ; No. 8 , 4 i@J-ItiC in ator
by anmplo rangerl ut 1 l&7c. Trading I
irnrk waq tmnoderatoly active , offerlirga in
large and ( Icinaud fair , Longer delierit
ruled 5@lOe lower. Shippcra worn favor
% % itli fair tirtlora , but the ccosIvo itricea ak
t.imd. to check bniiio , Thu feeling ivae ui
aettleil , irrieca Iluctuatitig conIdorably , hi
u the whole confiuienl to a narrow range. TI
close wa. ntentIy , Octisber 10 5210 b.
vember 10 4& 10 .i : .
( 'urcAno ( lctniber 3. Fiour-'Ilro mnrkn
i quiet. attn noiuiiially rmncltanged connlurn I
choice ejtrlng iient hour 8 50.5 00 ; Miii
neota , 3 tt0@4 50 ; bdcera , 4 755 7
ltatcnt.4 , (3 t,0y7 ( 00 ; winter wheat Iito1
Sinttiertt ) anl Miaour , 4 7(1tj5 ( 75 ; Miclnigai
4 00a rio.
\\'hoat Bcgnnlar , quiet and lower at 0I ( (
0gc : for October ; 97c for November ; 1IU&J'JI1
f'r lecemirber ; 1 ( ) Oi I. 00 for January ; 1
( c.1 07 for Miy o. 2 apring , 9(4Uj (
h. ) . 3 ainrit1 , &c ; No. 2 red iIiiter , 1 02.
( 'orti - Quiet aim ! weaker ; I7c for e.unli an
I tct , Iwr ; ITA ( " l7c for 'tOCit1I1Cr lfllc f ,
I 1'ei.mniher ; lGc fir time yeir ; ISJ ISc f
tit - I hil tititi a l1iiiC lower flt 211C Ii
cali : 27'27c fir tctolter ) . ! $ ( i28c fir Nt
iernber ; 2S fir lhccinbor , ; 274@27C It
the year ; : U4 fr Moy.
liytr ( tiet ruin titicinurged nt 55o.
Barley Qtilt't at co.jIiic. ; :
FIa Seed Firtit at 1 83.
1'Iinothy-Firm ; irritiro , I. 27J1 2S ; trig
grade , 1 30i 30.
l'ork In fair niemanmil end lower at 10 tt0
10 (10 ( for cash ; 10 t2l0 55 for OcLoln3i
10 12I0 .Ir ) for November and 1)ocemnbni
10 30iJl0 33 for the year : 10 22@I0 21 f
.1 unitary ; 10 85@l0 40 for February.
Larii-In fair doitiattil .uid lower at 7 8 1 fu ruul October ; 7 52(7 ( 55 for Novomlie
aunt 1)ecemher ; 7507 52& for the years 7 60
7 G2 for Jnnuary7 ; 707 72 for Fobruary.
hulk Mcat.s-1'irrrmer : 8itoulderrn , 4 65 ; altom
rib , 0 Tn ; short clear , (3 i0.
Buttor-Quiet and unchanged.
EggitQuiet and urrciiatted.
Whiskv-Steanly and unchanged ; 1 1(1. (
On Cafl-Whoat.---Activo , line and ai
'anced c for October.
Corn-Good demand and oaaier ; decline
1c for December , for the year.
Oats-Fair demand anti advanced o fc
October antI Novaniber.
Pork-Fair demand anil nleclinotl 2c
October , advanced 2c for November.
Lard--Fair demaud toni lOc higher Ic
October ,
'l'lio visIble ) ) of grain September 2
wn. a foliowa : \ \ treat , 2(3,0(3 1,000 ho ; corr
11,0(3(3,000 ho : oats , 5,193000 bu ; rye , 2,0(39
000 bu ; barley , 785,000 bu. Omi call aal
Were : Regular wheat , I ,0 10,000 ho ; crm ,
(325 000 liii ; ( ) itt , S0,000 bit ; lnrl , .1,000 bbl
1tril .1,250 tlercea.
Cheese-Market quiet nail steady ; clinic
frill creamil clioddara , 1ljl2c ; cioIc } In
cecaimi llatq , 1212c ; gonit jrrt ekhmr , chet
ilars anti flats , 8'c ) ; hart ! akirnirn , 35c.
lijiles1.Incltugetl ; green salt cured , lighi
Sc ; green aait tianmaged , Ge ; green cured , ugh
Sc : do , heavy , Sc ; green aalt. ca f , lie ; dr
calf. iSe.
'rtlloiiUnchaztged ; No. 1 , 7c ; No. 2 , 6u ,
otke , 7c.
hT. r.out3 InoUcl. !
ST. L0UIK , October 1.-Fair ; Iiiniithiy to-thai
all oxclrarigcM clteth ; tin iiinrkct. Foliowin
\Vetliiethiy' vrice :
Wheat-Active and higher ; No. 2 red , I 02
@ 1 0314 for ; 1 03. fur September ; 1 01 fii
Corit-Loiver ; 45(3J4Gc ( ciunli ; 'lGkc for Oct
her ; .i5e for November.
( ) atnLower ; 25.2Gc cash ; 26c for Oct
lice ; 27&c for November ,
Uye--Slow ; 55c bid.
Bailey-Slow ; (30@75c.
] g-18@I 9.
Whisky-Si hi.
Cormi Meal-Quiet ; $2 1i.
MIIW.tUKIO i'nOiucx.
t1iwAumI : : , October 4.---\Vhtoat weaker
t1Ic for atli and October ; 1)0c ) for Noveinbem
9S.c for December ,
Corn-Quiet ; No. 2 , SOc.
Onta-liuihl and uiiehammgeul.
Bye-Nothing done.
Barley-Good demand ; No , 2 , 69c.
ToLEDo , October 4.-Wheat-Mn'keL quic
and ea.'tler ; No. 2 red winter cuudi , 1 0I@1 0
Corn-Earkct dull and nominal ; Iilr ) mixed
S2JS3c ; No. 2 cautim , Octoijer amid I"novetnbcx
52c.OatunMarkctdull air , ! noinitmal ; No. 2 en-sb
NEW OItLEAu4 , October 4.-Oats-Fair dc
mann anti firmer ; prime1 37c ; choice , 39c
Corn-Light nupply ; mixed , uSc.
Corn Meailri fair demand at 2 20@2 25
l'nrk--Quiet runt firm at I 1 50.
Laid-Quiet non nntoanly ; tierce , Sac ; keu
S c.
Bulk Meati-Imi fair deimuand and lower.
\Vluiaky-Steady turd umichanged at 1 05
CINcINN.tTI , October i-Wlioat-'un.unier a
1 01@1 ( (5 ( for en-sir ; I for Novonilner.
Corn-\Vcaler at 51 i@5tc.
Oatun-Eanior at 30c for cahi.
Rye-1)uli arid oaier mit 57(57.c. (
Pork--Stronger at 11 75qU2 1)0. )
I , uiriiiriir ilcimmnunl at 7 (32@7 (35.
1uIk Meat.-Stion'cr.
PEOIIIA , October .I-Corn-Firznor ; big
mixed , 484e ; No. 2 mixed , 47.48e.
Oat.n-Steady ; No. 2 white , 292t'e. '
\Vhisky-linii at 1 15.
NEWY0UK October i.-Wheat-Cwnh , 1 ( '
atiti optionti ' ® ic lower ; ungraded red , tic
1 15 ; No. 4 red , 95c ; No. 3 ret ! , 1 15 1
elevator , 1 0Gij ( 0O , afloat ; No. 2 roil , I 1
c.J l4 in olOVnit4)r , 1 h3I 15 alloat.
Cnrmi-Cashm , urutettlod ; lcji2.c ninti iittIomi
@c lower ; ungraded , 5I6(31c ; No. 2 , (31 ]
Iii elevator , G0Oc ( ( afloat.
Oats-Finn ; immixed wusterim , JifJ3(3c ; whiLt
37(42c ( ,
l'urk-hiil aunt noinimrLl ; now iimo nen , 11 75.
Lard-Strong ; incline ntoamn , 8 20lj8 25.
Egg8-Unchmaagod ; weatern froth firma at 2
1iAi.TIMOfl , October -l.-Whoat-\Voster
storlly amid iiuiet ; No. 2 winter red ciunli , 1 0
@ 1 0 $ .
Corn-Mixed caiha . ' .
- , 59@91c.
Oats - St.eitly ; western white , Gt3&
mixed , 3538c.
Jtyo-Qrriet at
1ititter-tea4y ; we.tru packed , 10J2Oc
croamnnery , 2Oj2dc.
1 18,1 l8.
\Vhisky--Swady at ,
KAA CITY , October 1-Whcat--Lowei
No , 2 , rod fail , 8le for ethln ; 8G1@J8cifor ( Ni
t.emmnlor , SSlc fur lcconlier ,
Corn37o for cash ; 83A0 for Noveniber
33u tsr thu yew.
Ontnn-Siow ; 22i , bid for caili.
- - - -
t4LVE 4OOlC.
CIIIaAao , October 1-TIne lrovorr ? Jour
.iI rejJ4irttn
hlnugn-Maret ilow anid lower ; itaclIn , 4 3
( : I 75 ; iackimig and bli1p1ng , 4 bOI5 7 !
light , 1 81)4L& ) 2 ; ski1' , 3 00 I 25. Mork&
cloHed weak.
Cattle-Market briek and firin ejnort
(3 ( iO,6 50 ; gotii tobulc , , elrIp1Jn1I S .1
C' r , $ lJ ; cominluomi to rue hum1 w.1 JO ; i
( crier to fair cowni , 2 1 75 ; mmnuIlumo
good , 3 003 Sit ; toekern .uui federmi , : i 75(1 (
1 10 ; ratm'u cattle Nte.iily 'i'exrtmrt of $30
975 hid $ ( & 1 at 3 IOIJ4 ) 25 ; iialf.lrtoln of 1,05
ti 3,090 Iba at 1 3.1q ( ) I (0 ; , iatlve , .1 C/(5 O (
Sbeoj-Market 4eucnly airui trun ; Inferior
fair. 2 SOit3 25 jer cwt. ; into1l in to 41 it
a 3(3 75 ; clrulcu to extra , 1 u ( ' @ . I 50 ; 1 exe
slisali , 2 ( .03 ( .0 ; laiiri , per heath , I 00
3 50.
K.tIHAM thrr , Octeluer 4-Cattiu-Tl
1)aII Indicator reports :
CaLt1o Stijtj'ly ' n.imi.ilI anti warkct itt.ratl
or goorl ; dciii for luts gi .
1Lng-Bulk of tiivn .i. 1 CO.
IiImee1i-iIiw3 nativoi , 2 49.
yLOtIr ASh QIlA1.
ColcAGo , tctokr 4.-llecelitt.ns anti alit
inentt of hour end graini fur the t't 2 I lion
have beii a. ; follwivtnm
hli'cn4pta. Ship't
Flour , ttbha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1(1.000 ( 15.01
Wlit , buehmel . . . . . . . . . . 92,000 22.01
04 ni , bni'tiel . . . . . . . . . . . . 274,1)00 1h1'Oi '
( ) ata , buM1npi . . . . . . . . . . . . 1511.000 ( ' 2,0) )
Rye , litistrol . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30,000 4,01
hbnrbty , lnnmtieta. . . . . . . . . . (37,1)00 ) 84,0) )
NEw ORK , October 4.-ltocciiuta till
ahl1iiuent.nof hour auid grain for the 24 hon
have Iteezi nsa Ioihtwa :
liecciitti Sirlit't
\'heat , buhioI . . . . . . . . . . 133O04) 4,7 (
( 'urn , bniahmal . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220,01)0 f3(4 (
Onta , 1nuiiel . . . . . . . . . . . . ( ; 7j0O 3(1,01
liA"MAS CITY ( ) ctolncr 4.-tieceipta inn
i'tiiintnt.-n ) of grain fur tIm nt.t 2 I mount Inin :
been nit Inhitiwa :
lteceiinta. Sblin't.
\'heat , butrols. . . . . . . . . . 30,0X ) 20,0' .
Corns , busbeli. . . . . . . . . . . . 5,000 7O , (
t,1vfl t4TOCK.
ChICAnO , Octinbor . .1.lieceiitts tutu pill )
trienti , .1 live nti 'ek for tr ) I 2 I tittunt In in
Iteti n-s folhsvn :
hiect'titti. ) Siniin'b
Iliuga . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15,0)0 ) . . .
Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,200 1,0(1
Simccp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 700 . .
l.tNMAS CITy , Octitjr 1.-lleceiitta flit
iniiiimiicmiti. ; f H io aLtik fur thu iast 2 I hour
lias o been M follows :
1toccinttn. Ship' )
Cattt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 700 . . .
flogi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (3,701) . . .
Slieoi' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 . .
WlIotelHtln Pricca.
OVFICE ou Tiix OMAhA BElt ,
Thursday Bvcning , October 4.
The foli'iwing inrices are cli irged retailer
i ) ) jobbers , wlmnulcitalcra am ! cotunnitsiomi mmmc
cliiitit , with the exception of grain , ivlticlt I
ijitoteti at the inicczr finrmtishoti by the elevator
cmiii other local buyers :
G rzii n.
WheAT-Cash No. 2 , 70c ; No. , 67c ; ru
jectod1'2c. .
IIARLET-Crutim Ni , . 2 , 47c.
ltVE-Ca.shm , No. 3 i2c.
CohN-No , 2 , 8r ; rejected , 2c.
OATH-No. 2 , 2(3e.
hive StOck.
FAr STEEIc-Quiet at 3 S0@4 25.
FAT Cci 'E-2 75@3 25 ,
lIooK-1)umli and unchanged ; 4 OO@4 15.
SIIKICI'-Fiflti at 3 0OaJ3 ( 25.
CAI.vns-Fuiir quality 4 tt0)JS ) 00 ; goon1btcl
ore' stock , ( I 00.
Generni I'rosice.
111JTTEII-COtlinton 1.4) goont , 7fji10c ; clinic
ilairy , 1G(3iJ17 : awoct , high colored grass , 12(1 (
13c : eqokrmrg , 'c.
l'OTAlOEit - Now quiet aitti market vell , nq
itlteti at. . )5f5 ) nor hut.
ON1os-255i.5Oc Per ho.
NEw CiruintoK-70@S5c Per dozen.
I 1OEV-Califtnnhia , in comb , ior pound , (
@ 21c ; strainred , 1O@12c.
ChEESE-Active , \ \ o quote O(1J11c.
'I'OMATOEr4-IlilriO grown , SOc1 00 p
GIIArES-In baskets and crates , 7c tier Ii
LEroNs-Qniic ) at (3 (1qj7 ( ( ) 35 per box ,
1'EACIIIeS-Nativott 95)iJ1 ) 00 11cr barukel
California at 2 250j12 50.
1iAANAS-UItchiilugod ; ; uer bunch , 2 O0
3 711.
Ai'ri.ti-3 00@3 25 bid.
CALl'oIINIA GuuAtEs-2 00@2 SO tier case.
Flour anti PIihhMtnmITsn.
\VINTr.n W'IIEAT-BOSt quality , lratcmitc
3 25@3 611.
SEcaNt ) QLIAT.rrT-2 90@3 25.
Si'ftisa W'IIEAT-BWtt Quality , inatent , C
3 5O@3 65.
1itA55c uer cwt.
Cmrot'l'En FEEI-Per 90 lbs. SSc.
ColeN MEAL-i O0@1 10 per cwt.
SCutEEIrG-G0@7OC l'e cwt.
Cured Meatnu.
1tAMS-14ii4C ,
1IACON-Unchmatlged at 12@13c.
SllouLmE1u-Dri11 , at 8)lSc )
Diuxi ) 1hEKI-l1c.
LAtin-At 9@1Oc iii tiercea.
TAu.ow-Firmn at 5 506 25 in barrels.
Pouftry , Fish mtmlh Ganic.
Si'IuNa CIICKINS ( - Small , 2 0OC2 7
large , quiet at 3 00 ; old , 3 76. I'rairi
chickens , 1 7.)2 ) 00 Per due ,
Fisit-l'iko , white flii and trout are quote
ti ) 90IJl Ic. : native cat fish , when in the macice )
as crriges 3-ic ( lower.
ltti iiio uiuiut.1ued , light , 14@lrc ; ( bay )
I3@llSc ; medium uimwa.thued , light , 18@20I
vaslued , clutico , $2c ; fair , 80c ; tub airil washiou ]
28c ; hurry , blaiic anti cottod sool , 2@Jo (
Grocers IiItt.
CAN.I , Goorus-Oysters ( Standard ) , pc
case , 3 7O@3 U0 ; strawberries , 2 II , , icr case
2 10 ; ruotjnhcrHcs , 2 lii , ier case , 3 00 ; Bartlet
lucars , Ito ! . c.u4e. 2 ' 10 ; wliortioborrionn , var catn
2 711 ; egg ml ; an , 2 lii , uor en-se , 2 90 ; greo
gages , 9 Ib , Itt r eSJ30 , 2 90 ; ito choice , 3 11 , , pc
case , 4 50 ; jdiro applian , 2 hI' , titr canto , 4 eec
Ii 7u5 ; lueahie , 2 Itt , u'cr case , 3 00 ; tl 3 Il , , pa
case , 4 00(331 ( 50 ; ito ( pie ) , 3 Ib , vr case , 2 LX
do pie , 0 lIt , uwr dozeim , 2 40.
IIICE-14rrlsiallri 1)11100 to choice , Tc ; fair
6i' ! ; l'uitjna , 1)c.
Figmi-No. I mackerel , half brhn. , 7 00 ; Nc
1 meekercl , kits , 1 00 ; farmully mackerel , ha ]
hurls. , Ti 25 ; family niackorel kits , SSc ; No.
white fish , ball bris. , 7 00 ; o. 1 kits 1 05.
Simti'-Staindard Corn. , 35c , hula ; trunmIar
iii , , 4 gallon kegs I 85 ; Standard do , 4 gahlo
kegs , 1 (30.
Soiii-hnt lii ) epen , 3 30 rcO ; kegpcr II
2Ac.Nr.w 1'zcKr.-Modiuln , In barrels , 6 so ; d
Iii half lnnrrels , 3 75 ; pnmahl , in barrels , 7 50 ; il
iii luau barrels , .1 25 ; ghmorkImuninbarrels , 8 5 (
thu iii halt barrels , 4 75.
'J'EAu-GuIrtomvder ) , gooti , .1rjir' ; choice C
(1711c ( ; goon lmnperiuil , 40@13c ; choice , 60G5u
Yoiumg Ilyson , good , S4iSOc ( ; cho1
65c(1J1 ( 00 ; , lnpan natural loaf , 35c ; lapar
choice , 60@711c ; olosg , good , 3C@10c ; Oolon
choice , 4055c ; Soucliung , good , 3540
choice , 35@,15o.
1loi'-SIsuul , inch and larger , 10o , lnc
lie' Inch , 1Ic.
* OODENWAItE-.TWO hoop italic , 1 8 !
three hoop pails 2 10. Tubs , No. I , U 00 ; l'lc
neer wasluboartis , 1 85 ; Double Crown 2 ( K
\VeHbwketuu , 3 85.
LEAI-1)ar ) , 1 (15. (
SOAPI4-Klrk'in avon TicrirIal , 3 45 ; KIrk
satlnet , 3 110 ; lUrk's standard , 3 75 ; Kirk
white 1tuitIaum , 5 25 ; Kirk's outoca , 2 l
ICirk's l'ralrio Qrtecu , (100 ( cakes , ) 40e ; Kirk
magnolia , dox.
1 o'rAruII-i'ennsylvamIia cans , 4 case , In casu
3 :23 Iiabbltts , lahI , 2 nloz. In case , 1 90 ; Ancun }
hull , 2 nloz. In case , 1 50.
PEANUT)3-hloaatod ) , choice , red 'J'enuoutsot
14o itcr iii ; ( 'tocy white , irloperib ; raw-whit
Virginia , raw llc ; roasted , lie ,
OAia.rui- : bJxod , 40 lls lOs , irtc ; 8t , , 15u
hoxtu 40 lIjit , 1(3 iie. , (34 , ir4c.
MATCHIu1-I'cr : cnnltlio , 112c ; round , caaeu
2 115 ; squriro cases , 3 00 ,
Co'igni-Ornlinarygratles , $ @ 9ej fair 10
12c ; good , 1013c ; prime , 1219c ; cluolcu
13@i3c ; funicy greet , anil yellow , 14(1ric ; ol
govorlunent .Java , 2OJ2fic ( ; Lovomliug'sroasto
I lc' Arbucklo's roasteti , 11Se ; Mrbrnu0hulln
xxx : : roasted , lS'c ' ; imitation .Fava , ] 6
VINr.GAII-Now Vorkajinlu Ifc ; Olulo iq
jnle 13c.
ILtLT- ] ) ray hoiuhs , ocr bid , 11 Asliton , I
itacks , 3 50 ; huh.hs dairy ( O , Ss , 3 *
lico.ttuu3-J'Iwcherel , l0c ; cut loaf , lOju
gramnnluitcnh , ! ) r ; confectIoners' A , t1c : Stain
rird extra 0 , 8&c ; eztra 0 , 8c ; ruodiutci ye
low , 7jc ; ilark yellow , 7c.
SrAlcclIPearl , 4c ; buyer Olcas , tic ; Cor
ftarIm , 'Jo ; lxcisIor ( ilosu 7c ; Cnurmi , 8c.
HIJCIJs-J'oJper , lie ; ahlSiulco , 15a1 clove
2.c' con1a , lieu ,
( JIlIInE-Vuhl : cream , 12c.
LYEAnriet1ceui S 40 ; Greenwich , 3 II
Western , 2 7Ii ; I'n'rth ' Star , 2 00 ; LewIs' lyt
1 65 ; Jewel ! lye , 2 75 ,
Iry Gnods ,
'Bicomvr Co'rroNuuAtlantto i 8c ; AphihI
tOil XX , ic ; ALl.uiit. It , Sc ; iuijt } Y 8
J.uckuyo Li. , .1.1 , 7c ; Cala4 'uV , 7Ju ; Chitti
II iaigi A ( ije- Great Falls 1 8e ; hoosIer. (
IQne4'idtit \ , sc ; Indian I lead A , Sc ; I tidlum
- ' - - .
: - - - - - - - - - - - -
Standard 4 hc ; Indian Orchard it , in' . ,
hrnivmtice hli , flc ; Mystic hilver , c ; l't'qnmi
A , 8c ; Vtica t , , 5c ; Wachusett 11 , , c ; d
4Sc tb 1 48 , 12c ,
CorroNs-Allcnihnlc 4.4 7
VINE hitro ; -
Ahligrntnr 8-I , $ n. ' Argyle .1.1 , 7'c ; AtlanU
ill. , (3c : hinthgei tmnLn X 1.1 , 6c ; hienttIngti
C .1. I , tb'c , hltickoyc S .1.4 , flc : Inthiatu Oreliar
.it P.S. sIc ; l.rncommhi (1 3(1 ( , 5c ; I .ehmigh h 4. . )
tIe : h'eitlterehl N W , 70 ; do 0 82 , 7e ; dt' I
3t , , 7'c ; tin I : 81' ' , 8e ; l'ncassot. 0 I. I , 7t
\\'fltflsUttfl .1.1 , 18u.
hiIr.AVIIEII QorrosniAimitroacogin h i-I
t1c ; lHtiekstnmio , A . iimiiietbnh Sic ; ' , I.o tb 1mb
Liti'chteul .1.4 Pc ; ( 'shunt ( .4 , $ c ; 1' mnlelltv I.I
it c ; Fruit in time I .voin , t.c ) ; ( hI cambric 4'1
121 ; do'iitr Tslst , 10c ; (1rouut Inihis Q , ! 1c
I ittlian 1 I eani niheumuk 4. 1 , 12c Loitanlalo , I t ) ,
I , vatmthnrlc 37 , l2c : N'oiv 's turk M1l1q , ?
l'ctjuot A , We ; 1'eqn'rt' ) , N ( I 'I\iilit , l'2e
l't't'aliotitait 4.4 , hc ) ; i'oeutsot ts4 , * ' ; 1. tlui
lie ; W'uiitstttt.ii (1 N X , 12c
lt'cKru Cn1turviAlbany ) 1 bros a , $ e ; ru
0 , tlrahi I Ic ; Itt XX , itilpcs anti 1aitl , 12 1 .2'
tit x.x.k Irtiwpu nti drnhr , stripes tout ltlain1
12 l.2e ; Arliingt.intn fainey , lOu ; Jirsuisje1
brnwmm , 8 1.2e ; Chiiu itmt fancy , 12 t-2e ; tie
trrt itcuivy , 2c ( ) ; Full lbiver bromn'n , extra huea y
11 l'2c ; lindlana A brown , 18o ; Nepititset . ,
im-iwin , ( Sc ,
I'tCttnu Ainoskeng A 0 A82 , litc ; do X
Itunie 32 18 1.2c ; 4rorwmniina , 1) ) l-2e : ( 'lan.
iitriit ilit , lr , i2e i ; Conrcstu'gus , extra , I i-t'
I i iimnllttiim i 1 , 1 1 1.2c ; I .wiunttin A 30 , ht.c ; 'n' 111
mit'hihnui II 2tc ) ; I ) unuegun , suml't'r , , extra .1. . 2.
l''arl liver 32 1(3 I-Ic ; , I titunimi X him
ittlpe. h'2c ; Sietutckct S , ( ( I 14c ! ; tb 8 $ , 12c
\'l''librilm'it luinie m , tuc.
I ) INlmirm-Aumuikeag : , imlito atut lrtnvtrlfl 1-2c
Aiidtivcr 1)1) ) 15 l'2c : .Arlitigttunr X Idum
icmutclm , 18 i.2c ; Concord 000 , mImic nut
Itrowmn , 1(1 ( 1-2c ; die AA't , do do , 13 1.2 ; ib
xx to tin , do , 14 l.2c ; I inymimaker's Inlito am
bninwit 9 1-2c ; Mystic hilvtmr Dl ) stripe , 1(3 i-2c
I 'erich I liver , bto ) runul batwu , itic ; U ticasyillo
bitic anti hriwti , 14 1.2c.
CAtItltIr.Mhianiard , rtc ; Eildyittoimo hlintiug
2 I Inch ulnuitlo fuico , 8e ; Garner A giruieti , Sc
'l1ui1litflttlnt ghoi o Iiitlnlm , ! ( c ; Newport tiit , 5c
tint glazed , ric ; l'orttnot do , tie ; Lockwtstn kb
linisin , Ge.
CORSET .IEANmI-Ammiory , Audroncoggin
inatteemi , 8c : Cinronnlnnn Gc : Citloiitoggub st
Leena. 7Jc ; Iinhlnnvolh , Sc ; linhlan Orcluin'tI , 7e
Nair.uginrnott , inmuhuroveth , 8c ; I'etpcr1il suit
teomi , tlc ; 1 { ck1ti nrt ( , o.
I'IIINTh-Ailetns , G : iIi1nuricltU , 6c ; Arruhtin
lc ; Ilerwick , I'e ; 1'chie'oni , 6 ; Cimmmeatiiga , Ic
I ) unkirk , Ce ; lunrnli , fl(3j)7e ; Eddysbnne. (3't
Glnniceunter , 6e h inemnony , 5 c ; 1Cuickoriucker
6c ; Merrinitac b , 7c ; Mystic , 5c ; Spragrreti
Ge ; Snuuthhrrluhgo , tic ; do Giughiamna , Tc ; ita.ri
bore , 5c ; Oriental , 8e.
( llNnllAnms-Anboskoag , 9o ; Argyle , 8c
Atinintle , Sc ; Cutirborinirul , 7c ; Illghilatunh ' 7c
Kcmtliworth , 9c ; Plunk'ntt , ( ( Ic ; 3usaox , S'c.
ConoNAtnui-Abburvillc , 13c ; Agate , 20c
Americium , lie ; .i'trtIslahm , 20c ; Cairo 1) auth ' 1'
l3e ; Clarion I ) and T , 17c ; 1)ecati Ci.
strijues 1) ruui T , IGe : Keystone , 13c ; Niumi
tuckot I9c Nonirircil , IGo ; Ocean 1) artil ' 1'
h3.c ; hiiyiJ , I6c ; Sussex , 12c ; Tioga V'aclnri
sott shuirtlirg checks , 12c ; dri Nankht 1'2cu
York , inldn : i\rnikin , l2e ; do chocks , stripe
titirl frurcy , l2.c ; tin 8 oz , 20c.
SlIssrrNosAiuIrtuacog1ii 10.4 , 27c ; nit
(1. ( . ) , 23e ; do 31 , 32c : mutliremitrui C .12. 1 Ic
Fmuit of tirns l.ooiin 10-4 ; 27e ; Now York iii ii
( Is. 35c ; thu 78 , SOc ; titi 11 , 221e ; l'omurhnnk
10.-I , 25c : l'titjutot 10.1 , 2Sc : tie hOc ; di Ill
lOc ; l'eittioaehi ( It ; , 29c ; dti ( 'IT , 21c ; do 7 , iSe
Utica ( ( U , 313c ; do SS , 2'2.c ; do 48 , 17e ,
1)rugs ,
1)rruim AND CuImuleAE-AcId , Carbolic , 'tSc
Icui , 'l'artaric , 55c ; Bahunun Copabbi , her lb
70c ; ilark , Sunisafras , tier hi , , 12c ; Criltnnroh tier
Ib , 7ic ! ; Ciinnhroiiidla , per ox , $1 05 ; CInloro
form , tier lii , SSc ; Ijover's l'owilcrs , 11cr lb
1 211 ; Epsnmut Salts , 10r lb , 3c ; (113 connIe
h" ° ° iter lii 30cr Lead , Acetate , jiur lit , 22c
( iii , Castor. kin. 1. tier sal , (1. ( 10 , 0 Cinstnr
Na , . 3 , per gal. l 20 ; Oil , Olive , pergah. $1 110
Oil , Origaninrtmn , SOc ; Opinni , S5 00 ; Quinine , 1'
& \r and H. & S. , 02 , $1 90 ; l'otasinmnm
Iodide , 11cr tie , $1 (15 ( ; Salicin jner mi , .lOc
Srihpliato of ilmtrjtiuiito , or , :3 : 711 ; Siriplniri
flour , irer ib , 4c ; Strychnine , incr oz , $1 25.
PnintHOihs and Vurnistlica. cariion , pr gruhlumi , 12e ; 150 °
boailiigiit , pr grillomn , lie ; 1711 ° headlight
Iter gallon , io'Jc ; 150 ° vater shiite , iSe ; lii
scent , raw , ; , ir gahbommtlSc ; limitcoil , boiled , lie
gallon , SSc I'sard , winter strtl , her galiomi , SSc
No. 1 , 711cNo ; , 2 , 75c ; ca.stanr , XXN , ier gal
Ion , 1 40 : o , 3 , 1 20 ; sweet , 11cr gallon , 85c
sperm \V II. , iter gallon , I 60 ; lisliV. . B.
tergation , Goc ; ineatsfrot extra , tier gallon , ( JOe
i'tt. 1 , 75e ; lubricating , zernn , gallon , SOc
atlommor , We ; golden machine , Ni , . 1 , per gal
Ion , 35c ; No. 2 , ( ( Sc ; wjuenii , mnlgnrnl , her gallon
80c ; turpentine , itor gallon , 5Cc ; nauithra. 74 °
Per gallon , ir.
PAINTE IN Oii.-WhILo head , Omaha 1' . 1' .
tie ; white load , St. Louis , lure , GjcMrnntoilla ;
1 to 5 lb 20c Freinclm zinc
green cans , ; green
seal , 12c : French zinc. red peril , lie ; i"rencl
zinc , Iii varnish atat , 20c : } 'iouich zinc. In oil
aront , 15c ; raw attn burnt umber , 1 lb cans , 10c
raw and burnt Sienna , lOc ; vamhyko brovn
l3c ; refitted lauupbhrsclc , 12e ; coach black , nut1
ivory black , JOe ; dro , black , iSo ; l'rusetlrui
blue , SOc ; ultramanirro blunt , ] Sc ; chmuue green
Ii. Ml. & D , 1(3c ; liiuttl and shutter greomu , J.
M. & B. , iGe ; 1'rui 'ret'n , lSc ; lindlati red ,
1r ; Venetian red. ( Ic ; I'lracumli roul , 22c ; Auinerl.
can \TorumiillIon , 11. & 1' . , 18c ; chrroiuo vurhlow
16. M. , 0. & I ) . 0. , ISc ; yellow oclurcu , tIc ;
gohnlen nehru , 1Gb patent dryer , Sc ; gralmiing
cinbors. light ouik , thick oak , walnut , cli. " 'tint
alit1 nab , 15c. .
1)ry l'aints.
\Vliit.c lead , Sc ; Fremuch zimnu , lOc ; I'nnis
wlurtimrg , 4o ; wliitiiig gilnlort , l'c ' ; wlrJt.Imrg
coun'I 14c ; Iainttblruck , ( 'ermazrtowit , lie ;
iritophiack , ornlinary , IOu ; 1'rtirin , blue , SSc ;
ultramarine , 18c ; vammilyko , brinwut , Sc ; LlmnIcr ,
burnt , -Ic ; umber , raw , -ic ; siemiuta , burnt.Ic ;
sienna , raw , -Ic ; Paris green , gcmuiriibo 2r'c ;
Paris groeui , cnnnnuol20c ; chrome green , N.Y. ,
2Cc ; churoins jroou , ii. , 12c ; vermillion , Bug. ,
70c ; vormirllliomm , Aumuerican , I Sc ; fumnijitu roil ,
lOc ; rose Iniuik , I ; Venetian rod , Cokunoss ,
2c ; Venotlau rod , Atoerlcamm , 1c red lead ,
7c ; chrome yellow , geiruirro , 20c ; chrome ye1.
hiw , K. , 12c ochre rocholbo Scocltro ; , French ,
2c ; ocliro , Ai'merican , 2cViuiter' ; unlurural ,
2c ; lehigh brown 2c ; Siuu1inlr brown , 2c ;
1 , rince's mniimcral , Sc ,
VAucruKIIEeu-1)arrels ) per gallon : Furnl.
ture , extra , 1 10 ; fnrnmt.ure , ro. 1 , 1 coach
extra , 110 ; coach , No. 1 , 81 20 ; 1)aunar ,
extra , $1 711 ; Japan , 70c ; al4lihuiltuln extra , SSe ;
, , hmuhlac , 3 50 ; hard oil fiulh , $1
1. a hobo , SSc to 42c hemlock sole28c to 311c
IJCII , o hip , 80c to I 00 ; nunner (353 to
near i' calf , 85 to I 20 ; hemlock tipper , 2&
to 20c ; oak upiner 2Ic ; alligator 'I 00 t.n S 50
calf kid , 32@J35 : dreisori kit ! , 2 IO to 2 711 ; eel
ku , , Soc to 1 00 ; oak calf , I 20 to 1 so1 Freud
k11 , , 1 10 to 1 135 ; French call , 1 25 to 2 00 ; ruts
s1b4 , 5 50 to 7 Wi ; hinmlngs , 6 00 to 10 50 ; top
hinge , II 00 to 10 50 ; 11. Ii. Morocco , SOc to
jehblO 0 , 1) . Morocco , 3.'c ' simuron , 2 50 to 3 00
IIAICNY.HnS-No , I star oak , .12c ; No 2 tli ,
39c ; No , I Ohio oak ' 3c ; No. 2 do , 35c ; No
I Milwaukee 37c ; N'o. 2 do Sic.
hIdes ,
huh aunt weak : green hortehems , Ce ; grusi
salted , 7&7c ; tiny flint , J2113c ; dry salt
iOt)1lc ( ) ; nlaumnuigenl hides , two-thirds prIce.
'I'Al.tOW-Gc ,
Siititr PU'rui-25c@iOO } ,
hum rcr.
\Vo quote lumber , lath nut ] sdnigles on earl
at Otorctrri at the ui.ilowlmmg i > 1cr
.JOIi'.r JI1) SCANTLI(1lIb ft , and mmdci
22OO l8ft,2arM.
¶ I'iMineeeu-lG foot auni tinnIer , 22 0th ,
'l'lMHluL AiI ) , Jojwe-hIl It , 21 50 ; 2) ) ft. 2350
22 It , 2fl so ; 21 ft , 20 50.
V1NClCG-No. 1 , 4 aurti (3 Inn , , 21 00 ; No , 2
Siimimeiuw---No. 1 (2t1 ( comnirion boards ) , 20 00
No , 2 , 1800 ,
JlMIe--J't'r barrel , I 25Lulk ; ier hnmsthul' : hrc
content , heLl , 2 25 ; Iisva plaster held , 2 tiO ; Imali
per hju. soc ; 'i'urtud felt , 100 fUt , 3 50 ; strnmn
hoard , 3 50.
horses niniul htilt , ,
Extra draft hunlnne4 , 17525' courirnon
homes , i0)150 ; extra farm l'curtueit , hiO125
eninunun to gooni farm besot , ti)6jl ( ) 01) ; uxtrr
I IU ) , ( 'O@7 ; connirmnri ihnigu , 2Odj)40 ) ,
MULESIxtra , I2541tA ) ; good , 100140
fair , 7T@j1O0 ; colnumloil , (30j7b ! ,
heavy himurdwaro Liut.
Iron , rated , 2 60 ; itbo iit4ril special cast , 7c
crucible , Sc ; special or Geririrco , Cnr caiut. t.'to '
( It , , 15(20 ; wagon s1iieko , art , 2 2t3 1)0 ) ; hurtle
11cr set , 1 25 ; felInes , sawed tiny , I 40 ; tningumes
each , 700ujMSc ; aKhcs , each , Vie ; &Iuare nutti iio
II , , 7j1ic ; wwtlunrnt , h' ° 84l8c ; riieuu'pe
hi , , lie ; coil chain , Iner It. ' , tl2cinrdloahebo ! ) , &
iron icdges , &o ; crowbrir tie ; barrow teeth
to ; i.tnfnig tool , Ta8c1 ( hinirtlerm'.n lunrsohuiien , 11
hhnuznlcn's muleahunes , 6 25 ,
IIAIuIJZt'IItE ) In car Inuts , t.o i".r 100
NAILsu iLaMs $ , 10 to GO , 3 85 ,
Simor Shot , 1 65 ; buck shot , 2 10 : .irlontru
powder , kugs , 4) 40 ; tIn. , trait kugs , 3 48 ; dn , ,
quarter kcg.t , 1 SS lnhrintiimg , kegs , S 85 ; fun
l''r lOt ) let' ) , SOc.
COAL ( 'mmntlterhrnrui hhznckauuritb 12 00 ; ido
tin mutt libo'inhnrnn'g , 12 \Vhnitcircn-qt ; lruni
4 \Vinltelrreunst : , tint ) , 4 (10 ; htnVl % , 4 ( ( I
iOsS'rt tout , 4 ( X ) lioc1c StnIing , 7 ( (0 ( ; Antlrn
eIte.n , iO UO(1jJh1) ) 25i Cauntiri City , 7 (0 , i'cr tot
Lhiuorn ,
At.COitnt , 15 $ prf , 2 25 pr winm gahlou
citrum ( 'ahiliiriria sl'IrItn , 18 $ proof , I 25
Itt-not gallon : trii'lt' rotitted j'irit.i , lS7 ltrs
1 23 ls'r ltr1f galinmi ; ro.dintliied ssliiqkla
I 01'l ( ' 0 ; tub hnhemumheti , I t'O52 SO ; ICet
Lucky Ikunchons , 2 OOj7 tb ) ; Kentucky an
h't'irnaylyaia T31'M , 2 ( k17 00.
litnAilhtlrs.-ltnittnltotl , (3 0OtGOO _ ; domneafic
I 4O(14 00.
tils--luiiititrted ! , 4 UlG ( ) 00 ; donuentic , 1 4
( 't3 00.
Iltiun - lnrportoti , 4 SOC 00 : New Eingiuiunnl
2 01K.4 ( (4) ; thttimiestlc , I uoo ; So.
' : & ' ' AXI ) Al'I'I.K hiItAne 75(11 00.
CIIAni'AoR5iiui'orteul 11cr east' , 2 $ 0O
$1 00 ; Ainoican , efla' , 12 0QClO 00 ,
To hi in ii en
i1tto 'FtmIAccClitoris ; , 5i ( , Ibtilliut , 1.O , :
hI.nt'huoolSo Star t'Oe ; hirnitly , 45e ; I Inn
. .ny's , lSt ; hilack S'(1lc. (
It r. Ct't - ( 'tuumtlnnui , 2)8Oei ) ) goundI 5
( 'Oc ; I htrt I , irmf , TIle ; l'ir'rnniuin , 1'c ; I ) Iannumn
'reimun. te ; $ ist'et. $ itcrtui , i7e.
SmioKtt1---4) . S. , 20e ; utnsktrvy , 2t'c ; lnrr
lnarnn , S , 'z. , t.Oc ; I ) rnninuuni , 1 or. Sc ; I ) nnlnrnun
2 rtz. , SAc : 14i'ith of orthi Cmmrrriimru , , S nix. , .1 Ic
SuiI ti Nttrth Ciurthina ox. tOe ; Stral ut
. ' ortit Catohiuma , 2 or. , .lc ; 0. 1 . I ) nurhuuuin ,
l'7. , 2c ; 0. F. innriintr , 2 it : , 3c ; Unel
Neil , 4's , 2le ; 'l'tnni mumul . ciry , 23Ir.
CAIlI'OIINIA Pt.umnun - In gooti iletirruni
225C25O inen1ts.
CAt.IntNIA BAIITIIcT 1'Alnn--lmi : isrrl tin
iutiutnih nit. $ I ( X ) @ I 50 Per btt. t uthilornir
lnrchens hinerre , Ciargerin , etc. ) tcams , itcrbtni
$3 ( )0I3 ( ( ( ' 0.
of lb
Inuiruuin t'til ) CmililCil ) , ilL' ) t'Itpt'tt nniiil strenngthieiial
eta , Is srrI luntrctIrt ahs t'rtlscnienit long ruin Iii 'ui
I" ) . In rc.1y to Ini.iiiihi.n ac will siy ( list titers 3
it , ) C ) lleince Iruumilirug iliotit thin. ( ( ii tine ns.mitnsy
thin aim retlners art , mccv hniglihy lrnlorrsh. hmmtcrtts
crstturN tin ) get pouts1 chicuhera gin lug .11 .artlctmhst
by ihlrt'slng , lrlo Mntlleh Co.,1' O.boi MS , ltirfihii
V V w'ri..lo Even. unli-ty
617 St. Charles St. , Sf , Louis , Mo
ha : ULML a lt.khtATI , ; of twin mnelIeal tihltt
.1 hun heem , rniaic.t loier , In thro Irnuittnreint ii
L'l I iLN i r , JRitYunlu4 , SI' I N A N I ) hi I. ' ) U1) I ) tvnstm
Ihani other htli ) slclr lii iL 1.oiiln , an cit ) i'ni COt ilitir'
itil ahb olh rvslIentt. . , l.iunw. Crniinhtitloii tree anti
Inn htril.Vlneui it In linconi t'rrk'nit to m IMIL tire cIty to
tramitmiient , utreiliclnne. , Calm to , iirrt by or eari'n
enarytn here. Ciiratjtn eaten rmumnniitet'l ; inhere itouhi
imltn It In frarmlhy stuital. Cell or
Nernormn h'rt'st ration , I 'i'ltlity ) , 3tirit al iiil h'ni3 n'Ia
Veumknic , , Ilrrrirnli ) IlinI wt tier unittctlins of iliriuit
( 'kim Audi Ilorien , IGoisi I nmrpui Itlis nUt1 liltisi I'uson )
trig , .Mki ) AtlictlrriOht , Soret , Ininpell
irucuita ti , uutarrbgo , ltli.uiratl.irrm , I'ilei. 8)tt1iluit ) ,
teritior ti , easni front on era ire knit brat in. Sit 101 ICAI
1AS1I rret'T'n. I'eeIml imttctntttnn , lL'tacp nriIni
( rout I nn.riileint'c , liCc.M , ' , , 1irtiuTt.rncy' , .
--t7xhI : : . uiiumnrynri ininyilt
nlny , eamrst'u , . eitrnsnqtienicen inut cure. ) lnJli'l fur tc
Iostace or , .Lirrtij.ti. 'ici't 2t1laa Iv
ben No. I mtl1l cure any rate lii tour ilayn or lt's , No
ii ml Ill ciii. , the nioct o'-tlriate ) canum no imntttt'r of hut
lonig tttnriillrig.
A//an's Soluble Modicat0d Bougie
No unarteoun ,1ose of cuhiclin , colutbia , or oil of pain
ilah wood , ( IntL arc ccrtuiuii to ) rohuictn tlt'lui t ;
dctnt3 hug thin. coatings of tint , , toniratl , . Price II 6C
Sold hi ) ' mill nrtrgghttin , or inailuil out iceollit of price
For further h.artrcuArs ) send for circular.
p. a ) . lkn I I , r.u.
J3) '
) N1'm k.
Graham Paper Co.
217 antI 2l North Malii Et. , EL Ioriln.
rwH , , t WltAt'I'I N
jiJCnrn ? i.aIii for htag anal l'aItO ltoekScriiin Ire
autI Metal , .
l'apcr 81UC3C Warehousci , 12 o 1221 North Slxt
tret , nupt2ld.nmn.
Bo8fst Cocoa.
\Vtirriimntetl esannlnsttly ; iier
iut ( ' ( leo , , , from tt him ha' eicen i
( ( I I lea , biini , miniio' . id . I I hin. l/r
t Ii , , , , ' n 1/ , 'U1' , r t'ovoll iii t It
I still , ituirtl t , ri nit not or uru ) .li
timid l tliencrirt. . tur minim , r Leo iiOiibi
cal. It 14 dililtiis ( , , uiiurlHlilrn
striiigulniuiilrrg , taI I ) ' , lh-it , ii , miii
\ c edumnirably ttdrittil mr trim ah1d ii
' svell u ( or In hinilib.
1. hold by ( irtireri orerynlicre.
1l BAKER & C , Pordhscr ! , Mass
United States Depository
First Naiou Baiik
Oor. 13th and Farnam Sts
T/o Oldest Banking EstabIshmon
In Omi'v/a ,
Organhmued In 1855.
Organized as a National Batik in 1863
CAPITAIi . . . . . . . 5.OOOOl
opyicriut emaseroas.
livuiMAn K0UNTCI , l'rcnlulerit ,
Joins A. CmuionuTnnn , Vice I'reltlonL
Auousws Kousrzs , tl Vioc 1roa1donl ,
A. J. l'oriuwiurd.
V. H. Dvns , Cashle :
w. hr. IJauetimia , Assletarni ( ashlcr.
Trasactii a geiicruih bniirkimmr hiunlateL limits time
certlfloatt , bearlui Interest. lirawa unit. on He
Itaflel.eA , . .ril , inrinclitith (1(1(5 lii the United HtatO
Alao btriloru linillimi )4hnsburich ) and lit. lirltbCbt
cIties of tire c.jittmnen of Euro a
Natiollal Bali
Capital , - - $100,000.01
0. W. HAMILTON , Pron't.
M. T. UARLOW. Cim hlo ,
Acoounti BOIlCIttd and kept iiuI
joct to sight chock.
Certificates of DOpOBIt lomsuod pay
able In 3 , 0 and 2 montha , bonrlni
Intorostoron demand without In
to ro at.
Advancoo made to cUstomers o
alprovod aocurltiua at murkot rat
of Intoroat.
The intorostis of Cuotomora ar
cloaoly guarded itnd ovary mdl t
compatible with principion C
aound banking frouly oxtondod.
, , Draw aight drofta on Englandl
land , Scotland , und all parts of Eu
Soil European Patsuno Tickota ,
Coiectionc PrompfI Mat'io.
- -
Wholesale Clothiers ! ' : !
Double and Siiiqfo Acting Power and iland
, Englito Triinminga , Mining Machinery , Belting , IrOso , BraM nun lroui Fitiuigs
nIslole1kdl1 ; ) amud numait ; , 11 A I4LAIA V WI ND.M I I1S , CI I UltO
Corner 10th Farnam St. , Omaha Neb.
A Anheuser-Busch
: : ; ,
c4 .
Keg and Bottled Beer
'rhis Ezeollon ) 'leer apeaka for itaull.
} \ \
r .j0UlSM0. t Promptly Shipped.
cf-LIr : :
SoloAgent for Onmutirn anmtlthioVot. .
C r. 9th Sroet , and Capitol A'unnio.
_ _ ±
Caroenters' Materials
asb , Boors , B1iiis , stairs , stair Rai1ius , Balusters , Viaw & Boor Prallics. &sl
Fint cluin faclltletn ) for thit , noniiiilaetnrro of all kin , ) . of Mouhihings , 1'haiim ) , inn ) Iatchlng a ! pt'diil )
liriler , from thu criunttry in Ill Ito l.rnuiiltlv eincritrsl.
AIlrnM , , . itt , 'oirinrrrnlnation. , , to A nlOVIlt. I'rrrI'tn'
j IN
Heating and Baking
ITS Ollh rittaitietIby using
. , _ _ i OAK
* , re . . Stoves and Ranges ,
' : rj 'NIfl1 ' UUi UURS
( ) MA hA
Thirteenth , Bet. Farnam and Douglas 5th.
A1 S FishblattM. , D. , - '
Throat and Lungs , Catarrh , Kidney and Bladder as Well
as all Chronic and Nervous Diseases.
] DER : I I ] : ] I. . A"I" 'P
lieu discovered the'vnit.est cure Iii the worlil fur weakiieM uf thu luack end tinihin , Involuntary discharges ,
Irupotcuncy , giuiierah debility , umnurvnti.uncrnl , languor , confiralorm of lIiiuid , palpltatloum of tire heart , tImidity ,
tremiihuliig , jluiinienti of sight or ghitdiiieet illacases cit thu lirad , throat riosni em aklum , alTurctlon , of the liver ,
lunge , timnaehi or InisoIthose terrible hitt1 , arising trout solitary habits of youth , and unecret jirastlee.
iflitru Iati&I ta tins mkttini , than tine , oumgs ci Hyrenii Lu the nmrinrers of U1stue , bllghitlimg theIr most. uanitaat
belies or enitIctInritluilmn , rantluritig rimtirnltI(4 ( imipuesildtr.
'Ibono that are s485itrg trout the neb lindtlca mulch destroy their mental imud physical eystezei
This , , ynrptoun (1 whIch art. in ihuhi , thistrirs'tti icilnd , wtniclu urullts theta for performing their business iad
ittelal ilimUss , minake , Iistpy nierriage iiu1IH.lblC tlItrtu.niin Liar action of the heart , causIng tlushei of hea
dvprtisrioni at ¶ tlrit. . onil foruhiudiiigs , auititnlie , tears ilrearrnt , restless nights , tllulnenn , ttrgetfuhru
utinutulal dIscIrirgit. , tsln In hit' back anti Iiljs , abort reathlurg , meluenchoty , tire easily of couijtany
Itiec liruferernnil (0 be tutu , , , teeiiig ( an tlril , Jul tire niornirig as whom rttlnium , , tenulnnih seeimkirusmn , li'st au. .
Iiiiod , .tilto liono ilSliiHIt in tliti urine , nisrvusmisen , cuiufunlon of tIiii)411t ) ) trerubuimug , valery arud ineak ey
iI.p.p.1i , cornutlliition , piliei , paint turd takriees hr tie himnitin , etc. , .houiti ettirault Zen , Iuunedlataly
ben restIred to otft liealtb. C
Who have bir1enu victims of sohitry vie. , that droalful anti distruetivo babut rhboh mubntlaiIy tnwCCps ti LO
unithitiely grene ( Jionreaukn of 3turng 111tH 'if ezaltud tknt , anti brilliant intellect who rnlVbt ctherwta.
oimtnuuijc'o ILateriiui ( senator. witin ttut thtnndr of their eluueutoo or wirhu to ecintacy tire l1Ing I re , may ciii
w'th full comiiklsurcnu.
MarrIed periose or yonmnignuen rormtenipletltn marriage k.elnig auiarc of physical wsaknr& lonu ci procreative
leer , lunpotniucy , or army ittierillsquelhllcatiori 51OdI3 ) relIeved. lie imhto iulace intudt under Ihe care Of
II , , Fihl.Iatt uiay rcllgli'usly iuui8'u ' in hIs boniir art a gcnutjeriaim , mind ce'fd.ithy ) rely cpu. hits IkUI as a
jili .Ieiaii.
Inrnnuulitstuly cniroI aiutl full Igur restored , 'rht. dintretning aftulc'tlon-rnl'lctt rendora IfS V. bIIidtlb &ii4
iiiarrl.ini iiOIththilli # , lit the 0irialty 1i41h by tli victita for lniropar , iiitluilgont.e yuug .eoplo are apt so
imiommilt OXCChii ( , $ freon mIut lining aaro of Iii , . tlrouitnml cjnsurnetncas tlurt uruay ensue , Now who thM
nlmidcrst4iile .1115 subject will iltnmy ( lint itromatlJru in bet euttrjtjr by ( hone failinig Into Irrirupor hbitai thaiu
Ii ) Irudemut ? Ikalilo , , being tlvprln ti.l nit tint lnle.uru of healthy ollnpriuigi , ( ho mitet son uii. aual desIrtictI , .
C ) uulJtuuiiJ4 if both body atid mialtid artie , 'Ilia systamin licciiiiis durengeti , thu ) t3 steal and tnenuthJ rumictions
wokefl , 1ow ot Irircatlne poser. , ticr.eemn hi.ulh1ItydyicpsIu iaIilt.itloim of the boart , Szidigestloe ,
eenittltu tumid debrilty , waetIrij of limo frame , cinugli , coiltiuuuittlon eul dtatb. S
, A OUIt1 WAItItAN'I'EI ) .
Porsnui. flhlmutid in ) moihthm hey unlearned itrotcmulorn who k.ep them trifling month afr ( umomithi t.akleg
Plsinu.Ue and Inijuriouc cuiojtounidn , ehmttull apply Inmummrcilituly. )
Iii ) . FISIIItI4A'L"I' ,
graduate of one of that riios onninorit colleges of thu Uiiil..i Htuut.rtn , true r uccttud Smiuo ci tIv iiio4i astoniab.
lug cures scu user kriiwri mu.unny trouhleil with rnrui.rhui , lit tis umr. tuisil beau , uihiehukIire ; ' , greet .
. ! , . attvndui , unntittuod 'sithi enruiege.
niurvot1nt'en , Ieelil al.urnmuol tt curtultu counils , with troiuen hliuerirq
miitiit of ilie iiilnntl 'ieee cUruj IirrninslluttIy.
'I'A IC l l'A lt'FioUrA R NOTICE. .
Dr. V. iJuIrr''t all dbms wine I , os i'ij.nrui tliuiteitttC , I'm' ) nIir"ls. iiiItitgeoen ) aguil st.uituy halelts which
i-ulii lntiu hi aruil ilii I , o , utI4ni , ( tiit im ton Ii t'Innes , SCtll ) ' , nIey or
. , . the curly mauls cf yutti , vlz Yeekoe.i of the
1 luau iou s.ii of tire iiwlirmi'lnol ) eertC : hr. tune I by
buck annul lluiiii. i' ' ' ' ' inn thu Iit..n . I run I illuinoe , , . , t silit. ( tos of nmiiistaihr ( Iuwer , hialIil ( * of t.iic heart ,
d3 s.uoli ) * , n.m vui irritability , ileriiiutneut uI diut1yo tuiietiomu , tlubuhlty1 eouaumnpttci ,
iliti VA'I'l ' OFFI (118 , OVEIt 'I'I I E OMIt lilt NATiONAL BANI , OMAhA. .
.NlChilt1tb'tCt. .
( 'ONEtII , Al ltnN FlIEl. (3nargan ( miialrrnnu ptml rnltliinn : tito rtuu'I . .i all mhuo ascii seIiitltk Itidlea
trnr4uuiuiit Tinwuwlut , reeldeat it titterit tr atm er,4.4 cells w iS recei 0 riunupt attentIon Ilirtiul I' : ai1 bV
lun i'h eiudi , . tlt hr ynoitiirns V. 1)1 * iHtLtgt'
; :2rA : , ttibduS 14)tlk 1Io 84 , Onmirihmn , N el' .
itd d
- . .