Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 01, 1883, Page 4, Image 4

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4 C1fl : RAIL Y I3 AiNiAY , O"I'Iillt 1 , 1fi :3 :
- - -
-f THE WIjiIA Bi1
i ( hllshod eteTy W ning , oaceptf Sunday. The
. ; 'tnlay moming d. Uy.
xR1eRT aAlt.
oe Yearla00 Three Menthe , . . . . , ta.00
! Ix nenw &o1 One Month . . . . . . . . 1.OJ
Onerear. . , . . , , . , , t2,00 Three Montha „ . . , I o0
Six Montlet. . . . . . 1 OOI One Month . . . 20
AmerioM News Company , SolejAgenteNewedeal
Sri In the United StM L
roRRtmaroxnxRCrL ;
mutentbonldlbesddrttleo4 to theoIeiToFoe Tae
pxx ,
wIRD r LRTTxxa.
All nndie + e Letter. And Itemltt.neee'eheuld' lw
+ addronned to T e flu rceuenixa Oorr1T , ORAIII.
' Drafts , Chocks and roetomce order. I. be made pay
able to the order of the c.inp.ny.
B , EOBEWATnnEdttor , ;
Tits gamblore juggled the cards nicely
at the state convention to decoho the
e ickere , but the hand was etacked from
the start for Mr. Beoto
loin pnrtiun are claiming a certain tic ,
Cory in Ohio. Title menus that both
parties arc badly eaaned 01x(1 that the
vote will be a heavy one.
Tint Union Pacific backs ite attoroye
Mr. Roceo , of the old firm of Itoceo i
Gilkesorm , was the railroad attorney in
the Arndt aaso , in Saundora county ,
'Petra RcpubUcma insista that Mr. Reese
is not a young mnn Ito is too young in
judicial experience for the Supreme
court , having never sot a day on the
bench in 1115 life.
- Ctur cars have begun ramming on the
Brooklyn 1)ridgo and the first accident
has been recorded. The and ) car is run
! ling the kerosene can a close taco this
, year in the number of victims.
: I AMRItCAN residents in the Sandwich
+ Islands are said to desire the presence of
a united States nmtt 0f wm'in that part
i of the world. Perhaps they can larva
their wish , but citizens of this mighty
. ; ! Nation nest be modest iii such requests.
.fi We lrnvo oat enough vessels to go around.
" R.txnALL's chances for the apeakorship
i are daily growing brighter , amid ho cx-
presses great emlmdencu in the result of
the election. All time dolo3atcs from the
'higiltariff etalC9will supper't hint. Dic-
; ' Dotudd , of buliana says that a good many
Democrats opposed to hie tarlfr views
will vote for Iriut beeauso of a belief that
in time prosnncu of a ltOpublican oxecu
' - " tkvo and Senate his "iron nervo"ia need
ed to direct the house.
1VxfmN an army olhieer becomes in-
citptciLatcdby ; wounds , siektessorold age
fro'i doing active servicu it would scent
to be only reasonable to place him nn time
Fretirud list , so that his ( kitty might be uG
fecttvely perforated by another "rfm r.
lBut Oongross lids established a limit trp
tlau retired list , so that no matter what
may be the minomibal or ) ietl condition
ufnu ; officer ] o meet continue at work
' until there is a vacancy for him moon
the retired four hundred. It is a beautiful -
tiful illustration of "the way not to do
it ; " but ft is Congress that is respomst-
blu for it , not the War 1)upartunoul.
'rime statistics of the military rifle cou-
potitiots which closed this week at Fort
Ommaha show a gratifying improvonunt in
' time shooting over that of fast year , Thu
, , scores this year were butter than those
outdo last year by tray deparhnurit teamim
in this division , and higher that those
made this year b } g the teams fo m'thu do-
i parttmluntn of the east and south. The
i melt fornidable coutputitioms that time
S lcanl from time dapartnmutt of the Platte
will meet this year at Lea onworth arc
likely to be the tcaum from Gmtcral Tope's
department , which ht s rolled up time
astonishing score of 3,008 as against 2,8(10 (
- made by the tcan at Fort Omaha , Last
year time winuimg score was 2,810. The
score this year in time duparhnunt cumpo-
tition bids fair to exceed that by more
4 than 200 points. Capp , Coluridgo leaves
Omaha for Leavenworth with his temn oil
, 'l'humday , amid the intervening time will
he occupied ill steady practice. Time ro-
stilt will be awaited with n great deal o f
interest ,
Tmin Republican convention rondo i
. greatest mistake in uomninating tut entire .
ly inexperienced ulna for time seat ml tin I
Supreme bench wllielt .Judgu Lake wil
vacate. Mr. Itoceo hiss been a fair e y
good lawyer old a prosecuting attoruu y
in time Fourth district. I'ursmlallY ho i s
an m groeable goittloutan. limit Profes
J atonally , he 15 Without the requisite qual
ileatlone for the high honor which h
In every other State but Nebraska Su
prctnu judges are clwao from 'tun occu
. I pyingSURts lmi inferior courts , In State
. where the judiciary is appointed , time ap
' poiutmmltoftprosecutimigptturnoy , to
'supremo judgshi1m would raise a rio
antog the utuulburs of the bar. Ever
onadtnpws that the uajurity of eases cam
rind up to time Suprotmo Court min apps
ore cyuity oases. ] : very lawyer knun
'tlmat tire number of oluity caaos whir
fall into the bonds of n proeoontimg alto
d flu ) ' during hfs turns tut be counted
half tlmu fmngnrs of ono ! laud , 'flat clli
113 thu last out from' wide ] a suprurl
, , judpo aibpuld 1)o clu smi ,
dlr. Reese clay have utadu 1um excehle
pro'moeuting attorney , flu cannot mime
a good judo of the Suprumno Court
elected , which lie will ) tot Uv. Prier
i his abandoniitomit of private praetioe , ti
few uquity cases min wltlclm to lvns retain
t" were chiefly those in which the Unh
" ' 1raciGu was Interested. As a priv a
r lawyer ho was a railroad attorney. A 5
public official ho was simply a or'imit
Inoaeaut.r. This ie not the record up
i which tbo people of Nubraaka will sun
I ; e smccetaer to Judge Jko.
2'III : ' DJU An OF cunol'At
The review of the great German army
at hamburg last week , the unveiling of
the great statue of Cormmmia in comit-
nmmuorntion of United Germimatmy wore
eachm monuments to tlmo poor of l'rinco
Bismnarck , limo one stateamon , whose
muatciless abilities have made him time
dread of Europe. Sometime ago ills.
mnarok is said to have confessed that he
lmad caused three destructive wars , lie
has dictated ( ho policy of Gannany at ho
directed that of Prussia before the
Franco Gorman war. That policy iT ono
of terror to the rest of Furopo. It is a
policy of domination which involves the
crushing of any power that stands in inn
way. The Gorman empire has a standing -
ing army of 460,000 , with an enrolled
and trained reserve of over a million , be.
sides another reserve to be 'sod for do.
fmmso in case of evasion. This army is
the boat arme(1 amid time best trained in
the world. It is a standing nmunace to
the pcaco of Europe. It forces every
other nation to maintain a powerful
standing army in time of peace. For mmd-
atanco , Russia is constrained to keep upa
nlilitnry ostablinlmnment of ever 1,100,000 ,
besides a reserve of over 1,000,000 be.
cause at any momnout Bismarck may pro ,
cipitatu a war. Austro Hungary has rat
nrnmy of 200,000 , with a reserve of 600-
000 , bueauno Bismarck constantly threat.
oils time peace of Europe , amid would take
instant advamlogo of any nation itot
prepnred to fight. Franco supports
n standing army of 525,000 , backed by
two reserves which together include
every able-bodied man in time Republic ,
and amount to over 1,750,00. Italy has
an army which , on a peace basin , mumn-
1)0.15 925,000 , with another 225,000 in
active training , cord a third body of militia -
tia amounting to over 275,000 , , amid the
reserve , which includes everybody else
capable of bearing arms ; that little king-
dom' has an army , all told , of over a million -
lion amid a half of non. Thu same
crushing arty systonl prevails in Spain ,
in 8elgiuor , in Turkey , amid , to mm loss extent -
tent , in Croat Britain. Emory workingman -
man it Europe is obliged to carry a aol-
diur min his hack. And all this terrible
drain , this burdensouo tax , this fevorislm
unrest mad dread lust war should break
out at any tub , is because of the Bureaucrat -
crat at lierlimi.
'l'ime cost of those imeelless European
arnics would educate every child iu
Europoruliuve ; time people of cruslmiug
burdemms , lift an intolerable incubus fron
industry and add incalculably to time goim
oral conmfort amid lmnppiness.
JM I L 1Ur111 I f hl'Ul t ? 5 ,
Thu Now Yot'k Board of Railroad Con-
Imlisnimlers have passed a resolution requiring -
quiring time railroada of that State to rot ,
der quarterly instead of annual roports.
'I'bis resolution was 1)0550(1 with a view to
giving tlto public who invest 1ri railroad
bonds and Stock , time protection of tore
frequent insiguta into the coriditiot of
time railroads whose securities arc listed
oil time stock imoards. Thieve was also a
blow attimo wreckers maid gamblers wlmo use
their private knowlodgu of thuear ningeof
time roads for depressing or raising
stoeke for their own boiefit. For tlmis
reason maul because railroad corporations
arc public corporations 5ubjcct to legisla-
Live investigation amid control , time demand -
mand of time conunissiohors was a proper' '
mimic. Two of time compamties , time Erie maul
limo New York Cummtral , object , huwo o' ,
to time resolutiom. The Erie gives as its
reason that time special condition of its
leased lines will tuako it ditiicult
if nut impossible to furnish time
sbttumeiits at time times fixed by
time comiulissiumiers unless ustimates me
introduced , iualuud of time liguros of are
laid returns , Thu officers of time Now
York Cmitral mitmmdot high mioral grounds ,
and argile that time publication of quarterly -
terly reports would tend to cause no-
uocessary plucks uumomg spoetmhttors ,
'rimer' may be sumnu force in time objection
of the ulamiagers of time Erie road , but time
excuse of thu oflicera of Vanderbilt's cur-
porutiomi is : t shallow ono. l'amlcs amllemlg
speemdatormi would incouvenioice time public -
lic mid discourage bunfmiess less thmum
pmmics anmotg investors , caused by time
unscrupulous ndvnntagu which great
speculators now take of infortuttiori
whiclm time public have a right to dumamid
Ouo great trouble with railroad naai-
agumuunts , and one great cause of time
troubles which time corporationa are
I brimming upon themmmsulvus , is their refusal
to let time public understand time conduct
of their busirioas , and guin full inGrnua-
tine about its workings , 'l'imo secret
pooliugs it'd cut rates and private time.
eittimiatiome , which railway mmlauagcrm
consider easouiial to time conduct of their
business , and wluuh nru carefully veiled
( run time publle gaze , are ono of the chid
eaumee of the growing distrust of time pee
e plo , and of time dommnul for stricter iegie
latn o eomtrol of time mimnopolies. A bust
tress which is emtdtcted with a pr0por rut
t Karl for pubuo rind private interests coil
bear time dayligl11.
I gI 1'1 ' 52' Up ri1J : ' if1SSUUh1.
e The success of Iinuavals in bleediril
h time farmers along time St , Joe & Western
railroad has induced otimur sharks to cu
omm ter time prufItablo business of bofoggum
1) titles amid quit ulniming the sauna for
r.0 small suom par acre 'limo Alitcholl claim
are time latest uightmnaru to settler's in tim
tot disputed district. 'l'ime lammde referred t
k i arc those which were lmoueetcaded pric
if to time time timu railroad claima attache
to nud afterwards reverted to time gown
e merit by eomitcet or otherwise , and won
cd homesteaded by others. Nitelmell's claim
is that wlmoi time original entry was cam
of euled time railroad comupauy was entitle
to to limo land ender time gnatAlthoub
a quito a m uurbur iii duiToison comity Itm
5ial settled within Dliteholl at $1 per acre , h
claim fie gemmurally cumsidored of little lI
Lilt oourit , Senator Van 1yck , iii ropey
act letter from Horace ( haves , writes ;
"AU such lawd5 wore plabily uxcupt (
from the operations of mho grant anti
when years after time homesteader rite-
posed of his im provmmmlts to another , or
oven abandoned his claim without an
sale the land became a Part of the rule
lie domain nnc1 cotel ( opt be b y
time railroad ; , grant , amid was oily subject
to honesteal ( or Ire onm ) lint emit . rime
Laud and Interior Departments at ash-
in ton hold this opinion on phaticall ,
I"Neverthinkof adollaronan'
in '
such claim , Will you du this-so as not
to repeat the wicked blmtdor of lnavale'
land-organize at onco-gatlmor every
mnan into ab association-agree to make
no concossiou or eottlemontl dot every
man in title county and adjonmg coun-
tics and every man in Kansas in such an
association. Aftoryou have done this , I
will employ at my own expense , ono of
time best attorneys in Nolraska and one
at IVashington , and be ready to contest
time claim.
"Whon Comgresn meets I will have a
full investigation made as to time facto
nud if they are as bold and barren of
rrtorit as I believe titmn , no doubt time
cloud sought to be put on your title can
bo rmnoved "
Beatrice is seriously hampered at time
present time by its iminbility to levy sufi-
ciont taxes to meet the rcquiremmmts of a
rapidly growing city. Benides ranking
tlmird as a railroad cantor , its commercial
imimportance is felt and recognized by its
ntutropalitan sisters , and its growth time
present year has been equal , conpara-
tively , to that of any city in time State.
One of the pressing necessities of time city
in au adequate system of water works. A
proposition wits recently submitted to time
citizens by time Michigan Pipe company.
"Tito proposition stipulated an annual
rental of $4,500 , " says The Express ,
"which is considered reasonable by our
leading business men ; but time law limits
the city levy for general purposes to
tot mills , amid the fund that title tax
would cate is wholly inadequate for time
tpurpose of paying a water rental and
henrimm other mix ons0s of the city ov-
arnment. Cities of time second class may
upon a vote of time people issue twenty
car bonds for buidinworks , but
rilill special tax authoized to
create a water fund for maintaining time
works would again be iuetmlticient. A5
badly as Beatrice nouds protection from
lira , such as tlmis system nud time propusi
Loom olln' amid iould admirably afford ,
there scetma to ho no way out of time dil
uunnn until time legislature frames some
laws enabling cities under term thousmmd
inlmbitamis to drop tlmeir swaddling
' 1'1)o ) Dakota capital light is a repetition
of tlmat witnessed imi nearly every territory -
tory before time transition to statehood.
The rece t decision of Judge Edgerton
of time Territorial District Court , ousting
the capital commnissionor's , had no appar-
omt effect upon the ollicial ring which
designated amid laid the foundation of time
c'tpitol in Bimmiarck. Thu scat of the
Govunmr is there amid time Territorial Auditor -
itor , ( Ordway's sun ) , while Secretary ,
'I'reas urer , amid Attorney General remain
st Yankton and refuse to obey the Coy-
croor's order to transfer thmneelree t0
llisnmarck. Govoruor Ordway ridicules
time adverse decision of the District Court
nud niehes into print with ; the boldest
Lind of statements going to show that
hismarck is bound to be time capi
tal may way. Both financially and
politically ire imss uru jt , at stake.
11a is the virtual owner of mm addition to
lfismuarck , winch is smmphoeed to be iris
share of time swag distributed nnlmmg time
parties to time capital uomuission schene ,
amid unlike Aloxamidor MuKmmzio , ono of
time s'mtpital commimissioners , ho has not mini-
loaded all his iota yet. Should the ro-
nmovtl of time capital utterly fail to be
brought about it would exp0so itself as aft
infunous tiwnsactiol , mid his excellency
could not cast ! ) escape time comtsequolmeea
of Irma personal eonmoction with it. Thu
Governor many , howuver , get himself into
tronblu by iris present cottrso. Ile inns
nmblicl ( esi guatctl Bismarck to be time
capital r lull onvened tire beard of ettal I
iraation nacre for time purpose of time as-
nessmneut of time Toritorial tax. This
hoard time Govoruor took care last winter
to gut into ilia own hmurds by forcing mi
time legislaturotime nppoiutment of iris son
as auditor , the bored consisting of Cov-
urlor , Auditor mmd Treasurer. 't'his be-
canon , in reality , mm httimer amid son govern-
Judgu 11loody , ammo of time counsel for
Yankton in time quo warranto case , and a
lltw'yo' ( If m'ocogmixud e111in011ce , nays this
action of to a board of equalization will
vitiate tire Territorial taxes for the cur ,
ruutyear , tuns ridding a fresh complication -
tion to time atlimirs 0f thin 'J'urritory ' as at
present administered.
Time situation is growing decidedly in
teresting ' 1'ho eouttnisstmiers , aided by
time Governor , will preserve a bold front ,
amid rimy succeed in cnrryiug the case mil
to the United Statea Supro ue Court.
Quito a lively discussion is going on it 1
Noltarmit newspapers over time propositit n
to build a railroad through tit 0
moat prominent points of interest iii flit
1'ullowstonu Nmtional Park. Ommtrmide tint
nmewsp + tpon umuler the thumnb of tin u
Northern I'aeilie time proposition is vigo
' rntely opposed. Thu oxtortimma of ter
I lhdeh hotel monopoly are tun fresh , nn (
near at hand to cmeato a lively otthusinsu
for mrotimer uwmiupoly. ] tufts was mil
loved to squat upon a tcn acre patch , him
with wisdom begotten of a life of schema
- ing fu IVnll street , lc distributed emus tom
1 arcs over yarious pnrttoits of time 1'iu'k
nud it is said by correspondents wiio ha'
visited it , Hutt has claimm covers portions
if nut all time grcnt sighta of time wundur
fnl , 119th thesu facts before it , it i5 no
surprising to hear ' [ ' ! w huzenuut Commie
any' onto " ' 1'lluru should rumniu it
Uuurica at least uric spot free from tit
. duspomlimg 'nud of time grasper uftu
g wealth ; a locality where time uaturtl fo r
It mutiuns will riot suWrr from direct coin
trmst whim artilicimml cmmstructlcns. 'I'm
a I'ark was , by Cougresamunal action , dcd I
0 anted imi perpotntty for time use of tine
o Anmeriaum nation , to servo as a Nutionm
1'ark icasuro uutd 'l'lris did
r or gr ri
amttom piutu a lutso to a so ualktl Jim
provotnnnt Cronran ' nr the right of wa
m- to a railway corporation , 'l'imo ono slmoul
0 mower have bona sauctioucdI nud we tru
m time other mwvur will ire , ' '
m' d Budding operations omm tlleSoda 1VOr
dh near Laranmiu arc buitg puslmud sev
:0 : days to time tvuuk. A neat olflro for fl
me Sul erimitendout lute been erected , and on
to of the furnaces and lhnislming pots curio
mid , 'l'Itu foundations for four more
; d those pots have been laid , anal alt iii
well under way. Tito branch line of railroad -
road to the Soda lakes , or beds , June been
ballasted eight miles out from Imratmlo.
A force of sotto thirty-five melt are at
work on it.
The heavy and continued rainfall in
IVyorn ng tine present year , mentioned in
these columns a few weeks agois brought
in strong contrast tothat of formeryoarsby
time records of time Cheyenne signal office.
Those show that time rain fall of 1882 to
time present time is 14.67 inches , or nearly -
ly four inches hoarier than any previoue
ear. The only ears ap ) roaeimitm it are
77 2 and 78 , wih n rain fall of 1187 and
11.46 respectively. The record does not
sustain time theory of a gradual } early increase -
crease ; on the contra the rain fal of
' 72 exceeded that of ' 82 by 1,2 Inches.
The most serious consequences of the
present deluge has been on rattle , time
rank raes of Jul amid August putting
them in 1'al r condition for the market ,
Time ChoYuriuo Sun inns investigated
time Union Pacific situps at that point ,
and collgratltlates itself amid time Magic
citizens that in extent maid ntunbor of
hands employed they so closely approximate -
mate those at Otunha that time difTermctr
is riot perceptible. Time machine shop is
a atomic building 100 feet wide by 1110
feet long. The north side of time shop is
fitted up with improved bmmehcs for carpenters -
pentors , and the car departntomt work is
under time charge of Mr. J , E Davis ,
forernan of time car department. Adjoining -
joining the macimine shop is the engine
room and boiler room , front which time
power is takum to drvvo time machinery ,
Time nlmopn will be entirely heated by
steam , a great satin' ; aver tine ordinary'
way.Tho blacken + 11 b , p is of stone , and is
40 feet wide by 7 2 loot long. It is in
charge of Mr. ' 1' . J Edwards , At pros-
emit time force i5 small , ] awing only four
forges running ,
'limo round house is a stone building
containing twenty stalls , and is fitted
with honchos amid vices for doing light
repairs to on iuen. Besides these there
are paint , boiler , copper and tin shops
and storerootne for time various materials
needed in time operations of a first-class
road. Time yards arc being greatly inn-
roved. New aide tracks are being laid ,
amid it is time ntontion to so arrange time
tracks at time eastern arid western ends
time awitehiug aan be demo without interfering -
fering with time passenger traiua. By
the new nrrangeutents the amount of
switching now necessary will be greatly
rodmced A new office will be erected
for time minister mmecleumic , mid the yard
west and north of the round house will
be laid out its a parlc , with trees , ahrub-
bury and fountmmius ,
Itidicullug AmiI1onoply. .
IIolt CountyiIAumcr ( Itep ) . I4"
finTho State Journal , and souo tote
other Republican pirpers of tint State , are
leaping abuse and ridicule upon the Anti-
Mouopoly party. This is short-sighted
amid will amimmmt to nothing. It ua ing
possible to overcome a principle of right
by such means , ' 1'110 only way hint time
Republican party corn successfully contend
with the Auti lll onopoly party is by adopting -
ing amid carrying out as far as possible itt
pmauciplos. 'l'he principles of the Anli-
Mona poly party are right and tire gates
of hull shall not retail against them.
These ) rinei rlcs ivilll ) rovail and if we as
Reublfeums do net adopt right uimlei dim
time will
days of time party
almom tly Ire ntunbered 'l'ime Republican
party started out au Antigm"uopoly party
amid it meat stick to those righteoua primt
ciples or go under ,
Iiveiplinlim ; . tor Ulsaa'CCted.
St ; I'aul Ftcu I rvs + ,
Some of time hrnvs cullared editors mire
giving us a lot of silly twaddle about
' isciplinittg time dieatbicted ones in the
patty who so nearly kicked the railroad.
mimchino to } pieces last fall. In as uncu
as about nnttyuinu of emery hundred
republicans voted as they would take an
unrutic-simply througlm a sense of duty
and with a hope that the terrible nausea
the dose occasioned would only be ton-
hormtry - this prchoaition for furtlcr
puuisimumenmt is altogether too nmchm.
About time 'meat aimlyd spectacle of time
caumpaign is this doterminlttiom of the
urotopoly tail to dietimtu "wag" to time
republicat dog.
On Ilia Uefcnsivo ,
s nutio County vn nurtc.
'Vine monopoly press hadii t got thruugim
defemmdlug D. C. Hull until it was called
oil to take up n few twists for 'B
Stout amid tme State Board. Before that
job gut cold auothor of time railroad strik
ups and Itemblicanl lights , Lew Cropsey ,
has to reeelto sonic public bolstering.
Before him brash gets chilly the bras s
collared editors are taxed to their ututos t
to uphold the llou..Jarmies Laird , mmm lii y
peculiar trauanctiona on the Slinking
TimeSupronme drudge.
1'nik ( 'n. I'ernrcre Advovatu.
A large ntunber of time abler class o
republican state papers ndmit that .nud ( , n
Savage , is in ever sense the man wlm 0
shomtli uucOed.1 a geLake ot Umcstm1)role u
bmch mmd Hutt his personal etron6'h
hroaks down 1artY lints , m aki6 hi
election almnost a curtamimty.
lclleimit \iuumory. .
miertonlau ,
Congrussuuun Laird hums bakomi tin
1 trouble to duly the gstutenmunt lead
against hfu , muspuulini frtuduluut lmu
t entries oil time Stinking 11'atur.htr
. Laird says hu is innocent , rvimkit ought t
m bu sulliemont proof front one so high im
authority , but sonctihnes oven Congress
o nmmm art no divursilud ran their uttaim
mtmita that they forget to tell all tin
- truth ,
frame lAid to 1Vormo.
ri ' ,
i Cretu 1'vdutty
Li ' ( 'Inc "liuevals Coui Ironiso" was bit (
r ouuutim but time Stiukiug'tVatur Stu'
- eclipses time minorniog sun.
0 A Capitol .lob.
' T.lnoold Democrat.
u In time seammdaloue dofumee before tin
Il Snpromnu Coitt of time scandalous S14,00
of capitol steal , time lnWyomt ) , old miotabl
htr. Cor'an , laid partiemmlar stress or tin
a claitlt that a comihuctor's sclmdulu of a
time difcrenmt items tutoring unto time cut
st atrucdiou of tine building was ubsolutel
riucessary min order that Chu building con
mmesioncrs could properly estimate tl l
ks amount of work done and so tl
Iii munount of munuy earned at time time
um of each utunthly payumult. ' 1'I !
me olaimim that Silvers seimedulo vvasdefeotii
was time bnrdum of ( ho nrgunnunt again
s leis bid , and Cowin tore aiseiou to tatters
of in demicribin , time wickedness of a bidd
ru who should not maku a 1wrfuct sclmedu
of doorkmiobs , locks , nindow fasteners ,
member of brick , etc „ necessary for
particular parts of tire structume , and time
( rands that Ire wormed be sure to practice
on time board without time protection of
the schedule. mVe stated in tlteso colummns
at time ( tome tlmat this aclmedulo stuff was a
mere subtnrfugo mid bug-bear mid of rio
essential in ) ) ortatmca A case ig illustra
tion is found in Wisconeimm/where an addition -
tion to time capitol is being built at a cost
of $20,000. Time contractor's bill for time
current month was brought to the Cover-
( tor for his inspection wimnlo the writer
was in the executive oflico at Madison a
few weeks ago and ho took oppo tunmty
to inquire particulate Into Limo matter ,
lie found of course that no schedule had
been regtmired of the contractor or had
been made and drat time building board
wore guided by time architact'e
and their own judgment to 0d
lowing the contractor's clamme.
A promument republican oflicmal smiled
very suggestively at time tmoval Nebraska
theory about time schedule amid mmd that
no dillmculty had been nmet rvitlm in prop
adjusting tire contractor's pay without -
out timsclmeulu which nccodn g to
Architect Wilcox and Lawyer Cowm , is
absolutely necessary to keep a contractor
From stealing at will frent a rc mblicmm
board of ins ecto snudtheirhired.oxport .
the architoc limit now that tine steal is
fortified behind tire technical decision of
the commit which did riot touch time merits
of time case , it is , by commimon cuusent ,
regarded ( n its true character aria robbery
by main force wimich nobody defends cx-
cept as a prerogative of tine rupublicmur
party fotmded oft time notorious prescriptive
boar practice of twenty years. Time capitol
never hod a mrottot further than a
conical dreamn dint anybody but Stout
should have that contract , Boss Stout
wouldn't arrange for any other kind of a
I.nlyd hits time Floor ,
Cedar County Nonpareil ,
IIoi. James Laird , Congressman from
time Second , is being asked to explain
some delicate business tratneactrons that
transpired , involving time entry of lands
op Stiukiug Water wlmich he ( l0em not
scorn inclimed to wnnt to answer , rather
preferring to allow time charges to die out
with as little publicity as possible.
M. B. ] these. ,
OfVahoo , Saunders county , was uorn-
tmated by time ltepublicmt State convemn-
tiomi for justice of the Supreme Court.
1rir , Reese is a stalwart railroad tool , anon
wen's time collar of him numsters with be-
coning meekmicss. IIo was deteruniued
on by Jolm Ili , Tlmrstor acne time since
and of course gut there , IIo will be do.
feinted at the polls by 10,000 majority.
Mr , llamner received 07 votes on one ballot -
lot minors that it was intoned lie should
over have. ' 1'he ltepublicat railroad ma-
chime inns no tree for met like dlr. lamer ,
oxeept it be their influence and votes at
the po11a.-l ( earncy Press.
Table Itoch is sure et a creamncry.
blcl'ook wants Lo inetrporate thin frill.
'l'lto McCook water worlo are uaviy corn
Tire aeitook of Calnierbtn have 8'-'v children
omrdled ,
( 'ulumnbus is tallumg of extleinreirti leg with
m ) nrtcsiau well.
'Pure B .L 11 , railroad is buiidiag n fine du
Pt nt Nebraska City.
The Baptists of Katevaw have raised $10,00(1 (
for a aoiv einmrcim.
The average daily attendance at time Ba-
atrico schools is ti69 ,
'limo four year old son of leorno Crooner , of
Iltuutltnu antnty , ivas killed by ni rmtaway
team ,
the nmerry i nrglar bhnted time safe of John
IUll , of lla.stings , and gathered 0O in the
haul ,
it painter at Imcrsrnm , wumred 11'alters , ham
dinappeaed , read Lis frimuls mire npxicon about
Imimni/1d\n / JI
t1. ntcCook oserierccd ( a little flour fatninie
last uveek , bntiA groceries and ilour bdug at
tinily out.
1lrork on a l'ro + bytcnian , and nine on a
1lcthodist church , limns bemu cmuinenced at
O'Neill city ,
iletween connty fairs rumd pnlitias it would
require a iniscroscapo tr find ml item of nets
in the conutry papem .
Tine Beatrice Express minded itself whet it
hoard of Colby's ' uominatiotm , with time remark ,
"l'he voice of tee people is time voice of tJud , "
! light prisoners iu time iCoarney jail ( undo tt
break for liberty fn time jail wall , hot tru { hula
wits nut big mmough whom the sherill plugged it
Time amount of lmfhuity induced by 'n1cCoak
budge isn't a circnnnstance compared with tle
will Imornmnansbip of cow buys minor its m m-
North Platte marl a $0,000 , blaze nt tine
mmoruing of time Jest. ] SahliC Cluircim aad
l'nrk .h Vrum Uotnavcro time principal hmf-
furmK ,
An east bmuul pasee + gcr train eu the U. I' .
Saturday week , rsu into a flock of shooI , a
ehurt distrmccweet of ti ruel Island and killed
one Lwath ed of tlmeun ,
Rmglars followed time erow'd to than fair at
I'drbnry , ninth ii ugercd lung etoll gin to blouv
inlr two hales and dtio time depot ticket case ,
'l'Imoy did not fled enengh mint to pay for
time puivder.
Time now Lown of Ilartintgtomm will bMm have
n paper , to he endlcd Tine herald. It will ho
'nthllahed ' by Attoruuy Goierrd t'un'ers , of
Dakota City , and 1VJllhuu inure of Time I'mmcn
A mnn giving his none as 1Villiaul D1cCy
stela n line tuna of horses from Arthur Spertr
minor , of Sprimugfmoltl , Sarpy comity , la + t neck ,
was captured at Blair and ledged is jail at
Omaha 4 , await trial ,
P. D Ilobbe , Special Comnmmesioner of time
United States ] .and Iepltrtrnont , has given
time cattle nneim and others of Coster county
notlcu to remove mill urine amid other fences ont -
t closing ninny of Uuclo Salmis pmbllu domain , time
a fences to bin removed within tb days.
Seven thnusandshoep , thopropurt of liar.
unanh'Punrer , of Fremont ,
Colmnbue it stuLursday mmwnring , q'hey hav
hag bear driven overhand front Utaim , startimg
time first of May inst and averaging twelve
miler a day.
0 8'rIme ; Grand Island 'l'ines says : ' 'A few
m ntims ago a mien by time name of Noah
1 Blmmglm , reetding ht Alt , C.rrrnhl , III „ fraadt-
iontly placed his father-in-law's sl geatnru to
o negotiahle instnmuommts , atnounthug him tha mip
n gregate to 810,000. 1taiing ureunpl6hed his
Irurposu , thu glmfty party left for parts trim-
' known. 1)uIntty Jensen fnnud a young man
worklug fu tlm0 imirmic53 shop of ,1 Iluyinor , In
u this city , nrmswcring the deseiptiou , mmd ire
'routptly ' arrested hitn. lie at first deaicil
tine criumo , but finally ncknmowledgsd it.
ur aam aua-a . THE GERMAN
I 1 , .ikl tl k R IM E DY
al , , , , ( ' p4i ,
' . e ° dlkl y l
'e , , , Vi
. , , , .
i' ' i ° I ayii It lIslmev. and t
Hit l 1'IA'I'IS1 ,
erh 1 Neramita ; ; ,
0e ' , , ' " \ , ,
i' , ( ANTuIBmI'IWIm
. nlcesnr ,
o 'l ' w .weak . , :1hADACdi'f00TRAClli : ;
u ' ' 1 'SOFlf ' T11804r
r Waal „ r w (4VINSfhW..trti
° 2tt ttvltraa ,
' I iLunaweu Bareness , Cuts , Btulsos ,
1 (
, ' '
0 + rae a'imt'iPm ,
it ' ,
la Jm LW , , m . . n rrss.rit'.mens ,
I , wndatiaherlsbum'actma.
la ,
ry ' J IL' rod Iwtmr + ,
w14Dy'untrme. nRtut
5t I Wuam INd v a thr. luu , Ia Ii
' LI ,
' rt1UxK
, 't
' 1J q,1 ; lint 111a,10s A. YcOekr / t
er h , . . _ . ? . . . . _ . osu.ta.rr. lt + vyxaA , L ,
lu Y.r.l. , re xtr C. : A
' CO. ,
Washington Avenue and fifth Street , - - - ST. LOUIS MO
Wholesale Grocers !
AND JO nnnns IN
Cigars and Manufactured Tobacco.
Wholesale Druggist !
Palilts , Oils , Yarslies alid ¶ illaO ifiass
Growers of Live Stock and Others ,
TOCakem' '
im Is the beet and cheapest toad for etoek of any kind. One pound Is equal to three pounds of corn
Stuck fed with Oround 011 Caine At the fall ernl IYhmter , Instead of rcnnng ) down , well' ' lurr aso in weigh
and ho In goo l marketable connmtnon In time spring. D nrynuen , as wsin na others , a ho use it can testlfy
Its merits. Try it and judge for yourselves. , i rIce o'25.Oe r cr foam nn charge for sacks. Address
o4 eod mo 100DILmN LINSEminaomr C0511'ANY , Omaha '
1 1
{ N i
f ) D -
Peina Victorias , Especiales , Poses in 7 Sizes from $60
to $ x.20 per 000.
Combination , Grapes , Progress , NebraskLLt , Wyoming and .
T r -vt bier „ rycy tdrru , y , -
rf r a
ihf r
I U )
Boiler Troll orkU-
mAdld all kiods of Steam Roller , , ,
plate lronhmolneme Suroku , Stacks preaching Lard , il'ater and Oil Tank and de a goner ,
IWpalringdoneInCmtyandCountry. Alm stork
Done at , f '
Prices and t 'arranted .
Soamd hanJ Inners will ho .
of the country , Cant kept on , haul. Iravlughail many yearmexperience In the trade Inn different part
. waltieutl cut giro satiefactloo , hanlog thu hest amt . .
ror. main andrtercostrucu , shop tool. Iii taw State. Shop
i. M. WILSON Proprietor.
hf ° 51 ( )
. . .
r ( 7 P Ra v .rn r r. :
i a 1a a. ,
; L1 : 3'ItEf3Ej rII ?
b ' , \ WIIOLEt1U1SlJ,1)URADJ. .
Y J7 The Lest 1Yare Mitllo f'er tk rte rlit,9i
qRLt17 , 5driur ! A0Tl1ftC1 J 0lJLY a1' ; HE
, , rmt.i' . ! f f t , t ' t3 / j L , + ' ,
llbl ,1 " tt n 1 r + a , , ' , . . . '
1t Jl 1 O ! r , tl ? Jan1 Tf..l fl ' r rm ; , njr
h , t ) . . f l l..I . ,
LOTJI , at : . . . a . la T
nI tr.ra IN
Liifiholl , p as1i , hoofs , iliilEls , S11ill1OS , Iitll
Call lull 6oi my Prices before
buying elsewhere , Yards corner Jth
anti Douglas , .lso 7th and Douglas.