Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 25, 1883, Page 2, Image 2

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I . 2 T T.IJ DAiLY BEE---OMAHA , TUESDAY SEP ( EMBER 25 , l83. .
- - - -
rc -
ul ! flinirr. An
infaUIn cure tot
- SeinIna Weak.
' that follow u p.
ptquence of Self.
I , th flick , DImne of VIlon , rjemAnte * ) ht Age ,
.zd miy otheriUeeie th't Iced toineenlty or Con.
punWtlon COd & Premture Orate.
BaWAMI ci advertisernentM to refanl money , when
drugiet from whom the metlicin. tq lotit , do not
ntnd , but refer you to the mattnctuvt * ' , and the
teqnlrcTnentl axe much IhtK they etc sehiom , f e.r
Complied lth. t4 th Qcwtcn4tW'ee A trIll
of one ctngle pekiie ni ( Irn5tlt.0diC .ftl convInce
the tnost ekepttcI a , reut. , .
.00 account et tuntek'NI , wo Ixtte IO$4 Uie
Teflow Wrapper ; the oily gete.
rFullpartlcnlaa ra o rni4ilct , we tie.
lr ° CCfll free tty mII tn ottitle. Zi/-Th'e Sp.
te a by zl dnigI at V pnr lek.
cific Ia or Ml be & IZE.e by
* g C "onthe r.cetjtbf5thb , kj a4.lre1nF
ens ? OIIATMEIICINIto. , nuife4oj' . , Y.
miha 1w (1 fl-.Im.ei. t
- - -
- - -
Is not signing a pledge
ortaking a solemn oath that
cannot be kept , because of
the non-removal ofthc cause
-liquor. The wayto make
a man temperate is to kill
the desire for those dreadful
artificial stimulants that car-
17 SO many bright ntellccta
to premature graves , and
desolation , strit and unhappiness -
happiness into so many
Itisactl flROV'SIIOU
t ThrrERs , atruc non.alcoltol.
Ic tonic , made n Thittintorc ,
Mdby the Brown Chemical
Company , who are old drug.
. gists and in every particu.
lay reliable , vill , by rernov
log the craving appetite of
the drunkard , and by curing
the nerroueness , wcaknei ,
; tnd gencntl ill health result.
I ing.from intemperance , (10
more to promote tcmperalCe ,
in the strictest sense than
nyot1ier mcai now known.
It is a well authenuicated
fact that many medicines ,
especially' bitters , ' arc notli-
ing but cheap whiskeyvilely
concocted for use in local
option countries. Such is
not the case with Baow's
IIONBITTEltS. Itisamedi-
cine , a cure for weakness
and decay in the nervous ,
muscular , and digestive organs -
gans of the body , producing -
ing good , rich blood , health
and strength. Try one bot-
tie. Price $ i .00.
' '
ii/41III /
. "I TZ iflJr
_ _
Health is Wealth
Dr. K 0. Wcets Neryo and BreJo Treatment ,
guaranteed upeciflo for hysterIa , DltzInou.COn1
onI. FIt. . Ncrvoui NouralgIi , lIea0ech. , ervoI
I'roitrtlon cauod hi the ueo of alcohol or tobaeo
Wakefulness Uont leproesIon Softening of Ii
0 , resultlntc In lueaniy &ntl oadtng to mIiui
ocey and death , Premature Old Ago , flsrrenneu
Los. of power In either ecg , Involuntary Loaee
permstorrbcaa ua.d by over oxertloni , f
brain , , eU.abus or over.ltiIulgonoe. E&cli
ttxii one monthi treatment. 1.OO & box , or'
boxes 1t $5.0) . $ at by m&ll prepild on roccipi
'to cure &ny cee. With each orde , received by' '
for ulz bozes incompaulol with $ &Oo , wowlllKnd ti
purchuer our wrWieu garaatco Wrofund the mon
It the treMment dooe not , .Se&'t a cure. Cuarante
u.,1 only by C. F. 000DtIAN
mk. wi Dvii , lit Om&hs Nob.
reedyb.1ngInject.4 dtrectlyo
$ Li. . dice&s. , roquiree no ch&no ci diet or naueo
. .rouri&1 or poiunou. . mrdidnei to be taken Into
ally. When tied $4 a preventive by eIther ccv , II
Ipoeu1Ue to couttact say private ; but In
.o SI those already unforiunalely amIctbio gu
three bozue to our. , or we will refund
noR. , . I'rlce by weB , I' ° 4 ° pali , $2 per bOi
J bozee for $5.
Mt2cd by ill authorlud agenti.
Neb 8oe ! Agent , for Ow. '
mAc w
Au thO u.I Owe twtIKt.I110t. UtI.e er tLU cia , , .
.ik. ea.tvd. I , . .plrtteJ. jb.taIIj dj-sh. . se4 i.iebt
peI1.IgM ltr $ desle. 'noeIi i..a 1 * enII , a.4 pcri
L.l(17 CCI& wtIu eW.lg l4tlMe )4.M bydocC
.1..w : , * id ( L. $ , l. rae N.4&e.a Wc41 s I ,
p.1. . tIVMlg ? irtu Ie.IIlp' . Vhw.I. i4 ) .ri , .
U pk..UJ ep.i.,4c4 1,1 'I tIE M tjt'eru . I
.pvh'.ra. .it4t WetUJu , .14c1.IIu I. ( .0 .z4
.I iee..h..t. l..e3 * l..ulat.
, , . . .lt. , 4 * . $ Isi tW.ct&u I'
" a 'tt i1I. ! ; c4 4 .v $4t. , . , 5e-
ANIIOOUrI'OMUv ly ltc.tvr.d In from two t
M ticyc by Mukn Yeg4abl. Confection.
wbiaUare i4drae. Sui ) .Ite Medical Co. P. U. I
) Wlfl4.L.ou
A Vone in Which arc Printc the
Tim Ohio Mati Still holding Ills Own
In the Various Depart tflCntR.
\VARIIINOT0N , September 11.-Tltoro is
a work JUliiSl1Cl biennially by the Gov-
eminent of tim United States iviticli con.
t4tiuIs little else titan iaiucs , anti there is
teit times inoro effort nutdo by thu peo.
isle to got their nautea into thisbook titan
there is to got flick unities into thu book
of life. It is the IJnitol States Offichi
Itegistor , cotninotily callcltho lilue book.
A few years ago otto tnoderato.sized vol.
ulno anaworcl the plirposo. In 1871) ) tlto
work reached the duinonisns of two thin
volumes ; the edition of 1881 consists of
two volumes , each containing nearly flOG
pages. The index niono consists of :1:10 : :
IgCS , the itames being arranged in four
columns on a page. Otto of titesu two
volumes is devoted oxclusivolyto the vestal -
tal service , though the CtfllI0yOtt of the
department iii Washington are provided
for in thto other volnuto. 'Jito register
contains the unino of every Pc011 UIfl
1)10Y0t1 by the Governitient , life or her
birth.placc , residence , wlsuti appointed
and salary. There tire over 100,000
names in the two voittitice , bUt thin
does not iiionii , as is coininonhyatid In.
corrootly said , that the civiL service con.
titins 100,000 oliiccs. 'l'ho register coti-
t.aitis the iiaines of all mail contractors
alil of all nicohanics anti laborers etn
1doyed tinder the army engineers , and
) thlor 1sUr8It5 who cannot be called ofhi.
corn aini clorke. But it is
'Jiio last register , thou ht dated July
1 , 1891 , did not 111)l)011t till a year ago.
It t&kos tim I 'to get iii ) such a catalogue
as thu. The next register will bodab.d
July 1 , 1883 , and the dopartinont clerks
in various dcpurtiiients are now inakizig
Sit ) their lists Of OflICOIii and omploycs
connected with the service at that date
or oii July ilL In comb of the depart-
inonts the official consue was taken as a
inattor of convenience on the last day
iwforo the civil service law wont into
elfect. In preparatioti for this general
JnitedStiitos rugitcr , anew register for
the interior departinoiit has just. . .beon
itrepaPed. jtshows 3,091.porsonson the
department tolls , not including lndiaii
nolico , an unabridged rdgistot does ,
but' on the other hand not limited to the
employos in Washington. Just about
OflOfIfth of the whole number are women
-021. There are 721 melt vlio servo in
the army o the navy , anti there are 204
colored for coinploxionis abown
in this thipartmontal register , though it
was not. indIcated in the litat general oiio.
It is true that the inajrity of the colored
people employed in this department are
watchiiten , janitors , lilossongers , pack.
em , laborers and charwomen , but seven-
L.oiio arc clerks and copyiat.s , with sam.
rice ranging from 8720 to $1,800. The
latter uin is received by two men , one a
principal examiner in the lOitBi0IL office
and the other a chief of division in the
land office. Four two clerks at $1,400 ,
twenty-two are clerks at $1,200 , twenty-
five are clerks at $1,000 , fourteen are
copyista at $900 and fourteen are copyists
at $720
While a large number of women are
copyists itt $200 , quito a iuinbor arc
cI rks with salaries running tip to $1,400 ,
, tntl at Iotst 01w Illinois lady gets $1 , .
. The following table shows the Staten
from which 8,091 officers and tflhillOyOn
of the departments were appointed :
Maino. . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Mnnsachueott.s. . . , 06
Vermont. . . . . . . . . . 46 ConnectIcut. . . . . .
llhodn lelnied. . . . . 2ONew Jensoy. . . . . . 70
NiwYork. . . . . . . . 33lDoiawaro..U
i'otiiieylvaula , , . . . 248Virg1nia. . . . . . . . . . .
Maryanl . . . . . . . . 100 North Carolina. . . 3 .
Vent VirginIa. . . . 37 ( Ioorglit. . . . . . . . . .
SUtIt ) Carollirn. . . . . ! 9 Florlila. . . . . . . . . . It
Alabama. . . . . . . . . . 2lJot1siaiia. . . . . . . . 2t
M1beieS1II ) ) . . . . . . . ? . 2'l'uxan. . . . . . . . . . . . II
. . . . . . . . Kentucky. . . . . . .
'roittieeioo. . . . . . . . . 62 01111) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
Mice , un. . . . . . . . . . . . 1Y2 Michigan. . . . . . . . 11 (
1utint , , . . . . . . . . . . \Vlsconsln. . . . . . . . OH
ll1iioI , . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Iowa. . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Viiiioeota. , . . . . . . . . 43 Nebraska. . . . . . . . 21
lCsuiats. . . . . . . . . . . ( " 9 Nevada. . . . . . . . . .
Colorulo. , . . . . . . . . 43 Oregon . . . . . . . . . . ii
OIiforitia. . . . . . . . l1\Vaehtugton. . . . . .
. - lakotn. . . . . . . . . . . 8 Idaho. . . . . . . . . . . .
New Modco. . . . . . 6 Wyonilug. . . . . . . .
Moistatia. . . . . . . . . . 2 Utah. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Arizonie. . . . . . . . . . 1)It. Of Colunibht ' 1C
ititlinit 'I'urritIry. ) . 2 -
Now lftoutiehiro. . i5 Total. . . . . . . . . .
IIVII)1NO TIL8 tiroir.s.
There is not a very serious disfiropor
tioit iU thri tlistrthiutioii of elurk hiips am
other places aitiolig time. States Whom thmi
uiiiblican , Pmtrty iii atrimg Now Yod
amid Ohio scout to have a little in oxces
of their iiuo , but the excess is not. grunt
Illinon doon hOt. gut quite its share. Cole
I1 rado and. IndIana have a little inure thin
: belongs to titumit , but time porsomial equs
, , tion 'must be oXpCctOl , and. the head o
5 the department La ( vomit one or thius
Stotcs , while the head of time larges
bureau iii the ilepartrnont. is front tim
other. Wliitt will itt once strike thi
reader as surplaimig in the mmutabor of au
PoiiitiiO1tt8 mmmdc from tIaryIamid , Vii
Lih ginia and time District of Oolumbhi
( especially the latter , There is a miaturt
e3. explanation for title. In time first plac
$ large nuimibor of the elmmlloye. are jan
torn wat.chmumm , serubburs , la'lert
- laborers , miosnciigcr8 , etc. Time jobs mu
naturally given to people imoar by , that. ii
to restdenth of the District. and the a
joining part of Maryland anti Virgiuli
Poojle do not come to Wnnhuitgtomt from
r rwuot9 parts of the country t.Oget mcmiii
omploymnuiit. The other consideration
that the solidly Democratic Southem
p State d. not get their ijuot , and Ui
- . sharet. that would go to thorn oa an oqu
table arrangement go to the nulghborhoe
1s , of the Calital' tin the South has no poUt
ru. cal reasons to urge for ofilco time lilac
: disposed of for personal reasons I
r , people whom Cougrosaumon got acquain
the od with hero. Besides all tide , there i
,0 of course , nit advantage in being emi
noarthmo roummd when vacancies occu
It mimighit. be anal still further , that near
everybody in tIme District tanio here ho
time States , so that ap ohm
O mnemita ( coma the District are scarcely mao
titan aimpoimmtntmmommta at large.
b To strtmimgLiieI timid biiikl up time syste
I V trial will convince ) 'olm timid. Browi
- Iiomm Bitters istho best umudleimme mmmd
Hold igmmli.
Beatrice ] ) oimiocrnt ,
It. Another bate for miuckein was timiom
out by Time Chicago IimterOcenn recumt ,
mttmd us greedily swallowed by mmummibi
of our citizens , It. ammwumto almimi
to a comitldomicu racket. A slcek.tomigiii
CAsieok4iamred , Loiiuy.drcasud individu
- with mimoro chock timan is usually allott
0 10 tO the a'urago govurmimm'iit undo , bu
: agent , or iigImtnIn rod peddler , cai
I along , as weetonm cor1i3soudeimt of ' 1
Imitcr.Ocean , a big paper with a big name
and propose to "write up" the town , mf
the citizens would "put up" for a couple
of thmotiramul copies at ton cents each. 1mm
Canon where the business men absolutely
refused to itubscribo to time schmenmo , ho
itetit , thorn fifty copies and drew on themmi
throii1m the bank for the pay. This is
time kink .of a legitimate newspaper bust-
31055 TIme Chicago Iimtor.Occan does.
As for thio ' 'writimig tip , " it simply
amommnts to not1Jng , yet it cost time cmti-
zens $200.
- - -
) lontls nrapartlia
19 designed to irmeci the wants of those
vhmn imeel a macilicinc to build thcmrm up
give them an nppetItc , purify their biotmil
and oil up tim machinery of their bodies ,
No thiitt article takes hold of time systcmmm
anti hits exactly time spit like hood's '
Snrsaparilla. It works hike magic , reach.
hug every lart of time Imunmaim hotly through
time blood , givimmg to nil rcimewcd life amid
elmorgy. $1 a bottle ; siz for $5.
Questloim cttiUhlt I Ito Iteimson lot' Its
Issue 4ttmMvcre(1.
\V.tiiItIN-mT0N , September 23.-TImo fol.
lowing practical quostiorms iii regard to
tim ufflict. of time issue of time now t'o.
ccmmt stimmmmp wore submitted to time Star I
1 , Vill time present two.ccmit stamp be
accepted as hotter ) O3tngO equally with time
proposed now issues ?
2. If mint , n'lmy mmot ?
a. If time present stamp will pay post.
ago on a letter an well mm time now stamp ,
what vas time use of going to tIme expense
of having a new two.cont atatrip designed
and issued ?
4. SVits there any good reason why the
present tsyo.cent stiumimp SliOUil not auflice
for paying letter postage under time now
rate ; or in otimor words , was there really
any necessity ( other than givimmg
sonmobocly a imew "job" ) for the design.
hag amid issucing of a now two.cent
imkmnp ?
5. 15 not thmo post.ofllco compelled , or
cait not it be commqwllod by law , to
oxchmaimgo any and all present issues of
potage stamps fortime new two.ccntissue ,
ccitt for centl
6. If not , is not timis equivalent. to a
virtual destroying by time ( lovorrntient of
its own ( postal ) finammcial crodith
The ammewers are given :
First and Socond-Cortaiimly. The
Government will not repudiate any of
Its issues , and the old two.cant. stamp
can be useti concurrently with the miew
Tllmrd and Fourth-Tim the flrst place ,
time design of the now two.cont ntamp was
no extra expanse to the Governament , for
time roancn that under time contract with
the mammufactures of time stamps they are
required to make any now die or any
change in thmo designs in use , without
extra expense , whmoit required to do so by
the Government. There were aevoral
reasons for making tim change in the
design of time two-ccitt. stamims. One was
that. the head of Washington on time
stamp for time letter rate would have been
abandonsd , Ever since stamps yore first.
i'ssued , thin him been time design. In 1845
time stanmp contained the imead
of Washington. Thou , when the rate
was reduced in 1851 and 1801 , thIs do.
sigh was retained. The only exception
was in 1869 , when we had a three-cent
atanip with time design of a railroad train.
'Flits was withdrawn in 1810 , amid time
Wnslmimmgtomi hamad substituted. When
postage was again reduced in 1883 , the
post. oflice departimiont simnply adhered to
: old custom , and substituted for time head
of Jacksoim on time two.ccmmt stamp timat of
Washington. The Jackson design lint
not. becim abandoimod , but has boon put on
time four.cent staiiip.
Fiftim and Sixtim-Thmero is no reason
for requiring time Post-office Department
to oxcimango the old issue of stamps for
time iiow. Time Department. however.
will make soimme provision for occhanimig
the staumps. It. is OUly a question of time.
At prosomit. time work of exchanging caim
I not be undertaken , for lack of clerical
force. Any of time stammips of time' old issue
cali 1)0 used. Time three-cent stammmls , fet
; instance , cami be used to pay time postage
I Oil timifli and fourth cltss imiatter , om
) wlmomm mmmoro timamm one rate is needed , a
I tlmree.coimt. stamnJ ) used with a one cciii
stanmp would my for two rates. In hit
T case of iosttmmters time timreo-cont stamni ) '
1 vil1 be returimed. to the Depiirtmnoiit , nmm
1 time itimmoumit. credited. mu immakiimg up thmo'n
accounts with time Department.
TIme fluent. alterative amid ammti.bilioum
. muedicimmu omm earth , in S'czizarian 1Vcm
1 vlnc , $1.50 ,
' 'Time doctors said immy cimild flIU8 dli
. vithm npnsmmms , Sunarlatl . ? Tcrvimc caret
1 lmimmm. " \Vimi. E. 'l'aimimer , Dayton , Ohio
L At druggists.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Otllcet' Trammstcrm'cd utici Grantum
Leitromi of'
I ) WMIIIIN(1TON , Sept. 23.-First Lietmt
t George Ammdrown , lwemity.fiftii Immfnmmtry
0 has buozi relieved frommi duty at the Brook
0 Scimool , Oievelaimd , Ohio , mind vill join him
' . commpaimy. Time extommsion of leave of a1
. settee gramitod Paymnastiir Daniel II. Lani
I , ed 1mM burnt furflmer extended to Oct. 2
it 'I'lie ' Superintendent of time. ISlountcd B.c
I , crtmt'mng Service imas been ordered to caun
I. 50 rucrtmit.s to be preisared amid furwardo
m , to such points us shall be designated b
'U tiiocomnaimdimmg General Millitary Divismo
i , of Limo Pacific , for asaigrmnment. to the Fin
I. Cavaly. Leave of absommco for fet
t. immomiths , from Dcc. 1. has boon grants
imm F'irat Liout , Jamimos 0. Bush , Fifth Artm
ii lory. Leave of abseimco for four month :
is to take effect on or about Nov. 1. hi
.n bruit granted to First Licut. David 1
LU Burnimamu , 1iftooimtim Infantry. Cap
1. William S. Patton , Assistant Quarto
md iiimtntor , imu boon ordered to report. i
, i imorson to time Oonmmmmandimm General , B
us Partimiomit of time Columbia , for asalgi
LA. ) iiiuimh to ditty as assistant to the Ohi
t. Qumtrtormimnstor of that department m
5 , Vancouver Barracks , Waniimngton 'ron
Dr tory. Capt. Joint C. White , First Art :
r. lory , having bocim found by an Army it
ly tirmimg Board immCaIaCittttod for neUvo so '
iii vice on aecouiit of dtambhtity iuoideimt
: t. time service. line liceim retired from actm
ro service. Thu follsmwlmmg transfers iii ti
'l'hird rmifammty intro boon mmmade : Cai
Robert ft. Ilugims from Commjnuimy B
mu Comnpammy I ; Capt.Viilimumi 1itcimul1 fru
m's Compmnmy I to Comnismny : B.
to. 'l'imu Adjtmtnmtt General of Limo Army hi
rittuim a lettur to lmlajmmr.Ouim.
regard to time case of a soldier who d
sorted front time unity aboutumglmt yet
vim ago and vimo lisa just boemm tried by cotmi
Is' , mmmartial for that olkitse and suimteimced
m1m three years' at Firt , Loavunwort
l5t ( Iemm.Scmofiuiddienpproved ] Umo findimigim
iii , time court emi time ground that desorti
iii. caine within those articles of war limpsm
0(1 wimun two yeats iwl immtorvemutd betwu
ok time time of time offense and time arro
Inc 'Phiu Adjtmtammt.Gommeral informs Oc
' 1o Suimofluid that ever since Secrets
Cameron's administration it. hint been time
practice of time departmemmt to consider
desertion a continuous offoimso , always
Cadet , lohmn V. Ilamhit.on , of the Fourth
Chasm ; in time Military Academy , uses beoim
dismuisNeci for conduct smmbocomning an
oflicor and a gentleman. Cadet. Thomas
L. Korimi , of the samimo class. has boon
suspended with ions of PY untml July 1 ,
188 1 , for violating time rules of time Military
Time Adjutant.Goneral to.dtiy directed
that recruits Imo forwarded to time Second ,
Fiftcemmtlm , and 1igiitcoimtim Itcgiiiic'imtn of
Time records in the cuurt.mmmartial cases
of Lieut. S C. Itobertfomm , Fiimtt. Cavalry ,
and Capt. Ilmmbimrd have becim received
1)3' .Iudgo.Advocato.Gommcriml Swaimmi. It.
in mmmuiurstood that tint verdict of time court.
iii ( ho case of Llinit. ltobertsomm is dismimin.
sal froiri the service as in other cones
where officorn have been found guilty of
( lmmphicatimmg their pay accountn ,
Scmimrecs of I'i'olIt. .
There trc nmatm' Retirees of vroflt to those
% vim ( ) nm-n 1mgeimloiis ama ! cnteriirining. Jturclocl
lIloo4 IJitcrs nra a source of imtolit Iii every
Way. Timoy himlid imp time imealtim iireiy ,
speedily , and cfrectuaiiy , wimich Is saying a
great deal , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
mitltItYINO A MI8TItflfa. Ititi IiilmLtlOiIM Gui 'SVII ( ) IIsoIeyed ,
11cr I'nrentM ,
CiIiuAoo , September 19-Society in
immdiitnapolis WaS deeply stirred tip Momi.
day by time secret Immarriage of George
Gale , tUe muimmstroi , and Miss Itemma B.
Truimmbuii , daughtcr ot Col. Janmes L.
Trummmbull of time internal revenue service.
The marriage was violently OPlOSOd by
time bride's parents vimo ordered Gale out
of the imouse wham lie reached here , and
Ito was followed by time young lady to time
residence of Rector Bradley of Christ
Cimurch , where they were married. They
left for Chicago on the noon train. At
time depot Colonel Trumbull attempted
to prevent his dauuhter from leaving , and
a stormy scene followed , but. friends in.
terfered to pravent. violence. She had
been receiving time attentions of a prom-
mont ; and wealthy business man , and
everybody thought ime would soon lead
her to time altar.
( hale and his iride have arrived here.
Gale told his story as follows : Three
yearn ago Ito first. mmmet hilt wife , anti they
becamno acquainted. Thmey corresponded
when lie wan out on a trip , and they be-
canmo engaged. Ho imotitiod the father.
The latter objected because Gale wits a
macoilier of a minstrel party. Ho sent
his daughter South , but tho.Iovors proved
too sniart for him , and time singer followed -
ed her "Her brother amid the rest caine
to the train yesterday to sco us off for
Chicago. They left before the train
started. Thou her father came. Ahi
tiiat was not so pleasant a meeting. He
boarded time train and we hind a lively
time. Ho was 'bum' mmmad , but did not
strike mo. I warded off his blow. I think
all will be right yet. I hmavo many friends
hero , mnd they will put in a good word
for me. " Colonel James L. Trumbull
formerly lived iii thin city , and was
agent for Use American Express Compa.
ny. 0
Mrs. Gale is a handsome blonde. She
wan apparently very happy , and said that
she wits of age. Site would not go back
home , though her father wanted 1mev to
do so. The manager of time combination
Bays that Mr. Gale is one of the fluent
young actors ho ever met , that lie imeitimer
drinks , amnokes , or used profane language ,
and that lie is studying music.
florsford's Actil
Tonic for Overworked Men.
Dr. J. C. WILSON , Philadelphia , Pa. ,
nys : "I have used it an a general tonic ,
ai ? in' particular in the debility amid dys.
pepsin of overworked meim , with satifac-
tory rttItts , "
Watering Place Engagements.
New Yoric Hour.
To time cells of fashionable society time
stimmufler is unusually prolific of opportu-
imitics to cmmltivnto time tender passiOn , or
, at least to imioroor less stimimulato it.
"Love , " says Byron , "is of titan's life a
: timiimg apart ; 'tin wommian's whole exist.
nmice. " But witilo marriageable women
: many be said to be always amoco or less occupied -
cupied with time' theme , it. is when timey
I are at time watering places that they imave
time mmiost. leisure amid toumptation to be.
. coumme fishes for uncut. It. takes a woman
L to umiderstand a ivomuan. To a imman nut
iii an emmigmna , a problem imo rarely solves ,
Nevertheless , so bug as lie remnaimms un
m . captured , lie seems miover to tire in liii
efforts to solve it , aimd lie often goes tc
time nuimumier resorts to enlarge his field elm
m atuly.
I Yoummg ladies are mnoro easy of approach
. there , especially if they are staying al
imotels , than iii time city. They mmiay b
said , indeed , to live mimost of time time un
iler time public eye , or at any rate , when
( lucy cami be readily foummd by a dilitteni
1 suitor. Timey are left a good dear t (
timoinsolves-purlimups too mmtuchi-imi nut
subommt hotel parlors and piazzas. Time
take hang or simort walks , as they feel iii
, . dimmed , with ciummmce cavaliers , of their re
, , commt. acquaintance. At Saratoga they g
a to time spmlmmgs , or stroll around time Comm
S gross gronimds , with them. At Lomm
S. Bramicim they go to bathe with timeum. Thn ;
L. sit. 1mm time gloamniumg on time wit ,
i , timoma for lmours togotimer in time oveniiug
I. with only nommmimial supervision on tim
e part of their motimorsor.imer citaperomme
a and imm other ways they rractically enjoy
y all time liberty they desire.
it No woimclcr timoroforo , when girls are e
nt approaclmble there that time wateriim
mr places simoald be Limo favorite Imuntin
d grounds of native and foreign fortumi
1. hunters , and other adventurers of a
5 , sorts. Imitrotluctiona are , an a rule , ow
is ily obtained , amid so umuchi are peep ]
I. thrown together who wish to be tn eac
t. other's company that time strangers of err
rday may time intimate of time mmcxl
Lu Acqumummtaeaimips thus suddenly format
C- often ripen into warm fricUdahipa wit
surprising rapidity , anti ommgagomommta I
of mmmarry are sonmutimimea entered iumto bofoi
) t there has boon aur courtsimmp , and b
1 tweon persons who know little or miotlimi
d. of each other except from commmiou r
e 110th , It may be fiat Mr. Jones is kmiomi
'r or supposed to be ricim , or t.imat Mite
to Sumitim huts or is likely to have a t.ood dee
, o of umioney of her own , amid this is oftu
mu foundation ommougim for time ordinai
it. marryimig umman or womnami to rest Upoli
to taking mm stel ) of limo first nimportamico m
umt life. 'rime mimotive is an commtommmptmble as
folly is redicuhous ; but , wmtim nine pomp
Its out of temi , Inouioo is always time iim
ium coimaidermutiomi 0mm botlm idut ma mmmarrma
Lu. That imnhmappy mmiarr'iages slwuiti be ti
tin usual ratimor tlmnmm time oxcuimtmommal rest
rt. of such hmmiity and mmmercommary iimotmves
to entering iumto emmgagommionta follows alamo
ii. as a mmatural consequummco. lieiieo we ill
of time courts uimtyimmg by divorce , all t ]
on year roumul time kimot.a timat wore tied , mm
umg by hymen , but by Mamnmomi , or iou :
en other divinity besides time only true cmi
St. love. Time wateriimg 1miacca throw teum
in. tations iii time way of both sexoa to iii
17 1iUmd miuiko love , for ideinesa wraps t
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 _ -
LCoyaI , Rich , . [ ed BlootI.t
In this co.mntry we are nfl kings ,
and we arc nil entitled to have as
good blood as that which courses
tlirouii the veins ofemperors.
l'herc arc princes and nilllon.
aires languishing in feebleness and
brokcn.down bodily health who
would 1)11 glad to have the strength
ofthc humblest laboring man.
And there are many people who
tire neither kings , emperors , nor
miilionaires , whose blood is thin ,
whose circulation is poor , who arc
sufThring from lassitude and debility ,
amid wlioknow not the pleasure of a
hearty meal , nor the enjoyment of
being able to do a good clay's work.
lfsucli people vil1 put sonic iroti
into their blood , they vill vitalize
and enrich it. 1'iiey can do this by
time tmse of Brown's Iron l3ittcus , the
purest and most excellent iron mcd-
icine ev m. nlade _ Thousands who
were weak , languid , pale , and pros.
L'atcd , are now happy to say that
Brown's Iron Bitters brought theni
up and gave them new life.
darts of Cupid. Girls stamid _ imntimrahiy
more iii iiced of protectiomi fron timemn. .
solves amid time wiles of dcsiguimmg mnatm'i-
mnoimial niivemmttmrers titan time stcrmmcr sex ,
maul timoy got too little of it. Fanimionablo
imianmnmas , amid for that ruruttor , mothers
generally , iii timis country allow their
daughters too nmuch latitude.
Vehl as Ever.
Lottie howard writes frets Buffalo , N. Y , :
"My system became greatly dobilltaUmd
through arduous Professional duties. Suffered
( ruin , nausea , nick headache , aimd biliousness.
Tried liurdock Blood ltiller : svlth the niot
beneficial effect. Am veIl &i over. "
Iltishi COLjONIZtTtO.
t I'Ian forTeansportlug time Landless
Sons of Urlim to Ceulomath , .
Chicago Times.
Henry B. O'Reilly , a lawyer and
promniiiouit Irisiimnan of Denver , is now in
Chicago sohicitimig aid in a philantimropic
scheme of extensive proportions. It comm.
templates time purcimase of a tract of 500-
000 acres of mud in the San Luis valley
of Colorado for the use of Irish immni
gramits. The plan is set. on foot by
a miumnbcr of Denver Irisimmon of wealth.
Mr. O'Reilly met Bishop Spalding ,
president of time National irish Colommiza-
tion society , and several pronminent Clii-
cage Irishmen with the view of iimtorest-
imig timomo in the colonizatiomm. At the
Grand Pacific hotel , last imight , Mr.
O'Reilly declared to a reporter for The
Times that the project was a distinctively
pimilnnhtropic Olie , amid was based upon
moral and busimiess principles. "Time
pla.i , " said ho , "i yet in its imdamicy. It.
has only lately projected. Our object is
10 buy 500,000 acres of land in time $ an
Luis valley , and bring a thousand or two
Irish fWiilics over here and settle thiemn
on it. I'hey wihibe required to pay only
about one-third the cost of the iand.
We can get it. for $2 per acre , and time irrigation -
rigation will cost not over $200,000. Tim
imnniigranta will pay about $1 per acre
for it , and after irrigation the value of
time property will increase to $25 per
acre. We want to establish villages , and
our particular object will be to give time
settlers holdings , fresh air and freedom.
It is a great scheme , " Mr. O'Reilly declared -
clarod , "and it is one the like of which
him never been attempted before. The
principal feature of time colony viil be its
its business-like establisimmemit. " Mr.
O'Reilly stated that the Chicago Irish-
nien were favorable to the colony , and
many had pledged their flimancial amid
moral support. Ho will return to Denver -
ver to-day and make his report.
Hard Tinmes.
Mcmi much exposed to the weatimor
praise time great pain-cure , St. Jmtcobe
Oil. G.V. . Walling , Esq. , Supt. Police ,
New York City , amid Sani' ! B. Given ,
Esq. , Chief of l'olico , Philadelphia , I'a. ,
. endorse and rccomnmmmend it.
: OiiosItioum to Their Eximuinahloim.
STnATFolw , September 0.-Time pro.
I posal to exhume Shmakspcnre's remnmuiimm
S cammie formally before time Stiatford.ozm.
. Avomi town council at timtiir immeutimmg yes.
terday. Thim immayor said ito hind beomm in
I ummdated with telegrams amid lottom froimi
, all harts of time kiimgdommm , rotestin
1 against time proposed outrage , amid callimm
umimomi time corloratiomi to resist time pro
m posal to time uttermost. 'l'Iio nmuyor ,
. contiiiuing , said : ' 'Time ' attenti mum , I
I immay say , of time whole civilized
. world , is just. umow bcimmg directed
3 toward our town iii consequemice elI
I timis proposal to desecrate time toummit of oum
) itmimmiortal townsmmmnimVilliamii Simakspearc ,
II I foci that 1 must , from time imihm vositioi
, ' that I occupy , this umuirmmimmg disabuse tin
. public mind. that this covporation would
. ever allow such mu proposal to be carried
I ) mit. [ Hear , hoar. ) I would hmavo it. un
- dorstood that any such immipudent proposa
l vould imicet frommu us a coimteimiptuous re
y fusal. Not only would time corporntiom
Ii straiui every nerve to Irevummt such aim no
1 , of desecration , but 1 feel certain tie
0 towumsmmmoii generally would band timem
I ; iselvet tugotimor to guard time sanctity o
y time poet's tomb. I could not immysel
think timat anyone could be found so do
10 Prayed as even to suggest the viohatiom
g of time poet's last resting place. Vor
g any sucim porsomi to attenipt it lie woul
a timid his sacroligious ardor sumume
ml rily cooled by imnniersion in tim
5. gentle stream wim'tcim flows close by Ut
to poet's grave. ( hear , hoar. ] I wisim t
ii make these remmmarks because I think tim
10 imublic look forward to the result of or
. meeting , and they depcmmd upo
id us doing our duty in this ntattor , and
im aiim glad to mioto that , almuost without a
o exception , the imubiio pres are agnimmi
am any mummiecent invasion of time poet's toummi
1an auggestod. " [ Applause ] Seven
mg speakers followed time mmiayor iii demmouu
Li. big time procct , and time council thou di
'mm cidud unamimumtousiy to ofFer timoir mmmoi
5 $ otroumuous oILositlomm to the scimoumm. .
al hay rectors of time elmammeol tiucy hind n
in iummlortammt voice iii the mmmatter , amid. time
my mneaimt to exercise it.
mm ACuro _ of L'smcuimmoiila ,
ta Mm. B , 11. Barmiaby , of Owego , N. Y , na
iii that ide ( laughter was taken with a vloloi
cold which termimimmated In inmeuiimumila , amit
me the best imimyslelaims gave thin cao Up amid sa
11 , sue could not live but a low hummee at macst. SI
mu In timId condition when a friend rocoimmuimnit
mit : ml 1)lt.VM. . hiAlL'S BALAM FUll 'i'll
in I4UNUW amid advised her to try it. She s
it jtet1 it as a last resort , oLd we. surprised
I tijiti that. it isrtxiucei a mmmarked ciumnge for tI
iM bettor , and by ersevorIimg Ia Its me a Ierzmm
me neat rare was etfuctoL
ot -
Ito The Tocumseii Torchlight of last week w
113 mimmunumoth edition of sixtoemi ) agos. It w
, . well tuIiiti and together. It was
p.mlimdIaii for the ' 1' , 0 , , " for they ruum in
lit time iilatc they had jim store for the last for
lie ysams.
Ras the Best Stock in Omaha and Makes th&Lowest Pricosi \
5 I Mirrors , Bedding , Feathers , '
And Everythingpertaining to the Furni-1
ture and Upholstery Trade.
' ' 1206 , 1208 mmml 1i10 Farnata St.
T A.1' F1
0 . or4ur , NEll.
A. . . IL5 : IDi&II1rnr ,
Bllgies Carriages alid Sprill ¶ aOlls
Sly ItepoiltoryIi oon.tantiy flhleti wtIh a eulect stock. Best Workmanship guaranteed.
Office and Factory S. W. Corner 16th and Capitol Avenue , Qmaha
Eleinuit hues of Limdies' and Gerits' Gold Watches and beautiful stock
of Solid Silver Ware , Dianmnds , Jewelry and Spectacles. would.
cmiii special attention to the best. and most -
Ever placed on the 1arket , iiarnely , the celebrated Quick Train , Comm .
bus , Ohio , Watch. It is superior to all others. '
: - '
Wber E'ixic.
We have the Agency for time above renowned Piano , wlihih is second . Y .
to imone. Also the Lindetnan & Soit's Pianos , and havci also the famous
FlardmanPiano , tnn sale. We also carry full lines of best Organs and
Sheet Music. We wurraimb our goods the best in the market. An inspee- ;
tion will convince thu most skepticaL
Are located as below :
Jewelry Store. Corner 1 5th and Dodge , opposite Postoffice. Piano
Warroom and Music Parlor , Crounse's Block , 16th street , near Capitol
Please call and inspect our goods a both of our stores. Pianos and '
Organs sold on. monthly payments. tJf
Cor. 15th and Dodge , and 16th , near Capitol Avenue , OmaliaNeb.
Thirteenth , Bet. Farnam and Douglas Sts.
A. S Ashblatt , M D1 , .
Throat and Lungs , Catarrh , Kidney and Bladder as Well
as all Chronic and Nerous Diseases.
: ' IIA'I' 'P'
] DIt. F'I II
m lie. discovered the'rvt'atest cure In the world fur weakimes , of tIn hack and limbo , Involuntary dIncharjei ,
t topotency , cneral dcnllty , mmervominess , languor , confuion of Ideas , mmalpIttIon of the heart , tiinklmty ,
trembling , dinmimees of smgtt or giddiness diseases of the head , throat nose or , kln. erections of the liver ,
Li lung. , stomach or bowei-thoso terrible habits arising fromii .outary habit. of youth , and secret practIce.
. more fatal to the victims that , time eoim"s of Syren. to the mariners of Uiyece , bimghtlng their moat radiant
C hopes or auticipattons , rendering imarrrago , lmpossii.le.
Thos , , that are suffering from time evil Iractice which doetroy their w.ental and phyelcal systems
I causing
'rho symptoms of which are a dull , dttrussed mind , which uuflts thera for performing their business and
Ii social duties , makes iaiiw iiianlage linpotisible ditroimsoe the action of the heart , causing flushes of heat ,
e depression of spirit. , cvii forubodings , cowardice , fears dre&m. , restless nights , dlulneu , forgetfUInesS5
ii. unnatural diechargee , rail , In the bacl and hit's , short iresthlng , melanchoiy , tire easily of company ma .
. ho prufurence to be alone , 1eeIirm as tired In the morning as when roUtIng , seminal weakness , most man.
hood , white bout depoSIt In the none , imomvouenea , confusion of thought troubling , watery md weak sy
0 dyspepida , constipation , palenesS , pain and weakness In the lImbs. etc. , , Luid cwuauit me immediatelY
0 bay. become tictim. of solitary vIce , that dreadful and deotructive habit ahmcn mnnuaii' swoops ta ID
0 untmmeiy grave thousands of yowig men of czaitvd talent amid brilliant tmteliect who might othetwtiu
ir entrance lt'tsnlng senators with the thunders of their eloquence or mk * to ecst&cy the living iyrc , ma i1
.w th tuB confldcico.
I Married porioni or youngmcn oontemplatlnr marriage being aware of phyikel weakness Io.i of procreative
U 1.owsr , tuipot.umey : , or atsy , .tiierdIsiudIflcatton . speedily rcitvved. lIe who places himeft uniior use care of
mt Br. Ylahbiatt uma remigmnuimy ontii'o in bbs honor as a gonUeman , and wiitid'nUy rely upon hi. skW a a
ii Immediately cured and luli vigor restored. This distressing afttIctIon-whIem renders life a burden' and
I , . marriage Impossible. Is time peilaity paid by the victim for Improper Indulgcm..a Young people are apt to
. commit exceeses from not being aware of the droa.tful coneeq000cea that may ensue , Now who that
ii. understands this subject wIU deny that rrocratlun Is lost soomer by those failing Into Improper hal.Its than
it by prudent ? BesIdes belmg , dciirlved of the of healthy otisprings , the umoet serious and deetnictits
cyniptonms of both body mud mind arise. Tue eystciim I.ocoznes deranged , the phy.tct.l nod w.entai functioni
LB seshn. 14,88 of ; irocreatlvu powers , mierious irrItabtiItyd.pepmIa , muipttotlo'i of theheart , tndIcat1on ,
lu conittlu tonal debilIty , astImg of thu frame , cough , consuii1tlon ; amid death. -
i'ersons ruined In health by unlearned pretenders who keep them trifling month ratter mouth tskir
poso000s mud Injurious compoundi , shoui.i apply immediately.
mit is graluatu of one of the moatctiliiout college. , .f Iio , United States , las effected aumno of time moetastonIsh.
dl Iii.i cures tlmd ore escr kmowi , ; ilmany troiibiud with ringtmg , In time earsaimti head , wtmemeaiecp , great
I I homily alarmed et eertaiim ouimd , wami frequent IIushtmg , attended sotuetline wit ) , derange.
t mneist of time wind cro curu.i . luiimmediitely.
in -
F : hir. F. ad.Irsses all Usoso she hatultijurod tiioiiieiv by ln.luigemce and solity hab1t which
. .crui' botim body anti mini , u.miltti , , . thomu for buetimua , stuly. sclety or , mmarrlage.
tAm 'thc are saumu of tim incLoeholy ettect. IriuoI by the early habits of youth , viz : Weakness of the
lie bACk and paltie lii tlji Imoati and tItuion , , of sight. lu of , uubCular power , isaleitatlon of tim Imoart ,
Ii. . Uy.pupsl.i , iierwu , IrrtabUsty , duraugemucut ut diguttivu functions , deblitty , curioumptlon.
as S
a CONSULTATION F1IEE. Cimargce w.oderat. sni within the reach .1 .11 who need sciwitilic Medical
iii trcaiuionL Thosewho teeldeat a dIstance and car..aat II , witi rccciy. prumlit attention througii siaM by
ty &wiy sondlig thui.ympWuia with postage.
Adresa Lock Bo 34 , Omaha , Nob.
. S
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