Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1883, Page 3, Image 3

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: : : i _ - _ TIlE DAILY L1LOMAIIA , WEDNESOA , ' P'r1MI3ER 19 , 1883. 3
- -
The /vel'pash' ' Mafional Bank
. ' Taldtlp Capttj ) - - 2OOOo
UXP1UIFuudZay 1,1883
A E. JOHNSON , 1rvent , of Stee'e ' , Johr.on & Co
A. K TOU7t.TN , Vice l're.ldent , ct floton.
w. y , onsi , y. y Morse & Co.
JOHN S. COLLINS , of U & .1. 8. Co1IIn.
M. Wootwonir Counctoran.t Attorney M Law ,
w. YATF3 , Caihier , touiny year , cahIer of the
NtIoni ftn of Ornh
Thta I3ank opneti for wine ApTLI 97 , ISSt mu $ tockho1J , r &mong the hid.
bwlti.pi of Otn.hj , md Lt. buslne i Ii contluctod
ep.cIAI refernee to the bMt mu InefeAIng k I
of Its mercantIle paron.
ctIon receIve prompt Mtentloa n4 chirgo. I
obtInbIe hero or eI.where.
Intere ntIoed on time dopott. upon tAorAbte
ftn ( UIOfl &ceounti of bnki ftnd bnketi.
1oreIgn chrnge , Oorornmont fonda , ftnd Coutiti I
CIty icetirItIe burht n4 uo1.1.
J. w. Rodefer , Broker ,
5tccke , floiitf , Cornmorcl&l Paper nd ill othrr
* dtI.s dealt In'
Itvciu 4 , No. 2 $ PcarISL , Council fl1uff , 1a
. . _ -
Niw Yoiig , September 18.
Mnney-Eay at 2@2 per cent , .1ood at 2
Ir Cent.
Pritno Papor-7 pci. cent.
] czohaug b1ll-Stcn1Ior it 4.Sa ; demtnd ,
4. & .
Stock-Opeiie firm and advnncel to
cr ccitt. ViI1ard' wore weak , anti , with tim
ingIu uxcoption of Denser , ronutlned qutto
firm , and yielded oniy . } to p' cent. Denver
Wfl9 llCfl.'y atiti ran 0ff from 2S to 26k. After
two o'clock the market wttg iiiore acth'o and
there was an iIIlfr.vcnlett of . to 1 per cent ;
. aa compared with last idght's closing jnCos
they are to 1 Per cent higher.
3'5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1O3
4'R Coupons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Pcifio 6'8 of ' 95. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12U
Americaii EXprCAM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Burl. , Ccdar I apith & Northern 79
Central Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chicago & Alton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
do do pit1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
OhL , Burl. & QLii'ICy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12i
Erie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
do jfd , aIced. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S
Fort \Vvno & CIiago. . . . . . . . . . . . . . I3O
hannibal & St. Jne1)11 a.sked. . . . . . . . 39
(10 dO tb Pfd
fl1hioj Central : : : : : : : : : : : 1291 i
Tad. , lilooin. &Wetcrn. . . . . . . . . . . . 12G
1CanaM & Tcxa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127k t
Jjak@ Shore & Michigan So. . . . . . . . . . 1Ol
lllchigait Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84f
Misouri Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1O1
Northern Pncific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1O
do do ifd. . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Nortliwo4ern. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
do Pf(1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
Nov York Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ll7Jj
Ohio & MISSLSSIJ)1)i. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3O.
(10 do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Peoria , Decatur & 1vuisvi1Ie. . . . . . . . 1t
Rock Ifl aUl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
St. 1au1 & Milwaukee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1O6
(10 tIn do ifd 12I
St. l'aul , Mum. & rit ; ; : : : : : : : : 110 ?
St. Paul & Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142k I
(10 (10 PId. . . . . . . . . . . . . . io
Union I'.icific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O2
Vaba.h , ; t. L. & P.icLIio. . . . . . . . . . . .
( It ) ( IC ) ( If ) ) fd. . . . . . . . . 87 r
WoterIL Union Telegraph. . . . . . . . . . . . 83
1 . _
9.- , G1tLtIN ANI ) I'.ltOVJSIONS.
CmcAoo , Soptoinbor 18.- Flour - Un-
, hangcd.
Wheat-Opened lower and closed highcr ;
regular , li3c for So ) telnber ; 94c for t.Jcto.
her ; 9G9Gc , for Noveniher ; US@98o for'
, t December ; o. 2 'Pn'R. Oagc ; No. 3 aprhig ,
82o ; No 2 red winter , USc.
Corn-Demand actv ( tid unsettled ; 48 I
@ 48c for cIi ud September ; 48c for Oc. \
_ tober ; 4S@48c for Noyernber ; 413h@47o for C
t ' the year ; 4Sc for May. C
. Ots-Fair1y active and idido higher 27c I
"k ; for cash ' 2T for September ; 27c for bcto. i
I , her ; 28o'forNovoinbor ; 27c for the year ; 28c
forJantiary ; 3l@81c for May.
Rye-LOWQr at 54c.
Barley-Dull- f'J.c.
Flax Seed-teat1y with good demand sit '
130. C
'riinothyWoitc and oaier ; prime , 1
1 ' 26 ; extra bright Iota 1 27i1 32.
) l'urk-Opcnctl wctk anti lower ; closed finn
: tt outside Prices ; 11) ) 6Oui1O 35 fur caIi and
: 5eptoinber ; 10 651O 67. for October ; 10 72 b
@ 10 75 for November ; 10 45@1O tO for the
year ; 11 40@l1 .1 : . ' for January.
Lard-Demand active and higher ; 7 93 for
cash , nti Soponibcr ; 7 tC7 9T for October ;
7 707 72 for November ; 7 (76J7 ( 70 for the
year ; 7 77 for .Jauiiary. H
Bulk Ict.-1n fair demand ; ehoulder ; b
25 ; eliort ribe , 6 00 ; 8ltrirt clear , 6 15.
.Egg-AcLivo , finn and higher ; 2121 c j
Butter-Steady and unchanged
\Vhieky-Steatly anti uncIianeiI at 1 IC1. firtiter ziittl tititIy , good ;
choice full creau choddani IUAIOc ; cltoico
full creuu : fltt , 11@Ilchilt reanI cieddart }
anti flats1 f@7c ; hard ttiins , 2'lc.
1Iido-iulI ; greonsait damaged , ( ic ; green c
salt cured , light , Sc ; groan Halt ho.n'y , 8c ;
green baIt c&.f , lie ; dry sItetI , lie ; dry
calf , ISo.
Tallow-No. 1 , 7c ; No.2 , Cjc ; cake , 7c. 8
Cosa 1'IucL-WIaeat-Stoady and Un ;
changed ; 91c for OctuborUSo ; forNoveinbor-
OlZc for the year. '
Corn-Lower ; 4SI@l8c forSeptembor4tc ; ) ,
for October ; 4Sj@'lSc for Noyember ; 47jc
for the &r.
Onte-lilgiter ; 27c for October ; 2Sc for
- November : 2Tgc for the year.
l'ork-Firnter but not quntably higher ;
10 47 for October ; 10 45 for November ; 11 15 a
Ltrd-Weaker ; 7 92 for September ; 7 92
Q9 ; 9 : for October ; 7 72 for November ; 7 fl'2 fi
r , ( ! I7 65 for the year.
rIt.'r TOLEDO. 0
TOLEDO Soptozuber \Vheat-Opcncd
\ active &nti lower ; cloeetl higher ; No. 2 red
winter ciutli , I Ol.
Corn-Quiet nd firm ; high iiilzcd , 12c ; No.
2 cwth , t2c.
Oati-Qulet ; No. 2 caeh and SCttMUIbCT ; , 28c.
1EonIL I'zIouucI. a
FZORA ! , Soutomber 13.-Corn---Steadv ; Iilli ti
nIxetl , © ; No. 2 ittixeti , 47a47c.
Oats-Stwuly ; No. 2 wlalto1 27@.2Sc.
Whisky-Firm at 1 15. h
Nw Yornc , September 1R.-Wheat-Caelt
lower ; optloii 01)0110(1 @o lower , reacted
1@lc , clu'lng bircIy btoady fin raIod rod ,
1 OOc@J1 13 ; No. 4 rod , U92c ; toatner
No. 3 red , 1 OS I O6 dolI'.ercd ; No. 2
red. 1 1O'1 11 , elevator ; 1 111 12 dcliv.
Corn-Oneneti @ 1c. lower , rocoycreti
c1oliig fuin ; utigratleti , b7Gi2o ; No.
2 , tiO@6Oc elevator , C1ki62o ( afloat.
OaW-c higher ; inizof'weatern , 33@35c ;
white ' 3.543c. c
Por'k-ulct and firm ; now inoi , 12 OO ® q
l2O. a
! .ard-trO1g ! lrlmo Gt4an , B 15.
Butter-in gooti demand and firm.
LivEnrooL , September 18. - BroadtuffH-
Dull.WftetWintcr. . 8t 8d@9. ; eitrIi , 8.t 4d ©
8 9d.
I 9d.CornNow , t 5d.
ZqAe crrr F8OflCCi.
KksAe Ojyr , September 18.-The Jally In.
'dicator reportM :
Wheat-No. 2 red fLU. 82a for ch ; 8la
for October ; 81(85o for November.
Corn-Loweti 3flo for cab ; 3o bid for e
Otob.r ; 3o for tovember.
Oati-Lower to eell ; 2Oa bitt fur cMh.
' BAImI0RJ , September 18.-Wbsst--Wes4
. .
- - -1- : '
em , lower , cloln firmer ; No. 2 winter red
cahI OGi1 oo.
Corn-Western , firmer and quiet ; mixed ,
7&c bid.
Oat-Ii1ghor rntl firm ; weitern , h1te , 37'
39c ; mixed , 34@36O.
flye-Lower zt 63@fl4o.
'utter-'irni : 'e&lrn packed , lOGj2Se ;
creamery 2O(127c.
} ggi-Firm ; 22c.
Whisky-Steady t I 1S1 18k.
MLWAVXU , September 18.-Wheat-
Stronger ; 92c for cash anti Seittember ;
9IC for Octob. ; 9t3o for November ; OS1o
Corn-Scarce ; No. ! , 49c.
Oate-Strung tuid higher ; No. 2 , 3O32o.
llye-Lower No. 2 , 3c.
1l&rley"-Illgiter ; No. 2 , 63Gj64o.
CINcINNATI September 18-Whst-Oponed
weaker , but cioe&1 firm ; 1 O2I 03 for ch.
Corn --Steady at 51o for oa'h and Oct. .
Oati-Sttady t 2S@2o.
flvo-\VeAlter anti lower at 5@l6c.
" lal.tly lirm at I 13.
r. t.ouis IItoftVclI.
? . I .OU14 Seltetub.r I8.-\VlIeAt--Ae.
gii.l t ory utiettIetl : cltetl ebont the
* Ie , , ' * 4 ) cturtIay ; No. 2 rutl , 'J9Tc ( for
ntli : 'JTc ' bid for cjttotnber ; U8c fur Octo.
Ltr ; I Ol fwr Noveiiiber
* , rItSteatly ititil active for tim year ;
44 , ' ' for cash ; for Septenibor ; 4St
for Octoher ; 43tc for oveinber.
Oat-Slow : 2I@J2tic for cah ; 24c for
SeItteluber ; 25c for October ; 263.2fl4o for
] tye-3low ; 521c bitI.
Barley-Quiet ; fl@fl5. ( )
1tgg-titet at
Corn Moat-Steady at 2 15.
\Vhlky-1 14.
Clie.ln Prico.i-\Vlieat-l uglier ; 9To bhl
for Sopt.mbur , 99o for October : 1 02 for
November ; 1 013 for December ; UTe bid for
the year.
Corn'-llighcr ; .U4c bid for September ; 45c
for Octobor43 ; , ' a'I3c for November ; . .IIfor \ ,
the year ; 4lc 11t1 for .lennary ; OZo hid for
Ottb-lIIglier ; 2c for October ; 2fio for
ToveIIbGr % ; 'c for tIm year
Niw Onuc&N , September 18.-Corn-Tn
rair tioiiiand and limier ; itIxcf , GOc ; white , Ole ;
cllov 63c.
Oat-Emder at 38c.
I'ork-lnll and lower at 12 00.
Lard-Lower ; tierce , 8c ; kc 8c.
Bulk Moats-Fair dointoid anti lower.
CHICAGO , September 18.-The Drovert'.Tour.
ml report.q :
ioge-lull ! and 10l5c lower ; packing ,
I 40cj4 05 ; packing antI hlpptng , 4 t5@5 OJ ;
ight , 4 6i5 00 ; ttkipe , 3 b04 40. Closed
very weak.
( , attlc-Dull aiitl wnalc nil around ; 10(3J15c (
ewer ; Il ) cxportt olTerod ; good to choice
hipping , 4 905 85 ; common to medium , 3 85
; 4 75 ; inferior to fair cowe , 2 OO@2 75 ;
hum to good , 3 25@'t 00 ; stockers , 2 713 60 ;
coders , 3 70@4 00 ; range , l0@lfic lower ; 346
rasn Texans , 898 to 1,021 pouiids , 3 00.I 05 ;
89 WTyolniIig TexauM , OUt ) to 1,021 pountls ,
05 ; 101 thin half.breeds 1,076 P0UIItI8 , 4 00.
Sheep-Slow and etoatly ; inferior to fatr ,
bO@3 25 ; itiedinni to gotd , 3 .l0@3 95 ; choice
0 extra , 4 00iJ4 25 ; lIml,4 : P ° head , I 0061J
75 ; TOXM eheep , 2 50c33 75.
ST. Louis , September 18.-Cattlo-Clood
ativo careo aittl steady ; range cattle in fair
lomatiti ; Oxltort4 , ( I 0O0G 25 ; good to choice
liiiqting , I ; l0@5 85 ; medium to fair , 4 75& )
20 ; native llltCllerS , 3 503-i 50 ; grass Tex.
LiIt , 3 15@ I 15 ; littllant 3 6J ( I $0.
Sheep-Slow and rttther weak ; common to
nedluit , , 2 50i,3 00 ; fair to good , 3 25f8 75 ;
ritno , 4 OO@4 5.
KANSAS Cir , September 18.-Tlio Intileator
eports :
Cato-Lower ! ; fatstecr , 5 O0j5 T0 : stock.
Ire aiitl fceder. ' , 3 711@i.1 50 ; 'l'cxans , 3 63.
Jlogs-Lower at4 35l 50 ; bulk of sales at
' 15.
Shcop-Quiet and unchanged at 2.10.
_ _
ChICAGo , September 18.-Receipts and ship.
nente of flour and grain for the iaet 24' hour.
inve boon as follows :
Receipts. Shlp'ts.
flour , bbl , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,000 9.000
Vitoat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 151,000 80,000
.rii , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . ooooo 79,000
) ats , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 143,000 . 210,000
lye , . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 5,000
arloy , bheL . . . . . . . . . . 50,000 29,000
NEw Yojuc , September 18.-llecoipts antI
liitniuiitof flour and grain for the l > ztht 24 hours
ave been as follows :
. ] iOCCiftl Sliip'ta.
Sheet , . . . . . . . . . . , 9IC00
orn , busiicI . . . . . . . . . . . . 233,000 186,000
) at.q , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 85,000 10,000
KA'3AS CITr , Sentombcr 18.-ltoceipts and
lIlpnlofltd of graill for the vast 21 hours have
eels as follows :
liocoipts. Slilp'ts.
Vhent , bitsitels. . . . . . . . . . 38,000 3,000
orn , bwtliels. . . . . . . . . . . . 11,000 6,000
ChIcAno , Soptoinbor 1S.-Ieccipts anti ship.
eitt of live itock for the pwit 21 hours have
en tut follows :
IttiCOijt5. Slilp'ts. I
logs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16,000 . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . .
hoop. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,500 . . . .
Sr. LouitsSoptomber 18.-Receipt. and 511111.
iciitt tf ) live 8tock for the lSt 21 itourtt have
cen n.3 follows :
1loceiitt , . Shlp'ts.
lattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . isoo 600
beep. . . . . . . . . . . . 1,300 . . . .
ICANCAS CITY , September 18.-ReceIpts itoti
I111)l000tIt of lire stock for the past 24 hours
aye been as follows :
ReceiPts. Shlp'tlt.
attle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,700 . . . .
Iogt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,100 . . . .
hoop. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450 . . . .
Niw YORK September 18.-There ha been
fair deiiiaiid and the market slIowH a steady
ardcnlng , but PIrLicIIlarly so for low nut !
IOdIflIfl gratlos of bleached tool brown cottons.
annals , dress goods anti printing cloths the I
: ott tiamod ativanclxig 0 11Cr ccitt in ten tfnys.
geiit. again atlyanceti Amoskong iIlIIrtiIIgd
per cent , also Ainoskeag ticking j , Alex. I
iitlria :11 : ; and bloacheti cottons to 9 cents. Jo I
Ii ClItS5OI of ro1aoiiablo specialties tliurct wa.
00(1 litielnoss anti a coi..Iilnation of large tratlo I
ty joltbt'rs at all dlstiibiitlitg 1itlits , , inaliitnlns
II order tietnand in oxcesg of Itotlitock. aitti
reduction. Thu JtiillrtVooltin company ,
j8 the Ilivorsido nilIle arid Oswcgo Falls
omftiiy , having hltI ( ) the largest possible pro.
uction totiriI , 1881 , have withdrawn saiii- :
1e Of woolens anti wurstotI front ( tirthorsitlo.
'ho tone of titogoneratniarkot lt stronger tuid
ONAILt Mit1tlC1T8.
WJIOICHaIO Price , .
Toestlay Evening , September 18 , 1
The following prices are charged retailers
y jobbers , wholesalers anti cominlsfon mor
hatits , with the ecoptlon of grain , which Is
tuotod at the Prices furnished by tim elevators
nd other local . buyers ;
WHEAT-COEdS No. 2 , 74c ; No. 3 , 5c ; ro.
octed 42c.
IIARLEY-CMh No. 2 , 45c ; No. 3 , 40o.
Ryn-Cash , dic.
Coru-Mixod , 8Th.
Llvo Htook.
FAT STZIt8-IIig1ior t 3 OO8 TL
FAT COWK-2 75(3 15.
lIoae-4 O0(4 25.
flpizp-FIrm at S 00@3 25.
OALYL3-Fair quality 4 505 OOgootibntch.
N' stock , 5 00.
Ourod 3festa.
. . .
' ' ' ' ' '
1ACON-Unchftnged at 12@13o.
8)IOUt.tRItS-DuI1 ) at 88o
] ) iur , Biar-14c.
1..nti At 0@iOo in ticrecs.
TALLOW-Firm at 5 506 25 In b'.rrets.
Poultry , Fish nuil ( lame.
Srnixa CIIlcicsNR - Small , unchsnget1 ,
I 252 00 : large. ; ilct it 3 00 ; old , 2.S.
Prairie chickens , I 7@2 00 Pr doz.
Wiirn FIMI-Uncliangd , % jlO. . ; i4k.
and lake trout the same.
General l'rotiiioe.
YMWS-l'c. !
litrrrnn-Common t. oed , 7.I1Oe ; choice
dairy , IO@1T : sweet , lilg coisreti grrci , 12 (
l3t ; cooking , Rc.
1'OTATORS-Ncw quIet and Market well top.
pileti itt 45@ttOo per ho.
OSIoNs---25i0c 1)0.
- - ' per )
NKw OAnnAoE-70QS5c per dozen.
IONEY-CalIfnrnIa ( , In comb , Icr pound , 20
® 2lc ; strained , 10@12c
CltKtsr.-Actlve , 'Vi o quote U@lic.
UnArM-Tn liasket. anti crates , 7c po lb.
( I rt'c U Fm I t .
LKMONS-OI11Ct at C ) 0O@7 i0 lcr box.
1'KAvIIR-ntves ( I 00u1 25 her basket ;
California at 2 26J2 50.
C.tI.IronNIA PIi4-Ifl gooi demand ;
2 25Ij2 50 hier box.
1i.t.s.ts-Uncltaiigeti ; ir bunch , 2 OO ©
4 00.
AI'I'IR4-3 00C3 50 Iter bbt.
( AI.1I'onRI.t 1IATIJT 1'EAIIS-In gooti tic.
inatiti at. : I ( ) Ut I 50 icr box. Oallloriiia
1)ucho.i fluero , , Clargean , etc. iOa' , porbox ,
$304yro. : ;
CAI.IIoltI. % ( lItAI's-2 00@2 t0 vor
Flour am ! III lIlRtuffl.
\ \ ' quality , patent , at
a 25j8 ( IS.
SFeONI ) OUAtlTr-2 0O@3 25.
SIIIt1 " , 'IIIAT--1lCst i1tiallty , 1)atnt , at
3 50c3
SECoNI ) QUAI.rrr-2 50@3 25.
liliANb5 Itor cwt.
CIiorrin VIEn-l'or : 90 lbs..5
ConN MEAL-I 00j1 10 lr ewt.
ScIIEENING-6057Uc 11cr cwt.
Grocers List.
CANNEn ( ,00Ii4-OysterH ( Standard ) , lor
Caao , 3 7033 90 ; strtn'berl'ic.'i , 2 Iii , ver case ,
2 10 ; rasiibcrrie. , 2 Iii , uer ca.o , 3 50 ; Bartlett
p ° ' . " , P ° cit.qe , 2 40 ; vhortloborrIos , case ,
2 75 ; egg ltltIIltH , 2 lii , per case , 2 90 ; grecit
gages , 2 lb per case , 2 'JO ; tb choice , 8 ib , pe
case , 4 50 ; 1)11)0 ) alllCtl ) , 2 Ib , P ° ' CHSO , 4 ( ) ij
5 75 ; iieacli , 2 Ili , per cao , 3 00 ; do 3 iii , pr
ease , 4 OO4 ) 50 ; titi ( ide ) . 3 lIt , ver C5I.5O , 2 60 ;
lit ) itlo , ( I 1I ) per tluzttii , 2 30.
ltICr.-LouidaIlz ! % to choice , 7c ; fair
fic ; l'atnia , ( I'c.
11S1-Nt ) . 1 mackerel , half brIe. , 7 00 ; No.
1 mackerel , lute , 1 00 ; famIly mackerel , half
brIe. , 5 25 ; fuuily innckercl kits , 85c ; No. 1
white . fish , half brls. , 7 00 ; 'to. 1 kIts , 1 05.
8'i. ituiStSIltllIIt1 Cotit. , 3Sc , bobs ; Stantlarti
do , 4 gallon kegs 1 St ; Standard tb , .1 gidlon
ktgs , 1 60.
SoIA-lfl lb 3 30 pr case ; keg
Nr.w PIcKI.r.i-i'ttetiium , In bnrrls , 0 00 ; do
in half barrels , 3 (10 ( ; small in barrels , 7 00 ; tb
in half barrels , 4 00 ; gitcrkiiut in barrels , 8 00 ;
do in half barrels , 4 50.
' 1'ats-G on powder , tootl , 4555c ; cliuico 60
@TSc ; good IiiIiCiiIti , Io'Itc : ; chwic , 60@OSc ;
Young ilyson , good , 36CIj5Oe ; choice ,
( ' , Scl 00 ; .1 apan , Illtturni loaf , 3Sc ; .1 : tpaii ,
choice , G0Tfie ; Oolong , good , $5@'l0t ; Ot > : eng ,
choice , 40@SSc ; Souchong , good , 3540c ;
choice , 35@lSc.
IloPL-Sisal , itichi anti larger , l0c , iiui ,
llc inch , 11c.
\/OOIr.N ) VAitR-TWo hoop jails , 1 7t5 ;
three hoop pails 2 00. Tubs , No. 1 , 8 t.0 ; ] tit.
hoer wasltboiirtls , 1 85 ; Doublu Crown 2 90 ;
\\rell1iirlot , 3 t0.
LEAL-llar , 1 65.
SoArs-iirk'a Saxon Imperial , 3 I5 ; Kirk's
satlitot , 3 60 ; iCirk's stantlird : , 3 75 ; Kirk's
white Ilusian , 5 25 ; ] Cirlc'o cutoca , 2 15 ;
Kirk's l'rairio Qucen , (100 ( cakes , ) bc ; ICirk's
uivflo1ia : , tloz.
1'ofAMIL-1'eI1flsyIvAl1ia cans , .1 ease , in caao ,
3 35 ; Bahbltt.s ltli , 2 doz. in case , 1 It ) ; Anchor
ball , 2 doz. in ce : , 1 50.
1'EANL'TS-liOrtJttetl , choice , red Tennessee ,
12c per lb ; fuicy white , 12.c per lb ; raw-white
Virginia , raw lie ; roasted , l3c : , 40 lbs , lOs , 15c ; Ss , 15je ! ;
boxes 40 Ib ; I oz. , ( , 15c.
isATcIIsus-Per caddie , 62c ; round , cnae. ,
5 10 square cases , 3 40.
C0FFIIs-Ortlinary gralr. , 3@9c ; fair 1O
10c ; good 1011c ; vriino , l2)12c choice
13I3.c ; ? altcy greelt and yellow , 1 l15c ; oh !
government , Tava , 20@26c ; Levering's roastoti ,
i4c Arbacklo'i roasted , lSc ; ! tlchaugliliii's
xx.kx roasted , iSle ; imitation Java , 16 ;
ViNctiAn-Now 'orkapplo 16c ; Ohio ap-
1)10 , 13c.
SALT-D ray leads , per hbb , 11 ; Ashton , ii ,
ntcks , 3 50 ; bb1 dairy 60 , fis , 3 20.
SUtIARs-l'owtIerod , lOAc ; cut loaf , lOAc ;
raitu1zttcd , 9c ; confectioners' A , Uc ; Stanti.
s.rtl extra C , 8c ; extra C , 84c ; medium ye1-
low , 7c ; dark yellow , 7c.
Srucii-J'eu-l : : , .lc ; Silver Gloss , Oc ; Corii
tardi , Uc ; Excelsior Gloss 7c ; Cant , Sc.
SI.WEN-l'ollIor , 17c ; t1)liCO , ific ; cloves
5c casila , 15c.
CIIEtis-Full cream , lic.
L'YR-Aineric4n ' 3 4 ; ( ireonwicli , 3 40 ;
' , \Tcatern , 2 75 ; I''orthi Star , 2 00 ; 1.owis' Jyn
I 65 ; Jewoil lye , 2 75.
JI. lJs
BIIOSVN Conos-Atlantio A , Rc ; Apple
on XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , Sc ; Boot JF c ,
Iluckeyo LI , , 4-4 , 7c : Cabot Vi , 7c ; hitto.
tango A ( lfc ; ( reat Falls E 8c ; hoosier , ( ic ;
I lonestitlLIt , Sc ; indian head t't , Sc ; Indian
standard A Sc ; Izitlian Orchard , d. w. , ( ic ;
lawrcnco ljlj , 6c ; Mystic River , 7c ; l'oqutt
tt , 8c ; Utica ti. 5cVuehusctt ; l3 , 7c ; do
& , 8c do E 48 , 12c.
FINE BROWN Covrosa-Alhentlnlo 4-1 7c ,
&lligator 3.1 , 3c ; Argyle 4.4 , 7c ; AtfanLic
LI4 , Badger State .X .1.4 , 6c ; ] lenitingtoit
$ 4. I , ( U/c / : Buckeye S 4.4 , GAc ; Indian Orcltard
AA 9.8 , 8c ; Lacitnia I. ) 39 , I3c Lehigh l .I..I
) c ; l'opporoll N 30 , Tc ; do ( i 32 , 74c ; tb it
7c ; do E 89 , 8c ; l'ocasset 0 4.4 , 7c ;
Watnsutta 4.4 , 13c.
] JLEAcIISI Coross-AndrosceggIn T4 4-I ,
3c ; Jilacluttono A.t % imperial 8c ; do do hizdf
Idoaclicti 4.4 tic ; Cabot 4.4 , 8c ; Fitlelity .1.4 ,
) c ; jruit Ok the Loom , tjc ) ; do cambric 4.1 ,
12 } ' doVntor Twist , 10c ; Great Falls Q , tic :
Ilonil shrunk 4.4 , 12c ; Lmisdalo , be ;
1 cambric : ir , I2c ; Now York Mills , l2.e ;
[ 'etititit. A , lOc ; I'ellporol , N U 'rwillit , I.c ;
I'ocahontiut 4.4 , 0c ; l'ocwtsot 5.4 , 8 ; Utica ,
tic ; Wainstitt.n 0 X X , i2c.
Diici ( Coloretl-Alhany E brown , Sc ; tit )
D , drab lIe ; do XstrIwsntitlplaItls , 121.2c ;
bo iwowli anti tire ! , , strIpes auth 1)101(15 ( ,
[ 2 I.2c ; Arlington fancy , lUc ; Jirituswlck
wowii , 8 1.2c ; Uiariot faiicy , 12 1.2c ; do ox.
ra heavy , 20c ; Fall Jllverbrown , extrahoavy ,
Li 1.2c ; Indiana A brown , 13c ; Neponsot A
irowli , ISc ,
TICKINGH-AlnoskoagAC A32 bOo ; do XX
iluo 82 18 1.2c ; Arrowanna , ti 1.2c ; Claris.
mutt Jl3 15 1.2c ; Coitestoga , extra , 17 1.2c ;
Ilatitilton ) , 11 1.2c ; Lewiston A 30 , lSc ; Mlii
IcItItlta 4.1 , 20c ; Omega , stipor extra 4.1 , 28&
t'oarl lblt'er 32 , 16 1.4c ; l'ittiiarn XX blue
tripe , 12c ; $ Iietuclcot B , .10 1.2c ; do 85 , 12c ;
'eoiIiait's blue 29 , tIc.
DENIHH-Aliioskcng , blue antI browni6 1.2c
&ndovcr DD blue , 15 1.2c ; Arlington X blue
cotcli , 18 i.2c' Concord 000 , blue nitil
! wowii , 12 I.2c ; ifi ) AAA , tb do , 13 1.2 ; do
x tO do do , U i.2c ; llayninkor's blue aiid
lirowit 9 1.2c' Mystic ItlverDIatrlpo , 1i1.2c ( ;
l'carl hivcr , filue and brown , lOc ; UncjtyIlIo
Ldue nut ! brown , : l i I.2o.
OAimtIcs-iarnard , 5c ; Eddystono lining ,
14 liiclt titublo face , 8eiarziorAglazetI ; , 5c ;
Mnnhattan glove finish , f4c ; Newport do. 5o :
ilo glazed , 5c ; l'oquot do , Sc ; Lockwood kid
Outsit , tic.
Coitss JANS-AmOry , Androscoggin
attoen , 8c ! ; Clarontbon 6c Conettogga sat.
Loen , 74c ; JialloweIl , Re ; lnJlnn Orchturtl , 7o ;
Narrc4an8ctt , improved , 8v ; I'eIloriil sat.
teen , Jc ; Jtoekport tic.
l'msrs-Alleiis , Ilc- American , c. Arnldo ,
c ; Berwick , 4o ; Cocheoo c ; Coitosoga 6o ;
IanklrkC ; Iunnoll , 6frj7c ; Etitlystono 7c ;
( Boucest.or , Gc. harmony , Sic ; lCniclcorboc'ker
bc ; Merrhnao b , 7c ; Mystic , 5o ; 8praznos'
nc ; Southbrlilg. , 6c ; do Ginghams , To ; Lfarl.
IoIo , Sic ; Oriental , 6o.
( iiNoJrAtfs-Ainottkeag tc ; Argyle , 1Oc ;
Atlantic , Sc ; Cuinberlisuti 7o ; Highland 7c ;
lCenllworth , 9c. ; I'lunkt , 9c 8icx Sc.
CurcoNAots-AbberyiIle , 1Mo ; Agate , 20c ;
American , lie ; Artlelan , 2Cc ; CaIro b and T
13&c ; Clarion 1) antI T , lTho ; Pecan
etripee 1) and T , Itic ; Keystone , i3c ; Nan'
tuckot 19c Nonpareil , bOo ; Ocean D antI T ,
13c ; oyaf , 16cj Sussex , 12o ; 'l'ioga Wachu.
ett shirtlnj check. . , 12c ; do Neikht 12c ,
York , lWn Nanidn , l2c ; do checks , stripes
anti fancy , 12c do S ox , 20c.
SnltIns-AntiroecoggIn 10.4 27c ; tb
0-1 , 2& ' do 34 , 3201 ContInental 0 (2. lIe ;
Fruit of' the I.ocen 104 27o ; Now York in II.
98. 35c ; do 78 , Sc ) ; tb Ss , 22c ; Pembroke
10.4 , 25c ; Peqtiot 10.4 , 2SCI do .4 , We : tie 49 ,
IC'c l'eppoadll Cd , 2tit , ; do 67 , 21c ; do 7 , ISo ;
Utica fifi 36c ; do 58,22c ; ut , 48 , iTo.
DntaMANn CuRowAthAdtl , Carbolic , 4Sc ;
Acid Tarlaric , SSc ; lialsain Copabia , Ib ,
TOo ; Ihirk Saviafras , icr ib , 12c Cabotnel lr
lb , TSc ; lnohotiltila , pr or , Si 05 ; Chloro.
form , i'r lii , 8c : Dover's I owtlers , i'er II , ,
$1 25 ; } psom Salts , er lb. 3c ; Glycerine ,
litire Ir lb 30cr Acetate , per Ii , , 22c ;
( Ml , baster. o. 1. per nI , $1 40 , 0 Cstor ,
No. 3 , rer gal , Si 20 ; OUOlle , pergal. SI 50
Oil . Origatiuni , ( tOo ; Opinni , $5 00 ; ( itbn1no , 1' .
& \ . and 11. & S. lor oz , $1 00 ; 1 , OtMItIifl ,
Iodide , iier Ib , S 65 ; SaikIn er ox , 40e ;
Sulphate of tltrl4tlIIO , Per ox , 3 .5 ; Sulphur
flour , Lr lb , 4e ; Strychnine , per ox , $1 J5.
l'nInH , Oils aniL 'arnls1ee.
OILS-hO0 carbon , gallon , 12c ; It0 °
licatilight , per gitilnit , lIe ; 175 ° headlight ,
Pr gitll ii , poOC ; 150 ° vater t'hite , ISe ; un
secil , raw , ; Ir Kallon , tOt' ; litiqecti , imiletl , uter
gallon , hle ) Narti , 'iittcr str\l , ls'r gallon , $ .Sc
No. 1 , 7.'cNo. ; 2 , The : castor , XXX Per gal
lois , 1 40 : o. 3 , 1 2t ) ; bveet , Fa\lou1 \
siterinV B. , pr galloii , 1 60 ; Itch , V. . B. ,
twtrgallon , ( ' . ' .c : iteatsfoot etr.i , ter galloti , 9t ) . ;
No. 1 , TSc : lubilcatitig , zeni , l'r gallon , 3Oc ;
sununer , I SC ; tiltiii iiiaeliliie , 'o. I , gal.
Inn , $5c ; No. . . , 25c ; 9rIIt , signal , Per gallon
8c ( ; turpentine , Per gallon , 5."c ; italitlut , 740
gallon , ISo.
PAIiTi3 Oit.-\\ bite lead , Omaha P. P. ,
( ' .c ; white Itti , St. l.ouls , lilIre , 0 c : Marseillr. . ,
greeii I to 5 lii c.iui , 20c ; Frenc i zinc. green
scal , 12c : French zinc , roil ea1 , lie ; French
zinc , in vnniish aset , 20c l"iencli zitic. In oil
1sLtt , 1r ; raw anti 1itrnt , untlwr , I lb eatis , IDe ;
raw anti iturut Sienna , i ; vau.iykn . lirovn
t3c ; refined lainpblack , 12e ; ceach black , nut1
ivory black , 11h ; ( irol ) black , ilic ; Prussian
blot. , 3Oc ; ultrtuiiItr1no liltin , lSc ; chrome green
14.l. . P. Iic ( ; i.liiil , ttiiti shutter grcoIi , I , .
tt. it I ) . , ltc ; ; 1'u1s p'etn , 180 : luutilan red ,
ISo ; Venetian roil. lit' ; J'IIsCaII roil , 22c ; Amen.
(81) Vuniniliton I. & P. , 18e ; chrome yellow
I. l. , 0. & b. o. , iSe ; yellow ochrn , te ;
"I ic11rt3 , itic , PabI1t dryer , Sc ; grainitig
. . light t'ak ' , tluk oak , walnut , cliostuutit
.t.t .t.tli , lSc.
1)ry Paint. .
\Vhlte lend , Sc ; French zinc , IDe ; ianIs
whiting , 2e ; wltituuu giltlors , c : whitluug
iin'l 14c ; lamnpblack , ( CnIIIItIItOWII , lie ;
launpblaclc , ordinary , JOe ; l'rnsslau itluto , fISe ;
ultrniiuu'lno , iSe ; viutdylm , lruwui , , , Sc ; umber ,
burnt , 4c ; umber , rtn' , Ic ; sienna , l.tirnt , .lc ;
, iouuuuat , raw , .lc ; Paris giCCII , goiuuulno. 25c ;
l'tuis gTCIII , ctInmonr2Oc ; cltniito gr1'eIi , N.Y. ,
20c ; clui'nIt ) green' , 12c ; vi'iuuiliiiui , , li.g. . , I
TOe ; verinillloti , 1tiitenlcauu , l $ ; Iuiiilitii red ,
Ito ) ; nso 1iiiik , lIe ; \enetlauL no.1 , Coltusoss ,
2cTonetlan ; veil , 4uutenlcahi , ic ; roil load ,
7e ? ; chrome yellow , goutmilo , 20c ; chronic 3'il.
lttv , IC. , 12c ochre , rocliel Ic $ c ; ochuro , 1"rcncli , I
2'c ' ; ochno , Amnonicatu , 2e'iiitor's ; uuulnoral ,
2e ; lehigh brown , 2e ; Sltaluislt 1)flfls'ii , 2c ;
I ninco's mineral , 3c.
\'AIINISIIRS-Barnels Iter giillonu Furni.
tore , extra , 1 10 ; funiulturo , No. 1 , $1 : coach ,
extra , 81 tO ; ctaclu , No. 1 , SI 20 ; iainar ,
nxtra , $1 75 : .Enhiami , 70c ; asphaltmiu , etta , 85c ; I
shellac , $3 50 ; hard tIl finibli , 1 rio.1
I. i keolo 8Sc tO .12e ; hicuuulook st1o28c to 8Sc ;
i'Ll ) , t hIp , SOc to 1 00 ; 1111111cr ( ISo to SOc ;
Itch i o calf , 85c to 1 20 ; Itcinlock st per , 23o I
to 26c ; oak tuiiier1 2 Ic ; alligator , 4 00 to S 110 ;
calf kil , , 32u5 ( : : ( .i'.uken kid , 2 t.0 t. , 2 7. , ; oak
ku. . SOc tf I (10 : oak calf , I 2 ( ) tt 1 30 ; Ii'uuieli
ldi' , 1 10 to 1 115 : Freutuhu mull , I 25 tO 2 00 ; tius.
.tet.4 , 5 1)0 to 7 110 ; linin's ; , I ; 00 to 10 ISO ; tO1) ,
iiIt"s , 9 00 to 10 110 ; Ii. 14. \lorocco , $ Oo to $ Sc ;
P0131)lU 0. 1) ) . ? .Iorucco , 35c ; simon , 2 III ) to 3 (10.
1LIINIss-NO. : 1 star tttk , 42c ; No 2 tin ,
39c ; No. 1 OhIo lak ' 35c ; No. 2 tb , 8Se ; No.
1 MIlwaukee 37e : N'o. 2 tIn 3I
Iiiiiii ICr.
WIIoT.)4AI.R. )
Vo quote lumber , lath nod skuiuigle. Out otr
nt Oiiutlia at the following vrieu :
-Joist ANE ) SCANTLING-16 ft. and uiniber
22 00 ; 18 ft , 23 50.
'J'IMRIIt.s-1Ii : feet and unkr , 2'2 ( ' 0.
'I'IMIEII AN ! ) .lous'r--iS ft , 2 ; 50 ; 20 ft , 23 t101
22ft 2650 ; 2Ift , 26110.
FINeINu-No. 1 , .1 and 6 iii. , 21 00 ; No. 2 ,
22 00.
SunirruNa-No. 1 (2tl ( common boards ) , 20 00 ;
No. 2 , 18 00.
LIiE-1'er barrel , 1 25 ; bulk cr bushel' $ Sc ;
content , bbl , 2 2.5 ; Iowa . bbl , 2 110 ; haIr
ncr bit. hOc ; Taxed felt , 1L'Or ibs , 3 50 ; straw
board , 3 50.
IIeayy lltiv.lwtre Ijlt.
Iron , rates , 2 60 ; l)10W t.tsoi sliecial cast , 7c
crucililo , 8c ; sPecial or German , Oc cast ttof
do , 15@20 ; wagon 8P0Ce.s ! , sot , 2 2113 00 ; hubs . sat , 1 25 ; felInes , saweti tiny , 1 ' 10 ; tongues , I
eadi , 7085c ; axloi , each , 75c ; square ntttti per
It ) , 71liJlle ; 9Cr lb. 8@lSc ; rivets , lien
lb , lie ; coil chain , per It , , ( i12c ; malleable , Sc
iron vthges , Cc : crowbars , tic ; harrow teeth
Ic ; spring tool , 7t8c ; Jinidon's htn'nehoes , 5 25
Burden's intileshocs , 6 25.
JIARREIiIi { -iii car Iot , fife ior 100.
. NAII.M-Jlates , 10 to 6) ) , 8 35.
SIIOT-Sluot , I 85 ; buck htot , 2 10 ; .wiontal I
IoWtiCr , kegs , (1 ( .10 ; do. , half keg. , 3 48 ; .1 ° . ,
quarter kegs , I 88 ; bkntiug , kegs , 3 35 ; fuse , I
11Cr 100 foot , SOc.
CoAi-Cu1uIuberlauu1 Itlacksinlthi 12 00 : .1or. . i
nis run Iilo'tslnirg , 12 00 ; "Wliitetroast lump , I
4 \Vhiitebrcast ; iuiut , 4 00 ; Iowa lump , .1 00 ;
ltWlI. iflIt. 4 00 ; ltock Si.riiuj . , 7 00 ; Antlirn-
cites , 11 50J12 00 ; Canon City , 7 00 , po ton. I
110r14c $ iLlilt Mules.
Extra tiraft hi..rses . . , 1711@2211 ; common .lraft
horace , 1O0@I50 extra farm horse. , i10125 ;
common to good faruut hiirsai , U0(2J100 ( ; extra
[ lui's ( , 60@171i ; CIJiI1IIIII ( ) i.ltgu ! , 20(3J40.
\hir.s-l'xtra , I25u1t'J : gootl , lOO140 ;
fair , 75l00 ; counmoul , 6O@75.
Liquor. .
ALCOHCJI.-188 , 2 2per vIne gallon ;
axtra Call foniula ilti ; rits , 1 LIH proof , 1 25 per
gallon ; triple refined sj.irlt.t . , 187' proof ,
I 23 9) Iof gallout ; ru.'Iistillcd vhuiskies , I
1 001 50 ; fine lilelitlIal , 1 b06z2 110 ] ( .
( lucky lJturbcIiIn , 2 OQ(7 ( O0 iCeuutucy anti
l'onnsylvaniut ryes , 2 00@7 00.
Jiut.'iuws-iznportetl , (3 ( O0J16 00 ; domestIc
GuNus-linported , 4 S0'O ' 00 ; domestIc , 1 40
] tutis-luiiportod , 4 0RG 00 ; Newiuiglauid , I
2 O0GiJI 00 ; domestic , 1 b0@3 50.
T'EACH AND Jtiiis IIIIANIY-1 74 00.
CirAIIAois-IIiported ) er cao , 23 00
31 00 ; me-lean , isir Case , B. O0iti 00.
% VOtI.
MerIno unwashed , light 14@lfic ; heavy ,
13L111c ; medium iInwaslictl , light , I8cJ20e ;
washctl , choice , 32c ; fair , 3Oc ; tub arid washed ,
8c ; hurry , blatk anti cottod wool , 26O 1ern. .
I- u.iioi. . _ . , ; _ ,
ToInLocoF3.onAI0Ir ,
"FINII Cu'r-Couiuintm , 20@30c ; good , 45@ I
0c ; Loaf , 70e ; l'remlun , , GSc ; Diamond
Crown , rc ; Sweet Slxt.eoii , 47c.
SIogzNa-O. 13. , 20c ; Muskovy , 2r. ; Dur.
Inun , 8 ox. , 11Cc ; 1)uirhaun , 4 ox. 52o ; 1)urliani ,
oz. , 115c ; Seal of North CaroIna ! , 8 az. , ' 1 Ic ; I
Foal ( If North Carolina 'I oj. . lic ( ; Seuti tf
North Carolina , 2 ox. , .ihc ; 0. Ic. Durham , 4
ix. , 28c ; 0. K. Jnrlaair , 2 oz. , SOc ; Uncle
Ned , i's , 21c ; 'foun auii Jerry 23C.
Pnuo 'ronAcco-cillimax , rlc. Bullion , SIlo ;
horseshoe , 480 ; Star .lSc ; ] tutdy , 44c ; Tier.
soy's , 48c ; Black , $8)40c. )
'Ph Only Perfect substitute for Mother's
L MIlk. ThernoetnourlstIng.'lctfor ' Invalids and
confer mother. . tlommendt.I , by all 1'hysicfane
Keeie In &JI clitnatwi. ff014 liy all druggtMe. 75 oeut&
Senl for th. Il&fliIItII5. T. M1TtJALF & CO. ,
mo.tu&th.U 'I C.nlril Whart , DosIes ,
OaU sod look ever ray new stoas smd so. my ow
UootI. .
liii lent been aeknowIeIli ntt more so at This des
than inyeth.r. The scsi flehi ci Tn.dkai nlec. , Is
e5cc Inclt.MInr , nt1 Its numerous branches .rc I
brought uierer anti nearer to i'srfectlon , ar,4
no on. tiian CM ) Any longer gra.p all
Ifenee the lCettIt7 for dIsiling lb. lebor. Anti It I.
true Ieund all , lotlbt thatdI..eq. , asctlng the sen.
lloinliisry oren , ns.i peeI.I stuiy inor. thii any.
thIIC cli. , If ' . would undrOtnl and knew how ii
treat theni lIreiIrIV.
1)11. II. WAiNIitt IL fIfl7 swan. that the , . are
many ; .hyIlin , , anti pom.enqlble , Iol.le , shi , will
COI1tlIIII ) him for II'IltlIg this rhs of tllsca.s a
deity , but hsIslej.y , ; be ltno that wIth boat o.r
, on , of rCflIInIent anti lIitrIllg.iio a riillglilcu.
cii VIew I , $ len of ( hi tuIiJect , and that Ui. IIhy.lo.
Ian who iletotci hImself to nVIIOIII the fllIct.d and
PliteilIg ( him 11011) ior-s , than .leth , Is noless a iliI.
lflIhrOld.t tiil b.nelsctor to hIs race thai. ( Ii. cur.
geon or'I.hyclnlan . ) tO by do. , ftl.IIllentlon extel , In
1017 other bnanh of hi. irofo.cIos. MIll fortluliately
for I1UIIItIIIty. UI. tIIY Istlewnitig slim the ( ci's 'it
* ) % ) that eond.iiui.&i , the Ictims of folly or
t rIme , Ilk. the leper. % UIIkC tite , JewIsh hew , i.e dl.
ttncanvtt forhas ; away.
A Pow Reasons
Why you choulIt try the celebrated Ir. II Ve20er.
IiietloI , , of cure :
I. "Ir. ) Ii. Ycgner I. a italural ihykIaii. "
0. 5. Foe tan ,
i'le (1t'ntet T.iting I'Itrenoioglct.
2. "Few vat , eccI you a-s a docter. '
un. . 81MW. . ,
. 'his ' .Vorl.i'c (1rcatet I1I.vci.'giounict. .
: i. ' ' ou an. vouidcrfttily ) rt.tkIslit ill 3uIr knowl
ctl of dl.eae aliti medicines. "
lilt. J MArniaws.
4. "The amlcktl fln.i ira.iy rclirt is onr i'rce
CIICt , ia. .1. ShIMS.
ft. "Pr. II. Vagner is a regutisr gra.itrnti , from
liclIcrIho iitltnl , 'ew York cli , ; IISS ii.ti . II ry c.
( cud. C llt'l'ItItI l.ractlcc , alIt ! Is thoroughly isteti on
all bruhc1I ( It Itli be1.t ed cIelIt'v , es1.edtIiy OIl
cliroitic dIuascs. "
. lIne. Iiaowau. & Iwie.
0. ' 'lit , II \ AlhCF Ihits Itiinortallze.i : IIII.elf ) in
his wotiticrft9 tIIsit cry ot cio.'IIiO ICIIIIMIIOI for mi'
ate 51111 .IextInl . tlI'.t'iowii. ' . ViriII. , CIty Cilconiric.
7. " 'I'IIthtLIIiIS of IIflIIIIII fleck to see
i'iairiseo , CiIroIhIeic.
8. 'TIie Ioctors ) long experience as e , apeeiallst
, dinuli rwidrr IIIIII , vry suceuuliti.-ltocky Moul , .
utin Nca.
Plain Facts Plainly Spoken.
At one tliiie discussioll of the secret sine wa.s en
tlrely noiieti by ( ho irfessIoii , anti Illo.IICAI . u'orkol
but n few years no i'OhIli itantile ilIclIttOll it.
'I' ' thu ill ) i.iciiti is of it tllltereith , IlillihIoll ; 110 ii
[ 0 nrc t'Iitt I Is his tlttty-tliiagneallo , Ilitiugh it
tiny L.o-to . itaiiiIlo this bAtter lihotit gIt > us nIlli
1.UItk ilalil ' v nt.tnit It ; dlii iiitt'Illgcii ( nun !
IiftrtilaIi5 'lmI tilailk huh for tioiIh 5II
'i'iio results IttteIuIbIhIg titis , ittructii 0 i ire were for.
IIIOrIy nti IIIIIICI'IItOOIl , Or Ihot IroInI cstliiittI ; iiti
hO luiIIorttUIco hcliig nttaclieil to a , tIbjet't w Ihlch by
Its IlattIrIl titeti lInt IIIV Ito dose liii estigatiot. , It. .
I' iIlIIIgiy iglIoreli.
iliu iutbR is generally couitrnntsl by the ) ohilhg
While ntteIhtiIiijj school ; oi.ier ( 'OIlhisltIiOIIC tiii'OtIgll
Lhelr etsinilu , iItIt ) ho rcaiioiisibio fur it , or It may be
tt'lhIilCIt titroiigii itt hiuit. , 1'iiu eCitClIiehht 1)11(0 CX'
leriunced , tilt ) ) .mCIieo 0 iii be ICIeateit * tttIii toiti
i4ii , , uiiitll at the liattit tecolliuS till ) ) ItIlti ( ' 0111.
IICt'iY , IIiItt L.4 the ictiul. ilehital ititi iier .11)5 sf
tIIctiiii Lire tIthlaliy thu linillIary I osulL ( If , .vlt.aliuso.
/iIIlttlIg thu 1111111 Ittul utTt'cts illS ) ' be lnnItloIieI lessi.
Ititie , oojt.ctioii or irrunIlillIty of ttnuper iiiiti general
ileltility. Thu toy ceeks e'liisioii , Slut rarely JItihic
In tue ci.o , ttt of iih COIlliMtIlliM. if i.e . Ito it tiiiig
Ithali Ito iii Itit lIttle foiiiit in c.iinpahy w ith tito oIlier
, .ux stub i troubled t liii et'vudiIig cliii alIlinyllIg
iaIitIilIicss , In their ii oehit'o. I .a.ich 111tH , iroctiii , ,
CilIl't'IltIiS aliti eiii1tIuii , ( III thu face , etc. , iou also
lt0IIhlIICiIt ,3'ilhittIIiIiM.
If thu Itnt'tiCO hi ' , Iolctitly ierlteii in , more ecrion ,
ilqturbaiicos ( alto i lice. ( natI IalliIuttIlI lit ( ito
heart , or epileptic 'tIll ) 111510115 , 51 U , i'.erleiit'i'il , aliti
thu blilterer iit.ty fall 1111.1) Ii CI.iIIl.lUtO . sUite of lilItcy be.
fore , hliially , tie.ttii I tile ci 111111.
t'i ) all those ongae. ) . ( III this tlIihguI'ttIn : , Itractiro , I
woiiltl . .tty , ITrcL of itil , chop It itt 1.11cc . ; In.tku u cry
i,1eillu uflort to do so' Itut If ot felt , it ynlIr lier'iitl
cybtelil iS itireaiiy tilt ) IntIell i.liattercJ , anti rouse.
ittIt.uitiy , S OtIt it iii.leitver lIroltell , ( like MilhiC 11cr ) o
I 01110 t iitt 3 ttt ) iii our tiiTiiIL I iat ihlg ii toti 'OIhterli
froii , thu italit , I t'otilti flintier tattIlIttIl Oti It ) go
( lirohiglu a uvguiar conu cc treat Inciit , f..r . It I. tt g
iiiltitako to stu.j.oe ; tint nity nile urny , for bulb tlIIIC ,
Itti It o ccry mu little gl. o IIiIlholf up ti , ( uk fait'iiuatiiig
iiiltdaulgerotuI ucletiiciu WitlIttlIt IIIIITL'rIIg , front II
cvii ( 'tIisOItlt'iI ( ( Cs OL 101110 111(111 ( 0 ( iilIO. 'llio liIuIhhiICr
itt 3'OtlIIg 111011 t iii , ill ( I Iiiataclatc.l ! to ( Ri tile .11)1 lus
cujoliunti by ti etilock is IsItlIlitIuIgly I.trgc , niuti III lilust
of such cisses ( iii tiiIforthIIiatu eoitIlti..i : , of tltiitgi can
be tincod to the I.ntelcu . ( of eel.abuse ( , witlcii Itisti iiec
itlttliIIlOIiCd ye.trs Itt ) . I uidocti , a few , iit.iitli. . IrnetleC
( If tiul liattit Ii .tilllcleiit to IIidtlco speruhiatorrllna Iii
i.ttor year. , cliii I iia o liuiiiy of such caeas Iuiidur trrst.
iiieuut at tile Precut day.
Young Mer
The may i.e , .uffcrliug from the effects of youthful
foilIc. . or luldiberetlouls wIll do iscil It , avaIl tiiunusci. ii ,
if tiIl. (110 greatest 110011 user laid at. tiio altar , it auf.
rorilug IlUlIllthulty. ha. Vtoxr. s Iii gliarniutuu to for.
rclt tO ) for every asso of , .euuiiiual weakness or lirisate
Ili'.tSt'IU I ) ! ally klluti uuuti detractor wIilelu lit , uiutlur.
Lakes to auud fell. to curo.
Middle Aged Men.
Tliero arc llimiiv at the ate of 80 to 60vlio are
Irotibitol with too IrellullIt entcuittloius tf ( Ito Itlad.
Icr , ofcIu ( aCL'OIiltaih icti 113' a slIght clulattIlig or blIril.
log sciusatloiu , anti a ucakeuuilIg of titu cystcuiu III S
Inauhuler the itatlent mullet account for. Oil uxuonli. ,
lug tilt ) uniiuary ilejtoslts a roJ.y sotliiulOilt III often lie
rotuiiui , toid , toinetiuuies hinlail artIclu of albullielu sITi
( ; qusr , or thu color silli itu , .f tiilii illlikislu 11110 , nalii
itaiIgiitg ( t , a uiark slid toriltI nlPllcaraucti. ? Thorn arc
iiiauy IIICII ) 11101 who iii itt ( liii ulllllehuity , ighirirahut of
tile ClU5e , . itklu is the , oeiril , etiugu of , oak.
tic , , . Dr. V. ss lii gilanitIltro a lurfect i'Iurc Iii all case ,
11111 1' . health ) ' i cstoi'tttiuii of titi.i geutlto.urliuary or.
aIis.C.iuietiltatloiu free , 'flturouglu oxaunhluatlol ) nuud ad.
tine. $5.
All eouiiiilhuutieat , , liitiui.I ho aiitlreseti , Dr. IIeiirt
I fcnry Vi'aghter , P. 0. 2aia , Dcuu b er , Ctiiunnlo ,
'rho'ouiug Mali' , i'oCitet , , by hr. Ii
tVagiier. Ii ssortiu It. . . ticlltt lii golil to young uteii ,
I'rke , $1 , . Sent Ity tool ! to auiy addrcsi.
Let Zour Light Shine.
Dr. Wui.giicr tlto celebrated specialIst tt Iucr )
( Stici. , 343 l.nutIiIer street , lttlIote Lii lettlig ( ( liv wont !
Ituitiw , t list Ito t'ai ? tie , anti ii dtllhig for tluoui.'siuls 'if
Itl fclliiwuieiu. , I Ii's ( neatillelut for lost . ii
.unu to wliu ltlin a itaito that istority will blest. 'lou
LIhItusauli tustluuiiiulaii froluu all ot or ( ( to Uutlttti ( States
null those luu has cured , Ii itnuof iiti-.iIlsu ( ( tat Ito iloce
tirc ( Ito worst cases I. ! tltotu dI.satiuu. 'Alto ahlllcted
roIll cltrnilc utiuil sexual dlsuaws of oscry kInd still
Ihud lilrii theIr ttct triciul. Road ltIi ads entiscuiouut III
ill our city ushers , slid etll on 111111 for adsiro , us ste
uuowyou still corroborate ie iui ii&tyliig hui ti tile suf
loner's true frIend.- Rocky Moun rain Ncws.
Relief to the Afflicted ,
lii mttllclnes , , as Iii eclenco , ( ho elioclail.t.s arc the
LIlies St Ill ) always ( ' (111105 (0 ( the trout nItd arcouultll.h
reut recults. 'iltis nunuark i ospccialiy aliltllenlilu to
o Dr. II. Wagrutir , of thIs cIty , flu startils itt ( lie top
) f ltiiirrofcnslouh , slid ( lie cures lie lunfurlIls for Utu
uifortuuiato woiil.I . scout woii.lurfui LI uitt ProPerly
dewed lii ttiuilglttof celuittlilt , ucshilreiutolits. ( lie Is
outbreed by thu ) uiost eiiiliient of tltc pitcillati faculty.
Ills ohllcu at 843 i.aranlir street , client , li sIll sitcudI.
Ily clients cure for ( Ito siutTtniiug , of eltltor sex , lie uunt
Icr how couuijdlcatod tltelr cohilItie1uit.I'oIilcroye
Ohronic Complaints Require
Time for a Cure.
I'crsons at a , llstncu who wish tolto treat tl by Ir ) ,
Wagner uicod hot foci laekwarii itocauso of Iuuahlllt )
( AJ sialt Iiiiii. If tltuy still steltu Iii ( lie uloctor Itu will
scud a lIst of questluits St ( ulelu eiualtic hliiu to scud
IliOIlI'lhitli , counsel stud atitlco to tlioutouiti ( to ( ito'
rioter ccci , . flu has l.atlent ( hi dory city. bust , , nuti
tatIoua luu Colorado , as stull as allostr ( Ito Iiuiltoil
ItpAos. thee hIs address In lulti adycdlesuuteuit.-ikui
ccc 'I'nlbuuuc.
Shall We Reform ?
Speclflo reniedioiu for alIdlecases Is ( Ito theory
itractieo lit Itreselit of tslucatod slid expcnluiucc
iduy.Iciaiu atiiI In all large coIuulIuUItiletu ( ( ( toy luavi
( heir ipecialtlt's , , to cxrcl lii whIch ( ( icy dlroct ( Itch
, tudits loud itractico. ir , SVtigtter Is a successful (1. (
lusraflon ( of tIuI modern .cioui ) of ejiechalthos. wiil Ills
uIulrctiedcIit.itI success In thu trcatuuicuit of 1irlvate
ilisciutes I. a woodeiful as It Is llatterhilg.-1 rot. J.
Sluitoci. , .
'Ilioco i4r ° nl who need nudlcal rvllet for ( ho moat
delicate of dlseuse willihuid aui tteooxnjtlislued antI suc.
LOSJISUI i.Iuyshcie.n . iii ( ho ) orru of Dr. % Yiiu.r , No.
a4 lArbact atneot , who Is ltItiIy rucoruumeiidoti by ( lit
uuit.tlJcal i.rufesloui at huouuie auud abourd.-l'omoroy'c
fleisocrat. lblgotrysuld Ignonuirounust gI. . way t
whsboni sad ( liv wise itulcItoi ( bolhet , Lii lettIuu ith ,
lIght ililnt for the glory of hIs fellow muicu , . PrInter' .
Ink Ii I. ? , . tenth Its caii best use to gun . ( hi. wsar
aud .hck one to ( III fountAin of health. if ( hid artkk
shoulti be Iustrunuuutai La S "rOltClILIIIV ( . .t up.
ouahlll to ukIe sut1erht huotautity W313 Larluit , ,
55100(1 Ieuvvr , ( iuioradoIt wlli ansew th , Ituritee ,
tcwbi.Ai II wits wrItten , . &dtlrcum
1' . 0. box 8Io U at 841 Lriuiir litr.t
1)suiyr ) , Coo.
WR.eti the ochiwn Lea4. "I4 Nc..hty S tithe
, . '
' '
- _
Eas the Best Stock in Omaha and Makes the Lowest Pricosi
Mirrors , Bedding , Feathers ,
And Everything pertaining to the Furni
ture and Upholstery Trade. n ,
To , AIU U'1oo I 1200 , 1208 nutl 1210 Fnrnam SL.
U oMIrA , NEIl.
T..Ia Fbolir , Li nttIe at 841cfl1 , Rieltentleon Cor , Nobrasita , Ii , the CombIned Itoller Stone Syetom. W
glee EXCItISiYh palo ut . our ( Ituir to , one flnun ( a a plaoe. Wo hvo opened a braiich at 1018 CspItol avonu
Uuuali WrIte for l'rhcu. Adttrcw either
d ,
m Salem or Omaha , Meb.
ID. , c. ,
Hall's Safe and Lock Comp'y
:1. 0 Q 0 ' 1Lx3.uLm trcct.
_ _ IN
Heating and Baking
Is only nttniuic1 by using
Stoves and Ranges ,
For sale by
17 ( lM4ITA.
( Chicago , t3urllngton & . Quincy _ Railroad. )
_ _
. . . _ _
II - ; ; : : : : . : : nM:4 : w. .u.- _ . , ' I
It0 d I . ( I. ' 'L
tI I , \c. ,
- * . -o" q \ \ , . ' 5
! ; ' 5 : : \ \ \ % \ : . ' : , . ' 4 ,
I . ifelt ba -i-- : : . ' : _ : I.dAs : , . . v.o.l . _ . , 0. I ' ,
I . _ , , .a I.
a 4'.r ' . \ . _ . . .
z . . _ r j. T a ' S " L It
s ,
p. . . . , , -M- " , - .11. . ,
- - - -
Elogtnt flay Coaches , Parlor Cars. with iteclhn
log ChaIrs ( seats ( roe ) , Srnokluug Curs , wIth Ito.
relyIng ChaIrs l'ullman l''tlnco bleeping Cars anti
(1)0 ( aumtle (3. h. g. DIning CArS Illfl daIly to and
front Chicago & lCaIlaan City , Chicago & Council
lllufTtu , CIulago lies Moines. Chicago , St. J0.
ccliii , Atchul3on Topeka. Only through line ho
twt'Cfl Chicago , Lincoln Dcuus'er. Through cars
ltetwt'cn indlisuinpoils Council IllufTe vie. PeorIa.
All connection. mails in Union IepoIs. it is
knowua as the great'rIIROUOiI CA1t UN1.
Soliti Train. of Elegant Day Ioaehues and Pu11
man i'alaco SleephuIg Cars nrc run daily to and
from St Louhs , vIa HannIbal , Qulney , Keokuk ,
Iiurlington. Cedar Rapids and Albert Lea to St
Paul and MInneapolis ; i'nnlorCnrs'wIth itecllnto
ChaIrs to end from St LouIs and i'eorla and to
and froni lit Louis and Ottumwa. Only one
change of cars between St. Louis and Des
ltlolnu8 Iowa , Lincoln , Nebraska , and Denver
it 13 univcrsaUydmIttcd to bo the
I Flnont Equipped RnIIromd In the World for DII Classoe of Travel. _ _
fPOUER. 3d Vlco-i'ros'tnnd ( lcn'l Manuucr PEI1CEVAL LOWELL , Con , P. Ag't , CbICAOJ
MANulAc'rultEiI OF
aIvniid IroDCornicsNiodo \ CapsFi ; iaI
SkylIghts &o Thhrtocuth Street Neb
a11 Paper anVo \ Sliae.
. ' . . .
' - - - - -
Boiler 1111ff Slieet Troll \Vorks \ I
OMAHA , . . . . - . NEBRASKA.
liulid sU kind. of Steam . hollers. Smoke , . Stacke , Urcechuing Lard , Water and . Oil Tanke , and do , a genera
Itlate.Iron buhuos. ltupalrhiug tlouuo In City nd Country. All work
Done at Eastern Prices and Warranted !
Second-hand Boilers will ho kept on htuud. Ifayhiug . had many years exporleruceln . the trade In dlflerent . part.
of the . country I sin coiulttlunt . 1 can give catl.fsotlou , hahilg ( ( IC bait . .luop . and tooi In the State. Uhop .
txr. ifltli arnhl4ercoHtrectil. . J. M. WILSON Proprietor.
lvi. HELLMAN & CO. ,
Wholesale Clothiers !
' /301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREET COR. 13TH ,
OMAHA . . . - . C EBRAS1
- - . .a.
- - - - - - - - ' - -