Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 27, 1883, Page 8, Image 8

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8 r1.Ii 1)AILT )1-OMAllA , TiWRSIAV SEPTItMB1R 27
. _ - - - - - - - _ _
- -
Thursday Morning , Sopt1 27.
; WcfttLer ItulIcfttIorn.
. 'or the upper ti8Iipp valley , f&ir
woher1 wrnda , shifting to the easi and
rti and during the night lower touper
and ring
1knra _ _ _ _ _ _
-Tks .se ot , g for th Imma
bsn 7ottiay
-The firenen'a , .odt th eeithg
wlU , s uu..1 , be a p1on&nt nflaIr.
-A puIlc reception will bo Iendore&1 Rw.
: : ii : . Savdge , of the } irit. M. J ; . church , on
, ev&n , Scpt. 27th.
-'rho W. C. T. U. wilt hold thotr mottng
tL afternoon , , the 27th , at
ts Y. M. C. A nt ootock.
-JMnos l'eter4ofl , the U. P. brakclaftn who
' bad Ie out off rocitIy at Fremont , h rapid.
ly gettIng wall and every one will ha 1ad of
-Trnateos hvo boon aPpointed for flu , ncw
town of Edhiburg , and held a ineothig wuoi.
. day etening at the office of lion. .1. M. Wool.
-lJrni't ; forgot the Iauooa 1von by the
; rrIrIo Queen Dancing Club every i3at , nyc.
Matliowi & Gaynora Danchi
SW. cor. 14 & Dodgo. AdmI.Ioii tOc , a2.3t (
-Mr. co , C. Bowen and Mka LzzIo 0.
Gochrlng wore married T&ioday morning at
.lo roaldenco of the hrldo'a paronti , on 131x.
toonh atroot between Ihirt and Curning , by
.Rov. F. 11. W. jiruocliart.
-A pUtIun I ! being oxteiiatvoly circulated
.aaong the citizona of Sherman Avenue , for
t.ho purpoeo of paving the thoroughfare , It is
ioped that the county o111ctai may ho Induced
to boar a portion of the exponso.
-Ames' real estate agency Is about te move
into a new and elegantly fitted office just op.
poeltO the olil stand. Ames h always to be
found on top and is to be congratulated on his
flow departure.
i -Jainoi Martin , an eznpioyo at the amolt.
lug works had one of hIs great thee smashed
by a piece of bullion tailing on it. lie was
taken to Dr. S. D. Mercor's hospital , corner
Twelfth and Howard , and liii Injuries attemmd.
' -Another attempt is being maim t Kot II.
I nae money from the liquor dealers doloR
lminoss In the throc mile hlmitabouttbe city.
i It ; appears to be a hopeless case and one not
jrovlded for by the statutes ,
t. -A battery of military from Fort Omaha
L , paraded the streets today and rested for a
while on the hill near the court Imuso. Their
J . warlike appearance led many to believe that
j martial law had boon proclaimed by thin
1 Mayor.
LI -Mr. A. Androon , of the Omaha Safe
works , left yesterday with the Omaha del
: ' egatlon to attend the State convoutton at Liii.
.com , where ho is sent to yoke the sentiment.
of ths citizens of the Second ward. Mr. An
droon wtU combine business with pleasure , by
looking after a job lie has undortakemi in the
new capitol building. Mr. Androea repre.
icats one of the most important industries o4
Omaha , and he has his bands full of business
I alt the timo.
-In the policecotatyeatrdaythereworetwo
plain drunks , one being discharged and the
: other having his case continued. A man was
aftoated for steeling some groceries ( ruin a
farmer's wagon , ajug of whisky boingimi the
: Jut oh stolen articles. The culprit claimed
that be took the liquor to hirovent the owner
I from drinking it , but the Judge did not loon
; upon the act in the asian light aiid the man
went up for ten days.
. -The sale of surIhus mules in the Depart.
anent of the Platte took place Tuesday , twnn.
ty.elght in all beimig disposed of at the Omaha
corral at lH0 ranging from 85 to l8O.
There were 14 sold at Cheyenne and between
310 and 400 lii alt In this departemomiL Thu
. cause of this mimovo is that thio appropriation by
. Oungross for expenses iii the Quartonuiu.tor's
Deiartment was out down cowiiilorably , mimmil
S did not uul.w uionoy enough for the iy of the
teamsters or the imlalfitonanon of the animals.
Hereafter freight will have to ho hauled by
centract , and the cutting off of triuteportatlon
will be quite severely feltin maumy ways.
-News was received In this city Tuesday
, of the fatal accident at Braunftrd , Minn.whlcli
z'siulted in the death of a well known and IOl )
lar railroad umami , for ninny yoar.i connected
wItii the Union l'acilio service. This was
xione pther than Mr. Jo11105 ICornahaui , who ,
after his retirement from ho railway service
kern , engaged In business as a butcher on
lower ienth street. Ho subioquently vomit
to Braunard , Mmii. , and took the iiosttlon of
yardmnaat.or , aiitl while engaged in coupling
cars , on Monday morning , va.s ciuwhit and
crushed so that , loath ensued shortly after.
. Mr. Korualian , who VM still in this citywwi ,
telegraphed for and loft at omico for lirninard.
Jim bad been married less thiau a year , and
was a good buband aniha , splendid fellow in
I Yery way. . _
' GEN. I1F1tl1MJ.
Thin Comiuauitle , thin Army on lila
j Viivowoil Trip.
The Salt. Lake Tribunuof Sunday last ,
, sya :
. Yesterday General V. T. Sherman ar.
I rived ( ruin Colorado j a e1)ecial Domivea
I & Rio Onando train. 'rho run from Pu.
ello was made in about 26 hours. Ccii-
' oral J. 0. 'ridbau and Colonel IL .J.
I Dodge , of liii atafY , were of thu hmarty.
I The7 were imiot at time depot by Ouneral
Mct.ook amid staff , who uscorteit General
Sherman in a carriage to Fort Dontlas ,
Li. etair oflicers taking rounis at the
Walker house. Coner.ei MuCook had in-
twuled ntakiiig tim visit of OunviLl
hierinau an occasion for ti grand re
c01t1o11 , at which several liundruti ooii
, would have been invited , but there was
eo iiucli unucrtaiiity as to the thou of the
conuungof ide honored guest that lie wits
I not able to perfect his platis md know
wluii to iiiyito citizens to the I'ost.
During thin afternoon and evening liumner.
cue persona visited Fort Douglas
to pay their rcspectk to the colunuandur
or thu army of the United States , and In
the uveimun there was a social gatiterung
At tim residence of Gen , McCiok.
t 'Flue morning at ti o'clock there will be
. a rovww of the garrison , and oilier iziter' .
4stung cermonioa , as will be euun by the
proramuino , which will be found in aIirn
0 oilier column of Thu Tribune ,
it ja thin Rntentiou of Gun. Shernuan to
tar pa early th.morrow u1orniii over
the sawn route ho came , cud tiiive by
the same oclal train.
' 1'10 general passed through Platte.
B1outi last evening.
q , _ _
-itov , .1r , avldguwIli be glad to see all
hIs friends at the jubhic reception "ext Tixurs.
' 0 day4vwtiug , Rey4ember7 , at the First M.
lx. Ckuxl.
: ftus WWJw.tUr1w Cr
Au Alteillc [ RionllU11llnu's ' C1th-
Ill llausc.
A VhioIe itIe stttciilpL at itoimhicry.
Absut U:30 : o'clocklut eyenun oae of
the clerks at lleiliuan'i store , corner of
ThirtocnLi and 1ariiasa streets , ran eeL
aflI ClilOd loudly f.r the polco.
Time alarm was promptly responded to
by Officer Knight , Block Watchuniau
Murphy and by Capt. J. ( i'Donohoe , and
it was discovered that one of the boldest
attempts itt robbery over inado iii Omaha ,
hind bocit frustrated by pure accduiit.
The store was closed tip early in the
ovonhlig , and all tIme omnployen , with a
sitiglo exceptiomi , had gonu home. ( ) no
young man was lit the chico , nuitt was cii.
gaged in writing hotturs , when lie heard
thu sound ( If footsteps iii the nccoiid
story of the building. lie at oiicu gave
the alarm , its atetod above , nod prevented
thu .arry1iig out of a wchl.phuined amni
nearly successful rolibory of Limo plzice.
Captain O'Duimoboo and the other elk.
core on arilvilig at the scone of the rob.
line' raid , found flint they had 1iilod
hf ) a lot of store hazes , oiio tipoti mniothier
at. the , cst. aide winlow in thu roar of
thio building just back of llicknmnn's amid
by this menus climbed to witimiimg a few
feet of the ocoiitl story , chumming uji
the higimtiiimig rod for the rest of the way.
Thu olhicers stated Unit they found two
tennis in the alloy which were ovidomitiy
there for Limo purpose of carrying oil the
spoils. and ommo of these teams was cap.
tured and taken to a livery stable.
A search was unado over the entire
buiidiiig but without finding any of the
burglars , they having doubtless been
frightened away by time clerk , who
hahlood up time stairs before calling the
- -
Entcrpriao Always Tolls.
"The Sioux City Itoute" for St. Paul
has grown in favor so that nimothior train
line boconmo a ilocea8ity. Accordingly ,
Monday , September 23 , amiothwr daily
Leavcs Omaha at. . . . . . . . . . . . 6:15 : a. m.
'I Council liluifli. . . . . . . (1:10 ( : "
'I Sioux . . . . . . . . . . : "
Arrives at St. Paul..11:30 : p. m.
This train toSiouz City every day , and
to St. l'aul every day except Sunday.
Enquire for tickets on the "Sioux City
Route. " sep22iii&o5t
A Circular to limo lineal ITimiomu4 of
The ninth annual mneotimig of the SY.
0. P. U. , of Nebraska , vihl be hold in
Falls City , Nebraska , begimniimmg Thura.
day , October 11 , 1883 , comitimmuimig three
This convomition will be composed. of
the executive conunittoo and three dab.
gates front each local union. A full dole.
gation from each union is earnestly do.
aired. We neoil your presence , my sum-
tars , your counsel , and prayers for the
successful prosecution of the work in
hand. District presidents and superin.
tondonts of each departmoyit are expected
to be present with their annual roport.
There will be a hitoraturo table , spread
with boohu , tracta and readings for local
unlozis , Lot all comae prepared to patron.
izo this table and take something from it
to thioir hmonie union ,
The usual reduced rates will be ob.
tamed over the Union Pacific and B. &
M. railroads , Local secretaries will please
scud niunoa and nunibor of dologatca do.
siring entertainment to Miss Mary Rob.
bins , Falls City , Nob. , at once , and for
railroad certificates to tao.
Dear sisters lot us go imp to tithe annual
fcut with one heart muid one purpose ,
dotonnuuned it shall be a precious aumuion ,
fraught witi great goad iii time prosomit
null rich primmio ilk time future.
"hitherto hmatli the Lord hiolpoil tie. "
Lot , us by our persistent faith claim yet
mumotber timid greater blessing.
Yours for "God , home and mmntive
laud , " JENNIR E. Fomun ,
President 'Y. 0. ' 1' . 1.1. Nob.
- - -
'sVillo Awake 1)riigglsta.
0. F , ( lootinian is always alive in his bust.
ness amid sjarcs lie iaIn to ndeimmu thu best of
every nmtieie iii hIs ilno. lie hIM secimmed the
agency for the colohiratod Dr. Rimig's New
Discovery for ComuiuimptIon. 'rho only cor.
tam cure known for Comistmimitioii , Coughs ,
Colds , lloartuemmeaus , Asthmmna , I I ay Feverbinumi.
chitis , or aumy autection of throat nuuil lungs.
Sold on a positive guarantee. Tilal bottles
free. Itegularsizo ) l ,
Lii'i'it'r , LCAa & Co. arc Maminfitctur.
ra of jjcnulnc California Buck Qtovcs ,
mid claim to mnako the beat lt'ca ) in the
United States , anti .to mio' afraid to any
no , Every jmair is briuidcd Lt1'r1Ti' , LEAK
.t ; Co mli.o&w
Time Soioiimnclioly luiys Iltivo Conmo ,
Like thio cloelmmgdnys of it well ordered
life , time autummmn is stealing tmpomz time
world. 'l'horo is a quiet iii time nir ; the
18010 tender foliage iii clmngimg color ,
tIme mother birds are withmulruiwiimg frommi
work , mill thioig flodglimmge being able iioii'
to cuirmi a living for themselves ; the bun.
tor moomi in overhead nt miigbt ; time apples
hmitimg ripe lii time orchards ; thmuro is ii haze
in the air as when in old ago ' 'time vimm
dotes" began to be " ( lmtmkoImud , " theru s
a reatfimlucra over all ' time Imeat of time
lsUmulmner being htut nuit'L time chili of the
wimmtor mint yet himtviimg coimw. Siniu.
tmnitui it is true iii the dccl ) miigiit the
wind commcs for a imionieiat iii ii mmioit
which me of itself a stotmn tomie , oven as
oltl Iuufl turn oii thion' couiehmus utimul with a
sight say , ' 'timmt twiimgo vas iiiutmiuimttismmm ,
it i , a imotico that I aiim tin longer youmig , "
bum the general efrect is of jiuncu amid of
caimmi , amiti ii , srimat. a life uuimoimid be when
time Iment ammd time excitcmieimti , of time day
are past , wimun aroulmil life time curtains
beget to be closed
ned time comummience.
taunt of thmo loimg rest hits commie ,
- -
- - -
Triiuht Etimtnirruissmuiunts ,
'J'hmero were 177 faIlures in time United
States reported to Iirailstvuuta during time
1ast week , 41 more thrimi the prucodimmg
week , : iti mimoro thamt the correspoiidimmg
week in 1882 , and 81 macro titan thiami the
corresponding week of 1111 , Commmparod
with time previous week time 3fldtji
States had i8 , an immereaso of 10 ; Now
England States 37 , an himeroaso of 14 ;
Southern States 21 , an increase of i ;
Veatorn Stotc 52 , IL decrease of 2 ; Pa.
cilia Stake andTerritogles 29 , nit izmcreaso
of 10 ; Ciniada and time I'rovincce 20 , aim
increase of 12. Aunommg those reported
emnbarraut1 were A. 1i. Walhach , ho.
. . , .
- - - - - -
I porters gf notiona ; Alrnimam S. herman ,
knitting works , Mid .7. 8. Limcimngton ,
iumnlor , Now York ; Young , Tlmayur &
Co. , tanhmers' extracts , amid Iarrmnglon
Iltmnnewohl , silver unanimfacturers , hitis.
bm ; Storer Iboletor i Cmi. , whmohcsaloelry
gooln , Portiammd , Mo. . hlenryA. Itanisey
Co. , ongimmo works , Iittltmmnoro ; An-
thmoiiy tt iuhn Brewing Company ,
St. Louis. In time principal trades the
failures were as follows : Grocers 14 ,
gomioral traders 14 , lIquors 13 , mnammufact.
urers 13 , ciothkmg 7 , lumber 7. furniture
7 , jewelry 6 , shoes , dry goods ( , fascy
goods 5 , produce and provision. 5 , drags
5 , bakers and confectioners 4 , hate 4 ,
hardware 4 , grant and flour 3 , hotel. amid
restaurants 8 , imarneis 2 , commission 2 ,
oil 2 , goumte' furnishing goods 2 , statkn
era 2 , tobacco and cigars 2 , nmiihunery 2.
A 1iIn Falls From a Third story
WillLlO ,
Auuti tIcotn 'eVltlm.Pnlnflii IfNoi Fatal
A terrible accident occtmrrcd about 9:30 :
yesterday on Doughnut atreot , betwoemi
Fifteenth and Sixteenth streets , which
rounmitod in serious if not fatal injury to
the victim.
Mr. J. II. Livingston , a bricklayer in
tlio1cunjuloy of Mr. A. T. Large , time arch.
itect , was at work putting in the Key.
steno to an arch IL the timird story , back ,
wiimdow of the new building being erected
by B. F. Smith , EM1. , just west of A.
Cruicksimank & Co.'s block While
puttiimg iii the key , Mr. Livingstomi
stopped on a loose brick , nmmd it turning
with him ho was precipitated to thu
ground aligiiting first emi time area wall
and falfimig tote Limo cellar , a distance of
forty feet.
The victim wits picked up in an mann-
aiblo oomidition , anL carried to the olilce
of Dr. Merriam , whore iii. imijurios were
attommdcd to. It was there found that lie
hmad umu1crod a severe fracture of the right
thuighm , and several ribs wore broken , be.
aides whicim severe internal injuries were
austaiuied , the full oftmct of which cannot
at lrcsomtL ho calculated.
It , C. Jordan came In from Ogdoii yester-
Ifomi. Joe. flodman and wife , wont cut last
J , C. Blackman , traveling auditor of the
U. 1. , is in towmi.
Mr. Sanm Boyd was among the lcngere
who came in from the west yesterday.
Tom 11iioy , who travels for the well knewn
house of itiioy & Dohlone , raturimed from the
west yesterday.
Mr. Fritz ltuhml will go east iii a few days to
attend the convention of socialists , which
moats at Phuihadoiphiua October 10 , Mr. fluhi
is a imsioroun and wehh.known farmer resiul.
leg near timis city.
Mr. A , iliclmards , the successor of Messrs.
Pratt & Towie , heft for the east last night.
Mr. ltlchards vi1l yIit Des Molmieui , ohfax ,
Van ? deter nmid Centerviilo , a. , having a viii.
uabhe piece of property at the latter phaco on
which a coal mine is located.
Mrs . Elizabeth Hehnzman and urs. Ernest
Grefo , tim niother and sister of Mr. Joseph
Bath , of this city , loft last night for Washing.
ton , Davis county , Indiana , whore they will
l1a time fail months. They svoro accompanied
by Misses Sophia and Mary Miller , who have
been visiting friends in Omaha for some tlnio
Among the arrtvide at the Paxton yesterday
are the following : M. E. Green , St. Louis ;
I ) . D. Mitchell and wife , U. S. A. ; S. ilimily ,
Chicago ; George W. French , II. T. Tluomup.
Calm , Charles Greta , Now York ; Martin how.
ned , wife amid semi , Chicago ; J. 'r. hamilton ,
A. 'N. hbowmiman , St. Paul ; F. H. Fuller ,
I'iuluadelphha ; Johiui It. 'iValsim , Chiciugo ; jul.
\Vnlpium , ] ) ibimquu ; J. 'tV. Loomis , city ; Win.
K. .nauumes , 1st. .riur ; 'l'imuo , 1. Bock , Newark ,
N. .1. ; F. .1 , Merrill , Mrs. U.V. . Swnmiaon ,
l3uchmauuan. u1icii. ; F. E. Aloxamilor , Chicago ;
Jolmmi ' 1' , KIng , l'uhadison'is. . ; Sitiumoy ilium.
withal , F. M. Morrehi , New York.
ii , A. lummihar , F. E. Owen , A. .1. Ciimrstaul'
Coo. A. Frtomiiutmm , , J. A. Stommm , J. liii.Vnlsiu ,
T. Af.Vuuishi , 11. It. baird , M , Ii. Fraimk , P.
M. . Merrill , C. E. 'rayltur , M. Shormu"n , ( co.
V. . Sloat and vlfo , New York ; .7. J. 1cChummig ,
Sydmicy , Ohio ; 'uV. U. Miller , Now 'lurk ; S.
1. Adair , I.iftim U. S. cavalry ; J. 11. Davis ,
Glbboims ; S. 0. xtmnor , ' .V. 'tV. l'auuner amid
vifo , l. \Vuodberry , L. Swartz , Chicago ;
TI. 11 , ] hemmimott , O8eeoua ; .1. 0.iuurrlsoy amid
A.V. . Culls , l'hattsuumoutlm ; M. Fergusomm amid
wife , Shmeumndoahm ; Chmarlos hi. Cochramm , Soy.
outli Umuitod States infantry ; (1V. . Lymimami ,
Lincohuut .1 , A. Field , New Yoik ; A. S.
Iarioum , Qubmey ; herbert Shade amid , Teui
Mace , Australia ; George ( I. hierview and
isifo , Columbus ; ,1rs. , Alex. Smmtimeruamui ,
Schmuyler ; liss M. J. hiowmmmamm , Clovouaud ;
hi , S. Beebe , ( leorgotiuwu , Col. ; M. iay ,
uhummmstbultl , OhIo ; \V. , J. l'emimuiscooko , Ouito.
mm ; l'orer Sinimma , ] ioIso City , A. .1 , Iloon ,
\Vostchenter , l'a , ; H. V. l'arkhuruut , Mis.
soon Valley ; F. A , Elliott muul wIfe , Iowa ;
v , i' . Keimmmoy muil sister , J , It.Vaulace , Coo.
Cary , V. a. Tlmonmiusoim , i : . \v' . Emnory , U.
Aurluicim , Chicago ; 11. if. Curtis , F. Gilbert ,
ij ; . \Vntrous , ( leo. Liebmier , Mauuswluiusottxu ;
John ' 1' . Kimmg , MadisomuVis ; Mis. 'r. ii. Pta ,
ncr , Iullmmuuossota ; P. ' .1' . Fox , Marl.mi , In. ' . Mis.
\\uit , ICcithu mind soim , hiss Naimmuic iehingg ,
Marion , ha , ; V. 0. Lobrlmug , A. U. ] tierbacli ,
St. Louis ; Alux. ] ) rezmial , St. Paul ; Frank
lIeu Stover , ] ) es Moines.
( houmoral l'assoagor geumt Samum , Tomies , of
tim U. 1' , , returned frommi time Suntli yciterthiy
mmiormiiuug ,
lieu , Joiumi C. Cowimi uumnong the pas.
scumgt'ms who caine Immyosterulay mourning on IC ,
C , . St. .h.o & 0. II , road. lie left again at
iiceui foruhauiion , Nob. , emi official busimmesx.
' . 'iIiimui lfamuhitomu , 154l. , late of Ioumisohm ,
rn. , ii iii time city , ammd viiI ioavo to.
day for North l'uatto , uimero hue will imuako
his hionio iii time future.
Second Liout. Carter I' , .Tohiiion , of the
Fourth iumfamitry , line at his own reutumest been
transferred to the Temithi cavalry , l.lout.
Johuisomi Is well known to thi officer , .
of this tleluartnmoumt uimmti his departure will
ho mmumehi rgretted ,
\v. N. Nasoum anti hanilly are tislting old
frlentl iii tmiuaha ton few days. 'fluoir homime
is at San Antonio , Texas , where Mr. Nason is
geuicral agomit for the Singer Mamiufeetuxing
Company for 'rexas , Indian 'rurrIto amid
lart of Mexico.
Three traveling passenger ageimte , it. V.
hlumnphn.y , of limo 0lm1eao amid 4ttlantio , Jo.
ass Sebastian , of the Chilcao , hock Island
and l'acilbc , and lCansas City , St. Ju.oph and
Council Bhuttn , amid J , W , } Citflo , of the Lou.
Isvlilo amid Nasbiiie , arc iii the citj and at
the Millard.
The Proceeis of iho Cllyollholl ! at
TIme Coot ) Woi'k AcctmnDhlshIctl hi the
Th. aaaaal coayemition of the BrotIu.r.
hood of Loconi.tiT. , held in
Demiver last w.ek , c.ncluded its basineas
on Yriday night last at 12 o'clock.
TImis organizMfon , although not an .ld
one , hits a large membership , which is
constantly increasing. At the anmiusi
comivention held iii Boston two yearn ago
thin body numbered but little over 3,000
members , and now there are over 8,000 ,
wlmichi umumnber is receiving accestiouma
every day. There u crc iii actual nttcnd
ammco thmia year over 700 delegates.
'l'lme Brethmem hilol ( S I imurciy cimaritabie
institution crmmductcd cmi time immutual bout-
t'11t jum'mmmcipal , guaranteeing to its ummein-
hers , iii citso of disability , or to their
imeirs imu case of death , the imimmuieduatu
mziyuimont of the miot sumum of $1,000. As a
a mmmudiumum of aecidumital immetiramicu it is not
emily a worthy , but also a very chmeap 0110 ,
time aesosaumiemit being ommiy about $10 on
time tlmoimaammd during time past year , It. is
also mi society wlmoBu cma1 advantages arc
'l'iio couivention at Denver was a liar.
mmioiuiomia one iii every respect and was at-
tcmmded by delegates frommi all partn of time
country. Aimmong time notable and praiseworthy -
worthy acts of time body while in session
was the allowance of $14,001) ) t tIme heirs
of deceased umombera who hmad failed to
ay imp timeir aasessmmicnts by reason of
change of residemice , etc.
The citizens of Demivor , with their
usual hospitality gave the delegates a
rousing reception and emitertaimied the
viatoia , iii royal style. A visit was made
to Ge'rgotowui , ilvcr Lake and other
points of imitorost. By time courtesy of
tim Demivcr Rio Urando and Denver
It South Park roads , wlmo furnished them
with special trauma , the delegates visited
I'umoblo , Colorado Springs , l'ikc's Peak ,
mtimil oUter fanioums spots of iimtcrost.
TIme muext annual convomition will be
lucId in Toronto , Camiada. Among
time delegates who returned yestor.
day afternoon were : Andrew J.
Reagan , l'orthand , Maine ; H. Ilohiar ,
Clcyolamid , 0. ; 11. 0. Randall , Indiamu.
apohis ; J. M. Garrett , Urbana , ills. ; J.
\v Adanis , Clinton. In. ; J , J. Gavin , St.
I'aul , Mum. ; Wimi. J. Edy , St. Louis ; .J.
1r. MoMillami , Palestimme , 'i'exas ; Ciias.M.
licker , Ft. Worth , Texas , and H. H.
Burros , Little Rock , Ark.
All timeso gemithomnoim express themsehvcs
as highly pleased with their reception by
the citizciimu of Denver amid with tIme coumi-
tiy , wimichi was by immity of theni aeon for
tIme first time and all feel gratified at time
unquestionable successof the convemiton.
iteddixmgs Russia Salvo hits' proved its effi.
cmoucy by a test of 7f years' cemistant use.
Try it.
The Itcsuit. ol Yesterday's Contest. at
Fort Onmalma.
The second day's shooting in the do.
partmnoiut competition yesterday resulted
in fair scores all aroumid
The score stood as follows , being for
200 , 300 and 600 yards respectivbiy , the
day's total amid the grand total for the
wock :
Yards. Totals. Grand
200 t00 600 Totals.
Stay.'j'V 25 25 77 163
Degnaum..27 28 30 8. 162
Newamami . . . . .2829' 20 86 162
Chaplin . . . . . .27 26 30 83 161.
itobinsoum..29 21 26 79 19
Zachurhasen . . .2726 2 ! 78 163
Veagnaif..2r , 20 20 . Th lbs
ihicu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 157
( . . . . . . . . ; 1 23 73 155
l'arldiiurst..27 24 25 71 ; 155
Martimi..28 28 21 77 155
huarmmlck . . . . . .21 27 28 79 1t1
BottOm..22' 26 26 74 149
. . . . . . . . . ( 25 21i 77 119
'limo first twelve amen iii this list will be
Limo dcpirtmmment : team at time Leaveiiwortlt
commtcst nod Limo other two will be alter.
Timoamsantis Say So.
Mr. T. W. Atkimis , tiirard , ICaui. , wiltes :
" 1 never hueuuitato to recommuomud your Elec'
tile 1hittoi to immy custoincr , thioy Five entire
satisfactiomi iinul are rapid sellers. ' Electric
Ihitteni are the purest 80(1 best medicine
kmmown uiuuii vlil positively cure lChhmioy numil
Liver comnpiaints. Purify the blud and tog.
umunto tim huivchuj. No fumnily can alferd to be
ivithmuumt them. 'rluoy 'viii save lmunlroIs of
dollies 1mm , loctor's bills overt yeAr , Sohtl.iit
50 cumitu , a bottle y 0. 2. ( anotmmmatm.
'rime 1Iutui'huto Of ii. F' . ' % Viiiroilt iiuiul
Ilss Emummmmt Iieetmt ,
A few days simice Tue liim : : chirommicied
Limo departure of Mr. H , F. Wihirodt , time
voturaim Uniterl States , guager , how eta.
tio&d at her's city warehouse , for Peru ,
Ill. , anti intimated thatho , was about to
emmibark on Limo sea of matrimmiony.
Out the 22nd inst. , Saturday last , Mr.
\Vilrodt was unitoti in muarriaro to
Miss Eumimnmt Beclut , at time residommco of her
paromits , by Rev. Mr. Aukerl ,
'I'hie bride. is a sister of
i\ti. imlax lieclit , of the firm of Schmvotlcr
hiucimt , mid is it Umily ito hess distiut.
grmishmcd for immr amiable clmnracter and
umtimimcrous utccommiphishuiiummta tItan is lice
lmuslmammd its it wuirmmi.hieartctl , Polmullar amid
ummivemumaily rospocteti gemitlemmuaui.
TIme weddimmg took ih.ico at 8 p. in. amid
wits nttummtled ommly by thoreuativos , nun
imitimumato fmieumda of time high contractimug
parties.'ito [ cotomimofly its fohlowl by
Li sp1OmmthidatijuUi' aunt time iuampy commpie
left at ( iliCU for Omminima , mutoppimig cmi their
winy to visit friends iii 1)nvcmiporLaimd nr
rivimmg immOmmmahiut 'l'umcsdiy : mumornilmg.
'l'lmuy will take up timir rushlumico at
No , 84 , South Eiglmteomithm street , where
'illrodt luau prepared ii cosy imomuc for
hue bride ,
'I'IIE lIne wishes time happy couple all
time joy incident. to mumarried life , and we
fool satiation that Mrs. Wihlrodt will mmot
regret Imer purmniuieiit romuoval to time
Gate City.
1 flhltTilIhtY 1'AR'L'Y.
A. Picausuummt EldS1ti iii time , Lire of
SclmuyievVaicctlcid ,
Tuesday boluig time forty-sixths nummi.
vcrsary of time birth of Mr , Sciiuyior
\Vakofield , the popular assessor of time
Fifth ward , 1w outortaimiod a ( ow pf his
friends ( but time nuuimber was immure than
two hundred alt the same ) in royal style
at M. Leery's flail , Twoiftim amid Chicago
'rite mimetic was furmilabmod by Forat's
' . : -
orchestra , under thuo directiomi of Fnammk
Imimmuscif and its inspiring strains made it
Imumpomsiblo to resist tue temittmtion to
damice-particularly whicmi consider
timat them was audi a galaxy of fair ladies
Dmirisg thmo evening thin band of the A.
0. 11. , under tlmo leadership of James
Douglas , totudored a serenade to Mr.
Wakefield , rendering several airs in their
usual beautiful style.
The cnjnymncmmt. was comitimmuod until
early iii the morning amid before adjourn.
lug the gentlemen Presemit appoimited a
coinnuitten Oii resulutiomus , who reporteul
the following , which wits unanimously
adopted :
\Vnr.nuum , We hold our foil jw.citizcn ,
Sciuuyher Wakefield in hmigh esteem , as a
gentleman and friend , be it
1C801VCZ , That it is tluo imnanimous
and Imoarty and heartfelt wish of those
here jurceomit , timat otir limit mmuay live to
enjoy mutiny happy returns of this day ,
mmml that lie and his fammmiiymnay-to quote
ltij , Van uViumkic-"live bug amid pros-
11cr. I , . 11. LaAiry ,
P. H. Tomur ,
D. T. Mumummv ,
S. BmnAnamty ,
' EIWAflm ) Covtn ,
P. .1. CONWAY ,
and PJhALAA.
l'rom theim aoucon nrbo thrc'o.mourthn o
hio : dIcaue of tim )1miuar ) , uco. Tiieso
iynmptoinuiuuthcatothoirr ; : sa of
AIpclitc , Ziowetg cc'
iciic fiilliies6 titter
cxerlloiL o body P
of food , rrvItcl''Ja3
.piritij , it AI'.r4 ' Cd
sorzuodmutv 'slr' .40551' . ttho
IIeatt.T ) . t.I . . , otofiio c"u.smgit1ycoI-
orcil VrL. ( JOTLPAT1O. ' , , anti (10.
mauti tluo muse ofa rounedy that acts directi
on the Liver. AsaLtvurinotmlotnnTUTT'
PIT4LSIuSVuj no o.iual. Timoinacuonon the
KWuoyHanul Skin in also promnpt ; removing
mu imnhurltIeO through tmu000 tiurco " scav-
cugorl O tim nyfstem , " prO6uoIni appo.
tile , souuid digestion. v.'gumhitr ntools , a door
:31cm muni avlgorouuubodv. TUTT'tjt 1'Ij4J
cause no nnuuu'ca or gr1pin nor intcrrcro
wiUu cmliv wormc anti arti a perfect
bokiovtrywwru5e. ) O1iio.4 & Miurriuy StN. .
GitAT HAItI OTt WIHSKIns ichangod to.
stamitlv toaGLosr'T BLACK bvmw'Iuugie ap.
pilcatlon of this Dr. SoUl by Drugglets ,
or Ocuit 1)5' exPresS on rc'coipt Of 51.
Oftkc , 44iinrmy Street , Now Yorit.
! jf5MMIUM. 07 L1EFUi. RFCfIPTS FRlg. :
BaseBall !
( OF P1118flUiiO , )
Prid.ay an8. . Saturc.ay ,
aeraunnn tent timu tOTU , ON
St. Ma1y'B .A.VO. Grouncl.
Sept7.nm3t ett
tipecta1s will Positively not be Inserted
unless paid in advance.
TO LOAN-Money.
1t1ONJ1Y TO LOAN-The Omaha Saijngu , Bank , I.
.1Y1 uuow prsvari to make loans onOntaha cily or
Douglas county real estatoat curreut rate of Interest.
No commission charged. 358.11
ONEY TO LOAN-The lowest rates of Interet
iYj _ Bemis' Loan Acncy , 15th & Douuclas.
, t-oNEy To LOAN-Caui at Law otilco of P. L.
1I. Thomas , room 8 , Crelghton Block.
, fONEftuThED-0n Chattel mortglgo , room T
IYL Nebraska National Bank tiuulldIng. 184.
I ONI1Y TO LOAN-J , T. fealty cans on chattel
1 PoPrtY. 813 South 14th St. sept16
5/.NTED-'ouur muemu of goal address and will
t V Imug to stork , to cmnma'n cliii scil goode. Steady
cmluploiuuent. Call 4'I soimilu lath street S6.28t
' 1 ElI-Maim to work Itu mutarket irardLn , uuortli
I ' end 18th street. if , W. ilAiu ,
V'TANTEU-A Cermuiaui girl for kitchen week at
C C Ileuury ( foope , 'ama ii , itii at.
17ANTED-lu a suuuall iurlvatofauuillyat 1015. 2itIu
C V CL A good girl to , lo coolciuug anti laundry
work ,
l7ANTFI-Guui to do sccoimtl stork , Must be
V C thoroughly comupeteuut.
Mits. IV. .1. CONNELL ,
823.11 St. liary'uu Aye , , oiup. Convent.
( T.NTEl-Mu ciutliio torumi by a practIcal cuugl.
! C iuer nmuii muuachlult. , 000ti refereuuces ciii be
fuurmulshod Addrcs "IV , II. H. " 1icootllo. 8U1uumt
C OLLEOTOIt VANTEI-F.r city , with refeuouco4 ,
or securIty , Ocrmnaiu lrcferrod , Aiidro. , lIox
710 1' . u. 822-tI
\TAN1EI-A girt totake care of baby IH.u ex.
1 ierlenetd with good refcrcuucos. Inquire No. 804
south 21st btreet , v.e.t sldonuar Lsavcmmwortlm St.
TAN1 E1-A younijl to tie second stork I , , a
fanuuiv. ( lood 'tages. Northwest corner 11am.
liter , and i'Ier trcets , Shluuui' , atiditlomu , 835 201
' % TANT1m-Flrstclns : nucum to eamitrol sale of our
I I guio4s. 8lleruilId inv4niuuut tsr smnali capPal.
Uiilu,0i. , iernum.duut. : i'rumlt uuuuuaually lame.
R4o27 11.omui i imetmupolltaim Hotel ,
yANTlDulrl : cook and Ironer. itefercuces ro.
I imnlred. 'iiiIe St. ilary's auil , Park Ave. cars.
Bits. Lmwis . amid-f.
8lt.i7 * 000m8ia Mcnue.
TANTll'-Four : good brick mnuuuou , , . to uvomk on
, court lunuc at NI. ' .yr , Iowa None but the
best mict1 apply. It , II. Allen , Mt. Ar.
\MNTED-Laundry girl anti ulbhwasluerat Omnslu
_ illeuae.lhamney St. bet l2tIu amid 35th. 812-201
1 TANTEi-Two gIrs itt thu Steam Laumidry , 21st
% I au04 lzird , trect.
% rANrl:1)-c..k : , Ixiundrtss , aunt lrl tot gemueral
V V luouuuowork , liuquiru at City hotel , 805.201
'jA2'.TLm-A good lrhitCOmner2lthamlBu i
' I trcets too amid omuc'lmalf bloek south of si ,
Bary' . mneiuuo. 772 if
, TtN'l'EU-Ageiuts In en'cry Ci.uuitylu , the state of
I 1 Nvlraska , , to cauumas , fur standamiu aorks .
cltleuial Imuducenucut , glue , , to live aouta. , Athfreos
or call emu uuit at the t'rtlghtomi hues. , Ounalux Neb ,
Jon , l. Slmt st3t.giuut. 7d2-2U
- ' 7ANTmi-mnumedlatomy , 25 suuuuustmus3cs at Calm.
V I Ilcmds tserail factory. Steady sork. tin ; liar.
no ) ' street , Sd Iloor ,
iTANTEL-aoot gIrls for good fauuIllee. Imeot
V C wagus , Apimy Itummuedumtely at vuupioyuuemu $
bureau 2i7 N. 18tht. io. olfltu too. U2 11
UrANTED-blz go4 coat makers. 11O4 of m.rIcs
1 1 lail. FILNK J , ILtMOE ,
. _ _ _ _ _ _
MAN'1EiJ-l.a.dy agents icr tt. "tuveu i'retut.
7 5 00. ' . A new under gannent for iadieu , r&iitIe GZ
soft , tCithlu rubber , Sure lrotectiou to the under.
sear , aheui eeoesrart to be worn. ILtalls for $2.00
am t&4 as 3nt. calm show it. Large rroftU. Address
% 4 Itlu stvzp , "Ls.tIos Uundorgrwont ilanufacturlug
( : o. , Na 8 Ilaystruot , Chicago , Ii 700Sru
1TAN'TEI-Oirl itNo. iGeSbenumaumssnuo.
1 1 iS.4-tf ? .11U4.J. U. ( ) OLINSMAN ,
T LIMES Ott YOUNG IXIIN In cli , or onmntq to
_ II take nice. ilmbt sod pleasant work at their o'su
homes. ; t to 5 a dsy easily auti quietly made ; Work
semut by txa.U ; no osavassln , ; no stamp mom reply ,
m'ieue address ItcllsltJs 1sxm rj. Vo. , Ihll&da. 1' . . ,
dawot l't. 418- ] hot
- -
t _ - _ - -
_ _
for Infants and Children.
Cnstorhs pronuotca D lgesl.ion ' ' 1rI OiU ChfldtOfl TO57 CbOO3iS
and Vht cures their levers , makes tbenm stce
ovorcomnes Flatuleiiey , Consupa- 'ri. ciestorta.
tion , Sour Stoniacim , Diarrhma , and
ble trot and .
by turns.
Fcvcniahnees. It imisures health and That cures their echo , kills their worms ,
natur.tI sloop , without inorphilno. BUt Castorha.
- What quickly cures Constipation ,
, , Sour Stounoeb , Colds , Indigestion ,
Castm1a is o we'll adapted to Chlklrt.n that itit Cft'ItOtliL , *
I recommend It as snoerior to
known to moe. " L A. Mcimaui uumy prescription , it. B. , ' -wnhl then to Morphine Syrups ,
on and nareomicnnti ,
83I'ortuand Ave. , flrbuklyn , N. Y. flail Castoriar
- - _ _ _ _ . .ln------ _ -
CENTAUR LINIMENT-nit fllHiOhlLtO cure for lUicuma-
tisimi , Sprains , Bunts , Gahls&c. Time most Powcrftil anti lone-
tratizig l5atlii-rehiovhzg flfl(1 ilcahimig Roimietly kiio'wsi to man.
- _ . - . _ :
_ . . .
- -
' 5. J
The Product of American Industry I
Pull assortment constantly on hand meal for sale by
HENRY FUHRMAN , Prmont , Web.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -
' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
'S TANTE-By three gentlonicim , one sitting - - - roohum
V mind one bed room. both fuirnlhod. l'leaso stats
Imi.59 umud ad.Iress "it , it. W. " Bee office. 844.261
TA2fl'ED-Snuallhoueefumnlshel Cu' umulurnlsheJ ,
or 3 or four unfurmibbed rooms lv first of
October. Aiimes , Mrs. F. . 1211 1)aveuul.Ort tutrtet.
1JAN I ED-To rent , a nIce cottho of live or six
V V rooms , in good neIghborhood. Must be in good
repair anti have etahlo on lot. Address , statIng
irlco and locatlen , C. A. WILSON ,
- 827271 _ _ _ Care of l'avtoim house.
UTANTED-Flnutdass day boarders at 1411 Ohm.
I 1' cage street. 800-261
1TANTED-Gentleman momS wife to oocupy fur.
V 1 iiI.hcil house , llent free , and board three
adult. . Liberal iuducei&onts. Address 'Ihoamd , '
flsootflcc. 504-201
17sTANTIt-To rent , three moon , , suitable for Ilgbt
1' ! housekeoping. Address floe ollice.
71722 *
yAFED-8O00 bushels of fresh picked , ripe to
matoes. at harris , Fisher's.
Foil RENT--floumuo and Lots.
1tENT-ffoue 4 rooms on
Inquire at 512 5. 10th street. 263.27'
I 0ht RENT-One furmulahed room. $5 ocr month , at
1014 Weteter street. 569tf
Fomi IIENT-A two story bou.o , 6 or S roouns ,
hydrant water and cIstern. N. Vi. coruucr 15th
and Leavenworth. Apply to Warren Sa ltzlor. 213 S.
14th street. 870 28
F Ott ItENT-A new house , well , cIstern and cellar.
Ifammflbon near street , miser rod car limit.
Rent ata. Inquir. onpremtses. 719-21
rF ( ) LET-Furnished rooms with board 1808 Call.
.1. farumha fit. 820-inmo-
FaIn ItENT-Large front room nIcely furnished.
Emuqulme at & 31 N. 14th lit , 821.271
' -Pu LET-Furnished front roomn 1724 Douglas.
.1. , 832.1'
pelt 115)11 011 SALE-Store bulliilmig cor. 8th am , , !
I'Iereo St. ( hood buIlding forgroceryor Butcher
shop , 231-line'
1 71011 flENT-Laro nely furuuluhed front room , ,
1 _ 1613 ClilcugoSt. 833.1 *
' 17'O1t ' RENT-Home 5 rooms at 1225 Sherman are.
_ J 111W , next to shops. 835.27 *
; 'Olt. luN'r-A cozy little furuulsluod moon , , to lady
1 onlyfur 53.CO , 2069 Case street. 810tf
ron RENT-A large front room , ulth bay wIn.
i dow antI iuuodern convenIences , wIth board , 2009
Case Street.
; 'omt ltENT-lurnlhsd moms , N. E. 235 and Ba.
isuport streets. 810.201
FOIL ROST-Nica cottage. First-clams locatIon.
12(101CC at EdluoIrn& lrlcksomm's. 809-If
1 dl ItENT-1720 Capitol Avemuue , elegant turn.
ishod roomuis. Gemitlemnan and wife or gemutleinemi.
hlotanUCold ater. All con'eiulences. 70329'
Foil IIEN1'-A. handsome suIt of roonis ; elth or
altlmout board. Also muIuulo room , 1618 Dodge
street. 79823 *
; 'omt HEEF-NIec furimlehetI roounwltli or wIthout
board. Apply 2209 Dodge street. 803-ref
I jtJiilSTO ) 1uNr-210. toojer moiutlm. Stores
autI : rooun. to rerut. City rshtoiuct. Lou solo tIOO
lupward , % 'muant lote ball lartsuf cIty. Farmuulantis
for sal , , or exelmuige.LOUNSIiUIIY
heal Eatatu AgeiucyS. V. ' . curlier 15th aumil } 'anuamui.
Felt RENT-'ronu 1010 IS Iuoioes and stores for
rout. am , elegant new liouoof 10 rooms to rent
to the right party lit l'ark aye. lULLINS ) & ilOT-
vnn , ro 20 ( ) nuaha Nat , Bank City. 78.23
pOfltENTWltlm boaytla furmuleluctI room gas , a
' bath rooni at 1718 Dodge street. 700.25 *
-iiit uN'Ihiit : iiiilbtlu street , betacor ,
Joecs auid Leavenworth. 751.2tJ
; oIt IIENT-Nlcvly funuishod roomni for time winter.
Inquire at cast side 18th St. between liouiglas &
Dodge. _ _ _ _ _ 7u3-tf
1IEN'r-mo couuimnuullouis 11 room tiotioo siti : ;
tablu , etc. , on N. W. eormler 20th auud Cumluug
sheet-u , iuow occuul.led by Charlee ; F' . ilaumtlersumi , Jim.
iiuire uupu imduilisx1 tumutli October 1st , aluemi ioaess
Iou wIll ho giyeuu. Auction silo of house imelti goods
Thursday , SCht. 27th. 072-tf
] ? 0IU1ENTTiureo mmcmv storescor , 10th amud Jones
streets EnquIre of ut , . 'I' . lcumncdy , S. fl. cot.
12th umuiti Jackson ,
-'old REN'I'-Snutll otlage , 521 5. 23l , lunar I.eiv.
S tumuvmntlu , 211 icr mouth. 'F , .1 , } 'jtzmnorrl , ; d12
S. 10th stroet. tiJxtf
1-ion htN'V-A brick store I10 feet deep on
_ L1 him , an ] street. beta oem , 13th aumtt l6tiu streets.
Juiqlmru at llushinan'
RENT-Two hoots and basemnemit. Eloiitor
_ attached. 1227 } 'ariuaum street. 200-tI
F 011 IIENT-liceldemuces suitI storobutidlngs. lIED.
Foul ) & LhOUEhI. ilcel Estate /tgotiey , Otilco
vast tide 11th sttcot , btswecu I'arnanm amud florugIas
trrcts. 702.1
roi 6ALII.
ii . Arnold , 1210 North ibth strmt. bU5-29
* i.tLE-A liars Chamic.ellotusu amid large
poll : em , hoth itmest , 900. About 3 miullu south' of
} 'arhmaiuu strut. tVlIl bo 's t'rtIu So .er cclii lumeru next
0 var , ' 5 hum street car lie c le temuded , IJvituIe 512
sautli 1ttlmteet. 55822 *
i-'on sALm-seen : ckgtuut lte'Ideneci stud lots
j near l'ustutflee. * 2,1.00 to 7U00 each ,
557-ui l'lCE , opj. I' , 0 ,
_ _
iuul ; 8.thi5-IIrut cLs. lre.u milk cow on jotcas
I botwoi 19 and 20 stieLtS. InquIre at 1' . E.
i'utcrson. , 83628) )
iTOOSE & LOt' ) 'Oit SAh.l-Corurr , lot UJxlfO ,
IL bunco 7 roonma , sardsL sIthbluu grass. Shads
trOts 1mm uebtiudanmv. i'iiu 51.ti00 , would Uk. to sell
at onro. tddrces"M , " 13cc otlico.
1-toll S.tLli-A fine lot 66x138 ommiouth 11th strect ,
Ii between lIomcums sad ihautius , wIth good house ,
.eIi an I cistern , Plenty of hi4u and fruit hues. 1mm.
1OR SALIS-A m'rcsprous dairy , 'sltim established
I unilk route. Addrc.s "Dairy" this otlice. 838.1k
Oh4 SAIJI21 acres , home of 5 rooms , kitchen.
1. barn 1Cx$6 , agon shed , corn crIb , granary , 3
acre. In fruIt tecesand shrubbery Ou euy tories.
83020 * U. 13. lIlY , Omaha , Neb ,
G SALE-My toek of ospie and
fancy grocerIes , Qureuiowaro anti fixtures , situs-
ted iii the live city of Creston. Ales my geared
store at Neviiurlle ! , Iowa. Cluamigo of bualness rca-
13011 for seilimig. Call cmi or address
3 ! . . % . PYI2 ,
821.1 * Creston. baa.
-ii'olt : SALE-Barber shop , 2003Cumlng stroct.
I 793.261
I SAt.E-O&ic of the hauidvoxuest lots in Omaha ,
east front , earners on alley , 20th street , haLf
block north St. Mary's avenue. near the .Tudgo lirigge
rusitlemuce. Inquire at the 15. & 51. oihIc , 13th
and Farnaun. 797 Im'
: iiilt : SALE-Su.iendid cook stove , uvariymmew. 220
1 S 1411 , streat , second floor.
itoit SALE-Two story henee , 7 rooms , west front , .
l _ on i'ark atenuoclty water , etc. C'eap. $3,800.
757.20 SIIItIVEit & BELL.
on SALE-Six room house on 18th St. 82.700.
Six rena house new , 100 feet from l'ark aye.
SIx room house 24th St. south cfCrcighton College ,
$1.8ou ) .
_ AMES , 1b6 Farnaxn.
1"Oht SALE-Two beautiful acre iota macAcademy
.J of Sacred heart. B.mrgaln. $2,300.
Forty acres Improved , near Omaha , to trade for
farimu land ,
000d Tiunber clalnila Whcelercounty to tnade'for
city ropert3.
1'uil lot , corner , 3 houses , route for $50 , 13th and.
Cess , Cheap. $5t 00.
720-Sd SlIltiVEbi & BELL.
Toit SALE-Jtrataurant ml stock of groctTes In
_ I _ cue of thabeat county soul towns In eastern No.
braska. A tiwuljor . one chance for a nina of energy , '
Address"l' . J. T. ilceofflee. 555.27 * - .
Tjuoa SALE-lw. , lrtebio butlers , lOhorso power.
.j Apply at B. Ful'ZL'ATILICX ,
608tf 218 South 15th Street.
TOmt SALE-Two lotsdeslnabieloeatlon and cheap.
L Eucli _ ' 75 , on good loran. Inquire at tlds
0111cc. 358.12
i0dhLE-A houvo and lot at a sactefice. J. L
.1. Marble , 217 N. mOth St. .
Fomt LEASE-Four choice lots on 20th St. , iong
- _ time , 217 N , 16th u-I. 3. L. Marhle. 535-ti
121011 _ SALE-2614 Farumain street 77 feet frontage. .
.I _ 125 depth , limo roomed hounu$1.000. 6t4-neet
JOIt SALE-Good buehucs chances at 217 N. 16th.
street , 3. L. IIAIIIJLE.
Foil SAL.IC-At ai gatuuui unsil o.ier,1ianiasnn
arid Co's fire rroof sate. u"i'ilre ' at thl ottlco.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tf
; 'omn SAl.E-A clean stock hardware. ilargaIn.
} : ay terms. Addrcs II. J , Ivork , Ililford , Nub.
Felt HALE-Flume farm close to Limo city' .
. 818-ti 1'EClC , tupposite P. 0.
-'Old SALE-A ulrst clue , , .etsnei hand top buggy.
Call at 1310 homey etreot. 807cR
I SALE-Itesidejucu amid bustruese property us
all harts of Omnaiua , and Farm Laumds lii all 1rt5
of the State. lIllFOItD & S0Ulht , 213 8. 14th St. bet. Farxuaus amiti Douglas.
. . .
.omt HALE 43K EXCIIANUi-Fuuli let auud three
dwellings corner of 11th and Pacific otreets.
Nluuo lots Iii south Omaha , Alec 160 acm ci , of hammd
near 8aumtn , Nebraska , amid building and stock of
clothlumg Nc' . 801 Tenth street. Will cxcluausgu for (
NObraska farm lands. Further iarticumlarl itt ( Jeo.
H. 1oterson'u. ClothIng Siam , 804 'l'emuth street.
460 eod.tI
-I'omt SALE-Ohm r.cwlpapers in large , .auI sinaI !
_ J rumsuutIt1es at this Cfllce. U
I l.IllS ai.lmtmug to renew or atuseriu ! for " 'I'no
.4 household , " linattluhore , Vt. , ccii call ut.oml tIme
agemut , Nllle E. hall , J8331)odge St. IGt.201
Its JULIA -CfliRDEiu , Chicago , the mostpow-
.1. ergot mavruetic healer. locates alt ) alit otud dIe-
ease , Cures all tluosoglcm : lip b otmor rlusiclane.
Coumsuultatioum free. S. it' . coraur 15th amid Capitol aye. .
lteouil 3. _ _ _ _ 80626 *
' 'h'ltlfi'Oit HALE-Couuslstlng of confcctione
L'riuits and 1'eumy Notions. Alec fixed for lies-
tmumnauit. flood cellar anti , , eil. iimiiimliumg 20x42 , oumo , .
story , Doimig a geol buslneaj. Caine of , want . .t 'ti
10 fl out of busmumes. Address
704 lun' ( I. S. COliC' , Oakland , Nob.
Surveys , maims orpIaiiioTio.mltotoiii
out of tIme city , ajply to i'ECK'S
687.12 Agency , Opmosite 1' . 0.
ALIST , 438 Tenth str.ot , between Faroaua ant ! ifir.
fib ) ' , Will , with the alti of guardian spirlie. obtab for
aoy one a giaco of lb ruot amid rrou'at , out on
certahi cnditlons Ic the future , i3 pxnd 8mm cc
mile. 1. , vter. Psi , j isp . 's. "
3JUICrY" °
AIti , '
Absolutely Puc
Tb ! . powder neucr varies. A marvvl of purity
streegtn and wholesoaneuues. , , J1or * ocommomuical than
time ordinary lumd ! , , ned cannot besoid inccmpctitton
wlththmomnultltudo of low teat , .titl wIjlmt , slimmest
pimo.jhatu pocdcr. Sold oily In cans. Eoyai Uat-
lug 1 ceder Co. , t.h1 kticL ew York