Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 28, 1883, Page 8, Image 8

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Friday Morning , Sept. 28.
Weather lntllcntlonM.
For the upper MUfiippI and Miiouri
Y.11y , fair weather , north to eniL winds ,
cooler weather and higher barometer ,
followed in the northern portlon9 by
falUng barometer and alowly rmmng tent.
perature. _ _ _ _ _ _
. -i-The eleventh annual b&11 of the Oinah
F're dop&rtmen h nnounceiI for % odne.hiy
'senng , October 17 , .t Cruuno's 1uII. Time
: Ucket. co dollsr , nd the pmceol.
will h placed In . funil for the benefil of the
# volunteer. . The ticketi sre .eIlIng rtiliuI
; antt the boya who "run whit the muheen"
. - wILI tonhtIeu reslfzo a Imanthomne UtTi , afl (
. .
. &lvo their frIends n etenItig of rro ) teure.
-Sandy Forbc wu mttFNtCl Jut night .in
aI1) ) ICIOn Of being connected with the takItg
of the town.
swAy of a watch from woman
The watch w. taien by it ttilrd party ,
wbo s1Iped th. chain front around the
woman'I neck u she .LouI In the halLway of a
Twelfth greet saloon , anti it wa chargeti that
t the property wa.a puied to Forhe , . The hat.
. ttw titterly resenU the acougntton , anti
tkroaten to make Ii warm for lIItg accusur. .
h -Hon. Charlei Finch ha' , recehed ati ho.
pwtant communication from onoof 1iI frientit ,
1 the wed , and Is bcin congratulated by hi
many frI.ndn.
Ohlsf Justice Field , of the U. 3. Supreme
Coort , left San FrancIco yentorday for the
eMt , antI will pa. through Omnahm on Sun
day morning's train.
t -A drawing of Judge Dundy' elegant new
rldence Ia on exmibition In an up4own win.
-The Abbott Opera company arrived from
th. East yestcrtlay and croatei quite * ion.a.
Uon * . they walked up Tenth iitroot.
-The rumor that John L. Sullivan I to
. . pitch for the Union l'achfhc. , is not Act. i27 2t
-In the iohlce court yesterday one plain
, Sioc'imb paid fine anti one wsi committed.
, A nina who wime arretod on the charge of
; &buzing his wife wa diachargod ,
' -The Thumiton hose team I about to p.
elude match with the Council I3iuffM boy.
ndeconh1tIon. .ai.factory to both team. .
-1)on't forget the Dancee ivon hy the
Prairie Queen DanctngOhimb every Sat , eve.
M Mathew. & ; Gayntr' . Dancing Academy ,
SW. cur. 14 tt Do'lgo. Admiulon 5Oc. .263t
-Martin huff , who reiddee on 14th .troet ,
'sear the 1orthweetorn depot , I. under arm oet
tt * . llegod robbery. of a boarder of tha sum of
' $3O. .He proteste hi utter Innocouc of the
I . g tharge.
. tharge.The
, . -The laying of the corner stone of the now
' . MuonicTemploin Council Bluffe which waa
. f t have taken IlC ) yeLeday , wa po.t ) onol on
acouunt of the funeral of"the murdered Dr.
McKune , who vae biaHod timler the au.plcus
of the fraternity.
-The ctiunty court room I. being imt In a.
J ice .hapo a. an old 8he11 hilce it can be , fur
' p . . the approaching term of court. 1'hme .pacodo. :
' .t . VOtetl to the use of thjo bar 1. buhmw oziLtrgutl ,
: matting laid , the windows are being
. wuhieti and the cuitpidorct being , cleaned.
. This he quite an Impro'omont.
-The sociable ammil ball which woe to b
given by the Norwegian Singhmig Society , and
: which had heretofore boon otponoI on , ac
- osunt of btd weather , will take place uoxt
aaturday , September 20th. wIthout fidi.
1 -A. joint meeting of Divitlout. No. 1 amid 2
of the A. 0. II. will ho held on Friday evou
log , the 2Sti , Imniodlatoly after trami.actlun of
t regular bu.ineasof No. 2. By order of the
. County Delegate.
-Aulstant General Manager Kimball of
the Union Pacific , wont out to Fort Oniaha
yesterday in company with General how.
. Md and eoveral officer. of the department to
witue.t , the pro.ontatlon of lrizt.
-Time I. 0. G. T. gave a very viea.ant var.
ty Wednesday at the residence of Win. Ward
. on the corner of Capitol Avenue and Four.
booth street. Upward. of thirty leron.
were preaenL Dancing and .hmmgiimg were the
; ' rincipai amuacmnont. of the evening , followed
by full roundup of rofre.innont , . The Miuna
Parker , Ward amid Crawford furni.hiud .oitm
: eryfin tousle.
-Mr. mL Tuft , who recently 11151108td of
kiti whtde.ato cigar toni tobacco btt.hmmos to
. i Itr , LEd. Fearomi , lots tiocitloti to engage Iii the
bauldug business , muiti vIii open up the ' 'l'co.
Il& . ] lank" in the tteat auth coumniodlous
:1 : buIlding formerly occupied by hlahmn'a book
, I toit , on Dodge. ii. hJammbim. will go In zui
cashier , and tIm many friends anti formnc'r pa.
trumu o dr. ' .l'oft itrudict mm PrtMPcIos future
fec tim l'cojtiO'H Bittik , whilcim will be ro.tdy fin
1 by the 15th of October.
. -Thiis is uttimoed tube time opening of "Iii.
dian simmnnier , " at , called by the mitIve , wIu
i uao thi. time in vrovarimtlomt for the whiter b
layhig In storea of food , and believe that It it
&usot1 by m whit ! which comno lnhIimethiatol3
. front the court of their great amid bonovoloim
. god C.tutantowltor the aoutimwostcrim god.
:4 : -A. flee reporter drove through Shult's ad
dition yotrday , and was .urpriscd at its growth
I There are already ever one hundred flue red
I dences erected there , amid an equal number u
. ¶ it. Bull left for eale. It Ia bitt two year inc
addith'o was opened to the public , ani
. , veady1ti tnickly iottled. Time contetmiplat
} t t . : ad Iuveatmneimt of money iii giuthwest dinah
. ha. giveim It an additional boom , auth it I on
. . of the jnettIet poitiomis of Umo city.
: t . -Seven jmartia. arreetl nit the charge c
. ; I , , .eliIu liquor within the three julio Ilinit abuti
' the 1ty gave booths for au npioaraiteo t.
I ; . . p. at. S.turdy , the bail boltig tixed at 5O
eaoh. A. nehlliorcity , county nor state cn
,1 . , giyo a hicono to sell iiquutr in titI Jiroacribo
; I ' di trIcthI , nh1IIea that the act vit. an tiitcoiistl
tutiunal one in loiiatiug : mm1iist a POItIOmi ( I
, ' . . thmo ciiaeziti and gr.umIIii tim vilyilrgo to ott
0 ' te.ra who are their imoxt dow midI
. . _
I -3 - - - - - -
I . TI1I TIVOId CIaOi1l ) .
* ' '
'A Farewohl J'iiimy mind hail at a
. , . - , vuritti 1testn't.
: The Tivoli Garden , a pleasant resor
4 which hae boon conducted this .eaeon Ij
- , Mr. PauI Souf , closed Wednueday nigi
- after a very succesatul oaaon.
Time proprietor gave a farewell part
last imihmt , to which a limited miumber i
I . frieD-di WerO iiivited , and time " light fs
? , , taatio" wa tripped untila hate hour. ,
' The muafo wee furnished by Pro
Scbidei the wofl.luiowu pianlit , the
whom none can manipulate thmo Ivory I
I ; _ 1etier shape , anti by Mr. Julius Thioh
. . tki , violiniat , who is no lea. exLert wit
, I . . "the fiddle and time bow. "
I ' : Mr , r1 baa nmado a great euccoae
b ; , . Lissuanmer wprk at tin , Tivoti , and ii
s-- . , eZoaliig will leave yoid like that o ( tim
p tLki.rjiinTirauI lushIj ,
- ' --r ---s
- - - about the taco.
- - -
---P- -
- . , . .
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All Oma yncIe ! Bilys the Urcat
est Falls Oil Earili ,
jiiitI Will Mnko a Htmnmimicr Re.ort
of thmo Shmoahione.
- - -
TUB DElI of recent dMo announced the
purchaeo of the Sho.hono Fall , , iii Idaho ,
by a ayntllcato of Omaha and lotte capi.
tahiit. . , consisting of ions , John A.
Croighton anti 0. II Dewey , of this city ,
and a Butte City banker named Clarke.
Those falii are eaia to be ( ho grandest
on etartli , the waler doscomihiga ( listanco
of 210 foot , anti it. is propo.ed to make
time spot the future great Qumnmor resort
of the United States. Mr. Steno , time
partimor in the firm of Dewey t Stone Is
now up in Idaho hooking at the lay of
the land , and time purchaser. have with'
out doubt got "a fattako , " The Chicago
Trihtutto SjeCial says :
Two Omaha ca1)lt4imsts and a banker of
Butte , Montana , have omlarked in no
less atm utitorpriso than the purchmao of a
waterfall , the Big Simshmomie , in Idaho.
Until six motits ago time property was not
' 'iii sight , " amid its existence only became
ktiqvit through the roportof anoccniomiai
imuiitor , ivimo , roachmitig thin edge of time
Imasin which surrounds the 'approach to
the falls , poured at timomi curiously at a
titstanco of timroo.fotmrtims of a mile , and
gained emily an umisatisfactory iiilprcsaion
of a vast body of water , much spray , and
immure roar. From the edge of this baaimi
there svaa no sure footing to a nearat'
point of view. Blasting and pickimigimavu
cut a path through the rocky sides to time
water a edge , and time faila cami flow be
as easily viewed as Niagara.
The lnako IUvor , which forms thicu
fails , is at this point a deep stream , run-
1111mg for twonty.fivo miles timrugim lava
rocks hundreds of feet in hmiglmt. At time
fall. , which are 1,100 feet wide and have
a dcscoitt of 210 foot , time rocks loomm up
grandly to from 600 to 1,000 fout in
hiigitt. Their browma walls are utterly
bare , amid except for a grassy plot of a
few acres , 'with a cool spring and a shady
grove which border the falls , the scone is
one of utter desolation. For miles bn
yond the lava.boda stretch away , with
oitly time aago.brush amid cactus to t'e.
hove their barrett 'waste. ' Thice
miIo above are the Twin Fz4is ,
with a descent of 180 feet , mmd
cloven by a hugo rock. The rivgr
is broad anti deep botwjien the Twin
Fails and Limo Big Shmosliono , alid a boat.
ride along titi. stretch is exciting , but
imot necessarily dangerous. I'orpendicu.
mr walls alto on oitimorsido , anda "hello"
or cornet peal echoes and rebounds a doz.
en thnos. Several tourists who have via-
itod the j4aco within a few weeks , do.
clmmro it a wonder1 and do not It'sitatd to
draw commiparisona with Niagara. The
syiiilicate whmicit him bought the falls amid
time lamul surroummdimig for some distance.
has also pimtchased time ntage.iine , which
runs twumity nmilua north to Simoshommo
Statlo , on Limo Orogomi Short Lute rail-
% vay , amid intend next seaaomi to put up a
large hotel amid develop their purchase.
flhmckJon'H Ainlezi SmiIve. ' , ,
The groatoat mimodlctmi wonder of the world.
Warranted to speedily cure Jturiui , Cuts , UI.
curs , Salt llhoummi , Fever Sores Caimcera l'iloM ,
Chilblains , Ctrnti , 'rotter , dimappea limmittia ,
mmd nil ikimi eruittisna , guiirarmteott to cure lii
every inntaimco , or mimummoy refunded. 25 oemmts
er box.
T11I Ot'ELt1t HEtSON.
EtimimuL itbbott Ohiiil4 11cr Emgngc.
immohit 's'ltIi limo Opera of
"Immrthmut. "
of mmli tim operas of Friedricim you
Flotow , ' ' 1artima , " which lie 'ioimiposetl
iii 18f8 , is undoubtedly time most potu.
hat , being sung in several lamiguageuu , and
thu uding mnctivo itself beiuig a world.
501mg , Moore's oxquiaito "Ltst Rose of
Suimnir. " W'h'iio this nimmclm sung air
pormuita fooling , it ammfi'ormm if carmied to the
verge of scuthmiuntimlity by sobbing or ox-
csaive estuiro. Critics cciii ' . not be
ccmiuretl for calling Miss Abbott's atton-
tiomi to this amid time danger of blurriumu.
the ciruit of the ) vhmolo opera , by over-
i.loiuig its prLmlciflhl solo.
'limo ° i' ' a last uvemmimig was sry lucas-
bigly gim'.um , niuti time large nudieumee did
not begudgo its umliptaumso. Sigmmutr
F'alriumi as at. his best mm Liomiel , mmmiii time
vmir of .Vhummikctt seumume to be PmtrtieUhLtrlY
I troll adapted fur 'J'atyiiniiutu'a'a careless
maimer amid michm voico. Lul is Stjuiii as
I Naumcy , mmmdc a decitled liupressiomi , and
. buutim by moiumg mid umimigiumg , mnatle an mtd-
muirabit. support for time lnmmmm.donmm.a.
. 'l'hie Abbott troupe do iuimt hick good
singers , but they do imoed , amid always
) imavo need d , a richer wardrobe , with
, more attcfltion Iaid to "iminku.u1u" of time
' cimoruum. Appeam-ammco is evorytimimmg , amid
p tasteful costumes are as necessary tt the
t opera as to the drauuma , 1)criuapa imiomLu so.
Twice last umiglmt Limo heading voices
. were caliod before time curtain , aomd soy-
. oral encores voro domnandod. Time or-
. chme3tra of tlmia commipammy are vuIl trained ,
nod prduccs duiigiitfnl mmiusic.
1 'ro.uiglmt we are to Immivo "Bohemian
0 Girl" ; to-mimorrow iiiglmt "l.a Honiumibula , "
amid Saturday aftornoomi , " 11 'rrovatoro. "
a VIulo Awake 1)muigglatum.
0 0. F , ( looduimnu Is mmimvays nilvo in his itimsi.
11045 amid spare.a no pains ti , secure time lust of
every article in ltI lhmmu. lie Iuui secimrtii LIme
If ngeuicy for the coiubr&ttoil ir , King's Iumv
t Discovery for Comismmmnptlumm. ' .L'iiu emily cur
U taimi cure kflOVmI fur Cttimstmmmmjutiimi , Cougim ,
- ( oltis , lLommraciieas , A.thuui hIlt ) ' Foyer , ltioim
cimiUs , or miii ) ' titfi'ctioii mif ttroat situ iimimu ,
I , Stud cmi it jKtt.itlt'C gimam-antue. 'nut ! lutittlet
ii ( coo. Ieguhu.iro {
; 1iESTOWINU TII1 1'1tL7SflI.
Geuiti aI 1lmtyavtl l'rt'aesils I lie ' 1c
tell louis ltIIh'mmmoui .Ymt Ii 'l'imolm
' .Ivophmies.
t. At the title rouge , umear Fort Oumuilma
yesterday nfteruioomm , mmpoum time comnletioi
of time ummteim for iucos : on thiudupam'tmnuim
toatmm , General howard nmatiu time vresomi
Li tatiomi of tim various iimcdals and tropkie
, y km the victorious one. .
it. Time United States govom-amout gok
modai , time intrinsic value of which I
1oo , awarded to Sergeant Stay , o
. comnhammy F , NimmUm Infantry , to ho rotailmoL
by huiuui as hmaviumg made the bust score ii
I. the last three days' contest.
mi Time badge of time dopartumiont stat
U OfficerS was iurcseuted to First Liutmtemummmml
Li , ? mtcriiani. of time Fourth limfantry , as win
li of time individual skirmish immatch.
Time depattmmnftit coummmamidor's goht
)1 mnodai , in time regimnentai skirmtah mmmateim
is went to Sorgeaumt Mayo , of timu Seventi
0 . Infantry.
Thu elegant sliver water pikleor giver
- - I ber of tito loard of mn4 a man un
- - - -
by time Uumlon I' cifio railroad I. In po. .
, essiomm of time gallant Seventh.
Time team to o to Leavonwortii m.
composed as follows , In- order of merit :
Sergeant Stay , Ninth Infantry ; Private
ackariascn , Soventim ; Corporal Weag.
i-off , , Fourteenth ; Sergeant ( flmaphin , Soy-
cmmth ; Sergeant Dcgmmriu , I'otmrtim ; her-
geamit. 1tolinon Fouut th ; Lioutensmmmt
Morriani , Fourdm ; rmlmmsiclan islartmn ,
Nintlm ; Musician Diiiory Seventh ; S.r.
geant Jordan , Fourteenth ; Coporai Ste-
Tons , Sevcntim , Sergeant Hornmok , Four.
teeath , and alternate. , Corporal Cos.
grove , Nintit , and Corporal I'ouid , Sixth.
r4irrzLEAX & Ct ) . are Nanufactur-
r , of CnUIn California 11cc/c Otovee ,
ad claim tim make the bteug1ou'ce in the
Uumitod States , and .re not afraid to say
so. Every poir is 1ran'led Lwi'irt , TfiAE
1 % , ; Co. m-e&w
Dramatic ill Iha City Court.
A Ptothlor'.4 IulIlgumumtlmm , Tmmrmted on
time Oioatng Coummmsol.
In time Police court yesterday , the
lroluummitiarY oxammiimmation o hugh Bayhias ,
charged with outragiimg time persomi of , Ju-
muopiuiuie I'atton , a little seven year old
colored girl , caine UI ) .
Time State was not represented , but
Colonel B. F. Smythe appeared for time
defense. 1kiyhis is a yoummg man about
twenty years of ago , and accordimmg to thu
testimony of his sister , in a mmmnrphmimio
eater , imavimi bmliorited that fearful appetite -
tito front his imiotlmur ,
It is cimarged timat time child was induced
IA ) go amid stay all imigimt with time
little daughter of a Mrmm Timorp , also a
colored lady , and timat wimmio timero the
outrage was comimmnitted , Fear of being
killed prevdntoi time little ommo from toiLing -
ing Imsrakry for sov3rai days , but whomi
she did the indignammt immotlior at once
ummado a comimplaimit iii police court , ' ! 'hie
testiniommy was uiat of a , clmaracter to be
PUt III print , but it resulted iii thmo pris-
otter being held in theuiummu of $500 bonds
to 'appear hoforo time October grand jury ,
although several witmmosaes swore positive
to an alibi.
At tiio-toncluaion of time examination
time prisoner's coummaul expressed some it
digumation at time rumhiumg of the court , in-
timumating timat the judge's mind had been
umidowed by licavomi with "extraordimmary
grandeur. " Mrs. Patton , who is a pretty
featurudwoman. with buta tracoofAfri.
can blood in her faconroao from her seat
amid with her coal black eyes flashing -
ing like fire , gave the lawyer
a turniimg over that few could withstand ,
aLpeahing to hint on his honor , if his
little daughter who had played with
her's was to make aucim , charges against
a colored imiaui , if lie would imot have
him lyuichmed.Vithm an emiorgy which aim
eumrumgud tigress would use iii dcfcndmim
her youtug , situ iiiaiatutl timmit sue wotii
have justice if the law would give it to
her and if not she would resort to other
nicana. Time aflhir created quito a scnsa
tiomi iii the court rooumm , which 'ivies
crowded amid tiee'decision of His llnor ,
Judge Amiderson , simowcd that time vro'
pouidercmmce of ovideumco for time defummso
imad miot biased his muiimd in time least.
Bimsemprimso Alway. Tolls.
"Time Sioux City Rotmto ? for St. Paul
imas grown in favor so that another train
iiium boconmo a imeccssity. Accordingly ,
Monday , Septomimbor 23 , another daily
Leaves Omaha at. . . . . . . . . . . 6:15 : a. m.
" Coummcil BiufT . . . . . . . 6:40 : "
" Sioux . . . . . . . . . . : "
Arrives at St. I'aul. . . . . . . . . 11:30 : p. in.
This train to Sioux City every day , and
to St. Paul * . .wy day except Sunday.
Enquire f1 tkketa on thu ' 'Sioux City
Itouitu. " sep22nm&o5t
An Inventory of ssctM Filed at time
Coitimly OIcrk'i 0111cc.
Lewis Brash , time clotimiumg mimerchmant
'i'i'hmo mn'ede an assignment lately , flied yes.
tertlay , according to tIme requiramnents of
time new iumw , inc immvommtory of his assets at
time oflico of time Coumuty Judge. Time
papers are bulky mum time stock was large
amid limes bqemu hilly itemmmizcd cmi a cast vol.
untiomi. Time appraised valeme is $13OllI.44
'is'itlm accounts outatamidiuig to time nmmmoummmt
of $1,022.14. Time statoummeumt shows ha.
biiitiea to time ammmouimt of $13,277.81.
Aimmmmg thu imuaviust creditors appears
omit ) IJenry llrmlm , of New York , for
$ trhti7,11 ( , , ' 'nit muccotimmt of cash , " amid
$1,821.26 to Edit Brash , of Now York ,
aili'ged to hue theme eu remit. .1 . lcnufummami ,
of New York , if don' ; ' for $1,111.50. tummi
Swarta & .Jaikownki , 2,2l8.iiO. Brash
cinimmis equity of rcdeiimption eu his Iodgo
street real estate , cmi which timoro appear
two . immortgmmges , one to time Omaha Say-
igs lammk for $1 ,31i ( ) mmd tIme other to time
fruit Natiommmti for 2,4iOO.
Judge Cimad'ivick has fixed upon ( ) cto.
her 8 , at 10 o'clock , as time timmie for the
creditors to imicut utimd cimooso an muisigmiec ,
aceordimig to time new immethmod.
- S4tlt1)s' Sl1t ) % .
- - - ' -
Time 1'alr at l'apilllon n Grnumd Site.
01 55.
I 'l'he county fair of Sarjmy coummty1 now
: at Paiiiiiomm , , is pronounced a
success in every particular.
: hiii : reporter visited the ehmiLmitiomm
I yeatomdmmy amid vrommnuiuicee tiio oxmihita
both of stock mmmiii produce au cxcuiieitt ,
'L'iio feature of fair clay ycatei day 'ivam
the dtmii'i't'ry of time mummnmal multimess hi ) '
- cloy. 1\1ume1)ommtlu \ : editor of 'I'hmd No.
boisha'atchmuummum , 'imimiele 'iva iii a acimmi.
imummmorous vein , but. at time saute tiuimo
coimtiuitmetl immumoli valuaiiu timid iiract icai
, iimformmiatioum uuuti covered time orator with
I glut ) ' .
'i'iiu i'Tusienl ' Union omolmemitia was
I emit amid tIme immuaio
, comisetiuemmtiy tim-at-
- cluisa.
S A foot race took 1dare during the day ,
lunuticilmitted iii by twomity-four boyn , ommu
I hmezit , nimo.fourtim tuttle. Time first vrizu
I woum by Leo Bmuckouirit1e , Ignatius
I Denim secomiti , Low lceiiy timimd
r To-day will ho time big day of limo week.
I , ( Jozzumnu.
m Nimmthm and llarnoy streets , Accomumimo.
, tions first cites. iii ovary particular. The
I ( ilily tIm-at clams leousu 1mm time city that baa
I $2 OOm-oomna ,
. mmi.etf I' . IIUMSEV & CO.
I Mr. FrItz Ruhi will go east 1mm a few day. to
, attemmd the convention of socialist. , which
I macste at Philatlehpiml.m October 10. Mr. Bulmi
I. a I'r ° perou. and woII.knowu farmer reski.
1 lug near thl. city ,
_ . .
v sq. q w
I- VuuaoU IuU. , Is. , Beptcmncm 10 , 18.
- - - - _ _ _
- - -
The RsuIt of YcsteraVs Colilpotiliofi
at Fort Omaha.
The Laist Da'a I'resctlco at. Vort
Onm aim a
The third day's shooting in the depart.
memit competition yesterday was more
favorable titan that of the day before , time
score. stammding as follows , being for 200 ,
300 and 600 yards respectively , Witim the
day's total. and grand totals :
Yards. ' l 'W
200 . 300 600 SO . , .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . 23 29 87 2 ! ( )
Zacharisiten.0 11 O 1)1 ) 24
\ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 31 8d 214
Chaplain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 27 2 8th 243
) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 2 80 212
\ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 2C W
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 24 7 , 238
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 25 t3 23.3 '
) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2C 29 80 2u :
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; 2 ( ; 27 81 21O
Stepimen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 27 28 8 230
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 21 74 228
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 23 78 227
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 80 87 220
The first twelve in timis list will be tue
departmmmemmt team in time contest at Fort
Leavenworth , amid time otimer two wili at.
tend as alternates.
Iii time skirmimish practice for time do-
Iamtimmeimt comnminender's gold badge , which
lyamu cotitesteci for by teanma of twelve
mmmcmi frommi each regimmment , time sere was
Its follows : .
Sevontlm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 1 320
Fourth humfantry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : us
F.urt.eemmtlm Infamitry. . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
Fifth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 230
Nlmmth infantry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
Sixth infantry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1112
1'iio deductions are mmmdc for firing
miller time order to cease firing imad been
Time badge was won by time Seventh in-
fiumtry , and goes to the beat man of time
winning team after two triaia.
or time N-'brnslca ' Tract and Ml.
u4iOULiry Smiety.
Value of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 30
Value of fixtures anti furniture. . . . . . 193 43
Value of lease itaid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 87
Value of insurance on building vald
, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Vaiuootiiitsurimnco oumgood. paid up. 25 83
Value of buildimig pledges ummpaid. . . 801. 50
Value of tract Pledges unpalim. . . . . . . 1.112 10
Value of merchandi.o on hammd. . . . . . 2,104 51
Amnunt dime from . . . . . . . . . . 53
Amnuuimt due froiim ministers and
agents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303 40
Amount dime from Cutiferenco. . . . . . . 140 73
Aixiount due from other source. , . . 30 70
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 81
Amount due S. 1) . A.
I'imbihtshmimmg Associathon.81,529 01
Atmii.ummt ilue i'aeitic Press 077 05
Aimmmmuit omupaiti on general
mmicrclmaumtliao . . . . . . . . . . . 003 38
Amtitnmutthmmo on bulltiluig , 00 00
Ammiiemnt , due Nebraska
conference. . . . . . . . . . . . . 840 00
Aimitutmiit clue nministeru. mind
iigtiiita . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . 474 89
Total liabilities. . . . . . . 4,216 , 3
l3aiance iii favor of society..3,528 48
Amnoumit of iletigea and donatiomma received -
ceived at this mmmeeting as follows :
'l'rnct fiimati . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S 040 SIS
i'ommt and camp imIeutimm fummd. . . . . . . . 308 00
1tmilthin fund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285 00
British Mission. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (19 ( 00
Sea&tmdingmiau l'.lissjomi. ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207 00
European MI'ShjlIm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313 01)
International 'L'ract Society. . . . . . . . . 705 00
. .
'I'otal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 50
Book .alea , etc. , on camp grtmnd. . . . 1,065 00
Fiummumcial atatomnemmt sf thm Nebraska
Comiferomice S. D. Adventists :
CamI on , hand at beginning of year . 210 2'
4ti.iJiuit ? received durhmmg year. . . . . . . 4,570 50
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ , 7
ThommsandH Say So.
i1r. T. W. Atkins , Girard , ICau. , writes :
"I miovor hesitate to recommend your Ehec-
timc Bitters to may custoirer , , timoy give entire
satlsfactitim ammd are rapid sellers. " Electric
lrmttori are time vimroat amid leRt medicine
kmmowa and viil imoIttvely cure Kidney and
liver coumplaitits. l'mim-mfy the biooil amid rug-
imlato the luowels. No fummiiiy can atrurd ta be
withiutit timemim. They whit icevo hummitireds of
dihlars in doctor's bills every year Sold.mmt
50 comits a bottle y 0. F. ( cto.mmmimmm.
A Trmiynor , genemat liaggage agent of time U.
p. , has gone on mm tour of immaliection to Sail
Lake City.
litumi.Vm , Stuofer , formerly county cleric o
Ciimmiiiig coimuty , ammtlm'iow , itt tim banking busi
1)055 ) at'eet ] 'oimit , is imm time city.
Simpcrhmmtemmdent E. E. J4atmo , of the Ummiom
Pacific bridge department , left for Ogden yas
Fred Mcrzimeimner , Esq. , was in the cit
yesterday , amid heft fur Ienver omm the auto
Fiatmic Carnmth anti 0. 'iV. tcLntm3hiitm , of
Plattuimnouth , arc at the Paxtomm.
0. 11.Viilartl nut ! 'imifu amid "iVmmi. lieu
achmoter timid wife , of Loui. Cityareat the l'ax
VieBlorbower , "time delegate frommm Sioux , '
Wa. among time passenger. fromim Lincolmm yes
Ii. ? , Ieimtleisaohmn , tIme nrcimltect , went to 1)eim
ver yesterday 14) lOOk after thm building of tim
raiiway imospitni timoro.
Mr. 1. RIley. of hunt & lihloy , 'ivhmhie ii
time act. of jumn1ng froimm Imlu wagon yc4eniuy
injimrotl liii kmmoo severely amd : it will hay imimi
up fet soimme tinme.
ilr.S' _ 0. lioriaumtlima4 beau flI'iOifltQi b
C eneral lit anager Ito , lamid as general agent cLime
Limo lSanenom atimtl tickeit uittltamtmuunt , itt tim
Ummion I'achtIc , itim imuad'iimirtevs : mtSait Lak
City. lie 'i'iiil immive cimierge of the pasacuige
buhuues. lie lJt.eim mmmiii Itlatin , omit ! iii Iovati :
aist \9ntionmueca. . F. It. ? itcOtumueehi 'ill
act as gemmoral agommt of t1o frulgimt tiupirt
mmment. . , .Taunes ? , lomrhi , the rtglstei of time haiti
oM , \Taleumtint' , Nub. , commit , imp to Oauah
front time St.'ite commvontlomm yesterday , 11
held time omme 'i-eta of Cherry county ,
Begeuit Merritt caine thuruuglm On-aim
frommm Ihmmcoln out lilt. way to Neliii , iutmrryitt
somewhat omm accoummt of the ni.Iioaelmhumg tight
between Neilgim amid Oaktiale for tIme count
seatof Antelope ,
B. Wallace and wife , V. Castle and wife , J
Bosowood mmd wife , SIgnor 'Fagilapietra , Viii
emitirms Fabiami of eke Abbott opera conmiuan
with Etumima Emma aimul Chiarlet , if. Pratt , be
hubatmd , are at time Millard.
Time followlmmg are amnong the arrlusJe at ti
l'axton yt.terdaym Frank It ! . Evens , for
Aurbachi , B. J , Imloaney , A. B. Freex.
Chicago ; F , E , Beltzelmoover , Mlnmmlu Uuckei
C.mrhislu , Vs. ; B , 13. lowland , P. II. Carpet
tsr , it , U. Otr , V ( . Calhoun , New Zorl
It. Stadeker , , Clumolunatli Chits A. qwgiuj
, 1)umbwiuo. , . ; C. Vt' . Johzi.oum , 11 , 'tV , Clan
' a ' w
- - -
P. 11. Tuthiil , St. l'anit (1. Netter , Clndn.
nati ; M. If. Weed , San Francisco ; T , M.
! assey , Aitien , I. . ; t1. F. Win. 11.nscoter
I mud wife , 0. Ii.Viilard , Nt , ka ; A ,
MeI.anguilim ) and wife , Plattautouthu ; (1. ( Vi' .
Cutilin , . , learney ; 13. F. Weston nap wife ,
Mllwaukeet Tom Muoldock , i'hhhuulelphla ;
C. E. Gardner , A. 1. Iliubinson , St. Louis ;
A. 1' . , Irapcr , Chlcago I' . .T. hlsuek , ,1. 7) .
Crosser , 3. N. Ciosser , New York. D. Mc.
Jonaid , J. C. SmltV' , Wis. ; U. 11.
Wiihi .ms , les Moines ; Time. . Bryant , Schuy-
ler ; 0. 1 ' . ( ; oouimnan , Vi' . A. WIlson , Maibern ;
Frank Carrith , l'iatt.mnoumth ; R T , Abby ,
Lincoln ; .I W. Paddock , Fort Itohlnsun ; }
1k Ificks , l'huiadchpbla ; 0. C. Woich , Golden ;
8. II. Stewart , Colorado ; A. 8. Merhami , Quin.
cy ; 'F. ! mf. hackett , Atcqis.n ; It. Towsy , St.
IMuts ; 11. 1" . Penner , Fert Calhoun , E. J.
floe , ( 'edar Rapids , J. 1) . } 'aIey , SIoux City ;
0 , C. lLu.h , CIncinnatI ; 11. J. Lee ,
Freemommt ; V. ' . E. Ilehmmcr , Sacramento.
C. M. ] tnckfellow , U. 8. A. ; P. M , Steele ,
St. .1cc ; Lymmumn McCimrty , Kana. City ; P.
(1. Bacon , St. Lommi. ; Go. , 11. Grecum , ICaasns
City ; 'l'hmomnas Shmortoil , New ' .urk ; 1.ouui.
( itItnaum , St. Joe ; lIon. C. ii. Van Wyck ,
Nebraska City ; John W' . Vatt , l'ittahung ,
l'n. ; Bbt. Byan , 'iuifn anti two cimihuhrea , 1.him'
coin ; , iohmtm T , lieldiuig , 1)ea Iwood , D. T , ;
.fohmn 'I'oinpon , Montreal ; If. It. l'em-semmgcr ,
1)es MoInes ; W. 11. hiuroort , Chicago ; I , . L.
hllggium. , Topeka , iCat' . ; 1. SV. 1)ougias mmd
wife , Demiver ; I.or.iim UJark , F. M. Sackett ,
Aituloim , Nd , . ; U. CIm'mpnman , Now York ; i.
M. 1.cui. , Detroit ; C. M.Sandera , Chmeyenmme ;
o _ S. 1.ewi. , Ceimtrni City ; I'm ' ! . B , Eulimiger
tutu wife , New York ; 1 , . 11. lfimhbeil , St.
I.oumls ; C. A. Muimroo , Boston ; Jet10 lianer ,
l'hattamnotmtim ; 1'd. Nauti , , Icmmvcr.
trSpec1a1s will Positively not be inserted
unless paid in advance.
, TO LOM4-uonoy.
4ONF.YTOLOAN-ThoOrnaha Sauingi Bank Iii
I vi nw mreI.aeI . to make baits on Omaha city or
Douglas county reuti o.tate at curtent rate of interest.
Nt. conimlloui charged.
:1t1Iosgy : TO LOAN-The lowest ate of Interest
_ LYJ flemls' Loan Aency,1btii .tc Douglas.
4ONnYThWAN-Callat Laa oillco of 11. L.
1vL Thomas , rootit 8 , Crelghtiunlileck. _
. } - Chattel mortgage , roenm 7
.LVI Nebrautk. Netlonal flank Bulldlnur. 'i44.
- ' rosnv TO LOA-J. T. iteitty osas on chattel
ivi. property , 213 South 14th St. opt6
.wo ( un , can find employment b3 ottIuig tmmcd.
lately at the VLeuia , CoSu , Itou.e , 4U i'uiuth i4t.
uia.2i ;
U7ANTF.D-A iIrl for housework at lOlsDodgo St
'txTANTED---At once , go si tinner to take chsre
hY ut shOp. ELY & ICAYMONI ) , liradshaw Nob.
iXTANTlD-Flrt cia's moulderi to work en heavy
V V work. SEATO.\ & LEt , LIneIn Nob.
Nob.stea. .
- 'TEI-Compcteuut uuu0e teacher toe EnglIsh
\ \TA
brautcites It. t.ornmiu AmnrIcuuu Sehooi. til.
cies , stmtluig tirnus tmuamlumentm'uus nit. . ) reterence , .
cii.ts. E. uumtirEmt , meat Firnauim Str.
' 888-29
. _ cook at Scantiltusylatu Itotel ,
v imthSt.
r m'i'i 0 fIrst class broim uuuak.trsvsntol stOlum-uha
irtoun 'iurics , matmi a.ti I'.i 1fi. 89).2U
, i.7 , tNTEfl-Oood stout ohugie man nmo.'can fur.
tush gtoti reference is to , .oliricty aujI honeu.
ty. 'tV. j. SyEL8If.tN3 & 00. Uty 8IliI. ' Stu-tf
11'.tNTI-I-ImumunedIatciy. , , . .eeond giri.
S 1 otrittug and iueat. and a g.oi wittrpes , aae.t
88 50 tier weuk. Apty at cpt mtTleleKs. Sauuu
tiers Rtrectncar Grace. 8)1-291
) . -tr- . Mti.t references
1JANmI1)---A or boy. niece ,
- ! at Max Meyer & Co's. 8)5-27
Y\TANTeD-lmmemlatcI agnoit v.muan . , hetweon
1 2O umuuit33 yesni om uita. to tb e uierai iuoue
, oth at ccrner of 10th antI M isout , at the llucki,3 a
Mc4 tI.irkct. 884-25 *
TANTEn-Ctrl at la ; or b-x factory itS south
m4thst. . 011-251
- to take care of chliiren anti do
% \TANTED-Oltm
up stairs work. Apily at 014 StUutt ! 17th St.
031-ti 5111 $ . M A. . ' .lNAMAmtA.
AN'TF.D-Ooo'I gin f.r gentrai howe work.
v , Oeumsnprefcrro0 , 8m7 S. 1St ) . sn. 4 homeS.
of Lea'.enworth. 914-21
1TNTgL-A girl to do general housework. in.
, ! duN 8. 11. comnor of budge mmntl2Uth. 0l5-28t
iTANTED-Fomur nen of guol address end IIl-
I a trug to work. to ciui'ia , and sell goods. Steady
eflpIOutteuIt. Cait 421 s.uth mccl , street. 5tIZ.25t
1. ' 'run-Maui to work lit inarket varikit , north
cual 18th btraot. II. V. flAl. ,
TANTmW-A Ucrunan girl for kitchen work at
a i ilcuiry Co.p. , 215 5. 12th t. 888-271
7ANTED-1uu a oumiall itduato fuailyat lOSS. 2ttlu
a V St. A good guI to do cooking aunt laundry
usork. ' S 0 27
' ) - to do second work , Must be
a thoroughly cimujeteuit.
Slice. W. J. CONNEI.L ,
828-If St. idsry'aAvu.oi.j' . Content.
' 7.tNTEL-An engine town b a rractlcai engi.
t I fleer soil iuuaclmlumlt , t.ood refeieiuee cum tut
furniolued Addiuui W. If. S. " imuuu1:1-e : , 8O lint
"oTtNJ iti-A : girl toicke care of bat.- . . OiTx-
1 5 leiliictd.\iItIt , gout ! reference , . Iuitiulra No. SW
south SIht street , west shuuear Leaseuuw.rth St.
. 7AuTEI.-n'urot.emass mcii t ? control cab of our
'i ' .Siiundkl Ituvestimiunt for nuaI1 capl'al.
Ituiltuerul Ierxauaeuut. l'rumits untubusilt' larva.
r CIMS. oVlN ,
840.274 Uaouum 41 Metropoillan iiteI.
7AN'nD-GIrl en'ik ant ! Irirn.r. , liefereuuce , re-
1 ( tiulIed , Take $1. hart" . auuI I'arc Ave. carj.
31mm. LEWiS A. umuori' ,
84t.27f Ueorgkm Avenue ,
. 7tTANTii--'our goat itulek moan. , to work out
V V court houuoo at Sit. Aye , lea-a N. no but the
. but zicd M'1Y. ' 11. 13. AlIeuu , lit. . . 'iyr.
, TAN,1i5tIool : gIrls for gout ! fauuIIies. iii
V V % iag. Am.'y ; linuuuetluately at enuIitynment ;
. itureaui 217 N. moth et. No. attica fee. 022 tI
TANTE1)-Smuc g tot ! coat nuaker. . liott of i.uIo ,
. I V PalL FltitNlt , I. 1L1MOl ,
a - - -
N1IU-l.atlyuigents mom time ° tiieeuu l'r.tvci. .
or. ' . A new uuu.Ier garment Sue ladles , tootle of
soft , ItexOla rubt.ur. Suite 1trot'ctIoI , to ; It uuritler ,
rm v-4r , aheum uluceouary It. ho itetali for ZOo
- , Ii , fast a4 2IItt5 cat. .Itoi , It. 14t.rgu ltmohmt , . Aiire'
m 51t113t51y41 , 'Lt.tIle , ' Umuiudergmruutettt .Sliuuumtu.ctuuriuig
to. , No S Slay , trttt , i'iuienvn. 1.1. 7t51-tun
' 7ANTI1)-GIri at. Nit. 1046 Situruiniunvetumic.
V 284-ti 8ttt4. * J. Si. cmii runm , % ? : .
8ITUATLOX1S w/rrr.D ,
tAN'm'F.11-Sdmiat'oo ' ui uuuru by itmdilu aged
U lady. impiy et 8 , l curlier itudgu tutul m eOu
r ft. tui23
C Mii * ; oh'iU80 'tPN : in cIty en esuuitry to
I - teko utl-e. IluxitC anI i4ev.auut . ti ork at their iti-u ,
. tutiutiem ; ad tiu 5 ii ( i.i ) ea.Ily , tzmt quIetly maclu ; tiurk
ccitt by , aatl , ito vautvtusiuig. tuu ad situp icr cc ; i.
11uaii' a'btrtM I lehalid iau,1' , , Co. , iltila 1'um ,
tlit.r 'tO.
- - -
7'ANTI-l-ily a caictuul tenant Itnuso of atuotut S
U mtiodratu meat. Addeo.s 1 * . II. l1u
oItlc , 89.1.25 ;
' 7.tNTEI'urmuishetl noun , for gouutieuumauji
a atfe , Siust utot lie more tl.i , ii , o Iuoci , Si
g I'uixiaui fl.uDe. I'rICU must be rvamotttrbio. Aditresu.
it lice iiIUcc. bootS
I ' (7ANTED-To rent , a utIca ; or ix
V V ruouns , It , guOj neighborhood. Mn.t be hi oud
repair iuuI 11550 .it&blu out lot. Addrca , . biotlag
r Ilit' ) sun location , C. A , wILSON ,
827 811 _ _ _ Care of l'atton Iiou.o.
t. ITANTED-Vint'dasi day tier.Tot 1t 1 iT
, , V V cage etruet. 500.29 *
ir % j'ANTED-1o rant , litre. riwutu , suitable feriit
V V . housekeepIng. Addit , , . boo once.
In. ri _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
0 WANIW-3.000 ) buiihui
tititiw , . . at Iliad. & Fl-her' . . 327-it
'I OJ RENT--Uonses and Lots ,
r ,
m. iiot , ; ; wi month , 1298 north 1718 strait.
rjr 'iOtt 11mC41-rurnthsd or uumturumlslte.l rooinuilth
tosi-ut Is fsnutiy ci two , ( or roan sad wife , Ad.
C , dress " 1' , lts om. 910.23
, v e w - w
_ _
- - - - - - - - -
, - -
z----- : c----
- - - - - - - - -
- - Broom Corn
or '
A FVLL LINK-coNslfimrnop
Infants and Children ,
Withont Morphine or Narooflnes
What gIve. our ChIldren testy chiceir. ,
I iThat cure. their favor. , makes them steep ; DOUBLE
'TI. 1.storli. CYLINDER 6 CRAPgRS
When flabte. fret , tend by turns ,
What curea their coil ; cij1 1. theIr worms.
flat Ca.ttrIa. -AND---
'tTht qucurm ConstIpation ,
Sour Sco , Colds , Indigestion H 0 RS E
lint Ca.tsurls POWERS
Tflreweli then to Morphine Sym-ups ,
taster Oil and Paregoric , and 'X'
Imali Castorin.
- -Tho Best in the Market
Centaur Linlmont.-b. . .
sointo euro for B. Is o urn at I s m ,
Sprains , Burns , GnUs , &o. , staid nx 8fauiuftied by
. .
Instantaneous Patn-i'ohjovor. c. D. . COLTON co. ,
. , .
aaie.burg II.
- t-r13end for Clrcuiaatud Pako List.
The Product of American Industry !
Fuhl muijortunent conMtantiy on Hanti and for sale by
HENRY P1JURMAN , Frmnt , Neb ,
ronum'.N-r-A itiessant front room , furnished or
11 unfurnbho.t , O5 2-i. iSth street. 893.11
1I-tout IIENL'-Fuenhstuoil rootuis , single an4 foratght
I Iieemter'i block , cur.uer 8th antI
howard , 897-291 . ICENi'-Ilouso 4 roost. on south 108mm street.
I Inquire at 812 8. lOch street. 863.57'
L"oit ItENT-One furnished room. S oar month , at
1 IDle Webiter .treut.
-1'ioR 1CENT-A , two story hou.e , 6 or 8 ronn , ,
I hydrant wider and clotern. N. V. corner 15th
end Leavenworth. Apgiy to tYarren Switiler , 2i3 S.
m4thstreet. 870-23
T'itn RENT-A now house , well , cistern and cellar.
_ I HamIlton near Iteuto street , near red car ilne.
Rent lie. inquire on pretuulsea - - 7m9.2f
rpo bUT-Furnished rooms witti board 1803 Call.
.1 fernla St. 2O-1ittG
.r-J'iolt ICENT-Largo front rooni loe1y Surniitcd.
, . _ t. Enqulruat cii .a' , i4tlm St. 521.277
ri-to l.1T-Fiutiuihedfront room 1721 Iicugbuu.
_ I - 812.1'
rio : , 1tIT Oil SALII-Sturo bullilug esr ( th autO
ii Pierce St. Good building forgroceryor L'utctuar
situp. 531.lutio'
JOlt i1ENT-Lara nutiiy fru-uluhod feut room
8813 Chlcagust. 833.11
1.-tote iIF .31 T-1ouqo S rooms at i225 Siterman toe-
j Itut , , nuuu.t to shopa 851.271
F ° a lIiT-A coay little turnluluotl room , to lady
1 natty , fnr.5.OO , 50(0 Cats street. 848-Cf
-t-'oIe iCENT-urnlshed roonu , , 34 E. 230 and ia.
I tenpoI-t streets. 810-291
Felt 1CENT-Nico cotbtge. Prst-c1at iocntion.
Inquire at Eiihuint& Er ¼ k.son's. 'm')9-tf
Li'i me ICENT-Ilco Capitoi Avenue , ciegant turn-
_ J _ 1)ul ) roorn.3. fentlelnanand sulfe em-gentlemen.
hot and Cold water All convenIences. 709.29'
-U-oft RENT-A htutdiiome mIt of room , ; with or
I without board. Also ,1nis room , 1615 Dodge
oCred. 703.201
"omt flENT-Nice fi'rnlhe4 room , witim or without
boanL Arply 2209 Dodge strait. 8832ul
T.TOOSIfSTO UENT-tO. tollo item- month , Stores
ii , autO rooms Ci ) rent. City resl.Icnco for sale 800
upaarm. Vacant iots luau ? artsot city. i"amnm lands
for mate or exchange.LOUNSUUICY
m-m : Estate Agenc'S. W. corner 15th and I-'artam.
780 ml
1-ttmte : ; tCENT-Fromn lOto 15 Itotitci and store. for
1 _ rent , nut elegant now itoumof iO rooms to rent
to the ilget liatt' in I'rk arc. ROLLINS & 5101'-
'tEll , run n : o Otnaha Nat. flunk CIty. 783-25
; 'ioIe iCENT-Witlt board , e lurutleheti roouul gat , &
lath room at 1713 modgo stroA. 79).2l
Inqmuiro at east sidu 18th uSC. betwveum Ilauglas &
midgo. _ : _ _ - _ _ _ _
I ujt ICENT-'lIto vtututnoilhtu 12 roont house tu ith
&tablo , etc. , on N 'it' . corner 20th and Cauttitug
stucet. , now cccitpied by Charie. F. Ilauudcrsui. Jut-
'iflhmu utmi ii lrcuutsu : until tetber1st ) , about posees.
lout t111 tie glueui. .AuUlon uiile of ltowuo itolil goods
Tltuftsday , Sept. 27th. 072-tI
Volt 1t11'"j'-'Iltreu Tw utore.ctr. jotlu atuti .J&to
streets Ettt1uirt , 0 Slrs.T , Remtutc..y , S. E. Cur.
DOlt au.i , Jst'o.opi
I .taa m-.e tIC'.i hricic ictru da ti-Ct ileap out
Ilusrttrtt street , butwen 13th stud 10th streets.
lmtqutre at 1iesiuuttrm's dru' _ goods otoro. Cal-Cf
I j'iOlI lIENS-Two minors amuil baement. Elevator
attctmod. itCl t'arttaimm street. 270-tf
FoIl itENT-Iiesktencv amid otorobulldlngs. USD.
EIW & SmUEII , Real l-st.ato Agency. ClImes
east .lulo 1tiu oheet , betvii.ea lam-oem aott Xouiglas
, . ttet. . , . - - 702-8
roi SALE. '
tart ot tuuut lure of lurgu
contially located A eileutdld chance to remtt
roomums If dt'.trcd. Address SY , 51 , care lieu chico
-tott s.m.l-sIuicumdld inveatmeitt , two tutu lts , six
I lute form , near city ,
8mO a SlISlVI3t & BELL ,
1 Wt ti.tll7-2 acre lot , , west , 1150 ,
21 at-re tot , , ou ¼ t , 1410.
2 am , e I-Is , ticaIS. .
2 ucru lots , aet , t4c ,
. 2 aeo lots , stest , smn. ,
2 aetu lets , weat,4150.
tLeteiutti , ac-si , $460.
lull-ti ASIflS' , l-armuamn Strcet.
I $ tE12.15 ! n Title lbs. , litids. Mu. I3tmily
L'.Am-ttoii , ItmuNoru. . 6tlm btrctt , 803-291
i-uti ; sAr.E.-A IliLro ClmaOce-JIttuo nufllhI- ;
.1 1(11 Ott but ptrctutOJ. Abuttt 1 utile bituttlu of
I uuttautmstrti4 , 11111 I U tst'rlim tims.-r ) co-Its inure ituC
car. a heir street car Itt 0 l vtehclod , jnumttirC 815
"outh lttl4Ctivut , .
I 1L sim---vii : ; ti-tidu for meal ui.tato , utew Phlse.
tttut. In rut mc aujil tte , Jam gc. , tiuuum 1 , itlttd ut it Iutg
horse , j.hettdid tr.m'icler , tmttnbli , fur lady or gentle-
mutaut' . ut-c. ASii.-u'
tuS.-s i'rutautt 8trCet.
i'omt ; $ ALI.-Sesen elcgztitt 1to.lIencoi autO lots
J near l'esluUic-o , 4Ciuj Li , 7.udo cmclu , - 1'ICI ; upp. 1' , 0.
l.'o1m 88t-Fi'1 : t-ito tieshu mutilk ct'v on Pitt-ca.
_ I butwcutm It ) moud Cu trrets. Imttmulru at 1' . 1. .
iIescuu. 888-181
; tiE & lV ( l'OtI tStl.E-Cormttir ut OJailO ,
ItoUsu 1 niouui , , , tam-Istt tsltltbiumu grass i-bade
trees Itt abundance. i'm-Ice 42,185) , would Jib lubell
itt Outtu. Address "M. ' lieu office , 857-tI
° 1t HAtfl-totoftrillltuttu. ? 1OCJ an acre.
Cots liIlilartte , 1100 atm acre ,
( 'eto Imilttlatuue , dm0 nut acre.
Cotu itnil uScIQ0 an acre ,
( ste Iirlhilmatu , lUI mid. . acre.
totu lirhihlautie , liOO art ocr. . .
Cole Urtillante , Ieo atm icr , .
9170-tI AtIS' , Fat-flint 8tret.
I 4 SALE-A tine lot 63i3l onoutlt 11th street ,
hctwteu 1)oica'i stud 5faitiu , lt1m goo.J house ,
welt auti cIstern , Ileuat of shade amid fruit trees. Jim-
IulrUUflleunlbe , ,
Tj'iOJCSAI.K-A rr.perou. ii&Iry , alth establIsiucO
I uillk ruut , Address "DaIry" tltlionic , . 888-Il
1'Ott SALE-Sm acre , , hous. of S room , . , kitchen.
I I.srrt Idi6 , s'aomi ilted. corn crIb , grotarya
acre. I. . it-alt ttee.imid .mhnubbary Oum u.oy tar. , ' . .
859-271 0 , Ii , t3W , Omaab 74t $ ,
I wmmst iieii,1
G ROCERT FOR SALE-Sly otock of itaple and
fancy grocculee , Quecuiwaro and fixture. , .ittuo.
ted In tha live city of Oreston. Also may general
store at Neutuim-1 Ic , Iowa. Change otbuainesg rca.
SOdd for selling , Call on or address
At. A. NYE ,
824-il Crestun. losti.
Fume SALE-Lot. 50I100 , near l'azk avenue , 525.
1ot , 50x109 , near Park A'i'enue , $ c28.
Iota SOxICO , near I'armc .Avenuo , 1525.
903.11 A8IES' . tnmamn Street
Foil SAl 11-One of the hantisomeot 1ot in Omaha ,
east front , corners on afle , S tb 'treat , halt
block aorthSr. Mary's avenue , hear the Judge Drugs
residence. Inquire at the U & M Ticket elItes , 15th
amid Faruuam. 717.lm'
-lahoit S'iLE-tlplendld cook stove , nearly new , 220
_ l. H 14th itt-eat , cont1 gloom- .
710-tf CAL. MARTIN.
; uult SAIE-8mx rootu latuso out 18th 1St. 12.7(0.
Six room ltouio utew , 100 feet Iruin l'ark aye.
SIx room haute 2tth St. south ofCrelghton Coiicge ,
753-tI flIES , 150 Farnani.
; 'ioit SALE-Ileatnurant an-I stock of gtOCtriCs In
auto of thi es8 oommtuty seat towits In oastani No-
braska. A number one chance feza into , of eumergy.
_ ( ss "I' . J.T. " 13cc 0111cc. 550.278
I O1iXii3-Tuu. jrtablo hollers , 1Ohore 'ower.
Apply at f I ) . FITZI'ATltLCtIC ,
603-Ct 218 South l5tlm $ troet.
FOa SALE-LouDonecken'u. adIltlon$150t04400.
Lot , , Doneckeut' , addition , 1150 to $400.
Iot , Donecken' , addition , $010 to 1100.
lots , flonoclien' . addItion. * 150 to 9400. 3 , .
. , Domieckea's additl..n. . . SifO to i00.
904-tI AMES , Fat-earn street.
IlAIJI-Two lots , deslrble location .
. Each 8275 , on good terms. Inquire at tltl
otilce. 334 If
ltOItSaLU-A house anti tot at a aecretlce. J , L
1. Marble , 217 N. 161-h St. 613-U
-F LEAat-Four choIce Iota ott 20th Sb , tong
time , 217N , 16th.t. . J. L. Marble. 625-If
- -
FOR sALE-2oi Vat-noun atm-sos 77 feet frontage ,
125 depth , live room.d boue$4.000. 6i.4-mot
TOI4SALtI-Good buLnes. chances at 2m7 N. 15th
1. atm-act , - J. L. SIAIIDLI4.
Fom' 8A1.E-Ae abagamnm'i small o..lerliuuIntann
tend Co's fire grief safe. Inquire 01 thIs office.
volt SALII-5 room house , Suit lot , bat-ut , $1,200
I down , lialance ntonthly t aymeutt. , $ lmt-n.
5 room luouae and list-n , homey , treet , $2JCO.
16 acres land , unproven , good house anti barn ,
$28A1 ,
mm room houoe , lot 40,02) . Ilarney street , $2,250 ,
ii room house , taoiouuatablc.outlu , $1,200. AMES , Fnrmtau , Street.
8Am.E-Ftuuu tam emcee Lu Cite city.
848.11 5 1'ECi ( , OlflOsttO 1' . 0.
i.rolt SALE-A 1trt cia-c , otiutd tutinil top buggy.
_ t Call at 1310 homey street , 20711
I uomt ldAlE-IiesIclc'tico amid bUslttcs ) uierty mu
all parts of Omaha , nutd Farm Ituids mu all lorIs
of thin i-tate. ; IJEIFOltl ) & SOUEIC ,
750.11 213 R 13th St. bet. Farutaun autO touiilas.
joft ; : ? Mm 011 EXChANGE-Full tot attd thou
dwcllitgi coiner ol 11th antI l'aclfio .itreeta.
Nine iota in aoutls ( mualia. Alto 160 rereii of land
near Santoum , Nnbra..ka , and bulldimtg amid stuk of
clothIng No. 801 'I'culth street , Will exchang. for
Nebraska farm larIs , Fttrthcr iartlctular , at Gee ,
11. I'eteraon's Clotltlutg Store , 804 'lotuth u.tro-et.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t50-itOIl-tl
011 SALE-old rowepapera mu lamgti 0.11 . * small
F i'antttle- 11th. rfflco tI
ChiT-At U , I'Iiipot , A outimli roil u allot etuttaln.
_ _ 4 iuty L , tiI , . t lottt'utg ' suit b ok. A m-ttwuurtl will
be p.dil fur Its returun 'iY .0. WELIJIANS , ( ily
511115. bi-3-tf
1113 J mll.1ACU SOIlS I , Cmtlesgo , the moat jtw.
1 crful magnetIc healer. iocauu alt alit arid lii.
ea.c , Ciure all thoeglmeui mup l other lIiiyolcla' i.
Consuitatlin Imee. 8. W. corruerlltru antI Caltot ave.
Ut Otti 8. _ _ _ 81)0-201
1701111 POlL H.LlS-Consletltug of confectIonery.
Frutti anti Fatucy Notions. Alt. . ) Cxed for ita-
taurant. Good collar anti well. BuildIng lOsS ? , one
story. Being a good Iutlues , Cause of solo , tranS
to go out 01 bUtitnetS. Adrc.s
703 1am' 0. , COREY , Oakland , Neb.
. .
.T.J-tolt Smut-ray. , mutami , "r lilamia of real estate itt or
.1 out of the cDy , ailitly to I'EClt'tI Agerucy , Opposite P. 0 ,
.5 Li4T. 495 Tenth , treot , botwecu t'anuam and Ifur. '
lucy. will , slth th dO of guardian spIrit-u , obb-ub III
tiny otto a glaico ol ti'e hut anti jtrmm-t , butt -Mt
u.ttaitm cnIlttos , It' t'me tusture. ra ' ' . rud 9 un
it . , f sa a 0- , I'i i4g. . . , - ,
4L j :
Tiuli o-der never torte , . A inst-vol ci purity , '
.teengt amud 'iholesomneuua , . 1.1cr. cconotmilcai than
the cirdinucy kinds , anti cannot 8. cola imi cem-ctItIon j
I ItitthemuitItudc of low teat , ahott tieigltt , altutost.
1 ithcorltate losder , HltI only In esuis. Iloyst Dalt.
ut toadur Cu. , % 5.1I bustS New Turk ,
, I
- . p MM.U.a. .