TIiL vAILY BEE---COUNCIL 1)LUrI'S , TIIUItSDAY , SEPTEMBER 20 , 1883. 1'fIE DAILY BEE. ij COUNCIL BLUFFS. Thursday Morning , Sopt. 20. SUnsduirrloN ItATES : fly Lkrder - - - - - - - m eenta pet rgrok JSy MuI - - - - - - - ! laoo per Year OFFICE , r 0.7'Pearl Street , Near Broadway , MINOR MENTION , Sea Josephneiter's fall goods. Additional local on sowenth page. Cheap Rtilroaa Tickets at Buahnell'A. ' The heating apparatus is being put into Dohany's now opera house , Dr. Cary's black mare Loreno has been sent to hamburg to win races there , A good time is promised at the ball to bo giVell this evening by the Ancient Order - der of Ilibernimns. Fay Tetnplot'nt and hot opera compa- Il arrived at the Ogden yesterday , anti arPeared I in "Pationco" at Dohany's last evening. An athletic boxing anti wrestling i feet is sot for Bloom IC Nivmn's hall tonight - night , as will btu seen by the advertisement - ment in another cohumt. A man named Dan Ryan was yesterday given the usual fine for being drunk , and laving only a half a dollar to pay on it , was nllotvcd to work it out. Thorn should be a big crowd Saturday } f night at Bloom & Nlxot'a hall to hear .John N , Balbwin. Ho will give somee thing worth hearing , that is certain. Itev. J. ! . Armstrong has been reappointed - appointed by the Methodist conference to the paatorato of Broadway Methodist l church for another year. Thus is as it should ho , The Council Bluffs Iron Works not content with rebuilding the old power building , have now commenced an ad. I dition to the onto of 00 by 80 to be used as a foundry. Thu e8tabllelunent when complete will be at extensive omic indeed , Little Allho , son of J. L. Boat , of Denison , fell from a haymow in the bony n distance of 25 feet , injuring hint so I seriously that his life was dcepared of. The little follow is now bettor , and it is thought that he will pall through all right. ' A sick anti helpless man giving his name as Carl Brandt , was picked up by trio chief of police yesterday , and as lie could not find the overseer or super- visor , or auditor , or county PIY n sician , or city physician , ho gave lion himself at order on the poor house , anti sent him there to be taken care of. ' i P , ] 1lcAvoy , is having tine h nndlint g of Col. I oppletsn's Ono bay stallion , Gulu , at the driving park hero. Ile finds the I Omit- . Yesterday , Lulu showed a mile in I I 2:40 : , tIm lastqunrter being at a2:35 : gait , i Zulu is only a four-year old and is a Hamblotoltinn by IIorala , j In another column will be found an ad. i vortismuont of Klenck & Jury , who have opened a general repair Shia , of Main atrcat. Council Blutrs has long needed just such n place and those ntlemen skilled and ingenious attdhaving gall , ieodod appliances for doing repairing , of an and all kinds will doubtletks find ' an abundance of patronage. They ought to anyway. Tuesday evening tooro was a happy wedding party at the parlors of Peter r Bostex s hotel , the co11tmctin g parties MisslLizzie being Harry orthover and I Schwab , bth of this city. Justice Schurz tied the knot in his usally happy we. , and in the proaonco of a large number of Srionds. There woromanYrd ihblo gifts , hearty congratulations and a well spread repast , lit fact , all wont merry as merry could bo , ToleIatone communication is now com- loto between Council Bluffs Nunl Avoca Minden Undorwoodand Weston : Today subscribers mid business mot gull- urally will be allowed to use the wire without charge , so that they may fully , test its working , mid see how cotlvouiaut the arrongmnomit is. Time tole phone matt mroment propose to make steady inn irovu- znents both in the facilities and workings of time uxcliamm go , A man entered the blue barn a week ortwo ago , and committed a most indecent - cent and beastly assault on ono of the animals. Some nlen who spied him doused hftn with : water and hwont f ing out of the stable and down trio street. Time brute ought not to have boom : allowed to got off so easily , and , as ho is 1 t mlo tin , by sight at least , ho should be brought { to time front and sent to the roar , so far to time rear that he would not want to u show up in any civilized co11unuuity again. This following particulars are bivon in a special concerning the accident by f which Fred Johnson , moil agent on the IC. 0. & St. J : was injured.lf : Two joss- songer trains on the Ktumas City , St. Joe and Council Sludge railronti collided at Corning , Mo , this afternoon. About twenty persons were wounded , song quito sonously. Fred Johnson , mail ugont , had his left ankle crushed to jolly. Ho was brought to his hommo in ties city. Time accident was caused by a , misplaced awitch. Both enginomt wore completely demolished , Tw o dollars worth of Dr. Juf'erics' ( Council Bluffs , In , ) caftrh unudicinu r cures the worst cases of chronic catarrh , The Supreme Court. . In the Supreme Court in sossiot Bore yesterday the following opinions were ilea ; t Craps Ex , vs. Cauturon , Des Mofinea Uircuit Court , ravorsed .Oplnlon by Chief ; Juatico Day. I Williams vs. Wells , Leo county Dis triet Court , roveraod , 0 1 uiion devered by Beck. Franaton vs , 0 , R. & P. rallway , Jefferson forson county Circuit Court , aftirfltod , Opinion by Seovors. f " American Button hole , Ovoraeaming and Sowing Machine company vs. Thu ilurlington Merchnats Loan Associatlom , reversed. Opinion delivered by Adana. Ilarkett vs. 15 abaali Ry. Go , , Wayne . ' county District Court , afiruted. Opinion ' by Ilothrock. c r Potitfons for rehearing were overruled in the , iv f011owimib caeca ; , r Dickson vs. Hines , Dewey vs. Life , a , . Milburn vs , Milburn , Day lines , vs , Kin. hall , Mullbohhand vs. time D. M , , & 1Y , By. , Loonua vs. thosamu antiCiullup vs , the same , Gay vs. Gay , underlmd vs , Al Cameron Johnson vsYlValk r In the case of Glum vs. l'1 i I P e , a eno tiomi to aShm was overruled. A. Booth's select oysters received daily at W , P , Braun s. , , , i f A FLY LEAF , Bow Doc Baggs Trice to ColfaOllCC Chief Fic1a in 11ClTCr. Now the Chief hits the Fum oa Ills mule. Tea BEa yesterday morning chronicled the arrival here of Doc Ilagga , the notorious - rious confidence man , whose nmno has become almost a household word here , and who made Council Iilulfs his head. quarters for a number of years. It has been understood , of late , that Ilagga had retired front time turf to engage in time larger conld nco gmmo of silting stocks , but it appears not , lie has of late boot in amid about Delver , his last visit to Council liluT , in April lust , having not been very acceptable to the citizens , who , through their mngistratos , have hint lie- tico to skip the totem , and lie skipped , 1s1omiday afternoon ho mi ipeared hero a gain nil was se311 costly chattinb at police hcadt y uartora. nornin g ho n ) , oared in his old role. Ito and a youum or fellow Lgiv. ing the name of W. A , 1 alley were arrested - rested for turning n $20 trick , a small auunuit far Doc to bother with , it scone , and the smallness of tlno aneunt mnnkes 801110 of his acquaintaugus lucre believe there must 1)e some mistake about its being Bags. The details are about as follows : A suscoptiblu strmnger on the out going C. B , . Q. train yesterday morning was worked up by Baggs until the latter hind ium ratinted himself so far into the stranger a eonfidunco that when Ilia pal Kelley appeared with a telegram informing Bn u's of the dying condition of his ( Baggs' wife , the stranger was induced - duced to lot him have $20 to help Hint reach the bedside of the dying one , taking as security a check , Mr. Humphrey , the stock agent , saw the trick turned , and reported at omice to time oflicialsof the rohd. As soon as the mommoy was scoured the two jumped thno train , General Agent A , B , 1Vcat , of that roadald Mr. Keith , the station agent , homing of the afhhir , gave chase to thu fellows , and Orally found Baggs amul his cons1anion behind a water-closet. Keith took one amid 1Vest the other , and they inure scot escorted to police ltendgttnrturs. On time way Kelley nttnnated to Intr. 1Vcst , vrlno11t ho uvi- dulntly took for a policoutay that a met- oy emisideration would be fortlnconing for a chance to escape , but Mr. West was not of course susceptible to any such hint. hint.The The railway oficials took steps tosecuro the return of the stranger , wino had beau duped out of the $ -0 , and in the meantime - time Baggs and his companion ware hold inn the smut of $300 each , they getting the necessary bail from some of their sport- Iing friends. Chief Field , who ins always n good story to tell , was routindod by Bngga' arrest - rest of a little evu11t in life own lee. It was before ho bocauu chief of police that ho w out west onto , and on reaching Load. villa ho was surprised to have a young may atep up to hnimn and call him by nmno. Field didn't remember him , but ho rumontbtirud Field , of eourso , lie gave his own nmno , and tried to make remember him by roferrimi to certain - tain relative ho had heo. The uncle of the young man wus in one of the banks hero , etc. The young mum wont so far as to invest iii two twenty cant cigars , amd'tts they began pulling away at them , rennked "I've generous oung man justgot a yostal card tolling mite I've ' ! prize in alottery. if you st 'n' ' t in a perry I'd like to have you go walk alotm g u ) with mo , and sue what it is. " Field be gnu to salon some thing , but thought ho would go aloe , They climtbetl 6 P n stairway , walked through n hall to rear olhico , amid there at a desk behind thin rail sat-Doe Bangs. Field recognized hiut in a utinuto , but lie didn't know Field. The yuumg moan pro. seated the postal card , and Baggs , turning - ing over n big book ; found the nunnbor , old said , "Yes , sir ; you're down $101. Do you want to cash it now 1" The young mint certainly did , amid liagga , go- lug to the safe , which bore a strange like- ness'to a small rufrigoratorpnintod black , cold gutting out some big butdlos of bills , counted out $100 , mid ronnarkod , "We hold the omie dollar back and give you in its place two chAucus in the supplemental drawing of annallor prizes. " ' 1'lw ' young man wanted to know whoa this drawiug would take place , and being told that ho could drain at any time , hue concluded to draw then and there ho mid the present chief of police were asked to atop inside the rail , and liagga , gettimig sonic npysterios sort of cards , ahufllel thou : , and throwim g them nround iii a circle , tld t ElU yOllllg Illall to for five. Thu lattornskod B end to draw ) lint as it Iiibgrit 1 ) o bettor lush. Field objected , as he lens nuvor lucky , but bontg tensed to do so , lie linally so. looted five. Bagga eotuited the nuutbe's raj , and said : "Well , YOU are lucky , Iou've drawn $10 , " Tliu oung noui wall going to take the $10 , but was told that ho must first advance five per cunt , $2 , lie aid se , Ind the $ IO ins then paid over to lmhul. Thu yonig nuut leas goutg to leave thou , but linggs ronindud him that lie hind still cute chaacu loft. The yomg ; follow felt so good about haying ing already won $140 , that ho turned to Field and said : 'Moro , I'll give you this elmeo. You helped tutu win the $ .l0 , and you have the chance and take wluatyou miaow , Field tried itl selected the cards , and Bagga , liburmg thom up , oxclaunud , 11 hew 11Vull ou are lucky I I s11ou ] a say I Wh you vu dram's a thousm1l dolars l" yField stood ruat hy to Glku the 41,000 , but Baggs ronindcd hln of the rule that the 5 per eeut. must ho advamie ed first. "That would b0 50 ? "Yea. " Field said lie a1a'tut have the fifty tea a ) are , Bn 6ggs world take his check , but 1 told said lie hind tie mloue y iii time lash. hadn't he got a watch or smoothing of that sort ? No , ho hadn't amlythipg to advmnlc0. Field suggested that ho pay hint the 8950 , and keep the $50 out of that , but that was ugainst the rules , After Boob time talkui , raud trying to in- tiueo Field to put up the $50 , the latter asked Baggs what would become of the $1,000 , if he couldn't advance the $50 , liagga told hint it wood go to the State poor fund of Kentucky , it being a 1Cuntue'dy , Field lottery lavingn awn about all lie wanted , amid imding hmtsolf remitarked little heavy on liagga hands , "well , I have always thought a good acl of the people of 1C0utuek y , I gut m y wife in Kentucky It'sy 1 ) rettY good State , and I suppose there are a good many poor folks there who need help , ain't they ? " "Yes Inure " , are. "Wull I believe 1'11 , now just dominte that $1,000 to then , " " 1Vhy , you don't ponu to be so foolish as diet' tvhmi all you want to i'n' ' is $50t" "Oh , yea , I think se much of ICm : . Ntcky , that I want its poor folks relieved. 111 give tllcurtho $1,000 , Ilagga didn't know what to say or tin and l'ield'a cigar hnviu been pretty tied smoked up , hremarked to he young ratan who d ivml it to him "Sas a pretty good cigar , I wonder if you couldn't et another into for moo some. where. " rho young follow started out with him tvitli tl'o remark "Nell , I guess I'd ought to buy you a box , " anti as they separated at time footof the stairs , Fiehl told the young steerer , "I guess 1 wnsti't the follow you wanted , You'd bettor find sumo other ono , " Dec failed to recognize the chief whmi ho saw hitn at the police station , but the chief recognized linty and 1t will prm'e n surprise to both of thew to ho ngan ) re- nmimided b Tus Ban of the inciiemis of their former meetimi g in Lcadvhllo. Doc Bags is kmm Iwo as one of the slrnr Icst mmmcii in his line. Iii got his n r IcNation "Doc" from time fact that le used to carry n little grip of iustnwnents anti medicutus as a guy. Omu vfcthm 'whomlt he was Wnrkitmg somme yeaits ego asked lint : "Doctor what is the weight brain " ' ' wasn't ' of the hutunn 1" 'Ibc' oiougli of a doctor to know even that , cud ho got around it by telling lint the weights varied , that Domol 1Vebstcr , for instn nice , lied a very heavy brain , etc. , and kept ingomusly avoiding ovadhg a direct answer until duo victim hind forgotten - gotten to press time query tummy further. After ho had got the victim's mmiey vie rolitol turnetl en flint withl tunequestion , "B the wa do you know how nnuch the hmun thebraiui weighs I' The fellow hind iy that tiwo buc ) ine convinced that ho luinisulf was a light-weight , whatever others might bo. Dr , West , dentist.141'earl street. 0 ( BAiYI OItl ) COUNTY i'A11t. A Not Very Eucourngh µ ; Itcpnrt- Jacic 1'crcgoy's Part In a Fatal Aecldcnt , The Crawford county fair scorns to Inavu boeu : a success only as a failure , if the reports of The Bulletin are to be r0 lied upon. The account is unique and will doubtless fit in most respects sonne other county fairs held elsewhere. The Bulletin says : Local news are scarce and we beg thie imdulgonco of our readers for alluding to time attenuated rmnains of what vas once a fine-haired fair. For triple. dated tlninnesa the alleged fair last veelt has no peer i11 the convocation of exhibits. ' 1'o pay twenty-five cents for the privilege of aueing a betiquilt , a pumpkin and a photograph , is n blessing rarely omjoyed by our farnners. The flu. rat hall was beautifully decorated with a chrotno of , Testms and n crooked necked squash. Evidence of good taste abounded-thuro were two sweet cakes and a dish of honey. Principal nmomg the stock exhibits were two or three empty yards and a lien in the last stages of disgust. Time chief attnlctiotls were two lemonade stands amid a swing with time cerobro spinet nnouingitis. Time horse races were of time usual kind-four to start cud two to go , that is , four hours to start hn and two got ready to go. Time ntanagmnent was inulnenso. Time speaker of the day paid a quarter to got ( unto the grounds , whoa he went to make his speech. The barbarous custom of providing - viding a carrin go and free ticket for time speaker was abandoned. Next year we suggest the speaker be coup'rolled ' to walk to the fair grounds amid climb over the fence. Very few people attended the oh- soquies of the Crawford County Agricultural - tural Society , Few head time heart to stand by and witness tlno last sad rites. Fair , fair , with oxcheqeer bare. Under the green sod slao dw . Time principal receipts of trio fair wore two runawnys , a fight , three drmtks and a death horse. The accidmtt which no- suited fmi the death of a horse is grq.hi- cally told in such choice English by the Review that we publish its account verbatim - batim : "A home belonging to n German named Schrader was instantly killed through nn accident in which figured Jack Peregoy and his driver lllr , lhartnoy , and a htrat- or's teas , that hind souse machinery of IL Front IIIr , Ilnrtnuy we glean time following particulars : Ile lad crossed time bridge , and was nearing the gate whmi a tenet on which wits some machinery was being driven out into the road song lit. tateu ahead of hiul. As tlnowhoels went iutoa ditch the unchinery uuulu a noise that scared Jack , who wheeled short rend started to run. Mr. Ilnrtnuy was thrown out but haugiumg ; to the Hama was dragged about alto ] uuidrud foot. As the ) eo )111 in Mr. Schrader's wagon saw the horse waing they tried to got out of time way , but in fact got into it , and Jack struck time sir ] torso with his shoulder , this must have broken tllo toiguo , and the horse falling against the jagged old was wouiidud so scriotsly as to cause nl- Rlost instant death. Beyond this amid a fight on the track there was nothing to mar time plenauro of the day , " To stro11gtliot mid build im' ' , the system a trial will coivinco you that Brown's Ira ) Bitters is lime best utodieiuo node. 1oom & Nixon's OPERA HOUSE , PEARL , HTlniT : : , OVfit POSTOFFICE. CREAT ATTRACTION TllU1tSDAY EVENINU , su vrmS111Ka : colh. Ca 't. James YI. Dalton , of CIIICA(10 , Champion Heavy Weight Pugilist of the Northwest , ANll ACo1IDlNATIoNOF Boxer $ , Wrestlers and Club Swingors. GTNEItdlr J111MISSION , ISO CENTS , SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICR-8Ieclal adrortlsomunt.l such u Loet , Found , To Loaw , For Sale , To hoot , 1Vant. , Doan1. lug , etc. , wlil bo Insurted hi thla eolunu at the low rata of TEN CEA"at 1'F.It LINE for tie first Inertlon and FIVE CKNTB PElt LINE for arch su % cquerd In. .ertlon. Leave cuortlsement. : tut ouroalce , No. 7 I'earl Strout , near Droadway WANTS , ANTED-Es or.bouyinCouncliltluff.to take . T7ItiiI. Delivered by carrierat only twenty. rafts a week. l TANTEn-A buy , w Ili kany , to deltrer Tea 8ry 1kTANTED sell5o0oysrd.offancy .llk rlbtnn for luso than It nit to Import thou. Red bar. gains ocr oaerel In rlbtona J. J,1UJ58 , 823 Ilroadxoy , FOR SALE AND RENT , I'ORSALD Noueo urd lot , northwest corner of Tenth and rroadway. Jmis ty , liAiae _ PACKINU IIOUSE Foil HALEOR IIENT-Ttw Onle l'acking hou.e , oa ; achy 100 hog. pet day , with allmodern aPl4iauoe. ; tell loetal : for wlo or leave. Apply to OD1LL : $ DAY , Coundl lilua.,1. . , SepleruLor 10 , 1633. i : , , . ' Em kie Hardware Coe ' : r ! , "r + r"r , ' I ' 'pQITOLZZStAL57 i t . , , ' ' Hardware ! , . . , . . 11 109 and 111 S , Mafmi Street , i COUNCIL BLUFFS , - IOWA , . . n = .r. 1- 9 W11OLESALIi DEALEIIS IN HATS , c BUCK GLOVES , 342 and 344 Broadway , COUNOIL BLUFFS , IOWA , CreallIFrllits , Collteotioliery Parties , Socuables and Picnics supplied on short notice , and goods delivered tc nil parts of time city. Vimum Bread , cold Pies. Fine Cigars. w , T , BRAUN'S ' European Restaurant , 40.1 West Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , HOUSES , LOTS AND LANDS fS3ou ; ht a.nd f9o1d. Money Loaned Abstracts Furnished :1 : ? . J. MoMA ON No. 4 Pearl COUNCIL BLUFFS . Street , - - - - IYbAYNE & PALMER f DEALERS IN Liffle Louisville MiCIIIOAN PLASTER , Il AiR AND SEWER PIPE , IIARD AND SOFT COAL AT LOWEST PIUCE , No , 030 Broadway , - - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. SMITH & TOLLER , , " I ! j a r'I , ' 1 119@i , Iii , t1 , { \1 I d „ III a , ni r/ I3 ii O w E b . r , - , , C W erC an ' al ors. ' 7 and 9 Main Street. nIRI7C7TOR3t , C10VNdTL $ iaII 'F , IA. JOHN BEND & C0 strcet and17tl , , 1S 1ain and earl street. A' L11l A V MORN , O roaW , 216 5fotn Street. IrI' ' OUSE " 17 and , 210 MKIn etrect. DR , J , F , VPHII'E , Corner Main end Fifth up . . , , 003 Willow avenue. JUSTICE OF TILE PEACE , N SC iiURZ , Ofifce over American Express , S S , VVAGNER , SVI11 contact for funeral. LIVERY at ANDFEED reasonable , rates. 22 Fourth street. M ST. JOHN & CO. CASH BUYERS lealle butter eggs , poul- , , . . . , try and fruit. Ship to us. Draft by return mall. 140 Broadway. SIGN WRITER AN ! ) attAINER. D , A , BENEDICT , OIIca 337 ; Broad ay , Council Bluffs , Iowa. tEoIo TAILOR , JACOB KOCH , Stock Complete. Suite tnado at reasonable prase. No. S05 Main St , . CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , a. F S 9ITH , Corner 7th and Broadway , flans and specifications furnished. PY , PV , SHERMAN , I have the variety that b rig s patronage. HARNESS. 124 Sialn street. JAMES FRANEY , Artistic Work and MERC1iANT reasonable TAILOiL charges. 872 Droadway. HOVVE & SON FURNITURE STOVES , 1 and 1mischold Supp1es. ( 303 Droadwaay. LINDT & HART , Jance Bleak. ATTDRNEYSATLAw I'ractlce ii , elate , and } edeal courts , SANITAR LUNI.And bath house , 421 and 423 Droadway , L. Sovereign , l'rup. 1' . J , Montgomery - . gomery , Ii. I ) . I'hy.lclan. EDVPIN J , ABBOTT , Notary Public and JUSTICE General l onto aieCE , ! 15 Broadway. REVERE HOUSE , Broadway opposite NewOpcaouso SMITH , itefiitodlll1,50 tier day SULLIVAN & FITZGERALD 1 DEALERS IN 11ioooros ! , FlbOYiSOllS ! , ROOts o.ii lioos TMMSGRATION AC NTJSi. DRAiTSON T11E BANK OF IRELAND , DUBLIN , FOR SALE , 313 IIROAD1VAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS . CRESTON HOUSE MAX MOIIN , - - - PROPRIETOR , 21G , 217 and 210 8. Main 75tx'oot , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - - - - - IOWA MRS , D. A , BENEDICT s TIlE LEADING DEALER IN , 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs. SHELTON HE NDRI CKS & RICE , TAILORS , 102 MAIN STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS. FALL AND WINTER 1 STOCK NOW COMPLETE , EMBRACING MANY NOVELTIES 1 OT TO BE FOUND ELSEWHERE. YOUR TRADE IS SOLICITED II _ .E e ii : . .dW p Special Sale or Thirty Days -COMMENCING- r9 ; L-cL1 ; f5 To reduce our stock and make room for a large stock of FALL AND HOLIBAY GOODS We offer at reduced'prices ' our stock of OllO11 , IJSOOlillOOllS ! Boofl PIIOTOGRAPII ANDAUTOGRAPII ALBUMS , Pocket Books , Purses & Ladies' Arm Bags FANCY COODS Steel Other Pictures---Cabinet Photograph Engravings and - - - - graph Frames , Parlor Easels. WALL POCKETS AND BRACKETS , I 9 w I , ; It..t9t. . 151 T7 ? 17 g Consisting ofall kind of tit Baskets---Clothes Baskets and - - - Hampers ALSO A LARGE ASSOPDTMENT OF OT1ER GOODS. / . I will Pay Yu to Call' and 1Look 1 at Our Bargains , H. E. SEAMAN , 405 Broadway , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA I Model Steam Laundry ! a 712 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS. fl N. A , CHRISTIANSON , - - - roprietor. Has just opened a new and well fitted steam laundry. Guarantee good i work , Please give me a trial. 5 a IF YOU WANT BOOTS , SHOES OR RUBBERS CALL ON 1 Corner Main and First Avenue , Council Bluff's. He has Tllenl. Broadway Steam Laundry ! 729 , w 56'x' ] BROA A . A , C. LARSON , - - - - - Proprietor LATEST IMPROVED MACHINERY. CURE ® R N ® PAY. SILOAM Mineral Springs ! We guarantee the cure of the following named tug- ease , , onto 'ay ' : Itheumatlsiit , Scrofula , Ulcer. , Ca' tarn , , all Blwland i kin Di.eaaes , D.pe ilia , Liver Complaint , Kidney and Biaddcr Dlscaecs , bout , Neu- ralla , and Asthma These SIrings , are the favorite resort of the tired and debllltated , and are tim Feebiu Ladles' best friend. Ooal Hotel , Livery and Rfthing accommodations. Locality highly picturceque and healthy. Corresloudeuco solicited. Address Rey. M. M , TIIOMPSONManager. Siloam , Gentry Co.Mo Novelty Works 17 NORTH STAIN ST „ COUNCIL RLUFF9. KLENCK & JUREY PROPRIETORS , Alt kind. of repairing. F'urulturo repaired and finished. Chairs ro caned and ro seated. All kluds of U'ihoisterln ' j . Luck. , hell , pad Electric Inetru- nrentsrepalred. 8'eaklug ' , Tubes put ! n ofd or now budding. . Rey. fitted amid Sto e. repaired. First class work guaranteed , tiltu u. a trial. Tiles. OYYICSa , it , a , Yrasr , OFFICER & PUSEY BANKERS , Council Bluffs , Ia. Establishea - - 1856 Dealers in Forglen and Domcetlo Exchange and homo Securities. WU R.YAUCHAN,1 Justice of the Peace. Omaha anti Council Bluffs , Iteal estate and n 0 id Follow'g block , over Sarluga Bank. janeil MOROAN , KELLER , & CO. , UNDERTAKERS. The fncet quality and largest stock west of Chicago or Wooden and Mutallo Cases. Calls attended to at all hour. . w'e defy competition it , quality of good , or prloea. Our fir teorgan has served as undertaker for forty year. anu thoroughly understands lulu buei- new. WareroomaSti Broadway , Ul'IIOLSTEit1NU In all Ito branches promptly attended to ; also carpet laying and lunbrequlaa Telegraphio and mail r e . Sited sithout delay , COUNCIL BLUFFS RAILROAD TIME TABLE The following are the tine of arrlval and departure. f taine from the local depots. 'the trains start from mile Uniotn Pacific depot about ten minutes earlier than below stated , and arrive at the depot about ten minutes later. Tmins on ooi lines and K. C. run on Chicago time , a half hour aster than Iocam. Wabash trains rime ore St. Lotle time , twentyy minutes faster than loam. U. P , and Lincoln trains run on Council Bluffs time. culcauo , ROCK IeLAxD Aso PACIFIC. Depart , Arrive , Atlantic Ext . . .5:30 : u. m. PacificExt. . .0:4 : ° In EYandMall'DtO't : in. Exand Mali'0:5 : p. mu , Doe Mohnegao'.7USa , m. Des Mohies ac. 6.53 p , m. CIIICAOO , nuaU\orox AI ) cuotcy. Depart , Arrive. Chicago Ex' . . . 5:35p.m. : Counaih Ts'uffs ea.,0.45. MaR amrd Etc..0.45 m I Mali aid Ix : . .7:00 : p , m. CIIICAGO amid aoa-llwxsTxlta , Depart. Arrive , _ .a _ _ Atlantlo Ext. . .5:15 : p , m. I'aclfio Ext..0:15 : a , m. rev Mail and Ex . . .020 ; a m. Mall amid Ex' . .6:15 : p , m. Accom ( Sat,5:50 : p , m. Accom ( lion.1:45 : p. in. KANSA. CITY , vu. JOK AND couacmm. sierra. Depart , Arrive , Stall . , , . , : . . : . . , . . . . : , . Expcess.0:25 : p , m. Stall and Es.,0:45 : p. m. UamoN PACIPIC. Depart. Arrive. Overland Ex.,11:30a.m. : OTCrlamidEX..4:00 : p , m. Lincoln Ex..11:30 a , m. Demer Bz.,8:00 : a. u , , Denver Ex. . . , . .7:00 : ' . to. Lcal Ex. . . , . ,8:30 : a , m. Local Ex..7:25 : a. m. " Ex..0:05 : a. m , Enilgrant..5:20m.m. : " Es..8:00 : a. tn. WAaA.II , ST. LOUIS AND PACIFIC. Depart. Arrive , Mall and } e..0:45 : a , m. I Mall and Ex. „ 4:30 : p. nI. Cannon Bail , . . .4:50 p. In , Cannuu ImaU11:05 : a , m. SIOUX CITY AND PACIYIC. Depart , Arrive For Sioux City.7:55 : a. m. Frei Sioux Cltyaa0 p , m ForF.rtNiobrara Fen Fort Niobrara Neb . . . . . .7:55ytm. : , , , , , , , , ' : , . For St , l'aui.,7:40 : p , m. From St , l'au1..8:50 : am : CIIICAOu , KILWAUXKI AND aT , PAUL , LeavosOmaha. Arilvesat Omaha , Mall amid Ex. . . , 745 a m. 11'acifieEx. . . . 045 ; a. in. Atlantlo Ex. . , , 8:40p. : m. I Mail and Ex. . 725 ; p , m. Ml trains daily , CIIICAOO , KILWAUKSS AND ST. PAUL. Leaves Council mesa. Arlve.Council Bluff , . Mail anti Ex0:20 : a. m. Mail amid Lx.6:55u.m. : Atlantic Ex..15:15 : p , m. I Atlantia Es. .IDme : a , m. COUNCIL BLC ? ) AX ORAIlA STaxCT RAILWAY , Leave Counclililuffs I.eavo Omaha. S a , to 0 a,11,108. m , 1 , a , 8 a , m , 0 a , In , 10 a , m,11 In. 1 p. m. 2 p. m. 3 p.m.4 a. m. l w. 2p. m , 8 p. m. p. Strout . in. 6 p , m. 4 p. in , 5 p , m , 6 p , a. Carr run half hourly t0 the tJm iota PaClfie depot. ' On bmolay the cars begin their tripe at 0 O'clock a , m , aid run regularly during the day at 0 , 1l,2. 4 , 5 , and e n clock , amid run to city time. R , Rice M , D CINCERS orothertumonremoved wlthoutthe , t knifu or dewing of blood , CRRONIC D1SEASES of klmda a Specialty , Ulcr thirty years pra'tlcal experience , OtOce Nu a Pearl street , Council B Ida , 1OTConsultatlon free. Mrs I J Riiluo , , , J M , B , 1 PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , 299 Broadway , Council Bloat ,