- - - . _ - - 'r flEE DAILY 13E1--TUESiAY J3I'iBER 2 18S. 7 - - - ( PETER C. MILLER , VItL1SAtE AND ItlTIT N A-dpei ? ad VIfldoY Shdesnd PafntiDg I all Its Draches , FRESCOING IN MODERN STYLE. : i.a ciit ] , 1'onr1 t. aciWoi1 DEVOL&WRICHT. : i : a rdxrare. 504 Broadway and 10 and 12 Main Sf , , Council Bluffs. PROMPT ATTENTION AND OLOSE PRIOES ON MAIL ORDERSI R. S. COLE & CO. , MANUFACTU1tLR AND IKALERS ) ZN ALL t All the Most Iffiproved Kinds of Lightning Rods And Ornanicnt. . Also \VmI an1 Irtm 1'ump'ooI Tubing P.fld (1P. I'Ipc Rtlt IIO Fbttire , for both lro , GO4 . South . Main W'tMI Street. ( Rfld . . Iron . . . . Puuq . . . . . Orikrs . s . ft recch . . c IronIt . . . . . . . Rttent . . COUNCIL bin. BLUTS , IOWA Feb U.eo1.tf . : 4L ( ALLICHER , _ ( cr Pt C ) 'C I I1EI Now Storc , Fieli UOtI , Low I'rlccs tnI Poilto Attcndaiit. ( First Door east of Metropolitan Hotel , Council Hiulto. 4 Broadway Steam Laundry ! ' 72L WE5P A. C. LARSON . , - - - - - Proprietor. . LATEST IMPROVED MAOBINERY. Chfton Restau ant. . 41. A. ROSS , - - - - - PROPRIETOR. 537 B1tOAD\VAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , h the place for A. No. 1 McaTh. Day Boarders acconimodated and guarautco satisfae Lion. "URLINGTN 1UTE' ( Chicago , Burflngton & Quinoy Railroad. ) . . . _ . i " ! : _ tat ? . -t . . . .p. , th : . 't l\ - - . ft ) . t-7 : t - . i : -.crlL. . . ; ; )4 ) I 4 COlkC EAST AND WEST. t Eetnt Day Cocheq , Parlor Cars , th fleciii ,7 iIr Cht.ir ( teats free ) , Snohnr ! Cars. with 1e. ! , coking Chairs , I'lllIflail P31ac0 Slccpihg Cars and the ( ninous C. B. Q , Dining Cars run datlyto and froiji Chicago & Kansas City , Chiago & Council Illuirs , Chicago & Des Mointu. Chicago , St. J . sei)1i. Atchison & Topeka. Oiity trough Ilnu be. twceii Chicago , Lincoln & Doiwer Through cars between Indianapolis & Council Bluffs via l'corla All connectIons made In Union DepoL. it Is lnown as the greatTlfltOuGit CAll L1NI. COINC NORTH Ai3D SOUTH. Solid Tranc of Elegant ba Loachcs and l'uil man Palace Sheping Cns are rUn daily to ard from St Luuls , va Hannibal , Quincv , KcokII ) 1tt'rlinton. Cedar Ilapids and Albert Lea tn iL } 'iul and MinhiCiio1ic. 1'ariorCarswt1 , fleclinlng1 Chalr to niul from St J.ouL and l'coria and to ahid tram 131 ; ToIl and Ottumsn Only 0110 change at cars tetW000 St Louis and Des Moines. iowa , IJitcoln , Nebraska , and Denver , Colorado. it ts untversallyadxnltted to bo the Fthost Equipped alIroad in the World for all Classes of Travol. ai VIce.Pres'tand Qen'I Maner PERCIWAL LOWELLUin Pass. Ag't , Ch1ca4it. . i I Anhe.zser-Busch \ 4 , , , BRENING ASSOCIATION .c , . . - i4 , 1j : - _ - t - . . : ' . - . 4 . . k CELEBRATED 'k : ( ( eg and Bottled Beer This Excellent Beet' 1)eaks for itself. tUSERBscREyI OR DEllS FROM ANY PART. OF THE STATE OR TIlE ENTIRE WEST , t I I Promptly Shipped. L I ALL OUR GOODFi ARE MADE TO TUE STANDARD. ' cfc-Llr rate F. SCHLIEF , SoleAgent for Oluahla and the West. _ _ _ _ _ Cor. titli SLrcot and Capitol Avenue. Granite Ironware I rep BOILING BIOILINQ. , PRESERVING , ' 11T , HANDSOME. I WIIOLE8OME , DURABLE. The Best Ware Made foi' the 1CiL1ieit ! MANUFACTURED ONLY BY TUE SI , LUUIS TAMPItG COMPMIY , ST LOUIS . F@11 @ a1 1w )1 ) ] IJril'P a1t ! 1)Ualis. ) ) ? PRPEOTXO1 JN . : 0/ Heating and Bakin g . . L' . Is only attiI1ed.byusiI1g . c CHARTER OAK ( j Stoves and Ranges , NIE MJlE OVER llOllS Fur Bale by . . . , " I rIILTON ROGERS & SONS oMAhA. i4L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , i , CARRIAGE AND A ( + ON hll1'ACTORY ' . COIINEIt TWY.LFTJI ANt ) ItOWAltf ) "JItEI7P. 4LXX.4 , - - - - - .1'&rtlcular 5tt.cntl . hon to re aiim , $ atl.acttn qurant.eed . : - LRADLEY 1)EALER IN LumberSash , Doors , BlindsBuilding Paper LIME , OEMEN't' , 1It1U , 1TC. Office antI Yard , Cor , 13th and California Streets. . OMAhA , NED - - - - - - - - - PALACE-CAR CHAT. of the Boiu'oirs Oil \Vhoc1s- \ , Ell1ish oiirists aii Their Verlaiiey. how a IIeny.Veight Secures Lowet Berth ' 'it wotilti take a ( I1t ill the recital , aiicl thou 1111 a big book , te tell of the in. citlents that cuter into the daily lire of a Pulliiai cAt , ' ' said J.V. . Smithoy , the rcsilont suierinten&lent of the company ill Plijiattolpitia , ' 'anti thou it 'oultI t.ako another and a larger book to coiitiiit What liatlii't becit toM. As we ace it. hero , the subject scorns al uost iiiexlmti- tible. Eveit after the ti&tnisaiitl aitol 0110 stories about fat Illelt falling through iii.- per berths , yelping P ° ° l1 ° dogs nvnicoi. ing passuiigcrs at night , innitlun Ittlies ladies losing their false teeth nitd cur1cl wigs , timid travelers shrieking for the Irnrter at every ( ) ) ) i.1ico , ahll ( tito iitiinbcrlcss stories that cotilol ho. vovon from the 81(10 issues of these liit jCltilIgs , the 111th 'tti1o1 lint lIt ) told. ' ' 4. sleCil1g.L'ar ) , 3'Otl IlloIst IllItlOrstalId , is. for the tillIe being , the 111)11)0 ) tf the OCdullallt.3. It is olcetIpied for a iQIlger titiiu tillIll tue ordinary railroad car , allot its passeligurs are brollght into closer Coil- tact. it is , to llmiO a ratiter far fetched 51111110 , a sort of FEcilcil flat ott ollo floor , 011 S'11C01S. Take a I'tllllUahl C11t rululing froln liniadelpiiia or Now York to SaII F'rallcisco allot you will flint sollletllincr of the Saute sort of temporary sociability UIRL exists ( Ill hoard an OCO8U StCillllSili1) . Frieiidshi1s are formed , anti soniotintos there are attachIlneIlta formed that-but , " sai(1 I1r. Sinitticy , interrupting hiniseif with a slfliiO , ' 'I (11(1 nut ilitellot to go illtO the questioll ill the abstract. I was trying to thlillhc of a case or two that VOtlil have l3OIllCtlliIl Ilcwsy about it. Lot inc see , 1 don't tillilk ! Fhio Press has ever said nllythlillg about thlat latest .lricc of Iiodjcskn , llaa it ? The Illaihull is to travel tllroluhl the country in a palace.car which will proba ly eclifIso allytilillg of the kind over SCCII before , not exceltiIlg the well.apointcd Ciii's of Mile. I3ernhurt or 1Jrs. Lulgtry. Modjeska is to have a place car , in every 501150 of the word. It will be uJ.ilolstercd Ill crimson Plush , 1111(1 tilt ) curtains of tile berths will bo of riur silk. Thu berths viil be occtipied by tite Illaids. ilillle. iodjoskn herself will ilitWo a folding bed , so ingeniously coiistructod US to be used as a secretary when 1100 required for slcepiiig purposes. Besides tilis , tile car will be supplied with it nicide-piatcol bath tab-solnethullg entirely iiew-and tile grcat artist viil wash her face in water drawn frorti silver-plated sigots. There bs to be a buiflit in the car coluplote in evCl.y detail , anli illgClIioIlsiy CeollolniCal ill the i.iatter . of space. 'Ilie clitiing tables 811(1 tue service will be the salnu as found ill Rll lirst-class hotel , and tile parlor a circaiti of soft carpets and costly bric.a-brac. Taken all ill all , Mine. i\fodjesk wiil travel from city to city vith an elegance of appoiIltillellts tiiitl a ct.llIIlIOtetlCSS of comfort that cai Ilot he excolicil , alloat or ashore. ' 'It is graduiiiy : 1)CCOlliiIlg to be tite projier thing , ' ' coiitiniied the suierin. tclidelit , ' 'for persons vlto CaIi 1tlltrd it to travel with tile same coiiifort Ofl tue rail as they find at their 11011105. Nearly all foreigners-.Fllghislnneu especially- ar surprised at tile lllLtgIliliceIlce of our AlllCl'iCitll sloeping.cars , and eagerly take advantage of tilelil.Vo often have dis- tiiigtiishicd gentlemen froiii the other aide uf tile watcr-inniy ; of them traveling in- COg.-ellgage it CiL1 for a two weeks' trip ill the west , and their ignorance of wcs tent habits is liOlIietlIllCtl decidedly aloha- 01g. Nearly all of thont ilnugole that every iiiai wcst of tile Rocky Inountaills carries a brace ofrevolvera , abowie-kllife , aiiol a deck of cards , and spends his time shooting gci&tlemon who refuse to drink with itnu , or in chewing tobacco lUld making speeches. I relneinbor very svehl nit English lady vin , vas going through to Chlicno ill a l'lIlilIlaIl car , who left her Illflid 111 ew lork , because tile lfltid was afraid 'tho would be scalped by the IIlIiItlls 011 arriving in tue ( iardell City of the west. Yes , sir ; site refused positively to run tue risk of being cap- tui'eol by tlllse horrid savages , and sue begged her Illistress Ilt to undertake tile jouri ley. ' 'During tile early ltrt of tile yCiII LI party of Ellghsl000n started vcst to limIt itlfialo ) iii one of our iluntilIg citrs-tiiu Davy Crociett , I thuiik-aiid actually be- gait gcttillg into thioir rough clothing and loading their rifles iCforu the traiii itad readIed l'ittsbiirg. 'I'hey could iiardiy 1)0 ItIMlO to believe tililt they were citiil a tiibtithtnil luiles Lus ay froni rite hunting grounds. ' "Are itiiy of Liaise stories true of fat Itlehl telling IlorrilIle tales about crllshling through tliCr } berths ill flldCl' to secure ioh'cr bertilsi" was asked. "It is true that. facutiolls iteavy-weigilts toll tim stories in tue hearing of tililid persons , " wa3 tue rojlly , "and it. is eqIlal. iy untrue that ll1l upper berths ever break ( lowlI. A well-known Now York journalist , who tips the beam at three ilillidred louilis-suppose you know i 11111 Cih1l be credited with being tile origina. tor of that yarn. lie loves a joke , and , as Ito is knoWil to allllost every palace-car porter iii tile coulltry , manages to carry Colt the sell % 'ory successfully wil000ver licCetsary. In case the gentleman roaches the train late and 1111dM tue lower berLin , OccIlilied , lie ilUlitlI around until he 1111115 IL nervous traveler ill LI place where lie would like to he ililflself. 'l'lieii ie calls tile colored i > oltor , ttiitl as ! . , 111111 if iie 11115 ileard ally furtilol' IICSVS of 11ev , : Iri' . Illitil. 'i'Jlu i)1teE ) , SVil ( ) ill postcd , replies : ' 'YoU IliCiOt do po' geili. illail WIlat ) ' ( lti inasiteI thtt Iligilt 0U fell Iron tie berth' ' ' 'Yes , ' replies tile poll. demos travelei , 'l'vo often thought of that poor nian , , Jini. I tilillk I broke one ills 111)0 ) allot (1110 of his arms , didn't. Il' "J'wo ribs 1111(1 ilfe arias , sail , ' replies .Jiiii sIJicnlIliy. 'Allil itvall somewhere a1out tilill jillt of thu car , vasn't it , .JjlIll' 1(5kB tue ilOLL'y nIall iouliy. ( 'No , sahi , ' says tile Prtor ; 'you'su ' thinkin' ob do two OFIilihhlS ) Wilat , ' ( III foil ( iii tlttt night whoit was hear Biiflnio. If you ru- iioinler , , sail , (1110 of (10 l)3's died , 1111' do oi1er Ilad his eye squashieti out. ] ) o pretciier , sail , was iii do 111111cr 011.1 . ob do car. lie WOUIlil't got oUtoil d11 lower bortil , saii. ' ' tJnfortinate ; follow , ' tile fat piIssciIgur , ' 1111(1 ( 1 v.tsii't us iiwovy by fifty pouiids 103 1 11111 II0SS' uitlwr. ' 'Jy tills tiiiiu 'oU CLIII depend that the Ilorvohls traveler is 0ttillg lus lLhlltLtiO0iiM oil. Usually lie jIOUJIS out , Itild Whlefl lie Sees tue iilJUlltalll t.1 110511 tilIlt is tilIkilIg , 1113 is iivro than wiiiulg to ttko tue hiphior berth tilitli 00 be crusiiud to death iii thu middle of tii iiigiit. It'll LI pretty good sCholilo , 111111 oIIorahIy works to tile fat. luSh'S satisfaction. An 80011 aS thu other follow fiuids out that. a joke hilts booi played 111)011 ) 11101 , lIe forms tile joker's acqUallltallCO 1(11(1 ( , ill ainist every in. stail'O tilhLt I % 'O lleird , the frieinlsliip 5tlihilt ly matte is la tinq , IeealflU the tilt illitil is OIII rf those jolly jood fellows that 1101)0(1) ' COtlid stay totigry at for bore tiian ton inuiuts. There are lots of oIlier iilcilebltR thitit , If strung together , nhlgilt inako a gOL ( ) iltr ) ' , but , as life is short and tinie lreciohls , I th1llksfl.hFJlAd better leave tile best ones for aiiotlit'r oia3.- ( l'hilu1elpitih 1"ress. , . - l'nt'ior anil Vliiit w ( artieiiiii , It is a inistakoit Idea that Iliabits niul liowers , III a rooiit , exhale Iloisonous gases. A single laillil takes front a room more oxygen tilall a whole l-wimi(1lIh ( foil of plants. l'iAnt3 or flowers giving off a strong perfume shiotihi not bo ier- mitted lit a sleeping. remit. Phitlits , like iltlmitait beings , subsist on food , air amul light , abut it 114 iveli to those v1ui become llmflst familiar with tile P'i1C pnMortioll ( if each r'qllired ( to reach tIle greatest. shlecess ill maturing amid having choice flowers. Alt uvell telflpCrattire , Its II geiieral thing , is best for itousu.piamlts , miimtl they ililOtlld never be kept in a rolilmi viiere it is belOW .10 0 'I'Ol ( great heat 1111(1 toll ) little light is iiljtmriOhls to piults. ( itmitrd against too ( try a ileat ill a rollIll by hiaviimg a dish of vittor whore it CaII be ovaproatoot l' tile heat. Pilhilts 511(011(1 ( ho volltilLttel , alt hottgit hIlt ahoed ! it draft of cohl itit' . 'I'ime leaves of 111.1st Illittits Siltlil be washed ( ) CCl5ilIii.t1iy ( taking cue to avoid wetting tue flowers ) , lot' time leaves of IlialIts , like thIn iltIlliall Skill , coiitiuit ilhiltlll1ettliO lalles , Which siiould not be aliowed to becuille clogged. 'i'1l03' 5110111(1 be vatered jhldiCillhlSlV , 1111(1 ( to sticit nit exteiit its it careful stuily OIlily of their iiecds 11111) ' dictate.ntor - iilg Plallts at , tile ri"ht tune is otto of the greatest. secrets in Imlalit gnvim1g , Periu.mu. . often asic : 'JI oteii ( ought I to water lIly ii1niitl" \Ve cutsvdr , 115 often as tiloy require it. lii suinuler , if ill a dry sittiatioti , they vilh 1100(1 ftil itIfluldailCo of vator-solllotimnes as often as twice a tlity. Later in the season , amid durimig the wii- ter nilIlItils , they will not. require so often. A practical eye cilit readily detect when the soil is becoIlmil1 dry mid filled with air. A little obsorvntloilnndcare vihi , however , 5(1011 secure tile right attention ill tills resimect :1 Be stiro tllLtt 0110ligil vntor is gi'oil to tiioreuglmly saturate tile soil , and 110 lIlore. 'Foo hOOch water pitasilig tilrollgil illlllvC. ( risiles tile soil ill R silort time , besides doing tile plallts 11(1 gool. As a rlll(3,1IO'er ( allow water to staild ill tile saucers , as it teilds to sour tile earth. 501110 11CSOllS water tileir lIlailts by filling the saucers ill Wilicik tile ) ' stand witil water. Notitimig cami be uore ilerihiciolls tilan this flractice ; indeed , very fov plants nor- VIVO audI treatilleilt. The caiia lily is Oil of tile very few exceptions to titis rule. 'fiie best aspect for plitmits , during wilt- ter , is in windows facing solltit 1(11(1 soutil. east , where tiley can secure all the 51111 Silillu to be iml during the severe cold weather. Suniigilt inlilarts vigor to the illitilts , color to their foliage , and ulakes tileifl Inure 1)rolllcti'o ) ( of 1lovors. AmId Silollid , ' ( Ill 1)0 hess fortunate aitti iittvu oiii' windows s'ith Ilortilelil cxosuro , wilere the 51111 ill ) yillter ileVor strikes in , there is no ticed ofileilig entirely deprived of the Plitilts amId flowers , because the ivies , llegollias , calias , lolieiias , &c. , :111(1 ( , 1)erillps ) , iiiost inlllort.aut of all , the entire list ( If hardy bulbs for 1iowet , all of which readily diapeiise with ( lirect still- light , will thrive beuttifulIy hero , provided tile Conditioils of ilett : uul tnoisture , &c , , are correct. AmId these ttro esseiltiLtI tI ) 1)lltIlL grotvtll tmiidtr any other CiLthllllStLlllCCS Its 00l1. . - - - - - - - - - Magnesia III Itct'r. The Britisil i\Iedical \ Journal says that , as a etmstlli of addiimg muagilesiLs to hoer LI ) llresurro it is now iocolnillg goiiernl , a % V01l ill tulle frolil tile mimeelical lIrofessioll l1la ) avert what threatens to liocomne a danger to iicalth , I'rli1orly ) , to preserve beer , only salts of lime aiid the itikitlics were used ; tllCSO ililllarted ilarsil itriti l301lY tastes respectively. As iilagilCSiihll colnpoliuls are not so perceptible ( when ill beer ) to the taste , their use in brewing is replacing that of liiiie. Pure beer itself coiltaimis more iilagmmosia 0111111 can be takomi witll imnpumiity by liiitll coblstitlitielll , tile additioti of further quantities lllldur bialilel. known to the trade as cid , " to correct beer , ' 'C and I ) , " LI ) it , ' 'ClilCOIlt1'tted Burton vater , " to hiartleil brewing water , lll easily increase tile RhllOtlflt tO all injuriolis IjULlIltity. Brewers do not inquire into the imature of tllo choililcals now largely used by tiltmli , and caiiiiut ho avaio of their efrects. It is tinie tinit they woi c rUlllilllJl tit14 the coiitiittitil ( irililcing of a popular ( IletOtie ( If sahicyiic acid , magnesia , vegetable hitters , etc. , is a ( llestiOmt ( wilicil concemils the iiulihie health ( Imliti ) 104 mllUCil 85 their ( Ilvil i.rofits. . Drinking ratoro eomltailliiig ( IXCCSFOV0 ( juantities of lilagmiesia are freqilontly COrllelllllCd ; beer CLIII .lissgimiso Inure , :1)1(1 : ) should be closeIy.vatciietl. In obscure CU4uH ; of purging it viil be vcli for tue medical adviser to IieiI ill Illitid tilO possible - sible , 1)Ut hitherto llIiHlitliuCt.el ( , inenomice Of excessive IjIOtI ti Li en of m illlgnesiit ill boor. - - 11clrl'iIil Ii 1't'ail. Let tue fitct be illIlVll , Letus hllmlleTtaiIII that it III ) ii , or nit ulcer , or i C8l bimmiclo , or ttiy cruiltioll or 1 liClilillil of tiio Ilic I ii is sure to car LIWIIY nimii IilnullIler : rhieii 1111r11'ck J11oi JIih lets nie emlloyell. 'J'iii 1 % .milerful . Inolliclilo acts dIrectly tiitimi thu CII CIlIRtilll and thu rOLI 511115 for ltii 11140 itr therefuiio I)1Villm)4. - - Trcii 0 iii ( II I I I I' Cii 01 I mmg4. Prepare cuttings of illilt ycal's syol , about ton iiidics in luilgoil. Let thin lower end be cut oil sillootilly , just below thu bud. ( itit thin to1 , 011(1 aIolit aIt iiicii above tile bud. ( Jiapo cuttings oil this 111111 should c'intain three or four buds. I'll ) the etIttiliglI ill liuiitlles , itbout tilreu iiiciius in diallluter , with a simitll ; wire tilLtt sviii iiot rot iii tue dirt. iuiiu tim butt end of tito bundie oven , mId tie tightly. heel in thin euttimigs , ill dry , mellow ground , with 11w butt. eild of tue iflhlldicL3 UI ) . Cover Uo lilies freal four 1(1 SIX ilicilCFl ( lee ! ) , SYitil iiioilow soil , 1)lit ( lOWIl siiiootiily , 1(11(1 tiYO LI goo.l . drencililig of wator. 'i'hon cover tile bed with Hmanlire , fresh from tile stable , ( leCJ ) ( ihloLigil tO lflevOllt fleezimig iii vimltcr. OIl the aililrlacil of warimi weather , Wiluit tim frost 1185 left thin ground 1(11(1 night fronts have nearly ccasuol , , t.itko off tue IllaIlthlO , but d.i . blot ( IbIttlEb tile eaitii or thin cuttings. Aftni tim other sprilIg svork OXiIlIlIliO yIllI lieu , atiul wiion tile bll(1s ( are voll stvlleii , so tilt by careful iiumidiiiig to llmovemit dalil. Ilgo , Set tiion * ito ( ICOJI that. tile ti,1 , bud will be just lIbOVO thin stilfaCo , amId sothiat B lliUlcil ( If ntrLov (11' ( SiLW(1USL vill bide it. 'VlliS truatniuiit of cuttimigs Shiutlll begin trIy , in the fall. 'l'liv settIng SiieUit ( lie ( lliliJ fl'om npiil of tepid water. 1 V13 Ohm ) l1iuii , .1 ( hut P1111k , of HjirIiigfiiI. I , ohm , lOss : ' ' I was traili jie.l lillOli 1)7 II imirc , ( ( mill for a your 01(01 1uimu tlrlughl ) my Iiljii YaJ3 140 1,1(41 I cotihil mOlt 3iIi oil illY feet , 'lhoaloa' iclcctrgc : ( Iii /i(1).C4 VLC tpIIUI dacriju'n. ( It vlII tIe woo- dsi s fur til$4) wiiti uf1im from cii.i.u . .lH flail iv Oliiivltni I"ilLmIiIs itihitiiiu. 1)111 er 'Ell.tiiie A I Loadluy ioiiiocratcarrying a bucket of water , a Iurbiut'nrol iuiiio. crat Ill Oliii thin other day. 'I'hio water froze , 10 WA A Catitohic tn cost $ i3OOO , is lilmg built at Ceiar Rapids. Tlte mme LICIlOOl Ilolisu at. iimmiitia , coIn- PlCtCl , will t(15t nlout $8,000. Flat in the vicinity of I'atmiiimia is said toavorage bushels ver nero 'Flue ellbrt to intrulduco the electric light. at. I'iIarsiualltnit lots failed. 'l'ite Mailaska County Agricllltmlrai society - ciety lots $2tiOO left ttter p11)11mg all cx- 11011805. Tile mmoxt tOtifliOIl of tue Croeker bri- gitdo vill be hold ut 188i in Zflltrshitil- ttvlI. 'iio lmuiopdnlent reports that. a P0je0t is Oil foot for a iO,00O steam immill itt Calliope. Broborg , who siippel nIl a los ? iloimmes si.luwitlk 1111(1 stied tiue city for $ i,000 got it verdict of $ l,1301.I 'Vile Pltlilti01l % ( If Cltoroke , itccordiilg t3 Ii Cu3lIstIs t8kCml th' . ( ) eeks ago is 0 ( ) tmltllSioIlt , 1111(1 1 ,1IO0 llorlllnlleiit , withiiit time city liillit& \'altor llitxtoim , a iIonticeilo boy , viiile ( lIlt gunning iast Slllday ( , I ntd a leg ft'nmfully mmmaulgied by the accidental (115- Cilargl ( If a gui. 'I'lioio are It ) I null 5 U ) gills in t lie IIllolOlllClit. ) ( sciloIOl ( liiltrict Of l40ilLllS botvenit ( lie seiloul ages of 5 aunt 1 1. l4tst ) 'eit1'5 ulIlIlliOrillg ) silOWel P80 , lntt. tiuis your the 0011111cr hIlts been imlcroased i11. \Iiss Eliza 'Wright , 20 yoais (11(1 ( , oiittmgittet' of it vidov at Ogdeml , ittleimupted StliCite ily cuttillg her throat. I her iltimud i.l1R ttmlsettiel ily overwork ill watcitilig witil lId' sick liloLilor. She will recover. 1100110 has lOt ii. CIlltritut fIll vntor works to Oco. C. 1lIorg1tll Co. , of Clii. cago. 'l'llO lIrice is $17,78t1.Sri , ViliCll covers everytiung except tue oxlunlse of I'iuldillg water. Phmcro wore about thirty liids. liids.Aim Aim onrage.l . I'Iiltrsilall county 1111(11 threw it cltib itt a cow that mid beomu gtlilty of 501110 Ilhisdemlloallor , but imtissed her itn.l struck his wife , vllo was 51.811(1- imIg oIl time Olllosite sitle ( If tile fence vie\silig tue illomulgorie. . 'I'IlO lookitk Comuititution gives tilis warilillg I'Ltremits should hcocli tiloir young damigimtnrs ill-(100I13 at. Iligllt. Ohitmuiestiiuo mlloetiibgs between youmg school girls intd )01111g 111011 of doubtful reputation are 1)0- ) colllimlg too CoIliIIlOIl tImId too dailgorous. I hive a care. Fred Nitntz suienlod by ilallging itt fllrliiigtoll ( last 1\IlRlity \ night. I in VLU ; .12 years old , a iiitu of iiltcill1)CrLttu mdi- itli , allot It'ory l)0l illoviolor for ins fluli- ily , hitcit COilsistS of it 1)1111(1 wife itud five children , tito oldest but 18 , the youulgcst. It inure babe. Ex-Congresslllail N. C. 1)eoring mId \v. ri. Erton , of 1)sztge , and Capt. .1 . C. Stitudillg , of Corilltll , rellresoilt. an Iowa syinlicate wliicil hIlts jllst bought 25,000 acres of coal lands oIl the the line of tile Nortitorii Pacific sixty umilios llortilwest of ] iisiilarck. 'I'lio ' ' illIVe filed folhowilug ClI'jOt'lttillIS ) ( their articles ( If incorporatioui witlI time Secretary of State : Cr051011 ljotll : and 'h'ruist ( .Omllpafly of CresillIm , cn1mitnl stock , I (10,000 ( ; Coimsoiklitted Coal , Tile tmmtl flrick cIIlllall3' ( ( If Ilnoim , capital stock , SI iiO,000 ; Nortilwestelml Calluling 1111(1 i\ierctittiie Clll1)Lt1ly ) of ( mmcl' , capital stack , $110,000 ; Secummity ] ire luislIrabIco cllIIlamiy of lavommiunt , cNllit.al ) stock , $ 1(10,000. ( Frederick Lulmpurg , a ( 'erillaul , auidulel It few days iLgo at Ilis 111)1110 , five illilell IrkililVilhiLtillll , Iiflhililtoi ( county , i ) ) ' sitootimig iiiiilSJif witit it shotgnu1)11w ) - ing the muzzle of tile gull agaiiist tile 1pit of his stoimlacil 1(11(1 ( ( liSCiIlIrgiilg it Witil the rulllrod. lie iiitd just liliisiied ilili 5111111Cr , 811(1 lcaviilg itis wife at thu table WeIlt Ill ) stairs 1(11(1 coiiimitittod tile rasll act. ] , Ieiltal ( lelrcssilii ) , CatlsCl ( iJy liiian- Cilil oillbarrasslileltt , is assigned as 1.110 CaUse. lie loaves it wife itild four chil- ( li-elI. A YOUNG MAN'S CASE. Ms. S. S. liullUlls , .lr. , of Ni' . I IT l'strk , treet , l.es , tiiii , ito. , relstos thu fi'lbo.bng ilarratlc , .la3 I 4 , 1853 : ' 'About ilftceu iiiitlio , , tirice I hid a CCtO 9.tt4ck of typliolil fcor , on cry tiiie iiiI coiillrii.l tO ii ) ) ' led for dcl Oil u te1I , 5(111 ( hen the fever left Iile ) aS lii a I cry , lelilitaleil c.jijilitlni , . My bacic asiil luli , KeCIIll to list u II' . trciigthi , fiiitl I hixul no itihlty or liIiltit0. I tried % 'arIutlI Jditlo : 01 iflelIlcille rcoilIIciIhI , , , % ! by III ) ' frieii.l , litit fotlill thiuy dii 11110 III ) coiilhtliii. I cai IuiliiceuI ti try ILlullt'14 IleilitIl ) , IlIchl lois lvcoi , tutu n It Ii 111(11 great succc lere lii LUOIItIl thoit It has a cry ciivlalIo rellilt : itkio Of Icing a lust reliable iuctliiIiv I , irclial IUU lottie , soil V5l ? l.to uity 1inpro cd litaitli froiji the ( hue I clIIllIIeIaeil Iiiiig It , aol , iiy lrire $ cciii iiiod rry raIlhI ; I gahiel : Iii strcitlt , , lOut C . lierlelleel lLs1 I 0111 Iii toy lick , lily till elite iiicrtael , 111(1 ( aftcr tjsll ti p cu (5) ( ) hottlti Iii ) laitls 1 % crc nil gino , aiiI lii health (11th rly rLsbrc , ! , and Ioaui llIOt ilesrtliI I fJCOIilIIIlJiIIl I 1(1,1 ( L's lIelIloJy to 5113 II III hUh , a ti lie rcli Icily fllrlcihiity , l.lllue ) orIlrhJInr trulc. , ! ' A GOOD MEChANIC. jlr. h. .1. Jonc , ol Ni' ' . II ) Clirles , , trcct , lortlanl , Mo , . , wrIOiu ( l ( tho.u colIhIlIclIug tact , . lay iItI , 1883 ; I flaIl' for Neural beeti _ triubrI ! 111111 111cr coluiplahtit aii.I lpilu.tIii , Sill list U IlIlITCI ci at I liiie ten lIla ii Iltruss , 3111 1a ( ) c I rhed many ii hlfcrciit cIirc , iscaiieI , ( list iito i , Ice , , reeclI,00enlici at til110ll I llnuila ) ilIlticcIl Ilu 1)1(511 ( our lnpor the tcs tluiioiiy of a 11150 list uiel I lult'H , Itouncly Intl burli carol of dbo.i.so Niiiliar ! hi 11111(0. ( I , lir. chaoil a bottle of oiiu of lirlIg bt'lrus ' Iti lortlani , siol bctru I hal , ic1 tilU flr.t liottlo foiuiit that I 1155 lIllirlo big IQlISIII lily e I IctatIill. ; haVe used iii all sl hotticu , atil I liisu , 11(1 trotihlo trout lull. getliuu , iii ( llbtfOl4l IF 15111 lack as I fiiruiiurly hail ; aol sliieo I hal c loeui cured my Ito use ! It for Ilduiuy trotillu auth It has ciircI her. , caii Iiufh. say that lliouit'i ltuioutly I. a Iiuilni tO ally that aru troiibiol .ItIi kilnay or lIsur illuusc , or lijilgos- lIon Vv'ti gladI ) recoin piunil , I I to lilir trlcinii or to lilly Iulffercrd from Iier or l.llnuy liIIeaIeS , alil soil call itIu tIil. lottsr n.g'you any CIIl14C for thu bout Iii- terc4 of iiilffurlug huiuuinnity. ' of the human lilly eiIargtl , , , Iu ( suil t rcigtlieieh , etc. I. aiil fittorestluig ails crtlIcilivIL buy rii ; iii our maIler. III rpiy to Iliiuiirlc ISU slll say tliL thcro j 1111 cvhicneu , huunliiig ahiiit Ibid. Co thu couitrary thu aII'erLIltrs are cry hiIhily luilorsel. IiitirostoI ivrsinl 11157 get eaIud clreiIars gfllgig all jartleiils by a1lreooiii irle Shill al ( ti. . I' 0. bu 513 , Biihlaiu . .J. V IhIil , 10114) ' DR1 WHITTIER , 617 .5't. Char/es St. , SI , Louis , Mo. lEG I ; IA It ( I lL III A'l I : t ts o aloilleal oIluoa A hia liceji ellaiofuil Iouier hi the treatiiiuiil if Ci I I RIN I U NIlLo : l $ , MR I N A S I I 111(101 I thlilul iithicr III ) si laui his hit. I4nll , al tIt iai ( Cl slid ( lI oil I uitdut , , 111)0W. ) ( JtIIIuI latloii Inc aiil his Iteil , % Yliws It lb Iiioii' . ciilent to I Islt the c l for treitiuent iieilhliis can lu boll I II ) iiiall or val.re4 , ulcryllhIie. Ctirahilu (5IU iiarauituui ; 1411(10 doubt oxhst.iu It Is friuilly otateil. Call or .s rho. Nervous l'ro.trathill , PrhiIit. , iclitiiI auid i'hilcal Yakuiou , ) icrii ill ul other allucthuiiii of 'liii oat , tII a niol hhoiie. IiloI I uiij.iirltho so id hhh..4 l'oloius uhf , SI U AIled lui , Oil I4orc fOil tjo r , I IIIIetlI lilt lIt' ti InarrIAlLu , lthiIlulUttlIili. Ihlo , Spetlal at tiit Inn ti . asti frolu Os ( iris .rhth li & .llI 1411 10 It. . I. Iy&'il ' 4 r ( else slIlial atmulItIlul lllaIu. ueiliig friu : Iiuipriidviicu. lxcvss , IiuIillgsiieu. . mnarry.wtlu lila ) a115. ( . % iIC , oIIi54.lhtlJIl ( ailU ruro , latled for tIc l'ataio or Itallils. ct ; 20 ¶ Iawly FURNITUREI . -TilE- OH EAPEST PLACE IN OMAHA TO BUY Furniture , IS AT DEWEY & STONE'S They always have the largest and best stock. NO STAIRS TO CLIMB ELEGANT PASSENaEI ELEVATOR TO THE DIFFERENT FLOORS. " " rue II'O of ( tic Icon " Shiar II : 1,1110' III COIl ltt't't 1111 ' 5 Ith ti ) , S 0 I"I" etirlirato 1011110 ( la ureatr&I , ( ( ill (55 nil Ilta of , It II hat rolluircI IV the trill eliii 1itb lie II Slirt l.Iuio , QIIICIC luni. I I N E auif the lest if nceotiinioil I ( lot , . . all of s Itlch are furn Ishot by the greatest ralloiay In , tulitrlol. C HICAGO , MILWAUKEE And St. Paul. It 0(1 itS aol o1erats os or 4,50 , ) lithic of roaII a Northtrti Illiuiol. , heouihu , , ) ltiiuueotn Iowa i1il lalota ; nut ad ti. unahil lulL , . lesuuclie. alil etlilloc. thus IIWI ! oil the great hiIqliies4 centres of the , rllisct siul t'nr est , It littllrnly ) annoro thr ilt'crlptlii of Short l.luio , nut llc.t itoiltu isitnoon t'miht'ari' , ) lhlwaiilut , St. latil auil ) l hnuleaioiIs. ( 'luirago , ) I lie ai&ke , l.a Crilso niul Vhina. , CIilen , , Mhl ( (111(1 , Alericeis atil Ilheiidale CliIeao , ) hhIaniuIvo , Eiu ClaIre Stillnater Ciileagi , MiIs alktt'iuiiaIl nail Merrill. Chihia1i , hi hIs , atilco , llca er ha , , , suil 0.1110511. Chilean , Slhlwutukee , S'alilieli nuil 0ilullIoa.0. , CIlcn , , , II lIe suIte , ItaIlsoui aiil l'rnlrla tin ChIlon Chiicno , SI hI atuke , , 0. ati'uia , aiiil b'nIrh1atit. Clikagu , Ilololt , .lnuth'lo ' soil MIneral L'oliit. Chicago , Eight , lh'ekfnl atil Ilululue. ClIIeaKl' , Chiutou , , block Islaiid niil Crlar lUqills. Chiicagi , , Coulichl liluills suit ( ) uiiaha. Clihtn , , Siiu Cht ) , Slit Fall. auuI Yauul.tou , . ( . : liienei , , ) lliaaihco Mitchell auth Cliaiiilcrlalu , . block I siatil , IltIlluitu. , ML laIiI alit Eli hnieapolhi. , 1)a ) , Calinar , St. l'aul nut .lhliilcAIili. i'IIIIIlISII Sleeper. auul tile l'hiie't lhiihiu Otis 111th world are run oil t Ito Itialut liii. . ( if the H I C AC MILWAUKEE&ST.PAUL AILWA aol uvery atteiittil Ii ltil tO miaseuirr. by cOtlrtO ciii CiiiliIO ( is of thu eoiiuiaui. 5. i4. Mtltitut.r. : , A. V 11. CAutI'r.NTEIt , ( icii'I ) lanagor. Ucuil l's. . . Agent , .3. T. ClAutI , ( lEO 11. IllAvI'oItD : , ( lent i4ti1u'L Aiiit ( lt'Ii'I 1a4. Ag'l SO hIt'I Siteitlo lia lJt'i I thu iiioaus of lirh uiglll health 1.1(1 ( liaiIliICI ti tJtoiitiiIu u In ) u pro pro. 1101211 el Irietiritlilu of Illol itiol 51,111 llqtae. ) , HEAR THE WITNIISSES. s.ts'Il : ) FIIlI A lllitltIlll.i l)11.VI'lI ) , I Tp I' May laMt I 115.1 ShOut at leit4 hI u Iiiiui.hrl sicilIan. for t rtatincuit ly baby I 1 I lie let liicIical 111011 , II hthiiit ni , _ heieilt. ; I slihterel ti'riIcIathuigly , niul ill toy heat frbcuilo nl ht-l Illu I hut I lie Iy liauiul II ileut ii I ftM fIktiill r.uliluig. I tituighit itt H. S. H Ihicu a ii r is n liir tutu at S otritie. A Il er takl ig tiso itottIcu I fe I it diiiuigu fIr the I it ( cr Ilto sires htgaui ho .1 . ls'liargo freely : iuil ( Ito I Ilieuiuiiat I.iui to alato. % hcit I lied tiiheui oil lit tI. every sire hail licalul atil ins' shili legan to ilusluuile a iist oral ilpusrallc'e. I Ierlotcul uiuut ii I loul I tI.cui to el ti I otthc. Jario ilze , auil 'II I I lt I IS l II' A $ ' ) I I " 1(1)1 ( ( II' 'h I i 1)1t41Asl : : 1l1)iAlN INtl. auih I tel a. s.ell as I over ihlil. I lia U gcliitI ; ts elity.oiule I , 111011 Iii Ilc'.li , 10th ! lily frilll4 Il piiliat iiiy lillirill cl eiulhtloii. I las u letliiluiu'ill1I It 11110113 , tiuil Iii co try Iiiotauice shtli ( 'flliihIlCtU 01(1 LN'i. I brli.ve 1/at S. S. : s iii or fl ( lii U fi rblr it , it ! ! . , I II. SMIl,0'i' , ( iuIuii'y , I - . I am oti I I' I fin I Msvh Its $ t'ihfli NO el ) il. ' 11f. I Si ii ) te rrll I I oliiit'il , ItO llaliirla , iuiil s'a , gfeeri , Ih ) tO illi. i'litt'il ( 'ih1hi iulliiiI iilui IriilIIIY ittiti tjll ) Ii el . I thihii k it I. tli u grtatst rt'iiiely if the ego' . C. u til'lNelI : : { . Sill t ( iasYurlu , itoilic , ( Ia , Vi Ito for a CII ) ' of ( lie little lk-frvu. S 1,000 Reward s'hll lie 11:111 : to any C'iteiiIst , II lit ) I. ill lhiiI , , ii ( lie uhiial3'il. . ut 115) ) littles 8. 14 , 5. , IOU lll rthclu if 'd trciiry , billIe l'Otaq4ltIuil , or any mineral silIstlhIl'e , llll SWIll' HliI'IhIY CO. hirass er 'J , Atlituita , ( lit. , OTNCE ! To the Traveling Public I -'nh ; - COMMERCIAL HOTEL I - AT- ssco1n. , 1'.Tk' , Ii 111111 thillerglluig tliririughi reIalrI , iii Ii os Il lilti arId Is ft liolit , nub ( lie Irilirlehir hjitcioli It , slicoll lie SEC ONI ) ' 1(1 Z'INE hi the Stale , iiott Ii , ( ) ihlaia. E. 11 11IALlVEI.b ( , suui : il 2111 h'rolrhutor. Iiebraska Cornic AN I ) Orllameu1 1/larks / ! MANtJEAU'I'IhtEItS OE GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES TiX3.clcWi , FINIALS , WINIOW CAl'S , TIN , IRON AND SM TE flOOFINC , 1'A'I'EN'h' lIl'Al.lC SlYl.lllI'l' ( , Iron Fencing ! CresthhiiI1 Ilaliustrale'craiiIaii , ( ) iIlc'u anil hank I OclIllIgs , SVhinhiis ; Cellar ( I iiarl , Etc. N. Y. COIL. NINTH ANI ) JONIh 5TH. W.Sl. ( I.ldEIt , Manager , NEBIIAKA LOAN D TRUST O , IIASTINUS , NE ! ! . Capital , - - $250,000. JAR. il IfIAlL'h'wll.t : , hroddiit. A. 1. . L'lAlIh'icu.l'rlhlleiht. ! . i : . U. vElarl'mltrI'rtasi1rer : , C. I' . SV1I1trl'EIL Cashier , hJhhtl:0roRs : ; 10111114' ! Aheicaiidcr , ( ) .aah1 Ohtvei- . Li. Clarh.u , J , C. Vthi.tcr , ' 4t II l'ratt , Jas. Ii. lloottwell1 I ) . ) I , McEilliuiiIoy. ii'it Mortgag Loahlu a Spcoialtv 'I'hils Connaiiy fiuriilliis a lerlulniit 1101110 hilOltil 011 V. hieru sehioul hliui l t.ii ! other Itgaliy Iucth 31 u duo ! H.citrhtbcs to Nuttaska van be jitgcithatui i.e ( . I. , urahihu tcrsiis. I.aii , uiialu 0111 lnprii % ( ill 1(11 h ; all aull settled uiii&thta of thu state thruuit IUilIlh.lC cal CfrChiUUihICits. IV A T - - - - - - . _ 4 I _ _ . . .1 II ( I n. . , ' .1. froi.i hail ho' ' , l T Itit ' 10.11 $15 t.ik vhL'l. . 'w .1111 1 , ii' , all lralii tl , uii.bie to i'liOfiI imr. ' . . .lulilrOP'viY. . e&U I' ' . ti&iiiy t4 0.0y rigid , .11) ) 1 f u' b to 4k uI Ktiittti bydoio151 .IoL , . al Ii. r I'S , 01' ' ii i0i0 . $ I 'fl ui p1$0Ui0 ! lI'rluU. Ililhlill i'li ) .Ii-ul ui jav , , , , . ! C. . I. i bhij .uis-r. I 1 t. 'III I : .51 . ' . lti.i ( IN h111.1 Ii. ( CCC hop , ci , C1IICI 'I I CC S 5 0' liii sii pir. r..s a.Ifl.buod. Ii - . - Ii ul ie , &ilj. u4 1. , , trphiI , ( 'lli uiI'.I ' V I I ' ' ° ( lt1.MEUV ( ' 0. . ( U It , till , St. . 5.w Tot. . - PECK'S REAL ESTATE AGENCY. Opposite Postoffico. PIRT-CLA BHIIE ( PROPERTY IMI'itOVul ) AND UNIM1it0VRD T1T1tOUI1OUT TIlE CITY ! Resident Property - - - Improed 4 room house oii hlarnicy street , near tiow eoluet lioil.e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . zioo ho C rimul hose near AIgh Sehiiol eu D-en. Irt Ctret . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 100 13 inilie iliuc 12 rains , rents for 4O ICr uiiouitli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 500 15 5 riiin I IlulMe cor. lot CII loiuilas street . I GJ0 16 II room Iiouo. mr. hoton l'ariiain , street. 3 000 18 'i'lircu rein lioucu , barn am ! full hot , 1)olgo ) street. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 000 in Cottage , Ii rooniu auth llrot cla , locitloi , loaF \Velsei iii 19th. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 eeG io Three hiuqe , , , 4 antI 5 rootil. each , 17th utile Ilrtiaiiell Ihall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 tOO 27 Elc ci , mini hiolloc , 3 acres ; haigalii. . . . . . 8 tOO 25 ( 11111,0 atil lot nenrSt. 'darys avenue 4 000 63 itiuse , htrii , 10 acres of griuiih , N ' , . tart of tiaielty.1 000 61 iliiil.e , lacrii , 1 nero In vest Oiiialia. . . . 3 700 at Tvn riots hiue , to i , nit. ! three coon each East teriiis. Fine hart of city. . . . . . . . . . . 1 500 103 Ele cii nub house , large barn , 7 lt , No , I hicatliii , St. Mary's 101011110 . . . . . . . . . . . 15 000 120 Two hiiuovs , lii lhritclaoo or.ler , lani au ! itlier ciiiteuilciiceu ; hedge street ; elegant li-ntliii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ho coo 144 hlotube 8 robs , , iie.half let , near street ( ar. , otsli. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 750 150 I lliuoe , 12 rolin. , eloct. , c-h , ! sEn aol city Isater , halt lit , curlier lit iii CccilfIIriila street. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . coo 146 Twii - .lioiiu , 0 to 1) rooliis each ; oiiu lilock anil a lout ( ruin I' , 0. , IIiiiglau St. 12 0100 150 , itilry hioiuu , 0 roonti. , barn , half lots 10th uitar ( i10c0 II cli luillirol i'd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 OtsJ 170 lluie an1 full or. lot near HI. Mary'.u 10L. i'leasaiit hll'0 en'.li. . . . . . . . . . . . . . C 50)1 ) l7 I Ioiie , 4 nulls. haiti , ( till lot , nicely liii. Inlirit ci , iii ISthi itrect hear ihiaciiotlo l'lceo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 001) 70 Cot tiiCe of 5 rlono , (0 erVtiiliiCc.il % euileui ( , , war ) Jthi atil hlariiey , lit 5itli. ) : . . . . . . . . 3 000 177 Non' iioiiHii , 5 riii.i , liarii ansi other liii. lirill OiiiUiit4 uictr how court iiiiiic , I lar. ule. street. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . coo 145 0 rilonil Cotticce , barn nut other uilIproto. IieIitO , ibid lttt s&hiiol , un l'Ioasaiit St 4 000 179 1 lllllo of 7 rInis , larcu cor. lit leautifilh vles' uif thio city ; grelt hiargalii . . . . . . . . . . . 2,200 174 I hiii .1 (1 ( rorii , giil hartu , lot 06' I 12 : tery clusluchilu lt o1 eit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 0 200 hO Now hioiue , 8 hits. ii'ar or. l'ark Ave. , oil C.liuirii utrt'et. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 600 181 Siiialh 1101140 let , 27th nut 2Stiu , iotiglac. St. , lot h011t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ooo 18 I ii noun lIilu hear College nuil 231 St. . . 700 1 0(1 I loiou slid 2 full hisoui liJtIi aii,1 illukory , , trcLt , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i coo 72 iitiu io.lIuiicu near 111th nun ! California. . 7 000 II I i , auil lull lit hear 5th nuil Vahiiiit St 3 000 tJ Cottage , fi rcouii , near cor. Ilhekiiry auth 10th reet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 100' Lots. ClASS ( L. ) 20 chi.hce , large lots near street cae , ho Millard anul Calli , elI aililltloii. I'huio reolilcucu lots lii "ilaniscoin l'hace. " Good teruii. . ThIrty elegant resllcnt lots In "ltellck&'alclItIou , . Ttiiiuti.tiuruo , lots lii "Sluluiui'is" althltloiu. A few clitilcu lots Itu 0. V. i4ilhhthh' auditIon. bits In ' 'lCuuiiiutro' " ahilitlotu. l'rhcoui auiil teniii glcuu at my oilio , for lots In a1 harts if thu cli ) ' . Acre Tracts CLASS ( A ) . Ten acres near It. ( ) tuinhia. Fuur airt's roar Ohiuahua. 'ion at tutu uuc'ar Ittioervbr. , uhtuC acre hear I Iau.couiu , , irk. i\ , iu ruril oiut.llalf iurrei iuuurtlu Haulers strict. ' 100 ft'Ci , luilhiroteul , lear hort Oiuialia. 'l'o u'res ussr lIicclls l'ark. Kico utres oil ( iuuuuIii strict , 0th , a.iru oil lhc'a.aiit street. l'irS ncuesiii'nr cit ) . If oiu lia ii city or euuuiiitry lriiul'rtY yliil wishI soul , seol tcriiis titil full ulescrllutliu auth ss'u e Ill hliuul 3'tuii a liirchiaou'r lii a short thiiic. 1lihiluIc' . , hrlery , rc'sllcuicu hrhcrtY , Huiluttrluiltl lrlcrtY 11111 fucriiiu fur sah at nil tluiieu at liargahus. City alil taunt ) ' huroluerty for lease nut exchange. itciutu (11110'CteI , niul luuuiuue fir rent ho all hartsll t.hw clt. ' . iteiutliu hiuuues 10 sIivVlahtY. luiOil.tlu.POt NEBRASKA LAND AGENCY Os F. DAVIS & 00. , ( SUCCESSohtS To IJAV1S .ti BNYDEIL ) ( Juiuorul Dealer Itu REALESTATE ESTATE uospAItAsl.sT : , . . . OMAhA. have for salt , 200,000 acres carelulhy selected Linda U ElIsturil Nebraska , at low hrI auud on oaiy terms. hunhruIloul faruns for sale lii Dniias houlgo , Colfax , Ihattu , iltirt , Cuuuiliug , ilarpy , \Vashufuigou , lulerick , ifauiidurui , PJhil hiuthur Counties , 'hasus halt Iii all tarts of the State , Money hoaiouh on luiuluroyed farutus. ujt arY , I'uhulio Always lou oiliest. 'orresponduuco A ' huox No. I will care any case lii four ulayui or Iced. No. 2 wIll cure the moot ohuotinMu case uuo iiiattcr of Iuow hong stuihihluig , A/lan's Soluble Modicafd Botigies No Ilauscouls (1(505 ( of cubuliC , cohuabia , cur oil of sail- ulal wuoiI thui4 are eertahuu tui lurotItacu d'Iiehsla tuy uhu.trui ) hug the coathiigof ( hue stonuiat'hu. i'rlcu l 50. Soil buy all druggltts , or iiutlluid eu receIpt of irle. Fur further partIculars scnh for clrcuiltr. I' . 0. Ilo 1 .rlJ. : J. C. ALLAN CO. , lii Jo1 ) ) htrcet , Nuts' Vulk. . - - iIi LOUIS PAPER ¶ ARE1IOllE. Graham Paper Co. , 217 ciii 210 North Mahit lit. , St. Louis. VIlOLh8tbE hIALEIIS ) IN 1100K , 1 1s A ( VI1lTlNINfl NI\VH , I F' M I . 1 VlAl'1IN0 { E1VEh.Oh'S , ( ) , tltl ) ItOAlLI ) AND PRINTERS' STOCK , 0h'10nhi lush ! for h1a aihti Lauu StoekScrap Irue auth 3letali. l'cipur btOk Varuluousot , 121 to 1227 Northu Siath , ut. - DUFRENE & MENDEIISOIIN , ARCHITE 0Th tlTItEMOYiD TO OMAUA NATIONAL UA1K. LUINU ,