Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 25, 1883, Page 3, Image 3

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1 - - - . I'I-IL DAILY BEE --OMAIIA , TUESDAY , SEPTEMBER 5 , 1883. 3 1
The frobrash' National Bank
'j , OF OMAhA , NEll.
j a1d Up Capital - - . l25OOOO
\ - , ! SurpluB Fund , MM' 1 1883 15,000
r S fl. J01iSON , Pre8ldent , ot Steele , Johnson & Cc'
\ A. K TOUZAIAN , Vice President , ot I3oton.
' v. V. U01i8Z of W. V. Mono & Co.
JOhN S. COLtIN8 , of & .7. 8. ColItn.
M. Couneor md Attonisy AUAW.
. UEID , of flyton fleil & Co.
w. YATES , Cathter , forin&ny ors of the
Thet NtioniI flank ot Om&hi
'liii. Ij&i * oera..I for buitnesi A'rtI 7 , 1882.
director. , nc1 sto1thokteri &re emong the Ied.
btistnu. of Omth * , , .d It buslnee5 Is condctiI
.ep.clia , .feence to the beet intl InoreiiLn fa
ot It. metcsnUle paten * .
.ctt.M receive pTompt ittentlon ind chirgee
ebtInabIe bete or elsewhere.
'teres sUowed on time depolt. upon feoable
aid upou &ccounte of bsnk end b&
, flretgn F.zoh&nge , Ooernmentlion s , ad Connt , '
Cit , eiutltI.i bouxht entt .ol.l.
' UI. W. Rodofer , Broker ,
I . Itock , flontl , Cominerchi Paper and eli other
' .1 , ectirltlce dealt InC
. 1tvni 4 , Nc' . 28 icarft. , Counoll flintle ,
I NEw Yonic , Soptoenbor 24.
Money-Easy at per ccitt , closed at 2
per cent.
I , l'rlrne Pairnr-b.7 Pe cent.
. Itxchango bUle-Stcady t 4.82. ; denand ,
Governments-Strong and higher for 4s4s
lower for three per cents.
Stocks-Tue week ( ) IoIrnd with a depreR.
. . , ion in Vtlard ! etocks and a general dtgfOsi.
on to sell lii firat sales. There wa break
' '
4c of 2 to 2 per coot In the shnree mentioned and
a decline of to 1 per cent In other etocke.
ThIs was succeeded by a better feeling and an
advance of : to 2 per cent , Oregon Transport.
ton leadtng , with tsales to 54 ; Northern Pa.
cific rallied to 33 , preferred to 63 and the
general list moved up to 1 per cent , the
latter in Michigan Cntrnl. In the leat half
hour of busIness the beer to sell abated and
there eonte disposition on tim part of the
hears to accept the profiti. ThIs proccee re
ulted in ah iflhlrOVeIflCnt of . to 1 per cent ,
Villard , Denver , Union Pacific and Mtcht
. Ian ( ntral Icathng. In reepnso to a dis
patch of inquky from Anthony ThomM , Vice
President of the Northern Pacific road , t.
Frederick Billings , at Woodstock , Vermont ,
. . . Billinge replied : "I have just received
- your telegram ol y atcrday , giving the eub.
stance of an article in a New York paper ,
yh1ch is utterly without foundation. I had
. - - . no communication either verbal or written
with Mr. Gould about Northern Pacific stocks.
I have not said they were selling too high and
I have not sold a share of my large holdings. "
I . S'S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102k
. 4's Coupons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
. ) . ' 45. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120.
c , Pacific C's of ' 05. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
. American Express. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
, Burl. , Cedar Rapib & Northern 72
' . Central Pticlfic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
b Chicago & Altoii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I. do do Pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
. : . , / Ch. , Burl. & Quioey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
, , . Erie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
, do lfd , asked. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Fort \Vayno & Clcago. . . . . . . . . . . . . . * 128k
Fi Hannibal & St. Jt'seph . . . . . . . . .
do do do . . . . . . . . . . .
' Illinois Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
lad. , Bloom. & Western. . . . . . . . . . . . 124
I Kansas & Texas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
Lake Shore & l\Iicliigan So. . . . . . . . . . 102
Michigan Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Missouri Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97.
Northern Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
(10 do phi. . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
fL . . Northwestern. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12fl
c . . . do Pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1W
New York Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Ohio & Mississippi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
' - do do } ) fd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
'S Peoria Decatur & Evansvillo. . . . . . . . 14
.1 Rock Isand. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
St. Paul & Milwaukee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103.
do do do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . 120
. > l St. Paul , Minn. & Matiitoba. . . . . . . . 109
, St. Paul & Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140.
t . do do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102.
I . Union Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
cs Wabash , st. i. & Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . 20
cte do do do pfd. . . . . . . . .
Western Union Telegraph. . . . . . . . . . . 79
.r fABkCLI. dividend.
; . , CLEAIUNnS.
. . BOSTON , Scpteniber 24.-Itoports from 2 *
. . loading clearing houses of the United States
give the total clearances for the week ended
; i $ eptnnbcr 22 , at 'J60,38Tl02 , being a de.
creae of 21.5 ver coot conipared with the cur-
re4JInling ( week of 1882. Tlio eildbit is un-
fnvorablu compared witIi last week , xts the
clearings eliow n falling cit of 22.8 per cent.
. This , iccrcas. is made up to colito extent by
the heavy decrease in New York , where clenr.
lags show a falling off of 20.4 per cent against
. a falling off of 27.2 last week. The outloolc
, is certainly far from favorable jtit at fresen. )
Failures are increasing , money h tightening
and crop reports are contradictory , but gole.
orally on the bearish side , aid the general
OUtlook is far from being as favorable as it was
th'nc time a month ago.
Siccial dispatch to Tns Bica.
, - CIICAGOSOltomlier 31.-The grain market
, .
. to-day was firm and active , especially wheat ,
November anti December optIons , vleIeh were
very lively. Cablegrams reported unfavorable
weather and Increased demand for American
wheat. 'rids , together with largo buying or.
ilor , counteracted the effects of the bears at the
QJCI flf IUOVCIUOIItS anl , market after riding
irregular the first hour of the eeeeion advauced
from 97c to 09c for November , 99ctol.0l1
for December and 'Jio to Ofic for the year.
Tue advance vas very rapid and induced
immediately by shorts covering , Corii did
did not iartako largely of the activity which
characterized wheat. Iealers and IiIecIIlcti)113 $
are waiting apparently for more definite frost
news. ijpecttlative trading was only fuir anti
the range of wicos moderate. Oatt. weec
itea0y , and showed an improvement over .
Satiiidaye Price of abnlt ( c. I'ork was ae
tive iarticularli let the latter itart of the
inoriliig reasion , Vrice. advanced 10(116e ( ,
- Oct4ior raiigiiig from 10 67 to 10 'J2 , cloaiii
10 7 ; November , 10 70@10 8 ! .
04 call tratllng was active In wheat anti I
cornaud quieter in pork. A feeling of ease t
chnr4ct.erlzed the eloo and wade iirice lower.
Pork was the chief suilorer , declining te
/ $ l0.72 Jur October , 10M7. for November ,
' and 810.50 for the year.
. Thenew board of trade clearing house wont
. . I into ocratIOII to-day. ¶ 1'lie Institution is do. .
elgnedth facilitate settlements between deal. .
era aeti cimplify a system now slow .
and einplicated. Confusion , attendant on
the oening , prevented I train transacting
iuc1 Jusineu. The idea Ii viewed by one
Iactlcnof the board as a good one ; ( ruin an.
otheri , ( meets with much opposition , as tend
lug tetpIire8s and prevent small traders doing
CIf1ao , September Flour-Market ;
atead and unchanged.
Wlat-Market acited and higher fur reg.
, I
i1ar ; 9 for September : 9d97o for October ;
9o for Noveitiber ; 1 ( ) @ 01 for 1)ecombcr ;
1 Ut' ' for May ; No. 2 prig , 03c ; .o. 3
sitting , 8.'e ; No. 2 red winter , 1 025.
Corn - 1)einMul active but weaker ; t0c for
cash ; tt0.5dtiOc for ioptember and October ;
.itt49c ) for November ; 47c48o for the
car ; 4LIc for Mar.
Oats-Market firm ; 2c for cash and Sep.
toinber ; 28c for October ; 2t1o for November ; I
27e for the year : $2A@32o for May. I
Rye-Firm at 66c.
BarIey-It good demand at 62c ,
Flax Seed-higher ; I $2afl 33.
Pork -Market higher 10 Tn for cash ; 10 70
@ 10 75 for September ; lo 7r.@iO 7i for Oc.
tobc'r 10 70@Jl0 72 for November 10 & 5
for the year ; it 60l1 62 ior Janu.
Lard-Market higher ; 8 03 for cash ; S 0.
8 075 for ScLtemler ; 8 0'2. for October ; 7 80
( ii7 b25 forovcII1bcr ; 7 707 72for thoyoar ;
7 807 82 for .lanuary ,
hulk Leat.s-ln fair demand ; sluinhiors ,
23 ; short ribs , 6 20 ; short clear , 6 40.
Biittcr-l'inii ami tinc1isnged.
Eggs-In gOad tiotnami at. 21 @ 22c.
\Vhlslcv-Steadv and unchanged at 1 16.
CAI.T. IhiAlu''haatWeaker ; 97c for Oc.
bdic'r 11,4 ; . for 'ivtiiilier , : 1 00 fur lecentbcr ;
I 0 for .1 ; uiusrv ; 1 (18 ( for May.
ii \\'tnkitr ; for Octol'er t9c for
tveitil'i. : 47Zc' for lieccinbce ; 4flc for the
irrcgular 2Sc asked fur Seitmnbcr , ;
for ( ctu1ir 28@2f1C for November ; 27o
1ltl th yt'r.
I.ti -Ltver ; 10 00ti't0 7t for September ;
10 72 for October ; 10 67tii)1 ) ( ) 72 for \ovoiii.
her ; 10 tOlid for the year ; 11 for .Tuiiuary.
Lartl-1.ower 7 D7 for October ; 7 72S for
Navember ; 7 65 for the yoar7 7c , for .lauuary.
Cheese-Market firm ; choice full cream
cheddars , 10@11c ; clitdco full croiitfl flats
11@t1c gout ! lttrt skim cheddars and flats ,
6.47c ; hard skitits , 2@4c.
likies-Ditil antI easy ; green ealtdlalnaged ,
6c ; green salt cured , light , 8c ; do , heavy , $ c ;
green salt ca fIlc ; dry calf , 15c.
Taihiw-No. 1 , 7c ; o. 2. 65c ; cake , 5c.
Visible supply of rraln-\Vhetct , 21,4 , 0,000
bushels ; corn , 14,354,000 liushols ; oats , 3,741-
000 btisliele barley , 474,000 bushels ; rye ,
1,823,000 bushels.
CAI.I. SAus-Wlioat , 1,773,000 bushels ;
corn , 1,153,0)0 ( linsitels ; oats , 000,000 ; bushels ;
pork , 10,000 ; lard , 5,600.
ToLxno , September 24-Vheat-Maket
active and higher ; No. 2 red winter cash ,
Corn-Market dull but firiti ; No. 2 cash
and SoItembcr , 51c.
Oats-Market Quiet anti firm ; No. 2 cash
and September , 30c.
NE 'ronil.
NEW YORK , September 24.-Wheat-Cash
@Uc higher ; strong ; options advanced 1
15c at opening and closed barely steady ; un-
graded red , 1 00@1 1G November red. OTc ;
No. 3 red , If3@97c , I 18 delIvered ; No. 2
red , 1 131 14 elevator , 1 15 afloat.
Corn-Cash better ; optIons ? 1@c lower ,
reached g@c , closing steady ; ungraded , SO ®
630 ; No. 2 , 63@63o afloat.
Oats-1"iriii ; mixed western , 33@36 ; white ,
] 'ggs-Domand fair and market firm.
l'ork-Active ; now mess , 12 0O@12 12.
Lard-Weak ; prime steam , 8 45.
Butter-Quiet , firm and unchanged.
KANSAS CITY , September 24.-The Daily In.
dicator reports :
Wheat-Higher ; No. 2 red fall , 87@875
for cash ; 87o bid for October ; 88c for No-
Corat-Stoady ; 38.C for cash ; 3Sgc bid for ; for November.
Oats-Slow ; 2lJc bid for cash.
, BALTIMORE , September 24.-Wheat-West-
erti , higher , oxc ttad , closing easier ; No. 2
red winter cash , 1 101 11.
Corn-\Vestern steady and quiet ; inixcti
cash , 60@60.c.
Oats-higher and firm ; western white , 3S'
390 ; mixed , 35@37c.
Rye-Quiet at 62@fllc.
'hitter-Firiit ; vett3rn packed , 1O20c ;
creamery , 20@27c.
Eggs-Flrii at 24c.
Whisky-Quiet and stoat' at 1 18.
LIvERPooL , Septoenbor 24.-Brcadstuffs-
Wiiet-Weakor ; Ss Sd@8s lid. ; spring ,
83 3d@8s ( Id.
Corn-New , Se 3d.
Sr. Louis , September 24.-Wheat-Active
and higher ; closed a shade of ! from the high.
etit ; point ; No. 2 red , $1 02@1 03 for cash ;
$1 ( J2 bid for September ; 1 03 for October ;
1 05 Icr November.
Corn-Opened lower , but advanced and
closed at aleut Saturday'.i prices ; 45Q4Oc
for cash ; 46c for Septemler ; 46c for Octo-
her ; 45jc for November.
Oats-Higher but slow ; 2326 for nash ;
26.lo for October ; 27c for November.
Ityc-Itigher at 63&c
Barley-Quiet ; 6Ojz75c. ;
Butter-Unchanged ; dairy , 18@22c ; creamery -
ory 2528c.
Lgg.s-Highor at 18@19e.
Corn Meal-Firm at 2 15.
Whisky-i 14.
CLoSING 1'RICKS-Whcat-ACtiVe and lowcr
at 1 02 , bid for September ; 1 O6 for October ;
1 05 bia for the year.
Corn-Easier at 4Ic ( for September ; .1Oc for
October ; 45c biti for November ; 12Ac for the
year.OatsLower at 2ic bid for September ;
20c } for October ; 27c for November.
CINCINNATI , Seitombcr 2 1 - Wheat -
Stronger ; 1 06 for cash.
Corn -In fnii deniand at62c.
tats-Actio ROil firtit ; : oc3oe.
] iyo-Stroiig at t757c.
Purk-Stoalv , at 11 50'ji1 73.
Lard-lit fair deinaitci and firm at 7 8. .
\Vhiky-Firixi at 1 i.
NEw ORLEANS , September 2l.-Corn-
Quiet ; iniaed , 6u ; white , 50cJI0.
Oats-In vood ( iOifllUIi and easier at 37 ®
f'orn Moat-Dull ; 2 152 25.
l'ork-Qtiiot and steady at 12 00.
Lard-Quiet and firm ; tierce , 8 37 ; keg ,
Jhlk Meats-Steady and in fair demand.
Whisky-Steady and unchanged ; western
rectified. 1 051 20.
MLWAUREE , September 21-Wheat-Quiet
at OSo far cash ; 9O@tOo ) for October ; ft'Jc for
Corn-Scarce anti wanted ; No. 2 , StJc.
Oats-Scarce and finn ; No. 2 , 27c.
] iyo-Noininally unchanged ; No. 2 , 55c.
Barley-Quiet ; No. 2 , 63u for cash.
OmoAco , Septcmber2l-TheDrovem'Jour.
mu reports :
llogs-\Iarket rjuiettutd firm ; packin" , 1 10
( ) I 80 ; packitig IOU ! slIpjdng 1 Htc,3 20
light , I SC,5 ( ) :10 : ; stoekets , .1 00 I 40 ; cIoscJ
( 'nttle-iarhot firm iunl active ; exIorts ,
S tlflhz.6 ) 25 ; good to chulco itliljtjiliig stocis ,
( I I O65 75 ; coinitittit to nietlinin , 4 ( J0C5 00 ;
inferior tt , fair eon-ti , . 2 104f oo ; nietiluin to
gooil 3 2g I 00 ; t.'ckei. 3 ti0u,3 75 ; feetlers ,
3 80 I 30 ; raiigci firm at 3 00 ; i'exitii of tThO
Ibs , : i 260 .Mi'ntanu of 1,125 his , S 55 ; 37l (
'l'oxaiiii of 1,000 11)1 , .1 10 ; 114 half breeds of
llUOlbs , 4 025 ; T,0 ( ) Wyoiiifitg. 'J'oxaus of 1175
lbs1 4 OO4iji 05 ; 200 Nebraska Texans of 1,000
lbs 385.
tIieop-InferIor to ( air , 2 25@3 00 itor cart ;
meditim to good , : i 25.3 ( 75 ; vholco ( .0 extra ,
4 OO@4 75 ; lambs , I 0t3 ( ) 1 00 her head ; Texas
sheep , 2 5O3 73 ,
Br , WVII ( , IYE ( ( 'rOCK.
ST. Louis , September 21.-Cattlo-Suiqly
atiti titnoand light ; trade local ; exports. 0 7u6
( I (10 ; good to choice shipping , 5 30@5 60. iite
diuin to fair .1 G06 00 ; jansas , 3 5Oi ( I 00 ;
Indians , 3 6O4 25.
Sheev-Steady ; COTtIIflOfl to medium , 2 T.O@
; fair to good , 3 253 76 ; idii ; 1 Ot8
KANIUM Ciry , &ptember 24.-The Indicator
reports :
Cattle-Receipts mostly Texans ; market
lower ; good steers , 3 10@3 75 ; coinenon , 3 25 ;
no good natives sold ,
] toga-1Igher at 4 7OQ4 80 ,
Sbee-Markct uuchuiiged ; nat1ye at 3 23 ,
ChICAGO , September 21.-Iieeolpts and shipments -
monts of flour anti grain for the past 24 hours
leave boon as follows :
Flour , 5blds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,000 1(3,000 (
\VIieat , bushoI . . . . . . . . . . . 12(3,000 1tS,00. )
C.rn , . . . . . . . . . . . . , 574,000
Oats , buhicls. . . . . . . . . . . . 172fX)0 ) 272,000
Ityo , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . . 44,000 87,000
Barley , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 42,000 80,000
Nxw Yonx , September 24-Itoceipte anti
shipineutsof flourand grain for tim Past2 I unties
have boon as follows :
Ikeolitte Shlp'ts.
V1ieat , bushels. . . . . . . . . , 293,000 t.3X)0
Corn , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 4(11,000 ( 17,000
Oats , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 127,000 (310 (
KAAM Ccrr , Sonteniber 21-itecoipte need
elelpiciotits of grain for the : 21 hours leave
beoct as follows :
Ilecoitets. Ship'ts.
Vhtent , busimis. . . . . . . . . . 41,01)0 51,000
Corn , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . , 21,000 14,000
CntoAoo , Septenebor 24.-llocoipts anti shIp.
nttsnte , of live stock for the Past 24 hours leaves
beet : as follows :
lieceitits. ShIp't.s ,
hogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000
Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,0(30 ( . . . .
Sheep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,000 . . .
Sr. LouieiSopt.oinbcr2 1.-Becoitets and 1iiii.
indite of live stock fur the past 24 lenters leave
been as folhinve :
lieeeIpts ShIp'ts.
Cattlo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7(10
Shieoi. . . . . . . . . . . . 1,600 9X )
KANSAS Cur , Si'itc'nsler 2 I.-ltocelpts anti
shipments of live stock for ( lie least 24 leours
leave been n.s follows :
I1OCCI9IS. ShIp'ts.
Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,00 .
: ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . .
Sheooi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . 100
nutItisli URAIN TRADE ,
LONIION , i'ieteiieleer 21.-The Mark Latin
Express , in a ropcrt of the grain trade the
past week says : Trade is dull throughout the
country. Irado in foreign who et off stands not
improved. The citarket for flour very dccii
etieti In favor of buyers. Off coast cargo ( ratio
in wheat not unproved. Eiglteeis cargoes ar.
riveti ; five were sold anti tea wlthdrasvn ,
Trade forward trifling ; nominal values. Sales
of wheat for then week , 67,6(30 quarters at 41s
8d , agalnst6l,463 quarters , at 42s id th5 sor-
responding week last year.
Wholesale I'rioou.
Oric , oi TIlE OMAhA Bar ,
Monday Evening , Sept. 24.
The following ierlcrs are cli erged retailers
byjobbors , wholesalers and comenissitia tiler.
chants , with the exCeitiofl of grain , which is
quoted at ( ho pricca furnishoti by the elevators
and other local buyers :
WnEAT-Cash No. 2 , 76c ; No , 3 , 67.c ; rejected -
jected 42c.
BARLEY-Cash No , 2 , 47c ; Ito. 3 , dOe.
11'rg-Cashe , 42c.
ConK-Mixed ,
Live Stook.
FAT STEEn8-Iligher at 3 OO@3 73.
FAT Cows-2 7@3 1.
Iloos25@4 SO.
SecRecy-Firm at 3 00@3 25.
CAnvEs-Fair quality 4 5O6 00 ; good butch-
era' stock , 6 00
Curcd Meats.
BAcoN-thIulmugeti at I2fiJISC ,
SnouLnElts-Duhl at S8c
Dmun BEEs'-lle.
LAnn--At fifijiOc in tiorces.
TALL0w-1iren at 5 socgo 25 in barrels.
Poultry , Fish arni Caine.
SPRING ChIcKENS - Small , unchanged ,
2 00 Q2 75 ; large , qsiiot at 3 00 ; old , 3 75.
Prairie chickens , 1 75@2 00 pe doz.
\Vnrrs Fisir-Uncluuegcd , USjlOc. ; pike
and lake trout the entice.
WooI ,
Merino unwa.slicd , light 1416o ; heavy ,
1315c ; medium unwashed , light , 18@200 ;
washed , choice , 32c ; fair , 30c ; tub and washed ,
28c ; burry , blmk and cottod wool , 2@Oo 1ess.
Dull and weak ; grean butchers , Ic ; greet :
salted , Ti@7c ; dry flint , 12@13e ; dry sait ,
10611c ; atunagod hides , two.thirds price ,
Seitiar l'r.i.m-25c1 00.
General Prodtare.
] uas-18c. .
liUtTER-COtnhltotI ti ) gotid , 7@lOc ; choice
dairy , 16@17 : trcct , bight colored grass , 12@J
1fc : ; cooking , Sc.
1'orvroEs-New quiet * nd : nnrket well step.
Plied at 45@tc ; ( ) Icr ho.
ONtoNs-25SOu ( Pr liii.
Niw : CAIiitAoI-70@86e iior dozen ,
I ioNEv-Cahifcritia , ill conch , ior lOtliiti , 20
@ 121c ; trnhieetI , 10121c.
CiiEIsE-Active : , We quote 0llc.
'rosi.tion-I mute growl : , SOc@1 00 per
ci i.uia-Iie : baskets anti crates , 7.c itci lie.
LEMONS-Quiet at (3 00@7 50 icr box.
l'eAcjuoc-Nntivcce 1 OO1 25 jier basket ;
Callforni at 2 25(2 ( 50.
OAC.woItNeA ] 'uis-1ii good deiceauci ;
2 252 50 ier box.
BANANAS-UitchIangeIl ; ier bunch , 2 0O ©
A1'c'.Ks-3 0O@3 50 leer bbl.
CA.IroItNIA IIA1tTLKT PEAILS-In footi tie.
mand at $1 006J4 SO leer box. Cahiforitia
luchuss litierco , Ciargoate , etc. pears , per box ,
$3 0O@3 rio.
CALironIA GIIAI'ic-2 OO@2 50 per case.
Flour anti MhlheetufTs.
\VISTER WHEAT-Best quality , patent , at
3 2513 63.
4ZCONe ) QuAI.tTY-2 003 25.
$ I'RINO WhEAT-Best quality , patent , at
3 r03 os.
BItAN-SSC Pr cwt.
CIeo'I'Eu 1"KEi-l'er DO lies , SSc.
Cot : MEAL-i 00Q1 10 iter cwt.
SCaEENINO-GO70c lr cwt.
Grocers Ieliet.
CANIn : 000ls-Oystorn statidard ) , per
cage , 3 703i 90 ; strawlerrles , .1 II , , Iter cane ,
2 10 ; raspbcrrios , 2 Ib , per case , 3 50 ; Bartlett
J tears , iter ceuco , 2 .10 ; whiortlobercien , ier cane ,
.1 73 ; egg ; thtIIne , 2 lb per case , 2 00 ; green
gages , 2 lIt , Ir CUSO , 2 [ ( iS ; tic' chittice , 3 l1 , ter
case , 4 60 ; leilie ajeplos , 2 Iii , 'r case , 4 OJ ( ®
S 71 $ ; peaches , 2 lEe , case , 3 00 ; tic' 8 II , , ; arr
case , ' 1 ( ) thjs1 50 ; tin ( i'Ie ) , 8 Ib , vcr cane , 2 IX ) ;
tin I tie , ii lie , jeer dccxcii , 2 80 ,
ItIcE-LoulelatIa i'rto to ehtolco , 7c ; foli'
flc ; J'atitta , ( 'tic ,
Finn -Nte. I mackerel , half brici. , 7 00 ; No.
1 nutekuiel , kits , I ( NJ ; fatally itiackorol , half
brie , , S 23 ; famIly inncket.l kits , & 'v ; No , 1
white lisle , Itaif hirln , , 7 ( Xi ; I kits I 05.
ft'nui'-Stettilueti : Cctei , , : ir , hide ; itateclae ii
cite , 4 gielloci kegs 1 8 ; $ Laethu.i cite , .1 gallon
hogs , 1 ( A ) .
oj > .t--1ee lIe heavers , : ; : ; o vcr case ; hog
Nnw 1'cge.IM-fIcthiitiie : , In burr. Is , I 00 ; tIn
I cc hal I bariols , 8 50 ; entail , I ii barrels , 7 00 ; ut ,
Iii half hearrols , .1 00 ; gherkIns Ii : bands , 8 00 ;
do lit half barrels , 4 ( .0.
'I'KAS-O tielnnvilcr , good , 'lS@.5c ; cheolco 60
( P73c ; good hini.erlah , 4J13c ( ; cheolcu , GOa6.'k' ;
Young llysoi , gtsed , 34ak ; choice ,
65C1 00 ; , Ja'an ; ' : eaturah loaf , SSc ; Japati ,
choice , 607.c ; oIong , good , 340c ; Ooloiig ,
choice , 4055c ; Souchong , good , S(40c' ;
choice , 3.A45C.
1toi'E-ioai , ! etchi and larger , 105c , leech ,
lie' leech , 11)c ,
\lOO1W.NWAitE-Two hoop i'aiis , I 75 ;
three hoop paild 2 00 , 'fuhes , No. 1 , 8 50 ; I'm.
eceer wcuihboartls , J 85 ; Double Crown 2 hO ;
\Velibuekeets , 3 r.o.
LEAI-Bar , 1 65 ,
SoArs-Kirk's HItYOB Imperial , 3 46 ; Kirk's
satinot , 3 60 ; Kirk's standard , 3 75 ; 3lrk'i
whIte ituasian , S 25 ; Kirk's eutoca , 2 15 ;
Kirk's Prairie Queen , (100 ( cakes , ) 40c ; Kirk's
: iiagnohla , cmx.
l'orAeuii-l'eunsylvaula cans , 4 case , Ire case ,
3 35 ; 13&bbltte ball , 2 dos. license , 1 t1OAncheor
ball , 2 doz , in , 1 ( tO.
1'E.tNLrrt4ltuaaitecl , choice , ec1 'rennassea ,
12o ver Ib ; fuecy whIte , 12o Ib ; raw-white
Vliylnia , raw , lie ; roasted , 1'J5o
CANIltE.'t-ik5xOS , 40 lIes1 lOs , 15c ; Si , 16c ;
1eoes 40 lies , Ill tea. , Cs ,
MATOIESt-l'er ( cecheiI , 62c ; round , cases ,
1 , 10 ; square cases , 3 40 ,
Corvans-OrthInnrygrrules,359e ; fair IOQI
10c ; good 10l1o ; prince , 12125c ; cicolco
13@i8c ; inncy green tetI yellow , 14lSc ; oh
government , Iewa , 202C'c ; I.everlng'srtsasteth ,
14'c' ' Arbescklo'a roasted , ISe ; Mel.aughhhte' ,
: xxkx , l5c : iteilt.ation Jean , 1C4f
181u.VINECARNOW 'york nepho lOc ; Ohio ieji
isle , ISo.
SALT-I ) T3' loads , 'eer bid ii ; Aeheton , I : ,
sacks , 3 teO ; iblti dairy bO , ( a , 30.
SvaAna-l'owtioretl , lOAc ; cut loaf , lOAo ;
granulated , 9n' cemfectitneers' A , 15c ; Stated.
ttrei o.ttrn C , l&c ; extra C , Sic ; iieoeilutn yel
low , 7c ; clark yellow , 7o.
STAnch-Pearl , 45c ; Silver ( Iloets , Oc ; Cone
Starthi , Dc ; Escelslor ( iloss 7kc ; Corn , So.
SrIcEs-I'oieler , 17c ; 1IsidIce , ltec ; cloves
25c ; cassia , ISo.
CIIKnng-1"ull creates , lie.
l.YR-AlflOrlCAIb 40 ; GreenwIch , S 40 ;
IVostern , 2 75 ; Isorth Star , 2 00 ; Lesvia' lye
4 65 ; Jowehl lye , 2 75.
flry 01)15(15 ( ,
Ii8OvN Cor'roMs-AtIteteteo A , 85c ; Apple
tote XX , ic ; Atlaicta A , Sc ; Ucetet. FF' 8o ,
Buckeye 1.1. , 4.4 , 7c ; Cabot \V , 7c ; Chitte.
tealegti 4\ 0e ; ( ; roat I ails B 8c ; hoosier , 65c ;
hlmtcst ' 1dthe , Sc ; liedian lheati i , Sc ; leuhlan
Staeedicrtl A Sc ; Indiace trcheard , ii. w. , 7c ;
l.avroeeen 1114 , , ; Mystic lilt or , 75c ; l'tniltot.
A , 8'c ; Utica U , 1SeVachiunott ; B , 7c ; tie
A , 8o dis E 48 , l2c ,
FINE BROWN COTI'ONSAhlOteialO 4.4 75e ,
Alligator 3.4 , .rgylo 4-4 , 7.c ; Atfnietio
1.1 , , ( ijc : Benign : § tate . . 4-I , 6c ; Bteteieitigttsee
a 4-4 , o ; Buckeye S .f.4 , ( le ; teetlinee orchard
A. . . . 11.8 , 8.5c ; Lactmia 0 89 , 8.c ; h.ohtigh 1r ' 1.1
1lc ; 1'etporoil N $0 , 7c ; tin 0) ) 82 , 7.e ; cite mt
Sc , , 7c ; do B 39 , 85c ; l'ocas.not 0 4-4 , 7c ;
\Vatee.stttta 4.4 , 18c.
HanAclial ) CorreNs-Antiro.scoggin I , 4-4
9c ; Ilhtckstoteo AA iteeperial 8'c ; cbs tic' leal
leloechted I-i tic ; Cabot 4.1 , 8'c ; Vitichity 4-4 ,
h.c ; F'rieit te thee 1.omn , ( Ic ; die tauteleric 4.'I ,
l : cite Water 'rwmst , I0c' UreLet Falls Q , he :
itetliact lleatl ichenecik 4-4 , i2c ; h.neestlttlo , bc ;
ft cambric 37 , 12c ; Nmv York Mills , 12o ;
I'eqiiot A , lOc ; 1'olelcroh , N (3 'mills , I4c ;
l' ' 1-4 , tc ( ; Pocaseot 3-1 , 8 ; Utica ,
lie ; Waceeseitta 0 X in. , 12c.
lveice.c ) ( Cohtered-Albniiy ) l brtnvn , Sc ; do
C , cinch , lie ; tin XX stripes nut1 hihedels , 121.20 ;
the xxk li'tewn , need drnb , anti ieitdtls ,
12 1.2c ; Arllngtoee fancy , lhle ; llresecessiek
brown , 8 1-2c ; Chariot fenecy , 12 1.2c ; tin ox.
tm lecavy , 20c ; Fall liivorbrowie , extra heavy ,
11 1-2c ; littilatea A brown , 13c ; Nepoitnot A
brown , ISo ,
TICEINoS-Amoskoag A C A 32 , lOc ; do XX
blue 32 18 I-2c Arrosvaiena , 11 i-2c ; Clam.
teeont 1It 13 14c ; Coeeestngei , etrn , 17 1.2c ;
hamilton 1) 11 1.2c ; Lewletote A 30 , iSo ; Miii
nohtechtte 4.4 , Oc- Omega , atter extra 4-4 , 28c ;
l'oarh River 3 ! , 16 1.4c ; 1 titetaiti XX blue
stripe , 12e ; Sheeteeckot 5 , 10 1-2c ; ( It ) SS , 12c ;
Yooiieaee's blue 22 ' Do.
DeNeseec-Atttos'koag , blue need brown,1 Ii 1.2o ;
Audtver , 1)D blue , iii l.2c ; Arlington X blue
Scotch , 18 1-2c ; Coteconh 000 , blue neal
browee , 12 1.2c ; do A/tA , tin tin , 13 1.2 ; do
XX to do do , 14 1.2c ; Ilisycecaker's blue anti
browit U l-2c ; Mystic RIver 1)1) strIpe , 10 1-2c ;
Pearl Ilivor , blue need brown , bOo ; Uitcztsvlllo ,
bino ineti brown , 11 1-2c.
OAsiIIteecc-Bareiard , 5c ; ] dtiysthcte hieIng ,
24 inch double face ; 8&chsrner ; A glazetl , 6e ;
Mzuehattnii glove finish , 3c ; Newport do.,5.c :
tin glazed , 5o ; l'uxuot do , tic ; Lockwteoti kid
tininle , Ge.
Conscrr , TEANS-AiflOt7 , Audrtescoggln
satteon , 82c ; Ciarencion 6c' Cntostogga : sat.
thocce , 7c ; Hallowehl , Sc ; Icetfiun Orchenril , 7.c ;
Narragansett , improved , 8c ; l'opporill sat.
teen , hJc ; .ltockpnrt , Ge.
I'ntNrs-Allons , 6e Amorecan , ( ic ; Arnldn ,
( Pc ; Berwick , 4c ; Cochooo , o : Cene.stoga , 6c ;
llneeklrk , Oc ; 1)teeeteehl , O7e ; Eiithytutneeo , ( hc ;
Glteuccstor , 6c' linrinony , 5.c ; Ketickorbockor ,
6c ; Nerritteac b , 7c ; Mystic , 5c ; Spragues.
Ge ; Southibritlgo , Ge ; do Gleigheaeets , Vc ; lelarl.
born , 5c ; Orlenttih , 8c.
GINonAts-AInonkeag 9c ; Argyle , 8c ;
Atlantic , 8c ; Cuenborlateti , 7c ; Jlighelaeeth , 7c ;
iCoitliwortle , 9e ; l'luektt , fJc ; Sussex , 8c ,
CorroNAnas-Abberv'ehle , 131c ; Agate , 20c ;
Acicerican , lie ; Artisince , 20c ; Cairn 1) anti ' 1' ,
l3..c ; Clarion 1. ) atiti T , 17c ; Dccciii Ct' ,
etrllto.4 1) neal T , ihe' Keystone , 13c ; Niece
tticlcet , 19c NonpareIl , iSo ; Ocean 1) anti T ,
I3c ; Iheyni , ] 6c ; Sussex , 12c ; 'J'hegaVacheu -
setS shlrtiiig clceclcs , 12c ; do Naetlen 12cs
York , ldit Nanklie , 125c ; do checks , stripes
cued finecy , 12c ; ( It ) S ox , 20e.
511K171INGS-Androscceggiie 10-i 27c ; do
0-4 , 23c ; do 3-4 , 32c : Cotethiectettit C 42. .llc ;
Fruit of the Loom 10-4 ; 27)c , ; New York en lie
98. 35c ; tin 78 , 30c ; ( It ) 58 , 22&c ; J'ceubroko
10-4 , 25c ; Pcquot 10-4 , 28c ; do i4 , iDe : do 49 ,
IGc ; Peh)1)OaeIl 90 , 29c ; do ( i7 , 21c ; tb 7 , 18c ;
Utica 90 , SOc ; dt 58,22c ; do 48 , 17c.
Jriigu ,
Diwos ANT ) CimsIecAr.a-Achi , Carbolic , 'lSc ;
Aciti Tartaric , rsc ; lialnacit Copabin , liar Ii , ,
70c ; flack , Sarsafras , ier Ib , 12c ; Calomel ior
lb , We ; Cinohonlthia , icr ox , $1 05 ; Cidoro-
foren , ver Ib , 85c ; Dover's l'owders , icr Ib ,
$1 2u ; Epeoiii Salts , per lb , 3c ; Glycerine ,
pure. ocr lb 30cr Lead , Acetate , mice ill , 22c ;
Oil , Castor. 1. Ian' gal , $1 .10 , 0 Castor ,
Nt. 3 leer gal. $1 20 ; Oil , Olive , porgah , $1 (50 (
Oil , drigancein , SOc ; Opium , 85 00 ; ( ttIniiio , 1' .
& \v _ and ] t. & S. , p OZ , 81 90 ; l'otussincn ,
lodldo , icer lii , $1 65 ; ilaiiciie leer c'Z , 40c ;
Sulphate of cIeerj.heiieo , leOr tar , 3 75 ; Stel ideur
flour , per lii , 'Ic ; Strychenltee , per ox , 81 25.
l'alicts , Oils cited Varceislees.
OiLBl10a carboie , per gniltn , ; 150 °
hicadhighit , lice' gahloti , 14c ; 173 ° Itondlighet ,
tier gallon , 1ctPc ; 150 water white , 18c ; lice
seed , rnsv , ; lie gaioiiSSc ! ; lhieeeetl , btellotl , tear
gallon , bSeNnetl , winter ectt'tl , per gahliets , 85c :
Nt , , 1 , 715cNo ; , 2 , We ; cnntier , XXX , ieer gal.
itete , 1 40 ; o , 8 , 1 20 ; sweet , seer 1allocs 83c ;
nj.orcee ] , , lear gallon , 1. IX ) ; lenli'ei. . B , ,
itorgallori , OSc ; ceeat.sfootoxrn , tear gidloii , 000 ;
N't , , 1 , 7b ; lubeicettitig , zero , liar gallon , SOc' ;
tdtetiettier , ISo ; gohtheie itmeheltin , No , 1 , ie' gal-
ititi , SSc ; No. 2 , 25c ; eitcrie : , signal1 leer gihloee
80c ; turpentine , per gallon , SSc ; nnptha , 74 °
jeer gallon , ISo.
PAINTes IN Otn-W'hito loath , Onsalm P. P. ,
Cc ; white bail , St. Lteuis , h' ° Ole ; Mitreolhies
1 to 5 lb 20e Fiezcche zinc
green cans , ; green
coal , 12c ; French : zinc , reel seal , lie ; i'reeche
zinc , in variilsh nest , 211k : Yeancle altec , iii oIl
nest , lSc ; raw anti lecce'iet tecnbor , 1 lb cane , lOc ;
raw and burnt Sleetteit , bc ; vaneiyko herown
l3c ; rafineti lacnpbiitck , 12c ; coach blaelc , anti
ivory black , Ilk ; drtq' Ijiack , Ibo ; l'runsian
blue , 30e ; ultraenaeliio hthite , ISo ; chirceme green
14. ? if & I ) , We ; hhintl and shutter greece , Ii.
MI. & P. , iCc ; ] 'aris peon , ] 8c' Indlate roth ,
iSo ; Vonetiace red Dc ; l'ueccan red 22c ; Amen.
can Veruellhireh 1. J' . ' 18c ; cheroino yellow
14. M , , 0. & I ) 0. , 1f'ie ; yellow ochre , Dc ;
goldeie ochire , nb , pttent dryer , Sc ; eaIning
colors. light oak , clark oak , walnut , chestnut
anti tech , iSo.
1)e'y Paints.
\VhiIto lead , Sc ; French alice , be ; Paris
wheeLing , 21c ; whitiitg gflelore , Ic ; wheitlng
coin' ! lie ; ialnhlJlnek , Gcrnantowee , I'lc ;
hainpielack , ordiiiary , JOe ; PrussIa : : blue , ( iSo ;
ciltranianicee , ISo ; vateilyko , brown , 8e ; ueteber ,
htirnt , Ic ; eeeteIeee ratv , 1e ; nhciena , burnt , 4c ;
eulecenic , iaw , 'Ic ; Fitnis groan , gontiiteo 215c ;
Paris greece , ceiitiiiien1 20c ; cleetono greece , &X.Y , ,
20c ; chrietne greeii , J. , h2o ; vonmnill keti , Jiig.
70c ; veretelhliten , t litre lutie , I 8c ; I iteliate roti ,
IOu ; mice puck , 1 Ic ; Vceetiaie : rod , Cuikienoss ,
2c ; Vonotiate red , 4tmiturlcedtl , Ic neil lenil ,
7e ; climate ytehuew ! , geteuhimo , 20u ; cientitne ych.
how , IC , , J2 ; ueiirt , , rochoilu 8e ; ociaro , Fe ouch ,
2c ; nehiro , itnoiicati , 2cVleitcsr'n ; ,
2c ; Icheighi brown , 2u ; Sjiteieine ) brown , 2o ;
I iincte' iteitecricl , $ e.
'VAINII4IiEiI - Ihire els per galhten : Fiereui-
( lire , extra , .1 10 ; ftirietuno , lit , . I , 01 ; ctau.hi ,
extra , csi .10 ; caeli , No , I , $1 20 ; 1)ttinttr ,
textrue , 81 76htjocei ; , 70e ; eenihahttitii , extra , SSc ;
nleohletc' , (3 ( .0 ; head c'hl finish , t IA ) ,
Lcat line' ,
1. zs solo , 3o IA ) 42c ; heotniteek stlu28o tie ar.
, % ii , t hip' ' , 80o to 1 00 ; rietiner ISo to SOc ;
acted cc calf , SSo to 1 20 ; lecialock upper , 23o
to 26e ; oak 111111cr 21c ; ueihlgathr 4 ( JO tc ) S SO ;
calf huh , 32C3.u ; ( Jruiseue kid , 2 t0 to 2 76 ; oak
hip , SOc t , I 00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; French
klp , 1 10 to 1 r5 ; Freiiche calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; ntis-
sets , S ( .0 tie 7 .0 ; hiiiings , I ) 00 ( cm 10 50 ; tj ) .
ciieg , 9 00 t' , 10 ( tO ; B. 1. . Iclorocc. , SOc to 3.c ;
1uhblo 0 , B , Morocco , 33e ; simon , 2 .0 to 2 00 ,
IIA1tNEIIS-NO. I star oak , 42c ; No 2 do ,
39c ; No , 1 OhIo nick , 3I4c No. 2 do , 35c ; No.
1 Milwaukee STc ; No , 2 do 3It' .
hum leer.
Vo quote lumber lathe and ehing1cson oars
at Omaha at the foiowIieg inicen
Joisr AND SCANTLINU-lU ft. aced ' undue
2200 ; 18 ft , 23 50.
'I'ItilJEIttS-Ii ( feet nail under , 22 00.
'rzaKee ANI ) .lowr-I8 : it , 23 50 ; 20 It , 23 5O
22 ft , 20 ( .0 ; 24 It , 2650.
Fjncsu-Nu ; , 1 4 edIth 0 In , , 21 00 ; No. 2 ,
Sieswniso-No , 1 (2d'cominon ( boards ) , 20 00 ;
No.2 , 1800 ,
lies lena been eelcnosleclg.4 eel enore so it this Oy
titan say other , Tb. s sit flelti of ieee'.IIesi scietice ( a
ever IncreasIng , tuid Its ilteteserous teitcehrt arc
brought acenee acid neerer to perfection , iul
no cue seen ran city longer grs.p thene
Ilenre lb. neecsstty for dttitlltig the labor. Ate4 It Is
trite t.otetl all tlonbi that dIsease , aUwtlng the
ito'ttelsary organs tues.l spt.oIal study fleer. ( lute say.
thing el , . , It we eu.ccl.h nn.Isn.ts.nI , sn ks.w kew C.
( me theta jrory. (
net. H. iVAUNEIt he ( aS , aware thai ( hit. a , .
many phy.Ieins , anti some s.teslhl. toj.t. , u sill
citltitn hIts for eni.Iiig this clans of diseas. . i
deity , but Icelehappy to know ( hit with nec' . % m'.r'
pens of rifinaneest aceti Itetelllgsnc. a nun enltgl.eie.
eel ihiw tc tit.ii if the subJt'et , anti Chit lb. pleysle-
let , scho Mvttc. leitnettt (6 relievIng Ut. amid. ) and
saving tlin from worse than death , Ii noless a
lantltropi.t seed benefactor to lets rae. ( hate ( hi , sr.
genie or physician who by rio. . eppllestinie siesta Is
slay other i.ranch of lii terofcslo. , Aped lortunatel
forhutnanity the tly Isdawielngwhen tliofate . ! e
laitthrophy that cotetioeeetiod ties sistine. of folly 'cc
cetnee , Ilk. the IcI'crs tintler the , J.wisIe tan , to dl.
uiecsned tar lies 1'nid away.
A Few Reasons
iS'lty ou .hottlc % try lIce celtirateel' Dr. II. W'agtter'e
eceetleods of curet
1 , "Dr. 11. W'stesr Is a itatural .te.lcIat , , "
(5. 8. ( 'owLs. ,
. Tue ( Ireatest 1.hlng l'lirvtiologlsL
2. " 1 ow can ereI ) ou as a eltartor. "
ISa. .5 , RiMe. ,
The ) ceelci' , Orcatc.t l'li i'logtioteelsL
3. " 1 ate tens setetitiarftiliy I.rc'flcieiet ln our kitowl'
edge of cIIcaso alit ! eesecliclues. "
ISa , J. itATriiciws.
4 , "The aflUcted flied reatly relief lie your t'ro. .
enee. lOt. J. MiMes.
b. "ICr. hi. W'tegiter Is a regular gnitcititite ( rose
Hellettie 11oeItaI ; , New York city ; lees Itati ecry is.
tenie , tirepital lractlce. titt ( a Oeoroughly Istett oe
all bnueelic ( ci his bcriovetl pricers , ca'cdalty ; on
chroieto diceaserL"
S lits. 1teowssce Pwisa.
0. "tSr , lit l'ageter has ineeietertalint'd himself by
hi. wonderful tiiaexiery of specIfic cetceecties for pit-
vat. ajiI sextta.I , Ileesoe-Vlrgttii City cieronicla
7. "Thooaejiels of bitItl ( lock to .rc Itirn.-Sas
( 'raucinro Clroiticlo.
cc. "Ties loctoy' . hong oxleenhcttc'e ten a
should reteder hint scry seecccssful-Itocky idome.
tale Noss.
Plain Facts Plainly Spoken.
At one ( ices a utisetissiome of tIn eorrtrt ilcu sties Ca'
Urel' avoided by lieu lirtefeselci , , nicti meitsilcol it orkci if
but a few years ago outilci usc-thy iteentloti IL
'l' tico pleysidal. ii of a , ihiTerveet tepleilon : lee Is
snare that It I lel diity-dieagn'eablu tliteili It
meal , ho-to leaeetlkt lids matter ss Iticitiet. gliic os aud
s1ceak idaltily abteut It nhlti liitclllgeit : laroiit. and
gtianhiaus is Iii titatik leitee for ioIng set.
'Itt. rceitlts , att.cndiiig this destreictivo ilce were foe.
ueerly teat tetederetood , or tetet tiroperl eetliiatetl' auti
uo icesleortancu belogattocleutl to it atitijeel % ! liltrie by
Ittu neture does , eot Invite citwo iuivestlgatioce , it was
ulilitigly Ignored.
'l'lio habit. I , , geneeiIy coeetracted by ( lea yocceg i
sshllo aticietfing school ; oltior ceonelnuitous through I
their eenmtcle , ieeay bu r1ttiislblu for It , or It letay les
aeqetlecti tierouge aechtctet. 'I'Iiu scILcieernet niece ox'
iwrIeie&i1 , the leascIlco elli be rei'eatI again attd
ngaiii , untO at last tie. leabit becomes Inn seed cnm-
iletolY enslave. the victim. Mental and nurvotes at.
( tlctittns are usually tier primary results of seIf.ahuse.
Amotig ( he Injurious efitrots easy ho intriitloiectt tesel-
bile , dejeCtltiI or Irraseltelitty of temper nieti Keilorat
debilIty , Tleo ( ear , cck , , uucleislou , , aced rasely joins
Iii the sport. ol liI cotnh.atliOUa. If ho is a yuutg
lean lee will be little found Ice coteepatey si 10k tlto oth.e
sex , and Is troubled wIth axcoeditig aced aeiteoyluig
bashfulness lie theIr Itruenco. I.ascIloui dreams ,
eiiileelois , octet eruptIon , on tleo face , etc. , ieee ftiso
iroicllilciet tuyeeeptoena ,
it the imtctIceIs vloienthyiecnIeted itenore , eerlous
dietcirbautces take 1.15cc. ( ( real lelieLtattoiI of th.
licar , or u1,11o1tlc coinuisiote , , arc esponieticed. need
( tie , , ufTert'r mieny fall into a coieieletO ; steet of Idiocy be.
fore , iheally , tictetti relieves lilac.
'Fit all these engaged Iii title ticetigeroes , practice , I
would sec _ , lirst .ef tell , atoji II iii o11re neake cc cry
leoselilo effort to do so ; bitt Jf teem fell , If your nervuos
ayntccce Is amend ) ' ten eieticli slittttcrud , atid cuciso.
qearlitly , aIll.Ieower ltrtkeii , take sonea nerve
tuttle to aid In 301cr ufftert , lute lug treed y.urnulf
frocie the habit I se otehi fttnther cotteisti to go
tlrou'le , a regeifar course of tretctcitc.'nt , for it is a greet
tieIstao to suetitoso that aiiy onu flea ) ' , fr steiieo tuna ,
le it every so little gte o leiiiisclf uc Ot thin fascitiatlieg
but dangerous oxcltcneelet w Itliout steiienitig lotte Its
cvii coilsetUeucei ( at sailer future tlnee. 'rIco iteuebuc
of youiig nero sieo are Iilctetincitettd to liii tie. titihta
ciijolttmtl by wedlock Is alaeiesitegly isrgo , toed Ice iieu4
of steele canes thiN tinforttuiento ctentlitioii of thitigs rate
be traced to ties practice of , eif.itbunc , a lilcit lied been
abandoned ytears ago. Iudcteei , a few iteeietha' lracti
of tltiiu habit Is seetlicietit tic Itittuco sperinatterrletise in
later years , teed I line u innecy of steele canes tinder treat.
narult at the lerceent tiny.
Young Moi
% 5eo may be ecuffening ( rota the effect , of yonthish
fotIlei or iiediscrctioii ii ill tin well toavail tlinenseirea
of tiii , the greatot booci escr laid at the altar of sal-
feririg ) eutnaiIty. : lice.YAUNIUC a III guarantee to foe-
( cit 5OO for every cane of .cciiliial weakitosi or 1rIvste
tliwant , of any kiatl and cltaracteraliicle , hounder.
take to and fails to cure.
Middle Aged Men.
There are finati ) ' itt the agn of 30 to 00 twlto are
troubled with too freqitetet ceactiatloit , tel ( Ii , blail.
tier , ofteil ftccoiluleatliotl It ) ' a slight , eituertliig or burn-
lieg ntrii.'atltni , anti it u cai.ciIi , , of the 53etciu in a
niettluer lIeu latlotitcniliioti1t'ctttiet ttr , ( It , oxatulu-
ittg 0110 lirlietery deposits a rt'j.y . eciliuteepit te lii tifttti : ho
lotted , nail , etnitetltiiee slush I art iticec I f tiieitiucit te lii
appear , or thu cttir , Cs Iii lcu of thin tiillItlcii littu , agate
cltaiigiiig to a , i.trk tetid t.orieiil aheiceantiltu , There are'
inatey ) tteiiy , , ( fl 'ed In , , lit' tef title , uiliiictiily , Igititnetet of
the eattec , CC lildi In lieu ct'ecici etagu .1 pita tiltitel .u sak.
lie. , ) . ICr. SV. cclii gusntittcu a leerlort rttru itt nil nesee
aced a lit-aitlty rcsteenetliti of ( lie gteliIite'turlitnr ) ' or-
( 'eii'.itittet line fece. Tiiorteeugl , uxtettiiitiitliii neal ad.
S ltt , t ; : .
Au tiuitineiilcustitut , , , ilitttilil lee ncIeIroecil , ICr , Iii ry
Ikiury iYttgticr , I' , I ) . 2359 , Ikilter , C.elomtlu.
Thu.eeii lieu's l'ecltt Cteiiijeieliieii , 19' lr. ) II
iVaxiitrr , 14 it , irtle itS ertuigitt Iii gkl tet yoteuig tacit.
l'rlto , t 1,25. Sciet iiiail Ic , nice tuitliess.
Let 'Your Light Shine.
lr. ) 5'ayttcr ( Ito rd'qtirntnl , cpvcialist of Icie'.cr )
Cole , . , 8(3 ( i.utrlettcr itract , licliuvus lii lcttlitg tin orliI
keetea w lint liu tact tin , anti is doiti fur tlt.tieceiieln of
Iii ( diuweticti. liii ( runt titetit for lost iilai , litceni is
sure It , V. lii leiite a tateetu I liect I .tectority a iii iciuss. 'I'un
tliotinteiicl lestittinit Isle Irteile all ut or ( Ito ( ( tilled State ,
frteiii titoicu ito lens cutreti , lu ltnltIi u that liutious
cure thu ttuit caas of titono , iiscanew. ' ( 'liU nlliicted
frtetn clirtitilti cited ticatial diseases cit every kltt.I a UI
( tied lilni tlitIr , bent frienil. itcail his iuii ertl'eiiiett , In
nil our CII ) ' Iapurantitl trail oil Ititit for ailclcu , as we
know yolt sclil corrobteratu tee , iii ii&Iiig lco l thu ant
farer' , hue fnieiitltock ) ' ! douieralit Nest a ;
Relief to the Afflicted ,
iii uecdicince , as In sclcttco , ( Ito specialists s.c. tleo
one , , tvIloaIwPH COtttCi ( to the front and nectenhlelich
grail rtstiiti. Juts retixrk : Is tespcciaiiy apiicteltIu ( cite
to Dr. ii. lVugrwr , of tiii city , lie etatid at thu top
of hie leroftrenloe , , arid ( lie cures Ito leerforit , , ta thu
eutfortuntttu , socild seem wrndtrtul , It not liroleerl ,
iescd be titulightof ecietetiflo aeliuireinetitdi. Ito Is
cutniorbel by Lieu most cciiiiiettt of the ictecilcal ( acuity.
Ills ohlico itt aIi : l.arettnlr dyed , whore its will , ; teudl'
fly elltretie curIe for thu , scitTciiig of either no , , no
tee' how ( tJuiCI.iiCidtCel hair rutupialnt.-I'oustoroyP
Chronic Complaints Require
Time for a Cure ,
I'criiil at a ellstatico who aide Lilac treated itv 1) , .
5'iegtter iiod tint feti hackecttrcl liocrauso of hxhillty :
tie t ( nit htitit , I f tile ) ' 'e III 'S I Ito It , thu titictier lie te III
, , t.tiiI it lbt of tiuc.etlotiS witlelt OttileicS hi un tie setiti
, tttIlciiio , croittisel neal acie Itu tie tItoueatiei lit , lean
fleecer ccci , , If. lots Iatlcttb lie uycr' CIty , taste atect
et4ttloii lie Coinrelo , as well as uil neer the Uttitol
States. See iii udttrtee lic his adttrtltettiuut.- .
ten 'Iributie.
Shall We Reform ?
( jeellic rentelicefor aIidisacn Is tIes theory
liractko at iresetit of esiticattel tited txlsrrieueo
iIiyaichtee , and lie all larAu neititituciltles they have
their spcdaltlts , to excel Iii w hibrie ( buy , lirtct Ihli
studies ated iractlce , ICr , Wagtter Is a eutrecanful Ii.
Iuetratiote of this tioderti school of eeccialtien. ; auth he
Uutlertaanieiited success Itt the' treatticiit of , rIvati
dbnrasee In as ciouedtrfui an It iv tIxtt.erlig-I rot. J ,
ilitcite. :
'liaise who tisal medical rilief fur tue most
delicate of discuses wIllilnU itt , acoouiItllslicd anti sui I
ceanlul i.htyeicitaai . It , thu at ( er , Wagner , No.
343 Icereiicr ( street , sio , Is h.lgldy recoiitntcntled byth.
itidIcal j.rues.ic'u at hioiieo alit ! abuerd.-I'omoroj' .
Dvcnocrab IIlotryiid Igciornucernuat gle. way (0
I wledoice tutu the wine i.iiyeicinei belicvc Icc belOng bli
light hItee for the glory of iii. fellow etc.n , l'riutoe' .
. Ink Is the torch hi. t'aii best use to guide U. . weary
anti sick one to to. fotiutain of health. if titli aiticti
should be Instruensutal as a "TOIIOIILIUIIV' ct up.
tile a ItUl to guld. anScring beimailty : to 8(3 Locke , ,
C strict , Veneer , Colorado , It whi answer thi
for which IL we. written , Address
1' . 0. box 23834cr caeU at 3(5 Lentmer Street ,
Ieeve , Cciii-
_ ( tee column headed "flci Neossatty ir tie.
Bpectrdh.t , "
Etb1ii1iecI lxi 1BB.I
T iniiicou
d1 ! llLUfl ,
. .
n'- . Carriage Factory
ij1. .
-n 1409 nuid 141 1 Dodge Stroat ,
I , , . _ _ _ . . , _ _ , _ _
OMAHA , - - . . - - . NEBRASKA.
Wholesale Clothiers !
' 1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREET COR. 13TH ,
Double and Si'ngle Acting Power and Hand
Engine Triinen'ings , ! tflcclimg Maohinory , Bolting , Hose , Brass and Iron FttIng '
Steacee Packing at wholesale and roail. iIALLADAY WIND-MILLS , OHUBil
Corner 10th Farnam St. , Omaha Neb ,
Tcii Flour I. iusde at Salem , likietertison Cor , Nebrrtalca , ftc th Combined hailer Stone System. W
; iye EXOLUSIVIc . sale of , Our flour to ono firm In a P1We leave opened a branch at 1518 Ospltol avanu
Lneatex. ) Ynite for l'rlees Atitinree either
s *
. '
in Salem or Omaha , Mab.
: E. . ,
Hall's Safe and Lock Comp'y
lana : E'1s.r:13.Lt3a trac'tt. mis.Iui.
CaIvniied 'irooCoroices , window Cas1FiDias1
ShC'iIghtS ) & 0 Thirteenth 8treet Neb
\Vall \ Paper alidVdo \ Shades.
LuMber , Lath , hiua1e , PoKels ! ,
Near Union Pacific Depot , - . - OMAHA , NEB
. IN
'r Heating and Baking '
. '
0' ' 18 only Att4iuled by ua sg
StovesandRanges ,
1 I '
- ,
Boiler an Sheet Iroil V'or1z ' !
OMAHA , - . . . - . . NEBRASKA.
Ilulid all kInd. of 8t.eam BoLIer. Smoke Stack. , flrecclelitg Lard , Water and . Oil Tanks , anti do a genus
l.h&W'ieoa bultica , ItepeIrlug desu In City and Couutry. AU work
Done at Eastern Prices and Warranted I
Soooietihinti hollers will be kept cii hand. Ifaving had uuany year. experIence to the trade . . In dIrnn . $ pant.
of the oouutry I am oonftd.ut I tan give satisfactIon , leaclieg tIes beet shop suit tool. in the state. bAo .
oar. 19th sud1'lccoohteccts. JI M. WILSON Popritar.