- - - - _ - - - _ - - - - - : . S IULY JT-OMAllA , r1.JIURSDA , SEPTEMBER 20. . 8b : . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TilE DALY BEE. - oWLAHA. : Thursday Morning , Sopt1 20. Wcthcr lnilIcMloIIn. For tim upper MiMippi antI Miou. 14 va1Iys , local , arUy cloudy wothor , ariab1o winds aliifLing to north mid wcst , with colder wotlicr anU ililug binoincter during Thuradiymght. LOOAL BREVIT1t3. ] -An hnmono , SIxty thountl vonn.l . .tfoty . ilopolt atilt 1 being put hn tim ba.cinont uf tIm Omaha National bank. It hn made of solid Rteol by Andrcen & VnhIen , of thh city , under tim uIcr18hon ofV. . ] 3. Avery , n Clii. go iafo expert. 'rho front svallq , liichtuhhiig th brickwork , will ho four feet thick with two 411m1-R , Ilie outer 3 hiicieii ) and the inner nclici thick , fiiniilietl with time lockM niiil t.he htcit hinprovetnciit.s. Tlii itrong.rooiii will be furnl.hcd with. . hioxc to rent to cnMto. mdl ; to Rtoro valuable arttclci. -Alfred llurleya hiougo , 17tl nod Vnriiam , I 18 being lowered fthout .lxteen feet. -To flr.-Thio , bar end billiard rooms , I thio barber Rilop , the chgar and nown IitAlll of the CozzeliR. 4 -No rocortleil action hii yet beeii taken by I the county crnnnihi.honcN . thwnrd thio nab of the old court houao. -Don'tforget to visit the Ffr.t Congregn. tionni church 'rhirfiday night , nno eat one of their fnmou twenty.fivo cent Nupper. . 19 2t -A 138 pound quuh , growii by Joe , Tohn. 110 ! ) , cMt of Blair , is oxhibitoil in the ] 'axton nd pretty neftrly fihia one of tim dhning room windoW. It wn the inizo wiuasht at the fair. . -Tue haret fcitlval of the St. Mary' . .Avcnuo Congrevatlonal church ocourred Tue. ay in highly , ucce.ful manner. The order of oxercise. oinbriccd .ongi , roeltation. and addrosse. . -St.opiug the noon train of the U. 1' . upon the plank creasing at the depot in a great annoyance noyanco to travelers coming from or going to the depot , M all are CoIIijOlICd to .tep into the road while the enginoocculilca thio path. -Itichiard V , ' . Stone and Ml. . Ardollo log. cr13 , both of St. Joe , Mo. , wcro married by the County Judge yaitcrday. They left for 3t. Joe on the afternoon train. Coining up to Omaha from St. Joe look like no elopement. They .t.ayod at the l'axton Tue.dy. -i1aestrick , the insane man who cut. lihiii. golf o dreadfully , shiow every .ign of re covery , though hoitnagine. water will cool bl. pain and would drink it all the time If allowed. Ho jUmlOdifltO the river to cool off' with a .whn , lie say. . -There vai. quite a rush at the Opera ] Iouno ysitertlay to secure .eat. for Mile. , Ithon. This great artiste will meet with an ovation in Omaha. Mile. lUica' . compan' Is : .me of the strongest dramatic organization. travelling , containing 20 people. A man stealing lii , rIde on a B. & M. train eho.o the most dangerous place of all , under . the cow.catcher of the engine. lii. leg was broken by knocking against the track , anI when iliacovorod lie had crawled on top of the pilot. Ife vas taken back to Doiivor for treatment. -Architect Coot I. trying to get the conn ty commissioners to toP ofT the now court house with a solid tone cornice , Instead of S one made of galvanized iron. The latter can ) ot be made true , it Is said , and at the best in a cheap trimming for such a Palace a ) . our court house will be. -Potor Fagan , living oii Chicago street , has ii letter signed in blood from the Society f Holy Brother. , threatening him and all his family with death for not having treated well : of their members , Arthur Cooney , from fi Inland. The letter Is scat from Savannah , Georgia. : -Mollia Anderson , colored , arroated for i iitoaling a watch ( ruin Morris Elgutter last . .Airil , was upinthol'ollcoConrtyontetlay. El. gutter traced the watch to a jewelry store where ho found thu oh ! vorkn being vlacod In a flow cano. Ted lliith robbed a nian of a I watcli Tuosdisy near 12th au. ! Dodge street , and was caught. lie vhhi ho ozainiitod Snttir. 2 day , and a witues , ChilLs. B. Green , of Now York , gave $210 cash bail nut ! was released to appear then. ' -There was a meeting of the Comma 1 citizens at Turner Hall last night , to consider , 'the question of celebrating the first landing of Germans in Pennsylvania. The Gorimmamin ] andod 200 yearn ago on the 6th day of Octo. berm l'onnsylvazda and founded Guruman. town , the first German settlement in America , hOW a flourishing city. Thmo bi.cemmtemmimlal an. nlvomsary of this event will ho celebrated iii .grand style In Philadelphia and all the citloi ' whore Gormnanm reside. Time mneothim 15 called together by the presidomit. . of all tht German societies and lodges In thin city. Frank Colley , of Inrer , wan married tc MI. . Fannie Wilson , at the remmidonco of Mrs 311en VIlsomm , on Dodge stroo , at 10 yosterda ) morning , and loft for Iommvor on the mioom train with iii. bride. ] iotim vero formimeri ) emiiloyotl In the UnIon Paclflo ofhIcci in thla city. Arncsshzmg : U ) all Manklmitl. ' ' In these time. when our Newspapers an flooded with liatout niodiclno ndvortlsomnommt. It. i. gratifyhimg to know what to irocuro that will coratinly cure you. If you atro Bilious blood outof order , Liver Inactive , orgomiormdl debilitated , there ms imotlming in time world thmmil 4 will cure you so quickly as Electric Bitters , t They arc a blessing to all mnaimklnd aiim ! cami tL had for only fifty cents a bottle of b. ] ? ( nod L 1 itcal Eatato The followrng deed wore Iliad for roe 1 cord in the county cloeb ' oflico Soptomnbo 18 , reported for Tuz BK by Aniea' roe eitato agency : Merceiia M. Davison and wife to Coo w. l3oydon , w d , ii J of s of lot 7. Shinn'8 add. , sitroo. i Goo. Armatroug mutil wife t Peter Lu renzo Brown , w d lot 28 , block 2 , Arimi strong'e add. , $550. bury Bertimold to Catherine Urla . w d w lot 2 , block 122 , Omaha , $5 400. 400.Jitmee P. English f. Clarion It. Tosca , w. d. , lot 12 , iii 91'uttlo's sub , of s of ii 4 :1 : and n of so 5-15-ia , $700. Sheriftof Douglas county to Byron en Lewia 13. Reed , sheriff deed , und. ic .10 , see 21-15-13 , $2 , ExcIted JThmuunnds. ' All over the land are guing Imito ec.tasy ovt 1)r. King's New DIscovery for Consumniitlom , . Their umilookod for recovery by the timol use of thu grvat life Saiimmg remedy caum ' them to go nearly wild In it. praise. It fiaranteed to .o.itIv.Iy cure Severe Coughi ( dOldS , Antiuna , hay Fever , Bronchitis , I bern , XOM , ; Loiii of'OIos , or mumy alfoction tiLe C broat and Jungs. If your Clothing House will not to ] OU who LII'rlTZ , LEAc Co. are , v -will next week. ' s18.imi&ov MARRIAGE HOPS. a flow Levi COllh11O Desiring to e Unto ! arc In1 Trangli tile Mill. . September the Favorite Month for Businoas in the County Judgo'n ' Office , IioiItmg bovers ' .VIm , fltn't ' .Vatmt to Get Into tIme Newspapers. "Tho marriage busamess scemimim to ho imnustmally lively thiR month , " said a IIEE reporter , as Ito laid his reapecte to Judge Chadwick in time County Court this mumorn bug. "Indeed it ; iS , " liflil the .Tudgo , stmmilin lLallilY fromn belmimmd time desk , " 1 have never known so mimany lmmarringcs to occur in alma mouth. " "Cati you give ilim somno figurcsV' Time judge reached for time book which contains tim record of all these lUo umi bus of MUTUALT.Y ATTIIAOTI ! ) SOUL3 , whore arc rcc(4rdel ( their imaimmes , tlmer ages , their rcaidummco amul lftrtlI imlacus , tim fatlici 'fl mmmttmmu , and oven time imotlmcr's , maiden imammic-wimon it is kmmowmi. lIe olmOflOl its ) agcs , nlml though time amr dmd not noomn filled with thio odors of oramigo bloasommia amid thu breatimitiga of oft.re. pcatcd vows , there was a sommmethmimmg about time book and ito Imuemy difThrcnt imamea atrtmnf in mnrtners1mip , timat was very in torcatmng , auggeativo of tb imovala that mmmigbt be commstructed on thu INNER AND IRECIOUS SP.CKUTH of these various matches could they be known. Timoro are couples who have olopcd , sonmo because it was imperative , some mmorely for thu sensation , nmmd time "fun of LImo timing , you know. " There are yoummg , rosy cIicu1cd girls united to gray.hicaclcd zimen for the rest of their lives ; rarely is time opposite case recorded , time marriage of a young mmmli to an older wommmmm. There is IL well.to.do girl limar- ryimg a servant oim her fatimor's farm , nimd hero an uimclo marrying his niece TO COVEI JI' hIM C1IIMI. 'I'hio jcmdgo turmmod tiLe leaves of Limbs book amid said , " 1 discover there have been siiico time first day of Septezmmber , forty.thireu marriages , almost as ninny as during thu whciu of August , when timero were forty-six. " "how do you account for the lopular- ity of Limbs imiommtlil" queried the reporter. "l'iit sure I cannot toll " said the muag. istrato , 4'umdesabecauao Its color. .Juiio used to bo the favorite immomith. Last year there wore fifty MAURIMIIs : IN JUt , but Limbs year tlmoro were only thirty. It does not appear to be as fashiommabie for sommie rCiUiIii or other. " "What deceit coat to got mnarriodl" "Well , a license 1mm thu County .Jtmdgo's office comnes at two dollars. I domi't know any cheaper way of epliciimgbocausu hero no bonus is expected- " "Or accoptodi" " .or accepted. i've had many ofFer oxiras , but I made themmi keep their mnonoy. One man offered me a dollar lately to , Kulil IT HTILL and out of tim newspapers , but I raturndd to him the enormous bribe. " "Fhmo ministers are the muon that make the money , " said omie ot time gentiomnomi iii tim ohilco , "ahhitoughi Judges are sometimes found who are mint above no- coptin a little sum occasionally. An oxcursiom , party passed thmrougiL here from tue East. not bug ago , and a well. dressed immaim amid a very immualsomnu girl loft time traimi just as it wee piilliimg out , caimme up towii aimd wore married , Luiviso TWENTY 1)OILAILH in gold with the ohhicial. It looked like aim eloloimmummt. Seine timmie ago a very youmig COU1)lO froimt Nebraska turned up 1mm Chicago , mmmarriud. A very promimimiemit judge iiatl mimmited timemit without question. , it afterwards transpired that thu grown hmul offered. him oiw hundred dollars up. on the tommmplutioit of time ceremony. " "Did ho take it ? " "No imo told the boy lie had better awa ir To 1115VIru , but whether ho acted on the elderly judge's advice or it.t I never heard. " ' ' \Vhmat' , the legal ago for marrying ? " the reporter naked the judizo. "The law Bitys that time woinami intist be over sixteen years old , but if aimo is ' under eighteen she umust. have the pmroiits' ' consent. Time boy imist be I eiglttcemm but if ho is uimder twemity-ono years cm1 age , ito also must have his ' limmroimt'e eonseimt. I have to refuse them quite often because they are imot olti emmought , but thou mill they have to do is to Go OVEIt TO COUNCIL iit.UPFS P and get mitarriud. Sommietimnestimoy lie out and out about their ages. Soimtetimmme last Immmonthm I I refused a license to a fifteen. 'eztr-old girl , and I was iifterwartls tell. I ing this to oim emily noventeuim , wiwmn I had just immarrbed , 'Ilumnphmi' said the lately imiarriod oirn with great digmmity1 'that little thuimg ought to lowe gone tc ) school ayear or two longer. ' " 'l'hie reporter here picketi UI ) OflO of tin ' niplicntiomme for a immarriago licmieo whici : yore lying oh time table ] UAImY EOI ) Time apiicammt swears "that neither o . said 1imirtios is P0880550d of imegro blood timat imuithor of said Parties line a hiusbamu or wife liviimg ; flint both of said partiom - are jouessod of time iowor of reason inn comnhmioii undorstaiidiiig ; that they do no rstomid in the relatIon to eacim other e I parent and child , gramid.utroiit men grand-child , brother and sister of imal . or whole blood , uncle and ileico , atmim k amid noiilmow ; and that there is no hega imflIOdiimlOmiL known to said Parties outer . big iimto the immarriago contract. " L lf they are imogroes , " eximlaiimetl tim flide , "we merely substitute 'both' fo I , 'neither , ' but time docnuont is awkwardi ) . "Applications to you for inarriago arm _ , geimeraliy from the lower class. " 0 "Yea , tito bettor veovlo are imiarriet by their reepectko ciorgyinomi. Swodea a mid liammes are particular , but German , t not no much so. 'l'ito Jews have no ltabb loire so many' of timemu comno to mite , ant Aimmericans are imumnerous , especially fror time mural districts. " i - I. PONIOftiC ( ) Cimamiges y lii Nebraska amul Iowa for time week end ml. Is immg Septonmbor 14 , 188.1 , funuslied by W'ni : VauVieck , of tim postoflico dopartmnoni , f yElIitA,3KA. Eatabhisitod-Sandalia , Boone counte ) Elms i'etereoii P. M. Ii Discontinued-Clyde , Fraiikliim count C Lime Crook , Dixon county. Name CImanmed-Lawii Ridge , Code county , to Coleridge , Samuel Canfleid , P. M. l'ostmammtora A ppoiulcdll1ackbitl , Ilolt county , Betijatnin A. Dcyornmim ; Brady lsiaimd , I4iimCOin cotitity , It. 1) . Finimer. IOWA. Postmasters A ppointed-L.emdsdalc , 1)nIs county , 0. 11 , Mcrrmr.lc ; Lake Ccii- tor , Ilanmiltoit county , iver .Joiiimson , l'ringhmar , O'Brien county , Walter T. Locimbaugim. Name Changed-halo Village , Jones county , to hale. THE CITY COUNCIL - - A Special .cssiIc1 Last 1Clli , _ For limo t'urposo of ltittlrylng An Error In time INsmn3 of $ lOOO ) ( ) PlLvImmg ihonils. Time city council imeld a aIecial meeting last evommilig , all time mmmoinbera being pres- eimt. I'ITITIONS AN ! ) COM MtJSICATIONS. Froimi the iimayor-Appoiimting C. S. Cloodrichm , Milton Itogere and floury I' . Demiel as appraisers of dammmagcs arieiimg from time chemmgo of grade of linemicy street , betweemitli Eighmteeimtim mitid Twcim- tietim , amid also Nineteenth frommm ilarney to 1riintn , etc. Commtirnmed. From Wiihiaimi Icaibe-Notification of claini of damimngcs by roasoim of change of grade on Thmirteonthi street south. From time city treasurer-Notifying time coutmcil of timt nccoptaimco of linus Bock of $1,450 in settlement. of dammiages. ItP.SOLUTI0NM. By Redfield-Tlmat time hour of meet- imig of Limbs council in future almali be sevoim o'clock. Adopted. By Beinim : That the mayor give an order for leather fo building crosswalks or each ward as agreed upon by time council , and bo it further resolved thmitt time street comnmuissiolmer cause the cros walks to be laid as soon as possible. Adopted. 0ItDINANCES. An ordinance was passed providing for the issue of $100,000 ) avimig bonds for the nurpose ofpayiiig time cost of paYing time iimtorsectioims of etrcete amid spaces 01)- posite time alleys , in place of $100,000 of paviimg bommds in 1)ursmanco of ordimmance No. 575 , and repeating time mine. Time new ordimmatmco isdomammdcd by time discovery of a technical poimit commmmected with time first issue of 1)011dB , which wits "dropped omi" by a New York expert. These bonds were voted by time city ut time spring election of 1883 , time tickets rcmtlumg : "For the issue of $100,000 6 per CenC. maviImg bonds" etc. Subsequcmmtiy city Treasurer Buck miegotiated the sale of time bomids to time Ommmaha. national bammk which took the whole aimmount. issued at 5 imor commt. instead of .0. These bonds were duly deli'crcd and the bank forwarded them to New York wimere they were t-x- ammmined and an abstract of time history of time issue sent for. Time iiext imews received wantimatas the vote vmts for "six per cent bonds , " the five per comita were not legal and time authorities wore requested to legalize time issue in somno way. As the case is stated the bank does not want a higher rate of interest and proposes - poses to pay a 1)renmiunt On time new iBsUe which will make the bonds virtually five per cent bonds. This is all provided for in the ordinance. THE WISCONSIN VISITORS. Tb Baar of upcryisors of Mi1aukco , Visit Omaha , Time Pcrsommmiel of time l'arty mmmi the Object ot Their Trip. Time Millard hotel is at lmresent time atomg place of miutto a distimiguishmed part ) ' , composed of time macinhere of thu Board of Supervisors of Milwaukee county , \Visconsin. Thus board correspomids to sommie uxtemmt with our board of coummty commissioners , with time exception timat iii that State each town iii time county is rtmlrcselmted by one supervisor and each vnrd of time cities by one , Limo systemmi boimig mmiorc like tlmat in vogue in lmmdiana , where the . ofilcials are known its town or townsimii trustees. 'rime board mmiakes a trip each year , and L for 1883 immado Ontaima their objective loiitt , time trips being made soieiy fox pleasure. Time party now at time 'Iiiinrd I CIIsiSti3 of twemity-fivo ladies amid gentle. ' mmmcii , as follows : Coo. P. Tratmmmter , clerk of time bonni , and wife ; F. J. Rics1 , superimttendeimt of time imouBe of corroctoce ' mtmmd wife ; ? mlisim ? tlinmiie Bmunst ; lIoiiv llase , ex.stmjiuriimtumidcii't of time house o ' correction , amid mmow of time board , mmml I wife ; 0. A. Gommibert , county architect ' amid vifu ; Robert Luscomnle , , Bupurvisom , of time Fourth wart ? , of ! mlilwmumkoe ; Lucam Scaulaim , superintendent of 'l'otvn Lake 3 Leopold Rice , (1etmty slmerifF hi. Itoiclumi I muck , Paul llimenzberg , 0. Eckert , II Sclmwuidhardt , Charles Sohmrubb , Antom Schlugol , mnemmibers of the board ; Dr f Corimell , auporintemidemit of time couimt : . hospital ; S. Yorfurtim , superintendent. o 1 time county I)0r itouso ; l'hiii Gross i Christ. Rcmdcnbaelm and Jmunes 'I'ruas , o 1 time board. Attimuding among time visitors as wmull mu f a guest was Mr. I. Morawete , of time firmi 1 of Dillmnan & Morawetz , prolrletore 0 : f time Cream City Brewing oomnpany , o t Miiwaukeo. This iiarty loft Milwaukee on Mondaj . iiiornhimg and took in Chicago , itoci Island amid Davenport on route , loavimm a time latter city yesterday imioriming. Tub C ItS fur voat as timov will go and time ; t will runtaimi in Ommmnima over to.mnorro and see time sixiits , 1)revontod timommu b ; 3 time rain iii time niornmimg. Timoy should receive a varm welcome I bore. 5 Army Orders. On time z'ecoiiimneimdation of uk cemnpe 1 iiy' and roimnozmtal comunntmdor1 time unos : Fm inrod 1)ortmoml of time sentence in time cite of vrivato Thomas F. ilopkiims , Coimipaim 0 , 4tim Immiantry , publisliedin Common Court Martial Orders No , 43 , curremi . series frommm timeso headquarters , me romnb ted. I. - - - ; : 'l'ime fmmiest altem-ativo and anti.b'mliou I mimodicine on earth , is ,5'anarItan .Ne , -I vine. $1.50 , "Time doctors said immy cimilel uiua di r ; witim spasimus , .S'mitnarltan .A'rt'isme cure hmlnm , " \'mn. E. 'l'anmtor , Dayton , Oimk ir At druggists. PREUMINARY PRACTICE. Proparalery to the Aluillal Rifle Match 01' thc Bcparimdllt of thc Platic. S iiie Otmil Itecortis Ileitig Made at time itango i'.enr F'irt Omimalin. The preliminary practice for time do. partmnont rifle contest coinmmiemmcod Moim. day , amid is beimig conducted during this week , in charge of Captain Coohidgo at time range near Fort Ommmalma. There are over sixty Immun participatimmg ( miii time difFerent posts iii time dopartimiomit and sonic very good firing being done. Yesterdaywasthie third day and we publish thmo records of the two lrccediilg days for COnhlmarisOll. On Saturday occurs time iimdividual skirmit. mu match amid next a eek immore bitterest. iig , matches , time contest lmrolmer. The foilosvimmg shows thme immarks mmmado at 200 , b00 and 600 yards , time total for time day , ammil time grain ! total for two or moore days : YI5TlItiY' ) $ illilNO. Sergt. A. W. Stay , Co. F , Othm iiifaim. try , 28 , 27 , : io 85 ; 248. Corporal henry Weagrafi' , Co. K , 1'ltim immfamtry ! , 20 , 22 , I0 ; 78 ; 241 , Licut. 0. D. l'mmrkimuret , SLIm Cavalry , 24 , 20 , 23 ; 70 ; 235. Corporal .1. 0. Dents , Co. (1 , 4tim In- faumtry , 24 , 20 , 30 ; 83 ; 235. Limit. La. Merriamim , .ltim Immfamitry , 20 , 30 , 27 ; 83 ; 23:1. : Corporal C. Gregory , Co. L , 5th Cay. airy , 2:1 : , ai , 29 ; 83 ; 227. Surgb C. Mayo , Co. C. 7th Inf. , 27 , 27 , 24 ; 77 ; 220. Serg. .J. Hornick , Co. 0. 4th Inf. , 20 , 22 , 27 ; 78 ; 223. Sorgt. B. Rice , Co. 0. 4th luf. , 10 , 24 , 20 ; 69 ; 223 , 1tmaiciaii IL. T. Martimm , Co. C , 9th iii- fammtry , 21 , 30 , 28 ; 7 ! ) ; 222. Corporal B. Ii. Stuvemme , Co. C , 7th imm- ( amitry , 20 , 25 , :11 : ; 82 ; 222. Private C. Zacisariasemi , Co. 11 , 7th iii. factry , 22 , 18 , 25 , 65 ; 221. 11U14T DAY. . ' ammme. l Lt.CD.l'nrlclmirst , t Cay. 25 28 31 84 I'riy Zacimariasoim. 11 7 liii. i' ! ) 27 27 83 Corp. \Vcmmgralf ic itlof. 29 20 27 82 Sorgt. A.V. . Stay B P liii. 28 25 28 81 Corp.E.l1.Stovomms ( I 7 laf. 2' ) 21 2G 79 Sergt.liltoldnsomm IC .1 Imif. 27 28 2 ! 79 Mus. 11. ' 1' . Mmmrtimi E 9 Imif. 2-I 27 27 78 Sergt 1' . It. 1)ielmlo E 7 Imif , 27 31. 19 77 Scrgt. .T. lInrm'ick. B 14 Imif. 21 27 25 76 Sorgt. A. Ioelmstmer { E ( I Immf. 20 26 27 76 I'riv. .1. It. ( Jiarka C C Imif. 2 28 23 76 Scrgt. C. Mayo. . . B 7 lxii. 27 20 20 76 sEruM ! ) flAY. Name. Sorgt. A.V. . Stay.F 9 ixif 26 26 30 ki 163 Copi. 1L'mVeagralf..K l1imif 29 20 26 81 163 LtO.D.i'arkhnret , , 5 caY 26 28 21 76 169 I'rvC.Zacimariaaen.A 7 imif 22 29 22 73 156 Scrgt. P.R. Dicimi. .E 7 iimf 26 25 26 77 15-1 Sergt. It. Ihico..1 ! 4 imaf 29 29 26 84 154 Coid. J. C. Dents. . .1) 4 imif 30 20 22 78 152 Lt. L. Morriammi. , . . 4 miif 26 25 28 79 150 C0lml. J. Fbelth. . . .0 7 Inf 25 25 20 76 148 Sergt. C. Mayo. . . . 1) 7 bnf 24 29 19 72 148 Sorgt. Brim. Degna..1) 4 ml 19 26 29 74 147 Sorgt.J , liurmiick..D 14 ml 21 23 22 69 145 TmIImum ) DAY. ri d " I".ame. . o' . 8 . . ° Sorgt , A. W. Say. .1" 9 inf 23 27 80 85 24m4 Copi. \Veagrall.K 11 inf 26 22 30 78 241 Lt.O.D.l'arkhmirst..E 5 cav24 29 23 70 235 Corp. J. C. Death. .G 4 taf 24 29 30 83 235 Lt. L. Merriam , . . .F 4 iimf 26 30 27 83 233 Corp. C. Gregory . . L 5 cat' 23 31 29 83 227 Sorgt. 0. Mayo. . . . B 7 ixif 27 27 24 78 226 Sorgt. .1. Ilorimlck. .14 14 laf 29 22 27 78 223 Sergt. B. ilico..C 4 irmf 19 24 26 69 223 Mwm. H. T. itartin.C 9 inf 21 30 28 79 222 Corp.E. 11. Stovcnn.C 7 immf 26 25 31 82 222 l'riv.C.Zackariasen.II 7 ixmf 22 18 26 65 221 - - Bixekicit's Arnbexe Salvo. The greatest medical woimder of time world. \Varrammtod to speedily cure Burns , Cuts , U ! . core , Salt Itimoummi , Fever Sores , Cancers l'ilem , Chilblains , Corms , , Tettor , Chapped mamid , , aiim ! nil 1ciim ormiimtiois , , gimarantewl to cure 1mm ovary iimstnmmco , or imiolmey refunded. 25 cents tier box , C. A. llhimgcrloftmor time Enetto-day. A. 1 ! . l'ersimmger , of Sidney , and F , 14 , Cimmn. oren , of Blair , are at the l'axtomm. .1. 11. ICynor left title nooim for Denver , lie is tmmtorestod iii a railroad commtmact between Buena Vista amid hcatlvillo. Mr. W. 14 , Parks , of Pittsfield , Maine , 1. I mm time city visiting lila old friommtl , ! mlr. Daniel Koimintoim , a weil.knowmm Ommmahmmi alan. imhir. l'arkn 1.s ticket agent at 1mm place for nil time railroads there , amid I. sommdimig a short vaca- tiomi Itt tii Gate City. Miss Ammgola Well. , Miss Fniimmio and Miss , Alice Nu.slm , of Chicago , rotumnimig fromim Col- oramhm ) , where tiny have beomm mmojourmiimmg for several bmommtlms , are mmmakimmg a brief stay 1mm time city , amid mire time guests of thu Missed Mc- 1)ormmmott , oim Sherman avemmue. 0. Spocimt , proprietor of time Wostermi Corim. Ice wmmrks , retumnoil last mmight froum Beatrice , L whore , 511101mg other commtracts , ho secured the contract for the corimico work of .1 , B. Simmitlm's p fine nosimiommce ammil time Illume Spring school m hmoiise. Mr. Spechit rolmrts time crop anti bud. ; mmoss outlook 1mm that part of time State an be. . hog A 1 in every respect. ; , Tohmn Itynim a weli.kimown and export voterimmary smiwoomi is 1mm time city eu imla way to Immkota to visit that commotry amid Imersommaily f Itmnpect time value of Its ! mmmmd.Vimilo iii , Ommiaima lmmm struclc a imertmimni fniemmd , Joe f Teahoim , anti Imas cozmciudcd to' stop over Sun. cay imore , m , Cleveland nail 'V. ' . 1) , Tunimer , both relmrosommting the IIamy Cal Wagner's new mmmimmmtrels , are In the city siakiimg arramigo. umtoiits for time elilmearance of their commmimammy at r lloyd's opera imouso on Seimtammmber 25. George If. ( itmthrle , of Myomsdale , Pa. , who is connected with 'Fhme Commercial of timat B imlaco , Is iii time city on business , ' [ 'he following are amnomig time arrivals at tin V l'azton yesterday : 0. Ii , Ilakor , New York ; y D. 3looro , Cinclimnati ; 11 , E. LeGravo , B , 0 Wigliomm , I. 11. } 'maucls , 0. 11.Vnight , Chmaa 0 B , Comomor , W , J. Miller , 1) . Levy , 0. lAmmsloy1 ] : . 11. Bummimoy , 0 , 'V' , Moore , Now York ; B 0. Bridges , J. 'Y. Midgley , W , G. Iliggeims . F' , B. Klock , J , B , Alkeim , Chicago ; Same. J - Mink , Climelimnatl ; Times , Lowry , Iimdiammapoil. o Frazier , Jr. , A. T , Bucimanamm , Alimi , J y Loggltt , A.'nitor , St Louis ; 1. . F , Sheldon ml SodmilI , Mo. ; B , l'omslimger , Sidimey ; 0 Lt \ VnrtuilVyomnbmg ; C , I. 1) umglasVaslm L. lmmgtomm , B , 0 , ; Low Snmltb , ] ) ed Molmmos E. B. Buflimmgton , Sthilwitter , tthmmmm , ; J. II IUcimardnomm , Itock l.lammtl ; Id. B , McGill , From s ltogerV , S. Duunlng , Dommver ; H. 0. 1)avIs . . St. Putml ; G , 'W , Pierce , l'rovidonce ; J , A Ciumfield , South Pueblo , Ccl , ; Iticimard Stone o amid wife , St. Joe ; E. B. hay , Soutim Bend d Vmn. Beytmolti , Louisiana ; F. S. Cameron ) , lllan ! ; B. It. l'age , Couxmcll Iliuffi , ; K. 0. More Imouso , Missouri Valley ; A. W. Clark , l'apil hiou' .1. 1' . Teepln , Akron , 0. ; .1. G. ( ircimow , Boston ; B. B. Canficid , l'lmhiadolilmia ; C. 1 , , Commimor , Alabammma ; Iticimnr'I l'oison , Boston ; lumgcmieS'iegand , Srmim FrnnchscoA. ; 11 , Piety , San } 'ranciqco ; ' , V. B. Btmrtomm , Little flock , Ark , ; 0. hall , Chicago : if. 1' . Lowiq , city Clmriq Mlmrihmy , St. Lotus ; 0. Mcllenrichm , Illinois ; If , M. ltichmardn , New York ; .Tainen j : . Blake , Ahlsnboro , Mass. ; Cimas. S Tomii.on , Sen FrancisctmV , J. lticimnrdson , Now 'York ; W. T. Broadway , New York ; Ilobort 1)iiiioine , Jr. , New York ; 0. 1) . Mrcqmmirc , Pimiladeiimhia ; W , 8. hIck- maim , SL Louis ; .1. Iteemi , Nebrrska ( 'ity ; .1 , 11 , Macny , Chicago ; W. ii. lhmbbard , Chey- eniom ; , John P. Gordon , 1)es Moines ; .1. J. Cmmslmlimg , 1)ubuqe ; A. McKoclm and wife ; i. 0. Corniihlc ammd wife , 'mIhlvnumkee. A Novel Wagem' A recent wager was made iii Englamid 1)CLWeOIi two farmmmers on a trial as to who would do umore work imm Limo Imarvest field -time one driimkiimg beer wily' amid time otimcr driumking water ommiy. Fitecn acres to each "mitchior" was allowed , ( 'lie re- suit was that beer won by above aim acre , Before mmiaking a hasty geimerahimtion on the superior virtties of beer from Limbs single fact , it would be well to know all time commditions , 'l'hiero are varieties mis well as water. 'flubs particular boor mimny have been a genuine product of mimait iimmd imops , aiim ! mmot it commmpound of glucose amid aloes. witim which cotistimners of beer it , tim a country are not wimoly unfamiliar. Then it will be imecessary to know mimic- timimm about time two harvesters , It is possible that if time wimmmher had drunk water instead of beer amid time aqumariami beer instead of vatcr time wager would hmam'e beemi womi by two acres , So , when mmli time conditions are not ascorthined , it will riot be tafe to decide too hastily in Ltvor of beer as itit auxitiary of labor in time harvest field. TU.TT' . PLILLS TOP1D dELS , l)2SORDEFED rVER , and MLfTht. From timemmo sources xmrLn t' ' , i-tourths of I mio 6tseim'S o the IL , i'i'.O These I , mlttmiislmmtlmcatoUioii' Z 'si o ( /JJG1it0 , Itotvefli cc uclic , litiImtcsn nflcr tzeitiomz obotiy c -'ott Ut foot' ! , 1rmItai" 01. 'V th)1rht , A. , I cit sonioi'lttv .tcsq , : , ' t r.t.tlto EIcnrt Ii. ' . .orotisn rs'.t.tlJyco1- orod . . . CittST1I'A'i.h 't , and clxi- manti tim ii'mo ofa iemneclytlmttt aet.s thlrectl on the Liver. AsaJivcrntechiCuuio'I'UTT' i'ZLLS hmavo no equal. Wiiolr miotloaon the tClmlneysnncl S1in iii also prompt ; removing iLl ± mnpurlthcs through these timreo " engcrs cC time * Iyutatti , " prouiucin xtppo. tito , soumx1 cligostlon , regmmlitr tooi , a amour mctnxumxlAvlgorousbodv. ! ! EUTT'i4 PILLS catmime no nituseit or gtipnx ! nor interfere with daily 'work auU mire a ; mortcct ATOTf TO hiLLARA o1dcreryc1i.rm,2.ic. Olllro.4 I Mnz-r.ySt.N.Y. tiiiw1- Gn 1Lut on WnsTctts , ohemmged in- 3tatmtly to mu liLossY flLAcit by a simiglo imp- pitcatlon of this DTU. 8oli by DrtiggIst , or rent by express oil rocaipt of 31. OSico , 44'.iurray Strnit , New Yorir. T" Cr'S MAPIIIAI. OF O8fFUI. RfCEIPTfI FREL SPECIAL NOTICES. TSpoca1B will Positively not be Inserted unless Daid in advance. TO LOAN-Money. 1IrONnY TO LOAN-The Omaha Savings i3ank Is IyL umow irerarei to make loans on Omaha city or Douglas county real estate at current rate of Interest. No conanuijiton charged. 38&tf , fONEY 'l'O LOAN-The lowest rates of Interest 1vJ _ flemla' Loan Agency , lith & Doughi. . 234.tf ] 5j0NEY TO LOAN-Cal ! at Law oliico of Li. L. 115. Thomas , rooui 8 , Crelghton Block. lt,1 , (3NBY LOANED-On Chattel mortgage , room 7 ivi Nebraska NatIonal Bank BuildIng. 184U O FOItA Fiw DAYS-An oppertunIty to Invot a small amount of CAPItal Iii a hulnees wltlchwlii ay 150 percent. Beat estate received Iii exchange. Inquire of Luursbury amid 3tartlmm S. tV. cor 15th and Furnamn. 702-221 ' , fONUY TO LOAN-J. T. flcmtty oan , on chattel lvi , property , 213 South 14th St. sept16 UELP WAB'rL , . V Y stork. AIPIY to Jos. (1ARNIAU CI1ACKUItCO 721.201 12th and Jackson. -1 7ANTED-An oxier1euicetl Dressmnni em to take % charge of shop. Address C. B. TItCADWKTL , 722.201 North Iiemmd , Nob. - mimalu cook at tue Floremico cut.ol ! , \\TANTED-A limimuire of J , C. Murphy , at time works. 724 211 I FI-FUty iaborcr , , at } ioremmccCiiff. \\TtN \ Wsges $2.00 Per dRY. Inquire of J. 1.1. smmrplmv , at the ivurk. 723.2m ' \TANrIw-A girl , NtY. cur. 10th amid 73O21 iiougiat - ' TANTED-A boy about 16 years old , Inquire N. V E. ear. 10th and Douglas. 7mi.2o ; , ' \TANTED-SIx goil coat umakur' . hict of irIcm laid , FRANK J. RANGE 732-ti - TANTED-At the Canfleld house , rio table board. \ V cr5 and cat , fimriml.h : i , boarderi. % itlu rooumms 101(1 board. y. ii , McCOY , ProprIetor. 734.25 ) the Cornmiucrcfai llotei l'aeiflc \ \7ANTE1)At Juictlomi , Iowa , a good cook. Good uaes iAl11t000iumPCtCmit party. 693 10 TANTD-At 1OS. 2ith St. Ii , a somali 'rivato ' fiiiIiy , a glrm to do , ocoud work. Oh 1.21 "S \TAFE1)-aIrl to do general houmu work. 216 N eith St. 005.101 l7TANTFi-A ymmmg , mmmcmi to take care of lioracs V 7 amitl muako lilmuoll umehmt about house. ali at ? .E' ' liougias St. 000.10 yANTDlm-A mnamm to ttork 1mm DaIry , InquIre at 7dlemm lirotlier. , grocery store. 6)1.20' J.OU5K REEb'Eit\VNTE1)-A ntldcio aged lady lruferrul , one child would be imo objcctioxm , tr paUlcular. , address L. C. 13. I.oek box 470 , Dat Id City Nd , . 032.211 ANTEI-Cook. Womam lrsferred at restaur W alit 1619 1)odgs St. b IANIIAIJII 711.Lf 1TANTKl-A girl about 15 or 16 ) 'careold at 102k 1 V 1)ouglas St. 712'20 * ' class barbers work TANTED-T'o first , stiady V S good wages , count lmnwodlatuly Conimercial Hotel , Unculm Neb , 7ml.I0 TANTED-Two nice totako orders for afiratclass V I article. Steady OmllO3'ilClmt. Call .12I S. moth St. 7 15.10t . ' TANTED-A good girl at the Enmmnot house. vi 670.221 " 7ANTEI-U1r1 , for general houeseik at 2016 V Iiurtntreet. ( ; IITANTED-A good womnaum cook , uso1 to hotel or V restaurant , 7 l'r tmook to on. comPetsuL Address "itestaurant Hoc oltice. UTANTED-A goodglrl for llgimt hou.ework , Al ) V V ply at No , 810 soutim 16th ntreet , bet , Leaven. worth amid Marcy. 670 10 ' 7ANTEb-Immuedfately , n good cook amid dining V S room girl at Buckeye Meat SIarkwt. ( loud ' . 660'ISt ; - 1T5fANTE1)A comPetent gIrl for general hoe. . , . T V work in faiuliy of two , Iluot be a good cook , , Call between 2 am ! 6 o'clock i ma. em , 25th .treet , lit . dooriouthoilfarney , 001.181 \\TANTE1)Ilnln ) room girl aimd laundry gIrl at ; Omahaliouso. 0 , 10l - - \\TANTEP-A good gIrl to do general housework. Am1y at 1500 Jack.on , treotbot. lithad , 16th. ' % TANTE1)-A Momin to wash anti iron at tim. TiRmnmet House. a ; % TAN7EP-A good di her at New Esigianml ' V ltestaurant,1418 U , .trcvt. 001.10' I. % TANTED-luunodIatdy,25 .eammtstresses at esu. I V Cold . Omorall factory. bteady sock. 1107 lIar. . ney itreet , 3d floor. 001ti - - - 'l 'p for Infants and Children. Castoria prgnmotc. DI gestloim What lIvC5 ommr ChIldren rovy cheeks , t'flaat cures their fevers. mitees them aleep ' ; and ovorcontee } 'tatuiency , eonamtipa- 'ri. Cantorla. tbon , Sour Stonumehm , Diarrhicoa , and bhlos fret and cry by turns , Feverishness , It Insures Imealth and ymat cures their colIc , kills their worms natural sleep , without morphihie. lint Cant.Isa. What qtmlckl emma' . Constipation , - Sour Btomacn , Colds , Indigestion , 'S Cmvtorla Is so well adtmted to ChIldren that lInt Cantorla. . I m-rcommnemmd . " It as sunerlor . . to any prescrIption . . Facowell then to Morphine Syrup. , known to toe. lI. A. Akcmxn , lii. D. , OIL and l'arvgorlc , and 82 Portimtnd Ao. , flxklyn , N. Y. unIt Cantisrlal - CENTAUR LINIMEI\IT-atii absolute euro for Ritousna- tlsimm , Sprains , Iltmrns , Gitlls.c. Time niost Powerful arni Ienc- trating l'aln-rellovliig zuii Ilomthiimg Rozmmcdy kiiown to man. - THE f3ESTTHR nSEWINI3 MAOHNES _ ! _ 1) ) , _ iJ . . SIXCORB SPOOL COTTON IS ENTIRELY The Product of American Industry PRONOUNCED BY EXPERTS TO BE THE BEST THREAD IN THE WORLD FOR HAND A1D MACHINE SEWING. Full assortment constantly on hand and for sub by HENRY PUHRMAN , Fremont , Neb. TAT1D-A girl for general housework. Apply vs ntSO3S. lsthstreet. ' - - for general houtework. l'ernia- ' \TANTED-Glrl imetit emnployflicuit. 2123 Farnamu St. 037.tf - No. I harimess mnaker wanted for one yANTED-A tIme , at goilig raaes ; I s'ant a maui that does hot , preo all the time. I tenet a good honcatunan. A. 11. LVDICK , Vnkc2eld , Nd , . 507.18 % TANTED-Oi girls for good families. h1t 1 tvagcs. Alp1y Imiimnotimately at emeploynient bureau 217 N. 10th St. No. otilco fcc. 022.tf - ' tTANTED-An oxperiemmeed salcomnami iuijii5i 1 nmcchaimdmso , easy work. Address 0. It. X. , 1' . 0. box 4Sewartl Nub. , 612.101 1TANTED-Flrst'cIass cook maid laumidross at 2420 S m Ilarnoy street. 548-ti % ,7ANTED-Lady agents for thu "Queen ! 'rotcct. V 1 or.A now under garmemmt for laillem , maIo of soft , flexIble rubber , Sure protectiomi to the under. wear , when necessary to ho worn. Itct.all , for $2 ® as fast as aginta can ihowit. Large profits. Address with .tarp _ , "Ladles' Uumidergarmnent Siaumufacturlng Co. , No S .Maystroct , Chicago , 1.1. 706-Sin - ITANTKD-Girl at No. 1086 Shermuan avenue. ' V 284 tf MltS.J. Ii. SITUATIONS WANTED. ' % 7ANAED-1'osItlonby a young loan , fonr your. ' 1 ? experience In Buik amid Railroad oftice. Oo.d Penman. Address "C. J , C. " lox 5 , city. 731-21 ! A Competent bookkeeper would be glad of a net of book. to keep orany clerical work to , io oven. loge or any time after 4.0 : p. m. Address J. B. C. tht otflce. 701.211 L ADIES chit YOUNG MEN In city or country to take nice , light and pleasant work at their own homes ; 2 to S5 a day easily SUIt quietly made ; work sent by mall ; no camivastn1f ; 110 stem ; , br reply. l'leaso address lteliablo Slams f'g. Co. , I'IiiIad'a. l'a. , drawer T. 478-I reel MIBCBLLANEOUS WANTS. WANTS.weed weed , to call , on Samuel Batdtz ( The speculator in smoke ) , 13th and Farnam. 733-22 TANI ED-Two tmnftmrnlshed roomims vdth hoard by I gentlemen and wire ; no children. Address IL E J. lull $ auiiders St. 710.101 I ) AY Boarders can boaccomnmodated at 1623 Dodge St. 63624' T\TANT1"-T ° rent , a house of 5 or 6 rooms , or a ! fuwunfiurnlslied room , withIn flue blocks of the Oiera Ilcuse. " 0 , " Bee 0111cc. 075.lOf 1'JAN"FKD-To buy , a smuall prlmmtIii outfit I S imonie hit town Ima eastern Nebraska. Cxiii l'7 S200dowu , balamicu In la-uliomlt ( . Address IIENIIY 1IL'Elt , 067.22t Corley , Shelby Co , Iowa. 1TANT1 ° - " ° ° m amid board by a lady trid somali ! , child. South Omaha preformed , Amisser ultim price , ' "I. . I13 , " thIs 0111cc. 600.201 A"FED-3,0oc bushels of fresh iliCked , rIpe to m matoec , at HarrIs & Fisher's. a2T.tf yANTEp-To , PaY cash for ammo acre of land jhst S , uortlm of tIme city limits. Sec 0o.1mI I'IiCK , Opposite 1' . 0. FOR R1liT--flouses and Lots , FOR RENT-A ? leasammt room , 1712 CalifornIa St. ' 718.211 MOlt ItENT-A now house , troll , cistern and cellar. hamIlton near Irene street , near red car lied , Remit 1W. Inquire aim lrcmmulses. 710.251 Foit BENT-Nicely iumnlbed roomns , 18th , street , bet. Iodgo and Capitol avcmiue , east lde. 720-221 I OIt IIENT-lalfi 1)odgo street , hamidsommicly fimr' nisiied roomsi , , with board at mcaooiiablo term , . 720-Sot 'oit 1IEN'I'-llotmso of eight rooms , hear oil iiiills. 720-ti l'AUL8C.N&C0. , 1500 } 'arnam. ultNlTwtl : FOR SALE-Elegaume bide board muIr. ram flue clmaimmber room suits etc. Ilimit ho sold 1mm ildo of 48 hour at a great bargaIn , 1000 Farnam. 0)7.10 ! - I 7'Oit IIENT-Too umfurmilnhed rooms up .talrs , S. B. corner 13th amid Ca' , StI. 700.101 FoIl RENT-Two micw cottages 5 rooms , full lot , cistern , $12. each. U. L. 'l'11051A1 , 603-22 ItENT-liouso with S rooms 2 storIes and Foil brick baseuneimt pleasant nurroundimge , No. 20 0) ) ) I'ark avenue. InquIre I. . .1. Lemelmugon l'oppleton betscon i'ark amid CatherIne street , 001 24' FoIl IIENT-l'wo room , fumnlobed for light houo. keeplmig. 15 00 P ° inomiti , . llcemnor' . , block , cor. ttlmauml IlowartI , 705 20 ! I ? OIt lmN'T-l'lcaaamit furnIshed cottage , or fmmmnl . turu for ado. Apply 605 N. 19th street. 704.20 ! _ lurmilihod roomsfortiio wInter , inquire at ust side 18th St. between Douglas & Dudgo. . 703.tf FOR RENT-A furnished front roolmm. inquire N , K. cor , 0th memO Jackon streets. 61.i0t 'tOlt RENT-Th conimodloun 12 roolit house wltim stable , st . , omm N. W. corner Seth and CantIng streets , now occupIed by Charles F. iManderon. ill- quire upoim 11Tem1ils ummtil October 1t , imbon po.seu' lou slim be giveum. Auction Isle of lmoueu hold goods Thursday , Sept. 2TtM' 672-ti ; 'oit RENT-Four rooms , pleaantiy aituated , near itrcetcarichureh &c. Tenmi. tO PeF unonttm. In. quire of 1' , V. Itoc , ldmmg itrect , betscomm Charlen amid howard. 670.22' Ii " amid neatliiiished Itoomne , Iii suit or nlmmgle , hot and cold baths. Iu.Irmmbiu location , 2720 Capitol Motion. 643-21 I'olt lumtwrmree miew .torecor. 10th and Jones utreet. Enquire of Sirs. 'I' , Kennedy , S. K. car , 16th _ amid Jacksomi. 008-U 17'OR IIENT-Anicely furmmiahod room 1319 Jackson _ I _ street. roe ItEN'F-iimafl collage , 824 8. 231 , hear bear , 1 eimworth , 11 her month. T. J. fltzmuorrii ; 6I RlOth itreet. , 1414-ti - - - floors and baemnemt. Elevatog . FORRENT-Two } ' street. . 27O.hmmmo F ° R IIENT-A now brick itoro 68 feet deep on howard atreet , betweomm 15th and 16th streets , IroatBushnian'sdrygoods.tore. b31.tf Ii 01 ! RENT-Well furnished roonms at 1014 .Ltfritredt. Foe RENT-Furnished room. lnu1ro at liospe' , I . _ _ 2sto and art itore , Dodge street , 300-1.1 Felt RE T-Urick itore. Inquire at drug .t car. 10th amid Douglas itreet. _ _ _ 310-ti . iolt IIENT-Two Suer. aol bosemeut. E1cvat attached. 1.07 umm.rmuaw m.trcet. . 270-ti Olt 11ENT-Fumnlmhed mmcd ummfurnlshed rooms. } Fine location , 1'ECK , Opp P , 0. 810-ti FOIL 1IENT-ltesidence. and .torobuildings. BED- FORT ) & SOUEI1 , iteal Estate Agemicy. 001cc cant sIde 14th street , between } 'amnamn amid flommglas stretlts _ : 702.t FOR SALL 1 S.Lfl-I3arms 0 stalls , wItit wat.r , flood locc. 60mm. Must be solO before October Itt. Lomig leao on ground. InquIre at Alum' lleai Etat Agemicy , 7i7-22' 1)It SALE-Omie good road horse and barmixsm. _ Li , tl'o good road curt , cheap. Imiqulro of II. L , Ilurd at Cooper's , 14th street , 730-ti BOlt I3ALE-An cmitmro outfit of household goods amid furniture , nearly new , at 1007 8. 11th street , two blocks from depot , with houno of eight rooms for rent , 707-20 ! I CC FOil SAiE-100 tons or less , 1) . 13. 1iL-nter , Stim and Iloward. 700 221 0lt SALE-Three of the best resIdence sites in ] the city , 2 with houses , 2 Iim 7 mInutes walk of 1iOctolIice. 1'ECI ( , 048-ti Opposite Postotilce. SALE-Itestaurauit amm't stock of groceries In JOlt one of time best coumity seat towns In eastern Ne. braskim , A uimmmmbcr one chance for a milan of energy. Address " 1' . J.T. " flee office , 555-27 * OP. SALE-Twe Portable boilers , lohorne Ilower , . F 'I Apply at I I. ) . FITZPATRICK , 608-ti 215 South 15th Street. - I ' ° 1t SALE-Two lotsdeslrabloIoeation and cheap. Each $275 , omm good terms. Inquire at this 015cc. 334-ti FOR SALE-l'miaeton , cnoap mom cash. I'arty wants. to leavotowim. 44(1 ( 23t1 street , bet. Ilarmicy and St3Iary' . aienue. 047.221 jon SALE-II..uso 21x50 feet , with 7 room , , with half acre let near 'ort omaha. Prlco $600 cash , or $700 omm 19mm . Addrets Jamnes A. Taylor , Fort , Omaha. 525-20 ! ' Felt SALE-200-Very desirable cottage , 5 rooms , lot OcxlO3 feet , south front , cay teruis. Bar- gaimi. $2,100. - . p 220-Cottage five rooms , barn , half acre ground , south front , Ilium-i street , $2,100 1117-Four choIce lots , Ilanscomim I'laco , each 8700. SOS-SplemnIllI resIdence , 0 rooms , cast fromit , 10th - street. 11cm-gab , . 218-Cottage 7 rooms , barn , large lot , micar car hue. I'bO3 terlims. 337-Lot , Shine' , additlomi , south front , $315. 328-Canter lot , Siilmii's aiidltiomm , I72I. Lots in Boyd's addition , each $100. 002-21 SIiitlVlflt & BELL SALU-Aliotuso amid lot at a sacreilce. J. 1. J0iu Marble , 217 N' . 10th St. 623-ti LEASE-Four choIce lots on 20th St. , long Foe - _ _ : bc ! , 217 N , 16th m'-t. .1. L. Marble. 025.tf J3olt SALI4-2614 Farnamn street 77 feet ironthge , . 125 depth , fire roomned hiousoL.000. 014.mot OIC SALE-Splendid cook stoma , hard coal heater F and extemmalon table , Only heemi useti three nmomith. . CiI , M4tILT1N , 580-ti 120 S. Ilthstrcot , 20 floor. SALU-Cood buslmmess chmamices at 217 N. 16tb FOR . J. L. MAIIBLE. 530-ti OR SALE-At aba.galma small , IoslerHahnmamin F amid Co's fire proof safe. Imiquire at this olhlce.tf tf CIt SALE-A cican itock hardware. ham-gain. F Easy termite. Addrcs M. J. Vork , Nilford , Feb. 311-limit SALE-A miumner one horse , will drive nlmiglo' F or double and will be nold at a buegain. Immquiro- at the ohilco of the Urand Union Tea Co. , 110 S. 15th St. 102-ti SALE-Fimmo iann close to time city. FoiL - l'ECK , Opposite I' . 0. AFFLE FOR SALE- C 300 yearlIng hiehfems. 200 twocar .14 heIfer , . 401) miced calves , October delIvery. 200 liesd yearlimmg steer , , October delivery. 70) heal suiiooth two am. ! three year old steer. . Iowa steak. STRANGE 11110'S , Cattle Contractors , hIde , Wool amid Tallow dealer. , Sioux City , boa. 303 1ii j'Olt SALE-A first class eccond hand top bimggy , _ I _ Cull at 1315 homey street. aNtI 0lt SALE-ltoidemice amid business hiropeety mom all parts of Omaha , and Fares Laud. Ii , all Parte of tlm , State. Ihl1iWOllD & SOUKIt , 703-ti 213 S. 14th St. bet. Farnamn and Douglas. _ t'Olt SALE OR F.XCIIANUE-I'ull lot amid threa i _ dwellings cormior of 11th maid PacIfic , trcots. Nine lot. 1mm south Oznahs. Also 160 acres of hand near Santomu , Nebraska , and building and stock of clothing No. 8p Tenth itreet. Will exchang. br Nebraska iamnflands. Further particulars at Gee , II. Potemeomi's Clothing 8toro , 504 Temith street , 46&-eoti-U -r"olt SALE-Ole aewspar. In large and nmalh _ _ I. qeantlties at this ot6co. ti MIBCELLANEOUS. LT1tAa'E1m aim STOl.F.N-Two bay niules branded m..j "mY. V. " on eIght ihioulder. $10.00 reward mlii 5 , , paId If returned to ( i , F , 'Williauis , 1118 N. lOths street. 725-22 ! T' 11188111 , tmhoso mualdomu Imauno was b. _ t Lyans , imill call call at thl. eiliee , hie mmlii hear ci somethIng of great interest to her , 728-2fl ] 'i0lt Survey. , mnap. or htlami. of real estate iii or out of the cIty , apply to l'ECR' $ 6d7.ti Agemicy , OpjoIte 1' , 0. T OaT-Thursday , Sept. 6th , a brown cow with _ 1 _ _ % mliiteaiiOt. Oh sides. Leftcya hurt. flatf rope aroumid hoe , , , tihen lost. l'hiuuip Scbmuidt , 12th arid Cimstellar teect. , 07320' 1"0UND-A pocket book contalmilrig notes amid re' _ i , celpts. Onoemcan hate illume by uoming 'rp- ' cr1 , and maing charges at thil , 0111cc , 619-10 JJM'1 OltlEltS-For baggage , express or car. riages , to.any part of the city , at 2m3 S. 13th 81. Tdielthwie No. 1192 , A. F. I1ELLNEIt. 221'lmut I 'you want pile. . arlvemm for aim , purpose. see hY Usyd , OmimiSeid house. 201.1cm EDWARD KUEHL , SI4OISTEIt OF i'ALMysTslty AND .CONDINON. ALlOT , 4OSTenth street , bttwoen ineuam amid lime- eel , will , with time aid of guardian spirits , obt.eb 13r nay one a glasco of Os .put nod presmit , and oo ocrtaIa cCudltIou. iii the 00ture. Iand , 88)o mad. to meder , l'eusa ! aatietactinem gasrmntooti.