Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1883, Page 4, Image 4

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Publlehed eTcry mornln , exceptjSun.lny The
0aty MondAy morning dally.
xele et XAit.
ne Yoar.$10.00IThreettnnlhs
m Slzitonna . . . . , &O l One Month . . . . . . . L03
' TeaunrosttAtD ,
One Ycat' . . . . . . . $2.U Three Mnnths..S to
slzMonthe . . , . . 40
Amerman News Company , So1eAgenh , Neeedeal
DID In the Uelted Ststes. .
waaxaro Inxrce.t
A Oommuelmttone relating to New. and 1IltnrIAt
mattes should bo addre + sod to the 1DiDRatTlle , ,
Yp ,
rrelxl9x LRTTRR4
AU fltu is totters and Itrmtttaneee ehnuld 1w
WdnR + ed to 'nil flee Penuemn CburAxY , OMAHA.
Drafts , ( Tecke end Postolnce nrderT to bo rnado pay
able to mho order of the cnmprny.
life. LAInt ) S wicked brother , lilco his
wicked partner , Bowen , proii ices to bo
comb nu interesting issue ill Nobraska'a
fuluro politian.
'TALL the King's 1101503 mid all thu
„ 11:1116 : s inch" couldn't handle thu Sarntaga
trunks that are now flying houuward
with the swallown
Gi iiur IIOWAUn h oft' for Deer
Lodge , MontaLa , The Gonurnl will
soon rival Eli Porkin's record as the
Orcat American traveler.
Now that Mr. Laird has heard from
the Iferald , there arc several thousands
of his constituents who would be glad to
hear from Mr. Laird.
BLAIftr thinks that Butler is already
beaten in Massachusetts. Evuu so
ahrowd a political observer as Janos 0.
Blaine has little idea of the Widow's
bin. VANDRRVOORT ims received a
strong endorsement from Mr. Laird ,
And now , as Mr. Laird seolhs to need a
strong endorsement from sono one , it is
Paul's turn to reciprocate ,
Fotra naval cadets having boon found
guilt of hazing have boon dismissed
froiti\tlto \ norvico. A healthy reform
scems't be in progress at bothm our nmili
' Lary and naval academies.
" 0 : ' course so. What oleo could be
expected from aMissouri Bourbon lover ?
Governor Cr ittndon declares himself
? ' "an anti prohibitioniat from the crown
of his head t tlto solo of his foot. " Coy -
j = ornor Crittendeu's honest opinion about
ti - Frank James would be of alum' intoros t
at the presort time.
Ex CoNaILnss rAN LYN01i , of Missis
aippi , believes that his State should b °
; I counted as Republican next year , an d
says that Chalmers' independent move
moot will not succeed. In thu I"cal clue
tieis this foil the fusion tickotx name
by the Republicans and Liberal Demo
crlts ere likely to succeed.
IitAYon CnAsm : will make a croivmiimm
unistnko of his administration in time Yva
, of nPlointments if ho sends in time naun
"of the notorious Ed. Walsh as sewer in
spectre The position is o importtn
m and responsible to be thrown away om
lazy bummers and loud mouthed blather
skitos. If it is f11tndcd as a couplimen
J t the workingmen of Omaha it will fail
Time representative workingmen of tlmi
4 city have long ago repudiated Ed. 1Valel
its a disreputable sell out ,
'i'nn Ccnlury will in 1H&1 , as Imeret
, fore , devote more or loss space to th
aubjocts of art and arclueology. Thor
will be printed early in the year Pape
r1 on Winslow Homer , George Fuller , an
° Edward liomovs ; ; also several of Freimc
artists , including Corot and Rousseau , al
to bo illustrated with engravings of tlmei
I world , Papers on American am
t European arehmology arc i1 preparatio
by Dr. Charles Waldsteiu , of the Unive
city of Canmbridge , England , Chav1
Dudley Warner , Lucy M. Mitchell , an
Those speculators who are' figuring
heavy damage done to the corn crop
frosts , will do wall to think twice bofo
jumping into thu market and stkil
money on tlmoir opinions. Jim the fir
place it is now generally agreed that ti
reports have greatly ever estimntod tl
amount of corn damaged. By far tl
1 , greater pnrt of Limo corn in time Union
below the limits of Limo late frosts. Bo
ed down , it is found that Dot more ti
1,000000 ; buslmels were injured by tl
cold enaii , returns from which rnado su °
d an impoaing typographical display , 1
have already a crop of 1,600,000 ,
assured , and for each weak that frost
eitheld , Iti0,000,000 bushels more w
1)o added to the aggregate. Nobrask a
corn crop is certain Lobe the largest cv
gathered in this state.
Tins Now Jeraoy Democrats are dot
on the presumrt system of intorlal ro
flue. The say that it is-
A nursery of spoils and Informers ,
n monaco t time froedon of elections ,
source of the greatest corruption and
d intolerable and . uf p
the tax paycrs.
Thu language is justa little ambiguo
Do the Democrats of New Jersey p i
. p0ao to abolish the system ? or sing
change IU
Hero is another plank fn their ph
torn :
We favor a tariff far revenue limited
time necessary expenditure of time govur
mont , and so Pdjueted as to give prom
tion and encouraement ; to hone prod
tivo industry and labor , without prod
lurb or fostering monopolies ,
The Domocrata of Now Jersey fay
a chance at limo patronage flesh poLa am
a platform adjueted t any principl
which will tvin votes.
Several of Limo railroad organs with the
Republican 151) ° 1 are endcavorfng to persuade
suado tlmenselves that Tim 11ar : Jun gone
over to Limo Democracy. While ( Vero arc
no grounds for the charge , we have n0
doubt that it would ho a great cause for
rejoicing mmnng the Republican tjrioves
and rascals in Nebraska if they could as-
auto thomsolt'cs that such was Limo fact.
'Pima Jinx has never trained with that
crowd and its exposures of Republican
tisdoings have 1)0 ° 11 anything btrt pal ,
atablo to Limo sharks 011(1 shysters Tvho
have worn the livery of htepublicanism to
servo limo interests of corporate monoi.
lies and to feed at the public crib under
the protection and wing of the nflice-
lmokling party' . To such frauds and char.
intans , limo policy nod conduct of this
paper has never seemed commendably
A journal wliielm darns to rebuke crime
in time Party as well as munong Its l1'-
hunts Occupies to high a imianu for their
nppreciation , ' 1'liey conty distinguish
f rouitreason thatimidupondunco within par ,
ty lines which placoa principles first 811(1
party parasites last , aid which unfinch
ingly advocates n reform of time abusea
which have uiado railroad ltepuhlic. tnismn
a stuneh in the nottrila of mill timiimhimmg
and intelligent voters.
As Tim : lily : has never sought time cornS
parry or crtvcd the approval Of tlmcso
gentlenieu during thu inst eight ye.inl it
is nut likely at this late day to feel injured -
jured or hurt over their criticisms.
Their praise would be a worse dose than
their Mono.
' 1'lmo position and policy of this paper
is such that it asks no favors mid fears
no attacks. It stands upon a platform
of political independence which gives it a
vamtago ground over these of its coitem
poraries who prefer hide-hound prirtislun
slug to an honest expression of tlmoir comm.
victiomts. If it be treason to party
to refuse aim ' endorsement to cor-
rapt party methods aid assistance
to incompetent mmd ( islmonest party caul-
didatos , 7'111 : Bun cheerfully pleads guilty
to the InIletilterlt. ( And if it be the part
of a traitor to assist iim ndministoring time
medicine of defeat in Limo lmopo of nccur
lug gretmtor victories fn time future by the
unsuppressed and honest voice of time party
freed from time lash of time ringsters mmd
rascals wlmo kayo neizod time Itopublican
party in Nebraska by time throat , then
Tin ISan again admits time charge with
pride. But if this bo treason , and if time
policy of this paper stamps itas a traitor ,
the Republican party , not only fn Nebraska -
braska , but in every State in limo Union ,
is honeycombed with rebellion. Lot'tim o
men wino have diverted time Bopublicam
party fronm the great uses for which it wn s
intended look closely as to where tin
blame lies and provide quickly tin 0
remedy. If net , it will con
from the moo and front indopenden
Ilopublicamt journals who last fill nssistc
i1 almowing time rascals and machine man
agers ill six States that a changu o
1,600,000 Ilepublicam votes can tuacli
lesson which primaries amid convention
cmumot aflin'd to disregard.
Y IN another column we roproluco , th
° charges 11mdoagainst Coigressnmandamu
Laird which are now time subject of in
vestigation by time Interior clupartmeu f
For nearly two troeks past tlmey hay
' beou urged upon thu attention of th
t Cougreasmmn fromn the Secolid district h
. time Onmalul herald. 'a'hoy tvero im o
s croditoa at first by this paper , 8s tine
1 were vague and jacked time nuccasar
apocificationa , limit as new formulate
and iaekod by affidavit , they have a
ugly look and call for a prompt explnm
° tion. If Dtr. Laird line not been usin
° his official position and influence , as
a charged , to coerce time ollccrs } of a ] an
ml aflice in Na1)raska into assisting him in
lm sclmuum for fraudulemtl oblaiuing a mar g
1 acetioi of governmel aid in this Stat
r Limo soo11or it is known time bettor for n
ml eoncurnod A speedy reply , which wi
ml cover all time points , is dim from 111r. Lam
res to his constituents. Time charges imivoh
es not only lmimaolf but time ollicials of tl
d 11tcCoOk lamtl ( Office amid a dozen or imw
pretended i mcstcadera who sgmatt mi
ulomg the Slinking Wntr in his iuture
on and mnadu , if time charges are tree , fral
by ulont duclnratinna wham timuy sccur
ro their entries.
ig For their sake , as troll as for his ow a
t lair , Laird slmould commie promptly to ti
mu front , lie cannot longer maiutaimi wh
me lie consfdurs a dignified silence. It w
1 ° not help 11attura t ° centinau his thrc
} s against oditora and leis denunciations
Ii' time avenues of infornatioimthrough whi
an time ehargos tvoro made public , 'Tore
IC already talk of an investigation by e °
im gross this winter. As Mr. Laird has hm
VC two weeks to prepare his case , he hug
to be ready to cover the ground witho
m ° any further delay.
ill -r-
. T'11E11t1S1f1'ARTY'SDEMANDS.
Time Irish National Leagno , of whi
Charles Stewart Parnell is at once t
amiuating motive and the politf
vu mouthpiece , have announced the pm
ve gramnnio which they will endeavor
push at the next parliamnommtary scasio
° , Its ) vain features are already fannli
an ° these who hnvo vatched time progr
on of the Irish debates or followed t
speeches of time Nationalist lenders nn
tie , their letters in the public press. It
o aummned map IM three deharmds.
dy Thu first asks time aneldnment of Ii
Land Act with a view to first accuring
attlw touant time benefits intended by t
Ilealy clause , which was nmeaut to forte
to time con mlesiemurs t take into consld
: atiom kite improvomnonts he had effect
IC- when they arc ascertaining wlmt is f
to rent ; and second , to secure nioru fa'
able terms to those tenants who wisher
or purchase lands.
d Time second demand of time Nationaii
08 is that time clausui } n time Land Act
the purpose of securing an allotment
lands to ngricultural laborers ho
imperative a1(1 not optional 5s at Arcs
omit , These clauses were introduced as
nn act of policy at the expense of time
League , their nutlmors believing that they
would enlist the half million of day 1a
borers on the 51(10 of limo government
and against time less than half n million
tenants who compose the Lcaguo. Their
hearty adoption by Mr. I'nrnell blocked
time government gamine , and time Lcaguo
was rasher strengtlmoned than wcnkciictl
by taking up the caso.
'Tito third demand is more sweeping
and if granted will ho more wide reaah-
ing in its cllects. It is minlhing less than
that the members of time Btitislrl'arlia
meat shall receive compensation for their
services , or regular salaries mini in time case
witimAmericanCongrcaanlmt. This immat-
ter was nmOOted in the Land League , amid
is importat to time members Of time Na
liooul ] .uaguc , as um11y of its members
mire nhmblo to accept chectinins to Parlia
moot on aecoant ° f their poverty. If a
salary vero go arantcetl , Mr. 1'nrnell's
present following of thirty would at once
1)u itmcreasel to neatly sixty. But immdi-
rectly time League have another nun , in
their donnand for a paid PnrliBment. If
menbera were paid for their services
many liritisli constituencies would elect
workimmg eon to Pnrlhunent and largo
additions would be mule to time Itadical
wing of the Liberal party. It is fron
this wing that Ireland has rncst to hope ,
and Mr. Pnriell only echoes time do-
mnand of such Radicals as .lotimi Morley
and Sir Chnrlus Duke in urging a reform
which will take the ropreseimtntiomi of time
people out of Limo hamda of time wealthier
classes am(1 abolishl tlmo aristocratic timmgo
which time present system gives to British
legislation ,
In answer to the demand of Limo Republican -
publican tire herald has formulated
its specific charges ngainat Congressman
Laird. Boiled down , they are to time
effect that Mr. Laird is a partner iii a
conspiracy to fraudulently control some
sixteen miles of the water front on time
Stinking Water , in lted Willow county ,
in this State , for ranch purpoaes , which i
stretch of land lie endeavored to secure
i1 dofmanco of the laud laws of time Unitc d
States tlmrougii collusion with time officer a
of the land ofico at McCook. Tim e
charges rnado by the herald came front I
no less at authority that an inspector o f
time interior Department , who has bee n
investigating Limo matter amid whose report
port is now or file in Washington.
The following interesting afidavit i
I published in this connection :
State of Nebraska , lied Willow county-ss.
C. B. Moore , being first duly sworn , deposes
poses rind says : My postotlico address is Mc
1 , ook , Iteli Willow county , Nebraska I
made a claim nn the Stinking Water ; in Nee
e braslcn lit the early 'art ' of Juno A. D' 1883
t im ran which I settled. I tried to cuter it n
Unitcd Statue land clflco in AlcCook , but wn
d prevented fro" doing so by being misled II
. mien euppueed to ho iii time Interest of Laird
ICelloy , who gave moo an erroneou
f descriptimi of tiny clah , , mrd houaue
n time land officers refusal to reeeiv
ray application until after Lnlyd
I ; Kelhoy hail ummlo their omtrio4. I was mtelu ,
by ] 'age S. Francis , surveyor of lied 1Villnp
comity. Ily datum wits jumped by one of tit
Laird k Kelley arty , 1 mean Juuten Lain
0 the omntber off Cuogress from the scion
district of Nubrasicn , 815 Shimmn
a Keliuy , o. saloon keeper at Hastings , Nu b
I s81v Page lhaucis on the Stinldu bg
1Vntur creek min the ifth of Juno , 1883 , nod tim
. day before 1 meet James Laird in that ncig1
0 bothood , lie told moo ho was survayimm
olahus for laid k Kelley , and this hp told m
° in time pr"soncu of luurgo : IL. lltalburt , blr
y Ilurlburt lend made a elaiut ndjoluhng min w
aid hits claim was also jumped by Laird
f Kolly'A men. 1 was pruaent with Mr. Georg
y llulburt at tlmo opening of the land office
McCook u" the 15th of Jame,1883. Tim offc
Y opened at D:16 : a. in. Immediately min ape
(1 big the olffcu Mr. Ilurlburt and I were preaoi
mud tried t snake ontrieA of our laud claim "
it bat both ulilcere rofueed to receive our appl
m cstions. After this Mr. I N , Starbuck , mm
tormoy for Laird , L Kelly , cause from h
6 hind the counter and walked nroun
Is ht front of the counter , and hr
d immediately after Mr. Starbuck ronche
tau fnumt of the countertlmo register , Mr. Leu
n staid tint the otilce was ready for businus
At time tune of this mntouueomunt bir. Ieim
° time reglster , stood directly ht fnmt of 1l
o , Starbuck. Previous to thds .
11 in my heat lug mil resonco , repcatedl
aslwd both land where th °
11 would stand u9mu they mm11euncod time ells
rd open for bushmoss , amid to tick inquiry he con
gut no rossouse , hnnediatoly , after blr , hem
'e nuuoaarm line ntiio open fur bnsfeess 1)i
Htarbuck said "Dlr. Register , " and tiwreu i
handed hlnm a muuher of pa rams nod n Toll
r0 Imonuy. 1Vlmon i1r. Stnrbuck liauded him t1
d mpor nod roll of money ho was surround
my twelvemmr flftcou persons , who vvero strap
nL cre , uppueiitly : maul huuadfately Mr , le
d euneueued adiiug ufT curtain uaince ( ruin ti
pgers ; ) luumsicd Id in , mid these geetheutuu ,
nil cunipioy ; witim Al r. Stebuck , ( to whom 1 r
furred n s uppu untstrnugersres ) roudml "her
ns the "numox wore culled fruni time list of p
, purx aq blr. Lett , uud thou thu roil of muu
mu w p laid on time commuter without huh rig cum
edr blr. Starbuclc runuirked that thorn w
mit or $2tO 1801 not certain which , 1 sr
ill Dlr. lCell , ilve this roll of umooy to Mr. St
b11cic. 11 limbo thb was going on , mud lout
mils tllritely after time cuing of ouchn minute , ho
of Dlr. Ilulburt and amyself offered time moon
and tin papers fur time entry of our clainme b
oh thuotllcors reftisod t admit our outries un
is thay had flubbed these halal k Kelly ottri
1lime bearlivingIntlmoncihgimburhuomlofwho
mm' tlmume entries were msdo amt t time boat of n
ad hmowlodgoueitherof thobemetwere ever
time loud thoyederod or have over boon this
Ili ahico unless fur ate ulgld wily. Imamnedlut
ut niter time sautes wore called and thu rea roe
"hero" was given , the register .aid , "Hold
your hmide and be sworm , " mid thcroulron t
oath was adininletared In a body. There w
no prutunso of ( doutifyhig mte of them , iii
time response "here" udgit have been P'
chi smtated lmy other persons in the room. Bole
opening the nibs for business blr. Starhu
lie attorusy for Luhrdk Ko11o was allowed
raj ears to the Plata , but neltlmer Mr , Ilurlh
nor myself could gut access to thins. Aft
o Lmdrd k Kelly's entries lord been me
tie w1 ware given an opportunity
make our ontrfoa , and min oxnnn I
U tug tint isns for time font time we d
ar covered that Mr. Francs , the surveyor , h
given ni duscrilthous tint were about a is
was end n huh f aortlm of time crook in Elmo sand him
lie and that buird & Kelly's mneu had enter
our ] node , Bella Iholburt and I hind I
and im vod and settled ulxm our claim. . I
is fully aware tlmt I ] Lad a legal claim to cc
teat , but wimat I have wihtesaud hero deters
nmo as I en m poor roan and could not eta
mo limo expatso , and thereu w1 , I withdrew 1
pers , Dlr , Ilurlburt then uiado a statmn
1o o facts to time secretary of time interior fu
lie gael to our ciaiums.
DI n Frauds mmg gebted to lima , that both b
Ilurlburt and I lead bettor remain on i
mr claims , because Laial & Kelly were trying
mid boat us most of it. 0 , 11 , Moony
Sahecribod his my presaoce amid swurm
air hofore time this 10th day of Su ptember , ' A ,
1883 , CmIAL 1i. McPllsnsou ,
or Notary Public
t -
'Pee editor of time Blair 1'flof ma
its reference to Judge Savage's ptofeasio
tor services rendered before ho wont on t :
of beneli to "gamblere , pimps sad pros
Lutes , " This is true insofaras one of time
judgo's last cases while a member of the
firm of Savage & M01mderson was on be.
half of one Ililtoi , now editing time l'ilo ( ,
and then a monty capper in Omaha. An.
oilier interesting fact in tlmis commcction
was that lee was miovor able o collect his
fee ,
Tun llgntfican still calls for dudgo
Savage's record , Tut Imam : ptmblmshed it
some dayn ago , condensed in a single par ,
agraph : honesty , inmpartinlity , dignity
and ability.
Siinrori x deuvy rose is tnaling It decidedly
unphcsnant for hlm
Ited ( ' 1(11111 has hind ids heir cut , a a last
cmicosshun to dv11Izatiou.
Senator Beck , of ilentecky , may mime
day be preshdeut of Scotlnud--whero he was
horn ,
Oscar 1VIIdo should try ids band on patent
utedichmnndvcrtibeutonti before writing am-
other piny.
' 1'Ie death of ihigh 1 faatings taken a deal of
'rppurywnnntlmmtd ' Ilveliuese out of Sow
York jnurnnllam ,
It is u11derstuud that 1)ock fritlin , , Mary
tlndcrAeu's stap fatimor , aim , declined time at-
temtl(1ns of tlmu 1'mhmcu of 1Vnles.
't'he uumto 11811 whin bent hufms hatch nut
of $ i at Ifoekf"mil , time other day , , In hlsown
lily "toe 1Iy" to tackle ltufus at any , of
11r. Ilmnlltun 1)fsston of Philadelphia , 1'n. ,
enjoys the disthuetlo11 of being time Imenvius t
marvel mtem in the United Statcs , he ley
lug rucently hncrc wed Ida hmsurauco t $1,000 ,
000.bur. . Sullivan , of Boston , sighs for inure
worlds to conquer , bar , blacu , of Imgland
now u tomnpornry reshdemmt of Now York , 1)u
trays n csmsmniug desire to be lot alumni.
Ahfunmo's reception ht Austria has boon o f
time mnost cnrdlal character ; but 111 $ umther in
law has refined Imim n nlglmt kay and furbfdde
his geiug out tutor daric11uloss accuugLaulod iI Y
membcrx of limo fo"ily.
Jenny Iddd is corning to this country t o
sing In concert. She is only f0 years old , 1
young , toudar tldng I1lco her ought t b o
mighty careful abomt straining imor voice. lie t
she wdll probably brhng n nurse to take care u
bTn + , Knthnrhnn Chase , who , a few month s
ago , was kiown as burs , Catherine Cles 0
Sent no , him boon staying for some thine pax
at Oarisbad , Bolieaiia , with her three dough
trrx , amid will prubahly spend time whiter h
1'ilhinm IIenry Ilurlburt , formerly edito
of time Now York 1Vurbl , is iii Scotland , pay
hug strict nttention t the pretty widow of a
Scotch ihnko. 1Vhmn tlmis sows reaches thm
St. Luuis 1'ust Dkpatch , what a droadf ul at
tack of the crnnmp colic it will inspire.
( lener'ml Sherman remenmbers thotimimo whom
Iio wuuldn't hnvo givou twentyf'vo ' cents fu
tla whole of Sum Francisco. There is a prejudice
judico rns strong oil that of lucallty. Thor
are wlmolo cities in the South which wouldn'
1170 twcutydhvo cents for General Sherman.
li. nala , the husband of time iucom Para
blo Bernhardt , has sickened of his Africam
soldiering , and longs for time gay delights o
t mo stage again. We do not hoar , however
that he can either get a furlough ( ruin hi
cnuunepdhmg officer or a note of recall fro m
Ex Lieut. Flipper , the nr t o , use bee
imomird from again at Pd l'asu , Texas , where h
has raised n big scandal and been fined to
stealing another negro's wife and threatenin
to kill hhiu if he cumplalned t the peB LYp
Flilpar says It is n glut to prevent his getti
. back into time army.
Al. Donnetd , who used to be Minnie Mad
dent's advance agent Is now rustling f"
mmews paper items lima sinnll Texas town II
' was time immodest young utanwhofa"millarlysal
v tiWldtehaw Bend : "Yes , we journalists ar
boned t drift into the theatrical profeasiu n
You'll fuel yourself tlmero , Raid , sooner o
later. "
I Abolligoront female namnod Lucy Ilort
e is timreatenaig t massacre Secratary Folgor
t mime is not appointed to a clerkship ha tl
I treasury dopartmneot. Lucy is a fair gist
y shot , having had soumo target practlch on
0 sou of S2nntr'organ , but wlmy she shop
want t waste her auunnndtimn on such
it umutibund old duck as Fol er le past all tin
II ing out. Lucy should icuow timat mode
, apur4ieton never hmunt m ytlming but live gain
g it. D. Tuttm , of l'urtlmui , Oregon , like D
u ngoues , Byrn i0 a tub , mdv on n grander mica
. than did time aid philosopher. It is obinn
g being ton feat bang , six foot wide aural four fe
e deep. This luabltatien has a the covered roe
, and time space Lotweemt time top of time stay
, and time culling nerves time double purpose
k ventilation mind liglmt. A carpet Ison the floe
u pictures rat time walls , two chairs and n be
tit swinging lmauunock fashion , occupy prmnine
e pobitious. No wonmu is allowed armuud tin
r tub , 'm'utts I'm a bachelor and takes his meant
nt mat ,
Chnrloa it. King , of llartford , Conn. , mu
r , be said to bum time umst ntidtlfariuus trsdeemu
Gm time state of Coumecticut , lmaviug umastor
o' 1o less than twentytwn dlstmct trades , am
( being , what is still more strange , a first cia
m' workom mm in every , ono of them. lie is not
I 70 years old , and is vigorous and halo and a
' t (1i 8 inam's work over' day. Hero are ti
s. vucatiuns hue has learned : lhlncksntith , lion
t carpenter , cabimet maker , ship.juiuer , shi
E car motor , glut's cutting amid grinding , ehi
' uakhug , immrnosmutnhcing , w'lmeolright , ire
Y uuschhdst , woodamu minlst , nuttlumtmatlcal i
y strninenting , coupon carringe umaker garden
ran d Ifurlmitumnuidorpatmitchlico , nmmle1 mule o
lit plumhing miul locksamitlm.
of Time October number of Ilarper'mt Ma
nu 8zino proso11ts unusual attractions , iii
ed is remnarkntblu for time number and uxe
tit lenceof its nttrmetioma.
o 'Phu ' frumitispioce is a masterly ongra
iii utg by Krueil , ( join Gilbert Stuart's pc
o trait of 11'aslmimm tom. This portrait ill
° ° States time opcn11mg article of time Nunib
a'"Last of '
- Dais Waslmingtom's Aruy
1y Nuwbur ' ' ' llcadlu .
rat Tim'by J.1' ,
mu Time aeeemd part of F , . Millu
mw "Dnlucarlia" is full of interest , wi
in. characteristic illustratioms frnnidrawin
th by time amthor aud'1. ' , du Thmulatrup
Mms. % . B. Gustafson contrihutea
tit paper on Aicaisu du Keyser , of Antwe
tll time greatest of livingOuteit ; paintera-
i cuntpauied by four engravinga of t :
e highest order ,
min llorso FarmingiiiKentucky , witlmea
ro dual referunco to time trotting horse , is t
ely subject of rat immturoating article by 'm
so jiam henry Bishop , lllsstratod f
lie drawings by George Inmioss , Jr , , a
as Pimotoj'ra plte.
'Pi ho io kius contributes at intore
r- - } ng amid rouantic story , entitled "T
ro Yood Nyntpli. "
ck , limit ltob use ) , umlor iho title
urt "Saunterings iim Utah , " describes seer
er womdorful natural curiosities in
de miofghborlmood of Salt Lake.
to Time Editorial Departmonta are full
m. timely std ontertainimig matter.
ad Phu high ] character of "Time Popu
Imo Sciuimcc Monthly 1s vigorously sustain
Ist by its October issue. Of its fiftol
al tides there is nonu which will hot. re ]
iii. careful reading , and front which sun
Inn thing now andvaluablocaunotbelearn
d Tito proacnt state of thought in regard
mid the 11aturu of life is troll reflected iii
iw first article , by Paul It , Shiinnmiu ,
cut "Tlattur Living mid Not Lfving , "
rev Ihnyard then takes a hand in the eontl
Irv f time mudieal schools , to show t
,1r llomaupatim is a SLlencc , Dr ,
to than Jacobi Jae at elaborate mid m
interesting article cn "Tine Ilietori
Il ) ( , 1)evclopnicnt of Dlodorn Nursin
' Clotlung and time Ahnoapimeru ,
Itadau ; " 'm'ho Chemistry of Cookery , "
Professor \Villiamna amid "The Aleol
kus Habit , " by Dr. Oswald
his series eu 1'flmo Remedies
lam Nature , " are papers of great practi
ie worth. Those of ooro purely sctett
ti. ' torest are "Cyclones and Tornadoo
"Tie Colors of } 'lowers ' , " "Vegetating
Auimala , " "how time Earth was Poo.
pled , " "The Liver FhlkoSheep ,
"The Savings of Science , etc , , etc.
There are a portrait 811(1 btnraphica .
sketch of the celebrated hygienist of
Muimicli , Dr , lttax von I'etteimknfer , amid
a large mass of criticiser amid mjacellane
Otis informatini in tine editorial deprlrt-
meats , Time October "Monthly ms a
kind of scientific book that svili be per.
umameitly valuable , and this is wherein mt
differs from most of the other magazuice.
New York : D , Appleton & Company.
Fifty edits per number , $ ) per year.
Last sublimer , The Century Magazfuo
chartered a schooner , and setmt Mr. S. G.
1Y , lieimjauti11 , time ) Iresemit United Stales
minister to Persia , writer , mil llr.
hums , artist , on a trip ran mid nruund
the Gulf of St. Lavrmmco. TIIe result of
the expedition will appear in a series of
papers emf observation maul adventure to
ho published during time couiug year i1
'rime Century , whicim is to inclndo nn nc-
count of Prince Edward's ' tsland , the
cast shore of New Brunswick , the vest
coast of Newf ° nndlamid , time Madeleiuo
Islands , Cape Bretoi , etc , , etc. I1 addition -
dition to time interest 1jf a salt water
cruise , as relatdd by an experienced sailor -
or and writer , time papums will else describe -
scribe time sueney , people , lislmeries , n d
otlmer tmapects of this very attractive and
imperfuctly 1nowt region.
OurSyntciim oi'ltcprescutntion.
New Orleans ' 1'imcs lcumcrat.
Our syst ° ut of cengresaional ropresetta
tio11 has its ndvadnges , taut its inevitable
tendency is to narrow time nuntal lmorfzon
of our represottitives , We require that
n 11me11hcr shall reside within time district
he rupreseuts , wlmilo England posit n
Iiritish subject to rcpm' ° suut any constitu
eley in the empire. Time member o E
comgress knows tint if his jiresett con
titueicy should reject. hium lie could no t
find another seat ; the member of parka tn
mnont mnay exchaugo an L11binsh for n
Scotch coistituoncy , or vice versa. 'Ch )
logical result of our system is that moat
uicutbers of the house of represemitntivc a
are chiefly occupied with schemnestosecur o
f their own ro olcction , amid they coiside
every measure that conies before then
with sole reference to it effect on timei r
districts. It would make aour ° second
rat congressmen feel very uncomfortab l 0
n to know that they were to be corfronte 0d
in their districts by time very stronger
r mot in the opposing party-if a man lik o
Allen G. ' 1'imur11tamm should o , ese a wca ok
republican i in a doubtful district in Maine
C Or Jamncs G. Blaine should pit Meisel
against a weak kneed democrat nn Ohio
Under such circunmstances a politics
would furnish inter
I' campaign sonic very
eating reading.
t AnEnrharrasiugi'osltlon.
. Chicago herald.
i Last Sunday Governor Blackbu rn
f thought he would go over to Brookly n
e and hear Mr. TalmaQ ° preach. In ordo
to have au opportunity of speaking to thm
Brooklyn divine afterward , he sent 1ti
n card to him by an usher. Then ho took
o pew and listened to time sermon. suddcmm
r ly lie was surptised by a gentleman wh
g tapped himonthealmoulderandbeckone
the Governor to follow himn down th
aisle. Time congregation was about t o
. begin a hymn. The nun led time wonder
r fag ex Governor to time platform and a
e time preacher clasped the Kontuckimm' '
o hand 0,000 voices sang out , "IVhilo tim
lamp holds out. to burn , time vilest sinne
nr may return. Governor Blackburn say :
he was never more embarrassed in lei
n life. "Talmogo spared me , though , " sam
if time Governor. "Before singing tin
01 doxology ho announced my namme to th
congregation , and afterward 1 thiuk
hl a muat have been introduced to a thousan
a ladies and gentlemen. "
rn Time 11cnh icks Boom.
, , Baltimore American ,
la Ex Govoruor Il ° ndricks is reported t
r. . have aimomiced in a political address
[ t Council Blmtffs that Mr. Tilden is not
ea candidate for the presidentiol nomiuatiom t
of amid that he does not know wlmetlmer 1
r ; will be or not. This statement , if tl
report is confirmed , will stir up the imtli
tit nation of the advocates of the "ol
Is ticlot , who will be rather uettlcd at tl
attempt of the second man on time tick
y to crowd out Uncle Sammy. M :
mum IIemidricks gentle treatment of the tarsI
ed issue indicates that ho is quite willing I
mit be a candidatu , and that lie will nut ma
us up Imia mind not to run until time Dam
cratic Convention decides to
blo put up 50111
mo body else.
I' The Change i1 Ohio.
n Springfield Globe.
'i' If our Democratic friends will pard
'r us for time frankness of the suggestto ,
time secret of time Lhuuige in time Doeocr
is prospects i1 Ohms is nothing more n
less thium a laineutablo absence of brain
. if time Democrats louse time State of Oh
and this fail tney will loose it by the sun
il beanie , amid very likely by as proportiu
ately a large majority , as time Repub
t , cans lost time state ° f New York. Th
r tvi11 loose it by persomial ull'urts to app
Is , tion among thuumselvus time apods of ofhl
er before time office was secured.
ills ltevoigo.
t s Wail Street Daily News.
th ' 1'lmoy were riding up iron time
gum street ferry in a bus. Ho lifted his bat
her in a gingerly ) manor , aid site bow
n , with the coldness of nu iceberg.
rf know hen" l asked a man at 1
IC elbow.
ie " umow hart Why , I was engaged
1merlast faith"
pe And wimut1r
Yil lid . . iAmid she give mo time bounce. S
rolesand oho loved mime , but she could not o
role mid duro time thought of a struggle with
I rends flatand tapestry Brussels carpel
I wont forth a crushed ratan , but reycn
it ii. is How ?
of "Why , ] mer father put $160,000 in
summnnor hotel , amid time company has
the D10 made enough to pay time wages of t
head waited"
10t ' "
ar ,
Dr.r ali n
n cat 1 bLA
0101 Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Sciallc
Lumbago , Uackache , ( loadacho , Toothache ,
in yoroThriI , , CInur..Pmiiiin..iri'uiae
. . , . , . .
of hum. broad. 1 roe : Iii/y.
AYD AIL ul'liaml iiiwi LY I'Alax ADD 111115.
CA1 . . . . . . , , . , , .
e.Wt , UraAtl.u..d fabr..nrrbr. rma C.uu a li/
mile am..cuYcsmlmm IwAu.rr.
Tltl clLULi.Etl A. i'uaPLnmt 00.
i n Pa..u iu .VveemZUAO ) I.tna.a4 $ , ra I
Dry Goods !
CO. ,
M ali
WaSllng01 ) ! ? and EIih Street , - - - ST. LOUIS. Alt ]
I 1 9 JOHNSON & 001 !
1ho1oa1e Grocr Q
Cigars and.OOD Manufactured Tobacco.
Lath , hilla1e , Pi ,
Near Union Pacific Depot - - OMAHA , NEB
f Wholesale Druggist !
Puts , Oils , Yarilislios aiid ¶ illdO Glass
a Growers. of Live Stock and Others.
u Cake1
a It ms the best and cheapest food for stock of any kind. One pound is equal to three pounds of ooro
a Stock fed with Oround Oil Cake iii the Fall and Winter , instead of running down , will increase in weigh
and be fn good marketable condition In the spring. Dairymen , as well as other , , who use it as testify
o its merits. Try It and Judge for yourseleos. . Price t".5.00 .er ton ; no charge for nacres. Address
d a Double and Single Acting Power and Hand
Engine Trimmings , Mining Machinery , Belting , Hose , Brass and Iron Fittings t
0 Steam Paclcing at wholesale and rolail. HALLADAY WINDMILLS , CHURCH
a , Corner 10th Farnam St. , Omaha Neb.
ler. .
r.'c 'c u LA11t
ct y Ti DPoII.TNG. BA > tiG ,
et. , 11 l L BOILING , PRES1ItVLTG ,
! wrcrerr. , . t LIGHT HANDSOME ,
o . , The Best 1tje ( MaIO 'O1' talc Kitchell
' '
. s + ai 'b {
jrc i01ta1 M NUFACTU9ED ONLY OY TIl [
ST 1 LOUIS S1t O PAY : t Y1 1aJD
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n ne H. . Y EYER&
p. 1
m ll
mto { N I
1 l D
Reina Victorias , Especiales Roses in 7 Sizes from 60
lie to $120 per 1000.
o Combination , Grapes/ Pro ess Nebraska Wyoming and
Brlgan s.
n the
i , . u
: (0 (
a , MaterIals'1
. ,
us sash , Doors Blill sI Stairs1 Stair Railill g s , Ba lastors1 Wiadow & Door Frames , &c
Ftntclw fec111U1y for Lima manut aclun of aU . of .
Omen from Lima wuatq will ls. .ro. Plantag end 1Akhlag a q.adalht
AddAai iii wauauaimtlom to Av
ioysmi P roPdeb 1