il rg.'YLSn trY . " " ' 4 + , THE DAILY B1I. , u 111 A TUELAY , S1 PPE BLR 18 , 18e3. THE OMAHA BF E. ruh1w d erory r.orelaq , ex.eptj Sunday. T . Only Mooday moraing logy taae IT aim be Test . , . . . $1a001TLreeltonthe3.00 61tMontm , . , . , , , . 5.00OneMonth ; , . . . , . . 1.00 Ttft WILT tie , r ° IWaareITlolT RtatteDAT , TtazreeTTarD. OneYoit. . . . , $ I . BizMoet L 1.00 OaeMontk , . . . . . . . Amerieae New. Oompcrty , Hot.LAfLaG N0 + ' ' III to the Dalted atek. , ; DeuzuoreeacLi A Ooemnaleetlon4 r4itthg to Nan nd PAltoti.l rotten d.ntd t * widrued to tks ltbribtorTV * Rte zonzw'LttrEnr. ADDartea Lmtwre and Ilemlttnese'etloeld'1 * addn.edN'rue Die Oeuem , . ( bNNIT , OYnfL lbnrft. , Cheeks end ratomc order a be tzade ray. ebk to the order of the c mpany TBE BEE BUBLISBING CO. , PROPS , E.ROSBWATTDEdltor. , Is Ir really true that Ed Walsh fa on the elate for inspector of the Warhngeow or eyetoml A ( OTIUn gift of $26,000 has boon ro- coiwod by Vassar Cologo ] , this time from John Guy Vassar. Vassar has thriven with the bear industry in Poughkoopaio EVM OELiST MOODY has arrived in Chicago cage to open gospel meetings but the question "What Will the harvest lie , " awaite an answer from deferred frosts and the NobrMka corn crop. Tun Slade-Mitcholl tight which was nothing but a shrewd advertising scheme , has boon declared off , and the sluggers will now begin the more genial occupa Lion of thumping each other before enthusiastic ' thusiastic audioncus to the tune of $20- 000 gate receipts. Hann Linn , the German statesman who has boon visiting at Saratoga , has formed the opinion that American women - mon are idle and American. moon over- worked. Herr Laskor should travel west where ho will find the proportion of kilo woman touch smaller than on the broad piazzas and shady walks of the laziest watering place in the country. PAUL VANDMay00RT , who was bounced in disgrace from his official position for shameless neglect of his duties and for lying to his suporion ) e bolstering up his hopes of reinatatoment by a belief In ' what he calls "senatorial influence , " H e ' ' i declares ' 1 oponlytbat lto will not only return - . , ' turn to he service but that ho will re 't. gain his old position in Omaha as soon as A his "influential f rends" hnvo time oxorcieo thotneelvos st Washington in hi s behalf , We do not know what senatorial infu ones Mr. Vandorvoort is referring to , eon r on what grounds ho bases his belief tha t they will bo put forth in his behalf " VnndQCyQQrt tc.M briginallyan lllinai appointment , and possibly Gcn Logan may fool called upon to make a plea i his favor. But certainly Ynudprvoo has nothing to expect from Senate Manderson whose bugle blast of civi service reform woke the echoes of th etato capital on the morning of his eloctio n to the Senate Senator Mandoraon' s doclaratian that ho did not poposo make himself in office broker or to degrade grade his high position into a patronag shop , ought to be cold comfort for M r , VandorvoorL No civil service reformo of that stamp could consistently ample his efforts in behalf of a man who miss boon discharged front the service o charges of inefficiency and insubordin m tion running through a tenure of ov five years. If Senator Van Wyck is the infiuonc referred to by Vandorroort in his bona wo have not yot'loarned of the fact , It I is probable , thou , that as is the case wit his other endorsements of which the mn a joritycomo away from horne , ll1 Vando r voort's Senators reside at a distance from Omaha. Mn. ROHEWATDf in Ida speech at tim Antimonopoly convention , niado achar against seine of our townamon , Thunun tS Platt , that if investigated , as has boo insinuated , it would bo liable to stir u up the animals in camp , viz ; that do wore instrumental in , and otginourod tl ousting of 200 fraudulent votes in Q election wherein bonds wore votoa to tl U , P , railroad coupamy.-f7ratd IHtatm Anff monopollal. Mr. Rosowatoruiado no charge whit over. In the course of a speech at ti convention he stated that Mr. Cmtllouva formerly a conductor on the Union P cilia , had called at the Bm ofleo two three weeks previous and informed hi that about four years ago whllo ho w running of the U. P , road , ho was .dorod in to Grand Island. Iio was the notified that he would be required to a as clerk of the election at which Ii county was asked to vote $76,000 bonds to the Union Pacific. Mr. Call way was duly elected clerk by the crot of U. P , strikers at the polls , and nit ; ho had taken his place was told that t fends must be carried at all bazar During the day some friends of t G , road came in and said that th would net be votes enough to carry t bonds. In answer to Mr. Gallowa query as to how they they wore to carried , ho was informed that 200 ball would be furnished , which nuumbor wo assure the necessary majority , 'Mr. C loway then stated tlmt thu 200 ball were brought in later in the day 7bumnmel and I r matt uua wuru secru placed in the ballot box. After the j s clgsed , the books were doctored to co tlup fraud Mud time bonds wcro docla and in duo coureo of time dolivcred to company. This was Mi. Gallow story' to which he professed wilingn , to make amdavit. Tito charge theref ° ' ' is not made by Mr. Itosowator but ' ' - Mr , Galloway the clerk of the elect who has recited the same facts to a do otber persona. The crime u outtw under the statutes but the funatl Yaca a fraud on the taxpayers Lf Hkdi c G for all that. Possibly the gosic al tt mey of the Union Pacifio will Itt.a $ to T1tGGRCILY7'ARTYB DAN1ER. The wreck of the relief ship I'rotous has attracted wide attention to the peril. Otis condition of Liout. Grooly and hie obsoriation party , who in August , 1881 , began their lonely two years watch at 81' 40' north latitude , with a view of secur- tug valuable motoralogical data from the froron region 01 the polo , The Proteus is thosocond vr'uuol which has been sent to land stores and provisions' for' thaueo ; of the intrepid explorer on his rotr til down Grinnol's Lpmd to Littleton Iafspd. : Boloroall communication was cat oft 'i ith the outside world , the adventurous signal officer draw up an elaborate plan of what course should be adopted to effort his relief in cane the vessel which was to be sent north in 1882 failed to land her stores at the places Indicated. This comprised the establishment of additional depots of provisions , seven in number , on the coast of Grinnoll's Land , the lo. cation of a winter station at Life Boat Cove and sledge parties through the winter of 1884 towards time north to assist him and his perhaps perishing conpan- ions. All these lplnns have miscarried. The expedition of 1882 landed a few stores , but far below time spot dosigmnted , and the expedition of 1883 returns with its vessel crushed in thin floes , without depositing additional stores at Littleton Island or elsewhere and with no then loft behind to form the relief parties who wore to sledge to the assistance of Liout. Grooloy during the coming winter. If the Lieutenant is alive ho hi now ott his way southward having boon ordered to abandon his station not later titan September 1 , But his journey back to Littloton Island will be made against fearful odds and tlioro unhappilystrong reasons to fear that another fearful chapter of Arctio history like that of tire unfortunate Dc Long may be repeated - peatod in the case of Lioutanant Orceloy. The citizens of Omaha hnvo a stronger interest in the circumstances from the fact that Lieutenant Greeloy was sta. tionod for more than t year as signal officer - cer in this city some years ago , and made ninny personal friends. HOMFI4 AND CORPORATIONS Twenty-one years ago the Homestea d Act wont into force , and 008,032 homesteads stoads hay. bobn taken up by actual set - tiers under its provisiohe. Through its bonoficiont workings the people have ab - sorbed 97,000,000 acres of the public lands for homes , an area as large as all o f Now England , New York and Ohio. Immense stretches of territory , shunned as barren wastes olnly because their r ° sources had never boon tested , have boo n nd turned into fertile farm lands and dotte d with houses , and towns and cities hav o followed in the wake of the pioneers s wagons , Who found in the free gift of th government and outlet for their onorgio n and a starting point for their fortunes. The results of the Homestead Ac r make a handsome showing , spoakin 1 volumes for the wisdom of the ° ; noasuro anti ror the growths of tlu coup try. But dire is a comparison pictur t. bo placed by the side of , the abor . which nears its effect. The New Yor Star calls attention to the fact that du r ° ing those twenty-one years some 200 , ' 000,000 acres of the public lands hay r been stolen away front the people , wlt Y witntod it for homes , and given to rai 1 road corporations. More than twice th n amount taken up by actual settlers li boon given to corporations to sell to eel or tiers and foreign syndicates , that tire aright build railroads front the proceed ° and have whole counties loft t' divide among the original spo o sulators. . A largo portion of Iii Ii . boat land , tim land most do eirablo t farms , the moat available lands fit homes to people of small moans , has boo it given to , or gobbled up by , those graod and remorseless monopolies. Labors o who go west to build up homes for the Bo families must either , buy farms of the ul corporationa of 'their ' terms or put u 1 1' ' with inferior laud , C Those corporatists still hold 198,000 m 000 acres of ] mid , of which they h a 10 forfeited the title. The corparatio d line failed to comply with the terms which the grants wore urado. 'A yogi t. as largo as Now England , Now Yor to Ponnsylvanio and Ohio , cams be recover y , fl the people imisiat that Congress sli a. cunipul these corporations to disgorge , ur 111 Tim District Court at Yanktonhas i as dared Dakota Capital Locating Canny ur 51st illegal and their nets void. TIre ro 'judginant naturally causes great rejoici ct and excitement at Ynnkton ; but B ill iwtrek , where the capital has bolt ill catoti , looks serenely on and propms ° s 0- carry through its boom unless tim Unit pll Statea Supreme Court breaks down , or which tribunal the final decision of t Ito enSO hits boon referred , he Ttmntty are faint groans from railro tire ort aiis throughout the Stnte over Vs ho dorvoorts removal , but the leadingpap ys , of the country are still engaged in it be tang the pertinent question , what the eta R , has to do with retaining ineomi uld tent ollieers in the public eervieu , al - . Gnsmu1 lIENIty J AUNT has be at. at.b released iron the counnatd of the D b Y parttnont of thu South , and placed on t lly wile retired list having renchud eixtY years ' age. . . 1'or - - V red Aceolti'u ' a to Frank Walters , w thu boasts that ho runs Mayor Chase , 0'a Waring sowereystemn is to ho plugged 0,5 by the appointuiont of Ed 11'alsh as e ore or inspector. - - - - - by tThe l'an handle toads n $3 cut on r ion front Chicago to T.ouievllle title mwrniuq , 9 run vvae at once tiet by the Louisville d ; New Red bany road. 9hlb The funeral of Hugh listlnge , late od and proprietor of ' 1'he New Yak Coannol meaty Advcrtleer , took dace Baturday ft tDri fialut Leoa church. It was largely mitten by ihaay of the must prominent clti the remains were taken to Albany for Interta A POST WELL PLANTED. The Ro g nlation Rc alarily of Life at Fort Robinson and Its Doby Palaces. , Tlto Datly Itoutlno of the Mllltary- The Itocord of the I'IfthCav- alrj-A Telegraph Nnl- sance-Personal and General Notoe. ' Ifditetial Ooiresposdsea of Tn. Bag , FORT ItoalHOX , Neb , , September 8 , 1883It Is the grey of early morning o'clock when the and a quarter to five shrill notes of the bugle sounding reveille awaken me from my sound slcop and carry the information that the official day of fho garrison has begun. The men arc quickly up and the oficors shortly omergofrom their quarters t.rcceivo the reports of their companies and thou to wand their way to the stables whore the cavalry horses are receiving their groom. ing. This is an early rise , gentleman , but it is ono of the pleasure which every lieutenant and many captains in the gar- neon service enjoy seven days in the work and three hundred amid aixty-fivo days in time year. There are three companies - panies of the Fifth Cavalry stationed at this post and ono company of infantry. Tim cavalry line its advantages but it also 'tosee5505 ' counterbalancing disadvantages , fho first of those is the frequent campaign - paign service wh elf it is called upon to perform. The brunt of tire work in Indian - dian campaigning niust be berne by mounted commands , thought the infantry has done vood service both in the field and in niannin $ the garrisons. None of our cavalry regiments has a better record than the Fifth which , since the war , has bean engaged , with scarcely an oxeeption , in everyry important In. dian campaign in tic Wast. It was in the Colorado and Nebraska Lydian war in 1867 and 1808 , with Crook in his Apache campaivn in Arizona iii ' 70 and ' 71 ; it took part in the Kansas troa- blos of ' 76 and did gallant service in the Sioux campaign of ' 76 and ' 77. Since that time the regiment has been busy with frequent summer sceutings and time total months of the 8arrieon life of its officers and mon within the past ton years would seam surprisingly small if stated. I mnontion these facts to show that oven in timoof peace , so called , out little army on the frontier line found ample employ ment for ifs energies and the "softness" of the service hoe boon proportioned only to tt ioK ° Ps between campaigns which have boon spout in building and repairing telegraph Posts , making ro aat , constructing graph lines and taking such rests as frP quont transfers from one garrison to an other would permit. For even when ro liaved from the weary marches and dan ors of the campaign there is om loy - m ont enough for our soldiora on thi o frontier. At present at Robinson th e , men are busy building log barracks an d when flits work , niado necessary by th o e lack of funds to pay for civilian labor 1 is concluded , a sot of stables remains t o be constructed. Under Col. Sumner sov t oral now buildings wore erected , wato works constructed , a ditch mere than n 6t mile in length wasbuilt , and trees withou t number most of whicharodead wore Plant - od , all by the labor of enlisted mon wh were sworn into the service as soldiers bit a found that the word on time frontier corn o prisod a combination of duties for which k they had not bargained , and about which time recruiting officer maintained a stu died silence. Thu fault for this state o u affairs rests neither ' upon time officers o the staff or line , and no one fools mor 0 strongly the injustice it works to the so 1 dior than man of out post commander But oats must be builand kept in ro ° pair , amid communication between Barr' m as son amid headquarters must be maintaino and where funds are lacking to buy labs y the best available unpaid laborers have t s be mnployed. Army officers ganomll apoo that a large orcontage of dose r hone arise front too die ust of enliste mon for time menial duties which the o are often called upon to perform. or At nine o'clock the bugles play a lived tune for guard moumrt. It is aurprisin or what a variety of music can be evoke mm from this siumplo instrument , but it de c not take Limo place of a full brass ban ra and this leads me to conmeit of the i n justice of rotainln time bands in time aria at regimental headquarters. Under t1 to old r anization of time nrntYr as I nude 1 p stand fit , the Lauds wore entirely supper ed front time army appropriation , the e uuso5 for inetrumemits , music , Sc. , bout ' ' borne by the govorment. As at pr ou. vo oft constituted , utusieittns are et is listed as soldiers , and time , ban ott expenses are met by contributions from time oihicors mad met of every company i on the regiment. Such being the case k somas manifest that , the various pie od should receive soimo bmroit front time all contribution and that all time result should not accrue to the companies s taB. tionod at regitnuntnl headquarter Geloral Iloward very sensibly recmlt ao sent time Fourth infamitr bawl to Fo is. Niobrara for a two week's detail mid mis the oxmmplo worn followed whim rospe to other posts timid rogimouts in time d mi g partniomt it would be greatly appreciate is. Of course thin rent ejection is time o Ie ro6ulatioma statiotin time baud at re g to Inou to 1 headl uartera . and the added om that no appropriation is av'nilablo for 1n atI oses of transportation , but both of time to could be ranved by rolmar lugislatio he Pho effort at least ould be greatly . a procinted at some of our fratttiur po which feel keenly the doprivntiom of tail nmuiia for which tlwy pay ahd to a part ail ipatioti In Whose enjoyment they , n tt. justly mttitlud , ors During time mottling , target practice titgoiu8 on En the range to time rear of t C , garrison , three squads of recruits a drilling in front of time r unrters the trim 10 of temit ss hmiling loge to time saw trill f Limo now barracks pas sea slowly across t hovel betwemi the garrisom and time butt to the south amid the souul of limit al mor and s.'tw conies from raurt o the parntlo g'ouul whore laptauml uyim Ito conipauy arc at work its carpenters of tlmeir quarters ' 1'huro scents to be lack of work militnry and otlmortvi when , to cap thu climax , word is broug Ito that tim ioi ° graph lute me down aim a where butweem Itubnmsot and limit Cra llto amid a detail of soldiers is sent out UI' timid and repair the break in order tl ow the peat pray ho placed iii couununi tiuu with headquarters at Omnalm ' 1' telegr pim boo to Itobinsst as at preso atrs conducted is a mslignniit nuisanco. .Bile ma a branch Of time Clmeyennu & Illa . Hills line timid rims front IInt Creek time post , a distance of sixty miles. It far owned by private parties ivho throw t labor of its maitteuuateu nit time gove ed iuont and remain sweetly oblivi T'hu whether it is up or down as long as t sat , receive their monthly compensation I Its uso. From Itobinson Id Pine Ridge Agency , sixtythroo miles ; twayf time government owns a wire and there a also a wire between Puma Ridge and time lioeo- bud Agency and between that Agency amid Fort Niobrara. The construction of a line filling in the gap of twenty-eight miles between Niorara and Rosebud wouldgivo time government a telegraph of their own front Itobinson to Pine Ridge , Rosebud and Niobrara with direct corn , inunication with Omaha. This is greatly needed. Getting a die etch to anfrom Robinson is as uncorrtain as an Ohio majority in an October election , and the old line has been patched and rewired - wired so often that it i likely to fall down an hour out of sheer eakness. An attempt will bo ti ole at the next congress to secure a e eomat n p rra nation for the building of the portion of line mentioned antho clause In the signal servieo estimates , which boats on this point , should rceive time favoring irmGu- once and votes of the entire Nebraska delegation. As this letter is made up chiefly of digressions - gressions , I might as well wander to the quartermastor's ' building and note time no- coasity of quartormnastersargeants in army garrisons. There is a commissary sergeant - geant at every host to keep track of the commissary stores and fill imp time blanks , make reports , and , in general , to per. fern the duties of grocery store clerk and bookkeeper far tis inn ortant dopart- ordinancosor- mnent. 'hero is also an - geant in char o of time guns , field pieces and ammunition. But ueithor of these departments have atithe of time troublesome - some details tlmat are connected with the quartermaster's. There time supplies for time garrison , except the ones above mentioned , must be accounted for , and the receipt , issue and expenditure of ovary article is hedged around by awall of writing paper and rod tape which is awful - ful tocontonuplato. Gallons of ink are shied in official correspondence relating to the whereabouts of a truant water bucket or an erring hand saw , time condomiimiation of a load of hafor time short measure of a bolt of blue flannel for all of which some lieu tenant detailed to act as quartermaster is responsible. While quartermasters on the staff or a ; depots have an army of clerks to keep their papers straight , the set quartermaster must do the hest ho can ith enl such assistance as ho can find among time oilisted men. In canso- uanco with the most studied attention to the duties of the ositionmistakos and entan lonents ensue and each chan o of officers is likely to be followed by time retiring - tiring quartermaster uttin ls hand into his pocket and ro imbursng the ov nrti ornment or the loss of some trilling cle of cost furniture which has strayed from his official vision , or for which ho has bean wrongfully made accountable through the blunders of an incompetent extemporized clerk. The appointment of sergeants for , the quartermasters department - ment would work as favorably as the aye- tern of commissary and ordnance eor- aante , and Congress must sooner or later be made to so ° too question in the proper light , which is that f a true and rational economy. Ono of the bright sides of a soldier's lffo ii the care which is taken of the sick. The posthosjpital at Robinson is a cot- evonfont well lighted and well ventillat two story frame etr'acturo under th e charpo Surgeon Hot McElderr . I t comprises an office and library , a nea te and well stocked apothecary shwher e Hospital Steward Bo olhas his head r quarters , two sleeping , store room ' m and a ceerful } sunny warwith eve t cunvenienca far the care of these on time - sick list. The iron cots insulated free o jars on rubber castors and covered with t spotless linen , the cleanly floors and shining woodwork , time curtained win t dews nd lockers filled with a lianco for the relief of the suffering , beePeak a -Ionsiderato attention for the needs o f time invalids and a knowledge of the ad f vancas in medical acid sanitary science o An unexIpuuded appropriation of $1,8 : 15 available for onla ing time hospital an I. making somonoodedim rovements whic Dr. MElde proposes to dispose of advantage before the close of the fie ca d year. r Time ceremony of post inspection too o Place several days ago , and included th y muster of troops for the . It was a preti sight to witness entire comman rd drawn u in line on the parade ground i Y full dress the yellow-plumed helmets o the cavalry relieving ime more comb y and solid front of Captain Coates' littl g company of infantry , and every rife an d carbmo glistened tin its scrupula es polish , , I , Inspection nrcludess , nut examin tiemi of the arnse amid accoutrements y each aaldier by the commandmug office me who passes down the line accnmpanie by his staff , and notes time individual nit tpearanco of the men ; and a tour of cac xof time quarter's , nn combination of tl mg bakery , the hoapital , time ordnance , cot a . missary and time quartermaster building 1 As time uat are drawmi up iii Compani d time mnustur rolls are rend by time canpmu n commander and the name of ca c soldier called. In this mnnmier the con it mnndiug oficer is enabled to verify tl Le rolls on which time noon draw timer pm it and certify to their correctness. T is days later time arrival of PaynlastaeTowe acconipnniod by his clerk , Mr. A. 1 B. Butler , occasions Limo usual furry in t1 1y quarters. Pay tiny comes once in to rt mouths in time army amid time cowing if time , taytnastar is naturally looked fo ct ward to with anxious expectation. "Pa o lug off" took place in time orderly rood d , of Captain Hanultoi's quarters and fro Id 10 o'clock until nearly noolm time cot i panics tiled in uman by moan , while tli glo uanles rued the amounts duo wore read mrby the clerk , certified to on duplica so rolls by time coupnuy conmitnmider'and ' t n cash ltnttded over with mathematical p r pciefon and great rapidit by t its iajgmp astor 'r'ust time .laj's folio lie tug pay day at Robincon we Ee niarku bY time usual quiet anti decor ru ie to fho ' crudtt ° t ati utnisually fine am orderly garrison. Wo have witness is may days at otlmer posts whiclm uvuro f lie lowed by a not to be wondered at licut . If time aoldi ru ntd a ful guard house. in wore paid otl' weekly or monthly , as th ur should be , through time duartottuasto me the mimoralo of time ariuy would be great Os iugmroved mmd dticiplinu at our po u- could be nutintained with loss strain , mss A tour down otifcers row when to e's 'line ceased and time aolliers ( are praparit On for taps nud their night a rest finds in t u o sunuuor uveniug time oficer's jienural use cotgregntod on the'yorchcs ' froutntg tit ht r j u artors. Captains Iln111i t + 11 mid Coate e g two of time oldest captains ju time sortie uk , Captains Babcock amid .1 , Scott I'ayn to Liuutonauts Michler and Webster , l' mt Adjutant Ilutry Goldnumin amid Lioute mamtt L. 1V. Cornish form , with 11In ' he Onrpmtor , time cheers stationed at at post , to onclm amid all of whom 1 amu utd It liersonnl obligations for ninny exp ro ck sions of khtllp itospit-lit' . Starting to day on my return to Oninha , I leave 1 is hind me mothing but time most pleaem ho recollections of my visit to this front rn 'post ' , with its churning location , its p sus turoso ue surroundings , amid its gun ho' canumandiu6 officer and garrison.w. . w. E , A This is the sum I t Mr. A , Borne , three miles east of Coburg , Out. , says he wouldn't have given for his chance of living before ho used Burdock Blood Bitten. Ho hind dyspepsia for fifteen years , and was eared by three bottles of this very excellent preparation , 12 Mrs , J. C. Anderson , of (2 ( Poehtigo , WiL--asks us the price of twelyp lf itLles of ulur dock Blood Bitted tTboy cured her of erysipelas an&igglt rhoam , and she expresses herself as highly pleased about it , She is nq more gratified than we are , however. 1 Qo. 1. My wife considers Burdock Blood Bittern a number one medicine. Th ey cured her of dyspepsia anil liver complaint when mio other remit- edy she over tried would do it. This is what Mr. Martin Kizer of Linn Grove , lad. , says , A I'rotcst froth Con. Tltnyer. CDAwa ISLAND , Sept 11. To time Editor of Taut 1Jia : An editorial of Tna Bar : refers to the oft made charge that the G. A. R is a political nasocintion Now I have never known or soon anything to justify that charge. But as nn humble ntombor of the G , A R. , and without expressing an an opinion in regard to the notion of time Postmaster General in the removal of Mr. Vnndervoort I enter my protest against any effort now to use time 0. A it. in regard to political nppoiutmants to or removals from office , In my judg- moat time resolution passed at Hastings ohn this subject was out of place. Very respectfully , JOHN M TIIAYEn , HuMAN BLoou-On time purity and vitality - tality of the blood depend to vigor and health of time whole system. Disease bf various kinds is often only time sign that nature is trying to remove the dieturbin cause. A remedy that gives life and vigor to the blood , eraicates scrofula and oilier Impurities rom it as Hood's Sarsaparilla undoubtedly done must be time moans of revouttin many diseases that would occur without its so. Sold by dealers. IDAHO INDIANS , Time Prospects of n Campaign Against the Baanocks. San Francisco Chronicle , - There is a prospect that the Indian fighters of the Northwest will have an opportunity of beginning a campaign against the roving bands of Bannocke anShooPeatora f Idaho. Recent information - formation fron Boise City of a meeting between a band of Bannocks and a party of prospectors shows that the pretended - ed friendship for the whites ms likely to be broken , at any opportuito mo- nient. A week ago , on Little Camas prairie , mm party of Bannocks , who had tstolen away front their rasarvation , encountered - countered a prospecting party under Henry Bernard , who- were proceeding from Little Smoky to Halley. One of the prospecting party , Charles Whitmore , lost a valuable riding animal and traced it to time Indian encampment in Lon d Tom valley. The two parties met an talked for some time over the return o f e the horse. The Indians became insolen t and threatened the prospectors , and Bern f nard struck a young buck , knocking h' down. Instantly the Indians began firing. Bernard was ehot twice , but was not bad - ly disabled , for in returning time fire h e d sent one of his assailants to- the happy 1 hunting grounds by a shot front his Wi > Y cheater. The bullet took effect behind L the ear and passed through the head. The Indians then retreated to a bluff an d k continued firing for nearly an hour , ° Three of their party were wounded an y one killed , Reese , Crawford and Boy d hard were time most seriously injure r f among the proepactore , though severe others received quite severe wounds , re Several similar allaire have occurre d recently on Big Camas prairie , in one o which four Indians were killed by a part tie of cowboys. For years the Sheepeater hnvo kept control of a large extant o valuable mining country in time Sheep oeater mountains. Several bands of presto to pectors bold enough to enter their torni tory have never returned. In time winto ! - the htdiarls commie Oat on the prairie o ride into the valleys and round up tim 1e wandering bunches of cattle. In tim , spring and sunuuor they have the pro 9 hectors for victims , The Shepeate es rnountaius are said to be rich in gold. ry story iuas been spread by prospectors tlma m there is a mountain of gold in this En o proguable section and that time time In , diets , like Limo Aztecs , are guarding i ty forsonopoteumtchief long sincodeparted wo , to o ° f 4R , , oc : , MgRk r r ; . + t L ufr - ; ttr h 1ew fxi THL GREAT re um ' . . I' ' 1" .I1' T. ell d ltlt i natism Neuralgia / Sciatica ol umba 4o $ , ckrcho Ileade Toothache , 150 noreT'trinriiv. m4 nut.'r'i . , irl'illhirnlens .tan , LL nrna0 aomliLT i iiM Aiu runs. are s.14 e , rlupt t + r t ne.ler..v r , wltvra I'Inr Ceuta tql U ey 14rntl mUn ml Ca , ls.-r , . n . rut u.l titles , . It oe , , i. a.III , + .n. , n co. + . , r. a m. ly its McCARTHY & BUR too UNDERTAKERS ! Iw ly 28 14TH STREET , BET. FA1tNA b m r AND DOUGLAS. 5 , I MRS. LOUISA MOHR , Uet ni. Graduated Midwife ° r ll8 1508 California Street. er to e. J , E , HOUSE , tint ' Consultln6 ; an CI II Eu b Ineer a for SURVEYOR : m. ( $ pkdal ettentton to Snnrying Town Addlt one s tal Lots. Furauhod Eetiaatce of Fxcavattone , Mak 1L la , is orkivuPulaovma orkivu THE FRIST NATIONAL DAN OMAIIA , AND Dry Goods ! ' SAM'L e CO. , Washi&'ton Ayonue and Eifth Street , - - - ST. LOUIS , 1M S TEELE JOffi T 0 Co. , Wholesale Grocers ! AND JODDMne IN FLOUR SALT. SUGARf S CANNED GOOTS ND OLD GROCERS' SUPPLIES1 A FULL LINE OF THE BEST BRANDS OF Cigars and Manufactured Tobacco. AGENTS FOR BENWOOD MAILS AND LAFLIN & "RAND POWDER CO ! m . Wm' r ( fY. A.WAKEFIELD LwHoLIr9ALB AND RETAIL DEAL > < l IN hlugles , SASH BOORS , BLINDS ( MOULDINGS LIME CEISENT PLASTER &C' STATE GENT FOR MILWAUKEE CEMENT COMPANY. Near Union Pacific Depot , - - OMAHA , NEB C F. GOODMAN Wholesale Druggist I AND DEALER IN PalIlts , Oils , Yarifisilos aild ¶ iudo Glass OMAHA , NEBRASKA. r SPECIAL NOTICE TO Growers of Lip Stock and Others. WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO . r le the beet mid cheapeei food far etock of any kind. One pound 1. equal to thrw pounds.1 corn hit stock fed with Ground Ott Cake In the Fatl and winter , instead of running down , wIit facrease in wet h and be in good marketable condition in the spring. Dairymen , as well as others , who uea it can tednly its . merits. . Try it and judge for yourselreayli'rtco $25.00 per ton ; no charge for sack , . Address w00DMANkt1NSEED,01L COMPANY , Omaha Double and Single Acting Powerand Nand P MVII ? S . I , Engine Trimmings , Mining Machinery , , Belting , Hose , Brass and. Iron Fit ' ' m 4 Sfeam Packing at wholesale and rolai HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , CHURCH AND SCHOOLBELLS. Corner 10th Farnam ' i3 t. , 0 oohs Neb. Granite Ironware I -ti ID BROILING. RAKING } , pATENr r LIGHT IIANDSOME , I wEOL SOIA . DUB ABLE. I = " y The Best Ware Made far the Kitchen. i T' y1 f fi0S1 S ANUFACTUAED ONLY 1W THE T r l RQ t G CQ P R Y , LQ1f ? r r i OIrhlR ) 0 0 1 t0 > T0 _ aI ; t rpo > { r rt r , d1 t ol < n C.Ril11S fi , i 11 min PrS. 0 9r A 1- 0 t MAX MEYER & CON , 5 mt TMPORTERS OF ' . HAVANA CIGAR3 ! AND JOBBERS OF DOMESTIC ° " ' ' ' " eM4 A ! I ! 1 D PROPRIETORS OF THE FOLLOWING CELEBRATED BRANDS. Reina Y ictorias , Especiales , Roses in 7 Sizes from $60 to $120 per 1000. AND THE FOLLOWING LEADING FIVE CENT CIGARS ; Combination , Grapes , Progress , Nebraska , Wyoming and Brigands. "E DUPLICATE EASTERN PRICES. SEND FOR PRICE LIST AND SAMPLES. r J } ® 'itlfff121i 1 G , . . , TE CITY . 0 I PLANING MILLS e MANIiFAOT EitlOF ad 10 l k. td Sash Boors , Blinds , stairs , Stair Raiil s Balusters Wiudow & Door Fror'I I &e lag f Flrot des faOltea for he rnanueettuo of aU Moulding. , r and MetohL i olalty 1 . E Order. Scorn the country' Ul toe promptly executed. ' Addrou au communtetione to Al uoyEt [ , rl d 1 l i + x , . , , a , - w , V 4tra aatS .Ja.1. _ .IYt' i