Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 26, 1883, Image 1

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_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'Wi:1 ' : % -E------ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
z1bo -
I TflflEE WAflNIUaS ,
I ( NlIIAftti : uENitAl. : IIfl1ATY. AR
. t 'T H :
J'ECT.b I 0 FOfl.i W l iiisi : i N IT MUtES rIR )
WI' ' 1I'.tJ r tp.k 1TlI } IuIAxI1 : SIOM.
Till' NIV'U' SYiTEM , ANt ) TIIK
lENT I' Ynu u TO IC'.I' TU1 IVit.4 :
CATE. IfuV NY CflN4 MNU , FgvIII : , VI )
i.i : ' i' flht.IOU:4 : TrM'I4 , N ) : IVU I'AItflXV't4.
ANI ) OTIlI : iiuu i .It.JIiN N Itfihl liP
lItit 'j iu : ir risi Au'LlIt.E ' ; ANtI INC l.
I'AIIADt i : T.'NI" .N ' ALTRtAT F
I VEItI AI.\VAY3 IN lIME ? 301.1) 11i . * I.
I TO THE PUBLICJ I ( ilUhftIfl havitig publlIud
I willful and rnalldou. taeIioiwl In rearil to the char.
i ctorot The ! ) tIlIfl tatu lttery Crntqny ,
lollowing fftct. Rre Ivoti to the putilo to Irovo hi ,
statement , thL e arc eigaetI in Irauluicnt bu.
ln , . to bu IAI.o nrnl Unt no :
Amount of irizc pai by The tul.lRni St4to tot.
tel ) Company fruin Jauuar' I , 1879 , to pre.eit d&te :
1'aid to Southern ixpres CoNcw Uriuaua ,
: ; ? ; T. t. 'Vecott Manager . . . . . . . . . . . $1
. . , ji' Paid to toul.iua National hank
- - - Jo5. H. Oglciby , irItlcit 403,900
Laid to LouiIa'iii Statu NRtional IJnk ,
. 8. 1 ! . Kcnnedyt'reIdent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i5jou
PAul to Now OIhftnNationnI Bank ,
c A Paltlwin I'reskent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
paid to UiIon National Hank ,
I 8. Chadaron Cailer. ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,403
I L'akI to Citizen. ' hank ,
h E. L. CirrIcro , l'rei dent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,0OQ
PaIJ toUgrmnnia at'onaI B.nk ,
I JuieMC4IVd , I'rokIent . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I Pkt to liibetIa National Bank ,
I Chas. L'aitr y. Cashier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B,000
I Paid toCanalliank , P.41. Tobv , CaiIiIsr 12,150
I Paid to.tntut National Banc.
I Joe. M&kh.i , Ca.hior. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,200
Total patti aq alovo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
PkttnninofuJcrI.000 ,
I ftIotis oti1ce of the Company
I throughout thoUnitodSt.ato , . . . . . . . . . . 2,827,410
I Total paid for .11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . # 4,8S1,06 (
I Far the truth of thu above fa.t , we rotor the vubiIc
I totlie offleers of the above naimd corpomtIo , and
I for our ) eaIIty anit .tandIn to the Mayoratid Ofliceri.
of the City f Ne' Orlean' , to tli State autiioritie.oI
Louisiana , atii alee to the LI. S. Ohilcial. of Loui.iana.
We claim to in' h gal. Iiotieot i'nd corrcct In all out
, ' trautactIoiup , ai much .o as any bwdiiesi in the coon.
try. Our .tanting I. concthteI by ah wlrt will inve
I tigato , and our stock Iiat for year , been 8 1L it out
Board of Ilrokoui , and ot nod by many of our best
known and rebpoct4al cItieta. .
81. . . . DAUL'1lI , President
I t4rCAPITAL sioooo. Tlcket2 oi ,
$0 , shares In proporhon ,
Louisialla tatc Lottcry Coman
, , t ( i Iiei-eby cert/'y that tee svperrise th.e a , 10 ? aU the Monthly and Sem.Antia.
I , Drawings of the Lotthiana Sfate totterti Cotnpats
add in rer.on tirniuu/e and confroi te Drawitvj
t.Aeiue1 ves , gnu tAat the tatne are conducted Wit )
onutyfairnee. and in jjood/aith toward a1i rat
tks ani2 we authorize the cornpanyto tue tht ccr
tificat. , uiIhfac.sfrnttea 0/ our , ijnatureg attached
i 4n its adeerttsenscnta
: L /1
: COttXIMlONIna.
: in 1863 for25p3adby the legWatui
eduoMlonal and charitable i'jose-wIth a cap
of . which fund of omt
. $1,000,00G-t.o a rqrve
. .0ooo ha8 since been added.
. iy an overwhelmIng popular 'rote it. franchiar
; ( 4 made a part of the p.ejt state consUtutlos
t , . . _ ' ; Lted December 2d , A. I ) ; I.iD.
onZV ° ttii coo" voted on and eadoraed b
' ' S. IJtp.ople of anj , state
\ Jfncver Scales or Poetponr's ,
I Its grand single number drawingo tak.
: ' place monthly.
TuNn. Tenth ( ] rrui4 iraWItig , Cla.r.t K. at Now Or
ttt 1etn , TUESDAY , OW' . Oil , , 1883-161st Month1
I 0A1'ITAL I'IIIZE , p75,000.
. .
, 000 T1CKKI at FIVE UOt.tAitS AC11. Tac
- I ticiio , in Pitt ) , . iii I'roirortlon.
I , OF
I I CAI'ITAL t'LtIZE. . ' ,
I I do do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,00
ti 1 do do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,00'
, 2 1'lIIZB.S OF' 03000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,00
1 5 do 2000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iooo
I 10 do 1000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,00
20 do 500. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,00
' 100 do 200. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,00
do 100. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80,00
I too do 50. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,00
1000 do. 20. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,00
ArI'tuII rI0 pRtzee.
0 ApproximatIon prlzetlrf 4750. . . . . . . . . . . 8,754
9 do do 500. . . . . . . . . . . 4,00
do d 250. . . . . . . . . . . 2,25'
liOl I'rizos , amounttn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ ,
AnpiiCiltiOtI for rates ° clubs should be made onI
thu olllctt of the Conpatly fri New Orleans.
For further infornrtl01) wrIte clearly gisin Ii
address. STake I' . . Money Orders payable and
r addr.ea negI.terod .etters to
New Orleans , La. .
Orflnary iettorbY MaLI or Express to
81 A , 1)AUPIIIN ,
or hI. A. 1JAUI'l.IN , New Orleans , La. .
507 Seventh St. % VaMhlngton P. 4
B. 4ank JIoore.
127 LaSalle / : tpeef. Chicaq. .
( Forinely 310 and 212 liroalnay N. Y , )
Now ) lanag ClIii'a.fu ( tube. 'I'o Wilma 11
- 1UtOrIOJi01I and tltkcts. 101st Monthly
I Ilrawliiic ,
. Tusday , Oct. 9.
First CntIl I'rtze $75,000. Ticket , $5. $ s.'d Ia
f I ftii. at ach. So ( till acheino oleewhsro.
& .w.5w
; -
In focr aitil ars
litricta , In troica3
jjjETTEp ttici other regioni
TLD 4 litot liv eldeIIiicS
bId itidetd iii
loutlities a.lcre
( 'OlIditiolla are un.
favorable to health ,
tIllS f.uiiius Vti'etII.
hi. ln igoraitt. or d
. - - aitoratisu , Hostel.
, . , - Icr's Stoitacli , lilt.
. . : ter , 1415 ttoti found
, .
: a potent IIIftUtI0
. F eci t feeble Coitti I.
, . . tutlotti aid frai Ia
' ; frtlJlt'S , abilu as a
cure ( or iitdlget.tlcn ,
blllousitesa at d kin
I STOMACH drorl cititjrlaiirts ,
is without a. rita ) .
I'or sIe by all
, 1)ruglha , irl I cal
are vncralv.
/-j / , , .
' - ; , " 4.
. I
, bL L 4j ?
_ _ _ _ : nat
: , An tire1lcnt CpJCtlZiO" ) tonic Dl
, , Y
4 - ( ' 5 qr iciluilotor , 1144W U4ntoYr Itic
. . - , -r t41ilia sotld , cuqee J ) ( ' ) #
, , , isrrhWs Fiverard Ante and sill
deordea , tS Iht , Jiestlyu ) rgnn. ,
. ' ltrW drops IIIItIZII $ fl delciont
; . _ fr flavortoasglai'clIa.mnrsxstand
. to all runIoIr , drinks. 'icy It , uhf
ien * ru ( itcutiut'rl , , it' . A.k your
. ; g-fl'4.r or driileIor the ) rululne
, . . . artde , lfliritistIurd 1' , [ HI. J ,
. ( I. ii. t1UUI1tI' 8
J , 'I. YUPEMlI , Sole AenL
1 eia Hr're.or * . J , W , ( ,
flrodwt. N. Y.
L 'L ' . I
Frc Bon1ass Catucs the Prsinti1 ]
Porsillhliloll ill th Oo1orc
Hin Addrosa a Remarkably Elo-
quout Plea for Praotioal
Eiuality in All Things.
" 2arties Were Made for Mon ,
Not Mcii for Partjos , "
The 1O % ' ? 01111'P4UIglmt ftl 1'sIt loll
Fllll' U1) t tltoVliIto StitittIitsI. , Suptoinbor 25.-'rIio cal.
oteti COlIVelltiOlt cutitititieti Ill 5tSsiUI1
Ufltdl ititur Rflillllltllt ? tloiidity ll'tl1t ,
wraitgliuig over thu porlllallultf ellairlalan.
slii1 , . Thu fight % ftH between Fied Doug.
lass , \Vasliiiigtou , 81111 D. A. Stratler , of
South Carolina. Easturn tiulegates
charged the west anti south with a desire
to dominate thu ( OllVthlltiIl1. ltOilIttt of
order were too numerous for the prcid.
lug officer , Greutie , oven to 1101)0 to do.
elite half of titeni. Too many wanted to
s1eak , at 011CC. Solno clttirged ( irceitu
with unfiiiriiesa , which ho resented iii a
dignified manlIer , and titreatened to
leao the chair , which the COIlVOUtioll op.
posed. Fred DOtlgla3S did hot ulitor tito
hail , but Iacetl the floor nurvousiy just
outside thu door , awaiting thu tardy
8U1111110fl5 to the presideotta chair. Die.
Vito high fooling , the delegates behaved
witit tue ucual decorum of political eoii-
VCfltiOllH , appiausu gellertals from
the ilnilietiso nUdielice which filled the
hail to a into hour.
After four hours 'hot wralIgliug , Fred
Dougiasowas brought into tue hail in thu
iiiidet of tito wildest clltilusiasUt. His
flielids got him 111)011 ) thu stand. l'ltu old
luau Vh1S treinbinig with excitement.
His vreaencu resulted , Lit tim end o a
long struggle1 ill his clue 1011 to the er
iiiiuiciit presidency of the conVelItlull.
The lateness of the hour prevented 111111
froln ( lehvuring a prcared aspt.'uell , but
ho took occasioli to deity thu report that
lie lihIti said if 135311 Btitiur was itutuitiated
fur President ho wotild sweet ) the colored
vote of the Union.
When Fred Douglaes came into Lie.
dcrkrallz hail to delovcr his speech at 10
o'clock this Inurlaing , lie foutid a very
large crowd iii attendance , 1111111) ' white
liaviiig come to hear his plea for
his 1)C0Pl. On the stage besides leading
colored men sat ox.Attoruoy Gunoral
Jalnes Speed of Lincoln's cabinet , Ccii.
las. H. A. Ekin , U. S. A. , retired , and
a number of other whites of proluulluncu.
Douglass spoke for two hours , his speech
being logical , often humorc.usand , always
interesting. Ho sketched the history of
his race since the emancipation , was frequently -
quently sarcastically severe on the gov.
crument , and incidontilly on the itepub.
lican party. Ho was listened to with in-
thrust , and received frequent and goner.
OUS apfil uso.
SinceIlio conclusion ofhis speech the
convention has in vain labored o coin.
pluto the organization. Too many ora.
tore were 011 the floor , and Greene , tern-
porary chairniaii , who is presiding while
Douglass iosts frolu his effusion , ia unable -
blo to coiitrol tiiciii.
This was a proud day for Fred. Douglass -
lass Ho walked down the hail to thu
llI'eSidellt'S door , dressed for the occasi-
ion atici tiio white hair of this fine old
IllitlI streamed ill the wind marc bravely
thOlli over before. Ills istep was firiti and
victory sats hisi. Ltwyers , ltthiCllahlt ) $
and doctoro had ssciubled to hear the
itiost celebrated colored 1111511 Ii the
world. Ho had a message to scud to the
country and sent it in eXceileIlt foi'in.
[ Jo referred briefly to tile old
daysi wlioii the spectre of slavery
haunted the land and passed to those
better IBId brighter days which brought
freedoln , education and enfraIlclliBelnelit.
After referring to the causes leading to
the convention , ho said : ' 'Now tlilt We
are free we must , like frecuten , take the
reins ill our own hiatids alid $ ol11j)0l the
world to receive us as'tlieir equal. " 'ritey
had butizi given platforitia , but idle words
Would flOt auflice , but actions. When
the colored race caine an cart drivers and
servants , they are received , but never nit
scholars or statesluen , and they are to.tlay
at ) oppressed iiiti abject iaco. 'rradeo
tilliolis refused adiniseirn , 1'iheeliiiiies
withhold tipprenticcititips , 1111(1 when oiw
ilies the old hatred foiloivis hiiiii.
Thu nice hue debarit him from colleges
and lrofcssions. 'l'hiey vero licie to raise
the line and inako liiiii the equal of tlo
whites. They were in colleulItioll to
secure fair trials far colored Iliell allot that
all the outragcoits lyitchings be 8t4)11pC11.
Their lusiness wait to arrange for their
rights 811(1 redress of wioiigs. Contiatu-
Big ho said seine lsI'solie thought vo
sliouhi not hold this convention , for it
menaces thu Itopublican irY. 1'&titieit
are niado for iien uid not itieti for par-
ties. My hut s'nn made for my
head , not ill ) ' head for Ill ) ' lint. I f l)1t1-
ties do right , a t uld by them ; but when
they do hot uphold their 4riliciphes laid
ilotiii in the platforiti. down with thttiai.
Follow 1)0 ) party blindly.Vhieri I ititeik
to an intelligent 111511 live lililltltCH 1 fur-
get nil about color. Now about poaliticiil
ei1tiiiiit3' . I never VIIS a politiciali. 1
bught my career as a ilealcr for the ag.
gruildiselnent of my race , piid I iiiit lUst
afiaid to tell vliat I thiiiik 81)01)1. ) all
Icianla of equality. This stallIjillig 01)1 ) Of
blucic Itepubhiciuls ( if the south has
beeii tlone ill thu face of the Itepublicali
1)111 ) fy , 'flue couveia tutu sliollid ittiplore
Cstug'es for rvstorntioii of justice and
for abolition of this most detestable state
of rilltiis. I'1iike the constitution Prcti-
caily vlilt it is theoretically , iiiiil there
. viil be an cuiti to till thiis tiilth of Llio bid.
lot box. The New Yoik Evellilig Post
makes ii great itijittoku when it says : ' 'lIe
itinihest ; you have been but 20 ) CiItsi
( if lmlldage. " (3ontinilillg Doilgials said :
' 'Thicso ollicellollcrH ate afinlil of our as-
Piratiolia.Voi do aspire , tuid ivill eon-
tuttle to do so.Ye have licaid tltovoiro
( if .faeob and felt thu hand of Esait.S'ti
shIOLlhtl tiuvor cease 14) be it tles1iiited out !
tuicludeol class so long as we are
hitit out. uioin political JsleferiiluIit.
) Ve Calillot igllnru the fiict thitit to tItle
sato be at ti ibut ed the ( legnulatioli of the
race , Elevate 0110 of our class to Vice
I'rcsudent sir to a Position iii the CabBlet ,
and our cojuahity shitihl be established.
'o are hot lsrelirtol : its )0t , hut let us
titpiro to thosu l(54i114)flfl which wo can
fill. We hold It self evident that the iia-
tiOll iS lunde of nil varieties allot Rhotild
lInt be governed by olto class , 'hnru
there is a gnverliiilgChIVlR thdru is s subject
elMs , and when thin day collies when
this l2tiOli 12 ovorllel by otto class it
ceases to be "a gtiVOrllulIOllt of the people ,
for tim lIcOlalo alid by tile Ptt1ll0. "
The above is but a 111110 outline of a
long , eloquent nddrcs. Thu speaker was
golien)11513' aplalituded. At the CflilcitlSiOfl
a dulegato fniifl Lou'isiaiia uuiuveol thiiut the
nohtiress be adopted as tIlti iuihlres tif thu
CillVCllti'fl ( ( , nuid edIt to Ctiigrrss. 'l'liis
lilotiOlt was aliitost ) ( ) $ eudotited.
'l'IlOti caluie it scuui e of Cal i fuisiout tilt t lie
Iuhltioll to fl1,1)Oillt , it coiiiiiiittt'e all further
aFi'flhljZittitIll. li'or ll 'ulrs ' the dispute
ivell I , ( ill. ilollaini , ( if \\'iullilgttill ) , pvc-
shied 'ill Dotutibuss' st.au1 , tutu lie vititily
ttfltlthit to bring artier out tif ctittiis ,
Fiiioily a vail of states ttiis hitud , 1111(1 ( a
Cllilii ) ) I tte on tlIgaliZ.lti ) II Ill 'P' ' ' ' t t ctl by
stiutes. it resulted , alter lullotliel' lolig
tielay , iii the selectiull of p. long list aif
vice ItresitItlits. Couiiinilti.'cs oil civil
rights , odulehit bin , rolls 1110 ! aiuiresses
VilC alpoilitel to repoit tomorrow , tutu !
tli COltVClltil'ii thieii took at iccces.
Chico Rai1110 VIar Narrovic
IJUW11 to Natlithg ,
Tue .VOI GroverR Convent I' " , : iul
the State l'nlr-Aeeideiiiiil 1)cnth
01 ii. Hu.lncsi4 Itliuti.
Cluotoo , Septoniber 25.-Ia the war
011 ) asecnger rates between Chicago and
Ohio rher pouit8 alIt ! intermediate
tltices , the I'flll llaiidli will to-morrow
alimioumnce an aggressive iilovuiilelit iigtinst
the Louisville , New Alhutiiy & Chicago
11mm , by lunkilig the following cut rates
to collipetitivo titWils in liuiiatiii : Laftiy-
utte , $1 ; tkathilrt , $1 50 ; Crawfordsville ,
$ l.25Ieymiolds ; , Si ; Urcuutcastlu $1.50 , I
amid like reduetiumme to Moiiticutllt and
other 1)OimttS ) iii I ii LjIllu alit I Ohio tutU tIme
south iIIItl noulthmeIst ' [ 'ho piiuits mmmaui I
tioiied are those ttnuclied lay the east and
tvest hues ertusilig both the l'iiui Uammdle
timiil New Alliammy S Chicago. alit ! riltes
iiitdu arc local lures froiii 1)hiilts ) of inter-
seclioil with the Pan Ilillidlu , wlmiclm ,
ill effect , nmiiouimita to carrying passemigoris
fico from Chicago to the points of jitter-
secti )1l.
Thu State fair foriutilly opened this
afternoon , with aeeeiice by the tover-
nor and Mayor The truttitig tace for
live year aids was the only ailie of any
imuhirtancc. Adelaide Wall ; best. time ,
2:26. : Ottawa Chief took iirst heat in
2:28. : The daiy was cold and raw ; track
Shortly before one o'clock tide after-
110011 , LvinauBlnir , of the loim established -
ed and heavy grain COIllifliSsuItll firni of
Blair & Blair , was found lying in a roomii
in the tipper floor of hie residence , dying
front a gun shot wound , tuid a recently
discharged gumilying beside him. He expired -
pired a few iidiiutos later without lusving
spoken. Tile rumor is circuhsted on
'Ullango just before time close that 110 COrn-
unitted suicide , iiii caused iI'lluctuatlo
in grain and prO'isiors. Thecoroner's
jury returned a verdict of accidental
death. It appears Mr. Blair was prepar.
ing to go limIting , and it is supposed tlmiut
while handling the gun it was ace- !
dentally diselmarged. He was imi good
spirits , and theru s no good reason to
suppose a case of suicide.
Iii respotiso to a ciii ! issued by the
oflicurs ot the several State Vool Grow-
01.51' associatioH , about fifty delegates to
the uiatiotmal wool grow&us' couventiomi
mitet hi re to-tiny. 'I'hie sessioll tluring
the afterimoomi was inthier imlforlilid. 'I'imo
general expression of opimlioli was in
favor of the ru-eiiaettuieiat of the old
tiii11 ; on wool. A , uL. Garland , Gf
illinois , caine in for saute dcmiumicintiomm.
the charge keing Illado that lie allowed
the National \Vool Growers' associatiomi
fithi prices. the result being a reduction
ill the tariff Ott w.oi ill the interest of
inanufacturcis of woolen fabrics. 11011.
George L. Comivurse , 1)eimtocratic Comi-
greesiiaui from Columbu , Ohio , ad-
dresseti the convention favoring the
restoration of thu old tariil on wool.
Before adjoumriming for the aftermioon it.
was resolved to usppoimit delegates to tIme
National Wool Growere' association ,
whichi hioki its annual nicetitig tss.llior.
Ailot 11eV 4 CCottimt
Special Dispatdi to 'Pits lIEs.
Four itOumINSON , Septomubur 23.-Notim.
imig rewnuis of the poet hioejiit.iui hero but
a miiatit of simiocimig ruins. 'Piie bimildimig ,
which was constructed of pine logs ,
caught fire isimortly tufter 7 o'clock yestur-
day mtioriiinL , alit ! despite time heroic cx-
ertiomtis of our ilnpro1nLu fire depart-
niemmt was bilrnCl to the ground witli'un
Lull hour. 'l'lio origin of the lire wtss a
defective StAVO1)LjC ) Jassing ) through the
eeihiiig fro'i ' , which the lhiiiiie were coin
miiimimiciitcul to a vontilat r hear by. At
the end of thivcu.quarttrs of au hour not
a corner imprighit loimmlumied. 'I'lio nien
rim ! ollicurs fought the Ilalmies vrhlantly.
For a dmiiis the siurks thireatoime I the
u1iiatttirniastcv alId cotiumnissary bimiiolinge
to thu east , but a line of miiun ivith
luic1ets kept the toot deluged and saveil
time buihdiimge.
Ihiddimig , bosks . 'atmul time bottles in time ,
uptsthicciry shalt ucro saver ! hilt. tlit i.e.
servo suiphiuii , atretl , in tHu attic coithil
imot lie tutchiuui ituiti visro coiHul mcd ,
'Fhie loss iii buihulimig itutul stores : umimoulmts
tAt about ii,0O0. A lmospititl will be ito-
itrvisetl immitil an lljijlropriatioli for a
iterlimaulcilt buuildimig is availitble.
\\'itli a fire cligillo rcquiriimg twelve
loch to iork it , if it should be supplied
tutu with thou water waomm iCe a reservoir ,
the boys hut ) ' joissitily hicietultor see thick
dreniumsuis eliot te succeed agaimist unities
sntiitg nhilollg fat iiiiio kilOllilig or.
itilIguti With all care br a cozillagratioii.
II. I. V.
- - - -
A am I imsiummo 2S1u ; , ,
Itu MoJiEs , Iowa , Soittoitiber 25.-
\S'illiaua Cuuilfltian , shio has 1)0011 living
with his brother's fmtniily at No. 60(1 (
Ninth street , created cotiamilerahle orcito-
meat yesterday afternoon by Ide hiss no
tuitics mmd threatuninge. 'Vito niammiac
hind , after ide brother left. for work , beguii
to shut. up time house with thu aVowed in-
temitioui of kihliumg Ills sister-in-law , hiavilIg
ill his lianil whmwi arrested a largo turid
dangerous looking knife. The ollicers
being SOlIL for , time itisano man was tokeut
ill charge , nut ! viil be returned to Mt.
PleasauL Cauffoman wtN lliiuito of
this iflst'ttUtiOll 1)1) ) to a few Iflonthis ago ,
when , his colulitlOll appeiltilIg to be that
of a snuic 101111 , ho was released. A few
weeks ago 1)0 ) cattle to Des Moines tovjit
his brotlmer The ComlltieSiOlCrs of iii-
ahillity examined lila case yost.wday alter.
110011 , alit ! cauiuo to tito C'llCitSlOut ) tii-4t hue
had better ho retuirlieti to Mt. I'ieasnumL
ilhiPtin IslaiM Hoiios Ilic Idll1y of
liar Falilolts o1dici aii StLuuuu ,
Time Cercuutoimles ot' 1ay1ngt .tu ornei'
Stuie , I \'luiuit L'reslilotut At'tlmmr
1'titt leipatoti.
PitovinuNcu , Septuniber 25.-Tilnul.
280)0(5 ) ( of ilotureti 11110 Bristol thmie
iilmrlliuIg by boat and trauui. 'I'Iiu uiveuit
\vtus the huymmug of the curlier statue of thu
Iltirmiside lmieinoriul hull. l'residunt
Arthur lmad signilied Ins liltelitloul of at.
tuiiuiimg , 'l'lie tloorittiomis about. town
Were % cl ) ' profutso. [ 'ho President ar-
rivet ! at 110011 , beimig two hours into. 'l'lio
Bristol artillery tired a salute as time
ICVUlmUe cutter hove In aighL 'I'hio I'res.
idtiit was received by a tielegatiomi tutu !
drireti to Colt's residence. Aunolig the
guests were Attorney Genera ! llruwetur ,
Major S. l ! . Frumichu 011(1 General Aspin.
yiuII , of Now York. At OdOilel Colt's
rusuielice , the President's 1)tttit Wits strowmt
with flowers by twenty maidens , being
a repetition of the ceremony of weleomito
to l'residemut Moiiroc iii 1817 a1 tluo nmmio
hioumsu. Altei a aiurt , stay witLimi the
house , the l'iesidont joined. the lmuio of
l > roeion. which vtts iii six diviiiiemis
omit ! vits twommty iidiiute iii lassillg a
given point. Arriv'ilmg at tluo situ of the
hall l'rcsitlciit Arthur was seated ill the
Plitce 01 hotter. After the ceremony of
iayiiig the stomie l' tue Grand Lrnhgo of
Miutitiit , thu Presuleuit was escorted to
time jhitfttriii within the wall from a'imich
sjicakiug vits (1(1110. A crowd of 5,000
stood about the building. Time oration
of the day was imronuiuumcetl by , J uilro ho-
banon 11. Colt , at the United Status 1)ie-
trict Cotm.t. After this Presidommt Artiitmr
% vlLs introduced. [ Jo said : ' 1 heartily
jojil with you iii paymg tribulto
to the niemuory of that distinguished
citizen of ithiodo lalamid , Wh080 1)51110 )
yomidcr struleture is henceforth privileged
to bear. So long its it 811511 endure it
viil in sonic degree servo to lcrPotUato
thu finite of a soldier faithful to lila trust ,
whose courage found. its only rival in his
iiiodusty ; of is statesman whose every act
was prompted by the loftiest patriotism ;
of au earmiest , sincere , manly gemitlcmntui ,
who aboulitied in alt courtesy , who
scorned all deceit , who never failed to
follow in the vali of duty , yhiutliersouver
it led. " S
The benediction by Rev. .George A.
Locke brought tito oxercisu to a close.
It is proposed to set aside a part of Urn
building for a , collection of souvoniers
of GeneraI.Burnsido . Over the rnninen-
trance thib"Buirnsido Mnioi ii" will be
cut in frlIt'i8fljtf ho'
to bo.filled by abf"onzostatuto of Burn-
At time close of the Ceromollios the
Prusidumit was drivczi to the residomico of
( it > v. A. ' 1' . Bourmic , wimoro a lunch was
served to a select. pzirty of twumity. Thu
table cloth , vart of thu silver and time
linen , were tiBel at the reception to
Washington imi 1790. Front 3 to4 o'clock
the Prwuideiit received invited guests ,
after which ii public reception was held.
Presidemut Arthur visited Edge Hill farmn ,
where Burmishlo's last houre wore ) .
At. 7 o'clock dimuier uvits given at Colonel
Colt's , ciiimmislimmlemmtary to time Prosidmimit
mitt ! other guests. 'I'iiu l'reeident roturum-
ud to Newport by special traiuu at 11
O'liliCk to-night.
A Crazy Miuum % 'ltli a Itevolver.
Niw YouR , Scplemmibcr 25.-Timoro was
great excitement in the imuiglmborliood of
the British consulate this imbruing by the
rcport.of pistol idiots amid the spectacle of
a hatless titan running at the top of his
speed. 'l'iie fugitive wits hlirsued tutu a 1tolieeiiian. lie govo lmims
li'Liule 118 Feeney tutiol it vait then haunted
lie had atteisipted to take time life of time
Jlritisli Coimsumi by lirimlg two shots at himam.
Viien the vnisomuor 'as taken to the tmtit-
tiomi hiotian lie described hilmnself as huhmut
A. Feeney , aged 26 , an inimihimijan by birth
1111(1 cotuchminami by trade . Ilium appearammec
isus ; siekly tilid it is stuitl hue WISIS recently
diseimarged fromn tue hospital in liulbulo.
He declared he hind conic fromim Canada
oil itirpso to kill time British Consul ,
Vii ( ) 1111(1 been Iibelliulg his CllIulactcr.
I t s'ztit uvideuit lie was of unsound iiuiimd ,
CtJiml 1laiiit lOiiii 1mrefeirud agaimmet hiltim
by Edummumid Prentisa , of time British Comm.
eel's ofhico , lie % ViiS taketi to the 't'lIuilis
1'hice con mt for cxtuummiimation.Vimeli
Feeney entered the 0111 room of the
British Consulate , lie drew the suveim-
chaumuburod revolver uund tired two shots
tupparumitly sithmout any definite aijit
without hiittiimg ammyouic.
Itoummlium s,1 I lie Ciothicer lrlgiiule ,
CulAm 1A1'IlH4 { , In. , Sopteiniser 25.-
Time renown of time Cracker Iowa brig.
ado Juno \Vedncsday aiim ! Thmuismhmy :
to be a umotablo githieniumg : , iou-
oral \ V.V. . llelkumap , coiniuituiudor , is
hero. oust , ninny of huie couuunadems. l'ont-
utiastur. C uiuiciil ( I iciliumi , ( lovention Slier.
( ieumcral i'iics'srthmimr ' tuuitl
hull ) , Leggutt
ii I 1 arrive to-lu murutir lulorm immlg. l ic .Coui.
federate ( letuertul Ilavan , whose conlnmatui
( time Iowa brigade at. Atlnuita ,
t'ill be giveim it wlurmti WOlcOttle , Cloy.
erumor Simonimuiun will tuiluiress thio hmigulo
S'cdlicsdhly evening.
'l'lia , 1'sver lii 5'uloxIco.
( ; UAvlAn , Mexico , Sopteuntior 25-
Only three duutiti froumi yellow fever ,
01)0 ) of thuni Bimrrmiughms , a tulegraiii
purtutor , iii thu lust. twctuty.foimr hours ,
Several miuuv causes are remrtesi , but tIle
( If 8 itilki foruti. Somiora adyices state
that the fever is still raging at henna-
sub , No partiuiiiar. received , At
Muztthi the fever is said to Lii diuuimm.
Hnhl)15111110Jcrsi' Coumvoumtlom , ,
(1iitjA(1fl , So1ttcimibur 25.-Ouio itimui-
drud and thmirty-fivo delegates to time cmiii-
veittiiu ( if thu ] ihino's State saloon.
keepers' assiocintiomi , to begin a ( ouui days
uselttioim iii Quincy t.o-iuiorrow , left here with lnmuids playIng aumul bauiumurss
flying. Otto section hulL at o'clock this
afternoon atid iniothier at 10 o'clock to.
Ailti UnaiiimusIy Pockets Iho Noiiua.
11011 With I1 the Ism Proe1ime ,
A Regular Donnybrook Among the
Advocates of Butler ailti
Fiat Monoy.
Auiothmei- mPCIttmtei ( COsl'ettl Cull
. . . .L'ull ( lea ) Notes F'romn ti1uer
I'lmu44 ,
7.tusa.sneluuvitM ( Gt'enlnunkeu's.
BosToN , September 21.-'l'hio State
CiIllflittee ( of the ( hiecuiliackers met tut 10
o'clock this mncnuiiutg to ulcjiio out llenmilii
netmt (4rglunzItnln. i'footiv Ibtytiton ivits
l'rOeiuiL'llt alit ! ChhuhuileL time mighit. to act
iceaimo hue IAS a tuicunber of tint Ntttiiltiu (
Comiuuulitteo. I Lu vtta at first rulumseul , hut
% .tts Iluituihy muliowoil to speak , which he
did vigorously for ten luinmutos , asuert'mng
that tue comuvemitloit Eo.tluuy vit'u 11(11 a
Greenback convuutionbut a seliumno to aid
tinut abut the Doullocretic lIhIrty.
'l'ito COllvClttiOlt umet iut 1 1 o'clock ; Levi
1. l'iercu' , of 1y1lll , luas cliusen vresi.
demit ; Otlstavums 1 ! . 1 luitchiinson , lhtston ,
secretary ; P. 1' . l"iehul , witu. lund beeit
chosemi tomnponiry ellainmIlhuti , nuude ii short
flIl 1t18I , lit tyhuicit ho wnrmmily eulogized
Governor liutier , whiiehi was ruceivuil
with great emit hitlalasmn. Iebato ensued
over the report. of the ctlluiliittUO OIl eve-
denthtl9 , a iitmiitbur of delegates objecting
to tue admuissaun of .1. P. Bland , presemit
as a delegate froiui Atlioi. 1110)141 ) 12 5
ByflIpatimizer witit 1tnuly ( lhylmtoll ,
nti4. author of time Lifo of IlmmtlolExciti
imig specchmt's Wuio mimiulo , aunt all wiuacbli-
fusiomi until lihmunul u-tue excluded by ami
almost tutltl1iuiOul5 'ote.
Armstrong vigorously demiounccil Bland
and BuIld if he ymta tmuuc to thu ( mccii.
backers lie 'sotm1uL witipiraw. Tiue couvumu-
tion iupurovcd thus msentumient ili a gnu.
uris ! Ulmroan. A litotioti was utiitlo that
llhumd be given ten lliinuites to uxphuiui
hiiuiisuif _ TIme titiiuisst coumfuision pruvaui ( .
ud. lIumnburs stood up shioutimig for tutu
ataiiist the iuuotiomi , Litchunan said this
comivomitiomu will be paimitud by thue oipo-
sitiomi itruss ill tiitprccetuimtly ! vivid colors ,
' 'Lot 'cia lIhIiult , " tuhiouted the delegates.
The hat uvius thluli passed around and
$33.18 colleetcul. A delegate Imuovelt thmiut
Gumuortul Butler ho luominateti by tuccia-
uurnt.ioml. ' [ ' utiotiun uvuus carried uimanu
muously with gretut ouitliusiasumi. Itesolu-
Lions were the read.
Tim preaumublo denounces both Itepubli.
caut Slid Domnocratie lIrtioa : , cspeciaiiy
the former. Tim platforimt dumunuitims the
roeTul of all chase laws ; HO subsidies for
coiponatlons ; equal political rights for
macli amid wolmiun ; advocates gniuduated
income taxation ; iull other prterty oil an
equal ratio ; no more rofuitding of the
public debt in such a mnaumner tlmat it can-
uiot be Paid whimi the govoraniejit has
lflOliO to pay it ; domnauiuhti discouutiuiu-
trace of thu hoarding policy ; dornunotiza.
tion of gold iund silver as a
dounestie currency ammd iasuo instead of
full legal tender irnirnr currency ; with-
4cauval5ifthupqvor Of i5JtUGftOiilj ziation.
lilbtnlk'sI : crnoval ofhi htilTinoiistros.
ity ; dusinandus prsml labor siiuld not bo
ahlowed tit chlealun honest labor ; that
aulfrago shall be free to all ; advocates
vrolmibition of emuploytmiont of children
unlen fourteen years in worlcshmopus ;
eqilal pay for cquiul : work of men multi
women. [ 'lie Phiutfrmmi closes with a
Ilnttorimtg eulogy of Governor BuLlion.
After time tuloptiomi of time phiutformmi tIme
remminiludur of thi ticket Ivies umoruuimiiited ins
fotiluwis : l4ieumtumiamlt-Govertmor , .Jaliu
ilolumius ; Secretary of Stiuto , Niehatle Fur-
lolig ; Attonmitiy.ieuiumai . \V. Foster ;
l'veiusiircr7 , F.Vlmitnuy ; Atthitor ( , A.
ILVood , 'l'hmo State cotutmnittcu. wei'e
atmthmoi izesi to till
A supplommimiumtuury aull for time Ilatiollal
greeuuiiack colmvciutiotl \Vorccstttr. . October -
tober itithm , will he issued. It. will be
aigumuti by tull cunthihlute.4 ; for Licuitcuutunt.
Governor of the ( liccuuhachc party itiiiee
I 878. Arimoid , who ran with Butlni' in
1878 , is ehituirimiaui of Limo iiuuv cozmimuuit.tce.
T1II i'i.i'iy ; f3AVIO1t.
Julgo Lake Coimseumis to Ieasi ( lie
i'sii'Ioiui JImlu OS 1tc1)iilIlIni mmml.
Siteciiui 1)ispatcim to 'I'ils IIKI : ,
LlNcoI.N , Nub. , Septutitber 25.-/s. tel.
egrain IVILS received here to-night. from
Otmiahma , sayiumg that .J imdge L'tku huutl : tutu-
lioUliCcl lila willimmguicmsi to accept the
nouuiiiiatioui for the Sumpretmie beimchi if
teiulcred to him to-tuiorrow. lie is gout.
uruuhly looked uiloll hero iou the omtmomtg
imlalu , (10(1 bill : of tu COuilliilIlLtiil ( of all
canditiatca for hiluml is hoard. 'I'huo mmnitter
Cf regents excites little atteuitiou , . .1.V. .
Love , of Froummotit , and lid hloluumes , of
IinCiili , are anong time candidates.
Q uitu it Imumulbur of ululogates are umiready
oh the held , tumid Luke is Limo usuijeet Of
( liaCuSlmio > lm , 85 the oumhy nmill ; to liwut. Stuv-
age. 'I'liu couivcimtion uissuiuibluii to.luior.
uimow oreiting.
Time 'l'huivd ' [ 'lciL lii I iso F bid Itt
Huilbulo Coma mit ) .
S1tecial 1)141)atchi ) to Tutu : iiuu. .
ICEA IINBV , Nob. , Suptoimiliur 25. - 'I'iue
Itepuiblicamus tioutuimiatcul thu fiihlowiimg
county ticket to.tlay : Judge , B. 1'.l.
Culluimugiiiumml ; tiuamsmmrur , I I. .J. A lion ;
cleric , (1. ( 11. Cuttimug ; clerk of iistiiut.
Court , ( lea. 1) , Amspiumwall ; sheriff , I' . F.
I ! . Schtarum ; suupeiiuiteimdeiit. of schools , ' 1' .
N , lIamtzoll ; surveyor , .1. 11. Suhotimail
corniuiissboumer , A. J . Scott ; coromiur , II.
linker. 'l'lmreu ( till cisuinty tickets tumo
imo .v hi the field , : uimd a waruim catuiptuigmi is
'lilt ) IIlliiuIe 1IlIiilu.
SliIlNGI' , Seimtcltuhiur 25.-Aumiitor
Swiglui t mucoiveil tu siiCjULtChi froutu OIL IWII
to ( lii ) ' , I mifomuti lug Jul tim I imsit. the 13 ii lru time
( iummrt huttu ! d cmi jsiil time intuimultuuum ii s en iii -
pulling the uui utor nun ! 'i'reuosmuncr to turn
time ummihitimu fummd over to time ( Inventor , to
ho dietnihuuiteit Itr rata , time cotirt tulso
inside tiunt. tue tum'ilitiit ftmimd dii ! tumit lapse
limitiu the law of ,1 ely 1 , tumid timat it d'oi
uiot lllpmmo until October 1 ; tiutit iii thu
t Incitlituuuie it , will lie itubjuct to all piesutut
claims against it. whm'tclu occurred duiring
tue year etidimug , luumlo $0 , necoinpauuied
wuthu proper uotichiers , t be examined
auid tuthiruneul by the ( loyenior azid Adju.
taut ( leutertul.
- -
( ilNIItAb PO1tI1flN NIW8.
l.otmO4 ) , Septenuber 25.-Mrs. Carey ,
wife of hituulo5 Carey , wilt ) was killed' by
O'flounehh , hitlticd thus luumvn'ing all this
't'iuaiueis , tifteeti iniks fromit 1luloul.
O'D1Imtnoll was brouglut to time how street
lthieo cotim I. at. 2 o'clock this altemnuoui.
! tiugisti ! ate Flowers luresiulid. 'L'lit court
iiimi ( tuas tilled niid a luurgu eniurd cal.
lecteul ouits'tdu. Special llrectuuitiouu , vure
ttu1eui by time itolice to itreucuit any at-
temlilmI tut rescuto.
l.StUN ) , Stiitnmutbir 25.-Cicorge Alex-
atidmu ithmiullis , the ( .1 reciui : statosuiami , is
dead , aged 70.
ENOI.uNmu it l'.IULT.
iuiuu.tN , Smiitommtimer 25-At the trial
of the cimiefe , ' , liummipon lull , ! lImOClt [ , for
treason I 0 t hmo 'i'rtullsviuh I , the fanner
chuluns III his tiufensu that lie vius reduiced
to hubs present pitutioul by Grout Britain
lt'ayiuig iuiiit nuid Chief Soc couiuii to strug-
ghsi foi supreuuituoy.
Lo tON , io1Itomu1ler 24.-A , letter fremn
hlommry 11s1. Stanley , the Africamu explorer ,
Was rote ! to.tlmuy huforcu tim British Asso-
iatiomi for tim tulvtmccmneiut of sciutice ,
lii uVitiCil lue urges that Great Britaimi
aiiotuh ! proclaim a 1)rtcctorato over tins
Congo coimmutry.
LONnON , Septumiubon 24.-Time Tinues
says : tune coitvimiced that France
ciutimiot obtititi Tomlqtun withouut win- with
China , buut she iuiay Immuve Allaut with full
iigii I to imiako coumiumueremal imottloniomuts in
'I\tmmquuib without. ' tummy further trouble.
Until France fairly grasps tids , we iiardly
sea thuiut tiny opportutmiity exists for the
fnieuudly aervicuis of a tiiird Itiurty. "
howling lai limit mommy.
Nnw YouR , Septommubor 25.-Aiu muud't.
Ulicu tiuut. tilled thme large lmuull of Cooper
Uiuiiln asmseuuubled bust evemiilug at the call
ii ) time iuutonwst of time Duuuioematmc Party of
this city. l1iutmy i romuiliumit Dummmocruuts
wci.o umpout tilt ) lmlatfonmiu. David Dudley
Field , nouniunuted its clinimmnan , Wits cmi-
titummitesticahhy received. Field situ ! time
uneetimmg himuu ! beumu called for thu puurlise
of lmrimugiuig aboumt. luatumuonioume luctiomi
tumnollg limo Dolmiocruta of hula city as. tIme
uxistummee of diesunsulul iii their nuika
mieriouisiy cuilanmicred the success of tins
Imiurty in the futumro. 'lime ltupuubhican
putty hind muiummulanagud aIiuirs , as could be
scull by the excessive axuitiout , recent ox-
triuvagait expenuhituro of public futitla unit !
emicrotuchniunt of fudoittl authority on that
of thu estates. 'Flue itupublicami party
coulul not be displaced as bug as the
Democrats of this State were not. umm ted.
Ciia. A. Dalin , .JOsc1ih Pulitzer , cuhitors
of Time Stun and Time World , were amnomug
tins list of Vice Presidetitis. itesoluitions
wore presumited by Couugresaniati Potter
ealhimmg upon all Deniecnuuts to lay aside
ditFereimees and unite iugiuinst the emmemily ,
doiiouitcimig all leaders and orgal1inutins
who Ileglucted to carry the resolution
into effect. A comnmuittou was appointed
to present resolumtioiui at the State Con-
voiution at Buffiuio nuid urge upon the
DounocraUcmiuaases tins ecessity of liar.
fllOi1lOtl5aCtiOflT4 ' '
Nasv Yoiu , September 25.-Early this
Inorluing a tire origiullutitlg fnoni a defoe-
tive flue , iurncd tins New. Huivumi Itohiing
ummihia , at F'airhuiveim , ca'maiuug a Isiss of
.ulmout t40,00O ; insursiuco $25,000 About
125 hiimmidts are thirowzm out ,
AautvzLl.u : , 0. , Soimtumimber 213-'Flio
stImuli jiull of this touu'mi was luvnutl , yes.
teruhuy one hmrisolier , lnuumuo umuikuuowum ,
utius buirmued to death. I I e wsuis an uuil- ,
brehia miemiiicr , , viis , cltuiuiied to litre Commue
fnitiut LImo Daytomu Soldiers' 1 1mmiui. , , lie
hind comisidcriibhe mumoimoy tumid it. is thought.
wins imiuurderod itimul the builditig burned
to collCeul the cniuuue.
Time ICallroiul war.
Oil IVM10 , Stipteunlier 25.Thin i'aut
I Itimullu tumid \uimdiuhia hues licgimui sellimig
tickutit to lmidiammalmolius thiius ummotmlilmg ut
$1 , with the cnsc(1uuelit leduietiull in to Ciuiciuulmulti tumid iuutonimmouliuuto
JmiilitH ( , Limo rei.ftlhmur rates mmuurehy being tim ! .
dud iioyoud I umulilumlnlolia. It. how till-
hIt'tm15 timat time S cent rate of thin Chicago
( ' Enmstei'iu llhillliS ( to lmtthittiiim1mlia , is umumudu
10 itlu the ciflhitiuiui tluiit this hue remus
wily a light truuimi at that. rate , nuid ru-
uiuiimcslturciuucra of 5 cent tickets to buiy
isieopiuig ear tickets at $2 usa that time
luiiuliuilUui ) chittrgti ovurthibs line is $2.05.
l'tIflmlIuIi Guutlieriteg.
CINUINNATI , Septeumui'er 25.-Time Su-
pretumo C.miineil of time Natiomial 1uisomiic
jmmrimsmhicti.tit begati timeir imcmmsiuui 1st-day.
A rucujmtiuu Wius givun ly the Ohio
( inruumul Ciiumtmiustory. 'l'ime street piuntude
itmchtmtiud nut escort of time Cillcmummlati ,
Carl mmgtoim mmd Newport Couut tmutmmuiheries ;
i'eoria Commeistory , timid Oriental Cituisie
tory , Oh mica , . 'Jim u Cuum nci I rode i ii carS
riuuguit. 'l'o-utioriow tue visitors will hiu
hukuti to time Expos'itioti , tutu shiowii
other coumrtcsku.
Nc iv Yti'i ( Iimiiemtio , ,
Nnw Youuc , Suimtulmuler 25.Ahmimt 450
umieuuiitern of tIme couumty Jeuuioeraey left
fur I I u Iliuls , tItle umonil i mmg to alt cumul I lie
ie tin tenmitie S tat o calm vctm t intl . 'I'lie t miii ii
commeims.cii 01 1 5 Viiguuur cirs. : 'I'lmu 'l'uuuu.
timahly dcl i'giitc s t a the astuitie u i m you tiotm
also uittittuiii thuic utmormm hug. 'l'lm is purty
umumimbor 5(0 ( imiutumbers , 1111(1 ( 1tlimircd it )
chins. Oim time outer sides were lnumnors ,
Isuariuig uujtprmprnite mtm.mttos.
( sIs , tu I I t I Iii I I mouud ms.
DnNu'alo , Sojdcmtibui 25.-I t is iiew
leliumitohy kulIWli that time Iitmuvur , U tiuli
' Ii ( dliii iiiliotuui hits cimlungul lnuimsls.
'J'ito istorkImohIuru s1tihiuio to give the
I ) irimus at , hurticumitirs umuitil thu silo is rati-
lied by Limo eiumistntioticii COtnpnliy. A rut-
Jul01. itrumynlis tliuut time lenvet New Or.
htaiue raihmoami hints lCeit solo ! to tutu east unmu
sytithicato , which itmoitoees at ( iticu to
built ! the void to 'l'ituuklad , umd. Canon
Ctt' , tukiumg : thu ciiuurtur recently lihtmd. by
tite Oluu'uhtumid irtyforthiuhiuttcr route
tiOiIOOImCP Math in ,
Ilui'i'.tu.o , N. Y , , Beltemumbalr ) 25-1)ur- )
lug a terrible steirun inst imighit ouu l4rukui
Erie time selunommer'ouJc State wont , dowii
with till iuuimds. 'l'iiu ' crow o ) umsmsttd ot
Cnjmtaiu 1 himycs 011(1 six imien. 'l'ime scitootu-
en ivies loaded vlt1u 16,000 bumthiula of
wlmotut , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
J'iua.iiu , , . . 4sit Ii iul ,
PItoylI'HCE , B. L , September 25.-
Protidummt 4ELliUl eumuitaikod sal thu cut-
tur Duxtor , at Newport , for Bristol1 this
usIa rim lug.
The Eastern E Lasho to Fury y a
Small Hnrr1cllo ,
The Mountainous Billowg Engulf
Many Unwary Mariners With
Ship arni Crew.
The Cily otHuirnuio 'l'umoioumgliiy lummstetl
by time Tall imisi oi the lirccLe.
hiitko ltuci'zen.
OswEoo , N. V. , Suptulmuber 25.-Thin
scliooumur Sareptu , laden itiu coal aimcl
uuturchuauidiae , driven ashuro thu
umuonulimmg itt Euut Fiutiutiu'eum , viiiiu tryimlg
to mnuke thutut oint. Tue crow are sub.
'Uiiu slouip Touris was drireti asiumru hen
at 2 o'ciock bust nigiut. The crew uvuro
siuved. it was time Iucuviust gaio hi ycara. S
, (1 fuirtinir reports of diuttuago or io of
BtmFeALo , N. Y. , September 25.-A
disastrouis st.onuui occuurretl huru : last night , , .
thu. , wimmd being at uiue tulle mit a. veloelty
of 5.1 miles au hour. 'l'rees and signboards -
boards uvoro blouvmu down. The uuifiniahi.
ed rottiid imouuso of the Itichiester c
Pitt.eburg railway oii the lake shore , at
Sunlit Buutflulo wits leveled to thu groumntl ,
while a house on Furry street was entirely - , -
ly ulumnoliehied. Large iancs of ghass in t
several Mmuiui street stores were dounol.
Time PulbliO bathuillg hiotises at York
Stain ! and lilall ) ? itnivude btutiiing iiouutucs
vemo ashod away by thuu high tide.
hui the First vnrd a large anmotimit of
dmunnge vius dune. Lummmbor piles vcvo
itlouyn across thu street , duuinugimig hiousea _
One hunidreui feet. of the side triusk ci tiio
Niagani Falls brammehi of tue Central
rote ! wmia washed itvay alit ! four freight
, murs tuimuubled into the hiuko nuid the contents -
tents ciurnithd oil' by the water. Nearly
till the toiuralhl wires were disabled.
' [ 'hero was a trcmeiidotts current
ill the Bmiflulo river. It took
several tuigs to tow one vessel
to it ishuice of safety. Vessels
commlimig in thU hot try to make the inner
harbor aimd vure ltucky to tind ehiohtor
111111cr thu new breakwater over which
time waves diusiied with temritio force and
height. 'l'lto proiseihors Chtictugo reid
iron Clue0 reid the , , ehuoommcrs David Davis
uuuit ! Junnes Couch % Vero torn from their
futsteniumgs at Niagara. 'I'ugs wont to
their rescue. Tue highi water subsided
mel quickly an it rosu-fiuhlimig Luvo feet in
less titan half nut hour. Masters of vos-
suls coining iii this Inorumimig report thimY
wind torritlo OIl tins lakes. At daylight
it wins reported a white vessel was asitoro
hear Bay View , with the crow in rigging.
From thu iluiscniptioii it was ascer-
taiuied the vessel was the York State.
ii tug uvuus tloepatclied to her relief this
aftontoon. Amuotiiur vessel is ashore at
'uViiu.lniill Point , and the life-saving crow
has gone to her asisietahICO. She is a I
black three-master , and is supposed to bo
the Colunibian , but nothing definite has
yet been learned concerning her. The
floating elevator , Miirquuttc , broke Iowrn
from her nlooritmg in tile Erie basin , aiid ! h ,
raised havoc with the ItropelleC St. Paul ,
damaging iiur severely. 'rho schooner
1m Fitzgerald , mit iii fuoin Toledo , leak-
hug. 11cr cargo of wheat is ruiiicd. Five
other sclioouiurs have arrived , all in bad
mmhuapo , with immasts and canvass swept
tiwuly. Time captain of time propeller .
Julia B. Lyon , reports he saw an uti-
known diaiiiasted schooner emi the lake
- - -
BiusIuii'ts I ailuureis.
NEW Yong , September 25.-An assign.
mncnt for time beimutit. of creditors was tiled
tmt.diuy in time coulmty elumk'mu otlice by
Furdiuirummd l'uh uuyor tumid Betujammuimu Iaycr ,
cnuulpommitmg the tirumi deihiiig iii wotsts.
30Vliite street , to Siuumiiuu Danzig , giViIIg to thu aummount of iubout $810-
l'referoicca of tins firma are principally
in accoumit of uuccoutimmuodatiomi notes atid
umiomluy lommed. Amtiommg the prillcii4al
crditoms al.o the fullousiimg : lii. Fenchit.-
wammgcr & Co. , about $70,000 ; uiikmmewn
Imolderus of 1)roliiiiumuiiy ) notes zuado by
assiguloes , about $120,000 ; Simnoti Mtuck
( CI , . , $ :3ooo1aIc& : ; Co. , of St. Lotus ,
$62,000. ' 1'lw aseigmico expresses thu bus-
lid that the liabilities would exceed
$1,000,000 nut ! considered it probable
thu assets wotuld. not be far short of the
f'mniui'mm debts. lie could tussigi lie CIHISO
for thu suspulmeinu. 'l'hie ( kIn hmas iseeui
jut existotice for 25 yeats mmd its busiumeas
has becut conlimied sixelutively to woolcimut.
Tiimsro its ii story iiiVull tstuuct to the
died thmuut time failure of F. 1itiyur e ( Cut.
lii duo iatlY to the iccent dechimmo of
Viilant ! tihiuIlC8. It its sthitSd fiurtimar
troiliiiuml tire tinticiptuted in this trade.
Tue Jouruttul of Countuirmce mmtmutcs ; Itu
thu asaigumutuuumt of l'cm diumammtl i1uiycr &
Co. , wstolezm julihicis , thu liabilities wills
ucndi botweuti $17,000,000 to $18,000- ,
000 , of which itrofoue'ces hiuuve been
tlitllt ( ) of $700,000 to $800,000.
'J'hme l'mruum of Levy lirmis. & Co. , clotlmicru ,
1)11 lImoatlwiuy , tileti tin amsmgmminuuut
far the betmelit of their creditors. Solo-
itmoili liimui givimug prcfcrciices to the
tuimloitmit ( if $000,000.
IlitciIiutImIg i lit , Cimitmeso ACt.
SAN FIIANtiIISCO , Supteummber 25.-Jus-
Lieu Fluid , of time U. S. Siuprcnio Court ,
sitting in baymo with Circuit Judge Saiv-
yei , to-day icndi'icd a 1111111 decision iii
tcs1tect ti ) time riglitms cituimimed by Chinese
boitu iii Ilomig Kong to lieu ! imi time United
States. lie rules that the fact of a
Chuitittumiju hieing bouti iii hong Iiumg
Utica mint. comustitute imiun it British sub-
jeeb 'l'hiu justice 1mimits out timat SOC.
12of the act of Cotigremis ' 'iroimiblting time
latudhuu of Oiiimmcee iursuus , fitmumid uuiitiw-
( ( ill ) ' witimiti time ! Jumited States shall ho
rummioved thmerefrotti by dimection of tins
Pmesiuluumt. to time coitlitry fietmm WhiellcO lmui
CaiiuJ ) , " Iiit tuecessarihy 1(1 Cimmuitu but to
the coutitry 1)0 ) cuuuime ( roil ) , Oum these slId
( Jtiier groummids tile justice nuhes that no
Olmiuiuse lahiovcr froumi hong Kong can
lain ! duriuug time operiution of the law ,
'rim Iiiitioitt $ zuiiui GOne.
SrltINUVtiLU , his. , Supteumubor 25.- .
'l'hmo old edIt jut J'leuitmrd county , Ill. ,
furred to iii till biographies of Abraham
Limienlum , burnett last muiglit. with all its
couttetits. It uric originally built in 1829
by Win. C , ( I cemmo , better knouvu as
"lieky" ( irceumo , who afterward took
Limicolut into partumersliiim under 'tile final
itiuuio ) of ( recite & Lincoln , It w1in itt
this mill the oh ! atone was kept at which.
I4iuicmhii tramlet ! with the cttnlyaett1err of
time Stato. Tue ltrohselty was uint tory
yahuablo , and wait iithUtld for $2500.
. C j