+ rh a 1 Y 1 i MB 1 1h83 , , . , iN . 1ni LJ 1Lx fJ 1r"UMA1.tA 1 IWAYO , M k w. . A9 I 1LPk1 ' 1 'p tor r RnA , t yselkrn' , ' ; irk 1 3 1 TRUE Temperance Is not signing a pledge or taking a solemn oath that cannot be kept , because of the non-removal of the cause -liquor. The waytto make a man temperate is to kill the desire forthose dre * .dful ' artificial stimulants that carry - ry so many bright intellects to premature graves , and desolation , strife' and unhappiness - , happiness into so many families , M ItisafactI BROWN'S ' IRON BITTERS , a ttae non alC01101 Ic tonic , made in Baltimore , i Mdby lute Brown Chemical I Company , who are old drug. gists and in every panicu , lar reliable , will , by remov , ' ing the craving appetite of 4 " the drunkard , and y cuing . t the nervousness , weakness , and general ill hcaltlt result. . ing from intemperance , do ) , more to promote temperance , in the strictest sense than anyotber means now known. ' It is a well authenticated fact that many medicines , - ' arcnotll- , cspecially'bittcrs ; - ing butcheap whiskeyvilcly concocted for use in local option countries. Such is not the case with BRovN's .I RON BITTE RS. It is a mad i- clne , a cure for weakness and decay in the nervous , muscular , and digestive organs - gans of the body , producing - ing good , rich blood , health and strength. Try one bot- tic , Price $1,00. C EAT EN U8H REnnl err , , , , Cures PIIYffiOAL rtvooa k lleh' ' GRKtTat L099 of + MANLY VIGOR , S Irma lima , ctn. , when all other r .c tiles fall. A cure mnran t + dLSo a bottle , large battle , tbncethequ ° ntlty , $5. U , , press to any adresa Sot alldrugglah. ENUiISIi M CAL INSTITUTE , Proprlotora , 71S Olive Street , Louie , Mo. - "i have sold Sir Aatlay Cooper'a 111111 Reston foryoars. Every oustomor speaks hlhly sf I unheeltatinglyondoreoRnearemedy of true m I" n F. ooonstc , Uruggle' . ' Omaha Foul I ! S vta m&e.end ST , LOUIS PAPER REIIOUSE Graham Paper Cl 217 and 210 North ) lain St , St. Louls , WhfOLESALE DF.ALEIt $ iN NEWS , IIAIl NEWS , f l W ENVELOPES , CARDBOARD AND I I PRINTERS' STOC $ ifCuh paid for Itoge and Paper Stockltcrap and Metab. ' , Paper Stock Warchouaei , 1220 to 1427 North street scpt2td ; Broom Corn MACHIER1 + A FULL LINE-CONSISTING 01 ] l . , . . . .a : ra .I1V ® tr' t DOUBLE CYLINDER SCRAPE/ G ri v -ANI- HORSE POWER i f 4 Ore Mcitoh. ! r The Best in he Mark Mumtacturad by 0. D. COLTON tit , CO , A1fSend for Clrtular aad'I'doe Lat. Oelusburg , STARTED TIlE ( i "t I a 1 I Omalia 1207 FARNAhi ST. Ja HIRSHSTEIN , PROPRIETI MANUFAOTUItEf AND DI'ALRIt IN Cff01 HAVANA AND DOMESTIC CIGA ALSO ALL KINDS 01 1 Smoking and Chen 1obac AND SMOKERS' ARTICLES , AOXTRAUEASPEOIAL' ' n 1 $ will bo to yourlutorest to call and cumin goods. 1)00 011 , ANi ) CA'rs' SHIN. 1Vlnt 11000fl CS of the 11cntl Canlni ' ( ArlicleR anti 1'clhnes-dtteer . of Commit cc. I'1IIM 1Clphla Ilccard. " \Vo skins the horses nud the dog Sometimes wo skina the cats. Then bilo'em nil up together , an'I make th and these hero otu of mm , " Tlto spank was bloody from neck to boots , nud ti "that and these hero were two piles blftck atttff , the odor from which w somewhat off color , Tim place wtta o of tlto four or five carron rentlcri catnblishntonts which dot the river ban a quarter of a milo below Ilridosbur The sits anti dogs referred to wore t twat or thrt barrels of these norm ( received each week front the city do round and the ' 'cafe home" on Lt ba atrout , below Thirteenth , hero also n tnkmiall tits dead carrion which can begged or purchased in the city. In t darkest hours of ng i lit rent cover wagons mnko their mysterious w ofyPhilndol through the b wn'a hl These lumbering vehicles are large anon , to carry two ded horses mid no ninll law 1 + the carrion the ma fend ii boot deal if it will hold together it gathered ii ii. and thu vva'ous' afar rresuned until their rounds have be completed nud they dump their ropulan loads at the establislunenta on the nit batik. "Soniciimes , " said the man in chnrg "wo gals a big supply in the way of n fit After the Knickerbocker ice compan ; fire we had all we could io fursono tun 11i tire ordinary run w o gets hero nbo thirty horses and tonics and twee barrels of du. d cats and dogs ovary woo What do we do with 'cm ? 1Ve11 , you se they 60os three or four ways. We cu 'mum up , bones and all , and tesaca'om in that big bilor over yonder When th has oiled nway for twenty : four or too hours we got out the lanes and tine ) ; to the bonoyarl to mnko phoaphato , 11 1 iresa the oil out it tlto ballnnco and th + 0os moslly to make lubrication ilubricn ( tog ) oil or to aoaP mnkors. The 11th stuff ns put in the sat and dried , and v make , oshato out of it ourselves , " 'l'imo ' skids the men said , wore sold the tanners. In the winter and oar sunnier the cats are skinned , and the hit is used in tire lining of winter circula for ladles. Two curious uses are , ho , ever , frequently made of the dogs. The fat is carefully aken off rand nantdacll 0(1 ( into dog oil , which among susporsl Lions persona , especinll ' the colors nlmiest miraculous virtt people , possess 11I the cure of various diseases but chief of rheumatism. In all locafitics who the colored population is large this oil for sale , and always soils fora good luric it is also in dolnmid for consumptive Very frequently pcoplo i hio have bon pronounced incurables ga to tlto ostalilis mont and beg the obto there to s tltont sumo of thooil tained from t dog fat. Odcasiottally persons w bring dogs which they have killed the selves anti have the oil innnufactut front thorn. Some of iho renidoruug establishmol along the river do tor olornlous bnaine received their supplies notauily from I city but frons abroad by the car.lc Sono of then use the intestmos and tuse natter from the slaughter liouso n abattoirs , A Cure of Trent n iila. Mr. 1) , If , Burnaby , of Owogo , N. Y. a that his daughter was taken withi a viol cold which terminated in pneunonia , and the best gave tine cnso u ) and a sue cnub uut live but a low hours at most. ens ha this caultthan what n friend rocoanc edlR , ViM. 1lLI1S BALSAM FOR T : 1UNCS nud advised boy to try It. She copted It as a bun resort , and was surprisat find that it produced a marked change tar bettor , and by persoverhig in its ties a tier none corn was olfectod , s-- AppOlu'ancnof a Tortuulo. From , "Oyclomoe and Tormadnos" by Georg heUlr , In I'opnlar Sclonec Monthly for October As the tornado now swoops onward it course , it rises and falls with a sot of bounds , and , with a swaying moti describes a zigzag course , now formin ; chain of 1001)8 , antl again shooting oil an obtueo single , varying a the speed its forward "notion which ranY be a w'ltero from ton to thirty miles an he At the aauio time it is rapidly whirling it axis iii the opposite direction iron I screw , or the hds of a clock , the air I volvig around the vortex neoatnrily tanning n speed of several hued ntilos an hHour. First widening , t : contracting , now bounding ab p thu tree tops , and again + scotulitig to BW00It the earth of every eat witliln its roach the aerial monl i The largest foroat tr l inure playthings in its rasp [ are pluc u ) b the roots , or snapped oll' like , i stow , substantial buildings are I crushed like egg shells , thou caught u ; the vortex anti the debris carried so times for tithes , before it Is again thr ( off by centrifugal force , anti falls gravitation tulywhuro , ovorywboro , soon as released from the moist grasp. It is di0lcult accurately to describe tornado's n , ) car iico and work , oven thouwhohuivebeonu u witnosse or have 1ftSSCI1 titrou " h tire 1 rsrs coining brin's. While nccou dill'ur as to it appearance mid bo1nv as witnessed front dill'crolts ) oiuts of sorvntion nud tuition dilliurmnt circa stances , all substantially agree that it cone aluaped , its nation rotary , that 1 apex resembles lire and smoke , and t vivid lightning nud Leavy rdin fnll conpsipy it. In are matances , e tricity tt the form of St. Ehi fire , will ' , recede the vortex , and a wt steam' Claud will follow , It will be served that the forma of the torus cloud is nicely illustrated by tho''prt p)1uuo' ) used iii teaching natural pnll ) ) hy. Thu small end of the plane is n heavil charged with electricit'nnd nearer perfect w it approaches to a neeunndatio the 'rentortti ill In ) the III' h tension is caused , aidthuoluctril lutist CSCf )0 1y solute onductor , Su the tornado loud the smaller point or stun , the greater the force ertod when it meets the earth. - - - - - - 1 ' 41 ttNINGI. how nun wo do ruin their stuuachl swallowing aild ii Inks on a hot aununor e ihion they could arold all dnnger by adi 10 drops of AIIL'llatllrt llltttaw , bas bupu tlug u delicious Ilavor to their strut beverages. Tito b'0s11r0 Crocodlie. Lrnrdon 'relegrapls. lVitlt its abort legs out of sight in ooze , its nturlurous about aunk to upper jaw , a tangle of river drift can 1111011 its shuulders , and flue tail peril lying in it pout of vatcr , the bulky rep looks eo ltarnulesa that birds sit twitto I 111)011 its armor , situ hunt among cruvlcoa of the fungoid grown and all scales for insects. Its very size diea suspicion ; the outlines become illdistll r the conlplotu lmioiator indistingulstia And a crocodile's Patioito for miscue r prodigious , ( lour after hour , anti day long , the abominable fraud lies it place without n sign of life. Nativ going to their work in the to clown from tlto bank and see the bir flitting about the dark object at the eat line in pursuit of the swarming mud-u i that are attracted to to brute by ti keen sense of smell ; but , familiar as th are with the wiles of rnuggur and glint ( as theq call t to blunt and the sharp nos crocodiles roapertively ) , tlloy are decoiv to tlto last , amid 6 o on their way to t field or shop thinking it was only dri wood that he' have seen , If it it boon n dead eod bullock or tatte trashed u by the river , thin viilhu would have bon closob patiently wa in ' for the carrion to ripen in lain festl heat , and the crows would have be thorn to hopping on and off it im atiut and 1 trying tatah Lido hero the wit umor beaks and cawing and Cron nn in discontent with tlioir baffled a erocad titos. But b and b if the will only hold out ors unless some o 1 iasaiIig halloos to it at a vonturo-"jt 1to see if it is n mugger or not"-tic will come along the water's edge n lei gry pariah dog , trotting/ in an aimle shufhIti way , nud snilhin6 as it passes everytluug in the line of drift , with head turned toward the river , mud aw from iho crocodile. And so , trotti along , thinking oily of chance olihl , conics up to the wa'ttttg ' brute. A aar piper , startled by the dog's puns jog feat , tumbles up with n slut cry from undur the ahado the reptile's aide , and the pariah ate dead , startled at the bird , ( snitches it I niong the shore and resettle a few yar further on , and that reaumtsits jog tr or rather , it has just made up its mind io ; 00 , ( when suddenly the ooze all nrou it seems to heave up , and in a shower mud there is nn ittatant's vision of n her pair of jaws , j listeuiug with wvhito tout and than n crnnsoned ru'iplo ' on the rive and too tragedy is cgni ) leto. The nati thinks ho larta ( log yelp old turns 1 head , Thorn is only n scared sandpili wheoliug in the air. If you have failed to rcceivo butte from other prc1iarations , try hood's St nu iarilla' it's tlu ) stron6gestr the Im rs the boat , the cheapest. 1VASiIINGTON NOTES , 'Plcnr Itottlnlseoneca of a Cotom Phihadehphin Record. 14.-"I' WASHINGTON , September - killed many a man , " said an army Co : nil tonight , "but always in battle , never vats so placid as to feel obliged kill a man in cold blood but once , never want to he placed in such n 1)o tiou again , " "flow was ill" I asked. "Well , " said the Colonel , sighingwi unwillingnesa to go back to that di grecablo day , "you see , I was ono of I one hundred federal prisoners broug down from Snvminali to Charleston atop the shells old balls from Gene Rufus Saxton'a batteries , You romoml we were stockaded there on a apace front of Charleston as a sort of tar ; for the federal guns. Well , the way down from Savaru to Charleston no were to escapo. Ar matter of fact , wo didn't escape ; b then , it wits all nrruugod : that we shot 1Vo planned it in Savauah. The ira a rnnrbling slrmnbhing nlfnir-you kn what a Southern taus in those days best-rnndo a1) of old passenger cars , l cars and slat cars , drawn by n wheezy locomotive capable of aonretlitng like miles tor hour on a dead level , was t0 guarded , as usual , by n dohil from Horne Guards-old inert and young b unfit for field duty. They worn arm of courser but we outnumborad them to ono-yes , ton to ono-and in poin brain pover thorn was no comparis So we arranged a plan by which ese socmod curtain , with hopes as confid as though it wore no sooner said t done. At a certain point on the r way , not tar from the coast , whore men-of-war were continualy on ntovo , one of our rum was to give the signal , guards were to be overpowered and were to take to our heels-every man himself , and the Lord for us all. course , we kept the plan a secret wit a coo arntiel srnall circle We ha t guard Iabaiut the timorous and the trail ous. But we know perfectly well t we could depend upon every rnen al wo had seized the guards nud captu their guns. Every titan in the beeret : his part to play-a ainal ( to give , a gu to watch , a gun to seize. Each of us rial nu improvised wenpoi of some sl Remember I picked up the bolt of an car coupling and hid it under my alt and I supp0ae all the others had aria asimilarl terriblodescription. My d Svrts to kill n hard who stood ri gh front of urn at the end of the car when sigual should Ito giver. It was nn passuuger car , 1 sat iii the last f facing the woudbox , and the go stood by the stove. I'resontly ho c , over and atund by the woodbox , such n guard ! A white.Iinired fare boy of notnc 17 year , so sleepy with 1 duty that Ito could scarcely hoop hits c 01)011. Ile had a good face , with a t innocent expression , that rolhned nppunrtnco of his course clothes and d shoos , ho had nu old.fnahioiuod tutu -a muzzlu leader , with a big porcus cap , Amid thus was trey victual I Ion hiui nil over and measured him c fully. Ono blow of my hard bolt out i soft hued would eod hon. ' ( 'hero w ( ho no dilliculty about it. It was sight question of tune , 'l'lo train star ' 1'le motion iuercased the poor b drowsiness. Ile kept erect nun at with evident dillicult' , ' 1Vh d you sit u , on the w ol ( ho zl' said to hiuir as Iris head began away trop aide to aide. It alto haw rulnnrknbly green ho was that he uncu climbed upon the box aid sat ti with hula musket between his dung logs. I have no idea of the aeoior + jut route. 1 auv but ono thing all way.-that boy. I watched him as hawk watches the little chicken , its 1 watched I pitied hnu were and m ' lie was so young ; so fair , so iuuoel 1 steeled myself with the thought tint urustdiu if ho would be free. At time , though , T was looking for sl way in which I could do sty duty nud anvo that buy. I toll you it's a turr thing to sit for hours opposite a I heutied bn tncasut'm g ] lie for a co I don't knot' what fear is , but I con without liositatioi to a tremor o thmte 1 thought of hula dying gnap. I watched hint ( timid ev'urybody in the au' eau tvntchnug I waulured whether 1 could tint dis his gun and then eoutoit myself u sh11uiug Ilitu ti'liat the rodent ca 1Vitht such caio as you can scarcely ( ceiv'o I reached forward thtvnugh tl short legs for tutu nip l0 of thu unite Afar several trials I touched the our so carefully , mid in a u ontart m had the cap } ' ltuid. I throw it of the widow. That the whole breathed freor. I know I did. guard still slept. I wondered wlietli couldn't gut that nniskot away. I C ( I try , I dsr with incouceivablu path and earo , 1 slowly disengaged the dnn ling logs ; I carefully lifted the clasp fingers ; ltut the hantis in has is I tokthemusket slowly from bettvc his legs , and quietly ushed it 1111(1 thin seat on which I sat , As I d so ho shook himself turned o1 with hits head on the waif , mid vvomit with his nap , Now I was myself agar IIo was in my power , and no blood won bo shed. But just at that montout we was passed to me dint the plan had ( silt The coward who was to give the sign was afraid to give it ; the point was pal ed , it was all over ; the locomotive n wlinathing for the next town. Oh , hi mad I was ! I could lint's killed thu coward without n quiver , lint there w no help for it. I slowly nod careful pulled out the gun of time nnill sleepy guard , put it between his legs again n quietly clasped ha ? fingers around t barrel. And than we rolled into tow and ho awoke and shook himself , a yawned and looked sharply at too , h tor for his slcop. But lie never miss that cap , " 11mry cngnetlc4 for the complexion hr from time to time been put 111)1111 thin mark not untie luivo stnsl to a test as ling l'nzrom mcdientedc"ntpletiunpuwiler , It is au n mil lick rnraUrc fur hlolches , discnlnrnttuns , fro lei , cue. For sale by druggists , . - ---'nv--.r lib. 1VOC1dN'T IIAVE IT. Idberllea Taken by lctiiuuIcrs it Ii IIstlmulshed VIg1Ior. Detroit Free Troia , A squatty little than , very corpule : very atifGnecked , and very much out , sorts , hnltctl n policotnai at time corner , heTerson ( avenue amid Waynestreetreca ly and said : , "Ha , sir ! but what kind of n city this , sir ? Iia ! sirl ( blowing his nose ) atrikes mo dint you're a queer set. "Anything wrong ? " "Hal girl yes ( blow ) sinl 1 cone fri -with the excursion. I hind start ( put foot on the street whoa n boy call mute a caravan , sirl lint ( blow ) a cai van I" "IIo shouldnt have dote it , " "And n stranger slapped too on t back and yelled 'hello , pardt' in my e. . Yea , sir ( blow ) , Ito did , sir-ern any et sirl "That Was wrong. " "And a boot black , sir ( blow ) , had f um udence to call my foot froght ca and to ask too what hue 1 rut on ! ( blow ) , sir-what line I rut on. II sort" "lie clesurvcd arrest. " "Hayl lie ( blow ) did , sir. I want t people of Detroit to understand that I wort $14,000 , sir , mostly in cash mostly fn cash , sir , " "And I'vo been a justice of the per : for twenty-two years , sir ! Ha ! ( blc air , " " 18 it possible ? " "Yes , air , ( A long blow ) . And wl. One of your villains calls out to 'shin this hat , sir , I want hint to undorsta tliit I'm also postmnastor. " You are1 "pot , sir ; amid whoa anyone sneers lily clothes , air , let him remnembor ti I'vo run for the legislature-tho legit tune , sirl lint ( blow ) and was aim elected ! I won't have this undue fan iarity , sir ) Why , no ratan in my to world dare to call me 'pard , ' let alt slapping mo on the back ! Why. ( blow ) why-but I want this stopped ! ' "Yes , sir. " "I won't put up with itl" "Yes , sir. " "I am entitled to respect , sir ! ( blow ) , I ha , lint I ant , sin" "Yes , sir. " Ho walked up Jefferson Avenue , hind not gone far when a truckman , t was tossing watermelons to a man on walk , made amiss , but hit tlmo $14 , man in time back with n tnwttypount and cried out : "Look out , Shorty , or you'll be cot al in and sold for a quarter ! " s honored 1)r Llle. Dr. J. C. Ohanonhouse , of Eganvi Gntrm , Canada , writes in favor of great , ) ain curol St. Jacobs Oil. ' . Hoer. Bella Fluits Life Senator of Doutinion Parliament , also says it cu hiui of rheumatism. A Dfotuualn Alligator. Virginia City ( Nev. ) Enterprise. William Blackheath , who has just turned from a six montlis' sojourn in rona , has brought to the Comstock slut of what lie , for want of a be nano , calls a Olin mouater , but while evidently that of a sauninmi of a ddhn species. Time akin now measures se feet froms tip to tip , rand is ovidei shrunk sonic inches in drying. The about tlm color of the Gilt monster ruttilo is ovicloitly n kind of inland c odilo , or , uvoro properly , cayman , c had not tlm webbed foot of the crocod 'l'imo strange saurian was fecund in a am : valley in the Whort atlmno luioumlta When alive it stood two foot high , its body , just back of its fore lcgs , over throe foot in cnrcumferotce. creature was its savage as a bulldog au full of light as a viper. It was found the dugs of Mr. Blacklicatli and put ti 1Vhomi the uioti arrived at the haun the reptilo-to which they were attrac by the fierce amid peculnnv barking of ti dugs , three in number-tley found 1 Otto dog had already bean knifed and others wa'o badly cut up and cost with blood. Tito creature displayed a activity turd was so diabolically vie that thu two prospectors feared tog I it , being arned with nothing bettor t n pro8pectinf ; , rick amid n shovel wi short handle. Finally the thing got , of thin dogs by the fore-lag , and him that it held oil like a terrier , with sign of loosing its hold , Mr. Blackhe ran forward timid struck ins pick intc lead. Even then iho reptile held om , it ens not until it had boon atrttclc soy , blows with rho 1)010 of the pick that jaws relaxed and it gave up the gli 11'heu time dog was released it was fo that life fore log had boon bro at a point about two inches above knee. Mr , lilackhcatlt says ho ling with several of the creatures kuowu Giln monsters that vvuro two feet at half i11 leiuglh , but nuver before o ai the uxnstctc saw or even stispeeted Otto so large its that whose skin Ito I gasses. It was a surprisu to all the w. man in that suction , but sonu of tlm I disims assert that far south in time SI ! ATnduo utountaius they hind scout at that vvuro as litlie or larger. Unfo I natal in flaying the aaurami Alr , lilt heath's oily ida was to have time I I tanned and made into sloes and gait nud tlerefoiv le did not presurvo feet , otherwise the skin alight be stu , and umontud by ii taxllormist. lie i the teeth of tme creature were ovol inch in leugtb , vvuro sharp as noodles , , in sbapo resembled tie tenth of a ahal "Afoue sane in corpora sate. " "A sc mind hi a sound body" is the trade mimar Alien's 1lrata Food , and we aisunuour re ; I that , If disautisfiod with either wonkum ltrahm or bodily jew'c > b , this remuedy tv'ill I immanently strengthen loth. Ill.-At s stew , t ' ' ° " ' " c he da ; eta' 5 'T'0 , l g 9 tE lq : RR o d g il $ ; 9 ° 5t" ° aS ' a , b M s jd 7Y A .U t , . . . > ! $ a t e . : d6a a ob Sac ' W 8 o , ° ' ooRo"-o 1 ! ° ! w J oM e y o d aa'i ar m7o. a - : Is gy , q fie o qJ 1 $ ' + aw ; I a „ aim s 0 y ' . L . . u ae r/ ] . AqO a ° C1 , Y y eh. aKr O , a. 0 D e.a r"i ! ! a 4A ' $ 0.r9Er.t o O o- r i > 112 a' e a aaa o a eapb A7r o N q7 . a ri a " Q 0 e ° ' ; IEa ' m oz I $ aE ° sE.cs ° = k" " aslap > SvtOa g.7I" a R ° vs " ' ' , oq . p " , ; k 0.a"o dAti r1 „ . . , + a L m4 a e'y , wfy4 d d- q lv fC IO a ' o o1w ° dl I I'Sa , : : ° d t" = uyxa . a9o . a da O oo' va .ar c og ° C 7" weetd ° .Esc ea $ . . $ " # c ° " o. a ' d R ° A q , "N 5 "gy pa o ° ° ; gR tII 'at , or g ' gtjI i 7 t ° ' pilagi.wq ° n Y7g k.1)"E YE' p 1r . . , 'a ueaoowgE ot $ ; . : ; 9 . are B % " a / a. d 0 ° A O . M ,7 117 cwrt , o ° y , . . . . s r. o w dw oFi . . r (4/IV Y .7 o a H e7 y ° .eL a "o/ „ IR „ % qQw e Lk a .t , $ ; ' R a Y o hl r RtgA RR 7 0 o : 9 a' ° 8 e ( t sal 1 YfL e4 ° F. . d ° ' 00 ' , p w Q < a-M a r19 ee6p Zt i 4oa n .a'ah ! & , Aa o4 fn ' o o $ b aloe 6 ° gkg rd o dig osalq ° g Fa o I mid S" 1l aX o e ; . u ° d o Ili n . " o ° a J w O kp o1 alP o , , I ° 9 v9 0 t C . 6 - - r w eAe Op : -t1- a " i ' , e 0.H lg Y Y t + t- ° a $ at.y ° "S 0"Y vqa" C 8 . / " dear/ .30. . Q9 q ter. aQ c9 a ls FO oo BaA ' + o w " ° ; rot ' o , r . . .t'd Cr " ° .1) G ® ° $ I6 A"o $ ARao a7 G ° a ra.Lg i Ey Qe " . . ° R . -0eE ' Jm ° I oGq tf-Y o 11X a IS. , a is C - a 1 ,1'djlwra A . , ° r epa a T 2 . T } o d . d , - M sa A % A , ° Alta a p-q o AY f l p" f a0. a , a E G q a E d o1) o ° ° u td 1'.aY ' o8 tt .R a , . eo 71' ' ow ' ' o " a , e1 ! q 4t' 90 g ow r , 9 ° - q .BgFM a 911 oEJpp 0A u ° " UtuoP1eha Y7 = w1) V9 ) Ed $ 4y1) .o a 06 . . ° td 9. q , % ° C n + OE5 7,1) . ap a ° a O oS : 1S . oY t , atp aw Ax h " % w m . . Har ! , a " ' ° 0x F E p op t 9rG , ire 7r. 7aa a. .a R a .fCe Je . .ad1a a. e A tt e , , e ° J J e = o C v 1- ' + FI 3 ; ' A.1 I rdgp 9 L' Y.a . _ , ' a. ° G 7dESo.a a C 6 CRO ° ' " "tlo/'Q t btl aCc i ti'a1 I : Sq / \ aya'g e ASAIA c/ ' p a IL.i . IY + ° Y aTJE q ° O Sa'lttr t AEa Ei .117 ° , hr ya00 I { i rl i ' fro . a 0 p. OB ow9 .okSx 0o d a , a oeq a ; Lc , Y ro0 ( V O. . ! . . ° 1)w r o ° Jn 1 , e V"y U qqa ° A ° DR ! , nEFe tr/ Oat aO- . mrr : + gp r SoQ w" p ; ' 0 " c yq ° ' S ° r3@Ga Via , 90 , af" - q < 'o q 9t1 2t ° , , h a , , . X „ J Y 'q = ° ° 47ao7- " 5 . " R7k 1)0 ° 4gaey4 I I . " aa " o e ' dA G s % , n a a . o a J 0 = &oa ° y t C ° a ° at r , . d X sFY.g " e ° ' aE & tog : "oq aoG7r. $ " oftY . , I _ iPs a'C"75- ' ° ' o 0 ot5en p R. . . . ° - : : Ea - ( E /0 p oqy o , o oh" . ; 'cG ' ° Q tG ym Y9eo $ ar sell $ C a 5.11 ep , , e ' .Eg Yra aB9 a O ° Oha 1rG R l a ' 'r r G , 'eta ' 50q ; Y M tpi Yr/ } q e ° t gQyXF "i2ono Eisaa ? N CS 9y x8 EC w .7.ro8 Gx , X9 abtoa ir , . - a O X " ' ar lr I , r.T , ti" r lfr I T I e + 1)l ) o I ti IIS p rim A f G 1 , Or I , I I x 1c Ili 1 5 ' . . a . Q ( I e. Si ' . _ ' 4 f I''V ' ® a at , 1 t _ t 9 at l. 4k ' $ t' ' " e f r ! I 'Ag , C , W Y r . , 1 7 eAt r E t a , . I t F" 1 1 W .e 4 ) t t ; Wit ) a c > 9 a f P gdr t p ( 'p ol , l a ww q I W k h 0 4 m h 0 'III I N S s 4 I p a Q 0 I1 , e ' Iz1n N II ' jp : : /rw - + YY . , w la/ C ) > IVR 'SA ' I Have Found It ! Was the eielamatlon of a nianwhou he got n ho : of Eureka file ( lams , , . t , which le n simiao and here cure for tile. amt ul ] In.easeo. kitty cents by ' tall , I.u.q.ahh iho American Dlarrllwa Cure r has stool the test for twenty years. Sure cu + o for ill Never Falta Dlarrhaeo , Uysontory , and Chola Morbus. Oeanc's ' Poor and d ilc TOIli & Cordial , it l.s Imposdble to upply tburapld saloof the samo. I SII1tE CUttu WARilANT1iD For Fever and Antic , and all Malarial troubles , t'1tiCn , ei.oo. w .j. WHITEHOUSE I T 1nomtATOltY,111Th [ ST. , OMAHA , NRB. For Sale by all Druggists r swat by Itanross on "Icntpt of price , m,4o0 Health is Wealth rn uvr f3 DHAlrl . ; , cdYFs a . ' t ltr p. s Dr. F : 0. SYcet's Nerve and Urain Treatment , guaranteed specific for hysteria , Dtzzincss'Couvul sions , Ftts , Nervous Neuralgia , headache , Nervous t Prostration cause , ) bx the use of atcol + ol or tobacco , w'akcfulncss , klental De7reesion , Softening of the a Oral : , , reeulting In laeanity and leading to nrlnory , 0 decay and death , rrematuro Old Age. Barrenness I' Lose of power in emthcr sex , lnvoluntarp Lease ; 9pennatorrhma caused by over exertions fl brain , seP-abuse or over Indutgenee. lath ' talus one mouth's treatment. ) l.oo a box , yr boxes for $5.00. Sant by mail prepaid on receipt price wilt GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To curoany case with each order rocclvodby nu for eix boxes accompanied with $5.eo , wowlllsend tue purchaser our writtengunranteotorefund tbomoney If the treatment does not aacet a cure. Guarantees + uelanlyby C. F. GOODMAN 0 m&o wt Dnir 14 Omaha Neh DR. FELIX LE DRUM'S a 1l.iV'7 . u PTIITVENTIVE AND CURE. i 'OR EITHER SEQ. 0 T1ds remedy being Injected directly to iho scat' r the dtscaso , requires no change of det or nauseous , e muercurlal or poisonous mediums to bo tnhon intern. It ally , Waco tsar at' a preventive by either sox , It is Imposslblo to contract any private iliscaso ; but in the it ctsoul ealready unfortunately afflicted , , oguar autee three boxes to cure , or we will refund the y II moray. I'rlcu by mall , postage paid , $2 per box , or three boxes for . 0 , wtt1TTEN GUAI1ANTEL'T : t esued by all authorized ngentu , i Dr.FelixLeBrun &Co I , d 9oulsraorluL-rolls s Neb Solo Agmtt , for Omaha m&o whys e s DRri6YbY st:1)t 1G . , RaJr Ii This Electric Belt will Cure tie Follow' Is jug Diseases Without Medicine. it I'alue tt the Back , lllps , llcad or Lhnbs , Nervom Iehuty Lumbago , Octcral Icblllty , lthuumatbnr , mm 1'aral sis , Neuralgia , Solstice , liieoase of tire Kidueyr It SI + Ina 141caees.Torpid thegGout , Seattal Exhans Hon , Scubrat Lmisalons , Aslluna , Heart lmscav , 0 Iepcpeta , Coiatlpa.loa , ) ) sl1niai , lmllt.tlorl , g Ilontla or Rupture , inqotency , Catarrh , files , Ipi 0 ley , Dumb Ague , It SE3 000 Would Not Buy It. S 1)11 , iluais-I have used your IIectrio Belt for : l aomo Iliac , and It has done all that our Ageut clabned for it. Any ono trwtbled with rimurnatlem l a or sciatica , I wouldsay , buy lliicetno Ucltfor 9 one of the thirty dollars belts cnnvl m ° of the nbovr t dtsease in a short Maio , Any one wishtng to confer with me , can do so by writing or caking at my atore tl 1120 Douglas St. Omaha Nob. in WILTJAM TYONt' . 1 emoerfnlly recommend home's Elcctrio tclt as au 0 ellicicet cure fur ri.umatlam , having uoft uno for it .bat malady , :4uly , A , B , UNDRR1i1Li. LB For solo by F iw. Uro's , Coun .Il Bltub , Iowa. it MAIN OIF'IJE'pasito t'asiYli e , licnzer Blo ; 0 tir'Furtale at C r , Ooalmau s Uru : atorc 1110 r r am Str t Orrtha if 0 , l I u e IRON ANI ) SLATE ROOFING. Ce SPECHT PROP , e lull Douglas SL . Omaha , Nub. a ' 9 MANUFAOTUIIEIIOF Il d Calvanfzea Iron Cornices d t3Tpornter Ntrdowt , Ffnlale , Tun , iron and Slat , " Booang Specbt'a rateut Mctaillo SkllQht , 1'ateu adjuatesl hatchet Bar and Itracket Shelving. 1 an the general agent for the abate line of goods Iron 9 Fencing , c''resth + ge , lhlustrattes , Veraldu , Iron Ban ) U Italiage , Window Winds , ( kllar Guards : also genera g ant for Pearson ! e 11111 IKt ° nt Inside i liud. w S - , , " 'a s A , > 1 Utz \ ar ITANUFACTUIIRIt OF OF STIUCCLY Ft1t T CLASS e BuaieLRo1dEI AND TWO WHEEL CARTS. 1119 and 1320Ifarnoy Street nndl4c3 S. lath Street , " . -'OMAHA NEB ' u trated Catalogue furnlshed free upon appliaetian v , S.ra Iawwu J IT 9 MANUFACTURER OF FINE Buies Carriages aM Spriu ¶ aolls 4 My Repository le constantly Sited with a eetoct stook. Best Workmanship guaranteed. Office and Factory S. W. Corner 16th and Capitol Avenue , Omaha .Ir . GATE CITY PLANING MILLS ! 1tANUACr Elts OF , Carenters' MateriaIs - - sash , Boars , Blinds stairs , Stair Railings Balnstors Winda i & Boor Pralllcst &c Firt kiudeof . Mouldings. Planing and Matching a specialty orders from the country will be promptly executed. Addres oil communications to Ae MOVER , Proprieto 1 On Long Time--Small Payments. iiuoturoi's [ iioos. As lloso J - 1510 DODGE 9TTtIi CARPET SEASON F Jo B0 DET WILER rInvitosFtho attentioi of thopublic to hit Large c cctc tc -OIr- : L d w Embracing alf the Late Patterns in everything in the Carpet Line , ' athllS Oil Cloths fillET ¶ illdO SliadoE i IN LARGE QUANTITIES ANA AT LACE CURTAINS A SPECIALTY , . . wIId-"i , , V M .B IlA wVi. - " it 1313 Farnani Street , - - Omaha , Neb t