- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - . - - - - - - _ - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - F . - rfllt FkILT .RJ---OMAllA , ThESIAi , S'TE1JER 25 I TIlE DALY BEE. I . , OYIAHA. Tuesday Morning , Sopt1 25. LbOAL BREVITfl3. -.Tohn T. Rulilyan hi hon Cltjtflttl In OlIhft , orryIng cotcet1t wcapon. Officet UI1 Armour i1ono marche4 him ti th cooler. -toei ; ) VC boon pn tip In tIm cIty offlce. Ai tar M t)20 ) IIriOUC ft ! concerned there IA o imed of a .t.ovo In the PolIce Court. It IA wuaIIy warm ciiougli fr thorn without one. . -unday WM K M. $ tenber' . blrtlidny Mid he VIM the recipient of in elegint prnAeIIt from lila who whkh deierve' mention. It IA a boy. Intonils to take better care of flint gIft tbnn iwy 1w ever received before. -EIder.Ici.i ) thoitli , I'resldont of the lie. TWflUOd Church of .ICAIIA Chrl t of Letter 1).y SaIiit. . , will irec1 * on TIlcAday evening M their chnpol on CL.A Atreot between 16th WUI 17th. -'IIlIm Snyder , the well known mnnu factiircr of light Iuggioi , Ahtpod yotcrJay a Ye ? ) ' iioliby rig te Irank Ca.totter , of Blair. 11 I an open buggy , voghing eliout 137 OUfldA , with plufih cu1iIun , haudNolney fIn. hNI. hNI.Since -Since Alfred Tcnnyaon Iia boon coin etidot1 by hie .ovorclgn to celebrate .Tihii Be'nwn in VOrAG he haa been going to the Iia. ! . Officerb Sigwart , niiil Motz foiiiul the laureate locping on a illeof .hvItigaSunday iiIht and look him UI ) ' IIoa(1t1arLer. where lie ws kOPitblY eiitortalnol. -The ofiloera of the Cicrinan Society in. piocted the now school anti gjimnaAlnm build. Eng Sunday niI find evorytliiiig lI0T0AiflK ne1y. They niad arrangemoiat for ga and itotn heating and let e contract to Mat mover for 8-1 doaki for pupils and two teach. tq. ' ( kklI. -The tIlt.er Piteher and gObiOt.A , gold lined , tobo iire.ionthd by the Union l'aclflo ii a kvihy In tim regimental rifle teem matoh , are on exhibitIon inMax Meyer' . window. A Iocoinotie and tender are engraved beautiful. Iy a1xve the iIIlcrlption on tue pitcher. -A ynungatrong man Mked for a brnakut at the house of William loll yesterday and aid ho Wa. willing to work for It. Ito wa own a cart load of wooLf and told hi , could ave liii breakfuit and two doflara for aawing II , iflit M 80011 * U Mr. DalI went into the how.o dhiappeared over the back fuiico. lie had .ily cut two Htlckil. ' . -A fifteen , year old boy , named Charlie Victery , atule a $125 gold watch of 1) . 8. MftdieIl and iawnod it to a farmer living five RIICN weatof the city. Mitchell tracixi the watch and recovered It , and when the boy ep. : peered for it , Sunday , the fanner nabbol him and brought him in. Ito ii now in the county jail and lila father , at Cmbr1dgeport , Ma& , . , hia boon written t. Thb waa a caae .1 ; uiii1accd charltyMIteholl having befriend. .dtho.boyand givoeblina home. ' PV'lt4ONtIj ! Mri. 8. IL Kennedy anti daughter have re turtiod home. John It. Bixon , of La Criiiige , md. , IA a grt at the Metropolitan. .1. 1. Evans , of Sutton. C. C. Cameron , of &lLuyler , . anti 13. Cochran , of Lijcolii , are at Wie Metropolitan. J. IL. Farmer , of Now York , hi at the Mut. aepolitan. s.- . MVA. 3. V. Brown , of Auroro , Is a guot of - - Ifie Metropolitan. A . Net. Brown , the portly nnd gooti natured . % repreeutativo of the 0 ; , B. & Q. , I In the city. tt C. C. Groory , of Proinont , is at thu MIl hid. hid.M. M. B. LuoaA of Blackfoot , Idaho , Ia at the Millard. C. K. Lawaun , wife and boy , of ltaatlngn , sri , ut the Millarti. A. G. Thomas , agent of "My I'artner" Co. Ii agitot of the Millard. Mr. and Mn. C. 1 % ! . 0. RIchardson , of Brattloboro , Vt. , are at the Millard ] f. W. Wood , roprcacnting the Queou City rglutlug.luk O , of Cincinnati , 0. , i In tIm c14. on buaiuoA. A. II. WIl.ou , one of thu ivoiit coinniorcial kavelori In tIm wo4ern country , vaH LI weal bounil Inat night. ' Nra. It. J. Stralwrn , svlfo of the chief ol Mie U. P. lIterary bureau , wont weAt laM adglit. IfOM. Lyman Rlchard.onwlfo , mid daughter loft for Chicvgo yo4urilay. iT. S. Marahal Blerbowar liai gouo te Clii ( ion. Paul Vandervoort loft for Yaahingto 0 bat night. Frankle WilliawA , tlio little AOl1 of Mr Jacob WillIams , Ia Juat recovering from i verQ attack of diptlieria and hopo.a to lUl . ( kroug on a diet of hard ogga. , J.v. . Blxlor , of North l'latte ; henry J Ikackott , of ColuinbuA ; W. A. 8wlth , o lLa.4inga ; ( leo. IL Brooks , of Bazillo Milb ILiiL uo. w. l'vet , of York ; ltrank M. Noi Uirup , of Wayne ; J. V. ' . ratheui and L. V Xouug , ci Lincoln , are guo4s of the Millard 'The followingaro among thoArrlylN at fit Pxten yoatordty ; J. 0. llabmy , ow Yort N. .1. Waggoner , Donlaou , Ia. U. II. ltubu Lao , D6A IoItla ; Wzu. Claccuin , L. II ) Ilgolow , Jo % V. Taltnige , 11. 8. 11mm , No York ; J. 13. lou , Battle Crook , Nob. ; Ii. lii Boiii , StaJ'oerry 'Mo ; ; Cpu. DuTeitiple , luau Neli. ; IL. F. 1ugl1ib , lov Iltiven , Coon Wet. B. Orr , wife aud child , l'cxtna3lv&uli H. M. ltuiell , W. C , Bodnutu , N. C , l'oUe , CMco A. S. l'a.1du.k , Milwaukee ; Charh IL. Barrett , chicago ; 11. A. luco aiit wlfq Jbj'ublican City , Nob. ; ui. ' . llntiiiltou , 141 1'8ul ; 1 , St.oruy , llinnbtirg ; C. It , Swocne Dca Muino ; Mr& B. 1) . Tliuiiiaa , Niobrari H. J , I'otor , F'drmiiuiit , Ne1 , . J , B. Chaj ZU untl wife , 1Iniiuvr , Ill. ; liobi. Ceric1 ( JousilI BluhlA ; U , W. Itllllcrwortli , , Codi ltaiiida ; 'Vni. Varzuilton , 1)eii Melon o ; . White , Wealiititon , I ) . C JuuL C , Uj dyke , Chico ; C. L Wou NUIth l'l.&tt.e ; Ci , Corwith , Chicago ; jr. ( iteuling , Jlaltittiore ; II.V. . Cliace , Bialfimnr 8Idiey Lickitor , l'hlladeliihlu ; A. V. Brow New York ; 0. M. Valentine , New York ; V . 1'rlco St. Loui. ; C. l ) Wheelock , Boate : ) l. J Daid , Philadelphia ; J. N. Thacker at wife , Yt. NlobTara ; C L. Ficklen , Memphi euiL ; MN. L. Da Is Canada ; lilfu II. i Gotliam , Jotrolt ; ru. It. B. Stratlarn , Do S v. ; J. 13. Ro.e , Chicago ; Yred Lehman , Cl ao ; ( l. if. CMmpbell , Chicago ; A. IL WI su Chicago ; D. 8. flolntee , St. Louis ; N ; . , Yroainont ; I , . M. Barker , Silver Cnio S : . i. olvert , Uncoln ; J , I. Clarkon , Scliu , S 8 IL Mallory , Charlie ; Ia. ; C. llegoz JesIown , N , Y. ; J. C. ? ilorrtaey , l'latt . .oathj VI. J Gilbert , St. Louli ; F. ) Iiw .uai1 , ilexiwood , Is. ; 11. 0. Clark , No Nyu ; W. A. . clark , Now Haven ; D , tamb1e , 'Idaho ; J , BGh&IItIJ , St. LOuIA ; vdvAl , St. Louli , V -4 _ _ * _ SS * _ * 4S * t. * S PUBLIC WORKS. I BUs for PaYill1 Urall ! an CllrMll Opdllc all Aproye , Tlo 8nnilstone Shut Out ot tlto Croio StrcctN. The Board nf Public Worki * et last night. Mul awarded snorat contract. . Bid , were OIOfled for grading Farnam Btrcot between Twcnty.flftlt and Twenty. ninth , and John Peterson wa. awarded the contract at sixteen ccnb yard , the estimated amount. to be moved being 20,000 yards. 'Vito contract for ro.curbing and gutter. lug Fartuam street between Sixteenth and Eighteenth , was let to It. 0. Jonkinson , who is to use vart of the old uuiatorinl. A bid for paving the cross atreoLe- Eleventh , Twelfth , 'rluirtconth , Four. teontli cud Fiftoontlu-was opuned. A majority of the proorty owners lowing sugne(1 petitiolts fur asphalt , thuro was only oiio bidder , tim harbor Asphalt t'aving company , who olfurwi to do it for $2.08 lr yard , thu anion price clmrgd fur paviuig Oil IIarioy , StxLuiitlu and Dougia , Thu contract was lot to thu Bather company , subject to the approval hf thu couiiuil. If t o council find ovorytluing thus correct , it is hoped that they will tint delay thin approving of thu contract. 'l'lio board of jUhuiC works , city engineer and councilmen , so far as we know , agree withi Supornitondent Oratit that there is still time this season to lay the pavonictith on the cross streets , if no further delay is encountorod. Vury little grading ro- lilahlis to be done , and aftur the base is laid , pavement can be lUt down at about the rate of a block a day. Tliuro are six. teen blocks to ho paved botwoori the al- Icy south of llarnoy and the alloy north of Douglas , and on Fifteenth street to Dodge. If thiwuo cross streets can be paved title year the paving of the main atreote caut ho utilized and on cross stroote macadam can 1)0 loft clean , if not dry. Tim hioaid of pubifo works , adjourned to October 22 , when lIds for paving thio alleys are to be oponed. 1 flucklon'u Ariioa ; Salve.1 : Thegroatest tnqdical , vonier of the world. Warraiited to apoedlly.pro Burns , Cuts UI. coni Ball ithtouin , lreverorea , Cancers I'ilos , Chlbhidn. ( , Corns Totter , Chapped iaaudii , and slliklaeruptf.wi , gusranteo , tocunsln every lnatzince , or money xnfundotl. 25 oeuta box. TIlE MtYOlt' . PtTUONAGE. An Exhibit of the LLrgo Number of Oftices at ILIN Disposal. At the City Olork's office this morning a Bus reporter out of cuniosity ittad. inquiry - quiry as to thio anioun of city patrotiagn which is at thu disposal of the Mnyor and Va3 surprised to learn how many rospoui. cilia ollicos ho has to till. Thu fo lowing is the lIStrLUi kindly furnished by City Clerk .Towutt , showing thu salaries vur annum : City Engineer..2 200 Street ConitniaMozier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 070 City Attorney. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 000 City Marshitti. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 000 Twenty vl1coizion at 70 per month , each jier Canon ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 810 Six InamctgIrd , after Sopt. 1st $120 per iiiuntli , each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 .110 Seven regltrar at 8711 porntIllIn , each. 70 hoard of Public \Vorka , oludnnnn. . . . . 1 800 Two ineinbera associate , each. . . . . . . . . . . 200 City Physician , besides food. . . . . . . . . . . 210 Chiif Fire 1)epartiimnt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 000 Foiirtoon firemen , each ur year. . . . . . . 810 I'atronuige of mayor an purohasor of the city itiust utiso be runoiiiberd. , and , together - gother wit ) : the council and thu chair. malt of the board of public w.rka , die. 1iouiaitiout of the contracts resulting from thu sale of boiids , amounting this year to $384,000. Thu apioiiitiuiuitt of police judgonnil various other officers in case of vacancy ill quite an item , as olovoit tr inoro of thiimo oflicos draw mu much salary or more than the mayor. All those ollicers are apm1nted by tim iiiayur for tim "current ollicial yonr" ( ) illy , tie thu ut ntixt spt log , um his olhico infer for two yearn , ho can rcnlloint ) or ap- I jOittt now Luiq'vrr , LUAh Co. are P.tatiufaetur. r rs of ( jenufac (1lIforsi1 ( * JliicGtoiea , mid chum to make tim i't11)1(5 I1 the , United Stat'i , and ro lint ofritid to sity so. Every pair is hirandud Liri'rrr , Liai , Co. - - TJII 8JNTINE&H SAY I In Regiurti to ' . 'Iuiit. ( mi. Yitgiiei Can fl ( ) to AniliNe. It is claimed by tim uuanngeinoiit oJ rla11iy Cal.Vagnur'a No vu' M instrela , win appear on Tuesday evening in this city i that the entortainnient given by them ii ; 1.110 iuiost select over vflivod by a , niitstre S. couiauiy. [ ) This debt 15 autbstaiztinttn . by the criticisms of thu l:055 in tiire I. States. Thu Sentinel , of Milwaukee 13 cltiuitctorixed the poforntnnco uu "one o : the happiest of minstrel lirouluctuons . genteel , absurd and highly enjoyable. V At ItQck Taluuid Thu Union says : "Thu . ehow was just what it was announced t . , be , devoid of dou'tful allusions ; in brief ; otto jolly 160 minutes genuine enjoy I ; mont. Thu Daveziport ( lazutto of Set. . said : ' 'Not thu slightest intimation c a the vulgar so couiniotily resorted to b I minstrel COuutpflhuLCs 14) catch thu jnllur 5' dietles , Thu O.iI.Vuiuiur aiiow is vru .5 .5oiutiiieuit nil untertauuiuncuut viiieit ca be w'ituit'aod by any lndy , without thu re I , , . Iflotust daiigor p1 anything to otflnud he uui3tlusty. " At Duhuque , Des lltoiiios , Buuhington nutil elauwitero tIm sani r iiinlau is awarded tIm coniatiy by tlt a ; iiuiIrs , scarcely a critit1ub that clues iio .1 speak of the high order of the ouitorLtiu I mzit. 1 , 0 ; \VItIo Awake Iruiggists. I ) , C. 1 ? . Goodman 1. always alive In hilo bua IT . flOaN end 8hiAe1 no PM11 to ceuro thin bcit . every article in ltialiue. lie lies secured Ui a , for the colebmt.od Dr. Kings No' ' id JJi.covory fur Cwisumptioit. Thu only cci 0 , taiui cure known for Cuneuniptioti , Cough Cold. , lfoariioneaa , A.thma hay } 'uvor llrui 1. ' ' chltiA , or auyaffection of t'Iaraat anti 'luiigi U. hold on a hiobitivo guaraiiteo. TrIal bottit 11. free. 1teu1ar i.Lio $1. II. . . A CITY SCAVENGER. k ; 1 A Neccuity Demanded by the Eutir 1 City. 4. _ _ _ _ _ - 801210 weeks ago an ordinance wu I pa.uod by the city , providing for thue a . pointxnsnt of a city scavenger. This was demanded by thu vublic gei emily , WM a measure long ago adopted by eastern cities and would prove a great boon to Omaha. Since the passage of of the ordinance no steps hiavo F.cen taken to carry out the ( lesign for which it was intended. Although the summer is over and the great danger to b approheided from dirty alloys is past , a city scavenger is an office which should be filled at once. Too much importance cannot be attached - tached t.o this matter , and tim council shotiki 500 that the matter is ftttcfl(1Ol to and the oflicorappointed at once. REGIMENTAL TEAM MATCH. ilic coth Illianiry beds all lh llimdn'sinTli Contest , _ Lioutetintit Mcrriauiu "uVInt the Imli- 'vldual Skirmish Match Closely. Shootingat the rifle range on Saturday n.M under giont diflicuit.y , as the raiii poured dowi : all day and thu mu : : had to fire in the midst of it , the svntor rutining frotii thtnir c.ips unid heavy overcoats attel gulia. It. syits inoru vork titan play. . YESTEItLIAT MOttNiU the regiunotital teauti niatchi took place , the wind being lfl-40 , dir. I o'clock Thioro wore five eltots jier inert at each volley , maximum 1)oSAihlO 200. This is tue record , according to rank ; the figures boltig for 200 auid 001) yards : Suvotitii Infantry-Sorgt. Chinpini , SorgL Mayo , Corporal Stevens , l'rtv. ac1iarianuti ; 70 , 80 ; total , 155. Niittli Tntantry.-Sorgt. Stay , Sort. 1tchiestor , Corp. Gordon , Musician Martin - tin ; 70,67 ; tobtl , 14fl , Fourth Infantry-Lieut. Merriam , Sorgt. Itobinson , Surgt. llicoCrp.1)eath ; 74 , 08 ; total , 142. FiftltCavalry-Liout. l'arkiinrstSorgt. Foster , Surgt. Wailer , Corp. Gregory ; 67 , Cli ; total , 133. Fourtoontht Infantry-Sorgt. Jordan , Sorgt. Ifornick , l'riv. SuruLWeaverCorp. Vciigra1l ; ( JO (16 ( ; total , 12 I ; Sixth Infantry-I" v Clark , Corp. I'ond , Corp. llruball h , Sergt. I'ilkeng. ton ; 56 , 52 ; tothl , ii 8. Tilt ! INIIYXDUAL 8KIICMIMI M&TCIi camooff later inthio day , and wa a closely contested and interesting oiio. L'huo wind varied from 20 at 1 o'clock to 25. miles an.hour later in the afternoon , b ing tory strong most of thu time ; ulitectioti , 3 o'clock. Anwill ho seen by the score below , thre of the competitors made thio santo record , 83 out of a 1)0581- blo hundred. Whoa this is tue case , then rank is decided by giving first pitico to tim ones having the fowesl 2's , then the fewest 3's and 4's , nud so on. It liappetied very strangely yesterday afternoon , however , that all three .of those tied had the santo flUuiIlCni until it Caine to flULL'M BYIO4 , when it was diacovot'ud , that Lieutenant 1erriauii had nitio bull's eyes to Serguinit Flynn's sovuti , so to 10111 thin superb gold medal of tim departttwnt stall will be awarded. Moreover , 10 was deducted front Lienteiiant ? , lurriaiu'tu score for two shot. which he made iii excess of the 20 iuliowabi. . If it had tiot been for thttit , his score would have boon 93. This is thu exhibit , nuid a very praisowortliy one it is ; NAut : . CO. Iuio. : SCORn. raizic. Liout. ] . ucrrlitun. . I" 4th Itif. 83 inotliul Sorgt. M. E. Flynn. . ! 11th luf. 83 810.00 Sergt , A. W. Htay. .F 0th luf. 83 8.00 Limit. ' ' . W. } ' . , stcr. K 0th City. 82 5.00 l'r.Mua.J..T.Jiflery.B'd 7th 1 of. 81 0.00 Mert. Ti. Cliapiiit..I 7th liii. 80 2.00 Corp. C. Greglry. . . L . 0th Ccv. 77 2.50 ( un , . , T 0. ) . . . . . liii. 77 2.50 srL 11. RIce. . . t 1t1 , Inf. 76 2.50 ] ' , ivutc 'torria. . . . F' 0th Cay. 70 2.50 h'riv. C Zackariann.it 0th Jnf. 75 2.50 l'r.Ma l.M. Wailer. It'd 11th , Ccv. 73 2.00 Titnu MOt1NQ , the COmlOtitil1 ( ) for iaces nit the depart. uiiunt teant to go to Fort Leavenworth begins , with twelve men and two alternates - nates , and continues for three days. Thu COIltCat4Uit Whiut makes the highest score iii these three clays receives the depart. tiieiit gold iiicdxtl , the intrinsic value of whirhi is $100 , aside from the elaborate work upon it. --S Tlioitsatnti Say 140. Mr. P.V. . Atkitia , ( lirard , Kim. , writes ' ' 1 tievor hesitate to recotitinetid your Eiec tile hlittera to ii.y . customer , , thiuy Ivn entire satisfaction ami nt'o rapid nohiora. ' Electric I IJittu- , , are the jurast nod best medicine known auth will poaltively cure Kidney and I.ivor coniplaints. l'ttiiIy thin blood and cog. uhiit the bowels. No family CAll alTard to be witlttit them. 'lucy will save litinitrods of ilolhrsln doctor's bill. evoryear. . Sold at / 50 cents a bottle y 0 , F. ( jootnan. Peal I BLP.tO Transfers. The following deeds wore tiled ( or roe- cord in the county don' ' i ofllco Soptombet f 24 , reported for Tint unit by Amos' real estate ) itichuard N. Withnell and wife te , Patrick Bagloy , q o d , lot ( I , pare A 82 , towit 15 , range 13 , 30. Patrick Bagloy to Luvoritt M. Andor. 1 50th W ci , lot 7 , part lat 0 , pare s so 32 , 15 , 13 , 88,080. , S John 1. Iludick and wife to Janies II. , MeShianu , v d , Iart lot 9 , Capitol add , I 80,500. Nulhie Joltnson nod hluslnuid to ( lunni ' , A. Lindquest , w d , a lot 15 , blk 8 , iii Kouuzo liuth's add , 8800. Samuel Itogern and wife to Alirod ) A. Solden , w d , east 15 feet of lot 4 , and S west 45 feet of lot 8 , Uk 14 , Improve. : nient 4tSsOCIiltliII add ; 8200. Charles Shilvotick unul vifu to Ella ? uI 1 tliigiuis , w d , north 150 tout , bik 7. iii ) suhdivjslitt , r J . 1. ltedkk's uiultl , $3,500 , ) S Daviil J. Suldon mud wife utiitl Aifrot ] p. . . Seldeti to Chuuriui 1) , Selden , w ii It uuuttl of 80 feet. oil thuuwebt side of I. 2 , blk 14 , Itii1irovetuiutit I. ittiul , $1. Situuitiujl li. Itogors iutiti wife tO ] ) as'hi .r. Seidon , nul , 'vest ti ( tot hf lot .1 , liii U 14 , .1InIrUVIuiWlit\5sOuifltiOiI itilil , 200 , . lopiuIiliciuui Cuiivoiitloii , OMAhA , Nub , , 8uptuunlur 20 , 1888. At it iticotilig of tim Itopuhuican juuuli cml district central couuumittet , held thu , tIny pursuant to tIm call heretofore ntiulo ' it was u Js'CSIVCl , 'L'iint the judicial convon l. lion of thin ' .L'hiird judicial district ho ltel r- In the city of Ounitba , OR the 11th day ' . . October , 1888 , at 2 p , ill : at the diatric I. court house. : Thu duIeates from the several oem : ties comprising said convention to be a follows : Burt , \Vaahuington ; , 8 ; Doug las , 10 ; Sarpy , 4. It Is recoinnuendod that no proxies b admitted tO thin convention exco1)t such 0 are lucid by jorons residing In th counties from which the vroxioa aa given. N , J , Buitrui , Chairman. U E. W. SIMSIUL , Secretary , . Fe : : SAu-Two portable steam boiler. 1. 10-horse power. ApplY at D. ITZiAT1UOKO , . lfl.tr l18 South 15th Bt , _ - - - - PEREGRI NATINGPUI1ISTS. The Pay Ryan Combination on Their ¶ ay to th Cdn1llll1a1 tte , Slado anti Huilhiwati Expected in To. Night. Although but little had been sad about tim matter telegrams were yenter- day received from the cast which an I nouneed that ( ho three best known pugil. fats in America , Sullivan , Shade and I'atldy ityan , would bo in Omaha withhi the next 24 hours. A Bar. reporter who was at the trans. for during the evening saw thin telegrams , which wore etit to utigago berth in the l'ullmnn car fors the parties , and subse. quo tly met thin tioted Paddy Ryan , who came in on tim Rock Islautul. Ityan was iwaompauitcd by Jut : Katie and Parsoti Davie , - who lii on his way for i : general tour through the wojul ; . lie goes first to Lcatlvihlo , wlueue lie will P1Y at the Globe theater on the 271hi , 28th , 29th aiid 80th of Supteiiib , r , and uteat svcek lie viIl 1ay 01113 tughtt in Deut'or , Following this , engagomolits vih1 ho filled in Pueblo , Sacrainetito and Sati Francisco. l'rof. SYihhlain 'u1illr , the wohl.known wrestler and boxer , who defeated Larry Foley in a cptitost for the ciiauui1iioiiahiij , of Australia , has bout : setit for and : ill meet Itynu in San Frau. chico. Mr. Charles B. Davis , known to thin aportiuig fraternity as the parson acconipatlies Ryan as tuinn 9cr. Mr. Davis has been malinger to iuin i1acc , Slado , l'addy Ilymi , Elliott , OpL Dalton and .Toid : L. Sullivan. lie also took Daniel O'Leary , thin pedestrian , to England with Gnyott and Doblor , and is one of thin best ninnagera in the cotta. try. Ryan will meet Prof. Miller in San Francisco. ICano , who is one of the party on the west-bound traji last night , has fought will : Prof. Donaldson , Mike Donovan , Steve Taylor , Prof. Doherty and others. He weighs 185 pounds. ltyitn is quito fleshy at present , weigh - ing 212 pounds. lie carries , however , a complete outfit with him for training lurposes and will reduce his weight to 100 l)0tiflt1 before reaching San Fran- cisco. Shade and Sullivan will arrive in Oma- jilt this evening via the Northweatorn road and proceed : vost. Itis a rather eprious coincidence that tlieao three noted fighters should all go west at the same time , and the tolo. grams engaging their sleeping car berths show that one is bound for North Platte , Nob. , , , iio for Cheyenne and the other for Dun. vor. It. looks to the average observer as if there was acinethiuig of more titan usual ititereat on the talus , and it wauld nut be stirriaing if a quiet light bitt ! boezi tir- rtuuIgel to take vhiucu between two of the piuties soniewliero in tim tratis-Missouri cuuury. LET'iE1tS Ileataining uncalled for in the Omaha post. sullen September 22 , l8.S3 : ' OINTLXUEN. Aruistrong Ahiorn , Ii Aldrich S A Atiderauti it Aide , , SV AItelo. j Ilaaautt S Boll S .1 Bohtiil 1.1 : 1t.tbb 11 W Billings .T 'W Bradley & Co heir .1 : i Bltthsall U Itauld i Barutiw W II Ihacoti If Baruhlli W Bwers VI Bartiett S Bartlett B . Cutler T It Clark S L. . . Cannr4 , T Ctttor C Carr 1 ? Case 11 1' Chubbuck 11 0 Cobol .T Cerlson 0 Chainoonoy J 11-2 Cole Bros Carr W i Caitill .1 Cannot : T Cuer .1 P Colby 0 I Chrlstiaiiaon M 0 Isiey SV Deters F Dariw 'W j Direction A La 1)uiican ll J DeCanp U i Bert : .1 N Dovin lit liiotzel U Fhavin J Fischer C Yronihers F Fretich BV lCoieii.oi , T A Far1c.s .1 ii ! Flaihiarty lii2 Fouta 11 14 FIoninr , J lit ltal E it F5iiiIey Mr korrtist I lii Fort J l Fro.iiberg F G muon A E Grilling Ii E ( JiLray .1 Ulbbois .1 . ( urocu It ( kirgo.uti E ( uiblioi , P 11i eeii.J 0 Hubbell S 13 Iliett..I 0 Ilawkitia.T Ilariti k , lackson Iliitiiiitoii .1 ilitno U. II llurcoy I' J IIale (3 it Ilcido II hiedley 13 0 11111 F Ilitycuck A linuthi I' .Iaydeii 0 llear4iman 0 liockley o Jurguiiaon U Jiutsen S .5 JohIIt8.ti II lii JolIiu400 Ci M Juhn.oti J it .Iiiii 11 II I Jowehl li 0 .Iohitih'.n .1 0 Tohiisoi , * II. ,1 .Iitiiiau Mr : Kleinuchi .1 L'-3 Kenedy .1 Klliut Vi' C Roller A ii ! Kearney A A. Kutiaton 0 hchler B King C B KintaitL ,1 T 1rrV M lCoiinedy J J 1.einer S 1)ytiI Lolghtyhhii .1 Lla H McliauiuyM Morse W i : liuaidoili , .1 Mulhaney .1 Mctio DK Mearihl U W Meht.y . 13 McCar. I ) S MeGuorn C I , Mc4hiihtui .T McCoy P McKee A Mourison S J lilorgtiut U W Mar11 lii V Mchliinoii M Moiit.tguo lit Mariioy S. A lillller'r i Mullitiger It litodroc W-2 IilcCuilera W P . , I'ui II liluhtait IL E I MiLIAG 1' Neibblo F-2 Nltumet I.E I Newkitk G V Nntt U V N5 I Nelsoti j 1) Noivuiiaii ' , V If NN O'Day I' O'Coiiiior ( ) 'ifrIoi : J Ogle ' 1' Overton 13. l'urethi I't'ter II S Piiiott J ii : l'itquettti J l'siuI J I'eitutt ( I S 1'eltmi ii I l'etter.oii 0 A. 1'Ct.4iaOII .1 lttlisIr ( I It. I li..iliiituii , T ii t Jtti.s , F2 Jiiuiiitii , IS F liui1sil ( U it I.oiier { , F S I lti..g 14 Itnaiti 'it lit ltlahi5lrdA ii .1 ila..u .J lit I , , J 1tlua C ) Jlogi i' . 'IV it Bells I" V . l.iwleu- { ] tIs4elh It Itetiiaen M-2 ItaitrV ItOb W It Itubcit.a&iti 'iY 0 .iliryiiii F Sehinlze A Luiiiiuii A StCl.iur lit D - Si , iitliiisu A. t4tger 4t. 4 Sniahl A. 5iirk A ' iievetis . : r w Stewart .T N $ t.ill J lj Sitienil ii Ii $ tHuiiAOlI P Sliuphiorti it. I .S.ivuins Ii .1 Scti S 13 I 3clmiulor.iven J Sutiltilord J f Sitiluhi C B Smith 'I'll t Stephens ' 1' l4otlt'rbtrtfln V 'rI1..ts1 C B. Trios I . 'I'ullny I' ii Titolniwon F Tunit'rT UnIon 0 a Vat : .Wleet If VrtMilanhI IL . Van DuncerJ It Vanderuck .1 Viitceut tJ Wuodward F. A S \Vi1oe 'tV Wondwax-d ( I 1 \'ilghit } ' lit \VyhicA Mr \'leaer lii Wathin A A Li WrIght U B Varks h 1) a Yoliikoffor C B FoutiTfi CLASS IlATZ1i5. Ida 0 Tsbhtroai Miss L ( ; old.bcy , L.LDISS LINT. Abbott Miss N Benedict Miss L 111111.1cr Mi. . A blocs Miss A Beal Mr. B Ball Mr. lit lisniator Mrs A Bihop Mr B Iltirgeas Mrs It Bowman Mrs Ii Bland iIIAA It Bohan liuisa It BarrMr. . ( I Butler Mr II Clarke MIa ( I M Cunninghau. . .hias ( 1)eW Itt : hiaa 't 1)tirfeo liliss A : ? hlai 1) ) Fowler Mrs B P ( iulty Mrs 1 2 Frank Mrs.J .1 Uould Mrs C A Iiiuickloy Mrs .1 1 Ilelton lit hlonin : M ilardin B hIosard lilian F 1Ioatru , A , Ione Mr A , lIttCA Mrs 1' ] Cuispp Mrs P 'IV ICirkemlahl lilt. . lit Latlirop Miss Ci S Leiiiard liuIs it Lewis Mrs A J.tucaa Mn. N Look Mrs G Lanulhiohin Ml.a A Mehqvost ! li1r' A. .1 MeiCihhi ; . Mrs lit MoNeal Mini 0-2 lilcltobble Mr. .i Murphy Mrs T Motrinon Mr4 I , Morton Mrs M 'IIhatt Mrs lit Mercer Mrs B Maunti Mr. C II Feinrc Ml , A ortio 'II1s lit Parker Mias T Sneiigreen M1s S itym , Mrs 1. . Star liui.s 11 Sheldon lit .1 4chaeketatig I.liss Ti Settithi 'dIaa It 8iiiiuti MI'S S Sh.tttiek lilt-a I , Shhhuitan B 'rIiima .Iis B Thiiii1soti , it 'IVihila lilr.u C \Val4aeo I.uis .1 \V.irthihutgtou Mrs C Vinbcrg Misi D Warner G CulAs. K. Ceurr.tsr. I'ostniaatet - lilYMT5flIOUS DIS4tI'Pfl.tILANCE. St South Omaha 1'Itui Ilehieved to have 11eOII iyiiuhietl. A few weeks ago n merchant doing business in South Omaha , on Seventh atiel P.tciflc streets , disappeared in a mys. terious hammer. lIe had beet : dealing in Ioots and slices and dry goods and fitiathy concluded to go to 'l'cxiu. , lie stmrted fur time "Lone Star" state timid his wife heard nothing of hum for quite a while. 'l'lio ChmiLago Tntur.Ocemn of a recent date contaitis an aceotitit of the lyticliin of ii ittmni bearing the emutmic tootle and it is bulleved that the South Omimhiiu taurchiant is that l.irtY ; ru- furred to. his stock line beomi tiukemu iii charge by the firm of 3. .1. Brown & Co. , and tmnless some tiews is received of I htitmi , noon will ho disposed of ii : the usual manner. Ak your druggist for Itedditig's Itussia Salve. ICCO1I It iii the iiouo ii : ca.e of ned. tktits. l'rhce 20c. A TO1LOIILIGHL' PROCESSiON. The Germans Will Celebrate Their HI-Centennial ilecomainghy. A meeting of tIm German citizens of Omdha wiza hold in Turner Hall Sunday - day afternoon to arrange for the proper celebration ( , f the bi.contonnial unniver sary of tue arrival of Germans in this country. It was resolved to have a grand torchlight prosion of all the German societies in this city on the evening of the 6th of October , foLlowed by an en- tortaitinient at the Turner Hall , when tltcro will be speeches , tableau vivmuitmm , vocal and instrumental music , and a ball. Atiothier meeting will be held Sunday afternoon to 1)erfect arrangements. Tim folIbviitg cotitixiitteci Yurn inadu yes .ei- day : On arrangements : , Jnhimi Baunier , Phmihip Amnlies , George Stratimmait , ( ) . F. Ktmni. , 'IV. Bouhi , iii. May , August Bo. ehmmmme , George Sehirmidt , Ed ICue.mter , Ed. Wittig , J11h1t1 Braudt , F. Suhimmalcu. Oim aecehmes : Chits. Kaufmnaim , Jacob flauck. F. Schnako. Ott historical 'I'ableaux : Philip An- drea. A. Rosunzweig , Johimi Brureis. SPEOIAL NOTiCES. W-SpoclaIa 'will PositlYoly not be Inserted unless paid in advance. TO LOAN-Money. ONEYT ( ) LOAN-The Omaha OiaInga flank Is 11 new treparol to tijako hoRn.i Oil Omaha city or Douglas county ret , ! obtatC lit current rate of Interest. No coniuisIon charged. 388 tf ONEY TO LOA N-The howest rates of Intere.t 11 Beinis' Lea , , Aiercv , hUh k D.iuitaa. 231 tf - - LOAN-Call at 1.aa ollicu of U. I. . 1 t-fw-To coon. 8 , Crelghton I3iook. ; tiNEy thin-on Chattel mortgage , roam 7 ill Nehiai4.a Nattojial flank Iini1.Iiii. 184. tf FFF.aED FOILA riw : 1IAYII-An opportunity to O incct a .inahi amount of capital Iii a .1 usnes , N hid. . a tti i.ay ire rer cent. heat etato a ecet % ed in ae1ange. uuiqimire of Lou.bury amid MnOit. 8. W. cor 11th coO Farnani O2.22l 1ONEY rO LOAN-SI. r. fleatty oa on chattel .11 oropertv. 218 aoiith , 14th St .cLI5 hELP WMrku. UTNTii-Four good briek ni..ess. lo work oi ' I c'wrt linus , , at IlL .yr , Iowa Nine but the best icot 501)11. hI. . H. Alien , ML Ayr 17ANThenote. . W.ina , preterreil , at I'cIl1j \7ANTh-enote. , house 10th end Iaeiiport .trct. Sl4 l 7ANTEI-LIntng ) room Irl at 1817 or tOO ta. . 1 1 itoh ecnuc. 813.28' T.NTKIT.aundryeirI anI ihihia.hernt Omaha I , I il.uie , hIar.iey St. bet 1251. arid ilth. 8i2 203 1TA1TF.D-A gooI cook 8' go to Fort McKinnuy , 1 iiiicl iRe iii an ttflecr's family. Must be all , , t show rood , ccontniontlattoiu. Only t'so in faniliv , the otUcer anti hi. wife. Yashhii , done outand a go.M me's to ii. ) the heavy iork. W.gea 810 a month. Adiress "F , C. , " core of Capt. Qslnr , Fort Omaha , Neb. 70129 ' isA I ru-i we girl , as the teamLaurdry. 2liit S aiI , hued .treuts. 70528 IITANThI-Coek. laundress. and girl for general S ) iouiusork. Imique at City hotel. 80b.28h iVxNri.I , _ . giifor general i.ouio work he a ! ' faintly ofto. Coodwages , 104 8 2Ith ht. ToissI - , ' of good adlre-e to mehl goo4a. Meetly eimiIoynwnt. ( atm 4I 'ouli , iou , etrtet. 757.211 trNhEfl-A oung man of hit to board .htii I T ? larentA , tochean upami attenti P' ' ° l ru..n. . 814 N. 10th tr.et , 77521t % \TANTEts-Ioo.t ; and etiati , tii Isli girl at 1. A i'etcr.o.ialhii.rry , 516 South 10th etlect , 77.24l yATiP-A goO.I girl at eorner2lthi ccl A atrects two gmnti one.hietf blocks .outh of It Mary's aeie. , , 72tf I1)- % rood woman clerk. )1uat be thor S A V oiihily coiiii etent , ehiut I' ) year. oW , of good I elac , fair iooUg an4 of P1"1 iI.annLr * . Itict , ii wemlili : , eamu hirer of a good altuatho , , as cashier , l.i uIdressiiig A. Ii. UANIi , 77324 City. 7ANitfl-.AgentsIaiuery Countyin the tZtCOI I A , br.a'in , It ) canvius ( . 'rsi.itard vurt , cx eiptkiial tIolurmet.i , gIven to ii' . e atvnt. AJdroi ; " 1 cahi ( 'ii tOO i the 4 reigl.toii hIus iuah No" , .Jno.Fsi : , rt .L.ti ageut. 7O.2Oi TANTlh-/t thCiiflilIl1ouitOt.bl boirO V 1 , re anU Ca , , irunisli 3 I homier , hti ) roitos and bard. w , , McCOY , ijoLIstor , , ' 7ANT1i-Imn.udiately , , o 'Imtreaaea at Can V V hte.1. ! 0uahi , factor ) . btoady work. 1LO7l1ar. hey btroat , 3d thor. 0ii.tf Sot good famltii. H.t A V Iagu. . Apply Immediately at emplovmeiil bureau i7 N. tSthpt. Na. cOlon foe. 022 t4 1TANTV.D-Enorgctho inca to sell our nureor V P st ckuneq'ia ; led f&chiitiu.lmLsrM : luditce neat , 1'ik. County liur.crie. , Loutsia. . , , )1o. 748 U qj'ANTEII-Oirts at II. . * ilavcn hotel 10th itret. .7 741.221 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . TTANTF.D-51x go4 coat maker. . 110.1 of pri. I V ia1d. FRANK .1. itAlUl , ISO. " _ _ _ _ . 1TANTLD-1A.tya5cnt. br the "Queen r.tect V V ce. ' . A now under gIrm.12t for lailise , uwl. ci itt , reshlge rubber. tiers protectloo to the under c..rbcaa.coeeuytobeweru. ItetatIs foe 12.15 U fact a csnt. can chow It. Large profits. Addru.i wttiietsJap , "tiU& Uund.rgirmeat 5i&nuheturIn Ca. . No S Slay rind. Chicago. LI. 705-So , 7ANrED-4ibl at No. toso shcrma.a avenue. TI it1 lfltLJ. II. - - 1 0 for Infants and _ Children. CntoHftpronlot ( ; 1)itrnstlom : 1"lntuleticy , uouattpa- tion , Sour Stomach , Diarrlaa , and Feverishness. It Insures health : and natural sleep , without suoritlilito. , I CMtorla Is o oil anapt.'d to Chihlrrn that I treommend iins.upem-iu.r toany pr.'scrlptioa known to time. " It. A. Ancxiamt , M. 1) . , s2rothnd Ave. , flr&iklyn , I. V. CENTAUR LINIMENT-nit nboltito cure for ItlioLima. . thini , Sprattis , Btiing , Gnlls&c. Thto most Poverfiu1 and lono- tratitig Palti-reliovitig niul Healing ReIncly known to snasi. L _ E- --S - - ITI'IE BETTWREA FOR SEWING MACI'UNES I I SIXCORB SPOOL CBTTON IS ENTIRELY The Product of AmerIcan Industry I PRONOUNCED BY EX1EItTS TO BE THE BEST THREAD IN THE WORLD FOR HAND AND MACHINE SEWINa. FuR assortment constantly on Hand and forsale by HENRY PUHLMAN. Premout. Nob. SITUATIONfI WANT.D. ! W kTF.1)-Rittiation cc es.ntant boohi.koeper , ilerkoriIht iorcr , by a young man of 21 , Can give .ecurity. Acldree "ft Oil. office. 770241 'IVANTD-Fmp oyment by a good German in a a gvoorv cteruorfiazdware. A.ply , IL Mann- welter 11th St 775-211 7ANTEn-sltuatlon by & first clae female co , V V iii a prIvate family. CaU at 18)8 Case atroet , : bck of 5iOImIfl ctItUCh. 708.245 1" A1)hi * ( oil YoU.u MEN In city or country to LI take nice , iicht and , .icasant work at their own IIUIlC8 $2 to $5 am day easily 01 quietly made ; work sent by ninil , no eaIivassimi no atamp tor reply. t'leao aildresu itelablo Man tg. Co. , L'hhla.Vs. 1' . , , , trswer Tr. 475.imoh MISCEW.ANEOUB WANTS. VT.NTEU-To boy a eco.1 tiald bard ecal stove. n Sleet be a good hatter. Addros " % Yes. flee oIlIce. 791.2G' Omy boarders at liii ( fiI. 1 1 mgi. etreet. 800.001 % 'A.TED-Com.tieiiiam. . amid 1ro to occupy fur- i , iIsho.l h.iie. Rent free , mid boaril three tw1iilI. Libriol indu.orneui , . Artdrea "fond , " 1k. . tiiice. ! 8o1 51 2814 Davenport S ) . I yANTa1)-To rent , three ron. , . euttablo for lgbt V housekeoping. 4sidreaa " 1. . 1ec othcu. 777 2ab Boaritura canbcaocoimo-Jated at 1523 UOdiO DAY ftS , 61524' ANTED-S.O.imebuahc1s of freala picked , ripe to V 1 niatno , . at hiarrie FL'her's. 327.tf " 1'OIt LENT--flousee and Lois , IIaNT-1014 Wolstcr , two unfurnlihed F connectcu. ifT.OOier month. Sii tf 11)011 ) itr.Nr-vvirnihvu rooni , N. . 220 and 1)a. is aeniort street. . N1O 2I Tott RENT-Nice cottage. Y rvt cIag Ioration. I InquIre at Fdboin , & nr'ck.omi'a. ' 809-Cf _ i II : fl.dr-120 Capitol Avinue , elegant fum- I ilic.t room. . Gentleman mid wife or gentlemen. hot amid Cold water. All conveniences. 79029' I "Oil ltEiT-A huindiomo suit of roonti ; with. or j4 .ithout board. Alec chn1e room , 1611 1)odie streit. 798 2l OI1 i1FNr-Nico fimmlhod roomwfh or without I baird. apply 2209 ioiJgo street. 802Jl OR tlCNT-A cottage aith four room , cellar , I liardeutt , .o t water at i4. per mouth. Inquire at Ni. 822 couCh 18th. St. 78 2ii . mtENr-eiO. toVOp'rmnonth. Stores J.UUSIiTO anti coon , I t ' rent. City rsI fence for palo 2500 u1iwaid Veiut iota mall 1mLctuf dty. Famnmiamds for isle or exchange. exchange.LOIJNSt1UY & MAISTIN'iI , iteM 7aiteto AgcncyS. % v. corner 11th and Fariian. 785 tm non hiF.N'2-From lOto 11 liouo mint atoro for i rent , an e1eint new Irnuesof 1 room , to remit to thu migit lenS In Park eve. itOI.LINII 4 SlOT- 1 frit , too ii z Omaha Nat , Bank City. 783.22 Oil mtEN'f-Wth [ board , a iuiiahed room gas , a F bath room at 17t8 Dodge atett. 7iIi.20I iiir-Hteee t.uli lug Isib street , butv.een JUR . . and Leavenworth. 781.26t i-Oil 1IENT-Neatly furniehd .ottsge of , iocn _ [ 1 rooms 1th modern lmnprovcmenti. No. 2448 Daermport street. All In.xoeUent condition. 75f.tf C F. 1)itftCOLL. 'tOIL itE8'V-A new houae , well , cIstern and cellar. 1 llanditon near i.etie . atreet , sear red car lIne. iut { 516. Inquire on premises. 750.255 OiitENT-iIif eight room. , near oil nilIi. ' 7290 i'AIII4hN&CO. , 1600 Fa.namn. ; oIt IiENT-Houee with S room 2 ctoes end brick basememit phesamit surrounding' , No. 21 on Park avenue. Inquire L. J. Lsmlngou l'oppietoe titwi'en I'ark and ( 'atterlne street. 680.24' 0mtmtnNT furnished roiimsforthu whiter , I hmtiuire at east skis i8th St. between Douglas Im Is.dre. 7Oitt uRRY.NT-1Imo commodIous 12 room house with itabie , etc. , on N. V. corner tOUt amid Cupilimg streets , now occupIed by Cliamlos F. Mandersun. Iii qulre epai premises until October lit , when po.evv lou will be given. Auction sale of house hold go.s1 Thtmrsday , bept. 27th. ' 612t ) CENT-Threeaew . .torocor. Ita'b ' and Jonea poll street. Enquire of Mr. . T. Ernuoty , S. F. . cor , l6ili and Jacuson. _ _ _ 68S.tt ; ' it IINT-Sraall cutta , 82 H. 24 , near enwtihth11IIcrnlonth T. 3 , ujtcmorrli ; 011 S. lath ctrret , 04 ti - - T'oit IIINT-Twn floor. and beeeont. Steyatj I attachid. 1207 F..rn&m atmwt 2T0lnio Iioht RENT-A new brick etore 53 fcet deep on I hlasant street , btt'IeSn 15th amid lOUt .treete. lIiliu'rc ' at fluimnane dryooIsbtme. 131.tI 21011 111.,1'-Furmii.Iisd room. laiumru at flocpu'a Utuhio amid art itore , iodge atreet. SOlId Inch iii : T-flrlcJ , , toCe. inqutri at drug stoic a cot. lOtlm md Iiouiae etreet , 31044 L'ii ltENr-Two floor. amid taieniemii. . ilevato , ttiiCJie.h. . 270 IL ! _ _ _ ito ? Faruamu etrcet. ) ItnNT-Fumlelied and wifur.iihit'd rooms. IS limis location. l'ECK , Op. I' . 0. 850-if _ _ _ _ I'Ohi iiiSNT-Itesldeimce mmd ethrebuddhmig. . hInD ji 11)111) ft sotlthi. : fleet 1.tate Agoucy. Otilce ssat side 14th , treet , between iariiamn meal Douxlc etroets. 7921 Ton UiCAiiiiiihr 4 793.26l . _ _ _ ; it 8At-OIi.ol the imanisOmuest total , , Umaha cast front , corners on alley , Oath treot , bali block north ift , Msr'uarAou..ne&rtheJudge Brisgi . residence. Inquire it the hI. .t 74. TIcket office , 1315 and fr'arnim. 12'011 tiA n-Your bouvog and lot. , 3500 to $515 I i cash and balance 25 cc month. AU in good ho tloes. ii godIoti , $350 each , $25 ciah payment , tiMano. . $10 p r tnnth , An sacethunt opvr1uuIty for a. amen to ret a home. . A nice 11 room hiouso on 28th , fronts east , full 1t full of shrubbem ; , barn. buggy idwd , etc. A ran I bargate. Easy termS. lrkc , St ® . LotS n block 18 , iq llanscam flare. A beautitt : lotcsctfrentindcorneriot. l'rlce 73.S , oaiy$28 . cash. Led ii worth 5810. Satlsfsti.ry reason. foj ceIling. ItOLLli'S MOrFFJI , 748.fI itoQim : SO , Omatis National s.ak , What gives our Chfldrcnrns cheek. , What cures their fevers , makes thorn slse i 'TI. Coatorba. Then tiahk.q fret and cry by turns , 'IThat cares their colic , kills their worms , Slut Catearlii. tThat quIckly CIIVCA COtiStipatlon , Sourfltomach , Colds , Indigestion , nut Cixitsirl it. Farewell then to MorphIne fIyrups , Castor Oil and Paregoric , and UmallCastotlni TJOE SALZ-Splezalld cook ctovo , nearly new , 2G 'i .1 Ol ' 14th .tneat , aecond floor. 700-ti . CAL MAIITIN. Tea sArn-'r.o atory heuse. 7 rooms . , west front , .15 00 lark e.eoueclty watet , etc U.esp , $3,800. 'i 757.28 - sUItlVtUt&B1ILL. E5'on ' SALE-Six room house emi 18th St. 2.7CO. .1 SIx room house new , 100 feet from l'ark aye. 52.100. y Six room house 24th St. south ofcrelghton College , $ 5 ® . 758-ti .tMES , 1& 6 Farnam. ' toI5 S 'LiS-Twebeautiful acre lot. nearAcademy .I _ of Sac ed Ileert. Bargain , $2,800. Forty acres Improved , near Omaha , to trade for farm land. ( iced Timber claim In Wheeler county to tan ! . for 0 city property. Full lot , comet , 3 houaeo , rents for $50 , 13th and Ca , , . Cheao. 7a9-28 . . 8lhIttVll1 & hIELL -1:7'011 : SA.hi-ne good road horse and harness. ' is 41.0 goOd road t art , cheap. Iziquire of 51. I , Uumi1 at Cooper's , 14th etruet. 730-ti 011 SALn-Threv of the best reidc'ce siifi ttio city , 2 vdth housca , 3 In 7 mlmiutea walk of roAtottice. rECK , 638 tf Oppoalto Poatottlec. i'oit _ ; H.tlE-Ieaturamit { aimi etoele of groceries In .1 : ' 506 of lb. best county isast towus In eastern No. - , , hiroehis. A number one cheice fur a oman of energy. Addrvsa " 1' . J.T. " lIes olflee. S55.25 I' 011 SAI.n-.Twe portable hollers , lOhorse l.ower. l'i't7 at f U. F1Z1'ATItiCK , ti8tf 2)8 ) South l5thStreet. I Ol5 SAl.-Two lotsdeelrabelocatlon and cheap. F.achi 875 , on good termite. Im.qulre at thIs ohIo , . 334 tf iroit b.ihf-A hou , and 1t at a eaceflc. J. I. Si. Marble , 257 N. Seth st. 023-ti tOFt LEASE-FOur chol o lots on 20tl St. , long J time , 217 N , 16th t. J. L Marble. 1128.tf p- 0 Olt SALF-26i4 Farnain atroet 77 feet frontage ] 125 depth , five roomed hou.e$4.000. Ii1.mot'5 -Folt IALII-Good busIsesa chances at 217 N. 16th street. 7. L. MARBLE. , , 550-ti YJbmt SAlE-At aba'gain , a small .modcr , ltat.nmann Si. and ' ! fire Proof safe. Inqoire at this office. . yJ.oIt SALn-A clean , tock hardware. hlargaln. iS resy terms. Addres 31. 3. Worl , Nilford , Nob. 311.htnI r'ioit sAta-Fimmu farm clove to the city. _ F 848 tf I'ECK. Oppoelte P. 0. FOIl SAt.- C 300 ycamling lichens. 200 two 3 oar .1.1 lielfers. 400 iulaod calve. , Ottober delivery. 500 head yomrllng steco. , Otobcr delivery. 700 hired snicoth two and three year old btoers. lowe. , to.k. 13TRANO 11110'S , Cattle Contractoni , hide , Yoot end Tallow dealer. , . . ! 2tv ! , Iowa. 303-lw Full SALE-A flret ct.a micconif baud top bimygy. Call at 1319 lfarnev street. OOltf - I iOit SALE-Iteslilonce and husimice property tim all parts of Omaha , and Farni Land. in all h.arts of ttio State. flIDF01tl ) 2. SOUElt , 79344 213 It. 14th fit. t'et. Fiermian , emil flougiac , . .T)1t SALE 011 EXL7IIANUF.-Fuii lot and three .15 dwellings corner of 11th and Vactflo stroote. Nine lot. In south , Omaha. Also 180 micro , of land near tianton , Nebraska , s.nd buhldimig amid ttock of clothIng No. 804 Tenth street. % Vili exchange for Nebraska farm land. . Further particular , at tloo , 11. Poterson'e Clothing Store , 804 Teeth street , . -1'o1t SALE-Dirt rewpapere In large and small J iwantitle. at uhf. alOoc. tf MIS0ELLANEOU , 41IS fl3tiircii iLO1)itt , Chicago the meet 1.0w. LVI orful magnetIc healer , locates all lain end dis. caeI Cures mill thoecglvcn up by other phvslcla. Consultation free. S. W. cormier 11th amid Vsj.jtt.t ave. ! ! ? ! - _ ----I SToltIl FOP. SALE-Commsfeting of confectionery , Fruits and Fammcy Notions. Mao flied for Ito. . taunant. Good clhar and welL Itudding 20r62 , one S story. Dohimr a good business. tao-mo of ants , iaaL to go eeC of business. Addroes 708 liii' 0. e. coiti : , Oeklind , Neb. I ; 'oa Surveys macpa or elalia of real ' out of the city , apply to t'niami : 53744 Agency. Oppo.ite I' . 0. EDWARD KUEHI 8fOISTEtt bI" PALMYBTEIIY AND S AMIIT , 480 Tenth street , bttween Faritmun anti liii. 007 , will , with thu ah.i of guardian spit-ito , obtab 1i any one a glace of tit ipast and prnt , ant - S oertaioecadttlonelr'tbetuture. I ! , .vnd . 8aea ! nld. to rier ierirtw- , . I 4K1 $ \4 L POWDER ! Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A macreel of pmly ( I strength amid wholesouieimwe. 8loru eccarmmlcaj tha , I ttie ordInary kind. . sail cs.ammot 1 , . cob lnconapstltlua F withthomultltude od low test , short weIght , a1mo . poeder. bold oily In cs.n. , iloyaj 1n lowd.rC.WaiJOtr.bN.w Yerk.