Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 20, 1883, Page 7, Image 7

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totheTfad .
1 HolidayGoodsa
: Besides my large stock of Pianos , Organs ) Music and Music Books , I have
laid in a
: i FacyGoods adSfflaII MusicaUstrumts1 [
Offering you the Choice Selections of
Besides a Good Line directly imported by myself. As a specialty , a T l my
'lade ' up and selected by myself the assortments have heretofore been all made up
in New York , containing large quantities of one kind and also unsalable goods ; the
I result is always great dissatisfaction and disappointment. MY assortments are
made up as follows ; ,
100.00 assortment , over 200 different articles.
f 50.00 150
" " " "
35,00 125
1 25.00 100
15.00 " 7 5 "
showing at once the large assortment of well selected and salable goods you will get.
I have also made up a number of $5.00 Casesof 5 and lOc , goods , and also
$10,00 Cases of Cups and Saucers , Dishes and Glassware especially designed for the
holiday Trade.
Year Cards.
1) ) Toilet Sets , Purses and Pocketbooks
LEATHER , l ( [
shell ana Wax Flowers Under Glass.
And other Novelties all well selected and bound to sell. I have two men with sam
pies on the road ; one of them will endeavor to see you in time , but if not , my sam
pies and lay-out will be ready by October 1st , and if you can come in and make you r
own selection , I will endeavor to make you at home and comfortable , as dealing wit
the right man always will do.
II R. F3 e ctfli11
No. 103 South i1/1in / Street , Council 1Bluffs , Iowa
( 'FttSONAts ,
S. J , Geddcx , of Osccula , was nt. the Ogtlon
ye terlay.
G. 1V. Cuhllua % , of llnrlnn , wain the city
yesterday ,
F. JI. Cnnv , of Carton , line 1 nt the 1'aclfu
yesLer + lay , g
.1. P.'l'eoplo , of Akron , 0. , was nt the Pa.
ctlo house yosteamy ,
1)avld , lerman has rolurnod home trout n
trip { \tpuieeota
11r' , Blame at it Jlitalato 1h ey1i o gene
to ( 'hlcngo to s { sit friends ,
L Raufutas , of 1litsvaukeo , sea + ycs
terday's arrivals at oho 1'ndfc.
1) . 1. Cmuhell l , of 1'htlndelplda , senanunng
yc,4eclay'n nrdvnls at th0 Ogden.
Jolur 11c11ee ha + gouo to Mount Vernon to
cmtiuuu 1l' studios tliero in Corucll 1'ullago ,
11r , nod 11rs , 11 , P. Homer lnvo gene to
Chlllicothu , flu. , to bait his paruutl for a
few weeks ,
Cob J , P , 'I'nuit , of Avoca , the chairman of
the democratic cimnty teuunittco , w as at taw
Ogden yotonlny ,
,1 , 1' . ( 'rmurr , ono of those sehnth ( the Denh-
ocratH Ilaw put up to bit Usappi ittod , u aw it
the city yesterday.
, f. 11 , Stubunrueelt , of l'olln , ono of llho
trustees of the Deaf nut ! Dn11eb Ithstitute , or-
rived in taw city yesterday , to horn toott 11 r.
Clayton , anti look over the nunual reports.
Chas. Goodall , resumed his cuuroo of stutlio +
at this Cmmcil 111ttITa ] ) oaf mid Haab lusti
tuto last svcok. Two years nnaro well eowtpleto
his ctmrSO of ton years , and from the progress
ho is utakiug , still graduate with honors , nut !
rill bo qualified to till lulportIut positions hi
lifo.-Crnwforti County Bulletin ,
F.14L Itts'riu,1ltAss-1Ir. B. F , Bid
dell , drug ) iet , of this city , says that the
conqueror of pain , SL Jacobs Oil , is the
best remedy he ever handled.
heal Estate Transfol'H.
The following deeds were filed for record -
cord in the recorder's olliee , September
1t ) , reported for the Bi ni by P. J , Mc.
Mnitoir , real estate ngemt :
IL C , to S. F , French , lots f
mud 0 , black , " , " Curtis and ltausey s
add. , $4,250.
Joseph L , Boiler to D. B , Cimutburs ,
o > , n a . , nut ! part w , n 0.j , 7 , 76,18 ! ,
$4,000 ,
Jacob G : Ilollenbock to J , K Hollei-
beck , lot 12 , block 8 , in Hall's add , , $200 ,
A. Cochran to Martin 1Vakeliouso ,
lot 12 , block lfi , Bayliss and Pal ier'a
add , $00.
County Treasurorto L. P Judson , lot
11 , block 10 , Iloward's add. , $10,83
City Treasurer to L , P , Judson , act
23 and 24 , block 13 , Brown'sadd. , $21.07.
Total sales , $8,042,60.
North 1)O limeditiOltH ,
Prize fights , lotteries , walking nratehcH , and
balloon wcensions are usually luunbugs of thu
worst sort , 1)r TAoaina' ! 'cfcclric Oil is not a
suuebug. It is a quick cure for itches inn !
praits , and is just as good for n Iantctcsa.
Wheat-No , 2 spring , 76c ; No. 3 , G3c ; ro
3acted , fi0c ; good demand.
Corn-Dealers are paying 31@32c ; rejected
corn , Chicago , 4045c ; now mixed , 4Oc ; white
corn , 50c : tutu receipts of corn are light.
Oats-In good demand at 20c.
hay-f 00JG 00 per ton ; 600 per bale.
Bye-foe ; light supply.
Corn Meal-125 per 100 p0Und5.
Wood-Good supply ; prices at yards , 5 0O ©
G 0D ,
Coal-Delivered , hard , 1100 per ton ; soft ,
6 50 per ton ,
Butter-Plenty and In fair domain ! at 25e ;
lsomnory 30c.
Eggs-Ready solo at 15c per dozen ,
Lard-Fairlutnk'H , wholatalhlg at 11 c.
Poultry-Firm ; dealora are paying for
chickens lfc ; live , 2 60 per dozou.
Vegetables-Potatoes , fiOc ; melons , 60c ; cab.
bogus , 30@400 per dozou ; apples , 3 50@4 00
per barrel.
Flour-City hour , l G03 40.
Broome-2 00@3 00 per doz.
Cattle-3 003 tK ; calves , 6 007 60.
Hogs-Market for hays quiet , w till paclc
lug houses are closed ; shippers are paytug'100
@ 476
The exact receipts of the State fair
were $9,110.36 , the largest in the history
of.thu society.
Thu old opera house at Des PJoiues has
boon sold to Messrs. .J. 11. Fnfrnll and 11
J. ltahhsonl for $21,000.
Thu nurviving nehhbors of the old
sovehtlt Iowa will participate in a rc-
union at Oskaloosa on taw 2Gtl.
Seventy-five thousand 1)01111(15 of Buena
Vista county crciunei'y butter was 1'11
eently sold in New York to one ann.
Sac county offers a bounty of $3,00 0
for the discovery of a four.foot vein of
coal uuywhcro srlthmn the limits of tic u
Street cars conuterced running in Mus
catino for the first tithe on the 11th. ' 1'lh ' e
113)0 is a little inure thiut two tuul a halt
miles long ,
' 1'hos. J. Pettit , a brakeman , was run I
over and killed uhstantl Friday hiorni3) g
while coupling cars in the Villisca yards ,
doing riojito switching ,
In Dcs Moines thew are lfty.fivo sabena
bona paying each $1,000 license. At
increase of $116,000 a year front saloon
is a pretty good revenue ,
Buena Vista county is going to rofun (
$36,000 of bonded uhdobteditces at a
lower rate of interest. 'flit interest no
Laid is 7 3-lOths per cent ,
' 1'ho appeo crop in the stnto this yet
hnsbeen grotty much n failure. Or
chards that last year yielded 1,000 hush
els , this year have borne less thou lifL
Tito recent fire at Chariton bunted n
the engine houoo , and with it the fire engine
gino and hose enrtul. 'J'ho entire loHS i
placed at $13,000 , with only $2,600 in
surancu ,
11 , S , 1li11 , matagur and treaaSUror m
the colored jubilee singers , ahundone
the troupe at Ottuhnva thu other day
tinting with hint all the folds 1111(1 Ion y
h ing the singers to shift for theilselves ii
boat Lucy could ,
Yotzer , of Atla tic , must be prutt
well heeled. Ills wife 1105 just socuru(1
divorce from him , lnud she receives 815
000111 cash , keeps pOSaeS5iOtlof the hlouf1
stead , rued Yotzer is to continuo to sue
port all of the children.
At 1urlinton [ to other night , a svu
known physiciau o f the city lost $260 i
mo no ul his costly diamond pin m
diamond ge do juu6 poker. lie claim
std ' probably lver justly , that a "cu
deck' o
was IlYed u Juiut.
Cal , D..J. Sales , an old and prontiuo
citizen of Burlington , is dead , lie was
member of the 9urritorial Legislature
. 1812.3. 1Ie was 68 years of ago , bear
n wife and six children , and hind boon a
resident of Burlington sluice 1830.
A destructive collision occurred on tlto
C , M , .C St , 1' , road near Neoln , last
1Vedtesday. A COW on the track throw
the eiq ino and seven cars oil , killigg Otto
brakolnnu nun ! seriously injuriu r another.
Of the cattle tweety'-two sore killed.
The llurliugtou 1uthodist conference
resolved that was oppwse(1 to the to
mnval of .u limit ut flue appoint.
m o ntof unto t2-eaul also opposed to
the extonsi of the time that a jlreachor
umy eonti , , the saute appointment.
'l'he State University at Iowa City has
assets estimated at $232,035.83 , The in-
collie front all sources for 1832.8 was
$7 ( ) , 141.2 ; ! , nut ! the expenditures during
the same time were $ il7hlltlll. Noww
buildiugs account for the excess of ibis.
bu'seinetls ( over receipts
q'lu + little girl 01 JulinAhrensof leone
county , ss'hu n1y5teriouisly disnppeiired
from home on tIuo 8th , hind not been
( numb tip to the 12th , At tiutes as many
as 600 men nut ! boys have been out
se.u'ehfng , but without getting the least
t1'fCO of the child , It is said that a cash
i'eu nrvl of $600 nod perhaps a $1,000 w ill
be oll'cred , 'I'ho ' nthiit' has civ'scd udonso
exeiheuleut through till that Pitt P1 thuo
country ,
llnl. Senator Allison , vhto lately suj
cided in Ihtbmque , was worth $200,000 i't
her own right at the limo of hut' lh'nth.
Seto executed ; t Iv'ihl last Noveu lair in
which she bequeathed $30(00 fn cash
and all thib furnthn'o , pictures , books nud
statuary of the Allison residence in
IVasltinglott city nod lhubuquo to her
husband , 't'lto balance of her iirePort '
alto bequeathed to relatives mid chat-u ; r
ide , Senator Allison luiuusulf is
nut con sidered n wealth , ulna by those
who , neteld to know his circmusautcus.
On the 11th , fu Polk count' , iltrs. L , 11.
Couaut utP ntruntl' died , mid all arrnn r.
uteuta were made for lieu' funeral , Before
the hoot' tiled for the funeral , the discos
cry was made that blood had returned to
her face null lips of the supposed tie.
ceased , oui the glass plate to the , casket
lid sous sweaty nud moist , underneath as
with the breath , 'l'hio ' tlesltof the corpse
was piueled and the blood rushed to the
s'pot. ' The attending physicist next bled
the corpse nud the ldoodriul freely front
the incision bullied tutu ear , 1Votl was
seat to the undertaker not to come and
the hnteril was postponed until the I lthi ,
but at that time the saute evidence of life
worn still manifest , and the uudertahor
refused to utter the remains. .1 cosul
hdion of landing and pt eminent physi
clans of 11 at ren and 1 elk counties hits
been called to take action in the utatter.
- - - - -
Qyllotsfimd'H Acid 1'itoi plutte.
Tonto for Overworked Mon ,
Dr , J. 0 , 1Vilsot Philadelphia , l'a , ,
says : " 1 have used it as a gctmral tonic ,
and in Particular but the dubtlity anti
dyspepBUt of overworked uteu , with satisfactory -
isfactory results "
The Continent ,
The brazen face of the old Indian chief
that looks down on tutu utah hull of the
residence that Jay Cooke built to coat-
memorate his financial triunqhslias such
uahy n notable asseudllnge within its
gray walls , but none inure notable nud
worthy than that which in n few days
will gather there. Sbtteshen , soldiers
and all the ulitu of trio gay world have
thronged the noble corridors std tilled
the spueiuus rooms with life and beauty.
Laid out upon the day the nuws of Lee's
surrender was flashed along the winos ,
Ogontz rose its if by magic in a single
tyoar , nud tam warm-hearted owner filled
its hundred rooms with guests of whose
presoheu even royalty might well be
proud. Wit and beauty , wealth and
valor thronged its halls nud uoue of the
most memorable gatherings of that day of
wonders-the flush times that followed
the close of the war-occurred witliin its
By-and-by aanno the deluge -that tor.
riblo September-the memory of which
still sous n thrill of terror through nhauy
thousutlids of hearts. Th u 6 grunt Nortlert
Pacific enterprise was paralyzed. 7'le
wealth which had come as a dream
vanished as by magic. lie whose genius
had upheld te finances of the lbopublie
iii her crucial hour was crushed in an
hour by the stroke of misfortune. Those
who lord but yesterday oxhnuated the
language of adulation , ecru now at a loss
for words ti ) express their scorn. The
niiliouairo whom the whole land land
envied and praised was not safe upon the
highway leading front his caste hionrc to
that city on the borders of which it stood.
'T'hen canto the emissaries of the law.
'Vito fallen nmh gave up all that hue hind.
The pullncu Ito bud buildod for his funnily-
sent , the beautiful grounds , the treasures
of art and brie.a.brao within , all passed
into the bands of the Receiver. By-mud-
by tam red flag hung trout the window.
Curious crowds poured through the halls
ail up the stairways of thus fairest of
American i uuhsionB , 'J'he mob took
stockof the rent financier's surround-
imgs. 7'Ilo voice of the , ntctionoor rang
out time tap of his luummier was heard.
'Those who 1111(1 beep the luuouitsudlsorvieit
frienda of the fallen giant finighed loudest
a [ his misfortunes. After ti Line Ogontz
itself passed under the hauhuhor. Its
founder hind , in part , recovered his
fou'tulniH , and the castle-filled with
memories of his happiest days , consecru
ated alike by joy std sorrow-camuagain
into his Lauds. 1 t wits dinumMtled , as if
lilt army hind cuunped witlhin its corridors ,
Only the wudla nut ! what perbtiuud to
. them were left. Ifisfamilywurencatture(1.
1 Seine of them wuru no more. Thu
S Wi(1OWLl inaiu , she himd fought tlurough
a struggle such its few tote could outlive ,
hind reganod his palatial houuc , but time
i fliommhs who hind fillet ! it were scattered
to the four wiuds of heaven. schlildrmu
hind built other houws for thenselves.
Ogoltz sus his , but le could not roster o
r flue humane that hind beet shattered by time
blast of misfortune.
Ilucausu of this it is thud , Ogontz it
Y again ruhitttd-nut now an a honmo , butt
at school. In it few Jaya hundred bright-
[ ) eyed , light-beamed gala will throng IL s
omtralces , loiter along its cort'idais
S dreams avid its matchlcas surroutndiugs
and mnnrvel over the strnngu vicissitndo
of whiclu this huulsiouu , not yet it seoru 0h
f wars on its foundations , huts been th h c
d thuntru , As it WitH peerless nuhorig Auwr
icon honhcs so is It unrivnled in coin Mete
: ess of c ( ui h nn0nt as nil lulstitlltoll n
s leu'himig. 'I'liu hi-tutu svlmich cau'riud with
ease fium umeml schemes that would hav
staggered any other hits unit hu'gotem
y ? uhy detaih in htruishiing it far the purpns
a it ; is now to survu. Frain turret it
o ; foundation stone , ilotiming has bee
forgotten. Beds , chairs , carpets , pianos
book casus , closets , pictures , naps-al
that is of use and a thomsatul things thus
11 arc of luxury hardly over heard of bufol'
n iu such nn 3)ustitumthuu-tiro futuud ii
id lavish abundaneo in this modern cloister
lib whwro the daughters of fortuuu arc to b
taught tlho truths of science amid tic
surromdingli of luxury , It is a wondu r
rite fad transformatieu , but time bluff , sturd
a wean with drizzled board and bright clc .
of eye who will watch the opening of tlh
Os nuwlyhoused add royallyprovided id
always have the largest and best stock.
sfittttjolt of lenruing , mny well wish that
nil the wealth hue hits ncquit'cd in the
o'ettful years that murk his life hind been
as troll uxpondcli its i3) building Ogoutr ,
if ho clue no longer utako it it ihnuu , ho
hits it ill his Pt VCt'to huako it nn iutpurislt-
able nwuuutunt.
hon't bo l'alnt llearlcll ,
it von are ht tro blo hook up1 bold ou , give
the lihmes gout ! by. If you are iii pabm , lenvo n
lnmosess , iiavu nu ache of mny Idtld , Ko to the
druggi + t anti ask ! h0. for T1opma' Et'Icclrfe
Oil It well du inn good { every titan ,
ll11w Costly Josvcbt Are Obtnhted Ir
lteceptfeuH 0.1111 R'edtlings ,
Frmu time Boston Glubo.
" 7'lutt ss 0.a mitt expensive sot of jewel.
ry , " reun uketl n reporter to the proprie.
bur of a large Washington street store ,
alluding to asot of dfanoudsayohig lady
had just taken a vay with her.
It i5 the most uxlmltsiru sot we have
i3) the store , " was tam reply , "bat site has
only hired ttout. "
"Js that a comutolt thing in hosted"
asked the lluwpa'uer ' hunt ,
"i11uHt eerta3)hl ' Maui ) ' of our best
etstuuiets hite n set of jwelry for nu
evehtim g mudd for ti comparatively small
Prjcu excite eenvy ' their
frieuls. 1 wonder you hmvu never heard
of it befoto. We hike our costliest gems
nud reset them to please our eustou era
mutt ! than runt thumb { . Of toolhO wh nui
we know we hover ret uiro nn soeutii
of eourso to
lout , n stranger would have
de usit the full value of thu erns. There
art ,
two of our litest sets at Swntn Scott
now , tvhoee I utulcrstlutd they have been
hatch ! traisod anti their tomrnrY 1 l mosses-
aura congratulated.
"A funny thing hnppewd in cnnnect0h
with this branch of our business , 'l'hure
was to be a large gormml , and n young
lady , ss'ell kuowh i3) this city , came to
mnko a'rnugeuetts about a set of
diamonds. 1 wan not iii the store at the
tune , mid klidw nothing of the nmttor , et )
whe11 Caine iii I tut the sane set to mi-
other yomig belle. Lt the afternoon No.
1 canto in and asked sighilieaitly if her
diaumomis hind been cleaned , 1Vhiile site
was talking No , 2 put the sane question
to 0.w , The situntioh wits very awkward ,
but I explained the tuattur , null ! mill was
finally settled in favor of No , 1 , the young
ladies pledging each other mid tue to
eternal secrecy ,
" 'I wolddn't have it got out for the
world , you khow. ' explained No. 1 ,
Another branchl of our business is to
rent silver services. These were very
well paid for. Most of the designs arc
antique , and sonic of then have ligurod
in nmany Boston pontes nehiglhly treasured
buir loous.At weddings we frequently
furbish large collections of brie a brmtc
and other articles to swell the number of
'gifts' and make a fine display. 1Vo
rarely gut much for this , its thuo jeweler's
hams is frequently 'published when there
is nur thing particularly beautiful give (
its a yreseitr mild time tvertisins { con I pen
sates us ,
I'ollceuhan id. It. heath , 20 North Strout , fort-
laid , Ma , May ii , 1Hsf , writes- ;
"I have hcun troulilud for a goal nisny years w Ith
innaaneau of Mho bladder , dating as far hack as ilur.
lug the tune l was iii the cony. 1 sufleruil with dull ,
heavy' pales lit lily dick and kidneys tit" Intense for
nee to describe , and tried several rumaliss that were
recnuniei led , and xnS oxalnhod by ( IOU of our best
physicin11S , IS iii prenotticsd it lnllanntatiou of thu
bbplderandlwuntto ; the haepllat for treatmunt ,
hat alllnallclnuandtru + tac11that stencil to tail.
I xrw recunnunded to try ! hunt's Ituniedy , as it hail
been tine , In several arch rases hero hl t'urtlauti and
vicinity , h pumhatod a botthu at Snidtli , drug stiiru
here , and fuuud after usii g the Iiret bottle that it
relict oil 1110 greatly , and after ushlg sovornl Itanlen
found that it IGd tip Inoru goal than all usher ned
ichm'and treatment 1 haverecuhtel cotitliltied. Anti
to ahil tie illy good opiniu11 of IIu11Cs licuitally , I bug
to state 1,4 riosingthat my wifu hat hcun for a hour
tiniutnahblol with a weak 11w + and iulhnnatlon o
thu bladder , x Ian a lonpllr.tion of other dltuotue ps
collar to wonitn , After tising mtly two fotllus she
hint hcun co11gdotely cured ; and 1 can say that toy
wifu it , loud lit prat o of tithe woudcrtul uiedlcinu , and
i would ulgldy ruceumutnd it teeth who arc a11lferhlg
Iron kidney diseases ordleeasee of the bladder , "
I'artlaol , Sic , , May II , 1583.
I heruhy curtlfy ( het h know the facts of the dchc
nest of birs. h. I ( . heath , situ thatttioy are correctly
stated iii the foregolug certificate , and her cure wa e
acconplltleal by the usu of Iluntit Itmnody.
A. W. SMI'IIDruggitls.
Cur , Portland and rheeii Streets.
'l'ids is to certify that I liars used h hut's hiomiucily
for the kidney canplaiut , and dented Poach much
itunoft front its lien
I have heeu aihhietudabwdoue year , and received
tier of so.rnlhel spudlhw x ithout any material help ,
i am happy to say , after nehig three bottles o
I IlunCe Itcuiiedy , i was eungdctcly cured ,
1 never fall to reeouunwal it , and you art at Ilber
ty to use my 11ailu in pre manner you may desire ,
Nonx uu Luna , Slat' 7 , 1833.
a ,
r Dw 1
. . " usa. . + -
Amm ttuw who horuu / ii. rrilon. , . , + , u. . ti other emit. mu
. ik uunrr. , 4. i w gdl11 + i , lie .ksll ) Auin.J , tai uwhlot t
wrf.ra lib ' d our. prn l , , ems ( w walanl , .em eras
f u.uar ounA , wltlrnd "ul11ak mcdlriaa hud.rel . , ,
. . . . , ' . , . . , ,
alnbr + r. mint w. pri. re. si na Ii' .Ht.r. ta et
( plait fur.lhtt Nervup. I.hilily I'h ) t. ul hoar. Aa
I.t.llpup rr % , , m14' hl0IiiAhle'rma lwiUe. . " Lm A
U Impele. . ruu .rai.f"nln I..lwul lau t , full ln4 tit
fa I mnnhuuA. Neu I , , r16 rn , . , rite P , , ldo sd . Fm 4
( I..i' . + , ' ' , w ith phy.leI ti IF , . .
p fri''PnN amtllIlYro .Ie)1,0.U.Hr.x.Iyu ,
" ' of tl
PTI1Rf ONAL"l'arte
t huuwn holy cnlargal , duteiupal alul mtruugthicn al
eta , Is nud Irhturustlug advertieeiliuut long tun in 01
1 halter. tic rely to luquirirrn x11 x1U say that there
no evidence , imnbug about this. On the cuntrar
t the alsertitors are very highly Indorsed. tdoroe
e Iersone ueay get sealed clrcularl giving ell ywrtiCl1
b addrenshig Erie Medical Coq ! ' O , box bls , hulls !
I + iy v rr' Stun , utll ly
The use of ( ho term ° Shor
Lino'I in comicctton wllh the
N II II Ii N I ! II cogarnte 1101110 cta grcatraal ,
II U ' ' mm is u ( vntegsallldcaoh u + tnhaU
11 ! 3 requirrd by Mho traveling hub.
Ile a Shuert Llmie , hoick 'ime
anti the beet of aceonunods
out-all of which tire fern'
Ishod by Mho greatest ration ) ' ht America.
And St. Paul.
It owns and npcratvs Oer 4,500 mltesof road ! is
Northern Illinols , Wisconsin , Minnesota , lows anti
Dakota : std a + l is male lilies , .ranchos a11d connect
tleus reach all the great businee + centres of the
Northwo + t nud Far tyeet , it uatumlly answers the
description of Short l.hio , and h1c t ltoulo between
Chicago.MilwaukeeSt. Paul nud Ifinneapolls.
ChicngnMilwaukee , Ln L'reeee and Winona. '
Chicago , atlnaukeoAberdeen amid hllcndxlo
Chicago , Iillwahkoo , Rau Claire nud Sllllwater'
Chicago , Mitts lyaussu amid Merrill.
Chicago , btllwaukoo , Veneer Dam anti Oshkosh.
Chicago , llilwaukue , SVattksslmn and Oconomowoc.
Chicago , Milwaukeo.tadieeh mid i'rairiodu Chien.
Chicago , Mllwaukes , Owatonna and Falrlbauht ,
Chicago , llolnit , Jnnosvlllo and Mineral Point. IN
Chicago , EIghr , Rockford and Dubuque
Chlcngu , Canton , hock Island and Cedar lupbie. '
Chicago , Council Bluffs and Omaha ,
Chicago , Sioux City , Sioux Fells and Yankton.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Mitchell audChamherlale.
hock Imlaul , lhubuque , St , llnl and Minneapolis.
Davenport , Cahuar , St. Paul mid Minncaolia ;
lydlmita Sleepers aul the I'htest DluingCare lathe
world are run on the oftllo CH'Cp ' CQ
nud every ntteutton is i uid to paeseiigers by courte
cue euploycs of 010 cumlwuy. .
8. 8 , ME1ththfd „ A. Y. IL CAni'ENTER ,
Oen'I Manager. men'l Peas. Agent.
J. T. CLARK , OEO1L11EAFFouu ) ,
Oon'I Sufi t. Aee't Gail Pass. Ag'L
. + I
liar been morndeetntetivutounmanhealth and o
luau w ar , puetllatce std famhmo coulhinod. So nabi
n dlstluguIMhiud x dtcnuamyyuara agoand it ) e as true
today as then , 'Tito pour victtn of lmieoll Dhecaeo be
dmmggod with Mercury to cure time malady awl than
duel with lotihIe to cure him of time Mercurial Pone.
oning ; but instead of relief , the tint one breaks down
iii , general heallli and snakes hhm a cripple , and the
oilier ruins hia ulgeeti + u orgamis. To those aillicted
ho thle .ay Swifts Spoclllc is time groatc + t boon on
enrh , suit is worth more than its weight ho gold , it !
antldoteN this ) lercurlal Tolson , tones up the s-stem 1 (
and .dugs ( lie snffcrer back to hcnlthaud happiness.
Every person who has cier been enhtratod ; should by
all umane take a thorough course of this remnudy.
JxrrsaMoNvuLLS , Twines Co. , Ga.
Five years ago I found mu toy plantation a colored
m au who was - lie elated that live
years before ho had contracted a violeimt case of blood
, eieou , and had been treattd ; by many plq slo-
lans all failimig to cure hiuL Itreatal blur totthn Swift's
Specilic , atel in a.Iort titito lie wan sound andweli , '
and has nut had a symptom of the dieeaio since ,
(1110 gentknmam who had been confnod to his fro
elx reokewith Mercurialhtheuumtismhasborn wured
entirely , and speaks lit time hlcho.t pmle0 of S. S. S.
cu11LEs k IIEIthtY ,
Cliattanooga , Tone.
$1,000 REWARD.
tvul ItopsW to any Chanbt who will find , on a0.
ahysieof 100bothesS.S.S.onolumticloof aorcury.
Iodide i'otatelutn , or any uminural eubstanco.
Drawer 3 , Atlanta , Oa.
UPWribe for rho IKto book , which will be maned
1'rico ; Somali size , 41.00 v r bottle. Largo else j
( lmoldingdoubloquamttyi.75abottls. ) AU drug.
giets sell It ,
Capital , - - $250,000.
JAB. fl.111'AITWELL , President.
A. L. CLAIUIE , yice 1'rceident.
a. c. WE11s1'ISltfltcaeuror.
0. 1' . WEIIS7'EIL Cashier.
anuoAlexander ! , Oswald OlIver
1 , L. Clarke , E. C. Webster ,
'Stoll Pratt , Jas , II. Ilcartwoll ,
D. 7. ! . 8Icnllllrinoy.l
! irBt Mortgage Loans a Specialty
1'hla Company fundshes a ponunnont home Instltu'
on whore school Uonde alit ! other Irgally issued Sic.
dual Securities to Nebraska can be negotiated en
mot. avnrable terms. [ oaue mnallo out nprovod
, nruh hr. all troll settle. ! eountlos of oho State through
i0o11eible av
Traveling Public !
Otsaooola , Nob. ,
Is now undergoing throruugh rewlre ; , both whlhin and
xlthoutamidthuproprletor hutundn it mhmaU be SEC.
UN ! ) ' 1'0 NONE hit oho Stale , neat to Ontaha
1 : Ii. u1.AnKWELL ,
nug21.2nr 1'roprlolur.
Nebraska Cornice
t OrllaffleM ¶ orks !
] 7orm or W i c owfdf ,
Iron Fencin ! !
Crusthige , lialustradee , Verandas , Oifcoaud thank 1
Itallluge , Window and Culiarauards , Eta
WI ! . OAISEII , Maeagen
IC - _ -
, 11U + fEi.Tm prxun.'m
r i g tor I. uudevxuir. Ifor
o'7' n.e cure of drnuaroieah
fe o'// / 0.r the ucneratn n0 sus.
Y / Q I : 1i mll'IC I.Inn IIIlttilkx U Ut :
" .
a , thus IuHnnncul , ILn ten.
ry f R tlnumet drtum of EhIU
' '
1'IUalT1' In'nnrutlug
o FOR , thpnlan IIIN lutte nhw
- . luhnu lh.ui to humility l
- at lluh Ilu not cunlo.mii
,1 ' . witih '
0 limn. EiectMu Iw'te
. 'i adverlpettu run. d111W
E td t , O t
I the ONE pu .o .
iorhrulur.lsl + lu,7 wllnformutlunaddLnwtCl.cuvur
Fseniolka'n , ItOWiirbinptoiiSt..Pldesht".tir. I
iAN1100D-POSIUvelyg Restored hr from two he 10 i
jvl deys by Muxicam Vegetable tbnfectlan. kcr
ru InrUculars addreee Ban bleteo Mudloal Ca P. U. Boa r
4181 , SL Lou 2.'mt Mtn
* , . - . .t'