Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 24, 1883, Page 2, Image 2

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    z' rE rnu y B1E---ouarrn , MONDAY. [ BllBEit 21 , taRS. _ . _ _
1rl [ 9.EaM ® .
! rnEVIHEnl
I H fiAR this , nil ye people , and give ear
all ye ftn'alrds of the wort ( } Ho
13tttomye make you woU mrd to rr
2. It shall cure the people and p
etckuosn and suffering under foot ,
i 8 , Bo thou not afraid whoa your
faintly is sick , or you hnvo Bright'a dis
aetlo or Liver Complaint , for Hop Bitters
11 etl } cure you ,
4. Both low and high , rich and poor
know the Tnluoof flop Biter for bilius
norTCUS AndR/tcltfnato coin lnints ,
G. Clonso mo w itlt hop ] liters and I
shall have robust and blooniin health ,
G , Add disease u ton lliseMO and lot
iho worst comer I Am safe if I use Hop
Bittern ,
7. For all my life have Ibeonpinguod
with s1ckncss and sores , and not until a
year ago was 1 cured , by 1101) Bitters ,
8 , 1I0 that keo tour his bones from
aching Ithoumatisin and Nournlgia ,
with ii t . Bucra ( loath wisely ,
0 , 9h'u hthou hest ytres , pitnplos
freckles , east ILomn , erysipelas , blood
poiaoiaig , yat } lop Betters will remove
than all ,
10. ncnlnn is there , feeble and
sick from faatdtcouaplainh , who dcsirctlt
tMt health and usoth Ilop Bitters and is
tnmlo iCCI
, 11. Lot tact neglect to use hop Bit.
tom hiring eta M tioua Kidney and Liver
t. 12. Keep th.y onguo from being fur.
red , thy blood ; .nro , and tiny stomach
from indigestion by using hop bitters.
1 13 , All m atus and aches and ills.
S OMOo , like chaff before the wind wlimt I
u9o flop Ilittor.
1.1 , Mark the man who was , tcerly
' dead and given up by the doctors after
E using Hop Bitters and bocomotil well ,
1G. Coosa from worrying about nor.
" vottancas , general debility , and urinary
t3' ' trouble , for Hop Bitters will restore you.
a ,
h ;
I Temperance
Is not signing a pledge
or taking a solemn oath that
cannot be kept , because of
, the non-removal oftlie cause
l -liquor. Thewaytomake
a man temperate is to kill
, the desire forthose dreadful
l artificial stimulants that carry -
ry so many bright intellects
' to premature graves , and
i desolation , strife and tin-
l ' happiness into so many
families ,
Itisafactl Ba0vN'slaoN
t DiTruas , a true non aleohol
is tonic , made in Baltimore ,
11 Mdby lire Brown Chemical
Company , who arc old druggists -
gists and in every particu
lar reliable , will , by remov-
ing the craving alpetite of
the drunkard , and by curing
the nervousness , weahness ,
and general ill health result
, ing from intemperance , do
more to promote temperance ,
In the strictest sense th.n
anyotlier means now known.
' , , It is a well authenticated
r g' l'f ' ct that many medicines ,
especiallyrbittersr arenotli-
ing butcheap wlliskcyvilely
' concocted for use in local
option countries. Such is
not the case with BltowN's
IRONI3ITTERs , Itisamedi-
I cm ; a cure for weakness
and decay in the nervous ,
I ' muscular , and digestive or-
6 gans of the body , roduc-
g ing good , rich blood , health
I and strength. Try one bot-
I tic. Price $ LOO ,
t [
)1 )
Health is WealthT
naavr annum
I a , CIYE' S
t t
TFiEATdEfG ) _ -
I Dr. E. 0. Wost'a Nerve mud Drnln Treatment ,
guaranteed spocloo for llyatoria , Dlzzlnoae , Oonvul
1'roetrSilon Nervous Nourelgia , Ileadacho , Nohow
' caused bx the use of alcohol or tobaoao ,
Wakofulnosa Mental Dero aIon Softening of tin (
Heal , , , rceulting in Insanity and leadlog to mleory ,
decay and death , I'rernaturo Old Age. liarronnor
A Lore 01 power In ottltcr sox , Involuntary Lowe
apernwtorrhua caused by over oaurtlons rt
brain , aelf nbuaoorovculndutgeooe. Parch
tabu one rnonth'e trpannont. 111.00 a box , or'
boxes for se.oo. Aant by wall prepaid on reoelpl
l price
a WE OUAIt/J TEE six Doers
t l for viz boxes aoooooam p&nludeach order au willln ridythr
purchaser our writtenguarautootororuudthomonoy
1 the treatment door neb affwt a cure. Guarantoor
ued only by U. P , GOODMAN
o , nsowl Drug' let Onaha Nob.
13 N
Tide remedy ( wing Injected directy to the acat ,
tte ) dlaeuw , uira no char 6 e of diet or nauaooue ,
mercurlai or polaenoue mcdlelzloe biro baton Intern.
ally , { 1eii sal as a prorenthe by either sox , It Is '
Imlwsalble to oontract nay IIrinto diaeasu ; but h , the
mruafthoeealroaly unfonuuatolyaatlctedwu guar. I
aateo three boxes to cure , or wo x111 rofuII the
I money , 1'rleo by wall , poetae paid , $2 v' boa , or
three boxer fur fit.
q rued by ail autharirod agent. . . '
lr Dr.FellsLeBrun&Co
SOLE 1'ttO1'1tILr1ORS.
Not , Solo Aaltor ( Oman
uLta wlv
, , Cu 3'S I'IlYSIOAL 4rI3Y0Us k De61Ul
r ' GaarrAt Laaa y t
OF MANLY v1ao11,6I ermatort
bars , eta , when all other rewa
{ I e $ LtOaab ottlelargobottle. foul y
mei thu quanticp , au liy ex
dress to any adJrrae. Sold Gp
alldrugglate. ENGLl911 ME ! ) ! .
CAL INSTITUTE , Pruprtetorr , 716 OUve btrat , at.
LouIa , Mo.
"I avoaeId8IrMtley0o0ller'r Vital Heatorotire
tor yeah. Evcry owtomor .peak' hlghly of It. I
unhadtatlagl y cndorer It ii a remedy of true merit.
1"Q I'.OooDYAU.Druggbt ,
Omaha P.b.l 18S v16 mSa ooI11Y
-fir ,
m..w. . = - . -
M Elo 9 scat , Vigorous and cry
Address on the Pro ress of
the Irloh Canso ,
The Great Work Accomplished
by the Land League and
its Loaders ,
B right Ilopo for ! tome Rule In lire
N"nr Future ,
At a recent meeting of the Irish Na
! loan ! Le , rguo , a committee was appointed
to further the intorcats of the orgnnirn
tint in Nebraska , the committee cong
aistiug of Jolm Rush , I' , II' , Murphy , it.
D onovan , Pat Ford and It , P , RickOtUy ,
During the evening the meeting was
addressed by lilt , John Bush , w ho took
fur iris subject
Thu 1)1113' of the hour.
The value of tlco individual citizen or
aubjuct is measured by the amount of
good ho imparts to or buatossa npou 11iA
f ollow mint , if , we lieu only for our'
selves , it we are concerned in flint which
bouofiGr self milt' , maul ram observed only
i n our awn welfare , than tire poriinont
queAlioit naturally prescuito itself. For
what reason did an inscrutihlo Providence
plnco us in the world ? Nor need { vo look
n grant distance , no nmiier wirers situ.
stud , in ardor to find Ul0 object of our
pity , our Ayuapnthy or our bonovolonco.
Sarno uton there are , who spend their
lives to the accumulation of wealth , mid
uuwr puuau to reflect { vhothor they rob
th e widow or iho orphan to satisfying
th eir inordinate npjtotito for gain. A few
of title class when nearing tire portals of
tire grnvo and C0118CIalCO 9lCICk01t , when
looking backward upon the miserable
lives they hnvo led , make an effort at
roparnlioil , by doilatingnpnrtion of their
ill gottatt gatherings t0 endow n college ,
to promote religion , or to ntnoli0rutu ilia
condrium of the Iroot and afflicted.
Thera are v.t. . . . . , . att „ . , El :
r"tiYgrr j"lYeItLEnxAbIPL1:8 a" ; ? 'at
indeed , of'mon who bJ their native ono
g3' and induatryl hare becorno rich , old
than raised monumonUa to their memory ,
which are na as imperishable ns their
lives hnvo Uamt blmnaloas , Among thous
m ay ho mentioned the ] ate Pater Cooper
of New York , and our own Edward
C roighton of Omaha. There is another
C1n8A of benefactors , whose ovary act
though life tondo to oinks man bettor ,
an d to raise him up to that standard so
graphically described by Shakspoara ,
when ho anyA ; "IYlmt a piece of work is
moil how noble in renaonl how infinite
in fncultieal in forts and motion how ax
press and admirablol in action how like
nu angelU in npprahoueion like a god ! "
T hese good Samaritans not only pour oil
in to iho wounds of tire sufferer but tire }
raise him up mad carry him to tire hospital
tal of their benevolence and charity.
They do not wish to ace man bowed
dawn with labor which is ill-requited ,
ut wish to beheld him eland erect and
enjoy tlia fruits of his toil , and tire hnu
I1111069 wltlt'h of right belongs to it. Wu
h ave ' 001 mid noble examples of this
01trAS at lion.Y George and Michael' '
Davin , ,
But , after all , pntriotiaun furnishes the
h ighest slid moat OllObhtlg C1a88 of phil
anthropiate. Sorely it is naught but tire
p urest and moat diemerostod love of
country tliat could prompt } lficbnol
Davin t0 also ! tie grontenorgios , his
in domitable will and vaned talmtis in
aanr8 ponkxTII4OItEAT [ OA118E , en"igi6t ; ,
ho has out his hanrt upon. Whothar in
p risen or out of it , his vast mind is ian
stautly at work , not for nny rawnrd ho
maygautfor himself , nor ± kar ;
rortlro , u saw notes corn-
, Inond' . , . , eicsvuk + csvso : - -
but that he tunysoo , ue country take her
p lace among tire nations of Lice earth ,
Ireland rany well take the fiat rank as
nrniahin the greatest ) to the
c ause of ] shortY , for tiroY have over hold
1Yhutbcr nu the acnliuld high , or hl the bat.
tic's van ,
T he noblest place for inns to dire la rvharo ho
dies tor man.
I had intended to allude in detail to
s elute of Irulaud'a martyrs , but tire galaxy
is s0 grand , so numerous , so brilliant ,
that I find it uupoastblo .vat to nnmo
tirem ! ! lvtthtll qlU 6IUll compass of tltia
papa' , 'J'ho ages flint have pnasud , from h
tire mouontblu ] atdiu ; ' , of Straugbow
down to tire splenetic Spencer
of tutu doY + n11
along iho corridors of time { vu
lied lrialnnmt walking to tine scafrold , tire
duuguun , or the guillotine , with Chu lirnr
ttesa mud bravery that allow no parallel in
history. Verily , if the blood of the s
martyr is iho sans of the church , itia indisputable
disputable dust ; , , , a „ + two8 ± a's ; aiClla
p" " " 'I ' IIiAOpoPIltiH11 . 1lA1tTYlli3 3'g
n ot only propiintoaroligioiq ; bntiuapina
n nntiou mid trnnatunnal them into
Spnrtaua , worthy of our respect , venom-
tint rand love. Robert huunatt is pro.
mniuoiltly ui this class , wire , raised in
nflluuucu mill wunlth , and possoasud of
ptntsonnl ohnrnra and oiulo4vnaonta , aulli
ctatt to entitle him to the highest social
rank , sacrificed all , at lira sorry throaltold t
of his bright nuuthood fur the cttusu of
Irelnud's rodumptiou , ' 1'Jru Illmrchuator
martyrs furnish us another noble exam-
ie. In brad tiny light , in choir atumy's
CalOiry , old BllrlaUllded by all the 1tOSY0C
anti vnidictirawss of that enemy , dray
video their lives to ruscuu their lender ,
1'hoir glorious autlwm of "Cud Save l
reland , " grill ring down along the
avenues of tinru , and will yet bu
aura4 ; by a ruunorntud Quo ale ,
far . i ilrero Uu anything to LilaI1)lru { n e rr
r. to
Paranoia I'AT1 OTIAM ,
it nruat ho the diaiuturustud conduct of
tlruso herons , Surely iho pout was right
whoa Ilulsuug ,
"For dourer the guava or tire prison ,
Illutn'd by ore patriot noun ,
'l'han tbu trnpldoa of all who have risen
On liberty's ruins to fame , "
It IA trio that lralntta , faithful to her
raditions , anti loathing tyranny iW in-
torso ua oho ! acne liberty , moat nucesaa
ribg suptfly lhuau levees. 'I'Jro galling
eke under which oho b'mane has uuwr b
boon imposed a amt tutyothar nation , b
Jalut Bull to as ferocious and cruel as ho s
is avaricious tend Uloodthirety. Not one
throb of huuun eyutptttby has over vi
btatoa fu hieiuhumau heart. Tire wonts }
of my eloquent couutoyHan , Edmund
Burke , are se applicable f4 iho typical s
Englishman as lhoy were to tire honionn
Hnatbrgs , when ho nays ;
"In the course of nil this proceeding
you gill not frail to observe that } Ill IB
Hover corrupt but he is cruel ; ho novar
dives with comfort but when ho is auto to
creole n famine. 11e never rolls from the
loose superfluity of standing , greatness ;
ho devours the fallen the indignant , the
necessitous , Ha { extortion is not like the
generous rapacity of
which snatches away the living , nlrug
ling prey ; ho is a vulture who foods upon
Uro prostrate the dying null the dead.
A s his ctuolty is more shocking than his
c orruption , so his hypocrisy line some-
cti ring more frightful than isle cruelty.
F or hilat his bloody and rapacious
sine prescriptions ad nwaof a away the
f oed of iho widow and the orphan , his
eyes overflow with testa , n , d ho earl.
yetis the homing balm that UlocdA from
w ounded hurnnnitq into n rancorous and
wd eadly poison to the rnco of nlnn I"
Wht a true I ricturo of tire En lish
m aim , ovornin irolandl And K11nt
, an J hoer said , that Ireland ,
w rithing in the throes of ajjonios in
Ilicted I'i' this brute , would vise in the
solemn A'lllmlco of ti htwou in tbo , lonmt
b ig of the early mr ° in' or in the dusk
o f eveniug arid strike do vn her mlem
than h silo confronts hint in tire
tharuuj'L fnres of the I'bmlix 1'nrki Da
ou call the deed of the 0th of May ,
1882' cruel , uulydurone cownrdlyZ Well
tire ! England has blimr of ton
thousand acts , aye , ton cs tt thou.-
a mid , more cuenoro infamous , more
d amnable l
And now conics time pith of may address
this awning. Irishman , you { vine love
your native lend , and who love hat
patriots-you who ndrniro the Irish martyr
tyr nitd who lentils tire Irish spy-you ,
ozpntricflted follow couuhymon , who ,
like moo , hnvo been driven from iho
ltmnu of our fnthore-who hnvo loft Ira-
land with n vun canco-I ask you , { viii
tire infest hero m tire drama of Irish
li berty , walk to iho scaffold , without an
e ffort on your part to save his precious
life-I rotor to
Tlioru is no use in mincing matters. I
h ave heretofore been plain spoken , mud
now 1 declare ] lore to mght that no act is
recorded in the checkered pages of Irish
history I Han morn proud of than tire kill.
ink of time drag Carey , in tire mttipades.
IIts loagrsame carcass aesarvod n afore
humilintiug trnattwnt than that received
at tits clean hands of O'Donnell , but when
we COIIiallplat0 the BUrrollnd1116A ; when
w e sue this creature of ilnnurntian silmtt
l3' aicaling From tire graze of his follow
nasal ; w11011 { Y behold lout skulking bew
hind English prison bare , na affording tire
only refuge to be found in tire British
donliniane ; when we see him go abroad
tire ship , { vhich is to curry bum frmn tire
sc ones o [ his disgrace and Ilia perfidy ;
whoa { vo view him aboard .flint ship and ,
ce rtain that ho line eluded the vigilance
and tire vongorinca of tire men whoin he
had e0 basely betrayed , when 1)o cantom ,
plate all this , and find that in iho vary
nano of his hopes , in the momenta of his
fancies security , he moots the avenger , I
say Cod bless tire bona of time brave
O'Deutioll , and cursed ba tire Irish race
if it ulnko no effort to anus tire Inns who
iaa purged Irish society of informers
forever. Tee often have we boon boa by
designing villains whose base purpose has
b eon to fatten on our credulity. 1Va
h ave been wont to ninko loaders rand
domi gods of acouudrole , whose solo object
ject has bona to learn our secrets mud
if such vermin are mode aware tlnt
may branch they orator has an O'Donnell
whose vengeance is ns certain as their
crimp fa heniaus , they will either Hover
alter our societies or their designs for
evil will be imnotatt and harmless. Lot
li e than take tip subscriptions to defend
O 'Donnell. ! hare is aoinothing grnlra
na 44011 Ra 1118ter1C in tire name. See to
it that it bo properly honored.
But we have othordutios to perform. It
is asserted that tire Irish race are now
unites , n foatura of tire Irish politico
which , up to the present , aoamed tmpos
siblo. If this Uo BO , why is it that at
! snot 000 Irishman in the city of Omn11a
urn not mombore of the National league ?
-or , I ettould ask , rather , 4v11y are tliero
so few who over make iho ! east sacrifice
to ameliorate tire condition of Ireland ? I
ramombor that in
a lthough conl1)arativoly successful , tire
sumo coldness and inat/foronco / was maniFested
iFosted , Are time Hump men , for all
Limo , expected to do all tire { vorknnd tire
grout nnjority , to remain passu o look.
era enl For nay own part , while I will
act dnro to any what I have done , I will
any that n liilu I live 1 ahnll nut cease to
emrteiUute nay mite towards the rogovor
ration o [ my nnttvo ! rain ! , Nor ehnll I
esitate to nllflfato with rallysociety { vhicli
has un honest , earnest desire to work for
Inland , illy opinions army difl'erin uiiuor
d etails iron those of tire Majority , but
I shall be unrarilly of the nnmo of
lrisluutrn , if I d0 not allow tire majority
to lend ; mud tiara hold my individual
convie.iona in nboyauco , without any
acrifice of princi do ,
It Inn he ur od that uo practical and
is derived tram societies , Thla l8 na { raise
a s it is projudieod. Tire starts of the
pest four years littust in tire utuat logical
ntpuner bow touch inns boon aero , 04 wl
Four years ago tire landlord would not
roeaj'niza tenants uulasa the bitter , hat in
hnult , ndarosaud him with n cringing m
fanning danunnor , ' 1'mdny ho is afraid
to auproach ilw tunnut lost ho many moot
ire doom of n Luiiritll or n Curdy. IIoIr
my trnnefarnmlioil lint that is not alb
11u direct result of the lend act , tire
p roduct of Chu bairn. League , je a utsav
lug to Irish fnruwra of ii0,000,000 nn c
nunlly , ] hit ihnt is not nth l'ira outer
world know nnublrt of Ireland's internal
miaory , oar tlw cursuj upon her , of Brig.
aurel's iron lrnud n [ dispoGaua. The 51)05.
tins of iho Lmtd League front forth , maul
scan the liugur of acorn of the civilized
world urns lwiufud at. ingLuul. So that
that grant lour , that onmi totuut factor
in tire world's politics-public o piuiott -
daluuneed hntilnnd , A 1 the wny free
tire 1'nldni hula to iho Sierra 11lilllnl ,
But ihnt is not rail , 'rho mast ssaulorful
refornulion of all inn that tire moat nd
vnncod Uriukora of EmrtlairU itself arc
forced to tire can ictiou flint
Iitu1ANn MCS'r 1LYE IIOME 1 rLU ,
Irisbnren , did you ever dream that
EGglmulA politics ] oconomiata { could
opurdy concede time 1proposition that Iru I
Inud ought to have illo power of runnn
iu' bur osrn atlitirsl ud all this has
urnt nccomIdiahud by tire ] , mud League ,
acked b tire cti olpotation of other ] ris
ocieties ? 1''oratoririod to tut iho Lund
eague to 'orison ' but 1111 conkd not int.
rprison nn idea. At 0110 t31110 hU 11Ad fire
, unfired Land Leaguers to jail , anti u l
Now York pa r of tire tiursid "It p
1e lwdotornrinad
corns ho to erusir tire
Find Longue , " Whereat The Toledo
Blade retorts as follows ;
Crush the League ! Cursotire League.
Imter he thuntiered
hero d0 i lmld In ail
Over fvo .
Yet , hark to their battle cry !
"Onward , " to door tile ,
Defying hell , and I
Curse the five hrmdredl
"Onward ! " bravo I'arncll said ,
IVu there a man dlemayetli
Not , though the people saw
Rvory home pllunderod ,
Fearless to do and dare
hose tirey up everywhere ,
Facing their robbers there ,
Ief dng the array , while all
rho world wondered ,
And from their vengeance doap-
Vengeance to long Mleep-
Lnndlnrd and lackey
Fly like aflock of shedI .
Sattered anti su11llered.
After a blond reign ,
of gibbet awiyfelon's chain ,
Time world ndmalts 'tis 'drain '
liragland has blsndored ,
Joyously tire people see
Tyranny , vane uisbod , flee ,
And h1 their jnblico ,
Jila + s tlo live hundred ,
a re HEI11 to the branch. I'rrncll and his
af ollowers rate still ruldruuttud , Nay ,
more they arc Uacomiub aGnngtr told
more aggressive ovary day. Thu begnr
Wing of the au } 1s npproaching.'I'lls
haudvritiult is a ton U1o well , Nrithcr
the sewers iof Isti6rand ! oar the powers of
h ell can keep Ireland subjugated. Ire.
laud is educated. If Itcuwabu agitation
i11 not do , them by tire 7 god of battles
dYnamite nd the treh , t11o tin,4er anti
t ire bullet must take its place. 1'ho Limo
hna come that lrolnna shall assort her
p rerogatives. 'l'oo Imtg has she Iniu
c hained to the rook , a pray to tire vul
taros , She has nriear from herlethnrgy ;
oho oust riudicntu hat cause , uphold her
a ncient honor , domoiretrnto that she is n
nation of ! vetoes , and hurl tire hated
enemy of her race fromu her shores for-
e ver , oven though in the attempt she
may be called an assassin or a murderess !
Tine mmt who tolls nro that societies
h ave dane tiD good for Ironnd ] has less in
toligoncu than that useful acid much
a bused nnimnl whose long ears Nava oU
tninei for him morn than his shnro of
ridicule nun coutompt. Look beck into
111ELt.ND'H ] IISTOnY ,
and eco what it was that kept loco of
country alive in the breasts of rat out-
r aged nation , Was not tire object of iho
penal code tine 8an10 , although wore
tierce , as that of Gladstone in his muigrn
lion schanoi 0 , who will read that
code , dressed iu all its nntioo barbarity
a nd timtdialutcas , and not hnto England
with un unsaying , indestructible ] mto7
B ut while England , during her Queen
Bees and bar Georges , was executing
that coda , in all its ! liarsl accuracy , there
w ere Irish societies plotting iho over.
throw of tire devilish enriuo of destruc
tiara , and eamutimca these brave fellows
broke forth like tire hurricatlo of file for.
cat , and for n time swept lilt obstructions
before thorn. Of course superior brute
force and demoniac zeal finally conquered
than. But they sold Choir lives dearly ,
and bequeathed to their ofl'sprinq tlloir
h atred and their patriotism. The Inent
orablo 17x8 is a goad ext nplea when
glorious Wicklow and IYoxfard'roso in
their anger. IYns their defeat an argu-
niont against future attempts ? Say
rntheq do we of today pride ourselves
m ore upon airy epoch of history ? Thou
Snseannclr felt tire power of tire people
and their Sogartlt AromL Hal it is no
w ender that England dreads a combinn
Lion of
Who thorn
Fears to speak of 'OS ,
.Vito blushes at tine name ,
IVhmr cowards mock the patriot's fate ,
Who hangs his head with shame ?
Wo are proud of those attempts and
these failures. They dnmonatrato iho
fact that Ireland belongs t0 Chu Irish and
that they alto ! ! Ipuvut be satisfied with
tire union , ov'mr though tire lion were to
sheathe his claws in velvet , eTOn g10Ug11
tire demon of English misrule warn to
d isguise hie satanic character. It is the
union of the tyrnmtic with tire helpless ,
of tire robber { vitlr the robbed , of tire
v ulture { vitlr its pray. But tltaso failures
servo another purpose. ' 1'lioy demong
s trate tire cllarnctor of tire Irish people
-their hopes and aspirations , their per-
s everance and patriotism. They more-
o ver inspire every succeeding rage to re1
Hewed efforts , rand as long as Ireland is
in chains , so long will thorn be Irish so
ctetos } { vlioso object will be to savor the
links and make Ireland free. We may
b e locturoa upon our fneliahnoss by
pllilanthi'opiats and economists , Scotland
and Hungary may be pointed to us as
models , but we amtounce clearly and
pnsaionntoly that we shall novar doll our
country for a arose of patta o.
Wo trust encourage Irish societies.
They are
T111 : HALT tiP iiuIsu PATItIOTISM.
Some months ago a goat conventiat of
Irshnlmt out ut Phdnd0lphia. It was
probably tire greatest political gathering
that over assembled on the { western con.
tinmlt. It { via composed of all shades 0f
political opinioG , irour tire afoot radical
to time most calsarvntivo. I was not
p leased at some of their pmcuediilgs.
Neither was England , for silo watched
wit11 all the aerutiily begotten of anlbi
flea anti had a viullictiva ho1to , that tire
eoin'eutian would tcrnhtata m n row.
But it did nut , lIoncu Inglmld'e : dissat-
i sfaction and my pleasure , far I have
buried out of sight all my objections , mud
ram { sibling to old by ivory legitimate
ntcana , tire successful nccmu phahuwnt of
iho 'plane ' that fornwlatud. [ t coma
with bad ovate for nu trislunau to en }
that because thin's arc oat dnue to cult
ini , therefore lie will have nathin" to
do lt iho prmuisce , ! Hosea it is a nrero
aubturfugo , mud given only to account for
his anpinencas fn Irish a0nire , At that
convuntiou Pnruell was appoiutcd as
lcudur of the Irish coca I accept hie s
leadulehip with , pleasure , ] [ is nnuru l
arries with it ideas of pluck , Dour"
courn'u aoiorntiuniion hatred to fir
lnnd'li duslputiem nnd nn anti in i ° t '
rielisui , Tire 'rant Organization t
ever which ho is 1plncodr seeks quo iron.a
door of Ireland by peaceable ngitntion , a
1111lnaku no iLroats. Ru use nolarsli '
bmgungu , 11'11 eschew ruvahdiou , 11'a
u'e nn dynmuitu , but ] lnbinud "
must ncquioscu to air douuuula.
tttisnMEN OF' OMAHA ,
see to it that ovary mss of your race is
ii active syulpathy with the Lua"ua leu
every o/hart / to uphold I'nrno)3 ) , Thu
tight is with iho lrish iii Auwric 1 Our is
bruthorz ; at hums look wistfully across L
iho vvuatorn { vnture far support and en
eouraomuut , I bog uF you m the nnnro f
of tine urartyrod dead , ill tire nnmra of
reland's beauty lord chivalry , in tine
nauu of her 'lurious history oils tire
etnlgb 'bus of lira 1asst , iii tire nnno of tied
do os arahing in your power to cement
tullowahlp , to promote patriotism , to sol
nlrEy the awuttugnttod , and to march to i
tire ussielutco of your nwtlwrlnud in this t
her Gnnl struggle in ono grand aruty of
iberation , whose war cry will o oat qw
ortals of liberty and aauku Ireland
GOWNS FOR yl'iIOOia OtlttS ,
lFcnlthful null IfelpfitlCos Uunrallero
hl 1'nvor Nnw Thrum Ever
Belore ,
Nary York Letter hi Bartford Tlmoa.
One of the most gratifying signs of
p regress is the general awnkouurS to regard
gard to school dress , It has heretofore
Ucon considered mlouglr iO discourage n
lnvinh display of jewelry , but n girl could
be thinly clad to cold weather : oho could
chnno ; , from thick wool to thin silk ; Hire
coald offense her arms in skin-tight alcoves
rand all her dresses togotheg { .itlrin n
q uarter of an inch of hotlifo-and no ono
thought of against her folly.
But ' iics in chal hnvo accom
lishca something ; the have established
the fact that with ordinary dress the girl
cannot raise or use her nis and it 'hiss
a t last aawuoa upon tonahors ; and irate ! ! ! .
gust mothers that oho ought to bo able
Ga uaa thorn elsewhere than rat the gynr
nusiuua , Thu principal of ono o [ the ur0at
fashionable aclrools iu Now Ydtk will not
permit her pupils to wear a dress of any
material save { wool or coitou-the format
is w iutur , the loiter in mild { venthor , if
Choy clroosP. A girl wenrin ; n velvet snit
o mit ) tiny was omit home with it 111C99nge
that her dress nest be changed to cure
a dapted for school wear , Thu nether aE
the girl returned with n reply that it 4vus
u lost year's suit which must Uo utilized
or it would be out grown. Tire teacher
{ vna i1t11oxiUle , S11u said tire achuol room
w na no place for cast of ( fiutry ; that tire
moral effect was bad mud t110 final result
worse than tire preemlt loss. Tire lesson
w as n salutary Otto.
A school in Mnssachusotta recoutmends
to its . .00 cir ] atudoiita n aatsiblo school
dross of which the following are seine of
tire features ; First , it la to consist of
s ingle layers of clothing , ea that { vnrinth
shall Uo equally distributed over iho body.
S econdly , it should be eufltctotttly loose
not to impose restrictioua upon tire free
n11d active use 0E fife tnusclea. Third
t ime material should be soft , uuezcitiug in
color and undiatiuguishaUlu in paEtunt.
Fourth , tire design should suggest rrthor
than outline time lignite , mduas tire Mate-
vial is elastic , and should be divided into
few parts in order to be free Erma dietrnc
floras , Fifth , it shouldaveia { vhntevur to
U nnecessary or that takes time and
straigUl that could be better put into
work or play.
The combination undergarment of
lcnltted wool or cats + m , or boil ! , tire skirt
of pladud wool attached to a lining waist
cut with a spring over tire hip , and n
polonaise or n woolen "jersey' supplies
all tire rurluirammrta for such n dross. If
ti me polonaise s anployed , iho lining
{ s uiat may be oxtonaoa so as to require '
only n deep pleated flounce of tine wool
to bring it to tire length of tire walking
skirt , thus rendering it lighter and
Tire polonaise should be pleated at tire
b ack , n part of tho'Fullness taken out of
tire { valet and cut with a whole sack front
which could be bolted in , 'Tho ' sleeves
should be cut vary high anti somewhat
full at tire top , so us to surround tire
arm at the eockst and allow free move-
. All dress skirts made of wool
should be attached to a lining waist , as
this equalizes both warmth and weight.
A Cure of Pacunronia.
Mr. D , H , Burnaby , of Owego , N Y,1 says
that Ids daughter was taken with a violent
cold which terminated in pneumonia , and all
t he coup physicians gave the case up and said
s he not live but n few hours at most. She
ens in this condition when n friend reco11unend
L UNGS and advised her to try it. Sire nc
capted it as n last resort , and ruse surprised to
find that it produced a marked change for tine
bettor , and by persevering hl its use a penna
Wont cure was effected.
The I'euta of Sword Swnrhiorr'crs , Fire
Enters anti Stone Chewers ,
From tire London Tulegraplr.
Not long ago Barrio Sauro earned a
s ubsistence by swallowing swords , and in
g etting laic living camp by his death.
lnaoud > thin8a much inoro wonderful
than thieihnve boar achieved , if we are
to believed all we are told. In tire year
1 826 , one , "Ar. Chabort , describing
hitneelf as "tire continental Salamtandor , "
perFornaoa tire following feats at IVhito
Conduit gardens , having partaken of n
hearty meal of phosphorus washed do4s n
with n copious draught of oxalic acid in
n solution of arsenic , ho drank of n forum
of boiling oil , and with his naked baud
helped I mself to n serving of moltent load
b y any of desert. On another occussim ,
file "Monsieur" walked-like Sliadrack ,
Meshaclr , and Abednego , in tire Bock of
Daniel-into n fiery furnace , amid in
some considaraUlo apace of time , and came
out whole and unburnt. IIo represented
tire futTinco as hotter than it rurally { vna ,
though as a ulnttor et' fact he took in with
him n raw beefsteak and brought it out
broiled to n turn. Strutt , from fns own
p ersonal ltnauluJgo , gives tire crass of a
professed Gro cater , nnutedPowell , { vhout
ho had seen poriorm during time latter
part of iho oightconth century , and who
was { roll ] cuawn iii aitturmtt parts of iho
kingdom at that period , 1'owoll nand
to cat burning coals from tire fire.
IIo could place n buuuh of lighted
ntntchus in his mouth mud blow tire
antoke of qtu Uurniut ; sulphur
thrungh his 11t1atIlIB ; and ho thought
nothing of a red-hot iron held
buttvumr iris tooth aroard tire roost ,
} that Powell wanted to broil a steak ho
took n piece of lighted ehnrconl and laid
it our tap of his tongue , ax top of { vLich
he placed tire haul , 110 would firmm ro
qnest uaa of tire bystanders to blow rap h
t11o fire with his braaih until the afoot b
eras cuokud. Thia guutiomau's soup Con-
isted of 'fife ! ! , briwatone , rind ntoltan
ead , which ire liked best inn a state of e
liquofnctimt , blazing furiously , Shutt
jus mother ciao-t11at of n cotauporary
artist , nbt' , says tire veracious du'o ICler , M
'amused the public rand filled iris pocket
by noting status" which , it is said , ho p
ctually y' aclad bohvuon bid teeth and
nfterw ardsrallonT11 } on there is tire m
'liitkor : of Tsrithnnt , in the old comedy of
1'liuT4voDnideufhfurecln6u , { shocould
"lick cut burning firebrands wiUr his 5)
tatguo , lord drink two panto from tire
bottom of tt full bottle of ale , Our old
friaul of cnmttry faire Mta moo convene ,
the Auglo North Antericru Indian , with
his trick of tanking n meal of lighted tow , ;
not , by comparison , the wonderful am--
ist ho { vuula have us think to bo , Lt the g
East , especially , are many purauus wife la
ollow iho profusaiol toting po4sdorua
blues cud aw'6ll0wllle sword laid who
curttriuly { rmlld not intake tss a bites at a
Iwkur , r
livery ladyy uses' ' l'ozzuul a modkatod amtn
dnslun 'wwdor ' , It is n household treasure.
1'ho madam finds it iul ; , wudbla to go down
own without firot rubbing It un , If the baby
alas she goal for tutu nulf Iwx , if iho "old
rnau" taaear hnura ru111a1 or dotal , because
business Is dull , Ac , 1'uunnl'r lwrrdor cowls t
anti allays his troubles , 'then all la gludsouta
oy , No family should be without it.
Has the Best Stock m Omaha and Makes the Lowe1iiPrlls
- kt' k
t'r I
Bedding ,
And Everything Pertalnlngto the Furn1
fure ' and Upholstery Trade.
' 100,1208 and 1210 Farnmu SL
0 X1001 s s. OMAHA , NLII ,
Lr II r
bb ' ! h i'ii !
My Repository Is constantly anal with a select stock. Deal Workmanship guaranteed.
Office and Factory S. IrJ. Corner 16th and Capitol Avenue , Qn7aha
' tr
( Chicago , Burlington & . Quincy Rullroael. )
star. e. . _
t x
0M 99 4 .r w
a e. . . . -
6Lz r
E e ° R N y
Ei"ant Day Coaches , Parlor Cars , with Reclhr
inChairs ( scats tree ) , Smallln- Cars , whir lie
v oicing ChairsPullman Palace SIceploGCars and
the famous C. U. b Q. Dining Cars , rundallpto rand
from Chicago S Kansas Ctty , Chicago S Cmmcfl
Bluffs , Chicago Jc Des Moines , Chicago , St. Jo
seph , Atchison dC Topeka. Only through 11no bo'
tween Chicago , Lincoln .t Denver. Through cart
between Indianapolis S Council Bluffs via l'corla
All conncctioas made in Union Depots. It is
known as the groatTfIR0U01ICAII IJ NE.
Solid Trains of Elegant Dar Coaches and Pull
man i'alaco Sleeping Cars are run dally to and
from St Louis , via Ifannlbal , Qulncv , Keokuk ,
13urltngtonLodar itapidsand Albert Lea to St
l'nui and Minneapolis ; rarlorcarsw3ur Boclinla
Chairs to and from St Louis and reoriaandto
and from St Louts and Ottumwa. Only one
change of cars between St. Louis and Des
In olnes Iowa , Lincoln , Nebraska , and Denver ,
It is unlversahlyadmlttod to be the
Finest Equipped Railroad In iho World for all Clarllos of Travel'
T , J. POTTER , 3d Vlco 1'rea't and Oon'I Manager PERCEVAh LOwELL , Ion , Pass , dg't ' , Chicago.
Heating and Baking
. 5 ,
Is only attained by using ,
. z
; Stoves and Ranges ,
P For sale by
Thirteenth , Bete Farnam and Douglas Sts.
Fishblatt / D1
, . ,
Throat and Lungs , Catarrh , Kidney and Bladder as Well
as all Chronic and Nervous Diseases ,
] D : Et. iI H I. . & ¶ P T
Ifne discovered the'rrortcat cure In iho would far weakness of the back and Ilmbe , involuntary dlseharger
Iwpotuncy , enernldahdlty , nonroueneaelanntor , couhlsion o1 Ideas , palpltatlon et gha heart , umldlty ,
tr embling , dimness of sight or giddiness diseases of Chu head , throat nose or akin , affoctlane of tire liver ,
hogs , stunach or boxula-thmsa terrible LaLltr arlnbtg from solitary LaWte of youth , and secret practloor
noire fatal to the rlcthne than the 8011g. of 6yrens to the mariners of Ulyscs , bllghtln ; thole roost radlast
hu 'Ihose autlcgmtlene , rendering marriage IIlqoeslLlu ,
that are suffering freer the aril practices which destroy their mental and physical eyeteli
) ;
The symptoms of which are a dull , distressed mind , which mnOte thorn for performing their hualneey and
social dunce , slakes Lappy marriage IerpusalLln , distresses tire action of the heart , causing tfuehes of heat
depruaon ( nf rpldtr , evil farebudluge , wwardluu , ( care dremus , restless nights , dizziness , fnrgetlulaer
uttnnntrnl dlachatgoe , path 1tt fire back maul hips , short Ureathln' , melancholy , tire easily 01 mmany , an
hate profcronce to bo alone , lcdlng as tired In the rnorning as x'ilcn rethtu ; , seudnal wuakrrese , Lcat infra'
oed , xhlto bone deposit In the urine , nen oumtesv , conhtalun of thought trembling watery and xcak eyes ,
dyel.cpnla , rnnstllatlon , llaleneas , iwiu and xt akucas hi iho Ihubs , ate. , should cansut ; mo Immediately sad
e restored to ; lertect health ,
wTlo have become victims of aolltar vice , that rUeadful andLdastructlvo habit which annualq' ex cape U as
untlulely gram lhousande of young wn of exalted talent and brilliant Intellect who might otherx he
ntrance ' listening senators xllh tire thunders ut their eloquence or wake to ecstncy the living lyre , inar call
w'th full coaadcnee.
arried lMreons or youngmen cantemplatlaqtraarrtrgu hehlg aware of phystral weakness lose of procroatlre
Imputcucy , or arty olhcrdlaqualiaaatlnn speedily relieved. Ito xho Idaces himself under tire caw rf
Lr ' , t'lehblatt may rdlgisusly : onfs'o h1 his bettor as a guntluumn , and conbd'ntly rely upon him skill ae a
hnntedlaldy coral and lull vigor restored. Thlr dletroering atlllctlon-wMch renders Ilia a burden an + f
arriage fmwslLlo ; , is the ; > LUalty IarW by Chu victim for Improper hidulgun..a Young ; > BOp1o are apt to
comerltexcesses lnnn nut being snare ul tire dreadful cunacqucnws that stay auaua Now x 1to firs/
uuderolauds this subject x 111 deny that procrntlon is let sooner hi Utoau falling ! rain improper habits the
by pruduutl llusWos lrcing do + rli cd of the pleasure ut healthy otlapringa elm most serious and destructive
) w ' , tons of both body anti u > 1nd arise. The eyatum beeuutes deranged , t } to phpalesl and mantaal tumctloae
rrea > ; en , hose of uceroativo poxero , nervous IrrltabUltydyrlwpala laldtatlua of ttnehoartlndlgeatlom ,
conrtltu ionsi dcLlilq , unsling of into ! roue , cough , consuugltlmr mill .
l'ersons ruined in lotlthby unlearned 'intender who keep them trlfUng monthlafter mouth taklr6
osonuur and injurious euatpeuirda , should apply lermoJlatlly ,
rmluatu of one ni the moatembtent celloce of the Untied states , has caccted some of the most astonish-
g cures flat revs aunt kuon n ; many troutlnd whir ringing ht tine earoaud head , xLan aslanp , great
ttunounosr , bnrngntatmwlatertahaeumtdexlthfruqucrtl lushlugattended sometimes with dctaoga
uwnt of Chu rnlud were cured Inuuadlatuly ,
Ur. F. addresses all these ulna have injured thenrache , by lutproler Indulgence and solitary habltg which
uin both body and mind , uatlttin „ themlor bualnea + , ale y , ancluty or marriage ,
Tltesoareeontopfthemelancholy effectspnWueod by tine eariyhabltsof'youth , rim : Weakness of tke
back and Ilerbs , rains hr the head and dlnuuw of sight. lusiof muscular poser , ; alptatlon ( of iho heart ,
Jywlwpsta , aen uua Irritability , donsnnueut 1171 dlgoatlre functions , debll t3' , consumption ,
CONSIILTATiON FREE Onaes moderate and within 'the reach e1 all who need acientiflo Medieal
reatment. Thosnwho rcaideat a distance and cuaat call , x dl melts prompt atteatdoa tkrouh mU 1
slwtdyendlu thnlrsymptol ww ; +
p'Arhurosa Lock Box 34 , Oxaha , ) ! fob ,
, 3