_ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - --w----- - - - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . r I _ - .L * - - . . 5 l8L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - _ - _ _ _ . _ t-- . . . CO 'lior and POOR SPELLING. T- _ : ; : ; ; ri . ; ' _ " . , - . . . " . S r , \.I SS , - . .5 , . , . . . S . . , . . . . . . .5. t . . . . . KIRKWOODII Tlii i a new and beauLiful addition to the city of Omaha , iturt . ad i Ill thQ north pr of the ciLy , fronting on Sherman nvoiiuo , that has bceii planed oti tim ni inosi ; tiesirable loefttion , forresidnce , BEDtORD & SOUER ketforyears. , Kirkwood. 4 , TIns properLy is diyidel into regular eize city lots iind acre Ic reasornb1e prices and on easy terms. whieli will be o1d at BEbFORD SOUEH KIRK WOOD. , 700 feet on Sherman Avenue. This property cnno1 I Fronting . No hills S" to be desirable and 'will be rapidly taken up KIItKWOOD aud iprovcd. addition. ] ravines to cross , in getting to climb , no : ha'r8 to addition , ivill not i lot in this you member , 'whQn you buy a . building. r auouiit equal to first price to grade your lot before :5 : Kirkwoo& ' .5 this addition at an early day. These I 'will be t 'S reet cirs run Iat and , 5- . will double in 'value in 12 niontha. Call at BEDFORD our office & SOUMI. ee titako aeleati.u.s early. I KIRKWOODS S the price of anyoLher l.t Sites and at half , Niegant Buildhg . , the best trect in the city. S theaity of equal distance and location1 on S BEDFORD & SOUER , 14th Street , bet. Farnam and Doug1a. : .S ; ! I. Improved rroperty. , i : B house , cot. 13th and Caflfon , . a , rOO-i room outhou8 .S S . trvet , C cIoet , o3Uar , cUy wtcr ot& N. 13th street , closc 7 e2.700--8 room boti on oeUa ; ctern , well , etc. floau & - hOUSO on DavenpOrt. b 12 $ ,5OOGOO1 811 roam cullS c . ' ( c . ' 23.1 arnl 24th , two eiory o osoti , pantry S ciatorn , wcfl , rutt .hrubbery , taile a 15 l 100-Full rizo lot on McCndllah place , S . two frame cottogi , one 5 room , ona 3 rca . PoraaJcorexchsnge. two aad a haU acre lo with 10 e2Ioo-000d - room cottage , brick celia ; weli , frulttreee , etc S % 17 One .1 the best three ory brlckbustnwea hou on Farnam etreet. Torma private. : 18 $8OO-New 7 rooni houae on N. 18th etreet. . Cb& . modern lmrovemcnta. Good location. S iJ $3OO-New 4wo atory house Queen Ann tj , Si- AU modem laprovemcote , city water , let 1 . 100. Z2 Two hill 1os St. ilarya avenue fl4l 20th , wIth Iiouae. Will be l1r.toIaai bulnoez proper Terma easy. 24 $4,7b0-LQt 6Oa0 wIth. two housca. cheap. 30 $ t00-Two houses In Nelaon'e addition , on C. , icr atroet. Outnouica , clitern , fruit troee etc ii Buslnc.s house and lot on D.ug1w , trcetb 14th asd 15th. Term.caay. 34 Nw 8 room houueenChlcago. bet. 24thand 2fr All hiprovement. . 5 Two new bonsai , one sl and orher 8 root Vlrut-claaa and niedani tinprovomenti. Ter F. l0O132 College 5trect liedlc 38 ! ,700-LOt hou.o.Yoll hinproy .ubIvIuIon , new Ii room hou.o. 2i00-Lot tOxitO Convent utrect , 8 room c 8 - , . tae1 large basement sultablo tor ronina , ba 3 ste. g,3oo-e loom houc , ThoneIti a4ditlon. ba $ ® ca well , cIaLn , good hnprovoiacuta. * 1,800 on long ttinc. bet. 11 14,200-7 ooni house OR Vavenport , sod 17th. largo hone , , barn a 46 Lot lThxiOO 00 Shernian , other ItnIro'einilW. Lo whllwut hupro ments l vorth the inerley we ask tor it. and tWo full sIze lots on P , houuc 47 Two new . ave000. hot nil cold water , atid all inod would ttouae5 c rit class Iniprovcnenta ; , . wkit we ail ( for whole. } tra good barlti , Blxlr.O , cor , 17th and Center , liol l s $2oo-Lot . , , 4 rooms , barn , water , trc s , outbuIldIngs. horoc 18th but. C.elfornhi $ room , 40 $2,000-Fho Webster. NIce lroprty. Terms easy. 50 1,5QOLOt9 , block l , hlihiii.i d addttfan. C ' , ittl a haJlatory Jiotigo. 5i'rin4 cay. . . 12 $3,000-Gootl 7 roonl houo oiiSherman. 1Iod clstcrii. A bargi lInJrove1ne11 , stahli , selI , - 1.3 $8rio-FiiU lot. one 8 room and one 6 ru ' hiGuCe. 'V the front opera , lionan , new , 5 blocks S cheap. lot on 1)odo , near 11th. ch l,5&0-SplenilId 62 $ & , and stuall cottage. Zu house Cl $3,0O0-Larie , , i.ar 10 lent locatIon , full size lot , Davenport1 00x260 , good a room houco , modi 8 14,600-Lot . . buslneaon Sherman cv. niprovenients. near , . fuIllote , with two gco1 I uses , 2 d e7,0-Two eaib. ) . ead ChIcago. ( IVIII eIl separately for 02 I500-Two lots IfakllO , lth heu.e stable . ' sub.dlvlslon. liarker's 1t.dlck. siS 3 $ l,600-tt and a half , good lioue , tilvlelon , ( cornr. ) . bet. 1Ih S house Chicag. , , S Os Lot wLUi 7 rooni 14th , ' . house , Itorbash's a MJ0-Lot atid t. room 1 - 01 tJon , , well , 4steru1 etc. urceythlng I. good 102 lair. tTh0-Lot and 4rooni house , Irard , bar , 10th 17th. Unimproved Prope : Felt BALn flYBEDFOflD& SOIJE i4o. 2 31,000-1.01 00x127 , indiana and DlvIslc 8 1700 cach-TwolotsO6xl32 each en 11t and 2 Iota 6xI32 each on 10th. U $260 each-i hot . hi Yatca & Ree4' . add 23 87,200-12 full sIze Iota , Itanacoro I block west of Park aventie. i50 each-Two lots on Park avenue. iJu.Ineai lots on 1)ode , between 11th 31 p400-Lot In Shlnu's addItion. on Sewai lot Reeil'alat additIon , os 33 $3,000-YoU , Chicago. dl $5,000-81x good Iota In Ifanacorc Pie gabtL " $3,000.Lot 10x120 , on Farnam , near 2 cheap. t 8225-Good lot In Lowe' . addlUoti. cash AG Four acres fit lVast Omaha. .o p150-Lot ho isaaca & Selden' . wldlUon ao 'rwo lots 14th and Leavenworth , ( bualot 12 Afleu'a aub.dlviaion 51x111 87 $32b-Lot , 68 e17&-LOt gain. 4. block I , Lowe'.1i4 adeUUoi locatIon. J el.ooo-Flne lot 1teddIck' addition , Pg 84 400-52 feet of ilock 3 ! , Shlnn's addltl < ylow. 10th. BusIness $ 82,200-Lot 44x60 on worth twIce the prIce asked. size graded lot on Chic 91 83.500-Full 15th and 14th. , s dO0-UoOd lot , high location , south 10 100 I.0W-33xl32 on 10th , bet. Iiarney tuci. id in L 103 VI0 each-Two extra good a.Idltlou. Coodhltch location. Bargains in Farms & I No. Improved farm , 10 til peracre-IOOacro ton , Iowai0 acruawoodland , 41 aea . Timothy and Clover. &crc.s 13 T4IX1O-40 acres 34 of a nub aest of Ft two hou.ss , two bangs , granary. corn eIIs,800 bearIng fruli trace , lOt ) gm Will egl or exchange. 14 7O00-200aeroe , half mUe N. W. Elk cultivation balance lasturo , F i.r.s In , house , stable , etc. Terms ea.v. II tt00-l0) acres goo.l land , 4 1.i miles I hingian , Cotfce county , 1anass. Will for Omaha Property. 15 35,0OO cash -Otto of th.t bct stocked laud. the State , 1400 acres of doodad partIculate. of Wilb city acres adjoinIng - 61 ,4O0-240 well I and county , All under fence Thli ltropertI iechLaIi at $10,000. 00 1.20 jlcr acro-41i1 acre , miles front Douglas county. Part In cultlvtion meadow , all good land. W'll sell or wL with cattle nian for o.partnerohlp , or tract to fcd 100 or 400 lined of cattle. 70 to 82-10 000 acres In Morrick county. able land , and wIll be sold Irene $ d acts. h ) 7 per acro-Wihl buy 100 acres In Chd 00 815. ier acre-Ill ) acres 2 inllos from 1 lewa. 07 $10. per ccro-Iinproi'eil near Logan ho . 1 Co. 104 Several hundred acres In Cionilug 106 fIts thousand acres hi 8tanton Co. Nub timbered lam ' scro-lIQO acres 107 $10l'er Co.iIo three ma1h1arnui ontuls lanth , good cottonwood timber , which will u PT far Investment. For ialu or each Omaha property. jCah1 and examIne other property not BEDFORD & sou : 213 8. 14th. bet. Famnam and I . , S : * a. . I . S S : : . , . S. . . ' S. . 1 , ; . ; _ 'l. . . % . : ' - 9 -5 , S .5 S : 1tlIlOUIOUR 1IIitS AIW ENTr.I1TAINED AUOtT I'URGATI1 lANOF.Hfllhi4 1(1 lCOl'h1Og Thill SF01 IIAIII' TIl II nowiis : , TO l'lliTltATli Toils SYSTEtI , 'ITll FWIIOI'S 1 % NATURE hAS elI A SAM1'l.E 1NTII Slt.TZlt Si'ltlNO. CII' HAT l liii lilt. STIrATEI ) Oil lYSPJ1I'TlO 8YSTlI ire itSFOItATI N , AND l4 Titrran ascent Seltzer ATierIent l.CIRNCF l'IIOVF.h ) ON NATIJRI1 1W COMHININO TM UAIILE INUItgDulNTh OF TII1 FOUNTAIN INA rOhtrAflLIPOIW.TI AND POTKNF SALlN ALTI4ItATIY TIIgCONttITION 1W TiUt BLOOD ANtI A1.LThlFLUlD5 OFTIlIt BODY , 001 PItUQOIST1I. 1liIpaccd Contlilonoc 'A toryis gtlflg thorourhh of prs3 conPihg n Olniihft Inren ! orm0r7 bAnker of Fairmout. the cU9ktnf thu financier , wh ( orcati to employ t lawyer to bussinoes passing through ills reqtliro the lawyer to divitlo lila huin. Among the ntt.ornoya wi ho hitti. this flrralh0IlU3l1t WLI8 01 110W a residoitt of Dakota. 'iV 1ef Fairmout , ( ito biuikor clalicica lawyer owed 111111 $25 c vided fees. Tue lawyer aduiit this , but clahnod that CetIhhit Was balanced. I'ostiil c tlircnteiuug letters were Built t but failed to bring any resitu last the Iuirnucier deculeti to i the generosity of the 1awyor ant "I unTo always believed you honorable inn , Suit now I leave to say how much yet justly Scud rue what you tllillk is rigi will call it stluaro. " in duo ti , lilarked "specie" caine to 0mm press. Tilt ) charges were $1.ti the banker promptly Paid. lit the box , carefully romnoved t coverilig of sawdust , and dow very centre , enclosed by' many of atroimit lUther , ho found faahionet [ "bungtown" .oppor cm Beats thto World. This is what H , C , liobonnan , am " 2'horna.s' L Marion , Ohio says : beats the wor'd. ' Sold nine bottles anti to.day. One man cumnd of son eight years standing. Is splendid ft tl.tn. TO illS OiIUDITOit Tito Assgnmcitt % of Lowhm Clothing Merchant , to Sherlit Lewis Brash , the clothier , of nam street , inado an assignn morning to Sheriff Miller , for ti of his creditors. Ho claims Macta are about $ tOOO and his botweoii $8000 and $9,000. showed that ho had been payin debts very well in the last few but was pushed to this by the of one of his eastern creditora hero. hero.This is one of tito first assignr dor the new law passed at the ha of the legislature , a hea1thi secured by our umercimanta which discrimimmation fllfl01l the credit der its proiaioiis all assigunloni be matte to the sheriff and moot the creditors as formerly. In teen or twenty days the crodib meeting mud elect mu assignee t bonds. "Tho Dead-Line. " Many. old soldiera rernomnber"the at Anelorsouville. It was a mIhty neighborhood. Dyspopefa , billoui liver auth kidney diseases are full o the lck , but JJeg'tJck IJlOOd JfUters tam remedy. Sold everywhere. Our Mary amId Albert Edi Washington herald. A gentleman who returned ii London last week says Mary had a more cordial reception tI has boon given to an America for ninny years. Ho also toll which , if correct , can not fail t the respect of the American i Miss Anderson. It scorns that arrival she was invited to son boat houses in London , amid at told of her beauty and wit that - Prince ofWaloa very anxiou her. Miss Anderson was of this fluttering oxprea His Royal highness , but , accountably , as it seemed to lie friends , she showed no dosir presentation. FimiaJly a gentlc know her very well was asko Pri1c to say to Mary Amidorso would be ploaaod if she would timno when it would be agrocabi to receive an introduction royal liiglincsmi. Situ said , t , wished to show no disrespoi future rulcr of Enaud ] , she r Chiflo to rci'oivo Jiimmi. Such a newer beforu been made to a r an introduction by a prince of ti and she was asked to explaiH. troduction to the I'rinco of Wr 1luckily answered. can do inc professionally , and I know ho ' lie regards actresses Lilly. Personally , I have aiwa toimied miiy own dignity and sd and. I do not moan to put muysu positioli VolUiltarily where I ma polled to forgot them , The must decline to be presented t have gone this farm life withou of scandal attachihmig to mime , and mean now to do anythmi iiiilmt change that cm 'l'hmms settled thio numitter , 'I gtt ; out in London , u widely repeated , mini it % fltj after that that titu l'riieoss of vitod Miss Amodorson to her i.'ar an honor shiv had never buforo on ally actress ( If the English is a pity 139180 of time American are getting tllemsolves very mt ahiout hit connection with the \Valca could not follow Miss ) exam jib , tVAi ? A SPE t ) IpI - ' - - Spaina ' . 'JEVER FAILS , .5 ' L ' . _ - sbus , q1v * c : : 1rJkIur ( .iut ; Jlccas - - Nervous lIcakuess , BraIn Worry , J hlliiousnees , CosUle,4e43 , Nervous 1' ' Joc1it Trauttea and Irreflularlltcs. iJ * 4unmplp 'l'c.lFiiuulnls. , "SamarItan Nervino I. doing wotitli 3)r. .1. 0. ldnl.eenolnmiexnndm "I lcd it duty to recoinmueziti It lIr. I ) . l , 1.auglmIIn , Cl 01 L cnred where jbylcbaits tat led. 11ev. J. A , Etilu , ( rvcly unsi xiorrespoodcuce testlmoltall and cleculanl sent h ar The 9V.LA. P1h.nond Med. Co.StJ tc1t1 by all Dru4mrlsIs , SUMMER VMS IN ME LHfln I Liii. ttThe ihts" of I1ontcrey---T c Zraoz , Pcu1iritios 11oxicn llll38llS , "Tho Old , Old Story , " as Moxioo Plirtations , a the Munloipal Palace , The Postal Byatem ad thc 4 , how Asarlcnn Prison Built Ihie "Vlrin'q Bridge. " S1clal Corroiiont1anco of t.ho hiss Every Mexican city huts it ( larks or public squares ) , and ? m is jimrticularly bhosscd ill that hlaYilhg ItO loss than a dozen. theni are bate , hot , dusty hmhmoec out.trco orabrub , while others mu bloom 511(1 beauty. Time ltlmtrk with its fountain and its crowds ore mud sellers , we have aeon , there is the 1tmmmicipaI Place , iii of the ? itunicilal I'mslace , a hmi place wIuhro the carriages st Cruic do Mayo Place , ( " 5th o immuod in honor of tim victory Fromichi at Puobla ) , where , upon nimal recurrence of the day begimi which math a weak. 'l'hmo old ( grave of chits ) , once the fashiomi mmmdc of ? toiiterey , but no wti sorted , its old duos mostly dead stone bunches fatting to decay ; mi era of still less importance. ' 1 ionabio promenade of to.day is I tiful PLACE 115 ZAIIA (1OZA , which lies in the center of the two'n the cathedral anti the It palaco. It ; hIM many trees , a It very fine fountain in the ceutc big marble dolpkuiia wore the w master hand. Its central ii crossed and cris.crossecl by man pths through a wilderness of ri around the outside runs a wi promenade of cement made by masons , which is as hard , sin white as polished marble. Both and inaido there are rows and clumsy benches , made of this i irient , which. looks like marble- ing one disagreeably of the mo is dimly lighted by lanterns at wires. Here the military band oral evenings in the week , and i terey turns out among thic It is an universal can custom to walk in the plazas. Married ladies ci dulgo in it so miiuch-es thmel lords prefer to keep thWfl at In all time SollOrittOs go with their clmi and the 111011 universally-old au niarried and single. It is am tioto how the most iiotoworth husbands are always seen upon t strutting round and round I : ocks , flirting outrageously opportumuty olrors. It is thu oh "they know how it is themael Suspicious 80 are particularlY batter halves. No doubt there husbands among Mexicans , d peculiarities of tropical temper , show how a unami is absolute Inns wife , let flIC toll you an incido most beautiful woman in Mon widow , who wears time young deepest mourning , though prob happiest day of her life was w wretch of a husband died. father , brothers , and a large cc among the first families in the ci time alto was iii this plaza , whoomi inebriate umusband suspected her ing , " amid actually drove her timi streets , striking her , I am told than TIIIIEI1 ILUNDIIIID IILOWI4 , between the piazi and their hiomim was there ioo milan iii Montory ford" I criedindignantly.V , " ' 'Ohm h her father and brothieral" imusbandyuu know , " was the re " hotly had a right La interfere. These plazas arc a blcssimmt , for Mexican social custoi young strict that about the only place gallants are permluitted to gaze i objects of their devotion are hem church. Thitty mnay not call up faimmiliarly with their brothers mu hilesseci country , as in our olvhl ilium out to ti'ttlk , to drive , to ( fl' balls-elm , iievrI Time whole of tiocitil otimjuottu would. tummib their cml's if itomehi scandalous timj regmu'd tb . - - they Aimmericana with uihfted , Iniiids horror. lint f.hio "old , old stor3 told here cia swell mus elsewhere , mu ermi hulooel iS quick to learn it. a young imiumi lixeit his eyes mipt whom ho thumiks lie would like I. through jrcater tn lie must go momid probation than did Jacob fo Of commrso lie limos 110 acquttimita her , mud lie may , neil. go boldly lien hike mimi hommorablo immami upon mnoaimdors liick and forth before dost' , day after day , and right a ijmmtil ho Ihos attracted twitiomi ; mitid thmomi ( wlic old folkmi are not looking ) ho I 1)ouquets between time ittrH , 1 miotcs Imimlden nimlong Limo roses. young lady's affections are not engaged she is imot slow to resj mnry ho shire simo Is thou it you st.ammt thmami over imm her atte chmmirch , and her health dulnand ninoumit of oxuzciso ill the pimu not speak to each ethernet nitty not asic a mmuitimmtl friend t.o ititz' -hut thitmy oxcimamigo glances ; Ii whiwi situ , no by accident , f her chaperommo ill 1301310 miarl Iuiltim where the i'mgiit lii coiiYWiii Ilcuid , , hmegives hon little hand i yimiltm tmlijtiilig LI. mnLe hmuto it. earth smhio , so closely watt guarded , guts Imor no him , imcat'cmi only but "Limo gcimtlcimt of her sox 5(11110 how. 'l'1moim 1111011 51110 of Ito cammmiot go imirmmsolf to lien ask lila daughter for milarnilig seiida a friend to mmegotiatu for hater famimihimis consent , then Imu I thu bleastiti privilege cmf cahhini imitorvals , mtmU nuuhiig her , on tim aimlo of time nonin , in tlmu mm'csc wimulu fnnmily , 1 nmumodlately butnoilmed-c they mire foniimhiy emony iiiinot as bimmdimig as itself-but OS'OII timumi ho is mmuvm tei. to acu lien fIve muommiumits ii ttml < o lien out tAm walk or drive , julio her iii her iiorammmbmmi tlit , imlam , till after is t.ccurtiiy tied. I'oni ) . . _ absurd atnictmicsm , limos ill fl eiinbn , , Ittit it surely lies itS I'Acl 01105 , time yottmmg ImooPlo imarcu1iy sh Jamigima at lockamniths , " auth clii too. I noret RAW MICII OUTI1.tOP4)tJS F1.lRtlNO as hero , New York , Chicag. , S Clad , , \Vnimimhmgton , are cloisters to this samno Plaza tie .aragozal fashion imi the tropical climate the eatlietiral cory early morning , amid of conrese time road Iioi through the I'Inza , day afte four or five o'clock the young i be bo seen at.andiimg around at roses , aw.itlng the arrival of ti dilmonia. Thsy gianca and s may not now itoci at each oth silently ho follows her into the citthedial , whorain , I VeRtthra that many a kneeling youth , w devoutly fixed , has worahipied saintrathor than a dead ammo. T is a charming lltbCa , especially n \\'imomo time illoomi is siminitmg in tro1uiciti skies mitch tim air is lie the breath of roses mini orange amid jessamnimle , mini time fountain niunmnunimig , inn ! tim bamul ph auuistmolls Sotitliormo airs , ti mmot a Sithit iii them calommdnr who , would not succmmmmmb to thu immiluem nh MUNICIPAL. P.ttA1714 , which stands titmuit Ohio skio of ti is mmot mmitmch of it ' 'palace" : tftor a a bongo siluaro adobe immmihuimmg , tn bight , covered with elazzhimug vhite and surrounded by heavy arcin forimo a corridor. Imiside are qtiartersStmpremmuo Court rootio ml mint sundry obhices of the ( lovern apartimiout.s which mtre muiytlmiug tmml. tmml.Tlmo Governor's hmmnhlsion Er viaza on the east-au adobe , coloi'od hiotiso with tim rare iuxt second story. Time Bishop's resitlomico is aim p'azit , beside the Cathedral. Tht -El YILmo , Suitor Doctor Macs 1Immtci3 Moimtea do Ola3 Oburgo Obispo ( hi Limmarcs.-wlmich is little mmamno mud title , is a genIi great attnimiineiuts , casIo muiti rot ho mum traveled imo all Immuls , lIve nil looplea , mud has studied , thu written much. He is now in ti of hife-purhmapa forty years old oxcoptomiiuhly hiandsomno Muxic famnily are nlmmong Limo beat iii tlit lie , amid lila own 1)rivato fortumie foot up munong tim inihhiomis , I is a iarmo square , Lwo.sthry afFair in wahl.papor pattern , thio hone lished by iiaiioted figures ropresom seuoils and various inythiologi jocti , which arc really artistic. there are no woman mu thu hot ahuomig the sorvanta. his bite ] coption rooms are furnished wi tAste , and his immense salomi of is lined. fromn floor to ceiling on with a tisagnificent colisetion of all lauguages. Blanol , imioNTita PB ? LA is master of many languages , tuom of considerable note iii French , and Italian literature. One of tion rooms is furnished with a sot , ( sofas amid armmood chairs ) ma Polished hiormis of time Romuami be lmolstorod with their skimis , IV , wimito hair tipped vas bug , wavy , as silky amid beautiful as astric comhsaniolma this gentleman , whic aociqty at its best in nil lands , sickly young priests , his books , fixes , and two yellow headed ar squcaic mmiii. ( lt1rrol coiituiu Mexico , bishops Ituty riot go mt amid may mint entertain any ( mnahedigmiitnries of tIme church. His predecessor , a very old finimi maml , observed tIm nuciemit strictly , amid Wits hover SCOil state. Such entire seclusion Was blo for the present iticumnbeiit , lmemdthm gave way under it. Them chased an elegant coupe ( time oi have soomi iii Mexico ) mend with beautiful little ciipcd mules i take an evening drive out into t This au1mortitious people do m the slightest imonovation lii imoaf t.aimiil1f to their church , and at I dilly displeased at seeing their gr op tukitmg a little fresh air like o 1)10. By and by , boingnfhhictod pepsia froni conatamit inactivity to loorso.back riding in thi cot day , amid thieio mmiamly were But the crowuimmg horror was whioii a favorite opera aimiizor , Sonora Pinmilta , wit in Roimie ( a fat old wommuami with ii Lions except ii mmiamiIicommL , voic in Momitoroywas invited to hum iishiOj'S hmotmae , with time hmishop So greatly vure the people aim this sacrilegious tct that lie I dared repeat the experimnemit. with all imis wealth atmel attitimimu social gifts , time bishop lives time liurmmmit. If lie calls upon a. Li Indies of tim fiommuihy nrc mmevo lie mmmay iut. tmmri'y nor tltlrl'OuIItl t'itii chmmidi'eii lie imimmat. miot s frommi his high state foi' a mimoim lose sight. of [ lie hhtmody tragcd3 ill ( imelvary eightcetm imummdred ym ' rather h ' .i'hio poor bishmop-l'd hmltci I 'J'lmo children auimiioto lie ill his mmitne immud bhachc robes , mtii imnagitie that hmo rommioves thiummi imuoimt , lie hiatt a variety of hiandsom amid according to ti 010(1 cresses , , of his eflico , wears a mmmtegmiitlc upon his muid ho finger , met with precious stommes for every hzltfli ycam.Vhmemi Catholic indies his prosumico it is time iriior thu eremitly kiss time jusvui upon lila I it is immnmeceasitry to mild that Imolicia do no muich thimmg. ThIS FST0FFhi ) ( , which in next to tim llishlOjl'tm I ill it L'tloxicaii itistitutfoim of time gravatimig chmmirmecter. Altlmomighm lutes mow litany fcpregzmenmm tmzmmom soils , thiorti iii immit a clerk jim thut , who umidoratammila a word of E cmii readttny but Mexmcomi : mmmumee ni1hmabut does not contain all tim letters ( for itmstmtmmco , they have tlme'mr " I ° is tvnittcti ' ' 4' 'I''n" tOIU iii ! F. 's' ' ) Limo moist mummiko are ClmOUf'iI t.o mtmake mum am Of cemmrsu , Itluxietin hulics novem postolliCe , mouth if mum immdopcmmmlun metimia" vemmtim res tln'ro , Jwr/munt hu tvaitod impoui -lIfter nil thu tii'st served amid nimu hiatt hicumi eli t , lii this institutloim mifiafra ducted strictly nccordimmg to tin htmttmIfmJI' , mmmii letters iim'u iiveromi wlmon ' 'time posvemi3 thai to rctmietmtber thiemn. 'Ii Itch elrop'Iettur systumtm timid no &mt fiiUlml mit timu tiLl I itt'iim ml sick ( towul whiommi I tltutm'itetI to cot w ithm , momol kmiowimmg timat situ dii ) ' for her lottois , I tooh immy , ) , ittimi j ii immy 11011 1jnimi'mshi oxpinhimeti Lhmmot cml it ithitcuti lli 1mm ohlenimig to ptit cmi flll ml titammmps they imimght l'oquiru. It t wtutild 10)1' i'CCuiVth it. eli a t \Vhmilu letter postage to thu ( Jmmi 'ammadio timid Fiuropu is emily ( I limIt ounce , it ; is 2Cm cents imor 1 t to any jiortion of Mexico , if o Lime liflO iromu one .i. . , . . , . very part i cu l ar t h ey am i n wo i i g44notilor 2i comita if possibho. cards ; to the United States anti are thmrO cents each , anti thic good iti I0XICO. lit Monterey soil yoi twt.5 postage stammips at ether portions of mmlor , but itu tlioy ivihl muot. sc' ' oven omiu. As is frequemitly ctossd for hours ( while the poatmastF mmmcl hml c ' as tmoi ) , tikhog a bull outhTo box in which tOr5 maity . ii ) . ataut PaitO1 01.011 one * 4. afraid tuia Peculiarly Maxict.ht in is responsible far some : daily Oh the Part of those w1mg , tomued to time ditteront eyatenx States. TIlE which iii about the stone thin Atitoioitii club5 hmuseia onothe thin coninioIcto , every MozIcamh'i timia aI ° D' roohis for the gmontbhimmg , etc. , etc. , mmiii asurtmmuoi poled , curtained auth otimerwise tic are dedicated to Turpsieimoro. II ' 'gilded yotithi" are womut. to comui mmmii time beauty amid fashoitnu of attomid the muontimly balls tile ) ' g Mexican dnimce dihIunm frommi nit immuler time numi. Soumo titmmo I tvilI of nile , but miot to'day , for IVO mmmii cmli to Thu % 'ihUulN' $ ItUmtt15 , at time oxtrumno southiemostoru I lie totvmt. Itlost toutists com go S1'ltiiOUL 5Ouilm or ovoti hiuarin britigo , because mt is located imi out.of time-way iminco , mmmd is o ammcietit. aflimir , that the liEexicami solves have about forgotten it. old , old bridge , of solid atemmo , I ( if whioso building is lost. ill obactIt the cemitor of it , tiomi it high it stamidim tnt 'mimiao of tIme Virgi t'OtlmtdCd by rovivmol mongols , mm nmm miometitnes reluresoliteel , with rommu dovelopimmemit of check amid should 114) hotly wlttitot'cr. Timis vimgill , imeroimmo of thmu song , is a ' 'eli dressed iii lulimo ; " mutt her mottitut hmauda crossed upon her stomimch oxproaston of coumplacemit. aitti : 111)011 time fmtce-ia exceedimigly But all oed Catholics never cr bridge without crossing titcmmiso1 it is said that if a siCL lies foot of the statue over nigimt hue i himself cured iii the mmmormming. a tradition comicermulmig this bt'idgt I canitot vouch for , but vihl "tell as 'twas told to immo : Many ye there yero a muumiibor of AMSIOICAN l'htISONiilUI , Silt this city , captured in soimto I raid. They were confined in ti uncut prison , amid forced to wont roads with Mexican cniminalcm. ) wa4moeeded at this point , but it exceedingly diNettit work , ma ti was thoen a deep anti rapid stron no butiding atone n.aror tii mo th talus , tttid they utd 110110 of. our tools and apparatus for bridge ii So time authorities decided minor selves5to toll the American pnisom if they would britiq atones fi mnotmntitins and build tIme bridge s1uocified length of time , they then be act at liberty. It seeinm inipossibie to aCCOimlthiHhm , hut n thought of vrommlisedl inF10fl , thit imight and day , and af credible labor momod atmilonin ; ryimig the stones upomo bucks mild placing tiiomn with hands-the bridge was f'mnishodw hour of the spcciIie1 tiiuio. Amo- tue way they wot'o given their In Limo early mnornilmg at daybrc wome mnarmihed , two by two , r bridge they had just completed thiemn. caimhioli WflS turned upon 'rimoro is a good amid ivoll Co hospital ut Monterey , suataixiot church amid one or two colleges repute. Many imnprovctmmonts ha mmmdc in the ummatter of oducatiom time last Low years. Attendance u public schools is conjmulaory and tion entirely free. hi acihitios ante to yoummg macli , who show mu aptil receivillg a higher education in tit COLLEIIO CIVIL , or State college in Moimtoroy , win are graduated iii the variotia prof Timimi institution was foommided ii Vidauni durimmg his wise and prc adminiatratiomi , amid if anybody ii wor1uppod as time patron s Monterey it should be ho imistead Mythological Cumodahoup. Tli college is domiciled in a limmo edith lug time Unicu do Mayo P1mm. nrc these conferred imm law , in pharmuacy and oiimieerimmg an mimercial studios , I'hiia State I mnis'iicgo , in commmlolo with lie states , of acndimmg sommators to Ii luniteti : matiommni , ngricuhtura Jimiilimmg college in the of Itlcxico Yommimg immemi of it hdghmcr imnivonumity cci zero semit to cemimipleto their oduc foreign coummtrhcs. Titoutu imi sea iimcdical cdtmcation go either to 1 iuimia or IiU hI4. If ih a hurry for mimfi tliemy go to tlid fonimmor cit3 thmoute ptrcimmimeimta hilLy bq receive years. Tlwno tiesinimig a timoroim emotion go to l'ttriii. So hittlo co have time authorities i tluljhmia , dipiommites thmitt they eoinj ical grnclimatemi frcmmi tlimot city I imiost rigorous exammuimiatiomi bel niittiiig imcumi to hurmectico. Omi t imnimd , ii dif1emmmzo received in Purl thu owner through tvitlioumt liiimmlr Amiothmer iitel'cntilmg im1tc. t.o vi ( ho 1)11 AONKIL , which literally trnnshitmmted inca of vntor. " It is a semies of apt chettrlCoel wmtter buhmbhiimg imp iii of thu city. Flowimmg forth , thu river , which is hmnidged over iim lh1tCC8. flora time people bathei time fornmimhity of bmtlmiimg drem lmum'o Limo woolen bnimmg tlmoir At. amiy imouii' of time day the shi hued with wOlilbIl Oil their knee biimg away itt time city's dirty ii at 5 o'clock time fteshmicnmnblo bath it is imimsitfo to walk or idt , in tl tiwl , uiiicss you want to amue imaked mmmcmi timi women at their mm FANNIII BitItmilAil 'I'idlnga ( i1 CommmfontamtI l'mihmliahmers everywhere mire dci lug huttara from their subscribe jug thu womitlenfmml hma'mn.ctmro , f Oil. All agree thmat it conquers LOll1I1A TM'B ' LOTTE I 13. Frank Moo : 127 La Sal/c St'oct. I ( Formerly 310 and 212 hIroadway flow Manager oh ChIcago 0111cc. 'i'd Intorimiatlun anti tIckets. ISlet Mc - linni lug , Tuesday , Oct First Capital l'rlzu , $71,000. 'Piokut I I FUth at $1 each. bee lull scheme cites . 3 d wcd&aatw.iw Then Is now and the n a w h o I mag I nes ih s proprietors at Thomas' Eel.ctrto must be very 1g. merest of erthography In spelling the "e1ekfo' with three c's. licumctmtrc Is' used to protect againd de. ceitttmh amid base Imltittorg who , since they ha , . Jesm. ed of this remarkable remedy and Its extensIve esle throughout t1e country , bive went to theIr wits end In the attempt to manufacture something to resemble II. % 'hibo we take this preuUonary mnesaUts we might add thai the healing properties of floines' Edecttlo Oil could no more be cotmnteifeIM than tb l'YT'nklS of Egypt. Tim. original sail ouujy Rcl.drI oil i. OolIhu ainoeg Its Tom Thmmntb eempetltor. , md hMS DpOt.cUOm for honesty. and sft1eency mini- macsally admired and never approached. or rheu. inathim anti sib aches , sprains and pain. , we most eath1y recomsucud It. 2fesra Sargent flros.dreg. nets. IMIA , Ohio , In ordering a quantity ot Thotnee' lole'ctrkmOti , wrIte that they flayer sold cumythhi ht gave such universal Ustacbonln curluugcouga , , olds , lironcittla ( , henmntism , neuralgia , etc. , .le. its. 1. . Pete , the Coimnoilome , Elgin. III. , say. Theta. s'Eehectrk Oil cured hIuti of sciatica wIt ) , one apphi- otlon , thoroughly altplkd. II alto cured him of ivnre celil muiti cough. ifs thfnhis It a Ycry vsluatuhg tinuly , anti mi Ill never l's without out It. $30,000 for $2. ncgnlar Monthlvflrawlngwhiltaiueitaeo I tim tim , , Muonlo lint ) . Masonic 'I'omplo lluU4- S I big , hi LouIs , tile , icy. r/iursday , Sepfen604n 27 , 1883 , A Lawful Lottery anti Fair Drawings , battered by tue legislaturuot icy , , ntii twice , Ieclar. .1 legal by the highest court iii the Htato. BootS itetu to henry County In the stumn of $100,000 for the moumpt ta uncut of mill PrIzes solti. 1tmv.1.tiTioN : IN ltlNOT. NUliflicR DI1AWINO3 , tfrlverv tIcket imoitler hilown supervisor , can att mut the , muuuber on luls ticket arid see the correspond. ig umominber on thio tag lmc'i In the wheel In hi. raselmee. Tlieeo drawings will occur otm the laa * imuredity of over ) ' month , . bail tlmo utiagimlitecuit September Scheme. I l'rizo..8 I Prito. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iooco I l'riro. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . sooo 2 i'rIue , , 2I0O cccii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5oo a i'riec , i,000cach. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5ooo 20 I'rlitw , 100 cccl , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iooo 100 prLrc , 100 each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . oooo 200 l'rhees , 10 each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 tOO i'rizes , ro each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 001 l'rizee , 10 each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1oooo 0 Pritce. 800 each Approximation l'rlzes 2,700 " 'I Ii I'rlics , 200 "achi " 'I 0 PrIces , 100 each , B7 L'rite $1I0,40G Thole 'Ficket. , $2. Halt Tickets , L 27 TIckets , $50. bS Tickets , 5100. ilotmilt money or Batik Draft a Letter. or send by . lON1 SEND BY ltEalSTiitF.I ) LETT1W. aitress. , . Or iurthonmotlco. mit i'oi oFFIcEomimnit , until by , can be sent it our era oh $1 and upward express . Addrcei all ordra to .5. .1. D000LAr , .ouisvlllKy. xpeumuo. : d.est4u.th.&wlst 8w ens TO 1tIDUlB BUILDERS. Notice is hereby giysn that time Dcciii of County honunissloner. oh ( lageCouuty Nebraska wlllroceiye . tropoe&ls , with 1tanl anti specf5cctions , br the erec. the Ihig lilCo River on section ion oh a bridgeceross town 4 imorthi , rsne S cast , nvar the Caiciwell. , T1o bridge to conelut oh two spans of otmo hundred 1O0) ) heot eachot wood. iron , or combinations , with roatlwayolalxtsenlOfcet , onul to roetupon a sub- stromcttmro oh thirty three (33)oak plies , reeled antS thoroughly seasoutoti , l'ilee to lie at moast sixteen (16) ( inches In diameter foot in length tobo firmly tIny- itt liuttiuni thirt(80) ) soul thoroughly bolted end braced and capped [ tim withtimnbenu , not less tItan teclvol2)immchiot ) , by twelve (12) ( ) inches. Also two approaches , one of forty (40) foot and one of otto hundred and twonty.flvo ( lOji ) foot. be , to thu lumepection of the All mnatcrlate t ) nhjcct . county coinimtlesIonrs for their accoptanoo or rujuo. Lion.Tile ho let together or Tile hurklgu anti ahiproachica may 1hgo succeseful . bidder on bidders will ho required " county with at least two good 10 "gluobontltothe ouud suilicletit , tomietieit , In to mum equal to double the aniotimt of tue contract , to ho approved by the corn- inlsioners , conditioned for the faithful hionfOrfl of tIme couitrach" Thu coinutlaslononim reserve the rIght to reject army or all 114s. " All rromods nitiet ho sealed arid endorsed "BrIdge i'roposats" nuuil nddroseed to the Board of Counly tommmntlwloncm , or Gage County , Beatrice , Nebraska. , on or before utoon of October 10 , 1883 , at whIch time will be opened. all 1tr0P0l5 II 'ml ricie thtla 29th Dy , edor of the County Comnumisslonera lay of Attgut , 1883. . A. J , PIF1I0UD , utupt ISMAL.i County Clerk trOAPITAL PRIZE $75,000. Tickets Only Is , Shares In proportion. ! auisiaua State Loltory Cofflallv , that we auperrss fh em- I IVs do hereby car1fjj . 'angemenfe for all Ih Montltlp and Senmf.Annua irawfWa of tIt Loiefifana Stats LotterF Company. ttfd mmpsrson , rmnnae and control CM Drawings uwa henseires , anctthat time sauna are conducted tonutf//arneu. ( and in poodfafh ( foutird aft per. This Ce- fa , and to. authorize the company to eisa iIlcaU , with/ac.siCes of our signatures attached , a ft. advertiementa , " . I. L. Coummuisamoasu. Incorporated in 18119 for 28 year-a by the logiclaturs . or altmctttiumgal arid charItable nlrposee-wlth a cap. 1.41 of $1 000,000-to which a reserve fund oh eves 1110,000 has , lnco ioeuu added. ovenhmeiuumhutg itorular soLo Its franchise 117 an of thin Prent state conatitutiomi 0'O.N , iiado a Part tdomtod Iecemnbor 2d , A. Ii. 1870. 'flue otfy Lofterjcmvr voted on and endorsed Dy hepecjti6 0/ army stafe , It , merer .S'catei or Postpones. Its graimel aimmglo miumbor drawings taka place monthly. TO WIN A POll. Iii'LENIll ) OPPOltTtJNiTt A run Ilritli Orand Drawing , Class Ic. at New Or. yogis , TUE8DAY , OCT. 0th , 1883-blot h1ontbh Pitowluiej.OAPIVtL P111211 , 75,000. 000 TiCKETS at FIVII DOLLAIUI IIACU.nset thom. , bum li'ihtlms In L'rOIOttiOum. Liar OP mmciii. I CAPITAL PltI7.i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .rs,000 1 d do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2s,000 1 tb do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 2 I'IUZES OF eoooo. . . 15,000 1 $ do 2000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 do 1000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 20 do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 100 do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 800 do 100. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80,000 1.00 do 10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,000 1000 do 25. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28,000 APFSOXIMAII0N ruoxas. 9 ApproxImation PrimeS oh 78O. . . . . . . . . . % 5,750 U do do 503. . . . . . . . . . . 4,500 p do do 280. . . . . . . . . . . 2,250 1507 Prizes , aunowuttng to. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Application for rates to chubs should ho made only of time in New Orleans. Company to the 0111cc I 1 For lurthor luufuraoatlomm vrlto clearly giving a.Idreaa , Slake 1' . 0. Momuoy Orders imaychie antS atidread liegistored Letters to hANK , NiIY OiiLicANtl NATIONAL Now Orleans , 1.6. Oiilruary lettuce by Stall or Express to 31 A. P/mUi'IIIN ' Now Orleans , ia. or if , A , IhIJ1'liIN 11. 0. aol Seventh St. , WashIngton , TIlE EQUI'TAI3LB ' Tnist Coally , OI' OMAIIA NED. Oapital Stock , - $25O,000. . . If. TOUZALIN , 1'reideut. ( it. IV , YATES , Bocretary &nti Treasurer. 3' ' J , W. SAVAUE , Attorney. t L. II , TOWER , Manager 'This company wIll make long ( line loammi on tin. ' S proved Farirut In scioctoil coutttioii in Nebraska. Jutoreat Ilght per ccnt per cumin , isyablo santa .o1ttlted. ally , oCommtohaIomma CQtpepwmdencu Addtces , , i , 11 , 'ctwttt , tauagor.