- - - - - _ - _ _ - - - 'I .i .1 \ . : : ' 1 ' ; ; ; . , t I ! , : / N I HT. . . . ctci : e1 Li r'-v i 1. -rTM)4 , ' } , - ir r.t bi ) , . A " s I' 1 ? ' 1 . T ' 1f tt t 2fJ ff : t This is a new flfltlOUt1tir111 LllitiO to LIC } city o OIIn1IIt , shtItteI in the iiorth p rt of ti ( city , froiitiii , i S1tirinaii uvvnie n'id is the not (1CS1b1C 1catioii , for 1esitle1ice3t1I ht beti p1C(1 ( ( Ofl tite 111fl1 ket for yetti s. 1 13EDFOL ! & SOUE1. A'Juo ' I ' 1J1)i1 ) 1 . ( I td KIrkWood' T1ii roperty js ividpl into r ii1ar size city 1ots utid ucr 1ots V11ij1 'w1II beQhj ( ait ; risoiiabjt ilies nl on as ( t e iis. ' - 13EDFtRD &U1R. KIRK'WOOD0 . . , ' t ' , jJ' ) 4 4 Fronn 700 feet 11hIr1na1 % Avointe. ¶ ihi )1OpCrty CU1flO fti to be dosirabe an' ' ! will b rapidly tt-tk'eil uj ind iflt1)Inved No lulls to clinib , iio ravines to cross , in gettiiig to KIEtICWOOD oddition. Re. member , when you buy a 1ot in this uth1itioii you will iot huve to . . . p.i an aiiibunteqfftbt lirst price to grad your. 1h bofoi&buililiiin. t , : . ; . .1 1 1 I Eirkood. 2 { f ' : I ' . : r. See cars hi' 1) run to this nd1iton tt tui 1di ll1y These lots tloib1e in value in i2 inoitihis. Call at our oflic. and see 1)hI1t anti make Eelections early. 13E1)IOllD & SOU.ER. . . , ' t' KIRKWOOD. Elegant Buillling Sites tnT a1 huhf thoprico ot any other lots in the city of equal ( listIUlco and location , on the best street in thu city. . T . ' BOBD & SOUR , 14th Street , bet. Farnarn and Douglas. - r . . I : ' . : ' I SPEOIAL. . fr 111 $ ijoO-Lot lii Kountzo'a 3d addItIn , good tlirce room Ipi , bapi , vc11 , etc. One third cash , 1)aIanec 8 per ceTit. / 112 $ SO6-Onc.Iiulflot hi 1ountzc'3d ndditinn. good S ron house , witit Iied kitchen. Oiic.haU casI ) , r balance to suit pureIiar. . . p 113 $2SOO-iotC'W5tHngr nddttlon. Dorcas St. , near 10th. ' Good 7 r.oin Iious , , taLIo dtcrn , grae ; ' . Ineg'ete , $504) c1t , ti1aiico to suit ptlr. chascrat 8 Icr cent. . lh 1OOO-flireo acrc on 1th , nod 1iUf mflc soiiti of IIascaI1 6 room house , btnbe , flue trc , good sihtIy IocatIoi. ! Oiiu.tiird ) casli baIanZe to iuR. . . - t. 115 4OOO-Two ncres facing Curning ard Burt , five b10ck8 west of Creighton CoIegc. Good 5 room hou'e , ttabIo , well , fruit and blirubbery , one. third c'ubIi , balance to nit. c iiiDvonD & souiu. , c 0 Iiilpioved.Operty. : \ . a 3,5OQ-.12roen1 1iou.cor. isti rni. Ciuoroa troct , 0 debt , CouRt , city water , nutIjuu , etc. ' 7 2,7Oo-6 room lietco * on N. 13th , trcet , eIosct , collar , cistern , eII , etc. 1hinoiw 1. Sowot. ' 12 2,6OO-Ooot1 Ix rooni houo &n flaciiport , bet. 23i1 anti 24th , two story C octe , pnntry ccIIr , , cistern , weU , fruit and shrubbery , tahio and 1 outhouso. , i5 $3 100-Full size lot on MCCafldltSh place , ltb two frauo cottaged , 000 5 room , oxz 3 room. For sahior 16 2iOO-GootI two atil a taif acre 7ot with five Toomcoagt ; brick ce1.r ! well. frultttes , etc..i 17 One of the beet three ory brick bneIncs9 ho on Frnatzi street. rerii Pr" ate. 18 3,2OO-New7 room houo on N. 18th street. All niodcrU lni.royemcnt. Good locaticti. ( Thcai. i9 $5,300-New two story houo , Queen .thn Ic. AU modern Iioproveucnte , city . water , lot iOOx wo. 22 Two full Iofl St. itary's avenue and 20th , wIth S housc. Vlll be firot cIas bublIIe Terms ca. 2 I,75O-Lot 043z913 , wIti , two Ii'ma. Cheap. 80 e2,6O-Two hou In NeIon' altlltlrxi , .n ter , trcet. ( Jutnouse , citcrn , fruIt trce8 , etc. . .3) 82 Uuslneo houo and lot on flougl3 trcct , bet. I4tftand 1&th. 84 New 8 room housoooChlcao. bet , 2lthand tli. t All lmjirobernent. . ) 85 Two new houe , OflO six and orher S roomq. First.clasg and modern linproveinenU. Tcrnii l' Iaqv. 36 ,1CO-t.ot 100x132 , Ooloio Street , ledlclc'i ullh llon , new Ii rooni houce.Vell Ilnr'ro ' ' - 58 2,5OO-Lot fOxlsJ , Coavont street , (1 ( mob cot Loge , large baiicnt sultblu icr rooliw. barii et 59 2,3Oo-6 3On ) house , Thornell'a n4iIltIon barn , clI , cbt.i , Irood lmproctcnts QU ' ( $1SOO on lei time. 4,2oo-1 roon bouo on Iavenport , bet. 16th and 17th. 45 Lot i75xtOO on Sherman , large houo , barn ant t other Iinprovrmenti. Lo without lmproo. meuth i worth the money we iuik tar t. 47 Two new honcs Riot two full bizo lob4 00 I'ark - . avenue. Hot nnI cold water , sod all modern A , , t1rt claos ltnprovcmcnt. 1iotio ' , til I what o a3k for whole. Rxtra good barg.dn. 48 2,6OO-Lct S2xlO cor. 17th and Center , liouoo 4 room. , barii , wahr , tree , outhulltllngi. 49 " 2O-Fi ) room liouc , iSt hot , CallfornI & % Vebter. Nice Iroirty. Terms uay , fo 8Itoo-Lot 0 , block 5 , ihlnn's 2d addition. One and a half , tory liouo. Trrno 1i2 $3,000-Oood 1 room honee on Slwr2wui. Motlern I1IlrOvenentN ! , stdle , well , clsterji. A bargain , 3 e6tO-I'ull lut , ono 8 room niid ohio f , room Imoue , , mew , 5 blocks from thoopera liot.'e. Very cheap. 62 Et,5QO-Sp1onlldlot on Iode ) , near 11th. Clmea 63 , OOO-Larmo houie and , mnall oott.age. Imcc : lent location , full size lot , Ieii1'ort , smear 19ti. 8l,6oOiit COxICO good 6 roonm inuco , mmmoicrn mnprovemimont. , pmar huincs , on ) iliernmaii a e. d 17,000-1wo ( UliIttl , wmth two gOl I' mie , 25th anti Chicago.'ali Hell scparatIy for ca.Ii. ) 92 $1,500-Two Iota , 126x140 , ltim hcNieo tabIu etc. liarker' . tib.1iviNlomI. 03 I,6Om-Lot and a Imal ? , good houe , Iledlck'i bub. iilvtion , ( corner. ) 96 Lot with 7 room lmouo , ChIcago , bet. 13th and 14th , 01 1,5UO-Lot awl room hou.o. llorhach'd 9(1(11. tlou , eli , cigtern , etc. Ever ) timing In good ro. pair. 102 rO-LoL ind 4 room ou.o , leard , her. 16th and . UnhnprbvQd Property FOR SAL1 BY BEDFOIIDE&SOUCIL 2 1OOO-Lot 60xi27 , IndIana and 1)Ivi8ion. S ; co cach-'l'wv 1ot,66'd32 enciiomm llth Clie.1 , , . smnl 21o3Jl3 each on 12th , t 1't tica k1(49 In Yatc & Iticti , ' addition. ! 3 $7tOO-i2 full 8lze Iota , Ilamiscomn Place , one t.Ioclc ct of I'u I , cone. , t5O eacli---'l'wo lots oU Park avmuo. 1larga1n. Iiuilmie 1ot ( in Iodg , ietaeeu , 11th and 12th. 31 iOO1Ot lmipidnmm's adlitmoft. no ewrd 33 $3,000-Full lot , ileed'eist additIon , on 25th and Chicago. , 46 1OO-Sk good Ioti In IIancomn Place. liar gaimma. 51 tiuouLot tOx12O , on Farmun , near 20th. Ye , 6 22-Ool lot iii Losve' addition. Cash. & / I'ourereq , in\Vet mimnlima. 'Li'O-L.otln bmaas &ticldou'HndditIcmu. r . . etS5-Lot ? 12j Alicmm's ub'-difliotm Sixilo. ' A bar. , aln. . ' I S / ' C8 75---Lot 4 , lockI ! , Lw&m1 addItion. CooJ locttion. (1) m'i COO-Flue lot , ito hlk'k's addItion , i'ark avu. hi t1400-52 ( cet of block II , hIImIml'N additIon. Fine view. S8 2O-LOt44XCO1I1 16th. Bu1mmcfe pry twice tim Irico asked. 04 3tOO-FulI bEZO , graJeil lot on ChIcago , ; bet. iith : and 14th. 08 OOG(1 lot , high locatIon , Routh lothi. 100 O.OjO-23xl32on bUm , bet. liarney am ! how. a.fti. 103 $7(0 each-Two extra goo4 lot ln1Itum.yuna dltlen. Coodhmlh locatin. tn Bargains in Farms Lands No. 10 f7 1eracro-6) cru lmnprowsal farm , near Cre. ton , Iowa , 20 arcwoodiammU , 45 mcrea coru , 25 acres Tin'othy amid CIoCr. 13 4OOQ-4O acrc :1'4 : of a mile west of Ft. Omaha two houcmm , two barna , granary , corn cmli , , two SvC11L4 , MObejsrlpg , friittreoa , , J00 % ill ml orea'change. . , t ' . , - 14 $7QOO-'OOmtcrem , half imillo N , W. Elkhorn , flu acreg In cultivation , balance Pasture. Four roenm hOuse , stable , etc. Ttin4ca9y. 51 * t430-ICO cro good land , 4 1. mmmllos from hhir. 1ingtoi , Coffee eouty , 1cammsa. 'lll ocImafl to : Odosija 1rover , . . I _ 61 4,4OO.-O ! f.ma dolnIn , city ofWilbcr , aiI1 rotmntS' . Ailu1mdef foe anil 4m41 Jmmiirovd ThIH ltr9VcrtYiIClePaL iOooo. ( i , j I 6 o 1" acvo-d.k ( ) 4mtre , 8 , mnme ! iloni' houIa citmIjy. I'art In cultIvation lmI.umce minilow , all good hamiLl. WiI soil or iIi arrailgu with cattle luau fr co.partnershl , , or wIll con. tract Lu fet1 500 or 400 head of cattle. 70 to 52-10 000 acrwm Iii Merriclc county. flood ill. a,5lo Imsimmi , anti will ho sold Irons t6 th ) PeY acre. 9 7 cr acre-Will buy If' ) acre9 In Cedr Co. 01 ] $15. cr aero-4120 acru 2 mnllei from jjanmbmmrg luwa. 07 $15. peracre-lmnprovod near Logan Iowa. 101 $ uveral hundred acre In Cuming ( Jo. Nob. 105 81K tlmousamid acre In Stanton Cu. Nob. 107 8101er acro-22Q0 acres tImbered land In Ray ( iim.Mo three , mimallfarmn.e ontnlu lamil , hialamicel Ioud cottonwothl ( lumber , wInch vill more thami lay far lnvctnmcnt. F9r bale or exchiio Oumahia ropert. I SPECIAL. lot 2,2OO-Lt 210x220 , cor. 17th amid hicllvlow St. , umuthi ( ) mualm , near Iiaacallis l'ark , brIck houuc , fuurroome well , citermi stable , cellar , All In good conuthon ! amiihmie.srly miew , j. ( ) $25 ver acre -400 &CrC4 its Vusiihmmgtomi county , ti hubs south of lilaIr , on hue of C. nt. I' . I. & 0. railroad. h'tattoii at cormier of tlil * laos ! flood stream runnttmg watur. lO acriiu In cultivation , So acrum gr.o. , ISO acrcu tlnihieroak , hileLory waImtu amid SiIUL iiimal1 hioume. gpod fult ant ! abundance (4 raId. L 1mar11 , fbiicmjil. Oo of the bout lane. Iii lImo county. ' If mrchacr Lsbies. will 5il liomoutead adjoInIng amid good IierI of cattle. . ' : C.ml1 atil o:4u1inO : othiet property Jot isteJ. BDFORD & SOUEIt , 213 ii. 14th , bet. F'arnamnamoi Douglas ' ' . ; , I J. " 4 r ; : , I ¶ J , v : I ' , c . \ I. : ' ' : ( I ' . - , . ; l 4 : - * iwcu anti itrd4' jnoruus Iitrcet8 , . W1AIIA , J1s \ I ALEAE. SVRUNO. 1'ullc 0lnoj a leakssmmh a few fact. have tCfIl& trt ttifit ar ( mmti4e'tomi ( tV flaflOm'th to.1c'pIe a fact solicit It stareaus Iii the facc laimm as adomidless sun. The old fallacy that all 1roIretary mmeearo 4wutthl lsti , been iweit ttvay tsnJ Iii it place tmuoh tIme Incotmtcutihle tnt t1i * thim ; at lcat one remedy ammmJgst the mommy aMrtIh ci f tJs'tht' i. twJW'ts4fl 4if trostation ran be amlttlytcur d. tlm tqo f1Uur- 'I3) ( Illood Bitters crtatnIy Ill. l'hi. ntedkhimo : z1Ijt lkim&ie.l a , a bl od awl .totmmch ) mmU'amImt ' Its unpxamiiplel uee , a wlntmimig for it a grcat tettm tatioij. 1'or acelc stommmaelm , an hfl.wnrlmlmim1her or tin emttcctletl eirrui.tiomm try hurdevk 1iIol hitter ( lmmic4 curtishmi , and smirottfteheVo. . 1lo.V. . 1. ( lhfTortl , of 1lthitvcIl , ( ) ot va cimretl of , dypejwla amidliver cinmmIajpei tiiat , mmderul liii life &lmot a , iUtIhCn. II&'CJh ) 'ta Coimml1ttOti thrc buChI4s'IjldniOe . ' . I SI r $ . h a Slmillmollammd , Alliammy N. V. rrItei : ' sera1y&.irA I hiae utiffereti from ott remmmrimma hill. Ioti IiuatIaolci , c IIsimmtIlt 10mm , * l 91'0L19 , and vomit- ilaimili htecm1lr % to my u'c. Sitit't siItig itit-sioel. lilootl 1Iittis mmm ummtltely % . ' - . t - ( irow ctIvkieiVltl'ls . j I'VItI ) Omi' ( lititi I5mtsl' ( ---i I - - - I' On Suiiday evening , Stpt 80 , a pleas. nut vddiiig took place at the resitlencu of It. N. l3ittiiigur , lsq. , 8tJ South Twcity-IirsL street , thu ccreiiioiiy being lfQrlI1ud by Rev. 1)r. Gt'o. F. Stellilig , Eif.t4u Liitlietait church. The hrJoitt\ns Mr. yoii1Oftrl , j t welL kiiow Oflal1mt ltLSiht.5S ? man who has rcsilcd hero 'or' sovciaI yeali , nit1 tho'bidi visiS1is.q Ious' Biffluijettt sdti of 11. N , Bit. tihIgsr , chicf shiiming clerk for Steele , , Jlinsoii 1X ; Co. , ittul for stminc time pastn tenclir in our public sclmtmlis. Tlt ltitp/ ciuiic loft 'estertlay nftcruocn for a brid.l tour , Ill time course of wliinl they will vitncs tln iar.aeiotdf tlzol ' 'VeilcU P&01)hi'ttth" it St. Lt1is . ' : ' . 'Jdlis iT. 'i' ' btihsono of thom ycLcrnn , lettc ? carriers in this cii ) ' was givoli a gtmot scud oil Saturday Ilight by his follow - low irkcrs , it being the tenth attitiur- sary ; of his eiiti'aiico into the service. The Carriers , nceomlalIicd by their families , whieiu t hey hiul any tssoiiibiel at titi lioush and ninsie , anti refieshinents 1111(1 so dii were all instrumental in lilmtkillg the voiting ml jlt3asaut Otto. N . Edward S. Dixon , i former real- clout of Omaha was married. recently in New York City to Mtniy B. M. Osgood. . ( i0LlN W1D1JINU. CJuiciinau Dunham returned Saturday - day rom Prestoil , In. , whither lie went to ceebratc the oldoii wedding anilivor- sary of his father and itiotlier , which oc- cnrrdd \\Tddliesdny. . The happy con- po ijhiO thus dross thmo meridian of a ceit- tury f intttrisd life are acd rebpccUvoiy 71 a4d ( JO ycarsand ino'cd to iowa front Pe1i1sylvania. A oncortcl llall to surprise thterit iutd beent formed titid on the morning limunod teain aproacheel their Jionto frotis nil direciona' until it eetmt d w if itti army was concciitratiiig tlterd. There were over eighty tcani altogether and the crowd may be iinagiicd. Long tables 150 feet each , \ oi.o spread iii tue yard and loaded vitli good things. Time gifts were iluinerous , nnd iticiuded easy chairs , bedsteads , etc. , besides over 3OO itigold. Over a do.cit easy chairs were brought , nfl of the most elegait lil1lS. I'mtr , DunhamnSr. , has lOOfl a .Justico of the l'eace in his county for 3i1 yeats and 111110 jtidicutl btrmm micilt re1mrusoh1tatiss tu , at.tlni l his wedding and present a suitabho testimonial of their rertrd. , All1' in all , it wati an occasion ca1Icmiitcd t ) 1't. mice time hearts of thu liajipy cc.uple , v1o tony yet live to celebrate their dia- 111011(1 ; wedding. , c swic1LLANE0US. . : Tbq Boliemnian Athletic association plc- tucked at Ilascall's park SolidIty. They imiarciteti otit early in the day headed by the b'ind. One of the Bohemian societies went. dowit to l'lattautoutli Saturday Oil an excursion - cursion Dud had an enjoyable time. A mtoat enjoyable social alfltir took place oii Saturday evening at. the reid- ( lCIiCOOf Mr. McLaiii , Oil lslmtlio street. This was a birthday vnrt3' ivett in honor of thk , idxteetithi tuinivorsary of Tmliss Matnill 1\hcLain. \ About twenty couple were present. . There was any aimiouiit of Imithaic and dancing and a splendid 8U1)IO was served. 'J'hio hawn s'as brihliantly higiitel with .Ja1)nhleso lahitorns and every P' ' ° " 81011 WtS titado for a royal tinie , which was certainly enjoyed. t . t - "Mv. Speuker. " For strained vocal muscles , - the grciet paihl-rehieer , St. Jncobs bi1 , ' is the aeknowledgett cute. 11011. ? t1ihtIi C. t7ri'r , Iloti. hJrt. : B. Ilpltott , repreaenta. tes frQuriiitid \ , Cpfllfl1Ol1 ( it ; . ( , I ( ( ; I ' ' . I TIlE GitM41N'TIEfimVI'Elt. Triple I'ei'I tmttstmiimceti Tast. NIIit : Iii Ttirner Ilitli , Thu Curinati theater wmmi lhlloti every part. of thu building Sunday even- log , by a1arga au apprcoiiitivo IIUlielICe , drawn togetltcr t ( witncs , three of , thoinost alnulailIg picccs ever JtrolLlcctl tl thet Gtlrfllnhl stao. 'file lirat play prosotiteti wait entitled ' ' Eiighisii , " 1111(1 was thiotQugilly sido.tsphittiiig froiti beginning to smnd. s1r slIstchtiit's hmersiuatiol.I 1,1 Lot English lord was adiniruble , ' ! thtcI evoked Inirata of genuine apphallsu on all sides. Thu reporter , Who has traveled in England , atul , of course beoti on terms of iniinacy tit1 iito1 of hioJiig' halt lords , taii1 teitify to thltu.faithifbhlnosd of l1sIr , , Molchiitt'ge delineation of the hiemiti idi.'a1 English lord. Mr. . Baurola made a very ciimtrnlu4g Asleho 't'reuhioi'z , a young widow , mid Jsrrs. Pills.thil nit Iary , thiu servant titaitl , purfmirined iiei lart vsL'y ntt laiitiVCl } l issThiiiiscti hi the rs'mu ( If Jtosh and Tr' Pttl.4 dii .John s'ero b.thi excellent and sleaurvo cout 1IIL'lllni.iuIl , ulIilu I Hecolul 1)10CC % ' 1iM ii short tnuslc.j 1iuehmttto ivitichi viia very vehl received. In thiti third 1111(1 ( bust jtiiy , entitkd ' 'A Short xiet1vnco iq n'u 9111cb11 1ril'jli chminj iji . tile o1marauei' f h hu'rchrint stInt ! r. flaureis as clerk w cr0 tmtuchi apJIlaUd- ed mid they cerLtinhy slsiimui'vcd mill tint a1m1ilatio they received. Mrs. 1h11115L5 us I4iCSChitilL 8CI ed very chlarlnillgly stttl , luokedna hmrutt as a pictoro. Mr. PCII- zior as Jtoiuhiolsl showul LIII Si'Chlttlt1 : I1r. Pula n SC1W1ljJC ) , it tntveler , as e.cel. luii. J'hto renininilig rules were all veil RltittUhIipd. . . , . it , 1' . At. ttsi coiielui1on if the 'FIICIJIi hart of thiu plogranintu the audiottee tripped the hih1t fantastic WttJl ' rcat gusto , On the whiilu ( the oIltorfafIIlilutit 'Watt n'gtahid successlahid tloca great credit t Omaha's Corniar tlleater , b ' ; ' hit 1111(15 15 0110 C 2 tioau jolly i'ooU fellows PICKING RAGS. t Brih1-Byol Bolicffll&u & Girls Lauh- ill 11llL OhtL1ll OYCF ru 91 ToiTaks5 , 11 _ Wrq Oiti l7tiflrgRVfllOt 9 I Whltit 'o Itnv ' Done h ? iR fit h t 44 . . ' . The ountl of by t'titthtCtly. ' fOlnifliflo ko1co , , ru1fliltg til'I ocestalotiatly tub tut nnttr of laughter cit1o to the . ostr tm Ult dlSrter ) one .5 - . ' -i- ' I - - , ( li1) ' last week as Ito stenCh. Ill front of nit ttltl bt i1tiitg ( On a sitle street , conversing 'wt1 ( a frietfd hit hntl"mu4t % l t ta a jull"k- 1 , I1O , ttitl tii tf the 'i1Tetiaratly dilapidated tif its l1itst. 'lito clii walls WC1'C bIltt Ill tll ; tlihettiOflS hJ tht ( I , of tulibish critnuineti witluill , this. uviitdi'wa vet'd latthioil iI with. mleCt itii'tiJ sa'e hite nu5lthr4 , uvIertmu bbttq of. two , st s9tnd tIS jtsm'it hihtl tijaitn d lthm1ui41l iti vity thLrolittl1 tb the nhI1uiIi'o. 'rite ioofs v.Ji t as bad us ( lie riudows and hook'd all if tIle ) ' \Ve1o 011CC slut,1 they wouhsl Always - ways teninjtt so from ( Ito slicer 4mstittiicy of iige. lltJrllUu them 'yas ? rruiget1 an assortinetit of old stoves , Bitch as are sold tm , t I n , pmr at ' 'bargaihta'for ' t Ito seller , attul ttsL inside were two barrels full of cartridge shells to be tliSlOSCL1 of as old 1rass. AN EXt'lO'RAT1ON. Tito criosity ti'I tile tw t young tuolt 'VM aroused mrt1d tt heuiritvitenco eaitio thtct3 outtnla ( ) t tIter. z'intCttt1 bdcauniu it tilti tiot seem possilmlq .titat sttchi a vnrehiouso' of' diliisithitttnl ? relics and filthy rags could be occupiel by WOtLlCtt1 They piutiged in , I I ight to ( ho ciiiitg nit e.chtfisIorero , piles of stuifl'y bags fihleti' with paper ititti rags , witit satnitles dmunghittg froitu every rent. Feohitig thiir ! wzty alnqg thiroughitliis vilt Llcrn s'vf bouvt tsakilg the ' 14v6 fleittls fo6na' ' , thldIItadl)4 ; tjI3 rda ( m th'm warehouse where an 211111t0n80 craite was cottvoying to tim loft5 thront'ht agmupitiglutho itt tue floor , alittost. a carload of rags iii big buitdles. The explorers followed it by ineinis mf a rickety staircase at otto side and foutiid t1iiiselves iii a rooltu' that Isloked like a granary , save thtat. thw bius werej filled with retnimtuta of cloth iust'ad oV cent am ] . wheat , LLltd futrther on was a latger noons occupied by Bolienuiati woiitti and girls , CIfljlOycd in nssortittg this vast tic. curnulatiohl of discarded cloths. i'l't ) ii dresses yoru coititilon and stIlted o , the work , but their loose folds fell grapfuhly UpOn their well foritied bodice. ovhihh , ThhlhIR USAIS was tied thtsconvetitional hiattt1lcerciidf of difflirent cohorts , which keeps thin tlwmt. out. of tJtoi hiaibh'heio nitdthiune a stray cuiI of glossy Iihitck had cscapcd frofis tim tight ; feds of tue hoad-covoritig. The \OfliCfl iOOtCl ibm a baud of gypsiesaiid they chimuttered in tiiefr strnttgo tongue faster thati ever mit. thu entratico of thieatniutigorss Seine were sehted oil piles of old cloth ott the floor , others on benches , 1111(1 BOtHO stood over latgo acreclis of wire iii % vljch'l ? wp heaetI a , lot of rags , th& WSrthless bts fal1i1i , ' through the acreeti. In one corner Stool an old womait , by 114) tIICitIlS Co gOod hqokil1f as the yptttlgtir 01106 , prevented froif ptirtleipatitig In ttie comivermatiott ly , mu stottgu over hior timouthi. She wts assortitig the collectipus qf tins : ig 1)icliers just as they cattle fiotit time street , full of ( lust. 1111(1 . tlrt 19id she wore time s)0tig0 to protect tmtiL1IlIiI and thltt. Presiding vcr the biits in thim bai ropIi iwas ' , imltnrp Idokftg ; , fuithth , u'hI ( ) asheti t'hio ititruideis , in very fairEti- gush , what they were , after. "More curiosity lrtlttglt us iore'saih/ / Ohio of tliclli.Ve w&uitcd o see wind. Intel Isoconte ( if our old ciothes. ' . . T \relh , vu hntf an assortuient , astid Lb "Ilailti IS A SiIIttP , is dat yours ? " It is vet' rceajmctablu ganr- nientt" , , The reporter uicifccl UI ) tiui ' 'aariiieiit. " siitl held it to thu liiit. Seinutititig on the bosom , which still retained its 1)OhiShI , spar1cd vhiezi it. ctiitu iii the rays of the still , 'l'hiu yotnnn snizng frons thu halo of rags oti whiiiht situ SVLI : sitting and grascd the shirt. I "Uat hitis not. liecti 1aortod yot.-vo vihi hay dat one sub-it. niay payto/k9op / cot ! " atiti she lookcl quite /tavugoly / at the titeti who hiatt discovered , tiio pnizu. ' 'There is ito imeed to cohceil' : ' titat , " said time nosvalaper titan , , "uvo saw plainly. It. WItS it $1111011 dlaiii1 , , \Yhiat svihl you do i'itii it ? " ' ' ' 1 viii gif it to do ProPnleLiro , of , , ' tue ) ( ) ( { gy)3y ) , ittiti lit the tcaiithino ) 'ohtietl thu 1shtirt mid sat dtvji eu it. its if isito feucd ; the 1)ropniutor .imtigiit ace it. Lou.uttddoiiy and be ditczled by it. ' I ' , t4 1 r1 ' ' 1) , 'Olt , iil Il1lQ : ntchi ti1ft1t I I ' ) b , yes , indeLd , ' ksrtI(1 thio wopinti , scir..Lhiat l143r Visitors were tiot vobbers , ' 'JCOjiu ) CL'S no careless. Vu hal julia , how , ILIuIl SImmetlhiCS ( ) 1)5115 ) 114 MONEY loft in d oclcee of ole' pauLa ittul tlLc13595. : } bj nitch. ' itofur fiitd von' " ' tiitichi. ' 'I low imtuich ill pail for Piekitt rasl" iu.kcd the fijond , ghutciiig : fulIti Lngiy it. a tiull and red checked girl whio stooped to ftwiligron tier' shoulder ait innnenao load of rags , anti revealeti au unstuck- iij'ed limb gracefully turliesLi , ' . \ "Do voinuui gets dwent ctit a hun. 5110(1 pounsla , tutu dey no fast tioy inako ittuchi tnotiics iioiiieti otes. "llowjio yp ( t1Ortit1icsu things. " 'rue woniahi illustrated thu wurlc. hero was itii awfully old toni filthy woolen ItJcl. She threw that in a hint with otijers qf its kiitl , 'I'hio ' next vit Jinif in' hhTiUdiqiFChtief tiat wetit , ii vithttu him linens. 'J'itcti a bib , unnImrodered ntiJ tuehtd , that oitcohiuluted ; to soittu pet. teti btil , , ft also htttsl its ll1tco. Situ wits stortilug suisly white gootts , Some jut tim front ruolit iiiiml the coarser clothes thmU.weiu rippitIg to piCCe stnsiyus , c9atLS , palmt.4 , vets mid all inmanlter of iiimozttim A flue dust jtmrvitdetl , I Ito whmulu atimios- II19r0 of timeuto Itjtjicr romlns. J t , seunietl itit1l , , Tilt WolisT Ii1sEAi4l ininmgimtablu ittighit lie dovolti1osl , hero. , tim is oimuiunI assured us that 'igpickun never got. sick , and that diseaw 1mmt spreul in thco old tags , 1)uCatltio chothi svliicit hsait lot' Ii used iii sickutess is geli- erally'desticuyud , an , tl1ts tcui , , wIiigs fiuhml ' housu to ISQIUC iil btmy rltgl CIIVOfUI for their ( ) iI'it sakes wimiut , they Iiiu1t'itttcosttt1' II dISIIt. bulouv , whoi'u 5(11110 BmAiutiiiaiis wuro Imtj. ili , rag m'ca4y o ihiip. , ' Ci _ . . , "S'iibro do thituttu gui" 'itskcil ' thud it-u- porter ? " 1t4\'uui9itd all 0111' r4stO 5OhiiuTta , null scrap irbn5 ais , " said ( mute' of LIlO unmtmumf " : I'huccu rags ant 1I11LIO ilt $ ) paper , you h1 ioiu No , they 4o i $ porno froni this Iruzu , I city. Very few COIUQ from Nebraska , the country is not. old otiotIglu. 'JItey are collected lii Town , vIujro the fArmers sure all very careful to ave up lulls of cloth , ttittl tub Dig mail ( 'oh1i&s flhll fll , niul we Paysthettt It gosii ft edit nitul ii cttL stutcl1a Inthf a htttttlred , ' ( 'lit , iuuirkoL liii atitl ( loTthi 11kb tidy othei' . It is dtiyii ' , , , Ust1 lttuv. Aiul the InCfl tt4uwled out of tiuo' ljs. tutal iolc' mtfltl bt'ttsluui th6 lnt nil their oath , nod vLtwetl it iyuis qtmill nit litter- esti g ' . lisit , , I t IMPROVINGTUEISGIIOO1S , Ti Bor of EllotIull 1lln1oys a ccaI ! 1nsc. ! ' I Drawing 1atos and tim Kinder- I garten Y1thod for Pri- , hliltry Grades. - - - - - - - , . _ -e- 7--4 I ( : IgItt Ss1tocI to ' lie 1NlltbIh1tetI I lunlutg ) I Iss. ! i't'l ui s't t5tltf 1114 , ' 'hio tumid of education lttot lititt o'ett- jItt , east's. Cliityel' , 1 11111 , Lit'mtmy , l'Oittmi ( , Panler , Spechit atid I Presitisutit 141)Itg boihig present. ' Time ittiiiuti's of tim last l000tiitg were read and approved. 'l'llt ) rulmort of 'l't'utnan hick , cit. ) ' treasurer , was receives ? . It sli.aurA a hal- altec shine the last report of $50,4111 ; tax o1lemtta1 itt iluttUst , $71 ; lIlies stint Ii- 'o'ulThus ' ill Sopteuitbur , $7 , 181) ) ; w'arrnnts puid in Soptuinber , tOS7 ) ; balance iii siikitig fuinti , $ l,38'J ' ; bsitds on deposit , sia,000. : Thu applications 'of .Asla Shirley , ? slary Barttea nptl Ijilhlaut ir.Yilbur , for jIe. sitioti as tenelters , iiui'ti rcfsurretl4 lhu csliiuvto fet world iuiul'ttuuuriaha ( fIir9islted by F. S. contractor , for tlt erection of thu Seveuhteotitli nutd Leavenworth school iiouisu , wits allowed , ; 3tj11o , less 1Lu per c tit. The cnittititteo on tc.tchiers uutint text 1)5)0kB ) reported a resolution rccsittunetill- itig that Miss Lucia Rogers ho employed mis special t caclior su f tmutsic in the tnt hI Ic aeluuls itt $110 ier tuuinth ; ( limit ( lie stttmly of tnoral utitil nictital philosophy 1)0 discoittinueti hi tito high school , muid l'or- 1.y's l'olitienl Econituly lie suitstit uted ; that ti,100 drawitig slates be jntrcitnscd foi the chtiltlrcii of the pnitutury schools Thi reuoluitimt' ' excited a livul' discuuls- siOtt. Titti first reeuitltnondatunt yita imasatid over ; hue aeconil , in regard to the high school studios , , tdti1itesl itt rtgard to buying slates , mjitit.o mu ttinbor tested mtmiiist slates or tutmy otluet' hunter. garluut tttetltotls , suyiAg : thimit. if flsero vmts liii ) ' tttoiioy to 14)011(1 ( it should Ito put. iuito 1101 % ' btujltliuts , which wore umntcii needed. I t iviuusssuljitiLted , , that without the slates the orlc of tIm teauhtUr in dntitiuig would 1)0 ) useless. 'l'iiu third part mf the resoIu tiott Wfls adopted by thu following ttto : " A yes-I hill , ( ibbstn , Parker , IVEr."Prosi dotit ; ziods-Conoyer , Livosoy , Points. sr. l'oitits thou iitwotl th adoptioi of1thiti first. sectiout of thie rejmit itt rttgatal to thQ' lilusic tettchi'er. ' Specltt called t1O1i the board. to go ni'oiiutd mtiml look iii. the citlldreti growing.sick mtuiml hilluid iii lItton lOOttiS tuthil tiiiscinJihtu school Jiouiacs befmto , thin ' ' 'lidithor. ' ' ' ) etnlmy ) a Stipet'- iiiteiitlitt. Jmtnmesttttist , thtiut , ho ftult. tltat , if tiuisie werQ'intr ' uducud viLhhut the iuiuttti litity of thu board thu sixptiriuitott'vlaild pi.ovu i1.istiitroitui : .jfl thu Oitmaimmu schiiols , ' .l'iid titimigs tlimut lie wmiuld'hiave had1 come hunt iimtd already heels iittro- duclid atmil tIm hitancos ' ' , tiow s'ei't no cnii- jileti that tue board cotild ill 4uflrd uuittse. ILr. C)1)elRiil stile ? that if ho laid tlisnlgItt tliihs % . ( , ( not esurry , Ito ttli tulil corlaitily voted ngaiuist the two siLlier sJociiultes of dJmLyuuig iuntl wrftiuig ntnl ehocuitiouu. ? tli' . Livescy jutsisteti that iutusic altumsid r'st. utitil lien' school iitmmues more ' On tttOtiOli of s1r. Cotitmoyer the sal1Lr3 wmts cltangcd front $1 10 to $100 petS month. 1\lIr. , Speclit. probates ? . lb thtmuglit fun' a thiotmunind dohimira be cotmld hue the Itohie- tnIai ltttmd to iday every afternoon in thic nClt')0l5. 'J'Iie rcsolutiqn WItS himtahly fldOJted , Mosst'm.m Livesoy ittid Specht vottutg iso. .l'ulr. Copohuutid itreseutteil tifo report. of tiiu 4otninitteo on kiuiulet'gmirtenis , beggiumg tint ! . hsIesia. Livesoy tuind Speelit could lie easy i it time i'l(111e11t t Ii 0) ' uiit he. 'l'htu coiii uuuittco recotiutimemid that be LuItIli- priated to imiurclmaso kiutdorgtsrtuut mottLe- rhh' to be used ill the roonimi of Ptlrn. Jeiii ( , ui , I itt A ; L1t's. Ptivhsiiia , 2d tool 3J A ; 1Miits . Case , 1st. A. : Ilt. . Copehaitti said ito iuitottded to Pmlt no additional buinilea upon the tiunchiurs antI Ito tltontglit thieve would ho tie coin- Jhfluumt frouit tIieuu. ; 'J'ho report witu ed , Specint lLitl I41V"ltC ) ' voting io , A. , jsrosositiqut by ] sl r. Coitimoyer tat til. iipw .r.lrs. Ball. thu , tt'uelmcr , Of drawing juoiiuitsuuishiip ; , full pay luring tinu 't'iuito nilmo w'tts nick out couniuig here , coims 1tofbt. numotimer ienigthiy dulEtto. Siipir. I Ii Lou itheui t .Jaim'cui titouigl i t tim a L 1sIs lImit ! vtss a lady with vhmonit Liii , hiomud imiightt. uttrorl to ho geitomimUs. ffliu vits fluiilhy ttlka'cd limit pay fur the tiiuio mmot lit school. At time invitatiomu of time presidenmt. , l'tlayor Chaise , who ivass aimmomm Limo spec- Liii's , iu'ns itivited ts ambintuss tim board , 1 utd Ito iii legaril to plaeiimg in clock anti a hIniu.tommcd bell iii Limo tourer of thu high school hmuihiling. Ifo said that. aommmu yeari ago J > iof. ituckor hmaml raintd , solute Inonoy by atm oimtertmitmmrmiotit for timiss puur- 1)050 ) , antI timid. time ( Jitltolie ; loshioji limo ! otico sigmiilled lila wihliuugniciss to mnunko tlmiit aimmouuit good. 'l'iio numayot said ho hind tmtkemi limammy di4tingulishucd PePl aroUlid time city iii hubs oliiciitl eaineity mutt ? timat tine itiIt school wan mnlways time central piuiL tt iumturest , muid all it uiouv nuwcd wts 'tiso 91 ( ) Ir , ' J / / J j l'remsIIchmt ( 1mig ititl : tlmd. $160 wits lying iii time 1)1111k , time lurcousls with iii t,1\'HL f an entertisinumiemtt given a year ligo , 1111(1 ( that several guumtltinimon hint ? offered - fored itt ( lilicrolht tiiutcs to mislsl ceumtribtm- tiomis to tiuI. 'i'bu paImiry uf the jtlhtitor of tint high achiumsl wits iumcmeasecl to $ l2T , a tmioimUs , as time mo 'k immis gr ; uu'ui very I suavy. I. . U I bliumi uhimmi i ttASI tO f ho iitiisl : the pn'jecL of ( lImithIyiIsg a hull by tIms , year tel special carpumier , its titit muiutimi4 . of ' dune rn'antetl I I ' ' t'iumg uvmt . 'I'I me ientim1vy ; usas imistitmttud itt iiifonimt time board t its next mmmesstimig imus nmtmcii itunmi Imecim etleimdcl : in day uoi'ic miund jiitus in tim 1a9 Liv. . ) t'mIllt. r - . said itsi lint1 fs1ijttl suimuui , 'oi'k itmis dine by thu ilny , muid time lniamd Ptl1elmi usis ? its oumim immateiiuti , it. us'muu always ohm t'mtj it' t ltui mm by sunlit nuict. 'l'li ' U topti t' hilt Je ii iseeti high latI ) ' , beesuu of chmrsui t itt Li mci Ii 1gb aol tool. i I. . Oopuitsnist imiti'otl ttcptl it reaot tiomi just rim Imig time eu > umm iii I Li tie eu him hid I mmg mind sporty to I 1110 it it tmt.ahlu i'otmumi , info ? ( t. u1) uvithi tables 1111(1 chums for muti dvutming sejmooi , muipi timat in ttncimer ho cit- PIOYCII at $5Q ii mmiommth dnmnuug limo six winter mionithui. 'I'Jtu mmmunttur of a rQoum ; . , ' ' ' ' ' l' ° u or btammm1S. wamsrefc'rresl to ttu contmittc qn build. ultm aunt Iuroluertrs With po'wt4 .t4tet , stInt thtci kutttplo'mneItt. of tu temuchter t4t time coti ttmitleu out t achers stint the IlppriIttQn dozt , with1 poor to adL It l uhlitter. tel that flue teacher , wilI be emmipioyed at. 81 .tt ) a iuihtt , $ ( ) im uitotion tuf s1r. Spechut , it was do. CittVkt that. nit next s1ott4ny nil apphica. floitscnuuhl be c'celved fol' vhnut tehli ersliips mid juuiitorslmips : by titoiecrotary , stud that thte ) ho electeti at thu mtoxt reg. tulauj ummeetliug lIt 1)eceuiulmt , , 'I'iItl coutnmiittdc , tuh IktiIdltia , aitd oft ) ' irmus atmtbnrizotl to doimtrnet for thin tustitIt being reutisuvqd front I'siri Elgtttur'a ; hiniu to be lulacell ill tlo ; grouiislts t ) tine 8011111 sSi1OOI tO Ill ! uI1 , at ( ott c uits'n yluPI. I 'str , ( libbotu olliuresi mu rtssohuitiout that tutu coiiulnittt'u on Imuliltlintg4 tutu ! iirtiprty enitmoy mu Csitthuutnitt PersIt to attluch 55)1110 device to the lItistrmudt. iii time sehimsot buihliumgs to lurevoist ehihiroit alit ? . ing tlovtt thus' ultititit. AUoptctl. It iuutiiitt'i' of oil lunge ' luhsts scimool o iVero reli'rred t , the eslmlnuittCe on suum- 1mhje , vitim jH\iCt' ) to muct. . . ' djottttied . ,1 , Th Pr ! Pml ! t1aos a Ri on tlic , , 1c\v \ Coiu't Iiolls Block. lt'st i'oylng t Iit Itglun , Usutmut must Cnrpcntt'r SItup. At. hlrm : Inst night Omuptalit loimolnou , of tine liohico frcu , av mu faint. curl f lion ) ' simiohu iasuiiumg feint time stack ' tltu cuiginlo htims built. ly Coittritctor Cmta on time east sitlo of tine litnv roui't houmsu blocit. I t ineneased in site rnpidit' stud liti rita to Nu , 8 engine hmitumse , fnoiti , huichi mutt aluinmi was nuttig b' mind lulls ? jtrmtjmthy nnuslthmldctl ) to. . 4 * * * Tle engine hiouio , together with tind ciurpoulter itlituis atol some sheds , wn u. strsuyeil. 'I'lio loss vill ito two or timi'ee t1nountmd dollars mit least to say itotlmiing of tim cinichiLiutssttn'tliuwonk. -'l'lso ] 'tullmmman car ' 'SIlvcr Ci t. ' ' ' urfi , io- tal1es lutist. tiiglit to tRllnl mu , fsart' of ( ) mnshia ; cx- cmmili1ttIsts to coo time \'ellsal l'rnithnut.s itt St I .muimi goiitg I i' thin Ousmimmn I hal I rsamto. Aintig ) thu nero W. l. 1teimeI miami lfst , .1 , I I . I ymum , I lyr.wi ( IiutIc mutiti vl ftu , isI Ztl'anrcr , .1 ohmmm I. si eChmuro amid .1 on 'l'oa. imomm , s'ltIn others % t'hmso tsusmmmes tuertu unit lnanmiid. I -'l'lio IJ. I' , trsiun uisumi thto % iemit last. tmigint. was ncnrly tvu Istmrs into , sleittyctl by the heavy rmmmt ( ml freight. amid ttiuclc trmslmmms. alma is fuirmibsimi mug mu g imusi mmmuus fmrt'lgtt Iuietitutiommss sItIm 1110mm hmi m take lam Imurtamit imo- , itimtmi8 lit tliemit. A mmiomig the hakt tA t , is I ) r. A. E.ismi Cammll , fr timany ynars a remsidemit Imcmu , amid recently located ms llkImtmrmm station tim tIme 1.mmteticu of nmehiemmm. lie loft. yester- kitty tim take time pltfmim of aussistamit mimirgeomi itt time luwsu miutimhlcisl college. -'l'hmo limu.Limtgmi Oaaotto..boirmimd sinyismVtm lq.rit froth 'l'I mu Coiimmmtlsimmi .1 ommrmumsl tlmunt lit . , tiIotidy , formiicrly of thmlu city , muid now hivlmmg nj. ( ? t'ttt.t . : , whmiiu nttemidimm thin Stusto fair , ( p11 hits , ii hmdsu Itt time .strmo . t of Omm.timh : , which hiisI bcmimm heft imu wotctpml 'my ' the city mimmthoni ties , mmml hi oleo three of Isis ritims , I lu l's now vear- lug mu iiImter jmuckeb to ko1i lmli rlls lit piaco , mtmiml imibummmlms to bring suit ngaimtst time cIty of Ommimslif cur tLtimuujek. " , A SPECIFIO FOR ' . u. EVER rAILs. ' 7 ° ' , Cquvul. . , sbus , . 'mzliCit th"Rx fri l1 jh Slcknras , St. Vitums w' bS Dance , ittco1su- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Scrofnhia , .KiUJS I i k ! I Xvii , Ugly illoot ? I I rM IIsemtscs , Dypq- sts : , Nervousitces , .Nt-rvoiea fl'ak,1e..u , llritiuiVorry , JlIuotI Sores , hitlIoummmemss , Cvatimcimess , Nervoimmi l'mostratholm , KIdicL'l'romtf'tes nun ! ! rreqmthmritks , l.5O. Sii .m . , .I. , ' 1'i ( , .tui . , It. Is. ' 'Sam mtrhtmims Noru I no I it dolmmg womideril. ' ' hr. l. 0 , I.fm'lt'mmmolmm , Alexammiler City , ATh. ' 1 ( ccl It my .himi y In recoin moe cii It. ' ' I lr. ) I ) . F. Lmommghtllmm , Clyde , hAmmsrss. 'lt cured where phiytIcInmmus taIled. ' 11ev. .1 , A. E ile , Itcaver , l'a , . $ . S torrcuii1crtco freely nnswcred. 1 r Itsilmuomiltils mliii clrcmilarn mietmit shmunp. Thu hr S. A. Pluilmnuonil Mcd. Co. , St. JOSChiIm , Mo , 1'olii tm all ftrmggrlLK. (17's _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $30,000 for 2 r Regular Tvhouttliy Drawltngwllltithso m.laco . I mm time iii' . . , . I. I loll. ilistomiht , 'femmille iluliti. & , lug , lit I .i.lmhvlllu , Ey. T/nwstlay / , October , 2511883 A T.rovfmll Lottery mumd Fair Drawimiga , ehmart&m ed l. m lie fvgislatmiu , of it ) ' . , amid Imi ice ii , ' , br ed higal III' I isti I tlImemsL court Its Limo State , IlooI 'Iipi ) tO ilemir ) Ciimit , 1mm thu simmmm of itOtO ) fur tlte fromnhlt tYumIeIIt of nil prizes soil. A ImEV uIU'mION IN HINUl.E NUIIIIEIt II1LAWINOS durlvorv : tIcket liultier imisomims sitrybor , cams ) .stI omit time omimmiber ott liii. tleaut amil ste tIso eorrcmsi.omitl. Imig : mli.umtcr . . .il time tag I.iaecI iii , SItu wheel in lila Jireimsiricti , 'flis's. ii rw imigi elli onuir omm the last m ittmrmstiay of a very muomitit , ' ilotitl tIme Imsagmi lilcomit October Hclmome , 1 I'rbze..I D,000 ) 1 i'rlLu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1OOLO I l'rie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . 2 l'rIes , ufou emi , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( I'rized , 1tO0 undi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 I'rbea , fQQ uteht . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . bOOtXm mix ) irl/.ms , lImo ciseh , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! o.OUti 200 h'rlAw. , ft1 cash. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . moouo ( .00 l1rmes , 2) scwim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 mus ( ) I'rb4u. , . 10 cmscii . . . . . . . . . . . I U l'rl4s , 5041 cmwii , prm.xiimntIoms PrIzes 2,700 U l'll4tI , 20. . ) 'ncii " " 1,1(00 0 i'rttcms , 11Am cacti 4 'I ( Ji --1----- , uin 1'riss. liU 400 Wilolo 'clolcots , $2. hiqif Tickets , 27 Ttc1ots , D0. OS 'rl.lfota , .1UO. liemmult $ msoiIuv mr I lot Is ipmft ii l.ottnr , or sen.I liy cam rests , ill ' 'm' ii O'4 I I Ii I' Ii ( I ' 3 rmltll : ) lli1l It fulL i'or oi I'I ( 'I : s I It ! 101 1 , mm mmtll tuitIor , i.tim. Or , lvr4 of $5 mtnib mmi.s.sr.l . l.y . oii.i'o . " . ( aml I.e sumit mit nu , exitumIsti. Aihres ishi eriluts to .1. J , itIJflII4 , b.ouhvillfi.Itv .1 bt.tiutbiob , imi 1I4tRh1tBY BURKE , .1 'l'i I i'i'It1' ' I"i' , hF' ! ' F'4 UN A I S . AN ] ) iItyIAE ) ( ? flu. - ' ' - " - - - E HOUSE I I . , , . ; and Clvii EnInei ano I ? 31i.k ml aRuitti it , to Iii rvojbmm , 'Fuun Aillit Omi. Lo' a icm ; mlIsw Istmm itsO of Peemayiutl..114 . , 5laImin Slit m s , I'iIu. . . .i 5)1'i ) 'I mf ; OV1it ti I t : vmmi 41' NATIsNAI. II t 7Jh I IOiAmIt , NEil . - , , JcL1l ? D. Peabotly , M. D. , PHESIOIAN & SUItGON OVkICE iltStS ) ( , 11 and b 507 FARNAII. 1711 Piimmrt.i Stcse $ , - . , . , O.ni'me III ; r IImi I. ii.I5PP ( 9 in I' ' ' ' ' &Ll ir , . U.Ls'I'u.j ; lusiu uIV ( ' 4) . , 553 1V , liii , as. , s.w Ycrb , - . - - Palo , Poor , Puny , and Pallid. onsklcring all the ills that attac'ic hittIt : phlldren , k is a wonder that any tit Ume'liool lIttle youngsters live to grdv tie. t'l'scrc sur'chuldrcii vlto ar truly obj'ects of Pity. They seem nhnost bjobdlcss. Theirchecks arc thin and iihiiIiccl their eyes arc hollow ; . and tiie'iiskit's iti thitly draWn over tilcIt' ' forhicachs. , 'l'hcrc is nothing hearty 'aldtlt them. They do not enjoy' thick hives. T ! ' , r r' "mlIcrmng from the debility , tlitut lcutIt4 ito ih risl4 s. Poor things ! Do a good deed for the lals , htilY , Pallid1 child. 1l'fllll its mother a iottle of 13h'wn's' ' Iroz Billers. ITck is life even for the most thou. cate , time most debilitated ; for the chtitti atlUOst iVC1i ipfordejll. 1roa ill the blood is what the child needs , to bring it tI ) . 'l'ilC little digestive tul)14aratu 'mll rccqvcr. Tue pale chitck 'il1 fill ottt. rlu weary grrvun of time child vihl bccxchmanged for 1ie nmcrry 1)rattlcof mnfhntmlc giad- ness. Your druggist will tell \ vlbtVOli(1Cl5 BO/fl'S ] Oi 11:1/cr : mis done for 'cr ) ' sickcinhdrcn. it . , TL1RF.I WAnNINcIS. A 41CR sr(1SIACII AClIlNO Iilb-NU t'Nil ( I tlit. : 111,1 : ( liN l'.htu I. libii LITAlliS ' 1lIlthVAltNl014 VbIlCbI IT IS ltiAlN18g ) TO lIlSitelt.Ltl.INtlnllOuls ) imiSFAsr.s : MAY ISE EX- l'lcIbI1 : : 'to 1t11lm \ % ' 1 1 I O'sI I F Not AltItE4il.l ) Vl , I I It hIlT I ) i.it'IslE 0 ' 111 t IIEbA N KI I SI'OI.- . , \ti I , ( 'AlM T I I 1 l'ITnn ( ItIIAIN , I Nyu ; tltA'nls ) 'b'JII 'uluvsuh' : ANt ) mtCmu'I.A'g ( ' 'nmic IhmmWllu4 , s hIll TARISANT a SELTZER APE- lENT II t1t1 uu iu4lI 'It. ) uscn'Ii : 'thu U'iI. $ v II 1(11 1 rb I I' l'ItIMON I Films V HVM IloM5 1 Nfl- uvrnf hms's MANY CONSI MINU } 'l'\'l:114 : : , vn- ! , lN1 lIlLlOhT8 A'i'VA'lS , 74Elt'tttl I'AltmX .tNl ) tTul llt TIltlmIihl : It All.MON1S Isliflili' ttit l'1tl'EE'Ftb ) IF TlIl4 AUltIlF.1l.E . % ANII INCOM. . , tfl.1f . ' ' lAul\ImT.ll SAllNii ) ANU Al.'i'tUATIViI % 'uinu. : .m.iv.tvs 1'AKIt ) IN TIMFt : 501,1) ) II't ALl. uinu'inu 151's. 151's.H H : ' WILBOIL'S , COMPOUND ? F PURE COD ' LIVER : OIL AND LIME. 's'Ilbttu' ( 'oth.tjIu'er Oil , tiitt Islbit t.- iihit , lsuito bctiin tithing Cml-1.her Oil sill Ho juloascd to leant that lrVillmr ) lets msmicceislesl , frotmm dlrettlomis of mioveral Profe- sdomeitl gomit.lommmemm , lit commibhmmimmg thmo nmrn 011 nut ( I r.Immmsi itt miumii imimummimsir ttimtt it is ithuu.nmmt I.e tii taste , tuid Its ( utrectul sit l.uumig cmmtmphidmit.mm , mire truly womuicmfmsh , Vinry mnitmmy ti'htmv.o ciums voro PrCmioumieenl Imulmiuicoms , ant ? vhm. , hmutil takemi Limo clear Oil for is lomug time wltlmommt ttsankeml cited. , have bocit emmtircly cured by nmsiumg thIs ? Irolarmutlomm. ) lie sure nut gut. thu gummuimin. ? slnmimmimtctuired inthy lmy A. . \\'ilbtiht , ( 'Imonilet , Boston. 3shI by all tlrmmggimstmi. I . Xt71XaIj I I VAPOR 'COOK . STOVE I 1m ' ' I . - - m . . - _ _ _ _ _ _ I ri ' 1li0 Piieer alid . , imI Vapor Cook tSthve' that hi t.mI time tums 'f ears mimic gh imit emtlru amid erfect sathsfactlnmm. I Over 100,000 u Now 'in ' 1Use t' ' NEWPATEN1'JLULIJOVEN 1 Pmiterit remnovalle aiI , immtcrdmaiigcai.Ii , Jut' Qrl oe . reus.bsrImm , , mn. bimrriert. immmhsmsrmirthbie. Ncts 0mm' Vai1e blmmrmtcr umi tw.pNow . litmiuca. ! 4w Safety ilinervoir lpr Smimimmimur mistt thic.m stt ci are lmm ilp.'n .lil For tcrmmiu to ogents , lirieo lIst anmi catalogte , Aldr.sms 11111.1. ' 'AlObl. S'IlVui.CO. ( , aclmt2I-mmi&e&w. Ciutlamml 0 BETTER AND CHEAPERTHAN SOAP FORALTi House-Cleaning Purposes. IT WILL CLEAN i'AmN'r , AIAIIIIL.E , OU , CLOThS , ] 34tif 'il'lN , ( ! l0JkEbtY , JUTCI I lN ; UItNSIL8 , W'INIO'S , &fJ. IT WILL POLISH 'TIN , l1iSSCOL'I'lIL ANI ) S'1'IFIi : r..tiusa OF , jtl.ij JINhS , MICROSCOPESI , ' . TELESCOPES , JAr FIELD CLASSES1 i/A' MACIC LANTERNS , L4c' BAROMETERS ttM THERII/IOMETERS1 / f7' DRAWING lNSTRUMENT , PHILOS0PHlCAL AND CHCUICAL APPARATU - Mend tar mi.l..dd..erIpIi. . .f.r t.u ( aai.g.a. * .r- ? ? , .7. 'C ) .llrtIcans ! PHUPADE'HSP 'ph Perfect , substitute fer , hbothmeru 1 MIlk. 'tine itmo4 mmommnishmlmig , 'kt ' or lmtvMli , amid ii II rsimmg um.tt ; liefls. Cs.mtiimiummilc.I by all I'hli.h'iana It uti.u . im , all chlmimitcu. Soul be all sIrtiglst. ' .wmtt 4 miii fo them listitiblet. 'F .I Si'.u I.F & i. rmie.tmm&ih..0t 4 1 Cemitril SVltamf , iiustw , 0 - . 42Z1 " - , . V. ' I ' , ' : .Irl h ' , I t & , . I ; t ' . S , rt f , /4 ( jY/ / I . y' , /Z5I / , t. . - , ii I . _ ; - uauumA umnuastu iSt4' .