- - - - - - - - . . - - - - - - - . - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - - . - , - - - - - - - . - - - - : : = - - . - - V _ _ - - - . - - - . - - w - - , - V - _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - V - V V - , , - - - - - 1 ' % .4 " I .rin DAILY iTOMllA , T dES'D1 ( OTOIJ1 ! is. V - VVV - - - - V - - _ * _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ - - - - - - - - - . V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - I TIITh iDi\IiY _ _ i , I - ! ZtV - - - - I : , OMAHA. Tuesday MoEninE Oothbor 2' I rj $ I , LSOkL ' -OyrcoMi ftnd 1ooi &r aoen cerywr. . -Ifore&ItMr , Iettr po.tage wiIl'be ' two enbs . " it1y. . : : , . : ! I II ooddy jen we . j.n' h . Vralil. $ -There Is a 1Ig rnn of stock eMt onb U. P. jud now. V- ' .Mt51:3 : dprbeIgp1 ) onV9th 1arnA : octran eof ti ) paI3ti hote1 money. Send to 1YotroflwhO1Cft1O dgai and tobaco dealer , for irko 1It. -A ilterary sodoty i bdng formed by th young fnlkn of th Ffrt Proborian duirci. -Colt raIzu1Iko t1iI nukoa , man Iung to i coal fire liken bi1fco11ctr ton hrdctower -Aiithrztdto cxa1 bu g6i1 up sov ntyfive CCfltM Dli LhO tOfl tnco Saturday. It I now III. I -Tho nawIng11s1i tiled floor In tin , Oinnlia National ba1k I cuin1oted , nI1 Is voryhuid. - I &orno. -Iternombor that thu Garlarul Sovo u o1d b tbi city , anti can bp fpuudat Lui Vol. tlck'g.-eodtf ' -rIioanntia StoOonvontIon tf the C13r. tian cliwo'h 1I1 b ich1 at Greenwood , N31J , c.minenclng October 4Ut. .i . ' &otarjpubilocornuinIonn have beefl ro. ccl o athocow1y Lorku office from ( fov. ernor Daeafor , eo. , IL 1Eondorion and .13 II. watt ; of thl cdtfnLy I - Tinc12'tVfl.L \ Vf4On and after hl . I 'dto ' the Cozzonawlll charge $2.00 pcrdny hnd will give the btnt coominodaUona for iat V in-leo in Uie ic'orW. P. Juiar & Co. $ V I Jct11IUt. ' I I . -I ½ Lfit fllj1tJ\t , u1ntoWp , btgnn the Jo IRh noY year , accor1lng .o their ca1cu1aton t1io Vloar rPG4. , It' will bo nIProPrlatJY ct1o. bratod * bout town , Croun8o' hail being the V pdnill p9nt. ! , -Thoro wai' ft great rush a the eamp do. livery , VfI1doy yoatortloy for the tvo.joIlt. ltal1)1 but iiono of the now INSIIO wore Io1l , Tlio old etylo two. nan4 Loo1d firnt until 1tIrn V tockie used iii , . -'rho Democratic central coininittoo of ; D ouglwi county are roqiiotod to moot at tIio dl1co of Chas. KoUuirlall , on Twelfth str3ct , ibraka National bank bLLIldingonVodO8 day , Oct. 3 , at 3 oclook p. n. I -VAV collielon betwcoa two ynrd englno In the Union Pacific yard hi reported to have takeo place Saturday night , both cngiitcabo. lug badly uRodlI1P hut no one hurt. Tlieon ginoore have both boon laid off. V -Mr. 11. 13wItz. vlw ) ia boon for yarn hondealoHinan in Mr. Louin Braeh'9 clot1ing t.oro , hzui accoptoti a poitlon in the clothing bouBo of S. Jacob at 1120 ] i'arnatn , where ho will bo PlOOOd to 800 all his old friend and custoinera. -Trinity Cathedral will bo closed to visi ors before long while the lass touches nro baing put on the interior asul thu altar and chaticol furniture erected. "I'ho vows are all sud arc qult.o handaoino. One or two wIn- 010 yet to arrive. -We understand from good authority that Mills , Onaha'a crack shot , has doclinott to come to time en hisshootingcontcat with Coo. LofflngwclI , of tbi city , which wa Rot Octo. ber 2ith , and in consequence loses the $100 V forfeit monoy.-Frcmont Tribuijo. -Wo learn that Father O'Connor bai boon called to Omaha by ] 3isliop 'O'Connor to take charge of the Cathedral of that city. This is the most ImportantAwit1on in the diocese of V Nebraska after the position of Bishop.-Fro. [ nont Tribune. Desired by a young gentleman , the acqunin. tance of a young lady whose views of life are sufficiently above the conventionalities of a small town to think well of this otTer. . Object , mutual untortaininont and 1)loluuro. Discro. tion a matter of honor. ] i. It. WI , IlEic oflico , ! V -John Sliandara , a married malt who sonto : V woolo ago loft Oziiaha and his wife and took snothor luau's wifewith him , hw vritten his wife from Cheyenne to come aisd join him. lie line found out that his old love is the best ftor all. ! rs. S. will leave for the West in cdnyorso. . . Mr. H. IIaubons , vlto has been In Omaha fr bomo tinto now , and has inadoalarge nun her of friends In the gate city , has accepted a pIointment Lu ; czishier In The People's Banlj , whlchi has just been opened by Mr. Toft. Mr. Toft is fortunate in securing the services of V Mr. Haubens , who vihl certainly lruvo a great acquisition and a valuable luau for thu 1)05i- Uon. ' -oinplaint ' 9'aS made In the POhiCO court yosterlay , tliatiil n 'ird tricd'to cut his inothor.in.law'ts throat Sunday. lie will be beard Saturday. lie liws to loarit that a mibs 1.5 not iu goOd as a MiJe. TohnVillhiuus V rekod up some cows of Fred Goisler's that got in his field , lEo comes up before his honor V ? oxt\veek. 4. ' -'he 1.lstaiet Court OIOfltIl ) Its Octobe ) ' session yesterday , Judges Wal oloy and Neville on the bench , 'rho bar committee , to examine applicants for admisslo , , , was ap. pointed , consisting of young mcii , 11 , 1) . Esta. brook , II , E. ( Jcylord , Oharhu , , OtIoii , A. 0. Wakeloy and It. V , ' . Patiick. 'rIte bailiffs for this tonic are Jionry ( irubo , Thos. it. Pier. onnet , George ihiuso , , , Etiwaril II , Crowuhh. -A petitIon is circulating tolilrossotl to the V council , and signed by a largo number o qu citizens , asking that liernarti lines be rotaine as keeier of lianscoin 1rk , at least until ext May. There is considerable raid aguinbt the sudden loss of his position , anti t is thouglltthLat lie luis not boun given fair wnfn. lug , as he has expended a large sum In haying out his flowers In the pork and other Improve. V jnents. 'V -A suit was begun In the District Court atnrdny by Mrs. Ferdinand Ilirelisteiri , the V widow of a young man who went from this city to Dakota last March , and falling to fiuith employne1It there grow ( lespuhlelIt and sul. clUed. He bad insured his life In thq Cci- 3nallla Life Insurance comlany , and the corn. pany refubing to ay it under their rules , this suit ; is brought. Chas. ' Ogden1 Esq. , is attor. soy for Mrs. Ilirshetein. -A. funeral took place M one of the cerne teiles near this city last week which saw the lVacl of sYmPathY bctwon man nail man fully t illustrated , TIm deceased has long worked inV this city , and after an llluos of considerable V duration , died of the consumption. At the fancral there waa but one carriage aud its oc. cupant the widow. At the grave the sol. t&ry mourner had to assist by pulling the frn under the coffin as It was lowered t' toitslastiesUngploe. - , 11)Idt0d light , 1)7 biting and kicidug , ' tjl " CC 00 tbC VCXUr ef 1Jaruy nuti l12 Snid& between' a roa 'iind i white hdrse , rIiIch had been turned out loose f.r hIbke ( zereie. The fight 1itrnl Ofteaiimln. ute ; % nh WM COi lOyOhId deecriptlon. A big TOWl a5eInlleI to wnteh the combat and It WM only stopped by two suocesIve dog fighbi , whlch tok place In the crowd ind drew tIM itteiitIdn of the horses as well a the taco. ) -Tle ( ( criarorhhIg1tt roccssion next aturtlay night will contain flyc hundred torches antI , ihI the Cerman societies In the city , It will Parade the ir1nc1pl streets , In hon.rjof he b1.centeinitof the landfng tt or4ns in Anorica. ( i. . cAlcbratton t Tnt. 4cr lr5ali aftcbfard wIll ejnbraco apc'eclic. by Jacob liMick anil r. Scktia kit of the Trllmne , Chzu. Kaufman Is rice preident of the day , the prelilontyet to hoVChIOSOO. . Wm. Mack wit ! tr hhbly'h1n tnrhal. It In aiigtt4d that onr lrlttCipftt bJinesi hoitees nloig the hue of march decorate their Htoro fronts. -A now organization to ho known as the Metroiol1tti Club , comlo.od irlniiiallY , of bushiies inoti of Oniahia ? vas formed Sunday at , Max , ulcyor's hall. Tluo oljicerui are M. UchAunth ( , 1'reident ; 3ol PuInc , Vico-Prosl. thcnt ; ; jinJ. Nowmn , 'rreMurf ; L. Kant. luau , Secretary ; A. 1fauidehlsurg , Charles Schaub , S. ( loctz , Trustees. 'rite object of thh club 15 socIal anuiscuuleuits , anti it w ill run , have a loruu1uutucz1t location. -A box % sVIhl 1)0 oiit to tim 1omu for thio Vrlenthless next FvlilaS' from MnL 1awvcr's roiuiihoiico , 1512 1)avoupnrt strcett Contribu- tlon of food nitui unonoy are asked froun tln PePlO of Omaha for blue iuuinate. of tlioIoiuio. SIjtVhr9 + uVull ncc4otI thbVlIOIflO Ccii , 'u1nuiulorsun baa giveui one. Milton litug. on , & Son liavo a large stove worth $ t0. 'fluo ) ' % l tlctuat $ o thic st4e anti lt the bulbs hiTuso i t)3 payIii O ! Any1 druo bwlshing tn hupip in this wqrk can gIve thcircontrihiutbons to Mrs. Dr. Dinarnoro , 1721 Capital nveuuttooi s Iul bier word 'and tftcir contributions can ho called for at their hiuunos-J. E. Giuuui , Secro- tsry' ' Auxiliary I4ociety , Home for the Friend- loss. . -lure. John T. Clellanil , of this city , 7estor. day received amonsng from Chicago to cutie on at once , as her hitisbatid wn donut , , No iartlculars were given and as Mr. Clohland only loft lioi o a nionthi a o , and was inexcch- hentjioaltli when last board from , and was to have startoil liotuio to-clay , the whole affrlr is I iivobvctl In mystery. The ( bocozuuod in one of the oldest travohlin ! iuabosuiioti in this State , representing hast before bibs ( bath the firm of ,1 Cabin , Shocnbrunn & Co.thio wbiobosalocbothi. bars of cjlubcago.i , lJe wwu only 35 years ofi ngo anti was from ' Maryaville. Mo , , where hIs toothier now resides. It Is a sad case mid the details will be looked for anxiously. k a - aTho Iowa State Register of Sunday says : "tr. IL I ) . Gibnay , until recently chief dispatcher for the Ibuck Island in thulib cit7 , auid who relguio tb nccot a more lu rn tWo positiolt with the liIuionjl'ssclfl rulblroad , comiauiyuct , iuuiahuahtas.1oouu misdo thi1 recip. lent eli/very olegantokon of esteem front , tliose uiinphoyctf the Rock lslandvithu whom hbn duties liouglitabi1.n nustclooly iii contact , lii coitluictJrs of Jio Cntrar Iowa thi1dsion. Conductor VIE. t. Cook Waves for Omaha this niorning with a boantiful gold watch bearing the monogram " 11. D. ( I , " on the outer case , niud on the loiter the inscription , "To It. 13. C ] ibnoy from the Conductors of the Control ' Town Division. " Mr.0ibnoy's surprise will uutily be measurable by tiLe rsteeiuii which he is lieVlil not oniy b thoo'tuixtoon conductors but by the ofhicials and all employee of the conpauiy with whoni hue lion for several years boon associated , " 'rho watch ves duly ro' sontotb to Mr. Glbnoy yesterday niornin by Conductor Cook. HAD IT BAD. A Man ho ¶ a Puriic hy a Poar- , In ! m11 , 110 [ 'repares to 1)lo Iloloro ( hue CauHo . IH 1)IHcovercd. Among the worst practical jokes over played out mortal luau was that. of\vliich the aenh'r inoniber of a corner drug uuoru in 1.luiir was iccontly Urn victim. ' , Vhibo Ito \YM busy in the store on afternoon 'rniting on custoinurus , a friend secured lila lint , us uiomv ( ) Ilo timid ustoppitig into an adjouuiiig jilumee , coxtronsby removed - moved the ieillc ltning , ' iiLting in the crpstxl a thin flInt of thuo roitnitest iiiti. burger cheese that ever glhddntdt1 the nostrils iof anyonn. ) OSuuL'ssi1tg flint do- prayed tubustO. 'l'hu litting vuius thou rc turned , tutU tIm hat pitt back where it WaK fouiid \Vhion slipper tune caine the inmum inst Oil his bunt and vciit hotumo , vhioro lie found his vifu .akiitg brcadnud stood by the stove , hat in hnumd , as chin took the SjbOIidid leaves front the oroti. The lioa Iuuiti a bad ofThct on the false lining of time lint , uiiitl itus wearer thought it caine from tIme breutl. lie ajimolbed the loaves , anU lbrOImmnmotl thorn muu1it t ) lie yifo followe.1 suit and her verdict was time aiuIo , timid . thiey were fired out of the iou1sc. , 1. Vu ¶ Imo nut monting the nuisnnco 8U11 tlitiIiUOd I to iIIcruuue. : Carpeimtoie , amid 1uluinberus store sent fur , the floor tapped mu sevcval piuiCea , flhld the cellar ux autinout wifli iauturis. } Omicci t hmelaspcctora vore sLice they VW1'i''Pfl to thin , tiuliuit , " its the house owiior hood a good bit in oiio corner , lUt they tore out section (11 the wall 011(1 foundnoUuitig \ , A manure pile u block away vuus utiut. tiustoul timid the haunted itinim imearby ) tad a tigh in gutting i 1o1uoveil ) lie went down town nitti tried to vnit eli a coulboof ladies , but they bout a hasty retreat , and v1teii lie wuit to dine at the hotel the landlord told him Ito really couldn't let hint mutay them iii that oia1Itiom.bIelI , Ito went hiotite in the e'onhltg his vife ltcmLmaded hint to wash hue feet vulh , tie a last resort , aimul lie did. sc , hat. thu villain still 1nirsiiecl imiuti. . ? mloriuuumg dawuied again and tIme oveui- mug auud time mnorniuig were the first day , Ito lund worn time hunt and the cheese liniutg 24 hours muid ho vas beginning to think lie vas going to tile and thmat disuso. lution was already auttiuu in. After Ito wont to time store Imis wife went to coui suit time fatally vlt'sician but the 301CC got out and time almost distracted victim discovered tIme origin of life trouble , lb threw the hat out in timim 11110) ' , lhutittg numb all and taking down a double barrelled ahotgun is now lutmuutiuug for the practical joker , and if ito fluids him there will ho blood on the moon , Title story is literally true anti no time result of any Limbergor cheese im th to Porter's hat , I V Mrs. Jeffrboa mmd niece , Miss Durnas , left on Sunday to visit friends in St. Louis. T. W. fllatchcford , Is in the city , represent. log the Chicago coal liouso of J. L. liuutlma. I waJq _ VETTINEfl VICISSITUDES. A Larer Oil tli rcots 1h Plays Like a G schalk , Working for $1.75 a Day to o to thoBonton Oonorvatory. A libbos Ills IiIghmt Un- I itOr * hush I. p. _ _ It is an ul saying that "appearances are ofteuu deccitfui , ' and It. is exemplified almost tInily in everyday hifo. A few ovehingo ago .a thin reporter ( lroppel iumton down.town summer re sort , where during the suinunor couicorts have been givei frcqtueumtly , but which is IWW closed. While conversing with frioumds Ito zuotccd a titan vlto paceI Limo floor constaittly , immolcing it COituiflOli cIa ) ' 1111)0 numd dud Iii time garb of a ( lay In. borer. Above the unedium height , heavy bnilt mmd wearing a full , brown beard , lila face sllumiuurnci frotut exposure 'to the weather , Ito was the picture of Itoaltht , tutu time worn , mulouch btat , browim ovurahlus and jackotiof tite seine muuntorial and gout- oral gut. nit of the moan , gave him thu au. Puarace of being fryuii the Emerald IBK' . Sottie One ras Iamiuouting tim absence of auu one who could fuinilisomo music Out the platte , whout time proprictor said there was a maul there yhmo could ilay , and to ( ito uudoutisltulmumL of tlueroportor Walked mt ) to thidmatt described above timid auuktdhuiun if hieawe'uid ' fa'or the pArty , huiclm Ito COflSOfltCd to do without either hesitation r eagerness. Going to the irtstrtuutuirnt ho unlbcked it , took several books of music front a eltest uuear bynrd with thotou li of ad nr'Liet. soon filled tile roduum hvith melody. . In fact , hue played ov. urythiiufg that wad called for amid much thud. was ' not , auluLting time classic inuud Jaubd responding to anything that Y1ts tuatiucti . , 4 Thoroporter was ; subsequently introduced ducod to luiuti amid buai'ncd tuat his imamno % 'ut8 Alfrud Vottinur and that. hue was of GuruluuLlm nustead ofJrshi , oxraction. IlL , stated that ho , waa sitoichiumg dirt for a contractcirpn SxtconUi Vmtreut at $1.7l lOr ) day , and showed. Itis liuiiids , wlii li Vero rqug1 and calloiusd from , handling the shovel. iIi oiIy explanation for oc- , Ct1uyiutgtluud. pQsiLioui witI such musical' ' talent to liclp'1mitti'outas thia heliad no 'bufhtenco to help Imim u1i atid had to work itntflhe'byed nonoy enough to do I soruictliiutg fr himself , it VUciulgi bile in- touition to take a course at tim Boston' ' Couisorva'tory of Music , which ho said ho donsidored quitoasgood as goinglabrond. I 1 was subsequently 'l ' arned that he wAo aVgraduate'of a1I'oidblburg university - ty , a ( ireok and Latint lucliolar and iii short an educated mnnum inicvery respect , oveum lila English being spoken without time fo eigii nccuttt amid without introdmic. iitg German words from Limo to time to tiuuie o uxprouss hujunoif' . Mr. Vettiumer is without doubt a re unarkablo loan. his playing is net that of the amateur bitt , thie itrofessional , and ho docanot play by earbut roads music like a book , and it is doubtful if , any pianist iii twn is inure the master of the pianoforte than he whkbe ninny are earn- log a computen y by teaching cannot itlumy half so well , much , as lie waa lit a disadvantno by having his hands stiff- cited by toil , and it isgreatly to his , credit that with all his nbtlity lie 'is not. ashamed tA ) tb honest , hard work instead of trust- bug to thu Iicklq pnbbi to aid liiiui in tic- complesluiuug his jurposo. When ono said that if 1w would shave tip , waXV lila % vliiskors amid nienstacho , pqt on a broadcloth tuit amid kidioves he could readily obtain a livelihood , ho ) ulolcstly rcito.m1cd Vthuat ho himd thuen tim ( lii ) ' when Itia bitmd word not unused to white kid gloves. It , is to Io hoped that potue one litter- ested iii uutnsbchl utattera 'wfll nmako the acquaintnneo ofMr. 'Vottiner and aid in securing fo iinm that. influence which imbue is utocssary to place him in tim highest iauikin time musical world. Tlmegoaro Sollil Fnct. ' [ 'ho beat bho.al pitrifier anti system ro1ulnt- or ever luluwol vItltitm thu rcaclm of stitterli , humuutatuity , tritly is Electric Bitters. Iiiactlv ty of time liver , Iflhboutsuteuss Jaundice , Consti. PmtionVoak : Kiduioytu , or any disease of tlto urinary orgaits , or * hioevor requires an umpa- thor , tinibe or mild atittmulant , will always Itimul 1bactrie Jiittersthie best attul only certain cure kimowui , Tlmoy act surely tiuuti quickly , every bottle guaranteed to ivo outtire satisfac- tboti or utmuicy reftuided. bold at fi0 cents a bottle by C , F. Cooduiman. T11I WRONG MAN , itum Aulvoutumo of One of ( Ito BASO Jm1l viltorH , Souiio of the Allegheny boys Inul quite aim advouittire oh the last day of their stay ill this city. Three or femur stabrart fel. lows wore out taking in the town Saturday - day immorning , and droppud into a second. limit ! store , which was iii bmuirgo of a wo- him. ' .t'hoy got to cuttimug up , amid soon One of thiumum foil agauuuat a cotand slightly damaged if. V Itt the afternoon , VUSt. as , tiioy were about to take carriages for the grouuuds , aim othicor ' appeared on thu ectuumo : iiitl ya..t acconuauiied by time woinunu , who pickeul oimt one of time imioum as the PartY who irOkU Imer fmmrhiture. Thu of- fleer was abotut to arrest the basu-balhist when li t dotnanded to see a warrant first , aimd was backed ip Ins micuinuid by suverni equally stont-boolciimg jmlumyure. 'l'huro voru mrucvc of a lively i'tuw wlueum time mnammumgur stepped pp , amid , Iearmmiimg time catiso , iuiquiu'od vmaL ) Qitm tiaitmmiu wits. lie was told thmat 5 would liquidate Limo lull , aumdrtmtltur tlmau delay. tito guumie lie wuumt up timid Paiti the utuuuouuit iii at time police hteuidquartors , 'after wimicli lie him'ed two bcys tu carry , the cot ulowui to the hotel , witero Ito proposed to burii or break it up before ho left , It tiurmieti out titat time unfit idomitifioti by the wounaim was miot time luau u'hio did timq' minm ngu at all bu ( tlmat time latter stood itt time ( loorwny amnol' buig at Limo Liimiu auidpoohly takingin tbmqsituaton. Bimckleum'ms Arimien Salvu.N The greatest medical womidor of the worll , \Vari-antod to speedily cure Burns , Omits , Ui. cot-s. Stilt 1lieuuii { , Fever Sores Cancers l'ilcs , Ciullblalums , Corns , 'rotter , dhmappod amid all skin eruptions , guaranteed to cure but every instamico , or money refuiudecl , 25 cents or box , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OuR 1tEI4IAHIIE. Fnst Time on time U. I'-Jauk Do. Ian's 'tMlt Eab ! . Probablytlio fastest timno over mimade on the Union Pacific'wtt that inado by No , 2 on Saturday , 'rho traumi left Fremont - mont n 8Q'J ; tml mu to Ya1loy 11. 11-8 = - mike In 12 minutes , reaching that piaco at8lii : exactly. Om tlmo'way a stop was made to got and sign an order and dur-V ifi this timne time fireman cleaned out Limo fire box. Tim engimicer was Jack Dolan , and the firemnan wuta Mr. Lynch , Jack Dolan is one of the oldest men ott the road , having boon with the Uniomi I'ncific since 1867 and ha in cen- sidered by time oflicora as one of their utmost reilabbo mcmi , liaiing itulled oi-or tue eastern division some of Limo most important. loads of passengers ever wimirled thurough Nebraska. If the thtte is oycr shortened up ho will no douubt get as fast vruuu as aui7 one' lIe loft yesterday for Niagara Faui , New York , aim a thirty days ieao of mdi. 5011Cc to ' , 'iait lila father , who resides there and who is uiow 84 years of ago. lie will also visit Biufrabo , New York city , Baltimore amid Pimiladuiphia before imia return. Tan ham wishes hun a imleas. ant trip. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - A Startling JIscovcry. l'hysiciaita tire often startled by romarkabie tilscoyerjc,4. , Time fact that 1)r. Kitig's New hiscovery for Cnnaumnptbou auid till throat and imumug diseases is tlmily : cutrimug patients that time imavegiven imp die , Is matartliuig titeumi to rca - bro their eitse of ditty , nttd examine Into the uncrits of this wtuimuicrfuul dIscovery ; resulting iii bimmntireuls of our best citizens musing it iii their Practice. Trial bottles free mit 0. F , Goodtuiau , ' drug stow Ilegumhuir size S1,00. - Basil HASHSHANAH. Clcratiall of the Nc Ycar Accorthllg , , to Jcwish Caldillation , . 1Bhvltmg , ; I Ito Itamnsliorn ' tO l'rochultti ; tmo jCimm mmmiii 1)uty oi'Jutlgzncnt. % t - - V C At sumiulet last night time r,6i1tl1 ycar'a4ccrding to Jowsh cmmlculnion , commenced , mid appropriate sermices wcro1ucld by Limo Jews of this city iii the Uuiitamiaii cn'urclm , corner di SoveuiLeomith tiuitt1q1iss. A reader , or hazar , is ? iere frotn Denver to read the scriptures in Hcb'row.Ia Tb-day Limo colobruttion COn. timiucs thai it is expected that m1ot of the Toishbmsiimess houses vi1 be closed in htonr of the holiday. Time children of ' , Jowisli varonth arc , also usually taken from aclimool Von Limbs day. 'With tha l sti- uVlL oftho mw year bcgins tl'ip Yunmai Huumoroyimmm , time eeasii of self examina- , tiomi amid roputoqco , which .tcrmiumatcs witlmYorn 1p1)ur , tlio dftYVQf Atouipumueumt. During this acasni o'very Israelite is recomiimmmcmldL'd to take imitO ustriet account the Iasbtemmor of his comduct and resolve toibucomnpin tIme future a better , ti bottormaui , p TIImt ommiai or TImr.FEsrxvu. , is givemmin Leviticus , % xiii 3.25 : 'LAnd the 'Loni spakounto Moses , say. ing : 'Spoakunto' ' the children of Israel and toll them that , in tlmo soontii month , in this first of th month , ehmall ye Imave a Sabbath , amnemnorial of blowing of truun. pets , a holy convocation. Ye shall do ito ' servile iwork : ' " Also in Ntuinbers xxix , 1 : ' ' 'Aimd iii time mouth seventh , on time first of the month , ye shall liar. a holy con.vocntiomm , for itis timoay when ye are someunberod befotc God. " V The rabbi considered time autumnal equinox , whIch' ' contains the germ to be developed in' the coming year , as the comnnmenconicnt of . that year , so all agree' 'in t dating ' time now year t from c Tishuri ) a Persian wortl'sigmiifying first , or beginning. All time umnmflcs of' ' time1 months 'used V by 'time ' Hcbrew are PorusiamL' t Tifli PitAYnmtSt USED. ' ' Time aservico of' ' title festival comprises prayers . of a threofoldkiimd : V 1.Michus ( homage ) , , to invoke tile speedy nlil > nach' of' tub kiuudomn of 'Ifeaien , ' when all mnnuikind 'will 'arrmve' at the trtma knowledge of thoCreator , nnd unite in wor. alibi , t0 that ouo Airnimhty l'rovidence , oh. I whoumi we all depend forflfo and aubsistopcl. 2. Of Zichironos , ( remembrance ) , nckiiowb- I 3 ulgtig.t1mo divine oniutIscenco providence and ! exoctaue of tutipreunacy toward time iuicUvhlual ; that It may Please an all-merciful Cod to re- mneitiber ills creatures in pity aummi tender ills jtudgunouut i'itm ! unrcy. t 3. Of Sliofros ( aoumnuliuugtho cornet ) to vole- ' brato tlma future jumbilee , whoa uulanktimd will be free troutm the fetters of orior , uic.lmtiro ho- fectuon iii itioral culture , nuid become aware of time true duties which roan should perform to his follow-moan. , Thiimt , ; vortioimof Limo scriptures rbiatimug to time sacrifice of Isaac is likewise a ] trin. ci1tai part' of the coniuimeniorativo sem'vico of time , day. It is luitemuded to rec.mll time iierfec obediomico of the gmcat Pmmtriar hs , aumd time immemimory of time cvenammt andoatim of Mount Month. V BLOWXNO Tium C0IC1T . Time blowing of time Sopluar ( cornet ) which we find conmmnamuded botim imm Luviti. ens and Numbers , is a rite peculiar to this festival. It buns a direct reforomice to and close coumtuictiomm withm : time service of the day. It proclaimmis time Kiuug mmd his duty of judgeimmeumt. it moreover cleumotca th freedom from om'ror amid trmuisgrcs- Julout , vhmieim ia to follow Limo immuivonial , a- kimowicdgmneuit of. the iCingdoimmof Cod , as is writtemi imm Liviticus xxv , 9-10. "Fhomm shmalt thou cause time trumpet of this jubilee to mmouuid mud proclumitum lirty ) throuich. out the laud to all Imo Imtlmabitaumts thereof , " Lastly , it ; denotes that time Tusritelitcim hlmtnuld recall 'iii ' their nmimmds time great mumissiomm assignetl to timemmi ; miumumoly , to do- uttommustrato to time world b , ' netuuil deeds of lmuummani4r , cimmirity amid justice , th cx- ailed PniiIelllcs of Judnismum ; to stand. up as an oxammiplo before all nationson earth , ltum(1 8 $ it , mtientmnieuit of Coil's special .imrovitionco. JUmAIasI AND ( YIImIISTIANITY , 'l'iw neturum of time .loisit festival corn- lucius mittemmtiomm to a subject wimicim all of its are liable to forgot Time history of time Jcmrislm is virtually thmo trite reflex of time hiistom'y of time hammuami fauuuily , how mimucim f time history ot time world vould lie wortim rcmnemmmbenimtg away frotum 1km coum- utectiomi vitim timat pcodu ? 'I'luu call QI Abraimuimim , time patmmnrcimtl : history 'whmicim followed ; time bomidago 1mm Egypt , time ( iehiS'ei'CtuiCO amid time sub. suqimeuit waumdeniumg itt time wildei'mmes ; the conquest , occupation amid strange history - tory of the kiumgtlommm ; the disruption of time state which David numb Solomumomi had so laboriously built nit ; time decline amid full ; the appearautco of Iliuti who claimmied to 1)0 time long proummised amid looked for fcssia1i ; tIme destruction of Jnrusahcma by 'l'itus , amid time final disponsiomm-imow largely nil these enter into all timat we kmmow or care to kumow of time pasti We kmmow of no highior comuplimnent wimich can 1)0 haul to Cimriatiammity thaim to say that it is a bmamicim of time powerful tree , Judaismim. Russia Salvo ii unmivaUcd ( or Its speedy healing qualities. Ask your druggist for it. )5 cents. -I - V John B , Blair , an attorney fremmi time Attor. mtoy General's office bus Washington , itt bum the city to take testimotmy in the case brought cy the Unlomi Pacific for the recovery of six or asyct tiiottmumd tkdlarum icr cnrr1mf hm mrd' . - - - - - T1Li 'lfif3L. flsI4VATIoN , Time , Comtuis'domiera Still at Vork on a Their Itopom-t. Thu 'three conirnissioners appointed to appraise tint lands on tim Onmauia rcserva tiomi , which are soon to be thrown iuito time market , have been at ymork iu title city for qnitoV while , preparing their report , witcit will be ready to iso for. wantled to Washiutgtomi in about a week. The appraisers arc Daniel Duggan , of Jackson , Dakota county , John Fonts. utello , of Calhoun , and J. B. Detwiber , Esq. , of timis city. They 'have had a lug job on their hands both in their work emi time reservation and 110w in summnimig up its results1 but it is probable now that time iammds will be opemi inside of timirty ( lays for nurcimaso. irr. Duggan is a very pleasant gentle1 and old residemit Nebraska mnaui nut of , ' where , notwithstanding time ovcrwhclth imug Republican immajority , he linus always5 bccmm a rock-rooted Ilomurbon , His ap lIiimitmcmmt en this counmuissiomi caummo to imimmi entirely unsolicited. Siutco Lmrrirr , Lm.mr : & Co. have be' comimo lolmmlnr , others are trying to immmi- Late , but look for brand.- umi-e&iv.1&.3 w SPECIAL NOTICES. frSiecla1s will Positively not be inserted unless patti in advance. TO LOAN-Monoy. I " ,1ONEYT0 , LOAN-The Omaha Savings flamk is is VI new Ircmaared to mat.a loans on Omaha city or Douglas coumtty real estate at currenS rate of Interest. No comnmlt5lomt charged , 552.tf 'IrONEYTO 1.OAN-.Theloa'est rates ot Interest .1. vi Umiik' I.oait Agcuic , , imth & Iouglas. it roxnr 'r LOAN-Call at L once of Li. .1. . : IVVI. Thonias.rOOmn 8 , creightout flock , 1ONEY LOANED-On Chatcl tnortflgo , room 1 1VVVJ Nebraska Natlonm.i Bankuuutmlnr. 184tt irONmW TO LOAN-i. T. fleatty osums on chattel lu. .rn 8outh 1tlt 5i. sept16 ( UF.LP , wAV.rBu. 1TA'.TtD-Firtt'c1Ms laundress at City Hotel. TY.1o'2.st ' 1'TANTEI-A waiter attlie hlarney street Itestau- T' taut. 1O3i \yANTIL-Thuhoemakors at II. iohte & Co's. , OjIOSltO lloyd's OilerS liotia. iOl3 WruD-niri for gccrat ho'usewok. flest wages. Southeast corner iStimnn0 tiumet. , O873t1 U , U. HhtOWN. T.'D-A flrst.c1as baricr , $15.00 per aSVeCC ! , anti steady job. : raxton imotom Barber altop. DSS.41 ' 7ANTEL-ohrI at SIacn's hold , 10th street. V ! USiJ.3 , S 1fANTFD-U rmna salost.sdy , experienced In dry' V h good , , and good acquaintance ; svimm good saTary. OAUItAI3IIANT .tCOLl. , UD2Vt1 W 7ANTED-Two men of good address to sell goods. Steady rositlon for the hnter. Call at 421 , wutn 10th itrcet. f , iOl-3 : V 'TANT1I---A girl torVgenerai homi'cwurk In a fauli' Imyof tsvo 104 souttm 25th Street. O-3 ' ) * ln'mall ' \ famtilly at 1409 miortlu 18th St. 501.21 ' ) - ) at 1105 Farnam St. \TAN'rE1)-llshwasher ! 5So.l : , \7ANTElOlru for gemmori ijousoworlc , 25i4 V flouglas street. 9114t \rANTED-A good German ghel for general home , ! 5V InquIre at 503 south 20th street. edit JULJUS TItEIISCKE. - ' T.NTgn.-A/Sowsmarh omaergotlc salemncmm to calm- , vle among busimicmesunen , lit Kammam atmd Nob. APib'bOtwceii 2 ansi'S ' P. lfl. to C. it. uemmdall ; uro iseahl Hutet , ' near U , 1' . IJcot , 7'AN'TFD-Pazita flSSlaCCS mmt 521.ij ' V' V 1TANTED-First cIa , . mn ulder , to'msork ' on heavy ISV oxk. SEATO .tmi5m'A : , LIpcoliNeb. a i V V tTANTEu1-An engIne tonim , b"a 14'acths1 eutgl. , , ! , umeenand nmahhnlst.m ,000d itfereilces c'tmm be furpshei ! Addre.s "W. Ii. 13. " 1cepfflce. " 8d Iiii 1TANTEli-Ooed girls' for' good 'faiuiii"iit S wages. Apply Imusodiately at employnment bucau 21 ? N. 15th St. o. uthIo Ito. 0955 U S , , I , UTANTED-I4 gv.d coat makers. Best Ol prh.es Y S paid. YIIANK J. ItAMU1C , 732-ti' V . ' C S % A7ANTED-Lmdy agents for thul " ( , ueen Pretcct. YSI erA new Under gutnnent for iadhes made of soft , flexible rubber. Sure protection to tIme under. wear when mutcOssnry to bo wont. Imalls for 2.50 as famit as ; antis can showtt. Lunge vreOt. Address with , tmilap , "Ladies' Umndorganuent 1.lanufacturhng Co. , No B 'Iaystreet , 9hhcao , I 796-Sm YTANTEU-flri at No. boo Shuimmame avemmuc. ! tS3-tf , 511rn.JM. cpuNsiIAN. V SITUATIONS WAUTtD. V ' YTAN1'ED-By ii miractlcat colthctor , bills of m''y- ' I 1 Iclan , , lIvery ke. Admircas "i. " lies otilce. OMI'ITENT prlmmtcr vimmlt. a pemmia enc stumdtlomt him scoontm-y tallies , Coed workmuamt sitU relIable. /iddresI [ . 1) , . noomu Omahtet. . , 520.21 1TAN'f1L---SItuumtion hy a youn titan as coach , 'I mimammamitl to ) vork aroummd the house. Addees ' ' 1.11. " lice 0111cc. 041.11 V ( , 7.tNTD-Sltmtathon as nurse by inhmtdIo ageml 1 lady. Apply at S. a. center Iodgu and 12th St. 012i T AIhF.fi Oh YOUNO MEN In city or country to _ JV4 take milcu , light anti iloasammt stork at their own hotness ; 2 to 5 a day easily amid quietly matte ; work seat by imuall mb cammva'tsimmg ; no stamp moe reply. l'ieaso ahtress iteSable Mamm'f'g. Co. , PlmIlad'a , l'a , , lrawtsr 'I'm' . u . 478-10500 _ , _ _ V _ _ _ _ _ _ L _ _ ICELZAflLOU3 _ _ _ - _ _ . WANTS. . - - : - - ' TA11l-Tbreo unfumrtlshoml roonis for 118h1 I IiousckecmilmmgCsutrmsilocathon. Admire , . "mfr , ' ice oflkv. 081-2 * aimmi room foijmthenian an' a S ' . , Vlfo Athlresio call ) " .IL" 1613 liodgi. tm77.2 SftairIIlshUmj remoimis 1y imuamu S wife and :1 : year iiml chIld , tinusekeephmir- , - ' Cemitrat hocmitiomm anti reasnable. Adtlrca * , N. I I. 1' . ' liceciSce. _ _ 4 _ _ V S , S I Ai'rlf-A few' table boarders at iou Fmmrmman , ! VSt V 57521 , VAN'h'nl-l rmuinetllatelv. to remit or tmy a second huid 1mprtolhu holler , mtb tut twenty liOn-u i ° - Cr 1l'iI.LS NII2IAN , 946-h V SchmtIemNeb , ' tSSr gem , s.htc , Must not be store tlmsmm flue l'locls front i'axt.mt uomm.u. l'ri u must be caotible , VAldrcsj "x , x , ' nec uttlcc , 8tI0 tf ' \ ' ' ' - . busuttol , of freds ldch.tid , ripe to 1 tmiimtocamatllsrris&m"lshor's. 227.1 ! Foil RENT--Ilousas and LOLa. omit hottics. AlhlIY 1207 l'am'llio St. 106-2 * Foil ilNh'V'mtlt ( board , a furoMmed room , gas V amid baUm roomis mit 1713 1) ds St. ho7.c pomt IICNT-Two nnfurnlmtI ) rooms at 7.0O per imiomith , at 10m4 Webster steut , 9701 ! r % ' ( ) gooti reomes for remmt , 111 No. 11th St. , J. Dot-ms 1olt ltCNT-i"uriiLshoj i-memos , ilmiglo an.t for light hOmuoukeedng. Ilcemuer's block , corner 5th and Ilcoard. OdC-tf 1'olt hmINT-NIceiy furimimliod frsuit room. Apply VI 22091)odgu street. 95541 Ij"oIi : IIENT-Large , muosly furmmished roommu 1613 .1. l'hicago Street. L"omt 1hINT-1120 Capitol Avenue , siegant iun. I. blued rooms. Ucatleruac and wife or gemitlomnen. Ilot android water , All convemilences , 795 ° l 'Iou iIKNT-Ntcsly funmlshod rooms litim St. bet. hedge amid lmltOI aye. D18.5 FoIl IIEN'r--.A tron $ coon , with utee ! 2OsOt 2112 CalIforula. 973.2 $ - - r Neatly new hmatlug amid cook stoied for seJa. Inquire 24m7 1)avenport St. P74-il Fohm IIINT-Ncw dwelling house S rooms on 27th Street between Clark anal Uraca. Inqultuit 1414 N.rth iltlc 019.2 r"oIL 1tlNT-Fummshod rooms. N. K , 3J .mmd Pa- " ' ' ' mt.uL. I V . SV a Ij ' II _ _ _ i " S _ _ , _ _ S _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ J _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l 'I . . . V , - a- " \L. .i' for InfantB1and'ch1Idrefl. I ) ' On , ad ovorcomlme4 FIntuIenc5i3oustmpa- Lion , , 9t ; Stomaet , Diarrhmcna , and , FoTorIaJul asE , It Insures imurnitit and natural bleep , without morphine. I' Castonium aoLIaiIptedto Cbildre&thnt ba ] * & I recommend Itnasupeniortonnyprtwermpmjon known to time. " If. A. ARcuemi , M. 27. , - ' ' ! flrsikhy N.Y. - I , , E NTA $ iR LiM FNT-dmi' nboflmte Vc1mro for' R1ieiina- tifIll , Sprains , flhIm'n8 , Galls , . c. Time mOst Powerful flfll ionC- tratisig Pitium-reliovbug 1111(1 healIng Rcuncly known to man _ -w- - 'THE ' BETTHflEA1) ) ron'SEWIG MAVOHNES . ' ' " - - - _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ - - - - - CO.TTON : S Is ENTIRELY The Product. : of eAmerican Industry ! ' C su' 1IONOVNOED jy EX1EISTS TO ME r i A IE BEST 'THREAD IN THE "VORtD 1'OR hAND AND 'MACIflNE ' SEWING.V - l"ill nssortmneumt constantly on hand and for sale by V S . V - : V HENRY PIIRMAN , Pi'Amont , Neb. I I. ii I'1 1 ) bit hn'r-X ius'o rAms neot .d'd MedIcal Co - VI logo. Imniuire of lire Parsons , corner 12th and Marcy Ste. V rilolt F.NTThts , ujmturmtihed rooms Inquire .1 N. v. corner 26th ammdllouglas S , DeS-St Foil ILENT.-On rack vommue , a ftnomw rosidonee of teh room , , just completed. Furnace , bath- roomn.wnter In rooms , and nU modern commyemihenes , ceummeimied walks arenas ! rrcmLes , stable etc. , also a teu room horse on Dodge StfQV'boardlar house pllflacs convenIent to U. 1' Imops. .1 , F. 21011- 'or-1 'igent , 156 atumani St. 072S' S Nice furnIshed room to r nt , sultablofor man and * ife or two gentleman two block from the 'Depot , 1007 south 11th St. D51-1 on ymnxcr-Ti-o furnihed rooms sultahie for one o two gentleman. Price 'easonablc , 1010 Dodge tCL 0702t V1 S S ' , 5' ' V m .m O1 itENr-'rwoatom'y house good repahr , 6 rooms , * 20 amer irmonth. 1lctAOUn , Opposite l'ostohri ! ! : _ I "OltitENT-A licasant front room , furnts.hcd or unfurnished , 005 N. iSthi street. 808.1 * r i ) LFr-mmccly furnIshed rooms 1724 Dougla . 'S h31.tf -Elolt BgNT-Ncw cottage of 0 rooni with closets , .1. , amid all modern commvcnhence , No. 2103 Cass St 918-1 : , 1' . Q'7IALLEY. Ihut I1mNT-A , uito of routes for thsntiomami ansI _ wIfe , uS S. ntis street. 032-41 t)1t ) tl'NT-A cew house , VUll , citorn and cc1ha 1fmniltpn near Imene 1rect , near red car hue. Ilont 't6. Inquire on premIses , 710-22 r o 1tiT-Furnisheml roorn4 wills board 1808 Call. frumla St. 820-imo- S F bltHL'N'15011 8'tLgLstorehnuldlng cor.iith and i'Ierco St. tlood building forgroceryor Dulcimer shop. 831.lmmio' : ii- 5krctm furnlih1 V. frmint7rmLiih 5 ; I . ? ( JVi : ( ( r ' 183Ci.Hg E.olt % I ; + -'Aoi3 mltii'urnlshmed oomt faly omtly , for 6.O0 , 20(19 Cas. , treet. 848-If JJOUSES TO iENT-1O. to 850 per umuouth , Stores and roomna to rent. City residence for sale 8500 upward. Yacammtlot , Imiall parteof city. Farimelamids for ealo or excliangma ' I LOUNSBURY & MAIITIN'S , heal Estate AgencyS. W. corner 18th and Farriam. S V' , ? - ' . 788-ti FOIL h11N'r-lcaly furnished rooms for ( ho whiter. Inquire at east Ido 18th St. bctsuccn pouglas & Dodge. Foit I1ENT-itesidences and storobutidings. BED. FOILD .a sounit , Steal Estate Agency. Omhlco cast ldo 14th atrott , between Farnam.n and Iouglas ! teot % f ' 792.1 Foil ItIT-'i'ho cumnmnodIomis 12 roomn hQumse with stable , etd. , omm I' , . IV. corner 20th amid ComIng streets , mmow ocemmuiled by Clmarles , F. Mamalersomm , him. qutro upomi'prenlisosm utLll October 1st , sslscn mossess' hon'whll be gIver ! . 'metIon , nlo of house hold goods Thiiradav , OltIt. 072-If , OJtV1tENTVa floors amud batsmemmt , Elevator : I VateaL'14fl Farumaum street. . . S V , j _ ' 'FORIIALE. Machsmc very cheap. Inquire stt Ile'u otftc-s , S lhEll' FOIl SALI-.4Ico : hoed ci large , fine lien. Ito Slics-ji , comih.tImmgof 220i ) tcthers , 1,700 0505 amid 200 lambs. The alsovo hhecl , , heared ttil spring fromui 7 to hlsoummds for Vetl1N arid the C5V05 aver. aged six monmmds of wool. Correajommloncu solicited , 03.i ltAIISi1AI.l. & 1101. , Omaha , Neb SAL1I5-FulllotCAlhtornha St. with large , Immi. I Proveuuents e.8toof h1AUI.SEN & CO.- 958.2 Farmismi , , V -17'011 HALE-l'wehvo roomu. louae corner lotj 13th IV amid ( 'alhforela ,84.86 s13,500. ' PAULSEN CO. .100 Farmmamum , I I' -hot , 05x&1 lSthmtcur Cihifomla with dwelling ? 2,7O0. 1'AULSEN & CO. , 1108 I'ar. . : ' IrOit StLlVLot 36xi32 California near 13th wIth I : ' s houses $2,700. 1'AUI.H1N'&co : , 1503 Farnani. V951'3 S 5 13Oiti4AI,5i--I1oiise hmid lot nearI.ake's add. $1,050 , .3. 002.9 ' 1'AUISEN &COhiOtJFanmmam , 0ht SALE-llawer'sSub-dlvlion , $290 arm acre. 1svcr's 8imb-dilhon , $200 an acre. IIOSV,0r. Stihi hhlslomm , 8200 an'acre. ilawuer' , Smthi mllIolon , $200 atm acre. 115wye4-'s Siih diI.im , , 1200 ems acre. Iiae-tgrl , Sthi.dh14Jomi , $2usi mimi apre , liassier' . Sub dlismom , 1201) amt acro. hfawsc-r's Subuihicitum , 8200 atm acne. 1155 Icr's html , thl1,1omm , 82C0 mum acre. Jlawcr' Ijiuls tllhutiomt.,8200amm ) acne. V r I ° ' 'Ci"I Sub 'Its Iklm'mu,82OO mmmi acre. lfasu'oen's S'mmb-dIkIomm , f2XI usa acre.V acre.V ASIES' , 0341 ! ) 'arnam St. Fall SAL5-S4.lq(1Ittimsyuatmueut , two feii lots , jix lmaammscs J . S 4 ' Fine tarmo , itrar ? ity. " - _ . ! 2 . - shumu'En& umr , L-'uolt SAl5li-.ihl tm-ads for meat estatommmew phae. VIV tout , hmarmt. as amal tie , large , sound , lslnst thrh mar hiorse.pleidd ! tqouler , suitable fur lady o gemitlu. . milSU'C'tiU , ' Do9- , Fornanu Street. 01t HAIE-21 acre hots , wcst , 3500. V 2 acre lot. , west , $800. , V 2 acme lats , we-at , tdOO. 2 acre tots , ssot , 8'O5. 2 acre tots , i eat , $500. S acre lets , eet , 3500. 2 actable , .tmet , 8500. OOm'tf AtIFS' , Farnaus 5treet. J 'on 8ALi-Suven ehegmmnt ittsidenccs and lots 1 Fustoithoc. $2,800 to tZ,000 each. 837.f $ ' l'ECK , op , . . P. 0. Foul SAIE-ootu lhnilhIsutc , $100 an acne. Cuts lirlhllante , , $ moo sum acre , . Cot. lirtlltaute , $100 an acre. Cots ilnlihmanto , $ booan acre. Cot. lhriUhante , 3oo an acre. Cute Thihllammtc , $200 an aqtm , Cot. i1nihilwite , $100 mmiwre.\ Cute hinllllante , $100 an acre. Cot. lbrtilianto , 3iOO an acre. Cot. Brilliant. , * 100 amm acre. S V S ' Cute $0Oan acre , S . ( Jo ; . Bnifllaumt,53150'memm acme. ' - - S. cots Brllllante $100 an acre , ( o1e Bnifliante , 8100 aim acre. Vote Unilliaut.5 * 100 50 $ cre A2IES' , ' S3tL ioana4t14 , , _ l otn'tThhlmren I WhAt CUZSO their ' t .5. 15110 ? ft. When babies trot tusd cry by tunis , 'Vhats curds their c Uc , kills their worms , Ihit Oastori. \That quIckcures Constipation , SourStomna ' , Co Ida Indigestion , Ituit Cftatorift. Farewell then to Morphine Syrups , Castor 011 nndi'areg9ric , Castor I V smog m4acre. CotoTlllIiante , 8100 an nero. Cute hlrilliantc , $100 an acre. Cole Bniiltante , 3i00ttnacro , V COle lirhillante. 3100amm acre. Cote lirlihiante , $100 sum acre , Cole Brhllianto , 3m0Qammaeio. ' J V 900.1 ! . AMES' , Farnani Street. Ot'S12&.LOT 1olt SA.E7Cormier hot 60x140 , H lmoueo Trooms.7atdset withbipe grass. Shade trees In abnndamco. I'tlce $2,600 , south mia. t semr at omuco. Addnomus"31. " Ilcobtflce. ' 85.tf -I--olt BALlS-A rospcrous'thamni , Vith cstib1shod _ U milk route. Address "Dairy" thIs otlice. SflS.l- GROCEltY Volt SALF.-My stock ofelapIand fancy groceries , Queensware mtndflxtur s , tua- ted In the live city of Creston. 4hse my general storoat Neshmnihle , Iowa. .Chango Or - . son for selling. Call on or ftddrees . - q 1.A.NYE , 8211 * . Creston. IotVa FoR SALE-Lots'50x100 , neno Paris usrehue , s2o. Lots iOxIOO , aear Park Avemmue , 3525. Lots SOxiS ) , near I'srk sSvemmUe , $525. \ 003-tf' AMES' , Fmmrnamstrebt , - .1 time hammuls nmest lots in Omaha , Vi S cast front , corners oil alley , 20th .trcet , ball biock north St. Mary's avemmue , mmear the Judge Bnigga residence. Inquire at the B. & 21. Ticket omSce,5Sth and Farmiam. I 757.Imn' V , SM.E-Six room house cmi 18th St. 32.700. smx neoum house new , 100 feet from l'ark aye. 52.500. Sb noons house 24th St. south ofl Creightomi College. 31.800. V 758-If AIIES , 18(0 Faruam.V SA1.E-'l'wo hiortobie boilers , 10 horse power , .1 : ' Apply at I ) . F1TZI'AThtICI ( , 658-ti 518 Souttm 15th Street. 1 ' SALE-LotsDQmmecllem's addition .8150 t'3 Lots , Doneckens aduhmlion , * io to $400. S Lots , 1)oneckun's addition , $ liQ to $400. I Lots , Donecisemi's addltlotm , $156 to I Lot , , floncckemm'oddittofl , 5160 to $105. 1904.tf I , mA2iES'arnamu'strot. ' LOIm HALIS-Twolots , desIrableIoction amid chea _ JV Each 3275 , on good terms : Inquire mit thi office. 834 tf 'uomt hsiLlt-Ahouuae and lot at.a sacreilco. J. I. .1. Marble , 2t7-J. 36th St. . 023-If LEASE-Four choice lets on 20th St. . , long .12 tIme , 2i7 , 16th St. , J , L.Idarble. 1125.tf -t-'oit 8ALiz6I } 'arnani street\77 feet-frontage , .1. 12s depth , fiyo roomed houst$4000. 61e.mot VTOIt SAL..qOod business chatmc4s at 217 Nl6th j _ street. , iJ : , . MAI11175 SllOVtf , , . S ' J T"O1t SALE-A ; abargahim , a small iioster.lIatmpann jV and Co's fine prool iafc. mnqmsiro at thls'ornce. Foil SALE-S room boutms , fill ; hOt1 barn81 , ' dean , balancmmmonthhy .aymemsts , 32,100. 5 rooms , house amsul barn , Ilarmiey street , $2,000. 10 acres land , improved , good house and barn , , 32,800. a room house , lot 4Oel20 , flarne $ ' street , 32.250. , s mcmii houae IS-C ) 10(5 , ftai'ioumusmmtlm , sm,200. 902-ti . JAIIES''armmam ; Street. 1Oihk3ALSFimm 4aimmi close teLiiity , , _ I ' VMS'tf . . ) ' 1'EthC , Ospostte $ pVQ o1t SALE--.t imret class secumici hand top iugy. Call at 1319 Ihenmoy strOct. llltf loll SALS-Iteuidcmmcu and business iroponty 10 all parts of Omaha , and Fat-in 1.ammd [ mm all parts of the State. HEUFOIU ) & SOIJEIt , 703-tf 213 8. 11th St. bet. Farisamn amid Douglas. F 011 SALE Ott 1XC1IANU5-Full lot and three dwellings corner of 11th and Pacific strtsts. Nine lots In south Omaha. Also 160 acres of Isumul near Santon , Nebraska , zmmmd bufldlmmg and stock of clothing No. 804 'i'ontb street , Will exchmmngs for Nmslraska farm lamids , Furtlmer particulars t Ieo S Ii. l'otussoms's tmmg Stoic , 891 Tooth street. I . -.5 "S ' 466.onI.'f - l01t SALE-Old rewepapera to largo ansi small 1VV toantlttes at thIs ' 18cc. If I SIISCELLANOUti. i'i'bit m-oit HAI.I-uonsIwing ol5ccnfactiommvry , } 'rutts and } 'ammcy Notions. 'Also fliesl foe ltea- taUraimt. I Good cellar and velh. I50thdhmmg 20s62'ono I / story , Being ms g6otl buamncss , 'Cause of sale , scant tO go out of buaincas. Address 7t23lia' 0. hbCOmtS % ' , . Oakland , Nob. , 4 olt Smiryoy , mmaps on Pimi5 of neal estate 1mm er out of time city/apply to PECICS S 687.11 - , Agency , Opposite I' . 0. EDWARD KUHL , Id O8TEtt ! OF i'ALIIYR'FEitY ANI ) CONliTIO. ALIST , 498 Tenth street , botweenTahjlAand 11i. user , aVihm , isltli the ahd of guardian sprits ! , obtab far hay one a glamre of the pact amid prnrnt , ansi on certaIn C81ihtiOflS Ic the futUre. , Va , mand Osar. masts to . 'SIOCV . . , .SsSwsm4vt V1V5.5A.I t S V N AKiN0 : POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tht hover varies. A marvel of pUrity , strength and whohrsomemm.ss More econonmhesi tlmazm the ordinary klnd , and cummmnot bt , solo LmmoomnpctitI , WithIhUWuititud. of lw test , short weight almost j'hos1sbate PussIer : Sol't omilr its can , . Roysi itak. I u.'m.cm , u tI rU tmC4 . 'C' . ( 'y05 , V S _ _ _ , V I