Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 20, 1883, Page 5, Image 5

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. T1ib is R uew tuiti bottiLifi : a(1(11Iion ( io the cit.y oi Oiiidia. ; siiic
Ut the iiorLh p irL of the ci' , fronLing on Sliertitnu avenue , n'td is the
most ; ( lesirable location , for reitleiices1 tlint has becit 1liwed on the market -
ket for ycar. B1DORD & SOUEEL
r Kirwood1
This property is dtvi(1el into regular size city ot.s and acre lots
svliich will be sold at rcnsonb1e prices nul on easy terms.
Frontmg 700 feet on Sherman Avenue. This property caunot fail
to 1)0 ( lesirnlle and will be rapidly takeii up niid improved. No hills to
climb , no ravines to cros. in getting to KIUACWOOD nblition. Ho.
member , when you buy it Iot in this addition. you will not have to pay
an amouiit ecul to first I)11Ce ) to grale your lot before bulicliug.
' Street cars will ba rtut to this addition at an early day. These lots
double in value in 12 months. Call at our oflict aud see plat and
na1ce electioiis early. BEDFORD & SOUR.
Filegatit Building Sites and at luilf the price o any other lots in
the city o2 equal distance and. location , on the best street in the city.
14th Street , bet. Farnam and Douglas.
1 I Improved Property.
a 3,5OO-12 room house , cor. 13th and CaWoriil
. trcct.S , 0 cIoetii , collar , city water , outliousus
'A' 7 2,7Oo-6 room house on N. 13th strcet , c1oet8
' cellar , cistern , well , etc. I3fWIORI ) & SOUKI.
( 12 , roo-aood sx room house on Dvonport , bet
, ; 234.1 MId 24th , two Btory , 0 oset , pantry cellar
cIstern , well , fruit and hrubbcry , taLlc aii
? I. ' outliouses.
. 0 15 3 100-Full size lot on McCnndllh place , Iti
two frame cOttarC , one 5 room , ons 3 room ,
For sale or oxchngo.
16 $2iOO-Oood two ami half acre lot wIth fivi
roomcottflgo , brIck cellar. well , frulttres , etc.
17 One of the lt thrco ory brick businesa houaci
on FArnom otrcet. Tcriii private.
13 oo-Nw7 room house on N. 18th street. Al
modern ltnrovemcnts. Good location. Cheap
19 $5,300-New two story house Queen Aim style
modern linprovcmonts , cty water , lot iOO
22 Two full lots St. ilary's avenue and 20th , wIth
houses. Will be llrst class busIness ProPerty
Terms eat ) .
-21 4,7tO-Lot 68xl6 , with two lioutet. Cheap.
3o ,5O-tWO liouse8 In NeLssn'd alditlon , on Center
ter street. Outnoutcs , cIstern , Irult trees , etc.
2 flualness house and lot on Douglas strccttbct
l4tIs and 15th. Termseasy.
:34 New8roomhoUsOOflChlcO. bet.24thArid 25th
All Iniprowelilento.
35 Ts'O now houses , one six and orher S roomo
Flrst-claa alid mdcrn Improvements. Term
, - ' t 1 Easy.
36 2,7OO-Lot lOOxii2 , College Street , Redlck'
buhullvlslon , now S room house.'ell Improved
, $2oo-Lt fOxlSO , Convent street , Ii room cot
tate , 1arg bascimierit ultablo ( or roommm , barmi
' addItIon. barn
'omu house Tlmornell'
-30 t,8OO'omu ,
sell. clbLn , good fmnproveoseilts , cash
$1,800 on long time.
4,2oo-T 100111 lmouc on lavcnport , bet. lOtl
anti 17th.
15 Lot i755OO on Sherman , large house , barn an
other 1mpro'.cnwiit. Lo' w Ithout Improve
mnents I worth the 111511ev we nsl : for It.
- 17 Two new houses tuitl two full size lots on l'arl
avcmnio. hot aimil colil vutr , bud all ntodcri
lInt clas3 IiiIIrOemfleiitt. houses would cOb
liAt We ask for whole. Extra geol baraIri.
43 t2600-Lot 82x150 cur. 17th and Center , hous
4 roomn , barim , water , trees , outtui1ldimig.
.49 $2,000-Five room home , lSta bet. Calfloriila
Webster. NIce lropcrtY ) , Terms easy.
50 1,5O-Lot 0 , block 5 , ShInim's d addition. On
amid a lialtotory house. Trims cay.
0 ' 3OQO-Qooi1 7 room Imouso on Sherman. Moder
T'"i * . . 52 , -
ImflprovcntCiit , tablu , wll , cistern. A bargalti
53 Uuoo-FulI lot , one S rosin and on , , 5 room
hobo , new , blocks hem the opera li..4e. Ver ,
2 $1 i&OS1lcnllt1l0t on lode , near 11th. ( flioa
aiid omn1l cottaiu. Ccc
. ' house
03 $3,000-L.'sriw
lent locatIon , full size lot , lMcnpoit , hear l0tl
a3 4,6OO-Lot 60x260 good 6 room houbo , moder
inpromemnonts , hear limisrieM ! , Oil Shermau ave.
d $7OuO-1'wa fulllots , with two gvos I' mites , 25t
anti ChIeacO. ( Will sell separately for cacti. )
, , cltli house btable eti
lots 12Oct40 ,
2 &lOO-Two ,
Ilarker's smib.,1vIsloii ,
3 iOOt-LOt anil a half , good hunec , liedlck'a imt
. dlylcton , ( cornvr. )
. , o iot wIth I room house , Clmlco , bct. 13th men
14th. '
t 1Soo-Lot and 5 rosin houqo. llorliach'ii add
ttorm , well , cloterim , th. EverythIng Iu good ri
lair 5O-IMt , aimd 4roomu house , leard , ber. ICtim au
17th ,
, .
- A
Unimproved Property
FOR SALE nyutDrounsouElL
o.t 1OtjO-Lot 00x127 , Indiana and DIvision.
8 $700 cach-'l'wolotsa6xis2 each , oh 11th. Che
amid lots 06x132 each on Oth.
ii $26o eaclm-7 lots In Yates & flecd's addition.
23 $7200-12 full sIze lots , lianscomn Place ,
block west of i'ark avenue.
ssro each-Two lote on l'ark avenue. Dargaii
Businesi lots on Dodge , betoocu 11th and 12
31 2400-Lot iii Shlnno addItion , on Seward trc
3d t3OOO-Full lot , Jtccd'1st addition , oim 25th a
46 5OOO-Six good 10th In Ilauscom t'lace. B
51 3OooLot SOxl2O , ore Iarnamn , near 2Otlm.'c
50 62L5-Good lot in Lows's addition. Cash.
50 Fouracres hnmWcst Omaha.
00 i55O-Lot lii Ismeacs & Selden's additiomi.
65 Two lots 14th and Leavonwortim , ( busInesS Iota
07 e325-Lot 12 , Aileii's sub-division SlaIlD. A b
6 175-Lot 4 , block I , Lowe' addition. Oc
tu $1,600-Fine lot Iteddicle' addItion , Park ave
84 $ iO-52 fcut of Liock 31 , Shitun's addition. Fl
, lew.
o 2,2OO-Lot44n6OUlm 16th. Business proper
worth twice tIis lirico asked.
01 3,5OO-Full size grwied lot on Chicago , ; b
l3tlm and 14th.
Os $800-Uood lot , leigh location , south 10th.
100 6OQ-33xIa2 on 10th , bet. homey and lh
103 $750 each-Two extra good lot iii 1lancoi
addltiomi. Coed lilht locationi.
Bargains in Farms & Lanc
10 $27 l'er acro-ICO acre hmnprovol ( fanim , nicer Ci
toil , imta , 10 acrco ooodiaud , 45 acres corn ,
acres Timothy amiti Clover.
13 tii,00040 acres 34 of a miillo west of Ft. Otmia
tu , hou'es , two baris , granary , corn cr11 , ,
wcli , ( IU hicarling fi uit trec , 200 grape hmi
Whll sel or ociiamigo.
14 i7UOO-2th ) acres , halt rmull N.V. . Elkhiorii ,
acreisin cultivation , balance lacturo. Four ro
bounce , stable , etc. 'forums easy.
51 10O-l0O acrel gOILI lend , 4 1.2 mmiiiss from U
lhnigtomi , Coffee county , Kaimsas.Vill eachian
for Onetha propertY.
3iOo0 ci.lm-OmiO of thom best stocked rsncie
the State , 1400 acre of doded land. Call
Cl 8,4OO-210 acrcsiuljolrminig city of S'hhlucr , Sal
county. All utoler fume auth well hiuprov
, l.IiitI hiroimerty ho cheap at iuocsi.
00 2O pir acro-4JO ( acres , I minlo trout Waterl
1)ouglas county. l'art lii cultivatloni b3la
iucailow , all goQil laniti. SVfll sell or will arral
vitii cattle main ( Or Q.pfljnier5hiihi , or whhl c
tract to fv1 1100 or 400 hmeal of cattle.
70 to 82-10 000 acres In Merrick county. Cool
able lauui , and will he soil front eo to t ;
P0 7 ier aero -WIll liii ) ' 100 sores In Cedir Co.
011 l5. 11cr acro-320 acres 2 immllo from Ilaimibu
07 I5. peracro-lmnproveil near Logani Iowa.
lot Hcteral hundred acres him Cuinhug Co. Nob.
105 14lc thousand acres In Stanton Co. Neb.
101 $ lO'per acre-220 ( ) acres tiniibereil land In I
Co.lio Ihrcu smnuellfarin omitnis land , heelani
goMh cottuiiWoo4l thnibcr , which will more
lay far Investment. For meelo or exchange
Ommiaha ProPrY.
tjjCali and examine other property mmot Istod
213 5. l4thi. bet , I'ariann tend [ bugle
- .
- - - -
Thieve Ii tiow anti then me l'cron cc ho liieaghnmois
rvorrletors of Timonts ? Iclvctrio mmmuct he tory
imorMt of orthography in peilIng the "electrl& '
three cs. Ect.scranc Is tistl to limtc.ct uigahnict
cdliii ) mmd base Imitator. who , shmnee they lctco lee
oil of tlitt reunerkablo reimmehy aunt Its etoimcio
tlmrottgiionmt the country , lmtc tccnt to their evlts
In the attempt to mmianufacturc oniiethiuig to resent
It. VltiIo o take this lrccautIonry mucensmiro
tniglmt aelih that lImo hienllig huroi'erthc , oP Thor
Ielectrlc Oil could inn more be eounmtcrteited luau
Ii1titilti5 of Igpt. Tluo original aunt oui' EcIt'c
oil Is me Gollalu among Its Tonu Thumb eomumlwthti
iuiil has a rcpemtationm for huouuosty antI etilcieney
scrteeliy uehinlrcit antI never approachueeh. For iii
mnattsin and all aches , , iirudns amid , etc fl
heartihy recomnmormil It. lossrs. Sargent llros.ilr
gists , Delta , Ohio , lii oruleriuug a nemaumtity of 'l1uni
Eclectrie ( lii , tcrito thut they uueser ell nuuthi
that gac 0 sudi unnlvers.e ) satlsfactioim him emniung eouu
'oluhs , bronchi ? is , rlncumnuatisnm , mmetmralgii , cii' . ,
.loc. I , . l'ootc , time Cotimuimechore , lIgiui , Ill. , sttsThui
11.5' lclectrlc Oil vumned iihnmm of sclat hen cc hth nut' mel'
catioui , thoroughly al'h'lIah. I t also cured blmem
seteru cold auuut cough. lie tluluuks it a tory taints
reuumely , ninth tt ill hover lie 'e Ithuottt otut it.
Tll I
Ietit'tatlit'e aimul l'uttr Sluont hug
tcilay ,
Thu occollel elusy of the cout'ost. butwe
tilt ) picked riflemen of tiw doluartinunt.
tlio : Platte was a usuccess , as oit thu pi
cecihig clay.
The weather was clear and C (
Ru thu Inornihlg nuLl everything fuevoral
to a verb' steady ocoro.t1Iloro \voro aixt
four union at tito targets firing yesti
clay niiid 801)10 ) careful work was cmi
Every morning this vcek front 9 on
12 , there will be practice at OO and 10
yards , aini frotne 1 until 3 p. In , , at Ii
yards. Vo will give eacit day the acoi
of the twelves best men. Thu rent
score pssib1o ia 210 ; these rna'klng C
sointa being excellent recordn. Thu to
score poasb1o for the day is 105 ,
One of the boat inmerkanlell is Corpo
II. Woagreti , of Co. IC , 14th infateti
Ho was last year on the dopartiiiunt te
from the departunont of the Missouri a
was a lulelmIber of the dt'ismii team. I
lB poimularly kIlowul among his counrani
1t5 ' 'the tuld sqtiirrul IItlntor.
The followingistho score for yesterdr
the fIrst. three ligures being for 200 , ]
and 600 yards ; the last figures arcs t
total foryetorday , aiid for the two cia :
Sergeant A. W. Stay , Company F , ¶ ,
iuifanti'y , 20 , 6 , 80 ; 82 ; 163.
Capt. \\TCLgrCIT , Company K , U
iiifantry , 20 , 26 , 20 ; 81 ; 163 ,
Liout. C. D. I'arkhurst , 6th Cavali
20 , 28 , 21 ; 75 ; 159.
Private C. Zac1arayasen , Co. A , l
infantry , 22 , 9 , 22 ; 73 ; 156.
Sergeant P. It. Ziehie , Co. E. , 7th 1
fantry , 26 , 5 , 26 ; 77 ; 154.
First Sergeant it. Rice , Co. B , 4th 1
feentry , 29 , 29 , G ; 81 ; 154.
Copi. A. 0. Deats , Co. D , , 4th iii
30 , 26 , 2 ; 78 ; 152.
Lt. L. Merriment , 4th iiif. , 26 , 25 ,
70 ; 150.
Copi. .J. Fields , Co. C , 7th iuef. ,
25 , 20 ; 76 ; 148.
Sergt. Bernard Debuan , Co. D. .
Inf. , 19 , 26 , 29 ; 74 ; 147.
The third anhlilal meeting of th.
tary riflomnin of the clopartumuont of I
kota , which opened last ' .I'iiuraday at F
Sneiliimg range , bida fair to snrjuesa oiL ]
of tico two preceding contests in intere
both for the general pnblio and for timi
emmgagcd in the competition. The n
PoiulttneIlts of the range arc far time
perfect and the number of compotitore
greater , and besides tim spirit. of riva
and time desire to excel have been arout
as never before. TIme scores made in I
gallery practice and oti the range at I
several posts iii the deparunnemit air
tire opelling of time year shows so mu
higher perccimgo that it is but fair
suIlmoso that the selected lflarkslulell
susthin timuir reputations whoa piti
against circle other. Aim oxanmimiation
the w'oric of the jmast three days cortaii
aiuows some oxcelleimt shooting , and w
greater familiarity with time range atmd
peculiarities , mnniuroveunont viiI bo nmau
Licut. I'artollo , who titus far leads iii I
practice with a score of 358 , mao a math
al reputation , while Clmoynowitlu , Ung
Parhanum and EIwell have aiiowie tin
mottle iii iVOVIOL.8 contests. Of course
is iuumioasiblo ) to predict tire outcoimme , I
it imeeda tie prophet to say that those w
come to time front and IinaUy commatiti
time dolmartnumolmtteain of twelve yi1I wiim
their merits , a"d that oxlort mimarhanmu
ship that comes froimm kecim sight a
steady hters'u and imot off.iniid , shoot
( ml , luck will citable any one to carry nell
time imoutors. For time geiicrai public
sli uld be said that a trip to the no
vii1 well ruayono fortime tune conmunuin
jim making it. 'l'imo prograinlno for to.
iuicludes practfr.cs met 200 , 800 amid I
yards , front 9 emimtil 11:30 : a. in. , : uml
the ntftCri400lm there vii1 Ito shot I
scores cit COO yards between 1:80 : i
: i3o. 'l'ito prciitmuilmary Irectico will
\VCliuosday , amid for Jiio heat ag
gatu sCOre wade by any cohuulmatitu
inaiidsouuuo gold 1)adgu lumis been ollered
Guit. Brecic , the adjutant general of
departunezit. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
HeatH tine 'oVou'Icl.
'Fiuls Is te'luat 11. 0. llohecunaun , a druiggic
? tiei iou , Ohio , says : ' ' 'i'/uouuua' J.clcclric
boats tire world. Sold muluto iunttios
and , One ennmm curuel of sore tinrun
eight ycms atminidinig , Ic cpoimeiid ! for ritomu
- -
- -
Tints Pu e'aIyL orient : luurrtI.
Ciiicto , Septeiutbor 19. _ 'I'Inu ho
of the l'reSh'teliOll general nunselnubly
aid aimel ednciitioii , % % 'imii in annual
ferencim here to.clay , MSt of tine
skim was occupied in coimusidoratioim of
plicatiomia for aid front ms'estermm coUe1
notably tilodo rmt Salt Lake , (3. ( ' 1' . , Ii
lags , Neb , , 811(1 I'ierro , 1) . ' 1' ' ,
S Epilepsy
. Sjaanrs , Coal
It 7 sbus , 1"aUI
I ii r n U I JtiEl , Ugly lii
I Ii j ; ; lIscasL's1Dya
ats , NerVOubim
Nervous Braini Worry , 1tend ( Be
llihiousness , O511vC7lU , Neryous l'rostrat
Ithe ji Troubtci and Irrrjjutarltta. 1.CJ
Hunuplo Teatluunnuuhuils ,
"Samaritaim Nervinu ho doIng wonuicri.
Dr. J , (1 , McLcmtin , Aicxander CIty ,
"I feel It myduty to recomuneml It. "
Dr. P. F , Iaugiiliuu , ( flrde , Kin
"Rcuredwbcro PhJslCIUhis tailed.
11ev. J , A , Bdte , heaver
aorrcipoadenca freely uemssyered ,
) r Ie.ttmoahai ) and circular. ied itaznp
ml 1k. 8.A. Richmond Med. Co. , St. Joseph , I
ieId by all IJrul&t , (1
T1IL flIAMONI ) VilIjfl ,
'rite CItumttipInn of' I Inn Sotutim VIal
lo'tictt , 1y limo Unloin l'uu'ihles-
rute3 NovcrtltOItssM t'Inmy
Ct'ecfltnhio Gamin' .
No little interest inns boon felt chin
the past week cohnccrhliihg the fortlico
lug game of lasc base ball betwecim
famous club from W'ecpingVater , whi
has vaticlidsined everything it has toot
time held , and Limo Unitoit l'ncitics , w
hare been equally successful in a to
among time iriimciisah citibs jim the counti
Time Weeping \\'ater club clanim to be t
eiiainpiotms of Nebraska , niul caine
Olirnima with itigh itopes of elefentitig
timioti Pacifies.
'l'ito game vuts iuin3'ecl ll the preseut
of four or tire iItmItli'l PerSht5 nitliuti
it , vas it disastrous one for the 'iiit (
ititI vas quite aim ihiterestitig 0110 t1urott
out. 'I'lio pitcher nue t'atcher timid one
tWo other 111011 lit the Verpiuig'at
111110 did good in t hit held , 1 tnt
whole nine seunmed to lee svctimt itt
heat. Stiisbuvy ; pitched for tutu tmni
1'icitics iiimtl ltamltIc , caught lmtim dent
RPlclmI'ituIy. 1ceohleitt htt : 61mg waa umi
(10110 OIl time BitlitO side Ic ) ' i1ii e1el
' ' is time '
'I'lie following usceum'eu :
Uho h'.WlhlCiS.
.un. mm. lii ii ; ho. . .
MeKeisto , 2l . . . . . S 8 i fl o i
Vtttikiioity , i f . . . . I' , tu o ii ii ( I
i.itkiut : , ss. . . . . . . . 5 , i I I (1 ( 8
Snuced , ef. . . . . . . . . ti I 2 2 0 0
\\'Idnoy , lb. . . . . . 'I 1 2 8 8 0
Foley , 8h. . . . . . . . . i , 0 1 1 (1 ( 1
llmlggs , if. . . . . . . . . 4 1 0 I ) 0 I )
4minsEutmry , im. . . . . . .1 0 ! 2 1 1' )
Itanidle , u. . . . . . . . . 4 0 0 0 16 1
Total . . . . . . . . . .42 8 10 15 27 2In
s gi'iei W.tTKlu.
.thu. In. lit. Tin i'o , A ,
1ieIIovs , lb. . . . . . . 4 (1 ( 0 u I I 0
iioitmmenit . . . . . . . . 4 0 1) (1 ( 8 (1 (
Itattorsemim , b. . . . . .1 I ) 0 (1 ( 1 .1
l'otuttd' , p. . . . . . . . 'I 0 I ) 0 2 5
1)irkoy , ffJ. . . . . . . . . .1 4) ( ) 0 1 1
Iteeso , cf. . . . . . . . . I ) I ) ( I 8 I )
Kioposer. if. . . . . . tu ii i I 0 0
lirnicli if. . . . . . . . . 8 ( I I i ) I
Clutmrciiilt , ss. . . . . . .2
_ . . . .
' ' . . . . . . . . . . :
'I'Iuroo flueso II ita-McKeivoy 2.
Two Itnoto hIIts-\\'Iittiiey 1.
\ViIel l'itchuuig.-I'oummuls I ,
risseuI ilalIs-hlolmnos 1.
Stmiuck Oumt-'iVccptmig Water 16 , Uumiuuii I
cities 4.
lTmpiioSimmnVash ,
"Tine 1)ead-Iuhite. "
1Eaiiy oiul solutlomis ronmonimteer"tho einaui.llum
at 4\mutlorsoimvIIIc. I t was a uumiglity ulitulgeurtu
unoiglmbiurino1. 1)yspoisia , bi a
liver anmd kidney dIsnasi are ( till of iermis I
the sick , but 1I'urulork 11usd Jlitterc nero a ci
talim romnmedy. Suici ovcrywhcru.
- -
BOth oI'Oito MItail.
1)otroit 'rco I'ross.
Tim frommt of a Detroit butcher aim
yesterday a hutchor sat cleriniing re i.uve
ver. It was a rusty old "Colt , " which it
not been in use for years , nimel viun to
iiit ill order aitci traded o11 A ahoounzmk
cattle along directly amid observed : '
course there'll be nut accident , " "Yes ,
Prcstihmto Ito. " ' 'It isn't i)1d0t1 , iii ii
' 'Oh tic. " ' 'Ilnit it will go olII"
" ' ' 1 revolver witimu
vilI. hover see a
tvaitilig to imaiidlo it. Lot inc Ioc'k
that weapoim. Ale ! l'imm satisfied now ti
it doesn't comitumimi any stray bullets. I
you StillOSO you could lOt iI foot at LI
distance ? " "Cortttiniy I could. Now' ,
she was loadcdl'd take a dead sijltL ii
that anol Il11l the trigger , : eimel ' ' .1
alioenma1or julnped two foot iiiglm a
yelled like an Indian , aimd s'imen lie cai
dowmm lie dancedamid kicked anti gallop
arouimd uimt'ml 1)001)10 tiiouglmt lriimm cra :
It ; was emily after a crowd had collect
amid cornered him U } ) ill tine situp ti
any onto found out time trouble. ' 1
butcher imad put a bullet along time si
of lila foot close emmougim th draw blo
"I told you , slme'el go off , " howled t
shoemaker , as lie sat with his boot. iii I
iiaimd , ' 'Aimd didn't I agree with yom
inumocently responded time Imutciter.
Shuanni HattJes in Now .icrRoy ,
Simaum luattles may do for time tlmorott
ly disciplined soldierd of Etmrope , b
they may beconmo dangerous anmioug c
oxcitabio 1)001)10 , 'J'imis wits iliustrat
time other day at a almam battle at
GrammdErmcamnupmnioumtatl'rizmcotou , Jnincti
N. J. About. 500 iumen took part iii
l'mglmt , their muimbers being about evicts
divided between the Union muon mid
rebels. 'lice latter were given tine cal
amid live iuiocca ( If artillery with which
dofenmd it. ltegtmlar skirnumish nimd jdcli
lutes iyero tluiwn out. The Unioni fore
advnuiced aunt drove iii tim 1uickots , a
the skiriiiish lilies oltouioti vigouroutily
both sIdes anud were drivoii back by I
; ulvaimciuug itituht JilteR , and the Union mu
voru repulsed my ii vigorous ciiutrge of
Timeis time aliaiim battle was waged w
varyinhg fon'ttinmeus , till tine chnhitauiLn 1
cauiu thoroughly excited. intel tine olilci
lost control of thituiul. 'Fire vuterans
tine ( irnuid Aruiuy , stirred by the snunoll
powder until Limo roar of canmion , clmuer
fierceiy , nrimtl were noeL with equal tier
HeSS. Guns weuin fired directly in I
faces of each other , and at , lust tine v
011015 clubbed their inuaketuu urind wuimt
for a real fight , which was only e1eeci
by tine sight of wounded immein on I
ground wiuoro the light limed been sine
eat. 'i'horo tvore a good mnmny imihrt. , II
tinirteeui Ho severely that surgeons lIntel
ho tuiuiiimonet1 , Bhirlie(1 nind iacora
faces , lrflised cliestms , woujmilutl union :
legs , and thoiiglr paiiiftil aic mint eluen
( stint. It is iiot likely iciny minoru smote I.
tioH wiii ho fought on thief. lielni ; tiiu
citciuieitt nuts too ihigir to iuueke tiiei
hulenetmiht icastitule.
. Ijogali utunci huh.
Now York 'Flumes ,
% VInat is Jnicvmm to then urburg'inu
Africa ant ii iinmlne'er and to tihose oftme
ica as a hues taken Imiaco
LWCOII those two ciuuinmit ciniefa , tcim ;
Logiii aihl Sitting Bull , lim Pi11t of
1101'thlleflt tihuro Cflhl leo Ito ienwonn
uIOUit. that. time : tulvaimtngu e'ms with
latter , hut thu foriuior , as a mnouuihor of
llmliflhi COihmIutisSiOh ) , lined it
ci il ed ad vantage of positicul ) ,
ting .Iitull , after tlmo mununner
mis race , coitiiicel his aide ( If tile disi
sinimi to ii bL'ltOhIIUint of mini own munemnit ;
niud liniponinlico , Ito eloulit. expecting , f
tine iIppearnhICu of time Senniteur tihmll
getincral styie , to be niot. with a coon
chiiuun. But lie nicest have boom qiiovol
ilisappointeil.Vitli ti1uet cainlor
cmlnlattVeInesti winch lowe so often
livened the omnnetu tine tenmator I
lilihIolut , according to inirt own accol
runicted tiho direct issue arid , innuctent
lhnaghlifyihng ihihune4Ulf , luclittlod mini
1iIllOhit , ' "I'lno 1eoiiit I tried to lh
' ' the S
( ll iiiin , tuxplaiiia
tor , "Ivies that lie was met
ii - of an Judiaui as Inc seenmee
think. " 'l'inis line of colitrovoray is
we believe , coimsidered tire correct t
in aboriginal circles. Etiquette per
ie chief freely to water his swim moral
iociai stock without contradiction.
we caim readily believe the sermu
MStll'ntlco winch ho yi flint t'tlmo tx
which I had with Sitting lIeu inul a go
etroct. " Tint proud aiiirit. of tinat. cii
itmutuct have becim ltutnmluieel by fine trans
tioii , iii tine hearing Of his young nit
into ini miativo Smou froiie ii inugun
inearitig soinmo rcseinblaimce ten Eniglish ,
nil emlilcial Opililoil elf inium not ery ehiti
( 'lit from that which its author holds
( iou , Fitz , lohtn l'orjor ,
It jut a PitY that jmcustenity 5110111(1 h
nit nccouiit o time iimtorview fit wlni
Itoarmnig I4foin aiioweel Sittitig linnil , )
a white Soihittor ComhkL do hi time va3' ol
debate when ho wets entirely unnostra
uci icy tine aineimitics of civilization a
jatliammmoiitut law-mint that ito ever
lows h'inmsolf to be fettered by tiienmm , 11
we are lmuimel to say that. the views
the lillimois chief on the humhinii questi
ut gohioral 5001115 to be characterized
what , lie wouinl call } mni
801180 , ' ' ' 'Suppose , " ho says ,
l' ° ° You 1mit 25,0 ( ) ( ) lazy white mu
Cmli a piece of iumimni , 81111 sa ) ' to I ii u
"Vito ( lovernmumont will support ytfl till
you ( ntim SthllIOm't yotirsol f. ' 1)o you I iii
timosit v1iito 111011 % i'tmIhinl OXt'l't t1neuimsol
to got ilmto it cotiehitiemit vimom'o tIne ) ' woe
mayo Iii * nhlipcmrt tieomnlsel'tts Imy eork
tin i uk I eummild suggest ni Phi icy t iniet ytim
mnmilli ( , tineint sehf.shhleluortilmn iii a s'or' slit
titmn' . ' ' 'I'liiu details of tints RhiCy , hOt C
( ( ' 1e , ' its atithite' , vitii nut tuecaqitm
memmiimndei' to ne senneiteuriat emlmjeckmt' lintel
is lout 511011 It setiatorintl imlieo : of tornnu
lea ito s'chnis t (1 t 1mitmi , shin teilil Ito onno
tine liveliest features of time , inext nessi
nut Conmgm'oes.
" 011 It ( ) hui ) MAiI'fl I"
St. till of Itoinnmn men llneart hieti
IC St root-Car.
lotrtull Pren Press ,
' ' \\'inat's that forl' , uesked. it Free Pru
luau , as Ito sttw a ear.drivur oneVo
yitrd nvemmtie take te imickol front
PocI1tt amul Imnuns it ihmto tue fare.lmox ,
' 'l'\tr her. "
' ' \\'inat hen"
Time car stopped amid time driver
dot. ii with it ' 'Gooil.nmmorniing , itmanmmn
neimd assisted an old yoicmaim of 70 to cit
Limo cur.
' 'Did yii mny for men"
I r
S ' \\UII , tine story rimims back for reline
two years , " ito said , uui ice im'icicctl up
hues. ' ' 1 reckemm you liitow ltili-l'
i\\rcIi tWO years ago ice was onme
the touglmest nieim iii letroit. lie dram'
swore. amimbled , amid hmiel : all time oti
vices lying nenoemnid loose. 1 toll you ,
was a terror wimoim ( mit deity nual ci
sPree. lie vits gottimmg so betl : cii imbi
tinatnumothen eckvtiIeI : imave lmomm but
cccl , mitt seiutcthunmg lmampuited. "
' 'Ito was connmonig ujm cite evoming ii
drtmimk intel full of evil , numel aonmiowlm
about Daveimport street ice lurched o
Limo durslr.bortrd. 110 caught amid
dragged , intel the horse began to kick
i'tmn , 'l'iiat old wonton there vnts time o
masseimgcr cit time c.ii' , nind wineim she
time ntceidonmt site came out grabbed
Ilying hues with omme imnimd intel the bn
ivitin thu othnoi' , aimtL looking down iii
Bill she called out ;
'I 'Ohm Lord ! 11011) 100 to save hunt !
ii ; a wicked yotnnng annum rend hot. fit
' ' \yull , site uitttmeetl timat car and it
to tine incise inintil aonnieone canine ccli
amid inelped 11111 omit of mini fix , nend
vzCi all tine timime calliing hint 'Imoor 11
aial 'lily 5011' and tinainkihhg ( hid Inc i
imot killed. lie mad it ciose cali , titOth
ammel it , evas a sesloimmtt watImiimg. Fe
tinat night ho lnaan't talcemn ii driinlc , I
110 driver on tinia iine inns a cloammer moo
or is taking bettor care of himself , "
'Inm(1 tine old w'oiumann ? "
"Simo lives away out along wit
daughter. Maity's the dohfnr Bill iota s
after her since that night iii time w'a' '
cloths anmd pno'ioi , aimel lne'il never I
get imer. Time story cienme to time rest
us after a wimiitm , amid we've sort of ado
ed men as "Our Old Mamnilny. " Wo it
her cit and oil' , pay lien nickel out of
owim pockets , amid wimomt tine car isn't
ftiil we have a muinuto's duet with ii
Sire likes us tell , anmel we wouldn't tn
her oil for tine whole line. Ibt a bit
ronmmaimco among ourselves , you see"
"Yes Did sine ever talk to you ? "
"Did situ ? Simo sat rigimt thmnmro on ti
stool onto slay two mimommtlns ago aimd said
I' 'My son , let dnimnic reboot IL re
time pocket , cineats time brahm , rmimd lea
yeti frioimdiessl Don't swearl oaths
with a vicious soul ! Keep your tom1 ,
'Uime maim win , can't coimtrol mis tolnime :
ito better tinan ii caged 'woifj !
"Sine sajh that with Imor blue no
11mg muty SOUl ammd lion v.ilco trunmmblihmg
ecmnineuntimeuts , and every word weimt rite
to immy imoitrt anti hedged there. Sine's i
msonntutltiimg tAn airy to immocet of the loyn , n
I reckon tuitcin Ohio is tine butter for
C umrious , aiim't i t , I note' s'e foumnnl on r i on
mnmy , , nmmd inmaybo you'l ' believe with so
of tine meat ( ml tine that l'rovidumnce ma
intemmel 'ihm it. ' '
IteIhes ui Ilno ( ielo.
Sr. .IOhiN , N. l. , Septohutber 10.-'l
Freinch tieslmizmg nicoommon' ItToreury , win
arrived met St. Pierre last might fr
Orammil lianks , imicked Ill ) , time l2tin , I
Newfoummdinunl fiucinoninmuit , Vieinih i
1i1ietthmows , iii it dory , inavimig luecim
( lays nndrift , without food or water. ¶ l'
hecamnmo ulclirioitnn mmdVreisim
voimns heltl sucked his blood to ( luelmcin
terrihio tiniruct. 'J'licy were 110 ineljm
tinoy hInd to be hoisted aboard wit
rope. 'I'Ine lilorcury uciso brougint Ct
iliuccock and timm'ce of tine crow wroc
jim Now Foumidhunmd imeam' eIediammima. ' 1'
icmmow imotiming bif tinclntiaimce of tine en
I ii I ni-Sf a , o Uumtionevni I .tve ,
KANSAS CITY , Selmtelnbur It- ) '
immter.ntato mminilerevnitens of ? eEiucsoenn'i,1
lens until Nebraska closed it two ilays' ' I
lunch Intui'o timia umorimiung. 'I'ine muon
ollicumut wore elected for tine eumsuiing y
I'rtiniidomnt.I'eliltoii ' W.Tclcih , lCnunsas C
vicu.pneaielemnt , 'I' . J. I lofihlntClu , Seth
e4ccl'ctItty , All , Iiunmimett , ICtitisani C
executive chnniliittcni , tihh'IJU nnumnnl
fn'oiui each Statidjon1l'hned , to innee
'l'eeiutnka tine tinirci elommilty : in 1\Iai
1881. _ _ _ _ _
. - - -
1)nvli 'n'Ih hi I Inn I'vlco cI huntohie
CnuleAIio , Supteimiber .1 1)A ) ape
floihi TiliitVitIhlidtU says : 'I'lio Finiinm
41ntein cohuiialhY , oimo of the largest
cnimns , of tine hlilnU iii tine coUhntry , owm
factories at , Onhtiwsin mud cisuwinone
ietii'tl a juice list , llmakihng swtiejnimlg men
tithlll mm tile winuiontaic jmrico mate
Tine renlutctiohi is 50 per ccitt. . ' [ ' 1
winicin have 11dm selling for 5 , 10
elude will 11(1W ( sell fur 2,50i2.55 ,
ilinecounitnt to large Imhli'cititsen'n. 'l'inu
citmnilohi reacineni 'is tinat tine great CCI
' natiolt ill bmolccn.
C ( hmin. i"lcIoweil Jlnngcn'oushy mmiii
SAN FICANOISc0 , Septomimber 1O-
I : Mclowoli , late connmnuimdhmmg tine l'n
I division of tine Ijnmiled States Army ,
I tinrowim from a buggy yesterday.
t inmunioa at first were eupposod t
S hmgint alit ) little iettemmtione was iald lu
' Mmotrr i'tlItoAThS'i. n
Aiti : } : N'TlitTAINIU :
I1ASI' Th11 lnoVmtq : , TO h'lt)4ThtATh Tlhl NI
VIt' S'SThuISh ru rtiinhoiis nVAC11A
N.tTliil ( HAS UIVIN . SAM1'iIl hNTihI l'AMm (
SIITZIit sl'flhNO , OF t'uIAT I 111 ICIIlm1114. ( N'
SiII'A1m8) ( lit i'Sl'i8'Tl0 svsTiI : Nlnhms : F
iTH 1t1i1l'OiLATlitN , ANI ) IJ Tarrant's P.ffl
escont Sottaor Aporiont SCIKNCI ; hAS I
PhRV1) ON NATIIIII liv ( iJ3ffllNlN(1 ( ALTi TI
Al t'Aiii.F. 1N(1liItIN1' : : or' Thh (11:1CM :
Ft'NTl l A l'ohtTAltt.n P01CM , TIhiSAfliCt
A:4l ) i'OTINr : SALINI : ALTRiiATIV ; ( : IIANU
TIlE ( . ' ( )4i'hTh0N 01' Tihl 111,001) AN1) l'tJlthI'l
ALt ThiS FlUlfli or T11b hlODY. 501,1) hF
thtUtlu haTs.
imiattor , they ressuImmed a mo
s.nmous tttrn , liii ; mmiimid is wamulerimi
cmtit relapses to a comatose atnt
Vrnumdq state time ilijunies arc nmmuctm 1mm
sernotis timneim could havetmeomtunumposed. _
Thnet 'h1lutt'd t'ai'hy.
Ciln'Aenl , Septeminmimer it- ) amnall so
tiemin of titoviIiaptl uxctnrsiomt hetr
reachieni thus city tithe mimuntmihug. ( Ic
( htnemmt , I I cii.'iiliammm eI. Evarts , Fcc
( trick Billings , ex.ltreumieleitt of Numntincm
I 'itcitic rontil ; ( iemm , ewttum , ( lent. i eFec
amid .7 'sse ( im'auml are of tine am'ty. 'llmi
leave for tiiOdltSLtimicVttimihlg.
1)c'Mh m'in't let' Fite ,
SemtANTc , ' , i'nt , , Septuitmimor 111-Fit
mcvii hiiuiicr , i n tvlmicin t Inc zmcciniehnt n
etm'med ; t we ttcelis regel , t&'smmilimmg ill t
ticatin of two imieni , is lmmmtmmintg this mmmor
ing. I imecimuilnery. Set'em'ni ciweihimigs we
tiammmngcd. Loss estiimmneted net $50,0 (
'l'tVt ) IieiittlmetL mmmcmi aimil umoys are out
work ,
r 'en the leorra open , the hl iIsuui1i nuuti mu
. srI lie , aflul thiu fuirmlim , ) nut outhit for iuui1nrit
hut thu iurh'ltatlouu uiuh iulooel tu tuheti etuco iutusiI
thug lihoteleti , bhacielieails snmihuuthuuor skium liienIsb
elohR1lY of iiulauitst to cleiensv , whiten , enul bosiat
t hu pk lii , ronuunus U tot , , frecklci , onititicirn , oiil ( I
uistiter' to leeem , the hinds soft , bite stud free In
011511 , ititt romnghnecs , lures ount eonutaghiuui tklut i
scnliu ulisenses , auu.h ii , Pros hI. an , skirt bin
tiller niu1 tout , hettli uenuil nurser , * 51,51 , I vi , roloie
whthi delicious niocu er odors Suit ( , uthcurn heal iuug U
sMuts , 12s0 tiio Ceitheinra l"M' huiilofleil II' pity
thetis intel elteuntisti , as nhinuoteutchy lur aiI , ) highly me
, lIiiiui1 , S.thev miSt nmei 1S82 t,000,00t ) cakes.
r o vheatu'o the iehoot wlmii yom fluid It. Itapurit
liurothuig thivuinighi thee skinu In imhoflgmring hInd ,
Os , "hectorIng I Iinuunrs , Itoiha semi borut chinunt
cc mont tint are I"eu ci islu , Ihinvois Couuctllnstuih , Clvi
I tighu.cciorenh sued Se'nuuly , ineuntisu ht is in , neni Iuuhletnui
usunil ft'rnntentlt a state Cleaunse It , slant , l.angui
lehniilty ) , Slcvplscsuivo. , uuid neThrml , tVorui.out Fe
lug hervRie thee sycteiui Cleanuso It winen ynem is
your nectistoinnetl t hgor. ieeI , the intnnI P11 ret , I
mutt ohs tnpnie thno Urine free front senlhiuieitt , it
health cc lit stunts Icy toni. 'lit aceounIlnIhili tlth gri
work Imno net tine oritinunry oariaparhhhawr ether mini
meurhltor call PocomiemY muiaI tIne Ciuticurn Ilvoinic w
the New ltioonl muvhnmer , tiurcthc ) itiinl Aintricuut.
The Heritage of' Woe.
iSIOtY , iueetmno suini agouty , i ftmi benmucattuvil
I n senie Ieutcy to cluibtruni my Parrots ho inegloc
Hcrofuta. I n , cleanse tinim bInned of tIui bcrsniiti
pnhso , , , ainit Ilneic remove ttio iuuost miroilno cruise
hinmutteuu innilTerinug , to clear thou skinu tnt lmtcflgurhng I
Incurs , itcmnhng lortuires , I lutultinet big EriihntiOnis
loihisouune i4iures enticed by It , 1w mildly i
lernuthty thu tnkiuu , ninut rootoros tiio hair so
Inc trace of nilcoaso reuuniein , Cuuthcnura htesnnht unit ,
hOW lntood l'uchllcr , aunt C'uthcurne anud Cutheura n
thuo great Skin 1\trses aunt Ihutuntlfiecs , are huufatti
'llnuy nero tine otily n emitenilo' . that suceoed sleui , Inlu
ilutiuw itunnl nih othuon' nrunennui , fail. l4nnkt by all ninign
Price ; Cuticeuvi , toe ; Iieinnnitcnut , m ; Soap , 25c.
i'oPtlilt 1)11110 ) ANt ) ClillI1CAlCO. , mios'ro
sttSeimil for 'llinev ' to Cure Skim liseasneo ) , ' tic.
Sanford's Radical Ci
1nr tins hniiuuuodhato rohief
ntjflflalicuit cure of cc
. . t nirult nit Cietcurhi , trout a p
lie Ileani Cold or
to tine muss of Suunehh , 'i'i
annit iuuerlnug. , Cough , Ihi
chIt is , nnnl huicihekult Cnunuutuuuinthnmn. Coiuupletu 'l'r
iuunnt , whim luihualer , $ i , at all ilrugghatm.
$30,000 for $2.
Regular Monthly DrawlnwiiItako 1ni
I h ii Line ) iamnouuio I huh , Slaruonulo juimmplo imu
S F log , lii LouiivIilu , Ky.
T/iw'sday , September 27 , 188
A Lawful Lottery aint Fair Drawin
clinctericl by the leghehatuce of ICy. 'crud twhons dcc
enl lt'gal Icy tue huhgluennt conuct In tins State. lie
gituni to Ihunry COiumt lii time stun of I0OOOO for
Inronulmt nayuneut of neil jnritea sold.
tiThc'crv tIcket hoicier luicown suinervicor , cain
out tins , uuniber on iii , , ticket nend ieee tIme correcino
hug utuuuiber out thus tag riaced Iii the wheel nut
inreunence. 'flueso niraechnugd wIll occur ou blue I
'rhnuruiay of every nunonittt. head thu nuiaguulhiovnt
September Scheme.
2 I'rhzos , 2iOOuacIu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 ,
5 PrIces , m,000eacli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 ,
20 l'rheus , tOO erich. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . me ,
mocm inrleos , 100 eaCh. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ni ,
21,0 , l'rizes , 1 , ' ) each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mu
rod , , I'rhrcs , 20 usd1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 ,
loud ) l'rhznio , 10 cant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
I ) l'rhznun , 1100 cmvii AqnroxImation l'rlzLni 2
1) Prheusn , 2dm ) .ueeli " " I
0 l'rhzes , RIO ae1 " "
1,857 h'rizinn. $ llU
WIiolo Tickets , $2. hiatt Tickets ,
27 TIckets , $50. 55 Tickets , tlO.
llcnunit mnnnuoy or liauuk iruelt ) a t.eettimr , or scud
ltiCUlhIhLl'h ) 1.171'J
otinrennel. JHNi ) IllNl ) BY
Oh l'Oi4T OLThChOItlKlt , uuthl , Iurtnucr notice ,
ihers ml $ . tumnl uhnwarli my coherence , can leo inuunt itt
utupeininc. Anldresni alt orders to J , J. lIOUCI ,
lnnuinevhiieKy. d oattu'th.&wit 4w C
Oldest Itoal Estate Agel
Notary Pubhc and Practicai C
Ycyan cci' .
Clarke sells l1cniupe aunt Lots , htosleieuioo Lola
ltnmshuiennin T.ota all cm c r tins cIty , auth all aiihitlcnui ,
lnicn huiuprnmvonl nud unhtinnrn.vcel ; tannin clever
tmynthinr iwcnt _ _ " ! ) ! ' : _ _
NatiOllal Ball
Capital , - - $100,000 ,
C. W. HAMIL.1'OU ,
M. T. aARLOW. Ca5h
Accounta ohIoItod and kept mm
Joct to mmight chock.
Cortltlcatomm of Deposit Isouod
nblo in 3 , 0 nnci $2 $ months , boar
I Intorostoron domnnd wlthoul
toroat. p
L Advancomm madoto cummtomori
. upprovoclmmocurtiommatrnarkot ( i
. of intorout ,
'rho Intoroatmm of Cummtomormm
closely guarded zmnd every fuc
. compatible with prlnoiplomm
tmoUnd bnnking.frooly extended
, Draw ujght drafto on England
I land , Scotland , and nil part. of
a rope.
a 8o11 European Pammango Tiokol
. Collections PromptI Maci
Special Bargains
Acre Property.
Cfl ) PROPF.I1TY west anti imortliwoal of Uie city ,
A on , easy terms. S
West End Addition.
. ' 051' losirshle fteshnience Lots on Fuernam , Dour-
lv tat , intt 1)o.lgo streets.
Donnookon's Addition.
I8C' t.argo tutg , cast amnnl west fronts
For Salo.
ANI ) iI)113h8 ( iii 1'4rhe l'lace ,
I , i'itc , hienhln'k , I'utrker'a , Suhnin'et ) , Nchsou.e
4uunlthi's , hit3 nl , IlcenFin itnud hcotntntto'e Adnhhltouui.
CII4INK.SI4 suit ICe.si4enieo l'rolnerty Iii neil Imaria Of
. I ) thnu city.
vitiurello Stnnmtm ( uarry ,
celeteratont l'tre Clay hank Inn Cass Comunty.
t _
To Exchengo.
. n llcsiniouce i'copcrty , two iotA , cottage
. antiC barn , lit C'Iitttauuuutii , , to exciuaumgo for
Ontualun loIeodY.
_ \
Farms and Tracts.
FohtTV Acre tract near city , 1,0OO.
' we Forty acre triectn , Inmprovcd , eacim $2,300.
:1 : :
'IitAltM : , 1301) aires sinoclally acIapteti to stek pee-
1 lmosvs lucy ncro 3O.
i'LINhII ! tarn , , 12 tithes from Omaha , ever
S acres , inor acre , $30.
I Ali1t hear llorece,17' acres. $1,800. '
17'1N1 lAltM , 52u ) acres hut Cats conunty. largo or-
I chia'eh , stusnie itnuciling utnunl buerum , two touuo quay.
rice , hire cia qtiarry , etc. , cc. , at a bargain , , Luuiul
, i leo die intent.
11tAlCM lad acres near lreinigtonn , at a bargain.
S1irver & Bell ,
lle Estata out ,
Opposite Postoffice.
01F. DAVIS & 00 ,
( loners1 D5b1cra In
1so5FAnNArsr : ; , . . . OItAIIA.
have for sale 200,000 acres erefully selected landi
0 Fasthrn Nebraska , at low price and on easy tormi.
imlnroveel farmus for a1o in Douglas Dodge , Collax ,
Platte , Ilurt , Ctinuiui Barpy , Washington , 3ierlok ,
Saunmnlermn , and Ilutlor Counties.
Taxes maId In all leart of the State ,
Money loaned on nmnprovod farms.
Notnry l'utllo Always Lu otilco. Correspondonon
211 South Thirteenth st.
opp. Omnunha Nnttioimal Bank.
tot SIxlOO , SLIt street. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 55G
2 5 rnouu house , lot f.Oxirno , 0th troet. . . . . . 1 000
a 5 mmmi house , lot [ 'Oct40 , 10th street. . . . . 2 100
4 0 rnnonm luniuoo , lot 8'21x04 , hUm street. . . . . 2 000
ci II town houe , lot Stx01. Dorms street , I 600
7 rounni iioui.e , lot 00x125 , ? doutanma strcot 1 BoG
5 5 mont luoticu , lot 110x140 , 10th street. . . . . 2 300
12 8 rinnni mumbo oii leased gronindCass st. . 27
lfi Lot nlx2TnO , Califoriulic street , , , , . . , . . , , . , too
10 Liut 44a132. 10th etrit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 cOO
17 Lot 0'ix112 ' , ' [ uiuthi street. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 00
18 2 story store buiidluug , 1ot22xi32 , Douglas
street. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
10 3 ruuumm house , lot 40x115 , 26th , street. . . . . 1 300
20 5 count house on leased ground , CunnIng
street . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 575
21 0 roont house , lot SOxIGO , lltim street , , , , 4 000
23 4 rruoium house , lot 041x140 , 20th street . . , . , 2 200
211 l1omis aunt lot , 25x100 , Chiarleun street , . . , 000-
27 house mini lot , 00tc132 , Cahiltelavonuo . , 2 000
28 tiunnoc annil lot , 33x122 , CalifornIa streot. 2 800
so ilouso and lot. i1x132 , Disiunuinurt street , , 2 600
31 Two lots , 00xt2. sacim , Seward Street : , . . , 700
No. 32 , leouso arid lot N. It ) St. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,300
No. :01 : , Itoioo anti lot CalifornIa litr . , , . , . . , 2,501
No. 31 , house anunl lot N. 13th 51. . . . . . . . . . . , 2,700
FarfflI Land Fnr Sale iloilses For Rents
United States Depository.
First Nao Balik ,
-01 ; ' OMAhA-
Cor. 13th and Parnam Sta.
The 0/des ! Banking Establishment
In Onwla ,
Organised in 1858 ,
I Orgnmmiizod us a Natiemmal Bank in 1863.
C CA1'ITitb . . . . . . . sooooo
suut.qus AN ! ) PROFITS . $ uso,000
C OiCiRAND Diamierone3.
hisatIbs KouniTci , l'tueidenmt.
I Jouns A , Casnucnton , Vice President.
Auovsru Kouniru , 2n1 Vice 1'oildeat.
A , J. t'orm'n.aome ,
. F. If. hMvas , ciohior.
w , ii. ? dioQuiu , AittitAflt CashIer ,
Trainsacta a general banking busIness. Issues Urn.
cortlilcateit bearIng Interest. Draws dralti on Han
Yranciaoo 1041 iertnclps'l ehtI Ins Us. UISItOd States.
Also Lontloem Dubilu , dinbtcrnch and the pdnol * .
ciUoi ot Use wotlnout Vt EUrO I ,
. .
a. - a i fr
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