ii .I TIIE DAILY + 'EOMr1IIA1'1IUItStAY , SEPTEMBER 26 , 1863. TIIE OMAIIA BLS , I'ubi.hd every morning , excepgSunday. The I only Mnnday mornl lg dd1y. RxVR xT ) ne Yc6.$1nW I Three bfonthl$3.00 AlxMourn. . . . . . . . . fWIOnoMonth . , , , , , , , ,1.00 ' I TOR RULT ERR , rtiLtenRDRtRBT 41DRR8DAT. Taaw + ; ros11AID. , 0 e Yenr. . . . , . . . . . $2.00 ThreoMonthe9 f'O Six biontha , , . . . . . . 1.00 I One Month . , . . . . . 20 Amorlrna Nei- . Company , Bole , Agonti ; Nowedaat Sr. In ( ho United Stales. . I o0ARMr0NDRRCILI A Cnmmnale + tlnn + relattngtolewenndrAltodal matlcn ebould bu ad'trr..l to the EDITowO ? 'roe Dn u u1tt : + Lern ns. Allnuehn. + fetten and fkmilteneca'ehmdd be addreaeed teTnu flue Poeueaxn tbwuxr , OwAUA Dolts , Cbeoke and 1'uetomCC ordan to be made p7. able to the order or the company. TIIE BEE BUBLISBING COG , PROPSI B. ROSEWATEREdltor. Tiilnr : ha , beet romowed rioting at Canton. Tlio Chinese seem to bo getting tback of the Caucasiann with the cry "The Christians must go. " Arran two sveoks deliberation , Mr. Laird has not quito nmdo up Itis mind as to whether ho is entirely guilty or not , i Mr. Laird'e private admissions and pub 1c ? denials ilo not tally. r PAUL VA nEltvoonr , who fought , bled and died for ltia country in the late war as a contmiesnry clerk , but who banks heavily on the 0. A IL , worlrcd tooth and nail at the last legielaturo ngaiust General Thayer and Oliarios F , Mamdor sot , both of whom were ambers of that organization , wltilo Mr , Millard , Vandor sroort'a proforrodcandidato , never amollod powder. Tna San Francisco Chronicle aasort , : ' that the opening of the Northern Pacific j 1 will Imvo little affect in breaking down r the monopoly of the Central lino. It ei predicts that the Northern , Central and j Southern Pacific mnnagors at their moot- fug this weak will harmonize on a policy i to squeeze the people of their roapuctivo i sections as much as they will atand. Lt other words , thmo onlighteted hoary of Leland Stanford , "to charge all the trn0e ? will boar , " will be approved and acted up to afterward by the bogus competing : linos. ! M1t. LAlnnhastelegraphed astatomont ! Y ; from Hastings to the Lincoln .Totlrnaf t and the Omaha licpttht1ca n in which ho makes a general denial of the ohnrge s made against hit quoliied by the ad I miasion that lee dm have a converaatiom t It t I in the Paxton relative to lands for stoc k { I raising and that ho did make a visit to i the Sinking Water creek prior to time tint a ofetllo claiin jumping opurations in whit ] t ho is accused of having a hand. 1 , Mr. Laird will hmavo to bo more specie c p if lee proposes to roinovo the offeet of tli o t very serious charges which have been 6 . made against him and which are backed i . by corroborative evidence from a dto n L ' sources. Iv Vandervoort wishes ho can enlighten lighten the poshnnstor general abet 9 what ho was doing in Soda Springs Idaho , at time time ho reported himsol F attending to his official duties in Omaha. Mr. Vandervoort's otlicial duties just thou consisted in placing the stock of n certain mining enterprise , in which ho i ° ' interested , among thopostal clerks of tli ° railway mail service. For this purpose ho had a friend made special agent o f the dopartnent without pay in order to secure him transportation on time railroad ° and stage lines in the west , and partio marlY in Idaho , whore the mine was alt uated. "Working" the postal clerks it i i a mining aPoculatiomi , in Vandorvoort' is it t opinion , was attending to his ofi ial bus Incas , but Mr. Gresham will hardly lee k ke at the matter in the saute light as th e patriotio commissary cleric who was lntel Y grand commander of the 0 , A , R Pun Now York Herald is worried ova r our navy. It says : "Wo have not much m of a navy ; but matters are getting s o complicated on the Chinese coast the t time president ought to order time whole o f our available fleet to tunas waters u t once. Time Riclunetd , fourteen gram ° , time Essex and Enterprise , of six gun e . ouch ; time Ashuulot aid lifotocaoy , tw antiquated paddle-wheel vessels , and a dispatch boat , time Pales , now , accordin g to tine last naval register , constitute on mr Asiatic squadron. To these ought to ii o added time foly seaworthy vessels while lm are now in the Mediterrammoamamid on tl to North and South Pacific stations , oral y ton in all , and that without delay. ml Time herald Is bohimd time timos. Th ° Ashuelot svaa wrecked off the coast of I Eastern Asia over six montlma ego , owin i to a drunken commander , who has boo n dismissed trop lima service for toeing th ° lives of cloven soauom , Wr are not inolitfod to credit tlt0 r e . pyrt that Mayor Chase will appoint I : d , IValsh to time dor imnportatt positiem of cow or inspector for Omaha. Time appomntimmem it is one so manifestly unfit to bo niado thi rat ne'tlmur ' tire mayor of council could hover it any valid excuse for it. Time prinoip al duty , as we undoratend it , of time sew er iwpuctor will ho to supervise eo11noetior , a with tliu Waring system of severe , arms m 1110 into the cacaos of stoppages , and r ° , port violations of time law respecting tl mo use of the system. Incidentally time ro y will be some work caumectud with o ur surface drainage sewers , but few sto p pages need bo expected from tike sourc ° and the duties iii that respect will n at be laborious , 'I'lmo best unit for thu po s itfon would bo a practical plumber. TI 1U examination of drains and connoctiot is . -with sanitary conveniences for hou 8 ° I drainage falls directly ill the line of ti , ° plwnbtimbbuaincse. Such a mat wou ld 0 .start in office with time training and 0 x I p P orionco for his duties which a ray aria xor r Pclau clau of mechanics would be forced to a c , quire at the expense of hits work. . . . . . p. -.V..a w mt ° . _ _ 1unorrAN DISAE.ItA.lNT. The cable reports that Germany is about to propose to rims European powers n general disarmament. This rumor ha , bona altar repeated during rho past five Tlmc conclusion of the Turco Itussina war rind rho proceedings of time 11cr. tin congress wore bcliered to point strongly in this direction. Each succeeding ceeding conferanco nE rims entporors lane bean considered of eignificnnco as leadlnq t o rho point of an international confi. donna which would permit at least n h eavy decrease in rho enormous ntaudltg nrmios whic'n ' nro sopping rho vitality of t ax-ridden Europa. Still mono rocomtly t ime great alliance of Austria , Germany a nd Italy , to which Spain and lloumnnin Imvo nasv beat aamnittea , lies ilmcrcasol rho belief that the pacific protases of P rince Bismarck worn about to be real- i zed , Such n combiuntion tai dictate ierain to Europe , mud n proposition of time kind , coning from such n source , would carry with it tower suspicious of intor- erred natives than if originated in Elm cabinets of more aunbitious but lens pov arful nations , Excluding Great lirilafn fromn Limo es- mama , the armies of huropo on a war ! Hating compramisu rho enarmnue total of 1 0,617,104 neon , On time present poacu l ooting they do trot exceed 4,000,000 , , mnnintainea at nu anemia ! uxpcuso of a bout 150,000,000 sterling or nearly $ ! 100,000,000 of our mmioy Russia loads Limo lists with a standing nrauy of 88,400 eon and officers which can bo recruited iii time of war to 2,427- 8 53. For rho support of her military os tablialunent , Russia expends $100,000 , 000 yearly. The crummy of Germany at Lno } beginning of 1682 ) vita r0parted at 440,134 roan' According to time German system of army orgauizntiomt Limo breaking - ing out of war would place 1,4130,677 aol diora at onto iii rho field wltilo time calling - ing out of rho Landeturm wound incronso time number to 2,500,000 without touch , ing time lest reserve. On a poacu footing , time army ogFranco c onsists of 471,071 moo amid 215,9158 otli cots , Time ] net report of the war ministry - try plncon rho fetal available forces in nose of rho calling out of the reserves at 2,000,000 eon , Italy hoe but 715,000 s oldiers enrolled in her regiments now in rho active service and 873,712 nvnilrt blo for immediate service in case of war. It fn estimated that with Limo territorial army and the last reserves a force 0 f fs 1,01)0,000 ) could be assembled. Turkey' s army in uuuch acattorod in time various Provinces antler rho Ottamau rule ram i their nttinbors are imperfectly lcnowmm. Time last information from English Hour cos places flair etremgth on n war boot s at 500,000 coon. ® TbOSO me rho largest of rho armies in Europe , but Spain , Portugal , Norway mid Sweden , limo Netherlands , Demiark , Belgium and Greece have military or . gauizutious which provide for the raising of a further total of 050,000 soldiers im t case of foreign invasion wltilo Switzer . land and rho Danubian priucipnlitius in eluding ( Survin , Itounlaimia and lliun . tenogro ostimtatu their armies on a wa t footing at 674,850 mon. Such n mighty armament is at ones a ntennco to poacu and an ulcer on time wealth producing capacity of Europe. A general disarnmmnott which would reduce these inunetno standing armies to force s au(1lciont ( only to mniutain domostio or dor amid secure their respective countries against foreign domination would be a blessing to tlmo continent. A ll'1YL I'OLICI' , Pablio improvements in Omaha Imav e not been begun n day too soon. Tin e rapid growth of time city and its incroas importance as n great commercial cantor long ago aomandad that it should bo placed abreast of its sisters in those oletnonts which go to unako up a substamm fiat foundation for future progruea Every year that our streets remained un ' graded eta uncurboa , our houses svithou t sewer couuuctioua and our man btlsiuoa s arteries unpaved eat back Omaha fiv e yours in comparison with such cities as St Paul and ] liinneapelin. We were force s to ovcrconto a cousorvatiem which wa s nothing but foggisun under atothar Ham e mud ram inertia which savored nary taunt i of a luck of public spirit before the publi o reached. its present position of aommuliu B the praupt forwarding of a rnngmrohon slue and svido reaching system of immiprove aunts which would nnnho Omaha n metropolis iii appearance as wall 0.a ii m naunc , Public immprovmueda ha'o at lost be gun , and are being carried forward wit h eyatomntic vigor , Pavimmg operations ra to rapid progrosn. Our sewer system f s stall advanced iii time commtral section of time city. Grading amid curbing and ge t. Luring are going on ht alumost every wart ? Omaha is at loot thoroughly asnkana 1 , both to whet ptrogt'ose moats and a pr ° , greesive oily demands , 'Phu linnucos n tf rho city nro in excellent auulitinn ; sus i , near in proaperoue and taxes will not f or years to conio be burdotsomo , It is n wise policy to nmalce hay syhi l U the eon 81111108. Thu season iu colic h paving eau be demo i , dnawiug to n ale s e ' Sixty days at limo fnrtltwt raunin for tb ° congdutiou of time work unauc contract - buler0 uiutor will be upon us , Upon tb u opuniug of spring time work ought to b e rosulnod. Next year should see Dodg e amid Iowaal streets paved , h'uruam ate of ru pavea and rho aeelie11e of rho cram s streets not now cnmplutod or uiaar cat . tract , laid with a durably parumom t Ninth street is also culling for impre } c wont and pus'in ; ; , Under those circutmteGtncoe into duty eI rho city council is plain , Time conclusio n of the work uidor contract and that f or which contracts will shortly bo lot will entirely consume time proceeds of lee sale of the paving hoods voted at ( ii 10 last bend election. If new work is to be prosecuted early in the spring , as it s hould be , our people must bo given tot opportunity to veto this loll on another proposition for an additional $100,000 in paving hearts , if they curry , as they cartninl } ' should , all the red tape pre , liminnry to rho ordering of paving and rho letting of lima contracts can ho Bono this winter and when time spring opens work can be sit cone begun. While if rho submission of the bond proposition for $ 100,000 to pay for tire city's share of paving is postponed until time spring elso. Lion , it will be Juno boforooporations c an bo commenced on our attests. The voting of $100,000 in bonds means $300,000 worth of paving in Ommumima next y ear. And $300,000 worth of paving mesas the parmnnout imnprovounett and clonulinesa of all time streets km time bmmsi. oars portion of Chia city. Lot Limo Council complete at once time uaccssary forumulnrilies far n bond propu sitiou at the coming full steelier and rho tax praying rotors of Uutalnn will sustain Llmtn in their nctinu. A st'rCI. r. telegram front 1Vashingtol stoics that rho trnuafor of rho 'Youth in fnntry from rho upper lakes to Oreon nos Washington Territory to exchange rvitlt time Twenty-first imfautry , will begin about rims tat of October. TDo Twouty first will move from Vancouver barracks , mid rho Tenth form Fort Wayne , lad , , mud Detroit , lllich , The axchange will be m ade by detaclunents , nn it will be diG ( cult to procure su0icicnt rolling stock to ittaka time transfer over so long n line at cane , and it wili probably Lake nearly two months to complete rho movomont. There are about 500 officers sari anon in ouch regiment. Many of rho older and married mar will oxchmammge by transfer from ono regiment to the other , those of thuTwmntyfitst especially preferring to rennin on rho Pacific coast , whore they h ave taken reaches and hemostcade. This regimout has bcon in its present situation on thoI'acific coast for eighteen years. It lure bean longer iu eta piano than Huy other regiment in the service , amid has been in at least half n dozen Indian was , notably in the clime after Chief Joauph aid rile lliodoc campaign , Tlta colcentratio11 of rho Sixth infantry at Fort Douglas , Salt Lake City , will take pines its soon an additional barracks can be prepared for them , It will bo Limo only regiment in the army whose com panics will be located at one fort. Time Now Jersey radicals imavo gene through the formality of a uaniuatiot of State candidates for defeat-a ceremony which they porfornl every tlmreo years with becoming digulty.-ICerald. A ltopublication nomination in Now . Jersey is not n mare formality , thoughas a rule time State can be counted upon as Democratic. In 1872 Gtin. Grant swept it by 19,267 majority , Since that Lima Limo Donncrnts have carried it. In 187 G hit. Tilden receives 115,91515 votes , against 103,1510 for lift , Hayes. In 188 0 Ccn. Hancock received 132,505 votes , ngaiust 120,6515 for Comm. Garfield , 2,151 7 for time Greenback candidnto , amid 101 Prohibition votes. A Governor holds for three years in Now Jersey , and is not iuunediately eligible for to-election. In 1874 rho Den mcrtlta elected their Gov outer by a clear majority of 13,223. In 1877 , whoa Get. McClellan cons nomi noted by acclamatimi-Mr. Leon Abbott beitmg then also a eandidato before time couvettion-McOlollan received 97,838 votes , against 85,094 for the Republican caudidato , 5,058 for time Greenback candidate - didato , anti 1,438 tomnperanco votes , 11icOlollamn'a clear majority over all w thus only 11,247. In 1880 time Doumo cratio candidate , Gov. Ludlow , received 121,660 votes ; his Itepublican opponent Mr. Potts , 121,015 , with 2,759 votes fo r rho Groetbnck candidate INIlUST1tiAL NOTES. Caagiue munttfacturod productRwfll aggro gate ulutost $100.000,000 this your , 'limo 1'roducen' isGlrblo company , of limit . Inud , 1''erurout , ozmm Iu 's were marble art ton that In all the 1taUnu quarries put to ' gotbor , Eleven y onrx alga rho first croanmy svns ox . tabNshud In Alnticheer , Iowa , timid now tic n nro aLuut 80(1 ( In rho State. Choose tacturlu s arc not ne uumorame , Lot nro mecosaary , mu 1 arc said tuylold n batter profittban time croaur uriox , Thw e are now twelve paper 6wtariox hs th a ] iupublio of llloxleo , distribntod iu elx differ af out Statue , mul producing aim aggregate e f $215 000 pouudx dmly. Ax early Las time you r 182 ? ) nn Amnodcnu nonmed ] toehold oxtabllshut I n mpor mill hoar time City of 9luxleo , whidm I e still hm prosperous oxlstauco. Cotton mm ufractnrod hdu duck le Ldn xuccoesfully Introduced mw n rooftug mntoria Aside front Its choupnoss It possesses the ad ' vantage of llghtnexs nx nom Inrod with shin gsus or Rhtto' It ulfuchmlly uxcudos water , mum , j It Is sold to 1.o n nat conductmr of heist , In hnirfiuld , isfuhio , ix a nmanufactury u f randynuul0 buildings schich ix sold to both o la iu the world , it tunas out da ollings f u y rims nod ehrgmnw , us huutx uud sho0a ur ° tnrnud out to other ports of Now hnInul ; Thu capabilities ut rho factory range frau a ehnuEy to a VIO,000 Lotus , ss ) th ovary root , m rronuug LLVaa time aan. 'limn old industry " ( ghLaa umkiug taco tai 1 auch n revival Its Vunico tlust 15,000 1)001)1 o unw ntukn Loads while nnuy others stn ou m pluyud in glmtss losving and moatiu. ( ltho arts wldeh hnvo lately ruvh ud , arc artlxtio ii i worst mud lure nmldug , mud limo lunnahtcte e of furnlturo i ° iadtatlom of amtbtmo , designs i n olxmmy mul Ivory h1La boguu , C uunbam , C01. fe to b0 Era site rat LI stool storks , built my Now York and lit. tool s capitalists , whim ] mavo bought 2U00 acres u ( Lord at Crystal liuEtO , : ' 0 milua from Cunu son , the trout emttnhlhlg large , mul vuluaLl l0 dup0slts oirun and of authrucmte coral. ' 1'h u lrmm is said to ho cquul to time bust hl : dtsaouml nun the fatal eu merlur to the bust iu 1'unneyl vludn. Thu umlll , uhuu 911IahOd , is to cumplo ! ' uuveral thousand laude , Time IrllgesttllIDltlltaCEay of bail bats i8 a llastiugs Dllch , where ate luuulrud men ar u eumployelj , flail n rnllliou hats arc supposcl 1 to be fico dowsed fur the prusmmt year. Ash is the staple bat wood. Apra'morttun ' of tau 01 , end uccrssa1ly higher 1)rieod , bats u w tondo of chatty , lncludhmg the dllTurunt wood and sixes , tlwru court tsvcutytwu styles of bat made for Limo trade , ranglug hm price at total l fromu tun cents for a juvuulle article u1) Lu S1 for an Lcsthatlc chatty bat. The 1ustln [ a f Cory will aeo ht time nolghborhood of 8 s0 , ( not of ash , 2l > n,000 te0t of basswood , and fA . OOU tort of cherry toolbar thin season , colic jr moans about 2,00 gross or thirty car loads u f b ats , Armothur bet factor at Southm lbeud lad , , will conetuns al out 1'5,000 font ul lain bur , and one at Grand ] l pldelllcb. , 75 , 000 feet more. Several Iwge factories in Now Yak ally nro now engaged in time tnnnunctura ( of line long. cot nlnnking tobacco from such material as in duetrious ltnllnn bo R ) nny rake f tom rho got torn , rho prahtct soling rat retail for about twenty cents n Ionnd. The cigaratumps are Rnnkatl In n Balaton of nmmnenln to oztrnct ni cotine and creosote , pressed into a sake and sl iced 11y n cutting machine , troaEod to n noln lion which blenches rims roses to n line yellow , and finally dried and dntnuened by nn nt > m fret with n fluid cmdnlning glycerine aul 0n voting eztracGt. It f + of this mutt that most of the clan , cigarettes are mnado. It is perfectly fectly hnrm a + s , and rims smoke ( s a + innocenE and exhilarating nn the ucrtumo of incense from mingled cnbLngo Ienven and musty st raw. I'OLITICAIL NOTES. ] iobert h. Leeyoungeat sum' d the Into Con- fedornlaJenoral hnntleclinud a llelnocratic nomtuaElon tor the Lcgi + Inhuu of Virginia , saying tlmtho hn + no tote fur politics. The Catmadlnn voter tmtst have nn blconmo ut $100 a year in rho city , ur $ 1001n rho cam , try- , nod he nay unto hl et ery dlstrlct svhero his 'rropcrty ' } Ielda tllnt Income. 'Pima candltlnto fur ] 'arllament must pay $ :00 in a dvance. \Vandell l'imlipv ! 11511105 that ho has deserted Butltr , and Ernst + , fur She Ile + t inteest9 et rho Rtato , tat ho Innv Lo ro clected. ] t fa hoped liar Senator Ilnar was ant pronlaturo lu : , endlug Iris dip'toh n ( thmmkR mud cmlgrut ulntions , A State conlution of colored citizens Brill 1) 0 held rat Nnshvlll0 0u Supt , ) fur rho rlec lion of delegntra to Elm Notional cnnrentnn of colored taco , schich n$11 rwomble rat Lenis vllle four days inter , 1'nch : sandy i + ax1)cetal tl Pettit at IC13t n110 ilClegtte ill the State comm. veutluu , A Southern paper says ? "Coverllor lic llmdel , of Ccumgiu , nuglriecs thapolitcianaby ( dieregnrdLlg thorn old appointing amt to ut fco whom Lu Umhlks Lromstout , without ro gael tl'lufluo0nce. " ' Tllo ; don is a praiseworthy - worthy ono , but it many possibly leave the gov enter without sullicimd "bdluauco" to senora his own ro olecti0u. " , Vitlm the aduminstratinn ( , the \Vcstern Stnlwarte , mud rho sn cnlled Southern He mL licnnR su1)purthlg him , " says TLollostmt Iier old ilndl , "mud time negro voters roused and rallied Ly hie magic name , coo should think Sacrotnr Lincoln might stand a bettor chnnca cf carrying two or three Souttorn Stntos than any other llopuLlican wlw could bo uotnin sled , Vanderblit's Great Wealth. Clnciunati Iuquircr , "Can you toll moo , " I asked , "w Imoro Vanderbilt's money , I mcen the old mat's money , is now invested ? " He has $115,000 000 in government bonds loft. llc has $20,000,000 iii Lake Shorn ass Nov York Cottrnl , tmrobably morn of it in Lakc Share. Halms $10 000,000 in Northwestern stockanabalds. IIe hits stock in rho Red Line ana other f reight cempnuics , Ho has something in Michigan Contrd. I estitoato ltia wealth at from $150,000,000 to $ 'x00- , 000,000. "Moro is time report of time Central up to ana ycnr ago. It liaa only 4,500 stock , holders in 1880. Tire years Iatar it lead 7,500. That ehovs that Vanderbilt hod sUld ills IOllg line of stocks , whatever ho may say , nun that a ] argot public hna got hold of than. Again , rho loosed dabt of Now York Ceurar rem years ego was only $27,000,000 ; last year it was $48- 000 Here you can read in time official report time figures. Again , Limo fixed charges on the New York Central , by which I nmeau interest on the betds , were only $2,000,000 a year , and Limo last year they were $ . ,500,000 , which that road has to earn before anybody can got n dividoud on leis stock. At time same tints , as you can see by following my finger , time not earmmings of the Now York Comtral Railroad arc mint as largo by $2,000,000 as they were nine years ago. They reached time Ili ghost oint in 1880. They were just time seine in 1882 that tlmb were 1u 1873. " Said I , "Wh do ou turn so particim tart to rho Central stock ? " ' Because it leas has lea all tine P1or. t tics in the Unites States , certainly to thi s stock market , taryoara part. Ithaabeon maYfnB 8 Per cent , dividrmis. It is time backbone of the Ne'v Turk stock market , It hoe paid over $7,000,000 n year in dividends in eleven years , makeng $77 , 000,000 Whom it tumbles 30 per teat , it is far reasons which nroonaral to time whole stsck list. " "Ilave Vanderbilt'a sons no infiuonco to tight thisatock book to ss here it was ? " "They have lost money trying to stem rho lido m rho stock market , Every eta of Vandorbilt'a strong supporters , sit c has stood in the way of this current o f liquidation hna Icon hurt badly , lift , Vnmmdorbilt's oldest eon , Cornelius , ie a very worthy man , lie attends tie o prayer ntootmga in time Now York Cott tral depot every Sumlduy afternoon , ami dt ho started that ! ranch of rho Christie t association whiclm nteots there. ' Vihliamm l K Vanderbilt , time next sou , is tie e president of time Nickel Plate road , amid in time executive board of tie u Central , but ] mo knows enough to sc o that thosnutller , fortutos of hunsolf nom 1 his family could be swept away of tim c bull aide of things rat present. Time lac t is that as great ns lima increase of cu r country is m papulntion ana proauctiou it lies nut grown as fast as cainpotltlam 'l'imo incrotso is boigg porputually aia counted by now carrying corpornhons Next yoartlu entire cony business cf th Now Yorh central will be aiwiaea rap b et nctis'c young rival. ' ColdComltn 11'mr Pam ! , rflpringfiold ltopubllcan , Comm. Paul Vammders'oort , of Onmali Neb , , is n nontimottal and gnslming 'mot ' son who was last earcomnmandor iu clmi o f the Grand ArmyY. Iml that ca acitY h was om ale ed 21515 do s , trnvolet all ova r rho Unianaia rota ytbont his earns st labors rat rho recent nuuual rouuiat i u Denver. Now it appears that Con , Vn sorruort fa also cluof clerk of the milwn moil service at Omaha and lies boat arm : ing payfur ; Broth ) which lea did tat a e , llis ( ln ieion suporintoudent has G ° ' quoutly reported that rho email ama ice i IL that suction was demoralized by Vando r , voort's ronissmmcss , but that oflici A l maid ua hand io such couplnint a me e11d mronieing that altar th c eel tiers' n rat 1)onvor he wool a COmIU Ltlck tU OItIHha altll b119111L89 , Thom huwovorihc Cmlurnl fumed hiunsolf secs 1nl moo with 'mttriotin ' lnbos aid procoede nl nwith his funnil to Soda S n'imm'ra ' ] doh 0 , buru lie remained until latol reutm c a b Coioml Creshlint. Cct an Roaecrtnna , domocrut , amid lots of 1Veate aY Oraul Army mneu nro t uportedtubohotl Y mdigoamtatVammlervoomisroumoal ; time allege that time Centrals repeated amm prolonged nbs0nccs were lawwn ana to 1 orated by lima dupartucnt , nos mss : Brim Coueel Groalmaum should bo Moro stric t than hie produresaora. Thu nnsw er i simple enough , limo postullce ? auImar to areal lion' tins at its head nu ox soldiu r mad ( fraud Army ulna srho ie so diligun t std colscieitious that ho will oat relater 0 n public oGicor in chrnnio ruugloct of out y and aisobodienc0 of ordure , ] low licl'Jierasrni IIIcd. Rmnsdull'a hotter , I , lava still sonothimg to env nbou t Cruelmani , Ifs was , as you know , hii n eult i11 rho army-an officer of sauna ran k' ] iosvaewitl/CoullicPhuteonatAtlsn ' in July , 1804 , Ho was wounded , an McPherson ordered him to time tour , an d This is time earn l 1fr , A , Iurlts ] , three miles cast of Coburg , Ont. , says ho wouldn't lave given for his chance of living before lie used Burdock Blood Bitters , lie hmi dyspepsia for fifteen years , and was cured by three bottles of this very excellent proparntioti. I ] ] Mrs. J. C. Audersom , of 12 Pesimigo , Wis. , asks us time price of twelve bottles of Burdock - dock Blood Bitters , They cured liar of erysipolmts attd salt rltoumm , amid sumo expresses heraolf as highly pleased about it , She is no utore gratified that coo arc , however , 'To. 1. My wife cnusider's Burdock Blood Bitters n umnbcr one Lnedicino. 't'hey cured her of dyspepsia an [ liver complniut when no otlmer ren only she overtried weld do it. 'This is what sir. Mnrti11 Kizer of Linn Grove , Imld. , says o rdered some of Isis ( i11cI''e ) stall to company him for safety , ' 'ftoy took n eircutiaus roulu to avoid the euenty , Mc. Pherson tolling theut the ) ray mid saying Im o had na usa tor his stall'officers. . 1Vhon Grrslian arrived at lima raihvay stitien ho cons Iyiug su n stretcher , when facto was a good deal of bustle and n big piuo box suns brought in aid placed bo sale Greslinm , lIe recognises it ns mt armory co9iR mul tucked who it cmitained , IIe was shacked and nhnost paralyzes with rho nmssvcr , "Cori , 11Ic1'horeon. " Poor 11IcPhmson , of that uthnpp } 22s of July , cons shot Iron nu ambuscade. I take rho fallowing paragraph from a tato- 1q-published lector of Gen , Shernmau'a to t he nd'utnnt , ssterol refcrins to ilfcPher son's dcatlL At time time of this fatal shot lie was on horeoback placing hie troops its position , near lima city of Atlanta , and was passing by n cross tans from a moving column iornrd rho ( lark of troops that hod n ] teary beet ostabliehea on rho lino. He quitter mo a low momenta befero ana cons on his way to etc in person to rho oxecutiot of umy ord0rs , About time Lima of this sus event rho enemy had sallies from his intrmtchmenta nrouia Atlanta , and hod by a cirruit got to rho left and rear of this very line ass had begot au attack schich resulted fu serious battle , so that Comm. ] ] IcPhcrsot fell in battle , boot- esass spurred , ae rho gallant knight mid gentleman shoals wish. Iiau' Iltmt. "I fcd mmcw. I was afflicted with sick head- nche nudgmmoral tlebilitl , bntliunlucklttood nit , tern brought about nu unmedinto ilnprovemmmt i ii my general healtlm , I consider them rho Best family nsedicino in limo market. " Adn11)h Launx , Buffalo N , Y. Colfax on the Irmiliana Situation. CLicago'1'ribune , Sopt.15th , Ex-Vico.President Sclmyler Colfax , for many years speaker of rho house , was at rho Grans Pacific yeatoraay , ass when asked when llo thought rho Repubicame ] would nominate next year said : "Oh , it is acre guesswork , so many follows hnvo Chair rods up for rho lightung to strika. Arthur seems to nmoot with gouoral favor , but in my travels about rho country lcc turiug I hear Lincoln's Wane wontioned very often , and ho would bo astrong can- didate. He has mnado a good cabine t o0iccr , has kept frooof rings , and i s moreover rho son of his father. Bu t there is uo scarcity of available men , Time Republican party will elect its can didato , not so much on account of it a strength as because it scone to bo predes at tined that rho Dontocrats hall ronuainou t of power. Tlme truth is , line bueittes c lasses of rho land nro afraid to tzar thorn , ana , though they give them a chnnca off years , whop it comes to th pinchnndtho lmresidentialyoarcomosroun d rho sa 'we ] tan bettor lot avail enou r h alono' mid vote the Ro ublican ticket" "How does Indiana stand ? " "In iana is the closest State in t ] Union. It is a shave either way. Ir don't tlmimk McDonald is any strongy r than his ticket. Hendricks is perhaps a few votes atron bret , but netmucln , Fro am awhist I can mtderstand time Damocrati c m ajority of 190,000 last year in No York will be cut domvll to , say 25,000 , till a year , This will indicate that a stron b candidate on tine Republican ticket nex t year call carry it. " Mr. Colfax is : oohing fit t splendi a health , and were it not for grey hair h o world scum but litre charges from th ° man who a few years since wasa poweram i tire floor of Coilgresa. ! jtJ3 ! Iot MARk , , e > r , ( . & ; " sl tI si , ! TI-IS GREAT , l r 1g4 Ahoumatism , l'Ieuralgia , Sciahica , lumbam , Oacbache , Ileodacle. Toethac e , ! { u l OTI' . o.t1.So n , a + Sprnluv , Brulu . , It w en. . iea..1. , Lhvr dime. , .Iii ) ALLmII mu InmDILY i'tmxe ARU Atltls. x.IW V , nrnrAb" + ud . .Lat. FIal'eea.latll + , , , mi , Ulr' eIitl ii ni 11 Luuw ur + , s , , , . . . a , . . Ima , cII Y..m.llll tlSl.iH lr : , t. 1 SUHCm ) ! .Ikea. EII , , It.l"i Co. , lt. I. Broom Corn A } 'UhL GINI-CONSISTING OF w DOUBLE CYLINDER SCRAPERS -ANU- HORSE POWER S To Mntoh. The Best In the Marks t baaulacturod by R.D. COLTON dL 00. , 1p8md ter IXrwlu and Prior Llet. J Dry Goods ! } , Washin9ton Avenue and Effth Street , - - - . LOUIS MO STEELS1 J O.IV 170N & CO , , Wholesale arocer e AND JODDhll.9 IN FLOURl SLLT , SUGARSI CANNED GOOI Sa 'ND ' LLL GROCERS' ' S1PPLIES [ A FULL LiNE OF THE BEST BRANDS OF C1 g ors and anufactured Tobacco , AGENTS FOR REF/WOOD f/AILS AND LAFLIN & RAND POWDER CO J , A. , WAKEFIELD 'wffOLSSALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN 1 ! ! ! S SB 1 DOORS1 BLINDS MOULDINGS LIME CEMENT PLASTER &C' STATE AGENT FOR MILWAUKEE CEMENT COMPANY Near Union Pacific Depot , - - OMAHA , NEB C , F , GOODMAN f s e AND DEALER IN Plits , Oils , Yarilishas aild ¶ do ifiass OMAHA , NEBRASKA. SPECLtL NOTICE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others. WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO Our Cround OU Cake Ifs It is the test and cheapest food tor stock of any ldnd. one pound Is equal to three pounds of corn Stock fed with Ground 011 Caka In the Fall and Wlntcr , Instead o1 running down , will Increase is eelgh and be in . goal marketable condltlan to rho spring , Dairymen , as Hall as others , who use It eau testlfp Ire motifs. Try It Dadudgo ; [ ar yeuteelvos. Prlca $25.00 per ton ; no chamga tar sacks. Address n4 end ma wOHObiANkLINSEn : OlL CObiIS1IY , Oaaha Double and Single Acting Power and Hand ' OMP 8 , STEAM P UMP S , Eng ino Trimminns , , Itifining l + f achinory , Boltirag , Hose Dross and Iron Fittings Steam Packing at wholesale and roal. ? HALLADAY 1VIND ] 1HLLS , CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELLS. d ' ' Corner 10th Farnam'St. , Omaha Neb. / ' e Granite IronwareQ TiOR BEOILTNG. BAXING. l BOILING , PR.ESEBVING , vpvrNr a LIGHT HAND901LE ' .L WHOLESOME , DURABLE. t + : x TuIe Best Ware 1LLI fle i'on the ltellev. 94/p l . . l FfR01 A 1 ANUFACTURED ONLY DY TIIE 1t. , , : r , ' S n STQ CO PAYf ST ' L OllIS1 ,01i 1 a E v n i ! f o c , OI 7Irc , i I1I.0111pD t OI'0I ' a 1ll , . COSr. S $ Ax MEYER& CO iMPORTERSIOF HAVANA CIGARS ! AND JOBBERS OF DOMESTIC A I i , D PROPRIETORS OF THE FOLLOWING OEL EB RA TED BRA NDS Reina Victorias , Especialess Roses in ? Sizes from 60 to $120 per 1000. AND THE FOLLOIVINQ LEADING FIVE CENT CIGARS : Combination , Grapes , Pro ' cssI Nebraska , wyoml 'ng and Brigands , WE DDPLTCATD t EISiN i PRZCE , SEND FOR PRICE LIST AND SAMPLES. t 1 o o L 0 ' GATE CIT PLANING MILLS 1'N' MANi1FAQt EIdS OP , ' r q mot'a -ALSO- Sash1 Doors1 BIads [ Stairs Sia lr Ralliggs' ' Balusiors Window & Door Frames , &c 0lant dace fadllUa for the maaulac/ure o/ all oleo Inua We wualcy W W prompU exeoutod. tlodIol Mouldlags I'laol ° ? rod X tchlsy a npedaltrt Addru J , aRroualaUne b A 1 VOTER , Propdete I