Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 24, 1883, Page 3, Image 3

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'Jp11 ' _ jj TilE 1)AILY BEE -OMAiIA MON1)A , SEITELBE 24. 1883. 3 \
Ilebraska National Bank.
. I CF OMM1 , fl.
Up C1ta . . $2tfl 000
. . \ I : i'1un ' 1.ind , IXa)1J8S3 71 000
L. tflItECTfl'S :
J. oiiso ; , PLdcnt , of Stcelo , Johni Co
E. TOUALI , ic.o Prctdent , of 1oton ,
r.v. iiotsi , ot 'V. V. M0flS ) Co. I
1\ ' oIt OLtINS. . a 1 ! . & .1 S CoIUn.
JIT. woL.oRrii , C.unse1I. Attorney M Law.
. REfl , if Uyrori Iteeti . Co.
w. YATES , ChIerfor man ; ierri aeher .t the
first NtIonR I34flk it Omh& .
- ThI mnk opoa.d for beae , April 27 , 1832
' TIIE ) lRE.10RS AND BTOCK1IOL11t8 ire
aroig the leading ms ol 0ma , md Ri
bniInr 1 conducted wjR esp.ct relerenee to thi md LncoMlng tntere3teofltetn.rcantUa patrone. .
, COLLtC'FIONS rocctvo peotnpt attention md
) . chergei lowest obtmlnftbte her. or elsewhere.
; -
I ! NTER13T allowed on time depoifte tpon fivor.
I sble terin and von iccount.e of banke anti bankers
OItETGN Exci1Na : , Government llond nfl.
, County and City Seenntte lOtIht itiil cold.
, J. w. Rodefe , ' , Broker ,
Stnke. flontl , Voinrncrcltd Paper nnl all tlr
I ceoctiritlee deftit liii
R.oin 4 , No. 28 lcrfSt. , Cuoncli flhiUo , Ia
NEW Yorn Soptoinbor 22.
Mcney-Eay at 2@2 ) er cent , cloacti at 2
, per cent.
. cPrline Paper-5@7 per cent.
. . . , -c- .
- t Exchange bills-Steady at 4S2 ; demand ,
E G overnnient-Strong.
r Stocks-Villarda were again the feature of
( share apeculation t.oday , anti the general
xnarkctsyrnpathzed n the course of these
shaoc , although the changes are not ospedally
. . arnlortant. At the opening the market was
. lower , but in the first sales Villards lnmproved
; to er cant. This wa.s followed by free
' . - sales and a sharp decline of to 1 pi cent ,
. Villards leading. In the last half hour bus.
m ti.
incas the bears made another vigorous on
4 slaught on Villards , and these bllares broke
) . , rapidly to 34 for Northern Pacific common ,
G4 for preferred , and 51 for Oregon Transpor.
tatlon company. At those figures stocks were
G@10 , and 12 points below the best figures
v/ of the week. In sjmeciilatlons the Oregon liii.
i : provemcnt company broke 4 ler cent. , to 80k ,
' , and RIchmond & Dauvillo 3 per cent , td 61.
7 The break in Villarda late in tlieday was duo
. , ; to selling by room traders , and reports of in.
mddo selling. Large amounts of long stock
sold out and were bought by some of the lcad
ing bears.
3' , 102
4'sCoupons . : 113
48 120
Pacific 6' of ' 95 130
American Express. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . so
Burl. , Cedar ItaIid5 & Northern 79
Central Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chicago & Alton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
do do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
Chi , Burl. & Quincy. . . . . . . . 124
Erie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
do 1)fd , asked. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
: Fort Wayne & Chinago. . . . . . . . . . . . . . * 128k
Hannibal & St. JV101)li asked. . . . . . . . flO
do do do Pfd. . . . . . . . . . . 92
Illinois Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
. md. , Bloom. & Western. . . . . . . . . . . . 124
- . Kansas & Texi.s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
Lake Shore & Michigan So. . . . . . . . . . 103
A ) Michigan Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
r Missouri Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
m Northern Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
do do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
, , Northwestern. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
. , New York Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115'
5. Ohio & Ussissipid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
' do do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
bonn Decatur & Evansville. . . . . . . . 14
Rock isnnd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
" - . . : . St. l'nul & Milwaukeo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
, ) : do do do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . 120.
. St. Paul , Minn. & Manitoba. . . . . . . . 108
't. Paul & Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
do do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Union Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Wabash , St. Ii. & Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . 21
do do do Pfd. . . . . . . . . 32
Western Union Telegraph. . . . . . . . . . . 79
tAsked. Ex. dividend.
ChICAGO , September 22.-The week
juat closed has been an unsettled one on
change , and thu frequent and marked
fluctuitions in values have bean accom-
paiiied by some considerable excitement.
For time first half of the week the ten-
-.4 dency was strongly downward , at times
the pressure to sell inducing weakness
approaChing demoralization. Later 0)1 )
more favorable influences checked the
decline , and for a period the course was
as strongly the other way. Instead of in
oldess of a thousand cars of corn being
inspected into store daily , as a few weeks
ago , the amount now hardly exceeds omie-
half of this , and the stock is really so
small that almost any house could take it
' all. Something of this character might
easily upset the theories of lower Irices
which the situation , as regards the next
. crop , seems to inspire in the general
trade. S
The shipping movement continues and
is til1 almost exclusively of corn , which
' goes east at the rate of half a million
bushels a day. Several car loads have
been brought Itere this week to go to
. pointa in southern Michigan and north-
_ . , , .w- - _ Indiana to be coiieumcd there.
Those sections gzobaro of old , and what
I now corn they will produce is not yet
4 ready for use. A foreign demand for our
wheat might start Up if prices would ad.
vance sharply and 5110W 801110 stability ,
but could hardly be expected while they
were declining day after day. One
featurs whelm iflB1)ICCS confidence
is the incresing volume of orders
from the country , a good proportion -
tion of which are buying orders
Only about 20 vor ceiit of the arrivals o
. winter wheat are insiectiimg into the specf
tilative grade , ' % ViliiO very recently thu ratio -
' tie Was hshiglt as 40 l' ° ' cent. With the
rocoipta decreasing and prices BhowimIg
, thenisolycs capable of advancing , the situation -
uation , while uncertain , has moore ele-
monte of uucourageiiieimt than for a long
time past. Tim readiness with which
they 110W respond to outside intluences
' sltos they have been droggimig near the
. .r.4 presemit bottom.
I Oats are holding thdir OWU and change
: but little in either direction , Being in
' : good demand anti not in unusual supply
time trade is healthy and steady.
. Rye and barley are firmiung UP. Thu
\ hatter cereal is ill mnoro request , but
\ If' nearly all that arrives is of lmor quality ,
, . .r- : ' being dark and discolored , and goes into
I tim lower grades , which find slow sales at
low figures. .
Time' weekly statement of thu visible
supply shows till increase of about a rail.
lion bushels each of wheat and corn-a
o (1 ( trifle less of the former and imioro of the
latter. There are oooOO bushels more
J oats iii sight. .
'I'Iio rye cr0" of Illinois last year was
'I f f ; 600 000 busmulB timid year it vil1 fall
F iiov'of that quantity 1,800,000 bushels.
I i.EOVi31ONH.
i1 ' Provisiolis harti beuii hammered down
- with interesting energy ,
. ) y the packers
- . p _ _ _ L _ _ _
for the sake of cheapening hogs , but
( luring the vnsL two or three ilays the
shorts have taken alarm , atid , by free
buying , have givemi the market. a little
start upward , Until then all roduct8
were rcatIy depressed. There is a fair
shilpillg itmiratid for pork anl lard , but
the imicreaso has been in the speculative
trading. Some parties who have led in
the 1)ear ) raids on this mmiarke up to time
mmilddlo of the veek are miow ou the other
sitlo amid their buying is giving it a sup-
Port. Should the packem withdraw
their influence from thie'bear , side provisions -
visions would be much morobuoyant , for
a good many believe tlieni 110w to be a
The receipts of cattle at thin point coil-
tintio liberal. 'l'here iims been little imn
proveimiumit iii the coiulition of the niar
ket , as tin ) eastern and foreign advices
report comitititied dullness and wcakiiss.
11n'ro . has beau a ( Iodine of l to 25 cents
$ tI , I 9) ) ) pounds , anil if shippers continue
I . t f 1w market with thick grassy
S. . . S fi . turther shrinkage in value is
t'i ' , eenr. Sonic superior export
' tt iu iulut on Friday at. $ C 2i1 , as high as
. .mmy have coiiiiiandei1 bitchy , but the do.
.Ilnhml . Oil export account is liuumited niiul
I he ollorimigs of such are few and far be.
tweali , wiicli is all thcit. sustaimis figures.
' [ 'here wns ii imiarked degree of mimic-
ness in time offerings , time great bulk of
them being ncitiwr fat nor very lean and
imioro or less of soft and sitrinky flesh ,
riiilu comparatively few well rounded ,
solid , corn.fcd beeves were ollcred.
Dressed lCOf slaughiterers want 1,200 ©
1,350 lbs. cattle of good corn finish , and
for such are illing to pay fair rates.
ForTexas amid far-west steers the market
has ruled irregular. As larger supplies
were anticipated , buyers have held ofF
for a further break.
Although not so large aslookcd forthe
receipts of hogs have fully supplied the
demand. With the hicavy rumi , salesmen
vero not iii position to make much re-
siataiico against time raid the iiackcrs P' ° -
pose to make against prices , hence dur-
jug tue first two days of the week a do.
climie of thirty cents was sulFured. On
Wednesday half of this loss was recover-
ed. a better tone being brought about by
the large purchases of shulpers , who took
a good share of the olrorings for time east-
em market while purciiracrs also bought
more freely titan usual. On Thursday
the tendency was downward again ut at
the close of the week the better tone in
products gives steadiness to this market.
The packers coniplaimi that tliero is no
money for them in hogs at present prices ,
mind iiisisf. cmi good packing animals at
$4 50 , but shippers are willing to give
mnoro amid keep time figures near $5 00.
Sheep imavo beemi in rather liberal sup-
11Y , although considerably less have arrived -
rived than on last week , but there were
finer sheep wamited this week tliami last ,
amid common grades have slow sale at a
reduction of 15 to 25 cents.
With the advance of ocean insurance to
from 3 to 10 per cent , and the increase in
freights , the cost of landing a bullock at
Liverpool cannot be less than $40. At
present. selling values there , cattle that
will dress 800 pounds will not bring over
$32 , hence the export trade is at this
season a hazardous one.
CalcAco , September Flour-Market
quiet and eabler , but not ( iuotmhly lower.
Wheat-Regular wheat , market unsettled
and higher ; 94g94 , forSopteniber ; 95i@95ic
for October ; 979Tc for November ; 99jdJ
99c for December ; 1 07 for May ; No. 2
smming , 94gc ; No. 3 sprlmmg , 84c ; No. 2 red
winter , 1 02.
Corn-Unsettled and fair demand ; ! 0c for :
cash ; b0c September ; 50@51c for October ;
5050Ac for November ; 48.o for the year ;
5OAC for May.
Oats-Market active , firm and higher ; 2T@
27gc for casli 27jc for September : 28c for
October 28029c for Novemnber ; 27c for time
year ; 29c for January ; 32ic for May.
ltyo-Higiior at 5G.c.
Barley-Dull at GUc.
Flax Seed-Dull ; weak and lower ; 1 31 ©
1 32.
Timothy -Market irregular ; 1 28 for September
tembor ; 1 26 for thu year.
Pork-Market ( Inlet ; 10 75 for cash ; 10 70J
10 T5for Septomnher ; ill 72@10 Vi for Octo.
ber ; 10 70@1O 72& for Novomrmber ; 10 5510 57
for the year ; 11 47@11 50 for May.
Lard-Market weaker. 7 92A'c7 ( 9j fur cash
and September ; 7 t)2i@7.95 ) for October ; 7 72
for Novommibor ; 7 6T7 70 for time year ; 7 711
@ 7 7Th for May.
Bulk Meats-hi fair ( lomnand ; shoulders ,
5 25 ; , mhort ribs , 6 20 ; short clear , 6 40.
Butter-Firmer ; fair to fancy creamery ,
20@28c ; good to fancy dairy , 12@23c.
Eggs-lmm goescl ( leniand at 21422c.
Whisky-i 16.
. BoAmm-Whmeat---Wenker USc
Cr.i - - - - ; regular
for October ; 97c for November ; 98c for ] ) e
Corn-Irregular ; 51 for September ; S0c
for October ; 4'Jc for November ; I8ic for the
year.OatsIrregular ; 27c for September ; 27c
for October ; 281c for November ; 21Jc for Je
cenmber ; 29c for the year.
Septeiimber , 2Uc.
I'ork-Hlglmer ; 10 75 for October and
November ; 10 50 for the year.
Lard-Unsettled ; 7 97 for October ; 7 65 for
the year.
Visible supply of e'rnimi-Wimeat , 24,470,090
bushels ; corn , 14,359,000 bushels ; oats , 5,741 , .
000tnmshels ; rye , 1,823,000 bushels ; burley ,
474,090 bushels.
Cheese-Market firmer and supply good ;
choice full crenmim cheddars , 10@11c ; choice
full cream fiats 11@ 11c ; hart akmmu ched
(1a18 anti flats , 4@7c ; hard skims , 2ic.
Hides-Slow aimil fair demand ; grecim salt
cured , Sc ; greamm salt ( lamnaged , 1k ; green salt
cured highmt , 8c ; do , heavy , 8c ; green salt cal ,
lie : dry salted , lie ; dry calf , ific.
'rmiiow-No. 1 , 7c ; No. 2 , 6c ; cake , 7c.
Tor.xno , September 22WheatMarket
duilNo. ; 2 red winter cash , 1 0t@1 08.
Corn-Market dull ; No. 2 cash , and Sep.
tember , S4jc.
Oats-Market steady ; No. 2 cash , 2iJc.
fir. LOUiS PhuOlUCS.
Sr. Louis , September 22.-Fluur-Strmiger.
Wimeat-Activo and higher ; No. 2 mcd
l 0l@1 Ohil forcash ; $1 010)11 0l for Soptemn
ber 1 for October ; 1 04 for Novemu her.
Cormm-lhIglmcr and active ; 4ti@40c for
cash' 41km fur Soptommmhcr ; dole for October ;
4Il45o for Novemimlmor.
Oats-higher anti inactive : 25i@l2i5c for
ash : 27 for i5eptenmbor ; 21km for October ; 2Lc
for November ,
ltye-liatter ammil firm at 51c.
liarley-imiet ; 60(7Sa.
Jimittor-lirmn ; dairy , 18@22c ; creamimery ,
Eggs-Steady at 17@22o. #
Corn Meal-Steady at 2 15.
W'1iIky-StetuIy at 1 II.
hulk Meats-Steady.
CfIsmNo J'mumcim-Whioat-Stroimg amiti high.
or ; 1 01 for October' 1 03@1 031 for Noveiia-
tier ; 1 05 for 1)ccemnLer ; I 07 blil for , lanumry.
Corn-Virmn ; l6ie for 1)ctoher ; 41(1Io ( fu
November ; 'I 14o for tim year ; 47Au for Alas' ,
( ) at.m-Weakcr ; 26cc huh for ovcmnber ; 2lc
bid for May ,
C1icnATI , September 22 - Wheat -
Stroliger ; No. 2 red winter , 1 011@1 05 for
cash.CornQuiet and 0mm ; S2.c ,
Dats-Stromiger at qt.ioo : for cash.
ltyo-Qulet ummmi 14te3ly ( at STe.
Brloy-Stmly at 08c.
i'ork-iuhl at 11 50@ll ) 75.
Larti-Motlerate denmand , easier at 7 8. , ,
Bulk leats-1)uhi immiui , mommilnal.
Whisky-Steady at 1 13.
MILWAVK t ; Seimtemnber 22.-Wheat-
Quiet ; tJ3c for cash ; U7c for October ; tiTle
for Noveiimhier ; 991e for Iecemnber.
Corim-Nomnlnully unchanged ; No. 2 , ( dc ;
rejected , 47c.
OaLq-Scareo imt1 wanteil.
1lyo-hiIglicr No. 2 , Slo.
haney Dull ; No. 2 , ( "ale.
Nw oIul.IAN.
Naw OIILEANS , September 2'2.-Comn--
1)mmhl ; immlxed , lower , ntbsu.
Oats---iasier mit 3a3.c. ,
Conm m1eal-FIrnmer at 2 15@2 25 ,
] 'ork'-mmhet ( smith stesily at It ! 00.
1ard-lfrtii ammml eteady ; tierce , 8 25 ; keg ,
5 , ,
l'lk i1oats-Stemulyammml 1mm faIr ilemmiamid.
Whisky - Steady ; wei.termu rectified. 1 05@
I O ,
Niw Yommic , Septetmibor ? 2.-Whmeat-Msmr-
ket fur cash a ihmde hotter ; options elighitly
lower , renctl ® Ic , closing tirmn ummgrmmmleml
red , tiScSi)1 ) lii ; etemuimer. No. 3 red , tiSe ; No. 3
red , tI5'9Oc ; steamer No. 3 rOl , 1 ( X ) No. 2
rod , I 121@l 13 at elevator , smid I l3@1 14
Corim-idmmrket for cs.'h ( vc lower ; optton
opened mmsettlctl , auth declined cihiig
etrommger , with a recovery of c to cm tmngiadeii
575ifl2c ; No. 2 , c,3@tmlo imiloist.
Oats-Market bayer ; nIxed western , 3'2@
30c : white , 3043c.
l'ork-imihl amid imoimmitmal ; now iress , 12 00
@ 12 25.
l.aril-Lower ; pm'mimia stratii , 8 42.
Egs-\\'esterii fresh iii fair tlemoaimd mmmmd
firmim mit. 22i0124c.
lhmtterPirtim no.1 hum good tlemnammd at l0fj
iCAsAs CITY , Septemuber22.-The iaily 1mm'
tlicttmr reports :
\'heat-Firmmicr ; No. 2 red fall , SOc for cmtsii
anti bid for October : STe bid for Nuvemimler.
Corn--Market higher : , 38.8Sc for rash ;
: i7c huh for October ; 3ltc bitt for ucimmber ,
Onts-Mnrkot slow ; 21c for cash ,
IIAm.TmMom1 )
BAt.TmIOItl' , September 22.-Whcat--\Vst.
crmm , iiigher anl strong , clo1ng easier ; No. 2
red winter cash , 1 0Sa1 ; 0S.
Corim-\\'cst.ermm higher ; iimtxcd cash , ( i0c
Oats-Firma and 1mm faIr 'demand ; western
white , U7lS3tic ; mimixed , 34t3Gc.
Rye-Quiet at 02fiUlc.
Butter-Firma : wem t mm packed , 1051J20c ;
crenhmiery , 20527c.
Egs-1Iiglier amid active at 23@24e.
\ \ lucky-Quiet and steady at 1 18i ( I 1 ° '
Li vaiui'ooa , Septcmmmber 22-\Vhcat amid corn
\Vime .t-\Vimmter , Se Sd@SS lid. ; sprlimg ,
85 3d@Ss ( Id.
Corn-Now , s lId.
141'V16 STOCK.
CnmcAGo , Septemmiber 22.-Time Drovers' Jour. .
nat reports :
hogs-Market quiet and umichiasged ; light
amid mmmixed , steady ; iiackimig 4 40@4 75 ; imk
big amid shiIpiiiig , 4 80@5 20 ; lIght , 4 S0 J
S 80 ; skips , 3 0O54 40. Closed very weak.
Cattle-Market imomn'iimally steady ; exports ,
11 U0cI:0 : 35 ; good to choice shipping steers ,
5 1ticJ5 80 ; commmnIoIi to mediumim , 4 00J4 90 ;
cammmming mid bimtcherimig , strong at 2 90G3 60 ;
fcede , 3 70@1 20 ; range cattle 11mm at 3 15 ;
Indian steers of 1120 lmmnris , 3 00C4 62 ;
grasp Texamme , S 7lS4 30 ; wintered 'rexans ,
3 90@4 30 ; Americans , 4 00@5 75 ; half-breeds ,
4 15@4 50.
Sheep-Market steamly ammd firm ; inferior to
fair , 2 75@3 40 ; nmcdiummi to good , 3 60@3 90 ;
choice to extra , 4 @ 4 35 ; lambs , per head ,
1 00@3190 ; 'rexi sheep , 4 00@5 75.
Sr. Louis , Septemmibor 22.-Cattle-Mar-
ket dull ; imo slmippliig amid mm demimand ; only a
retail trade.
Sheep-Quiet amid unchanged ; common to
mnodlumn , 2 50@3 00 ; fair to vrimne mnuttons ,
3 25@4 25 ; Texans , 2 50@'J 75.
KANSAS Ciry , Scitemmmbor , 22.-Time Indicator
reports :
Cattle-Market firmer ; natives , 4 905 35 ;
Texans , 3 6@3 75.
hogs-Market firm amid Imigher at 4 iS0i 60 ;
Sheep-Market ; nmitives at 3 25.
CHICAGO , September 22.-Receipts and .hlp.
mcmmts of flour ammil grain for the past 24 hours
hiave beau aim follows :
Receipts. SIiIp'ts
Flour , bbls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,000 7.000
Wheat , bimilmeis. . . . . . . . . . 124,090 104,00.
Crmm , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 368,000 439,000
Oats , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 107,000 125,000
Ilyebusiicls. . . . . . . . . . . . . 38,000 2,000
Barley , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 56,000 40,000
NKw YoRK , Septommibor 22.-Receipts amid
simipmnomitsof flour smith grain for the past 24 hours
have beemi mum follows :
ilecoipte Sliip'tme.
Wheat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 96,000 73,090
Cormi , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 148,090 58,600
Oats , biishel . . . . . . . . . . . . 117,000 57,000
ItNsAs CITY , Sciitemnhom' 22.-llecoipts amid
shipimments of graimm for the liast 24 hours lmimvo
been n-s follows :
itaceipts. Shmip'ts.
Wheat , bmishehs. . . . . . . . . . ' 11,000 52,000
Corn , Immishols. . . . . . . . . . . . 25,000 23,000
ChicAno , Septemnher 22.-Rocdimta and ship.
mnomiti , of live stock for the liast 21 hours bavo
been as follows :
itocaiptmm. Shiip'ts.
hogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,000 5,600
Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,500 4,900
Slmeei' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,00
Sr. LouisSeptomnbor 22-Jtoceipta amid simip.
memits of live stock for time past 24 hours lowe
boemi as follows :
Receipts , Shmip'ts.
Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 1,000
Shicoim. . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 300
ICANSAS CITY , Soptemnbcr22.-lecaipts amid
slmipnmemit. of live stock for the past 24 hours
howe boemm wi follows :
] tOCeiptH , Shmlp'ts ,
Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 900 . . . .
hogs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,000 . . . .
Sheep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 . . . .
Wholesale l'riccs ,
Ovyicx or 'l'ime OirAmrA Bse ,
Saturday Bvoning , Sept.einber 22.
While triolo is good , generally speakimg ,
and a feeling of confidence is mnanlfosted in
comnmorcia circles , time tramisactiorma of the
1tht veek have imot been up to thu oxpoctim.
tioni of v1molesalors amid cumimimiissiomm mmmcm' .
cimautim. 'ruts fact may be attributed to ccv.
eruil causes ; first , time himciemnont state of Limo
weather ; secondly , a largo immmmmhc'r , of comummtry
dealers uero ill town dmiriimmr fair week aimul mild
their fall buying , amid thirdly a great ummumy
traveling nmemm lowe recently started emi their
fall trli amid have mmot yet beema out Idmig
ommoimghm to semail in any largu ammmount. pf orders ,
Prices imvo fimictuateil sornuwimat5nmore timiurm
usual , but on aim average mire about tlmo conic
tO.lsy 11.5 they were last .Satmmrdmmy.
Colleettimims In time iimtorior of tIme State amiml
fui'thmem' vect are gooui , but In the city summie
cxtcmmciomis mire being asked timid givemm ,
'rime following i'rices arc chmargoil retailers
by jobbers , wbmoluahers antI comnmmmhssiomi mimer.
chianti , with tlo exception of grain , whelm is
ijimototi at. time iuice.s fimrmmishocl by the olovaturs
amid other local buyers :
Gzt1 ,
WIJEAT-Cash No. 2 , 76c ; No. 3 , 67e ; re.
loctod ' 12c. No , 2 , 47c ; No. 3 , 40c.
1tys-Casim , 42c.
Coii-3iixemh , 35e ,
Ijhi'4i Stock.
FAT STEmIS-hiiglmer at 3 003 75.
FAT ( ovnu-2 75c3 15.
Jioouu-1 ooc.i ; 25.
SimsEr-Firlmi at 3 00(3 ( 25.
OAas'a.s-J'mdrqummlity 4 lI0tlI 00 ; good butch.
crc' stock , 6 00.
Cured Meats.
hAirs14(1lIc. .
Ji.cxiN t'mmcimanged at h2Ca,13c ,
Snot'tnr.mms-hiihl at 88o
1)iutit : llar.itlie. .
1AImiI-At t11810O In tkrcos ,
'r.m.wv-l'lnim at ii 50I16 25 in barrels ,
l'oidt ry , Fish amid Gatmue.
Sriimsa ChmlcKrs - Small , umnchmungl , , I
2 0002 75 ; large , miulet at 3 00 ; old , 3 75.
l'rairie chlckemms , 1 7lI572 00 per doz.
\\'mImTI : Vl411-Ummclmamigod , OlIjlOe , ; pike
mint ! lake trout. time samimo.
Merhmo imnuraqimod , light 14 illIc ; heavy ,
13@lr ; niemllmmin ummuvasimeti , light , l8@2tc ) ;
wmuqhmed , clmtmieo , 32c ; fair , 30c ; tuilmimmd WmiShiO(1 ,
2c ; hurry , lmlisk aiim ! eottet wool , 20e tmass ,
1)ulI ami weak : green bimtelmomi' , ( Ic : green
saltei , 7@7ic ; dry flummt , 1'0113c ! ; dry salt ,
1061)1 ) Ic ; ( Ismimaged hides , two.thmlrtl" price.
TA ) , I.0W1c. .
Siinai' 1'Hm.Tmi-25e5j11 00 ,
General l'roulucc.
liunmmu-Commmmnon : to good , 7@IOc : choice
dairy , I611'l 7 : sum eeL , bight colorcil grass , 12@
18t'm cooking , $ c.
i'TATISSew .iuiot and market vell ssi.
plied at 'I5 ( ! ! 501. ' m irm' liii.
thooNs - 25Sri0e 11cr liii ,
N uus (1.mmmmom i : - 7tj$5c ) l' ' ° ' (105dm ,
1 I ( m5 ru Cull fommiia , I mm commit , , per imouumd , 20
@ 21r ; eLm : uiul , , , ltt@i'J.e.
Cimimsi : : - . .ctive , \ 0 .1umote tilIlille.
'l'oiIAloIuu-hiommmo : grown , t0c0iJl 00 lur
( mmAm'KsTim tm$1(1t.II amid crates , 7c her lb.
( I ree mm Frum It m.
1.EumoNs-Qmmhct at 6 00FsT ( I'D l' ° lox. ,
1'KAVIIKuI-Nmttvcs ( 1 OOSjl ) 25 PC lumisket ;
Cmillformmimi at 2 252 110 ,'oIINIA l'muns-Iu good ( Iomimaimd ;
2 25@2 t0 per box.
I1ANANAS-Umchmaimgtud ; ier bmmcim , 2 00@J
At'i'iiou-3 oo : ; to po 1bl ,
CAuloluNmA hiAmuTm.Kr PEARS-In xal tie.
immummmmi mit $1 00@l (10 Per box. ( , mdiformmlmi
1)michmtuss limmerre , Clargoamm , etc. lom' , porbtmx ,
00113 110.
CALIIomiulA GimAras-2 00@2 50 11Cr case.
Flouts' ammd ] tIlIemtiiffH.
\'INThthi WIIKAT-13CSt quality , llatsmmt , at
Sacoso QUALITY-2 90@3 25.
Si'nisa WhEAT-lost quality , patent , at
3 0@3 (15. (
Srcosu QUALITT-2 f'0t3 25.
BItAN-ti5C P ° cwt.
Cmmorm'Kn Fmcen-l'er 90 lb. . 85c.
Comu MEAL-i 00@1 10 per owl.
ScimsN1so-607Oo her cwt ,
Grocers List.
CMim'mm 000mm-Oysters ( Standard ) , per
0,1110 , 3 703 1)0 ) ; strawberries , 2 Ib , Per case ,
2 10 ; rwqmh'errios , 2 iii , per case , 3 50 ; Bartlett
peIrs , per Case , 2 40 ; whortleborrioc , or case ,
2 75 ; egg ldtmmmls , 2 II' , case , 2 90 ; groomm
gages , 2 lti , per c.'mso , 2 90 ; do choice , 3 it , ,
case , 4 110 ; jimmie a1)plCa , 2 ib , per case , 4 00I
5 75 ; iueaimrs , 2 lb. tier case , 3 00 ; do 3 llm , 11cr
emuto , 4 00@t 50 ; do ( pie ) , 3 It , , per case , 2 60 ;
ili , imlo , 6 lt , per dozcmm , 2 30.
ltmcmu-Loumisiammmm irmne to choice , ic ; fair
Ole ; I'mmtimma , ( it : .
Fimt-Nu. 1 mackerel , half brls. , 7 00 ; No.
1 mmmackerol , kits , 1 00 ; funily : immackerel , half
bris. , 5 25 ; funily mnumckeroi kits , 85c ; No. 1
wlmite fish , half brie. , 7 00 ; W0. 1 kits 1 05.
Svitui'-Stmimmdanl Corn. , 35c , hula ; I3tammdarl
(10 , 4 gallomm kegs 1 85 ; Standard tb , 4 gallon
kegs , 1 60.
SOIA-Imm lb PPm' 3 30 per case ; keg
2.c.Nxw PmcKT.m-Motllumn , 1mm barrel , , I 00 ; do
in half barrels , 8 50 ; smmmail 1mm barrels , 7 00 ; do
In half barrels , 4 00 ; ghmorkinsimubarrols , 8 00 ;
do in half barrolsi 4 50.
TEAS-GummpoWder , good , 45@ri& ; chmico , 60
61175c ; good Immmporial , 4043c ; cimotce , 6015J65c ;
' 2'oummg llycomm , good , 3613J50c ; choice ,
65c@1 00 ; .lapan natural leaf , 3'ic ; Japamm ,
cimoice , OOtJ75c ; olommg , good , ar4oc ; Ooloimg ,
choice , 40@r,5c ; Soucliomig , good , 3540e ;
cimoice , 35@45c.
Itorx-Sisai , immcim and largcr , 10e , int.h ,
11cr imiclm , 11lc.
* oomENWAIIK-Two hoop pails , 1 75 ;
three hoop pails 2 00. Tubs , No. 1 , 8 50 ; Pio-
110cr wmiahbomunls , 1 85 ; Double Crown 2 90 ;
Wollbuckats , 3 50.
LNAI-Bar , 1 65.
SOArIS-Kirk'mi Savon Imuperial , 3 411 ; Kirk's
satinet , 3 60 ; KIrk's mutamidard , 3 75 ; KIrk's
wimite itussian , 5 25 ; KIrk's eutoca , 2 15 ;
KIrk'S Pralric Queen , (100 ( cakes , ) 40c ; Kirk's
imiagnolla , dos.
l'oTAsmul'oimmmsylvania cans , 4 case , In case ,
3 35 ; Babbh.ts ball , 2 doz. in case , 1 90 ; Anclmor
ball , 2 dos. in case , 1 50.
1'EANUm-ihustcd , , choice , red Tcnmmossoo ,
12c per lb ; f'uncy white , 12'c ver Ib ; raw-white
Virgimmlmi , raw lie ; roasted , 131c
CANInS.s-lioxes , 40 lbs lOs , 152c ; 8s , 15c ;
boxes .40 lbs , 16 oz. , ( Is , isjc.
MArchreim-Fer caddie , 62c ; round , cases ,
5 10 ; square cases , 3 40 ,
Cors'xmes-Ordiimarygrademu , 3l9c ; falr lO ®
in C ; goud 10@11c ; prime , 12@12c' chmoico
13 a 13ic ; lmmmmCy green amid 'ellimw , 1'l)1rc ) ; oh !
govcrmmmnemmt .1 mmvii , 20lJ26c ; Levering's roasted ,
1U41e ; ArijucIcla's roasted , iSc ; McIaughmllmm's
xxxx roasted , lSn ; hmnitatiomi , lava , l6 ®
l8t , ,
VNEGAmI-New Yorkapple iCe ; Olmi , , mtp
tile , 13c.
SAm.T-D ray' loads , ucr hbl , ii ; Asht.omm , lit
sacks , 3 50 ; bbls ( hairy 60 , f's , 3 30.
. SutmAIus-l'owtleroa cut loaf lOAc
- , 1QAc ; , ;
gramumimitcul , tigo ; .commfcctioimers' A , tic ; Stamml- ,
mird extra 0 , Bc ; extra 0 , 8.fc ; medium ych-
low , 7fr ; dark ymillow , 7c.
SrAmtcmr-Pcnrl , 41c ; Silver Gloss , tic ; Corn
Starch , tic ; Excelsior Gjoss 7c ; Corn , 8c.
SLhcE.3-1'oiper , lTc ; alsiiico ! , ille ; cloves
25c' cassla , ISe.
d nEieus-i'ull crcam , lie.
IAK-AmflOIiCnhm 3 'lmj ; Greommwicim , S 40 ;
Western , 2 75 ; I"Iorthm Star , 2 00 ; LewIs' lye
4 65 ; Jewoll lye , 2 75.
Dry Goods ,
BROWN COVTON1I-AtlantmO A 8c ; Api'lo
tomm XX , 7c ; Atlammta A , 8c ; oot Fl" 810 ,
Buckeye 14L , 4-I , Ic ; Cabot VT , 7c ; Chltto-
nammgo A Ojc' ( ireatFails B 81c ; hoosier , 6lc ;
liummestItltfm , Sc ; Indian ileaul A , lIe ; Immdlaim
Stamularil A Sc ; limtlimmn Orcmartl ) , d. w. , 7c ;
Lawremmce LL , ( lime ; Mystio Iliver , The ; l'equot
A , 8c ; Utica 0 , SIc ; Wmmchmncett 13 , 7c ; do
A , 81c do B .18 , l2c.
Fins Bhuown CorroNs-AIlemmdalo 4-4 7o ,
Alligator 3-4 , Sc' Argyle 4.4 , 7c' Atfmumtlo
1114 , lic Badger ! 3tath , K4.4 , SIc ; Ienmmlngton !
C 4.4 , 6c ; Buckeye S 4.4 , ( lIe ; lmmdimmmm Orchard
AA. 9.8 , 8c ; Lmicormla 0 39 , 81c Lohigim B 4.4
'Jc ; l'epporeli N 30 To ; do ( S 32 , 74o ; do
31 , , 7Ic ; do B 39 , tIle ; l'ecawtct 0 4-4 , 70 ;
Waimmeutta 4.4 , ] 3. .
L 4-4
UtEACIuED CorroNs-Antlroscoggln -
QIc ; Blacksthmmo AA imperial 8jc ; ito do
bleached 4.4 tic ; Cabot 4.4 , 8c ; Flilelity 4-1 ,
'Jic ; Fruit o Limo Looum , 94c ; do ciummhrIo 4.4 ,
124. tltVater 'rwist , lOIc ; Great Falls Q , 9cm
Immiftan head slmruimk 4.4 , 12c ; Lomisdalo , lOc ;
0 camnhrlo 37 , 1210 ; New York Stills , 12o ;
l'equot A , 10c l'cporoi , N ( TwhiIs , ;
1'oca1oimtas 4.'l , 'JIel I'ocwitot 5.4 , 8 ; Utica ,
11cV'amimsuttm , 0 X X , 121c.
131JCK11' ( Colorctl-Aibammy 1 browim , Sc ; mit ,
0 , drab 1 Ic ; ( It , XX , , trijmes aim plaitls , 12 1 .2c ;
tb x.xk lmrown arid mlraum , , mtrl sits mimmil lulaluls ,
12 1.20 ; Arhlimgt.oim homey , Itic ; Brrninwlck
browim , 8 l.2c ; Chariot fmmmcy , 12 l.2c ; tie ox-
trim heavy , 20c ; 1ail ltivcrbrowmm , extra immuvy ,
11 1.2c ; Indiamma A Umuwn , Ilk' ; Noimomicot A
hroWii , if ,
'rIcKhmus-AmnmckeOf AC Ji.32 , ltic ; do XN
blue 32 , 18 ] .2c ; Arrowaimmimm , 9 l.2o ; Clara.
nmommt Bil 15 l-2c ; Ctmmmemmtoga , extra , 17 i.2c ;
himnsmiltimm 1) , 11. 1.2c ; Lowistmsm A30 , ISo ; 'mlimu
micimnima .1.1 , Mo ; Oin'gim , sujier extra 1.1 , 28c ;
l'oarl Jtlvor 32 , 16 1. Ic ; J'imtmmamim XX blue
stripe , 12o Shmetucliet 5 , 10 l.2c ; mb SS , i2c ;
Ymuomoummm's ! ilime 29 , tic.
] ) ENhimS-Ammmoskeag. 1limo muid brmiwim,16 I .2c ;
Amitlovor 1)1) imimie , 111 1.2c ; ArIImmgtmnm u. buiiii
hC4mtehl , 18 l.2c Cimconl , 000 , imlime imiumi
hrowmm12 I.2e ; mi ( ) AAA , do 4 , , 13 1.2 ; do
xx to mlii cli , , I I 1.2c ; I immyimmaker's lulimo amiml
brOwn 9 1.2e Mystic hiker Jhctripo , 101.20 ;
l'earl lIlver , ( ltmo mmii irowmm , ioc ; Ummcasvllho ,
blue mmmml , brown , 14 J.2c.
' CAIIIIIIICHItaimiurml , lIc ; J'lilyitotmo lining ,
21 immclm domiblo face , 131c ; ( ariior A glumicil , Sic ;
1lmmmmlmuittmmm : louc fimmiel , , Sic ; Newport do. 11u
( It , glaaud , 5u ; l'oquot do , Sc ; Juckwotd kid
Imnlslm , Ic ,
Commsm'r , .LtANS-Ainor ) ' , 4nulrtlseoggln
sattucim , 8c ; Cioremmilimm , li'c' Cormustoga cat.
Leemmc , 7jc ; I Iailuweli , lie ; Iimiosm , Orchouil , TIe ;
Narragansett , improvoul , 61e ; J'cmperiI1 cat.
teen , Uc ; itocklimIrt , Ic ,
l'IuNrms-Alleimmm ! , 'Iii ' Ammmermcaum , CIeArimldo ; ,
Ile ; ] lerwlclc , Ie ; ( oclmomo , 6 'Comltimmtogls , 6u ;
I ) ankirk , tic ; imiimmmull , ( ; I@57c ; ltlulymmtormtm , ( c ;
( ihucater , ( lie ; hlurirmoimy , 51c ; Knickerbocker ,
61e ; mlt'nlmmmao 1) ) , 7c ; 'ulystie , SIC ; l1rf.'tmP5 ,
Ic ; ioutlibrimlgo , Ic ; do Uinghmammus , 7c ; .mlu.ri.
born , 5'ei Oriental , 81c.
( JzNtimmAmrn--Ammioskuag Old Aigyle , Sc ;
AtlantIc , 8t : ; Oumnhw'lmtutl , TIe ; Ihiglmluimd , 7e ;
iCommllwomthm , tile ; l'lummlrtt , tlc' Sussex , 8c.
Corm'oNAnms : Abbervlliu , 13&e & ; Agmuto , 20c ;
- - - - -
Aimwrlean , 1101 Aitlsinum , 20c : Cmiitt' 1) mmmiii ' 1' ,
131c ; Clarlomi I ) atiul T , iTle ; Pcc'mi Ct , .
strIws ] 1) imiul 'F , ifle' Keys9mmc , 13\c \ ; Nan
timeket , Ille' NommIlardli , 1(1c ( Ocean I ) mimi ' 1' ,
131e Iloyal , 1(11cm ( Smisex , 12c ; 'l'It.gaVrmdmim. .
sctt shmirtlmmg checks , 1'2&cl & dim ammkimi 121cs
\lrk , lilmiulu Nmmmikimm 121c : do check , , stripes
auth fmummcy , l2Ic' do * orIc. .
Smmmnrrnms-Amidrtsciygin 10.4 271c : do
9-1 , 23c' tb 3 4 , 320t ( , tiitliiemutuil 0 42 , lie ;
1"rimit oi the Loomim 10' I ; 27c ; Now \'ork mu his
118. 311c ; do 78 , $ Oc ; do 54 , ? 4c ; l'cmiihroko ,
10.4 , 25c' Pt'mpmot 10.4 , 281cm do i 4 , ltic : tie .19 ,
tOe ; l'Ctlleaell ) 1)6 , 29c ; mimi ( i7 he : do .7 , iSe ;
Utica 90 , 3Cc ; do 58,221c ; (10 48 , lTc.
1)rug ,
1)uos , im CIIE'IICAIs-AcIii , Carbolic , ' ( Sc ;
Acid 'I'artaric , NIc ; Balcammi Copabimu , lm' lb.
TOe : Ilark SM'safras , per Ib , 12c : Cmuiommuel Per
It , , 711c ; ino1moimldIa , l'm' 0z1 $1 (15 ; Cimlorum.
form , er lb , 8.'ic ; 1)over' . I owtlere , l'er Ib ,
$1 25 ; E1'eomim Salts , r Ib , 31c ; ( iiycerlmmcm ,
Pmr. Per lb 30cr 1eati , Acetate , er lim , 22c ;
Oil , Castor , } ' 'o. 1. tier gal , $1 40 , 0 Castor ,
No , 8 , l'cr gal. $1 20 ; Oil , Olive , porgal , 1 ( ' 0
( ill , ( ) rlgaminm , ( 'tic ; Oi'limimi , 5 ( Xl ; Quimmhmmo , P.
stV , mmd It , & S. , i'm' OZ $1 90 ; I'ota.qslumn ,
inmilulo , Per Ii , , l t15 ; Sauicin i'r , us. ' Ic ;
Stmh pimato of tItriiimimmc , Per 07. , 3 , fi : Simi iihmumr
Ilomir , l'em' Ii , , 4c ; Strycimmilime , lICE 05 , $1 25.
I'aimmla , Oils amid Vnrmmishiere.
Otm.all00 cmirlmtimm , guillomi , Bile ; 1(10 ( °
hieatilightt , ier gallon , lie ; 1711 ° lmcauillghmt ,
Per gauloim , l'et'c ' ; 150 0 mvmiter whIte , iSo ; limi
5'Ct1 , raw , ; mr , , gmilommSSc : ; linseed , lxlled , or
gallon , SSe m mini , u1mutcr str'i , l't'r guullumim , 85cm
"ll. 1 , TScNu ; , 2 , TIle ; castor , XXX , per gal
1mm , 1 40 ; o , 3 , 1 20 ; sweet , ier uullm'im St.c ;
sPCriuiV B , , 1'r ' gallomm , 1 (10 ; Im,1m , \ . 11. ,
ergailtumm , OSc ; imeatsfootetra , mier gahiomm , POe ;
Nt ) , 1 , 7r : ltmlmrlcmutimmg , ream , p'm' gallium , SOc ;
suimimner , I ( ; goldemi mmmaeimlime , No. I , gal.
lt'mm , 3Sc ; No. 2 , 2r ; Fimermim , signal , lcr gallon
80e ; turpcmmtiimo , lr gallon , t5c ; mmnpthma , 74
Imer galhummi , 1Sc.
PAI"rmi IN Oia-\Vimito lead , Ommialm I' , I' . ,
( Ic ; white loath , St. Lotus , miies , Ole ; Marseilles
greemm 1 to 5 lii camis , 2Oct Freimclm zInc , green
seal , 12c : French zinc , red seal , ilo ; Fruumclm
slime , 1mm va.rimlsh a.mst , 20cm Fmemmchm aimic. imm till
nast , uSe ; raw muitl burnt number , 1 II , caums , lIlc ;
raw mmmiii burnt Sieimmmmm , lOc ; vaimulyko tiruwim
13c ; rct'mmmetl lammitibliuck , 12c ; coach black , aunt
1Y(1r' imlack , lOc ; ( kohl buick , 113c ; l'russiaim
blue , 30c' umltrmummarltme hltme , lSc ; clmromne green
La. l'iI. & D , lOc ; blimid miimti shutter green , Ia.
lii. & 1) . , iIc ; l'arb. im'reeim , 18c ; lmmdhum reti ,
IlIc ; Vomietlmum roil , tic ; Tuscan roil , 22c ; Aummeri.
cmiii Vermmdlliomi 1. .t 1' . , 18c ; chmroimic yellow
] . M. , 0. & 1) . 0. , itic ; yellow ucliro , tic ;
geidon oclmre , lt3c , Ilmitent dryer , 8c ; gralning
colors. light oak , dark oak , walumut , chestnut
and aauhm , iSo.
1)ry I'ms1mmt.
White lead , Sc ; Premmcim slime , lOc ; Paris
wlmitlmmg , 21c ; vhitimmg giltiors , 1c : whmitlmmg
cunmm'l lic ; laumiibhmmck , (1 ormmmmummRwn , ito ;
lammmpbiack , ordlmmmury , lOc ; l'russian blue , ( iSo ;
tultramnari mme , 18c ; vnumdyko , hrowmm , Sc ; umumbor ,
burmmt , 4c ; umber , raw 4c ; sicuimmi , bumrmmt , 'Ic ;
siemtmumi , raw , 4c ; 1'mus green , gommiuimmo , 2t1e ;
Paris iroemm , commmmmmtlmmr2Oc ; chnmmmogreemm , N.Y. ,
21)c ) ; cimroums grecim , K. , 12c ; vormmilllioim , Emmg. ,
TOe ; vcrnmllhion , Ammmerlcamm , 18c ; Immdlami roil ,
lOt , ; rose pitik , i4c ; Vommetlami red , Cokusoss ,
2jc ; Vemmotlami roil , Americium , 1c ; roil load ,
7c ; chrome yellow , goimuimme , 20c ; cimrtmmne yellow -
low , K , , lllc-ochmro , riucimelle Scoclmre ; , Frencim ,
2ic ; ochmro , Americium , 2cVimmter'c ; mmmlmmermd ,
2c ; loimigh brown , 21c ; Spanish brtmwmm , 21c ;
1 rltmee's mmmimuoral , 3c.
VAmusmahlmus-Ilarrels per gailomm : Furmml.
turn , extra1 $1 10 ; uumrnttnro , No. 1 , $1 ; coech ,
extra , $1 40 coach , No. 1 , $1 20 ; Iaimmar ,
extra , 1 75 ; .1 mmpmimm , 70c ; aslltalttimmi , extra , BSo ;
ahmcllmmc , $3 50 ; Imaril oil flimlimhm , $1 ti0.i
I _ a solo 38o to 42c' heimilock noio28o to 35c ;
. , ' lim ( i klp , 800 to I 00 ; mummer ISo to Silo ;
mienm o calf , 811o to 1 20 ; imeimilock upper , 23o
to 21k ; oak uplmcr1 24c ; ailigmitor , 4 00 to 5 50 ;
calf kid , 32.I5 : Ciroisomm kiti , 2 110 ta 2 711 ; oak
kip , Soc to 1 00 : oak calf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; French
kip , 1 10 Li , 1 55 ; Froncim calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; ma-
cots , S 110 to 750 ; linimmgn , 6 00 to 10 50 ; top.
) im1ga , 9 00 to 10 50 ; B. L. Morocco , 30o to llSc ;
jiobble 0. D. Morocco , 35c ; summon , 2 50 to 3 00.
llAmtNESS-NO. 1 star oak , ' 12c ; No 2 do ,
SPaNo. . 1 Olmio oak ' 38c ; No. 2 do , SSc ; No.
1 liillwaukoc 37c : N'o 2 do 34o.
IjUiti nor.
We quote lumber lath ammO shIngles4 on oars
at Omaha at thu foiiowimmg prices :
JOIST AND Sorama-i6 ft. anti under
2200 ; 18 ft , 23 50.
TiimmmKiuIi-16 foot mmii nailer , 22 00.
Timmiumnu ANt ) .lomsr-18 ft , 23 50 ; 20 ft , 23 50 ;
' 22 ft , 26 50 ; 24 ft , 26 50.
FENCING-NO. 1 , 4 amid 6 In. , 24 00 ; No. 2 ,
SmiasriNa-No. 1 (2d'common ( boards ) , 20 00 ;
No. 2 , 18 00.
Lm-Pcr barrel , 1 25bulk ; imer Imushiol' 35o ;
cemiment , bbl , 2 2 ; Iowa ilastor bbl , 2 50 ; haIr
mcr bum. 500 ; 'l'arrod felt , 100 fIsi , 3 50 ; strasv
board , S 50.
Heavy Hardware List.
Iron , ruLes , 2 60 ; julow stool special cast , 7c'
cnmcibio , Sc ; impecimil or ( lerimmami , Oc. cast tool
do , lrSJ20 ; % % .flg fl mijiokos , sot , 2 253 00 ; immmln
iuer set , 1 25 ; folloes , sawed dry , 1 40 ; tommgmmea ,
eaclm , 70tJ85c ; axles , ouch , We' siummaro mnmta per
lii , 7@llc ; wwmhmorc , P ° ' 111 , 8618c ; rivets , per
lb , lie ; coil cimalmm , imer lii , 6S1J1'2c ; mnmulloablo , 8o
iron wemigemi , ( k ; cm'owlam's Ic ; immumTow teeth
.tc ; mairlmmg tool , 7@8c ; iimrdomm'mm ImorSelmoes , 5 25
BunIon's mmimmlcsimoes ' 6 211.
] lAmuImEn WhhmK-l'mi car lots , Ijo iuor 100.
17AIra-1latea , 10 to 60 , 3 35.
Suor-Shot , 1 811 ; bmck simut , 2 10 ; oriental
jiowtier , kegs , 6 'tO ; do. , half kegs , 3 'IS ; do. ,
quarter kegs , 1 88 ; blmistlmmg , kegs , 3 35 ; f mmcc ,
Per 100 feet , 50g.
CoAm--Cmmlmmbcrlammd blacksmmmithm 12 00 : Mor-
rum rimmi Bloaslamm'g , 12 \Vhmltoireumt ; : lmmimmi , ,
'I 00 ; 'uVlmitolreumumt nut , ' 1 00 ; iowa ltmmnp , 4 00 ;
Iowa numt , 4 00 ; Hock Spring , 7 00 ; Ammtlirmi
cites , 10 0010 211 ; Canomm City , 7 00 , mr tumm.
horses auth Mules.
Extra draft lmommmoum , 17fu@2'211 ; commmmrmomi draft
hmorcum , I00@J150 ; extra fmmrmim himuracis , liO125 ;
commiumon IA ) good fmirmmi horses , 90@l00 ; extra
rluga , 6075 ; comnimmon Julimgs , 2015J 10 ,
Mtiaius-Extra , 125@lb0 : good , i00i'IO ;
fair , 7lI@iOO ; comamsiomi , O0@7S.
IiiJ tiara.
, Aacommon-188 proof , 2 2SJpor wimmo gallium ;
extra California spIrIts , 188 lmrtllf , 1 25 iom'
Proof gahlomi ; triple refuted sjulrits , 187 prtuof ,
1 23 per proof gmmlhimm' ro.tlistiiled whIskies ,
1 00J1 50 ; flue blended , 1 5O@2 b0 Komm. I
Lucky bourhomie , 2 00@7 00 ; 1Cemmtucy and
'l'ermnaylvammla ryes , 2 0Oji7 00.
Iiima.Nmnm-imnluortcd , 6 0OI6 00 ; donmemmtio
1 40@4 00.
Giss-Imnportotl , 4 roa 00 ; doimmamitic , I 40
@ 300. , 4 ro@a 00 ; New Emmglmtmmd ,
2 004 00 ; ( lOmmtCtie , 1 b0@3 t0.
PIrACII xsn 4t1'I'LS BIIANnY-l 754 00.
CIIAMrAONXS-Iumiuorted luer cwmo , 28 00@
31 00 ; Amno'ican , pr case , 12 00@16 00.
FINE Cu'r-Comnmrmomm , 20@30c ; good , 411 ®
COc ; Itoso Leaf , 70c ; l'roirmiuimm , 65c ; Dlamimond
Crmwm , SIlo ; Sweat Sixteomm ' 47c.
BiIOKlhu-O. H , , 20c ; Iil'mmimkovy , 25c ; Dur.
lmammm , 8 ox , , SOc ; Iimmhmamtm , 4 ox. 112c ; Iurlmamzm ,
2 ( ix , , 55o Seal of North Camohumms , 8 ox , , 41c
Seal mit kortim Carolina 4 or. 40c ; Soul
North Cmtrimlimma , 2 os. , ' 13c ; 0. IC. Jmmrlmmim , 4
( lx , , 28c ; 0 , K , Imirhamr , 2 mix. , 30c ; Uncle
Nod , 4's , ho ; 'l'oimm ammil , Icrry 23c.
i'LtJl 'l'oImAcco-Ciilmtmt'c , hoc ; lltmiliomm , rAlo ;
ilmirsoshmoo , 'ISo ; Star 'ISo ; Itimildy , die ; 11cr-
coy's , 'ISo ; black , 3H514Oc.
bo No , I s llI crmro ally nice tim Stair ilays mum less. Nd.
2 wIll care time IIIOt obmtlitato taso imo omattor of how
long ctmummtllng ,
p4//an / 'S Soluble Mod/cat0 d Boiigics
No , iaueolms miom of ammiuclus , cejatuimi , or oil of calm.
mini wmoi , that umie t'ctuiii ( Ia ) roil ecu iiycjeisiIt iiy
mhmtrmmIIIK ( liii couttliugauf time stoimmat Im , ' eu i tO.
Hoii iiy mmli drimaI.ts , Cr jiahlu.I cmi toceip of jirko.
I'mr lurihur iarticulara semuul for
tiI.0. Ji(1X iras. ; - 1
J. C. ALLAN & Co. ,
53 JoIimm Strict , Nea 'tot k
rIh Only Perfect substitute tsr Mother's
I 3111k. 'fimo mmmu4 nourlalillig , 'lct ' for limmailda amid
raursIn mimotliers. Cummmzmmeimdal by mmli limi alelsima
Keul's ' Iii all climmetimi. ShuI liv mmii .Iriigglsts. 5 cents.
terlLl for thu i.auiphhut. ' 1' . 3iITAII" 4 CO , ,
wotu.imtim"tOt II Central % Viumarf , hiomt.on , Mass.
tb1ihed iii 133.U
. .
; r o - - - ia T t'd '
r , ' ' I Vii'niHinui
Ju )11llhJiU11 ,
' JIUP1Carriage Factory
jjIiith. ' - , .
' , 140 ! ) 1111(1 1111 Dodge Srcet ,
_ _ _
sb-- -
OMAHA , - - - . - NEBRASKA.
, .
Wholesale Clothiers !
OMAHA , . . - NEI1RASI .
Double and Single Acting Power and Hand
Engine Trimmings , Mimiin Machimmory , Bolting , Hose , Brass . and Iron Fittings1
Stoani Packing at whiol sale and relail , HALLADAY WIND.MILLS , CHURCH
Corner 10th Farnam St , , Omaha Nob.
Ti.I. Flour Is made at Salem , lttchrmm'thiomi Cor , Nebraska , I , . the Combined Roller Steno System , IV
give iiXGLUSIVmi , . . . cab of . . our hour to omic lhrmu lii ii place. lYe have opened a branch at 1615 CapItol irene
Omaha Writ. for l'rlcc. Address eIther
us , .
tim Salem or Omaha , Mel
: Em , ccD ,
Hall's Safe and Lock Coinp'y
1020 X'1s.rI3..ftm ; tr cst. ma,1izs. .
II" .
Calvaniied IronCornices iDdow CapsFioiaIs
Skyhighti ate ThIrteenth Street Neb
a11 Paper TVillO Sliaes. '
LuMber , Lath , hiugie , Pickets ,
Near Union Pacific Depot , - . - OMAHA , tIER
Granite Ironware.
1 . .1 : ! , Lb : I3OILINO , P1uflERViNO ,
4 $ The Best Ware Miulo l'or the ICitelien. p
: Ejl11l a1o liv i1J Stfflo , llAJ1\J1. ( \ iollfiiiiiis1ith Tha1o.
r ' ! I
_ _ _
: _ , ' & 1 OUflflC , 't..t ? L'
Boiler allEl Sheet 11101 ! oi'k I '
. . . ,
1Jul14 all klmids ci Stuammi . hollers. Simmoko Stacks , Ilreoclmlmg Lard , Water am4 ; . Oil Tiumks , memm.l do a genera
l'lato.Iromm bualiwsi. iteeilr1mig domu in ( Sty amid Ouummtry. islt work
Done at Eastern Prices and Warranted I
Soooid hatmI hollers will lu , kept emi hand. himuving , imm4 uiimm' years urpurlomicdlmm the trade Iii dl5rumt . purti _ _ _ _ _ , _
of time country 1 ama coumilulout . I * mm give iatlfactlomm , imay1im time ket shop altO tools 1mm thu 8atu. bimop '
car , 15th ammdi'Iercubtrects. J. M. WILSON Propriotor.
'I i