i ? fti flATiv REE - COIfNCII. BLUFFS , TUESDAY , BEPTLrIBLR 18 , 1865. . - . - . _ . - . _ . A73E D 'dLY BEE. o inwii BLUFFS. ofiuosday fiuosday Morning. 18 , SUBscRtl'nofi RATES : 1n1 Cmrrler - - - - - - 20 cents per week > sy M. - - - - _ - - 110.00 per Year ' or FIcE : o ; 7 Pearl street , Near Broadway , MINOR MENTION. i See JmieophjRctor's } fall goode. Additional local on sovenih page. Cheap Railraid Tickets at Buahnohl's , The State Supreme Court opens here today , Tim United Stator Court mode hero next Monday , the 24th. ' ) The Mynstor building ie reaching its aecond story and looms up well , H , II , Bake is now the father of a i bran new girl 'who arrived yesterday morning. Pat Hanifan , who while on n drunk assaulted tlto chief of police , has ntan aged to settle his $22 , , and got released from jail. The body of George % itnntermnn , for. nerdy of Council Blurs who died at Sidney noy , was brought to this city yesterday for burial. The now seats so lone expected and so long needed for some of the school rooms Iiavo arrived and are being put in tplace. TI ought to have been nut in Burin g the summer vacation. 1 The body of Howard Dougherty , son of George Dougherty , and brother of Sire. L. G , Brackett , is expected to ar rive hero for burial Wednesday moor ing Ho died in Colorado. William McLaughlin was yesterday pIaeod bbhind the bare for being too drunk. Ho spent near ] all the after. noon in oxoriain his lungs in orating on various topics , to the disturbance oall in the building , and some outside. Hr. John Jones , the proQnotor of the "City line barn on Main street. has been warded the contract of carrying the United States mail to and from the do. to and the postoice , his bid being the y west , A man named Gustisan was arrested by Chief Field yesterday on the charge of tapping the till in Kriedlor a store. $ riedlor could not identify the man pos. itivol andas , it was feud no money 'TM stolen , ho was discharged. Hanlo , McKuno & Co , arc moving their retail drustoek , into Potora' new building on Main street , where that part of the business will be conducted under the name of 0. H. Brown ds Co. Thei r resent store will be conducted as strict. J Y wholesale , Alderman James is the only one of the city council who drew his $100 back ay + and kept it. Now that the council tins unanimus ) rescinded the resolution isn't it about time that Jaunos aid back the $ 100. Ho him lied it for several weeks already , , The fair week proved a very quiet one in police circles , and considering the crowd that was in the city there was Tory little deviltry. It is reported that a stranger passing through the city had his ockat picked at the 'transfer ! 'losing $30U but aho didn't stay to mte any comPfaint t e details of to affair am not known , The Ancient Order of Hibernian , have arranged for a grand ballto take place at Dohany's opera house Thuredayovoninq. Excellent music has been socurod' ' and every poasiblo arrangement perfected for having this social occasion one of the .most enjoyable of the season. With the committees as selected a good time is certain. Dave Tostovin was again arroated yes. torday for being drunk. With Dave ap poarancea are deceitful. The last time ; he was run in a doctor was called to ex amine him and decided his strange ac- : lions were duo to an overdose of bolla- donna. Just what medicine Dave has boon taking lately it is difficult to tie- termino. Officer Clough arrested a man named ; John Allen for carrying concealed weap 9 one. Allen's aide of the story s that ho ifavo it to a man to gat repaired and hind emu rot it back and hadn't carried it ' but dropping into a boor ardent . : tad some trouble ith ! two strangers , and to defend himself drew the evover which led to his arrest , , , The preliminary examination o [ George Larson , the section hoes at $ Crescent city , ho is charged wit ) : cruel- - pal careleaenoss in ] caving a witchl unlocked - locked is to tike place before Justice , ; Sahurh today , A large number of witnesses have been subpoenaed , and the , ' - ' the too accident is that too bottoli l facts 0 } of pill be got at , , c 1 9 Peter Bilgor'registered at tliepolice l - station as "a bad b ° y , " was before Jud o 1'- Aylesworth osterda morning. Hie r - Sunday sojourn jail had made him rather repentant and the court harrowed 4 the Hoist soil with a fatherly sort of a 1 lecture , while the boy's father concluded that ho would buy the boy once n ere be. sp Lore having sent to the reform school , at Thu 'Odd Follows Protective aseocia tion held a mooting last night. 'rime as- ] , socation , like many others of the corpor S stave plan , has shrunk { n numbers lately , the business being divided up anony s ° many associations that sonic of ttiou 1 have to lose and as this association keep s no paid agents canvassing for it , it oat urallY aullers a shrinkage ht menlbors 'rho aseeeaments are that 1nueh lighter , though. That is one consolation. A fellow named Brow : : raised a rumpu e at the Coy hmueo Sunday night. tvhil ee drunk bo jumped through ml ot + eu dinin g Tool : : window amid bo g all hugging cite o f time girls , and when she wouldn't liar any sucli nonsense and a fellow name d ] lilt came to her rescue , Brown knoeke d Lint down. Another utan stopped to th U ' front , and as Brown pulled a revolve y , khe man pulled too , and remarked : " J ran do a little of that , too , " Brown ski ] p. pod but afterwards canto back and kicke d up another row but was soon trightonc ti away by iho police. It is evidently not generally know n -that a license is needed b everyone wl is excavating or building. Yesterday P. Gouldon , who , it is said helped to make this very ordinance was , brought to the front for having forgotten all obo ut at. It only coats fifty cents for thu clerk 'a foe to get such a license , but it may co : t aeveml tines fifty cents not got t ' Builders and o contoldplahnb built d ing should bear this in mind and got o ut licenses before commencing any wore k , The matter has been neglected b tl to authortrns } as well as thbuilders , ii s f . .w rnV. . . . . . . . . . . - - - no w that the former nro waking ep , the dotter should not bo caught napping. A man who with his family stopped ov er hero on his rtny back from Dakota , and enroute for Nebraska , camped over night near the poor farm. After padding up and moving oil ho discovered ttat } ho had forgotten two shat guns , and , going bock , wild not find them , ho suspect. ed that the poor form folks had taken th em , but they denied it. IIo got out n acarchwarrnnt before Justice Abbott , an d Constable Ohattorbunch went out th ere. Mr. Enniz , the mnniu , charge of the farm , said ho didn't know anything about the gnus , but polka { , a they might in the awoke houeo , and sure enough , th ere they wore. The stranger also corn p lninod boG + use Enniz refused to lot him ha ve artJ water fromrho well. "SIIEP" GETti'rliritl : . The Dag F'cllmrs nnd f3hps n Runn . way Team. Yesterday ; morning the Bluff' City et- gino team , while hitched to Bruce How's open wage : : , was loft stranding by time dr iver in front ofjtho chief's headquarters for n tninuto , nnd sonothing sGtrting them they broke into n run. It la HUb possed they heard n telephone bull in one of the stores , anti took it for an alarm of tire , but however this may be they wont on the jump up Glmt Avenue into Pierce street , and leaving the nmiu port of the ve hicle ! hero , they rushed on with the fo re wheels through : the cut amid up onto the hills , 'Shag , the pot of the tire lode , rtmtt after lhmn as ho always dos s rvhon a tire breaks out , and the knowin sg dog soot discovered that Chore was seine m istake about this run , and dashing ahead of the horses , kept turning about mu d barking in their faces , and finding that this lied no affect , o made n lively run alongside , jumped up , cangh t on e of the coins in his tooth and pulled it , and just about that tirtlo , either Freon 1 that cause or aomo other , the Lore , e coma to n atop. Shop deserves still an other beautiful collar for this last act of intelligence. Ho really allowed more sense than the matt who loaves a learn un- hi tched. Neither of the horses wets injured jurod by the run. lIE tiYOUIIN'T DE 1tOU11ED. T wo Highwaymen Tackle a Citizen Witll a ltcvolvcr , but Fail to Get lily l'urae. John Mikosoll , vwho lives in Stroota vine , on returning home late Saturday night , cans tackled in Uw vicinity of th e Chicago rC Northwestern local depot b ) , two fallowa who talU him to stand and dolivor. He didn't propose to stand t , anyway , much lose to deliver , and they attacked him. In the scuffle ho toll down and loft his imprint in the mud , but r g ot on liia foot , and just ns one of th ° fe llows added n gun on loin ho scrambled oh mn rue darkness and rot away. H e sn s ha only had n small roll xit1l him , but he didn't like to give ever that up , an d he managed to at away with a whole skin and whole pocketbook. Real Estate Transfers , The following deeds were filed for record cord in the recorder's olllco , Soptombe r 1G , reported for the BEu by P. J. life ' Dlnhon , coal estate agent ; John Cusik to Andrew McCormick , s } ,14 , 76 , 0.8 ; 81,460. John N. Young to J , Lynch , Iota 9 an d 10 , block 1 , Arnold' , odd. to Oakland ; ' $340 , Harriet D Green , trustee , to J N. Caltady , lot 13 , block 18 , Drill odd ; $15. Mary Parke to M. E Roth , lot 8 , block 4 , Dfynstor'a odd ; 81,000. Edward Everett to Horace Everett , ew } , so } , 13 , 75 , 38 ; $100 , 1' , J , MoMahon to E. Df. McKune , lot G , block 1 , Bayliss' 2d add ; $1,500. , George W Springer to Byron N. Springer , ew } , e , 20 , 76 , 43 ; $500 , Ma B. Swan to Byron N , Springer , lot 1 , lack 1 hillside odd , ' 8400 , J F . Kimball to Virginia Groan , par t of block 9 , Mill add ; $850. Total pales , $0,765 , ' September 17. atherine Borg to Isabella Johnston , to t , block 1 , Ctwndy'e odd , $467,50 , J , H Hiller to r. N Casady , lot 15 , block 17 , Mill's add , $700. Daniel Gross to J 0 , Bradley , ] tart of 0.w. } eo } 21 , 74 , 40 , = 2G , Ellis I' . Clark to J. C. Bradley , part ew 'so } 21 , 72 , 40 , $50 , J. Y , Cartbr tq District Township of M acedonia , port of , 0.w } sea16 , 74 , t0 , $7 5.00. r. J T. Hart to J Di , Palmer , lot 12 ali + l part of block 18 , Riddle's sub , $2,000 , Henry Dololg to Joseph Wise , part of lot G , black f , Yaerttis add , 80 , Henry Avery to T A Denton , n o , } a } 17 , 77 , 43 , 8575. Josiah True to Sarah E , Campbell , lot , block 25 , Avoca , 8350 , Total sales , $4,412 , PEItSONi1LS , Lieutenant Governor Manning Is on th e stump Last night he had ao appointment to eak at IluneeWn , and to ulght he Is to epee k ChsitWn. Mayor nuwmsn , George F , Wright , J , T fart , Wm , Itobjneon , together with Jolml' , tone , of Clauxood , nro now alt for Cheyenn ° look attar aomo minter iutorosty , Col , A , Cochran ( s back to the Ogden agaimi C , C lthoale , of Iles Moines , andS , C , Abbott , of the , auto city are at the Ugdou , J , W , Skaggs , of 1'oorla , was ntncug } c x t0tduy'e arrival , + tt the Ogden , hr.Vilbur , the popular proprletur of th U C ommercial house , D1lwourl Valley , sous ii + the city yesterday , lee ) Elli + , ofYe ton , way ht the city yenta rv day and nmkh + g lmuadqunrtors at the 1'uclfi 0 Maj , J , P Stoats , of ] larlun , wax at tit ° 1gndlmo r yesterday. ] .ittlo ] .aura , time throe year old daughter + , t a 1Yall llclruddmt , was tskuu quite aoriuusly i II Sunday night , wit ) , what threatens to be cam a larlul raver , ] ) , Sllloway , et Collar ] tnptds , and pi n , prlotat of the Nurtltweetoru hotel there to he le for a day or two looking after the Ogden Lau B O of which ho Ix also proprletur. Od Jamey 1'orterfiul sad cadre have return u d ( rout New York and the coat , DlaAnufa ( Alllsou left for Chicago In at ovouing to visit friends for n ( w works , J , J , Shea , of Nuula , spout Sunday in tl ds city. ( fen ti'm { , A'andavoro , uI Dubuque , was at the Ogden yesterday , Obl ° I Justice Day , of the Supreme C ° a rt and G , Di , ] ' 'ray the clerk of the court , arrly al at the Ogden yesterday , "THE BOSS GIRL. " Mi ss Emma Barlog is Jad eI Worthy of Ihat Ville and the Machiao , Dllav FIIn Btnbbs a Close Competitor , and Others not Far Itohind , eln accordance with the announcement utadu , the newspaper urea mot at the Pa cific-house - yesterday afternoon to dc cide cake was "the hoes girl" and who altould ho entitled to ! hu sewing utachine atWred n9 n premium in that claw by rho fa ir aasocintinn. The award was to have bean nude Saturday afternoon at the fair grounds , but the rut on that day inter. fcring with rho programme ns arranged , n postponement was rondo to yesterday , ,1 nuutbor of 110W names were presented ye sterday and exhibits made , some of wh ich were to have keen mode at the fair grenade Saturday , but were prevented ti the rain. Several ladies rondo exhib- its before the committee in the Pacific house ycstettlny , and these 8N well as Chow rondo at the fair grounds were excellent. In ERCt t11U a110w'lllg3 which thin oiler of n sowing machine has called forth is proof sufficient thatwosturt Iowa is hill of "boas girls , " and young men ca n hardly g0 0.1/110.5 111 selecting OiW who will be queen u [ tlto kitchen ne well ns eE tltn rlrnwmg room and parlor. The committee of newspaper men were in u sorry quandary indeeJYhuruthcro caste en many girls who scorned entitled to being crowned Chu hose girl , it cans ditlicult to choose. They had bean shown during the pant week specimens uE aow ing , handwriting , patching , ireuinq , wn5hiug anti hind tested sawIIca , of cook. ing of all sods , except bad aorta , that to hove to decide which of all averaged up rho boat in all the dopnrtnmtts cans n punlor. After examining such as had not been examined before , the nowspn per fCIIUNa , modestly blushing in spots , , se hind their ears , Jioir cheeks having never fo rmed time acquaintance of a blush : , tlo } w ithdrew from the sly lances f the ladies who were gathered in the parlors , an d retiring into a tooth by themselves and drawing n long breath , began the work of'bslloting. At first the xna n general split up , every moo having BUtl10 special favorite , and it looked' ne though there w as to ho a prolonged but good nature d . At last Mise Emma Barton received ceived n majority and was declared ! h ° winner , Dues Ella Stubbs coming within o ne of tying her. The others tgho ro ceivodvotesweroDliasEatellaDoughcrty , M iss Hattie Bollinger , lilies D1nn i B , Fleming , Diies Jennie Cook and 11ie a Anna Paterson , and too much credit can- vo given them not only far thei r pluck in entering , but for the oxcollonc e of their exhibits. The newspaper me n decided to report recommondiog that th e sowing machine ho given Miss Batten , and that lilies Stubbs being so worthy of n like recognition should receive sonic fitting testimonial at the hands of the as aUC1At1011 , although a second prize h not been offered. They also recom 1ttclttlod that the other young ladies b ° gi ven certificates of honornblo mentio n n orspecial mention , for their excellence in to various departments of the prac- ti cal home life , . The newspaper men felt so strong ] Y that awry ono of the girls deserved n sawing machine , and felt so ashamed the nt rcha didn't have enough : to o all around that rnthor than tacthe Uatto , of fair l e yes which tvoro waitin in too ardor fen r n verdict , they seal the bravest of their n umber o inorm them that the verdict would be kept a secret until announce d in the morning nowepapere , and thensli d d own the back stairs and scattered. Time press representatives fool unde r special obligations to Messrs. Ferguson S. Son , of the Pacific , not only for show in then : the w0.Y to he back stairs , bu t also for their kind ] courtesy in allowing them the use of the parlors an d th eir attentiveness in supplying all needed facilities for reaching properly th e woightydocieion , Without any disparagement of tll 0 other "boas girls , " it 19 safe to declare that true winner , Mies Barton , is one m ' all ways worthy of the Hama and of th ° machine , and the prize has fallen in tU th e floods of one to whom it will be n p ractical hole , and one whose nvotnanl tndoNondonco , industry and skill merit some such recognition. Dr. West , dentist , l4 Pearl street. Bopublioan Oratory. IIo . N. M. Ilubbard is to address tit ° people of Council Bluffs front n Itepubli can standpoint Dtondayovmiiug , SapEeui bore 24 , Cougresantan J. 0 , Burrows , of the some camp , will speak here on the 27th Hon. H Di. Nichols is to speak a t Carson October 2 ; Walnut , Chu 3d l Avoca , 4th , and Nwla on the 6th. Col. Sapp and Col. Daily are to apes k at Oakland Ea tuorrow , Wednesday uveu ing , . . . - - --.rte. - A , Booth's select oysters reeivo d doily at 1Y , T , Braun's. - - - - - - - Sporting News. Capt. Jae. It. Dalton , Chicago's famou pugilist , who hazed with : Johu G. Sulli YAh amid other noted Iltell , will give n b oxing aril wrestling exhibition nex t 9'huraday ' ovuuntg , at Bloom & Nixon' ° opera Londe ; $50 is olfurcd to any mat I cadre proves able to stand up before Liu 1 four rounds , wit , moll eof 1t gheVfa , Marquis of ( SIICe11a1pU rules , raw 1 $ 110 to ml Cosa that Jalut , Rndehet 1v don't throw twice in ono hour. It i B rmnorl'ml around that rot uuknotnn nil 1 w restle for this prize , SPECIAL NOTICES Nol'IUFSiwclal adcurtbutnents , much as lus t , Nuund , To iniap , l'ur Sale , 7u Rent , Wane , Ilona i lug , dc , , w 111 be bsutod in lhls column at the to iw ate o ! TfN : CRh"11 l'FII : LINE for rho lust lnwrtlo r + nd FIFE CEN'IH I'III : LINE for each subacquent lm acrtluu , huaw adratlsamauts at our oHlrn , No. 7 l'carl Street , hear IJroalwsy WANTS , ' TANTE1-wry : toq In Councll Utuffs to to ke Y1 'l'ttsUes. utmlvcrud by mrrlcrat only twrn t y recta a wreak , JAEU-A boy , with Ibny , to dullwr Tae Ua s. ' \Ah'TEIp -To all 6,0Wy'udm ut Lacy sulk rib ' 1 lorlumsthan ltcost tuhupurttheu + . Uetba gdus e + cr uCorni In ribbons , J. J , UIJ89 , 929 ltroadway. ] Ah"TF.U-Dumallktulya flatdoes coot nuke r tl111TII a Tln LEU , T u + d0 Maui street , Council Iona , , FOB BALE AND BENT , rOItSALll Rowe and lot , uorthwcat corner of Tenth and Jroadr'y , Joss W , Uaua ecKlna ncuaxrou sALS ouikh r-Tt - + e Orals racking house , a,4clty 100 hogs cr dm lase with , W modern mppllwws ; weU loatod : foi sale ui Ap dy to ODNLL a DAY , Council tteuas , I. . , September 10 , IbS5. VISITORS TO E1TI1E1t OF TIIE , 2 GREAT FAIRS 2 SIGULD SPEND AT LEAST oie I1f .IDt rAT -AT TIhli- i -OF- CASADY & ORCUTT 502 BROADWAY , C ouncil Blud'Sf - , - - Iowa , MAYNE & PALMER f DEALERS IN Lime LouisviIIe&Poland 1tIC111oAN PLASTER , HAIR AND SEWER PIPE , HARD AND SOFT COAL AT LOWEST P1ucE , No , 539 Broadway , - - COUNCIL IiLUPFS , IOWA SMITH & TOLLER , r l O w CD O ti Ow w . o , a + - - C ! ' = , _ - - W arc ant = 0.i ors , _ 7 trod 9 Main Street. nIRI ] CJTORSr ! ' wxxj $ LVFFf1r x. . JOHN BEND & 00. , GENERAL 1 A X MO HN Street. . 217 and , Grocery , 215 Maln . l 2W 3laln etreo. ; J . , BARSTOW M , D , , Camor Ei'street and Filth era . DR , 3. . Fs WHITE , Corner Main and Fifth up-stairs OFFICE dence , 50 * Willow atenue. Ne SC IURZ , Onlco JUSTICE scar American OF TIIE Exprcma PEACE , S , S , WAGNER , WIB caolroct for funerals LiVERYAND at rcaeonabla FEED , rates. 42 Fourth , Croat. J , Me S.C 1 , JOHN & COiaCASH BUYERS , Wholcatlebutter try andlralt , Ship eggs , tow. peal , . Draft by totura mall. 110 Broadway. S A , PIERCE.NEW BOOT AND tlUOE QDlaer STORE Main , and fret avenue. D , A , BENEDICT , SIQ 0 li Broadway , : JAC'OB , OCH , Stock complete. 'SaiteEmadoa prices. No. 805 MaIn St. G. Fs S i ITH CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , . , Corner Tth and Broadway. I'laae and epedamtlone furnished. . . .v v. - SHERMAN ALEEt FINE IIAI > NESS. . . varierDY bring.FINE , I hate rho that bring. 124 Main street. JAMES FRANEY , AtUsuo work 0.d roeaenable 572 Broadway. HOPE & SON FURNITURE STOVES , S and 1ousehdd Supplies. 0.03 Broadway. L11V T ART ATTORNEYS AT LAW , L & , Jmmu nlak. 1'mdlce { n elate and /decal / court. . SANITARIUM And bath house , 421 and 423 Broadway , L Sovereign , Prop. P. J. Mont gomery , b. D.1'hyslctan wADE CAaY , Otllce , Bray' . stable. VETERINARY SURGEON , No , 12 Scott street. EDWIN ; r. ABBOTT , Notary Public and Coastal Conveysacer. , 415 Broadway. REVIIrRE HOUSE , Broadway opposite Now SMITH Opera &NORTON ( louse , , Itcattd 81 , 81.50 per da y : SULLIVAN & FITZGERALD , DEALERS IN rOCBeS ! , FrOY1S1OIIS , Bools aM lioos = MIGI R dTION , Eis.Gl I7NTJf3. . DItAI"fSON TIIE DANE OF 1itE1liND , DUUfJN , FOIL SALE , 343 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFF s ' C R ESTON HOUSE , MAX MORN , - PROPRIETO R , 8115 r S17 4a.ad 91fl FJ. Maisz IBtroot , COUNCIL BLUFFS , _ - low A MRS , D , A. BENEDICT , THE LEADING DEALER IN , 1 , 331 Broadway , Council Bluffs , SRELT oN ENDRICRS & RICE TAILORS , 1 02 MAIN STREET , OUNCIL BLUFF S FALL AND WINTER STOCK NOW COMPLETE EMBRACING MANY NOVELTIE S ivo T TO BE FOUND ELSEWHERE , YOUR TRADE Is SOLICITED S . I - r.i - : - - - . / To The Trade I 1Yo ; t.Tkoplcaanro Eu calling your attention to the fact that we have mluleeuck arcango ments as will enable us to sill yOR J , 9 l < 1 9 Etc Here , as Low as you can buy them East. IrWrito for further iufornmtiouu , ° CO. , 412zBroadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa , e Iy' Sur ' , ail . 'w ' , . l . Empkie Hardware Co. : t nf r ' " ' ; bStt" s , ' ° ' j WSOLrI119A.L1' ] k , _ ' 'Hardware ! 109 and 111 S. Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Metcalf $ ros. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN HATSCAPSS , > s 342 and 344 Broadway , COUNCILBLUFFS , IOWA. . Cnu1ecflofle Parties , Socunbles and Picnics supplied on short notice , and goods deliver to all parts of the city. Vienna Bread , and Pica. Fine Cigars. w. T. BRAUN'S European Restaurant , 404 West Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , . HOUSES , LOTS AND LANDS fBongSt 11..uci Scold. Money Loaned , Abstracts Furnished . ' J. A oM > F30N No. 4 Pearl Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , H. E. SEAMAN. s Special Sale or Thirty Days -COADIENCING- Sa-t-L ] rd.a .t L7. t 5m , To reduce our stock and make room for a large stack of FALL AB ! HOLIDAY GOODS We offer at reducedpricos ; our stock of , f llOllOy , iscolliiieous Books ' PHOTOGRAPH AND"AUTOGRAPH ALBUMS s . Pocket Books Purses & Ladies' Arm Bags FANCY GODS f Steel Engravings and Other Pictures---Cabinet Photograph - graph Frames , Parlor Easels. Fire Screen. F'r , ii , WALL POCKETS AND BRACKETS , ! 3 ] Dolls 9 ConiElsting ofall kind of r . Baskets---Clothes Baskets and Hampers. ALSO A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF OTHER GOODS. will Pay You to Call' and I Look at Our Bargains , . . H. E. SEAMAN. 405 Tlroadtvay , - COUNCIL DLUi f'S , I011'A. , 1