- ' - - - - - - - . - 7- : - 1 fitE r PETER C. MILLER , ( W1tOL8At AND RLAIL aII-Fapei aDd IIIDdo Shadesad PaIQIDg ( In all Its llraches1 FRESCOING IN MODERN STYLE. 1' . : i.u Xozr1 t. ctrnoi1 I31uiX. \DEVbL & WRICHT. II rdv.rare. a . . 504 Broadway and 10 and 12 Main Sf , , Council Bluffs. c PROMPT ATTENTION AND OLOSE PBIOES ONMAIL ORDERS. B. . S. COLE & CO. , ANUAtTrUfl1R AND ZIktAIt $ IN ALl. All the Most Iffiproved Kinds of Lightning Rods An.I . Orn.ncnt. A1.oVoo.I ftnhl , . Iron 1'lUnli. , . Wood TubIii . iind Oa. PIio nntl I'Ipo FIxturc9 , for both No F..b , . 604 South Main % oot1 .nd , . . Irou . . . . . I'uini. . . . . . . . . . Onler. . . . . . . . . III . . rcIyo . . . . . . . irtnnpt . . . . . . ftttention. . . BLUFFS , IOWA : M. CALLACHER , _ cr I : D J Et I ] New Store , Irch (1ood , I..w I't1e. anti l'ullte Attendants. e First Door east of Mofropolltan HOL. / , t LOWELt Council I3ItOAflYAY. lUuff. . Broadway Steam Laundry ! 7 WET A. C. LARSON . , - - - - - Proprietor. LATEST IMPROVED MAOHLNERYS Clifton Restaurant J. A. ROSS , - - - - . PROPRIETOR. 537 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , 1 the p1ao for A. No. 1 Meals. Dfty Boar 1or accommodated aitd guarantoc natiafaction. . "BURLINGTON NOUTE" ( Chicago , BurtIngtorv & Quincy Railroad. ) - . _ . * . : Lo _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . -r ; COINC EAST AND WEST. Elegant Day Coaches , Parlor Cars. with fleclin lngC1ialrs ( seat8 free ) , Smoking Car. . with Re. valving ChaIrPu11man Palace Sleeping Cars and the famous C. B. & Q. Dining Cftr run dallyto and from Chicago & Kansas City , Chicago & Coundl BlufTh , Chicago & Des Motne& Chicago. St. Jo. .epb. Atcblson & Topeka. Only through line be. woen Chicago , Lthcoln & Denver. Througb cars between Indianapolis & Council IflufTs via reoria. All connections miule in Union De ote. I a knownnathegroatTffROUOilcAfl LNE. COINC NORTH AND SOUTH. Solid Tcalns of Rlegan Da Coaches and Pull man l'alace Sleeping Cars art , run daily to and from St Louis , ia lianrilbal , Quincy , leokuk. lJ'rllngton.Oedar Uapklsand AlbertLea to St l'aut nd Mlnneapolls I'arlorCarswlth Recllnlng Chafts to and from St Louis and Peoria and to and from St Louis and Ottumwa. Only one change of cars between St. Louis and Des Moines , Iowa lJncoln , Nebraska and Denver. Colorado. It LS universaUyadmltted to bo the Finest Equipped Railroad in the World for all Classes of Travel. r. . . rorra. &i Vlco.Pres'tand Oen'J Manager PERCEVAT. LOWELL.Gn Pass. Ag't. Chicago. . - wIIcJT , Boiler 111111 Slieet Troll works I OMAHA , . . . - - - . NEBRASKA. Duildall klnd of Steam . loler . ! , . . Smoke , . Stoeka , Breechiur lArd , Vater and OH Tanks , arid do a goncr pato.Iro.i but.ltcs3. Itejalrln done In City aiiCutintry. ! All werk Done at Eastern Prices and Warranted ! Second.hand Roller , will ho kcpt on hand. lIavng htul many years experience in the trade In different prt , , , . . , of the . country I an eoiflilet . 1 can give .atltetlou , hnriti the be4 141101) end tools In the State. Shop tuidi4orcoStreet. cor. 10th J M. WILSON Proprietor. . : cA7 Anheuser-Busch BRENlNG ASSOCIATION ' - . . - - . , CELEBRATED t. . . I , ' . , Keg and Bottled Beer ' . - ' . ' ' This Excellent Beer apeaki for itself. , , . _ _ _ _ _ ; ; i001YIINGV ; . . ORDERS F1LOM ANY PART OF TUB 0 $ ' STATE OR THE ENTIRE WEST , r Promptly Shipped. ALL OlTtt GOODS ARE MADE TO THE STANDARD cf ccia I' Li LX1te F. SCHLIEF , Solo Agent for Omaha and the Wot. Cor. th Street and Capitol Avenue. LOUIS B1ADFORD , . DIALF.L IN Lumber , Sash , Doors , Blillas , S1illl1es , Latfl ETC. ; LOW J'RIOES AND ( 'jOOD GRADES. 01111 and GeL Ifly Prices before l.uing eow1ien. ) Yards , corner 9ft 811(1 Doug1i. ; AIMo 7th an4 rJoig1s. G. L. BRADLEY DEALER TN LumberSash , Doors , BlindsBuilding Paper LIME , CEM1NT , HAIR , ETC. Office anc Yard , Cot. lath and California Strots. OMAHA , NEB - - - COUNCILBLUFFS. _ ADDITIONAL LOCAL NE\VS. VALIANT VETS. Tliir Rcnnio at aryyiI1o all Ill- cieuts o1 the Camp. Tht' F'ntal AcCident at ( Ito Sham 11,11th , ? , The soldiers reunion at Maryville , Mo. , drew together t large roprcsontatiou of time vcteraiis belonging to the nssoc'iatiomt of .Northvcsterim ilissottri and South. vestermi Iowa , amid a gOoUy number of simitors. The nttettlanco vas ntmL so largo as it 'otiltl have been , probably , had iiot so mimnimy votornims takeit the Deit. % 'or trip , auti mUt iiito that excursion so mittieli timimo aitti mnoucy that tIle ) ' ( imli imot feel varraiitcd in attemuliug another this season. It will be ronunnbored that the invit1t- tion front IIaryrih1e , to hiavo the reunion this year at that. point , was nest cordial and hearty , as cxprcsotl at the retimnom , held here last year. The welcome givumt tIme boys , and tIme hospithblo nunmnor in which they were cared for , was proof autliciont that. the cordiality of time izivita- tion was not immure emimptitioss. (100(1 camp ground was furnished and the miectl. ed coiveiiieicos , , null comforts provided. The rations were good ad bountiful , and all felt that they hind boon well cared for. The procession was a fie one , there being 1tOO much in line , and fully 2,000 tennis were in from tim surrounding countiy. On the field there vero , the maul day , 2,1100 mcii. Excehlemit nddresaca ware givemi by General Tout fenton , of St. Louis ; Mn. j.r Anderson , also of St. Louis , Cleiioral Marimieduke amid thors , the audience tiumbering fully 0,000 1)001)10. It WS at the time of the gathering that the rosolu. tions wore adopted expressive of ayrnpa. thy and respect for the family of their late comrade , Dr. McKuno. A dark shadow was cost over the merry reunion by the fatal accident which occurred - currod at time time of the sham battle , by which ono of the 'otoraus , .John Smnail , met with instant death lie was iii the skirmish hue at the time , timd micar to an opposingannon. The next uiauin the line called ont to him , "Don't got too near that gun , " amid lie replied , I'iii going to got that man away from there , " referring to time gunner , amid just as lie jutnied toward the cannon it was fired. _ [ t was a blank cartridge , but as ho was right at the mouth of the piece time effect on hiimt was fatal , ho dropping down dead , his loft arm being badly lacaratod. Ho was formerly a member of a WiBcon- aimi regimot , and his home is about four miles from Maryvihle. He has a family , with ample provision for their comufort.a- blo support. No blame seems to be attached - tachod to any.ne , the accident occurring by his liouhtlessnoss , or overzealous attempt - tempt to drive thu gunner away , causing him to get right in front of the canmionat an unfortunate instant. Those who visited Maryvilla wore surprised - prised to see so much enterprise amid t'rowth , and those Ifrom Council Bluffs could not but compare soimie thugs with those of our own city. For instance , in Maryville , a place of only about 6,000 people , tlicro is found a fine court house , city building and jail , the thireo building. alone costing $80,000. ' Here in Council Bluffs , with 22,000 people , there is a court house , city b- , but "it is bettor thi1t words were unspoken , " Council Bluffs nmighit well take Maryville for an example in many matters of public iiii- Irovomcnt. A. Very ; Mt Horse. S. Goldstein has a horse which showed that ho was very fast. Ho got out of the stable and iii fooling around got a hittlo frightened nnl made a rush getting - ting between the two houses emi Broadway - way , one occupied by Woolsey as a rcs tauraut , and the other by Sam Ford's saloon. The space between time two buildingw and info which the horse crowd. ed himself , was only twomity-two iiiehiea at the entrance aimil narrowed dowit to eighteen inches , and there is where time z horse got stuck. It took about an hour and a half to get time horse out 1Laifl , all sorts of all. phiamices being used ; and methods adopt. cd except moving the buildings them- sclvcr . Chief Tenmplotoii , Gus Bergman I and others helped and finally sue- ceeded ingotting this stood out. Thejoy of the owner at his re8ctio was so great that ho forgot to thank the boys for lclp ing him. - - - - IOWA. iTEMS. The bomnled iiidcbtodiioss of Buena \TI8L,1 county is $15,000 , with the interest - est at 7 3.10 icr cent. Frank Maui , whose pareiite reside at Marion , was accidentally ahmo and killed at Conrad mat Friday. The immasomiry in the Milwaukee raihroad bridge across the Cedar r ver at Cedar I ltajids will coat $1f,000. Thto Register says there is imioro than a good prospect for a rolling mill to be established iii Des Moines. S. ( louchmer hia sued the city of Boone for 89.000 for injuries received by his daughter by falling on defective sideS waif. waif.A A Hamilton county miiai has raised 82,000 worth of tobacco from si acres of ground this year. The plant gdt through all right. Tim Baptists talk of oat.abhishin a a northwestern surmimor resort at Spirit Lake , similar to the Methodist resort at Clear Lake. Stops are being taken at LoMars to organize an English apcakiimg Catholic Ilariall , itiid for building a churcil , Plir. sonage aiid school house. An Onawa aheo1 , syndicate ahijped front Mouona county last week 1,100 ewes and 28 tiloromighlrel ( ramims , to their ranch Hoar the Black hills. 'rlo lito solthiurn' rwinion at lTi11lioL0Il SI1S attelldod by I .15 vetcians. 'I'hiu me- ceipta wore 310.i ! ( , and expeitsos 2Th , 61 , leaviiig it balance on laaiid of 34.ti A syndicate of 1)m ? IIOIIICS caitalids 1a purcllascd the State fair grllIIuII3 for sf10,000. 'l'hau Ststu Agiicuitiiral society dlii 000tillUU to occupy tiwia it it cares hI. A reward of hS00 is now offered for the safe return of Emimina AhronIs , two and one-half years old , who was abducted from the residence of herman TUJpfor , 111 13ooie county on the 8th inst. At the Buriinton fair time wiled of fortune men paid $600 for the iriyileg of running their game , anti then they wore arrestel and each of the five opel. atora fined 50 and costs , chlch amounted in all to $310. Boone has let to George 0. Morgan . Co. of Chicago the contract to build waterworks at that phico to cost $17 , . 7&.40. This imicludos everythutmg except the well which tiio corimration will Put ill , Soiime thirty bids yore hut in froii linus all over tiio country. Jo5. Mimuiuick received recently $1,000 back pension. On time strength of it ho bought a botch property at Polk City , emi which he paid $5tmO , and kept the hal. anco of his nmomioy to coimumonco buitinoss with. That niglmt some one entered lila roiunmul stole the romnaimming $450. At Keokiik , on the 8th instamut , while 1i'lcrt , Pilkiii vaa crossing the railroad track , hue was run over by nit engine amud received injumriea from which ho (110(1 soomu nftorvartls lb blititi imu one amId bec4uso ( If a crlpmled leg walked OI , crutches. lie was vohl known in the city , almi 8(11110 think it was a ease of sui cale. Thu Upper Iowa ilft1Lodi5L comiferemmee has withiiiu its louindaries itith preiteliura , 2.19 churches , 110 muumtl 21,000 miucimubers. It Itius 2tt ; Stmndny schools , vitIi 20,000 atteiudiumtts. It i'aid about $1 20,000 for mnitmistorini support , $2,000 for expenses , $ ii,208 ; ( for iinIroveImlumIts , ammd raised over $15,000 for boitovoloisco last year. 'rime ptlbi'icat'uIIu Of the fact flout there voro 81) ) divorce cases pemulimig ho the l'oik eouimut.y Circuit Court at the .q'oiiing of the term , 110.5 givomu rise 1(1 imot a hittlo speotmlation its to witothior Iowa is 11(11 InarchlilIg raiIlly up to the dotilitfial stammdard of Indiana , Connecticut or Utahu iii the muattor of granting facilities for procuring the dissolutio * of mmiaritni bonds. The Old Settlers' association of Leo cotinty have PUrChmaSOt1 as a relic an old stage coach , imiaolo in 1888 , then coating $1,000. it hung oh leather rockers , and was manufactured by thogeverninont ( or tue mmmii route front Palmyrn , Mo. , to Des Moines. The tongue is long enough for four horses , the ( loom have silver handles , and UpOn each window , in gilt letters , is written ' 'Des Tlloines mail coach. " Some ( hue since Chief Clerk Toll , of tue railway mmmii service , stationed at 1)es Moines , offered a prize of $10 to the rail. way mail clerk that would ' 'throw" all the ofhicos of Iowa proper , 1,577 in litlimi. ber , without a single tirror. Oim Friday last Mr. Butler Lowrey , one of the imop- ular second men eu the Northwestern road , vits awarded the prize of the first miman that accomplished tile feat. Ho "throw" the entire list without a single mistake. - - The Testimony of a t9uysiclnn. James eccicr , M. 1) . , of Slgourney , Iowa , says for several year 1 have booii using a Cough IWsam called Ilt. ViM. IIAl414'S I B.LSAMFOI T11 } LUNGS , and In at. I most every case throughout my practIce I hii.ve had entire Huccess. I have used and vrecrib. ad inmudrods of bottles ever since the days of my army Iractice (1863) ( ) , when I Was surgeon of IIo.jit.al No. 7 , LouisvIlle , Ky. COMMERCIALi. COUNCIL IILVYYS iIAEKIC1. Wheat-No. 2 arlng , 7Cc ; No. 3 , 63c ; me hooted , fiOc ; good demand. Corn-Dealers sr&paylng 3IfJ32c ; rejected orii , Chicago , 4O45c ; now mixed , 40c ; white corn , (0c the receipts of corn are light. Ont4-In good demand at 20e. I1ny-4 0O6 00 I'er ton ; 50c per bale. ilyc-fOc ; light HUIIhy. . Corn Meat-I 25 100 pounds. . Wood-Good supply ; vricen at yards , 5 00 I. Coal-Delivered , hard , 11 00 ver ton ; soft , r.o1)crtOn. Jhmttcr-Plcnty and In faIr demand at 25c ; Creloillery ZOe. Eggs-iteady 5:110 at 16c P ° ' dozen. : i lor(1-Firbalk'H , wholesaling at 11 C. l'oultry-Firmn ; tlealers are jayIiig for ehickens ICc ; live , 2 ill ier ilozon. Vegetables-Potatoes , t0c ; , nions , .r.Oc ; cab. IIlgeI4 , tOJ40c ( P ° ' ( lZ011 ) apples , S 50tJ4 00 P ° ' barrel. Flour-City flour , 1 (0@3 ( 40. Brooins-2 O0@13 00 cr oloz. l.lVI STOCK. Cattlo-3 OO8 till ; calves , 6 O0J7 WI. Ifgs-'Ifarkot for Itogs ,1uiet , , as the packi hg itmas , , are closo1 ; hiIil)1ers 0.10 aying 4 00 i'i7ii. - - - - MIH1SslIIl 'n1Io ) Evieetzutloii. FrII,1 , the St. l.otih 1tc3nIlIIicaI , Stj 1. I S. \VIieii the settlement of Dakota shall ULVO beoii coIIIpIuled-and this will not equiro inaily years at the rate at which i lolluhation is pouring lilto ) that 'l'erritory i1. ji1'BOflt-tile ) busizacas ( If founding iiow tatcs in the West iuitl North-west will 1)0 virtmmaliy ended. Wyoiitiig , , ? rontiuumn , Vashington , Utah , New ] Ioxico , ziiid Arizona , the n1rcnlyorgiuiiized Territories , ivill gralualiy ttiicl slowly develop into I riill-fledeed nmein1crs of the Uziiiii , but 1 bhere will ho no more shell nnma.ing settle. fonts flS we have seoii on tile fat wheat 1 muds of Dakota. Every now Stiito in LhucVest and Northwest 111114 been succes- 'ively tue reweeptache of an IIIIIIIOIISO tide I Df iiimnuigratioii which cOIlVertU(1 it in a few years froiti a willerness lute a full iaiioplied State. iltit it vill miot be a I Lreat while before tile choice laiid that I hive iii tracteti iiiirnigraiits to tile Nortii. I west will haVe been taken up , mmd then Ilminigratioii instead of flowing in 0110 1 loop , strong tide III one direction , will break up into ninny sniallor streams and I low over the Mississippi Yaiiey States. 1'heao States are not yet fully settled ; they are miot iiaif settled. Missouri has I 1)oPuhation of a little iver 2 000,000 ; it oily have 4.000,000 and still Le only half mottled. } 'arniing buds 1k tIme Missis. I "IP Valley Stotos do nOt command half I their real value , and the reason of it is I Lilat the inunigrution froni Europe to tills iountry is of a character that seeks vary I Iow.priced lands1 without regard to mituation-and so it has gone iiito. Kansas , I 1ebraska , Minnesota , and Dakota. But rarmning lands are cheaper in Missouri itid parts ofllhinoia , all tluiimgaconsidersd , I t $10 to $25 per acre thaii they are in 1IO remote Northwest at 81,25 ; for iim I Iiasouri and Illinois are to be found imurcises , schools , rend. , settled society , ities , towns , adjaCuilt nunnufact.ories , amities , and good iiiarketh-advantages which are cheaply estiiiintod at 20 cents a Illisilel 011 nil the grain raised on a I'ilO BetltIeUIurlt. of the Northwest will 1)1)1 ) urest. iIIiiIliI.ration , 11111 it viIl Cause it f ( lUlOlIitl itself in tue States bordering ( ill the Iisissippi river. 'l'Ju tcmuhcimuy of pUOhiO ) to IIIOVUS'estward caiinot ho irrested. Eurohloalls will coiltinno to L0liIO to our shores ; tilOUBaIlls of tibia I will nettle lu tile AtillIltiC States ; illdeeh , they are ( loitig tIliI itlready , fill ! thu I manufacturing UlIt ! in I Il JIg ills trict Ill Mow' Eigland anti l'olIlIaylvaIlia are rapidly filling up with foioignora , nild I tile native fariiiers of tile E.lst thus this. placed will sicaihily imiovo into tills vnhiy rutiol OCCU tite ittiitis 110W OVOIlooked iii tile eager ularcil to tile ( tir S'cat. - Postmaster General Ifatton ) ia decided that iatter carriers are not entitled to a vacation. Suppose he doesn't realize what a job his to react 200'odd p.staa ! a 'ay. A STORM KING. A Popular Eiuployor's ' Ylows About Labor au Capital. The Arhiltration Syseiim ( , amiti ? t1i. StOl'iii'R Espericuucci of' It. New Y't. 1'OIt. Mr. George Stornm , ( if the cigar manufacturing - facturing Iiriiu of Straiten & Stormmi , of tills city , aPPeared as a Witiless before the Senate Cemnmmmittee on 1luicatioml ama ! t.a. bet this Imlornhlig. 1"lr. " Stormmu said that in iiis factory lie emmiploycti 2,200 opera. tives , 110 1101' ccitt it whtonu vore unties and 40 POt ceid. females , With timia force the tirmmu umulufactureol nIomit , 250 , . 000 cigars a thaynnd voro engaged extensively sively in thin export tattle. [ to thiouight that the labor question was a very limipor. taut (1110 , Ialblr , ummuder the coiicolItioIi of a free govemnmnent , was entitled to tue Baltic political rights as 'apitah , numl it imnd tile 5111110 rigilt to deiimaud thu greatest IIOSSI1IIO return for its ocertioima. 1r tills it is ncces&'iry tilat labor 5110111(1 ( ) rgahIiio. Under tile Present Colithitloil of things there : ts il coIltiliumal tvarIilig botwecim tlle tuufl factors. ' ( 'here is a bias Oil lothu sides resulting front a strike , if capital \vilus UI the 01111 it ifllt recover its losses , lttmt 1Itlflt caniiot. do this , \ litost i111 IloIrtailt indication Of tills condition ill tIle feeling whuchu exists between oimipioyote and oimuployes after tile termination of a strike , There is tiot , peace but merely a truce , niutl tile war is reilewed at tile slightest provoca tion. Iii tile OpiniOn of the witness this was not the manner in whiciu time r.ln. tiOlis of labor 1111(1 capital allould be set. ti0d. It caIne from the belief thuiut there was a natural onmuity between the two elolnonta , which vits certa'mimhy the cats. chhinn of the working luau. In fostering this belief time oiimployor was not witilsut l.lanue. By ills action lie often allowed that ho roardod his labor merely as a marketable colmnuollity , amid gave liD cvi- deuce of the 1(105 that lie was d.ahing with a tlmiiikiimg amiti intelligent 'human being. T1iere should be more of it pnt- sonal relation between tue employer amid his 111011 , and this couhd be ncco.npliahed by arbitration. Wilen an opportunity ii gIveli for ealmmi ( liflCUSsiofl of time difl'mculty whicit lIftS arisen , tue false positiolls wlmicil are takoll by both aitles are P.VOidel. Iliutlur timis 838t0i11 tile initiative moist be takrnu by the employer , amId he baa mnammy dilhletmities to contend. with. Time eimiployor Wile trios this experiment , maid Mr. StorIn , intist expect to Imut up Witil inammy disagreeable cxp. . riCilecS from his close ussoci- Itioll with ills cmnhiloycs , amiti 110 iittitt 1180 endure tile sliCers of his follow- manufacturers wile llave been umiwilhiimg to adopt time systeimu. This had been the axporionco of the witliess sitice this or- at1ization of a board of arlitration in lila eatabhiahimnemit in 1879. TIme boards : if arbitration , Mr. Storimi eX1)haimied , wore Colmipoecti of nimme iorsoims each , one being for tile ackcrs' dopartlmient amid time other for time makers. It was iicc- Dagary to create two boards oii account Df the ant.agoiiiain between time two iasses of worknmen. In caCil of these boards the interest of the firm is repro. lelited by one member of the firm ; in the case of the lackera , of two foremen ; md in the cigar-makers' board , .of tiiron roretnomi. Tue exployes are represented by delegates elected by thleInaolves. Time imiimployes are represented by delegates lccted by themossives. Tile cigar-makers have four delegates in thmeir board and the packers thlroe in theirs. In eacii aae this full number of tlm board is made ui by adding oiie ropresemitativo of the other class of workmen , so that It board of arbitration in a ( lifliculty whicil afflicted tue cigar.mniukorn alone would coiit&iit one lackor , and so oil. flio object of this last provision tYILS to mecuro tile Pl'esOIlCU III eacil board of oilu iiaintetostel 1)015011 , % 'ilo would ibid tue balance ( If power , amid it wa stipJlsccl bunt ills JulgIImeImt WOtl1l 1)01 liIIl.IuSCd. I'Iio packer's board was tile siiinllor be- aii8o their inturesta woi'o mmot so inrgo uni they formed a uminority of tue work 11011. lu tue tsirkiimg , of tilia system ill uS factor ) ' Idr. Storm said that tue line mad hover 1)0011 ) drawn shiitrjiy bctwceii imo iiiterests ( If tile flriii tlimd that of the : iion , and lIe lliillaulf Iliul fiequeiitiy SOtCl lyithi the iiion in deciding a question IVhiiCll eaiiio before tile board , 'l'his hits 110(1 time cfflct of simuwing the mimeim tiIlo ileir old hChicf in time utter seilishiimess of lilcir einployonm was faiso. It iiad. been hio uieaims ( If briiigiimg nblut time iiiost riendly rebatiomma between the 11mm and ilimplOyes. 'liic decisions of the bean ! at arbitra- lion had ivariabiy iieui conmphied with by ile workimmemi , aiparczmtly witimoimt any tatmafaction. By organizing those boards , eimol'iI imad accrlme(1 botim to to time work- mmen and to the eIimpl.Iyors. . 'I'o tils rormner by securing stability of colimpelmamu. Ijoim aitl justice iii settling dithicuttics , md to tile enmployura ill teClIriImg a good chats of workmimou , who tosk an interest iii timeir work. Tue great damgor CILUlO from pornmittiiig tile 1111188 of woikimleim to fail into the hand of haiior agitators allil doimmagoguos , wimo nhilke II living 1 stirring - ring up tile ignorent nieim to strike. lim tile CZUSII with his factory , Mr. Storm said , time miloli , alt1m'uil ' immeinbera of van- 005 trades (11110118 , jollIed timemn with tile cflmditiOim that tilcy should exercise no power over tiiem ill influencing their ro- latiotms with the uirmim which eiiipioyotl them. Iii eoiiscquemmco of this arrange- neat tue 11mm had mievor beoii affected by tue troubles ut the trade aimmong other nianufacturers. in addition to timcse boards of arbitra. Lion a mimutual beimovoleut fund had besim established. 'I'ilc emimpinyca each con tribuiwl 1) cents a woulc , while this finn's ontnibution was $25 a mouth. Since it had been established in 18711 , $14,8ii,79 : had been collected ; there had been paid uL in benefits $9,074.72 , and $5,756.72 utill reniained as a fund for the fdture. SECOND.IIANI ) SCHOOL hOOKS. DcnIer % Vlio Roll In Now Oeiiernt 1(1115 tile Iloolcii tutu Others hlava Used. III York Hun. 4 "I'Ime trailo Ill socoimd.iuiid , ; sciiooi iotks tilOUgiI a l000ilt illdtittry , " said mo ( biller , ' tlmas grown into comishlemablu proptii tiOs , and to.dny there is IlOt aim iimmportullt. city or village iii the country' wilmell has mitit its ( l'ahor ill HoColml.ilmuml school ) , toiii. here hI iii ) ' last. CatIlloglie 1111(1 ( PjC0 list , which will give you 501110 ilii ( of tile inagimmttido of the husitmets. " 'l'fmt , CIltUhgilU CtIfltUiill ft list of lmmor tllali 3,000 text bosks , nmostly atlimlhilid works , all illtCl at about ommu.Iiahf pub. hisimur's "Wilere ho you get your books ? " tile reporter asked. "TImort are xmmaiiy sources. PImlIlisImers freqaentiy introduce their books into sciiOOIU by takiimg tue text books already in use aimd allowing something for tilelli. We could fornmeriy get these books for a Has the Best Stock In Omaha and. Makes th&Lowost Price FURNITURE ! Mirrors Feathers Bedding , , , 1 And Everything pertaining to the Furni ture and Upholstery Trade. P..SSNGEfl ELEVATOR CHASI SHIVERICK9 T . " . ' . . 120(3 ( , 1208 amid 1210 Fmtruant St. 0 .u. .LOOr. , NED. little advamico nu paper dealers' prices. lmumt imian' bmlmbliahlomw 110W gtisrtl against this by having eiiopnig blocks amid cleavers iim tilcir eatabbeimumeimfa 1011(1 cilop. phmg each bOOk imu two crosstviso. ' [ 'here ma 11(1 way iii wilichi such a book can be mimmutlo salable. 'I'ho Old plait of tenrimig ( mtr Covers WftR no smtfe.gllartl , since we cali to-cover 5hi0l books of ineditmmmi size for twelve cents 1)01 ) iiumudrelVo got a great immnny books , mmmost of which arc ummu- umsed , from teachers iii district schools , to whoimi [ lIlly are mmiaiio(1 by the lnlbllsii- era. ittit of course a inajcrity of the hooks conic front the PtmPiiB themselves , who are glad to , mart ntil tilelil , an old school book havIng mio value to ummost. of tlm0imi. ' [ 'lien we got an iinmnomis ntmmnber from time amimaller dealers iii otimer parts of this country. Our larger New Xork hiotisea have mmmcii constantly out for that plltio8e. It miuty be that a second-hand dealer iii Omaha will be time mnami to slip- P1Y 1mb Witil the part.ictmlar text books 1 1100(1 tO comlmpleto iii ) ' stock. Publishers try to macct our commmotitioii by a , nstantly changing their editions. But. thitso changes react again , botil teachers anti lUlils in umammy schools bsimmg opposed to time cimanges amid ndiiaring to this old cdi- lions. The only text book which is not much changed with eaeii new edition is ' \Vebator Spelling Hook , ' of which a miuillioli coiiles a year are lLlliitiied ) ) , amni which iiM been cllaumgod iii no importalit respect aiimco it was first 1)tmlhiSilotI in 1800. You Call buy one of tIm latest OlitiOii for live Ceilta , but one of [ ho first wotmbd be worth more than $5. Five years ts tile average life ( If a school book. After that time the editions have so mmmcii cllnmigod [ hint this book is value. less. " "Vhiere do you find your poireila. era I" "Tileyaruscattoredall over tliccountry. Aa the iboard of Education funimishios the text books tisod in the pubbic schools of this city , our trade is eiitircl from the select amid private schools. Even thien it me very large. Hero is my mail for to.day. You ace 1 ammi sending books to nearly 0 'Ot State in tile Union. This year I iiave aemit bookstolrslnndhtomsaia , China , Turkey , and Itah' . Tile mast desirable thing we handle is the classics , mince tiloy are loss liable to change , and one text book is often as good for time student as anotimer. 1'lio flhmblisliet who tjhd me [ ho other day timat Now York publishers pro. posed to change timeir editions often ciiougii to make it impossible for socoiid- iiand ( healers to hiamidbe their goods , couldn't aCcomuphisil immuch with this classics 'l'ho school book trade of tiis primicival dealer in mmecontl.hmantl books in this city exceeded $100,000 last . year , " "J'llOrO are uvays in wiiichi second-ilaud sclloolbooka get a value aside from tiiat WiliCli commmes from tile denmaimd for tiloir use iii schools. I know several gcmmtioiimeim mvhio hre mimaking collectiomma of old oditiomis of school books , almI very cliniolls 801110 oftlmoni are. NOW , hiore is mtim 'Appeal fromu tile liritiaii Systeiii of Eliglisil ( iramlilimar lIt ) Colilnion Sm5o , by .laimmt'a Brown , PlillishieI ill Piulalehlmiima iii 18:16. : It itt ii. rcimmrkmibho work , but it was so deep [ lint it never : iimle into C0011lion use. I will sell timat. book \Viiliaimi 11.VohI , l'residelit of time Chicago l19li'd of Edu. cation , vhii , is making a coltocticni of graillimmars , and hills , I uImierstmuld , : i,00o dilFreiit works. I knew other immemi wile lIre collecting arithlmiietics or gcogra)1liea or spelling hluoksor reading books iii time Ilalmie ARMY 0 THE POTOMAC. ( IN ThU CiilCSAilOmtINT. Und.r . the ilato of May 8 , 1883 , ( 'uI. F 8. TIIJ1IIItJ , of iIiner , N. I ! . , . .eiitl. us the fulIowItn : ' 4Whlle on niuty In tIIC arniyof the l'otumao Iii the.waiip. of lbs CbIoksborilny lcontract.cd a colulnilcallon of dIsoasc that ( lIlIIIrIfttUIl In s1n111I trouillo , or , one , Ile , and .ecro .il.ca.w . , t the kidney. sad bia0ilrr , antI gicat uriiai wcskneM. For a leer time I wes Cutler tlI troatuwat of the bcstlIliyIctSn , , and trIsni 1115117 of tim. O.CA1ICII remallo , but rtcelved no ncr- miaeil , lenufit. When I wai Im. Lbs drug buItrn , In Boston I heart ! tayorablo account. , or the sfflcay of hunts ilolIcdy for dIloa.ae. of the kldsievs antlurin. cry org.ie , , aid haIII decided to Ivu IL a trial , I iurclna..it OIIII at VIugsto's drug store , Iovcr , N. II , , 511(1 have rcoulved great benefit from ueIri It. TIIU severe jIallI. In toy back an , rcnot'd , and I am bie to lerI .oundly and obtain rest at rIght-whIch for so long a tIme I could not do , and the neaknc.s tim the urinary organs hal bco rchlevrd , and I greatly - ly rereL that I dId not ted the merit. of IfunV. Remedy whsri I was & .t taken sunk , a. I am eonS. chntIt would hsve saved in. tromxeveral .srsof sufforlug ; and I am more strongly eo,1nod of thIs after bearIng of th. most remarkable cure. efl.cted by IIunt. Ilemody to a cain of flrIght' . Dhseas hero lii our amidst In Iloior , aftr ( lie patient had be. . mIronoIIflrsII Incurable i'y c.isbrat.ed physicIan. . " Mr. Tibbetti. I. a retired druggIst , formerly Joted In Hasten , and I. a thoroughly r.hiabl. cltI.eea.-Cor. Ed. U. 6. POSTAL SERVICE. If. 8. WhItney , aeIs1ant pstmasr , Putnam , Conn. , wrItes Nay 3 , i583 ; "I lave used hunt' lleis ly wIth the beslrcults , I ilayc suffered WI' toit agol'y for elgltteena inontla. wIlt , kidney and hirer ( oulIlaIlIt ; 017 % ISte ( WIS VOy bad at tltiio. I acttislly IIaI5Il IIIIIOIJ. This was folhoed by general IrIetIstIOiI. My Ilubluu.s rvnuIriig , roe 14l ho on my furt untO ( If tIle tie ! Ilildu my ca.u soro. I wu uiI' Isoil 1.41 lIlu I IllIIt , I lcnldy my a Irtoill V. ho hail bucim eurol hiy Itanitl cali truly sy that It has beime. littoil 1110 more thai. all thu nudIclnu I have used. I coniI.hcr It the bett IaCItIIhIIu for kIdney anti liver troimhiu , aiiI ebeelfIlIly rononninood It to all. " XIIIEt 1.IiTj-"h'srfd of his litminialI I1ftI ( iIiaruII , du CIIIIIeI 111111 trengthicned , tie. ; . , Is aiiil liitero.tlng oh ertls.jiet , , long rim , , Iii our paPer. lii ccli ) ' ( ii limIlIilrlu , we wIll soy that thuru J iii , UI lileiicu hiiuiIiiig about. this. Oi , thu coimtrary ( lie alIvrtIsrs situ very highly Iiiloreu.l. Intorietoil merbIit nih ) get s'tiloil ' eIreiIar. gin.Inig all lartkuls ii ) adiiro.lig arms iieiIIe..i ( o.I' O.biix 613 , lItitfalu V. V . 'l'I . .I , , Kvni nill.ly DUFREIVE & MENDELSSOHN , ARCHITE LF1I1CMOYIW IV OSfAJIA RAflONAl. DANk 1UIIlU The Use of the benIn , " . - H In connection wIth t S 0 lIT corporate iamo ofa grealrd , eoveya Ml Idea of tist shaM I I N E reiluireil lie-a ih.rt by the TAns , Qimkk fl and the best of acaomrnoas. I tlons-ail of whIch are hxe- talied by the greatest railway In Anicrlca CEOAGOMILwAuF [ , : And Sf. Paul. It owns SOil OIieri1t5 oer 4.100 mIles of raon Northern IllinoIs , Wisconilo , Mlnne.ots , IowaM Dakota : sal lii main ilno , , branches mu eon.e. tlon , reach all lb. great bush , . . . centre. of Northwest and rae tv.i , It naturally anewer. * a descrIption of Short ! .Ie. , and liit Itouto betw ( ThIrago , Mthwauk. . , St. l'atii and MInneapolis. ChIcago , MIlwauke. , Ta 'ru.e and Wlnona. Chicago , Mllwaakee , Aberdeen antI lOJendsi. Chicago , IlUwauke. , Esu Claire and 8Uhiwner ChIcago , MUwauke. , Wansas end MerrilL Chlcage , 1Illwak.e , heaver Dars and Oshkiah. Chicago , MIlwaukee , Yaukeeha antI Oconamowea. . Chicago , Milwaukee , Madison soil i'ralrtedu cbls * . Ch1eo. ihlwaukee , Owatonna and } 'alrlbaut. ChIcago , DebIt , JaneaI'Io ' end Mineral POLOL ChIcago , KigIn , 1iockford and Duiiuquo. Chicago , Cilnton , Itock Island and Ceder RapIds. Chicago , Council Dm5. and Onieh. ChIcago , Sioux City , SIoux Fails and Yankti. ChIcago , MIlwaukee , Mitchell anilChsnnb.tlab. itock 1iland , Dimbuque , St. l'aul and Minneapolis. Davenport , Cahinar , St. Paul soil MInneapolis. Pullman Slecper.r.nd the Finest IMnIngOari lath. world are run oi th. mnalnilne. cilia CHIC MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL FRAIL and every attentIon Is paul to ras.engcrs by eoivb. ous clnployes of the .onmpany. s H. ME1IIIIT.L , A. V. If. CAfli'RNTEU , Cciii Manager. . ( ienl PSL Agrt .7 , V. CLAIIK , 1 ? ouo Ii , IIRAFFORU , , Oen'l Sup't. ' Mat ( heni l'ass _ Ag'L I hue known and waished the use of SwIFta Spa. cIlia for oor fifty yesr.and have never known d a failure to cure blood I'oieoi , when pr.porly tak. I uenI It en niy servants from 1850 to 1885 , as dlii ss a number of toy neiglilior. , and In every easi csilo wIthIn toy kilowledge It oCoctod a cure. In .1 iy life I liMe never known a renlody that wooUuo fuUy acconipileb what It Is recommended to do. hi. L. DENNAItU , l'srry. Os have known anl uced Hwifts Speciflo for uses than twcntyyears , and have seen more wonderful r suits frets its ue than from any rumody In or out the l'hazInfteoIiielS. It. Is a cortalti and safe sntlkmSs to , ohl sorts Of blood roleon. J. DICKSONSMITIIM. 1) . , Atlanta , Os. The threat Drug House of Chicago. , We do not inoltato to say that for a year pa have acid nnoro of SwIfts Slieciflo ( S. ii. 13. ) Iliac other hilood l'urlllers combined , antI with moat tonleItInig results. One gontlentian who used bail a dozen hoLlies says It liu ilonie lilii , , iore good Lh..s treatliiont whIch cost hilini l,00O. Another who baa ucil It for a Hcrofuloue aftuctloli reined , a euro from Its tiso. tiso.VANHIIAACIC , STtWENSON &C0. $1,000 REWARD. uvIli ho 1nn.IiI to itniy Chemist who wIll foil. on in- alyeIsof loObottles H. S. S. , onupartlclo of Mercury , IodIde IotassIuin , or any nilnornol iubtaice. TiilHWlF1' Sl'lCIFlC On ) . , Iravor 3. Atisuta , Ca. . ffWrito for the little book , which will be , naflta. ] free. l'rlco : Small abc , 1.OQ ijuttlo. Lure si ( Iioldltig doulilu ijniaimttty ) , i.7& a bottlc , All dn- gleti ; sell It. NEBRASKA LOAN AID TRIIS Q. hlAhl'l'INOS , NEIl. Capital , - - 25O.OOtJ. JAR. Ii. IIEAIITWILL , President. . A. L. CLARKE , Vlcc.l'rosldont. K. ( II. wEImsTEmt.frrtuurcr. C. P. VEIiSTEIL CashIer. DhiilWFOltS : a.tnucl Aloxaniler. Oswald Oliver . L. Clarke , K. ( I. Webster , ' 4(0 II Pratt , Jan. II. Ilesetweil , Ii. II. McEililnnuy.I irt Mortgage Loans a Spooialtv This Coinpeviy timrIiIsilOl a lionlnnont lioiio III&4j. ) r. whore school jiojitle niiil titicr ) legally Issued M. . dial Securities to Nebraska cai be aegotlated 010511 , .vurithiio terms. Loanis minulo Oni mnproy.4 u.s I : . alt well sottloil counitloit of thu , thts throuk .onIllc. ecal corresuoiidoziti. . .v NOTICE ! To the Traveling Public ! -TJIR- COMMERCIAL HOTEL I , -AT- Ii eow undergoIng thorough repairs , bothwl liln - wIthout , sod the iroirIetpr Intend. II sbsfl be 8. ( JND TO NONE In this Stat. , next to Osasha. H. It. ULAC.KWELL , sag 21.tm PvoI Nebraska . Cornice -AND- Olliiiollt ¶ OS ! MANUFAfl"JREltS OF GALVANIZED IRON CODNICES' r13Lcx- FIN1ALS , WiNDOW OAJ'S , TIN , IRON AND SLATE ROOFING. I'ATENT 14E'FAUO 1IKYLIUIIT , Iron Fencing ! Creetlngs , lialuetruolea , Veranda , , 0111cc antI Uas& liamilings , WIndow end CellarCuard , , Etc. N. V. Colt. NINTH AND JONES STS. WIt. OAISF.R , Manag tIi , I1tE ! k I IIi ilU lliis Ith lUlL Ii # 1111 I dertbvd to rtu' .im ! JL UflLI .