Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 18, 1883, Page 8, Image 8

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    - _ _ _
. , . .
1'tn1 ) _ ; : - , 18 L8b.
Tuesday Morning , opt1 18.
1VeM1tt IflhltCfltIonR.
Forth utpct MhsiMippi and Miou.
i4 vaUys , i1igh'UY wirincr , fidr weather ,
oUthcMto noQthwost winds , lower bar
_ _ 'Ab erd nd f&fltAtk bill. of th cui1
' .v&l of th VMIed Propht .t nint Luli sr
being potei IUOUOd town.
-The Methodist eonforenco c1oL tIer
Sguyay , And the AppoIntrnont3 of wesohn
for Ibo coming ar WON made ,
-Vat Moran , who walked off with revol.
' . from Pat Ford' house , patti fllteon * tiil
oob at the pillco court yeet rday wrnlng.
-Milton H.
1ay In GaIVA , IIilno ; and ha. mturned to thh
dty with hb brido. Mr. Uht k foreman for
the Allen printng v3mpAny.
-The drnkng feunti1n at Ike corner of the
Omaha National bnk k a great public lonoflt
hit WOUtd ho more , crvIceho If 1iorc could
qproadI without wading threugh . pond.
-Froni and aftorMondtiy'thooatcrit mall
will oleo at 315 p. in. inBted of 2:40 : p. n * wm
heretofore. Thl ; Is i chaego long needed , by
oar bulnos houses opcclally , and l due to
the energy of Potmaathr CutanL
j -At the rt.'ddcnce of the lu-hIe' . , In
thi. ; cIty , September 14t.1 , by the Itev. J. W.
-Stowart , pMtor of the IL. 1. Church , Mr.
Chrlea blink of Jeffer800 , Iowa , and \ra.
: EtI , A. 'Northway of this city , wore mnftrrletl.
-The nddre of 11ev. Iate1l t the Moth.
.odIt church Sabb&th evening , on "Illiteracy
'of the Southern P601)le , " Ia said to hive been
'V7 lnteztIng. lie i.howod that a many na
'even ulrnon people In the anath could neither
? cad nor write.
. , -Mr. Ilorxnann ShroedcT , profaor of mu
io , who ha. delighted th.nzind by his play.
ingat the Tivoll thIs Bnmmnorretmnu to Coun.
o It1fT5 thiM wuek to remain for the winter
lie will be greatly zn1od by Wi friend. .
' -Through all the muddy eathor , Dougla
street with ite MIhftlt pavement loomed UI
colid , and dry i soon aa the un ihono. Yai.
nazil .treet with ite rotten pavement and ) wl
kolcm we nearly . Impa.dble e anyof the
ado atroete.
W-Hngh BayflM Wu .rrc.tod aiid plaoed in
the county jell Satnnlayoenlng , c1iarge with
liMing attempted rape on a little colored girl ,
oiephlno Fatten , e.n years old. Dxi.
idiearin and Jokn Peabody reported an e -
' ai1nat1onthat the girl appeared to ha'o been
GnIy ellghtly Injured.
-Harry 1rdman recelyod Sunday fr.nm
Su Priuchee a letter from Dr. George
Itueling , of Baltimore , the eye and cam
: iloctor , who reitored hli eyesight alter he wa
totallyblind , thatho would stop ov& at th
raxthn Hotel fro.n Wedn.sdiy morning till
Trldiy albernoon. mn&o
-The preliminary practice for the annual
rifle 000te8t of the departrnont of the l'lattc
.ommenced yedorday at the range Ju.t thu
aide of For $ Omnutha. There are alxty.twc
anon firing. They were o4uIied durIngth
; rii1ng at 200 and 300 yards and in the after
noes at tOO yarda. Captain Coolidge 1. tlic
.Roer in charge.
-The elcyator boy would be a esler an
aoueful , pubilo .ervaat In thu city if hu
aid not b.oom. ao inuoh absorbed In thrIllin
tale. of blood during hi. hour. of .erlco. .A
trIblo accident will hippen In an Owaba dc
v&tc * ' .orue day and lb will be found that tlu
elevator boy bad a tighter grap on hi. dhn
* ovcl than be did on hI rope.
-To RENT.-The bar and billiard r.ona
the barber chop , the cigar and now. stand ol
the Cozzen. moplTui&e3t
: .rMr. N. Marray , .1 Porb , Molt county
Io. , who.e dieplay of 800 plato. of fruit at
acted so much attention on the fair ground.
: . aecount of .ome techicallty or ovor8igh
wag ruled out , na the dieplay waafrom an
, tbci State. It conceded bl all obuecv
: a ; however , to be the finc.t lot of fruit eve
ecIiilted In Nebrwmka. Mr. Murray wa
' 2warded f.xm.t premium on the batdi.phy a
cvargrecni. , and also firit Proxxlit8nO1 'MIsX
ray Bros. ' patent OrchardBJei , " Mi lnvQn
thn , which Li Snyaiaal4l o , all auruierymndll
:1t. : Murray owns and opeiatea 4Oac fm !
. .wid nuroery farn nII dk counyfrvm whicl
IVM a larg. portlo of tberuit exhibit abey
* tenUoned , the bahnoe being from * th. 14 1
County Hort1citur&l , oc1et. , "
, flcjueVa Arabs Barto.
: Tb. % i * rn.dig1 wonder o ( , Lhe world
Warranted to ipeodliy'ours Burn , , Cute1 U ]
cer S&I flh , lever Bores , Cance.iuPIlc.
CbIlbl&Lnl. CornJ , Totter , ChaP handian
J4.LIffAtapUoaJ , guaranteed to ewe in aer
_ .a.y indeL . acute mx
A 8bort Cut.
The Denver , South Park nuI Pacifi
road I. building a c from Dillon t
Leadvilo , which will ehorton the un
ftom'Do vcr to Leadyflle 25 milee. Tb
aty , fathora of Leadvillo wore veT
'craxky" about the right of wy throug
* lie city , talked very loua about wh
they 'wouldn't 4o , etc. Mr. H. 0. Noi
wan , the agent of the Union Pacifh
wb.iclx eoiitriile the the South Park roac
wet .to LouIvillo , and , although h
incoumtcrcdalI the bittornese mnontiono
: aop , .iixleea than a week ho 'captured
thognt'13 couhcil , eccured the right
* wtLy , , tiromgh ) the 'city , depot , grounc
incud d'nud cornea back lxoiito 'withom
. vor appealing to tholaw , and cvorybod
bore tlmnika mn omio could Ixayc , aCCOII
? pithimad it but "Iloraco" Newman.
Notice !
Ourcibthmern anti the ublio in ge
eraVaro hereby kindly notified that. M
4 : OlQrgo Henning ie , einco yesterday aftu
noon not ; connccte(1 ( with the Ammlmou5
] iUBCfI Brewing Auocialiozm , nor iii.
8gcnc , at tide place any more. M
henning is not allowed to receive or c
lect any outetandinge duo the above firm
1or receipt in their name ,
P. SduLiliF , Agent.
OWAUA , Nob. , Sept. 12 , 15d3.
m aept 13 m&o 3t
tluyder'.u t3uceoa.
Mr. William Snyder'e name baa becot
ef late a 5ortf trade mark for flue wo
eu bgio aiM carriagoa nnl ho nov
iada a finer display than at the Ste
.fair juet cloeed.
Although a3'oung man , Mr. Sny4or
one of1tlio most ekilful of workmen ai
tlLoao 'who inepocted the muagliifico
aamplea from bla Jxop will admit that I
- cannot be aupaeee4 by any builder
the country , Un ia thu man to o to 1
rn' workS ,
, , _
- - -S- ? *
. -
- -
Doi11tll1ellIs Fie1ds of Labor for
the Coming Ycr.
Interesting BtlaIflcSN Trnnnate1 y
the C/nJcrenco. /
. _ J
A number of the pupita of the city
were aupplied cm the Sabbnth by mcm
bore of the M 1 , couforunco. At time
Firmit MotIi dIt church Dr. A. J. Kynott
preached UI the mnorntng to full house.
At 3 o'clock p. in. the ruacramont. of the
Lord's iuppor was admniniaterod , fol.
iOWel ) y th ordination of cloven licon.
tiate to time ininiatorini oflicee of doacomie
and .edore. ' Thia corvico wan conducted
by Bishop Wiley , whose health ( lid not
allow of his atthmmmpting to preach.
At the close of title miurvico. the blaimop
nddroaacd the nhliliRtora of the conference
a few mnimiuLes , yimIg that liimnolf * 11(1
libi council , witli4whomn ho adviacd in ie
.1xCCt ts every field and mnmiximitor , Im'ul
done the very lCSt tlmcyCOull in adjust.
jug time preachers to tlmoir fields , and the
floitla of laborto time vastrs. Stud ho :
"Brethren , you have all goat1 fioid.
Thorn is no field whore you svili ho ito.
nied the ) rivilego of laboring with tIme
with God for their
ICl)10 ) ) , anil pleading
salvation. Any such hold is a good oim.
Thu arranging of nlIoiitttilomite is reduced
to great aimnplicity. 'Fimo bishop line
not immuch to do with it-lie ma time altnin.
istrator , amimi tlioprceiding olderu are the
executers of time work of making the ap.
1)OiiItiIIelit $ , Thu appointing power in
tIme Methodist church is time pastors and
time ollicora of the chmurcis in each charge.
Whmflo we have ( lone the boat we could ,
501110 of you will receive your appoint-
nianta gratefully , but to others they will
ho disappointmnontim. "
At the cloae of tide fatherly and earnest -
est talk , time bishop rend before the large
audlonco presomit , the following
to the field. of labor for time coming year :
OMAnL flhITh1C'I'-
.T. II. Maxfioid , F. E.
Omaha First Church-C. W. sIdge.
North omaha and Eighteenth Stroot-J.l ,
Leedomn ,
South Omaha-J. W. Stewart.
Paplliion - A. llodgett.
$ iurlngfleld-J. W. Shank
Elklmorn-'T. be .uppliod.
Fromont-J. Fowier. -
North BeuI-J. Chariau.
Schuyler-Z. S. ithono.
Columbua-J. Q. A. F1eharty _ .
Blair-N. H. Gale. - . .
Arlington-It. B.ViiRon. .
Scrlbimor-Stmppiled by W. IT. ryle ,
Vacomna-To be supplied.
Pullcrton-B , G , 1 owlcr ?
Lee-Samuel A. Bear.
.1. 3. Fleharty , PreSIdent of the Nebmeeka
Vca1oyan University and member of F'uller.
ton Quarterly Conference.
omtvonK DisTaicT.
P. Marquette , P.E.
Tokama-To be utmpjilod.
Lyonu-W. M. Worloy ,
\Veut Point-To be .uppiied.
Winer-D. 0. VIn.hp.
Dakota City-W , H. Carter.
Ponca-J. B. Priest.
t. .TnmCS-Supplied by J. 0. CoIvin.
Norfolk-Supplied btj. Thompuon.
Madison-C. K ilaywood.
I Iium1iiuroy-S.JL. ! tucker.
Wakofiald-J.t. Goarlmart.
Coldrido-upi1ied by 0. A. Luco.
11awkoyo-upphied by W. S. Withrexr ,
Wayne-To be supplied.
Docstur-C. F. \ itrow.
ALDOi5 flhtutnuir.
. P. Van T'iooaer , P.
Alblon-J , L. St. Olair.
m St. Edwards-C. D. Day.
Cedar Itapids-E. L. For.
Bonanza To be mmmpllod.
Neligh-Supphied by It. Kinne.
Oakdai-W. F. Grundy.
m fch-SpjilIad by E. G. Rouse.
PlzdrnloW-'lo besupplied.
Crehten-Sn ! plied by J. IT. Warfield.
Beallie Mills-To ho .upplied.
Niobrata-To be supplied.
; Walnut Grovo-Suppliod by G. P. Bennett.
W. F. Warren , trsnsferred \Vbiconsiu
II. W. ) ktop , transferred to St. Louis Con.
p forenoc.
Fxolted TIiouaand.
All over the land ars going Into ocstaay erex
. Dr. Kinga New Discovery for C.naumptlon.
. Ther unlooked for recovery by the timoI
use of this groab life 8ain remasdy , caneex
r thom to go nearly 'itild In Its praise. li ii
S gmaxiuitood to positivsly cure Sever. Coughs
I Colds , tsthma , flay Fever , llronohltiiHoszuc
- na , Loss of Voioe , or any affection ol
; , . . Ihe. brunt arnlLuaxi.
OIiInTmangm Per a WuntiIuI Ear
vdst at Trinity Cathedral
t . Sunday.
Time , annua4 harvoat home feitivai'al
I the Episoop.l\ church was colebratec
I. , qnday at 'Imidity ' Cathedral , the chape
f "iyhQo the ger.vices were held boin
y trimnx4witJ.'fmite and flowers and 1on
r atiith ef comA and other grain. Thm
comjhgmstfonvas unusually large , anc
, were treat d to a pleawmt discourse 1)j
o Ihiahiop O1arkomm , who procented , instomu
0 of m.sorniix'sonxe
, romarkiporLinbnt t
o tho'appreaohing completion of the ran
o thodral.
flTho liislmpsahl that wh h the cathe
y dral was first planned it wan to coo
ii at thmo most e26,000 , but that as it nov
iL islands lb has oostGOOOO , of which al
rbut $1,600 lma& been paid , amxd this lea
, amouiit must bo riied before the catima
I' dm1 could be ' , conoocratod , Over fift :
; different articIcimecosaary to cat.hodra
a hmftd'men4p1jtod aa memorials , aiim
, , a tower and clmlimhf boils waa also to b
) f given. 110 tIe a strong plea for th
Is organizatiomm of a choir of eurpliced boys
xt Iii chmeclcing time remonstramicea of thea
Ly who thought some of time wealth iavIlmci
Ii. thu ctimodra1 should be givols to coun
lie quoted , very pertinoul
ly ' .II\ beautiful story of Limo alabaste
, imow that all time adornments c
Uv now bumldmmmg wore to time glory
iiled. ( .
r fimst.ciaoo houses
Clothing can to
r you \vimo Lix'rirr , Liiamr & Co. arc ,
r. mr ilO " 111e&Y _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _
) l. , ON TiiIINC1tIhta1.
mm ,
PlaId & I1tLTimmVOrtli , tIme Cuimsimi
Street Imugglstue' l'rosperlty ,
It is hardly aiz months since ? uroaerm
Field Farnsworth ntorod their ne
no esteblishmuont on Cumiimg aroet. Ey
rk since their buslimuss baa beemi incroasin
or ° luchi proportions that they are note
to compelled to build an addition to the
already large ammil doininodlous sloro I
is order to accomnnmodato the large aupp
UI of fine goods JurclmMod by Mr. lid
ut while east , Time north part of Omnal
mo will sooim bo surprised to sea time lark
jim and elegant stock of fancy goods , pa
oh. funwry mid toys , which they will be ab ]
ti. , sell much more reanonablo prici
- . - - ' 4 _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ -
than any down town homile , Of
their Purchmeaee mire made for tealt.
Messrs. } 'iold & Farnsworth ftr whl
known gentlemen lix our commxnity5 to.
peciahly in time northern part of the city ,
where they are highly rw1)eclcl. The
firm has also pimrclmased the stock of the
adjoining drug storc , owned by .1. A.
itoedor , who w111 ctiro from Cuming
Time public telephone office will be
transferred to Field i Farnsworth's
whore everybody will be received with
courtesy. As time firm is on time high
road of prosperity we wish theta gumxl
luck in their now undertaking.
Built bike n Opera House , to loU
Elaiut llnlldrcI ] Pooplo.
The Bcnutlrui Cimurcim % Vlmiolm ( lie
IautIIcranN ale Itimliding
In Oinitlia.
The walls of is granti and loautiful
house of worshil ) arc risimmgnt time corimer
of Sixteenth and homey streets , and time
otrikimig architecture (1i81)layed ) catches time
eye of all passers-by , who enquire what it
Thay be It is the now Lutimeramm church
of which time Rev. 1)r. Stollimmg is ; ) astor.
Ills comigrogation , since tIme demolition of
their old iuilding cmx Douglas street , him
beemi worshmippimig in ilnyd's opera house
and time conveniences discovdrud in time
arrangement of seats there have been so
much to their mnimid that they resolved to
build a church exactly on that plan , even
to having
OI'BItA izousu ClIAhItfi ,
inbqa(1 of time regulation pews , to the
number of eihb hundred , the largest
seating capacity of any church in the
west. The floor ulanta to the front , and
three galleries are built at a stoe anho ,
so that each tier of seats overlooks the
tier in front. The -galleries , however ,
are not horioahoo shaped , as in
the opera house , but built with
strzdght fronts. The seats face
cast , towards thepulpit which is placed
on a platform at the oaumt side of the
church. Over time pulpit is the choir
with room for ahargo organ. The coiling
Ii to show an open timbered roof and the
entire interior of the church Is finished
in : oiled pine , the chambers and orne-
moats cut in with maroon color , which
will produce a pleasing effect.
gooms to have been very ingeniously designed -
signed for holding church festivals. There
is a large lecture room which ccii be used
as a reception room , there arc parlors , a
library , a complete kitchen , and a fuel
room. Around the basement on the
south side will run a broad area way , at
least until Ilarney street be graded lower
than it ii at present , and there will be
plenty of light Lhroughthmo large baseniont
windows. The building is to be warmOd
by the Ruttami syotoia of heating and von-
TilS axrsnion ,
as we have said before , is very etriing ,
in a picturesque , modemniEed Normau
style of architecture , with ninny abut.
monte and details. The frontage of all is
74 feet with a depth of 78 foot , amid a
height from grade to time ridge of the roof
of 50 feet. On the southwest corner will
be a massive tower 116 foot high with
fancy brick work and pinnacles. The
masonry of the tower runs up 71 feet anti
from there up is a slated spire , trimmed
with dormer windows. At the intarsec-
tion of the gables on the maui roofwhich
is slated , is a cupola rising 30 feet above.
In each transelt is a groat.roso window ,
seventeen feet in diameter , filled with
stained glue.
to so large a church must be numerous ,
and it seems u if there waa one at each
corner. On the Sixteenth street front 5
an elaborate porch containing three
door. , each 5 feet wide , making 16
foot in the shape of openings. At time
. southwest corner is an entrance ,
at the tower , and at the
, southeast corner from Harnoy ,
I street with a stair-way to the choir-loft
I and basement. At the aorthoast corner
: i an entrance to the pastor's study and
r into the church. At the northwest ocr-
nor ii a pucalier projection , a round stair
feature , whore thmo stairway limads to time
gallery. The church is to cost $10,000.
Mendelssohn & Dufreno are the archii-
. cta and it is expected thattho structure
will be finished by spring.
aaiemno viii MOcBY.
The Lutherans are building an enor-
P mous church , but they probably have an
I eye to the future growth of Omaha and
1 time izmcroaso of their congregation and
they are also aware that Dr. tehling
draws hargo audionces. The money to
pay for this is not all raised , but is rap.
) idly piling UJ ) umidor tno ommerous prop.
I ositiou df Mr. 4ugustus h.ounteo of Now
York , to give dollar for dollar. About
r ton thmousamul dollars was had to begin
I with and an much lies been added since ,
) which , together with the ton thousaimd
I Mr Kountr. will give athonut.s in all Ic
twenty thousand dollars. The b rt
. tructuro will cost $36,000 amid the
t stained glass windows , organ and oniboI
r hmshment. will bring the total as stated
I to 40,000. _ _ _ _ _ _ -
t - - -
Iteal Iatatc , Trarnuflrs ,
V Th. following death wore filed for roe
II cordin the county cisrb' ' office Soptomboi
I iii , reported for Tim Ban by Amos' rea
Is estate egency :
LIla A. Soutimmayd amid husband t.
k ; Fanny Dudley , w d , lots 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11
LI amid 12 , block Ii , in Siminn's first add , $2
I. John Murtaghi and wife t Agnes 11
, . Wilhmaums , w d , a lot 7 , b 71 , Omnalma ,
Francis S lllamxey to John E. David
) f SOil , W d , mm lot 7 , b 7 , Slmimin's first add
Alvin Saunders and wife to Madi
ii ToIL iv diet 11 , block 1i , Shim's add.
Alexander 0. Troup to Ilerbest A
Dotith , w d lot 2 , Allen's sub. of lot 5
Jimo.L. McCaguo amid wife to Aioxando
i ; . 'l'roupw d lot 2 , AlIen's sub. of lot 2
John P. Chick amid wife to J , F. Ran
oem , q C U all of block 12 , oxoopt. lots l
m. anti. 19 , 1mm Florence , $2.00.
w Ilormnami Smith and wife to Wihilair
ti. ] ! ack w , ml , , lot 5 , imlook 0 , John 1
ig Itetlick's subdivision , $1,400.
Wimi , Wilson to J. F. 1t.naomu , w. ri.
w lot 6biock 11 , Florence , 825.
I - -
AUIousingto1aIl Mankind.
] n
In these timee when our Newspapers a ,
Iy flooded with patent medicine adveitisomentu
[ ti it 1. gratifyIng to know whet to the
Will ceratluly cure you , If you are Biliomu
II blood otiVof order Llyor Inectlvo , or general ! ;
' 0 debIlitated , there Is nothing In the world the
'r- will cure you so quickly as Electric hitters
They are a bIew.Ing to all zmmanldimd , end can b
e ILad for only tafty coute a botUo dO , F , ( boil
35 moan s ,
Rou1ts of Rifle Practice the Do-
Time Score of h'ctcrdy and the Bar
Mcdii ) .
The contest in nOb pTa itir'o now going
on at Fmrt Omaha to determine who
shall compose time toammi to represent time
department ofthmo Platte at Leavenworth ,
is an interesting affair.
It began on Sunday and will close with
the last day of tue week. It is pro.
1mosed by time bar of this city to give a
modal to thmo man ixmaking time largest
Thu xxcoimn
made at. the range yesterday was good ,
four marksmen exceeding 80 points eacim
out. of a 1)05101)10 100. 'l'lme total numimber
of competitors were sixtytwo. Time following -
lowing arc time ocoreem
Lioutenamit 0. D. l'arldmurst , 5th cay-
aIry :
200yard , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
600 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Private C. umc1iarayasomi , comilpany 11 ,
7th iimfnutry :
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Corporal II. Weagrofi' , company IC ,
14th infantry :
200 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
300 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sergeant A. V. ' . Stay , company E , Ohm
infantry :
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
300ynrds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Corporal E. H. Stevens , company 0 ,
9th infantry :
200 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
600 yord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26
crgeant Richard Robinson , company
K , 4th infantry :
200 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
300 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . 79
Musician Henry P. Martin , company
E 9th iimfantry : -
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sergeaxit- . ii. . Doehic , company E
7th infantry :
2O0yard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
200yards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sergeant J. Hornick , Company 13 , 14th
infantry :
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sergeant A. R.oiisner , Company IE ,
0th infantry : a
200 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
300 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
600 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Private J. B. Clarke , company.O , 0th
infantry :
200yards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sergeant C. Mayo , company B , th in.
fantry :
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
300 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
600yardL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 76
A Neat Note of Praise tn the Musical
UnIoi.lOrcllestra. , ,
Among the pleaaantest features of fair
week , was the music furnished by the
Musical Union Brass and String band , of
which Mr. Julius Meyer is dirootor.
Th. orchestra proper also furnished
music at Boyd's ' Op.ra House , and that it
was appreciated will b. seen by tb. fol.
lowing note , addressed personally to th.
director :
Mv DeAn Mavmua-Thc : press and the
public boin so unminimnous in tlieirpriiiee
of time Musical Union orchestra , of timis
city , I assure you it is with great pleas.
ure that I scud you this note of congrat-
uhation for having been so successful in
gathering together such an excellent
bend of thorough musicians.
The trials of director , especially of an
I opera company , are sonietimos very un-
I pleasant , amid , believe me , my surprise p
I finding ouch an excellent orchestra in
. Omaha was very groat.
L hoping that. you will continue to be
. successful in your work in aiding to bring
forward this moot divine of arts , I me-
main , as over , Your.Frnnd ,
hIBnuANi H : PIIitLIT ,
. Musical director of time Fay Templeton
Opera Company , late director of D.
D Oyly Carte Opera Coumpany.
Time followim.g mmmcd won enlisted at
, Forts DougIM , Utaim. and Omaha , Nob. ,
, ae assigned as follows :
Olmarlee hello to comnpaimy 11 , Sixth
. imifeutry.
Plmilipp Hohmhiixgor I. the Fourth in-
S 1oimvoof nbsomwo for ftn dayn , on sur
, gooii's certificate of duusali1ity , is granted
( J&mpthiim J . Scott Paymie , Fifth cavalry.
130101101 Jounm S. ! uTuaou , Ninth immfan.
p try , vill proceed to Ftirh iiridgor , Wyo.1
0th public business , amid on coimiplutiom :
r timorcof will return tu hmis l'"P ° " station
, Fort D. A. Ituseoll , Wyo.
Recruits Elmoro 11. Weaver , Ernest IT
. Powell and William T. Dailey , enlisted i
Fort Omnalmis , Nob. , are aesigimod to timi
Fourth infantry.
h Hospital Steward Barry Ifarson , U.S
. A. , having reported , ittiioae hoadquartturi
in comnphiammco with pnnagralih 5 , secmal
p orders No. iS-I , eurrommt. series froimi thu
Adjutant Ceimoral's office , will proceed t (
Fort 1) , A. Ituseohl , Wyo , aiitl report t
the comunnuiding ollicor thereof fem
0 duLy.
'l'Ime Quartermaster's department will
p furnish time necessary transportation and
y time subaltcnco department commutation
t of rations froiii September 8 to lii , 1883 ,
iticlusivo , ( this soldier not having boon
. paid commutation ofmnt.ions for time jour.
fey from Fort Cour D'Aleno , Idaho , te
Omaha , Neb.itboing ) impracticable t
carry rations of any kind.
First Lieutenant James A. Buchanan ,
Fourteenth infnntrywill report in Poron
at. these headquarters for duty in con
nection with the department rifle con-
The travel directed is necessary for time
public service.
A FIfteotmtlm BLroot Sensation.
An unusual occurrence in our usually
quiet city was witnoased yoatorday by
a han reporter. Although early in time
forenoon , there wore limnumerablo citi-
zone passing the corner of Douglas and
Sixteenth streets , when , m it appears , a
man dressed in dark clothes approaclioti
another , who is well known in time city as
a govermnont. onmphoye , with time dial-
Ieimgo , "Ijolti uD your haxids , " wimich was
by mmecoimaity proimilitly comn1licd with.
Thu bold Imighiwaymaim thou quickly
proceeded to search time Ixockote of his
victimi , , A roil of greenbacks wa left iii
the yost pocket amid a watch and chmaiii
left umulisturbed. While time surprised
guiit mimay say hunt lie waa narticuiarly
fortunate , the bold rascal inimyinounn that
lie did no better.
- - - - - -
A. M. Frank , superintendent of nente for
the Covenant Mutual 13onefi axeociation of
Illinois , is in the cily on his iriudIcai trip
wct. Ito va formerly of Omnahm : , and I. cue
of time best fellows nflot.
Mr. Lyman Vv'oodworth , of Aurora , Iii. . ,
is in the city , the guest of his son , Councilman
Carl Woodwortim
Mr. John Guild , of Russell , Guild & Co. ,
the Now York baa merchants , Is in town.
Mr. . Dr. A. ( ' . . Smith , wife of "Doe"
Smith , of Ogden , and repreteutative of Tootle
Maul Co. , Is visiting the city , and Ii a
meet of Mrs. If. A. MoNauuara.
Capt. Ciu.rles F. Porter , of Now York City ,
is in town. He was one of Omaha's first set.
tiers , ha'ing come out when there was but
one shanty In the town. lie has an abundant
stock of anecdotes of sarly days.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bovine are rejolciag
over the arrival of a son. Congratulations
are In order.
ltd I. . Hicks Is at the Paiton.
H. Himdden , England , at the Paxton.
Hon. Henry BoUn has returned to Omaha.
C. A. 1.1. McCa lay , U. 8. A. , hi at Lb.
Gocu. II. Barton , of Honolulu , 11. I. , ii at
the l'ssxton.
Frank Sheldon , B. H. Andrea end It. J.
Moore , of Lincoln , are at the Paxton.
Mrs. Thomas Nolan , wife of the U. P.
Freight Agent , and sist returned from the
east Sunday.
Mrs. Chas. H. Poole and two children , far.
morhy of Om&uml and now of North Platte ,
are visiting friends and relatives in the city.
Frank P. Ireland arrived Sunday night &nd ii
at the Paxton. Frank'e goatee and mnous
tacho are gone and ho looks like a big boy up
from the country.
Mrs. D. II. Wheeler , of Plattsmouth ; Miss
Currie Sessiens and Miss Lena Marshall , of
Lincoln , arrived La Omaha yesterday , and
are the guests of Mrd. G. W. Ambrose.
Myron E. Wheeler , one of Major Wheolor'
eons , who han become an expert phonogmaphar
has been apuointed court reporter for Judge
Peat's judicial district , and has gone to Columbus -
lumbus to reside. -
Mr. F. W. Colton1 President of the Nation
al Bank of Galceburg , who h beu in the
eity , Went west Sunday. Ho was the first
General l'naoeumger Agent of the Union Pa-
Dan 11 Fuller , Tootle. Maui & C. ' . . popu-
12r traveler , has been in the city for the past
bNu days doing the egreeablo for hi. horde of
customers from the State. Dan is a royal en-
tertiminur , and good fellow from the ground up.
Mr. B. Rosewater has gone to Cliloag. to
attead the National reunion of the society of
U. 8. Military Telegraph corps , which takes
place en Wednesday and Thursday , the 19th
and2Oth. He will be absent about a week.
WSpecta1a will PositIvely not be Inserted
unless paul In advance.
TO LOAX-gonoy.
UOBEY TO LOAX-Tho Omaha Savings lank Is
.INI new puiar. to make loon. on Omaha ciiy or
Dougias .oenty real estate at ciirr..t rote of interest.
Ko eeIuin cba.zgsd.
kONEYTO'LOA'iv-Th.Iowo.t ' rites of Interest
.1VI aemi. Lees Ag.u.j , 15th bo.iglu. 23t-tt
Ii-iiny ; u'o t.ou4.-e..ii oiuoe .1 1) . 1. .
iTI ThomaS , room 5 , Creighton Block.
l -iEy LOAItID-On Chattel mortgoge , room 7
.LYI Nebraaki XitIonaI linskBuUdIng. 154St
rocE-v 'ro LOM-J. T. Uoatty o&.s ou otu.ttol
lvi proiiertv. 218 South 14th Ci. iplC
VSTANTID-A , go.dgirI at the Imnuct hoes. .
vi (170.221 (
UTANTED-OIri for Plain .ewlng In turnU ImUy.
vi , AI.ply COSt ildo i2th .irve ( , bste.u flouglas
iad Dodge. Mmts. U. A. IITURSItI.
'rATAN'raD-ciiui for tnee liousswok it 2010
' , liurttrctt.
17A7TF.D-A good woman cook , cud to hotel or
vy re.taurint , 7 1er week to a. . competent.
Addr..e "itstaura.iit' Ito , alOne.
xrANTaD-alriforgcneri1 housework , N. L cot.
V 12th antI Howartl.trsets. .52-in
'ANTED-A , joung man , 18 yeeIs old , to attend
liar and i.oi rows , cuss up , etc. , 814 5. 10th
't7ANi-D-A cooilgiul for light housesork , Ap
V ply it o. biO couth 1(1mb itreet , bet. Leaven.
coutmuand tieroy. 5,5-mO ,
1ANf5U-A gid to ito general bou.ewojk.
fl tiles. A. F. bItKItmtlI.L ,
077.15' ci. N. 20th utreet.
L i1Iin Si-lniuuedietely , a gou.i iook and dining
V 1 room gin at Buckeye Meet arke $ .
wegcu. (65.1st
AiJTD-A comp.tenl gui fur gensril house.
1 1 woik In fuudlv , of two. ilu.t b a good cook.
between 2 and 5 oclock ' . m en itth , let
door i.outh of llnrney.
'ANigU-Pluhuig roouui girl ausd liumudry girl at
1 1' Omaha lieu , , .
UTAKIIL-CoOk anti two girls it i'iclOo ilouce ,
1 1 htutliend hMvenport .treet-s. 603-i ? :
VTANTaP-A good girl to do general housework ,
1 Apply at ittuc Jacceun itreetbet. itthaud iOIh.
TANTEb-A women to wash and Iron it ( be
, Ihntnu.t lIiuise. 403.22'
% TANTF.D-A good diehoacluer at New England
Iti.taur&uit , ISiS 1)nuge ( , utreet. Gii. : ! '
"MLOIS ( WAHTtU-I'wu coat sod two pant.
uu.VrL 8teedy work anti btmt prices.
(1KICL1'ON , llKNDitlCKm mtWli ,
031-17 lot Stein 8tret , ( bunch lImO. .
, % TAWitI-IAd- Eatn gillery , un Porn.
card sod . . out , .
_ ! ! .1.ot pisUtotjtbIihs. Si5-i7
L lTAWlED-lremo1ietemy , ( S eseatresses it ( 'en.
' OssraiIlactory. ilteady work. hO ? lIar.
Strict , 3d Ooor. 031.11
1\rANTEI-A lrt for general housework. Apply
it8O38. litus Street. 035-mt
I -
. TANTED-Lllrl for genermi houiseork at 141 !
Y6v31l enport .Iret. Mmcl. SIkYXF.N.
: -Ii ± -I
- - - -
for Infants and Children.
CnstorIftpr9nttcM DigestIon
ancr-ovorcomnes } hntuloncy , ( ionntipa-
tion , Sour Stomach , Diarriicca , and
Feverishmnese. It Insures lie.-ilth and
iiatuxal sloop , without morphine.
I , Castorte , ; , ; well adapted to Children that
I recommend Itnesuporior tounypruicrlption
known to moo , " 11. A. ARCmiEut , .I. . I ) . ,
82-Portland Ave. , Drbldyn , N , Y.
CINTAUR LINIMENT-nit absolute cure for JUmonina-
tlsmn , Sprains , 1311rflt4 , Galls , &c. The ImloMt Powerful and iono-
tratiiig PailI-reIlevIlIg arni Hcitllimg Remedy known to man.
. , . . . . . . .
- - - ' - - - ' - -zt------ ' -
LLi1v : niaiii4
The Product of American Industry !
Full assortment canstantly on Hand and for sa1 by
HENRY FUHRMAN , Premont , Nab.
7ANTH1)-Cook and dining rooa girl at N. W.
1 ! ° ° ' - hIthand Davenport. ' 555-U
1ANTD-A rain to work In market garden at
! northondith treeL 1L W. BAIL
7ANTEhJ-Compotcnt girl as Ia4lee attendant
vs i plain rower. N. W. corner Fernam anti
18th street. 630-U
17AflTiP-Glri for general kousework. Poruna.
11 ! nenieunployment. 2423'trssam St. 037-ti
17ANTED-A No. I harness maker wanted for one
vi' year or lesa time , at going wages ; I want a
flute that does not ipree all the time. I want a good
honest man. A. ii. LYDICK , WatedeW. Nob.
U ANrED-nco115er iStowure In store. Alw
v , liractical tinamith. Apply .5 once at 2407
Comings street. 593.171
iI7ANTED-Agoo.l girl for washIng , cookln iud
" Ironing. Good wages paid 1l iii loiS Gapi.
tel avenue , southcost cur. of 20th street. bOO-U
- the Florene (
, inquire ofj. C. Murphy at thoworks. Uc47t
IVANTED-A competent girl god wages , 1310
v , Dav.nport St. 031-U
'flTANTFD-GOOd girls for good famlIiot heat
vi Immediately at umpioYnient
bureau 217 )1. 15tht. . No , ofilcu fee 5-22 U
UTANTEI-A dining rooniilrl at the Felhtou
V V house tII-tf
1TANTED-An experienced aelesmen Its gasei
1 V meithanthee , .aey work. AUdNU 0. ii. X ,
0. box 4(1oward Nob. , 012.114
' 1ZTANTKD-First-c1aa cook and Iaundruu at 2420
VY Harney St.reot. 548-If
7ANTKJ-Lady ogonte for the "Queen Protect-
TV or.A new under garment for ladle. , made of
.ott. 5ofl4. rubber. Sure protection to the under.
wear , whoa nocezy to be worn. Retell. for LOO
a. teat as anin ran thow it. Larg. profits. Address
wlthstamp , "Ls.di& Utusdergarunent Manufecturlag
Co. . No S .ilay Street. Chicago , 1.1. 796-3m
1TANTED-4Jlri at No. 1086 Sherman avenue.
Iiv 284.15 Mits.J. IL UNSMA
U7ANTD-1tltuation by an experienced young
1 man. Speaks different languages. ( aa furn-
! , h cIty references. Apply at 808 N. 15th street.
578-15 !
A Young mae wko and.rstazids aernnad i4ng.
11. 11,12 15 years old wants to get employment in
earns store. inquire .1 (1. Lebmen , 1106 Faroata lit.
, 017.11.
IITANTLD-A oitue11en earnest Sr .stry cook.
VYApply it cc , . 18th and Webster. 003-18'
T7'ANTED-Sltust1en , as nurse girl for the , Iok ,
vy can furnIsh beet of referencen. Jddress Mrs.
A. L. Perry , 722 Mynst.r , , council Bluff. ,
T AOlS on ouo MEN In city or country to
take nice. light and pleasant work at Sisal , own
holiucs ; 52 1. 50 ie day easily anti quietly made ; work
sent by mail ; so canvaaa1n ; no Stamp me , reply.
Pleas. &ddreex RiliaWo Man 0g. 0. . , FhUa4& . Pa. ,
drawer fl' . 475.1 viii
'rXTAISTID-T. rent , a house of I or C roontu , or s
Vi fewunfarnlshed room. within Sr. blocks of th'
Opera i1noo. " 0. " 5 oftice. et5.1g V
TAN'lK-T. buy , a email prlntlsg rotftt I
1cm. liv. towus In eastern Nebraska. Can pay
2oo down , balanc. in IYmSntI. Address
517.22t Coriey , Ibeiby Co , l.w.
thihl. Ooutli Orneba prefersed. Answer with
grke , "IF. . ii , " tbs other.
-iT'AJ4-rru-8.000 bushels of froSts picked , ripe to
V V ma5oex , at lEarn. & Fliher's. 127.11 '
17ANTSD-To psi cash for on. , acre of laud jhst
7 V noIflioIthu city limit , . See
639-IC - l'IICiC , Opposite ?
FOIb RENT--flOuss and Lots.
-r'olt IIIINT-A furnusbod treat room , lnciire N.
_ i' V. . ror. 0th and Jackson streets.
i'oyt aarr-ro 6rt-clus tenant wlthont child.
1. " ten , a furnished house In beat beaUty in the c4ty
Good tortes will be given to a satisfactory rerty.
Beat ofysfercnoes requIred. 0. V. tIAViS .2 CO. ,
640 U 1505 Faraam Street.
t'ort xN7-Th. commodious 12 room house wIth
1 stable , sic. , on N. W. corner 20th neil Curuing
streets , now occiuliled by Charles , y fMandoruon. In.
quir. up.iui promises ontil October let , when p..sess.
Ion wIll be glvru Amtlon sale of houae hold good.
Thursday , Sept. 27th. 672-ti
l'oit IIE.NT-Four room , , iuieaesntly situi.5
_ l , Lie. Term. 511 per month In.
quire of i. W. lice , King street , between Charles and
1.TANDSOMET.Y and neatly Fur'nlshofltoorns , In
Li. mit or single. hot niud cold baths. hlowrabio !
location. ll2OCapIlolAvvnno , 033-21
'OItI1ENT-Threc new storescor. 1011 * nuI Jones
_ t streets Enquire of Mrs. 'I' . Kennedy , S. V. . cor.
16th and Jackson. 035-ti
ijiOli . EN-r-A nlniy tiirnloliott room isis Jackson
-I str,2 _ _ _ _ _ _ 542-ill
1.ruoI : 10 IIENT-A very comi 'rtabic ) , ouejj
_ L1 _ rootnu on 6th street , near to fli-ownoil hail.
City eater earl cietern Apply to J , It. CIarIruon , of
Couudou , ( barlson hIatt , corner of 14th and Par.
1it , ) 1tENT-Warehones on Jones attest , botweso
. .1 10th and 11th streets , Oinala. Irsqula. vf I. J.
henulrtij l9thafldlodge. 605-161
T'olt 1IENT-sinail eotia , 1.24 5. 284 , ussr
_ I enwuith , ii or mouth. T. J. Jitzmorri , ; II !
8. 16th street. sos-u
1'olt 1IENT-Two floors and basement. Elevator
_ L atte.eiod. i2u7 Farnazn Street. 210-Iso
1'oit MENF-A new brIck store 43 test deep on
I Ilowau-d etreet , between 15th and itb streets.
Iniu're ' it Iiuehman'adrr store.
ri OR 1IENT-Well furalahed ; 1014 ITch.
: i ; _ ± LStflet.
IoiL RENr-rurnkhed room lnqttme at lIospe.
i. music and art stirs. Iodge street. 890-U
OitF.E'.T-Ur1ck store. Inquire , at drug store ,
Lor. 10th aol lougia. street. 030-ti
1lOlt I1ENT-Two lluos and basersoat. Eovator
I attached. ion Firnam attest. 270-ti
11(01 ( % i1KNT-YuroI.j and unfumlehed rooms.
Ij4location. FgcJc , Oip. P. 0.
Tea itENT-iteIdene. and storobutldlng. . lIED.
_ & p-olin & aouitu. itci.i 1..t&t. Agency. Ohio.
salt side lttb street , between end Dougiaj
itrocli. 7PM
. , - - - .
What gtvr-s our Children rosy cheeks ,
What cures thc.Ir fevers , makeii them iierqi :
'Tis Castos-Jo.
When babies fret and cry by torus ,
What curre their colic , kills their worms ,
lint Cust.eln.
Wbat 4uickly cures Constipation ,
Sour Stomach , Colds , Imhigratlon ,
But Cutorln.
Farewell then to Morphine Syrups ,
Castor Oil and l'aregom-tc , andlInil
lInil Castorluil
1-oit SALE-Three of the beat rculdenoo Sttme Ii
_ I.l the city , 2 wIth houses , In 7 mInutes walk of
po'toffiee. PaCK ,
ear-u Op900lte Poetotlice.
- ' SAIE-Iteetaurant an I etook ol grocerIes Iii
one of the best county seat towns In eastern 3k.
briaka A number one chance fur a man of caeryy
Address "P. J.T. " Bee otlice.
T'Oii SALE-Th. 1iortablo hollers le borne poibr.
_ [ ' Apply at I B. FItZPATRICK ,
(169 tf 218 South 15th Street
roit sALu-m. Iotadcslrableloeatlon and cheap.
_ [ 1 Each $275 , an good term , . Inquire at lIds
.61cc. 534-ti
i'oit _ SALE-Phiseton , oncap lot cash. Party wants
_ I _ to lcaetown. 446 23d street , bet. Ifarisey and
St.Mary's avenue , 047.22 !
T'Ott l SALE-1I.use 24x50 feet , with 7 rooms , wIth
[ half acre let , near Port Omaha. Price $ dOOcaah ,
or $700 on time. Address James A. Taylor , Fort
Omaha. 525-25) )
IOmt SALE-2ee-Very desirable cottage. I rooms ,
_ i _ lot & 'xIUZ feet , south front , esay terms. lIar.
gain. $2,100.
220-Cottoco hIs-s rooms , born , bell sore
south frolil , Burt street , $2,100.
317-Four choice loti , Ilanscom Place , cooli $700.
203-Splendid resIdence , 9 rooms , east front , IUtk
street Bargain.
218-Cottage 7 rooms , bars , large lot. veer ur
line. Easy terms.
337- Lot , liuuInu's addition , south front , 5215.
823-Comet lot , Shun's addition , 5125. LoSe is
Boyd's addition , each 0300.
Ataluabie Stone Quarry.
A celebrated Fire Clay Bank In Cass Oeeaty.
642-21 SURIVER ii BELL.
: i710R : SALE-A home and lot at o sarz.Soe. J.
.1 Marble , 217 N. 15th St 523-ti
-r--oit HALL O1IEAI'-A good "it&dlaeit Home. "
_ L' coal stoves , almoet new. CaM at the nortwcst
corner of 234 and Burt stroeeta. P. H. C00PI1.
F OR LEASh-Four choIce lots on 20th 86. . loag
time , 217 N , 16th itt. .1. L. Marble.
-U'0lt SALE-2614 Fasnam street 77 leeS frontage ,
_ J _ 125 depth , five s-earned hou&.c$4.001. $ i4-mot
rjoa SALE-A weB established hotel sail restan.
_ I rant. Aieocfgarandeands- lv maIn part
of city , doing good business. Addrsss "A. IT. " 1e
-1:7'oR : SALE-Splendid cock atoyc , bard .oal heser
_ J _ and extenalos table. Only been susod thr.
moot ) , , . CAL MARTIN.
658-ti 120 S. i4tbsttcet , Id Oo.r.
.T-oR SALE-Good business chances at 037 N. ibIb
_ 1 _ , street. J. L. UARBLL.
'f-molt SALK-At aba'gatn , a smell .iosher , ilat.niaUn
.L1 and C&s Sre Proof aa1e. Inqidro at this . (1ics.
1011 SALE-A clean ateck hardware. Margista.
_ v Easy terms. Addrcs K. J. Work , ifihiord , NO.
-T.J-loit SALE-A unmoor one horse , will 4xlve StogIe
I or double and will be sold it a bergela. Zoqnisv
attlzooifleeoftheOrand UnIaoTesOo.lhInIbb
St. 152-If
T0R SALE-Fin. farm .lose to the cSty.
. .c sso-u racK , P. .
oa SALE-
Lao yearling heifer. .
200 two year old hollers.
400 mIxed calves , October delIvery.
200 hcs4 yearling steers , October delIvery.
702 head smooth two and three year old obeys.
Iowa stock.
STJUNOII 11140's ,
Cettie Contractor. , Hide , W.oi and Tallow dosJrn ,
Sioux thty. iowa. Sill-ho
t'oR SALF.-A flrat class second hand top buggy.
_ j _ Call at 1815 hIarney street. - 307U
t.'oR ' SALE-Residence and buelneis property In
_ t _ all parts of Omaha , and Farm lendi is cii parts
of the State. l3D1OitD SOUEU ,
753-If 218 0. Ifib St. bet. F&rnim sod lossglas.
-'on ; eAi.a OR EXCIYANON-Full lot and three
U dwelling. .orncr of lith and Pacific Streets.
Nine lots In south Omaha. Also 160 acres of laud
00Gw Santon , Nebraska , and building isti stock of
Lulothlug No. 804 Tenth street Will exchange for
Nebtaska farm lends. Farther pertleniera at Oeo.
If. Pctorws's clothing Store , 804 Tenths skeet.
lrOR SALE-OSI nowipapers In large and amaB
.L irantitlee 1 this (0100. 11
-i'olt t2urve3u , maps or plan. of real estate to or
.L out of the city , apply to PECK'S
047.f Agency , Oppo.ilto . i 0.
L , 03pt. 0th , a brown cow wIth
whiteopota on oidtLeftcye hurt. h1ac rope
around horns ahen lost. l'hliilp Schmidt , 12th ad
Ceatellar streets. 073-20'
I 1OUNDA pocket book containing notes and is
ceipt. . Owner can have annie by proving urs-
on , and paying charges at lhl otflce. 5d9.19
OST-Wednoeday tucnIng bay mare wIth halter.
_ _ d WhIte strIpe In face and blind In loft co. 'I'wo
hind Icet white and letter "It. " on rIght ohuulder.
$5.00 reward will be laid If idIot iiiue lOam.
519-17 !
f'0UNI-A ioekct book , contaInIng some not. .
_ I _ anti other 'apers. Owner c-an have sauno by pay.
log charges anti rolling on 0. L. Uroen , Letter Car-
ml , , . atOrnahai'oetofflcr. 633-17
I The undersigned , enutlon everybody not to till
, toor buy anything slItr. . E. 11. Ilouben , UXCeIL
sue being ifemsonaily present.
609-17 ! . B. IIOUIO1ON.
rEd ! "IL"
375-17 !
-l K Besarti will b given for tin retura of my
Ill , it ) black , white stud inn setter , "PRIDE , " toNo.
205 $ 25th street No questions asked.
591.174 W. J , IIARSIIA.
T IOAY1O OltlF.itS-For baggage , erpru. . . or r.
LI riages , to any i'amt of the i2ty , at 216 5. 16th 81.
Telephone No. 14W2 , 1. . KELL1IJCL $
TPyou c-ant piles erlyco foraay purpose. eeW
.5. B.ydcenOold hones.
* 1.1ST. 418 Tenth street , botwoes , Yamnaun and Use.
nay , a-ill , with the aid of guardian plrIti , obteb 131
any on. a rILies of th , paut and pseerut , and On
ocrt&i endltions Lu tb. future. Iioo Iiusd Sb as !
in4J to urdor. i'ertma eatisfactlon ssvauWid.