Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1883, Page 2, Image 2

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2 . DA f 13EB---OMAIIA , WEDNESDAYS f EMBER 19 , 1883
_ - -
. - -
: xa1vzB.
H EAI1 thiR1 flU ye peopo , and gko ctr
nil 310 inVflhId8 of the world , 1101)
13ti-a ivill inako you well and to re
2. It shall cure the people and put
ickuoa nnd Buffering flflkr foot.
8. 13o thou not afraid when your
f&mLIy is sick , or you luwo llrig1it' dia.
"o or Ltver Complaint , for lop ] iittor
vi11 cure iou.
4. Both low MUI high , rich anti poor
'knov tlio a1uoo1 1101) IlittorA for 1)ilIOUR ) ,
nervous rut11Thciinnio comlainta.
I ; . Clenso 'no with 1101) Btt(0r5 ( niid 1
&a11 1ava mbtist ; and blooming 1c1t1i. ,
a. Add diseMo upofl disease and lot
tlio worst colilo , I ni afo if I use hop
7. For alt my life liavo lbeonplagiiecl
'with sickncs and aero , and , ot until a
scar ago wa I cured , by hop hitters.
8. lIe that koopcth his boi from
nchiiig icir IUiouintistn , and Nctiratgkt ,
'with Lq. B1ttti's , (1oct11 wisely.
9. : lugh iLon hast sores , pimples
freckles , it i1otirn , orysipola , b10d
poisoning , y.t 1101) Bettors will rcniovc
them all.
10.Vl.rit SSGliatl ! is there , feeble anmi
sick from femi.rk oimmplaimmts , vlmo desiroth
not hexilth anti usotli 1101) Bitters and is
7flWlC ti'dl.
11. Lot mint neglect to usc Hop Bit-
tom-a bring on serious Kidney and Liver
12. Ieep thy tomiuo front being fur.
red , thy blood pure , and thy stoinacim
from iidigcstiomi , by usin ' ' 1101) bitters.
:13. : All may pamims anti' aches anti dis-
case go like chaif before the wind when I
use flop Bitters.
14. Mark the man who wwm neariji
dead and given up by tIm doctors after
using 11op Bitters and becometli voh1.
15. Cease from worrying about nervousness -
vousness , general debility , and urmnitry
trouble , for Hop Bitters will restore you.
44iP RtI t = :
_ _ _ _ 4 : _ . , , , , ?
_ ;
. . , LLai _ _ _
An excellent sppetlzli2g tonic of
? - ( . - . czqui5ttcfiavorI1oY Ud over the
- - ; . . - ' WizIllO world , ctmcs Dppmia
3)IorrhraFtycrfltd/Iguo )
i& :4 : diorderioft1Lo IflotIvo ) rgftn ,
--1 & A low ( hoTla Imnart a t Llofl
. - t flivortonpluochanr'i. , nod
. : ; loch pummoor c1tink. Jr mm , hut
bcsTootcountcreit your
j U artielo unnutucturcd hv it. .1.
. d . fl. lmIEO11tP . ! & ) th3
L- _ J. 'i. V1UPPERAHU , Sole genL
- LG L W. Ila.e r ,
2flVU ) llXfL * . & Iiroadwa. N. Y.
A rcguinr gradutc n
R , llENBBRON ' I medicijic. Over txtoen
IQandO0.yvandottaSt. I year rctIoc-Iwe1vo in
K&NSAS 1TY , MO. I Chicago.
Authorized by the tate to trea
- Ncrvou5 soil PrIvatG
. , Chronic1 dlaoascs1
Aathrnn , Elilic lUicumatiam t'11ca1
. . ay
Tape Worm , 1Urnary ( anti 8k6 Uta.
S. CMOS , Herninni Wcaknoienlght Iooca ) ,
Boxnai Dnbtiltyaoaa tificiuni power ) ,
otc. o. guarniitced or inonoy refunded. Chargee
Zw. Thouliand. of caoo cured. No Iiijurloua motif.
cthoa furnihod even to .atlonth at a tijatanon. Con.
sultatton Iron and confltlentlat-cali or wrltv ago and
SIonce are importnnt. A 1100K for both semi-
fliustratod-ond crcuiar. of other thina scat pealed
tot Iwo 3 emS aLanps. FUK2 MUSICIJk !
Railway Time Table.
V. I' . U. it. , MAIN LJNI.
LuyM _ I
Pado Exprvis.12O5 : p zn I Atlantlo Expreaal5 : a a
Western Espretia 8J : ) ifl I } a.stern Expreit s:2op : in
Grnd1sImnd1'sas43Om I a. island Pans ; .21dOnn :
Lincoln .x..12supmnILIncuIn ; Em. . . . . . .
IflThIMY TflitNS-flltlflOIt DiVISION.
Dummy trains leave Oumha a. follow. : SOO a in
0:00 : a m , IOOO a in , 11:00 : a rn , , 1:001) : . Ifl. , 5:00 i
oo p m,400 p m , 5.OO t ) 1111 0:00 : p in. , 1uio : ' . in.
Dummy trains leave t3oancli IJiufli as to11'ws ; 8:2 :
I. En , 0:25 : a in , 10:25 : a in , 11:25 : a in , 1:25 P tU. 2V :
p in,3:25 p in , 4:25imb:5 : : pmO.Onin. : iOSoini :
Sundays-mo Dummy trains Ieae mmmlia at fOO
llOOam ; 20O,4OO 500COoaud : iO.iOpmn.
Leave. Council Ufui at 9:25 : and iis ; a in , 2:5 :
dtS , 525 and OtO : sod IO:3 : pm.
ziava oiiA. LL&Ya coraru , st.urrs.
pass io. 2. . . .7:55amn : I'ULNO. . , . 76m
.4 ) o. 10..S:45p : in I No. 15.itLo & in
.4 No. . . . . . : " No 8..1tOaw
I , No.8..StOimI 'I , , 755pw
'I { p 0 . . . . . : i5nw I
C. , M. & St. V. ft. IL-U. P. DKPOT.
MiiI& Ex..7 4Oam II't.otftoIm. . . . . . . . .
LUAOtIOEX..5.Opm & . :
UifiA . . . . . . . . .7tOamIOmshs..113s1r :
.4 . . . . . . . . . .3 4epsnJ
0. , B Q U. IL-U. P. DEL'OT I
M&U . . . , . . . . . . .Tii0mIEmorca. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . , , ! ' . . . . . . . . . .
C. , It. L r. it. IL-U. P. DEPOT.
' . . .75QlWafl. . . . . . . . . . . .
& . : : : : . . .5op 11 . . . . . . . . . . .t
C. N. W. U. It.-U. P. DEI'OT.
Majl . . .1IO & m I Exnroie..5:4.5 : n
Zipreri . . . . . . . .3:50 : p in J MshI . . . . . . . . .7io ; p u
8. 0. P. It. iL-U , P. DEI'OT.
&iI . . . . . . . . . . . .6i5mIExprou. ; . . . . . . . .
Kxprc . . . . . . . . .6oopnmIJttali' ; , . . . . . . . .1:10pm' :
Eipreu . . .7oomnEzproai : , , . . . . . . .
C. , UT. IA It ! . & 0 , 11. B.-DZJOT 15TH 57
' . . 800am 41m'
o. . . : . ' . . . . . . . . . . : '
La. , . Omaiia tot Yalintin. Ls fit. Vui Ucs
. Dial : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8:00 : a
Arrive horn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pm'
JanvcrEzpreu..Bt5ajn : I AtI&nUo. , , . . :3O1) : ii
P&d.flc } zprsia'.O24 p m's. a ii
. . . i.s. nirr -
. . . . . . . . . n I ixireu..6V0 : I U
. . . , . . . . . lI . , Osopu
OporLing and UloBtag or Malls :
aenym. or v1.osa.
LU ) . p.m. am. p.m.
cidcao&Northweatern . . . .1jyo m'oo' ' sso 2:4 :
Chicago , ltock Wand&1c1flc,11OO ooI sso 2c :
. dc.ofluriiugtou& Qo1ncy..u 0ool ; smo 2:40 :
41 c.joMUum&ukc.lot. . P.,1100 000I 5:30 : 2:40 :
L&sb..I - 12soI szo
& . . . uooj sso
, oikmmiI'ig11c. . " ' 4C0i11:4O : 03Q
n CwsJtatK'uW1eau Yaiic" . . . , ! 00j21iO :
) LJiMja ) i.bruk& . . . . . . . . . emoi io :
CUogo4R.P.L&O. . . . . . 1:0017:20
1eou ( t'&oiSc. . . . . . . . . . . . . ° I bSO
$ louzVykP.iniabrasks. , 5001 720
pacLai mall or ? Iattauioutb , AiUand and lIncolu
stoics at 1 : p. t , epaus al 1020 a. in.
of.o 0f4 SrQ3m' 1200 in. to 1:00 p. mm ,
z x. ooumir r.tsw -
Cliar8ctcr ktdhc of all ollntry
Lift 111 llo11llth
The Extreme Oloanlinoas of the
People and the Extreme
Filth of the Oaiiala.
Soitie Qum'r Costunmem -
CrowiiIi , ( IIoiy flint the Cor.
oiiitTiio Cmtle ot
limo Ilolinet. .
COrrepntl mnni n I'aui t'ionoer I'm i , Ametordam ,
1Iriiiid , Sept. Id , 1q33.
I rode 100 f,1i103 across the country yen-
tordity. I t is about. its monotonous a the
.lorsey tInts. 1 tloii't see how eu earth it
is that Dutch artists , both old and iicw ,
have succeeded iii expressing io
beauty and sentiment. in limettires of thiemmu
level lantis , which 1)ossesimlLriIisIcaUy so
hittlo sentineimt , or imeatity. ? Teat of our
way tlmroutdi the poldora-laud which was
01100 tIme bottoimi of the sea. No feiices
anywhere. Along the railroiul , on thin
land side , was a broad , deuim ditch , muni at
right. nmudc % with tlmis , other ditchu at
intervals of a few rods , flowed level full
of water and disaupcarod in time granular
inland. On the ocean sidoof tim tratim a
hmuimo uinbaiikmneiit rose , atid sails were
visible above iL , and foamy waves leaped
th ) hero amid there , and Ieolel ) over jeat.
ously at. the fertile acres amid time broat-
backed lrimldlu cows gra.iimg. Oii thu
onibaukuient wiidnillim , , , with enormous
wings , like thio sails f a , norclmaiitniafl ,
woriced thmoir puuius in sluggish confi-
thence of victory. Every fifty rods niozig
thin ditches wnoulem gates rose , to cover
unnaIl bridges sot there for convomonco-
about thin onl7 object , except time cows ,
break Limo vision. Attempts are being
made to grow trees , amid , t. rather dis-
taut. intervals , a lmttio house is miot , mtid
tim occtipaiit has carted on enough dry
vegetable mimould to make himself a gar-
All that I have over heard about the I
neatimoss of these Dutch people aconma
justified. lie who rises early shah sou
Limo immhabitnimts awarinilig like bees ,
armed with tue imnploinoiita of ronova-
&ifl. Motm are on their knees on thmo
sidewalks ; WOmOil with scrubbing brushes
cling to tim windows with violent gcs. I
turos ; time knockers ahino like gold. At
tIme church door lien a mat of sewed rags ,
and by the aide of the mat stiuidn a immaim ,
Imia face furrowed with anxiety , aimdwhoii
I pass witlmout seeing it ito chatters at
mno a word or two of gutteral expoatula.
tions , amid pointing to thmo mat , turns inn
back to W1lO my foot on it. There is
not a speck of mud iii thin streets , but
there is a iittlo dust , and time care-worn
guardian knows that dust. is a subtle one
lily that loves to fly UI ) nUll roost on thio oriels and time carven pul.
pit. Timoso Dutcimmon fear dirt imiore
thmai any other invader. Iii trn local
records is time story how Naoioon and
Alexander of Russia , forming timeir
brigand Iartuorslmil ) in 1808 , met at
Utroclit to sigu'tlmo papers. ' .l'lmoy wore
about to enter a house for conference ,
vhioii they worn met by a woman who
placed herself sternly imm time way. "Gon-
tlunen , , " alma said , "you cannot comb iii
imero unless you lU.f those stockings 0mm , "
awl shin imanded eacim a pair of coarse
stocking to jmull over his boots. They
laugimed , conceded time puunt , and eimterod
thus equipped , I have not seoi : one of
thin woimdot'fuul dairies wimicim uiro the
pride of ilolLumud , but I ammm told of one
by aim acquaintance.
"Sue took Inc dowim to sea time dairy , "
says lie. "Thorn werotwommtycowm , each
in a pretty little roomim by herself. There
were ho stalls and no mangers. Time
rooimma were Ilimimuhied imm time native woods
of the Ithmino valley , and mmiicii of it was
Polished. Each cow's tail : ms fastened
UI ) to a ring iii time wall , and a brook of
fresh water mu througim every roomim.
Thu floor was 'without a speck , amid
immosquito bars and imeat chintz curtains
hung at Limo wimi.Iows. 'rimero wn. a straw
muat at eacim door , eu which every visitor
was expected to witmo his feet if they were
soiled ho was expected to go outside and
. immakeliiinsoifpreaeimtabiubeforo aproaclt-
ing time cows. "
Thu locomotive of this era is the great.
eat : vammhnl time world immum ever seen. TIm
locoiimotiyo is destroying the licturcsuiuio.
hess of the vorid , Even hero iii time
, Netherlands costummmea are coimforiimimmg
mumoro amid more yore year to time prevailing
faslmiomms of Fi-nmmco amid Engiatid. Thu
muobility of Hollammd mire not distinguish.
able by timuir dress front time ladies aimd
goimtlemnon of Londoim and Now York , amid
thu wuuithiy ; burghers have followed suit.
I Ofll time lomslimltn : ( tlmmit is , the farmmurmu ) ,
I amid the sailors still the curious
garb which we have soomi liletures of ; immiul
Hi ) insulated are tue various pro'iimce I'
water that the dross of time 1)001)10 ) of one
section is a coimstaut soutco of surprise
I and amiiusouieiit to time IeOIl0 ) of nmmuthur.
p yaii odd eimoughi , at time exiuihitiom ,
'catcrday , to see time visitors frotui emLlaiid
1mm thu Sotmth mmd of those froum Friesiatid
oil time Nortim iismoctbmg , one nimothior with ,
L , , uicht curiosity as if they had COllie
fron opposite ends of time earth , Thu
costutiuu tinit attracted tlto mitoat uttentloim
was er1ias that of time rich poasamit
wonmon of the mmortlm , This , iii its purest
I forum , conslits of a short skirt of thick
I stufF , Padded with pillows at the hi1 :
( uimless they ha'o some dreadful hi1 :
i disease ) with a silk aI)11 of bright greemu ,
. or yellow , or liurplo , or rca , roaciiiim
exactly to tiuo bottoimi of time skirt ; n
bodice of black velvet , laced across o
m white bosolu at time front , somnotlimmea withm
m silver catime reuclmimmg around imimder time
I arias , like the Swiss. 11cr head-dress
m Is a startling vision. In tue first piacu
she vears her hair slightly banged in
front , amid over this iiehuot , or cuque ol
silver or gold-a solid lulato , bout to
) thiO head and covering it like aim outtox
, . skull. Scarcely a bit of hmair , is visible.
ACrOSS time forehead is bound a gold baud
. - all inch or so wide , its mumiddlo set with mu
heavy brooch of gold ammd genia , hike urn
old-fashioned breastpin. 'l'iio ear.rimmgs
) are not in the oars , but liming from thu
ezids of this coronet , dangling just over
i . time eyes iii eueii a way as BOllietililea to
obatruct time hue of vision. 'I'iieao juemmul.
: emits are asbulky , costly ammul long as thu
vcaror can uifhbrd-iicavy julatos of topas ,
atmmetluyst amid emerald iiiiiged together ,
and suet soimietimos with peutrla , rubies or
dlaiiiommd. , covorimig both chucks. Over
time helmet amuit corcfmet is worn a di zummue
white flmmeii rmijm , imut so snug its to conceal
the slieiidor , its white cape failing to thu
sliotildurs , and its forward tabs tarchmed
stiff amd turned square back atmd upward
IIrOU2Id the head agaili , leaving two sharp
JOhlts stickiimg directly out imi front be.
yommd the fcucu , Still over this , far up amid
back , an elaborate bonnet is iorcied- ,
somimolimnes a Parielaim mmfrair of silk amid
men amid ornitimological corpses , mumd some.
times mu high1 floral1 crooked coilcern , like
a truncated coal.acuttio with time jimmi.
Frequently thio jewelry sloro around
time face is inodilied and enlarged by the
addition of a silver bcd.srimmg , sticking
directly omit iii frort front each temple. I
don't kmmow whether timis ornaimment actually -
ally was a bed.sprhig before being sot to
its lremormt somvico , but it isoks Precisely
like that useful article , being a spiral of
white wire , ( lcscriltng a cone three or
four Imicims iii diameter at the base , mmd
reaching otmt iii front sumimie six or eight
ilmehmes.'hen timums equipped , time fair
Itinhiemi or moatromi looks ILS timoutghi nimo
had taken to hmersohf mm pair of hormis , roud ,
tlmouigh I hmavu hicarul mmuitlmiimg of time mug.
miiflcnmmco of time decoration , It is obviously
adopted mis a milcatma of dufeimso imgaiimst tue
nimmoroums jumukhmeads of this mmulglilnrhmood.
I thmluik mu. yommmalm wit ieilly : iimenimt bumm.
fleas coulul Icarim to swimmg those horns seas
as to lilt an intruder imi tIme eye every
tiumme. It io n'vOlliCr thmiut Iimig YiIlinimi
Alexamidor l'aul Frederick Luwms amid his
parhinimmemit do not emuact a law rolmihitimmg
ummuier IIQWOI'O pemuahty , time wemrlIig : of such
a dntmoromis piece of imomuigear. It. shows
how time Dumtcimmam ! mutist have becim tramn-
l)1e1l ummulur foot luy thmo Iutclu woimmen ,
whomi they have imot siirit cmiommgh left to
rise iii r'Iulliomi , , ngmuimm.ut sucim a immummatnius
immfmimmgciimomit. of their rights.
A good mnmumy of time mmmcmi rcar rotmmmd
felt hints , witlm baumds variously cm-
lironlercul jim silk ; jackets of dark clotim ,
muimort , amid light , oemming in front to din.
ulaY a vest cmnhmroderel : withm red , yellow
atid grcemm , mmd bimttummetl with a row of
silver coimma ; short breeches of time saumme
color as the jacket , bound aroumid time
waist by a girdle furimished witim a heavy
boei of clmuu4c'd silver ; a scarlet cravat ,
aimd fine woolen stockings to time kmico.
In the case Of time f'msimormnumm time breeches
had a mnost. exaggerated commiour , ( Irawn
smmug at the belt , but oxpamiding aroimmmd
limo lips into hmnif a dozemi brcndtimmm of
cloth , , Plititeti ammd pufl'cml.
T1Im SION1FIJANT lmnt.mImT4.
On inquiry I learned that tue gold
amid silver hmelmiueta and the jeweled fillet
ricrosa the forehead withu time pcmidammts at
its ommis , are worn mnaimmly by thin wives
and daughters of time rich peasants , and
are , iii tiwniselvon , a simm of wealth. .Ihhlu
amnbitioim of the farmner mu daughter is to
acqtiiro for her ( lowry a goldeim imehmuet.
' [ 'iris in somnetimmmwm iurcsomitcd by the lover
Oit Ins accejmtnmmcc , or , if he camimmot afler(1
a gold oime , Ito presummts a silver ommo of
greater or less thickness. As I expressed
curiosity coimcermmimmg the faublo , mmmy laud-
lord called my attcmtion to a girl arrayed
for time fair yesterday.
"Is timat really goldi" I asked.
"it is muixtoemi
; really good-fourteen or
catath 11mm , " Ito said.
" \Vho is simol"
"Sue is a servant girl in thmat family In
time brick house at the corimer , " Ime an-
swered. "She is from Gelderland , beyond -
yond time uydor ee. I knew imer be.
fore simo camno here. That csquo was
presented to her by her sweutlmeart a
a mimonthi ago. It is a uiiio ommo , amid cost
timrco or four thousand guldcim. "
"Two tiiousammd dollaral" I exclaimed.
"lie must bo rich. Who is Itoh"
' 'No , 1w iii miot riclm ; but imo is indus-
triouru amid saving , like umost Dutchmen.
lb is a comnmmiomm laborer-a tilomnakor
dowit at Dolft. lie hmas laid aside , in lit.
tie aavimmgn , ommougim to buy his bride this
fimmo outfit. "
"Do wonmen over sell timis equipment
whiemm hard puisimedi"
"Ohm , yes ; but timoy must be very hard.
pushmed first. Some lose tlmeir cimaractora
and thou null timoir lielniets amid become
natrays. Jt ; is odd , " lie added , thtoughmt.
fully , "that women iiavo a way of wear-
imig timis imcaddrcss which immdicates timoir
character. Perhaps you do not know ? "
I expressed curiosity , and imo went omm.
"it 19 mint difficult to classify time women
mon from thus door as they go by-not
accurately , but ammihiciontly. All wimo arc
omitirely virtuous , or wish to be thought
so , wear their imelmeto or caia snug to
their imcadsamid scarcely lot a hit of their
hair slmow. Whmeim they release a lock ,
then they arc slightly fast , amid their iii-
creasing willimugmmcss to mmuako time no-
quniiitmunco of gentlemen is iimdicatod by
time immcrcasilmj disorder of their front
hair. Thucro ma a tacit understanding to
this efFect all over Ilollammd , amid although :
laws linvo beeim pmssutl to Prohibit it , time
cimstomn is too strong for prohiibition. A
woimmitum vesra mnuchm eNter froimt hair oul
out from under imer hmelmmiut is comimiidercd
an immvitimmg imnmropcr proosais upon tlmt
street. "
mmow zuim cirmas roomc.
Amusterdatmi nmiI Rotterdaun look lik
lie othmer cities iii thu world. They imav
hydrocophialums , like Vemmico-oceamma o
water overywimero. Amstordanm is bmmil
On 801110 oiglmty islands , conmmected by 30 (
bridges across time niuddy ( litcimes time3
call canals. Time buildings immmuiimiy arc o
umpaiiited brick , with gable uiids to timi
streets , amid tile ) ' are erected , like thmon
of Venice , oii mmmihlions of piles drivci
bite thmo mmmtiul. limit this alluviiml doposii
is imot so tirmmm an tue saud7 sediummcmmt ii
time Adriatic lagoons , and so it lmmlpelm :
timat utlimmost nil of time Imommumea here tumid ii
Itottemdmmmmt mitc otmt of PhUimib. You eros :
a bridge mmd instimmctively hesitate to ad
val'cu , for it mucommis as if the btmiidimmg :
aimead were about to tumniblo dowi
amid crush youm. 0mm both sides of thu
street they bcmmd omitward towards each
umtimer , so that their cormmicea an
two or thmreo foot micaror tlmamm thmoir bases
Yomi gather courage amid proceed , am
furthuer emi you son otimor houses bowing
hero Is a tall , topplung ciiimmmnoy , ant
aroummul it iii a circle are various house :
rsvoly salutimmg it. Nommo of time build
mmmgs stuommi to fall down-at least I d.iJ no
detect mummy iii time act-but they rise am
ommgao 1mm their bricky salaammms at ahmnos
every ammglo Irons tIme perpendicular , ammo
in utter disregard of time foolimmgs of way
farors. Crazy little atoamuboata travern
: the dirty little cammala ; great brick ware
: houses boldly bond over amid look dowi
lute their turbid mmmirrors ; mnorcimnmitmnoi
: fmimu Java stick their yards up through
tue bramicimos of sycaumoro trees upon tin
bamuka ; hero and thmero ships climub up tin
ladder.ioeks ; hero and there wimudumiilli
. cimurim time air and pour time water ou
into time sea. This is a queer old town
But I aimoulil think time Ilollammdors woimlo
wash their cammais ,
_ _
Of time ninny remedIes before the pmubhlo to :
Nervous Iebllity aimd weakness of Nervi
( iemmeruutlvo Systemmu , timers Is moio , equal to Al
lou's BraIn Food , which ii10uuiitlY and l'eriuma
miemmtiy restores all lost vigor ; It imover falls
l i1ig. , U for $5.-At druggists.
- -
A nobby lad. imm St. Louis vent to thmo
residence of Dr. Fitzportor amid ofFered t
vait immutil lie arrived , \Vhiio time srvami1
was omit. amid thiu doctor's who had gomu
to thu kitchiemm , the fellow simeuiked UI
stairs mmd secured dinimmomida valued iii
1ooo , withwiiiehimoeseapcti.
ProoI , % gulimbi. JIIlsznm-ds.
d ( jo. , druggists , at
(12 we sell lucre of thu
- obs Oil , timnu all
0 , It never
- - -
A Corrospollont with au Eye Poc1c
for Uco1oica1 Periods au All-
dolt llhoya1s ,
A. VisIt. to limo Georgetown 1Iiulng
caimips nimul Limo Illack lInk Ito.
lnn-WaysIt1u t4Iciciics.
SPecIal Currospondoimee of Thu flc" .
DaNvimu : , Sept. lO.-lVe readied this
city after mmighmt , while time rain was fallS
ing gently atmd cold , on the 18th instammtl
wuiie raimmilmg lmore it was sfmowimmg elm time
inomumibtimis to time west , which cmi this
bright. mmlorLmilmg show the snow-capped
summnits to time pcolio of Deimvor.
To visit these mnoumitaimmn amid time great
mmiimlimlg catmips , O to CO mmiiles westward ,
cmi time l4tii immaL , we took tim U. I' .
brimmcim : III ) time Clear Creek canomu , which
was fornied by time first great upheavals
of the secommd or lovonliire geological
ago , throwing imp . . . the archimeaum gray
mmiixctl gramuites ; yet sonic plastic , poumrumg ,
luinding , foldmn pimslmizmg mmlml iihimmg these
in time mumost contm.-ted mumumier one tljOfi
nmiothmet , while time ummlerlyimmg Immagimia of
time immoiton fioldumimartiuic amid sorphiyritic ,
whmite or creammi colored , liqulized : granite
lifted amid broke up time gray , grammitc3
tlowiimg thmroumdi ammol nummomug its fm-ag.
mnemits , thmere fihlimmg time clips amid irregular -
lar gaps. As all were cooled
amid coimsohidated by tIme silo-
nan ocean thmrotmgim winch
tlmese great Rocky Mountains were tiicmi
lifted , as time first humds about time waters
which timmtil timen hind beau overspreading
timis wimolo continent , amid pcrimavs tue
whole cam-tim , mmmakiimg this Clear Creek
canyon a moat instructive amid interesting
study for the eoiogist wimo has miot been
imamnjiereul iii his considerations of goo.
logic developimmemits l)3r mistaken theories
found iim books 'written by authors whose
knowledge of geological developments
Imave 1)0011 confined to the Atlantic coast
\Vo , ( umi time 14th , , visited time George-
towim , Colorado , mnimming calmips.Vo
wont 1,000'feot or mnore imito time Lebanon
tunmiul , crosaimmg temi lends of mmiimmerai.
These mmmimieral deposits are found between
time folds ( if time larpimyrytic amid fclds.
partlmic amid other grammitoids.
We also wore shown tlmroumgim time mills
owmmed by the Consolidated Mimming Comn-
pammy nit Clear Creek and run by water
peer at time I'ayrock mimics.
Mr. Thommias Corker , a foreimmaim at time
mills , showed us through their $20,000
mill , hmtving : a capacity for crushing and
separating ro cords of ore cr day with
time rork of three inca. Timis rock is said
to coimt.aiii five per cent of paying mm-
orals-lead , copper , silver amid gold.
Tiii mmmiii appears to us to have been
most ndmmiirably located , arrammgcd amid
eqimipped for crusimimmg amid separating
iuiiicral rock.
Jim time evening we took the U. P. train
for Cemitral City , arriving timero among
time BfloW.calped mneuntsiimsabout8p. m ,
amid omm the 15th inst. met Geo. Swails , of
Now Mexico , editor of time Frcniommt Her-
aId , who gave me an immtrodueUomi to the
County Judge , David C. Collier , a good
lawyer , geologist , amid imiinoralogist , who
simowed us great favor , and gave us much
valuable imiformmmatiomm colmcormmimlg Cobra-
do , and semit his little son Charlie with us
when we wont to
vim (1 flitT IICNANZA 1'ItO1'EITY.
Tlmi'm ) roporty is owned by time Bonanza
ami Ummuon Tummnel amid Mining cemupany.
Their New York ollico is at 120 Broad-
way. J. H. Becker is 'umu dl time primmci.
lal owimorsummd supur.ntummdunt of thin New
York (1(11CC ( , 1umlu his semi , Harry Becker ,
has charge of Limo imiine office , at their
muimlimig works. lie gave us great atteim-
finn , amid simowed us through thus cole.
brntcd property.
: We omtercd it by a finely equipped
tummmmoi , twelve feet wide amid eiglmt feet
L high , with double track to briimg out time
I arc. This tmmnnol pierces thin solid graft-
ito in ami air hue 12fl0 Ecet , and hmas hat-
- teral brmoimehes followimmg it ) lodes , or mmmiii-
I oral veims , immkimmg au eitemmt of tumimmel.
I lug imearby a mile long opening this imuimie ,
amid supplied with wires for the electric
dischmargu of blasts , teicphono , and piped
for air , pumping amid drainage pur.
At time dumnn and mouth of the main
tuiimnel mimay be scemi mmearly $100,000
1 worth of ore-beam-jim ; rock lying , read
, for mmuiilimmg tlmcro at tue's mmiii
; 'ri immill is vull equipped with nil time
I usual mmmaeiminory , but now mint rummmmiuig
3 0mm accoumit of time scarcity of water. hut ,
3 we were told would now soon be put to
work as time dry season mvas nearly over ,
wimcmm there will be mamfllciumit water to run.
ve mmoxt visited time several works at
1 mile dowmi time calmyomm , amid imero we I
m . foimnd time celebrated Bob Tail itmlls rumi.
mmimmg sevummty.five atammipim , with mill time
3 mnudermm cquiuimuemuts and a daily capacity
1 for crusimimmg mtmmth. suparatiimg mmmammy hun-
) drctl toims of ore.bearimmg rock. 'i'lmma ma
1 called time lam-gust mmmiii 1mm Colarado.
3 At Ilinclo hlitwk theme are several other
mmmills , amid hundreds of mimimmes iii time
I mnaimi amid brammchmimmg canyons 1mm thin mioam
; vicinity , arid. mmiihls aufliciont. to separate
C Ilium ore frommi time rock.
a . Tue Public Saumpbe amid Inspection
Chico is hero , To the warohouau comi-
I , miected with thus oflice , time separate ore
and mmmcii mmmimiormd.bemmrimm rock is brought
1 for crtmshuimmg , aoparatimmg , imispectiomi , and
. siiipmimemit , for wimicim a wareiiousorccumpt
like that for time storage of gram ma given
I time owner of tue mimieral ; and those go-
- coipt8 are cashed at time Bank , to furnisim
I immimmiodiate curremmoy for workimmg time
i iimimmea.
L All time above mentioned amid many ,
S otimur mimics of Georgetown , Central City
S amid Black hawk City are situated in
I a county eight mnilwm square , and witim a
; votimmg i'oimulatiemm ' of less than 1,800 has
4 a recorded amimmual ore out-put of the
value of near $9,500,000.
To roach timese mimics we passed over
time U. J ) branches of railroad , narrow
r track , ascemmdimmg to the height of mbout
8,000 feet above sea level , up the camiyon
. of Clear Creek betwoemi its picturesque ,
. gm-amid amid sloiiumg granite walls , for
about fifty mnilea. Youm-s , &c. ,
ltomiemtv Kirru : ,
_ -
) hIUruflrtl'eI Acid 1'ImosIimmutc ,
Tonic for Overworimed Idea.
Dr. J. 0. Wiison Phitadclpimia , Pa. ,
m says ; "I huave used it as a general tonic ,
momud iii particular imi time debility amid
dyapepsia of overworked mitomi , wmth sat.
isfuctory results "
- .
Mr. Dezendom-f , cimalrmmiami of thin Reptmb
lienim State commimmmitteo of Virginia , states
that Maiiomie is orgamuizilmg colored clubs ,
givimmg mmmemnbors a ticket for tweimty ceide
, for macim immeetimig attended , iayabio on
ciuction day ,
You Cannot' Ikiy It iii the
13 l3ar-rooins.
What an absurd idea it is to send
a sick maim , with an ailing stomnacim.
a torpid liver , and iinpoverishicd
blood1 to a bar-room to swallow
some stimtmlating stuff and call it
medicine I
An enormous amount of mischief
isscommstantly done by men who thus
trifle vitli themselves. Instead of
healing their diseases , they make
them worse. Instead of gaining
itrcngtli they omi1' acquire the dis.
graceful habit of tmppling.
It is a point worth noting in con-
flcction with Jlroww's Iron Billers ,
that this valuable medicine is not
sold in bar-rooms , and will not be.
It is not a drink. It is a remedy.
It : is not made to tickle the paiateof ,
old topcrs. It is made to heal dms-
ease. It i not made to promote the
good-fellowship ofa lot of bibulou3
.fclio's standing around a bar and
isking each other , " \Vimat will you
: akc ? " It is a true tonic ; an mron
niedicine containing the only preparation -
ration of iron which can safely and
aeneficially be taken into time syatco'
Tim Om'gammlxatlon Perfected liy time
: uiasm' Bmtmmi14 Lit. LImO Jlftstimmgi
There was imold upomi time ro-ummion
grounds at liantiiigs , Nob. , Sept. 7 , 1883 ,
a comivemmtion of brass bands and represen.
tatives of bands , as per aummouncemnent of
the previous day , for time purpose of per-
fectiimg a State band organization. Time
assembly was called to order by Major
Pammmbertomm , of Stromsinmrg , who stated
time object of thin mneotingand called upon
to preside S. P. Camp , of Genoa ,
president of a band assOciation imiau-
gurated at time Gm-amid Island reuniomi last
year.Time socratary of the association bcimmg
absent , J. C. Rico , of Friend , wan cimosomi
accrotary pro tern.
The election of officers for the ensuing
year by miomnination and vote was thmommext
oxder of busiiess , amid resulted as follows -
lows :
President-Robert S. Browne , Lmn-
Vice President-S. B. Camp , Geneva.
Pormnnmiemmt Secrotary-Cims. Pierce ,
Corresponding Secretary-Prof. Burt
ICing , Wahoo.
Troasurer-.L E. Rice , Friend.
Drum Major-M. S.Ponberton : , S troms-
'l'lmo following board of five directors
was then cliosemi in the same manlier :
W. F. Wallace , McCook ; Samuel Irwin -
win , Creighiton ; Perry Dodd , Hastings ;
C. A. Caldweil , Crete ; \Vill L. Scismn ,
Tabie Rock.
Upomi immotion of Maj. Williams , of
Geneva , it was ordered that a commnitteo
of three be appointed to draft suitable
resolutions of condolence for band morn-
bers who sustaimmed injuries by accident
or were taken ill while in attendance at
the reunion , and have tue resolutions
publisimed. Committee appointed for time
purpose : Will S. Scism , Table Rock , J.
0. Rice , Friend ; Will Barry , Geneva.
A motion was made byV. . F. Walsh ,
of Humboldt , that time board of directors
be imistructed to compile a uniforimi set of
books and to notify leaders of bands
throughout the State when ready for
sale. Ammmeimdmnomit offered by Maj. Pommi-
berton , of Stromnsburg , that time comnpila.
tion be called the "Nebraska State Band
Association , Jourmmal" amid contain the ha-
tiommal airs and one troop. Carried as
An ofIort to obtain time rosters of bandu
prcsentduring time reummion was responded
to by twenty-three bands of this State
and somne from Iowa. Many bands do.
parted for home before their rosters could
be obtaiied. Time State bands respond.
ing are as follows : Fmuirbmmry cornet band ,
Mmnlisomi cornet band , Tabie Rock cornet
baud , Gibbon cormmet band , Exeter silvem
cornet band ; Tecummmseh cornet band ,
Osceola brass cornet band , Irvingtomi corP
imot band , Aloxamidria cornet baud , Emidi -
cott brass bammd , Geneva juvomulo Land ,
Milford cornet hand , McCook ligimt guard
baud , humboldt cormiwt band , Ilium
Springs cornet band , G. A. H. depart
zimamit band of Gemmeva , Friomid cornetbammd ,
Chester cornet baud , First Regimemmi
( Nob. ) imatiommal guard baud oi
Crete , Shelton cornet band
Grafton brass baud , Creighton coruel
band , Great Western baud , Lincohmi. 1
vz Ls urged timat all bammds throughout tin
State , imot mmmnmied above , at omvo rnak
out their rosters , giving time mmamnes 01
their mntmsiciamis , with time immstrmmmmmemit :
played Upoim. desigmmating timoir lcaders
amid also di-ummi majors amid nmusieai direct
urn , if eitimer , mimid forward the sarm-mo b
tIme pemmnammoimt socretamy , Ciums. Pierce
Creightomi , to be filed , kept for referomice
amid pmmblisimed if mmecossary.
Time secretary was immstructed to recoro
time statummiont that. tIme iumrtitml bands luck
. a mmmeetiimg impon the groummcla emi time ovomi
ing of So1t , 6 , which would be ammxiliar
, to thin oiio.
Oflicora and bamids , if they desire , ma
obtain a copy of time orgnmmizatiomm adoptec
last year by addressimumr S. B. Ca imp , ( Jon
L eva.
eva.A request was made that time Stab
bammds contribute iii aid to muembers whmu
mimet witii immisfortuno by illness or umeciden
at the roimnioim , and particularly in aid o
, W. W. hloald , loader of time Oscoohu
: band , who suffered time fracture of a
limb. -
A collection was takeii for postage ant
statioiiury , which amounted to $4.30
and time niommoy was placed in thin tress
ury to be diitributod among time varioum
It was rocomumended that a report ol
thin proceedings of this mmmectimmg be vre
Pared br time State press.
it is 011)OCted timat time ofFicers olectot
will emmter at ommco upomi their duties , amic
that by a correspondence among them
: solves , amid in commjuimction witim time boare
of directors , further nmeasurea wilibo do
'l'imoro beimit mme further busimmosa , timu as
sociatioim , UiOhi motion , mmdjourmmed slil
.J. C. ilien , Friend , Nob. ,
Secretary Pro Tom ,
r1ll0 Oplomi.ummiry of' BlaIr's Isltb.
Pimlladoiltida Timmits.
Sommator Biair'mm comnummitteo nmigimt invit
Frank Jammies to tell time story of his life
Mr. , Jammes , hum miot accumulated so mmmumcl
mmuommey as Mr. Gould , but ho has had a :
immtorestiimg career ,
- -
The ladles must sooner or inter acknowl
edge thut I'uzzommi's niedicatati oomnpiexio :
powder Is time only coamimetfo wade that will mic
Immjure the skin , Fum-sale by all druggists.
Timis Electric Bolt will Cure the Follow.
lag Diseases Witimout Medicimio.
l'aln. In the flatk , mii1 , licn4 or TAinb , Nervous
lobiity , Lunibao , General iclmilty ) , ,
l'nralysls , Neuralgia , I4cimtka , iie.o of tie Kidney ,
Spinal Diucac , Torpid Liver , ( lout , 8omnai Exhauis.
tion , Seminal E.mlloi , , , Avthins , , heart Imoeac ,
imyecpda , CnntImtatmnii , Erytljcias , lnhgetloii ,
1Icila or itutUre , Impotency , Catarrh , i'Imes , Epi.
tiny , Dumb .Sguo.
t5ooo Would Not lhuy It.
1)5. . mtoais-l hae Uttei your IlocIrio luelt for
, 'mo time , nod It hn unite ami tmt your Agent
clalincti for It. Any Olin tmoimlileti with rheimnintlein
or sciatica , I wouitivay , buy home's Eteettic leittor
one vtf the thirty tiollari belts ciirc.I me of the above
, il.cao In a abort time. Aiiy one t mehing to confer
sitli toe , can do so by writing or cailag at my itoie
1420 1)ougmas ) St. Omaha Neb.
I chccrfuliy rccnmmnenf ifnrn't Electric micit as arm
t5clcnt cure for rlunatism , , itilng wormi coo for
that uiiaDiy.
A Ii. dNnmmuimLT :
l'nr vmto 1 t'nqto Bro's , Cour.i , ? l'luid. , Inn , , .
.l4N ! ' _ . . . m'oe'tme. } 'roner Iliock
t4TFor Silo i-A a . Uoo-iinau .i mmu ) Store ill )
'irnarn Str'nf Or.t'i.
I have ? ound It I
Witi the exclamation of a man when ho got a box
if irrci. I'tlo Ointment , which is a iinpio and sure
euro for iiioi anti oil skmn DitlOaseB. tifty cents by
nail , potpakl.
7izo American Diurrhwa Cure ,
ifa. rtood the tct for twenty years. Sure cure far
in Nevcr Falls. Diarrhoea , 1)3eritary , and Chols.
ilcallo's ' Foor Rll Agll Tollic & Coria1.
It is Impoeciblo to tm rapId , ale of the rams.
For Fever and Ague , and nO Malarial troubles.
1mucE , m.oo.
For Sale by all Druggists
r sent h niorere on r.redi.t of rrleo. ni&r-5
A lctIm of .ariy Imprudence causing nervous debli-
Iti- . premature uteca. etc. , lislng tried In vain every
known remedy hes diicoered a eimpte means of self-
.ire. whIch he will send PI1EE to lii. fellow-sufferers.
Addrcia. J. 11. UIIEVEO. ' 3 Chatharn ft. , Now York.
G4LrDG. '
flfq remedy being Injected directly to the seat ,
the dkeaeo , requires no change of diet. or napseous ,
mercurIal or polenOmis medIcines to be tai.on Intern.
ally. When ieett as a preventive by either sex , it ii
impoqllle to contract any private ,1teee ; html in the
CMO uf those alrestiy afflIcted we guM.
Cntee three booq to cure , or WA will refund the
, i.miey. I'rlee by mall , iothito pil.l2 1r box , or
three boats for 5.
aucd by all uthorIed agents.
C. F. Goodman , Driugit , Sole Agent , for Orniha.
bri , mats wly
Health is Wealth
fsrnv OIALI1
Dr. H. 0. % 'eet'a Nerve anti llrnlii Treatmetit ,
urunrsnteed spcclflo for hysteria , DlrzlneCmnvu1
lion , , Fits , Norvou Neuralgia , ilculache , Nervous
Prostration catm'ett lx , the tire of nmcnhom or tobacco ,
. % Vnkefulnce Mental Dej.measfon , Softening of the
11mb , rosumthng in insanIty atoi lcadlng to misery ,
tiecoy anti death , Premature Oitl Age , flarrennoiia
tosa of i'orer in eIther sex , mnvoiunnry Losse
tiperiuatorrluoa cauud by over exertion , if
brain , reif.abuto or over-indulgence. Each
talus one month' , treatment. m.oo a box , at
boxes for 5.00. ffcnt by mall prepald on receipt
To cure any case. Whtm each order received by us
for six boxes accompanied with t5.QO , wowllirtnd the
purchser our wrmtt.en guarantee torefund flio inonej
if the treatment does not affect is cure. Guarantees
inxl only by C. F. 000DISAN
m&o wi Tnn' lt Omaha Nob.
Cairiago & VTagonMakoi'
Jobbing of all Kinds Promptly Attended To.
New and second hand bugehes and wagons always
on hand. ( lEO. 1' . MUL.DOON ,
Cor. istm and Leavenworth.
_ tb1id iii
JA Sillihisoll ,
, . ' .
7 I. , t ?
_ _ _ f . 4 j : TilE LEADING
, _ _ _ - ' !
. . . 7CarriageFactory
. , . : _ _ _ _
-.d 1409 and 1411 Dodge Street ,
OMAHA , - - - - - -
-w JvE - S : N--Y-D n ii' ,
Carriages BuaaiesRoaa aOll
: , ,
I azut ilm2O iianiey Street and403 S. . 13th Shoot , NEB
tistrated Catalogue furnished free upon applicatlats SAm
Am : EI
Buaies Carriaos aM Sprill IVOllS
. . . .
I My ReposItory Is constantly filled with a select stock. Best Workma.neiilp guaranteed.
: Office and Factory S. W. Corner 1611 , and Capitol Avwi.ue , QmaIza
I On Long Tune--Small Payments.
At IV111llfllOtlll'OrS I'1iOO ' A , ilosijo jI
15)0 DOUGh ' 3Th10
: . ] -
a .i ASK YOUR oimocamis ron 711K
Manufactured by the Omaha Dr.y Hop Yeast Co.
- .
Keg and Bottled Beer
( ; ; r..4 - . 4 This Excellent Boor speaks for itself ,
U stLoujQQ. . it Promptly Shipped. -
mm f c-uir ratee. . .
I Solo Agent for Omaha and the W , t.
Cor. 9th Street arid Capitol Avenue.