- . - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ T _ _ _ ' ( -4 . * . - - IL r _ - - THE . - OMAHA DAILY BEE. . ri-JIRTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , NEB. FRIDAY MO1HNG , SEPTEMI3ER 28 , 1883. NO. 88. rr \ , \ \ , ' , DEMOC'SLOVE FEAST. . I' . he Collydiltioll at Bilifala To Sweetly ; I llarmonioll for Rcu1i- can lloes. i' - 'ThoDologatos Lovingly Embrace and Shout for Sammy , John and Grover. ThoG1orious Deeds of the Latter r Recounted and Gushiiigiy Oommendod. The ltcpublICLlflN of MsLryIanl View 'ith EnYloaM Eyes the flour. boii Grip of l'owcr. ' I . Now yorjc iicniocrney. ; 1itprALo , September 27.-The Doitin. crntie atto cotiveiitioii opened at noon. DolegatC8 took dicir neats in a very orderly nrnnner. As Kelly entered the hail ho was cheered by Taniniany and j4 ; lrviiug hail delegations in thu gallery. ; -i _ Doleatea arrived in a bodyno preference I being 1towii to any distinct body in ad' I inittLnce. It was a noticeable fact that S John Kelly vaa the only delegate cheered 'I . on entring the hail. Daniel Manning , n , , chairrnhn of the atato committee , % - called the convention to order , and preaontod the name of Alfred 0. Chapin , I of Kings , as temporary chasrnian. Chapin 1oko briefly. HuB remarks were . only interrupted when the name of Governor - , ornor Cleveland was mentioned. Thou S the delegates applauded. Tamunany . . and Irving hail uncut , however , remained ailont. Iii the roll call , when the name of Sathuel J. Tilden was read , the con. vezition greeted it with long continued applause. Francie Lynch , a Stetson county delegate , presented a protest on I ' behalf of thirty-four county democracy 'I . delegates agaitist the admission of Tammany - many representation. Protest ye- ferred to 'committee on contested J .seafs when appointed. Senator Grady arose when his name was called and gave notice that Taumany delegates . whose names were excluded from the t roll would presesit a protest ageLinat the : admission of county Democracy dole- gates. Ex-Jutico Callahan , Irving Hall t .dclegato , said he desire(1 to present a protest against the aclnuission of Francis t. Lyndo and 37 others , and Thomas F. L Gr4dy and 23 others , as delcgatc3. ΒΆ I These wore uilso referred.Vheiu. . the I naurn of John Kelly sas called tha con- I veution applauded loud and long. ! fn response r0 call of au entlunainatie delegate - gate three ohicers wore given with a will I . for 'Kelly. The county Dothocracy rep- , reseuitatiycs rcuuiainod silent. At the conclusion of the roll call ( lie conumittec oil couitested seats wcz a chosen. , . .Johiui T. Henry read a communication \ , k , irons the Anti.Monopoly league , askiuug , the convention to reaffirm the Iriuiciples 4 . in last years' platform , in reference to placing some restrictive powers on the , f grasping corluorations. H. Frsney , on ; beluaf of the workiugnieuu , oi'ered [ reso- i lutions , the firt asking for the abolition . of the contract system in penal institu- L . i itionsto secure for children tJ I b jiohibiting employ- ( ' r neuit in factories and workshops persons . ' . r , under 14 years of age , and the establish- I ' ' 'iuouit of a State bureau of printing. The , resolutions were all referred. Recess. p . Upon reassembling a resolution was , : - ' earriul distributiiug the seats in the conc - c Tention to which the county of Novr . . York is entitled as follows : County def - , f t , mocracy 38. Taunmany Hall 24 , Irving t' : Hall 10. Thomas 0. Benedict , of Ulster , , 1 .county , was chosen perunauuent chairman. : Thu : The resolutions following were adopted . ' unauuiunously : The democracy of New York reathiriuis the platform altOJted at ' u.s lut state couiveuition , 'huichi has ic- . coked the alluroval of the peoiio , 0.8 4 ahiowus by a unajority of uuearly f300,000 at . , . the last. cloctiwu , mud thuy especially * . denounce the lrpsiti.ui ) that. the l should be taxed to raise a sur- 1)105 fund for the federal govcrnuncuut to dustrihuto anuouug states. WTo claim I wiLls 1n'.de niid. satusfaction that every , . . . pledge therein umdo lois beeui in good f faith redeemed Valuable refornus have , bceui wrought ; useless 0111008 have beeii abolished ; the civil service has beeuu ' freed from the debasing zuud injurious influences - fluences of luartisati manipulation ; the . . , freedom and 1uuity of iiiuuuaiics has been t secured ; political assessiucuits have been f abolished ; receivership abuses have bceti 34 , . corrected ; the principle of local self government lua beeui adhered to ; " the ellicicncy of the National guard has t 'been incr ased , a taxation for the support - , port of the government huasbeeui rcluced ; . , a State bureau of labor statistics has been established ; the iight of workidg men have beth further protected and the 4 injurious competitiouu of convict labor % . has been curtailed mid business methods . unade the rule in the maumageununt of : t - State afliirs. Oui the rcccn'd thus mmmdc and to whuich it will ateulfatly / . adhere , tIme Demnocralic pally asha " a renewal of the coulideuuco oitho people. . , . \Ve invite with riismm all irimuls 4 of isnprovel Stite adiniumirstrntion , irre- I apeptivo of ia'ty ; , to juimi vith too lie- - rnOCrucy ill ud perfecting the ' ; . refiurmns ib immh.gidm.s nod iii cxtommdhumg ; . : . . . them to all liruohie of tim Shite service ? ' - \Tu heartily ouidorso Governor Clove- ri : . hluul's athiumiuistrttiouu. , It j ustihies time . great vote which electe.l . Imiuum timid he has . deseuvedly won the uiflctiomm of the eojilc : by hums industry , Iirm mmcus antI iumtehlmcuuco I f . .niml aggressive Iwneaty. 't'hio results . , : , inaho his athmninistm'ation one of the best Jlhio State ever ) omd. . Isauo LI , Yml mtyularl and \\rufl , Purcell : were then umanmed for ecrutary of' State. Time ballot resuhcd ; llayimard 290 , Fur- . cell 173.liIJIo nonuinatiou of Maynard ivas mnumnediatuly iuiatho unanimous. . At m late hour the ticket was coumploted I follows ; Compfrohier , Alfred 0. Clma. r pm ; State Trcaurer , ltobt. A , Maxwell ; I ' Attorney General , Penis O'Brien. ' _ _ t : - Marylnumt ItejIIthicnnS. "c : ' BALTIMOnu , September 27.-Tho Ito- . ! ' pubitcan State corventjon to nominate candidates for tloyernor , Comptroller ' and Attorney-General , iuuot at 11 o'clock , I azmd was called to order by Henry StackS - S % bridge , clmairmnan of the state central _ , . coiuuzmmittee. Hon. J. M. harrison waa t . .electcd tcnmporarychmainnaum , Commit- . I 3 : on credentials and reso1ution wore hi _ - - appointed no 1V until 1 0 clock. 14tljbc Whois the eomientnt1. , t temporary oflicers wpre made pu. . and the report f the committee on rcs. hution3 adopted. Hart 11. Holton , of Baltimore county , was by acelaummation named for Governor. J. L. ii. Smith ( colored ) , of Baltimore , in the namno of 40,000 colored voters of Marylauid , gust- antoel 40,000 black votes would be llacetl in the lahlOt. boxes for Ilolton. 'I'hmo ti.4et was comqjltiled as follows : ( ounitm ; ' \'shhmgton Somith , of Dot- ehe.'r ; .utirnev , Geumemi , It. St.ockett tmt' tm..ws. i.f 1.tItiuuiuro. 'Ili , t.torut ) % ( adopted approves Ar- thiur'8 itdiiiiuistration , amid declares timuit th gr.n'est abuses now exist iii the ad- itmiuiitr.mtion of the State ( iovermmuunt. Time rumnaimmdor of timoresulutions referred to State matters exclusively. The ihutter ' 1Ieket. BosrciN , Soptomubor 27.-It is roportel that a cable dislmatch hmas been r 'ceived by the Icmnocratic comnumitteo fromui .J. 0. Prince , lositively refusiiur. time nomina- tioui for Lieutenant ( lovernor. The chair. immaui of time Dommiocratic executive coma- mitteo denies the report of Mr. l'rinco's doclimmllon. The Globe ( Damn. ) says Mr. l'rinco Imas not withudrawumm white Time POSt ( Dam. ) edilorinily accepts the to- Port as true. I'vince's son says it is imigimly improbable tlmat his father will ac- Ceit tile mionmimmatton , cu accoummt of ? Trs. Prince's iialtlm , for which the ox-mayor is now abroad. VELLA1tI1 DitNG.EIt , Stockhohdors of time Northern l'aulfto 1)hisattsftotl with limo Prod. i1uitt' Managoummomit. Chicago Tribune SpecIal. l'SIILAIELrIIIA , Pa. , September 27.- The great attack on the Northern [ 'aeifica has lasted a week and resulted iii a fearful doprociationof alithoproperties wilds are knowui inVall street as 'Viilards. " The exact stto of affairs has boon a mystery t the street. The largest private imwcstors in the stock reside iii this city. These large stockholders have givoum President Villard full rein for two years or mmibro. Ho line been a most expensive preaidemmt. The capitalists vlmo are interested in Northern Pacific amid the corporations identical with it on time Pacirie coast Comflllaifl thud imis managenmeuit of the road has been umoedlossly extravagant , and thitmy muake four points against imimmi : 1. Ho hum , asted money in rushmimug time road to completion so rapidly. Guttiuig out of the reach of Ooumgrcsional 1egi1a- timi in ogard to laud grants umuighut have been a good thimmg , but while he was doing - ing it Mr. ViUard got into the way of a Congressional iuivestigation amid spout a great deal of money. 2. 'rho constructiun of branches , at a high cost of rental to time Nortimera Paci- tic , along the umaiui line and emi the Paci- lb coast. 3. l'rojecting terminal facilities at Portland which , it is saiI , will cost 6oooooo , if Mr. Villards ideas are car- nod out. 4. The want of judgment in the selection - tion of inferior subordinates. The react miceds sadly the ablest of railroad mamma- gets at both ends ol time line. The policy which has becn'followcd by Mr. Vihlard has created a floating debt of 1OOOOOOO to $12,000,000. It is hie1 Ltliat ptidouit ni u uagoaiom * would have averted any such weight on time company. There hmmm been soummo consultation - tation among the 'principal stockholders who control the bbard of dirocturs , mmd a plaui of action hiss virtually been agreed ou. Time umman who is elected jmreritleimt of the road must be one viio cmiii mmmko mmmoney rather thmaut spozmd it. If Mr. 'Vihiard vihl pledge lmiumuseif to ( boroughs reforiui iii time mumattor of spending money , if hue cams satisfy imis backers thuat in the future time road will be run in time interest of time stockhoidors amid iii accordance with those rules of ecoumouumy whicii govern successful corporate enterprises , amid if he will allow time hoard of directors to kumow alt time details of expenditure , hum doubtless viIl be re-cloeted i.resident. If not iso will not be chosen time head of time road. An iumteresting question now is how lmfr. Vmliard vihl moot time inmpurtaumt amid vital issue wimich thiremstemis to en I his career. JlCrJtOfoVC his will aumdwurd hmmve : beau ] miw. In the future timcmrtm uuiust be a ( livided responaibility with time real owners of thu i'iid , no matter who us elected president. Theme will ho mue trouhlo about providiumg for time deficiency in money. There is full coumfidemico in time earning capacity of the road. The board of directra will do oumu of two timings : Issue a secouid nmortgmmgo , or a debeumfuro lonum for $ Wi,000,000 , or per- himps loss , to run for 20 years , vminiie ut any time after 10 years. Time Oregon Transcontinental will Imave mmotlminr to do with the jmlaciimg of time luau. If time floating debt is fiummded , time cumtiro bonded indebtedness of time road will be less tunis $35,000 per mile. . The Maryvhlle itonnion. KANS.tS Cmrv , September 27.-'l'iio Journal's , mtaryvillo ( Ale , ) special says : Time attemmdaumco at time third amid hamt day of time soldiers' reunion of souimscst Iowa arid northwest Jissouuu'i was 15,000 to 20,000. At a business iui&ctiui iii time muormng ( ) flICIlI'8 were elected for time cum' umziHg year. amid Crcst.mu , Iowa , cimosen as time place of uimeutimug next ye.mr. ' ! 'iui propriety of fighting : alumni bittiu : at timtumO rethruiomus was thicussed amid it wn time seumu of time mmmeutiu timuit they ho dmscoimtumiumecl. 'J'imo exeucises to-day s'ero unifornuiy successful umi.d time alummn hmit- tie iuismctl , without accideuut. 'l'hao suur. imilta teveumno from time lmrebelmt meeting us $4,000 , (5) 1)0 devotcl to us purse far the heimolmt of time fuumiiy of .John Small , time veteran sweidwitaily killed yestertlay. 'limo CtatJioIio i5OICVIeIIt Uumioum. Povzuzcm , : : , luptoimmbcr 27. - 'l'hmu ' Catholic lieumuvoJoumt Union of time United States ro.cluctmul A , M , ICeoley , ox-mmmayor of ] ticinnommd'a. . , president. A result , . thou was hmasscl catiimmg the attemmtiomm ( if congress to the hurchmases of laro tracts of land by foreign iumdividuais , titled and uumtitied , desiring iegislatiomm to provemit it , also expressing syiumpatiuy wiLls time iooimie of Ireland. Adjouirimed. - - - Coleuhilgo iii St. 1ttuIs. SI. . Louis , Suptonuber 27.-Lord Chief Justice Coleridge and party arrived timis evening. 'rhmoy were nurt. at Altomu by a conmmnittee of rocelition and escorted to time Soutimorn hotel in this city. Thu to- ception of Imi hmoumot took jiineo to.mmight at. time residence of ( lirard B. Ailmi , a Prominent citizen. I THE NATIONAL CAPITAL The Bottlers of ciss Beer Rcfllsc a Reollearin by Commis. sioner ETalls. The Expedition for the Bodio of the Joannotte' VictiniB Heard Prom , l'repmsrat bums Conmumenced for time Ie. eommst ) ( ' ( ) mohtItug-I'eumMinum AM1C(1 for I eZuci Sold tetA bmugo Collection of Ictiip. ( ' 1'I'V4Ii 0TP. tutoTI.1s ( niss uuIgui. : \VASIIIN1'rW , Septomimbor 27.-Couus- umissiomier of Interuuni Itovonue Evans has written a letter to time attormmuy for time \Veiss boor mmmumufactturer , in reply to a brief tiled soimum ( lays ago by the latter , urging rocoumaideration of time commimnis- sioumers' decision in regard to bottling Weiss beer fromui staunped packages , tie. climmimug to reopen the question , miuid reaf- lirummimig isis furnmer decision. lie says , after careful oxanminatinum of time argutmiont submitted , he has reaiied time coumclusiomm that weiss beer is unquestioumably a for- immented liquor , amid , as studs , conies with. iii thieRCO1)O'OfBtatUtO ' relating to removal of fermented liquors from atamuipod pack- ages. ' - The resgmmution of Judge Itay , chief of the division of imost.al laws and regmula- tiotis of time lOstOhliCO dtmparttnuuit , hiss becum teumderod time I'ostmastor General , and will Irobabiy be accepted. The PolUmnaster Gemora1 ; has the isigimost to- spoct amid csteumi for Judge Ray , and their relatiomis renmniums perfectly friendly. visa JEAETrn VICTIMS. ft is oxpectedat tlmo navy department that LiouL lLmrbor , wimo was snuit to Siberia to assist in the Jeannette search amid who was afterwards ordered to bring to Anicrica time bodies of Lieut. DeLung , Dr. Ambler mmd Jerome Cohihms , will leave Irkutsk about time lQt of November umext and will reachi time United Statas with time bodies sometime in January. r2muoNs rout uuims mmor.nmans. The application of rebel soldiers for ponB tuuis , amid time collection of a fee for prosecuting such claims by a pensioum agent , would scoimi to be te ( height of absurdity or.thmo worst of swlImtlies. Yet such C0.8C3 are actually buimmg iumvestgcitctl by Coiumumuissioumer Dudley. Time agent implicated in this transaction is N.V. . Fit.gcrahd , of this city , of whiommi so mmtuch line beemi vmitteim , that his dimbar- uncut frommi practice before time pemision bureau is a certainty , unless hue wiLls- drawsvolummtutrily , while lie hiss a cimumuice. Colonel Dudley riiI make a call upon Fitzgerald for aim explaumation this week , although time evidence now before luinm is apparently conviumcing , time applicatioui ferpeumsiomi atatimmg Ilnimmiy ( list the aol- dier was in time comifoderato army. . Fitzgerald - gerald sold his fine tesidonce property during the past 'week to Colonel It. G. Ingersoll , and other pieces of real estate owned by him ate reported to bu for sale. Thicsm3 preparistiommslmmdicatu mss to- tiroment froums business , timid it is cinder- stood lie imitonds to heave for Europe timis fail. ,1t1-rINc } ro4rAL CLERKS LJNDEIS imoo. Postmaster Cunger , of Washington , imavimig established a rule requiring all onmployes 1mm his oulice to furmmish a hond , much coumuplaint lisa been caused timeroby. Mr. Congorsays that 75 per cent of Lime clerks in time office vcro engaged at timnes ill imaumdling matter that wouhd emmablo thmcumm , if they chose to be dishmoumest , to mmmako it very emnbarrassiumg Ic time post- mumuister , it umot cause liinm coumsiderablo pe- cuuuhmry loss. ' 'There comm be iso obje tioui that I caum 800 , " 510(1 i1m. Comuger , ' 'to a postnmnster rcqlmiriiug hoods frommu every clerk 1mm lila chico if he desires to. I fouumd thmst not a single clerk in time registry division was la'mmiled , where maclagus coumtauniimg mmmii- linus of ( bihiam's iii time aggregate ale imamm- tiled yearly , 80(1 tlmat. e'uui iRk time umioumoy order divisioum soummo of time clerics vere nut ummclcr humid. I am bonded for : hargu suimmm timid I lmavo a right , I think , to exact soumme guarantee from Limo emumpioyes iii time alike. " ] : x1uItIamIN'rAI. : t7zumncmutouNx , ' .VI icmm. Poinmissioui him hmuems grantt'd for time lnyiimg of aim experimmuemmtuml underground telephmammo and telegraph cable , fromum time % \'ar Dop'mrtuuucimt thurough to time \Vhmito house , 'rroaaury mumct Cimpitol. All time wires nosy rulmimirmg into time Capitol have beemm undcrgrouumd for years , afll work cvoll. Permnisamoim to put pubs jim time Capitol groummds hiss always been rcfuse ) . MtKINq OONUIIESSMIIN Time six large boilers au time Houzo side of time capitol used for heatimug purposes , are bciumg repaired , muni will ho tesLel thmoroughily iiext week. Extemisive re- hairs mire also beiumg nmale oim time Surmisto hmeatiumg amid vmitiimitiumg apparatus. Aum iumcrtmamed m uipply of fresh air will he ivcmm timis wimmttmr , ourtajum Seumatora immviumg coin- Phitiuioti of a wimumt of iroper vemutilatinu , , . L'ITIiIATZNO JXi.EN3I3 ; a-eli NRxr YIlt1 ( , 'limo jmreImr.stion of efmtinhIstea for time exiemlses ) ( if Limo couming fiscal year is now occupying time ntt.umtioui . , tj Soci'etnry 't'uiIem fulL umoariy alt time bureau ofli ilimlms i mm I lie 0 $ Ii es (1 umitu ii cmi L are el 1mm iiuii ly eumgutged , zsumd will ho so until ; tboumt the SLim of OcFohr , wimeum time muomit of tiscim ltbcns ; cviii imu mibinitted. MiswrL.Eoun : ITI318 , Iloummis recuiveti mrtltiuiipt ion uimder time 121st call tim ditto , $21 ,000.Q00. I ) . \V. ( Hassle , of thin city , 1mm becim ( hiabarreil 115 ii patent attorimoy lieforu time liitciior 1)cpastmmmemmtonaecouumt of irregu. huir luractices. 'l'hio values of time exhmrta of breadstufflm Auguat , 1883 , $18,810,190 ; ealumu mmiomitii of 1882 , $28tii,820 ) ; for eight uuuoimtlms , August 31 , 1883 , $114,237,015 ; same tiumme , 1882 , 110,275,898. ufudge 'fhomas , of this Civil Service Comnmmmission , tuturuued to the city ! on. day ovemiing. lie and Dr. Gregory are emmgaged lim the oxaimmiumatomn of mamors mind other routine matter pumidjuig baforo Limo Comnumuiasiun. Mr. Eaton is stilt absent , Gems. Simurmnaim has fixed utica the 1st of Noveimmber as time date upoum which ho will turn Over the comnmmmaimd to Osim. Shoridaim , aumd practically retire to civil life , although ho will not be imiacod on time retired list of the army until the 8th of February. Secretary Cimandior has directed the acceptance of the lmmglmest bids received for the condemned vessohe of time navy. These bids amount in time aggrcgae to $308,278 ; apprisiseci value of nil the yes. sois , $271,800 ; excess of bide over mip. praised value , 30,0l3. Civil service conunissionera have not. yet repikd to Secretary Foigor's immquiry as to time litelerelico to be given to lieu- orably discharged votoramma of time late late var , in making iippoiimtmnents. It i uimtleratootl they commaider that. the law itself leaves mme room for doubt out timis quoatiomm , but that timey disagree with Secretary Folger as to their being an Cqtalit % ) ' between time four imersouts cort't- fieti to imiun , froumi nmnommg whom to umusko his selection , when such peramiuis do not rate equally in timeirexaimmiumation , RI'Ott't'ING NorKs. luels. : l.oNooX , Septetmmlior 27.At time New. mmcarket ( ) etobor mmlQotlng ti.dmi ) ' the race for time ( iraiml Dsmko tticliau1 stakes , three year rulds , wits won by Leopold do Itotima. child's Ilnummko , Lofovru's Ladiolna eec- ommd , .1. It. Kecue's I3aioro tlmird. The Nuwmnnrket October imsummilcaum taco was emi by tord oiaumsl's McI'mlmcimon , Lord Itosohorry's Vista secoiitl1 Prince Soitykoll's Sooboil third. umAcoN ? mmK mt.cli4. Bosyo , September 27.liencon l'ark mmmeetiuug , track good. Stniiomi itichibali took two more heats ansi vomi the pacers' race , uumfiimisiied yesterday ; tune , 2:17. : . 'l'imrco minutes class Pilot Eumcix won , Challenge second , Middioton , Sr. , third ; titusm , , 2:29 : , 2:85k : , 2:321. : Special pue of $2,000 , divided , Clout. mimic (4. ( woim , J. B. Tiiomucss second , \ViI- 8.15 third ; tinme , 2:24j : , 2:20 : , 2:211. : Time stallion Cushing was trotted to heat 2:80 : , but did not make a mile iii loss thnui 2:37k. : motimsviLi.E JOC1flOL cumin. LoIsrILLE , September 27.-Fourths ( lay of time fall mo..ting of time Louisville .lockcy clum. Louisville stakes , all ages , mmmiie heats , Freeland womu , Gienumur secoimd , April Fool thmrl ; timmie , 1:4ti : , 1:45 : , 1:45L : Soiling nice , nll , ages , Aldllewliuug won , Galileo secomid , Leiax timtr4 ; tinie , 1:5i.j- : ) . Walnut lull stakes for , two-ynat-oids , wiimnimmg ponimittes and mmmahieui alkWaumces , 0110 mmmile , 1Iodesty won , Coma Ilakor soc- oumd , Commkling timird ; timime , I :4A. : Association purse , for tlmroo.yuar.ohls1 unite amid one suctoenthm , Cemmtrcvillo woum , \Timmuguard ancotmd , Ohivetto third , time , 1:52. : 1:52.Associmctidn purse , for two.yearoids , five furhmmmgs , Boim i\Iiles \ minim , ' .dmimkal second , East third ; timmme , 1:04. : rnoYISs0NAL : SCULLS. IItILTUN , l'it. , September 27.-Late timis afternoon time wimmd subsided , mmd time races chimmmenccd , with time decithimug heat between Luther amid itcCalfury , who rowed a dead limit yesterday. Lu- timer sven , anti being very tired , it was decided it. postmno time decisive limit till to-mmmorrow , Time first imeat of time profes- sioumal race mi'as well ly ilumummmmm , Riley secommd , Briceland timird ; timmme , 22 immin utos. Conumelly.mvomi time second Wcat , Moumiger second , Ittity third ; timmmo,21 minutes. I'imird heat , Teenier won , Lee secnmd , Casey third ; time , 20:50. : Phie bahammco of time professional imoatim Wio postlmomie ( on account Of darknt ; numtuiiiot JIEAC1I flACES. BIcIOIIT0K BEACH , Septoummimor 27.- Purse race , two.year-oids , thmrco-fourths of a mmmiie , Logan mvomm , Buuiotte second , Peerless third ; timmia 1:17 : . Purse. race , solhiuug zmliomvaumees , uniio and a furlomig , Oath womm , Muuitauk see- oumd , harry Maimum , thmird ; timno , 1:57g. : Purse race , soiling allowances , uumile and a furloumg , Aracumie won , Dizzy Bloimdo secomid , Eltmctriiiur tlmirl ; titmmo , 1:57. : Purse t000 for thmrce-year-tmids nmmd upwards - wards , ummilu amid mm ( luartor , hilarity wnm Ida B. SeCOul(1 , ited Fex third , tinme , 2:12. : . I'urac race , .ilI ages , timreo-fourtims of a mimile , Bral ( wmnm , Little icatie secommd , .Joo thusd ; tiiume , I :151. : mm.ts : : lutTL. .1 'IIILAPImmiuIt : , Suplenibor 27.-Cimica- go 5. l'iiiitdehtmimims ; 3. .N nw Ycimic , , Sclmtouuibor 27.--lctroit I 0 , Now York 2-S immumimmm.s. , l'mUm'IimNCS 27.--.ButIilo ) ) , SOlitOIimbLmr - - 1 , Provitkumccm 2. Ii.STON ( , Septemnhier 27.-Boston 4 , Ciuvolanil I . Si'imiNrImiImu : , , September 27.-Spring. fell 14 , Bay City 12. QulNer iopioimmbtmr 27.-Oraiud Itapids 14 , Quimmey 5. S1.jtIrauI min : , Septeumibor 27. - Time Springfield 1)0.30 imil : Cliii ) lucid a umeetimig to-nigimt timid ticcicleti to disband , lettiumg their rumuaimming two galilee go by default. ILLINflS STArE FAIlS. CmuuAao , Sopteuumlume 27.-Time attend- 1(11CC Itt time tmito fair to.day wasm estuummated at 75,000. 'l'imero were two trotting races durluug time nftermcormtlimL : for stat- humus iii service time seasoum of 1883 was ivoul by I'mumcoaat , Immdepcimdont seeoiid , Ilighlnuci Chief third ; heat timmue , 2:20j. : For timiee.year.oldn , mimiho heists , Elvimma fimst , % Vilduioumk imecommd , Epaulettu thud ; beat timiw , 2:23j : , TIlE MIt.ITAIW MATCh. NEv y015 , Soitonmber 27A I : Creed- moor t.dny thu Sevonthi rtigimntmmmt vuIm 'I'lio \ riuy mm , id Navy Jou runt i mom tel m , se'no 870 , omit of mm jiossihle 450 , itt 501 ynmthm. ItmiA-rA : l'oTl'ONJh : ) , iarnorr , SmJlmteummimoi 27'hiimu liii onus- tiomuml : iegmtLmi : , which swam fixed fui to-tiny itt St. Ohisba , hue lioumi hOatiioiiud ) till next Yeas. I"uO imoim I' ii tmt I i st u. OrrAwA , Septouumlior 27.-'I'mvo Yroiiehm- macn , i4umier , mt1 IrtciiifuiIu , , 1usd arrnmmg. ed us prize-light on timm' there of Mt. lnry's husicu for tluumihmiy , As they wemu about to begin , the jisvishm : jmiUflt throve miii , iushmcd timrou.ii tlmtm imowd nrmd demmmmsimded time pugiiimts , tuition P'j ' of excoummummuumica- tiouu , to cease hostilities. 'l'imo mmmcmi to. iuctauitiy desitoil. Souse of tue crowd expressed immuligimatloim km words uncoumi- l.limmuemmhtrY to time Jtov. Fatimer. 'L'lmi'i led to imow coumipiications , amid resulted iii a mantel , bciumg urraumgod for time following day between tivo mmmomm imanmud .1artiui and It ummunoud. This battle took liimmco amid lasted 25 nmiriutce , Aimminoumd was metaLed. _ _ _ - Ohmera Itemise IumuiilIy. ATLANTA , Spptembor 27.-Manager L. Degive , of Degivo's opera house , wise arrested - rested at time iuistigatiorm of Vi' . D. Moore ( colored ) , ejected from time opera house last whiter for immeinting upon Bittiuig among white people , I CROPPIESLIE DOWN. The Uranomea of Tyone Vtoletly Miack itators ot ll me Role , Great Excitement Oroatoci by a Rumor Tltat Parnoll iv11a Shot , The Bulgariati Bounce Outs Rus- ia to the Quick and Turkey Thr&ttcns to Gobble , CoitillUimmu ut himt1vmm In Tonqutu. GI'.1LtAl. I' OItitGN N IW'S. OISASmu RIOTS N TVmun. LtNmHN , Septemabar 27.-The Daily Chronicle lots masued a P5tscritmL statimig timat there is grunt. exeitoimmoumt in Dubilmu , ( mwimmg to tim z-uumior that time Oraugemmmomi eliot l'arumuit , 'I'hcro appears to be souse truth in time reLbort. At any rate , it is certain that I'eirnelt is wounded. It is stated a bullet tvemst through hula body. Aimothmer account says time atilmir Ivums mmcci- dental. No further ( bLunts have bocum ro- ceivod. A dispatch from Dummgauutou , County 'rytono , states that a covered car cmiii. taimmiimg , it is supposed , l'armmeli , ivas fired iumto , last thin occupant was hot immjured. Tiii probably explains the rLmmor of I'utr- mmcii being eliot. DusatNN0N , Sopteutber 27.-homily , O'Connor and O'Brien , members of Par- Bnmouut , succeeded iii apeakiumg lucre to. day. The police lrcvoumtel a collision with time Oraumgeiuiomm. All time streets headimug to lime place of time mumoetiumg mvoro guarded by soldiers. Time speakers were accouupmmuucI t tiuo railway station by soldiers. Time Oramugumnen paraded time unoccupied streets. Many arrests were mastic. 0'C.mmor . was attacked at. Port. odowit by Oruumgcmneim , but escaped. TillS nhui.aAmuAm IIMu'IJTII. Sr. FaTicuisnumma , Septemmmbor 27.-Time Journal do St. l'otcraburg regards the situation iii Bimigarimi ( lnmmgerous. It. is reported that the Russian govern. itment will issue a umotu to time European taking excejitioms to tIme recent chmnu"es iii the govorimmmiuut of Bimigarims , by wimielu l'mlmmcu Aiexuumder rommiuveut the Itussismi 7mhimmistcts , Gommerisi Skobululr imuma KiLullar3 , amid piacemi Zmumkofl a Liberal , at the imemid of his Cabimmut. LoNimor , Seimtommubur 27.-Time porte is preparing mc circular to psvurs decimirimug if Ihilgutnia iapsea into a m.tumte of numnschmy Turkey will exercise her right of suzorutimity iii timuit cotimitry for the roe- toratioii of order. 1)018(18 IN rOQt1I ( . Advices from French sources tiaod Ilausi September lath , slate time black flags ucimisdoned Sommtag nud thu villages ( if Pkutmg and Lugmmo aimdiotirod to time left bank of the Ited riv t ' Several mnandarins have iv nin tiiuirdbiuissioms to French authority. Time French forces will undertake iso otTmmsivo operations dutil after time arrival of yciaftirconments from Prauico No cnmenUon a mnado of the m1moi.ted dcieus3 ! the , ' .4lom'tiims . i' time black flags. Time reply of Chum to France's immense- ruumdimni iS received. Several of time pro- vosmmis of Fraumco wore rojectod. 'rime Aigcrumiaum iumsimrgeumt chief Si Sliummami lass boeti killed at the feast by two other chieftains. A TONY TII. LeminoN , Soptenibor 27.-Time datmghz- ( or of Lord I'uhmsyor iviss immarried thus mmmoimm- immg to Mr. Aitkir. . 'l'lmo wodclimmg wits time timird iim St. Pisuls simmee J 758. II lt us hose IC0Nh ( , Stmptoiumlmr 27.-'hme head ( if Calitaims Iluviore , cimmimimmimuudur of time Fremmeim forces iii 't'ummmitmimm , together witim time heads of thirty soithiurs killed iii ummakiumg time sortie froumi IIumoi lImo tUtu of May last , have hoomm recovered. SUIE1MAN nmi.Liui. : ALnXANIII1A ) , Su1ituiiulnir 27.-It is to- vetted that Suieimmmamm I'iuihmm : , rccemmtiy imp. poimmtcd t'ovormmor of 1sst Sotmtiaum , hilLs Imeemi umurdcm'ed by ( ito Amusba. - - Tim" Nusm I iusumvimumeo Cmmimuumm1sIoui. , Counsujius , Suptemuuber 27.At time mmatioimutl comivoumtiois of time iimsurmumcu cam mm mmmissiomm to. ( I 0.7 t Ii o ti ill 0 for nmmmkimmg time mmmmummial reports wits oxtehutleit to .Jmmmm- uiary 20th. 'l'imo foilnwiumg sins imdoiited : ' 'That timia convommtiomm coimilemimmue time jiimmetice in vogue by several commmpsuiles : of mmmakimug iosuus : aim stocks of mtiuor iumsur- numce coimupaimies. ' ' 'I'iuu following otlicurs syoro elected ; Presidummt , Joint A. Me- Call ; Vice-Prcsidummt , Cimarles II. M9oro ; Secretary , Oimaritam 1' . Swigcrt ; Executive Co mmmi ittoc , Oliver Pillebu my , No Ilmimmup- - shire ; Etmipmno I'rimmgle , Michigan ; IL Ii. 11oriia : , Imuismss ; Epiurisimu .ViIllauums . , Comm. necticut ; .Joimmi (1. ( Abbott , Colorado. 'limo comivcmmtioum ahjourimed to mmmeot 1mm Cimicisgo , ii.mxt Septemmmbmr. It Sllolc itoHi mIt5.N 'I'Iaolf. ? .IONTh:1A1 . : , Sejitomnluer 27.-Aim Eimg- lishumimaim imamimed C , B , 1)ass'uy , who caumuo home i i i A tug must last ( vu ii Ii seuput d , mmd bugum liimsiimoi mmii ihloimcml uimimpur to Emiglmmumd. I Jo hmrnmulmt letters fiuumm time host im..umse . iii 1umiaumd , wimiclm obtaiUtmd him' Imimum iuaiimens uuuud omemlit. IL ivam covered to.day that Iowoy on time I Utim imm'mt. , ohtiimud ; mmli ndvaneu of i30O00 of hmstoomm'ms i&mmik : mmii forgemi bills of lmulimig I 1cm julIo itlttimmui ; ( $2t0J0 ? ( fmomm m tim ii imiti - thmico linmim 1mm Nun' ' ( mimic. 11 iii theft' . nuuoimjut , to $100,000 , BtmteoLi'cs amo oil his truteic , I i I I , u m i I &i 8n It ii Quuuv , Suptomimbur 27.-'l'hmo State l'rmmteethimm associmitioum to.day fixed I lie secretary's smimmiy : at $1,000 , a year , timid uiecteti Cimicmmgo am ( lie jdmmeo Ot ummoetiiug muext year. No other iimmportnimt. humaimemss slime tra.umsactcml , 'l'u.mmiglmt is grand iismm- : 1iiet aimd ball ivas givomm by time i.ucml . : asso. ciatiomi iii lioumor mf time visitors. Speucimes wore mmmmiu by W"illianStoinwober , , .Jnmimea B. I'.srmull , l'etor hitvubomough 1(11(1 ! tlrmt , ilkiceougim. 'rime duiepstua will leave for im'jmnu t ii.iimorro it mmuormm m mig , - 'rig n Itmcl tictiflim him I'owi.imnlmor I'mlces. NHw YORK , Septmnber 21-'l'imo mmowsdenlera , a fmLetcr InthemLo umicoumaui. d in time war of mmitcs aimmolig local news- lmape' , are begiumuuiimg to mnovo against the redutiomm of their lriits. Aim time 1)1106 of time various PSulUtS dropped , I their coumuumiseiowi decreased. 'I'hme dual. a - crc' comummissiena , wimicim before ranged from to 1 cont.s for mmcli paper , now ranges from to 1 cent. Time most nit- satisfactory feature is tumisiclo time city. News boys as well as dealers soil time pa- per. at about tisu uno price n.e bofero , It me thought that this may cause a re tmmrn to time old irices , _ The MoIcitn 1'cvnr Sprendir.g , SAM FltACisco , September 27.-It is i)1iO5Ctl to ustnblishujuarauttjuio at Yutmimm , Aruzona , to prevent tiuo imitroductioms of Mexicaut yellow fever into the United States. I I. is ummderetooml lime rmulroatl tie- timoruties mviii cu.nlnmrale. Yellow foves' ilaM brokeit out. mit La l'iis , Time heat is intemise. l'oople mire liucimig uui all direc- t.iomma to escape time fever mud imm suarcim of cooler atmmmosplmcre , .1 smatlee 1iel&1 , of time Ilimited States Supreummo Court , left tiui9 nftermioomi fur the east. Associated Chuirit Los. Louiss I t.L1 , Soptomuber 27.'Flie con- foreuuco of time associated charities aimd coriectiouie imeici aim interestiumg mmmeetimu to.tlay , wimicis was addressed by Rabbi Souummoschiicim , ( ui St. . . Isumuis. A muimubor of reports froims ditrurent sommrcce were , mubmmmittcd namd refourud , - - Smmceomuifimi Avbltrmtl mu. PlTTSuitJuto , Septoumbor 27- UmpIre McCmmno to-dam' decided thirst 3A cents per , bushel siitmli be time mages of railroad coal immimiotmu iii timia ilistrict , frumus October let to April 1st , 1881 Time umsinors want- cd 8 cents amid time olmoratore were mvii. himug to pay : ij cents. liotis shIes hmisre accepted time uunpir&mi decision , amid there will be no strike. 'Jimo ' ItnIItoatt ltmtte Var. Oi uiAC 0 , S eptomnbor 27.-'L'imero is umotiming mmcmv iii the paeseumger rate war to time suimtlm. ogotiumLiomms were eumtorcd into to-day fora uumceUmm of amaumagors of time wztrriumg lines at. Ciutciumimati to.mmior. row , with a view t a settloniemit of time ( iitr"reuices timid time rostoructiomm of rates. Time imieetiimg will probably be belch. Starved to Ienulm. Sv. Louis , Septeimmber 27.-Col. Frank Davidson , late at' time hirimu of Marmmmis- duke , Brown & Co. , of tIde city , and mvoll kmmowum iii time sunLit timid mwoet , stmicided yesterday at Vams Bsmron , Ark. , where lie 1usd lately been editimug a umomva- paper. Fiumancial tmmnbari-mmssummomtt iii sumid to be the catmee. TEbEGILAL'lL NOTES. Albumin ifls' iet ilsmmml.urg for Brussels. 1omvy frost \'taluucsdsy umtghmt at SpmLmmg. , fioid , ill. Corum omit of dtimmgor 1mm that. lucidity. Gee. 'tV. BisLtmmo , geutarmi mumisnisger of time Toxism P.0(1 St. Lotmis railroad aimmoc lost .Jnim. tmary , has relmiotL. Thm battle between .Tohmuimy Vhlos , , f C9mteztgo mind Nixcy Lurch of Liverpool , 1mm Now York , 5'lO irovemitcd by time lolieo , 'l'lme I munugmuratlomu of time mmntinual immom.unmcmmt . to Germmuammiis timicims iminco to-ciumy at meI.icrum'ithci is lUm immiposimig cercunoticmu. , 'rime colored vommvemmtlun , eftum' time amiolltiomi of aim ntldiem. dlii ma' ' bmuelnumut cif immmportzmuetm , mmd aiijummrmicd. ideaL of the ummeiumlars immivu golme imoimme. At the railroad conferutico iii 8mm Frimmmchcn yiaterd.sy .1 , 0. ( imlt , lisLe gtammeral muamimigor of time Vabimmmii road0 was eieetuidcoummimbmslouiur of the lines \veati of time M'ssouri rivers This closes Limo bustumomaur time conferono. . Time Repubilcan State. toncntlouof Miim hand niet at 11 o'cloek this morning1 omau. ized amid adjomurmucil fordiummer t - _ I 1tm.or.chuunor , t lt'4lsrsn jif I'ef'x1o. rAu hit the schooner. Pilot ott iamiIt.omraoVla. . , \Vwlum sdimy mifgimt , itmiti , imow adrift on the lake time scimoommor l'ihtt Imelmig met bail y damn- aged that sue iisi to tibitnilcuui the hlalhmmm'auu aUdi uumako for l5hhlwmmulcco. 'limo mmowamioaiors mini kicking against time re- iliucitluum In the price of Now York illmlers mmmiii will coumihuimo to bring timemim hack to time old figures. 'rime steamer Itothiortlam of time Netimerisuid. Jlimmeiicamm S Scion Navigation Comim miuuy Ii mb , strismititni at miami to-d.my in lleimjc.rii : : , mimmil lies I mm ii imii , comull tiemi. Iiiimjaard , is out tlm coast lit 'utliiioi , ammil coutul us Imluummeromis saumil lnumkm aim ammo of vimkim time Itiutimortlamu is strmmmdnl. I'nssouigems safely i.mmmtieti. 'Iiie tm Ike of coimi nil mmcmii I im time mmetghmlur- hood tif Co mm imellivil Ic , ( 'it. , Limreatnns to ho. 0011111 gummeral tlmrougliotmb time email icgloimit. ' .L'im , strike ut mvuas'ers mit iuhmtoum.Uimtier. 'i'ymnm is isuttiwi. It Ii expected worlc km tima factom ics nih 1)0 resmuimmed timi. wecic. ' 1imreo uhipiounum : Imimmo iicomi mswmmrded the i\iumemicsui uxlmliiltors 1mm thu tmhtictuicai oximihi- tiiiim at Vitimmuim. it is stated that , Jmtmmes I\lcDmmrunott \ , tim 4liiUiiCtII vimo mvmn mecemitly . , r.ieruil to In tils. clmi.mgeml . fmommm uusti y ii. . 1.1 von 'citl ' , , ma ( mist's to ( I iii b tutu iirlsomm mm iiics ethic , . i imotcetioui Is attended - tended Immimi , mu. . ho ( cmii s li ni ii be umuir.itmrcil . uimiless Lii. , authorititmi mmmmmko itrovislous for lmI safety. - coT , . 1)UDhjl1'4 AlIl'IIMETIC , Slgmmllleaimco of ills Overcetiummiutmug . L'cmmsiumi Eximeussos by $50,000,090 , WAHIIINOTO ? ' ( , Selt. 20.-The extra. orimmnr dilFereuicea iii Coimmunissianer Dmmdluyme eatimmmates coimfqse time 'I'iumistmry ofilcummu , and upset their plaima. Only eigimt.en . imuommthms ago Cal. Dudley imtiiimesiod that hmuwould oed $150,000 , . 1)00 ) for l.uumsiomms . for mviiat is umtw time emit- souL liscal year. This imtaiwait cstimzmntu shocked oven Congress1 htmL that hotly imruiattetl b mmmneb time diauim , It mvmsa uiouiupty ) argued , imowom't'r , timat imm time lute of imucim vnciriimomms expeimilituros ito comiskitiraimlu recluciiomm could be iummclo : umm taxititmum. limit upon tmueiiumd smbom tlmtmmmgbt jul , Jmidioy icuticimemi eli limo triflimmg sumum of itmmd told ' lie be- $50,000,000 , Commgu'ess - liuved lie emimitl gut is bug msitim is round Ii U motied mmmi iiinuis. Coimgicns migni mm took lmiumu mit. imis ss&cI , muitl gave lmium wlmust. lie imsiltal. I t mmcmiv ioictm , liowtmm or , as jf hue imati milieu mmuunu tit'cuuimmmatetl ( time lummeiomi isaimiumg clilemeity of his cube. it i dommht. ( iii it timt , limitcitum cmiii tipuisd thmi year immure timuim ; $7.fi,000.000. , 141551. year it dishmimsed I , I il 1i9O00 , 000 , mmuitl Li m u Comu mimiesioumor an ) mm imo is mmon' ms'ehl ti im mvork , timid hits to mYisit mipoms time uuiauls to timid ehhipioy- uimummt for his cherlm. : Iii fiset , imo ausys lie does mmot muouti all time uiesy force given imimmi , msumd mrhll asic Congress to cut dowum his force by 250 umumumius , 'l'hme hummmmmummso imimpottaumeo of timie change of views ( Jim Ccl. Dudley's hart is appareimt. 't'hmu large disburseimmemita of time Peutsiumi Bureau ms'na tIme dud argtmmnummtfor retain. hug high taxation , but imow it. iii scums timmit time 'I'reasury is to be called out to 1)IY : out $75,000,000 ices this year Limamu wait origimmahly calcimiatod , mcmmd $25,000,000 lees titan was coimmitud Upon wimomm time tamrilfaimd iumtorumal revenue reformist mvero under diacussioum. flemico It is vrobimbla that thmo surplus revenue will be very large if otimer condmtiouma are favorable , nuid time old questiomi mviii recur , what is to bo douse with time surplual REES RECEIVES IT. Eoes From the llenbliean Conycn- lion at Lincoln. The Break for Lake Broken by a. Rush for Reca. 'I'hmn l'art University Stmulcumus Pinyeml 1mm ( ito Nonmimmatlon of ltogemmts. Si'ci ) C.rrvspcmidcmmt of Time Imps. LiNcoL , Sept. 27. Time State coumvemmtion did umot adjourn tiimtil after emma o'clock , and Limo oiection of regemmta was hurmied through in tim umemual ccroiess muanner , yet. it cannot bo said that a bad choice was mmmdc. Vision- . timie proposed that two rognimte be chosen froumu each Comugreesmomumil district. , and thiia hmlami was adopted , thereby preventing the ro.eiectioum of Presitieumt. Holmes , of the First district , Core mmml Ganmmott still holding their iaces in that district. It. was denied timid Gannett. 1usd rcsigimea , but'tiio Douglas county macmm , gommorauly umuieratamiding that Mr. Gnmmnott wouhl servo tie ioumgor , immsisted by resolution that iii case the rosigumatiouc of Mr. ( ian- imett should be received by the Governor tiuat Mr. Sidumey E. Locke be apointet jut imis place. 1mm time Secant ! Congressiommmsl District N : . S. Hull of Clay county , J. M. Hiatt of harlan , WilIhun Such of JeWereon , Ed. McIntyre of Seward and M. B. 0. True of Saline wore brought forward. litull receiving time imigheat numnber of voto.a wss nommiimintcd to time bug turns auth hiatt ; to time simort terumi. lii the Third district K P. Holmes of l'iorce , \v. L. Bowmamm of Stammtouu , J. P. Mmii- hilicu of limmiruslo , .r , w. Ltwe of Dodge , J. F. Merritt. of Auitehoe , W. A. Mc- .Ahliater of Plato and D. W , Randolph of Naumco svere proposed , ammI Maililicu was mioumminsted to the lommg turns , .nd Hoimnea to time aimort torimi Mr. Maililiesm is superintendent of schools iii BufralO coumity mmd a very emmergetic maui. Ed. Ilohimmee is a graduate - ate of time Nebraska Ummivoreity , ' 77 , and is the flrsb ommo 1mm time board of regents. Ills youthful npjlcaramlco caused somimo one iii time audmummee to 3'cil out at time close of imis elm000iu , 'Buhiy , for tim kid. " Iii truth the "youumg ro1ntbli- lk'aui" eieuieumt was pretty strong sum time convemmtioum mmd a imeticeabie thmimug wastiio numumber of forimmus' timid Lireseuit uitudeumts of time Ummiveraity who cammmo there as dole- gates. lb is merely mum indkattomi of time hisvcr timid. time boys are to mmiold aommm day-those mvhio himsvo been schooled togetimer. Lfartmiman , of Bulfuho coummty , for in- st.aumeo . , a fernier stuclcntiititiated thu bretik forhietis juatsittimu mnomeimt when time counties mycr.j turniimg ttLake , by timmulouncirug that. Buihiilb , Huinio's osvn county , desired to chiammgo hos oto solid to itoes. From that moment Roes was time mmomnltmoe , butt before that orybody hunt supposed thiat'Lake'e tim'ohad coimmu. Timocone whcxcitfiigbsst full of good hmuidbm'aud Jtof ehipmbi sms t s.lmavo.boemL. _ ' Th1giitlrcidlh' thisyom1fm4iifry ' Estabrook was caltod Upon aftoriteca and , Origgs hind epokomi , aims ! oxpiaimmct Judge Lake's lOai'AOul very huumimdsommmoiy. 'rime comnmmmittotu on lilatforims timen reported - ported through its chairunaum , Mr. Gore. 'l'hmcro was a plauik etiouugly endorsing high license , but such a vigorous protest was mmmdc against this timmit it was fimmauly witisdrmswn. Time uummmmbore mvimo spoke agisiumat it said tiunt it would be highly dmmmmgorous for the itepublican party to simouider such a rccoimmmmmouidation of tim huty , to opuim uL ) at till again time liquor tluestiomm , but it would be mvieer to hot time ms'imole ummatter alone , mmmi its recorti was kimowim without is special iulanlc in a State jdustforumm. 'rhmims crushed it , fear of loss of vimtes. Time platforuim atnusda as follows : u'tATroutmu. time 1opubllcmusim { of Nebrrska , its coim- mouitloim u.mcniblctl re-isUimmim thu , - great lrImmci- vies mmi.mm . ms'h.iclm time NmiiAumial ltuimutjhmcamm party ima. appeals. ! to time iCllilt timid received timeim ummcloreiuiamit iii six , .uceesiytm liresitleim- tiili cmmmmi : , .ilgus ; ammil mvlmlcli , imavii.g . heii immaihu time hjiis of c..m.Itutiumimd ummmm.aitmmuummts , aimd mmitruiluced iii time ismat body of our federal 1mev for time mmiimimiimtstrmmtioui of Justice , time dm. lii ) . I that of our l.mmlilIc iitmmd , time mnammagomcimt of llmmimmiccn , time cohleetiimm , mit ius'oimimo mind Lbs umottleummeat of iimtermmmttluumal .iiilruimcen , have solbillied tIme umatium , nod iimaugmmiatedamm ens of uImtxtmmiii.icti ? . lisPamitY. 2.Vu imuiti to time policy of collecting time mosommuies of time commutry fmuimm a tarmif on liii- imorms so adjusted iii. to favor auui protect do- mmmestic lutluatmies , amid eumvouuimge iinuiigrmmtion tm , titir shores of laborers to hiurfurium time aerv- iccs we iieOi ( iii , , ur own soil , limmylug tribute to our osrim ( iovcrimumieuit , rather thmum time lam. imeriatloim of time vrotlmmcU of labor that Is trib- iutisry to ml foremgmm and jierhimps hostile Ccv- erimunemmt. a. We favoraum ammmendmnent to time commatitu- tlomm mi ! time State by tIme tiuacrtmomm of a clause peromittimig tIme ostabhi.immimommt of a board of couiimiiissloumermm whm.ee . dimLy shalt be to enforce smucim Jeglelistlomi as unay be emmumcmed for time hire- vomitloum of uxortiomi amid mmmijust discrlnmlumatioii 0mm tlmo itart of mmmiirt.ad amid telegraph coums- ) ) mnht3s. 4. We favor time enactment of leglehittloui by Commgress fomfeithimt every acre of public laud gramitwi to o.rl.Iiraciomm . miummi mmot csmrjmeml by is stuict coummplhuuuco witi time himw , aum(1 the rester- i mig of thu smmmmu to time immbiuo tiommualmi. Aunt myo cuelormie thin m scout ilech liii of tim , , muhurmimmlstra. timim to time tituct tlmmmt ; nuhhie imtmtls are umot Lu be iimomuiaihizcd as cattle iammgom , but aiim opoit ( , nctmmmmi settlers , 5.Vu . favor legislation by ceuigress requir- lug corp..ratiomms tim mm imlehu iimmmds imavu licoms Km imote. . I Ii ( liii tjio iuuhihi u tinuuual ii to take thuds- ti'mteumtm ii' .immu . ) iii tmdm inmsumts iiimv bcumm oarju- cml , Ito tImitt timoy mmmisy ham sumliject to txatlo , tic. Lu forftIt timdr r.muits. n.V lueam mily tumilurimmi time mm ho amid pa- tiiutlti Puihicy that. ists booms imirsumed , by I'resi- hemut Chester 4 % . Ai thu m. , umm1 tue stork of time bite Itulmumbllcami C..utgrus . 1mm msjsmm.hizlmmg time tariff aumui i oil imihmig time lSVOI4IICl wklmtiimt ( mill- liq to mumtit thu tutored aumil to reduce tue liuimidilial of time Natlummal debt , mimmd iii provmti- mug fur thu lummnr.ivemmmommt ut thu musvli atiums of time great mivers of time \\'cst timid $ outhm. 0. B. Yost amid 1. 8. lhmmsemdll were mumado ume'mmbers ' of thu Iteiniblicami State Ccii- tral comuuuumittco froumm time Sixths district. . : ( I. V. E. Dorauy being re-elected cimair. ins's. ' 'rime luke-warm su.port. of Judge Lake is explaimmu I by time fact that time western dulegmitiomis felt. otfeumdld by his hate cams. smut to tutu. If lie hiatt accepted earlier timere wouid immivo beeii small doubt of lila uuouumiumumtioii1 but hue hmayimm aiiswturtmd. all letters timid applications msitit a firma tlouminl , couuitry mmmemmibera had placed aumd liromnisotI their votes elauwimeru. It Is generally supposed tlmat Lake honodly did not care for the oflico agaumm , but wa bulldozed umto beitmg a caimdidmcto at tiit last inuumont ,