Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1883, Image 1

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    - - - . - - - -
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\ OMAFL4 BEE. _ ,
\ -T _ .
'PT-fT1m1'fl'NPTT V'fl A P
( r A TT A NPT Wli'flNli'Sfl A V U (
1 ? NTT\T STflPIi1Ufl ? i ci i
flh1)WULOUS 1I)1AS
vou ; SYffIR WITh FUI11OS
; z1.TzEfl S1UNO } , tF ) THAT I hR flILIUth.UON
STIPAIE [ ) OR ) ' '
' ' Ffl
II'S flt3L'OflATZ. N.ANI ) 1 Tirrant' Etier-
cent Seltzer Aperlont $ cINu hAS IM-
rii : CONflITION ( ) 1ilh lIlOOD ANI ) Pt7IIIIEN
A1A.TlI11'LUlI IMWOOIsT. OFTIl13ObT. 801.1) UY AU.
tnvostlgnto for YoursoIvo.
Po.tiniitvr.enernt : ) isIii 1uIlIhcj
1IIfuiI niil atckni fiiehotl In .
. rcgir4 t the char.
ctcrtI The tttIiut
StAte tottcry COmaiy , thr
following . facts are gh en to the IIULIIO to ro 0
t.atcciit , thatwo sire ngagd hi a Irauduthnt bu
lucg , to t1ofRIo aIlIt2iItnac ! :
Amount of l.r1ze4 i,1.t by The 1.onIlana State Lot-
tery ' Company 1mm Januar 1 , 1879 , to I1r'cut date :
I'ald lo Southern Fxrcs ; ( .oNewOrIean ,
T. M.Vecott , Manger . . . . . . . . . . . $1,368,300
raid to 2.otlidana NatIonal flat1
' Joe , . 01. Og1elv , , 1'rehtet . . . . . . . . . 463 ,
I'alI to Iou1iat , State atkma1 hank ,
' S. It. ; : , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1io0
L'l8 to Ner Orfaii Natloiial Hank ,
Il.4. _ , _ l'nkt A to I'nhhIn Union National VraIcent. Ilank . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . .
' 8. C1iaIarnn. ' Cailor. ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01,150
l'ald to Citlzeu' [ lank ,
' 1' : . L. Carriere , I'roi dent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57,000 '
[ 'aid to ( eriatita , tt'otai , hank ,
' Jtilo Card , I'cIiett . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30QO0
h'ald t' lIhhcnta NatIonal flank ,
' Ca'i. ) , I'alfr&y , Cashier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37,00)
h'aht toCanahllank , 1.l. Tob , Caahlur 13,150
I'aith to Mutu1 National flank.
J&is. MItcIwl , CasIlr. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,200
' Thtj1 i'ad ! a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ ' , . ' , ,
' L'1trI NUU of iiicr , , $1,000 at the
varloti etllcc of the CllJttly
thouhout the Uiiltxt Sfltu . . . . . . . . . . 2,627,410
Total phtl for nil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Far the truth of the abivo we refer the public
tothe officers of the above nanieil corporatlonl , and
for our legality nnd tandinz to the 3tayorand Ottloer ,
of the CIty bI New ( ) rlcan9 , to tIjo State autlorlttesof ,
Lniikbuia , and ahsi totho U. 3. Ofl1cia1 of Louisiana.
o claim to be legal , honest anti correct In all ou
trausction , na ittch , o as av , , ljislite. In the ouaward
% try. Onrstandlig hi concedeit 1) ) alt Io will luvea
i3oard'of tigntc anti our stock has for years boo ; sub ! at .
of firokers , and owned by many of our beet
known and teepectel chtecn. ! .
M. A. IMUI'IIIN , President.
ffUAHTAL 1'UIZoOO.iicko
$5 , Sharee in proportion. u1
Lolliilla , . State Loltcry COuIplly
We ) eref'jj Oat
certify w sIqsereis e a ,
ranqente , , for all ( lie .tonitfy ! aiuL SeitO.Annua. ,
DraW1,98 , vjf tiLe LOt1lUZflfl State LotZer ; Canpap ,
tzdd ts vereon s0000q& ' and .otroi , , the Drawnp
hneete.q , an'1 that ( he ao are conducted win
? i.oncetyfairneae. oHiO in yooZJaith toward aZh pa ,
( ( el , and we authorize the company to use thi cer
ticatc , tvithfac.iaije8 , of our sijnaftLrCe attaJeed
* n c , adtci , eenente. ,
/ )
/ ( YjMnISM0NXRS. to tect
1neorpnratcl lti ISOS br 23
- ycans by th 1e'istaLun.
for e,1ucatttnah and clarhtallo ,
- or $1o00-tO which a rccrve fuid of a ovel cap the
O350ov0 hM bunco 1een added. the
By an ovcrshehiiIig , popular vote ibe tranch ! .
was male a Ilart of [ ho Preeflt state consthtutloi
adopted Ieceinlcr dA. H. 1S79.
T/ , ' only Lottery ever votet0 on and endor.ed j
hcpeopZc of any state. he
I It never Scales or Postponca.
' Ith grantl S. ;
eiflgll number drtwngatak
place iiionthly.
. % TO WTh A lOB
; _ TUNF. Tenth Orand lrawhIIg , Class K , at Now Or lirni.
, ( ' - . 4sas Irawfng. , TUESDAY , OC1' . 0th , ISS3-161at Monthl3
CAPITAL PHIZE , $75,000. that
. . . 000 flCKE3 et FIVIO DOLLAILS EACh ! .rac : tue
' ttoii , to Fifths in L'roportton. to
LIST OF PRlr.e. that
1 CAI'ITAI4 P1tlZl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7sooc
1 do do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,00'
1 do do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,60' ilill
2 I'IUZES OF' $6000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,00t iflOll
6 ito 2000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10o0
10 tb 1000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,00i ,
24) do 500. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,0o , ill
too tin 900. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I t0' ) do 100. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30,00
500 ( II ) 50. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23,00
'ZOO' ' ) d 25. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tuittee
Arl'ILOXMflIoN ! PRizes.
9 Appre.imatiie Prizes of 750. . . . . . . . . . . :
11 do un 500. . . . . . . . . . . ollico
0 do do 250. . . . . . . . . . . IlliLdo
1107 l'rlzee , anoiithi , to. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . his
Auphtcattoti for rates to cli , ! , , should ho inaie 0013 goes
Oc the office of the iii Now Orloane.
For further lnfcrinatloi , , write clearly gtsiii I one
iuidre , ' . Make 1' . 0. lioiey , Orilurs PaYablu and (10818
iddress Itegi'.teral Lettars ti )
ctv Orhcane , La. . ¶ '
Orhinary lcttsre by hail or I xprci $0
. A. IAU1'IUN , necessa
or IT A. 3)AU1'thIi , New Oileane , La. jIIIb
_ _ _ _ _ 007 Seyont'.i fit. , Waqhtngtoi , 1) . ( Itess
; wI th
WhiClt )
' B1 , Frank Joore. pointud
. 'I'Iie
127 La Salle Street. Chicago , great
( ( Formsrl.v 613 and 212 Broadway , N. Y. ) [ oct's '
tow Manager of Ch1ca , OLtloo. To whom apply toi reconui
lnfornatiou and tfckct. 161st Mouthly
Drawing ,
Tuesday , Oct. 9. board two
, . . sites
,4 - ,
) First Capital l'rizu , $ Th,000. 'Fhckotq $5. S.1.1 th
- Filth. at $1 each. Soc lull achuine ehowbore. , logs.
1 wol.aat.w.6w
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
- mel.
:1L :
kiio , , I'atontcd Oo.
tober 11 $ , ' 78. One
liox No. 1 sIll core any casolsi four .Iay or lou. No. W'ASI
2 wIll cure tIiO tioet obstinate case ha Imiatter of how Secreta
1001 : .tnndlmig
A//aQ / / 'S Soluble Mcdicaf d Bougios 'l'hursd ismakc
lo nauocous does of cubebs , copahia , oroil or sa. . will
h1 wood , that are ceitihti o hrodlIcu } ; by
.dt'etr'Il1mg the coatingsot the etomoacti. ju i1r.o.
Sold by all drmighete , or meailel on rsoulpt uf , riC0.
For further i'aa1cuars send or clrcui.r. Secre
LI : .1) ) . Ilol 1fZ3. in cons
J. C. ALLAN & CO.1 sending
i Jotaim bsreet , flew
is iInlO
iltVOhJS n it'ively
: i. _ * ures 1'hlYt3lAL & uchilhty it. is
I (1R.ITAL 1.0331 beau
. , . 0F1NIY
! VIGOttHpermatorr
: . . . baa , etc.when oil other rents supplie
. tile. tail. A cure ' uarantuj. tam
, . e' I,50 a. bottle , irgo iOttla , tout i cense
. . : . 111uSd the quantity , $5. Itv ox
. to aiy , a.trems. Sold lIT a relief
all .iruglet. ENOLISII MEIII
CAL INsTITLJTg , l'ropriotou , 71 $ Olive Sroot , St. .
L0utdMo. - fly
"I have acid Sir Aitloy Cooper' . Yit.J Restorative Arthur
lot * rd. Ev.ry cutouier apeaki highly of It. I
unbcsit&tlrglyeodorao It ala remedy of tnt. merit. States
vIe. v. Ooovire , Druggist. iniesed (
( ) rnsha Feb. 1 11 YIS.m&e.onlIv rules
Ill lube , 1411 ,
dtitrlcti , ha tropical
4 , ' CILUIA .IIIII , . teltod uttier by eiildetnica regmoul , his bee
" ' sod Idoed In iii bolt ,
' iocsiftIe , the
conditIon. are un resigne
favorable to health , Na
this fatuous vea.
hi. Invigorint and Nsw
: aiterative , Ifostet. mon on
tsr's Stomachs flit.
ter.ha.i been Sound rested
. is potent safeguard have bo
, / oTvmtofeeblecontI. % before
.1 tutlons and SragUe
frames , Willie as S ( lisClOsC
cure for Indigestion , followe sod kin.
i 8TOMA deed oomjiialnt. II ware sh
ITTERS is without a rIvsL from th
For sale by .U torn ofl
IruggI.t anti Deal'of
15 $ sueraliy. of lace
- S
The P rillcip1 Gharcs Aaillst the
Arc hi'ttl the Trosnry Sos-
tIllC 1y the GOfflIIIILICC.
The G ross Pavoritism in the Lot'
ting of Oonti'aots and the
IJ . , ) ; 3 Sitstaincd Thereby.
Iltt' ( ; ' . ' ' .
I 'cei.3 l'iae'ty khalil to JIave Stef.
I , ' I 'fl ( , e'tuIt isti' i.itmtliei' tOitr.
liii , , ( ito lies titItlig.
\VLSI IINOTON , September 1S.-A synop-
sis of th u report of thu contitiitleo investi.
Lotgatiltg thu charges brought by ox.Con.
grossm an ? Ilurclt , of 21ttine , ngmtiitt Sn-
petViShI lg Architect of the Treasury 11111 ,
vas sen t. 801110 of the hNltiiIIg last
itight a s a ttuciaL 'l'liat synoisis Was
furnish oti to i Corrospontlehlt by Superthermno
Vi8Lttg Arc1utec I [ ill ltintsulf , and as ro-
gutls : t hu actual fiinliugte of the coittinit
leo it % ItS iittporftct niul iuieleznliiig.
'I'Iie ofli cini report says : 'l'to } cimurgo of
Matiley , Ooopor o' ' Co. , that. nfter lulvurissiteti
titsitig f&tr proiosals for making and furimittil
Ilislulig Rhuttors for littitlic builditigs at
unn a , the S upervising Arch.
tect 1 t3fllsCd to lot contracts for
this wo rk to tlto lowest bidder ; thu coindicil.
iiitteo say it would have heeii better atid
to the interest of thu goverititient if
Manloy , Cooper & Co. lint ! been allowed
all the titno asked for , the tirut being to-
sponsib lo and in good stantlitig aitti the
lowest bithiors by over $ OOOO. 'Ihto ro
fusal to allow itlanloy , Cooper & Co. to
itiako : test , tito haste with which the
award vrts iiiade to tim United Statc3
Fire Pr oof company , after refusal to al0110
low a te st. and thtofurther fact thaL thu eucWl04
cossful bidder8 had boon furnisiting the
govcriii uuiit all work in this for
several years , coulpol thto committee to
bohievo that the SllpcrviSUlg architect not
only di d not do all Ito neighit to rswo this
$20,000 to the goyerimiucnt , but that ill
Ira ih1) ) NOT INTINI ) of
that M anley , Cooper Co. should hare a of
contrac t if ho could avcid it , With ru
SPOCt t o the work on the vanith , Bafes
U11U loc ks for public buildings , the coin-
inittee eXliC3S thu opinion that for all
such w ork thu proposals should be do-
vated b y public advortisoinoitis at least .
once a year. IL says the giving of orders
continu ally for a turin of years to one
Iiiiii wi thout
any opsortiliiity for coulpo-
tition , by invitation of public propostls : ,
iii ( l i1'CCt condict with the letter and
svirit o f the law.Vith regard to tlo
purcha se of elevators of one ptrticuhLr :
imiale , and failure to advertise for cohil-
1)tititiOl l , the coniiniteo says the archti1ichba
w : io derelict iii hint duty. in regard
the heating appar.ttus of the Citicugo
custom house , the cointnitteo Ibid that :
np poiiitnient of Newton to i1ispec , ommd
ma terial furnished. was clearly not iii
accord with oflietl Dropriuties.
was an employco of Bartlett , Robbiur I
Co. , ( the firm which built thc ] hcatin , and
appara tus ) ; that his 0111) ' duty was to iii- Iwas I
t he material furnished by that who
. The conunitteo . lie
says it is hot sur-
Prised that the ituplessioii should obtain
N owtoii's appoiiitineiit was 1)art of
sc heme to enable the contractors I the
furn isi4inatcrials iuferiir in quality to coil
ca lled for Iii the specifications. Thu grce.
commit tee says , it Sedlils clear that ,
w as disposed to favor Ceo. T. Da-
( a safe manufacturer ) and T. J.
Haywa rd ( steam fitting ) ; that his actions
the m atters in whiichi these 11)011 vero
concern ed have tito appearance of
serving his friends.
The coiti- Oak
says oflicial favoritism is so
inuiife st iii the Supervisiiig Architect's
a s to give color to the statement wore
b y Colt Itiati , attorney for Itlurch , in iimst.
stat ement , ' 'that in everything that
to imialo lip a bnUding lull has soitte stmkes limmal :
juI $ ( I1i 01' 801110 lirin vithi whoiti ho
'rili x0LU410N OI zvIlnyiIory ; : : : , " will
l'hio committee dee $ tiot beiioyo this is final
rily evidence of corruption Oil tito nanmes
of I Jill , hut it ; shows thi.'it thto biisi- mired
of the ollico line ciot been conducted owner
ca re toitti ccont'iiizcal inljartiality deuce
i t should. Your committee does imis
hes itate to say thu mess of country
jus tly teotit vith en ticisni unfavorSifmi
to any office iii tim Government colt'l'mack
on such prnicijsles as have been all
eiu in this case. I I
report closes with a. showing of thu
e xtozit of the hiusines of the arch. britor :
o luico , his discretionary powers , nud
tunds the appoiittineitt of a board Ivoli ,
. in character to the light house timird
f or the ( hischargo of all adutinistra- Two
du ties relating to the selection of Gemm.
an d thu construction of public build. l'tIilo '
IINUTIN , SohLelnbor ) 18. - Thu third
ry of the treasury will probably
a nutlior bond call Wednesday or
ay. It is thought the amount
ho l6OOOOOO. OImlu
( Iltlr3b.EY 11111.151' . Passen
taries Chandler timid Lincoln rcre of
ultation tu'dtty in reference to
relief to time Orceloy party , It raprese the
) $ siblO at this writing to state pos. tended
what coiiclusioit wa reached , but ruh.
u ndurstood
that imifurination huts thamm
re ceived thit : time ( keo1o' iry is
A mmtoti
d with provisiomle suulicmozit to aus.
thit iin for over s year yet , ittid there schmetlul the
quently no necessity for starting iuiaimita
ux1ieditiomt this f.ttl.
th irectiomi of Limo I'rosident , Cadet
L , Bebu , fourth class United No
Military Academy , has buemi diii. betwee
the mmrvice for violation of the
in "Jisziiig" other cadets. tcrnoom
V. 11. iIi15 ITT mmmorrow
n zsppsinted postnnaetr st Ode. lions
I owa , vice \Yard Van Bunsen , suttluuui
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
rrow } ; IClIffl. ( CI Hznugghor , Ol.sY
Y0m111 , September 1 8.-Three fire. steame
the steamer City of Berlin , ar-
on the chargs of nmnuggiing lace , was lai
on discharged. Thu examination her paa
the United States Commissioner iCowen
(1 the fact that four firentomi were during
d by customs inspectors to a willow the steep
op , where the inspectors took ed off
eni 24 puckag.a of lace , 'rite cus cgraphu
icers also found 26 other packngss that Ito
in tim , untie store , TImy sizud lost m
the tire lot took it ' '
en , to the npprm'ler's
SttrO , lintt time imtmno appraised , after
which tIm lace ckages wore tlmrown into
a bam withoutersu being marked , After
the flhl ) ) raIsBl three firenmen were arrested.
On exm mmimiatiomi tue custonis oflicors weto
ummablo to swear positively to the identity
of the lace , whereupon , on accoUnt. of
their g ross itegUcnce , the Comutuissioner
dischar ged tht ItrIsolIcra. The lace seized
is very valuable.
The F eii' SE1'ieell Oily of Uuayiiis
Gi'catly ' Re1icye y Raiii ,
The C omishltiomm ol' I liii l't'olIo Ti'mi'ihl
sem i I heart iemmmlimig-TIto lcattIi
t'I. !
( UA VMI , i\Iex. \ , Septutuber 18.- .
There WtlR II C'OUR Huh foil Inst imigiit ,
clearin g time atmuosplmeru aid britiging time
thermno meter to S1 'l'ke peoiio hook
roupon it , as the greatest blessing thateould
lmau I mappened , as it will provemit time
spremttl f ferer. '
Eight ilcathms are to-
ortcd to-tiny. 'lito irfect ) of I Ierimammdea
issiteti o1hra ) that. no bodies ito buried
imittil Pr1t0t111Cel ticitti by a pimysician ,
theti t o ho retained in the dctd : imon't
tlmrco h ours before interinotit. Quite , I
htUmnbo r of Americans itmiti foroigntrrslmmtve
dicil. At ltreeet it is ini1mosibiu to learn
the ziat mies' Comm. Cobb is hero devoting
himsel f to those who apply for relief.
liori nosihlo advices state the fever is
raiumg badly at that pott.
SAN FIIANCISL'Q , Seltelmller ) 18..11. .
llernhe rlt , a (1 uaymnas nierchamit , arrived
hero. lie says the causes of the disease
will b e dissipated with the first raimt.
Thu fe ver appears ovcry SlItnImlOr. No
0110 fen ted it. The violsuco of the fever
Wl04 owing to the vant of raimme.
l'liyaic iaus increased the evil by declar- \
ing it t o be yehiotr fever. This emeated
simeli a scare thiitt time peopie hty tlowmi
itmid di ed like sitee1t. Frotit thmatimiommiomit
the on i ) ' Ittisiness done vts : a lively trade
colli ns. Most of timosu who died vcto
the poorest class , Ulmaiio front scarcity
food to obtain , totor imourishimnont.
Itlammy emmilerera drank cold liquors , iii-
tiucing congestion of thu brain amid iti-
niost i mmimmieditte : ticatim. a
.Aiio ' thier C unyimmas tmierclmatmt says limo
coiit'Iiti oii of tlmimmgs there are terribic amid
heartre nding , amid that telegrams from
Ouayu : mmas convoy hut a faint idea of time thu Ott
horrors daily accruing.
! llYsTic l'.tIIR 1A01s' : .
BesT oN , Septcmmmber 18.-Firat day of 18.
spe cial Septeumibem'
nmeoting at dystie call
ittrk track fast. Fr.e-for.aIl laces ,
1ichba il won , Flora Belle secomid'et. . '
motif ; third ; titime , 2:17 : , 2:17 : ? , 119 ; ,
:17I , , 2:19. : , roll
ClRs s 2:2U : , 1\todoc \ von , Deimmalcon seenmimties.
, Ii mdux third , 1itmg : Ahinotit fourth ; 10
timne , 2 :22A : , 2:2O : , 2tO. : % , 2:2O. :
It ; W as rumuored on the grounds that time
iii which Jay Eye See vas shipped thu
frommt r rovidoimce hind RIOt with au accident
ti ut time colt. had been injtmred. . ' . Timis !
di sprcvod , however , by Mr. Case ,
e xhibited time borne on the track. tioti
ex plaimied that time car in which Limo of
horse c ante froni Providence
was somneimmatiotu
what o ver time regtilar height ammd brushed
bo ttom of bridges in transit. Time day
wa s mint ir.jured in the sliglttcst doOlmutumuc
. lie rcceivcd quite mum ovatiomm frommm and
spectat ors.
ItAmtTFOmtIP IIACIs. : said
Niw Yomu , September 18.-Time ox- Now
ecutivo comtmtmmitteu of the National horse
breede rs' rissociatiomi decided to fortimut- iLtl
a p rogr8mmlmmio for time races at Cimarter over
ji ark , .Llartfoit , Coimmi. , for stakes
opemied iii 1881 , 1882 amid 1883 , Timuro
I 50 origimmal miomnimmations. Final Pierce
iayuic1 mts ill mill ivero duo omm time lithm : he
. 'J'lmoru yero oniy live out of Lou for
in which there svero immoro tlmmim : otto which
p : tymmlemtt. 'I'liosu five vill ho trotted creatumi
Tiioda y , Tcdimosd.ty and ' '
'i'Imlirmmlay , I'iercc
r k1 , .1 Lb 1111(1 fitim. ' .Plmo stumkes Cotigre
a flmouumt to $8,000 immoro titan thu 1Iovoum
; ia ymmmontmm wotmid have hemm , bitt thu time
of few hoises hg. utmito.
imm t ho i ist of m tot ii inationim , ammol m to ntttos
( except Ito had thu greatest erinfi. imium
I II hill horse ) cared about risking son
eimt rammco fee.
HIlLlmlm'SIlI.tD : HAY 11.t.0184. gresshmm
Sifmi : n'smIIlAm ) BAY , Septwnbcr 18.- poor
i meavy. Jim time three-fourth mile , tumid
ages , Primice''ivolt , \Teasel second , sotmtitmm
ickor y .1 imu third ; timne , 1 :1U. : . favor
Mile , Breeze vomi , Brad second , Vi. Pierce
third ; time , I :17. : commveum
Mile mttiml three furlongs , Itefarenco 1/.0(1
E uclid second , All I IttittiS Round Codmmmai
; t imumo , 2:81. : ( ieit.
miles , itciia won , Amazon secolml , .1 ohmim
? t lonroe third ; titmme , 8:41. : . ethers
and a quarter , EI1WiII A. womi ,
Wallace aeiond , heel ammd 'roe
; t ime , 2I5. :
ple citmiso , miimort. course , Abrahmani The
B ride Cake sccommd , Charlie Epps
; timmie , flO seommdms.
BA ! liltOAl ) NOTES. Siou
LAIIOE MflOTINtI 01' AOI11tT3. clmtusu
Auo , Sopteimibor 1 8.-'rime General imuw
ger and 'fickoit A gents' Association tiuis
time Ummitod States jouruied
hogaim a qummrtnriy
g hero to-day. There was a large tnittee
mmtation frotim roads of all parts of
It is
cou ntry. Thu * mesiumm
was not
an ci-
otto. A resolutiomi ruauhirmniimg time cistrong
th at passengers I.e imot allowed utmoro tuuonop
26 0 pounds of baggage ( roe passed. saud cspucta
on to rcafiirjmi amid return to the
u rates omm itt ! litmes rOlIrc3sumltcd in
as sociation October 1 amid tluereaftor
iim themum rigidly passed without dis. Seauelim
' ' Da
'I'ime association
comiUmiuc in sision
rot , ' .
THE RAT11 W11.
f urther cut was made in time rates each.
ui Chicago mtmtd LouisviIio this at. gladde
m , mind it ii understood time Pitmi submit
vih1 imeako a slight adamico to- ulomm )
, roturnimmg to $ i5 , and timat negotianmtd Up
a rc buimmg conducted
irithm a view to pam-h of
ent of the
tromibi ,
go imom
Lutiro Eric Cities. done ,
Em.Nn , 0. , September ] 8.-Tho fle
r Sagimmaw proves safe and all her Nsw
are mtt Ietroit , 'rime Saginaw broke
d up for the seasomi , Saturday , and Broadw
semmger were trammsterrod to time unomit
sw , which put into ltigoon Core Iluhlma
time storm. Captain Stephen , of in fiumo
am hargo Oakiaucl , which founder. wimen L
Coumneaut , ; osterday in a gsle , tel. fonts of
cd Stoma Fairport , this mOrfmillg , buildin
and three other. , supposed to be ostirnnt
ade their escape to the shore , uncuimbe
Prcpar a1ills for the Repn1icn Con
yen tiuli ill Iw Yo th
DUll1oe1 ? " ry1all ,
The Ropub1iotna of Massaoliu-
sot ts Oastint About for a
Oandiatto to Boat
Butler ,
'L'Itc ( lrcemt1)it0l. ) Ieetuter uif lovui L
t % o)1t4 1)Vtm ( , emi it L'tmIpiL
l'tthlttcluti , , lt' .
Till : OT1tlMWA m'm.h'M.
1)i : toi1I4 , Sopteumber 18.-lion. E ,
11. Stil es , ( if Ottmmimtwa , was tO-tilt ) ' 111)111 ) .
iimatcd h time Rtrptlbhictmms : ( if time Siitim I
Cmimmre , ssionnl distrIct futr time vimcntmey uc. .
CnEimlC , d l ) ' the tleatim of Cotigm'essrnnm I
w'IA'm1 : OX ii 134 3.1 1180 l.Ih.
Qmmito a seimeationni uaeime occurred iii r I
ntret c ar crisvded mmiimily with ladies uln ( : I
I. ' It. Sit ( 1'3 in this city , late last imight , be .
.5 . . ( bit. i . I1.-\\'emver : , the Greenrasmt
, .ae ader , timid 11ev. LI. 1. Lucas , tin I
11(5 t3I p olitician and Preumeimer.'eavei
assailed Lmmcami ill great violence of imimi .
gtinio , acettaing lIjimI mf titisropresemituttiot m
of imis record emi time nmmieimdmnemmt. it : I
speecime s , aimd went toward lsimti sayimig In I
trims goi ng to titmiko ] mmmn swallow his false. .
hood. Lucas retnited his gottl imture1
but for su'etal
tuimnmtes tlmu sceitu wit , I
very liv oly.
. .tiRsmflflJll'tYlii.Tt.8i , '
TimB 7oN , Soptemmmber 18.-'l'ime Ilipub. .
licaim S Ltu comn'oiitiom
assomulIsleol mit imonim , ,
\\'illiamm \'t'altor l'holps was chmosoim toni
porary clmnirmimati. After appoimttimtg thmt
immmmmal c onmimmittecs it took a recess utmti 0
2'O is. mu.
0mm r cnsseimmbliumgIiidgo .1 omuatimamm Dixon I a
vts : imom nimiattal fur govermmor cmi the 1ira I.
BAI.T lMomu : , Septemuber 18.Timero ii I
large attcmmtlatmcu of delegates to thu j
Demnoc rat'mc State comticittiunt tn-morrow .
Indicat ions are that ilobeit ] licatme [ , 0 : I.
this cit y , will be notnimmatud for Goverimni 1'
tIme heat ballot , it Ito does imot declima .1
umo mmiimmntion Loforo time
convolmthm , ) I \
timeouts. Frioimds of Our. litummiltoit lmavu 3
givetm u p time coimiest for 1mm m cimommmimattiom .
: NEo1tK J1mm'uuumtmY.ts. :
ltlGiI I'Ifll.m ) S1'111N031 , N. y SulItctJml'el L _
18.'I'i ' mo at ; cimdutmmco mtomi time I ( opimlol t .
St ate Comivontion in
muot as large a' '
ustial. The
State Comnimtitteo met itt
o'cimiek this evetuimmg , and wums called t (
order i ' Olmairunami , Juiimmi F Siumytlm. A (
cal l ilO nmutmmlcrs ummusiveted to timci : .
nmimties. Time committee adjourned imutti Li
a. mm m. to-nuorrow. io programmummu fo 1
orgamuiz ation has ycil becit iuidtcmted. ; 'rir ) dli
mmmc m acst CahIVmLSSt3(1 ill coumnectiomi wit ]
Tem porary Clmnirniimmtsliip is Unit o
Senate \Vorner \ ( ' ' . ' ill lull l3 1
dsjOSi tiull 1tbiit lr'ti5)1miiiilt 'Itefflhb - - . _
licaus l urcsetmt to , disctmss time probable up
o f time convent iou ; the tylmulo dm If attn
soommt immictmt nl1ltet18 to favor time renommi -
immatiotu of time prcsemml State ohlicurus. Ex lug
Sommutto r Timotmmas C. 1'latt telegrapimeci to :
c.u ucelliumg his eumgagumumemut for roouims
Olmutumuc cy M. Dol'owVhmilulav 113i0 { i
Gc omgoVmu. . Cmtmtis are mimmmommg tin ,
lmromutiml elmt ( Iciegales miot cxjsectctI. It i 0 '
tI cotumoidurabie l)11)loitiotu of thu :
York City tlelegntiomm ' , ihI not. b
prcscmmt . 'I'imem'o is , froumm
Imi mcuriotm to lchievt ,
sir miggie ivihl mmmiso iii time coimvetmtioi I
utim y poitt. : .
sI AsAt'1iU31m:1it4 IIEI'tZtllOtN $ . .
BOST ON , Soptommmbcr IS. . - - henry 1 -
lisa written a l'tter declinimmg li ) .
a ca imdidato mn time Iejuiiljhieitmt { tickel b
Go venmor before tito coumveimliuii L (
t micetut to-unomrow. l'icrcu's lottet I
gm't'at msurlmriso in ltIiticai circles . : r ;
states iii his letter that. lie regunli I
mmsmmmmim : George 1) . ltuhimmtotm , ( If timi I
tim diatrict , as a tmtnmmm mmpon ivimoim : I ii'jthi
op potmetmts out ilmitlerismum coimlol bosh iii
. l'ietco is ut such poor hmtaltIu , ha I eho
, timid it would lie immmitosnihle foi . licatu
to mnako ummm uutivi , catmvas , ltohjmm. mvmttid
ex iuresscd great : mstoniiehuimmotut ivimeti loft
huca irl of l'iercu'is declinationt. Cout
ait Crajut is Also iii Cout'I
health timid will imot at. ,
time cotusotutiout. 'J'iuu general tirum
eiit is hiuiietl to be
iii I I ) .
o f ltohinsomm , lie will got all hit I 01:1)8' :
delegates emi time first ballot. ' '
. 'I'Jm& I : Itioo
tiotm is to 1)11 itemtmmnnotttiy organ. .
as follows : ] 'iesiduimt , Charles 11 , uvummigo time
i , BoEstomi ; first vice jitsidoitt cnsid ,
N , P. Baimks '
; secotmd sico immcsidunt : ryismg
(1 . \Vimjttiuur I
; Ammuesbmtrg , whim cighil tim
, at hmrge. large
' '
l'r oposed Cnlihl Itut loir , of IPuikote L First
. J'ommltetctI. ivhut ,
x FAIL8 , Septomtmbor 18.-Thu lash Clueste
i ii timu contitittitioii of the proposed I
St ate of 1)mkotn was passed upoll A
af tormmoomu , nmmd tim' convoiitjomu mmdj
, lonuvimig the fitmal arrammgommmoiut ol r 11Y
doc umneimt in time lmuttmdit of thu coimm' Oosiur
of arrahjgoltmcltt mmmiii piirascoiogy. time
a carefully commstructod pumper atud Jtammda
safeguards are timrowmm ngaimmel J. It.
oly-batukittg utmd railroads beimm mmmitply
ily considered. 'l'cmu timou. awund
copies of time docunmumul : astmuull
ho Iueu1 jut Eumghisim , otut tiosus.
nd each itt ( lertilmilt and ; ( lmijarL
tavian for distribution imi South . titat
kota. 'rltoquuetiomm of salaries to bt I for
state officers was decided , 'hit 3 soctuot
or he to receive $2,000 ; 'l'rcasuror ' easiLy
r and Attortmoy.Gemmural $1 ,00 ( )
A was adopted that wii I
n the prohuibitiomtists which ivas h ) Si'uu
to popslumr vote any Iiueafeurei 5 motstu
ti me petition of f,000 legal voturi 3 tuimowim
umi a imuajority vote mmlmall imecoutie u its ipr
time State commstituliomi. Doiugate S nellie
u well satisfied with the won C an oph
tioum (
, tritctIvo } 'lrti Jim Now York , cular
YoRK , Septomnber 1B-A On S ease ,
o ut in the bmt.seinont , of 587 and ra : i i8 110W
ay , at 7 this ovomuing. 'flue 'base . umiami
and floor above was occupied b tiwi t
n & Ilenirman , whmolesmilo dealer Fm
underwear. 'i'he stone yan closet I
imo fire discovered. ' ' .
was . 1'lie of Na
the furenmerm failed to save tim Tcoisml
g , which is five stories high. Los ii N. J.
ud as fo1lowi , pnincilutily b , r kiI
rs of the firms concenited : hell . visite
alan Iiermmmatu , fmmrimiehmimtg goods , Iaso' ,
inotmt ammo ! first floor , $250,600'illinui ; I
himiow itoim & . SOlme , straw goods , secotmd .
- foot , 75OOO ; Saduckoon urns. , cloth' .
tots , Part of sceommul amid third floors ,
$100,0 00 ; B. I , Nuwlser Sommu , ciotim-
jets , 541 Broadway , $ lnO , ( 00 : Foracli ,
Engo ic ; Co. , bats , nhts I41 Itroaolway ,
ooo o.
, Several lircmno't were over'
Collie 1 ) , ) ' smoke amid takoit to time lmospitltl.
No on e irne soniommshy imtjnrcmm. 'Jun luiid. ,
Imug b elongs to limo ( lilsuy and Ileotmutmi
estate s. it. stands on time situ of Bar' .
tmlitmi's old iuuimsotmmmm , witicim was luimmimed .
dowim. 'i'ime buiidiimg is dammiaged to tue I
( lItelit , of $100,000.
- -
Time I 'iltmmn Niu'si.Jly 01 I Imo Xiii lost-
I' it t,1 , Ic um unels VoeI mm I ly
Ie II t lout I.
Si.iw \'onm , Soptumiuihom 1 -11ev. . B.
lumber Newlotm tutjtlctt bdfoto Limo Senate
BIll ) eo mmmmmm ittee nit eduscation amid labor to-
day. lie saiti time dihlicmmltieti immet with
by lab or reformers were the imitutsmpem.atu
hmilitts : of tim lmtlmorittg elttses : atul imn.
Ir.1iur immotitotis to wlmichi lutbom' resuited
imnl eavormimg to aeommlltiisIm its desires
lie eot ismdered time great want of thus iu
silo to bum iimdtistrial oduetjon. Inmetruc.
tioti ti m 1il,1io , scimools ivums iioicftmhiy do.
licmont . It imts ; givuli to time yosmtl of time
otimmtr y a dislike for mutmunial labor , wimich
\rasmt , very olamigarous tamuloney.
llllt Icveruumx Itiako muivocateti the
ogtt1im , slmitmctit of immatrommalmips iii all jmeimuii
miistmttm tmoits ammil tistu ruforiiiatory for
gmtls. Mrs. 1)r. Cleunance l4ozier ndvo.
cated t he use of ballot by ivomtten as time
tutoal p racticti mucamis of ilmltroving their
coimdit iomm.
Tl1lVlTi , ) WLST.
'J'lmo , t't illem'y im't '
isis'IIOIISIIHI ) ' at.
mvl-1"Ivn Smalulon 1)euit Its
ummmul umti , 1s3iml'ImIimg.
DeN vmmi : , September 13.-Ltst , Friday
iit'lt tu simlilig tight on t.Jto Creokbotivoumn
stor ekeeper mmaumcol Iotm ] o1utcetlnmmio
Aragom m amid live cowboys , Aragomi killed
two mit md wommueled a third , mumol died lmimmm.
self so emi afterward frotti his wounds.
Dm.t : mnvom ( , , , ak , Septomubor 18.--.tii
fight. inst Friday tmigimt at Littlu ? ttiue-
801111 O VOt a gammme of cards J It. l'nttlemm ,
immuiil cmrriur : , amul Jack ] Iarris , stuck
tomidor , kilk'd itmie cowboy and immortally in
1'wommIui cl mumotimer.
OlIm : vuNNI : : , Soptoimmber 18. - limirry
j\tShIj , 1 limo mmmmmm : ivimo so lurutmilly at. '
tacketi hum cmntupatihums itt a ingoti a few
nigimis simmee , kitliimgVemiaolt amid woumni' I
11mg 1m migimt , it-its tmtkemi fnnmm jail imere Inst ,
hg1 Y t mma.'ekeol m mien utsmtl I mmimgeol : to mm . to
tciegua phm polo - iii hue Imeutit of tIme city.
ill 4t'a.
11M m FAX , 3eptemmubor I 8.-Capt. Al.
tool ( mtsstomt . , of the Bark llritnmnimi ,
wimicim ii.uis wiocked oil' time coast , I\tomm- \
tiny la st , tells limo mmtcry of fetrfmml :
imtg. 'I'Imuy ' ' ivuto ( utm time wreck frommm l\Iun. \
) ' l ifitil 'I'uesulity afterumuon , until mmli to )
Immuidum wor comn1wlled to temmmaimt ott deck
tuxpres emi to ) time fury omf time stortum , Iinuti-
the y took to a amumli raft. llmmrdly had time
.lIo.Uu o1,9 ] IZ9 011 t4tis.wlmon a.
washme ( l Oil'vcrj Bath , mind time capt.mtin
oi gimt imioti were time oniy omues win ) to-
gautmed it. ] ) mmrimtg time mmiglmt amid follow- toC
un ornimug f'mvu others wore wutsimed oil' _
si mmiiiumm' mmtanmmur , Ivavitmg only foum hI (
flhIrViV ( > l8 , Who were rescued luy it Imont
froumm t hu simoro. Niimuteeim ui ishiod , itt.
cltmditt g time info ntmd four ciiiidroim of
Cajttai tm Onmutottu , nil natives of Emighamuol ,
o f time captaitm's children wore 1ieked , Pmumi
bu t ( liel itt a few immimiutes , either to
f rigimtoreiiuamtstioim.
Grant. lum' , OuimklIis , two
Sr. P.tum. , Septemmmbur 18.-'rlmu ? ottmttmal mmmutil
licimefi t utisociatinmm of time railway umuail cimiof
servieo ummot itm coimrctttiott at tue cmpitoi : lie.
to.dny . 'l'itoy Were wtiicouuuetl by time urere
govtmmm mor. aitel
Jctm . Gratmt atmdVmmm. . A ! . Evmris : imsscd : gusmera
imroiig lm time city omm timeir return fuoimm timu timuit
omit im dm1 Juct tic oiiott i I mg. ( ram m L ivuis fIscuul
olmiveti to J'ort Smuullimmg , mmmmd ilimnimig mimi v.iommt .
iimturvi tmw witim ii rulmortur lmu is crutlitoal 2(16 (
s ayilig timat Imo huts tmovur colmun ( tilt mettuteot
favo r of Jtoscoe ( Yonkhimmg ni' mumy otto iuimmto1f
, a s ' ) ) ) ( ill 'l'itu SI ; . l4olmis itupubImi ,
, for Limo presidency , html that lie 1)i(1 ) (
like to see Cuttmlmliiug got it. 'limey Iii
for Cimicagotiuinnfteimmooml. I '
'I 'Itot ( JisrI.utl tell Cstmvoust , loss , be wits
ChIc Ano , Soptonmbor ] 8.-'l'lmo Chrisummiseed it
c onveimtiout , msmmder limo gmuidmmsuemm ( If mit ,
Ij. ItlIly ( ( , ovuummguhist , luot.mmtu a timreo conic
' im eseusIm lucre titus mmuirlnmmg. Alutumt mmmemt
polusulte , citimmily Imministoris mmmi mmtatemmm
hists , were jiresummt. 'J'Imo , tinme of rolictio
com mvctutioti will io duvotool ciuieiiy to follows
orntiusn of time heat ummuthmodms of emitMr.
OIL time work of uvattgelfr.atioti frommi
romtg itomu t time COUII try , ciuocial ly in for a
c ities , ( luring Limo cotumilmg winter. ollicial
'l'liu nfttmitmooum nimd evening sessions by a
mt increased smummmhone. At mmight. mi looted.
o vorliow smmcetittg orgammizod 1mm tIme freqitei
1'4otimodist ciiireim. Asuunumg timommo tlmuit
d elivered umddmosseut is'ore Mr. 1Toooly , of Mr.
\Vlmittlu , Itbulmop Oiuumnleis Edward Imaum
y and Rev. 1)r , II. N. Scudder , ( lumly
Ne1) ratlkZI 141a.ItosmtolIgeontlum ) smeuiA : dimly
W&S mIINUTON , B. (3. Soptutmubor 18- 1ieated mitUtml
urd ur of Secotid Assistuitit Postmrmmmioter umemmt
ai , to tithe ofruct Suptommuber 8Otim , of cotit
sta r route frosmm Niobrara to Fort , these
ui , Dakota , lint hicumm discommtimmued. tAoim
. Mimiur isas tue loivust bidder for the
iiig service on this route , ammd wits by time
ed titu oormtractwhmicit ivuis afterward Ortii
ul becimuso of tecimmmicnl immipemfuo' this
. 'hint reason given at time vosLollIce the ( '
ImtumIL for abolition of time route is of time
si nce tue elate of Limo adyortisumimerut timmis
mro huommls time mailroaul msyatomn in timmit ' dm100
u imas boost extended so that no imecto , soc
fur star tommIe service exists , arrival
- -
I3cuirieb Ivor Iii Ililumols. putuou
Nurl 111.1) , Suptummmbur 1 8.-TIme I mmmtmiiu
b oard ( If imealtit has irmformmmntion
tg tlmat tmmiW forum of mmcauiet fever , jeated ,
eadimug throughout the state , In josst
cases assumimmg the vrolu.rtiumms oh : dupnrt
iuritic. 'I'Imo tnmtyor of Lathorlue , Gretmim
ck cuumty ( , Imas itmade an appiica . predec
or sttpplies of time hoard. A cm it
of instruction , commcernhiug the sims. . mimakee
of wimicim alt edition is in Ournutn : dfli
p flU
boimug jnimmted imod copies iii ( ion. . but
o r Englislm nimoy be had mm adphmca . ivere
o thu secretary. It
Imiss bo
A ) ImiuImtu ) ilumlstcr ,
w YORK , September 18.-Jame S cotiul
o , a Methodist mmminisler of Newark1 diets ,
to.da7 umiadu a detunimmined attetnp t imowev
liii ivtfo and lmitnsoli. The coupht 3 suppo
d tli clorgyimian's mother in Brook . of dut
, 'YR ' 511 ( 1 while alone quarrelled , whomm ac
it ue ars time titlist ilroio a large butcimoz
kitifo 'm mmto lila wife's
throat , thou (1rawimf
the we spomi over hula own throat jumped
omit of ! i wimmlow Out the fourth floor of
time bmm mldmimg. Ihotim ivero taken to tIme '
hospita l. NeitImurh.xpoctci to live.
Jersey ltupmmblk'nmms
TRR NTON , N , .1 , , Septeimuttor 18-Tue
Itopsib licaum delegates all arriveol by 10
O'clock . 'I'Imo contest .tartcd this Immormi-
imi ; wit ere it left , off Iith night. Jumigo
lixon largc1' itt the lead aitlmough
! m'iciuols of
ix-Comigressmnatm i liii ate
mummy a tiol mire msmakummg aim active canvmtss
jut Imis bmmhtatf , A mnovenmutmt hiss just
ltuetm htmurted mit favor of Secretary
Frelimu glittymmen , that proumlimmes to accomup.
lisim so umietimimmg. Admspatehm ivuts received
fiomum Georo , lotmgs ' ' '
of 'l'Imu Noiv'otk
'l'itmmcs , shmtiumg that Frehingitmmycmt ivotihi
uiCCClt ) mmmd mulvisimigimis mmonmimiatiomm.
I 4 anhmo mm munti I smuymoo'k.
Cmln' Aao , Septesmubor 1S.-Edvnrd
tohlutfllau i , uuurmmmmmuitm1 arrived hero front St.
Louis this lmiormmlmig for time imurposo o
immeetimm i E. P. l'hmtt , roluresmnit.rmt'mso oh
Lutycoc k , the Atmstr.tliatu semmller , with n
view of mtrrttmgilmg : a immmutcim iii Aimstrmulia ,
bttt l'im utt Immut in'elm called to Now York :
flit 1tts itmese , itimithiet' I iuummian goes Limit I
ovohtili g. 'l'Ime accident by which Layeoek
broke his leg ivill , of course , postmno '
ati ) mie gutiatiotmus for time race.
- -
Po'nmt'oylvnmuln Eeoilsn115114.
Coi.u immitis , 0. , September 1 8.-lie.
twoemu U0 ( ) anti 70(1 ( umuimmums mire Intro from
1 lockit mg Valley , mitmd about .10 cimmlus frtni
other h uumtts of time State arrived at mmoolm
to uuttet iol time State tam'iIl'convommtiotm this I
afterimo emi , under the
auspices of time assostood
ciumtiotm of Ammmenicnum Ecummomtmislms. A State '
orgaimiz atiomi will ho efFected utiul addares
dresses mimmule by ) udgo Lawremcu ; , Gumi.
Greomi ii. Itmiumu and others.
- - - -
1'u ilztl l"all 1m-isi a SeuummiuI
' IluN ' nlmm' : $ I'oimi ; r. 1. , Septomumbut' 18.
-'J'imimu nfturmmoomt , while mut iiork on time I
ltitti : bm tildimmg cmi time August ] ieimmmomit ,
famimm , Btby1omm , live tiiemt on it iucall'oid
ivere P ruciltituuted to time gromtmmd 1,3' , time
brcakim tg of time stmpports. , ) oimmi l'mletz )
was il mst4utltly killed , Aimgtmst. NicimoTh
futtally imtjmtred mutiti the other three
sum'muus ly immjucd.
. _ _ -
Th u Ititto " .Vtmt' to IjommIsvtIIe. ,
Ciime tuo , Suptomimbor 18.-Itt the ivat . . be
lts ) : setigur rates botuvuutm Chicago and
Louisv ille , this mnmmnmlimig the lmutt 1 laudic I
o1etmed ivitim mm ntte of $ 1.50 , uvlmicit tin
i'totmom i rommtu mit omico tmiut. It is said
acaiitoi s itro sollimmg mit. $ 1 , ammml as time Pitmi I
lanmil o professes to be fighting the coin . ( us
tmmissun , ms to hiCuiiuim's : , it ivill probabiy droi )
that figure.
-x-- -
'I' Ist , trsmmsl siot3t 1mtsunt'1meml.
S.t.x FILANCISCO , Septemmibmir .18.--Tla t of
irntm e litmi 1tmmitmlmioc1 , vts ; ooucccssImmlhy '
iammsmch od at ? tlnre Isimitid miavy ymud timmn I f
uufterimo on. itt omsiet' to immeet h Imu Icquime .
iomoitts of Cotigroas time eesci in mmupmusseu1 I
liii t hu old l'mIoiimom1mmoe1 ' mill ) unm1 , lumil
with ti me exeelotion of oumo Imiuttik every. .
timing i s tiuuu' , ' 1'liu old rmiti'p still lion it : I mum
880 )0 mm1tot i1muie it iiums beached whet : I
brough t to tlmo3mnyyytrd. . . .
, OI tjrtll ( to ) Jielieg Tisritcul Omit of .
Ollico lm' N'glectliig Jilts
VA8 Iml3t1'ON ( , Sopteniltem' 12. -
V mtmmmlorvoor iii tuviolosutly ( lumlosul ) aged
mmcc wimuther hue or time l'oatmummtster
Gemtora l is time bigger mtmrmn. 1u1r. VummiderAfte
h as for msommme timtto commmiii mmcd time
eli icuij of chief cleric cii time railway sailed
s ervice at Ommmrmima itmmd genoral-in
o f time Gratni Arnty of time Itupimb.
' .F imu lutnis of
( timeso tavI ( p'mmitiotms ivtw
, it seutmts , romnewimat commllictitug , is
wh ore tlmcy clashed time urlc of time time
l.imm'cimitmf wits imot umegiceted fur iimgs.
o tltu cimief clerk. Dmmrirmg thu hutet '
year , for imustaimco , Itir.numsmuler. .
u vm ; abemmt ott G nutud 4\nmmmy \ ulmtty thu
d ayiu. 'I'ite deptmtmmmemmt : retnommitt. .
witim imimn tim vmiin. ho believed ito a
safe frommi. remmmovai aim imceottmmt of Simmmeom
rol uitioiis to time ( h'mmmoi : Armmiy , imimd tiotms
li ttle hued to ( lepartmmmutmtal mttlmmioCatholi
'ostt mmastor.Gottenmih ( ircshiumttt , however , cmtased. will
tin t ( liSj(10300i ) to bt rttr.rimtmiom.Y ( , nL gmmmli'Lt
huii v mitmto imimmuseif , ammil mccummtly die. Amuienic
iminm.mammdurvort ( showed ligimI to ,
otmce , timid time qmtarrui humus already bc. time
a vety 1)metty ) otto. 'hime departliVltt3l )
mm iumdu inu'ote ' to fortify itself by a at
uut ( tf Limo fitels imu winch time ( ICcmmmmsed.
ims ( if the ottipioyoe are iqmucihio3dmms A
. : rmutjiet.yoart , Imas beomu absemit uleutco witimimi
Imi mu jI)5t ( ) of ditty mmmcset of time timmiu at time
y ear jiumst. 1)urimmg tlmis period hmia
( lUtloul lmruvo citimur beemm pcrfermutci Mimti
cl erk or have licoum untimely umeg. Funny
. I I is 1)ivisiomt Smiperitttundomit huts \\rmtdtIit
mtiy reported timat time service itt (
me eotiott irmus denmoralized by rcasotm Earl
. Vasmdervoort's itogiechof ( lilLy. lie imigimly
ab sented hmimtmsuhf front imis post of IjIMA
w itimout leave , amid baa mmogiccted lime from
to such mimm oxtoith mis to call for to- who
celisUro frotti imis ul'mvtsiomi euor-
( 0iit. hum record in the depart. . Imtrvos tacked
f or it lomig thou Past huts been one to tito
litued dieregummoi of orders. For ' mutt iI
r easons uimmd mtsism time recommmmnetiola- defeat
of Col. 'i'imoimmtpnoim ' , suporimmteuiduimt oi : : depart
rai lway tmmail service , ito was rotnovoti I
Posttmmumstur.fiutmurnl , LON
immmriIy , amm oflicial stutteincumt like I wa'i
un tmiid nettle nit ulitpioyo's case. lhti ( i'iig
'u of time Cirand Arn3 p Ex.l'u
Itoputluhia wits tiot ( lielmosed to i I Mayor
s nuffed out. lie telegm-apimed ni I iitg
ti mid ; lie was comniuig \Vmusiiittgtom I
time l'residutmt , and pommlntg ( liii t s1iutid
( iomm. Itosoermumme huts mimada tnt hit - Victor
te cimargo 0mm time I'ostofiietu Depart - Jatmics
j im Imie litmiiahf. lIe muviuws time do . occasi
mmt'n statommiummt in detail ummid a I ; Limo
, atmd shows tiust Vantlervoort's no . Engla
and prolonged abscumeos iii timi ,
iv ere ktmowsi nimsi tolerated by timi I Ltv
mmmumml , nimsi ho ivamits to know ivhm ' , Durmtmo
aimi should be ztiore strict than In : S Emmgiai
essors. timueo
aimtmot. ho raid that (10mm , lloaccrnmmj B otm time
out a streimg case for his client a' ' a pmmbiio
ciemut amid faithful public servaimt , d'smamm
h o shows clearly that ide truancici S fore ti
w iitkcd at by time dupartinutmt. evidui
is reported lucre timiub Vmmimtiervoor I
emm nccuetommmod to boast. that. time do -
vmmt dare imot. rumutovo himmi ott ac - Na
of his influence amlmong time old soi . Emubmu
'l'lte ( Ielumirtmmmemmt. 41003 imot timimuk I tiUO h
on , tlmat the soldier eleummeumt ivii 1 Arthu
rt a lublte officer inclmnomilo umuiec t ami atit
y amid dieobodleuc. . of orders. waa re
The A rria1 of O'PollllelI ' R6flYc e-
cr 1 Ocinilet Dynlllhte
The Importance of the Coming
O ouforouoo of American
Bishops in Rome.
Tin , Se ulvat lomi Armuy Itoitted lit Swltz-
emI asiul-it. lniitiumet In Action-
cntms I mm 1onui Ott.
uE : ; I'1ttt1j FOIIEWN NEVS ,
hNFoltIilOt3 mmr.suun'i'zu.
Mmt : , ImouttNt3 , Soptetuber 18.-Kavan. .
agh , J uso1mh ilanlon , Joseph Smith nmul
( , tiwr I rish imufornuers iii the Plicunix 1)ak )
nmtmrde r trial , wilt ) arriveul imero Attgmist
Otlm , bm ut nut pormmmittel to hand , imavo I
becti i' eslmipeol ) to Eumropo.
O'lONNELt ) , IN MltLI1A7qK.
LON IIoN , September 18O'Donnell ' ,
time tt utrderer of Carey , lamtlod ( at
Somitim amuptomi mit I ) o'clock this tnormiimig
atttl w as Placed oil itoard a train for Loti-
tltn. , Thu traimi arrivoul at Weximall at
mioomt , vhtero thu PrBotter ivas tmuot by a.
large f orce of 1)IIICO miol escorted to time
Prioti vaim. 'l'lmcmm imimsier escort of time
imolico was driven to Poiillbaumk jail ,
It. lu te tramusimim-ed that , o'Donnell , after
siiootii mg Carey smuid , ' 'Shake imnimds , Itlrum ,
Carey , 1 loud to do it , " not ' ' 1 did not do
it , " fl5 Was first reported. It is under.
stood Mrs. Carey otlered evidence of thu
itiost n stoiiislmiimg mmature ivii'mci muime do-
dares i viil clear her inusbaumsi's cimaractor ,
She Ima s iiatidetl letters to time authorities ,
which 'imiclinlo ' eorrcspondomico with a.
imietmulto r of iiariiatmuemtt
O'D otmnull was brought to Bow street
imhice commit. thus nftontmootm amid closely
gmmnrde d by mmmotmmited police , and passed
throug h the streets at a rnpitt pace.
On arr ivitmg at. cnItt Ito was immumimediately
luhuced itt time dock. Fm-edorick Flower
im'emmidi img immumgistrate of Polntmi , appeared.
for the crcnvum , mitimi saiti the pnisomiur waa
eimare d with mmimmrdor mmpon time high sona
within jurisolictiomi of time admiralty of
Etmglam id amid of tide commrt. WTitncsses for
tIme cro wn have not. yet. arrived in Etig.
mmmd , a m ! ito uvomdtl like that. the lirisomuor
rumn anlel 01113 iveok. Time court. so
ordere d.
NAME AN ! ) 000tlm'ATION.
L0N mIO , Soptemmiber 18.-'I'Ime prisoflor ,
O'Ion nell , gave Imimi name itt how street
lmmt riolc O'Dotitiehl , tlmougim Ito is do-
aeribec i imm time charge sheet as mticlmael
O'1)omm mmell , pumddier , of Cadvmmre , commmity
Dommeg al , lrulamid. lb will have able
comutmac i , steps Iiciimg taken to mmecmmre time
service s of a well kimown Irishm mnonibcr
lmum riiaimmummt. Time police were oxy -
treummel y mmet'mvo iii time imatiotmalist. quarters
Lomm domt tri.duty , imiakitmg immqmminics as to
wimmt : c ( mummloetiotm , if nutty , O'Donnell ' Imud. :
with I rish secret societies. Milibank
puisoim lmaim bectu 1mitteed tinder extra guard , 0
whtu mt time dytituniters wore prisoners.
Time cr owmi has decided to accept time cv-
idemico of of time
coo nine irisimmumoim at-
mested iumpl'isow on time cimumrge'of con:1
umoctio n with tttotnpt to destroy lroPorty
' tIme tome of dyimaummito.
lit.rLm1 IN ASUANTIr. :
resulte d jim thu defeat , with gre t
slaugh ter , of the forpca of Kiumg Kolibo
Icalcal hi. 'I'lmo ' kitmg fled to Cooinassio ,
cap ital , umfter time etigageimmemit.
.Iulms m I'aytm Collier , pimilologist and.
cosmummme tmtaminmt of Siimmlcespeare , is dead ,
1) ) 1.
Afte r emiturtaitming tue Dattish royal
fnmmiily at hmmimek itt Copeitngoim , Giussistommo
f or limmgiauti.
Col. Olmmsimrtto , tuf time Saivatiotm artmiy ,
ox lehled fromtm Gumimova , Miss Booth
immlir isommct(1 at Neufeatol for viointimtg
orl ur prohibitimig time Salvatioim meet-
t'tLRI'A ltlNl loll Tit Ii AIt mmtIoAN : Bhu4tiO1'i.
Exte imsivu prepmmntiotms : iliO mnumkittg for
iti ceptiotu of time Arr.ericmmti Bishops
time \Tutticaum iii
Noveumber. There will
se ries of romimimotis , at ivhiieim Cardimmal
mi ivihl preside , mimmd at umItichm ques-
c oflcertiiimg time hmlluctmco of time
c Cimumeit itt America will be die-
. 'l'imo timaiti object. of time nmeotitmg
ho to adopt mumeumsures for time reor-
? ' olimm of time Cmitiuolic Cimurcim in
mt uieeotrdimg to catmiemul mw and
bmimm g it limb eloo cotntnmmtiiumt with
Vmt tican. Cardinal luileCabo will bi
( to flttetiI 110111(3 of the ttmeetiiu ,
wimic it time Irish agitation will ho die.
lrn x of ( lyttatnite was discovered.
time procimicts of Yildizki , time rosi-
o f time Sitltan. A Circassian guard
P5lmtC0 ivIts exiled ,
A ilAI'l'V T7.N0.
jtiis 'hziug tendered l'rimo Mitmister
oottgratmtlntiotiB mtmtt time choice of
mgt)1j , to mmegotimtto upomi time Toim-
q ucetioti. Time tecetit meeting witit
( ] ranvihlo at Waitumor e.astlo woru
mmproviated by Tang.
, Septottiher 18-It is reported
U uancayo tinut 8,000 Montolmeros ,
ha d collected mmcar lazunimnemi for time
o of snckimmg hunt city , wcr't at-
by mt amuntil body of imien beloutging °
Pacific forces. Aftsr a quarter of
( , mmr'a higlmtiuig tue Montenoros intro
ed with a loss of 20 men , Tlmo
nmctmt of lear is entirely tranqumi.
10of , Septeutber 18-A dinner
g iveti this evening by Henry F.
, the Amnomicumn banker , imt honor of
' ntmmtuumuter ( leumeral James amid Ex-
Grace , of New York. Many lend-
A tmtcricnums and Engltaltmmien wore
t. Cotmaul Cetionul Merritt rued -
od to the toasts iL ; honor of Queen
ia amid Frusmdemut Arthur. Mr.
Iii responding to time toast took '
otm to speak of time munprovonment in
Po stal ucuhites between America and.
r.ltrooL , September 18.-JameaMo.
tt , into left Brooklyn recently for
id atul who line been uxamnimmed
titmice befonu a stiperudmiry justice
cimargD of conspiracy to umurdor 3
ohhiciala , imi cocismoction with the
mite party , was again bromsgimt be-
me court to-day amid discharged , the
e agaimiet hint boimmg ineutlicio.ut.
Yong Ikanut Au-thur.
w Yoin7 September 18.-Time Corcau
msy wore received at time Fifth Aye-
otel timia ummorumimmg by' l'resmdemmt
r. Primnu Minister Yong 1k made
iress ujon being iineumouted , which.
plied to by time President. (