Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 27, 1883, Page 3, Image 3

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. 1'liE DAILY 1EEOMAhA , THURSDAY , sEP'rELBE , 27 , 1883k
The Nebraska National Baiik.
, itd Up CaIt.a1 . . S2M,000
'r4 )3urp1n8 Fund , MaylJ883 . l 000
; ' I. JOHNSON , rredent , of Steele , Jobn h ' Co
i : . TOUZALIN , Vice r.Ideait , of
t .1 W. V. MOItSE , of W. V. tOftS & C. .
Jon COLU. a u. & J S C.flh. .
! . weoLWoRnr , & Att..y M L&w.
. ) , .1 Itron Itisd Co.
IT , TATICnaht.ttor nny ax , uher .t lb.
' , flnt ) atIoi flank .1 OmJi.
Thu & * k .p.ne4 ki . .1thcM April 27 , 2S !
. I.fl friI e.dtRg bdl.M en t On& , tta
buIits i e..dcte& wft . * .I&I rterBSe t. the
best n.d InerwOg Int.re4eetIt.r.atfls pMtou.
OOLLE7tO r.c.ty. &ttentlou in4
sarge3 loweM .r e1zew re.
! 7FEtE8T iltowod on tim. iepoe1te upon te'oP
ible tenne nd uioi accOunts ol han.e i.n1 biukci.
VOUIGN ! EX1IANO1 , Ooernment flOfldC
County and City Secuntie. bourht Intl .011.
J. w. Rodofer , Broker ,
st.du , 1iond , Commercial ralr ttnt all ot1ur
C'curitiee denit itie
Room 4 , No. 2. l'caxISt. , Council Hlufts 1a
: NEW YoRK , September C.
M.ney-Eoy at2@2 pot cont. , clo.ed at
2 per cent.
Prim. Pnper-6@7 pr cent.
. .Iiaage bills-Firm at 4.82 ; demand ,
II-t ' 4 and higher.
SLock-Tbe nt reilt of tim day' . trading
Sit Stock Exchange show. an adyanco of to
3 per cent.
8' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ioi
4'Coupon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
Paciflo 6' . .f ' 95. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
AmeHcan Express. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
BurL , Cedar ltopid3 & Northern 78
Central l'acific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Chicago k .tUton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
do do pid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
Ohi , , Burl. & Quicy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
Erie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
do pfda.kocl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Fort \Yayno & Chirago. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
Hannibal & St. J00e1)h n.sked. . . . . . . . j-40
do do do Ifd. . . . . . . . . . . f92
Iflinoi Control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
hid. , Bloom. & Western. . . . . . . . . . . 125
Kanszu & Tex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
Lakw Shor. & Michigan So. . . . . . . . . . 102
Michigan Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Mi.souri 1'cifio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Northern Fieific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
do do Pid. . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Northwestcrn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
do pM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
New York Control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115k
Oh. & MiS8iSSi1)p . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
do do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Peoria , Decatur & Evansville. . . . . . . . 14
Rock Island. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
St. Paul & . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
do do do phi. . . . . . . . . . . 117
St. Paul , Minn. & Manitoba. . . . . . . . t109
St. Paul & Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
do do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Union Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Wabash , St. L. & Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . 21
do do do 1)fd. . . . . . . . . 33'
Western Union Telegraph. . . . . . . . . . . . 79
fAaked. EL dividend.
c Special di8patch to TIlE lIRE.
ChIcAGo , September 26.-Tho marketh to.
day were without 8poeial features and fluctua.
tione within a narrow range. Spocuintion waa
' , &ctiye. A con.iderablo portion of the busineas
txans&eted just before the doss was on ac
count of country orders. Wheat opened
etrong and lively , about c lower , and under
large offerings from heavy local bears declined
\4 ; about 1k. . About noon a strong demand was
' manifest and the market reacted rapidly , cbs.
lug about c over the opening. Transactions
, , . in the cereal were large end overshadowed
speculaUon in corn , which was generally quiet
for all OptiOlIs , except September and Novom.
ber , the latter heavily dealt in by those who
continue t. pin their faith on frost. The
raugo of pricea for the day was within c.
Pork was firmer early In the day , advanciig
5J15c over yesterday's prices , but the demand
was light and a decline of 5lSc sot in and
tito feeling at the close was very easy. On
call pricea were not iiiathrially changed.
Wheat coritititted the leading commodity dealt
in ; trausaction being heavy. Pork was
siteadier utidor a somewhat unproved deinatid.
Flour-Market quiet and unchanged.
Wheat-Market unsettled and generally
lower ; regular , 91c for September ; O5@95c
for October ; 'JTc for November ; 99c for Do.
comber : I 00 for January ; 1 071 O7 for
May ; Nt , . 2 siti'iIig , 9-1c ; No. 3 siiring , 84@
85c ; No. 2 red sititor , 1 03.
Corn-Market quiet and lower ; 49@4Ogc
for cash and September ; 49g49o for Octo.
her ; for November ; 4747gc for
' the year ; 49c for May.
Outs-Market steady ; 27c for caidi and
September ; 27c for October ; 28c tar Novem.
' ber ; 27c for the year ; 3Ic for May.
Rye- Steady at 52c.
Barley-Steady atiil@65c.
Flax Seed-Unsettled at 1 32Q1 3.
BorIc-Quiet ; 10 15@10 20 for cash and
September ; 10 1710 20 for October ; 10 20 ©
10 22 for November ; 10 10@10 12 for the
year ; 11 I511 17& for January.
Lard-Easier ; 7 0 for caath and September ;
7 75@7 7Th for October ; 7 60@7 62 for No.
'ombor ; 7 52@7 5 for the year ; 7 .i7fJ7 62.
p for January.
Bulk Meats-In fair demand ; slioullcn4 ,
o 25 ; short ribs , : ; 90 ; short clear , 6 25.
, t 13utter-1irin iitl uncliaiigod.
Eggs-Fair demand at 21c.
Whisky-Steady ami unchanged at 1 16.
'I'imotliy-Actlvo and weaker ; prime , 1 25
tJ1 26 ; good seed , but dark , 1 20@1 21.
CALf. BoAii1-Vheat-Quiot anti Un.
Corn-Decli ited Ac.
4S' Oats-liill and unchanged.
Pork-Fittoer ; 10 20 for October ; 10 25 for
' , Nocmber ; 10 17 for Iaiiuary.
' LardQ ulet antI uttcltatigci I.
' Cheese-lctnantt good ; choice full creatu
c1tcddar , l1@11c ; choice fttll creani lIat ,
il@1lc ; good 1Jrt kIIII clieddars aitti flats ,
76j8c ; hard skims , 24c.
hides-Dull anti nitcitatigeti ; green salt
tiattiageti , ic ; grcoii salt cured , light , 8c ; tIn ,
heavy , 8c ; greeti salt ca 1 , lic ; dry calf , ISo.
'ralhtw-Nt. 1 , Vu ; No. 2 , lijo ; cake , 7c.
CALL. SAi.Et-Itcgt1Iar wheat , 925,000 ho ;
corn , S65)00 ) imsiteLi ; oats , 10,000 ; bushels ;
iwrk , 3,750 bbl ; lard , 3,850 tierecs.
Ta t.EIO , September u , - Wheatl arket
quiet anti lirm ; No. 2 red vInter caali , 1 01
1 09. .
Ctri-1nier anti titill ; high mixed , 5I.j
SSc ; No , 9 lltixed catl * nilti 5c14e101)er , Slc
* ked.
Oats-1)ull anti nominal ; No. 2 cash , tcp.
t.ciiiber anti October , 30.c.
, 1CASA3 CITY , Soptoinbor26.-The DaIly In.
dicator reports ;
4f Wheat-Weaker ; for November ; BSo
bid for the year.
1' Corn-383So for cash ; 37e for Septom.
bor anti October ; 33&e for Novoutbcr ,
' Oatj-Slow 2Io bid for cash.
) LLL.TIMOIIE , September 26.-Wheat-West.
ii irregular but active , closing lower ; No.
( I winter cash , 1 08@1 09.
Coru'-W'estern ateay arid quiet ; mixed
I utli an September. & 9c Lid.
western white ' inizetl
Oats-Steady ; , 88Z3'Jo ;
ye-Qulet at 62f64c.
tter''Irnt ; packed , 10j20o ;
LLL . ' yy , 20@J28c.
- _ _ _
_ _ :2- : .
Egg-Firin at 24o.
Whisky-Steady aliti In fair demnh&int 1 18
@ 118.
NEW YORR , Seittontntr , 26.-Wheat-Cash
lower ; options OPened 1@c lower , recovered
the ( iOdine , atiti closed weak ; itigraded red ,
t)3c@l ) 15 : No. 3 red 1 06l 07k , 1 07 dolly.
ered : No. 2 rod , 1 iaj@ji 13 in elevator ; 1 13
@ 1 14 delivered.
Corn-ash i@o lower ; Olittofle opened
heavy anti advanced jcJc , cinsine' weak ; un
graded , 5Gf62c ; No. 2 , 62Qfl2&c afloat.
Oats-'Ic lower at closing ; iiilxed west.
t3rnt 326j.36c ; wito , 8741c.
Lggs-Vesteri In fair demand and tnarket
Pork-ThilI new mess , 10 75.
Lard-Wosic ; prime steam , 8 23S 3 , .
L3utter-Qtlot and firm.
ST. L01fl9 , September 26.-Wheat-Un.
settled and lower ; No. 2 red 1 00@ ! 01 for
cash : 1 O1. for October ; 1 03@i 03 for No.
Corn-1irmer anti iiiactive 45@45c for
cnli ; 'It's , for So1)telnber ; 45o for October ;
' ! 1 , , for nventber.
Unt. Slow : ftir cash ; 2Sljj26c
, , t , ( ' , .i'i ; 25'c 1oi the year.
" Iitwer tt ) elI : 52c bid ,
I'attey-tilet ; 60J75c.
1 . .ce-Unchangeti ; dairy , lS@thbc ; cream
ry. 25@28c.
Iggs-hietter at 20@2lc.
O.'rn ' at 2 lii.
Whisky-i 14.
Closing l'ticos--Whoat lower ; 1 00 , for tic.
tober ; 1 03 for Noveatber ; 1 05 for Iocein
Corn-Firm 45f43J for October ; 44c for
November ; 41@41Ac for the year ; 1bc for
Oats-Duhl26c ; asked fsr October , 2TAc for
i'to % ember.
CINcxNATI , September 26.-Wheat-Firma ;
No. 2 , red winter , cash , 1 05@1 06
Corn-Scarce and firm nt52c.
Oats-Firm at 3030c.
Rye-In fair demand at 5657c.
Pork-Dull at 11 50.
Lard-Deli at 7 75.
Bulk Mats-Dnll.
Whisky-Steady and unchanged at 1 13.
Nw OaLEtis , September 26.-Corn-
Pair domaiid ; mixed , SSc ; white , fiOc.
Oats-Demand active ; 37@37c.
Corn Moal-1)uil ; 2 12@b2 15.
Pork-Lower ; 11 75.
Lard-Soteady ; tierce , 8 37k ; keg , 8 87.
Bulk Moats-In fair ( lemnand and lower.
Whisky-Firm and unchanged ; woatern
rectified , . .1 051 20.
Mi LWAUEEP.SOptetnbor 26.-Wlicat-1'asier
at tJ4Rc fir October ; 97c forNovonibor ; 9c for
Corn-Quiet ; No. 2 , 51 ; rejected , 49c.
Oats-Scat-co and wanted ; No. 2 , 27c.
ltye-Easier ; No. 2 , S0c.
Barley-No , 2 , 64c.
rEonlA rimonucx.
PR0RTA , September 2G.-Corn-Finn ; high
mixed , 484Sc ; No. 2 ntiacd , 4c.
Rye-Steady ; new No. 2 , 53@5-tc.
Whisky-Firtn at $1 IS.
ChIcAGo , September 26.-The Drovers' Jour.
nab reports :
hogs-Market unsettled and hewer ; pack-
lag , 4 25@4 65 ; packing and shipping , 4 i0fl
5 05 ; light , 4 70@5 15 ; t.kips , 3 004 40 ; closed
Cattle-Market active and steady ; exports ,
6 00@6 30 ; gooti to choice shilphng steers ,
5 20@5 75 ; common to medium , 4 00@5 00 ;
inferior to fair cows , 2 25@3 00 ; medium to
good,3 25@4 00 ; stockers , 3 00@3 75 ; feed.
crs,3 804 80 ; range firm , 122 Texans of 1,030
lbs , 4 15 ; 241 Toxatts , 780 Ibs , 3 95 ; 211 half-
breeds , 1,070 Ibs , 4 00 ; 4S6 Wyoming of 1,205
lbs , 4 40 ; 169 Montana of 1,220 Ibs , 4 55 ; 82
Montana of1,305 Ibs , 5 40.
Sheep-Very dull and 25c lower ; inferior to
fair 2 20@2 75 ; medium to good , 3 00@3 f0 ;
chofce to extra , 13 7154 25 ; lambs , per head ,
1 00@3 50 ; Texas sheep , 2 50@3 50.
KANSAS CITY , September 26.-TIme Indicator
reports :
Cattle-Good grades firm ; others weak , natives -
tives , 4 195 55 ; stockers and feeders , 3 60 ©
4 50 ; Texans , 3 15@3 85.
Hogs-Lower and weak at 4 504 85.
Sheep-Natives at 2 60.
ST. Louis , September 26.-Cattle-Natives
firmer ; exports 5 80@6 15 ; good to choice
shipping , 5 40@ 75 ; medium to fair , 4 C,0 ®
5 00 ; butchering stuff , 3 0O@4 25 , Texans,3 50
( I4 00 ; Indians , : i 75@4 40.
USheep-Lower and slow ; common to medium ,
2 50@3 00 ; fair to good , 3 25@3 60 ; proe ,
3 75@4 00 ; Texans , 2 50@J330.
CHIcAGo , Septeluber 26.-iteccipta and ship.
ments of flour and grain for the past 24 Itours
have been 02 follows :
Receipts. Ship'ts.
Flour , bbls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15,000 9,000
\Vheat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 199,000 57,000
Ccrn , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 518,000 322,000
Oats , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 199,000 171,000
Rye , busitels. . . . . . . . . . . . . 45,000 51,000
Barley , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . 65,000 20,000
NEW YORK , SoptcInber 26-Receipts anti
shipinentsof flour and grain for tito past24 hours
have been as follows :
liecoipta ShIp'th.
\Vheat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 279,000 100,000
Corn , busltels. . . . . . . . . . . . 156,000 8,00O
Oats , buhol . . . . . . . . . . . . 87,000 114,000
RA'AsCIry , Sentolober 20.-Receipts anti
hiiptiients of graiti for the vast 21 hours Itavo
bean as follows ;
IICCOI1)tS. Sltip'th.
Wheat , bushel . . . . . . . . . . 35,000 3,000
Corn , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 18,000 14,000
CHICAGO , September 20.-lloceipts and
tnenta of ltvo stock for the past 21 hours have
been as follows :
ReceiptS. Ship'ts.
hogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18,000 . . . .
Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,500 . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . .
Sr. LOUISSePtomnber . anti
, 20.-Itocoipts ship-
moats of live stock for the hmast 24 hours have
been as follows ;
lloceiptsi , Sltlp'ts.
Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,500 700
Sheep. . . . . . . . . . . . , 5,100 700
ICANSAS Ciry , Soptemnber20.-1toceIpt. nmtd
sIhipInojits of live stock for the liat 21 hours
hare bocit as follows ;
Receipts. Shij'ts.
Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,200 . . , .
Hogs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 1,500
Sheep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 , . . .
Whtolesitlo Prlceu ,
Oyi'IcI : Ot Tima OIAhrA Biu ,
\Vethiiestiay Eveuhmig , Sept , 27.
The following itbicus .ztrtj chiargial motahiors
by jobbers , vItuletalors altti coIunslssioti mmmer
chamits , with the oxceptitIt of grain , witicli is
quoted at tht ittices furnlsliutl by thu elevators
and other local buyers ;
Gi nhii ,
WIIEAT-Casit No. 2 , 76c ; No. 3 , 67c ; rejected -
joctod 42c.
liAILEY-Cash : No. 2 , 47c ; Ito. 3 , tOo.
] Ly-Cashi : , 42c.
( oltN-Nicd , 350.
Iivo Stocir.
FAT STEEIIi4-JJlgher at 3 QJ3 ( 7b.
FAr Cows--2 7Sc3 15.
Ifoa-1 25f,4 50.
Sitmnw-Firm at. 8 0O3 2.5.
CAL.VRS-FaIrquahity 1 5O5 0Ogood ; butch-
ers' otock , C 00.
Cured Mentit.
BACON-UnolinogetI at l2iJ13c. (
SUOULIEilS-Duil ) at 8cSo
1)111K1 IIEKi'-llc ,
LAUD-At tij10c in tlerco ,
TALLOw-Finn at 5 5O6 25 in barrels.
l'oultry , Fish nmui ( lzune ,
SriucG Ciiiccis - Small , unchanged ,
. .
2 002 75I large , quiet at 3 00 ; old , S 75.
Prairie chickens , 1 7@2 00 'r dot.
\Vmii'n : Fisii-Unclmauged , 9bO. ; pike
and lake trent time same.
Merino unwashed , light 14@lGc ; heavy ,
33@lSc ; nmeiihimm 1115i10d , light , 18@20c ;
wa.qhed , choice , 32c ; fair , 30c ; tub and washed ,
28c ; burry , black anti cotteti wool , 2@Go eas ,
. 1iitlc.
Dull anti weak' green butehers , Oc : green
salted , 7@7c ; tlry ifint , 1213e ; dry gait ,
1051lc ; damaged hiitles , two-thirds price ,
StillEr l'RLTM-25C@l 00.
Gonerni I'rotluce.
1oaa-1c. :
llurrsa-Common to oot1. 7lOc ; choice
dairy , 16l7 : sweet , high colored gras , 1'2@
13c : cooking fe ,
l'OTATOR4NOW pmiot and market well sop.
PliOti at 45f50o per hO.
OnioNa-25@SOc iier Lu.
. NKW CAIIIIAGR-70@SSC ior dozi ,
I1ONEv-Californin , iii comb , per pound , 20
® 91c ; stralmiod , 10l20.
Ciir.mR-Activo , W o quote O@llc.
TOMATOR14-liohilO grown , SOc1 00 ver
GhiAI'E.-1fl baskets and crates , Tc ior lb.
LKIoa-Quiet at 6 O0@7 SO per box.
1'EACI1R3-Natives 1 00@1 25 pr basket ;
California at 2 25J2 50.
OAI.n'onNIA Pi.uis-In good tisinanti ;
2 25@2 50 11cr box.
IhtNANAS-Unclmaiigod ; 10r bunch , 2 OOIj
4 00.
00.M'h'LKM3 OOJ8 SO ver bid.
mamul at $1 00@4 SO ver box. 1.aiifornin
Itichicsq BhlerI'IY , Ciam-geami , etc. per box ,
CAL1FoimIA GiiArKS-2 OO@2 50 per case.
Flour and MliIstufft.
' \ 7INTEIIVILRATlest quality , patomit , at
3 25@J3 65.
SeniNa WIIY.AT-Best quality , patent , at
3 03 65.
SECONI ) QUALtTT-2 5O@3 25.
IIIIAN-SSC ler cwt.
Cuorriw FKRn-l'cr 00 lbs. 85c.
Coits MEAL-i OO1 10 ler cwt ,
ScREENIHO-60@VOo ver cwt ,
Grocera Liet.
CANNED Goons-Oysters ( Standard ) , per
case , 3 70@3 00 ; strawberrIes , 2 Ib , per case ,
2 10 ; rasplterries , 2 Itt , case , 3 50 ; Bartlett
pears , cr case , 2 40 ; whortleberries , Ir case ,
2 75 ; egg plums , 2 Itt , per case , 2 90 ; green
gages , 2 lt , irnr case , 2 90 ; (10 choice , 3 Ib , per
case , 4 50. iino apples , 2 Ib , ior case , 4 O0 ®
5 75 ; ieaciiea , 2 Ib , per case , 3 00 ; do 3 IL , per
case , 4 00@4 50 ; do (1)10) ( ) , 3 IL , per case , 2 60 ;
do itie , 6 lii , er dozen , 2 30.
Itici-Louisiatma Pruio to choice , 7c ; fair
6c ; l'attna , 6c. ,
FISH-No. I mackerel , half brl. , 7 00 ; No.
1 mackerel , kits , 1 00 ; family mackerel , half
brIg. , S 25 ; family mackerel kits , SSc ; No. 1
white fish , half brIs. , 7 00 ; LNo. 1 kits 1 05.
Synum'-Staudarti Cohn. , 35c , Lois ; tatmtiard
do , 'i galloti kegs 1 S5 ; Standard do , gallon
kegs 1 60.
SoDA-lu lb papers , 3 30 case ; keg
Nuw Pmcmctas-Modiuin , in barrels , 6 00 ; do
in half barrels , 3 50 ; etnall in barrels , 7 00 ; do
in half barrels , 4 00 ; g1iorkns in barrels , 8 00 ;
do iii half barrels , 4 50.
TEAS-GU1iIOWdCr , good , 45@SSc ; choice 60
@ 75c ; good Imperial , 40@43c ; choice , 60@65c ;
V'ouiig Hyson , good , 36@SOc ; choice ,
65c@1 00 ; 3 apan natural loaf , 35c ; Japati ,
choice , 60@75c ; olong , good , 35@40c ; Oolong ,
choice , 40@55c ; Souchong , good , 355j40c ;
choice 35@45c.
ltoI'E-Sisal , inch and larger , 10c , lath ,
l1c inch , 11c.
* ooDEswAnE-Two hoop pails , 1 75 ;
three hoop pails 2 00. Tubs , No. 1 , 8 50 ; Plo-
near wasiboartis , 1 85 ; Double Crown 2 90 ;
Wellbuckets , 3 50.
LEAD-Bar , 1 65.
SoArs-Kirk's Savon Imperial , 3 45 ; KIrk's
entinot , 3 60 ; Kirk's standard , 3 75 ; Kirk's
white itussian , 5 25 ; Kirk's eutoca , 2 15 ;
Kirk's Prairie Queen , (100 ( cakes , ) 40c ; Kirk's
Iflagnohia , doz.
1'OTABH-PennsylvanIa cans , 4 case , In case ,
3 35 ; Babbitts ball , 2 doz. in case , 1 00 ; Anchor
ball , 2 dot. in case , 1 50.
PEANUTS-Roasted , choice , red Tennessee ,
12c er lii ; f'incy white , 12Pc perth ; raw-white
Virginia , raw lie ; roasted , 13c
iANDLES-hoxo8 , 40 lbs lOs , 15c ; 8. , 151c ;
LOXCS 40 lbs , 16 oz. , Ge , 15c.
MATCHES-Per caddie , 62c ; round , cases ,
5 10 ; square cases , 3 40.
C0FIERS-Ordinary grades , 3@Oc ; fair 1O
10c ; good 1O11c ; prune , 12@12cchoice
1313caney ; green and yellow , 14c15c ; oh
government , lava , 20@26c ; Levering's roasted ,
14'c ) bmicklo's roasted , 15c ; McLaughlin's
x -x roasted , l5.c ; imitation Java , 16 ®
VINEGAU-New York apple ICc ; Ohio ap-
pIe , 13c.
SALT-D ray loads , per bid , 11 ; , Ashton , iii
sacks , 3 fiobbls ; ( hairy 60 , 5. , 3 30.
SUaA1tS-1'oWderel , lOAc ; cut loaf , lOAc ;
granulated , 9o ; confectioners' A , Dc ; Stand.
arti extra C , 81c ' ; extra 0 , 8jc ; moditun ye1-
low , 7c ; dark ye'lIow , 74c.
STAIIcII-l'earl , 4c ; Silver Gloss , Oc ; Corn , Oc ; Excelsior Gloss 7Ac ; Corn , Sc.
SI'iCES-I'eppor , lic ; aispice , lSc ; cloves
25c' cassia , iSo.
d iiKESm-1illl crentn , lie.
LYE-Amorieal ) 3 4 ; Greenwich , 3 40 ;
\Vestern , 2 75 ; I'orthz Star , 2 00 ; Lewis' lye
4 65 ; Jewell lye , 2 75.
Dry Goods.
Bitows CorroKs-Atlantic A , 8c ; Apple'
ton XX , To ; Atlanta A , Be ; L'not FF c ,
Buckeye L1 , 4.1 , 7c ; Cabot W , 7c ; Chitto.
natigo A 6.c' Great Falls B 8c ; hoosier , 6c ;
HtmeatQititli , Sc ; Indian head A , 8c ; Iiniian
Stantlard A Sc ; Indiami Orcitaril , d. w. , 7c ;
Lawrence I.44 } 6c ; Mystic River , 7c ; I'oquot
A , 8'c ; Utica C , fic ! ; Wachmusett B , 7c ; (10
A 8c ( It ) B 48 , 12.c.
F'INE ] iltowN CorroNH-Allcntlnlo ' 1.4 7c ,
Alligator 3.4 , 3. Argyle ' 1.1 , 7.j'c' Atlantic
141 , , tic Badge tate X 4.4 , ( lAo ; lleitmthiigtun
C .I..I , mc ; ; Buckeye S ' 1-4 , ( 'tAc ; Indian Orchard
Ai ti-B , 81c ; Lac.mlia 0 39 , 8o. Lehigh E ' 1-i ,
tile ; l'eppercll N 0 7c ; tb ( S 32 , 7c ; ( it ) 11
313 , 7c ; tb E 39 , ; l'ocatset C 4-4 , 7c ;
\Vtiiiunitta .1.4 , 13u.
11LrAeiiEI CorroNs-Alitlroscoggihi L 'I-I
Oc ; Jilaelcstoiio A.A imperial 8'c ; do do hall
bleaclicti I-'i , tic ; ( aljot .1.1 , 8'c ; Fidelity ' 1.1 ,
9c ; Fruit of the Lornn , 94c ; di , cambric .1.4 ,
l2j ; dcVttter Twist , 1Oe ; Great Falls Q , 9c ;
Iiiiian , lIeaui shiriitilc . .11 1 , 12c ; 1oiisdale , lOo ;
0 eamitliiic 37 , 12.c ; New Yorlc Mills , 12c ;
l'tUjtIOt A , JOe ; Popperol , N (1 'l'wills , 1'4o ;
Pncaltiittas , 1.4 , tie ; Pocassot 5-1 , 8 ; Utica ,
IleVimimittLa 0 X X , 12o.
] ) ucis ( Coluretl---Albamiy E brown , Sc ; tb
a , drab Jic ; do XXstrIiesnndplaids , 12 1.2e ; ,
dt XkI , Urtiwn and ( Iral ) , stripes anti plaitls ,
12 1.2c ; Arlington fancy , We ; Iirutiswick
broviii , S 1.2c ; Chtarlut fancy , 12 1.2c ; do cx.
tra liezivy , 20c ; Fall ltivcrhrowii , oxtrahtoavy ,
11 I.2c ; Imidlaita A brown , 13c ; Nopteiseb A
browit , ISo ,
'i'IcKiS--Amooskoag ; AC A32 , hOc ; tb XX
blue 32 , 18 1.2c ; irrowammna , U 1.2c ; Glare-
mount 1111 , 15 J.2c ; Cotiestoga , extra , 17 1.2c ; 1) , 11 1.2c ; Lewistoit A$0 , ISo ; .Mpi
mmeltalui 4-4 , 20c ; Oniegm ; , simper extra I-f , 2' .
l'earl Jilvor :32 : , ii ; 1-ic ; Putnam Idimt ,
sti'iito , 12c ; Sliotticktit 5 , 10 1.2c ; tb 55 , J2c
'tJiilltit'5 ) blue 29 , 'Jo.
JINmns4mnoko.'Ig. ) : ( . blue : tnti hrnwzilr , , I-2c ;
Andovci' 1)1) blue , 15 1.2c ; Ariiughni ' . bitia
Scotch , 18 l-2o' CoiittL (100 , blue tutu
lrwii , , I 2 1.2c ; , ( s AAA , tb do , 18 1.2 ; ii , ,
XX to uit , uS , , Ii I2c ; I I nytmitukur's hi on and
hi'uvii (1 ( 1-2c ; ulystic Itivur 1)1) stiipo , 16 I.2c ;
I'CU 1 liver , hihumu and brown , 16c ; Uiteiiuvillo ,
blue atiti browit , I I J.2c.
( JAslititics - Baritu'd ; , 51c ; Juidystoito linIng ,
21 liteht tlnthle Inca , 81e ; tJarimei' A gla.otl , SAc ;
, lniiluuttuii glove fiumiht , 5e ! ; Newport do. fto ,
ulti glazed , 5e ; J'tx1uot tIn , Sc ; Loclcwooti ldd
finibht , Ce.
Coitua r , Ji.s-A ittory A itulroscoggi u
satteomi , 8c ; Clarojmtlon tc : Cunestogga sat.
tOehiti , 7e ; Ilallowoil , Sc ; ] iidiaii Orchard , 7c ;
Narrugantuatt , imuirovod , 8e ; J'eiperihi sat.
toeti , Usc ; itockliort , Go.
I'ItIKT.l-AhlCnS , 6 ; Ainorcan , 0ctrmdilo ; ,
G'c ' ; liet-wick , 4je ; Cocieoo,6 } ; Uonnst/ga,4c ;
] ankirk , Go ; lurmnell , liqj7c ; , 6e ;
( ittucester , te ; ; I larituotty , 5)c ; 1mmickerbocker ,
6c ; Ierrimnaa Ii , Tc ; ? dytic , 5c ; lpraguue ;
Go ; Southhimiuigo , Go ; do 1iimg1tuns , 7c ; tlarh.
btor , 5c ; Oriental , 8c.
( iINGhIAItS-Aflloskoa , 9c ; Argyle , Sc ;
Atlantic , Sc ; Cuniborlisuti , 7&o ; flihland , 7c
lCextihwortl , , 'Je ; Pluuktt , tJc. Sussex , Sc.
CorroNAmnJs-Abliervihlo , 13c ; Agate , 20c ;
American , lIe ; Arthsian , 20c ; Calm I ) and 'Ii ,
J3c ; ( harlort 1) and P , l7c ; 1)ecsn Go ,
stripes 1) and p , it Keystone , l3jc ; Nun
tucket , 19c Nonpareil , lOc ; ( icran I ) smith T ,
13c ; Itoyaf , 1Gc Sussex , 12c ; Tioga , Wachu-
satt * hirting checcs , 12c ; do Nunkin I2cs
York , jilaimi Niunkiri , J2c ; do chocks , itiipsi
and hnvy , i2c ; do 8 .z , 20c.
ShiRm'rlNut Androsujgin 10.4 27c ; do
9.4 , 23c ; tin 3 4 , 32ci contlitental C 42. lIe ;
Fruit of the Loomit 10-4 ; 27c ; ew \ ark in his
98. 3'c : ; (1(1 75 , 80c ; ( ho S3 , 22c ; i'cinbroko
10.4 , 25c ; l'equmtt 10.4 , 2Bc : do .4 , Ii'c ' : do 49 ,
160 : l'ejpeaell ( Hi , 2901 do 67 , 21c : tb 27 lBo ;
Utica 90 , 36e ; do 58 , 2'2c ; do 48 , lVc.
Irugs ,
Ditras ANfl ( 'IIRMICALS-Aeld , Carbolic , 45c ;
Acid Tartaric , 5 , 'c ; lalsain Copabizt , hr hb ,
70c ; ibark , Sar"afra , hcr lb , 12cI C'alomel per
ii , , 7t'c ; Cinohmonidia , er OZ $1 OS ; Chiloro.
form , Per lb , 1r01 1)over's I owders , per lii ,
$1 2'i ; } psem Salts , ir lii , 3c ; Glycerine ,
unto , per lb 80cr Lead , Acetate , ; r IL , 2c ;
Oil , Castor , k0. 1. PCC gal , $1 40 , 1. ) Csstor ,
No , S pergal. $1 20 ; OuiOlke , pergal. $1 50
Oil drigantini , SOc ; Opium , 5 LW. ) ; ( * iiiihti P.
k * . anti Il. & S. er ox , $1 90 ; l'ot.assium ,
Iodide , ir II ) , $1 tS ; Salichn1 ir ox , 40c ;
Sulphate of Morphine , per or , 3 , t' Sulphur
flour , pci lii , Ic ; Strychnine , per ot , $1 25 ,
l'nlntsOhhs nnd Vnrnlglieq.
OiLs-lb0 carbon , 10r gallon , l2c ; 150 °
headlight , iter gahinmi , 14c ; 175 ° hiratlhight ,
Per gallon , poPe ; 150 ° water s'hilte , ISc ; liii
eetl , raw , ; hit ahlomi,55c ; hinseeti , boileti , PCt
mzalloii , 5Bcar1 , winter str'tI , I'cr gallon , SSc :
No. I , 75co. ; 2 , Trc ; castor , XXX per gal
lou , I 40 : a. 3 , 1 20 ; sveet , u'r , gahoii lSc
\V Ii. , liar gallon , 1 t0 ; lisli , W . B , ,
pcrgalon ( , OSo ; ncatsiootext.ra , iter gallon , OOc ;
No. 1 , iSo : lnbrlcatimig , zero , 11cr gallon , 30c ;
totimimner , Ir.t ; golden machine , No. I , Iter gal.
liii , Lr , ; No. 2 , 2Z"e " ; rIteriti , sigmmal , er gallon
SOc ; turpentine , Pr gallon , &Sc ; nrupthut , 74 0
Pr gallon , ifte.
1'AINTS IN Oit-\Vhito load , Omniuhta P. P. ,
Ge ; vhiito lead , St. 1.ouls l' ' " , 6c ; Marseilles
green I to S lb calls , 2tSc' Freitelt slime , green
seal , 12c : Fm-ouch zinc , ret seal ' lie ; French
thtic , In varnish nsst , 20CI FICIIC'II zinc. in oil
asat , ISo ; raw and burnt umnbcr , 1 11 , cans , lOc ;
raw 511(1 burnt Sienna , bc ; vanthyko brown
13c ; refitted lampbhtick , 12c ; coach black , nut1
Ivory black , lt.e ; drop black , ICc ; l'rtteiamt ,
litit ) , 30c ttitrnmntuitue blue ISo ; chmroiuio green
IA. M , & 1) . , iCc ; blind nmui , shutter grectu , L.
N : . & 1) . , lOc ; l'aris green , lSc ; Indian red ,
lt'c ; Venetian rod. 9c ; TUSCaII red , 2'2c ; Amuisri.
can Vermuilhuon 1. & F , 18c ; chrome Yellow
IA. M , , 0. 1t 1) . 0. , 1c ; yellow oclire , Pc ;
golticti ochure , ICc , llatcnt dryer , Sc ; graining
colors. light oak , dark oak , walnut , cluotttuut
amid ash , lSc ,
Dry 1'ntnt.
\1uIto lead , Sc ; French zinc , lOc ; Paris
whiting , 2c ; whiting giltiors , 1c ; whiting
coiui'l lie ; lauui1djlnck , Germantown , 14c ;
laiuupblack , ordinary , lOc ; Prussian blue , SSc ;
ultramarine , 18c ; vandyke , brown , Sc ; umber ,
burtit , 4c ; unuber , raw Sic ; sionuim , burlut , 4c ;
sienna , raw , 4c ; Par1s green , genuine 25c ;
Paris green , comninout 20c ; chrome greotu ,
20c ; chrome green } , , 12c ; vormaihhion , Eng. ,
70o ; vernilihion , AmerIcan , iSe ; Indian rod ,
bc ; rose pink , 14c ; Venetian roth , Cokusotot ,
2c ; Venetian rod , American 1c rod lead ,
7'c ; chrome yellow , genuine , ' . ! Oc ; chrome ye1-
low , K. , 1'2cocluro , rochicito 3cochro ; , French ,
2c ; ochre , Am'iericaiu , 2cViuutur's ; mineral ,
2c ; lehigh browmu , 2c ; Siuaulsh brown , 2c ;
I rimuco's umuinoral , 3c.
VAIINIHIIr.s-liarrols per gallon : Furni.
hire , extra , Zl. 10 ; furiulture , No. 1 , $1- coach ,
c.\tra , Si .1O coach , No. 1 , $1 20 ; Dauiiar ,
extra , $1 75 ; jt11)um , 70c ; nsiihaitumn , extra , 85c ;
shellac , 3 50 ; hrnrd oil finish , $1 50.
Lent tier.
I. IL so1e 38c to 42c' hemlock solo28c to 35c ;
. ' ( ii. ( hip , SOc to I 00 ; runner 65c to 80c ;
nEat o calf , 85c to 1 20 ; helnloek uupjar , 23c
to 26c ; oak tipper , 24c ; alligator , 4 00 to 5 50 ;
calf kid , 3235 : ( , rohom kid , 2 50 to 2 75 ; oak
kip , SOc to 1 00 : oak calf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; Fretuch
kip , I 10 to 1 55 ; Frenclt calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; ms.
sets , 5 50 to 7 50 ; linings , 6 00 to 10 50 ; top-
) iiugit , 9 00 to 10 50 ; B. L. Morocco , 'JOc to 35c ;
uchibbo 0. D. Morocco , 35c ; simon , 2 50 to 3 00.
hARNESS-No. 1 star oak , 42c ; No 2 do ,
30c ; No. 1 Ohio oabc , 32c ; No. 2 do , 35c ; No.
1 Milwaukee 37c ; No. 2 do 34.
We quote lumber lath and shlugboaon oars
at Omaha at the fol'owing ' Prices :
JOIST AM ) ScASTLING-16 ft. and under
22 00 ; 18 ft , 2350.
Titinims-lO feat and under , 22 00.
TIumiEiL ANt ) JOIST-18 ft , 23 50 ; 20 ft , 23 50 ;
22 ft , 26 50 ; 24 ft , 26 50.
FENCING-No. 1 , 4 and 6 in. , 24 00 ; No. 2 ,
SnEanNa-No. 1 (2d ( common boards ) , 2000 ;
No. 2 , 18 00.
Liti-Por barrel , 1 25bulk ; per bushel' 35c ;
cement , bbl , 2 25 ; Iowa plaster bbl , 2 50 ; haIr
per Lu. 50c ; Tarred felt , 100 ibs , 3 50 ; straw
board , 3 50.
Heavy Hardware List.
Iron , rates , 2 60 ; plow steel special cast , 7c
crucible , Sc ; 51)CCial or German , 6c cast tool
do , 15fJ20 ; wagon spokes , sot , 2 25t3 00 ; hubs
per act , 1 2(1 ( ; felInes , sawed dry , 1 40 ; tongues ,
each , 70@85c ; axles , each , 75c' square nuts per
IL , 7llc ; washers , per Ib , 8ll8c ; rivets , per
lit , lie ; coil chaltu , lEt , 6@J12c ; malleable , 8o
iron wedges , Cc ; crowbars , Go ; harrow tooth
4c ; spring tee ] , 7@8c ; Burdemu's huorseltoes , S 25
Burtlen's mnuletulioes , 6 2b.
BAmiEnVimtsIn car lots , 6.3c per 100.
NAIY.s-Ilittes , 10 to GO , 3 35.
Snor-Shot , 1 85 ; bock shot , 2 10 ; .riental
powtler , kegs , 610 ; ( It , . , half kegs , : i 48 ; do. ,
ltlartor kegs , 1 88 ; blasting , kegs , 3 35 ; fuse ,
Item 100 fcet , Soc.
C0AI-Cnmttberlanui blackutinith 12 00 ; M'or.
mis ruuti Blussburg , 12 00 ; 'tVhtiteLrewut ,
'l \Vhiitcbreuut ; ; mutt , 4 00 ; Iowa lump , 4 00 ;
Iowa nut , 4 00 ; Itock Spring , 7 00 ; Anthira-
cites , 10 00l0 25 ; Canoit City , 7 00 , Item tomi.
horses amid Mimics.
Extra draft horses , 175@225 ; common draft
horses , 100&Ji5O ; extra fariuu horses , 110@125 ;
coIuumon to good fitrin horses , OOGjulOO ; extra
I hugs , 60&j75 ; Common phiig , 20@10.
MULI3-Extmn , 12S6J150 ; good , iO0110 ;
fair , 75(10O ; common , 6O75.
ALcoiIor-188 proof , 2 25 per wino gallon ;
extra California sphilts , 188 proof , I 25 per
proof gallon ; triple refuted suirituu ; , 187 proof ,
1 23 cr proof gallon ; ro.tlistllled whiskies ,
1 00J1 50 ; hue blotutied , 1 t'0(3J2 ( b0 iCout-
titeky botirbons , 2 O0@7 00 ; Kentncfcy antI
l'otuiisylvtniia ryes , 2 00J7 00.
IJIIASIuiui-Ihilported , 6 0O@1600 ; dotnestic
1'l0JtO0. (
GINS-lutuporteul , 4 506 00 ; domestIc , 1 ' 10
13 00.
Jtue1S-Imiultorted , ' 1 50Pjfi ( 00 ; NovEmiglauui ,
2 00@'l 00 ; domestIc , 1 so@i : so.
1'KACI ( % Hit Ai't'i.u JIIIANIy--l , 7TifJ1 00.
Ci1AlAaNi't-1miuuut-teti tier cnao , 28 O0J
31 00 ; Amo'irtumi , Itar case , Li OOJ6 00.
'l'olIaccoH ,
FIN ! : CUT-Coituinon , 2001j30c ; good , 45f
GOc ; Ihso , Loaf , 70c ; i'reinittmn , ( iSo ; Diamnuhhul
Crown , SSc ; Sweet Sixteen , 'lb.
SMOKINU-O , i'L , 20e ; Muskovy , 25c ; Dur.
hittitu , 8 ttz. , SOc ; 1)urhitmim : , 4 oz , 52c ; 1)urhtamii ,
2 oz. , sr Seal of North Cimmuilmia , 8 ox. , 4 Ic ;
Seal of korth Carolina 'I or. . 'ICc ; Seal of
North Cartllmta , 2 oz , , ' 1c ! ; 0. IC. Iiu'hiamn , 1
az.1 28c ; 0. IC. 1)iizhian , 2 oz. , 30c ; Uuicbo
Ned , j's , 21c ; 'l'ont anti .Jorry 23c.
I 'LtiU 'J'oluAecoChlmnttx , ti1c ; I lulhioti , SOc ;
lliosloue , 48c ; Star 'ISo ; .ilttddy , 'lIe ; 11cr.
soy's , 'ISa ; Black , 3Sl0e. (
no UP3Jfl1MJOflU A uguar ! rauato in
IJIL. IJ.1J1ULu1tIU1 , medleinc. Over izten
OiaimdbO1YyandottoSt. yapfl' iirico-tweie itt
KANSAS CITY , ItO. ( Thicau ,
c ) Autitorizoil iiy 01 , , , tatu to trea
, . (3trosiiti , Ntrtousuitil t'rivatsdtse' ,
Ahthtlta , , Il'hltpsy ' , I 1)etiuiiatiian ) , , 1'l1e ,
5tfZt' ) 'Tape Worm , llrtiiary attil Iiidn Ds'
i3kiiUl 1)tJmiit ) ) ( Ice ; nICLUIJ power
U. . ( iUrs gttCrttttteetl Or iflOItt , efuitdtd. ( 'bitrgue
. . ) W , 11tousautds of estee curi. No imujttrious uiuJi.
clues furnlblut4 Lu ( 'SI to h4tIeIitI St thihan6Q , Coc.
gultatlon tree and contlkmttlut - cmli or writs' gu , and
sKlrirtee are iuhiutrIiutI , A 1100K tur hob ecst. .
IlIu.oratt4- cirtulars , of oUcr hlita tasL o.tIa'3
Iu we 3o3ntstIds. ! 1IMUUK11k 'I
mo. sni.w
Q ) P.
CaU and jock over toy new sUre arid eo my new
( ioo'is.
Physician & surgeon
OFEIcH-laTi ! ANt ) JACKSON ITt1. , , 11th t3treet , ovorJIutino4 , 4lierue.s' , .
stoc. , gs Jaeksoi itrect.
sIIrsute4.--A'iytre' ; , , s.t.ilcaleziericeo. .
Practica' ' Horse Sheer
Makes a spocia1I ci flodatsrs andrtd.rtott Ito , .
Ce. $ hops , Dc4o r's * 11th aol 12th , Old
sUru. ijoua. '
hiMlonbecn acknesi.te4and ! more s. at this hi
thin aiiy other , The , .I flehi of unedkal .elenc. is
! Ct inr'rcasing , and its imulneruos branches are
brought ncarrr and eta , . , to 'eifKtiofl , and
Ito on. men can any longer grasp theii all
hirer. tb. necessity for atsitiluig the 1bor. Anti It I.
in ) . l'.yond all doubt ( bet ( tlIf'5e , aToctIn ( the ; eu'
It..nrluary organs mueeI lh'tOll study tttm any'
thi. else , It we wield imd.sta.d and ks.w hey to
Irgat tseit
Iit. 11. WAUKit is hilly aware that the , . a , .
biany physiCIans , and Miii sea.tbl. pe.te , wbu will
cendeai. titan forinati. tiscla.t , of dises.i a ip. .
cialty , bat b.Libspp to know tba with er'
Sen. of reflocmi and iuutelhigo.c , a ni.r. enllgbtc. .
pti , iw is taken .t lIt. subjes , and thai the i.hyaio.
Octet , . kimselt to reiising the afUictel aid
pasing thi * froni WI , , . than death , is noless a Phi
iantbrej'Ist arid ben.fetor to his rae. than the sir :
R000 or i'hysIcIn who by close aptlieation exceli iii
lay cttter branch cit his 1'r.tesioi , And fortuttatel
forhnnunity , his day isdnwnitmrwh.u the fats. pu
lsittitrojshty that cendiutned the tictittus ot folly ot
rIin , lilt. lb. lei'cr. untler lit. , J.whh law , to die
unotreti forhas iese4awy ,
A Few Reasons
Why you should tfy the oelebrte.l Dr. ii. Vapmer's
utmethod. itt cure :
1. "LIt. Ii. Vagner I. a natural i'hyslclan , '
0. 5. Fowm.sit ,
The ( .rcatest T.llti i'hirrnologist.
2. "I ow calm eecl you as a doctor , "
1)1. .1 Siuss ,
'rite YotLl'p flreste.sI I'hytiogimomtit. (
3. "Yoti . r. woiidcrfuliy l'roftcieiitnyuttr knowl
edge of Ieaso anti nuetiithuee. "
t ) . ,3 , MArrnswt.
4. "The afflicted iloti ready relict to your i'rc
( 'lure. " 11g. J , SiMs. .
f , . "Dr. Ii. Wanner I. a megtutar ratittate from
hiellovu. hlot'pital , N.w Tack city ; ha , Itad very e.
teneivo hospiush practice , anti i.e thoougIiiy 'oetet ott
all branches of his bJoed echence , csi'cchliy ii
chrotuic diseases. "
1)sa. fltOwaxti. & Ewis. . I
0. "Pr. 11. Ysgner huts Iumortalizoti : Ittutselt b
his wondeTfttl titacosery of speehilo rotticdlei for pe
ate and .exusj dh.easei.-Virgimila City Chronicle.
7. "Thousamitia of Inalld. flock to gee
Frotu-Jaco ChronIee.
8. "The Doctor' . lomi experience as a specialist
eliould reeder hint very succcssful.-ltocky Motto.
lain News.
Plain Facts Plainly Spoken.
At en. time a diecuadon of the secret ice was on.
tirelyaolded by the profession , and tnetticalworksof
but a mo ttouid hardly muemutlon it. .
To-day the phyddaiu is of a tifiTerciut opinion ; he Ii
aware that it. ii lii , . duty-disagreeable though it
uiay be-to handle thi , . itutttcr without glotci and
ipeak vtlnly atout it' anil littelllgt'mtt larettts hOd
, , rnrtliatis , ill thuuik huu for doing so.
The resulis attotitiluig tltl tiestructito vlo were for.
nuerly not un&tertuoI , or not lroiwrly esUuiiateti ; and
Ott Iiuportuic. being attached to a stubjoct which by
Itit nature does not lucite close InostigaUoii , it. was
'fir habit ii generally contracted by the young
ttilie attotidimig school ; older coinluculons through
their etnuoplo , uuua' he re'tiuousiblo for it , or It ntay b.
acquired tnrough aecideut , Tito exdtiiturntt once c'
l'erlctuceti , this irs'tJeo t iii be rept'ated iugaln anti
again , until at. ia.t. the habit liecounc. unit nitti cota.
pletehy enslaves the sictlnu. Mental amid iturveus at.
Ilictions arc usually the trimnary results of , o1fmulusa.
Among the iiuJtuuloue elYocU. bay be unentloiteti lasii.
hide , dejection or irrascibility of temper amuul general
, lobillty. Tim boy cooks neehumutlon , titt rarely John
itt the sports .t his counpiutiolue. If Ito tue a yotuig
utah he will be little found in cotupiuty tltIu tim otlu.r
nex nad Is troululed urithi exceeding utttd anuioyiug
bashfulness in their iuroonco. Lascitiotis tirsauns ,
ettulenion Anti eruption. on thuo face , etc. , are also
Prolithitent syiluptonui.
It thu. practice is vloletuUy itorsietel lii , ituora serious
dlsturbance take luhare. ( Irottt palpitatlon of the
heart , or epileptic contuhalon , , era exp.rionced , and
the .ufYercr may fail into a coituplute state of idiocy be.
lore , ilnally , ticath relieves htium.
To all those engaged itt Lhii dangerous , lunwUce , I
wouldsay. lInt of all , atop it itt once ; make oucry
poesiblo olTort to do so ; but if you tail , if your nervous
syBtctn IS already too uuuchu , hrnttercii , anti conuo
tiuenthy , your wlfl'powcr broken , take genie nerve
toitic toJd you In your cifoit lIavitig freed ycurseif
from the habit , I would ferthuer counsel you to go
through a regular course of troatnuont , for it is a great
tuthatak. to sudpose thuttt oily one may , for solute tint. ,
be it orery so little give huituseif up to this fucinatin
but dangerou. excftamutcitt without .ufforltug from Iti
oil consequence. at soul. future Unto. Time itumbor
of youngmeiu whoar. itmcepaciated to liii the duties
cnjoitind by wedlock is alarniltugly large , atuti In most
of euch case. this unfortunate condition of things can
be traced to thu iractico of , elf'tubuiito , whIch had bsemi
abaadonedyoars ago. hiudeod , a fcwmnouthu. ' practice
of this habit i. eulliclent to induce .permat.orrhtaa In
lathr year. , and I have tuany of euclu cases under treat.
maclit itt the l'roeemtt day.
Young Mei
Who may be suffering from Oto effoctiot youthful
follies or iauilscretions will tie well to avail thoniseivos
of liii , . thu jreateat boomi eye , htlti at thu. altar of suf.
fering humnatulty. Itt. % VAONKR will gimaruulttoo to for.
tnt aoo for every ease of semuhuunl woaknos or rlvate
disease of any kind anti characterwhkit _ he untlor.
takes to and tails to cure.
Middle Aged Men.
There aroftnany at the ngo'of 80 to tb who are
troublcul with too frequent etucuathoiis of the blad
tier , often acconuluaiIlel by a idight .otuuirthtug . or burn'
ing selftatiomi , nini it tcakciuItug of tiio 5) ateiii iii a
titaliltor the latletit ( 'flit hot necouitt for. Ott uxiuttium.
tog the urinary cloiuwlt. a ref ) ' eihiutueiit will often hue
toutil , amiti , otnetttiiee sitmil harthuIcS of albuitten will
tc thin color tt ill Ito Of thuiii iitiikltli lute , again
ciuaitgittg tt a iark atuitorplut appearaticu , There tire
flat , ) ' ittCti iticti wlttt , iie of lids , iltlhculty , igitointit of
the catmute , u hichi is the ocotuul nIngo tf , , eiihiualoucak. ,
ides. . 1)r ) , W. t111 gtiarutittco a horfoct cure in cli caics
atiti a healthy reetoratloti of the geuito.urituary : or-
Coitsuihtation free , Titoroughi exatahitatloti antI ad.
vice , 5.
All conhinululcatloidud eliotilti ha athuircscuh , Ir. ) hIemirJ
henry % Vagtucr , 1' . 0. 23tO , hicittor , Culoruelt > .
'rite 'otiuIg Id alt's l'oehct Ctltlj nuihotu , ly Pr , II
Wagner , Is tortit its weight iii gold to ouitg men.
l'rlce , i,25 , Sent by jutall to any wldnss.
Let Your Light Shine ,
hr. 'i'agttcr the celeltratoth .hutchahIst of Iettvor )
Cole , , 1113 Larfituor otrtt , , lchioves ill htttuig thuoaorht
, ' a hat Ito caii iii , , atni Is tidiug for thunitoamuihui ci
lii. fellowitteit , I li truattitent ftr bet illalihtooi is
Intro to u lit him a maitutu I list IostoritY t iii hluss , 'l'eti
thioueamui testhitanials frttu all ii , or thiit Uiuitetl State ,
trout those ho lots etirud , Is trtot visitiu , o that Ito .lios
cure thowtrst , eases of thixst , hiseaies. 'Ihu tulhhictcl
frtimtu chrortla tutu oc , nmal tilsoasos of ovcry it lou ill
Ittiti luitti their btist friend. head liii , atit ertlsotitettt in
all tur , city tOOt cell on ltlui for advice , as ue
know you s iii corrtuioratu ut iii sa lug Ito is the auf
feter's true friwttl.-litckyMoumirain Zuss.h
Relief to the Afflicted ,
lii mohhclrmcs , as iii , clotro , the giciaIlsIn are the
cItes tu ho nhta ) H COllieS to the trout toil iu < ciiitiileit
great results , 'hhuls reittack Is ee1teciaily applicable tote
to hr. ii. Wagmwr , of titis city. Ito etaltti. lit titu top
of hits lurofesslol , anti the cure , ho Ierturitus for tiu
titiforturtato it tuuihil seemti wotitlerfimi If hot , irolierl'
iet4hitl itt hue light of .tdeiithlho . oiliireiiuetit , . I Jo Is
emiiorseil by tint itiost cmnhtcnt of thu itiethicuuh facitlty ,
Ills elliot at Iii Laraittir street , ulicro hitt uiIl speu'ii.
113' ellicta euro fur thu suihlerhiug of either sex , no iiiat.
ter how comiiphlasted thdr oiiuiplalttt.-i'oiuieroys
Chronic Complaints Require'
Time for a Cure.
I'csouts at a ilbutaitco whet iulehi tohtu trcatei , hiy hr.
% Vugiier lied not feel las'kwarii le.'tttiu ef Iluabilit )
1,1 ! ibit Itlium. If they it iii it rite t" thu , itetnr Ito it iii
eiii1 is hit tif .jliuittioitit ' 5 htlchi imiuliles Iiiiui to scud
iiueilduie , couiiscl tutu edt Ito to tiiottsaitcl Ito has
hater cacti , lit , Ita Isticlits lii oucry ( it ) ' , totuti utud
station iii Ctlorwho , as cull as all , iur thu lJttitvd
Stoles. lieu liI tehlrus in lii , ailturtlseiuucitt-1)cu
v1r 'l'rihuuo. ,
Shall We Reform ?
HLH'CitIO T.fllCAllUS 5r ulhdtsoaes iii thto theory
jr.i u at of cihitcattil cud uxIenicuicO
h1hIYslt'ilt5 , aitl iii all large comuttituitultitus tile ) ' hats
theIr , , jucidtlcs , tAt excel iti it luau thuuy direct tlttlr
tuthlts anti Practicu. I ) , , Yagncr Ls a sticccaoltii ii.
lubtr.itlQti ci titis ttiodcrii school of sjuvltuitlus. timid hi.
lull rutekit hti attn ts iii tic truattilotut. of tri cute
ihleasu , Is as ttouiilvrlul ts it is liattemitig. 1 ct , ! J.
tdiittti ,
' 1 hose itersons it Ito lioi itthlcuii relief for the iittut
tlilcato ( if dbtuawus it iii liii ati actxiiuijhieluui tutu site.
tei.ful hi thu Iersoui of ir Vaitcr , No ,
Ma Lsuthmuicr stretut , 's lie Is highly ructittuitaluiltui by thy
itueileul i'rofessiuii at hutito anti teboari , - h'cttteroy' .
jtL'hlUtCrat. Jtlotry situ igliorance itiltst guy tstsy 10
' .4 Istloiui srti the tu iu I It ) elciaui lehiut us in luttiitg Itis
light i.hliuo fur thu iory ci his fellow iiieit , J'rintcr' .
ink is the torch Ito eat , lest use lii guIde thto weary
and sick out. Ii , the tiiuuit.alt , of lath lIt. I I this artielu
ihtiuhd be itistruutiuutusl its is ' 'l'Olt ( 'I I 1,1(11 II' ' act up.
Ott ti liii to guide suilterluig humttnmuity to :113 : I4witner
street , iiiuer , Colorado1 it will anise , the iuri.
for which i tti aritteri. Atidroes
it , 0. Itoz 4383j'ir c.shl at 54'J larluiter Street ,
hieer ) , Cob.
tD'llteti the ooluan beaded "The Necessity torth.
. ( diJisL"
JIA\V Keg and Bottled Beer
4 , : b This EcohIont lleor speaks for iticIf.
(1 ( Promptly Shipped.
Df c : : L1 r - ii ELr.I1tee' .
Solo Agent for Omutaha and the 'tVit.
Car. ) tlt Street alud Capitol Avenue ,
Wholesale Clothiers ?
' 1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREET CUR. 13TH ,
. . .
Double and Single Acting Power and Hand
Engine Trimmings , Milling ? tnchiuiery , Belting , Hose , Brass and Iron Fitthtgs
Steahli Packing at wholositlo and roItil. IIALLADAY WIND-MILLS , OIIUROB
Corner 10th Farnam St , , Omaha Neb ,
, Tii. Flour is sutatlo at Salem , Itiohardoomu Car , Nebraska. . iii the Conublumod Itollor Stone System. W
ie EXCLIJSIV * sale ut . our flour to one finn In a ltaoe. We base opened a briuich at 1018 Capitol av000
tlab WrIte for t'ricos. Adtireu oithucr ,
xa1'JPx1' i1 e ,
m Salsun or Omaha , Mob.
I : . : crrnt
Hall's Safe and Lock Coinp'y
ZQQQ : IP1Lzx1.Am tXOtt. 22.LtUL.
UI' . .
CaIvDild . IrooCornices Iiodo Caps1fiDiaIs
Skylights &o Thirteenth Street Neb
\Vall \ Paper aildViliO \ Sliaftes. '
LuMber , Lalli , liluales , Pickets1.
Near Union Padilic Depot , - . - OMAHA , MEB
iir Heating and Baking
Is only athtiimed by usihig
Stoves and Ranges ,
. -ti
- 0 F or en I o b
I I JI , - . -
- 2'- -
. wIIckT'
Boiler allif Sheet Troll oi'ks I
OMAhA , . . . - - NEBRASKA ,
Build isO kitudi of Steutu . hailer. . Batoko Stacks , jlreut'hIng Lard , Yuter autd , Oil Tusmik , atul do a genera
hlstu.iroti buaituess , iiialriutR doutu iii City artul Country All teark
Done at Eastern Prices and Warranted I
$ ccondhiantd hioiIer will be kept on hand. hiavitug htttd ninny years uxperleticetii . the trade in dIfruut . part's
if thu country I ton oottiliutut I otu , 'he. satiefeotiou , luaviitg the beat sho1. aiii toots Lu the Stats. Shop
. , . . .
.or iUi amil'lucwSirvcW. J. M. WILSON Propriator.