Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 02, 1883, Page 2, Image 2

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Ii = : i : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TrLE DAiLYBEEOMAllATUESDAY.OCTOI3ER2 _ _ , l88.
. , - ' titifI1in cute for
, I SentltiI Veft3c.
, nepermLOrr.
h , Imnotency ,
nd nil bIftCae
that follow eq ft
11 d poquence of t3clf.
: . I ' Abtie q 1c * cjf
Memory , Zjnher.
TI th HACk , DiIflflC of VIton , I'rem&re ( Jul Are ,
n1 thny other iII'ieei tht lead to Innty or Con.
umptkni An1 l'remfttttrO Ore.
. ItxwARlofftdvertLCtflCnt5tO refund money , when
I dIuggut from whom the meHcln t bought ( IC not
re1ind , but refer you to Urn rnarnd&cturcM , md the
reqWreniente ftro such th ( they ere * .Ziori. ( I err
eompUeI with. to thntrttenw1Iftnu1t43 A tilil
. of one Mnle p.scks f rraS" flt nVInCe
I . the inoet keitIcI of t 'iii lncht" .
: On I000unt ot connteimttem , we here 4opte.1 Uio
I TtIIow SVrapr.tho tn3Ktnutne.
tFull In OU 1Wn1)hkt , which we do.
tro to Icb free by mill to eit one. , ! 'liO ) IPC
elite Medlo Inc is , 'oM by oil dniggi'ts At Pt I' 1ck.
. ft4c , or CX pftcke.goi for , oc t1I he cciii lroo 1y
rnafl on the rvcetpt of the rnnno , by n.lrein !
TII } OflAYMEIWtNI'JC. . isutlalo. ? . Y.
go,4 , In OmRhI by ( ' nImn. Iv lnm&oo.n
\ \
\\g ; "
s :
: Tltie Electric Bolt. wilt Cure tim Follow.
in ' Disease3Vit1iout Medicino.
rtI $ 1 the flack , hits , Itc&4 or Ltnbe , Norvotle
I)1IIfy 1.uhii1'Rro , General 1)etility , lthcurnetlom ,
' 4ra1flIL , Ncuriliia , Sdt.tka , 1) of the 1htiiey
spinal Discaw. Torpkt Ller , Gout , 8cxua Iihatie.
tion , Scmlna % E1ntMtofl , Athn , Heart Die&o ,
DyeNpea ! , ConttlpaUon , EFyfCIM , ItidIgctIon ,
I IIer'nt or ttupttlro , Impototic ) , Ceterrh , l'tloe , Lid.
Ice ) , 1)umh Agtio. _
S5,000 Would NotUuy It.
flR. lturwr-1 liMo used your EloArIo Belt for
omo time , Mid It ) , tloo , all that sour Acnt
clnltiicd for it. Any non trotitde.I w Rh riuitniatlin )
or ecIItIc % , I wouIcIioy , buy itrno' , , Ltoctrio Bcltfor
one of the thirty , Iollar belt. , ; cured no of the aloio
, tIeeo.o In ft short tuna. Any one wiehing to confer
with me , CAU ito SO 113 writtng OT calling ot my torr
1420 1)ougla St. Oniah Neti ,
I cheerfully recommend 1orno' IClectrlo felt Be n
, otUotcot cure for rheuintIon , having worn one for
Jat 01a1041y , ' 'nh13
; For PRIQ by Fte flro , Cotitt L'tillTl , town.
dAIN 014'L'.W.ipoettc Por'.ofIee , Fronoco 1310
; tFFor Sale n C f. ( Joo.ltuan Iru btoro 1110
? ar , ni itrco Orilia
: Health is Wealth
Tv 1
( ccWt
. Dr. L. (3. % Yct'e Ncrvo or , ! them Treatrnon ,
I guaranteed i ocIflc for IIyntcrt3 , Ilzzlnosn " Corivut
. elone , } ' 1t , ? crous Netiralia , ifczniaeho"korvotu
I'roetratlon canned ti'c tlio tine if alcohol or tobeoco ,
: Vakofu1nciw Mental fleprenioton , Softening of the
. , , Brat , , , rcsuldnR In 1nntt' eril Ien4liig to mleer3 ,
dccony &nd deoth , I'rcrn.ttrro Out Ago , 13nrrcnnone
, Lone of fowcr In either eo * , Involuntary LoMo
Bperrnetorrhs canwol by oer exertion nt
bratn , icif-aliuno or ovor.ltululgunco. Eci )
- t&1ni one month'e tretrnot. * 1.00 e bo ; nr
; . bole , for , oo. Itent by tnil1 vreiatd on receipt
'ro cure any care. ttIi cacti order received by tie
for rb , boncit acooinpanied % % itil $5.00 , wcwtlleend thc
purchvr our written guaronteo torcfuntitlioiuonoy
, if the trotniort does tiot aflect it cure. Gtin.rentce ,
tent only Icy C. F. 000IMAN
! Iu&o WI bout' let Omaha Nob.
' Ij
' , u' < Ut
1'1it roinoily licing Injeetod directly to the scat ,
' the di'ieaso , ro.Jutru.e no thaii t , of diet or nouncour ,
. , merctirioi or poienos iudiclicij to be tieLci , Iliteni'
m.1ly. % Yjien ieol ae a procentico liv either eox , it ii
tmloinib1o to ountritct ouy prirato iIieca , ; hut littlie
cano et thoeoelreecly uulfQrturIatoIyaitJIctoilwo gu&r.
. ftntee three boxes to cure or we will refund the
money. Price ti ' Pid , 2 cr box , or
, thru ioxo for 1'
uod by all authorized egente.
Not , Solo Agent , for Onie
m& , , Wi
I Have Found It
. O4 the oxc1enttlon of e mftri when ha got ft box
of Etlrekft l'iIo Ointment , whIch to eirn1ilo otid aure
- cure for l'1l and 1i 11km 13teeesee. Fifty ccite b
mill , IOxtlaid.
The American Diari'Jaa Curt , i
, . tIM etood the tcet for twenty years. Huro euro for
. .n Never Patio. fllarrlie.os , Dysentery , end Chole.
. BgllU's ' Fcer all Auc Toth & Cora1 ! ,
It ii Impoeelhlo to eupply thoraptd valooftho earno.
Feat' Fever nd Ague , and eli faiaria1 troutike.
1ItlCF. , 1.oo.
. .
. , ' bAUOItATOIW , irra ST. , OIA1iA , N111.
. Fop Sale by all Dru jyists
ent by Exprcpi' on receipt o ; irlco m&e3
* -
stein Corni ce-Norks1
1111 Dougia sC. . . Oiuahn , Neb ,
, Galvanizea Iron Cornices
tT'1)orIner Window. , Flintal. Tin , Iron oiil , .Slot
, hooting , ft1iccht'e patent Metefllo 14kIight , l'eteii
, , e.Jjuottd hatchet Itor and thicket titiuli lug. I ic
ho general eerit tor thu ibou tiny of good. . iroi
t. onciog , Cocotitige , Ilaluetre4e. , Yerijida. , Iron Itaril
atnn , Ytndow Iiiiid , , Ceiler Griarde : akii goner.
Cut for Peereon & 1110 patout 1iilde lfllud.
1111. llENBEROn I A regular graduitu I
. , ' mo'nct , . Over ito
, , OQaii(10W'itid0ttCSb I yeire Irctlou-twche I
! ANAII lTV , IdO. I Ctn1ungu
V Authorized by the itito to tow
Chronic , Nern nun and l'rii ito dicoane
: 4' Aethina , F.i'lIe a ) ' , Itiwurnatlein 1'lle
° ' . , TaI'e Worm , , alil tifii ut
' eabu , Henuinal SVeakriveenlght ( Iu&eo
y ' 'beiu&l IkbulityIo.s ( iifcsuoi "owe ,
'sIc. Cured guarititeed tic money refui.tied. ttnir
Sow. 'jhoueaud * of oxeeo $ cured. No Irijuriouc med
cimme. funulht4 otemi to p.atiout.i. at o miletwoco.
( Multiltioti frec arid corrildcntlalcli or wrlt' g' am
' experIence are Important. It iiuoic for tith cocoa
I I1tucratod-and circuuter of oIlier timings aejit oij ,
r for wu S cczit ta1jis. YLUL MU8ItJM
xl. ' . 1. I t , I. . : i'i
for I. ihOde' . 'p,4'l f ,
- . I Le' lie. ' , l , hi e
' \ ot tt. i , orMu , , oofl ,
Tb , . , I. . a ahoi
. i.i.tiiuont. ml , , . , . ,
s c1 itt ; I1IlOil eIvuII , Cr
001 I r T 1
tli. . , g , un' Deco , in
" .I ' I , II , It' Ik.'tn In boalti
a ( IJO IO hog
, . . ' I sj'a sj' to Lbeotr cur , ill . i '
; t 01Cm fi4i CU 11 * It te
ii UN1 . .
: * eiroi ptlro.o
. ' . , rItUI4t biIot&Ii1flfjrIaiQ , , &ddre'Mitv
t riM ( I i' &It 0. * 01 WasiIioctuu bt. (4Aeiro. Ill
: A 'rictimu of iarly Iwpnmdence. caun1u octrouc debt
Ititreuiature eiccayooc. , bcvlog tried to vile en ,
kuow rroardi 114. diacoverod o impIe : oee.eI of * 0
, uo , whecli ti temil i.end FJtIL to ti , . La
J. U. J.LLVL. u3 ( .batuam It. . NrW
. . . . . .
- - - - - - - -
David MOStS , I 25 POunds , Marrics
Miss Blallchc Gray , 617
Morbid Ouriosity Rampant in a
Bowery Museum.
TInS Ccrctnony WItmeiawcol by Grace
Coiii't1toiI , , are stuNtrahlntm amid
it Siakc.Clinroiiei' .
NowYork Star , Sept : 27.
' ( ) tIt1g 1)avlil Mo.sce , who weighs 125
jitnittitle , anti the ynUti an(1 tomidor
fllaiicuio rty , 1io tipw the scale at 5I'
poun(1s , % voro married 1tst itiglit at , tint
Now York Muecumn , Nw. 210 Iiowory ,
ill time rrcuIIco of miii imninuumso throng ,
Early iii thu c'tiitiiig croivdmm bogont to
collect wit thu eitluwmdk in front of ( Ito
lIilIitOtlmfl , full from 7 :80 : o'clock until ( Ito
ctniicliision Of LII 0 ClJi'CfliOtIy Limo out liii ( iou
1'oottt WaB full to diccoiuifort , ' 'Shonduuig
room null ) " was thu rule ) , amid there vmts
vury little oven of that. 'i'lmo oagurumcs
s'it1m which Imooilu , paid their dijuitis to ho
iruuuit at , ( Ito curouumohly which they could
itunt leco , vfli3 wonderful , amid rifLer poyiuig ;
their mcuuuy tiwy were compelled to nuih.
mit. to mnithcatioui before tinny wore ro
warlcd imy ot glinipso of time bride.
llaIf.puat : 110)0 o'clock Vms the hour
minuied for time ceremony , amid it. caine ifir
according to the mrogramnuno. A few
uitiumutes previously the uuiiiiistor arrived
timid W119 introduce(1 to the bride amid
groom , vImo wore in time curioiLy chain.
her up stairs , Time name of the ofliciat-
ing clergyman wec I'muutor Charles E.
Bergen , Into chaplain U. S , A , , of No.
312 Sixth atreet. Zuleutirn , ( ho Circarm.
siaii Suiako.Ciumtrziucr , wium ( lie hride.
maid , metudVoolsmnulu , Limo Auetraiiait
Aboragiiie , gave time bride away.
Time ceroumiony was announced to take
Plitco lumen tim shtgo , but botwoomi time
mutago amid Limo stairway from Limo curioait.y
roomn wiLe a imolid nuoss of imuuinamu bouuigo ,
and through it wiut n0000sary to immako a
Iassttgetvay ) for Limo fat bride , Limo tiiiit
bridegroom and Limo attenuated bridal
'l'ime vroccswion vas forimiod
up stairic , hut. it ware a long tinmo in do.
scuimdiimg Limo tutairway , owing to Limo nIow
mnovonmonta Of the happy fat girl. At
last , however , Limo bride had Buccoeded
imiwaddling to Limo tloor belowammd timon time
crowd separated , ailowimmg Lime processicum ,
iwmtdutl by l'astor Berger , to pass to time
ittago. A Immoro iumotley group it is 1mw.
1 noitsible to immiagimmu. Firstin interest and
mtmiportaimco , as in dimimotms'mommmt , vmma the
bride. Just how sue was dressed it is
imot easy to describe , the oumly part of her
that was visible iii Lime tiuromig being 11cr
bare bitt IIIIIIICIIFO and llmtbby shoulders.
Escotimmg imor , or rather fohlowium in the
wide swath she itmowod througim time maul.
titude , was Sergeant Cahill ! . 'l'hmcn fol.
lowed Zimluimna , simake cirnrimior amid bridea.
ummaid , escorted by time groonmVooimtxmmulu ,
itoh ) lttny amid tint rest. As time prce-
jell reached time athgo tue curtaium was
raised maid ( ito bridal party took timeir
plae'cs iim to grove of very rcumutrkablo alttm
trees , wimichimtulbeengmowiufor tlioocaaion.
'Ulmo group on Lhi stage wits peculiar ,
but fromn time front , Limo most iumtorestiimg
night wium the tuprendimig wool of Wool.
mmmlii , Ilesides thu ctmriositks already
umanmed ow assisting in the curcmnoiiy.
timere were prunuimt Bolia Omusiting , "time
clmam'imming zorio.colmmic ; ' ' Oltarlos Saville ,
time 'hlmck.fnce ; fijCCialist" .1 mdiii 1)emm icr ,
' 'grotesque ciowim mmcl king of tue stilto , "
amid . .1.V. . hiau'sumtgtomi , time "celebrated
mlmimltil. ' ' ? tluehm disappoimitmnomit vmts felt
time milottO , ' 'Imo ) ' lmur shtatlo never grow
less. "
As the ceremony wwe time muimort one
usually oiuijmloyed by ox.armmmy cimapinium it
wits not , altogether satisfactory to time
lrido , vhio comuplaitmed timat ti- : vas not
emmotigim of jL 'I'ime Louder young timium1
Wits ltilt ( ) exceedingly anxious iii regard to
her mnmarriago certificate.
' 'I tloum'i , care for tue inarr3'iumg , " siuc
aaid , ' 'htmL 1 want time certificate. "
Time presomuta n'oro not tue least iimtor.
estiuig part of the oveumiuug's ommtertumiim-
mimemmt. 'l'lmeso coumsisted of tlmruo baskets
of flowers besides time
bridmol boquct , a
cimeck for 2oO , time gift of Mossers. Mor.
tie I lickitmumum , time Inaluagors , amid a doumb.
he imuckiace mutud locket vrosemited to tle
blimilmimug bride by time attaclmes ot Limo itumi-
5011111 , 'l'imo locket wits meet vithm pearie
mumd the uuecidmtcu ras two amid a imaif feet
in luuiitim , littflmg I li o ' ' talent' ' at t I me
unuseumumo Limo tolfloitvmos vegarded as ammo rd
great illmjJrtauteU ) , and while time purformum-
1.11'S 'uro uumthraciumg time bm'jdu time timmilti-
btmdo emumittud
Itm4 1'timijil 'ICI ttIInL' 1"remmi , _
'l'Imo ustovnmmmcuit Of it msuiio'w hi mmml loge ace
varlidilo mutol imimecitalum , bitt Dr.toummma' J'c
kctric Oil takes htmL
otto eommrou-jt Imemmis mliii
ctmros. I tw Ot11iti for mwtiuiuimm , mIl pimtimorho
catimmuim cold mtmmd thrommt
soun hiss mmuvum' y
been , oiil
4 Iholny Ormuulg.Omilaiig's Irntt Ii.
I'IiIIaIotihI.e I'roso.
ICittie , time SOVUIm mitouttius' old orang
outang of time 1)imiue l'uhitsomutmi , at Ninti
aimol Arch Streets , curied up niwl clued a
wit early Imotmr yostermlay nmornimmg. SIt
lund bucim ailing alutost siumco site nrm'iveu
ill ( lie city. a week ago , 11cr umuttemna
paretmt , sceiumg timat elmo wms sick , triel ti
cure 1mev icy beating imer mulnnmt the iteat
I and fnvimugmumg 1mev arouiid time cage to otto ]
t loll etcmt that tlme hind to ho ccpmom'lltii
She atmol ' "I'omimnty' were timeroforu lmt ii
ii. coitupartimiciut by timuniselvos , intL tim
I ( ie'otl bm'othuur 'jtii uiititoitt imtttiiaim sara
city discovered very soomi ( lout sue vmts
- femmeeless , and nltelmt his vacatioum tmiumpiiiui
her facon uoii.l bitting imor s"mtim ii stick timit
U he vmuncimud frommo it. loattl. \\'imen ii
timed of this imo r0tmlt1 staiml imur on hue
iteami 101111 imoid. imur by tIme imeols , a into
. : ceediumg that diol nut eoiiclumc to her oo
I. hmealtim Flitaily simmo was pimoceol mum
sutmimil box by herself , vimoitn situ boy in
to little bud looking very mniserabk.
, lmit'siCilUl 'isittal hem' daily , modiutinioteiiim
III ihutmtiuous cizuguc , which shw ownhlowe
- witim imiugello ClutmjXtUm0 ) , I ( em' diet CCI
oistt1 uuliumost emmtimcly of beef tea. Onoti
outatmgs in timis coimntry ucomally die scout
- or Imoturof colmoumimptiout , ammd siguma of thu
' disease i'ere looked for bout umot fontini ,
: \'huim Kittie luaU bmeathcd imur Imost , ti
Tt rwmmlutls voro takeut to time , J elfooco
t 3Iedical College aumd bonded ovum' to Pr
' . femeor lltuumry 0. Cimapimuoum for lmst1lm(1
: tuna eiumnjimatjOIl , lie discovum'eel qul
! , deep abenomi oil the side aumd ummdur ti
stivfmoee of ( lie tongomo , which imad , Cues ,
: - deutim , 'J'Iuo imouort amid luugs wu
- imealtimy , reaotitbhiumg timeae of a child ,
diii time br.oiiu , wimicim oas large aumd wu
developed. Professor 'l'hmornitsoim v
I. iuuako use of thu braiui in Ida lecture
the studeimts a Friday nect , tl3Lvmng
. FesrImmblamlcu to tlmat of to liumnion belum
It is said that 1ittio ot time abcoss oum
lmr tongue tlirommgim trying to talk.
1IlVetfimrd'H AcId I'IunsIeImalo
In Liver and Kidney Troubles ,
Dr. th G. Cmi.i.av , Ilostomi , irays ' ' 1
hnvo mused it , svitii ( Ito tmmot remiiarkabio
SUCCeSS Ill dysite1ia , amid derangement of
tue liver and kidneys.
- -
110w Ife ltec'ctigcel lilmuusoif on tIme
SherifF VImo Wins l'tirsii.
lug Jiliti ,
Naw'OIIK , b'upL 25.-When news of
( Ito assatilt tiOl1 Miss Saromim l. Sincuin ,
Limo Nortim Saiomn school teacher , reacimed
I'tirdy's Station , a ilaco hear that in
which site resides , over a score of men
witit glitis itriol ropes s-ouit hitinting iii Umo
woods ( or time colored mumami wimo Porpetrat.
ed Limo deed , amid if Ito imad been foumiu. ito
wommid imavo becim iymmcimcL Var maumy
( ilmya tufter tue assaimit , wimicim took Place
last .1 tune , it woos imot safe for a colored
luau i'it ( ) imro tint roniotest i'eseunhiance
to time emmiu im1iss lIociummm described to show
his face iii or utoar 1 ° nrely's. Probably
twenty Imegroes were arrested as suspects ,
butt , sooltur or later discharged. Time law
olhiecro of Weatcumester county vore
greatly 1)t1Z'/.ll 1) ' 801110 of time details
wimicim ? , Iiss Shtcimili gave of time attack
111)01mm ) imer , amid wimicim 5001110(1 to pass
crodihuiity ; imlt. sluice tue arrest of Samim
l'immo , wlmo has been paitivnly identified
103 time assaiiammt , somilu facts have bo im
mlet'eloped which lend color of proiabiiity
to time other stories.
SimorlIr liortoum of Westchester county
vnm ; extreneiy active iii searchuing for time
criimiiimni , mutol took so imiucim itmtorst in tue
affair that Ito detailed Deputy Simeriir
Erastus It , Fimmcim to work up the ease ,
relieving itium from nih otimer duty. After
a fortimigiut's imard vork ? ffr. Fimmcim wove
a net of circumnstammces so closoiy aroummd
Siommi l'ino that time ( letoctil'o strength f
time whole county was coimcontrated upomm
time soarcim for Imimmi. Circtmiars giving an
accurate descriptioum of imimmm wore scattered -
ed broadcast , amid ouio of tiieiim fell into
the imuommds ( if l'ino imiemself. lie is a shrewd
follow. ne had lmumrd of time popular
feehiuig agaimmot hminm and of Fincim's oIl'orts
to captmmre lmiimm , aumd imo decided upon a
mmovel revenge.
About teum clays ago Deptmty Simerifi'
Fimmeho's horse amml lugg were atoleum
while ime vits iii Limo towmm of Nortlm Solemn
fohlowimmg up to clew too Plume's s'hmero-
mobouits. Time thief drove to l'nrdy'o
Station , about four miles mos'zty , Jiitcimed
time oflicor's imorse uimder ltoymmoldts sued ,
wemit iimto time bar-roomn aimd took um driumk ,
tulkiiig with a mmuummbor of the violent
lyimclmors utbotmt time probability of l'iumo's
capttmre. Timoim lmo loafed alouL tue vil.
loge imumtil hear uimmlniglmt , t'imumm Ito broke
immto Limo Ilmorlein Ihollroad depot , oppo.
site time hotel , robbed it of about 5O in
casim mommd a gripsack bcioimgiimg to a resident -
dent of LImo vill.mgo , juminped immto Fiumcim's
muggy aimd throve tw Lake Malmopac. There
time ohierifi' horse becammio tired ; he abaim-
dommed it anti stole mommotlier bolomtgimmg to
Oiotim llumgamu. lie timemo dm'ovo throumgio
I'atterson , robbing a dvoilium there ; 'ermt
to Itidgetield , Coumim. , where Imo broke immto
a baumk amid a store , and was flimally cap.
toured mo week ago hunt Smiimday , sootu after
liaviuug abandoned hlngamm's Imorse in Fairfield -
field coummty , Connecticut. 'limo persoim
ViIo ) did nil this was no mthmcr timamm Suumm
l'iime. 'I'Ime gripsack vhuiciu lie stole frommm
I'urly's statiomm WaS in 1mm posmmessioim
lmoum ime vims arrested by Conimecticumt
ofi'mcors on a charge of imorso stealiumg.
Time ollicors did mint kmmov until two days
later that their htrisoimer was Saum l'iumo.
Yesterehmiy Piumo iuhummitteel that Imo mind per
formimed timeito exploits. lie will be extradited -
dited this veek.
An lphIimatIoa
Nt , one nmel'mciimo , 'mIl euro overythimig , lnmt
IL is mmii iimOmmtCHttbiO fact timiot 2'homaa' Eckctrie
Oil vii1 cure to ojrnlii , a bruise , it bite , or an
noimo , auwl is moitn an active mmmiii 1routonutccd
cure for niouraigimi amid rlmouimmimtismn.
C1mm101114 Itecovtmy of a Soldleu"a.
N moehet ,
Otwugo I'oIIwiimmni.
A very curious incident occomorul a few
( lays siltee , jim coumumectiout with a dozeum
: ° ll nmumskuts , which A. 1) . Adutmims l'ost ,
0 A. IL , of Lyouis , lmumrcumscd of Limo IT.
S. Go'ormmtmint. IL sticius that , at tluo
begiimttiumg of tlmo civil var , momimommg time
volumumleors frommm Lyoums 'WItS a youmig itmamm
mmamited Clmuom'ies 1)mmumn , lie wemmt jimto ttme
orimmy and served vuli. lie vuts sem'iously
voiuumolcd itt hull lltmmm , aumel later died jim
I , tue imocmitmtl at Alexandria , Vu. From
time timiie of this injury oim tue battle-field
mmotimiumg wmts mmccii of iminm or his Persolmull
elfcts 1)3' his frioummis uommd 01113' tIme vmmb.
hisimeol m'eeorml . timemm of imis ticatim
iomumoimg strormgemm. ; Iest : week time mmtiis-
, huts purchased by time Admomno l'ost ar-
rjyed 'l'imoy wem'e being iooketl over one
nfturmwomm thtmi'immg thu soldiers' oncamimp.
mumoimt at Sothms l'oiutt by hlommmui' .J . Duumui ,
. it broitimem' of time dent ! soidk'r , wimemt one of
the pim-ty : tca' two large letters 0. I ) . comrv-
ed uitwum time butt , of timegumim. Attracted by
time letters , a closer exniimiuiatioit of timeuum
showed ( ito full miammmo , ' 'Olmas. ' Dmummm , ' '
carved less plmoiutly tmlnon time vood ,
I Otimor carviimgs aboumt. time guim.stock , wimicit
mire well m'cmmmemmtboreel l' imis immtimnate
coimlpuoummohms ill time war , coimviimce nil vimo
kmtew Dmmmmum timmot time intmnket ivmui Imis ,
ills brother Imits comtmpuom'ed time cam'vimmg omm
time mmmusket with otlmer cuorvimigs about imis
oki lionmu , totmil flails timoimi'cry o'mmimiluir ,
. Coimsiderimig tinn imumneireels of tlmoommuamuds of
m siiumilmor inimskets scattered over iuuumdroola
t of litttitm.ficitlii , ituid time immense mmuunber
I ) stoleut Imummi sold elumiim time vmom , it is ,
1 iumdectl , strange that timms "mmmm simnuid have
I fouimd jts % 'lt ) ' buok to the ioimto of its elwul
1) tavuter , moimul to time very ( rutiul Arummy of
.1 time lto1itmbljo lIost of wimicim time only
lo himoitlmcr of tIme deceaseul is it mitoimiber , ' ( 'lie
. ethomtms l'oist. hmmos formmimmhly vresemtto I
II louumur ltmimum with time umumakot , of wimichm
I ) imuunbeujof pimotograpims have been takeum
, . utumd distrmbutcml aboimt Lyommim.
' Vim' i''IInvIiig 'L'Ium'oiol 'L'm'ommlli's iuitit
1 CelIjIme ' 'lrom'n'a , llrvmchial 'i'riw'Imcs" Imave a
worhl.wliltm memmtiotIinm. Sold uumty mmm
0 l'rlee 5 ets ,
: i A IIvo , Stoo1 Coumvemxl
a U. S. lsu'Ayuar OF Aomticttmyumua ,
\\'AstmIN4moN , 1) , 0 , Sept. 21.
' , i' coiivemmthuum of m-e1)resummtatmves of mmli
g elmuoses mmutum'ested jim time iijtimal immdia.
ci tries of time United States will ho lucid me
1' Chicago , 't'inim'aday mmd Friday , . Nov. It
g. mimmd 10 , l88h , ( em' commiumummee colmcermiint
ir cnmitag'uinus disemusos Lutmotmg otto' doinestm
it mmmmimmimds ,
In athtlitioiu ( II mtddmuss mimed relol'ts , time
me folloitiumg tolmics lime prosommtetl [ or discus
em siolm : .
0- tim'st-'l'lme exteimt to ivimich dmscascm
m'- exist ttmmuommg o1opujtie mumlitmals itt thin
to eommmmtry ,
me S000Imd - 'Limo mimotles hy wimidi time ) ' art
) tl ilittItIUC'Otl or dissmmt'immntutt ,
ru Thirditttiuotls , by wimicim they immoy b
los eradicateti , or infected districts be mmmc
i1 hated.
iii Fourtim 'lime elflcicuicy ci cxtstiumg leg
to isbotiomo relative to such disemommes.
its I t mmm desireti that timmmm eomovuutiomo iou ;
g. l'o mmationul ; umtl tl ) rolmi'imly t prcmmei.ta
tivo in its cimaracter. The time amid
place hmaV,3 booti selected for thmo con-
% 'OtiiOflco of time larfe tittuumhierof timoso di-
rectiy interested itt time question to be
discussed , wimo are oxpecteol ( A ) be in at-
tondatmco at time anumilal fat atock' show
winIer tlmq zuispices of time Illinois St.ato
Iloard of Ariculturo auth meetings of x
mmtimmmbor of itmiportamit hive stock associa-
Lions to boimulddmmring the continuance
( if thfs rmhdw.
. Agricuitural , hive stock eond dairy asso-
dations are invited to jueiid rcpm'escnta.
t1vcstotid nil persons bitorostc'd itm breo1.
mmmg , roucrimig , traimsportmlmg , ummqxortmmmg Or
exporting ahy class of farm atnuimals will
be Weicoitied to time cotwention.
OLd , 13. l4O1i1iO ,
, Commissioner of Ap'ictIlturo
Ph-st itcyhcit antI ( lieu Ciamed.
" \V'ait trnvblel for a year with t.oriIti . ilver
twirl Indfgoctfon niid after trying everything
ilnagimmalilo tusool Jlin&a'L Ii1vd JlmUcrr. Tim
iirt bottle movi eui man mitl tlio eceoml rureI
time entirely , .1. 8.Vlihiamnsoii , It.ciiester ,
N. Y _ - _ - -
AI'TIlL It7'JY VI'A1tS ,
I itoummn mmcci lt I Iie'elti' of ltoIelIloim- ,
a \V.miiitii" . F'aIlIm li.'t'immibuL
lim 18fl2 , a young gentlemuiamm , who vas
butrotimemi to a lady of tIiddietoim , Orange
centinty , N. Y. , ommlisted in time hlimiomm
armimy , his sweetheart ummde umo ell'ort to
dissuade imini , amid with a ) ireakiimg heart
bade iiimn adieu amid quietly buried lmer-
self iii her imomime witim her widowed
mnotimor , Limo ommi ) ' hi'imig member of Limo
famnily iOside herself. For a Limime all
weumt well , amid loviumg letters cimeurtud thmo
gallant soldier. After time battle of
( Jhiancehlorsv'mllo his letters stmthleumly
ceascd I4ettoc after letter was wi'itteim
to Imiumi by his e 'mi'r it's , but all thmat
cotild be learnt . ' tI.'e lifter that tar-
neb battle lie'i ' sll , . his stricken
swoothmoart mmevcm' ' ' .t it ely abandoned
hmoIO , mmd. lived cii , lo.piimg against imope
for hmia rettmrmi. After mrmmtny weary years
liar patient troti imas been rewarded , and
simo us now a Imappy brido. Soaio tirmmo
dumoimig Limo tigimt Ime was taken urisoumcr ,
and soon after Ime souL to a Southern
prisomi , whore he was kept about a year ,
sufh'oriiig ahtimost. utmtold torture. Ho
finally escaped and reached tim seaboard ,
wimero he conceived thue idea of umrsomm-
aling aim Emmglislm sailor , amid getting to
England on a blockade-runner. After
amuck delay and many dissppointimmommts ,
cluriimg which his courage almost failed
hum , lie succeeded. lie rcmmmenmbercci
sailing tlmrotmght time blockitdimmg squadron.
After timat all is a blank. lie learned
afterwmtrd that lie imad been takomi ill , aimd
80011 after insane. Om his arrival at
Enghammd ime was taken to aim iimsammo ammylomumi
by time CaItaiui of time blockade-runmmer ,
wimero lie renmaimmcduumtil aycarngo , wimemi
lie was ( hschmargc(1 ( ctmrcd , but pemimlihess.
lIe succeeded , through time nssistammco of
friends iii the asyhutimi , imm obtaimming a
situatiomi iii a mnercamitilo house , where ime
womi time cstoeumm of time princilals to wlmoimi
ho told hmis story A leave of absence
v&ts grammtc'd lmimmm ; hmo roturmied to Tiliddlo-
tovmi an found lila old sweotlmeart , mmow a.
lady of thirty-two , still fuoithmful to hmis
mICimm'y 'rIme' were quietly married amid
are now iii Emmgiaimd , where lie proposes
tO ) reimmaimi a mmuimmberof yearn.
.54'17fltrit71 AVe'vizzc , time great nerve ccii-
qucrer , is guarammtced to give satisfaction ,
or muiioy refunded. act mit druggists ,
" &l71ZU'11071 .Vtviitc cured our daugh
tar's life-lommg epilemsy. " Itow. P. P. Slur-
Icy , Chicago , Ill.
FAJiii1NT1)1 ; ; : ; ; E1T.
1Eo a 1'ai'nmcmTmmmmed Sage Lautti ti
Coot ! AccoimniL
A correspondent of 'rue Ncv VorkStmn ,
writing from time 11mw of time Nortimerim
Pacific Buoys : l'i ' 1'abiy the mnost forhom'n ,
Imopeless-looking place for time agrieumltur-
allot oem time whole limme oftlmc railroad is
Aimmmmwortim , on time Smmako river , iim time
Southwestern part of Wa.siiiimgtomi 'l'crri-
tory. 'l'hie town is an unthirifty collection
of unpainted shmantics. Time popomlatioum
largely coimsists of stralmdet roughms.
imariots , Ciminauicmi , amid hogs. The decemmt
le01)l0 you immeet are nver-aomxiotms to have
yotm immiderstand thmat fiucy do not. belong
to Ainais'orthm. One of time first mcmi I
eimcoummtcrcl cmi ( lie street vasaCimiumammmamm
witim lila timroat. half cut. lie was iookiimg
for time slmerifl ' [ 'ito streets are a mixture -
ture of dust , aimd sammd , moimkio deep except
where they are paved with old ilayitmg
cards and brokomi whmisky bottles. fim direction frommu time little settleimmemit
strotclm for imiiles dt'eary 1)laimms of time samme
mnixture of amid sand , covered with
outgo bumsimes. Evorythmimig itt dry except
time river. Timat rushes along himist time
toa'ui as if asioummed to stay iim such coimu-
lowly. It. vis time 10th day of Septeumber
wlmcum vo were in Aiiiswo'rtim. 'l'hmere imimd
imot bcwm a. olt'oin of rmium since time begin-
imiumg of May.
1 speak portcmtlarlY I Aiutsworth , be-
cmttiute , its imas boemi said , there is not a
spot between 1"uor"o ammd l'ortlammd whmichm
ill appearaimce is r55 inviting to time farmer -
mer 'I'lme outlook is s'minimly dialmemorteumimig.
'I'imo town is it railroad scttlommiemmt . en immg
its oxiateumce to time fact that a big bridge
is buildiimg over time Simake river at that
A yesu' or two ago it occurred to ii ( icr-
limmmn blacksmith utanued Scimummoiumaimmm ,
wimo imad found it iiard to stmpport his
vife aimd cimiidrcn at time east , thmiot timic
Sutiimoi'a , tufted with sage bt'tmsim , mmmigimt
not be so bad its it looked , lie took up
ml quarter section of outgo amni sand , muimd
bouglmt soumuom modjoinfuig humid of time sautme
sort frono tue railroad commipuolly ,
time lowest jmrice eu time selmedule , .i.tU ;
toil acm-u , 'l'Imcmm ime began to raise crops
withuotit artificuuol im'rigatioum.
" \\'himit cliii PeoPle sayl" remarked
Scluuuemmmaumi , ctmttiumg as good a water.
mmmelon as is oltoum solo ! \Ymuiimiimgtomi
imuorket. ' "Fime ) ' said 11 was a d-tl fool. '
Out. of time saimol , otmippud of its mooge
bm'tmsim , TI r. Schmtiimeiimitumii imas m'aiseml
, whmeat , forty bimnimeis to the acre , or tlmret
( lilies the average acre yield of Limo wimolt
COmmmmtry , and two-thuirdis of time yield o
time comock ltoiiol jim time (1 ailuotiut vuolloy
I I u lets m'aiseol oats , barley , immihhet , nms , mill Of excellent. quality aimil ii
mommoimimei'motjvu ( ltmaImtities. I Ic eximib'mtu
L ptmmmtkluimm , aqtuoshocs , incttts , cumirots , immi
. Ptt10t4)e8 , timemme vegetables bcimmg lmovgci
total fouler thou their kimmuls as ru am-i
I acomoiatommiutl to sue tiemmm amid eat timomim a
: time east. his cern flourishes , cs1ieciIth1
I SOlint of time thumuted 'mu'ieties. his to
iiiatoos mote creditabl . lb imuts lilailtet
I fruit trees , uiilo , mutol poach , ioiii
- timuny are tlOiimg vu1l , ' but more still to
3'oI1uil (4) ( bear. 'I'Iue osunmu ummmiy be Naiti c
I time isimmumil fm'mmits , the rimsbom'micanimot ( blpek
i bem'iies. this ImiCbui mum. ) first-rate itt ilmivom
mo yoinmg ueighibor of liii. , ii lrsCtm1
.1 farmer frtnmmViscomtsimm , who followed tim
piommr iuito ) time Aiusmm'ortim desert , ( ci
i mile timiot hits luaU o1d$100 worth of watci
ittnloimmm this sethoim , J1m' . Schmummimiammm b
lui'ea ( list lie coli cultivate with n'QImt ;
- fact. ito behievv that ummythiimg wthl gro
iii time smoge-bvomsh desert. Ito dug mm we
y mirth struck water 28 fept , but does no
- m'i'frbmitu hims fields. ' 'W Imero tieCs tli
mnoisuro come fronil" lie wuis asked.CII
tloim't. know , " said lie , ' 'unhess it raiums up
oum ( lie roots from immutor groumb"
All tlmis hiss beams done lit ahummost raiuiless
seasons , aim parallel forty-sIx , time latitude
of Moosolmenol lake and Tmloimtreah , witim.
.itit artificial irrigation , amid in soil wimicim
thioiisniidn of time mmetnljost ommuigraimts had
1)055CC1 ) over with scorn. Scimunctmiann's is
, a simmgio case , amid it is not mnemitioned as
typical ; but Limo pluck of time luau , time
aIsence of anytimimig on hum 1mart hike a do.
sire to ' ' 1)0011) tue country , ' and time comm.
trust between the prospects and results of
Ills exlmrimelit struck inc as roummark-
able ,
ileinmolning uncailed for In time Otnaima post
office September 2' ) , 1883 :
Andrew , I I. Bassett 1'
ihmroliell , J ] iorer , f i
Barto 1 lioltoti 1
Browim 11 Ilycra 11 1'
liamnis M ] ilmiiiia l F'
limirsolt I ) Itarray M
iia'micyV i lirirhow Ii 1'
homier .1 Iloisoim 1'
Iiolmrcr .J M liruks S II
Itowiimamm .1 liommmmott .1
Itramiglier ,1 ltra.skov Mr
( Tnimuiibeil ,1 V 1' Coifaii ,1-2
CII Itimi iim.'hmtiimi 1" Ciumiso ii. I.
Coimmoomi A.V Column 11
Cook .1 ii Canuioim J
Crawford V it C'arsomi W
CamnoroimVti Ctmmimiimhimg' M
Chmammmberlium 1 , C Ceok 'r
] ) otuel .1 Jaloy C
lam'iM C 1' lailoy 11
lice Mr lawsoim .1 Vt'
Downiiig 'tVV ' lowmmiiig Ill i'
lorliue 1' ibemuozer F
Evans ( l F lflmOl)4)lO7 ) T
Eytim W 1. ' Evaums Vt
Faircimhlti i : F Faie .R C
Flemnmning P llormuimig CV
Flciiuiimg 'tt .1 Givoit G 11
( mastout E ( hiboon 11
( iart.omm .1 A Galloway Mr
Grosa J Coodoil S 1'
I Imuldomi .1 1) llmomatekel .1
llimrty J Iloiuimes A
ilimyei C ; Ilipekor (2 (
lirorvey 1' Ilearsimmnan 1 IL
lleltiiman Mr Itarvoy lr
Jlawvertlm 1) C ovnrtlm I )
Iloliimen 11 Jtnulelerm Ji
I Enimiiamm C hlalum I'
IIlor3'onV 11 hEmighoy II
1 loilaimil ,1 I [ oward .1
lioweiis .J Johly S B
Ilolmorm I I .1 halter II
, Eoimc B 1' , Jolmtmsbou ti
, loimmmston B T , Tcimklims 1) tt
, Tohioy 11 1 .Joiitommsmm .1 1"
Klimiey .1 : Kotols 1)
Keene .T Eayc I-I C
Laumdlmolmmi A. Law'rcmmce F A
Lewis F' lAng & Bros
Lantry ri A hiticeim
Loviim 1t [ Limmdmumicro L tI
mlcCorimmiclt I" McKimighmt G (1
Mills CI C Morgan II
Majors E 0 Mcckmooim 5
Mor,3 J 1' MilImmor C
Mclonnehl B McClaskey N B
Mim'jamm , N McCoy
Molsoim C \-2 Merccr C 1"
MeCimiro 1' 11 Newton S N
Nevcl1 F Nicimol J 1"
NorturmV C ) O'Neill tiV2
Oiscmm 11 O'.Nell L
Onsteria , ! O'Connell I'
O'lirioim 'm\ ' l'nhimtorli
l'torker 11 l'oiimtor .1 Ii
[ 'lailsen .1 A 1'ot'eil ( ;
I'Jimer Mm- Polar \V
l'igeoim It A l'atterson C .1
lboo .1 Itmopt .J 1)
lleyiulls ( IL C 1ciliimumid .1
Rico iI imiimer , .
Reed F Russell & Co
Bwlammtl 'ml F 1tols C A
$ ilvcster .1 11 Stlmr'mo ( i 11
S ipplim ( I Such .1
Shilves L S'imiitlm .1
Simmitli F' Simicad 'tV
F Stewart R ? 1
Scamuptomo I ) .1 Sclmruedcr
Swaimsoum C Simeehmy D
Segertotoim A Scituovuxim A
Stoimborim 0 ( ; Tayior It
Tuttle .1 A Torn,1imiot , A
Trmmmporo Vt' Tristitle 'tV .1
'I'lmorscn 1' \ \Taimtlerfor1
\Vitt I Ii \\'riguuid S
\Vittiii" I : 'tv \\'atsoil (
\VotieohlF 't'ormii W
\Vaietromum .1 M I \\'tiig .1 II
\\'oimrxmmtmum 1' "tViest i ) C-
Wells S Wjlsomm (5 1.
Voting 1" 1 I Xiegier F A
Zammacki .
yoiiti ii cL.tom 3IATTEIm.
U \Vjicox Miimnio ICiahimi
, r Itolijim Miss I Bray
C 0 hotTer E F Kellogg
LAIIIKS m.ummr.
A A .e1ies .1 Alcos Mrs (1V
Brotmm Miss .1 Buck Miss itt
Barr Misc C ltrob'it Mrs C
Jteiiiiiger Mis .1 l Itrowmm itirs B
liuhlis Mrs 'r ltmurroughms Miss 'tV ' M
Boi Mrs .1 Bradley Mrs C
Jilamuti Miss II Bloumm : itrs R
Briwmm , ittiso L Ituek itims K
Calluohan K C 'ormie 1 itlrs J
Catiehie Mrs 0 lnggamm Miss l' S
ieviim ) Mrs It I ) cniston MIss itt
lJem'imm Mrs It 1 ) aitioti Mn , C
1''miimi Misc i' Eii hart Miss N
' [ 'oxter ? I1I'tM A i"iaumimory Mrs F
Cotlumoy Miss C. ' ilolmimes Mios F
I loll itimes N I Iollnrg itiis (2
I hzmunhiu itiri. .1 1 ( miii ittrs .F
I I iilamm .1 v 1 [ imlliugom' itirs C
lleriumg Mrs B .Iohiimsoim itlisi ii
.Ioimumsmm , itirt. .r , Eoimuusoim Miss itt A
, Ioimmmmim , itliio , 1 C Joimoi itirs I
, i tltimeon , it I rs 't I mihiumoori 1
Jtoumu itliss Iichcw'ul , , I
itleliritlo Mrs B \lartiim 'mIrs J
itltiriimy itiro J ideCmmrtimy itlis C'
Nilsoit itlb.s II I Neal Mrs itE
Oiuiuaim 3(108 ( A l'ichcartl itims it !
Boy itul A , r 1 Stuuielrs C 31
Himiglotoim itlrs ii S Sumlllvtmmi itti's IC 31
ScimmmmidtIrs 31 SimilI'mmim itlios IC
Stroumg itliss F Starthclmiinlschm ? elrs .1
St.ohiemmry itlies 31 Similtim itira N
Suumijwoim 31045 ( ' 1 Snail Mrs F
'I'urimer itirs S Thomas 31 iso Ii
Vernon itihe B \Vjisoim Miss A
\'t'ehls 'iliss 31 Weed 3h1't Is
Vntmi Mrs V \\'eaver itIma A IC
. 't'iumcimostor Mrs A't'iimg itlis 'I' ] t-i
't't'imlte 31mw C A Is K W'Illinimus Mis I )
\'t'ills Mie itt Voummaky itlins F
( iii AS. K , CouT.tNr , l'
Natiollal BaR
Capital , - - $100,000.00
, HAMILTON , Pros't.
: M. T. BARLOW , Caohlor.
Accounta noilcltod nnd kept isub-
I Joot to eight chock.
m Certificates of Dopoolt losued pay-
I able In 3 , 0 and I2 months , hoarln
I Interact , or on demand without In-
L' torost.
civflcoS mndo to cu8tomortm or
t njprovod socurltloc at market rate
. of Interest.
The Interests of Customers arc
1 closely gUarded and every facil t
I conwatlblo with princlplos o
, sound banking freely extended.
ml DrnwoIghtdraftsonErilandl o
m land , Scotland1 and all parts of Eu'
' ropo.
I European Pcotmtmngo Tlckot8.
) Coiecton.c PrnnptMaae. .
; Oaiago & Wagon Make
II JobblagiOf all Kinds Promptly Attended Tc
t Now amid * t"ud haul tugt' er.d mocoec alwa
orm tm&ti't , CILO. ' it LIJOrN.
to ( .ior , 25th autt Lvayonwortti.
1Eas the Best Stook in Omaha and Makes th&Lowest Pri
r .j r5Ttt '
Mirrors , Bedding , Feathers
And Everything pertaining to the Furniture -
ture and Upholstery Trade.
1200 , 1208 amid 1210 Farnani St.
To .A.11 P1 OO3L - . OMAHA , NEIl ,
Luffihier , Lath , lifliales , Pickets ,
Near Union Pacific Depot , - . - OMAHA , NEB
w-M : : : sN---Y-DH
4i J
Carriaaes , BuiesRoad , agous
1315 antI 1320 IIaonoy Street and403 S. 13th Street , ' - - ' '
OPi1..4..A. 1LB
. . . . .
u-trM.e1 Catalorno fimrimihei , free , mnon , em.nlIoeittri. . ,
c ; I Siluhisoll ,
3i ' . : : ;
. Factory
. - \
5air4" 11M ) and liii Dodge SLreet ,
-4" S
, - - - - - - .
Thirteenth , Bet. Farnam and Douglas Sts.
A1 S FishMati , M D ,
Throat and Lungs , Catarrh , Kidney and Bladder as Well
as all Chronic and Nervous Diseases.
: IDEt. ) : F I ii : 13 I. A 'P 'I'
has discovered thorveatest cure Ii ) the sor1d for weakness of the back and limb , , involuntary diceliarge , ,
Inipoteimcy , general dohulity , norvouness , languor , confuciomm of Idean , ImlplttIoii of tOme heart , timidity ,
tromiibuiiir , titiIiIICC'I of sight or gidditiesa tilecasea of the head , throat , mown or ekin , affection , of the liver , ' 4
ltmngc , atomuaclu or bowelo--thono merrihlo htiit. artolmig from colitar3' habit , . of ) ( iUtil , and cecret practice.
01000 fatal t , . the lctinis titan the coup of Syrenc to the mariner , of UIoes , buightirig their moat indIan
lioI'U $ or niitlci1cotisni , , remiiiurlig iiwrrmago lliiIOCcitiIU.
'Iiwsu that aru cutrering froum the evil Practices which destroy their mnemtal and 1)1iYiiCI myttema
cauchig t
'I1o symptoms of wlch are it dimmi , dwtrvw..etI mmmiiiI which unuita them for IerftrlIllrlL their buelneos and
cocial dutico , niake's happy Imiarrialdu lmipooeiliiu , diereaoee the actloii of thu heart , cmtioirlv miuhec of heat ,
doliro'si'ii of spirito , COJI f.rob'xIiilgd , cowardice , femrd , drean , , , restless nightq , Iizziits , forgetfulire. .
imuimaturni dich.irguo , iamii in the btck mid tii.i , cimort brvatlIiII $ , niulaiiclit'iy , tmru eaiiy Of COiiIPaiiy 0d
lotte j.referuricu to ho alouie , feeliii as tmro,1 In thu mn'rnisi' , ac wlieii retirlmig , coinimini ntuakiiesa , lent roan.
Iiooi , tIrito liorto , lc oolt iii tile unite , , mervousmiuo , coifuioti , of jiioulit treiimbiing , vaIery arid weak eye.
'Im _ wuiemnia ' coimotip.ttLn , Iatciieao , palm , arid a ealeimeac In tin , lirobi , etc. , afiould C'IflbUiL ' InC imiiumedlately azwl
be reotore'd to lrfuct health.
S'tmo Ilalo becoino victimius of solitary vice , that tirm1fiii and dvstnmctmvo habmt wmiicji annually eweep. to an
uithuemy , , mu timotm.armd. of youIi" macic vi ciatted taieiit aii'i ' lirilliarit iimteikct who miiigiit ctherwIi , ,
untremie'e liotdnum ! .4emiaiora with the iiuiicra , of timoir oloimuojico or wake to ecotacy the hung lyre , rosy ciii
w"h full cs'iitdencv. ,
Married maons or youmigaemm coiitcni'latlni marriage iwliig aware of ihyoicnl woalones , , b.c of procreatly.
i'ower ' , lflh1iteiiCY , or niiy . 'tiiertilwiunhiflcatioim elCXIily reltomuti , lie who 'laet'e himself Under tl re of
llr. tmalibiato mimay ru1ikua1) ' ioul'e'e iii Imia honor as a guntiommiarm , end ' ' : icly upon hL eMil as a
Iiimiixtnllately emru.l nri'l hill ' . igor retirtnl. 'FbI. tiietresiiz ntiitctioi-w l.icm render , . life a bunion anI
miarriago tui1ioisttiiu , IC She mWlI..ity Icetit Ii ) ' tIm , , victim for tliIIiruer ) Indulger , , e \'ouii eeo1u are apt to
commit front hut Ue'lii mowaro of thu drui4ftut coImbe.ltmvlmeoa that may encue. , , . who that
uiter.tomiiis t1i. oIitJOvt will dcii ) ' tii.i.t lirtwratmul ) Is lust .ooiie'r by tho.u falling Iiito iruproptjr lebitst than
i'y Fflid'11t ? lienidea lwliiii do1rhed of thu l'1otiru of healthy ( 'isIdis ' , the miiwt "eriouc aimO deotructivo
a ) rlIm't'mlt5 ' of butts hotly aiiI mitmnd ariou. 'limo cyotelmi lwcoiiios tlerami"od , the Iii3 cleat OIItI uieiita.I function ,
woatem. Lose of irt'cru.ntlvo puwer , nurous mrribibtmltyde11a , aipluttlotm ot the heart , Indigc.tlon ,
ctltu lomial lebmfity , wanting of thu frarue , conh , ceumnuruptlorm aol Jean. . ,
l'eraoiii ruined In lmealtm i3t unloarneti pretenders who hce1 , thtm trilling rmuenth iafter month takit
I 11auumutms and iiijuriotms compoumidi , Iiutmhm apply Iitiiiioditeiy. g
DR. ' '
FIS1IBLA'li' ,
I ratimiwio of ( cite ( it ( hi moat oinhimnt ool1.e of the U.iIteI Stab. , , tiLe eflectt bolime of tmio mount aetonicti. 'I P
tlg eudus Utat ire 01cr lemmuwn ; imeany troubled with rInji , lit thu ecrand heal ,
, miurvouneo , Den alarumout at . , nitim fruluelit , blioltimi4 , attwid.t .ozvtmu wlemmao1eop whIm , great .
. int'nt If Uiu iteiimd w re oimrud imuitiutilatomy. Cerailgu.
.mAKE 1'AH'1'lCUL1t NYl'ICE ,
Dr. I' . modsiroeoe all tIiou who hov iiijuru4 tlmzmmceltiui tic lumnrupoImidult ami .
nut , both body mit 10101 , tm.tmtttmiig thei for llueime.4 aUmiy , cooluty or imm.mrriau. aol.tary lmatilt which
'i'huae axe ovine Ut the onolanuhoty odu. 1'ru'uou.i , disc .
' lmabit.
y early
of , - , ,
, .
youth iintoakis. :
of thu
. tack and itmutet , lOta Ito the hood and dbuuue sit .4iit , lta of mittwjUiar
dy.pcp.ia , nervoUC irrmtibti&t ) , dorami.' of , dtjvadm fuouttoiw. debility muwar , * um.umnjolomi , PIl'Itatloim ' , of iii , heart ,
, to CONStLTATi0X at-t 'O , toewb' FltFl , reolluat Chiares a ettanu muoderate iii cat..g.i mi wlthiim cJi wij 'the reach ' if afl who iieeu .cucttnc MeIrl (
.mmople cc' t' ttieirc n't ins w ti ' t'rutlt attemitt thraugh aU
'AdJremms i4oti lIc'x JI , Omaha , Neb