2 TrPti DAILY Bl&E ° ouaTiA , WTDNFSIAY , ARP C EMBER 21i. 1&3 f. : 11TaMfAJ. [ REYIAED ] H EAR thin , ill yo people , and ire ear all a fntaltds of the world , IIo Boors Rill mnko you well and o rejoice joico , 2. It shall CUTO the people and p sickness and 8ufTering under toot , 3. Bo thou not Vraid when you' family is sick , or you have Bright a die .use or Liver Complaint , for Hop BiUora wm cure you. 4. Both low Mud high , rich and poor know the raluoof Ito ) Bittora for biltuar norrous MndRllcrunallo corn h into , jw j 5. Clenso mu tvitlt IIo1 r f3itttora and I w shall hnvo robust and blooming health , i G. Add diacnse upon (1ieaMo and lot the worst come , I ram safe if I use ! fop j Bittore. 7. For all my lifo hnvo Ibooliplagued with aickncan and eeros , and not unttl n year ago wM I cured , by hop l3ittora. 8. lIe that keepetlt hia bones from achinp ) cu Rheumatism and Neuralgia , with. h . Brucra dootf1 wisely , 0 , qau L thou } iaat aorcA , pimples frocklea at 1t il.oum , oryaipolaa , hlooa poiaoting , ydt Ilup Bettors will remove : Utom all , J 10. W.atubn } nn is there , feeble and aick from fonrdbdoinplaints , who deairotlt I not henltll and usoth lop Bitters and is made uc I 11 , Lot bctnoglect to uao hop Bit. ton bring oh bt1fous Kidney and Liver complaints. 12. Keep thy unquo from being fur. rat , thy blood lIto , and thy atomnch from indigestion by using 1101) bitten , 1 13 , All my rains and adios aml dia case go like chair before the wind when I nae hop Bitten. 14 , Mark the mar who Wa8 rtcarr dead and given up by the doctors after using lop Bltton and bocomoth well , 15. Ccaso from worrying about norasy vouanesa , general dobihty , and urinary trouble , for Hop Ilittrs will roatoro you. Health is Wealth naax snAtta , , Wf + ; S 0 , , TnATME L- Dr. E. C. Wcat'e Nerve and Drain Treatmoet , guarantoodIIpoclac for Ilyatorta , DluIno.Convul Lion ! , Flle , Nervew Neuralgla , Ifoadaeho , 3 orvoul I'roetntlon auaod bx the uao of alcohol or tobaooo , Wakofulneee Mental De'sreeaton ' Softening or tht lkrain , resulting hi Insanity y nd louling to mlaory , decay and death , Premature Old Age , Darrenneea Lou of power in elthcr sex , Involuntary Loose ; 8ponnatorrhms catued by over agertlona rt brain , adf abu. or ovordndulgonto. I ach , tarn one month's troatment. $1,00 a box , m' boxes for $5,00. Pent by mall prepdd on reeelpt price wE GUARANTEE nix DOXES To cure any case. With each or ler roalve l bye. for elx boxes aooompnnled with $ SOO , wow111send thr rnrchuer our written guarautoetotofundthomonel If the trcatmont done not aaoct a cure. Owrantoe ) uodonlyby C. F. GOODMAN to a w1 Dntr tat Omaha Nob. in DR , fELiX LE BR UN'S t t. - Jx , G.O PEr VENTIVE AND CURE. t FOR EITHER SEX.Lo Thb oc nody befog inccle.t $ . * Oroetly to the scats the dtsouo , ra1uud no chapgo of diet or nauwou , mercudd or potoonoe , medicines to be tabu lutorn l $ Uy , when recd u a pruventlre by eeither sex , II Ica ImpoeMblo to oontract any private bat In thr coo at those already unfortunately at llctod x o gu w anteo throe boxes to cure , or we will rotund Iho money , Price by snail , postage patd , $2 per box , us throe boxes for i5. WRtF EN GUARANTEES bead by all authorlred agonts. , , Dr.Feli LeBrun&Coroo SOLE PnornIETOIte , Nab Solo Agent , tor Omah ) mac wt r l' ' f t . DR. IZORNEySmi z , of 1 , y ly This Electric Bolt will Cure the Follow. in Diseases Without Medicine. Sh 1 tnuintheBackIllpsllead , or Wmbe , Nenoas Debltty Lumbago , General Debility , ltheumatlam , Pluraly als , Neuralgia , 8ciatia , Taea. . of the Kidney. 8p10116tecaaee.Torpid Liver , Gout , Mexual F xha s , tlon , Seminal Ftroholone , Asthma , Heart INaeus , Dyepepela , Constipation , Erydelu , Indlgotloo , to hernia orRupture , Impotency , Wlerrh , Puce , Epl trey , Dumb Ague. hu $ ooo Would Not Buy It. in Da. ) Iollle-I have wad your V4eeotflo unit for aroma time , and It haa done all that your Agent slalmad for It. Any one troubled wtth rheumetlom or cotatia , I wouldaay , buy home' . Ploctno Melt/or one of the thirty dollar. belle cured tae of the above di.eaee In a abort time. Any one wlrhtnc to confer on with in. , Dan do so by writing or oalllag at my store late Douglas at. Omaha Neb , hu wlLuAlr LYONS I cheorf ufly recommend Itorni s Flectrlo Neil as an emetent cure for rheumatlam , baring worn one for .hat malsdy ; tut7 AG UNDEItIIILL For iiie b Fo.te Urea , CouzCll LIuU. , lows , MAIN OVICE-G posfte l'oetodlce , ! hearer Die tie Yor Sale at a 1 , Ooodmau s thug btoro 1310 'wnam Streef O tha wa - an > EIURIJSB by Lu I Have Found I t Was the exclan > nUon of a man when ha got box of Lhuelu Pile Ointment , which to a elmple and cure , eute for PSoa and su Skin Utaeuaa Fllty oo ts by mall , patpald , $ The American Dlarrbwa Cure , mo Uaa stood the teat for twenty yearn Swe ours for all Morbu. hover Fall. . Diarrhoea , lyasntary , and Cboto Deaae's ' Peter and Agee Tonle & Cordial , the it la lmpoeelble to .uppiy the rapid sale of the ulna. tim SUItE CUItE WAIIIOANTED be For Foyer and Ague , and aD Maiarlal trouble. , PRICE , $ ! A0. W.J. WHITER OUSE you wil LABORATORY , tUTU ST. , OMAHA , NEIL. DL For Sale by all Druggists the fro I not by Expreee on receipt o vitae , tuna Du C EAT E LISH REMEDY. , Ii UFCSP Y 7tvous d ebh , { y ' ' OxIub IAAS 1 OF MANLY YIOOItliIwrrwtorr C. Itra , eta. , when all ether rem r d , (11(51 ta1L A cure pvarantu $ t.roabottle , lergu bottle , Lou : Aril timoc the yuantlty , $5. Wy cx the press to any addroe. Sold b altdruggtetc. ENGLIS1 ! NEW [ ov CAL iNSTITUTE , I'roprlet s , yla Olive Street , St Loub , Mo. six "I kayo acid Sir Astley Coopcr'e Vita ) Itoatorahr e for year. Every owlomer spoaka htg Wy of 1L ! se tmhu.ltattnglyeudoree It u a remedy of true merit du Q'C. F. ODObYae , DNggt.t. to Omaha Febl ) Wes YIB mtn.e'olty MEN ua lli troy rho a.u iwdlerdt. a , ne.uu or ohessouse e say. u . .nd , l , . cplr'I.1. phey.l1J drda.d , sea castle M , .rtya Ilfd. . . , . duit. , , . . Wotan eu b al " S e. r u .rw LIMU , wn. , , rhhv.I auuuep axdln. . . . xadwae al.1ucI r aaul.a. " iae 11.5504 tae X,41c.1 Ue4 5..S Th..ll 4 r i..e1 w4i4 bj TI l YE l1 A lfeTah INrhl s. , i ui ) uwet..ea.eeau t.dotaular..uwubur.funaa1 . ( HI Ua.hu.d , bw.le.a.CUse onaelI4.u.Lt. , B .r G th , I , Ntut . Ga.14J,11 and phplolou I. , . . shu went vraY Itvnavs.v 4' . . , e. w , rah 5r , em ANIIOOD-PaIUsely Rutorallu from two to 1 o days by Mexlan Vegelebte tonfecnen. ! or t.trUtidara sddrt i San Metro Medial Oo , P. O. Box :1I , bt Iau zt.w toe HIS HALF-BREED WIFE. The Terrible Iifc Chosca by a Mac of all Ercellcal Family. Sai d to have Quitted an hJegnnt h ome for the Society of TI.tevete arid 1)etepcratloc4. New York Slat. T he cnbo o ! Andrew S , hall , which has found its way into the Supreme court , Bro oklyn , teems with interest. hail l is the non of n former Now York hot manufacturer ufacturer who died some years ago , leav ing an estate of great value. 'rho me mbers of his family rite punons of emi Wont respectability , The ruothdr and seat er of Andrew reside at No. 4.1 Chaun coy street , hrooklyn. Their home is mar ked by elegance and roGnemett , and the ladies move in the bast circles of suciaty. From bis earliest childhood Andrew betrayed uvidalw of intellectual n'alk Hasa , nna the silly thimga ha was atoll to do kept shu fancily in continual rorUtrbn tint , Whmt ho grow to mnuhmnl how- eve r , ho furnished occasional glintjraea of mon'tl solidity , and rat the ago of 26 dia ( rlnycll 1119 good AUIIBO by mnrr'lug a very goo d-looking and high-minded peuug lea } . In addition to this iugwrtant atop 110 b 8tablI'ehea himself in rho hot bua 1105 8 ill a Bltlall way , became the father nE two intarceting children , and wns giving exc ellent promise of future usefulness to soc iety whoa his al0ictitai revisited him. Ho ta n rant man things that wore pai nful and inert ; ( Yt to his wife and olativea , and finally , in 1878 , it bacamo necoaenry for them to dace im iii an asy lum Eor Uta iuenna lfia clwo won car efully investigated by the best medi col talent of Brooklyn , nna rho court for mally adjudged hitlunatic. After a rueidonce in tics asylum for Ballta mo nths his mother requested hie libera- tie n. This HM done , after the rhyai oimt'e statement that ho had recovered his mental balance , and was a fit parson to be at large. 1 t9 his wife refused to live with him , howovar , has mother proviaoa him with nccomm0dnttats in bar awn sumptuous hem e , and everything reasonable was sotto to mnko the unfortunate man for- got hia alllictioh Pnrtios wore arranged for his benefit and his children visited hits regularly , and nuvur fuilua to mnni feat tier aG'wtiannto concern for ] dn wel fare. 'Phu only raison that 1118 trice didn't call wnfl the wretched conlitiot of her health. After a lingering illness the wif e died , and front the moment the hew s was brought to him hall resumed his aiu ulnr conduct. Hoping for the bes t , rue mother rufraWed } from causing his return to the Mbunae bar own and dau ghter's efforts wore raaoublca i1) mak mono o attractive to him. With the boat it could buy ho was ) raviaea but still bo vandorea elf nYd sought the companionship of rho lowest and most rnd a types of ] tu inanity. O n Bergen street , East Now York , the re is n colony of low whites , nogroue , Chinese and half brood Indian. . Thu last me ntioned claim to be duacouaante of a } Lo ng Talarta tribe , Rion and women , wh ite and black are huddled together ft t thi s dirty neighborhood , whore stole s dis gusting and lawless are continually bei ng unnctud. Tim houses are Ute mar cast hovels , and in many of the done doz aua of the dogrnaoa creatures live to 'other in Utu cellars. The population i made un'oE sneak thievoa , murderers and rep resentatives of every conceivable tea- into of crime. When hail would quit his mothar' a roe f it mane to this vile notghborLood that ha invariably directed his stops , ' 1'h u taco scorned to have n fascination fa r uim which he could not resist. lie WILl nut molested for rho good reason that lie fre ely gave rho wretches all the menor he ro liavo with him' and as his visit A regular and hut profligate liberality the same , his coining wiu rooted with t scclanlatin of delight. Amen the worst t1w sot was a woman named Wood. for akin mane black and her hair decided African , About bar thorn aid not cap pea r one feature that was not repulsive. e assorted , however , that she was au t Ind ian half-breed , although ft was known tt tha t she had unto boon the wife of a negro gro convict , eta that she mane ovau then ma rried to a darkoy whose record is said be dyed in blood. With this wontn t t ha il l fell nos wrntul in love , and ns ha r sband's drmea 1 a tlnaeltia rDeiaeltd o Brooklyn dangerous to leis safety , she ind uced hall to marry her. Thu care cooly was performed by n colored clur y man , and the pair wont to houeokee m g Bergen street. They lead been liv ing together for some tiula befor o n ll's family discovered th fac t of the mnrrtnbo , and elopB wore u OIlCO tAkUll 1)y 111N rolntivua to have lh corouunty declared void. The foot that rho woman btu a huabtuul living was set- d beyond question , and n amnmon e ft s iaeuea for leer nppnnrnncu in court t wi swer. This amumota was intercepted , Hall , end iuatona of the uugratla it man B who appeared in court ycatanlay , 11 o Bomnua laboring uuaur great oxcitauatt , ca and nnnoultcod the proceedings to mt rat de tempt on the part of his family to tt Mt e the romaindur of his inhuritaucu in litiin ; lien , lie said it hnd already cost bun t $10,000 , to establish shu fact that he ten ne Bann , but that hu would apeta $200,00 p re before ire would consent to a tlapa ration from his darling wife. "It would break her dear heart , " le e th uzclaiutud yesterday."lit shu know ese f se rmcooamga , " I f rho wemat aoaan't resera ( the nog t e the case is called Bha will Irobnbl Y on escorted to the court in n I atali auL th A bottle at A qusun'n uuturN u ) Aavo r sc r lemonade , or wry other cold drinks svitlt l ken { , you free roan nyepDA1a ; , Colic vrhoca and all other dlsoanD. uriginnHu m thodlgtl/th / o orgnnN. Ile sure and o t gonulun Au/oxUsrn , manufactured y , J , (1 , B , 8115 ( ; tllfl' k SONS. _ - _ - ' ThonuaN Ilughes at Itugby , A coreospoudelt tailing loom Rugby , 'l'oon , , Maya : Air , 'PIIOInM Iluglics , ed . , } a established at cho Iluglucs uattnla [ roro is mtjol iug iku ntounGun air in I to purlucGma Alr. Hughes arrived it 1 ' ' couchp some ton days nro. Ho con u er from lu'lnnd , first to tluO lds you l uruLle toothier , who , at the ago aE eighty , is u piatcor in the wilauruuae ; rood " condly , to enjoy n root trout his o83cin 1 ties , IIo Itaa declined all invitation arnvu eltllt the utturmotlt puma of ibo colt ) it. aunt , maid will remain quietly at Rugb y in until the close of the mouth , u'Len ho re 1 turns of Eulatd , lichens quite recover of from rue illness of last year , whirl l tLroutunua BOrI0U8 COtlnlta , and in lie ra aiaut spirits , Ile sat on the westt'r n piazul of ihu Hughes cottage , with ht s writing desk on hens knee , and talked wit } t e gaiety of "Tom Bron" Limeclt , It ! D group hitu wore his toothier , n oy bcnubtull typo .t' tbo old t noble rod trev to tlowoman , his brother , Mr. IfaatmJ , e Hughes between whom and Mr. Than as Ifuglwe uxista a Inoru than Ordlllary a f H foctfon , and fir , Ilsatings lughas' young dau ghter EmilY' ml old friend has 'oat arr ived font ] 't.ig i land whom neither lead seen for twenty -earn ; and n friend or two cram Cinc nal ; , Thu calk was full of reminiscence and hopeful prophecy for the colony tvldclt is wcalhcring the storm mul sure to cone out all right. There is at Rugby lthe nucluuaof n delightful coin- tmmiint cannot fail to attract to it mo re nee ) la of Iho sumo sort , The air is fra grant n ikh the perfume of the dnu for- est , M oxhilnratin as ciao ) aim , The forstM trees loon Drat and look Into Aires llughos' charming garden which thoak111 of h er En liah gnrdnorhnsconvcrtoa into n bank of blossoms , over which countless hutnming birds horror like so many nni mated emeralds and rubies. Hero , "far from the ntnddaning crated , " and in rho midst of his loved Dues , Mr. Ifughes will puss his brief holiday. lit , lughes iA sued early in rho weak iuvitatiana to n buunut [ G , which all the Rugby people wer e inrdud , It Grek place Friday tght rat ihu Tabard inn , - - ® - - - - lIoal'a Sarsaparilla fa an eztntct of the bea t TOmtCtIICAof rho tc6utablu kingdom kumvn as Altorntivuar and Blood L'uri Gan , A HAItI CASK Trlnlr + et Ute ltollglotta ISditor of n lltouklyte lhtper , Broo klyn lngIo. " 1Vo ought to do smoothing about this Band of hope , " augtuatud ; rho religious , edi tor , scratching his baud aiemally etaoffe lee k inghopelessly at the mnnnging editor. I don t know exactly what we ought to dohnE we ought to do earnalhing , " : "What is it all about aflkoa tLa mnn aging editor , glancing up wearily. "What is the Band of hope ? How many times hav e I Fold you not to iutorforo in 1)o " liticsl" " The Ilona of Iopo isn't ' politics , " anooroa rho religious editor. It's n Sunday school teutpurnuco organization , " "Weil , what about it ) " donnnded the managing editor , impatiently. "Do they wan t to ho brou htbDEorotho public ? Are rho alter n note ut" " Not that Heave heard of. But you told me to pick Maine religious subject , td I thought ern might heave sonuthin about. thntif you couldn't think of anything oleo. Ashu soon limo I don't s ay. " " 1Vhnt is the object 0f the orgnniz noun , anyway ? " naked tlw managing edi tor. "To kuur [ little boys and girls out of drupknra's groves , " ru iliea trio religious edi tor. "I toll you that thi6 does n heap of good. They save millions a year. " 'Pretty well fixed , ain't they ? " coin- tnentaa rho moon iu sailor , "You might aomuthitig sbOUt millions llof n the a year the children put into the treasury for ho society that would othorwiao go for rum , 'Phut tvonla plunao'an , nod ft would hurry n3rrag [ subscriptions. You know the pu blic always rives to a rich benevolent more nod otcorn quicker Utat it does ton Iroar into , t last you told ma so , " is "What're you blundering around about no w ) " aentanaDa the religious sailor , ice sigh tvrnth , " [ 'm ' talking aLnut millions of souls nod nut aolhtra. I don't know , hour much moony they Giko in or how much they trans ; I only know they induce nulliona of urchins of both 80x08 EO giro up the use of the intoxi- ca ting bowl std land new and bettor liv es. " "Tltat'saworthy ' objoct"said theeman. aging editor , M0Jta grasped ft , "I don't know want bejoF uao sunto of those people could ho lut to than loading rho young loan away from the terrible tan1)Ma tationa of the flowing decameter , er even shu amnijuhu. You may write somebus complimentary of tLo orgm zntion is an d lot mo look at it , as I may watt to add Aontethiug whoa you hero fin. corned. " "Look hero ! " exclaimed the religious nailer , indignantly. "I suptroro you are $ the oral human being on the top of the who ea rth doesn't kt w all abet that Brand of Elope , aced hero you want to call attention to it ns though ; liras sumo fresh sci entific discovery ! " "Isn't it ? " asked the managing editor , imucottl , "Isn't it ! " ecleooa the religious editor , in despair. "Nn , it can't , Whore do you sup1)oao your cL3ldron and mina would off land if it wasn't for this Bated of hope to amtheta out of the tam ) tation to the which are conatantl ol osod and tau ght Yknow the evils of intomnor nucul" " 15 it as bad as that ? " imluirod the managing editor. "if that is the cnao , bra you might cane right out mid nmko tint sta tement and I'll hack ft with a leader in d ay or two. This fe sanuthhlg Iho public end uughtto know , " par "Iluttwpublicdocaknox [ it ! " groaned ants' Ulu religious editor , 1)08 ' 'Thou , if thee public knows all about it , what do you want to monkey nrowgl with such furl" duwalaud the maneJJib editor aced th asperity. I Bocnuso It is a good thing to allude to once iu n while , ! ho people like to rona to about it aced ft helps along n ri611toous use. Now do you begin to tuEhan in Y the sign ? " "That's all ribltt"arguod the managing editor , "Go right ahead , Du 1 unaur sta ted that theao aolf ancriGoing pcoplu glect their own work to ace after the we lfare of children who have abmulotud btu Ihansulvos to the inGrzieatiou of the tha iuebrintin cup ! If there fa anything of at kips 'Wing of in Brooklyn , this paper will stick the a 'anir ttto t until lhu I last clog ie hun'I" with " 1Vu7Il that's the size of it , They not mot ly contort them , but they do ft fn such aw ay that ft hole all their voa , Didn't wh ey havu n brumb , baud in your SuuaaY you " heel ? nna "Never watt to Sundayschool"slgnad w the uuum ing editor , " Aloru s the pity , " grimted the rough. Due editor , "I was the taitt stay of my Lund when I was n youngster. So act I'll gut up Bouluthin6 on tint racket , skull lt „ evil " 1 would , " retlfod the managing $ : itor. " 1 Don't think of any bettor aub to judt , ° " [ so. } ' , " eontinnod the religious editor , sub Did you leave tint dumijuhu raplop. nro iahud with mapitvttfnu , us you pronutlud it . tut""I "I did , " reported the msnnging editor , But not far the mainstay et nay bond of LOpe chat anlggud you out oil druuknra'a sca when you worn at infant and fixed at ) you would never break your pledge tint your old ale. Not much ! Every drink surf Lave over urea you x111 line ' huavil auto m mina until 1 aio and lit I call rn nmlinu by choking vn1 oil' uou' it's 6 in6 nro ba dun , You hone- uhilu cluck ! " nran And Ulu tnanugiug editor turned to n half IinielleduaiGdnl on "TlwSdnrcitp of ' emocratic Cmtdidntea for the Proaitlun uu'ut , " while the religious editor wont oil ' req cut shu learns of the l3fblo with a std proof render for enough enthusiastic to enublo Lint to do justice to the Baud of could ope , tgoDa e 1)ION HOUCWAULT , A Very Interesting Talk With Iho Great Actor and Author , lianas City Journal , "I LnvupoAtpmtea the rehearsal till thin eve ning mt account of some contusion id regard to the machinery , The speaker , Alr. Dunn Ilaucicnuli , came forward to moat n Journal representative afte rnoon in the parlor of the ( .Dates A pleasant appearing man is the author and actor with a droll into , n pair of 11AIE laug hing yet penetrating eyes , and agmt oral guuinlJEY of manner which at once places one at eMO , "You ace , " ho continued , "i must ho continually rehearsing ales uliining my , , anplu in order to keep them within boumas , , It is rho same as brenkin n hone. IIo will last ran if we make loin kee p to his trotting anon though ho ro fostr at litnt in the rnllulr. It's just so with the actor' hu inn got to ho h Lauri cmttinunll and she tun , for mntWr of tha t , for the women are t uito equal to the ar in that regard. lE the audience lnu hx they think tho' untst increase the actiul , Now that is just triers they ro r traiuiu , I Etuu ea Gr tLunt , Du ut ' Nnturnll o 1 change ' ) art ally ? M author u ! Ulu piece , [ 1 n'ht odd very Henl ey funs sayings. } 3llt d , I d0 thlal Of cprflu l do hot. 1ll0lcratiocc is ono of t he essentials of acting , and this is why I tonal colatautly rehearse uty coin- check tleetn and aiscipine [ them , cO ace th0 w0lllbll 08ltCC1al1' nC0 a It uLtin' tremor ; trio to avorao. A ' Oil stag e inn ho very attractive , but a vixen offe nds Lilo audience. 'l'ice is not mt ago of moat artiatoa. The aGt'o like every- thih ular is affected by rho spirit of which is one of invention and ox plOrnton } , Minds arc bent on probng nature , and strike right to the bowels for truth. We heave many beautiful women on the stage ta any aced tnarty that arc magnotio eta pleasing , but none that are great in rho sense tlnnt Itnchol or Riatori exce lled , 1Yo tnny go over rho whole list , end ing with Bernhardt , and find thoanmo TOBUIt. " IIERNUAnnr , "Do you consider Barnhardt rho grant- oat actress livings"T "Bernhardt is feline , dramatically at tuuuntua , yet shu magnetizes loot audi- ence s. Shu boars the auntu comparison to ltiaturi tint the sharp , xuaaon crock of the rillo does to the boon of the car. non. " "She is emotionless , cold. I know Rn chaul wall ; oho wan n great paseimtuto wom an , capable of nby amount of feel- beg ; ns fluch she wont ns for ba nna trio } xmfl of to-day as any treat soul ads bo } nna n small ue. l3unthnrat could put n knife to your throat without any compunction. TLoro is rno soul in bur. " of 1nIEA. "You know Rhon , who is now playing at our now opera lt0usol" "Certainly , aria suns iutroauced by my is pre sent manager at first. She is the fashion at present , There is n great furore roro over those actresses tvltu speak cho pped up Euglieh. It was the same with [ out , A great anal of capital onion of their social 6 , 1'hoy are charming , graceful wouun who please the pcoplu wten brought into per- son al contact with theta. It to a portion rf cho trade , Rhea is trot groat. She is pretty , ou&ngiug and undoratauds the art of oxctmg , admiration. It is the same with Mary Anderson , who by the way , nsyou probably knew , fa auccecaing adm irably ut Lauaet , She is in ray ' opi nion , the most beautiful woman on rho stage ; for handsomer thou Afro. . Langtry. I have nosvn the latter lady from n child bit , When I last saw her allb asked if oho' mu mane ns beautiful as Ma ry Anderson , My reply was , 'My It aonr child , no. You heave n beautiful bus t calla WAIBE , but that is all , ' There no rant Smtius fn any of tLcao woven nnayotthoynmkugreutfortunes , Really , thorn w bettor living for a woman on the ' stage than in any other preft saiom The acubrotto part in 'Shaugrautl' commands $25 u week eta expenses paid ; where would youGnd , such pay outside ? " fa there as great n reaching towards Ule dramatic eGtgo ns the operatic ? " "suet as rent. We nro besieged over whore , and , nlthou gh we ore 6 % nd to oY courage talent , we discourage those whO my auok the life aimj > ly for the love of ad mirntion. That s wheat calls off the actresses will tresses they are applauded a little amid they go outiroiy satisfied , and beyond learning anything , " IIENILY IRVINO , "low aooa henry Irving conpuro with Boo th ? " n s "You can't compare thorn. Ono is not ndy and rho other champngna , I heave known henry Irvin over since ha was u as he poor actor , playing lie nie obscure provin his tLuator. JIu was than earning $15 week cued working hard for that. I mnote ' leis g0111U8 at aide but. din not sup- 0 tint ho could over attempt tragedy , itor resp wall rauoubor the first night ho trios n art. I tenaiu aLax with n friend goes I ux , ' ' nna octodfuihiro , 'Don't cu think wit and hnvo enough to son his good Uinta without your cmttinuall nrun bin nthun Orl ore , ' aia I to ut catnnniot. l It manna success. I want behind lthe ecunua after fiat act nna I Baia ; "I was miatakol , lleury ; you cot act , " "Ycu won't like Irs'ing at first , " continued Mr. Botmi court , "beet ho is like .16einthu , The ity utoru you take of him trio ntura you want , nltltauglt at liras you soy it is disagreoa , bitter slur ( , but afterward you foul k ) t you moat heave it , ELLEN TEIntY. You will lea clmrmoa with Ellen Terry. predict that shu Uuitua SG1los will ring her Homo , Shpis n GIII , alight tvo shu , uud has , ! classical troy uE wrapping veri drapery about her body. You can't sue ere it begins or whoru it atria , oily many nro couaciuus that it suite her dye b0C1)111Ua her. She is n wonderful IC , ' ono on. ' 'Do you cousiacr play trritiug rauu land uonttirul' ' tran "Lot utu tall you something , " scud the eigh or , "t wtutu " 1'hu Shnugbrnur , ' bu henna acts while rehearsing u drool , It the also s such a Buccose that 1 was olforua :60,000 fur it , ' 1'hia seemed a gees stmt rata for n tow loon' work , aua so I etunlB tDlointphnd ; Julfuraan for advice on the not out , eta got the nnswa' wait anti sue lknlr , [ did nut sell it , aced not ur rtArultoa front Ay 1,1nytl nru rut iucxluuutildu baulk from trhtch 1 con drnw. " would "Tbis moans gauuue , " sold the jour' city unliat , 'Use aturagu writer of the dtq jar rcely makes a living , ' : soulo "It is u cmioua thing iu rognnl to about , " said Afr. lluucicnult , adttlius him. a in nu easy posture. "Sontotunoa u nru riot ; along for years lvithout hula rlshin' } of ncconl ' un hin 'I'on ' ltobortaou for iiBhutca nod n let' nut [ n 'aua Wino ilu s before Lu tll'LOd dea "toile"telltdii uiaau luitl ru1u ous tntiol , , " to A writer is often a matter of develop. lie teitlu , but ncliuf ; , that is , grout ncthtg , uires mote gift , 1 can enter n rouut auluet fn n fury monunte the oleo eta omat that COnIa act ICOnI t110B0 WhD not. It requires intolligatw , u lyzod nod voice std n certain attraction of The Doctor's Mistalco. Onc of the old mistakes of the profession was to think that therm w crc no other gays of curing dis. # case , except those which had been ! landed down from fonncr times. It is not to be denied that the Doctors have done great things for the world. But when it comes right down to the real curio of disease , it must be admitted that Brown's Iron Bitters has done enough to ear n tlc } generous gratitude of shu whole present generation , including tlc } medical profession. There are no mysteries or secrets about the compounding of Brown's Iran Bit- . This preparation of iron is the only preparation which will not in- jur e teeth or stomach. In this it is bey end comparison JJCttcr than the other preparations , which are mis- chi evous and injurious , You need not fear a mistake in trying Brawn's iron Bitters. YGUI dru ggist has it. It gives vigor to the ccblc , and ncty life to the dys peptic. Children take it , not only with safety , but with great advan- . U mmluer. 'Phase , added to study , will produce at least good results. " rlEtar nu bolt's conversation Leith the brilliant actor , the reporter loft to ponder over rho prolific brain svLich lead proauc oa such grant results , 1VA1rASit , INU-Tho Plain Dcatcr lens this to any : "Undoubtedly the most moritortoua remedy of rho present ring is SE , .Incoba Oil. It 11AS been proven an absolute cure for rltountatisnt alto neu- ralg ia. TII [ : NGIV COIrOIiEU CADET. Amt Why lie Does Not Ileuro Any Trouble , New York Sun. T he Cadets at 1Vost Point } IaYO been studying over a recent acquisition , a cole red nnnp , and hno ; decided not to bounce him. Some tLfuk that the tensor rho nasv cadet is not bounced is because he is able to wLip any dozen white coasts in the place , In such a cuss it is itajudici Due to haze n colored elan. Htziug ; is . 5aaa nuwsmncnt whet the crowd can mop unto a small cndotana torture biro , but when n cadet is n sax ( outer , broad of ehaulaar told strong of limb , who can Gtlio n platoon of ordinary ccadets and tin than ur fu buncheslikotaishes the fun hnzhu' la 110E visible to the ordinary cad et. lBut thorn nro other roasona wh the zloty colored cadet is treated ne n gontuntun. ] IIo is a gentleman. Iris skin d ark , but hu is n kind-hearted , genial , thorougldy gODa fellow , bravo as a lion , and as wall educated as any of tire white buys at 1VettPoinE , lie does not put of any airs because lee is n colored man and does not oak anq favors , or protection , either socially or rat the line of leis duties. Ho is not ; t negro minstrel , The trouble with Whittaker , eta Flipper , the other two colored cadets who wore bounced , was that they were colored dudes regular summer hotel waiters , trio thought they ntuat treat their hats on one eao , , mid appear rile the spoiled children of colored waahwomat , 'PhD white cnaote disliked these minstrels fro m the first , and their lot was not a happy nna. When white bogs go to West Point they havu to subnttt to 'hu miliutiat , and be the eorvaute of other cddota , which teaches tLbtn diaciplino. galls them , but they do it , lulllo } tire colored coasts gat on their dignity. They did not coma there to be servants , and humility lead to be boat into thous , into bec ause they world not submit to disci- 'trlinu , which } e the tint thing a soldier 1IAS to bane , wore finally fired out. The now oloed cadet , Alexander b Y Hama , is n different sort of a colored Intnn. He has gone there the same as a trhito boy would , to take things ns he finds thorn , and not become a full-fledged officer the tint month , He says , "Gen- tlemen anything you tlAy it is duty to do I will do , and however humiliating it is , I never kick , but if I find you ] lave compelled too to do humiliating timings that , t was not my place to do , I shall be dislcaeca. [ Alla 811A11 CCtallAtO , Thant colored young ntnn will come out all right , and some day we shall hunt of him n graduate with high honors. Ito does prcaumo upon his color to pull him througti Lis oxnmiuntiat without study , F lipper and the other n nstrel diabttt will study night and day std colquer , oxnm rte could be safely followed ban white an na endue aim met . A year freY at est Point will be more ected both by oflicore , cadets and vis- s thou the colored young mint tvLo thorn a atuaont utetead of a song- anuco mat , amid who souks education not natorioty. Success to the color. cadet , old may ho throw the first crowd tint attempts to haze him into the lfudaon river. DlNOaso , 1'roeasily { and Passion , brings Dimikind numberless uilmmmets , foremast atrtoug sham are Nervouettoss , Nervous llohil , and ununtural vs'cukrmaa of Generative Organs ; Allen's Uraln Nand successfully over- cumos these troubles and ro + throe tits sufferer h is fonncr rlvoa $1.-At druvgists , A Cave Dweller , hop Cheycnoo Sun. cau About thirty miles from this city , in The vicinity of Pole mouptaiu , Chord is tt table dweller in : a cave , The uaru inhabited by the solitary htairatml ; is har up on trio mountain , about ono huu heal d nod aaretty live tout from rho base. 1w l8 ahIltlBt IIII000SAII)10 , , thorn being only or two trails , dilticult of ascent , that Wh untimely to the Lola in the rack , ' 1'ha en- ce to shu cave fe hardly more than ent w ' teen iuchra equnru , and the interiorhar ahnurteious nro uuknosnt , Not for from har cure ntuntionod fa atothur ono that fe ) . at times occupied by the Haul , ' 1'ho r. follow pruya at the noighboriug rulehea , prostssiene , nna probably hunts a httlu. lie recently stole ; t sack of and Navunll canes of baking poaaor l [ , A. ArnoW'e ratcLu and [ eft that by guntlaual nntoasugo to tlw effect troll hu wea kill him shu uamett uu apportu occurred , thus adding iueult to in } . Oceassiepnlly tbu Ilontit goes to rancho , eta if there ; Ira no utot . uttlore the nvomon presuut to cook dinner for him , 11'0 ono has yet Bue couaud fn inturviarrag } shu horuut for ho Poe festive habit of poultiug rho muzzle n rillu out of the cntnulcu of his duct hia conunnna to lunvu , thus umphn , 19 1111A111II10U,11 } ' obeyed by all curi- people teha U1118 far hnt'u nttomttad turn ' make a uorghbarl ) ' Call at hia b0 LLOIR hack itl believed to be a don roroutl crank ) ' trhan it would not 1 % houlihY to tAltlrUr. ( PR Lwlles ! 1'Idaicimta and chdud.Lt hero nna 1'nzonl'N nwdicatud comploxlon { wvs d er trea reoummeud Its use to thou winds oatd lad y friends. 1Vhat bettrr aula ire said of It. Has the Best Stock in Omaha and Makes the Lowest Prices FURNIT x t't ll Mirrors , Bedding , Feathers , And Ever heng pertaining to the Furic Lure and Upholstery Trade. PASSE 'GER ELEVATOR ! CASI SIVERICKI To All Floors. 120G,1208 mid 1210 Farnam St , OMA11A , NEB GATE CITY P LANING MILLS I MANUFACT Efts of Caroenters' Materia's ' ' . -ALSO- ' Sa ll , Doors , DliadI s Stairs , Stair Railings Dalaslers1 iadow & Door Frames , &c' F irst-die. faclll es for the manufacture of all klnde of Mouldl g. Planing and Matching a epoclalty' f Onion from rho country will be promptp ! executed. Addreee all oommunleotlone to An MOYF.a , Proprieto 1 EDHOLM & ERICKSON , WHOLESALE , RETAIL AND MANUFACTURING i JEWELERS ! " I Elegant hues of Ladies' and Gents' Gold Watches and beautiful stock of Solid Silver Ware , Diamonds , Jewelry and Spectacles. We would call special attention to the best and most RELIABLE RAILROAD WATCH Ever placed on the Market , namely , the celebrated Quick Train , Solon bus , Ohio , Watch. It is superior to all others , ' I ' . ] c ' b ] : v 7Pa no. We have the Agency for above renowned Piano , which is Fecond to none. Also the lrindcman & Son's Pianos , and hour' also the famona Aardman Piano en sale. 'We also carry full lines of best Organs and Sheet Music. Ne warrant our goods the best iii the market. An inaptc lion will convince the most skeptical. OUR TWO STORES Are located as below : a Jewelry Store , Corner 15th and Dodge , opposite Postofce. Piano i l Wart'room and Music Parlor , Crounse's Block , 16th street , near Capitol ! Avenue. Please call and inspect our goods at both of our stores. Pianos and p Organs sold on monthly payments. EDHOLM & ERIC SON ICR , er 9treat. a TH . Cor 15th and Dodge , and 16th , near Capitol Av ; JEWELERSlchonp. cue Omaba , . tt I , - y T I OF FILE AND PARLORS ' I OVER THE NEW OMAHA NATIONAL BANK , Thirteenth Beta Farnam and D ougless Sty. ' , OMAHA , NEB , PROPRIETOR. I SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO DISEASES OF s Throat and Lungs , Catarrh , Kidney and Bladder s Well , as all Chronic and Nervous Diseases , Y D 1 . . ' Y ; ice H B L A 1 'I' If s. discovered therrresteet cure l the world tut weekneu of the back and limbs , involuntary Ischarga , Impotencygeneral , dabtmty nervoueneaelanuar , confusion of Ideas , pnlpltaUon of the hen tlmldlty , , dramas trembling lunge , stomach or bowel-thong of argil or giddiness terrible habit. dtecaaoa of the hood , thrat Irnblta nose or akin , afiectlona t too ] Ivor , , , morn total to the victims than rho arising from eolllery of youth , and wcru ; paotla es or anticipation , , rendering tsrnlge ewtga o1 impwselble. Hyrons to the url ere of Ulysua , blighting their m r.dlaat , Ttoao sing that nro suarring tram the cult practices which destroy their mental and physic yroteme NERVOUS DEBILITY , symptoms of whlah are a dun , dbtressal wind , which unflbt thorn far performing their Luellt sector duties , makes > a and Kapp marrlago hnpoaslLlo , (1htresses the ac Ilon of the heart , causing Ausbe.I heat , deprosslou unnatural of eplrlle , pain lonbudhga , , Cowardice , lean dreams , restlusc u1gits , dlulnusd , Grgotduy , dlachargce , in the hack and hips , short ltreathlng , , melancholy , tin sully of eompy anti ' t preferoncu to be algae , / , whltn bond do. o.lt algaerellng Iii u tired hr Iho , noming u wino retiring , actolna1 weakneta , laima , , , the urlna , nerr , , constlpatPon usneae contusion of thought trnnbling , watery and waabym dyewsele restored } to pertat health , pudnutwl _ , pxtln and xakuran I the limbs , eta , eltould ca sult rata ImurodLt m YOUNG MEN o hate become victims of solitary rice , that dreadful sari destructive habit when annually pn , gram thoustnds of young men of exaltbd latent and brilliant iukltect who mht olio 1)e . h rance full oonAdcnra. llstening senators with the thunders of their eloquence or wakes to ec.lacy the flying tyro , may q MARRIAGE , S4 ried { > creona or yomgmen ronlemplating marriage 1uk > 6 aware of physical weakness. loss of procroa , i.oxnr lugrotnncy , car any uthcrdhqualara { on rpxtdmy rdlorah lie who placea hhtaalf under the caret phydcuu 17ellLlatt , may relgisudy ( ; unt4'u t his honor u a gcuUauan , and inn9(1"ntly my 1)o hLI skill H JRGANAL WEAKNESS ImmaJlaldy carat and lull rigor restored. T1d. dlstrus.lnq mAlctlml-x hlch rdnden lUo o bunlen sad nurrkuo ; hnpwaalblu , no. the penalty paid by the scthn for improper Indulgen .e Young pwoplu are apt to' ' , nut being x are of tin Jruadlul consequnncus that tusy melee , how who that ndenlenJa this sub act will dnuy liar .rocrntlen ( a lost sooner b ) those lalling brio ucpreper babfle than a pndcutl Dnaldu being deIul + c(1ul tin ploaanro of healthy' ulfgrringa , rho roost narluus and daatnto ve , eymdome of both body and mind arise. Thu system become , deranged , shu phydlcal and mental functions 1 ken , Loss of procreative pox'on , nsnous IrrlgbSltr , dysx'pda } , 'udptatlun ( of thnhcutindlpostlo , 1 twostItt t iooat debility , xutlrk s u/ / nun frame , cough , con.untiron 1 and Jcat1l. A CURE ' ' WAl1RAN'I'ED. Tenons rulual in health by uuloerund pretenders who keep them trlAhte month after month taklcg 1 pu.leouuw and luJurlous compounds , ebuulJ apply line ; dlately , DR , FISIIBLA'l"J' , I r duate of one ul rho mostominuut callcea of the Unltu(1 Status , has sAcctud soma ut the most astonleh intro. that 'urn acr known- many troubled xnh riuing , In the oars and hoa.l , whenasloopgroat nenomnuss , UnulgalumwJettxriahlsuuudan'IUilrequent LlurhhlgattundeJeuutetlptus with . corsage. nteutul Cite mind were cured lliIllIetlfatd ) ' , TAKE 1\lt'rICULAR NOTICE , Dr. F. aidrolsa all those xhu haeu InJureJ tlnmelves hr hnnropcr Indulonco , and ; solitary habit which both body and udnJ , u.nltllnthem for buduess , study , w.cbty or , uarrlagc , 'nrrw era bunco of tlw wolandoly erfucts praluxd by the early habit. of youth , Na Wwlnou i . ; of the and Ihub. , to the Lalns head and dhmtars ul sight , IoNSOf uuucular ) , palpltatlon of Uta heart , { d'aKpda } , nertow IrrttabUdy , dersngnuten0 of , dlgcattre lunetlona , debility , raosumptlon. IVATE 0 F FIDES , OVER rlllw OASAIIA NATIONAL , OMAHA ' NEBRASKA , CONSULTATION FIIE& Charges moderate and within 'tie. reach of aD who n.aJ siiwltltls Mo(1lal . dmplyxndin tment. rhos thelra a ho mptolu rodde st wlthpatage. a distance and cac.rot mall , wlh raelpe prompt alleatlo Itrvega , aaD 61 'Address Lock Box 34 , Omaha , Nab , It t I '