Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 25, 1883, Page 5, Image 5

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, fF ' KffiXWOOI
'Phis ' j a iiew uittl heatttifu1 iu11ioii to the city ot ( 'ciiihn1 siLualil
- nthe iiorth p trt vf the city. fronting on Shermun ; wenue i thi
1nos defiral)1e Iucitionforrcidence , tluit 1ia beit pbeed on the innr
t'for years. BEDFOEU ) & SOUELt.
. Kirkwood1
This proertv' is iividcd into regular size cihy tots anu acre loti
whi h will be so11atreasonitb1e prices atidoii env ( t'nn.
0 t . .
. I Fronting7ftOfeetou Sherman Avenue. Phis properly cimnot th
Lle aesiraLilbanii will be rnpidIy'tLkenup ; and iinpriwt'd. No hilLs tii
climb , iio rLvinesto cross. in getting to KUaCWOOD ttbiLion. fle
member , wlieii you buy . lot in thi5 inlditiou. you v Ii not hive to pn
an tuount equ4l to first rico to grade yur'1ot before baildiiig.
: Kirkwood.
Streetcars'wilI ba run to this addition at anenrly day. These leI
. "v&ue in 12 months. Call at our.oflici aud sa plut awl
make beIetionsear1y. BEDFORD & SOUER.
Elegant Building Sites and at half the price ot nuy other lots in
7 the eity of.eqntl distance and Ioction1 on the best sLreet in the city.
14th Street , bet. Farnam and Douglas.
Improved ioperty.
0 zoo-12 rt'oln houe.cor. 13th nd C1Iforna
Itreet ! , C clocta. cellar , city water outhouei ,
I e2,700-6 ro'rn hetio on N. 3th street. cIoct * ,
celIa cLitrn , seII , etc. fliDF.OiD & SOVKP. .
-it * 2.OO-OOod Ix mot houg on DavenpOrt , bct.
2341 and flth iwo story , o oeti Inmtry , ccllir ,
' 1tcrn well , truItnd shrubbery , .tbIe and
( outhou.
16 $3 100-Full Izo lot on ) tcCand1Ih place , 1th
two lraiu cottagS , Quo 5 room , oiaa room.
For ni or cxchngo.
16 2 100-Good two ant a nu acre lot with
ioomotiao , brick coUar cl1 frulttr.0i4 , eo.
U One of the b.fl threu nry brick lid1ne loUe
on Ffllm itreet TC1104 pr.ate.
18 3YOONdW7 room hou.e on N. 1th ntreeL MI
modern fluod l'catltn. Cheap.
10 $5,3OO-Nov two try ( houo , Queen Ann btylu.
All modn 1wpa.vcucnt , city water , lot ICOx
] 2 'l'wo full 1o. St. Marfe venU' and ! 0th with
houses. Will b tIrt c1a. bLLIIIe PrPY.
Terms east.
4 $4,7tO-L43t 8IIxOtl , witi , two houtot. Cu ) ap.
w f2,5O-Two hou l Ndeona addition , on Ceo
ter . .treet ( ) UtflOUC , clzterI9. Irul treed , etc.
1 ! Buslios ) iooo atid lt , on DouglAs itret1 bet. .
14th ned tk. Ter&ni CaIY.
14 Nw S room lioueonCh1ago. ltt. 2lthaod th.
AU iinprovuinetta.
5 Two new houc , on. lx and other S room. .
} 'tr.t-cla.s and inadern Iinpzobenient4. Tenw
! '
o $2 700-Lot 100x132. Co'leie Street , RodIck'
suLtiion , iiow 5 roni lic'uie. ' Well impro ed
8 12,500-Tot bOXIIO , Co ivent itruct,4 room cot
jagu , Lar.o baeixiot ulali ( or roorn. birji
' addition ban , ,
tl aou1 botie. TliorneR'e
well , C18t. . :3 , good iuprooreUta , 5OO C.eti
On Ion Unic.
$4200-7 Io4fl house on Daventort , bet. 1GU
and 17th.
4 Lot 17500 0 : , Sherman , 1ar houe , l'arn an I
other injprortiiuit. L0. wititeat
mental Is woith the money we .ik for it. .
full .lo loti on lad
Two Itoueji imil two ;
t _ .
avenue. lint and coki water , id nfl moden
irit claiie IinjroviiienW. J1oue. woilI co.
what we aek ( or whole. gatra mcI barga.u.
& $2,3O-l.ot82x150 cod. 17th and Ceiitor , houa.
4 romsbarfl. water tr..e. outhu1dInge.
40 $2,000-FIve room house , 1St. bet. CaUfoc1e I
Veleec. , Ntce irotY. Term. easy.
V block Hhlnn I 24 .ddtUui. On
0 IlJJ-Lot ,
and a hilt star ) ) ou , . Trrms ea1y.
b2 3,000-OOd 7 room hquse onhhorinin. Modtn
In4ro.iLanU iit&bk , weIlc1tern. A baratii
. lot. ou 8 room and one b mon
_ z $ l,000-F.I .
li.a. Y.rj
bowie , new , h block. from the epera
12 cheap. * 1tco-8jo..dIdoten fl,47eneirllth. Chea
$000-LaJL. hoea. eud amaU cottage. E cc
- lent location. tati .lto lot. Davenport , 110cr 10th
s $4 000-L.t 60It0 good 6 mom hcu.e , modem ,
mnprsvement. hoar buelnea , on Sh.muum eve.
' V.003-Two fuUlot. , wlthteO gin 1' i.eS , 2t1
anti ( likago. ( Wktl 4011 eepaP2tcIy for caeh. )
91 $ ItG1-TnO lot. . 1Sil0 , With houme atabi. etc
3 $ Barker's lOG-Lot S and a halt , teed boai.e , ltedtcki iut
dli.lon. ( corner. )
U L.ot wIth 7 room Meuse , Chicago , bet. 13th en
and room bouce , fforbachs addi
.01 -
.ooI wc11 cltemn etc. Eearythlng In good re
W3 4E.O-LOt ir. end moom hence , leard , be. . 1ttm en
. _ _ * % ia
_ o- ' -
e4 : 4MeuiSt
n .
i4'1I. . ' . . - - -
p f- _ _ J
Unimproved Property
2 $1,000-LOt C0127 , Indiana and Pllmlon.
a 8700 eathTn im lot , 60x132 each , on I jUt. Ctmea
, n.I 2 totc Cdxll2 oatm on 10th.
11 $ ! 00 oacli-.7 lot. Iii Yatc3 & ILetda . .ddlU.n.
23 7,200-l2 tall sIze lot. , 11aiicotn Plane , o
t.lock wo4 of Park areimue.
$ f0each-Tivo lots on 1'&rk avenue. laraluj
lltioiie..i Iot .ai lod. , bet. ecu I Ith and 12L
itt t40-L'it hi 'litnu' , adiliUou. on Soaard etris
33 ! ,000-Fu11 lot , 1eed'1st additIon , on Z5Lbiu
46 $5,00J-Slx good lots iii Ilanscom Place. Il
4 $3,000Lot. 60x120 on Farnam , near 20th. Ye ,
, .O $225-000d lot ! , , t.owos addition. Cnh ,
r.o Fiiiracros lnWoit imalia.
Co e550-I.ot lii Ietac & 3eIden's adiltinu.
1 t32-Lot12 , Aflensubdivialm61x110. A.i
613 ifllb-Lot 4 , block 1 , Lowu. let addition. On
$1,010-Fine let. ltoldick'aanllitlon. Fork avs
4 4Ou-2 teot of block M , SliimIf. additloim. Yi
b6 $2,200-Lot44OOs.n 10th. Bueiioss proper ,
vorilI twlco tid price naked.
04 3,500-Full eli. graiod lot on Chlnio
13th and 14th.
03 $ dOO-Oood lot , high location , , south IOU , .
100 0,0UO-33ciit2 0i 10th , bet. 1Iamny amid Uo
103 ( AI rich-Two extra giod lot In 1ianoii
addition. Coud Idh locatiou.
Bargains in Farms & Land
10 27 per acre-IGi anre liuproval turin , near Cr
ton , Iowa , 10 mm rev woodland1 45 acres corn ,
nurea 11..othy anit Cloicr.
13 E4U-4O acres 3.4 of a voile 'icat of Ft. Omal
two hou en , two bar , , . , gr.snary , corn crib. t
vc1I , .00 ts rl' g fruit tree. , 8R gra1ne vlu
IVIII se I or ekeliangu.
14 $7,000-100 acres , limit mile N. 1Y. Ejkhomu , I
aerestim uultlatlo , , , .eInce lasture. Vour roc
house , iabie , etc. Term. aa.y.
51 t'J60-l60 i.cre , good Ian' ! , 4 i. . : mllei from fl
liiigtou , Cot ! a county , Kenau. Will xchsii
to Onualie IrPtY.
CI S3,4)0-24O acres adjoInIng cIly of Wilber , S1
county. All under isimno end well Im1r mm
This lrovrtY laclmap at 510.000.
o per acro-400 acres , 3 mdc. from Watemli
Pougla. onus ty. tart In omilUveUoa bolan
meadow , all good 1z.n& WRI eeU or meift err ii
With ci4tle men tot co.pejn. ) or will Os
tract to fed 500 or 400 heed ol cattle.
70 to 82-l0 000 acre. lii berrlclc county. Cool
able Lan& end will lii sold from. $4 to 0
t ) $7 per acre-Will buy 150 acre. In Ceder Co.
gd Sib. per ecro-SbJ acres niUcs fr.m * ll&mnbui
1 $ fl. peracro-Inmipromod near ! .ngan Iowa.
104 t3everel hundred icrom In Conming Co. Nob.
I0 Mtz thoumani acre. to Stamtcn , Co. Nob.
107 tlOimer ecro-2)0 acres tlnnre I land I. I !
Co.Ilo three eniilltarmna omitimla lent , batano
gossi cottcnwod timber , which will more It
pey far Investment. Yor sale or exchange
Omaha roI4Y.
ivc.d1 and examine other properly not Isle. I.
tit a. 1411. . bet. Farnamo .ml
1 !
. s
V . . .
THflEt WAl1tR4oS.
A SlUR STIM.tCll - AN ACIIINt1 lllt1)Ni
t'NllIilAfltt IsL.NI1IAl. ltlIIl.ITY ; , Alt' '
lit , , ) h IV.tlINlfi. mfll'fl iT IS t.tINls , lm
lmISti''l.IIlI.lIANUltt. i ; ; $ , lSlstM ? 'l 5\ 141 I
i'ici'i : b tm Fill. ! ' W 1 liKit l sm r Atitl.Sl % El
" I II ( fl li.AY tfl K TIIR 11t AXIl m4E'I
tli ( AI.t TIIK IX'I1 El' l1lAIN. lNVliIt1 (
tiiiNlrislT : $ YilrItM. ANl ) iii : Vl.V1U 1 II : with TAIIEANTS ELTEI. APPI
1ktT II' 'U ts 'It ) ic i' i'ltt ELl.
% t 111(11 Tlli l'ItitiNI VsSIV Yll'1tUt4 1l'l '
4ATI. ! Iii iW II % SY ( 'I INS t1Ns } lttt . l (
l.1'T ttIf.ltUi4 TFAC1S , NitVs ItitYN
tnt , oiii ; ; t TEItlt1ll I All.MKNr Mistily It
l111'KVI iti : Ii' TIll s AUtIAIil.g AN ! ) INI.'Ol
l'AIIAfl ! i : ilAliXil T' NI" AN S ALTEltTiV
AMEItWAN'Ol.OlOl * .
ItttCtnmtlH : 'lt4 $ ISIS 'LItIMI oL Neil ii
( ilt C1IlflhtlIfl , OtMgilI , itmiti
Vaslitsittuii 'I'er-
Atncml I IPique and .1 I' . lhllng lii . ' .mn 'rfrnu Jomirtui
ot $ , lemru for neteiiiber.
Duling tito ituttlinit of ISIO the geols
gietit tittitelati to the getmgropltklt : tiXpOI
atjtit ( if tilt ) fortiotit , : iniulu
I)1CiltlilitIr ! ) ' lccoittiitte&tliCu iii SOVCItt1 s
thu uxtismet VOleIIllitl COmICS of imcmttIur
Onilifolilin , ( ) rtgolt , inul \\'ms1iingto
ttiritury. for thu im1Irimmmi ) of pt 41111111
tItta11ttL iitvuLkati sl1s of tiltI prilleip :
voleauoe of tlttm Siernt iunt Otacntl
riuge. A further htiuly of titeso vllcaIlIc ,
huwuvcr , witv liuvor Ut11ert8tuIt , oh
miltitotigh thu ( 'xphsLerml blotIglit. back 11101
it1tectitiIhg geoIoiiua1 011(1 IitIholOgiCm
iuatczi l , dill ICS1llt4 1111(1 oivorvatioiis
the work liavo never bteit pttblialioil , wit
the OXCOIti)11 ( of P.11 ftlhitOUhtCOllhUlIL ill tlii
jotiroal fur 1tnrc1i , 1871 , of 54tImu diseovci
of octuat glociorts alt thu IhlOUlItitihlB Of tlh
Pitcitic elope , ' ' nhuI o' : ptor : 0
"ilie VOlCithtOeS Of tlio Uiitotl StatoM 1
CIIIC Coaat"rcad by MV. S. M. fliiiiiitiii
b fore thu Aiuet'icitii ( 00graIhflit1 ) aoeiut
1trc1t 18 , 1877.
Amitong tim nore ProInhIhellt IItUIkhI nIoli
t1IIO belt of vuleaimio CIllI.S 1h1n ) l.i
ll1ilitttIIeI Lttsen.ilh'io Ieitk nod
Shasta , III Citliforiiia , Motiiit.'Pjt , ' 1'Zirt
Sistqri ; , 1toihit Iel7uieou , IIIIU TlLIll ,
Eloodin Oregon , and mounts St. 1101011 !
Admtmti , lbiiiitimr , ; tii&1 Btkor , iii
ton territory. 1'r0hht this bug liiio
VOICAII008 tim geologiatmi 'cif thu fortkt
l)11tt1101 SllrlOy litilCCtC(1 for time purpoo
of tmxploratioii the four petsk wlliclh , fiot
tituir size , ) , and gcolimgit.itI reli
tione , hl1igI1t blI takoii ios tyJlC3I of tli
ChiUta. Iix. Clareiico King uxpl.irsd th
two great coiisn Of C.tliforitia ; at. thu ani
time Mr. S. F. Emiitmioue iiuIertook Ui
CXaflhiflfttiUfl of Mount 11aiuior , with
Mutiitt Hood vititeti by oiao of til
writorit of tile prcsoiit articlo. TIi
colitietitmims vIiieIi they imiado at that thu
mecro dc1oaitcd in the cabiiict of ti
Ltcns peak he situated in Californ
just miortit of thu fortieth parallul
latitude , where continuity of thu bol
creaL of tlio Sierra uvtdti range brCal
tIOWII Zitid is replaced by lower and Ie
rogtilar ridges. Front Lansun's ' peak tit
tuagnilicent chain of volcttnoes extumi
ztorthtrd at itrugu1r intervals for Ileor ]
live huimdrcd mitilos. Tito pr1lcip
VOICaIlOOB follow iii general the axial hIll
( if tim Sierra aitni Cascade ranges , breal
hug out slither aloimg the hihailt lliio
tiplicaval or a short ( histaliCos to ti
westward. Volcanic extrusions aloh
lisauro hues and howe of lava of grcat
or 1os extent unite tlio main poatis , forii
jima a nearly continuous belt of igulool
Mount Rainier is the graiidest of
tito volcanoes of tim itortitwost , mu
forms time most prominent thpngrajmbic
object \\r&LMI1IIJtoIl , territory , rishm
proudly above all otltcr peiiks , to
towerillg far above the crcst of tile Ca
cache range , which lice abouttwenty niH
to the eastward. Thu Huifueo featurez
the tceterit portion of thu territory ha'
heemi greatly modified by the great ham
flows of UMI volcano , tticl , 11 ! ) less thti
four important rivera of thro territory ri
itinohig time titcicin of thu uiotmhItniIl-ti
Nisqually , Puyahhtip , and \Vhito river
witicli 1cic into 1tigct soizuiti , aihU ti
Cowhitz , which , rultuhilIg in a notithwe.
oily direction , imurs ilitn , the Coinlilhi
Snow tOld iee cover the t.p of Limo volciul
rtiLchliIlg dowitoard for 5,000 or ( , O (
imot , while itli the most intrketl contra
thu broad base of thu iiiouiituit RlIppoi
it tbtrk , ( lelhjU ( meet 'egoutioii of gr
gtutduur. 'Uhto suimiuttit of is1oiiumt ltaiiii
' ill IsIrlihed by thiieu pe1km4 , ( lie hiiglhti
situated tnm the enstraid of the otitci Lw
iOtd eupartted froimi thtwit by deep ai
lIIaceeHlLI)1o gorge3 , altlioumgh they uttai
WitIItIt mm. few hiuiitlrcnl ftsib of tlitm hLhl
ilititudni. Turn 11111111 imeak vr080nt8
1ctfect , circular eotic , with . ii crat
Jtluaht a qiiztrtor of it hub in ditenietu
'l'jie allitiido of thu ictk ) tI dotermnhu
tnl by thu IJititcd Stilteti s.otuit eulvoy
14,444 feet.
! ' , h.iint ilooti iv nituated directly on H
creist of tite Cit.scadu range. imbuut tweut
Ii ye ten nnii I I t of thu Ci d tin 11)111 nyu
It 11118 flIt itltitiile of I 1,22 foot. ibo'
the tea luvol , rtaiuig aloIIt aix thiousiu
ftt mtbiu hut 0111111 ritlIgo , but thu hum
lava ( Iowa extuumihitig iii every ( htrectis
fiotit thu litnu of tile voleaio , Ima'u 1)0111
bellaltll ( their IIIOSS nearly oil ruIlmulalIts
mruuxietii1g iocku. Ps1lIlht Adlulift iu
Mount St. IIC1CIW , Oil time miorthm Hide
the Colunihia niycr , foriut with Tsjui
[ loath. a triatitjlo the urea of whtiuhi ii
luCfl the center of great volcanic itetivit
'I'hiu HuluhlIft of MIUllt Ijoud i mtbiui
jIcak , a portirmil of a iIIII of au aliclul
crater , opening to the eoiith. The crat
lit alotit. 031(1-hall a 111110 wide fru
uaet to weet , the enciruhing wall for hire
tiftha of thto ciruuiifereitco ricing 4fiO to
above the ItOW zitid ice whichi filI LI
None of the volcanoen along thiiii bI
0CCUP 130 coin1iitrativttly imeolated a io
thou mm Mount ,1haeti1 , which cLaude up
an open l)1mUil , with thio Ihuigilboring lii
lUhd ridgcH ninny thiousaiiil ( out low
'fho great range of the Sierra Itu fall
away , and ie followed by how , o1)aul )
ridgc , confuevd and brokoi U pby volcar
outImtiret. 'Fito altitude of Mount Shjam
hlt given at 14,140 feat above rtea.lov
tutu n.y time nuigilboring ridgeM rar
itttitin 101 altitude of over 8,000 feet , t
volcano preacrits aU illIjosiIlg poctac
iturp.tsct1 by few ihIoulItaine in the wet
Ae ecen ( mill the went thu volcano vi
unte a tiotiblu ojnu , whir the sniihlurbi
111)011 tlum lialIkH of the larger . die , n
itbotit 2,000 ( cot lower.nj.J10 111am cI ,
I' ' " very re'iilar outline , v
rolnarliiIbly itteup Hiopes of UihiforirI rrlI ]
rouiid time hrtaid liaco of illount Himit
ijitincraUS 1ceer conea hiavu 1)rokeil 0
OllUtiig a great valioty 01 vokw
PIiui111l cliii. ( ) iio of these , vli iou I
imecit 118010(1 1iLtIu Slinetni , r1ee to in
tiiami 1,000 feet above thu licighiboji
; ih Its ) ' . Sdventy lois 81)11 I Ii enHt
Mount Hirasfu , hot far from titu bound :
hiotwoert Nevada itiiil Cziiiforiiia , mcc
Lfteael'H peak , lying , mis isi ready rrmeriUoi
alouig the direct hirmolif the Sierras , whi
tIme graIhito of the main rang9 hia bc
altruptly broken ( IOWII. Tito region I
1011 the seat of great volcanlo activ
laMing through long voriode of timu , I
I ) : ( Pt IflUllttjjflH ftrnnng but Lb UUIlil
of former etrtione , and en far mt
eo1ogica1 iItleret Ia coiicericd is
UlheIrpft53ed % by any other hnoltntAin ,
Latseit's Peak , however , is by no IUCIU1S
Its coispfciioiis an object as fl1ftlI' of thhO
vidcaiioes , being minrronlu(1ctl by outer
001105 tif Cc ) tsidorablo oiuvattoi , nil of
tilolil riehil' OUt of a great Volcaltie tiblo
i'lto flltItII(10 ( Imi LISsoll'e peak is given at
111)001 1O.fOO ( vet. It Is P. luroad , irregli
larly.slinpesl luotIntatlI , vitlt four
Iloilt SthiIlltIitS , 01111 ftbtllltliltt ovidoiict'a on
( ito 0101)03 of couitparatrvely rocolit. ixcru
skus of hava.
IS the rochs brought bamk may be
considered as rotireseittilig the principal
types of tlio ejected IOVM front the
ditfjrcitL flows , a large nutuber of thou
at'etiolle lutvo reccIttly 1)0011 lroparcd ( or
the lmtlrPSo of comparative ettuly with
tile OlC8t1iC 1UClS ( If the Chreat itilMIl , niitl
thIck iiucroscopio eXaIttiflit tiolt hiiu been
( smihoweci up by CIhUItlICUl * IivSthgatitiit
\hiilo a curthury exflhitilIfltiOlt of these
i.tmcks shtova certain iioCial eharacteristicH
III color , habit , niul ( shrIll Of crystals which
ill lihally 00503 OaSL'.3 itlttittilies Irnud
5i)0tuilel)9 tithi olini OP the oilier of ( lie
VllhCIlllCS , a olll1 > it1lIIiVC study of their
hhhiileritlt'gcal , strIlet tiril , and chemical
features 1lhitivti the closest itluittty iii titim
IllIttIto of tIme ejected material fron t1it
fimttr volcanoes. itt thioir hIthhohtmglcal
chuitrtctet : tIle ) ' 11OSSOSS SO lltiU1 fciture
ill tOlilll1hh titilt it gOIIOI11l deact iitIoli (
iiiiiiitt 1)0 ) given whtiehi would be npdicobk
tss tiioiii i I I .
VltHl CIUMm4 1itsu1'itiec.
him.ure ritii T/omas' ctcntric Oil. It. 14 tIit
cleispust nitil best inotlossi Of lilvitramico w
ktumw of , Ity iti use yssu ore 5(1111 to ti.ealIt
inility g&eioiti iwltos mtitl lmimIilH.1mo1icitm isti
sbUthiiiilmhn itt itli nhriig attirstis in the fonts o
buttho4 at flU comitss . nhitl SI nich.
- - - - - -
A TItOY 1'1t1tOT.
The ItellhLtrkfltlt , UIVII W'IIclt lwcils
In at Ne'.v YOlk % 'Illog.
Troy Tinies.
Futit years ago a bird was brought fron
tItu dbst of Africa by a sea captain , whit
i.titvu it to his sister in this city. lit
iieecl nut be dutillatehy located , but wi
0:111 IIL our linger oil hiitn and ( hity , oiih
it 35t1t it attic thing to do , iiiless thttt caru
ful approach of the linger is acconpnitiei
by thu witruilIg , ' 'Dtint you bite , " wiiicI
( lie liiirrt will rehiult as distinctly an yoi
nil ) ' it. and will refritiit from biting- bt
kiitwa you. it iS not knowit whuthior ho
is live or fifty ycalmi olti. 'flint ha uric sil
the very tow thugs be keojis to Itiitiself
Uit nil other uLijcct lie is woiidcrftihl
c000ihuttativu and itimi iirfonrnatioii , ltkt
his vocabulary , is vest and varhms. lit
is hot ii green pnrrot-IIo , ilititted , 110
much-hut a gray parrot , described in tin
s AutuZicatl Cyelopamdirl" as , . .sfatl parrots
' 'tire most ruuimaikitblc for htS docility ion
powur of nrtieulation. " if the bool
ilicaus our birdhio is , indeed itiost ro
mimarkbho for those very (1110hitiemt. Siuci
huie artival UI tilil tity-.Liunrous , by tl
by , claslea thio gray IllIrrot 05 " 1'8ittacu
urythacus , " and Itowuvor it toy bo will
our bird about the orythiacus , , theru is Ill
doubt whatever that Ito hits bocottie quit
a psittacus-ho hiadcpcnded for his cdii
cation almost wholly upon his otvij elIorts
Till quite lately ho laos lived aliiiost entirely
tiroly iii the kitchen of a restaurant
where , vritha colored cook vhto loves hii ,
and colored waitura who adore hiini , hi
hiis picked tIp rn'rc fornl titan acooruphishi
Iiiclits. But with a good citr , a retermti
memory , fairly uoott rensoning 1)0Cl
amId , certainly , the power of an apt asac
ciatiou of words with thin's , with ole
cutioiary ghft that are retifly runiarhn
bie , lie has acquired a quite advuiteci
education , that iiiakea Ida filends woiidti
what a year or two in the hartford big
8011001 might do for him.Vith no teacl
ilig lie can , and does , distinctly repcn
every nun of the orders called down to tli
itchtcri-sucIi as "coffee breakfast hi
0110' ' ( or two , thice , or four , as the cas
itrid call inity be ) ; "beefsteak raro" ( n
domic ) 'for 01113 , " muid to on through th
entire hiet of uxuitl calls. It is ii fmtct
( lilly attiistcd by crchihlo witnesses , that
the othtur evening , when time oidcr wa
'ten llUjiJr furoime , " the parrot ill + ttiIlhtl ;
said : 'tIako , it htiumi : irtil eggs vitlt a CII
f COfflielVU shiithl iiijL amiori forget tir
luigft.eycl hook Of titter increduitity wit
wInch me young holy received thmia stor ,
frommi 'I'hto 'l'lllicn repoiter. Vs'itht hereto
foic iniphicit cufidiicu iii cvctythtiiig 11
said , bite iiti'ur will believe it Weld It
I4IIyiI iigaiil. Ikit the story is true , uuvci
Vithtin a ytr : past. we hiavo consideibl
chaiigod our ideas miliout tilt ) itcttiid powu
of imarnots. \mjiat they epcat to iiot al
toguthier ittechiiiitieal nid iiteitmly by rote
It is jmretciidud that tlivy kiiosv thu uneaii
11mg ( if mi1 the wui dti they say. Ihi I thitm ;
: tsneiato curium % % tOilH it itit COitithi
thliligs. No 'oio ( liSPthteH tltiit they ihtv :
IlluIllory , tImId if they h.Ivsi tiitt ] this.
thtinhr , mtd , to 501110 dLgrcu , they reason
'J'hus this bird , it few dtys agi , as Wa
duly chirunickd jim 'I'ltii [ iiiie , their itivit
front hoimio. An advurtkclnlilt ill
I'lilIeH reslored hiiiit tim hut owner. 'i'hi
sy % % Iio bt. stigi i t ii i I I I liiick mim 1(1 : '
Dl itl hi ntiivs cimi ly omiu moitj' ' ( i Ii poilit s
fitct ho kimous iietrIy : am. Olluly ii
tue boy dses ) , 'stuitI that i.i ' 1ehioo.
: Now ' 'iCohiuc , " vhiicli is ahiiiist ii liii
iioto , mid Wtiill(1 ( be enaily titteicti by
less Ltccolilhihislied jatirot , is tIre ilallie
thu nimok V.111) ( srI tile Isiuth , atiti ttj vhtoi
Ui9 b rd 11 illUthi itItachied. And doria
time tiricu disk lii. exile oritong atirti
gura ivito caught hiiuii , lie coiled couistaiitl
( tic ' ICu1moe. " II o wanted his ( iiuuid ; I
° trauutud to gt liothiOl" he know what I
WIts talking mibout ,
Since his return ho has beau remove
to a higher sphere than the kitchen fro
which ho escaped , and ho ihas a largi
held itt which to display his acconijilisi
irtuitte. And wjtiiout ejiecial iiistrueiim
lie daily adds to his vocabulary. 11
says "Good morning , " suid says It in th
liiorning , hot ; afteinoon. "how do y
do ? " " 11ow' your wife ? " 4111ow's.yoi
folks ? " " 1 titere " "What
ee' yeti , ai
you doing tbleroir "I' , " in v ,
110115 tones of voice ; and lie whistles ni ,
laughs ininiitobly , utter a fanhiiogi of hi
0wII. This very brief catalogue cove
'nit a few of his accoinphieimriieiitsi. Am
1w hiusn quality r.tro with good talkers.
ho is equally a go'1d Jisteiter , and a lull
atteujteijtittj utitil alulirechitivo one ,
you talk to hdni for ito hour at omico , I
will not open Itis miioutli , but will kol
his eyes on ) lili , beiid his Jmeuuh to hieto
Isppareuuli ) ' ammximis utot to hiioao it won
miusil Llt hour after , or the iiext day , I
rill have soiurethuiiig to say on the saim
subject. Jisi ha ll remarkable amnoiig ye
ruuirmtrkablu biidis.
Enleiprluo AIi'zts TOIIH.
" 1'hio sx City Route" for St. l'a
I has grown jut favor so that auutluur tan
lime become a ljcccsiity. AcCordilu.1
Mondity , Soptonibur 23 , tiriotitur diii
, train
I Leaven Omaha at. , . . . . . , . . , flIfia : , u
' 4 Council Iiluffs. , . , . . , (1:40 : "
I ' Sioux City. . . . . . . , .li:5O : "
I Arrives at St. Paul. . . . . . . . .11:30 : p. m
Tithe train to Sioux City every day , am
to St. I'aul every day except Sunday.
Enquird for tieketa on thio "Sioux Ci
.ILut4h" iep22m&o5t
. p
, & -
Cnzs flhouznntism ,
bago , Lnznoflack , Sprnins nd
flrulsos , Asthma , CAtrrh ,
Colzghs , Colds , Scm , Throat ,
Diphtheria , .UUX72S , Fro.ct
J3itos , Tooth , Ear , and Head.
Lzcho , and ailpains and nchos.
The tsst isisrsat set sntrnsl remedy In the
aetit. imneiy letti uan&eteiJ. rol ! 1 , masOnIc.
d.stsns .wryatee. Dinittleni In iht I&IU&5S.
l'iice c.csnii simtji.o.
FOSTER , MILCUf'.N ! . CO. , Pr p'ra ,
imuirAlo , . . , U. s. A.
irn. itoi'
I'hiis Eloctrio Belt will Cure the FolIoi
hug 1)isoasosVitlhout Mohichie.
Pains in , the hack , hip. ' , llast or Ilnile , Norvcm
lebtlty l.iiimilno. ( lsnrral leImllIty , llieumetiei , ,
'iralysis , Neumigla , 8cltlcs , liteecee of ilin llilim.j
li.lnaI Itiscascn. lerpid 1.iscr. ( tutu , iism.maI Ilahati
Ion , Soinhtisi tiiililoii , Aethiim , Ileart itecas
lOlleliItIfI , Colimtlliatloil , Etl.hIvlna , InilIgeitlo
domule or Itulilure. limipoteilcy. tatarrhi , tile , , Ii
soy , DutubAgus
$5,000 Would Not Uui It.
It. . tlonv.-I liMo 105.1 ywnr EJecti Jo Ilelt ft
P010 tilmic , ainl It his doti. all that oum Agri
iimiiiie.I for It. Any nun truitblsid wIth rhuiistle
) r sciatica , I woimidsay , buy Itorums's Eievtrin lleitfi
) imo if the thirty dollar. hwltacnmrenl ese of the atmom
hlsaso lii a elimirt tltimo. Aity ono mm Islmiiig to enuif
sill , mmmc , caii do co by Tltlig or eatIng it lily etc
1420 Dougina SL Omaha Net , .
I chrorfully recominuenil Ilorliets Electric Hell as ii
flIcielit dire for r.euiiiatlau ) , , l..m lug worm , oio , It
hat malady. Thil
. A N , dNlaitliiLt.
For cab In' rosto tIm' . , CouLcil I'hiitf. , Iowa.
MAIN oFt'l K- IPtlt0 i'olOO1CO. Froneer IOn
ttrl'or Sale , t U F , Uoo.Jiiian a lnmg blore III
sriain Otha
Tbel'liueeendonlyYaiior COOk SIc , . that
stood the test of years cmi given entire enul luerfu
Over 100,000 Now in Use
Patent removable cuinl intorcluangcablo Jet trifl
rendering our hurnena New One Va
Bonier oim two Now Stove. . New Surly itesers
For tiuumimnor U , , times. atovo are liiilsu'omiib
For temni , to sg.iits , lurlca Il.t iinmul catculugums ,
Auidrcsa hUll. VAVolt STiVui , CO. ,
sept 2lim'&c&w. ' Uuvelauid 0
i : Have Found It
Wan the exclamation at a man wimeti he got a I
it : uroka lllo Olntuntinit. whrch k a simple end am
: uru , for i'iieii end all Hktii Diasaumea. Fifty conta
ash , io.tiaid.
The American Dar'haja Cure
Ifas stood the test for tsouity yerirmi. muro euro
ill Never Fells. blarriiinn , Dyu.ciulay , suit Chc
Oane's ' Ptwcr au Au Tolli & Cori
It Is impeautlilo to imlitly lliUdiiIi.l ealuoflho cam
surti : cuttr W.tIUtANTItIJ
For Forum amid Aguism , umtI all Malarial troullet. .
PltlCU , $1.00.
hAIIOILATOItY , 10111 ST. , 0lAIlA , NItLI.
pal. Sale by a/I Druggists
r .snit 1w Exiircuma cii recvsfi.t o prico. m.&s
Broom Corn
I : 1 'S
The Best in the Mark
li&nef&ctut.d by
a O U. COLTON Jt CO. ,
U&ie.berg , I
J1tnd for Circular and I'lc. LIat.
Graham Paper Cc
Ii ? end 2i North Main $1. , HI. Louis.
1100K , 1 I WIIITINI .
NIW0 , I ,
jCaet , jiald for lIege and tspm btuctNcSI ) I
xlii Iletal
I htock i'iireIiouei , 122 to 11I11 Host ! , H
etru et. eepl21u1lI
hug No. I iii cure auiy niso lii four days or lisa.
2 wIll cute Uiu liuo.t uhutlijaic ( lose flU iiatturul
long .tanidIig. ,
Allan's So/tibia MCdICUtrdBOUjj
No riaw000s , of cubclg , oopiiliia , s.roIl of
slal wood , tiuti .rc cc I alui Ui Itudinu ( I )
uUstrU % hut the coatings of I ho sti'iiix ' h. jti ± u S
H iii l.y all s I iEgiitd , or iiisliu.l oil reculI4 of I'
ltmor further irticu1are scud fur circular.
II x I , a.i.
J. , ! , . OUR ]
A iotlm if situ Impnmdsnic. . causIng nervous di
! " . premature l.cay. sic. . having lried lo vain .
stiowo ganiidp bi di&oor.'r..l a smplo ( mean. of i
sin , wIlii i.e wluI send l1iOl to his IIowuffer.
d14zi. J , IL I1VE8. OChailusoxIL. New Y
$30,000 for $2 ,
Regular t1onthty tlrftwlnifynilltab. ) .1s
I tue itasoumle I Ian. II MOiiiO Teiuillo liiifl
S I lug , hi IuitllI , ly.
Thursday , Septornboi' 27 , 188
A Lawful Lottery and rair Drawing
nhuirkrtd by lime hgl.lstimreol Ky. , anini twice ikJi
cl Isgal t the highest comurt lum the Stale. Ibm
irteii to usury Cmitmtm iii Ii , , cimin of $ I00t0 for II
Inronuit lument of , ill lirtasi eull.
41Emcr , UcksI luckIer hisown eupervisor , can y
( mit tiu ntinmtwr oil his ticket , ui sen th ncmrnei'on
log nlminI.i oil the tag plecel In limo nhc.l In Ii
jir.esnce. 'flume tlrMstng. will occur on Iho Is
fliursIay of . , ery nmoiith. 111.5(1 the nwsgmiiflcent
epteniber Schonie.
a Nice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S 511,0
I Pelt. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . 10,0
I I'rlze. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 l'rlzc. , 52fOO tacit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Is IiImw , i,00tlCccIi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,0
o I'rtres , l.eij cieli. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,0
111) urIne , , Ii 0 sclm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,0
nyu I'ilrem , l'i ( neil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,0
fIx ) l'ruteu' , 20 each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,0
110u1 Prirem , 10 tatli. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lou
0 Prices , StXi ceIm A.roaiiuistlom , PrIm , ? ,7
I ) I'rim'm , rue ) , .itIi ' ' 'I 1,1
0 l'ulit'is , It ) ! ) styli ' " 11
1,557 Prltea. $1101
Whole Tickets , SO. flaif Tickets , $
27 Tickets , $50. 5 Tickets , $100.
hlcmult Immtmmum or Iliuth Iraft ii Icti cc , nit cuud
enlirree. ll)1' $ UND flY IIII1IH11l1E11 1,1111
( Ill I'cmmbl' ( i1lICll1ltliilt , miutlI limrthcr imotico. I
ulerm of $5 cuuni tlu.ueiu d ly cvl'r' ' , I flu be Cut at cm
c\lwuuen' . . 'tululrcsi all snolors to .1. .3. lHhtbl. ?
luul4l1leI. d iit.ttm.tli &
' -rIb Only Porfoot enbatituto for Moth
I 5111k. Theumost nflmurimlulumgu'tetfor luivehlds a
unrelmig flmumtlicts. iAmmuimcuuilt'.l lu ) all I'hritldai
Keup. iii sill cllttiati' . . Hold I'm all tlruggleta. 5 ccli
mclml for tin , 1ni1lilt. 't. METCAI.l' .t CO. ,
nmn.tIu&th.'lt , 4 % t'entini Viiarf. Ilumalumn , lies.
psteio Coroice-Nork
liii Douglas lit. . Omaha , N.h.
Calvanizea iroil Cornices
jlDormer Winuomse , PIiiiiIe TIn , Iron anti 01
lloolliig it1ieu'lut's patetit lIetsillo skylIght , I'd
asIjustesh ttetduet liar Ammit flraektmt sliolyluig. I
Uu general agent for the aborti lliio ci gn'oulL I
Felicing , Creatliugu , li&Iu.tmwioi , Voratidea , Iron 11
ttaliiiigs , Wliudow flhlnils , Collar Oilarl. aiso gen
almt for I'rrsnui & 11111 l'etetmt Itimitlo fllluiI.
Oldest Real Estate Age
sVotary Public and Pracficai Co
Clarke sells Ilcimsuis cud I.ots , lttmslulcmmc , Lots
Uusliiwa Lot. all tei the city , antI all additIon. ,
utica and miniinjuicwcsl farnia owur
nm ni I , . . . 05V I S.
Cariago & Wagon Ma3
Jobbing of all Kinds Promptly Attended
Now and seccaid lianil bugiile. and mmagniis ala
Oh lianid. . . -l , (100 I' . II II 1,1)01 ) IN
Cor. lath tutU i.cameuiwodi
0. F. DAVIS & 00
llimiOra Ibaileimi I , ,
ltoi.F.tIlNAlf ST , . . . OIIAII.t
have fur sole 200,000 acre. esrellilly oloctsul I :
n Eantoru , Nulrueksi , at low lr1L anti oii say to
I umiruim i.l . famine for eel , , iti Douglas. Iodgo , Col
Platte , Hint , Cuiiiliig , Haipy , tvasiiiuigtui , MIII
Suiuuicrus , anti Itiitler C.uimitlce.
Tisxum luilul ml till harts of tb. Mate.
Ilsuitey i.iiiic.I cii unproved lentils.
Notary t'uiIdIo Always in cilice. ( J.mre.i'ondi '
Omaha Cigar F actor
1207 FAItNAM ST.
Smoking and Chewing Iohacc
It will be I. your Interest to null and examine
Practical Horse Sh.o
Mate. a rpuch.hty oX Uoadat.ns isniflenderfoot
Shops , lied1. rtvast bate 11th antI 1211 ,
V.iiii tii I f'is. I
f ANT ) IflUul1AH.
John D. Peabody , M. D
OFFl 110(1MM , 8 iiiul S O7 YMINAIY ,
1714 ilniiuilma Iltreet , . ' . flpn&iui
JAB. H. PEABODY ti. 2 ,
Ittsalionco , No. U07 Joins St. 010cm , No. ito'
natil street. Offlod hour. , 15 go. $ ui I p. iii. , in
tO I J. in. T.huLoo , fur oSlo. , 07 , 1IUId
, ,
L , & L. 1'XTOII & CO. ,
1)gAIflR IN OlINEttAT.
Furniture !
Cooking and. ' Heating
Lamps , flab ) Carriages ,
bVe con luttleb ruijUmli g to 11,1. hue at the tov
A. 1 F1'UPIT & CO. ,
12th IlL , botwceim Fariiiunm anul flommg'n. ,
( ippositc Nel'risskiu NaIlonl Ilutik.
Dexter L. Thomas & Bro. ,
Real Estate Dealers I
lOAN flONiV , lIlr 11011 Kb , EXAII 21411
TII1SI , , LI'ti.
Fine Millinery.
hAul (100Ib3 , WAVEH , blANCH , 1tC.
Stock EntireI Fresh and New
lOIS 1'tli F + monI OPI' . Poatotilco.
, shill ) .
, lme ( Inn of Prtt k Towle I. this slay nIis.oItmt by
uititiiti cQiiiciit. Either partner will lgim In liutuI.
tIm , .
(1. 0 , TonIc , ( boorgo I'atimrsn tonI othurs , as Iiie-
Ponitnmr ut tluo ° Nelraske Fuel Cu. succce.i Is , i.I
bullIimHs of l'rstt .t Tint is.AtJIUHTUH
Omaha . . . - , Ociut. 1 IRSII. ( IKI ) U TOWI.E
Graduated Midwife !
a iros Cahifiniiist Strnnt.
- TI !
Perfect , Durable. Easy Running
-ANt > -
most 'oo. in the World. I
boat and flandsoniost Furniture
' -
. .
, ' ( %
The Most Perfect Sowing Machine
Yet Produced.
I 206 North 16th Street , Oma&
lI. . Ii. S\I \ I'l' I . [ ril1igi'r. .
TIJ-i-QUiPcLili- ; ; : L
Capital Stock , - $250,000.
A. E. TOUZAI.1N' , Prtn'l.ienL
ii : , ecrot.ary auth Tiinany.
J , IV. SA'AUO , Attormy.
Ia II. TOWEII , l3anax
ThI. coummpftiuy 11 III nisku Itiuig tltimu loans in I.
vr.1sosl Iarimis lii adecIeti citulitics ii , Nlirs.hii.
Iiitereit Eight lwr ciiL Jeer aisatilni , ll anne
511) . NoCouiuuiiIoiini. Coin'te1oiidvicu timlicited.
Addrus , ii. Ii. TttV1sc ,
: _ 3'q ! ! : .
TIlid l.I1AHINO NIW ; yoitg
. uIx ir c !
Call end look slyer my now storim arid sot' n.y tiew
( loud. .
I 1504 FARUAMSTIET. 11304
Physician & Surgeon
ItosIuiucn , 11th fitruet. over Ilelniriu.l & , Ihrnmj
store nicer Jecisui , , tr , et.
ItIersies-A , .1' ) liar. ' irswlhsl imxierlsins
MaItr of AlPIiCt&QlIf Cule ! Josurimlm5 to , Ltqui
NotIce Iii hereby givcui that Charles Jo.uJph4 11)4 )
uixIl Iii , 24th ilay of $01.1. A. il. lblO. Ole iit
appIIcatlon to Ui , niayor and city council of Uniu14
for Ilcoriso ti , , ell malt , , uiuiritumme annul vinous liqutit
at corner 10th auid limatclIar HO eels , let wismil , ( lOmlu
Net . from tim lull day of ( Je , 1053 Ii t1o hUm
day of January. 15.34. 11 thetu be no objet tli , , re.
ioonetranco or ltruitt Mod within two weuiIS Itisne
Sept. , 54th , AL ! . isirj , the Sal , ! lIcutsui will tis
p ClIAItLli . ) OIF.l'lIIb.AIIllceimt.
Th. Omaha Ihis. siewepeper will vuWtsh 11w nbsie
notIce once each week for two wauk nit thu
of lii. applIcant. The city ofOmaima ii hut to
charged tiieralUs
r W7.tI1ewk .1 .1 1 , . (1. JEwl _ : ! 1ltT : CIiik. _
Matter of Aptulicatton of A. ii. flouwien fur IJgu
Itcitlem , I hereby ghcii tliiit A. lb. Sn,1a11l , slup
- the Ofti , day of Out , ! . A. I ) . hISS , file lila sim lkatioii o
the mayor ioud nt ) ' cuuuicll of Ouisns , ! , hit liuciumo to
sell miet. ) i'Ii ltuoir. and Iii.urs , ll.tun , I lit 140. 315
II. 13th street , Tlilrl nerd , Onoulie , Nob. , trout the
lieu thy of 11cC IbH , to thu hut slay of I ni , ' 1581.
r. thor. by au objectIon , runiouiuijrence or 1irvte4
Pd 111011 aithln two Welill truism Htm1I.Sitli A. II , 1St , 11 *
14111,1 Ikviiwe wIll be gritlited.
- A. Il HNIonN' ; ' , l'luinf ! 1ff.
m Tit QuaIl Ibse jitmu .Iicr mu Ill hull Itli I I u
I , iotic onto cccli wech for twu , ' .scu me at II u
( It thu ahlIlcauit. 1 lisi city ill ( linitliti I , lit to IS
charged therewith. J. J. I. . C. JLatir ,
bOi.Iticw _ _ _ _ Cimy I Iik.
1 tatcr of AqihlcatIon of 1Iciiftrd ( \ lisle foe'
Licitior IJcenise.
NTJOJ' ) ,
Notko iii hiimlty id'oii fiat htieltid Wild.
liii IlluOli thin 2i , tIn ) ' of 8e14 , A. ii. 3883 lii.
hi. itlulitUatluii 14 , ( liv hsfayor mold City Cotincil
r of Omnniiii , for hlieiismo t.u sell Malt , bjmirltuooa
I and Vliitnui I.iijuoi e , at No. 1 I4 i".tnmsma 'third WLUtJ. Uuialin. , Nuhiraskti , ( roan
tim 11th tiny of Oat. , 1SIIi , to thu : tltlt dev of
April 1882. : ii there be no eihihuctloii , mexioa.
atramico or Lrotcst filed 11thiIt two weeks from
Soimt. 24tlt , A. I ) , 1883. the itid license will be
railted. \Vi1.l)1 Jl1l11kWt.
F , 'Ito Onusba fle neweliaper 15111 IiiilJliitji tLs
ahoy. notice uioe each week for two weake ak
n , the .zjmuuss of tIm apphicaut. 'Vim City
S Omaha I. 1114 to Itti cltnrgud tberuwith.
bOZb.l.wkf ! J J. 14. U , JOWttt City hLuk ,