i TtIE DAILY BELT -'lj 1NISLAY , OC1UBElt 3 , 18E , TE OMAHA BEE , Pnhllehed erery morning , oxoeptjSunJay , The only ) londey morning dally. ) tMR 1r MAII. ne TeerilaOOIThrCDfonthe , . AI1Honute. , . , , &oIOne 1lonth. . , . . . , 1,00 11111rXRRLT 1RR , rvRLIeIRDeiRM1TIrRD , I , DAT. mM1MsroerrAln. One . , , . . . . . . , . . h11rre tonthe. . . , , ) I a1111onthe , . . , . , , 1.00 Onetonlh . . . . . . . 1Q0 American Nawi. Compeny , Sole f Agcnte NeweJeel , r , In the United Stetee. ; 001RRerONDRRCAt A Commmnkatlnne rrttting to New , and FAlt ii I muter , ehould be e4Jratsod to the Entrowor111R ; , aIL RQRIRRV LxfRa1 , I All Buifniree Leltets end iremlttencrrt'ldlmdd'M ; e.ddreeeed to 111 , BR1 I'URl.i IiiNf COwrART , OMAttl Drefte , Chccks end Poetotaee orders to ben' Ie pep Able to the order of the company. , TIIE DER DUDLISlING CO. . 1 PROPS/ S. ItOSEWATEn Edltor. Slllln' tie n backslider on anti nrnnopo- ly and yo will show you an office seeker or a railroad clppCrwlo has been playing anti 1nelopoli8f. Iv thernilrondergalsarotobobclievod , the future of tlio partyy in thu Unitou Stntos dcj o nds upon the election of a Ilopublicm Suprcmo Judge in Nebraska UIIe fall. Tnrns fs eoniething worse that elect. ing n democrat to the supreme bench , and that is packing tire supreme court with dunannios who do the bidding of car potato monopolies. Two YALE graduates are earning i00 a month as members of the Athletic base ball team of Philadelphia. Mr. Adams has the floor for another address 011 the folly of a classical education. TJIEIt6 is no national issue in the pres8 ent campaign. Intelligent titan of all patties who desire good government above all things will support the best eon , regardless of their political creed. TnE recent election by the Creeks it Indian Territory of a Coverer was so close that a contest is probable. This , with the frauds at the polls , show that the Indian is rapidly gutting educated in the noble art of self gorornn ie nt. Acconmuxa to the oficial report 1t)90 ) pursone perished ill the earthquake at lschia and 374 wore injured. These figures , while considerably under those gfvem at tutu time of the catestrophu , place the Ischin disaster at the head of recent European casualties. Tore Ikpvbliean still continues tire bogus ' 'commercial dispatches" from Chicago , which are soot by mail three times a week at $1 a letter. They are of about as much conimorcial value in Omaha wh01n they reach hero two days later as a last year's C'knyresiional .Record. In this day of the telegraph , dispatches by mail don't go. 'I'ltlIowa cunpaigri is progressing with great outlnusiasnt on both attics , and with the Republican party for the first time anxious to draw out a full vote. 1'htlo the chances favor Governor Sltermsn'a ' re-election , the mistakes made by the Republicans will seriously cut down , i f they do not entirely wipe out , , tire old time majority of the banner Republican sbtto. Tan past four years liavo beet years o f unexanplcd prosperity in anverl of the Southern States , In the eight States of Alabama , Arkansas , Florida , Georgia , 'Louisiana , ? Iississippi , Tennessee and Texas , the increase in taxable propert y in four years has been upwards of $409 , 000,000. In the same period the railroad mileage has increased 0,000 niilos , ant ] the value of now products alewa at fn crease of $100,000,000. The Governno r of Alabama reports that the twenty cotton mills in that State pay nn annual dfvi Bond of 16 per cent. Texas is addim . $00,000,000 annually to its assessniuri roll , std is so well governed that the nut e of taxation has been reduced to there mills on the dollar. Commenting o these facts , a Boston journal says tin tie true glory of the South will appear ii better schools , bettor roads , and a butte administration of lay , It is true , never , f thuloss that good schools , good roads and good government are inure apt , t j follow titan to precede tire material do velopmant of a country. Mu. IIAynn , of Keurnoy , has cad aono good and gallant fights for Anti hiunopuly principles , and over wont ou of tire party to assist the people , bu whoa the Autt Ltilono olists endorsed tin Democratic monopolists' cadidato ft r Judge ho , like n good man and true swung back into the Anl ! Monopoly Ru publican ranks , where ho will do the pee ' plc able sorvicuJlasflns OacUc 1 Journal. 1 Mr , Hamer made some good and gal lant fights for Anti Monoxoly principles but ho swung back tutu the ranks a I Totopolfsts almost before 9I tire echo a his ringing speeches against Vale ntin had died away. As lei ; back as has lj winter ho was al applicant for an a1 „ polntnont as District Judge front ( lover nor Dawes , and its swinging back was no a matter of principle , but a doliberat desertion of a great cause for sefslr and s Mr.IIamer tvas foolish enough to imagin tlat ho lad a fair chance to bOcouo th Itopublicau candidate for Supreme J ridge lie tied up with pro railroad henchnnu whom ho had so bitterly fought last fun t cud swung back months bolero the Anti ' 3fouopolisterhad made their nomination Mr. lfamor was betrayed , sold out an i ralaughtred by Marcus Brutus Macao Ile is a victim to vaulting ambition , an d not p martyr to Anti Mouupaly prim ciplos , , uonoat Anti Monololisla wit profit by ht late and remain true to throb b colors , . AN ENCOUItA(114V ( SIGN , In Ohio the appeals to mechanics and laborers to support tire Republican ticket solely on high tariff grounds are said to ho lees of ective than they were three years age , The people ate becoming educated enough to understand that an ultra tariff is not an utidtsuuised blessing Thu into depression , through which we have oat entirely passed , was largely duo to excessive sivo protection which at once over stlau lated production and draw such ravcnucs fromn customs aS t0 create an Irnniense nun an exhausting treasury surplus. Taxation is taxation whether direct or indirect , and in tine end the taxes arc paid by tire people. No one vriio Oxantines tlio probable re quireinmIts of thin tt'eaury for the next tell years believes that free trade is n possibility. No shall need a t.arily aver aging 20 per cent en all iusported products to maintain the gov erumont and ineidontilly aid properly to protect Ansorirau industry nod American manufacturers , But taw peno plo are beginning to see that there lane been too munch protection it times past to American monopolists and dint tine conaumier has land to pay a very heavy ptpors bill for tine dance of tine inn nnrfne tuners. Another illustration of tine evil result of too high a tariff was scorn last week in the woolen failures iii New York in which tliu liabilities anotnntel t , mono tluun three mud n unit utillions. If they stood mono they might be regarded as uxce1 tiomal wore it notfor ; other failures in the same line. Back of these vcro tire leather failures in Boston and New York. Combined , they represent n bad condi tion of nffnirs. Thu efrnrt is mndo , as usual , to belittle tine circumstance a merely sporadic , But is more than that. Tim recent heavy sales of cotton goods and tire known supply of such goods overstocking the market , anti tine ovcr aupply of woolens , which is probably the real causJ of the recent failures , all point to at least ere cause for tie failures , 1Vo have concentrated tin unuch ctpi tai , unncisinory and labor . en nlmi ufaotures. Population tends in unnduo proportion to cities manufacturing ' ' centers. Capital inns concentrated on tine same lines. We have more liessonner stool works anti woolen and cotton factories - tories than are needed to supply the home demand. Foreign markets are therefore needed. But our legislatb.ni hints riot 1)0011 adapted to this policy. The great Brazilian onupiro , and through it all South and Central Annurica , might now be open to us had Congress pursued the right policy at the right time. Exees- vivo protection has over stinmlated tire production of ntatufacttires , while it has closed for ton tine nrnrkets of tie world. It inns heightened tine cost of articles of consumption at home , rend inrevwntcnl tine relief to the lrono market whichr the op. portunity to sell abroad would hove ntr'orded. It has drained from the busi micas of the country ntillious of dollars in taxes v'rlniclt were not needed for tin 0 ntaimtttnancu of tine government. This is tine reason why tine niuestinn oh tarftr reduction is still a live isauo winos o advocntos are gaining a now following ovary tiny in which it is diRcusseti on Lilt platfornn and through tine press. Dennagogues and the agents of gran noun facturiug monopolies are trying t o befog tie issue through cries of "fre e trade" anti "protection , " But tine ieopit are beginning to awaken to tine fact th a there is a wide gulf between a tariff properly adjusted to tine needs of Anneri car industry and the needs of the tress ury and one whose operation fosto r i nnonopulies and bloods tine poor to add , t tine acmunulatiomns of thn rich , Tnsml ; is n saying in California that i n mina buys water le cant got Ida Ian thrown ht , 'rune literal fact is that tin value of much m of the land dopelda seiel upon the water which it holds or control s I -J'J'Chahoc. [ This is what Mr. Laird , tie Gantlonin front Stinking 14'ntor , thought when in t hind sixteen quarter suctions survaye along the line of tine creek. of adoriforo o mama in Ohnso county , amid jumped tin n claiuns of honest settlers fit order to cent t trola cattle range in that section , throng n corrupt collusion with the land uilicuts n tie ircCoolt ollicc. But if Mr. Laird lint ' road tine papers lie woad lute discover , , that Secretrry'l'eller's docisiori that "tin o foucea minuet go" l'otdd have realered iii control of the creek front worthless fu range purposes , Tire time has pnsso vrhon cattle nnen can unoopulize the pu b ! lo dounnhn by fencing in miles of eouritr . adjoining water courses , and prevcritin boon flue settlers free ttkinrg slvantng of tire henostuad , pro enqtion mid tie bur culttro laws which home bourn enacte for thick benefit , If Illr. Laird hail sot coodod in securing the title to tire hat on tine Stiukimg Natter cud had erected fence a foot back from taw line of hi qunrtor uectfons it cold have bourn tor down under Mr. 'l'uhlur a decision , If 1 E fulled to fence , his waterfront would how i bourn useless its an exclusive right , a i'ront any point of view , DIr , Laird L busiuoss eye was slightly ont of gin n. when ho cocked it in line n eiglnborinoo , of Stinking Water Croak , t ' [ 'we aunivursnrhea of mare than loch u intarost will ho celebrated this fall , On , fs that of 1lfartin Ltntlnur's .100th birth n o day , Nevounbur 10 ; tine other is tine 200t1 I ) anuivurvary of tine eottlennunt of Phil n , dolphin by the Germnuris October 7 , 'I'm n Gurnnsns will erect a statute of Luther in l 1Vashiugton in February b ) ' tine cnrtr i . butlons of Coraninle throughout the con , try , It will stand thirty foot high wined d in place , It repruseuts Lutlnor inn , etandimg p0altion , clad in clerical robe s and with tire right lavd on an upu . bible. It is being cast in a founlr 1 whfeh was opened fn 1726 by the harem des You Lowj ntial , who wished to giv onplayanurnt to tor pour p5uplo. At'th sane foundry is being cast n ataluto of Luther anti lllolanetlnon , which is to be umvciled at Dresden in November. The celebration of Lutlror's birthday will be most general throughout Gormnnany ninth Scnudinavin , and even in Franco and Emglnud. The celebration of tine Ger man settlement it Philadelphia will be participated in by Germans throughout tire country , although it is nn affair of more or ices local pride , and will be ulado must of by tine old settlers of Gcrrnan tOWIn anti their inttor tiny accessions from "Fnterlnnd" in the city of brotherlylo d. Till ; Republican party will be glad to welcome the return of those who arc ( Its- gusted with the dishonesty of tire Anti. Monopoly pity under its present leadership - ship , unavnmlably corrupt , it will be guru ) to take tip tint shibboleth not of Anti-bfonnpoly , but of reasonable rail. tt'ny roguhdaun , aid rerfornn its pledges when tine time slnal cntnu. This vrf11 not bu tinme as n reeasnru of surrendur or Pnciticntion- will ho douo couservn tively , fairly and firmly , just as it would ha done had such a thing as amUnti nrty existed.Onnalm Mumnorn ly i mover - - [ Rvitlbllr'rnt , Thu editor of tine ( mina J' jruGncnm ) is the mist person to malto tine Anti-rlon opoly pledges en behalf of tine Iteptnili. earns , Scarcely a year ngo Ino openly challumged time editor of this paper to do. hate witht him tie question of state regulation - lation of tine rnilroads , nod proposed to claim pion tie iuterests of tie monopolies before tire lnnmbhrc. A pap fed enployu of taw Union 1'lei tic , ire lens never dared to eotnutit bier self or iris organ to army questing of public or party policy without consulting Torn Kimball. Promnises of what the Republican can party will or will riot do towards rev liuving tire peuplu front monopoly rule are worthless when tinny come from such n source , 1'ltEBIIfNTIAL. It Itepubllnnn aad a Ientoarntlc Cnntlltlnte 1VAalIN iToN , Sept. 211 , ' 1'Ine friends of Justieu 1liIier are prepnrimg to uuiko e dononstratiom for him as a candidate for tine Republican nomination , Extracts from time opinions deiivored by hint in the Supronne Court inn subjects of puliti cal interest , mid which are expoetotl to operate on public opinion favorably , will ho soon colbcted and ptttinn shape for circulation - culation , Jndgu Miller is ( ! 7 years old , and hits bourn twomnty' elle years en the bench. He is n mat of ability aid of pnssitive character , lie was greatly instrumental , its n nnurmbur of tine Electoral Connutisiun , in confnrmin tine great fraud by which lfayes vvns falsely dtclared to ha elected President over a majority of bath tie States amid tie popular rote for Mr. 'Tilden , , Justice Field is also a candidate for the Prostdemey. IIe has burnt twouty years err the bonncin , and is 07 yeats of age. Ilecuutly ire wrote a letter to a friend in Vrrgiriin , in which ht advocntcd n return to tie cotton tux of seventy mihlions of dollars , 't'his bid for Southern support inns not been nuswercd with time favor that was expected. Thu Alta California of San ] Francisco Inns lately beeomo a 1)ennocratle paper in vale , and a eluunpion of Judge Field's candidacy , but ruder circtunst nnces that aru trot likely to anvttneu this idea. Thu Control Pncilic railroad huh ! a utortgttgo urn this paper , lrhnch its ostcnnsnble owners could nut pity , amid it vnts waves furred to tie curpuratiun to neut. that tiabt. Judge Field is therefore presonntetl as t tine choice Be inns consistently umaintnimnod taw iota rest of thnit runt ! of kindred corporations on tine bumneir. , lusticoa of tine Supreme Court receive L liberal salaries , turd after ten years of I' service , and attaining tine ago of 70 , they nut ) retire on full pay. 'Piney are supposed - posed to be discemccted with pointcs , - red to be devoted to the duties for which tlwy are Paid. Tine specttelo of ) Judges of tine lnignest court suckling poll- tieal ] tuners is not plensirrg to tine Amer- lenu people , f 'vine Cairn hi log Curiae. Liy liorlon Glob , . ll1r. Proctor , tine unniuortt astreiariner , dilfers front taw majority of savanta in in that le frequently turns tine light of iris intellect on tine pnticticnl nffnirs of tine e tvorlti , an ! illumnnutes anrbjeets tinat are d closely eouuectod with the daily life of tine average man , lie inns recently doe - e voted his time to olueidutlug tine nnyste rtes of draw polar , rand inns tiuudo somno enleulntioua of tine comparative values of in taw various lmunda. Mr. Proctor nscor- at taine that tier are 2G98,0iO ( possible ti hands/ runt ! that a atnui'lut flusln is liable to occur duly forty tinnos out of thatmumn- a bur , winiehn indicates that royal flusineit me u very naro things ; butt like ninny other s scientific nmei he overlooks an ul01nornt in r tine game that a prrtctieal pokorist weulti consider Iirat of null in calculating how d nniuny times n royal flush could be oh- tafuud nn tie course of ran evening's piny , y viz. , tine ulenent of skill : 111r. Procto r g evidently eomnnits tine prodigious erro rr of looking upon draw potter as a gnnnu of e ehnnee , witch it ism t-that is , not ml. ways , In tire brands of anon entirely d great tie dent is nnightiur than nakee' antics , Mr. Proctors bible of cinagees is as tel. d lOwe ; mu of flush Ruuontos . there ninnbe. . . , , . 90 S Of honor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G21 Of fall hands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3i li It 0f cunmuan tbnehc , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . . 5,10 8 w 01coaunon sei miunces , , , . , , , , , , , . 10,2 of triplets , , , , , , , , „ , , , , , , , , , 51,912 C QI twin pnlrs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . 123,55' , of palrs , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , „ 1,01(829 ( a Ufother hmids. . . . . , . . , . . . , . , . , .1,302,510 , - ar Totnl number of possiblu lsn rde. .2,698O G 0 d Theoretically this is all right , but in octal practice it is conspicuouslyinexnot , It vrihi be seen tinny tine muatrpnorat r tl wholly ignores time cold deck , tine thunrb U elide reulurs , the puts aid tire live-card draw , nil of which would at once occur to fire pokurist as important eicnnents in tire 1 gave. Tine table is npplieablo only to etaigint poker , aid a sgenro gang nut 0 that. In.lraw poker , the tiraw upsets thu calculation , mud instcati of nu full lnnmd t being polsiblu 3,714 tunes , tine chances o f ' gutting it are equal to tie combined r uhnnees of paira and triplets n In support of the position that tire a ganno is not one of chauco , anti in oppa eltoti to even thonutholtyof so eunmment au astromemnoras ] air , Proctor , wo have n the high legal authority of ire loss u Ior- y lounge than Judge Cox of Nevada , whose judicmul doclslol was given in tire case of n' the Slate against Joinn 1)ou Defendant a vvua cinarged with uingaginh in a gone of o eluuneo en tine Lord's day , ut violntiom of thoe..a case made and pro. vided ; ' irarv to the peace and dig. nity of i ) .o of Nevada , It appeared in evidcnc't hat the defendant was found 1playing poker with ono Kemtuck , ninth do. fendnnt s motion to quash tine corn plaint was routed the ourkoldtn that. . do. feutlant didn't stand the ghost of ain y in tine face of this decision by a court of unusunlly compelunt jurisdiction , the suporficinl investigations of a llntsh sharp , wino evidently never even availed himself of the opportunity for practical illustration which tins eovernmcnt kindly furnished whom it sent Con. Schenck to the court of St. .Jamas , cannot ho chmsfd erect conclusive. If Mr. Proctor will come over hero , ho Cron find nten who will show hiun n royal litneit forty titmice in ono night , provided Inc inns the nerve to cull for n sight. - - MAI ) STONIS The ConeretromrM 1'ound In the 1)ee' , tv'Ithout ' JIOdtlmal cywllltlus , A contributor to The Atlnutn Cnnetitu tiun writes as follows ; tor seine tiume hint a great deal has beuu written anti publisled it your valuable colmuuia con. cunning the ao cmlled mtuti stoncs being it certain cure for tine puidom of sunkes amid also das mill id tnl ti itin by lroplbin. Several antes , anti oven amine portions of our state , kayo coma to tine front with the stu'tlung auuouucument that thgy are inn pnssnssiom of tine so cullcd mutd stunes ; and several iignires have beet inked through your widespread atitl poIular , n per where they could be precurcd amid omceruiri the samu. I take this metlnad of informnimim r our mane and curious readers dust Atlninla has one of these rare and I ecioes stones , it being owriel by a promum + ut citizen , ISIr. ' Y. A. llnyries , tine jeweler , om Marietta street , said stone having hems inn his family for sixty-five years , and anyone that is mnxir gas or curious enough cat call anti inspect the sago. Now , Messurs Editors , I most respect. fully dill'ur from n great ninny persona its to tine so ritlled action it oxtractin tine poison fromi persons Ina iug boom bitten , miner by sunkes or dogs sand to bonfroct utl by hydrophobia , Tlmsu stones called nntul atoncs are nothing miore or less thous a concretion found in tine stomachs of dues , winch inns been carefully analyzed by scienititie mwri of tie highest attain. meats , Tine said atones or concretions nro composed of phOsplinte and carbonate of limosul iron amid stlix or silica , laving no direct allimity for extractiu" lpoisoL , 1 would furthur state , Messrs. 'iditors , a few years ing + Prof. Ilolnes , of South Carolina , a noted scientists , in the pros- uuce of interested parties , carefully rand absolutely domomstrated tine trust and virtue of this so called tnmui stouo to inn tnytinieni , bettor knownas boxcar , being u Persian nnma derived fron tine wore pa- nthnr , which signifies , against poisons , anti mno work , aneicmt or nnodern , an thus subject differs. They all agree that tine mmad stmo is notlnimg but tine concrete found in tine deer , ha iug mm medicinal virtues , Respectfully , A. It , ALLEY , M. D. Cutting tutu Rezone , the l'ersmai Medicine - cine Stomo-A nuunbor of intelligent ladies and gentlemen .uss01ubled at tine tent of Ceu. Ilnmt , in Summerville , on Friday last , to witness what is seldom scan nn Amlurica or ninny other country - tine cutting and dissection of a bezoar or medicine sterna. At tine appointed hour the beautiful gout was placed em tine table fnspeeted and ndmircd by all present , Prof Holmes then gave a short description of tire bezoars found in eastern countries , comparing then with those of Annerica , or , nero properly , of Somtln Caolina Tire minima bezoar wan , Inc said , derived free tine Persian " " wards"pa-znhar"which signifies ngainal puisuu , lm tine east tliuy .Tiro called wudts ice stones ; in Africa hag stoner inn thu : a stones. Thu specim neli exhibited urn this occasion was about the size of n largo egg of a domestic fowl , of a unottlcd yellow color , with a tint of brown , inaviog its entire surface highly polished. Tine polish is mataral , caused by the aetionof thanmmeclesof thestonach of tine aminnnl upon each layer of ntiucral natter deposited. After tine interesting mud uuiquo oxhi- bitnon , tine thanks of all present wore tendered to tine professor. Not tine slightest - est fracture to tine stooo was caused by tine cutting , \Vlremn tine twopieces are it coutnct , it appears n perfect atone , mud so accurate was tire calculation mndo for timg that tlno mice n was severed directly through tine middle. Tine cup of tine acorn was nnissfng. A pieta of scantlung having been pre pared nand morticed with n cavity just huge enough to contain tine stoma , it wa s innbeddcd ' therein firmly with plaster o f I'l'ls , tine better to prevent Ilaking or cruntbling , to which , frown its laminates 1 mud brittle structure , it is tecnliarly lint blo. 1Vitln a very tine and higinl tem oerod saw it vas h em carofull cut lon"i tudinall ) ' Hee anan the middle Yvhicli tool t but it few nninutes. During tie cuttin' Bombs little exeitemnent wits evinced mis 1 e wlutt time nucleus or contents of tine stoma eI ss uuld pruv'o to be , which excitement w na s heighleuul when it was nnuounced final tine cadtiug ens successfully ncconiplisln ed. A11 prusert wuro invited to gueas but nano ventired. 'Pine two shies war kept it coutnct for a nninute or to hefor o exposing tie interior , l'ref , hIohnoa had intinmted tint tin nucleus would probably ho of tvaod y I'be'orvegetable ' eharaetegnscnslnakimi yg tie stoma rattling noise could lie dietinet ly heart ! . Ho supposed this was cause by slrimkngo of tine nucleus , wlnicln cool d nbt have oecurrcd if it was n unimoa substaucu. Upon openiri , the bezoar , the nucleu s proveil to be n inr'gu teen perfect acorn winch several gentlemen presennt inunedi ntuly recognized as that of tine whits on -quorcros dbn , L , It was coverer ! u y four layers of ] Amin of n nninornl sub stance , composed gonerallyof pawsohntes , carbonate of limo anti rmud soul silex. ' 1'ho mold of thin acrn is troy Y perfect , having all tine external marking of the fruit. 'l'lnoru are two impressions nppnreitly mndo by tine tootle of the and real before swallowing tine nut , Acorn e are fnvo'tc ! food of Carolinadeor. Durin efa tine rmtunnal menthe their tracks art ubnost always to be found ender tire oat of the forest winch inmio borne acorns. 't'his is tie third speciururn of a bexuri that lints busi cut amid examinned by Prof , hlolmes , amid we boliuvu tine only one ever dissected it America. Tine nneleu fuuud in tine first bazaar was a Ilnttouu d ball or buck slot , with a fntganennt of tin ekntn amid a few mains ; tine aunwl had urn doubtedly boon wounded nhout six yea r n before it was killuti , 113 thuro wore am x layers or lentinnu of ntimerni mnatter stir t'uuudung the buckshot , the secom d buzunur cut coutaimed a pubhlo of quartz 11r. 0. P. Law , of Grainamvmllo , S , 0. i tIne owner of tine beautiful apecfinem cal at Irriday , ba'ing kindly placed it at tin u disposition of Prof , hlolnnua , llneruby sub serving the cause of science and centri buting by this liberality to tine pronnotiom of useful knpwledgu. . SEATING THE HOUSE. S 9 aoczira ju the Scats and Dcsks for the No York Mcmbors of Cougress , New Carped' , Nnw' Coat Books , New Ventilating Apparatams , and Other Novelties. WeRhingtnn , September 30th , IfsL The hall of tholaouse of representatives last ovonimg presented n view of spring house cleaning its mm nged by tine American - ican housow'.fo , Tire old carpet and desks Lava null bean romwved , and tine scene was one of onptimess , tine tread of tine chnaca visitor echoing aril reechoing among tire recesses and fromi tine lofty and pictured ccilimg of tine rood wineru our laws are mutate by representatives of tine sovereign states Thu eupcrintemndelt said that thu old desks will ho rotittislnod in ash , with bright blue cloth covers. 'I'hirtyt vu now desks kayo been recciveti , and will be placed in position , whont the proper tunic arrives , for that number of maw congressmen who will be included in tine fortyeiglrtln congress uridurthu rcceut npportiouuwnt. "How munch carpet is regnircd to cover taw floor of tine houscl" queried tine re- partor , nnddressimg tine auperiutoudent , Who stood near by , " 1Ve Inavuortleretl nearly 14,000 yards , " be re'died ' , . a , e xwob. + , , , .1 11 Winat colon"o. . "lted , " ho amawered , "and of velvet finish. Tlnat bright color with tine light ash desks nndclutirs , , will give tine apart. anent a bright and cheerful appearance. " ' ' 110W will will you nmuageabout mink. ing room for tine thirty-two new mom. bersl" " 1Ve will oxtemd each of the sown floor rltmges , " ho replied , pointing to tine ad. ditioris , "wluch will allow roorit for sixteen desks at each emit ! of tine aurni cir- clo. One tumid is on tie Republican side , and tie other ou the Democratic. " "Cuing to make any other cluurgesl" " 1Vo will scrape tine floors , clean the brass , amid repaint whore necessary , " Tine mug lutes of hooks in line cloak roans will also be increased by tinirty tire , but they lava not been put up yet. L'ndor each of tine old hooks tinny still be seen the little slip bearing the immune of the stdesnuun who was last 01ntitied to hang his coat amid beaver thereon. They all look more or loss battered amid worn save one , which is now and bright us though never used , "That is Alexander ' " II. Steven's hook , said the suporintondcnt , "but it was never used by hum. Whom le arrived at the capitol in tine nnorning ho was always carried to his seat by two men , amid his great coat or wraps were left below. 't'hese manes hill nearly all have to be ehaugeti , because so few of the old mnom- bera were re-elected , lids row ( pointing to mm corner ) "was devoted to tine 1Viscotn sin delegation , but as an entire now delegation of niuo niembors Inns been elected time old names will all be scraped off. " Returning to the hall tine reporter was told that several aisles on tine floor will ho closed imp inn order to make room for Line increased number of desks. The galleries are receiving a coat of paint , n0 + ' carpets , and are undergoing n thorough - ough rouovatiou , winiie tire state designs on tine ceiling will be cleanctl thoroughly , giving tie hall of representatives in its entirety a fresh amid clean appearance , 'fie "wind" supply Was mextinvestigated by tine reporter , who doscuruled to the engimo rooms. Engineer Lannan was met , and in reply to questions suited that sixty cubic feat of air per minute for each congressunnn anti spectrttor will be forced into the chamber during the sessions , A passing thought suggest that this supply Would account fir nnany of tine long winded speeches inflicted upon congress , and the reporter naked Mr. Lannan how ire regulated the relative humidity ( or moisture ) of time air snip. plies.Ho Ho replied tha4 it was regulated by a mixing chamber , containing coils full of watLr. The air passed through time mixer and generates vapor from an evaporator , whicln restores time moisture dried out by heating tam air. Time nvora4e relative Tumidity of tine air supplioti being about 47.4' . rVfll you incrcaso tine supply of air in view of the inerease of tlnirtytwo in time next lmusol" asked the scribe. "No regulate tine supply , " lie said , "to conform to the nunnber of people in the hall. Wo take nu observation of tine nuanbor every morning , and tie supply is regulated by tine revolutions of time fans , fwinrcln are governed by a systoun of fudi- caters in nny office. " The house boilers were all tested yes. terday by being submitted to a water pressure of 110 ponntls. The average pressure of steann used during tine winter me forty pounds , so line test of 110 pounds was satisfactory , 11 iron tilt full pressure I wins applied aniall st'canns of waiter amid little columns of spray indicated whore the leaks were , amid as a farce of work. mon went to work withhammerand chisel to stop their tine reporter left tine din in his rear , 'I'Iuu anpertmtendemmt of tine capitol grounds put a force of laborers to work o ycaterdny repairing time dilnnpidnted wood. urn covering of tlno mtahu ettirtvays en tine west side of tie capitol building. 'l'ine covering will be replaced in n neat unarm- 1 our with now boards. Several of tine old trees in tine west park will be cut down 1 before the now eumgress assuutbles and other inn'prnronents ' made , Tine post. ounce of tire hotnso of ro resentatives inns bourn thoroughly renoduled during tine vacation , A nunber of mew boxes inmvu been added , swelling the total uunnbar to 370 , ' - : 0 c0 . Q r nARk ' 1 } . . l1 1 } , p - , , h S t. 1 THE GREAT . s i'C C R135 Rheumatism , Neural Ileadache , Sciatica , Lumba o , Unckache , , Toothache , rioro9'mrrull NucpbsaettiprnIii , ltr'u/sea , Linl ne , srl"le , hrue' mm/lr / Ann Art uwem Dou1L1 rsmah Au' stale Sold e ) Urtitrtr rod e.efuer.erjwa.rw ran t : i I. a Wlne p4rcIn"1 la ml Lwiugrb e , , near. TII1 . , : Crt.tnnus v..o"an1A .t , vuumtn II.n-o. : . we. to. I' a 1 , t a Aelctlmofearly lmprudeacq cauinqDerroudebit. Itr prernalur , deny eta , hieing trnea to veto ever } , toowuremedy noes dlecorered e a mpne urns of son - are , which he will send b ItBE to hi. felloow eWrorers . ddrras. J , IL IuEEVZ1i.43CCat .m ft , Nor : [ ark. I Dry Goods ! i SAM'L CO. , , Washington Avenue and Eiflh Street , - - - ST. LOUIS MO STEELS JOHNSON & CO. , Wholesale Grocers ! AND JolifEtts IN FLOURI SALT. SUGARI S CANIIRD GOOI S D ND ALL GROCERS' ' SUPPLIES A FULL LINE OF THE BEST BRANDS OF Cigars and Manufactured Tobacco. AGENTS FOR BENWOOD NAILS AND LAFLIN & 'RAND POWDER CO Ce Fe GOODMAN , Wholesale Druggist 0 . lS AND DEALER IN Plits , Oils , Yaruislios aii ¶ do ifiass OMAHA , NEBRASKA. SPECIAL NOTICE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others. WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO Oil , It ib tine hest end cheapest food for stock of sny kind. One pound le equal to three pounds of corn Stock fed with Oround OII Cake In the Fall and winter , Instead of running down , watt Increase In w elgh and be in good matketablo condition In the spdug. Dairymen , as .o cll as utbers , who use It can tostlfy Ito merits. Sty It and judge for yonreelve&tPr1u g215.OO per tour nn charge for Backs. Addrees u4 cod mo WOODMAN LINSEBllO1L COMPANY , Omaha I i l1ar ; - . . . ec.d. LM ; t Boiler t r OMAIIA , - - - - NEBRASKA. union all kinds of Steam Boilers. Snuoke Slacks , L'reecldng rand , Water and 011 Tanks , lad do a gcuura plate-Iron bushiosa. Itepairiug done h , City and Country. All work Done at Eastern Prices and Warranted . ! Second of thocountry . lane coaadentIcan . , give satisfaction llnviughalmmnyyearsexperlencoingwtradoindifferent , havbig tire bent shop an.l tools hl tire State. parte Shop ' ' COT. 10th audPlercestrecta. J. M. WILSON Proprietor. MAX MEYER & CO IMPORTERS OF , HAVANA CIGARS ,9 AND JOBBERS OF DOMESTIC A I l 1 ll PROPRIETORS OF THE FOLLOWING CELEBRATED BRANDS : Reina victorias , Especiales , Roses in 7 Sizes from $60 to $120 per 1000. " , AND THE FOLLOWING LEADING FIVE CENT CIGARS ; : S Combination , Grapes , Progress , Nebraska , Wyoming and Brigands. WE DUPLICATE EASTERN PRICD S ) SEND FOR PRICE LIST AND SAMPLES. r L NEW PARISIAN MILLINERY I Tlto Lnllie8 of Omnallo are cordially invited to inspect our eleguut stock of aII Hats and Bonnets , Made up with exquisite taste and in tin rn105t fmt511ionmlllie lllallller , to ° 101111(1 n1 n0 ether Iduce In tine city. SPecia latt.ni10u ( is culled to our riroan Parisian Pattern 17e v , VGlliclt only Citil be seen in our eltablts1Il11ellt. B , 1111tSC11BE1t(1 , 16th runt Davenport , I c 1t , j- V i On Long Time--Small Payments. P1OO5. A. ilospe J . . 11619 DODorl sTltlt -