i - - - - - - - - - - - - -T-- ! _ - - - - _ _ _ _ _ . - . I _ _ _ Wa,1THE OMAHA DAILY BER ' t . rITIRTEENTII uAR. OMAHA , NEB.rFUESDAY MORNING , OCTOBER 2 , 1883. NO. 91. ALFONSO APPEASED. , Iic ill ! SaillAccts th ADolaay , 1. . . ' ' ' Frace a Sfllrts for , : ' : + ' t The Oourt and Press of Europa , d , ' ihouss. the Iatost French , . Outrage1 'The People of Spain Resent the Insult by Sp eoh atd Resolution , TronbcN ) Iii ( Jhliut Inercnsc-A Va. : zicty i : Ot her Itcnw. GEEitA14 FOIU1GN NEWS. I " UI1tAN KING. LoNiof , , October 1.-A l'ariR corro- t. spondwit &fys : The people caine almost to tIu ) WIflIOWS ( of the 1iI1g'B crrmgo 'hissiig anti groanin. A. woman broke her unibrella by strikin the carriage of the Duke of S sto3 Priiiio Minister Ferry , who role with theKing , requested anoflicer of thu curassiors to keep cosoto the carriac. The men were appa. rently beside theniselves with rage. They shook their fiats in the very windows of the carriage. Even where the attitude of the crowd wa least aggres- sivc , there were no words of greeting - ing Tue Paris Figaro , in the name of French dignity and politeness , prstests igaiiist the manifestation. The Gaulois says the demonstration was worse than a inistao. It ; was worse than crime. The Clerica describes it ; as an act of savagery and a disgrace to the country. The liitransegeant says : Spain will know that in ICing Alfonso it was not the Spaniard who was hooted but the G3r- man. The iCing's positiQu was so dati- l gerous at the rail\rny stitioii that all laniav1s drew their awords. A Spanish niilitary attache was prevented by his I , companions frol4l leaping from the carriage - riago to avenge the insultsofl'cred to the Xing. Alfoiiso dispensed with the services - vices of President Gravy's Aiddc-Camp , na wMkcd this morning along the Boulevards with oiily au attendant. . , President Gievy , being informed that the king would not attend the banquet at the Palace Elysee , yesterday visited him anti made an humble apology. Tle king accepted the apology , but said if ho stayed longer in Paris that he hoped , as the outrige had bcoi public , the reparation - tion would also be 1)UbliC and that the ' 7 apology be published in tim oflicial jour- , f nal. lIe returned fr4In the banquet at the Palace Elysee at 11. There was no public demonstration. It is rumored - ed that Prime Minister Ferry .l and his colleagues threatened to resign unless President Orey apolo- : . s gned to King Alfonso for the liostlo do- tiioustratioii. The whole Geritian cia- - ' - ' . ( - - . baimy visited the Icing iii uniform yestcr- day. AT TI [ BANQUET. Eh , . The Times cOrresIOflueflt says : At the 'N banquet at the Palace Elyseo , President ' _ Grovy uu1. Miuistor earnestly prossd \ King Alfdno Eo acceVt special traia k the Spanish frmticr.iIio King accet- ed the offer nd left for Spi at 8:4 : this mbriing 4 AFFAIIU3 IN CANTON. . LonN , October 1.-A anton lis. patch' ' reports the Chinese ticeroy has written au ollicial note to the English consul at Canton , con)1aiIIing of the ro suit of the trial of Tide Waiter Logan as being a miscarriage of justice. The con S sul'points out that tIe real cause of thic viceroy's coinplauit is that the prisoner was fairly tried instead of being con demised to death unheard. Business is entirely SU5JeIllCd in Caiitni , and thic Chinese are leaving the city in great nun bers. d 31ANIAItDS O1t\VJNfl WAEM. LONON , October J.T1io1adridcor , rcspondcnt of the TUnes sayth flie hios. tile rocption a corddd Ahforio iii ParIs , ' has considerably iiscreaed his prestige at home. his isersoisal courage and djscre Lion , his ( higqiuicl bearing during his walk in the streets of Paris and his visit to l'resitlont Grevy's residence at Elysee without escort , arc subject. of general oulogium and adiniratior. by tire Spaniards. 'flie citizens are highly in- conaod ver tire inults offered Aifohao in l'aris. Brids ; of 1)001)10 paraded the street yesterday eveningiiisulted Frenrh. inert and openly threatened tire French L embassy. ! rire jOhiCO ) prcveirted.io1ecnq. . Senor Wanot , at t sneetiicg othu Dcm I.st.4 ocratio club , declared the insults othsrcd to the king affected tire whole Spanish nation , whicir would s3t.nl by tire klqg. his utterances wore received with 'oud ' cireering. Marsiral Serrano telegraphed Senor Corrovas Del Castoilo that the cause oi tire monarchy deinaniled Iris presence in Madrid. Olilcers of the garrison ais held is meeting , at which strpng speeches .aqaiiist France were delivered. Alarming reports prevail that the ' Spanish cabinet will deirraird of thc French governureirt a public apology for tire inaul otIcrel Alfonso , and the Ocr. inair govornuicut will snake renronstranc . .nt the indignities to winch tire SpaniaF king was subjected. Alfoirso was quite unaware of his ap porrttnoirt to a ioiorroicy of tire Ulilall regilnoirt until ire received it 550(1 iiis urn. form irunultaneously. Emperor \Vihliair untended the appointnnernt as an agree nllO surprise. lie would riot lend Idni self to nnytining tinat would be likely tc excite projuilico zrgainnst orw for whom lit had taken exceptional liking. 13iainarc S bad nothing to do with thu apponrtnrent . Jsifonso ami tire Duke of Connaugirt cx dranged visits Sunday. l'rcsidont ( ire ) w9iit to thno depot Saturday to greet thu. icing. K The youngest and favorite son ( the Arneor of Afghuniston died hero o I TilE KINO AIrEASKI ) . I A Paris correspondent of TlneTi says King Ahfonso is portectiy satisfied o tire good faith of Prime Minister Ferr as reprc8enting thno Frunchr ( Jovernmenj The ICing does not admit for a monica that tIne spirit shown on Saturday by tin znob , winch was excited by false state meuut of anarchist agithtorn , represent tire French nation. lie shortened hi stay irs Paris by one-half the time in tended. Tire King dodrod to dinnuinisi tire difficulties that 1usd arisen from hisvisit. Tire Marquis do La Vega do Armijo , Spanish Minister of } 'oroimr Al- fairs , antI the Spanish overnmnemrt , err- tireiy agree with the decision of the iCing to lca'ro I'aris. . The journMs of Paris continuo con. demur the conduct of the populace toward Alfonso , pointing out especially that. they wore playing into the hands of flismarck. The Journal Oflicial published the fact. that Orovy apoloizcd to ICing Aifonso for the ommtrngo of Saturday afternoon. riro Fiemuch tnninmisters prcsctt. at thobaur- ( ] tl't .l . I i' I'rt-ident Cirt'vy in honor of Alf at in tia1.aco , Elysce Strmrdusy evening. innclnnilul , nli except. tire inniristor of n rr , iit.1 tine irninnrster of ngrrcultnro. l'residtnt ( rovy wore the Spainsin nrler of the Uolden Fleoco. King Ahfoirso conrvered f'r half an hour after tire ian- (1nret vithn ti rovy arid l'rimo i\lrnistcr 1"crry. ( ir3vy urged tine. iCing to reinrun in l'aris nurotiner day. % .Alrious co5tMENT. All B rhin pP ° ' express great inidi- nation at tire insults ofFered Aifoirso in Paris. Tire MadritlAboria say tine donnonstra. tion against Alfouso will 'renuiain'a ' ' lasting sirannie to France. If sine does irot. give the fullest satisfactions it. will show that the ovoruumnent of Fraitcc hnis merely a nonarmnal oxistmnco monti tirat a few seditious - tious Irersouks are more jsovcrfnml than all authnoritior. The reptrbiican laiers ) urge tire Spaunisir reovle to be caIrn nird pru- ( liMit in order to avoid playing into the hands of Bisnnarck. At the nnueoting of the dynastic Loft. to-day , after a speech by Moret favorhg thro irojct , it was resolved to organize a great public ddinoirstration in horror of tim ICing on iris arrival irere. Tire umniliLury of Madrid passed sinnilar resolutiours. Prune Minister Ferry and Cirahiomer Lacour , Minister of Foreign Airairs , had. a long conference this thorninig. The Temps Says President Grovy's . action iii nupologif.iIlg to Aifonzo for tire hostile mannilestations will mayo the best etreet in dispelling tire clouds looming up be- twceu France and Spain. General itittic , secretary of President Grovy , and tine Duke do Ferirauze , Span- isir Emnbarsador to France , nscorIed tire King to tine nailway station. Tire King made an oxcehlent impression on tire guests at tine iainquct. Prdsidont Grevy , referring tiiereto said inc never expected to meet so much good. sense , dignity and coolness in so young a lung. ALL QUIET AT CANTON. HoNG KoNG , October 1.-AlIquict at Canton. Adviccs from ilaiphrong state that 550 French troops , under Colonels Bucinot and Badens , started tire 29th ult. by way of Tonuquiri river for Bacnimp. It is believed air expedition left. Hanoi at the same time for Bacuinup. A PRIVATE SLIIG. 1ffl111 au Sheriff Bi11c tbr a Fight ir $2OOO a tllc liaiiiiithllshi , A Select Oompany to Witness the Bout. Naw Yoit , October 1.--Chnas. Mitchell , and WTrn. Sheriff , heavy weight pugilists , both from migiand , fight tornorrow evening foi $2,000 and the cirampiensinip. Tine fight wiibo lrivato. It is understood - stood fifty ieti vih1bo nthnittodonbeiuuif of each prinbipal. Tine Ietdimig sporting intern arc anxiously waiting for a tip , coin- fldennt tirrut thu attendance will apt be . limited. Itis saiU $ i0 linus aiicady' been I offered fora ticket of admnnisuion. Mitchell is iii fine forrn. ills thick mock and features are very brown ; iris inanrds , very I . large ) are inard and Iris kinickles npcar to be as large as eggs. "I have not been doing very hard work . silica 1 carrie here , ' said Mitcineil. ' 'Tire fact is , I was in excellent condition wlronn I landed iii Iew York fronni lCnursrs : Ci y , whore I traimreJ. very lime for my fight withSialo. Sl de wa afraid to fight. PCr1mls.I a.iittle dvor anxious. His ( S1rtc1e'beckcri ) picked out New Orleans I as tine brnttfls groumnd , bcckuse they kiew . wowould mrot fiint there ! Shut ? cuuid have inrCde $5,000 amid hind all iris expenses pilil to fight in Now Mexico , butinedarcdmnotfnght mile. " RU1TISIL G RAIN 'r1IE. The Market JAIfirIliS urril l'rlecsr LoNDON , October 1.-The Mark Lane Express , in its roiowi of tire Jiritisir grain trade tine past week , says : 'l'hro cclii amndwet. ivatiner iras . iniumsIpefed tine . . gathroring.of tire .r'emnniramntof tine irarveat rind has also icenl very unfavorable for tire tinresining of grairr. 'Fine : of new Emnglishr wheat that arrived are gem- orally iii bad cOndition. 1)amnp nramnrjhos one ulnsaleahio amid dry samples barely . maintain Iroviouns rates. Flour very Foreign wircats very depressed. Supplies large. Arrivals of flour Incavy. l'ircmfio coast flour does irot appear rritetl tor tine London rmnarket. ! ulaizo gradnr- I lilly cineninuirung ; mixed American on Friday - day vas sjirotetl at 20n oX-Bini1)IflOflt. Cnn- goes oil tii coast. are lifeless. Throne r . soru 23 arrivals and 7 srdes , 10 with- ( in'a\Vmi , arid I I remnlaimi on smile. ' ! 'ridu is forward and ( leprossed. 1'hro sales of English wircat for tire voul svert. 72,814 1uartor nit 'liii vor quarter , against 5,821 . quarters at IOn .Ini ier qniirtur : for thu I corrcspomrdinrg wecihustyrar. : : Til I si'i : I ( : 'iro 1oirIs him ( iourler-Jorrm'niaI ) nirlni fen OnritMin amid Gc lr S Itairilall. : I400ISvILIJ , October 1.Tine Courier , Journial'aVruniuingtou bureau seirt a large riunrlber of circnnlars out niuring tire pan I week bearing upon tine speakerairip of tint next house of Iteprcncrntativcn. 'I'hmc f r Courinir.Jourrral to.day publishes tire ro suit of its ofrorta. It says : Tinorearo 191 icinocratic nnorrnbers of tine next inourno . 'line Dennocratic caucus will riot consist ci S macro thnan 190 mncmnnbcrs. From the souL ) f tiroro are 101 mnennbors ; from tire cmrtin , cast 42 , fromnr tire north arid west 53. Barr dali's chances are sunnnied UI ) 88 follows t Out of tire New York delegation Inc ma get 10 votes ; concede him 31. voteulfronr - the cast , winch in more than likely ii S will get ; give him 25 froni tire south 5 which is tire largest mrunnber claimed b . iris friends ; from tire west Randall' ' Er friends expect no more than 15 votes II making a total for Randall of ' 'I volt's , o 21 iem's ' than needed for the nomnnirrMionn in full caucus. Curlinlo's chanices are predicted - dicted to be &s follows : On second or third ballot Alabama will give him 5 yotes , Cahifornula 8 , illinois 8 , Iowa 2 , Louisiiuirs 3 , Michigan 2 , ! ! in.ornri 9 , Now York ( COT out ) 12 , North Carolina 3 , South Caroihrur 4 , Texas 8Vest Virginia 2 , Arkansas 4 , Georgia 8 , Indiannu 8 , lCentucky8 , Manna- clntinettn Mississippi 5 , Nevada I , Now , h cr50) ' 1 Ohio 0 , 'l'eniricssce 5 , Virginia \Visconinini 4 ; totui , 1 10. Cox will receive - coivo lri'ro ' votes ProbahrlY oil tire IirSt nallOt than Bunlall I ho will not get less thmnni .hi , anti miray get 50. Springer rihl receive 7 or 8 , rund tintro will ho 10 or P2ten scattering. 'I'hio contest iuray mrarrorv dwnr botveomn Carlisle and Cox. I ii mini Cditorinl ott tire Speakersinip , l'huo Courier-.Journal says : ' 'it is Sirnnly prelontcronns to hehiovo that tire flenn'crntF ( ' 'if ' the rut'xt hloirso vilI reverse I Ia' ii , riot only inn tire Inst ( ' . 'rInt . . , I . , 1. r tin. ' la3t thirty years , and 1nt I . t\s tmmudtr tine lead of a milan wino s fOlfltel injrnself froru ; tine party to lieu ) ICeifer annul Keiity 811(1 1obenorr f ) fnisteir a vile arid tlnrevinig job upon tire 1)001)10 ) of tine United States. TIlE COUiTt' ' BUSINESS. The Icglt1inn1o 'l'rnuto of tine Cnnrnrtvy ( reur1hy 1)InniIied. BOSTON , October 1.-A "table" corn- 1ilpd. frorrt aliecial thapatcires to The Post from the : nruan1agtrs of twenty-seveR leading - ing clentriiig irotilen of tire United States , gives tire cearances ) for tue week crdinrg Septeurber 30th , antI tire jrnr cenutage iii- crease or decrease comniparod with the corresponding week in 1882. Tire cxiii- , bit is again very unfavorabl n wireni korn- pared with Unit of tire corresponding week of last year. Tire aggregate if clearings for tine week wore $1,014,518 , . 362 , againrunt $950:1S9,102 : for last weak , arid $987,452,8(2 ( for tire previous week. 25 compared with last year , tine cearinrgs show a decrease of 10. 18 1' ' ° cent , against a friliiirg air of 21.5 per cent last week. Tire incavy failures in New York , nird tire long-conntimnned drought , which iint curtailed - tailed tine produuctiorn of tine inilis , aird tire continued iresitnuncy of buyers to enter - ter tire iruarket , inns largely curtailed tire anuioumntof legitinnnate brininess throughout - out tire country , anid ins been directly reflected onthre learimnginouse returns. Sudden 1)eatln at IIlrrvarI. Special to Tini Bnmn. IlAltvArrr ) , Nob. , Octsber 1.-This mnlornning tire body of Z. ? tcckimnson , a Gernnran , amntl gardener by occupatli in , was found iii Lire yard of onro of tine prorrninemrt Gerrnrarns of thins place. The body showed rio signs of fQul p1ay , arid it is supposed ire dieti iii nu fit. lie mad doubtless gone to tire prcnnuises for hell ) , as ire mad dome a good deal of work at tire place. lie wn auritor of the Ccii. gregatiomrai church arid had opened tine cinurcit and rang tire bell last inighrt. lit vns all unrunarrietl niraru muinl mad no rein. tives , as far as knownr , in this corrutry. Ho often spoke of laboring for a market gardener in tire vicinity of New You City. Ho has been a resident of llarvarc for five years. st iuctor , ' 1xpennnnienit Oil Arrlnnaln4 Naw OnLIANS , October 1.-Durinrt tine last summer Dr. Saimnnonn. of tine rug ricultural departrnrourt Iran been conduct ing a series of oxperiinnemnts intended IA ascratain tire causes arid means of pro. venntion of inog cholera and pleuro-pmneu nionila aunrong cattle. At tine cattle stir. tiara near tinis city about twenty cows lrave been subjects of cxperiinnent. Fif. teen were inoculated to ascertain if lung disease which prevail about \Vasininigtonr was conutagioris but rio results tending to estabhisin tirat coniciusion followed inrocrrhationr. Otirex oxporiureirtsr were rmnade to discover a sysu. tcrq of vaccination to In-otect hangs rrrnri chickens fronnu clrolcra. Tine greatest oh , . stacie emncornnntcred was tine lack of suf. hility in hog virus , amid its liabiiity tc ( leteriorato. 'lire virus inunist. ho citivatc(1 so rus to heap uniforrnn strcirgtii , iumnnl as tire rincains for ricing tinis inn yet innnkmnownn , , it mnirmst 1)0 anicertainneni by furtirer oxperi. mnmonits. Better results innuve followed tint investigations intO tine ciraracter of tint s'irus in ciricicent cholera. . . . - - - - - - - - Tine Coolidge JtaInIcrH. Toro , : CITY , lCamnsnrs , October 1.- . I Larry ] ) orrnnclly , tine hnirkccior cnmnpioycnl itt 1)ormirue's saloorn , arid one leani , wert bronighrt. mere fronnr Cwiinlgo , tire sconro ol : tine traimn robbery , amid lodged inn jail hirat ovcmninrg. All are very retietnnnt , and refuse - fuse to be inntcrviowed. ] urnrsirnrl Mat. tirovu : rnntl Ir. Sunttonn , attorney of tint ronrl tininrk tire circuninintunitial , evidence _ ngnirnsit 1)onirr very - strong. . It Now Itorni r ) Nrurlnvlllo. NAsnnvmIr.N , 'I'cnnnn. , October I.-TInc lavidsonn cornnty eonnt to-day voted ire. coltiriiCO of tire of ? uessrs. limnnutimngdonn annd otiners , Lnrjoctors of tine now road fronnr Cimicnmnmnati to Nnraiivihle that tire colnmnty sinaI ! levy a tax snufhiieinI to pay malt tine cost pf tinc bridge adross ino ( iunnibeulannd riv1r , to ho macn joinitiy my tine railroad anal by tine cormnnty air r free bridge - to - _ tins city. - CininiHiomn mnl UTICA , N. Y. , October 1.-A special IA 'I'hno Observer sass : At ( nine O'clOck p. nm. tire triuinu tlnat left Utica ahnonit 1 1 oclocii collidtitl with tire traimr fronmn 1'ort Plnrirr1 three uniles fro n here , telescoping eircir , nnnalning a comnnpiete wreck of 1)0th cnginrwn winicir are mow staindimrg ujinigint. It in repsinted timnut six wore killed mmd severn wonnirded. - - 4 ' .Varrnrrnt trrvrI urn ) Ii. I'mInn.AI'nxr.nInnA , Octohnor 1.A fuwdnnyi ago a warrnmnt was issued for tine arrest a Augustus IC. Keidel , a ci'ar nicaler , oi tineehrrrgoof rupiiropriatinrgti,000frommn thn . Buiidimng association , of winch Ire wits thr treasurer. Keidel was hnrontrsrted by ill : mess at tire tune , arrsl tine wnrrrannt we. I nnOrVCl , and late Saturday night. Inc ox Tncntoa Crstlnctl rut ! Itninnerl. ' 1'ItENT ( ) , October 1.-TIme fire brok F out anew after ruinhnnigint inn St. Joinmn' 1 Catholic churcin. 'l'hre whole buildinni was gtrtte(1. Tlreventmnentamnd yeseIs were saved. Crowds of wommnen ; gatirerud about tire edifice wcupinrg. 7 - n Sine TooI tnro ( ntes. a Sr. CATIJEIrINa , October' 1. - Tine pro I pehior Frost , iunrd up tine now carnal V carried away two gates of tine lock tin B auorlninng. Navigation will be interrupt , ed some days. Meuumrtimnu smnrunli vessel r nnsc thu old canal , THE NATIONAL CAPITAL , An Imortat cti si tockmll Ci11od. iy rnmisioir LoriQI , _ * I Another Fourteen Millions of the Publia Debt Wiped Out , Tine l'oNtofthi5b Ih'Innrnnrent itunles Strngly lii 1"nrvnnr ( nt Nows. . . hiulCi. ( i l'lTAIi NY'I , ( nA1u1IN(1TON ( IN vAsnn1xrro. W'.tninINOTON , October l.-l.ieunt. B. A. ( inrnlinngtdIn , Soenntlr cavalry , who corn- nrnrnndeui tIne ( irceloy relief expedition , arrived \Vnslninxgtorr 1mm nrrornninng from : Nov York anal reported at. tire war partnnrunrt. I Ic visited tine signal chico nnd marl a eonstrltnutiont itln Cnupt. ? dills , actnng chief signal otIlcer , anul Liernt. C.rseyee , of tinat service , art nnratters ro- latirig tin tire recent expedition. Licunt. ( Lsriinugtonu will report uhirectiy to Scene- tar ) ' Lincoln IrS ROIt nS ( mat tnhlieer ro- trnrnn \Vnalninngtonr , and iii tIne nnnoau- time de'linut'n to st' : annytininig wlnnutevor . .flr tine snnlject of tire oxpeditiomn for 1nub- I icnititlnr. Scretary Lincoln left. Wvsininigtonr Saturday nniglrt. for Sandinsky , Ohio , to spend ii frv slays near there rsnr tire smote of Lake Erie. Tmin nurnnT vTMnr throws a decrease of tine national nielrt dtnrinn Septonnilnur of $14,707,279 ; cash inn tine 'Jrenrannry , $355-150,070 ; gold certiti- eaten , $ S,249,52-t ; silver curl iticates , . - .I90ti11 , ; cortihicates of doimosit , $1 li.15- ) 000 ; refmnnidinng certificates , $ :132,75o : ; ho. gaL I ennder , $ J-hIJfl81,0 10 ; fractionnurl cur- rcnics _ , $ Gl)92tOti , ) ) ; cash availnub rn onu OC- tolner 1 , $158,54(1,010. ( Time issue of standard silver dollars frnr tine nmnonrthn exrdimng Septenuber 29 is $8,67.I,19t ) ; cot- iesnonndinng tinno last year , $ iG1.109. 'mu : cOntuAN itmnsey to-day niade ohhicial calls nnpomn tire mends of tine dihlerenit foreign ltgationna. 'I'o- morrow they will visit tine State , War nunnd Navy Departments. FEIOIITFUL MOnCTALITY in nnxnco. Surgeon lrntinn , of tire i'ulmtrinnc irospital service at llrowiisviilo , 'I'tx. , seinris tine following , rccciitiy received fnomnn Mexico : In Trupacinuin , State of Ciniinnainnna , a reigns , onn account cf tine great nnnor- taiity cainsed by black smallpox. Tire towir inns a Iropurlationi of 10,000 , mmd 1,200 diCI , ileconnlOsitiolr suottinig iii mr unnariy cases before death. AN IMI'OItTANr CON VENTIOW. Tire following circulnrr in baling insured frona tine Depnrtnnrcmnt of Agricmilturo ; "A convemntiour of representatives of all eirtsses interested inn ntinimnnnl inndnnstries inn tire United States will be meld in Chicago Tlrtnruclay and Friday , Novonuiber 15th ( and l6tir , for a conference eomncerinimn contagious diseases among our donnestit animals. mr ndclntionr tx udtIressc turd reports , tine following thjitm are proposed : for tliscusnionr : Firt. tire oxtunnt to vimicii L connt.agioins disoirses exist nrnnong do rniestic amrimnmis iii tins country second , tine nnrodcs in ) ' winicir tine ) ' are inn troduced or dissemnnimnatod ; tinird , imnethmodn . by winch time ) ' nniny be eradicated or innS . fected districts be isolated ; fornrtin , tint cihicnenicy of existing iegisiationr relative I to such diseases. It is desired tirat tins . coirvenution runny be inationnal annd tiror. ouginly reprcscnntativo hr its. cinaractor. Fine timnre 811(1 lnlnrcQ mayo have bourn n selected for tire colrvcnnieirce of a iarc nntnmnnlor of tiroso ( lirectiy inmtereiLed mu qmncmntiomna to be discussorl , rlro are ton - n Inorted to be inn atteirdamncu at tire nmnrrnnal I fat stock sminow unndtnr tine auspices of tint : lilimrois state lirsard of nrgmicrnlturu mund tire mnreeti mugs of a mm nnmnnber of i mn nortamu hive stock mrsmocirtionrs ; arc to he meld drrr. 1mg tire conrtimmnrnrnncu ( f this sirow. Agmi cnnhttnrnl , live sutoek amnd dairy aasocinntionns are nnnvited to acrid represcmntatives , amnml nil Iersomms inntcrested in breeding , roar imig , tmamnsportinng , innijnorting , or export. I lug ninny cinranu or formnr of anuinnnais will be weiconmieti to time comnvemntioni. ( Signed ) Gio. : B. LOIUNn , Comnnrnuissionnor of AN nNraY : ( ANOILLuI : ) . 'fire 000nnmmisaiolncn of tine gain oral lnnm(1 ounce 1mm camneolled time Jmnmmmstern1 , onntry - of Limo Dakota enistimnnus mhflcer , bucnunnuso tine I hrvuu' under wimicin 1w held cHico reqnnires I lninn to roiide inn tel ni , tinus ircchnnrhimn ) tine juoanniiiiitv of ini nrctnnalhy residimmt nnponn lands sought to Inc entered its re ( htniac(1 ( by the Jmonnnenrtcnrd irw. ) M monvrANT To NEW14nA mint monA Ingion. Inquiries frommu nimamny ten IA wimotimer timay cormld be eomnrpolled Lu lIlLY for newspapers saint to their address witirout auntinority hues called iortir tire fohlowinrg rinhimng frommn tine Iroatoflico do 1nnrrtnneint : ' 'l'iro ihubility of it party t , lIlly for a newsjna1ner imanut be det rnniriad 1Y tire miles a1qnlmed to otiner comntract.sn \Vinemn a ubhialner , without. roqrcsf frame tine party , entimor ex1rennsed , or inmuphied I sends us paper , tinu micro frrct tinirt tIn prrly : rullrussed taken tine napor fronnu tin ( lOstOhhicO ) does o1itaiercrrto ( liability. ' ( Ivnrnlur IrmInimncI Inn 's1tIeu. SAi.T1i.I.O , Mexico , October -Lan n might ( iovernror 1hiniirv , ( jf tire , StaLin a I Coaininrlanrccoiinpnnnnienl by envil rind mmilhitari dignnitnrricsn f inns enIuitn : ! , nrret ( Joverino I rolannd , ( if 'i'tsxaa , at ltimncomnnrdo thirty nmniieun frormn Sirltillo. Governor Ire : lanirl its unpemmdimng a few inrysn inn ! sTexicu 4 for rcemeatirnm , mrnnd was givtrn ann onntlmnn 1 nniirstio recepticir. Sonic smnrpnlne win ovinrceil to inca tine ( Joverinor of 'i'exirs , no ( ioinnlntnnie(1 ; ( lny onriy two fonuthomnemn , I lam (100 , Pfouffor arid C'aptanmn 'J'arver.Vinun tine tririnu 1nnilluJ in tine Saltihlo ilepot. I I ssaa Goserruor I reinnmntl'mn turn to be mann n jrim3ei , to Innul fully 10,000 people wantimi L ) to wulcoiino inimmn , annl sirouts ( nf ' ' \'iv j 'I'exaa' ' frommu time lolnmniaco , 'J'ino part ; . entered connvoynncus , asl jnreecded by un sjmlenndid escort , wore takeir to a resi - dunnce , wimeru tiovernuor Ireland will re nmmainu tine guest of tine State du immg mi brief . stay. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I ) il IIOImn ( hnignOml Obhtmnrury. a lhroosnINamoN , october 1Mr.Via ; : \V. Travis , binsirness munsimagur of 'l'inu lhnnl p lotimn , ( is tinis city , died at fi o'clock tin In mnnormning , from a relapse of tyuiuo.nnnuinuri fever. lie Wft8 aged 28 annd was a grade ate of Cinrumrpaigni Umnnveraity two year ago. lie was mi son Rev. W. M. 'I'ravnm p. ( If tire I'resbytoriani church , turn was bonn atVcst I'oinut , 0mb , amid spot a iris boyinood hr Newark , Ohio. lie w . secnnd hioutwnant of connipany ( I , Fotnrt s reglimnent , Jllinroia Natnnnnai Guards , liloonnirugt , ni , winkir connunmry will con tltnct Iris funeral , rut 3 p. iii. o-nntorrow , rut Everreenr cemetery , th city. A to- nnaintrb arid nftcctlnfg feattire of his iii- mess wan Ini irhrrirre toni clays ago , import wlmmut iran l1t001i to lie his dentin-bed , to Itisn Fuuminio hello Sitipnnann , a ho4uly nunal talonnted youmng lady , daughter of Ehian Siipnrrann , is pronurinmenit iblitidnuh of Cmi- cago. . Tuuo Ii'mul Lrnmtocrnutui. SUMMIT , Miss. , October 1-A. T , \Vhitinngtnnn , sinerihr of Annito counnuty , uan staid'd twice mr tine mack , at Liberty Snut- ritdnty , nutud killed , by Eungonnu ? uIcIlweo. 'I'lnc trouninle out nsf polities. Both ivuro 1)enmuocr.rts. A fler tine inrrnrher MeEliyeo wnus sunrrounndeil my a crowd , anne of winounr shot mimi. lie died inn tent ruinrutes. Both lunurties rune iniginly eon nrocted. - - - - - - - - - Tine Iiuuhuuhiuntmr 1tnt tillul. Niw ; Onmn.uAN , October 1.Anr 1olru sjnecinul relates tine enuttnro of Luue : , who nnunrherel ri eNontly nrt l'arnno's inlanutation , meat' Upelirnusan ii few days ago. 1..tnuo nnnd Iris comunpannioru llrownu vone hid iii a pine forest winenu tine slueniti' anal two ( lelnnticnn ( hi5ueOOtCl thenur amid ordered timennu to snnrrcntltmr. A bind to irnurd tight occurred. Ltnro : was aunt nlcaul by Slnorihl 1)umsou , anal Brown warn sinaI. inn tire rigirt innud bunt. Inc clnrunged tine pistol to mm left hind rand conutimnuned hirimng. hunt hmnraily mnurrcmrnlurud. l umst ltfOrO Limo expired tine shrerihl' asked hinnn winy ire mnnurdorcd poor old McNenmiy , Inc replied , "MeNcaly ordered rue out of iris amngnur Inoinso anti crnrscd rue. No iuanr does tinat minuet lives. ' ' - - l'zuu4senIg'r Finres I u n Inc Sonni hr. ST. Louis , October 1.-Fronn anni after to-tiny pansonnger fan-'a to points in lulls. 5It1ni on tine iron luIomnnrtmnnu railroad vihl ho reduced from 4 ceintmn to 8 cents per nnrile , nun to all Inoinuta in irkansas from r , cenntn t 8 cents imr indIa. Tinat. is a rc ( Irctiunn of $ h frnnm St. l4ounis to Little Hock , and $ G..t0 to 'l'oxrtrkamna mind all hoinnts mu 'l'oxnms reneimed via tine Iron luiotmnntniiui. 'l'huis ininikes a mnnifornur rite of 3 cents per nriltm nnu tine states tf luissouri , Auknmnrants mind 'l'exas. It. also nurakes a hewer nUo from mere to iocai points , timann clnrtigetl b' tine 'l'exas St. IAOiilS for eorrcsponndnnng tIistamncea to local vomits. jnitl tine Iron l'ulomnnrtainr deeirmres it syill contimnnro to nineet ninny rate mmdc iy tine 'lexan 1c : ; St. Louis to common poinuta. 'l'iro rate to Sun Frannciaco by time 'l'cxas & l'rrcif'ne ronnie is nulso iowerrsd $3.85. St. Ahlniunis' 1vilcenr Hznnnk. Sr. AimnANs , Vt. , October 1.-Tire ( Ic- positors' commnnnnittoo lnave rondo a detailed nutatennienit of tine result of tine innvestiga- t ion of tire St. Albanis Trnmnt cunmnpanny , muinowimig tire total assets to be $701J,5tr ; lnnmhmer $15,000. Tine comirmitteo cnmnsider $ trn3,000 ( If the assets perfectly g od , rurtl $501 ,515 ( ioubtfmnl. If all ( loulutful assets are collected tIne deimnitoims will be muir1 mr furl ! ; if intif is collected. tine assets wornid pay 75 cemnts 'I'huo report shows L. lhraunnerd rcnponnaibio as tire principal : surety for $ hO1,08. Brninnerd'nu property , ' tunrired over for tire bintiflt of tine credit- era , is valued at about. 00,000. , A l'ol , itgtttnnHt ; IIOSTON , October 1.--'I'ime mews dealerH of Jiostoir iravo snigined ann ngreummmonnt to , sell New York cindy Inurpers rut Limo old inn-ices , irrespective of time recent renniark- I amble cut , iii 'l'imo news dealers iii I tlneir mngrcemmnerrt say : "i'lre publication of I clump inewapapers inn unit ni1ed for. It is Inigin timnno tine innnbhinlners nuironnld recognize time mows ( icalers as factors rnecessary to time circtniatiomn of nnewnrpnporn. " Time ) ' damn tLo risk is too great to innmrdlo New Ynrk dailies at two cunntni , arid will throve- fore soil at five cents. S Tint , Griunmnt I't'OI. ; PnioVINCnVo\VN , Mass. , October 1.- 'l'wennt.y.tlnree 1'i-ovimncotowmr ossala s'ero 011 tine Grand banksn dinning tine Arrgnrat gales , winch iurvetl 3 ( ) disurtronna : to tire I i"noimcin anid English fleets. iglrteomn $ nf tiremmn arrived inure withnoint. ( ininilirges , anti rcpnrt. tine rcmmnaimmmlor nil rigid. . : n 'I'ziink 1xIuIosIomn. Nrw : Yoirn , October ---Last. 1 . evumminng time oil tank ( nf tine lCimngu County Oil voricu , Ihrcoklymn , ex1nlodcd with a land report. I Is crriacity sura : mnoo lEmnluls , I inn t tiroro vrrn I rut tl rat qinrmmm Li ty of ci I Inn it. at tire tinrie ( If tine oxploalomn. F'ot- I tnmnnntoiy 10) jnensomn was inn tine vicinnity at n tire timmue. 'Fine oxploaiomr is snipluosenl to , imavo beam canned by gorreratiomn of gins. : ioss oatimnnrrtcrl nt $20,000 , tlIor'mmi : ( ) ( . 14mx : INWION , iCy. , October JA J BUVOrO wirmd storimn yesterday rufternonln ! blow 1 dVim time Cinncinnmnati onntimormn omngimnu imonnac , toil ( ill time roofs ( If tine ii rat r Nrmtionmtui hummnk , l'moas ohilce 811(1 lInker i n Masosm'sn warciunnino , Forsilneo'sn tobacco . wnreinousu wan deinnolnained , No iiyemi I host. - - I IhImnIH l'sIhhhthnr Ilthlun. St-laNa vjnrt , , I II. , October 1 . -'I'Ii c brat. of tIre military othicers of tine state I Inure inn coimmnuctiomn witin tine vaynmnoirt of I brat year's oxjuonnsemu , ieft ( tnt Jroinntn Sun. ' day nigh it , ovary 0(1mm r tmnny I i n Limo ustiute mienvicu hirviirg received warrmnnntmn for ax peruses imrennrred ( mIning tire twolven nmmointins I inrior to .1 nily 1 , I 883 , an allowed thnomni f i' rnnlimrg of thu state nnnnrenmuu conmrt , r Hinerishmn ( uis n a Nemu 'i ark. ' CIIIAi ( , ( ) , OcLitnn 1 Fr.umnk Sherwin tine Now ! uIoxie ( ) cnmttio riumrcin owner , rrr r ) rested Inero ii fusu days nngo mm rwlnrisiti'.n - fromrr tiur ( imnvoinner of Now Ynrk , wins lue H fore .1 imdgo 1 latin mn n n , I r i tin a Ci ruin I t C'unnt . tin is mnnorn I ug , nun 1ueti tionn of imiulneini cnrjlmnn. 'l'ino jutitirn for volcano sius n ( loin lad , irmntl Inc umn rei nriunnl od to t Ire errs t tOly ( of Limo oflmcuns , stino will prolnnmbh ) . . ruturrn uvith iniumn to New Yank , 5 ! Ii Smnleithms ( nt ii 1JImnlNler. y lbOnION , October 1-Itos' . .Joinmn I'ark a nnnamn , tire woil knrowii ciargysrmamu , disap jreimns'l ' fromnm Iant PupnCrtJh1 iast week . 'I'inrn body vims fnumnd to.niay inn Nnmnnirun Is river , nnaar Puppenehl. lie was bOnnIe vinat occcnmtrio anrd mint mccii unnndor inn vato supervision s mmne tinnas. 'l'iro las ( lay scorn inc imnqunined at somnru hnomnsu tins I , WA to tine riven. L- . - - - - - - ' ' , , 4,1' 1'4uvIur , H 'I' 'rriItn 1iu1)1Ot3h0n ( ( ii S/uN Jnn.uNoIsco , October -Yesterdnu' I. arm uxplosiomn lit tire Cnmliforiniis 1uowdu 5 m'nnks , situated near the I'innolc lure ( I ( , tine C'enntrai l'smcifio railway , took iuiacu in d tine mulling roonnm. 'l'ino inomnnediuste ciunsn it. will Jtoiahly maven be knnownn , nun all en UI gaged tinereimn , connnpris'mnng 40 Olnimnannei in anrd ammo winitu overseer were blownr t Sf rutorinnu. Scrainsi of 1)0(1(05 ( ( lure iiehnmj I1uicketl up inn different nilrectionnn at mu din -a- tMnco of fmnlly stmnartor of a nirllo fronnr tim sCenic of the disaster. Tine onnly winlto nrmn killed wan the uyorseor of tine unix- lug roonnu , ThIs nnruken tine third oxplo. sienn inn tiieo Iwtier Wrlis. It 15 reck- onned arnnong the largest air tine coast , cmi- ) . white innonnanid 125 Clnirnanrnenn , TEIatUILL'hL NOTl. Colonmmani hIraM , , elethiems , of Nnw'orlc amid Sam FrammcIsc , inmiulo an n.lgnmnnotnt yetnahri ) ' for thin bennefit ( if crt'.thtor. 'l'Imlr liabIlities mmr®umted nit VXI'O0. ( l'roctor & Somi. earn mohhiers , of Nrnvm'atho , lnglnmnrd , , lmruve failed. I .lsidiitie , $ TtOO. 'ihi , , enmtrlom clo-wd 3 sLerIlay for the n'mrstanm. mcmiii o'chuibltiomr inn ? ' , umr \ ark of the Nmmttniuth lions , , Shnomv A.ocirntionn of Aummerlo , , to ln IneltI in uh cdl onn Squi lie garilumu ann tire 22l. 2lh , 2 htlm , 2.lth amnuh 20tlr mists. 'lino emntn ie afgn-t'giIto niuurmt BOO. 'limo llrowen' of Oimio hnnmvo ( leclLiel ( to lrmr- ( eina.i , mill nnmort ) nrninu umutti time rcMunlt of thna ulectionm I , , kmmownn. tiennerat I lnurt'ock , h1hnYiCinumn rillorts blur gradumahhy ininpz-cI mg. Thmlei es ( 'rrri'uI otT * 2OO0 worthn of ready. nimniha clutiilnug fronnu tine , tcrti ci Cohrenl .k lioscmntlmal , of ut I mmmucainui i. to tire eloo ( If lnmnstnie.ui imounni , yesterday there were 81)1(1 nrt. thu New \'ork 1115t ( lube ItOOO ( ) two.cmmt. tannmlll ( , h$5,000 fonmr.cemmt stlunmrll ( rmd 400,000 two.cnnt onnvehllul ( . ' 1lnt crowd uns at. nrc tlrmme sucin an tin enrunse eonnftn. bomr. 'limo unicetlonu of shinectors of thmn 1onniHmilIo & nshmthle nunrtl tin' gnoat somnthuernu rlaIH sili hn ireil Inn I nmIiairmiioii Illi \\elnmn1hnuy. 1're- Itinut iIail uinm I mu tllIItn1O to arm inrqulry , naid .1 muy ( 1(101(1 ammd I lnnell S.mgo iusilI gIn unto time ( hin-'ctory. I Ia saul timers wouhI be nu chraumgir inn tiru nmmrunnngornnemnt of thnn rIlall. 'l'lui rc.nnlt.s a fmur mull hmeartl front siuim' that thUl ropuubhirnmnn hmmvo carriel a large ninimjority ( If time toumns iii Comnnrecticnnt , umsklmmg gnminus apuaremmtiy ann thou ih'irres of a yermr ago. 1mm t.lno Boston city electIon yesterday time ( h'mmlocrathc tIcket was elmosun except city clerk , ( SIlO coninmchimmmann unrl , nmo mmssossar. ' [ 'mo doniroerats 1mm o 'nro innajority mm tito city gnu. r'rmnimronnt. 'l'luo comm ) of time cInool biard is ( Iennmocriutie. 'J'lniteenr unreunliers of thu i'ohislr Clutimlnija eonmgregnitionn , uvlm.s took , of tire (1(1(115 ( I f tire cirnnrclm nut N itnritcok o , , Smrnmhnmy , refurstnmg IA , nalrmnlt mtnnyba.Iy , eltimer vriest or Iitynnmunm , were arrcst.eI , ) ettrduuy. Fiuthror ( mimnmmioircr. hmaih hilen lcfoue tine 1khrop witin iii muccounlmtl , uinici tool l'eenn qnmcsthmneil. 'lire ruecomnnnt.s uero u'nmuminrvtt by the cormnrcil numd formnrul correct amid t1uI i'miost uzomnernrteti menu tire charges. _ - - l'flImSON1li. C. E. Calkirms , of the 11. & 1l. , was , nrmn eMt. bonmnmd uuscmngom laMt nmhglrt. . .1. P. C1nirkomn , of Sclnrnylor , was inn time city 3'r'stCrcInuy mmii left for lronmnu air thmo Cuenrinig train. 1\ ! . I luilimmirin rmnrd fannily rotmnrnmod frormn Salt I ako yesterday. ulr Ociiv Grosirol , wimo wm : for a liiig tinim comnnnoctctl , Itir a w'imoleHaio ( trimS irommsn 1mm tins city , anrd now trrrvelnug for amu orsternm : Imonse , yni mm town yesterday amid heft for tine imrtcrhnr of the State onu tire lonnvcr Lr.mimn. Osemr : Is omue of tlno bwt nnronn cml tire mead ferny ny hirrnr , Judge C. A. Baldwin rcturnrod fronmr lcnu. ver Smnnirlay night. Bent ( inihurginen hires rotmirnicri fronnm thue uumt A , 11. Snmnnlor , of PrnpWlonn , was .Ini Lowe last nrigint. ( leo. Jhmrnes , ann oltl ( ) innulnm boy truth mrnw ci Pam'nlhIonn , is inn tire city. Ohincor u1iut.zim , ( f tire iuoiiee force , inns just rotmmrnred fronmn a JulonuLmmrt visit to Nurtir Ibonnil. 'J'hro fuhhowimmg are nmnmrnnmg time arrivals nut tirt l'nutnnn ycatendsy : I' . ihucint , Now \'omi ; C. . 11. .Mcfiowurnm , New York ; Jan , fr. Boil mmmd umifo , ionnvor .T. II , Ilumnusoy , Tsxas ; A. 0. ( rossiniumS unril uifo , Novuula ; A. F. ibhmrnmdolt , iJniclnm ; i. ii. I fannniltonm , Oinnrrinnm iIgcnrcy ; ' 1' . I I. m Iimwthnornro , Cimicagn ; S. hlinrcimnnman , tirmunnul lushumnid ; Cirrs. S. Ie Loecher , City ; J.V. . ihitu. 1)hO ) , Chicago ; II. Ii , i'Wer , Ft. 1)oiigo ; Cinas. Clark , iavenm lirt ; John mn I I. Cciii ter , ( I ohes. lnnrg ; .F. P. Smmmitlr , Sciinnyler ; ! ul. L.Vynintmni , lbostonm ; U , F : , lThimt , .Jr. , IhnistinrgsV. ; . A. 11. latlrrop , Cimicirgu ; E , ( : . Jbenrchn , Chmiciugo ; 0. I , . Sclmiiyier , Nnw York ; 1) . ] I , Wheeler l'hnrttsmmrunthm ; A. lj. ibricicuury , Now ir1c \v. ( . 1onrtainm , lbistonr ; lh. ii. Lamimb , New .Iennsoy ; (5. Ii , tamiri , , , t'oinnmsyi. unuisium ; 0. .1. Strayer nrI smifo , UIhn , , ir. ) Ia F' ! slclCcnmima ; . , ) iltlnsimey , North I 'iirtte ; I : mnirr : i , lainmty , Olnicago ; .1 uihnnn S. I blair , mngtan , I ) . C , ; I .oo. I ) . I I uunmis huerg , New Vomk ; lhobL i. Shrourmu , , ] ) etroit : \v. h I. I ) mmuhioy , Now York ; A , fl Brirdeni , I ; I' . I I. Notway , 1 ni Case , \Vis. ; , IOimn I' , I taum'kins , 1J , S. A. ; Albert 1,11cm , 1)eunl uuinti , i ) . 'I' , ; J irnires A.Voaver , l'umnnm syl ummiia : ; I I I . Armies , Ciricago ; 1. 'Frnsler nnr wife , Mr. lCernmann , Miss Cailruhmy , S'nulnney m I . E. 1 knurnirmey , Clnleeg , ; I I 0. Snmmeeui Scrsnmtomr ; Y. .1 , 'uVuiggonmer , 1 ) emmlsonn , Iii. ; II C , I'rCIlCOtt , Connircil ibhinufa ; 1)r , I1ott , LI. S A. ; 'I' . H. Nortirruntu , I Irrvhoy , J. Carjrenrtcr Nrrwiey , Neb , ; .J ridge I ) ( , mrou'imnm , St. Joe ,1. A. Jmtcksomn ; A. 0. 111dm , New York A. ! I. Stuwnrrt , CincrrgoV. ! ; . Jt.'imlt , , , , Jr. \v. It. 'uVihhl , nimni 51g. 1' . Fonrisemg , Nom 't'ork ; C. I I. lulusrejamn annul u'ifu , i.lnrcoimn ; I ) lb. Jlermnnimrr , Blair ; Otto i'oLersnnn , Linruolir S. itaMteiler , Blrrir ; I . ibitrimm , Now \'orlc ; 'uS' ' S Ibrevulort , Ciilcitgtn ; Jai-od ? uavis , lbsytomr Oirimu ; 'J'imen. li. Iinigwult { , ! uhilwrmnnieo. 'line' ' , . Jhlnngwsrit , of ? uhllwmmnrktno , late Onmusirmu , Is I nr tujuu'nr. A. I [ . Aylesworth rinnd wife 1ft for ( ilrllfl'r ; mmiii , , im Sumturriry : iurt. I I 1smr. 1uw ii my , mu Froimr'int ' , synur I a tire oIL : Sunnmday mm rcnmtu tJ St. Luniris , .1 ruuno Iul , , rtonn , ( f tire lb mm of ! dortnmn SInn , retmirineri yesterthnry fronnn tine East. I : . . I . Ihiroimmn , the uvoil k nIuis'nn jonrrnn a1 jst. aird mulvurtisinig muon , was inn tiru city ye n Mr. 0. II.Vustorn amrd hat friomnil , lulls ( , Junssio ! ulnnntinm , of lulleinignu , rotnnrmreul from : ( Jhuiuago Satin rilay. ( loireruri I lawhilmns , (3 ( , S. A. , linus arrived I tiIe ( ienmcrahYi1'nn's ihacu WI Iluimrttirrnnasto arid is irow at tire i'nrtonn , . lleut.onmanmt llck 'fowmmloy , of tine Navy , in stnnetr ( If mnmihitiury tactics at tire Unniven-sit 'I Nuiuriskmr , Is nut tire J'nmxtonn , - is ) , I I . .1 unhii , traveling IuuMsenger rugonnt I - tine U , h' . , wino imni becin to 1)unnvcn to slit birch tire o.nmmlornry'n ix1ositfonn goodd , n-s L ) turned yesterday , VLmnlbOrhhit'N hIuntnH. in sjnttu ( If iris wealtin I'm. Vaindenbil c very umninruppy mnrrmu threso days. Jim f Eye Sea has trotted a innilu rim 2:10. : , air rr tinat iran ii teirdemncy to zmnrmku luimmud ) appear iiko ann ordimnrmry roadster. 'l'iro weigirt of tire tenunnr driven by Van : 1 durbiIt Aldirtu arid Early llosonni US U PotUnds erucin , whnlu umnmmnd b. tn1is tin beamnu nut 055 , all beimng 1mm trottung conud I' tionn , THE PURCELL DEBTS. Tlic Glilcillilati District Court lleBer a PBCISiOII i the suit Aaist Archislioii Filrc11 , Ohurohos and Oomcitorios Liable to the Full Amount Loaned Thorn. A Vast Annmonnnrt. ot'l'roperty ImuvoiveL CnNetNATn , October -Tiro 1 Hamiltoub counnty 1)istnict Counrt , composed t Jmntiges lolnmustorn , Smnuith and lulooro , Limit afteninoonu deciried tire case of .1. II. Mannix , assignee , vs. .1. 11. Purcell of. al. , wiuich was air action for danurages tmobtanrs time jnndgnnmennt of tine count as to tire ha- bihi ) ' of tire ( lioCesnin eintnrch rrororty ti lY tire debts of tire late Arcinbiniuop l'inr- ccli. Tine case is cure of great nruimgmmi tmnde. Tine henning occupied about thmrcc nnnonntins , emndinng hi .hmrnne , 1883. it. inns boon munder conusinneristion till new. This- inp'nmnioru was delivered by Jutlo Snniitin , boginmnninrg at 2 o'doc.c thin nftornuooin , arid occupied nearly thnreo irourni Omit ofnneariy 200 pieces of prop.- urty inch my tire areinbisiuop , 14 were selected for tins trial as beinng represen- timtivo of nil. Nine of these were cinureines. Tine otirors were tire catino- ( Innml , inrclrndinrg tine arcln.Episcopal resi- deuce arid tire nclnooi , aemmninnary , Cunnu- nnuirusvihlo Orphan nsylnnnn arid St. Joseph's cenurutory. 'I'lne oinl aind incus' court fomnnn1 tirat iii cases of clnmmrcircs , through. little ivan , iii fee ninri1nle , iii An-elm- hrishiop l'urcoih , yet tinoy were intuit ; fronum rrunniey raised by monriborn of tire difrerorut conngrentiona and that. little was hi tine Areinhnnshop by reason of tire mules of tine ciunnrcir , which in sunch cane tinis comnrt is boinmud to regard tinat the Arcinbisirop mold time title only a trununtoo for tine risen of tiio conngrcgntiomn , rind. that Lire PrOlmrty so meld could not. ho subjected h-u ) tine paynrnomnt of the debts. ( If thin Arcirbisirop , In Lire cane of ons church Line urnntjorit.y of tire court found. thnat tire uvidorno ainowed tue Archbishop. laid rrdvmurced some uriorney and tutu einureir was liable for tinmut amQummt. to time niasignree. As to tire catinedri arid catinodral sciuool , built by tire arch- hrnsinop directly fronnu time fnnnds placed in iris imnnnds , except. nilnout $00,000 rained by snnbscuiptionn , tine comnrt lucid finaL. tinomngir tine arcinbisinop meld tine property inn tnmnst as ho did oilier cinmnrcines , yet. tIme extomnt of tine annornnnt. inc advrmmnced tine ntssigmueO was erntitied to recover witir inn- torest for tine benefit of creditors. Tine irrphnimnn amnylnmnn at Ctnnininnsville was. also eluclared a trnmst , mat. subject to sale , ntrnd tine rnnortgago given by Archbishop Purcell cmi nt. to secure a creditor was declared to be of nun biindiumg force. Tire. . . sainno view was takeni as to SL , Matv'ij ceimnotery with mini order for reference to tine InfLator to ascertain if tire arcirbisirop mmmdc advances to tins property. As to I tine corxnotery n majhtity lucid that it wan met dedicated to tine public ; r tinnt comnsocrationu did inot rinnount to dcdicatioir amid timnit such portionu n mnot now soiti for bnnriai lots could be sold. . for tine benroint of creditors. Jmndgo Joimmnstomn dissouted as to reforrinng two S lieCuH ) of property to a monster for air tic- connnnt. nird dimmuonuted winolly from thu view ; thrnmt cenneterios wore notdodicatod to the pnnbhic rind ireld in trust by tire arch- bisimop. - - l'vnnsacohni. P1NMACOLA : , Fin. , October 1.-Forty ( lays ago two eases of 30110w fever wore mriinnomnneod. , Tine mien voro sent 14) ( hunmmnluintimle anal Snnrgeoin lulurray , of the Mimninme hospital service , fro3u a post mortem oxnnmrimnationn cii onue anid treat- nnnemnt to crire tine otimer , vrcunnoumnced botim curses rnnnminrinl fever. 'l'iuis was followed. iy 25 ( hays of nnnnpnecedonstcd good inealtie. For 15 days tineru inns beau aonrno nniaiarirul fever. Anmotiner casio of yehiow fever was irnnmnounmncel mint mo case simice. Tine cairn- I mrinnminty is ( Iiviled about. tire nnnuitter. A. large mnnajority uefuso to believe tine case to le yellow foyer. Amount. 100 of tine ratunnined refugees lied ngirimn. Very littie : oxcitenmionit , hnut businmess is prostratol n nnnd nnrsrcirantn arosnnfl'unimng greatly. 1'ennionimmt l'tleelI ung. . S Louis October 1---A , - - - very humor- I onnaly attamnde(1 nneinnoriai imieetimrg was ; meld on 'Cinuinge toduty in ironer of Col. George Knnupt. Resolutions of respect uvoro adopted mmd speecincnn rmnnudo by suvoral ( lid fnicmndnn of tine deceased. ; A. Jbngnnio hun iHires , ; lNiIANAI'OLnIi , , lmnd. , October 1.-Imutlne ' inuqrnest inch tinisaftcnnreonr at Sirelbyville , 5 hid. , over tine torinirinnmn of tine wonnarn. bnnrrned to dentin 1mm lCorry SYohis' bagruio , . tire ou'nlmnrce fimiloti to iimnphicato Froemnnin- I iimnn mmmcl Nelmnonn , wino were arrested , and tinoy wore dimscinirrged. 'Tire ' tostimomny I ontnhnlisinetl tinu ( nuct beyomnd tlorubt tinat. tine inounso mad. been hired by air inrcenr- I diary. _ _ _ _ _ - 'I'iuo l'ovtlnp4i I'Ol4tOhIlCC , JLtNOOII , October . .1.'rIme Corn. V rnnevcitii , dennnocratio , inntinrmntesn nntronngly thnnit tine innveatigrutioin of tine nmuarnrmgo- mnnunnt. of tire Portiannd postofiico will binW II % 'ory nmnmsrmtisfumetor condition of nrilhirs. .1 undgo Cinrurhes Vu Goddard , tine I. ponntnnnster , in inn iiutoruiow , derimed tire nnrtinnnntiomu of certain mmPora final airy govcninnnnomnt. anomie ) ' lord been iniisapprO- I , irtinuteil inn thu l'ortimnnd : postofilce. zr o DYSPEPSIA I Joea not get worn ( it ttseitt IL requIres careful , nez' . .nstenii atleotnoin slid a mona1 ttut will rizslt natuxo I. to rmz-ow ( us rue causes ni.l toio , rip inia dnguan.myo orgau CU they m'erfonun UzeIr duties wIllIngly. Mi. Uo.wortm , , of AniiIcn.I , , in. , inner trying mans 'sLwo cones" withGUt bencnit , found thinS Hood's St'Sa1)C1'ill L ) IzI&iiio malt on the tiea4 ant n-eaton-ed tier to hein3un _ Among nme nnon1e. expertenicctt 1y ( ho dy.pepuc , ar dttresl befoan or mutter eim.gIou ot ap.eUte , Irrege. Iamm ot Uza boweli , winad cr gas an4 .rmmn ia th .tonnvh , Izeart-buni , acer stomach , .te. , cau.lng ft nnitini detrn-sloo , sermon. kTitAt11R7 sib sneepun. . . . nzcs. you smr dtseourae4 bout goo4 cmieer&nd Iry y 11004t . baz-upartuiin. it in. cured Immxzidroda.iI will ti cureonrItyougiyettafa.1r chance. li.sss. C. i. hooD Co. I. ( ieOUenneu-l WU t'SU&404 to try tloc4. R4rM. t'ar1u4 Sot nny w1f , lie ni. . . trouwet wiun In- untnaUozi flier tebtht , for severan yeaz , wninciz . n-e4nmy reni(1set Iz.reet4s. ' inelur. j1i takeni U nlr $ bottle Jer kieaith commenced $0 0 n.ruYe , tlheriniowtan lngui , berth hours , arid lsn1nnm La steadily , LCi ieIirianeIlUT tnipovI. an' (3 1 nnnny L.ei1ey Inoo.n. 5'zrsAilrUia ni snuumsLLo Lh I- .itdli. OW. W.)8OuiTit4Annhest , 4i1.h