Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1883, Page 3, Image 3
- - - - - - - - ; . - . - - - - , - - . - : - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ - - - . ; - . - - - - - . - - - - ' - , I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - : : : i _ - _ TIlE DAILY L1LOMAIIA , WEDNESOA , ' P'r1MI3ER 19 , 1883. 3 - - The /vel'pash' ' Mafional Bank OF OMAHA , NED. . ' Taldtlp Capttj ) - - 2OOOo UXP1UIFuudZay 1,1883 A E. JOHNSON , 1rvent , of Stee'e ' , Johr.on & Co A. K TOU7t.TN , Vice l're.ldent , ct floton. w. y , onsi , y. y Morse & Co. JOHN S. COLLINS , of U & .1. 8. Co1IIn. M. Wootwonir Counctoran.t Attorney M Law , I w. YATF3 , Caihier , touiny year , cahIer of the NtIoni ftn of Ornh Thta I3ank opneti for wine ApTLI 97 , ISSt mu $ tockho1J , r &mong the hid. bwlti.pi of Otn.hj , md Lt. buslne i Ii contluctod ep.cIAI refernee to the bMt mu InefeAIng k I of Its mercantIle paron. ctIon receIve prompt Mtentloa n4 chirgo. I obtInbIe hero or eI.where. Intere ntIoed on time dopott. upon tAorAbte ftn ( UIOfl &ceounti of bnki ftnd bnketi. 1oreIgn chrnge , Oorornmont fonda , ftnd Coutiti I CIty icetirItIe burht n4 uo1.1. J. w. Rodefer , Broker , 5tccke , floiitf , Cornmorcl&l Paper nd ill othrr * dtI.s dealt In' Itvciu 4 , No. 2 $ PcarISL , Council fl1uff , 1a FINANCE AND COMMERCE , . . _ - 1'1INANCIAL. ' Niw Yoiig , September 18. Mnney-Eay at 2@2 per cent , .1ood at 2 Ir Cent. Pritno Papor-7 pci. cent. ] czohaug b1ll-Stcn1Ior it 4.Sa ; demtnd , 4. & . GovQrnmsnt-Strong. Stock-Opeiie firm and advnncel to cr ccitt. ViI1ard' wore weak , anti , with tim ingIu uxcoption of Denser , ronutlned qutto firm , and yielded oniy . } to p' cent. Denver Wfl9 llCfl.'y atiti ran 0ff from 2S to 26k. After two o'clock the market wttg iiiore acth'o and there was an iIIlfr.vcnlett of . to 1 per cent ; . aa compared with last idght's closing jnCos they are to 1 Per cent higher. couroNa. 3'5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1O3 4'R Coupons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pcifio 6'8 of ' 95. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12U 8TOCK ANI ) DONDS. Americaii EXprCAM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Burl. , Ccdar I apith & Northern 79 Central Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chicago & Alton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 do do pit1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 OhL , Burl. & QLii'ICy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12i Erie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 do jfd , aIced. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S Fort \Vvno & CIiago. . . . . . . . . . . . . . I3O hannibal & St. Jne1)11 a.sked. . . . . . . . 39 (10 dO tb Pfd fl1hioj Central : : : : : : : : : : : 1291 i Tad. , lilooin. &Wetcrn. . . . . . . . . . . . 12G 1CanaM & Tcxa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127k t Jjak@ Shore & Michigan So. . . . . . . . . . 1Ol lllchigait Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84f Misouri Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1O1 Northern Pncific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1O do do ifd. . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Nortliwo4ern. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 do Pf(1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 Nov York Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ll7Jj Ohio & MISSLSSIJ)1)i. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3O. (10 do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Peoria , Decatur & 1vuisvi1Ie. . . . . . . . 1t Rock Ifl aUl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 St. 1au1 & Milwaukee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1O6 (10 tIn do ifd 12I St. l'aul , Mum. & rit ; ; : : : : : : : : 110 ? St. Paul & Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142k I (10 (10 PId. . . . . . . . . . . . . . io Union I'.icific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O2 Vaba.h , ; t. L. & P.icLIio. . . . . . . . . . . . ( It ) ( IC ) ( If ) ) fd. . . . . . . . . 87 r WoterIL Union Telegraph. . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Akud. 1 . _ 9.- , G1tLtIN ANI ) I'.ltOVJSIONS. 'I CHICAGO CmcAoo , Soptoinbor 18.- Flour - Un- , hangcd. Wheat-Opened lower and closed highcr ; regular , li3c for So ) telnber ; 94c for t.Jcto. her ; 9G9Gc , for Noveniher ; US@98o for' , t December ; o. 2 'Pn'R. Oagc ; No. 3 aprhig , 82o ; No 2 red winter , USc. Corn-Demand actv ( tid unsettled ; 48 I @ 48c for cIi ud September ; 48c for Oc. \ _ tober ; 4S@48c for Noyernber ; 413h@47o for C t ' the year ; 4Sc for May. C . Ots-Fair1y active and idido higher 27c I "k ; for cash ' 2T for September ; 27c for bcto. i I , her ; 28o'forNovoinbor ; 27c for the year ; 28c forJantiary ; 3l@81c for May. Rye-LOWQr at 54c. Barley-Dull- f'J.c. Flax Seed-teat1y with good demand sit ' 130. C 'riinothyWoitc and oaier ; prime , 1 1 ' 26 ; extra bright Iota 1 27i1 32. ) l'urk-Opcnctl wctk anti lower ; closed finn : tt outside Prices ; 11) ) 6Oui1O 35 fur caIi and : 5eptoinber ; 10 651O 67. for October ; 10 72 b @ 10 75 for November ; 10 45@1O tO for the year ; 11 40@l1 .1 : . ' for January. Lard-Demand active and higher ; 7 93 for cash , nti Soponibcr ; 7 tC7 9T for October ; 7 707 72 for November ; 7 (76J7 ( 70 for the year ; 7 77 for .Jauiiary. H Bulk Ict.-1n fair demand ; ehoulder ; b 25 ; eliort ribe , 6 00 ; 8ltrirt clear , 6 15. .Egg-AcLivo , finn and higher ; 2121 c j Butter-Steady and unchanged \Vhieky-Steatly anti uncIianeiI at 1 IC1. firtiter ziittl tititIy , good ; choice full creau choddani IUAIOc ; cltoico full creuu : fltt , 11@Ilchilt reanI cieddart } anti flats1 f@7c ; hard ttiins , 2'lc. 1Iido-iulI ; greonsait damaged , ( ic ; green c salt cured , light , Sc ; groan Halt ho.n'y , 8c ; green baIt c&.f , lie ; dry sItetI , lie ; dry calf , ISo. Tallow-No. 1 , 7c ; No.2 , Cjc ; cake , 7c. 8 Cosa 1'IucL-WIaeat-Stoady and Un ; changed ; 91c for OctuborUSo ; forNoveinbor- OlZc for the year. ' Corn-Lower ; 4SI@l8c forSeptembor4tc ; ) , for October ; 4Sj@'lSc for Noyember ; 47jc for the &r. Onte-lilgiter ; 27c for October ; 2Sc for - November : 2Tgc for the year. l'ork-Firnter but not quntably higher ; 10 47 for October ; 10 45 for November ; 11 15 a for.Januarv. Ltrd-Weaker ; 7 92 for September ; 7 92 Q9 ; 9 : for October ; 7 72 for November ; 7 fl'2 fi r , ( ! I7 65 for the year. rIt.'r TOLEDO. 0 TOLEDO Soptozuber \Vheat-Opcncd \ active &nti lower ; cloeetl higher ; No. 2 red winter ciutli , I Ol. Corn-Quiet nd firm ; high iiilzcd , 12c ; No. 2 cwth , t2c. Oati-Qulet ; No. 2 caeh and SCttMUIbCT ; , 28c. 1EonIL I'zIouucI. a aC FZORA ! , Soutomber 13.-Corn---Steadv ; Iilli ti nIxetl , © ; No. 2 ittixeti , 47a47c. Oats-Stwuly ; No. 2 wlalto1 27@.2Sc. Whisky-Firm at 1 15. h NZY YORK. Nw Yornc , September 1R.-Wheat-Caelt lower ; optloii 01)0110(1 @o lower , reacted 1@lc , clu'lng bircIy btoady fin raIod rod , 1 OOc@J1 13 ; No. 4 rod , U92c ; toatner No. 3 red , 1 OS I O6 dolI'.ercd ; No. 2 red. 1 1O'1 11 , elevator ; 1 111 12 dcliv. ered. Corn-Oneneti @ 1c. lower , rocoycreti c1oliig fuin ; utigratleti , b7Gi2o ; No. 2 , tiO@6Oc elevator , C1ki62o ( afloat. OaW-c higher ; inizof'weatern , 33@35c ; white ' 3.543c. c Por'k-ulct and firm ; now inoi , 12 OO ® q l2O. a ! .ard-trO1g ! lrlmo Gt4an , B 15. Butter-in gooti demand and firm. UVRItIOOL. LivEnrooL , September 18. - BroadtuffH- Dull. Dull.WftetWintcr. . 8t 8d@9. ; eitrIi , 8.t 4d © 8 9d. I 9d.CornNow , t 5d. 2J ZqAe crrr F8OflCCi. KksAe Ojyr , September 18.-The Jally In. 'dicator reportM : Wheat-No. 2 red fLU. 82a for ch ; 8la for October ; 81(85o for November. Corn-Loweti 3flo for cab ; 3o bid for e Otob.r ; 3o for tovember. Oati-Lower to eell ; 2Oa bitt fur cMh. BALTIILOUL ' BAImI0RJ , September 18.-Wbsst--Wes4 ( . . - - - -1- : ' em , lower , cloln firmer ; No. 2 winter red cahI OGi1 oo. Corn-Western , firmer and quiet ; mixed , 7&c bid. Oat-Ii1ghor rntl firm ; weitern , h1te , 37' 39c ; mixed , 34@36O. flye-Lower zt 63@fl4o. 'utter-'irni : 'e&lrn packed , lOGj2Se ; creamery 2O(127c. } ggi-Firm ; 22c. Whisky-Steady t I 1S1 18k. rnLwAuxRr. MLWAVXU , September 18.-Wheat- Stronger ; 92c for cash anti Seittember ; 9IC for Octob. ; 9t3o for November ; OS1o December. Corn-Scarce ; No. ! , 49c. Oate-Strung tuid higher ; No. 2 , 3O32o. llye-Lower No. 2 , 3c. 1l&rley"-Illgiter ; No. 2 , 63Gj64o. CHcCINNATI. CINcINNATI September 18-Whst-Oponed weaker , but cioe&1 firm ; 1 O2I 03 for ch. Corn --Steady at 51o for oa'h and Oct. . ber. Oati-Sttady t 2S@2o. flvo-\VeAlter anti lower at 5@l6c. " lal.tly lirm at I 13. r. t.ouis IItoftVclI. ? . I .OU14 Seltetub.r I8.-\VlIeAt--Ae. gii.l t ory utiettIetl : cltetl ebont the * Ie , , ' * 4 ) cturtIay ; No. 2 rutl , 'J9Tc ( for ntli : 'JTc ' bid for cjttotnber ; U8c fur Octo. Ltr ; I Ol fwr Noveiiiber * , rItSteatly ititil active for tim year ; 44 , ' ' for cash ; for Septenibor ; 4St for Octoher ; 43tc for oveinber. Oat-Slow : 2I@J2tic for cah ; 24c for SeItteluber ; 25c for October ; 263.2fl4o for November. ] tye-3low ; 521c bitI. Barley-Quiet ; fl@fl5. ( ) llutter-Utteltat&etl. 1tgg-titet at Corn Moat-Steady at 2 15. \Vhlky-1 14. Clie.ln Prico.i-\Vlieat-l uglier ; 9To bhl for Sopt.mbur , 99o for October : 1 02 for November ; 1 013 for December ; UTe bid for the year. Corn'-llighcr ; .U4c bid for September ; 45c for Octobor43 ; , ' a'I3c for November ; . .IIfor \ , the year ; 4lc 11t1 for .lennary ; OZo hid for May. Ottb-lIIglier ; 2c for October ; 2fio for ToveIIbGr % ; 'c for tIm year NUW oItLAN. : Niw Onuc&N , September 18.-Corn-Tn rair tioiiiand and limier ; itIxcf , GOc ; white , Ole ; cllov 63c. Oat-Emder at 38c. I'ork-lnll and lower at 12 00. Lard-Lower ; tierce , 8c ; kc 8c. Bulk Moats-Fair dointoid anti lower. IiLVF STOCK. CHICAGO. CHICAGO , September 18.-The Drovert'.Tour. ml report.q : ioge-lull ! and 10l5c lower ; packing , I 40cj4 05 ; packing antI hlpptng , 4 t5@5 OJ ; ight , 4 6i5 00 ; ttkipe , 3 b04 40. Closed very weak. ( , attlc-Dull aiitl wnalc nil around ; 10(3J15c ( ewer ; Il ) cxportt olTerod ; good to choice hipping , 4 905 85 ; common to medium , 3 85 ; 4 75 ; inferior to fair cowe , 2 OO@2 75 ; hum to good , 3 25@'t 00 ; stockers , 2 713 60 ; coders , 3 70@4 00 ; range , l0@lfic lower ; 346 rasn Texans , 898 to 1,021 pouiids , 3 00.I 05 ; 89 WTyolniIig TexauM , OUt ) to 1,021 pountls , 05 ; 101 thin half.breeds 1,076 P0UIItI8 , 4 00. Sheep-Slow and etoatly ; inferior to fatr , bO@3 25 ; itiedinni to gotd , 3 .l0@3 95 ; choice 0 extra , 4 00iJ4 25 ; lIml,4 : P ° head , I 0061J 75 ; TOXM eheep , 2 50c33 75. Hr. LOUIS LIV1 STOCK. ST. Louis , September 18.-Cattlo-Clood ativo careo aittl steady ; range cattle in fair lomatiti ; Oxltort4 , ( I 0O0G 25 ; good to choice liiiqting , I ; l0@5 85 ; medium to fair , 4 75& ) 20 ; native llltCllerS , 3 503-i 50 ; grass Tex. LiIt , 3 15@ I 15 ; littllant 3 6J ( I $0. Sheep-Slow and rttther weak ; common to nedluit , , 2 50i,3 00 ; fair to good , 3 25f8 75 ; ritno , 4 OO@4 5. KAN.tM CITr. KANSAS Cir , September 18.-Tlio Intileator eports : Cato-Lower ! ; fatstecr , 5 O0j5 T0 : stock. Ire aiitl fceder. ' , 3 711@i.1 50 ; 'l'cxans , 3 63. Jlogs-Lower at4 35l 50 ; bulk of sales at ' 15. Shcop-Quiet and unchanged at 2.10. _ _ TItAI"FIC. FLOUR AN ! ) GRAIN. ChICAGo , September 18.-Receipts and ship. nente of flour and grain for the iaet 24' hour. inve boon as follows : Receipts. Shlp'ts. flour , bbl , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,000 9.000 Vitoat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 151,000 80,000 .rii , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . ooooo 79,000 ) ats , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 143,000 . 210,000 lye , . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 5,000 arloy , bheL . . . . . . . . . . 50,000 29,000 NEw Yojuc , September 18.-llecoipts antI liitniuiitof flour and grain for the l > ztht 24 hours ave been as follows : . ] iOCCiftl Sliip'ta. Sheet , . . . . . . . . . . , 9IC00 orn , busiicI . . . . . . . . . . . . 233,000 186,000 ) at.q , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 85,000 10,000 KA'3AS CITr , Sentombcr 18.-ltoceipts and lIlpnlofltd of graill for the vast 21 hours have eels as follows : liocoipts. Slilp'ts. Vhent , bitsitels. . . . . . . . . . 38,000 3,000 orn , bwtliels. . . . . . . . . . . . 11,000 6,000 LIVE STOCK. ChIcAno , Soptoinbor 1S.-Ieccipts anti ship. eitt of live itock for the pwit 21 hours have en tut follows : IttiCOijt5. Slilp'ts. I logs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . hoop. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,500 . . . . Sr. LouitsSoptomber 18.-Receipt. and 511111. iciitt tf ) live 8tock for the lSt 21 itourtt have cen n.3 follows : 1loceiitt , . Shlp'ts. lattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . isoo 600 beep. . . . . . . . . . . . 1,300 . . . . ICANCAS CITY , September 18.-ReceIpts itoti I111)l000tIt of lire stock for the past 24 hours aye been as follows : ReceiPts. Shlp'tlt. attle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,700 . . . . Iogt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,100 . . . . hoop. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450 . . . . lEItY GOO1)S. Niw YORK September 18.-There ha been fair deiiiaiid and the market slIowH a steady ardcnlng , but PIrLicIIlarly so for low nut ! IOdIflIfl gratlos of bleached tool brown cottons. annals , dress goods anti printing cloths the I : ott tiamod ativanclxig 0 11Cr ccitt in ten tfnys. geiit. again atlyanceti Amoskong iIlIIrtiIIgd per cent , also Ainoskeag ticking j , Alex. I iitlria :11 : ; and bloacheti cottons to 9 cents. Jo I Ii ClItS5OI of ro1aoiiablo specialties tliurct wa. 00(1 litielnoss anti a coi..Iilnation of large tratlo I ty joltbt'rs at all dlstiibiitlitg 1itlits , , inaliitnlns II order tietnand in oxcesg of Itotlitock. aitti reduction. Thu JtiillrtVooltin company , j8 the Ilivorsido nilIle arid Oswcgo Falls omftiiy , having hltI ( ) the largest possible pro. uction totiriI , 1881 , have withdrawn saiii- : 1e Of woolens anti wurstotI front ( tirthorsitlo. 'ho tone of titogoneratniarkot lt stronger tuid LoHitliler. ONAILt Mit1tlC1T8. WJIOICHaIO Price , . OVIIOE 01' TILe OrAIgA BEE. Toestlay Evening , September 18 , 1 The following prices are charged retailers y jobbers , wholesalers anti cominlsfon mor hatits , with the ecoptlon of grain , which Is tuotod at the Prices furnished by tim elevators nd other local . buyers ; Gralr. WHEAT-COEdS No. 2 , 74c ; No. 3 , 5c ; ro. octed 42c. IIARLEY-CMh No. 2 , 45c ; No. 3 , 40o. Ryn-Cash , dic. Coru-Mixod , 8Th. O-2fic. Llvo Htook. FAT STZIt8-IIig1ior t 3 OO8 TL FAT COWK-2 75(3 15. lIoae-4 O0(4 25. flpizp-FIrm at S 00@3 25. OALYL3-Fair quality 4 505 OOgootibntch. N' stock , 5 00. Ourod 3festa. ITAv-141k. . . . ' ' ' ' ' ' 1ACON-Unchftnged at 12@13o. 8)IOUt.tRItS-DuI1 ) at 88o ] ) iur , Biar-14c. 1..nti At 0@iOo in ticrecs. TALLOW-Firm at 5 506 25 In b'.rrets. Poultry , Fish nuil ( lame. Srnixa CIIlcicsNR - Small , unchsnget1 , I 252 00 : large. ; ilct it 3 00 ; old , 2.S. Prairie chickens , I 7@2 00 Pr doz. Wiirn FIMI-Uncliangd , % jlO. . ; i4k. and lake trout the same. General l'rotiiioe. YMWS-l'c. ! litrrrnn-Common t. oed , 7.I1Oe ; choice dairy , IO@1T : sweet , lilg coisreti grrci , 12 ( l3t ; cooking , Rc. 1'OTATORS-Ncw quIet and Market well top. pileti itt 45@ttOo per ho. OSIoNs---25i0c 1)0. - - ' per ) NKw OAnnAoE-70QS5c per dozen. IONEY-CalIfnrnIa ( , In comb , Icr pound , 20 ® 2lc ; strained , 10@12c CltKtsr.-Actlve , 'Vi o quote U@lic. 'l'OMATOEISIIIIlO JTOWfl , SOCl 00 per bush. UnArM-Tn liasket. anti crates , 7c po lb. ( I rt'c U Fm I t . LKMONS-OI11Ct at C ) 0O@7 i0 lcr box. 1'KAvIIR-ntves ( I 00u1 25 her basket ; California at 2 26J2 50. C.tI.IronNIA PIi4-Ifl gooi demand ; 2 25Ij2 50 hier box. 1i.t.s.ts-Uncltaiigeti ; ir bunch , 2 OO © 4 00. AI'I'IR4-3 00C3 50 Iter bbt. ( AI.1I'onRI.t 1IATIJT 1'EAIIS-In gooti tic. inatiti at. : I ( ) Ut I 50 icr box. Oallloriiia 1)ucho.i fluero , , Clargean , etc. iOa' , porbox , $304yro. : ; CAI.IIoltI. % ( lItAI's-2 00@2 t0 vor Flour am ! III lIlRtuffl. \ \ ' quality , patent , at a 25j8 ( IS. SFeONI ) OUAtlTr-2 0O@3 25. SIIIt1 " , 'IIIAT--1lCst i1tiallty , 1)atnt , at 3 50c3 SECoNI ) QUAI.rrr-2 50@3 25. liliANb5 Itor cwt. CIiorrin VIEn-l'or : 90 lbs..5 ConN MEAL-I 00j1 10 lr ewt. ScIIEENING-6057Uc 11cr cwt. Grocers List. CANNEn ( ,00Ii4-OysterH ( Standard ) , lor Caao , 3 7033 90 ; strtn'berl'ic.'i , 2 Iii , ver case , 2 10 ; rasiibcrrie. , 2 Iii , uer ca.o , 3 50 ; Bartlett p ° ' . " , P ° cit.qe , 2 40 ; vhortloborrIos , case , 2 75 ; egg ltltIIltH , 2 lii , per case , 2 90 ; grecit gages , 2 lb per case , 2 'JO ; tb choice , 8 ib , pe case , 4 50 ; 1)11)0 ) alllCtl ) , 2 Ib , P ° ' CHSO , 4 ( ) ij 5 75 ; iieacli , 2 Ili , per cao , 3 00 ; do 3 iii , pr ease , 4 OO4 ) 50 ; titi ( ide ) . 3 lIt , ver C5I.5O , 2 60 ; lit ) itlo , ( I 1I ) per tluzttii , 2 30. ltICr.-LouidaIlz ! % to choice , 7c ; fair fic ; l'atnia , ( I'c. 11S1-Nt ) . 1 mackerel , half brIe. , 7 00 ; No. 1 mackerel , lute , 1 00 ; famIly mackerel , half brIe. , 5 25 ; fuuily innckercl kits , 85c ; No. 1 white . fish , half brls. , 7 00 ; 'to. 1 kIts , 1 05. 8'i. ituiStSIltllIIt1 Cotit. , 3Sc , bobs ; Stantlarti do , 4 gallon kegs 1 St ; Standard tb , .1 gidlon ktgs , 1 60. SoIA-lfl lb 3 30 pr case ; keg 2c. Nr.w PIcKI.r.i-i'ttetiium , In bnrrls , 0 00 ; do in half barrels , 3 (10 ( ; small in barrels , 7 00 ; tb in half barrels , 4 00 ; gitcrkiiut in barrels , 8 00 ; do in half barrels , 4 50. ' 1'ats-G on powder , tootl , 4555c ; cliuico 60 @TSc ; good IiiIiCiiIti , Io'Itc : ; chwic , 60@OSc ; Young ilyson , good , 36CIj5Oe ; choice , ( ' , Scl 00 ; .1 apan , Illtturni loaf , 3Sc ; .1 : tpaii , choice , G0Tfie ; Oolong , good , $5@'l0t ; Ot > : eng , choice , 40@SSc ; Souchong , good , 3540c ; choice , 35@lSc. IloPL-Sisal , itichi anti larger , l0c , iiui , llc inch , 11c. \/OOIr.N ) VAitR-TWo hoop jails , 1 7t5 ; three hoop pails 2 00. Tubs , No. 1 , 8 t.0 ; ] tit. hoer wasltboiirtls , 1 85 ; Doublu Crown 2 90 ; \\rell1iirlot , 3 t0. LEAL-llar , 1 65. SoArs-iirk'a Saxon Imperial , 3 I5 ; Kirk's satlitot , 3 60 ; iCirk's stantlird : , 3 75 ; Kirk's white Ilusian , 5 25 ; ] Cirlc'o cutoca , 2 15 ; Kirk's l'rairio Qucen , (100 ( cakes , ) bc ; ICirk's uivflo1ia : , tloz. ' 1'ofAMIL-1'eI1flsyIvAl1ia cans , .1 ease , in caao , 3 35 ; Bahbltt.s ltli , 2 doz. in case , 1 It ) ; Anchor ball , 2 doz. in ce : , 1 50. 1'EANL'TS-liOrtJttetl , choice , red Tennessee , 12c per lb ; fuicy white , 12.c per lb ; raw-white Virginia , raw lie ; roasted , l3c : , 40 lbs , lOs , 15c ; Ss , 15je ! ; boxes 40 Ib ; I oz. , ( , 15c. isATcIIsus-Per caddie , 62c ; round , cnae. , 5 10 square cases , 3 40. C0FFIIs-Ortlinary gralr. , 3@9c ; fair 1O 10c ; good 1011c ; vriino , l2)12c choice 13I3.c ; ? altcy greelt and yellow , 1 l15c ; oh ! government , Tava , 20@26c ; Levering's roastoti , i4c Arbacklo'i roasted , lSc ; ! tlchaugliliii's xx.kx roasted , iSle ; imitation Java , 16 ; 18Jc.ViNctiAnNow ViNctiAn-Now 'orkapplo 16c ; Ohio ap- 1)10 , 13c. SALT-D ray leads , per hbb , 11 ; Ashton , ii , ntcks , 3 50 ; bb1 dairy 60 , fis , 3 20. SUtIARs-l'owtIerod , lOAc ; cut loaf , lOAc ; raitu1zttcd , 9c ; confectioners' A , Uc ; Stanti. s.rtl extra C , 8c ; extra C , 84c ; medium ye1- low , 7c ; dark yellow , 7c. Srucii-J'eu-l : : , .lc ; Silver Gloss , Oc ; Corii tardi , Uc ; Excelsior Gloss 7c ; Cant , Sc. SI.WEN-l'ollIor , 17c ; t1)liCO , ific ; cloves 5c casila , 15c. CIIEtis-Full cream , lic. L'YR-Aineric4n ' 3 4 ; ( ireonwicli , 3 40 ; ' , \Tcatern , 2 75 ; I''orthi Star , 2 00 ; 1.owis' Jyn I 65 ; Jewoil lye , 2 75. JI. lJs BIIOSVN Conos-Atlantio A , Rc ; Apple on XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , Sc ; Boot JF c , Iluckeyo LI , , 4-4 , 7c : Cabot Vi , 7c ; hitto. tango A ( lfc ; ( reat Falls E 8c ; hoosier , ( ic ; I lonestitlLIt , Sc ; indian head t't , Sc ; Indian standard A Sc ; Izitlian Orchard , d. w. , ( ic ; lawrcnco ljlj , 6c ; Mystic River , 7c ; l'oqutt tt , 8c ; Utica ti. 5cVuehusctt ; l3 , 7c ; do & , 8c do E 48 , 12c. FINE BROWN Covrosa-Alhentlnlo 4-1 7c , &lligator 3.1 , 3c ; Argyle 4.4 , 7c ; AtfanLic LI4 , Badger State .X .1.4 , 6c ; ] lenitingtoit $ 4. I , ( U/c / : Buckeye S 4.4 , GAc ; Indian Orcltard AA 9.8 , 8c ; Lacitnia I. ) 39 , I3c Lehigh l .I..I ) c ; l'opporoll N 30 , Tc ; do ( i 32 , 74c ; tb it 7c ; do E 89 , 8c ; l'ocasset 0 4.4 , 7c ; Watnsutta 4.4 , 13c. ] JLEAcIISI Coross-AndrosceggIn T4 4-I , 3c ; Jilacluttono A.t % imperial 8c ; do do hizdf Idoaclicti 4.4 tic ; Cabot 4.4 , 8c ; Fitlelity .1.4 , ) c ; jruit Ok the Loom , tjc ) ; do cambric 4.1 , 12 } ' doVntor Twist , 10c ; Great Falls Q , tic : Ilonil shrunk 4.4 , 12c ; Lmisdalo , be ; 1 cambric : ir , I2c ; Now York Mills , l2.e ; [ 'etititit. A , lOc ; I'ellporol , N U 'rwillit , I.c ; I'ocahontiut 4.4 , 0c ; l'ocwtsot 5.4 , 8 ; Utica , tic ; Wainstitt.n 0 X X , i2c. Diici ( Coloretl-Alhany E brown , Sc ; tit ) D , drab lIe ; do XstrIwsntitlplaItls , 121.2c ; bo iwowli anti tire ! , , strIpes auth 1)101(15 ( , [ 2 I.2c ; Arlington fancy , lUc ; Jirituswlck wowii , 8 1.2c ; Uiariot faiicy , 12 1.2c ; do ox. ra heavy , 20c ; Fall Jllverbrown , extrahoavy , Li 1.2c ; Indiana A brown , 13c ; Neponsot A irowli , ISc , TICKINGH-AlnoskoagAC A32 bOo ; do XX iluo 82 18 1.2c ; Arrowanna , ti 1.2c ; Claris. mutt Jl3 15 1.2c ; Coitestoga , extra , 17 1.2c ; Ilatitilton ) , 11 1.2c ; Lewiston A 30 , lSc ; Mlii IcItItlta 4.1 , 20c ; Omega , stipor extra 4.1 , 28& t'oarl lblt'er 32 , 16 1.4c ; l'ittiiarn XX blue tripe , 12c ; $ Iietuclcot B , .10 1.2c ; do 85 , 12c ; 'eoiIiait's blue 29 , tIc. DENIHH-Aliioskcng , blue antI browni6 1.2c &ndovcr DD blue , 15 1.2c ; Arlington X blue cotcli , 18 i.2c' Concord 000 , blue nitil ! wowii , 12 I.2c ; ifi ) AAA , tb do , 13 1.2 ; do x tO do do , U i.2c ; llayninkor's blue aiid lirowit 9 1.2c' Mystic ItlverDIatrlpo , 1i1.2c ( ; l'carl hivcr , filue and brown , lOc ; UncjtyIlIo Ldue nut ! brown , : l i I.2o. OAimtIcs-iarnard , 5c ; Eddystono lining , 14 liiclt titublo face , 8eiarziorAglazetI ; , 5c ; Mnnhattan glove finish , f4c ; Newport do. 5o : ilo glazed , 5c ; l'oquot do , Sc ; Lockwood kid Outsit , tic. Coitss JANS-AmOry , Androscoggin attoen , 8c ! ; Clarontbon 6c Conettogga sat. Loen , 74c ; JialloweIl , Re ; lnJlnn Orchturtl , 7o ; Narrc4an8ctt , improved , 8v ; I'eIloriil sat. teen , Jc ; Jtoekport tic. l'msrs-Alleiis , Ilc- American , c. Arnldo , c ; Berwick , 4o ; Cocheoo c ; Coitosoga 6o ; IanklrkC ; Iunnoll , 6frj7c ; Etitlystono 7c ; ( Boucest.or , Gc. harmony , Sic ; lCniclcorboc'ker bc ; Merrhnao b , 7c ; Mystic , 5o ; 8praznos' nc ; Southbrlilg. , 6c ; do Ginghams , To ; Lfarl. IoIo , Sic ; Oriental , 6o. ( iiNoJrAtfs-Ainottkeag tc ; Argyle , 1Oc ; Atlantic , Sc ; Cuinberlisuti 7o ; Highland 7c ; lCenllworth , 9c. ; I'lunkt , 9c 8icx Sc. CurcoNAots-AbberyiIle , 1Mo ; Agate , 20c ; American , lie ; Artlelan , 2Cc ; CaIro b and T 13&c ; Clarion 1) antI T , lTho ; Pecan etripee 1) and T , Itic ; Keystone , i3c ; Nan' tuckot 19c Nonpareil , bOo ; Ocean D antI T , 13c ; oyaf , 16cj Sussex , 12o ; 'l'ioga Wachu. ett shirtlnj check. . , 12c ; do Neikht 12c , York , lWn Nanidn , l2c ; do checks , stripes anti fancy , 12c do S ox , 20c. SnltIns-AntiroecoggIn 10.4 27c ; tb 0-1 , 2& ' do 34 , 3201 ContInental 0 (2. lIe ; Fruit of' the I.ocen 104 27o ; Now York in II. 98. 35c ; do 78 , Sc ) ; tb Ss , 22c ; Pembroke 10.4 , 25c ; Peqtiot 10.4 , 2SCI do .4 , We : tie 49 , IC'c l'eppoadll Cd , 2tit , ; do 67 , 21c ; do 7 , ISo ; Utica fifi 36c ; do 58,22c ; ut , 48 , iTo. DntaMANn CuRowAthAdtl , Carbolic , 4Sc ; Acid Tarlaric , SSc ; lialsain Copabia , Ib , TOo ; Ihirk Saviafras , icr ib , 12c Cabotnel lr lb , TSc ; lnohotiltila , pr or , Si 05 ; Chloro. form , i'r lii , 8c : Dover's I owtlers , i'er II , , $1 25 ; } psom Salts , er lb. 3c ; Glycerine , litire Ir lb 30cr Acetate , per Ii , , 22c ; ( Ml , baster. o. 1. per nI , $1 40 , 0 Cstor , No. 3 , rer gal , Si 20 ; OUOlle , pergal. SI 50 Oil . Origatiuni , ( tOo ; Opinni , $5 00 ; ( itbn1no , 1' . & \ . and 11. & S. lor oz , $1 00 ; 1 , OtMItIifl , Iodide , iier Ib , S 65 ; SaikIn er ox , 40e ; Sulphate of tltrl4tlIIO , Per ox , 3 .5 ; Sulphur flour , Lr lb , 4e ; Strychnine , per ox , $1 J5. l'nInH , Oils aniL 'arnls1ee. OILS-hO0 carbon , gallon , 12c ; It0 ° licatilight , per gitilnit , lIe ; 175 ° headlight , Pr gitll ii , poOC ; 150 ° vater t'hite , ISe ; un secil , raw , ; Ir Kallon , tOt' ; litiqecti , imiletl , uter gallon , hle ) Narti , 'iittcr str\l , ls'r gallon , $ .Sc No. 1 , 7.'cNo. ; 2 , The : castor , XXX Per gal lois , 1 40 : o. 3 , 1 2t ) ; bveet , Fa\lou1 \ siterinV B. , pr galloii , 1 60 ; Itch , V. . B. , twtrgallon , ( ' . ' .c : iteatsfoot etr.i , ter galloti , 9t ) . ; No. 1 , TSc : lubilcatitig , zeni , l'r gallon , 3Oc ; sununer , I SC ; tiltiii iiiaeliliie , 'o. I , gal. Inn , $5c ; No. . . , 25c ; 9rIIt , signal , Per gallon 8c ( ; turpentine , Per gallon , 5."c ; italitlut , 740 gallon , ISo. PAIiTi3 Oit.-\\ bite lead , Omaha P. P. , ( ' .c ; white Itti , St. l.ouls , lilIre , 0 c : Marseillr. . , greeii I to 5 lii c.iui , 20c ; Frenc i zinc. green scal , 12c : French zinc , roil ea1 , lie ; French zinc , in vnniish aset , 20c l"iencli zitic. In oil 1sLtt , 1r ; raw anti 1itrnt , untlwr , I lb eatis , IDe ; raw anti iturut Sienna , i ; vau.iykn . lirovn t3c ; refined lainpblack , 12e ; ceach black , nut1 ivory black , 11h ; ( irol ) black , ilic ; Prussian blot. , 3Oc ; ultrtuiiItr1no liltin , lSc ; chrome green 14.l. . P. Iic ( ; i.liiil , ttiiti shutter grcoIi , I , . tt. it I ) . , ltc ; ; 1'u1s p'etn , 180 : luutilan red , ISo ; Venetian roil. lit' ; J'IIsCaII roil , 22c ; Amen. (81) Vuniniliton I. & P. , 18e ; chrome yellow I. l. , 0. & b. o. , iSe ; yellow ochrn , te ; "I ic11rt3 , itic , PabI1t dryer , Sc ; grainitig . . light t'ak ' , tluk oak , walnut , cliostuutit .t.t .t.tli , lSc. 1)ry Paint. . \Vhlte lend , Sc ; French zinc , IDe ; ianIs whiting , 2e ; wltituuu giltlors , c : whitluug iin'l 14c ; lamnpblack , ( CnIIIItIItOWII , lie ; launpblaclc , ordinary , JOe ; l'rnsslau itluto , fISe ; ultrniiuu'lno , iSe ; viutdylm , lruwui , , , Sc ; umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , rtn' , Ic ; sienna , l.tirnt , .lc ; , iouuuuat , raw , .lc ; Paris giCCII , goiuuulno. 25c ; l'tuis gTCIII , ctInmonr2Oc ; cltniito gr1'eIi , N.Y. , 20c ; clui'nIt ) green' , 12c ; vi'iuuiliiiui , , li.g. . , I TOe ; verinillloti , 1tiitenlcauu , l $ ; Iuiiilitii red , Ito ) ; nso 1iiiik , lIe ; \enetlauL no.1 , Coltusoss , 2cTonetlan ; veil , 4uutenlcahi , ic ; roil load , 7e ? ; chrome yellow , goutmilo , 20c ; chronic 3'il. lttv , IC. , 12c ochre , rocliel Ic $ c ; ochuro , 1"rcncli , I 2'c ' ; ochno , Amnonicatu , 2e'iiitor's ; uuulnoral , 2e ; lehigh brown , 2e ; Sltaluislt 1)flfls'ii , 2c ; I ninco's mineral , 3c. \'AIINISIIRS-Barnels Iter giillonu Furni. tore , extra , 1 10 ; funiulturo , No. 1 , $1 : coach , extra , 81 tO ; ctaclu , No. 1 , SI 20 ; iainar , nxtra , $1 75 : .Enhiami , 70c ; asphaltmiu , etta , 85c ; I shellac , $3 50 ; hard tIl finibli , 1 rio.1 Leather. I. i keolo 8Sc tO .12e ; hicuuulook st1o28c to 8Sc ; i'Ll ) , t hIp , SOc to 1 00 ; 1111111cr ( ISo to SOc ; Itch i o calf , 85c to 1 20 ; Itcinlock st per , 23o I to 26c ; oak tuiiier1 2 Ic ; alligator , 4 00 to S 110 ; calf kil , , 32u5 ( : : ( .i'.uken kid , 2 t.0 t. , 2 7. , ; oak ku. . SOc tf I (10 : oak calf , I 2 ( ) tt 1 30 ; Ii'uuieli ldi' , 1 10 to 1 115 : Freutuhu mull , I 25 tO 2 00 ; tius. .tet.4 , 5 1)0 to 7 110 ; linin's ; , I ; 00 to 10 ISO ; tO1) , iiIt"s , 9 00 to 10 110 ; Ii. 14. \lorocco , $ Oo to $ Sc ; P0131)lU 0. 1) ) . ? .Iorucco , 35c ; simon , 2 III ) to 3 (10. 1LIINIss-NO. : 1 star tttk , 42c ; No 2 tin , 39c ; No. 1 OhIo lak ' 35c ; No. 2 tb , 8Se ; No. 1 MIlwaukee 37e : N'o. 2 tIn 3I Iiiiiii ICr. WIIoT.)4AI.R. ) Vo quote lumber , lath nod skuiuigle. Out otr nt Oiiutlia at the following vrieu : -Joist ANE ) SCANTLING-16 ft. and uiniber 22 00 ; 18 ft , 23 50. 'J'IMRIIt.s-1Ii : feet and unkr , 2'2 ( ' 0. 'I'IMIEII AN ! ) .lous'r--iS ft , 2 ; 50 ; 20 ft , 23 t101 22ft 2650 ; 2Ift , 26110. FINeINu-No. 1 , .1 and 6 iii. , 21 00 ; No. 2 , 22 00. SunirruNa-No. 1 (2tl ( common boards ) , 20 00 ; No. 2 , 18 00. LIiE-1'er barrel , 1 25 ; bulk cr bushel' $ Sc ; content , bbl , 2 2.5 ; Iowa . bbl , 2 110 ; haIr ncr bit. hOc ; Taxed felt , 1L'Or ibs , 3 50 ; straw board , 3 50. IIeayy lltiv.lwtre Ijlt. Iron , rates , 2 60 ; l)10W t.tsoi sliecial cast , 7c crucililo , 8c ; sPecial or German , Oc cast ttof do , 15@20 ; wagon 8P0Ce.s ! , sot , 2 2113 00 ; hubs . sat , 1 25 ; felInes , saweti tiny , 1 ' 10 ; tongues , I eadi , 7085c ; axloi , each , 75c ; square ntttti per It ) , 71liJlle ; 9Cr lb. 8@lSc ; rivets , lien lb , lie ; coil chain , per It , , ( i12c ; malleable , Sc iron vthges , Cc : crowbars , tic ; harrow teeth Ic ; spring tool , 7t8c ; Jinidon's htn'nehoes , 5 25 Burden's intileshocs , 6 25. JIARREIiIi { -iii car Iot , fife ior 100. . NAII.M-Jlates , 10 to 6) ) , 8 35. SIIOT-Sluot , I 85 ; buck htot , 2 10 ; .wiontal I IoWtiCr , kegs , (1 ( .10 ; do. , half keg. , 3 48 ; .1 ° . , quarter kegs , I 88 ; bkntiug , kegs , 3 35 ; fuse , I 11Cr 100 foot , SOc. CoAi-Cu1uIuberlauu1 Itlacksinlthi 12 00 : .1or. . i nis run Iilo'tslnirg , 12 00 ; "Wliitetroast lump , I 4 \Vhiitebrcast ; iuiut , 4 00 ; Iowa lump , .1 00 ; ltWlI. iflIt. 4 00 ; ltock Si.riiuj . , 7 00 ; Antlirn- cites , 11 50J12 00 ; Canon City , 7 00 , po ton. I 110r14c $ iLlilt Mules. Extra tiraft hi..rses . . , 1711@2211 ; common .lraft horace , 1O0@I50 extra farm horse. , i10125 ; common to good faruut hiirsai , U0(2J100 ( ; extra [ lui's ( , 60@171i ; CIJiI1IIIII ( ) i.ltgu ! , 20(3J40. \hir.s-l'xtra , I25u1t'J : gootl , lOO140 ; fair , 75l00 ; counmoul , 6O@75. Liquor. . ALCOHCJI.-188 , 2 2per vIne gallon ; axtra Call foniula ilti ; rits , 1 LIH proof , 1 25 per gallon ; triple refined sj.irlt.t . , 187' proof , I 23 9) Iof gallout ; ru.'Iistillcd vhuiskies , I 1 001 50 ; fine lilelitlIal , 1 b06z2 110 ] ( . ( lucky lJturbcIiIn , 2 OQ(7 ( O0 iCeuutucy anti l'onnsylvaniut ryes , 2 00@7 00. Jiut.'iuws-iznportetl , (3 ( O0J16 00 ; domestIc 140@400. GuNus-linported , 4 S0'O ' 00 ; domestIc , 1 40 300. ] tutis-luiiportod , 4 0RG 00 ; Newiuiglauid , I 2 O0GiJI 00 ; domestic , 1 b0@3 50. T'EACH AND Jtiiis IIIIANIY-1 74 00. CirAIIAois-IIiported ) er cao , 23 00 31 00 ; me-lean , isir Case , B. O0iti 00. % VOtI. MerIno unwashed , light 14@lfic ; heavy , 13L111c ; medium iInwaslictl , light , I8cJ20e ; washctl , choice , 32c ; fair , 3Oc ; tub arid washed , 8c ; hurry , blatk anti cottod wool , 26O 1ern. . I- u.iioi. . _ . , ; _ , ToInLocoF3.onAI0Ir , "FINII Cu'r-Couiuintm , 20@30c ; good , 45@ I 0c ; Loaf , 70e ; l'remlun , , GSc ; Diamond Crown , rc ; Sweet Slxt.eoii , 47c. SIogzNa-O. 13. , 20c ; Muskovy , 2r. ; Dur. Inun , 8 ox. , 11Cc ; 1)uirhaun , 4 ox. 52o ; 1)urliani , oz. , 115c ; Seal of North CaroIna ! , 8 az. , ' 1 Ic ; I Foal ( If North Carolina 'I oj. . lic ( ; Seuti tf North Carolina , 2 ox. , .ihc ; 0. Ic. Durham , 4 ix. , 28c ; 0. K. Jnrlaair , 2 oz. , SOc ; Uncle Ned , i's , 21c ; 'foun auii Jerry 23C. Pnuo 'ronAcco-cillimax , rlc. Bullion , SIlo ; horseshoe , 480 ; Star .lSc ; ] tutdy , 44c ; Tier. soy's , 48c ; Black , $8)40c. ) 'Ph Only Perfect substitute for Mother's L MIlk. ThernoetnourlstIng.'lctfor ' Invalids and confer mother. . tlommendt.I , by all 1'hysicfane Keeie In &JI clitnatwi. ff014 liy all druggtMe. 75 oeut& Senl for th. Il&fliIItII5. T. M1TtJALF & CO. , mo.tu&th.U 'I C.nlril Whart , DosIes , II. PHILLIPS , TI1I LEAVING NEW YORK IlIlAIIIcI ! OaU sod look ever ray new stoas smd so. my ow UootI. . 1D04 FARNAM8TREET. 1b04 THE NECESSITY FOR THE SPECIALIST , DR. H. WAGNER , liii lent been aeknowIeIli ntt more so at This des than inyeth.r. The scsi flehi ci Tn.dkai nlec. , Is e5cc Inclt.MInr , nt1 Its numerous branches .rc I brought uierer anti nearer to i'srfectlon , ar,4 no on. tiian CM ) Any longer gra.p all Ifenee the lCettIt7 for dIsiling lb. lebor. Anti It I. true Ieund all , lotlbt thatdI..eq. , asctlng the sen. lloinliisry oren , ns.i peeI.I stuiy inor. thii any. thIIC cli. , If ' . would undrOtnl and knew how ii treat theni lIreiIrIV. 1)11. II. WAiNIitt IL fIfl7 swan. that the , . are many ; .hyIlin , , anti pom.enqlble , Iol.le , shi , will COI1tlIIII ) him for II'IltlIg this rhs of tllsca.s a deity , but hsIslej.y , ; be ltno that wIth boat o.r , on , of rCflIInIent anti lIitrIllg.iio a riillglilcu. cii VIew I , $ len of ( hi tuIiJect , and that Ui. IIhy.lo. Ian who iletotci hImself to nVIIOIII the fllIct.d and PliteilIg ( him 11011) ior-s , than .leth , Is noless a iliI. lflIhrOld.t tiil b.nelsctor to hIs race thai. ( Ii. cur. geon or'I.hyclnlan . ) tO by do. , ftl.IIllentlon extel , In 1017 other bnanh of hi. irofo.cIos. MIll fortluliately for I1UIIItIIIty. UI. tIIY Istlewnitig slim the ( ci's 'it * ) % ) that eond.iiui.&i , the Ictims of folly or t rIme , Ilk. the leper. % UIIkC tite , JewIsh hew , i.e dl. ttncanvtt forhas ; away. A Pow Reasons Why you choulIt try the celebrated Ir. II Ve20er. IiietloI , , of cure : I. "Ir. ) Ii. Ycgner I. a italural ihykIaii. " 0. 5. Foe tan , i'le (1t'ntet T.iting I'Itrenoioglct. 2. "Few vat , eccI you a-s a docter. ' un. . 81MW. . , . 'his ' .Vorl.i'c (1rcatet I1I.vci.'giounict. . : i. ' ' ou an. vouidcrfttily ) rt.tkIslit ill 3uIr knowl ctl of dl.eae aliti medicines. " lilt. J MArniaws. 4. "The amlcktl fln.i ira.iy rclirt is onr i'rce CIICt , ia. .1. ShIMS. ft. "Pr. II. Vagner is a regutisr gra.itrnti , from liclIcrIho iitltnl , 'ew York cli , ; IISS ii.ti . II ry c. ( cud. C llt'l'ItItI l.ractlcc , alIt ! Is thoroughly isteti on all bruhc1I ( It Itli be1.t ed cIelIt'v , es1.edtIiy OIl cliroitic dIuascs. " . lIne. Iiaowau. & Iwie. 0. ' 'lit , II \ AlhCF Ihits Itiinortallze.i : IIII.elf ) in his wotiticrft9 tIIsit cry ot cio.'IIiO ICIIIIMIIOI for mi' ate 51111 .IextInl . tlI'.t'iowii. ' . ViriII. , CIty Cilconiric. 7. " 'I'IIthtLIIiIS of IIflIIIIII fleck to see i'iairiseo , CiIroIhIeic. 8. 'TIie Ioctors ) long experience as e , apeeiallst , dinuli rwidrr IIIIII , vry suceuuliti.-ltocky Moul , . utin Nca. Plain Facts Plainly Spoken. At one tliiie discussioll of the secret sine wa.s en tlrely noiieti by ( ho irfessIoii , anti Illo.IICAI . u'orkol but n few years no i'OhIli itantile ilIclIttOll it. 'I' ' thu ill ) i.iciiti is of it tllltereith , IlillihIoll ; 110 ii [ 0 nrc t'Iitt I Is his tlttty-tliiagneallo , Ilitiugh it tiny L.o-to . itaiiiIlo this bAtter lihotit gIt > us nIlli 1.UItk ilalil ' v nt.tnit It ; dlii iiitt'Illgcii ( nun ! IiftrtilaIi5 'lmI tilailk huh for tioiIh 5II 'i'iio results IttteIuIbIhIg titis , ittructii 0 i ire were for. IIIOrIy nti IIIIIICI'IItOOIl , Or Ihot IroInI cstliiittI ; iiti hO luiIIorttUIco hcliig nttaclieil to a , tIbjet't w Ihlch by Its IlattIrIl titeti lInt IIIV Ito dose liii estigatiot. , It. . I' iIlIIIgiy iglIoreli. iliu iutbR is generally couitrnntsl by the ) ohilhg While ntteIhtiIiijj school ; oi.ier ( 'OIlhisltIiOIIC tiii'OtIgll Lhelr etsinilu , iItIt ) ho rcaiioiisibio fur it , or It may be tt'lhIilCIt titroiigii itt hiuit. , 1'iiu eCitClIiehht 1)11(0 CX' leriunced , tilt ) ) .mCIieo 0 iii be ICIeateit * tttIii toiti i4ii , , uiiitll at the liattit tecolliuS till ) ) ItIlti ( ' 0111. IICt'iY , IIiItt L.4 the ictiul. ilehital ititi iier .11)5 sf tIIctiiii Lire tIthlaliy thu linillIary I osulL ( If , .vlt.aliuso. /iIIlttlIg thu 1111111 Ittul utTt'cts illS ) ' be lnnItloIieI lessi. Ititie , oojt.ctioii or irrunIlillIty of ttnuper iiiiti general ileltility. Thu toy ceeks e'liisioii , Slut rarely JItihic In tue ci.o , ttt of iih COIlliMtIlliM. if i.e . Ito it tiiiig Ithali Ito iii Itit lIttle foiiiit in c.iinpahy w ith tito oIlier , .ux stub i troubled t liii et'vudiIig cliii alIlinyllIg iaIitIilIicss , In their ii oehit'o. I .a.ich 111tH , iroctiii , , CilIl't'IltIiS aliti eiii1tIuii , ( III thu face , etc. , iou also lt0IIhlIICiIt ,3'ilhittIIiIiM. If thu Itnt'tiCO hi ' , Iolctitly ierlteii in , more ecrion , ilqturbaiicos ( alto i lice. ( natI IalliIuttIlI lit ( ito heart , or epileptic 'tIll ) 111510115 , 51 U , i'.erleiit'i'il , aliti thu blilterer iit.ty fall 1111.1) Ii CI.iIIl.lUtO . sUite of lilItcy be. fore , hliially , tie.ttii I tile ci 111111. t'i ) all those ongae. ) . ( III this tlIihguI'ttIn : , Itractiro , I woiiltl . .tty , ITrcL of itil , chop It itt 1.11cc . ; In.tku u cry i,1eillu uflort to do so' Itut If ot felt , it ynlIr lier'iitl cybtelil iS itireaiiy tilt ) IntIell i.liattercJ , anti rouse. ittIt.uitiy , S OtIt it iii.leitver lIroltell , ( like MilhiC 11cr ) o I 01110 t iitt 3 ttt ) iii our tiiTiiIL I iat ihlg ii toti 'OIhterli froii , thu italit , I t'otilti flintier tattIlIttIl Oti It ) go ( lirohiglu a uvguiar conu cc treat Inciit , f..r . It I. tt g iiiltitako to stu.j.oe ; tint nity nile urny , for bulb tlIIIC , Itti It o ccry mu little gl. o IIiIlholf up ti , ( uk fait'iiuatiiig iiiltdaulgerotuI ucletiiciu WitlIttlIt IIIIITL'rIIg , front II cvii ( 'tIisOItlt'iI ( ( Cs OL 101110 111(111 ( 0 ( iilIO. 'llio liIuIhhiICr itt 3'OtlIIg 111011 t iii , ill ( I Iiiataclatc.l ! to ( Ri tile .11)1 lus cujoliunti by ti etilock is IsItlIlitIuIgly I.trgc , niuti III lilust of such cisses ( iii tiiIforthIIiatu eoitIlti..i : , of tltiitgi can be tincod to the I.ntelcu . ( of eel.abuse ( , witlcii Itisti iiec itlttliIIlOIiCd ye.trs Itt ) . I uidocti , a few , iit.iitli. . IrnetleC ( If tiul liattit Ii .tilllcleiit to IIidtlco speruhiatorrllna Iii i.ttor year. , cliii I iia o liuiiiy of such caeas Iuiidur trrst. iiieuut at tile Precut day. Young Mer The may i.e , .uffcrliug from the effects of youthful foilIc. . or luldiberetlouls wIll do iscil It , avaIl tiiunusci. ii , if tiIl. (110 greatest 110011 user laid at. tiio altar , it auf. rorilug IlUlIllthulty. ha. Vtoxr. s Iii gliarniutuu to for. rclt tO ) for every asso of , .euuiiiual weakness or lirisate Ili'.tSt'IU I ) ! ally klluti uuuti detractor wIilelu lit , uiutlur. Lakes to auud fell. to curo. Middle Aged Men. Tliero arc llimiiv at the ate of 80 to 60vlio are Irotibitol with too IrellullIt entcuittloius tf ( Ito Itlad. Icr , ofcIu ( aCL'OIiltaih icti 113' a slIght clulattIlig or blIril. log sciusatloiu , anti a ucakeuuilIg of titu cystcuiu III S Inauhuler the itatlent mullet account for. Oil uxuonli. , lug tilt ) uniiuary ilejtoslts a roJ.y sotliiulOilt III often lie rotuiiui , toid , toinetiuuies hinlail artIclu of albullielu sITi ( ; qusr , or thu color silli itu , .f tiilii illlikislu 11110 , nalii itaiIgiitg ( t , a uiark slid toriltI nlPllcaraucti. ? Thorn arc iiiauy IIICII ) 11101 who iii itt ( liii ulllllehuity , ighirirahut of tile ClU5e , . itklu is the , oeiril , etiugu of , oak. tic , , . Dr. V. ss lii gilanitIltro a lurfect i'Iurc Iii all case , 11111 1' . health ) ' i cstoi'tttiuii of titi.i geutlto.urliuary or. aIis. aIis.C.iuietiltatloiu free , 'flturouglu oxaunhluatlol ) nuud ad. tine. $5. All eouiiiilhuutieat , , liitiui.I ho aiitlreseti , Dr. IIeiirt I fcnry Vi'aghter , P. 0. 2aia , Dcuu b er , Ctiiunnlo , 'rho'ouiug Mali' , i'oCitet , , by hr. Ii tVagiier. Ii ssortiu It. . . ticlltt lii golil to young uteii , I'rke , $1 , . Sent Ity tool ! to auiy addrcsi. Let Zour Light Shine. Dr. Wui.giicr tlto celebrated specialIst tt Iucr ) ( Stici. , 343 l.nutIiIer street , lttlIote Lii lettlig ( ( liv wont ! Ituitiw , t list Ito t'ai ? tie , anti ii dtllhig for tluoui.'siuls 'if Itl fclliiwuieiu. , I Ii's ( neatillelut for lost . ii .unu to wliu ltlin a itaito that istority will blest. 'lou LIhItusauli tustluuiiiulaii froluu all ot or ( ( to Uutlttti ( States null those luu has cured , Ii itnuof iiti-.iIlsu ( ( tat Ito iloce tirc ( Ito worst cases I. ! tltotu dI.satiuu. 'Alto ahlllcted roIll cltrnilc utiuil sexual dlsuaws of oscry kInd still Ihud lilrii theIr ttct triciul. Road ltIi ads entiscuiouut III ill our city ushers , slid etll on 111111 for adsiro , us ste uuowyou still corroborate ie iui ii&tyliig hui ti tile suf loner's true frIend.- Rocky Moun rain Ncws. Relief to the Afflicted , lii mttllclnes , , as Iii eclenco , ( ho elioclail.t.s arc the LIlies St Ill ) always ( ' (111105 (0 ( the trout nItd arcouultll.h reut recults. 'iltis nunuark i ospccialiy aliltllenlilu to o Dr. II. Wagrutir , of thIs cIty , flu startils itt ( lie top ) f ltiiirrofcnslouh , slid ( lie cures lie lunfurlIls for Utu uifortuuiato woiil.I . scout woii.lurfui LI uitt ProPerly dewed lii ttiuilglttof celuittlilt , ucshilreiutolits. ( lie Is outbreed by thu ) uiost eiiiliient of tltc pitcillati faculty. Ills ohllcu at 843 i.aranlir street , client , li sIll sitcudI. Ily clients cure for ( Ito siutTtniiug , of eltltor sex , lie uunt Icr how couuijdlcatod tltelr cohilItie1uit.I'oIilcroye Leniucrat. Ohronic Complaints Require Time for a Cure. I'crsons at a , llstncu who wish tolto treat tl by Ir ) , Wagner uicod hot foci laekwarii itocauso of Iuuahlllt ) ( AJ sialt Iiiiii. If tltuy still steltu Iii ( lie uloctor Itu will scud a lIst of questluits St ( ulelu eiualtic hliiu to scud IliOIlI'lhitli , counsel stud atitlco to tlioutouiti ( to ( ito' rioter ccci , . flu has l.atlent ( hi dory city. bust , , nuti tatIoua luu Colorado , as stull as allostr ( Ito Iiuiltoil ItpAos. thee hIs address In lulti adycdlesuuteuit.-ikui ccc 'I'nlbuuuc. Shall We Reform ? Speclflo reniedioiu for alIdlecases Is ( Ito theory itractieo lit Itreselit of tslucatod slid expcnluiucc iduy.Iciaiu atiiI In all large coIuulIuUItiletu ( ( ( toy luavi ( heir ipecialtlt's , , to cxrcl lii whIch ( ( icy dlroct ( Itch , tudits loud itractico. ir , SVtigtter Is a successful (1. ( lusraflon ( of tIuI modern .cioui ) of ejiechalthos. wiil Ills uIulrctiedcIit.itI success In thu trcatuuicuit of 1irlvate ilisciutes I. a woodeiful as It Is llatterhilg.-1 rot. J. Sluitoci. , . 'Ilioco i4r ° nl who need nudlcal rvllet for ( ho moat delicate of dlseuse willihuid aui tteooxnjtlislued antI suc. LOSJISUI i.Iuyshcie.n . iii ( ho ) orru of Dr. % Yiiu.r , No. a4 lArbact atneot , who Is ltItiIy rucoruumeiidoti by ( lit uuit.tlJcal i.rufesloui at huouuie auud abourd.-l'omoroy'c fleisocrat. lblgotrysuld Ignonuirounust gI. . way t whsboni sad ( liv wise itulcItoi ( bolhet , Lii lettIuu ith , lIght ililnt for the glory of hIs fellow muicu , . PrInter' . Ink Ii I. ? , . tenth Its caii best use to gun . ( hi. wsar aud .hck one to ( III fountAin of health. if ( hid artkk shoulti be Iustrunuuutai La S "rOltClILIIIV ( . .t up. ouahlll to ukIe sut1erht huotautity W313 Larluit , , 55100(1 Ieuvvr , ( iuioradoIt wlli ansew th , Ituritee , tcwbi.Ai II wits wrItten , . &dtlrcum DII. hENRY WACNER , 1' . 0. box 8Io U at 841 Lriuiir litr.t 1)suiyr ) , Coo. WR.eti the ochiwn Lea4. "I4 Nc..hty S tithe , . ' ' ' - - _ Eas the Best Stock in Omaha and Makes the Lowest Pricosi FURNITUREI Mirrors , Bedding , Feathers , And Everything pertaining to the Furni ture and Upholstery Trade. n , PI1NaER LEVITOXt SIIIVERICKJ To , AIU U'1oo I 1200 , 1208 nutl 1210 Fnrnam SL. U oMIrA , NEIl. SAIiE1Vi FGOUR. T..Ia Fbolir , Li nttIe at 841cfl1 , Rieltentleon Cor , Nobrasita , Ii , the CombIned Itoller Stone Syetom. W glee EXCItISiYh palo ut . our ( Ituir to , one flnun ( a a plaoe. Wo hvo opened a braiich at 1018 CspItol avonu Uuuali WrIte for l'rhcu. Adttrcw either d , m Salem or Omaha , Meb. ID. , c. , DEALEItS IN Hall's Safe and Lock Comp'y FIRE AND BURGILA3 PROOF SAFES , VAULTSLOCKS , &o I I t I I :1. 0 Q 0 ' 1Lx3.uLm trcct. PEEOTIOT _ _ IN Heating and Baking Is only nttniuic1 by using - CHARTER OAK Stoves and Ranges , ' - : I ig : VIITII VIIIE ! CAIJ1E OVER DOORS For sale by MILTONROGERS&SONSj 17 ( lM4ITA. "BURLINGTONHOUTE" ( Chicago , t3urllngton & . Quincy _ Railroad. ) _ _ I . . . _ _ II - ; ; : : : : . : : nM:4 : w. .u.- _ . , ' I It0 d I . ( I. ' 'L z ' tI I , \c. , - * . -o" q \ \ , . ' 5 ! ; ' 5 : : \ \ \ % \ : . ' : , . ' 4 , I . ifelt ba -i-- : : . ' : _ : I.dAs : , . . v.o.l . _ . , 0. I ' , I . _ , , .a I. a 4'.r ' . \ . _ . . . z . . _ r j. T a ' S " L It s , p. . . . , , -M- " , - .11. . , - - - - COINC EAST AND WEST. . Elogtnt flay Coaches , Parlor Cars. with iteclhn log ChaIrs ( seats ( roe ) , Srnokluug Curs , wIth Ito. relyIng ChaIrs l'ullman l''tlnco bleeping Cars anti (1)0 ( aumtle (3. h. g. DIning CArS Illfl daIly to and front Chicago & lCaIlaan City , Chicago & Council lllufTtu , CIulago lies Moines. Chicago , St. J0. ccliii , Atchul3on Topeka. Only through line ho twt'Cfl Chicago , Lincoln Dcuus'er. Through cars ltetwt'cn indlisuinpoils Council IllufTe vie. PeorIa. All connection. mails in Union IepoIs. it is knowua as the great'rIIROUOiI CA1t UN1. GOING NORTH AND SOUTH , Soliti Train. of Elegant Day Ioaehues and Pu11 man i'alaco SleephuIg Cars nrc run daily to and from St Louhs , vIa HannIbal , Qulney , Keokuk , Iiurlington. Cedar Rapids and Albert Lea to St Paul and MInneapolis ; i'nnlorCnrs'wIth itecllnto ChaIrs to end from St LouIs and i'eorla and to and froni lit Louis and Ottumwa. Only one change of cars between St. Louis and Des ltlolnu8 Iowa , Lincoln , Nebraska , and Denver Colorado. it 13 univcrsaUydmIttcd to bo the I Flnont Equipped RnIIromd In the World for DII Classoe of Travel. _ _ fPOUER. 3d Vlco-i'ros'tnnd ( lcn'l Manuucr PEI1CEVAL LOWELL , Con , P. Ag't , CbICAOJ Pu MANulAc'rultEiI OF aIvniid IroDCornicsNiodo \ CapsFi ; iaI SkylIghts &o Thhrtocuth Street Neb ERY LEVAiN JOBBER OF a11 Paper anVo \ Sliae. EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED 1118 FARNAM STREET , . . OMAHA NEIL , t . ' . . . -a-- ' - - - - - wIIacN' Boiler 1111ff Slieet Troll \Vorks \ I OMAHA , . . . . - . NEBRASKA. liulid sU kind. of Steam . hollers. Smoke , . Stacke , Urcechuing Lard , Water and . Oil Tanke , and do , a genera Itlate.Iron buhuos. ltupalrhiug tlouuo In City nd Country. All work Done at Eastern Prices and Warranted ! Second-hand Boilers will ho kept on htuud. Ifayhiug . had many years exporleruceln . the trade In dlflerent . part. of the . country I sin coiulttlunt . 1 can give catl.fsotlou , hahilg ( ( IC bait . .luop . and tooi In the State. Uhop . txr. ifltli arnhl4ercoHtrectil. . J. M. WILSON Proprietor. lvi. HELLMAN & CO. , Wholesale Clothiers ! ' /301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREET COR. 13TH , OMAHA . . . - . C EBRAS1 - . - - . .a. - - - - - - - - ' - - - -