Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 18, 1883, Page 3, Image 3

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_ V mx DAILY TUESDAI , ? ThMBER 18 . V
- V
'V V
) IL The Irobrcthkr National Dank
11 \ or OMAHA , D.
\ T&Id Tip Cft1tta.1 . . - 25O 000
\ Snrplui Fund , ay 1 , 1883
' I U OIIS0N PreJd.nI , o B1e3 , Join CO
A. I. The t
J0IuJ s C0UVA8p 01 U 3. 8. ColIlni.
IL W0OtWOfti1 COunocr tind AtLoriey it Law.
a n , n nt co.
v. YATE8 , c&qler1 foi mony yers COohI.r oS lb.
lM hUoniJ flonk ot Omaha.
TM. Beak opcntI for ) gIzeii Ajffl 27 , lS2.
dlrectom o.n1 .tckhojdrn oze iiung the Iot4.
buiie0 of 0uhi , omt Ita buolneis Ls oontuej )
V eia1 rekr.neo to the best sn4 baei1ng h
of It rnacaiitlle patron. .
.ctet * rtce1vo potnpt ttttitIon ad sbsrgr ,
obtAbAHe hero or eew hero.
! nttrc , ollowed on limo dei.oolt. upon fsyorabl ,
nrxl Upor Otn$1 $ 01 b&ns nd bankers.
Foreign eehsne. 0yeynment lomb , and Count
Ca , l.evritIes bouhl end .okl.
J. w. Rodefor , Broker ,
; t , icks , fond. , CotnnicreIi Iaper end ifl other
e'rouritIe. ( bait In'
TLoorn 4 No. 2 Pearl St. , Council 11Iu. , 1e
NRW Yorn , September 17.
% Monoy-In abundant eupply at 2@J2 per 1
cent , c1oed at 2 per cent.
I'ritno Papor-5@7 per cent.
Exchange billo-Steady at 4,82 ; demand ,
4. .
t 'VOr11ment8-StronR.
Stock.-$3tronger and filgher. In the final
.alo , Idce ehowed eoino little IrregularIty ,
but soon after opening there wai. a general ad.
vance ofJ to 1 per cent , the latter NowYork
Central , wldch Hold UI ) to 117. In the after.
noon storia. of fro.t In the Iowa corn region
were circulated and thli weakened opocula.
tioa. There were also .ome sales to realize
and a decline of to 11 Per cent took place.
LouiwvilIe anti Na.hvIlIe , Denver and North.
em e1fic preferred , and Oregon Transconti.
nontal were the woakeBt , harce. At the cloeo I
there WM Home recovery from the lowoat
figVUree. Western Union ww in good demand
throughout the day at 82@83 on the official
announcenient that ehorea would be Hoted .n
Aindordam B.ur.e. Pricet arV per
V cent higher , except for Wabaah , and St. Paul
and Denver , which are te per cent lower ,
couroe , . V
s4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
4'aOonpons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
4 , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 a
Padlc 6' . of ' 95. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
American Ijre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 n
BurL , Cedar Raii& & Northern 7
Central Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Chicago & Alton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132k
do do pM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
OhLBnrl. & Quiicy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1251r d
) rie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S2 I
do pfd , aaked. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 j
: Foxt Wayne &Chago. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130k
Hannibal & St. .TaetI ) aaked. . . . . . . . 3i %
do do do Ifd. . . . . . . . . . . t92
limo ! , Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 i
lad. , Bloom.Vestorn. . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 t
Kansas & Texaa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 2
Lake Shore & Michigan So. . . . . . . . . . 103
- . .5 Michigan Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
/ MlseouriPacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 n
r Northern Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
S do do pM. . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Northweatern . 127
do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Now York Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Ohio & Mississippi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31.
do do phi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Peoria , Decatur k Evansville. . . . . . . . 15 9
Rock Island. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123k t
St. Paul & Milwaukee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
V do do do pM. . . . . . . . . . . 12I :
Paul , Minn. & Manitoba. . . . . . . . 110
ek St. Paul & Oinala. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 I
. do do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
S V Union Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . \V Wabash , St. L. & Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . 22 r
' . do do do phi. . . . . . . . .
V V Weatern Union Telegraph. . . . . . . . . . . 82
V j BoSToN , September 17.-Reporte from 28
leading clearing houe. of the United State.
V for the week ending September 15 , gIve the
' . total clearances at $987,452,062 , being a de.
creaeo of 22.8 ver cent a.s compared with the
corro.ponding week of 1882. The itatem.nt a
a decidedly unfavorable one , both a coin. h
pared with the corresponding week of loot
year iwd with Iaat . week.
'V V
" I
L CHICAGO , September 17.-Flour-Weak .i
and utichaned. b
Wheat-lit fair demand and lower ; regular ,
92c for Septelnber 9491o for October ;
9696kc for Novoln6r ; 97@J08c for Decern. c
-S 4 S ber ; o. 2 92&c ; 'io. 3 opriug , 83
V Sic ; No. 2 red winter1 'J8c.
Corn-Demand active and unoottled ; 49c for
cash and SeItemher ; 49c for October ; 48c
for November ; 47c for the year ; 482@48o ,
V for May.
Oatii-Iull ; 26c for caah ; 27c for Septeln.
i boa ; 27jo for October ; 28c for November ; 28c
for December ; 27c for the year ; 29c fur
January ; 31c for May.
Rye-Lower ; at tic.
V Barley -In fair demand at 59c. b
Flar .Seed-In good demand at 1 30.
ThnothyVery dull ; prinie , 1 261 27. i
Pork-In fair demand and unsettled ; 10 50 C
(10 55 fur caoh and September ; 10 5@10 & 7
fr October ; 10 5210 55 for November ;
10 3210 50 for the year ; 10 17@l0 20 for
* ' . -ii4 : Ld-ActIve and lower ; 7 757 80 for b
oaali 11)1(1 September ; 7 77 ( 7 80 for October ;
7 GO ® ? 87 for November ; 7 55c7 fur the
year ; 7 G2@7 t5 for January ,
Bulk Meato-In fair demand ; ohouldero ,
5 2 ; short ribi , 0 00 ; ohort clear , 6 00. .1
Butter-Buoyant. Ii
'S Egg-Unchangod ; 2Cc.
' at 1 10. C
Ctona -Vheat-Irregular Cige i
for October ; 98 for Noveniber ; 07o ( or the S
t °
\Veakor 48c forSoptelnbor ; .18c for
October ; 48u fur NoveLnber ; lie for tlit ,
10 'i7 for October ; 10 4i for
Novelnbor ; 11 15 for .January.
Lard-Firlner . ; 7 82 fur October ; 787 for
November ; 7 t.i5 for January. I
Clieao-Market firmer ; good to choicu full
cream cliotldars , tI@1Uc ; choice ( till cre.ii 1
S'l f1at. , 1I@lHc ; fair to good chotldar nod e
hats . . ; haril okilno , 2@j3c.
I1idc-1)ull ! ; green . .tit tlanwgod , Cc ; green J
salt ctIrel , light , 6c ; grcu Halt heavy , 8e ; I
greell , alt cal , lie ; ( Iry salted , He ; dry '
calfl'e I
TtIlow-No , 1 , 7c ; No.2 , 0c ; cake , flc. I
'roRIo , Scptember , 17.- Wheat -Active
anil lower I'o , 2 red whiter , ca.qh anil
3eptoinber , 1 03 asked , I
Corii-1)ull anti eier ; hIgh InIxetI , ! 3c ;
No. 2 , caah and ilojiteiriber ,
Ont.i-Qulet am ! bteady ; o. 2 eMb and
Septezober , 2tIc.
. I wTonK.
C Naw Yoiuc , .Soptelnbor 17-Wheat--Caili
S' I6jlIc and u1ition @lc lwer ( , closing
steady' ungrodeti red , 8.'k1 1 $ ; I iI. red ,
OJC ; No. 3 red , 1 050i of ; ; No. 2 veil , 1 lIg
r elevator ; I 1iii I2 atloat ,
Corn-uih c afld 01)tiOJlH j@C lower ,
dosIrlgHteAdY uegrailod , 55@5132c ; o. 2 , C0
t20li elevator , 02jc afloat. I
V Oato-F'irnter ; mixeil 32J3c ! ;
white , 3I(43c. (
; , Pork-Dull and lower ; now mco , 12 25i
- ; prime btealn , 8 30@8 32.
Ilutter-lul ) and unchanged at 10@25c. ;
13 i Cl V ] VCAHBAI3 CITe' , S'e1jtember47.-Tho Daily 1n
dicator repOrtfl
Wheat-Lower ; No. 2 red falI,81c for cli ;
Me for Octhber ; 8&,8o for I.ovenber.
- _ _ _ L V
Corn-Lower ; ITo or n..h and Ootoba ;
33l bid for November.
bst.i-210 bid for esob.
rrmIA raonuc& .
POatA , Scptembr 1T.-Carn-T.ower ; high
mIxed , 48@49c ; No , 2 nilied , 4T@473o.
Oata-Activo and lower ; No. 2 whIte , 27@
28c.WhlakyFlrin at 1 ItS.
BAtTIH0)t ) , September 17.-Whoat--We.t.
em , active and lower , cloolng bettor ; No. 2
winter red , 1 061 07.
Corn-Wooterii , lower and dull ; mixed caah ,
&lc bid.
Oat.o-Firm and quiet ; we.tern white , T'31
38c : mixed $33.'C.
Jtyo-Quet at 85@STc.
1lutte-llighorand active for ohoico ; 1C@
20cfor weitrn iiaeked ; creamery , 2C@27o.
} .ggo-Iliglier ; 22c , I
Whioky-itearly at 1 t0l l0 ,
er. Loeta raontcr.
Si' . 1..OUI , $ eptonther l7.-1our-I.o er.
Wheut-AeUve and lower ; No. 2 rod , 07
@DSe far CCl.Mh 98c for ieIttunbor.
I'orIl ! .iwer ; 474@47c for cai'lt ; 4c for
I ) & 'S lieu : LI for Nuvoutbcr.
( I .t'i , , . .r : 20r'11c for c.t.It ; 21c for
I ! tV , , , } , , s , , . for ( ) vrnnber ,
113 I' ; 52c lilil.
l'.w 4ilow ; t0fl3c.
I iuter-Unchanied.
l : : , : -Unchanged. .
\ Iikky-1 14 ,
( 'iriiineal-Quiet : 2 itS.
CIuInr I'rko-\'hoat-Activo and lower ;
for October ; 1 0l for Novoinber ; I 03
bid for leccIIIijer ; 97c ( or year.
Corn-Lower ; ! for Oct.obor43o ; for No.
reinbor ; 4lie for the year ; .1 Ig@44c for May ,
Oath-Steady and olow ; 24o for 8eptoinber ;
tSc for October ; 2Cc 1)1(1 ) for November ; 24c
bid for the year ; 3Oc for May.
C1oCINHATI , September 17-Wheat--FaIr
lelnand aflIl lower : 1 02@t 04 for caoh.
Corn -Fair and dolnand lower at 5l52o
, aoli.
Whisky-Firm at 1 13 ,
Nw Onueo , September 17.-Corn-Dull ;
nixed and white , 6Cc.
Onto-Lower at 38@30c.
Corn Meal-Dull at 2 35.
Pork-Steady at 12 25.
Lard-Firm ; tierce , 8c ; keg , & .
Bulk Moato-Stoady and in ( air demand.
Whisky-Steady and unchanged ,
MILwAGKFB , September 17-Wheat-
4owar ; 83c caah ; 93c October ; 95o Novefn.
Corn-Dull and drooping ; No. 2 , 44c ; rc.
octed , 45c.
Oata-Neglected ; NO. 2 , 20c.
Rye-Lower ; No. 2 , 5Ic ,
Barley-'air demandNo.52 ; , 63o eaoii.
CHICAGo , Septemberl7.-TheDrovers'Jour.
Lairoporta : V
Itego-Very weak and 10 a ltSc lower ; iiack. I
nR 4 50@4 75 ; packIng an hipplng , 4 75@
75 ; liglit 4 75@5 20 ; skIps , 3 50(4 ( 50. Closed
Cattle-Generally qalet and weak ; export
IOUbOld limited , at5 90(6 ( 00 ; good to choIce 1
hipping 5 705 80coznmon ; to medium , 3 90
4 tk ) ; Inferior to fatr COWS , 2 15@3 00 ; me
hum to good , 3 254 00 ; otockero. 3 000)3 715 ;
ceder. , 3 80j4 25 ; range , dull ; 17 car. , 1,170 1
, oundo 4 40 ; 471 'L'exaIlH , 1,010 pounds , 4 05 ;
rae [ 'oxani , 3 75j4 30 ; American , , 4 10
ij5 00.
Sheep-Steady ; inferior to fair , 2 10@2 75
or cvt. ; medium to good , 3 00@3 50 ; choice
0 extra , 3 754 40 ; lambs per head , 1 00(1
75 ; Tera. sheep , 2 50@3 90.
'rite Drover. ' Journal Liverpool special re.
orto a marked downward tendency In foreign
iarketa for American itoek. Cattle , c lower
er iiouil , tOll. eelling at itSe , estimated dead
Ceight ; sheep , lc lower , 1Cc for beot.
Sv. Louis , September 17.-Cattle-Fair
uply and of good quality , but the market i
ess film than bat week , though lriceH , are not
Luotably changed ; exports , Ii 25 (0 ( 30 ; good I
0 choice olJiInhIg , t 10GJtS 90 ; medium to
air , 4 75@5 0 ; lexanH , 3 50@4 25 ; Indiano ,
Sheel-Quiet and little ( lone ; medium to
rime , 3 00@4 25 ; Texan. , 2 503 75.
KANsAs Ciry , September 17.-The Indicator
Prt :
Cattle-Steady ; nativci , F 45 ; Texano , 3 85
i4 15.
hugo-Lower ; 4 404 60.
Sheep-Quiet at 2.40.
wLouIt ANt ) GRAIH.
CHIcAGo , September 17.-Itecelpta and .hlp.
enta of flour and grain for the peat 24 houro
ave been a. follow. :
fleceipte , Slbip't. .
1our , bbls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,001) 15,000
Vheat , buolielo. . . . . . . . . . 107,000 144,000
Grn , buoliols. . . . . . . . . . . . 500,000 402,000
late , buallels. . . . . . . . . . . . 137,000 160,000
tyo , 1)UfllbOlH. . . . . . . . . . . . . 56000 19,000 1
buoy , huahelo. . . . . . . . . . 43,000 22,0(0
1 < A'i'3A0 Ciry , Sentember 17.-Reccipta and '
01 grain for the PMb 24 huuro have
eon 813 follows :
ROCOIItO. Shlp'to.
Theat , buahels. . . . . . . . . . 33,000 25,000 1
Iorn , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 14,000 20,000
NEW Yea , September 17-Receipts and
dplnentaof Iluurandgraln for the iit 24 liour
ave been follows :
IteCCiltH Ship'te.
Yieat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 403,000 155,000
orn , buaheb . . . . . . . . . . . . 241,000 02,000 .
'ate ' , builiels. . . . . . . . . . . . 108,000
CIIIOAG0 , September 17.-Receipts antI .hlp.
: enta of live Htock for the ) 21 houra have
cenas follows :
lteCC'11)t.9. ) Ship'tn , i
logs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15,000 , . . . I
attle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,000 . . . .
hoop. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,800 . . . . I
S. L0U113September 17.-Receipt. . and ahip.
ienta of live stock for the Iat 24 houns have
cell as follows :
Receipte , Ship't. . J
attle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,400 1,000 1
hoop. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,000 450 C
KANSAe CITy , Septelnbor 17.-Rccelpt.and
blpbnents of live stock for the lMt 24 hours
ave been as followi :
Iteceipto. ShIp't.
attlo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,100 , . . ,
fogs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3,000 . , . .
beep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . boo . . . .
flItITIf4II ( IILtI.N TIt.tOH ,
L0ND0H , September lT.--'I'lbo rdnk Luit : :
xJ'res ' , iii Its review of thu 1iriLih grain
rade the linot % vcelc , sIys : A coinsinlerablu (
brulbortioll ( II grain in ( lie northerin anal west
rn iitricto of Ennglain.l are ut utnsccniretl , I
innflIJ1eH ( if bleW s'lnet urti Njoiiiigly olferoI , , I
rho tOtitlelbcy of the market Is LlwnuVl a lower
uvel of rte , 'J'1o market for funeigna wheat I
.4 off , HtOt1lli extremely lrtrbted : snijnplie. I
ICIlIg lange. 'l'iio iinlibreMlt : & ilrovaliH that tIc
market . , Vjll be flooded with foreign brenul. I
tufTs. Nine cargoc of wheat arrivad , clx
vitlidrawn , nilnu remain , Salei of Eiigli.Ii
vheat ( or the week , 67,665 Ijlnarnirs , at .11. Htl , i
igainot. 49,212 tilarter % at 11n Sd , tIne vorres
) , ndIIJg week last year.
- -
Ovvjca 'I'IIH OtAIA IIEH ,
Monday Fvtniiinng , Selltomlber 17 ,
The following Prlc04 ano claargoil retailers
jy jobberi , whole.salero ainil COIOIZII$4On ! nner.
thant1c , with the expeption of grain , which I.
1uotc4 at , tIm Prices furnished by the elevators
intl other local Inuyeron
Grain ,
WIIr&T-Ca.ah No. 2 , 71c ; No. 3 , CtSc ; ro
loctod 42c.
BAIILn'-Cwth No. 2 , 43c ; No , 3 , 4Cc.
] tni-Ca.In , lIe.
CkfliM-Mlxud , 35c.
Live Stock ,
1"AT Stinma-Iligher et 3 00133 71' .
FAT CowH-2 7t)43 itS.
lioon-4 00@4 25.
Siiar-'Irm at 3 00 i3 .
CALVRH-FaIr quality 4 SOQ)5 ) Oofgoodbuteh'
ero' stock , C 00.
Cured Meat. .
lLum-14@1 1k , .
llAcos-Unchangod at 12@l8o.
SnouLtuuia-1)ull at S8c
Dinian Iiaer-14c.
1.Ann--At Djl0c In tirroec' .
TAttow-'irllt at S 506 25 in banrelo ,
Poultry , Plait anti Game.
BI'RIHQ CUICRrn. - Small , unchanged ,
1 25t2 00 ; large , liflict at 3 00 ; old , 3 25.
l'rnlnc chicken. , 1 7. a 2 00 lcr do. .
Vnatrx FiaH-Unc anged , tl0c. ) ; idko
iuul lake trout the .anno.
General I'nmluee.
1'an5M-10c : ,
lhrrrnn-Connmon t good , 7@lOc ; choIce
dairy , l6@17n eweet , high colored grs , l2 (
13 ; cooking , Sc.
I'orArobob-New pniet anini market well snnp.
llktl at .I5@5o er Inn.
ON1os25@JA , Per In ; .
NKw CAInAOK-70@85e ; ; per dozen ,
IIoNHY-Cnlifonnla , Incomb , Per pound , 20
@ 21c ; strained , 10l2c.
CiiaeActive , W o quote 9@llc.
'I'onAvoan-lono ; grown , tSOc@1 00 lnc'r
buob ,
Gnirgs-ln baaket and crate. , 7c Per lb.
C tee nFru It * n.
LEroN-Quict at 00@7 50 box.
l'EAVIIH-NOtiVCM 1 00(1 ( 95 Ier ba.Mhot ;
California at 2 25@2 50.
CM.IFOINIA ; 1'LUMI-Ifl good demand ;
2 25@2 t)0 per box.
l1ANANA-Unchangrtl ; per bunch , 2 00
4 00.
ArrLEM-3 00j3 50 per bbl ,
CA ; . : loILNIA IIAItTLHT 1'EAn.-In rood ( IC.
iniand at $ Vt 00@4 50 her inox. California
liclness ; Iluerro , Clargeon , etc. Pearo , per box ,
C.ttIt'oIutIA GtArIni-2 00@250 pcrcac' .
Flour anti MIIIotuffl.
Wiant WnEAT-Best quality , patent , at
3 25i3 65.
SEcoND QUALITY-2 00@3 25.
SCaINa WHUAT-Best quality , Patent , at
3 0@3 65.
SECOND QuALlrr-2 503 25.
BRAH-titSe cwt.
Ciorrnm FEEI-l'er 90 lbs. 85c.
Coni MBAa-1 001 10 P ° owt.
ScaaxNIHa-6070o ior cwt.
Grocers List.
CANNEn 000na-Oyatero ( Standard ) , per
mRe : 3 703 110 ; strawborrleb , 2 Iii , ier care ,
I 10 ; ra.pberrieo , 2 Ib , 1)er CMO , 3 50 ; llartlett
wars , per coap , 2 40' whortleberries , per case ,
713 ; egg plums , 2 lb , jcr cwie , 2 90 ; green
rage. , 2 Ib , ier case , 2 00 ; do choice , 3 lii , per
MO 4 54J Ino'alIIos , 2 lb. case 4 00@
75 ; veacIo , 2 lb. vr ease , S 00 ; tIn S Ib , per
a8o , 4 00J4 ( ; ( pie ) , S II , , per case , 2 60 ;
lo Ink , , 6 1t , per duzoin , 2 3C.
RICa-Louisiana PIO to choice , 7c ; fair
; c. l'atma , 6c.
1iisii-No. t mackerel , half bris. , 7 00 ; No.
I mackerel , kita , 1 00 ; family mackerel , half
rls. , 5 25 ; family mackerel kite , 85c ; No. 1
white fi.h , half brIe. , 7 00 ; o. 1 kitaLl 05.
Synu-Stanidard COIn. , tStSe , bob ; Standard
Ia , 4 gallon kegs 1 85 ; Standard do , 4 gallon
egu , 1 60.
SoDa-In It ) Pfll ) , S 30 per case ; keg .
Naw Picatxn-Mediunn , in barrIs , 6 00 ; do
n half barrels , 3 50 ; small in barrola , 7 00 ; do
0 half barrels , 4 00 ; glierklis in barrels , 8 00 ;
14) in halt barrels , 4 50.
TEAB-Gunpowder , good , 45@55c ; choice 60
3175c ; good Imperial , 40@i3c ; choice , 60J65c ;
young llyoon , good , 36Ca50o ; choice ,
.SC1 00 ; Japan , natural loaf , 35c ; cIalafl ,
lioice , 6075c ; Oulong , good , 3540c ; Oolonig ,
, hoico , 40@JtStSc ; Souchoug , good , 3510c ;
Itoice , 35@I45c.
itorK-Sisal , inch and larger , 10c ,
tic ; inicli , 114c.
WoouENYAnE-Two hoop pails , 1 75 ;
hrce hoop Ul , 2 00 , Tubs , No. 1 , 8 ISO ; Pie
leer wasliboartis , 1 85 ; Double Crown 2 90 ;
Wellbuckotc , 3 50.
LRAu-Bar , 1 65.
SoArs-Jirk'o Savon Imperial , 3 45 ; Kirk's
atinet , 3 60 ; Kirk's otandard , 3 75 ; Kirk' .
ehito Ituasian , 5 25 ; Kirk's eutoca , 2 15 ;
Cirk' , l'rairie Queen , (100 ( cake. , ) 4Cc ; Kirk's I
nagnolia , dna.
PovAinIn-Penn.ylvania cans , 4 case , in cMe ,
135 ; Babbitts , ball , 2doz. incase , 1 90 ; Anchor
) all , 2 doz. in case , 1 50.
PEANUm-Roasted. choice , red Tennessee ,
2c Per Ib ; fncy white , 12c per 16 ; raw-white
ilririnia , raw lic ; roasted , 13o S
CANDUa-iiOXOI3 , 40 lb. , lOs , 15c ; 8. , 1&c ;
, oxcs 40 1b , 16 oz. , Cs , 15c ,
MATCIIEH-PCr caddie , 62c ; round , cases ,
; io square cMos , 3 40.
Coryaxa-Ordinary grades , 39c fair 10
0c ; good 101Ic ; 1)rinne , 12612c choice
.3@J13c ; ? ancy green ; and yellow , 1415c ; old
'overnuient Java , 20213c ; Levering's roasted ,
.4 . C ; Arbucklo's roasted , ific ; M Laughlin'e
- x routed , 15&c ; imitation Java , 16 ®
VxnEoAR-New york apple 1Cc ; Ohio ap.
do , 13c.
SALT-fl ray loads , Ier bbl , 11 ; Ashton , iii
iaeka , 3 so ; bbh dairy 60 , So , 3 30 ,
SUOAItH-1'OWderod , lOAc ; cut loaf , lOAc ;
yantIlatell , Ogc ; confoctlonorn. ' A , 1k ; Stand.
rd extra C , 81c ; extra 0 , 8c ; medium yel
ow , 7c ; dark yellow , 7c.
SrAncII-l'earl , 4o ; Silver Gloss , Cc ; Con ;
itrcIi : , Cc ; Excelsior Glees 7Ac ; Corn , 8c.
Sn'xcr.n-1'epper , 17c ; allspice , ltSc ; cloves
itSc coasia , The.
d ; nan-i'nll cream , lie.
LYE-American S 4 ; Greenwich , 3 40 ;
Vestern , 2 75 ; I'torth Star , 2 00 ; Lewis' 1yej
65 ; Jewell lye , 2 75.
BRowN COTTONS-Atinntbo A 8c ; Aptlo :
"I ; xx , 7c ; Atlanta A , 8c ; 3oot FF 8c ,
luckeye Iii , , 4.4 , 7c ; Cabot W , 7c ; Chitte.
laligo A (1c. ( Great Falls E 8c ; hoosier , 6c ;
* , ; Iidlau lteadASc ; Indian
itandard A Sc ; Indian Orchard , d. w. , 6c ;
awrence 11f , , OYc ; My.tlc Itivor , 7c ; I'equot
, 8Vc ; Utica C , 5c ; Wachusett J , 7c ; do
, 8c do I ; 48 , 1'4c.
P11(11 ] 3nowN CorroNnc-AIIendalo 4.4 7c ,
Uligator 3 V1 , Sc' Argyle 4.4 , 7&c Atlantic
4IJ , 6c Iladgor ltate X 4.4 , 6c ; 1onnIngton
: , 4.4 , IJc ; Buckeye S 4.1 , 6c ; Indian Orchard
S..A 9.8 , 8c ; Laconla 0 39 , 8c' Lehigh E 4.4
c ; 1'eiperell N 30 , 7c ; do Ci 32 , 7c ; do 1 I
b. 7jc ; do J4 39 , 8c ; l'aca.set C 4.4 , 7c ;
Vainsutta 4.4 13g.
BLHACHED CorroN-Androncaggln I , 4-1
Ie ; Illackotone AA imperial 8jc ; (10 do haIl
leachcd 4.1 , Cc ; Cabot 4.4 , 8c ; 1hIeIIty 4.4 ,
) c ; Fruit of the Loom , 9c ; ( In cambrlo 4.4 ,
24 ; do Water 'rwi.t , l0e ; Great Falls Q , tic :
[ mdlii head sl-iink ; 4.1 , 12c ; l.un.iIitu , Ilk , ;
, cuubrlo 37 , 19c ; Now York Mills , l2u ;
I'041110t A , lOc ; .1'epcroI , N ( I Twills , 12c ;
'ocabontas 4.4 , 'Jc I'ocasoet 5.4 , 8 ; Utica ,
\S'nntontta ; ; 0 X X , 12c.
licnn ; ( Colured-Aibany ) I brown , 8c ; dn
JI Iral , lie ; tIn XX stripes nun,1 , plalils , 12 1 .2o ; V
In XXLk brown ; ( ; nl draIn , stripe. nina ! Inlaid. ,
2 1.2c ; Arllngtoi ; fancy , 19c ; J3runnsick
, ron'I ; , 8 1.2c ; CharIot fiiney , 1 2 1 .2c ; Iu ox.
ra heavy , 2Cc ; FaIl Itiver brown ; , ontro heavy ,
I I I.c ; I nidiana 't. brown , 13c ; Neponoot A
) rowl , jOe ,
'FlciINUK-Anonlceag AC A32 , ICc ; do XX I
ilue 32 18 i-9c ; Arunvuna ; , U i.2t , ; Ciaro.
; nont lii , 15 i.2c ; 'uitat.oga ; , extra , 17 I.2c ;
ilniinilton ; 1) , 1 1 1.2c ; J.owit.oi ; il : ; o , lr ; 'IIItb '
nelanln , , , 1.1 , 200 ; Oinega ; , sniper extra 4.1 , 2tc ;
I'earl River 32 , 16 I.Vlc ; I utnain X. ( Iili ; ,
Itlilbo , 12c ; Slietucket 8 , 10 1.2c ; do 55 , I2c ;
colbaIbs ; blue 29 , tic.
1)r.NIMH-AIxoskeag , blue and browj,16 ; 1.2c ;
Annlover 1)1) blue , 15 J.2c ; Arlington ; X bltu ;
cntel ; , 18 I.2c Concord 000 , blue and
Jrnwn , 12 i.2c ; nb 4SVAA1 do tin , , 13 1.2 ; (10
, x do tl , 14 1.2c ; Ilaynniaker's blue and
Inrown 9 I.2c Mystic lOver 1)1) otriie 16 I.2c'
l'earl Itiver , ( iltrn anini brown , 1Cc ; QxuvIllu'
blue aiil ; brown , 1.1 1.2c.
OAIIInrcn-ltarard ; ; , tSc ; Eddyoton ; lining ,
II Inch double face , 8c(1arnor ; A glazed , Sic ;
Manlmttan glovoliniol ; , 5c ; Newiort ilo , to
( Ii ) glazeil , 5c ; l'txjuot , Io , tSC Jockwooj kid
iluloIn , tic.
Coieev JEAN-Annory , Androacoggin
, att.eon , 8c ; Clarondon 6c' Cono.thgga sat.
teens , 74c ; Ilallowell , 8c ; Jncian Orchard , 7c'
Narragansett , improved , ; Sc ; Pejn1erjIi sat , .
( .000 , 'Jc ; llockpnrt ' lie.
1'RINTh-AllCns , t'4cAmorzcan : , 6cArnldo ;
5c ; Benvick , . 4c ; Cochcoo 6 ; Cuneetoga , C.ic
1)ankirkc. , liunneli , 0(7c ; Eddystozw 7c ;
Ulouccster , Gc1I iarnony , tSc ; Knlckerboc'kor ,
lie ; ! deniuao 1) , Vc ; Mystic , 5c ; Sprague. ,
tic ; Southbthlge , Ge ; do Ginghams , 7o ; Marl.
born , tSIe ; Oriental , 6c.
UutnnAtu-Anno.kesg1 fc ; Aryyle , lGic ;
Atlantic , 8c ; CUinberland , 7c ; highland , 7c ;
KenIIw.ath , 0C 1'1unktl , 9c. Stisoex , 8c.
CormxAnes-Abberville , I3e ; Agote , 2Cc ;
American , lie ; ArtloIna , 2Cc' CaIro I ) and ' 1' ,
l3c ; Clarion 1) and T , l.4c ; lecan C
mtrIl'es 1) antI T , 1Gc hoystono , lSjc ; Nan
tucket , 19c Nonpareil , Itic ; Ocean 1) anti T ,
l3c ; linyaf , I6c ; Sussex , 12c ; 'I ' logaVach ; ; .
sett ehirting cheeks , 12c , ; (10 Nnnkn % l2e.
York , i'aln ) Nrmkln , 12c ; do checks , strip
and fancy , 12c tIn 8 ox , 2Cc.
SlIiar1Haa- - ; ; , 10.4 27c ; do
9.4 , (10 3 1 , 32c ; Continental C 42. lIe ;
} 'ruit oi the I.ooin 10.4 ; 2Vcew'ork ; ; n II.
tis. 3. ' ; 1o 78 , SOc ; do t.S , ? 2c ; I'enleke ; ,
10.4 , 2ts ; l'eqot ; ; 10.4 , 28c : do .4 , ItIc ; ( It ) 49 ,
ICc ; l'eppeaoli tIC , 29C ( IC 67 , 21c ; do 7 , 18e ;
Utica 90 , 3Cc ; do 58 , 223C (10 48 , 17c.
Irugs ,
1)ntos AHI ) CIIKMICAU3-ACId , Cnrblie , 'ItSe'
Acid 'l'artaric , thc ; Ilalaan Coiabla , jier It ) ,
TOe ; ihirk Saroafrnts , er lb. 12c ; Calonel PCr
Ii , , 75c ; inolnoIdia , Pr 0 ! , I 05 ; Cliloro.
forth , er Ib , StSe ; Dover's l'osn'tlers , Per lb
$1 25 ; E1)Ifl Salts , PCt lin , tSc ; Glycerine
inre per lh , 30cr Lcad , Acetate , per lb , i2'2c ;
Oil , bastor. No. I. per gal , 1 10 , 0 Cubit ,
No. 3 , gal. $1 20 ; 1)11 , Olive , pergal , I SQ
Oil Origanun ; , 5Cc ; Opluu , $5 00 ; Quinine , P.
& \ ' . niI ; ; It. & S. P ° ' 01 , 1W ) ; I'otasslnn ; ,
I 0(11)10 ) , 1 ' ( Sr 16 , si 65 ; SolIcit ; , ) or , 41k ;
Sulphate of ) Iurphi no , I er 07. , 3 15 ; Sul Plinir
Ilour , 11cr Ib , k ; Strychnine , cr us , $1 2i ,
Paint. , Oila nitil 'arni.1eg ,
Ot.n-llO ; ° carbon , per gallon ; , 12c ; 150 °
hoaillight , gall ) ) ; ; , 14c ; 175 ° headlight ,
Per gallon ; , petic ; ISO ° vatcr white , le ; lit :
seed , ; ow , ; ir gallon , Stic ; litisood , 1aiIed , er
gallon , 51k : ' ) lUd , winter str'd , per gallon , 35c :
No , I , 7t.cNo. ; 2 , 75c ; castor , XX , iwr al
loin , I 40 , i. 8 , 1 20 ; sweet , ICr alIo ; ; S5c
.Irn : \V 11. , er gallon , 1 60 ; iii'l , \ ' , . Ii. ,
) OrgaIIOU , ( uSe ; ; ; entsfoot extra , nor gallon , 90c ;
No. I , 71ic ; lubricatinig , zero , 1)C gallon , 3Cc ;
omnnor , l5c ; goldot ; machine , 7ti. I , cr gal. I
Ion : , SSc ; No. 2 , 2rc ; eIsrm , sIgnal , cr gallon
hOc ; turpentine , ior gallon , LltSc ; naintha , 74 0
per gallon , ltSc.
1'AINrS IN Or.--\Vhlto ; lead , Otnalna P. P. , I
tic ; white lead , St. Lotus pinto , 04c ; Marseilles
greet : 1 to 5 lb cat : . , French zinc , green ;
. ' . .l. 12c ; Freud : zinc , red .eal , lie ; French
Ii. . in : varnish asot , 2Cc : 1' touch zic. In oil
. ilic and burnt mnber I lb
'I ; raw , cans , Ilk ;
I&v and burnt Sienna , 1Cc ; ntndyke brown ;
ttSc ; rotined ltunpblack , 12c ; coach black , a,1
ivory black , itic ; drop blaek , 1Cc ; Prussia ; :
blue , 3Cc ; ultrnnarlio blue , lBc ; chironne green
Ii. St. & 1) . lUc ; blind and shutter green , 1.
St. & 1) . , 6c ; Paris green , he ; Indian red ,
Pie ; Venetia ; : red Dc ; 'l'tocnm red , 2'2c ; Amen.
can Vernillton 1. & P. iSo ; chrome yellow
L. In ! . , 0. & I ) . SO. , l , c ; yellow oehre , t ;
golden ochre , 1Cc , patent dryer , 8c ; graining .
colors. light oak , dark oak , walnut , chestnut
andash , ISo.
Dry rainta.
White lead , 8c French zine ICc ; Paris
whiting , 2c ; whltingl gliders , ic ; whiting I
coin' ! lie ; lnunpblack , Germantown , 14c ;
laupblack , ordinary , ilk ; l'rusoiau blue , uSc ;
ultrnuxmrine , 18c ; vandyke , brown , Sc ; tunber ,
burnt , 4c ; umber , raw , 4c ; sienna , burnt , 4c ;
gienna , raw , 4c ; Paris green , genuine 25c ; i
l'aris green , common 20cchromegreen ; , kY. ,
2Cc ; chrome green , 1. , 120 ; vernuillion , Eng. , I
7Cc ; vermlllion , American , ilk ; Ininlian red ,
ICc ; rope pink , 14c ; Venetian red , Cokusoss ,
2c ; Venetian red , American , 1c' rod lead ,
7c ; chronic yellow , gonulne,520c ; clrone ; ye1. I
low , K. , 12crn ochre , rochelle Sc ; ocliro , French ,
2c ; ochan , American , 2c ; Winter'o mineral ,
2c ; lehigh brown , 2c ; Spanish brown , 2c ;
1 rinco's mineral Sc.
VAItNIStaaarrels per gallon : Furni. :
turo , extra , 1 10 ; furniture , No. 1 , $1' coach ,
extra , $1 40 coach , No. 1 , Si 20 ; Dainar , I
extra , $1 75Japan ; , 70c ; asphaltum , extra , 85c ;
shellac , 3 rio ; hard oil finish , $1 50.
ikoole 38o to 42c hemlock sole28c to SSc ;
CCUL I 3 ( kit ) , $ Oc to 1 00 ; runner 6ito ; 8Cc ;
non : ( I k calf , ,85c to 1 20 ; hemlock , 23o
to 2Cc ; oak upper 24c ; alligator , 4 00 to 5 50 ;
calf kid , 32@35 : dreison kid , 2 50 t. . 2 75 ; oak
kip , SOc to 1 00 : oak calf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; French i
kip , 1 10 to 1 55 ; Freud : call , 1 25 to 2 00 ; an. . I
oct. , 5 50 to 7 50 ; linings , 0 00 to 10 50 ; top.
pig , 9 00 to 10 50 ; II. ti. Morocco , SOC to 25c ;
pebble 0. 1) . Morocco , 3Cc ; simot ; , 2 50 to 3 00.
IIAINKSS-No. 1 star oalc , 42c ; No 2 , Io ,
3Cc ; No. 1 0mb oak , , 38c ; No. 2 do , tStSc ; No. i
1 Milwaukee 37c : l'o. 2 do 3-li' .
We quote lumber , latin and shIeg1eson oars
at Omaha at the following vrceM :
Jotsv ANI ) SCANTLINU-16 ft. and 'under
'I'IMDERC-lG feet and under , 22 00.
TIMBER AN ! ) Jotwr-l8 ft , 23 50 ; 20 ft , 23 50 ; '
i2ft,2650 ; 2lft , 2650.
FENCINO-NO. 1 , 4 and 6 In. , 24 00 No. 2 ,
SilEinriNo-No. 1 (2d ( common boards ) , 20 00 ;
No. 2 , 18 00.
JfliE-1'er barrel , 1 25 ; bulk buohel' SSc ;
cement , bbl , 2 25 ; Iowa plaster bid , 2 50 ; hair
per bu. hOc ; 'rod felt , 100 fbs , 3 50 ; straw
board,350 ,
Jicavy hardware 141st.
Iron , rates , 2 ( JO ; 1)10w ) steel special cast , 7c'
crucible , 8c ; HIeCial or German , tIc' cast tool
do , 15@20 ; wagon Sl)0kC0 , .at , 2 2tit3 00 ; } ; ub
per oet , 1 25 ; felInes , sawed dry , 1 40 ; tongue. ,
each , 70@85c ; axles , each , 75c' square ante vet
ib , 7llc ; washers , vet lb 8tI8c ; rivets , Ior
lb , lie ; coil chain , vet 16 , ? @ 12c ; nialleable , 8o
iron wedges , Ge ; crowbars Cc ; harrow teeth
c ; oni1ng teal , 718J8c ; Burden's h0roehoes , 5 25
Burden's mulesliocs C 25.
BAInaIVinel'n car lots , 6c lC 100.
NAIrH-Itatcs , 10 to 60 , 3 35.
Sno'r-Shot , 1 85 ; luck shot , 2 10 ; orIental
powIor , kegs , 6 40 ; do. , half kegs , 3 48 ; do. ,
juarter Icego , 1 88 ; blastIng , kegs , 3 35 ; fuse , j
Ler 100 feet , SOc.
CoAn-Cumberland lIacksnnitln 12 00 : Mor.
rio mm liIos.hurg , 12 \Vliterea.t ; luinni , ,
I 00 ; Whltebreast nut , 4 00 ; Iowa lump , 4 00 ;
low : : flint , 4 00 ; Hock Spring , 7 00tnthra ;
ito , 11 5O12 00 ; Canon City , 7 00 , ton.
Horses anti MUlCH.
Extra draft horses , i75@2'25 ; common draft
Lor.os , 10043Ji50 ; extra fan ; ; heroes , 11061J125 ; I
oInnnon to good fitrIn hOflCii 90@lOO ; extra
I lug. , 60CgI7li ; common ; pl11g1 , 2040. C
MULH-Ixtra , 1251q150 ; good , 100i40 ; I
lair , 7b1O ) ; cominon,60@75.
Ar.eoon-1R8 ; proof , 2 25per wine gallon ;
nxtra California opirits , 188 proof , 1 25
proof gallon ; triple refined spirits , 187 proof ,
I 23 er Prouf gallon ; ro.tIltihlod whiskies ,
I OOj1 50 ; fIne Ilendod , 1 5O@2 50. ICon.
bcky bourbon , , 2 0O7 00 ; Kentucky and
L'onsi.ylvania ryes , 2 0O@7 00. c
] InANnnui-luiported , 6 0Oi60O ; domestic
Gtha-Innported , 4 &oc : 00 ; domestIc , 1 40
@ 300.
] IUMH-Innporteil , 4 SOfl ( 00 ; NewEngland ,
I 00I 00 ; doineatlc , I &Oi3 ( 50.
Prtcr ; xni ) Al'I'LE J1ANIv.-1 ; ; ) 7ScJl 00.
CIIAMrAUNr.a-JIIportwl ; Icr CVflHO 28 O0@ .
LI $ 00 ; Anno-bnvnier : : CUO ) , 12 00@jili 00.
] tierino unwaslaail , light 14@itic ; heavy ,
lt@llr : ; ineditin : ¶ IliVOMICII , Iijl&t , l8@20c ;
was1nol , elnoico , 32o ; fair , 3Cc ; tub untlvuhed ; ,
28c ; hurry , blwk : : : nti ( cottial wool , 266o less.
'I'OblIcot4 ,
VINE Ccrr--C'otnmon , 2)3Oc ( ) ; good , 45@i I
1Cc ; Itoso Leaf , 7Cc ; I 'rcmIun ; , tiSe ; Jlannontl
( irowzt , SSc ; Sweet Sixteni ; ' 47c.
SlOXINa-O. 14. , 2Cc ; .M'uskovy , 25c ; lIIE.
mono , S 01 , r.oc ; liirlnnu ; , 1 ( JZ. ti2c ; irhuj ; ; , ; ,
2 ( ) Z SSc : Seal of North Carolina , ii nz , , 'ile ;
Seal of North ; Carolina , 'I na. , .Itic ; Heal of
North Carilinii , 2 oa. , 'ISo ; 0 , IC. iirlna ; ; , ; , 4
1)7. . , 2c ; 0. IC. Irhanr ; ; , 2 o , tSOc ; Uncle
Neil , 's , 2k ; 'foit ; and Jerry 2ic. : 'i'oJlAcvo-Ciitnaz , title ; Bullion , uo.1
iIirooslno , 411ic ; Star iSe ; llutIiIy , llc ; 11cr.
Hey' , . 4Rc iilaek.8ttSi40u.
p11 Only Perfect subatitute for Motnr' ) . I
_ j _ 1111k , Themost nourl.hlnig'lrtlor Invalid. onti
nursing mothers. Couunndod by aU 1bysidan
* In oil climatea. Sold by all druggiit. . 76 cents.
terallorthe pamphlet. 'r. MLTCALY&CO. ,
wo lukth.2d1 41 CcntrslWhartZiustonMau.
IIslonbe.n ocbnowkdged sail more .o at thi. day
than any other , The isst flI.I of nwtIksI science 1.
ener Inerea.In , .2nd Its nutnerous isranehes or ,
brought nearer md nearer to perfectIon , and
no on. man can any longer groep ( heat Ml
heave the neee.olty for dividing the Isbor. Anti II I.
true bonnil all ( lOIItt 11)01 dIces. , , aftictlng the g.n
Ito'UrIiiy organ. leed specIal .ttidy more thin say.
thIng else , If we would undaritonti sad know how Ic
treit them PtoPInl.
intL Ii. WAUNhR I. fully swire that there or.
many pheteIsng , onti IOtlI .casbl. ; , ni'Ie , who a-lU
condemn , hIm for znsllng thl. cho , of dioeosee a
dolly , but to know thit a-lth molt t'er
eon. sS reInennt sail IntelIIenc , Sm. ? . enlighten.
cit : Iew I. taten of the enliject , sad thu the phyIo
Ian a ho , tet.tee hltn.elf to rellsolng the afflIcted and
earIng them free : a-ores thin , IMth , Is no less i. phi
lanttnroplet sad benefactor to hI. tore thorn the cur
genIi or ltiYek1n who tu' elo.o opuliritien e'el , In
0l ) tither l.rnnetn of hi. ; rofc.eionn. And fotuitateIy
for humanity , the thy Ii ilawning when the tahoe ; it.
lanthiro1hv thist CinhtetnteitthO I letlnis of folly tsr
( flier , IIoth ; lcI'eri unitlerihe J.wtsh low , to dl.
% ) Ut'alIcd forms. Issacdanor.
A Few Reasons
\)3 ) : : try the celebrated tr. II. V&gnct' .
fltetiIille of cure :
1. "Pr. II. SYagner 1. a naturid IIhysldVuI. "
(1. 4. I'owtoa ,
Tint. tirrattot Tiring IhncnologLt.
2. "Iew ( 'an carol you as a doctor. "
In : . .1. SI. . . .
The \Vorltls Oreinteot lb , ilogtioait.
3. "You are wontlertully ; sroflclcntlnnyour knoal
Igo of disease and tnetllthne. . "
I ) . . , ) MArntiws.
4 , ' 1Tho altilcted flnd roidy reilef In sour l'rs
Care.1 Its , .1. Sn , . . .
6. "lIt. II. S''agnrr , Is s regular graduate from
Ilellevue IIopItaI , New 'York city ; has had a , ry re
Icticlac ) : oeI.64L1 iliCtICC , annil I , thoroughly posted on
11i1 branches of ku btdoc4 uiclotice , esioclaIIy ; on
hronIo , llcase , . "
lss. IlsowsoLt. Iwtwe.
e. "lr. II. % % aguer has lnnnort.allzcd blinatIf b
ile wonderful dIicory of eie.'Ifla ; renuSdles for trI
late end eextnid dl.e.wca"-VirgIuIi CIty ChronIcle ,
7. "fliouauniis of IiyiUti fluck to coo
'rancI.Co ChronIcle.
8. "The loctor'i long experirnee as a .pcieWl.t
ihoulti reinter htnn . " .
very .cuceossful.-Itocky Moun.
am , News ,
Plain Facts Plainly Spoken.
At oar Urn. s discuaslon of the secret vice was en
ircly svolde.tI by the tirofessIon , and medical work. of
) ut S few igo would hirdly mention It.
TO-day the I1Iy1cInIe ots dilTerantoplnlon ; Inc I.
'wane that , It Is hIs duty-dl.agreeabio though It
nay be-to hondie thIs matter without gloss. end
iic&k ; ilalahy about It and Intelligent Ireuts sad
: uirdIaine will thank sf1U for i5oing eu
The resulL. attending thIs deatrueUve vice wet. for.
nerly lint understood , on not ; ) rolrnIJ ) esUtnatid' stid
10 ImlIortainco being attaclrit to in subject ahleh ty
15 nature tloes not InvIte close InvestIgaUou , It was
Uhtiigly Ignored.
'L'l : . hsblt Is generitily contracted by the young
eilo ) attendIng tichool ; older companions through
heiroeanspli ) , may boeioniilbloforlt , orIt may 6. '
icqulral through areldout. The riciteinent. one. ci.
erleuced , the hrscUco , lIt ho repeated agalti sad
tgainuntll shaM the habit become. Urn : and cola
sIrtMy snalaves the vIctIm. Mental end Inervous at
lictlon. ore u.uolly the pelinary results of coII.abusr.
tnong th. lnjarloue effects tisy ho noentlotned Issol.
udo , dejection or irrassibIlity of temper and general
lebfllty , The 6oy , , c.ks ee1ueion , anti rarely Joins
II tine eports of hI. colntunione. If he be a young
non ho a-Ill be little found Is company wIth the otier ,
'ox ' and I , troubled with exceeding and annoyIng
) UlhfUlUeM In their presence. L.soclvlooa dreen : , ,
, tnlsoIon and eruptIon. on the face , etc. , are Mao
:5r00timt1t symptoms.
If the PICttCO ii iolcnUy iersictcd In , more orrIou
iloturbancee take jilace. Great IaRtlotI of the
, eart , or epUcptlo COOIIUIOIOIIN , are tnxIerIrnocd , and V
he sufferer ; nay fall into a complete state of Idiocy be.
ore , Itnally , death relieves lhti.
To all those , engaged Inn this tiangcrous , jicUce , I
sould cay , liret of all , eth ; , It at. once ; make o : er )
.oesblo effort to do so ; but if you tall , If your Inervou ,
, yatuln Is already too mud : chattered , and conss
iurnstly , your aIII.power broketi , take some nerve
Lolile to alit you In your effort. lianling freo.l yourself
Iron : the habit , I would further counsel you to go
) : rough : a regular course of treatment , for It Is a great
iiiistako to SItIJOSO that any on. ala ) ' , for some tiiia
La it every solLttlo gRe hilninicif up to tItle fascInIstInig
bnL dangerous excfteneiit without sufferIng fret : : It
5 % II consequences at solirn future tItino. 'the mimben
[ If 3'OUtl 1:100 WOftU Ilicapaclateit to till the dtttle
cnjoiiiett by Vlocc ; in alanalingly large , aind In , most
of cue ) ) case , t1il unfortunate conditiont of thilnig , , can
inc traced to the PrCtICO of , olf.abuso , mshlcln hiatt beet ,
LISUhIOhIed ) 'rarkl ngu. Indeed , a few nimontha' l1ractic
of this habit is suliiclcnnt to Induct , slwrtnutorritwa It
later yeareand I linac many of such cases under treat.
bent at thi IralIt day.
Young MeL
Who may be sutfcring front the effects of youthful
iillles or Indlscretlons will tb well to avail themsel' , o
, f till , . time greatest boon cur laid at the altar of cut
'eriug hutuanmity , flit. WA0MSR will guarantee to for.
cit tOO for carry case of seminal weekness or private
tissue of any kind anal characterwhich _ heunder.
ake toaznd ! aitsto cure.
Middle Aged Men.
There are linany at the ago of SO to Ofwho are
roubled with too freiuont obacuatloll ; of the blad. I
leroften accompanIed by oslight ennartlog or burn.
Hg , aueatlon , , arid a acakeultig of the .yetom Ic a
Iuanrmer the patient rennet accounmt for. On exanmln. V V
ng the urinary deposits a ropy sediment will often be V
ound , and sometinmee cinmIl lartlcles of albuuneii sill
: ; ipear , or the color V. III be of liiiii timilkiehi hue , again
tmatigilmg to a Clark anil torpl.I apiearormco. There ore
Inany macny timeni who die of this .lltliculty , Igitorant of
9mo cause , which Iii the , .ocond otagu of sonminnaI.wcak.
cs , . Pr. W. seilI guarantee a Perfect cure iii nil eases
mud a healthy restoration of the gnito-urtnnary or
C.nmuitaUon , , free. Thorough examinationi and ad.
vIce , 5.
All conumunleatlon. should be addressed , lr. henry
henry Wagner , I' . 0. 2hSl , Ilenser , Colorado.
Thu Young Mail's l'ocket Cotilpanion , by Dr. 11
Wagner , Jj worUt its .5Velglt In gold to young men ,
'rice , Henmi by immail to any address.
Let Your Light Shine.
Dr. Wagner the celebrated spcdsll.t of Denyer
oIo. , 343 I.ArIlIcr , etreet , believes in lctdng thoworli !
( IIUW what ho can .Io , atii I. doing for thomiauuL. ol
ml. fcllOOJflIm. ills treatnimenit fur bet manhood Is
, uru to win. iiini a name that isterity will iiIess. 'ren
VhOuSUfld tSIItililtmililS frium , all us rr the United State ,
roth those lie has cured , Is proof IosiUvu that iirhia ,
un the worst caSe. of these diseases. The afitlcttd
ruin chronlo and sexual diseases of every klnmd will
ibid him theIr friond. Ikad Ill. advertl.cnnnemtltl
dl our city lialars , and call on liltu for advIce , a. we
(110W 70U will corroborate uc lii ieyinig he is , the sat
era's true trtenmd.-htocky Mounrain iews.I
Relief to the Afflicted.
In medklnes , M in , .dcnce , the sporialist. ax , the
SItS wiioalwaycconmrictothe front and iv'cnmplish
peat results. 'I'lmia reinirk is CsJiCClSlly ippilcablu to
.0 IJy. 11. Wagner , of this city , lie stands at the top
) f hislrofoealon , anal the cures he lerforas tot the
ninfortuuato would scen wonderful If not IroierIy
, lowed in thollgltof , scientific anitmlrenneimt. lie I.
imdorwti by the roost eumijient of tins medical faculty.
lie oIiiu at :343 : l.arainlr street , where ho will sliee.ll
ly effect a cure for tine cufTerlnig of EIther aux , no itnat.
.er how coinpllcatoti theIr cotiij.Imthint.-Poiiieroy ,
chronic Complaints Require
Time for a Cure.
l'.r'oin at a dlstatncu a ma aVIII mini trcat".l by Pr
Vingnner * ntsi unit fuel iiu'kwarnl Isituimsu of InnallillI )
0 I loll mmmi. i t tlnoy a ill a ltu to thu , lector Inc aVIIJ
nnnn1 a list of iinestIinIns aVInIC.I $ etnalilnil InInil t , nttnO
IneilIcllnes , CVLtlmnsc I anici alvku to linonnsnind Inc Inas
not rr herli , I Iu inns IstlenlIs In ci cry city , 6 , . n ann ,
6ntions un ( ajinirmuin , , anl imli as aiI.iver tine tJnnitee
tatt5. 5cc mb w14rusn Inn mis nmhertlsenmmunt-Icnn
cr 'Irilaumno.
Shall We Reform ?
81clflo rcnme.Iies fnit all tinsicaxus ii tine tlneory
Iractlco at of e.iincattsl emil ( XIurleince
IntnsiIatnC toni lIn all largu ( , onmnnninunltlus they ina r
helr 01edaltles , to excel In , ainleli they direct tinci ,
, tuiies ajnnl iractimu , lr ) , % Vagtier is a MIlCCUSIfUi LI.
luetratloni of this inolerii ocinol of , .ltclaltlun. , ainnl mb
IItnIrreIcInteI SUOO4II iii tine troatinneant of ( (
Le as sonnnkrfUi as it Is itatterling-i rot , J ,
tinnntino ,
'hlnonu lr.olns she meal innolIesl relIef fir tIne Inesi
lelbeato of nIlscznst. s Ill Itnnl a , nneoonimill.heni nund coo
eseful iiiyJcIu iii tine Itraill of lIr , Wnngntr , No.
143 larlmer street , wino Ii inigtnly rrootnnnonkd lytlne
Iln(4Il4 ituto'it1n at tnonme Slid - ' : roy ,
ietuocrat. Iligotry annI Ignortuncu inmOst glee 5iY Ic
wIsIon aa.l the sloe 1hy.ldn iclionce inn letUing mi ,
igint iinlimu for tine glory tnt his fellow aneit. irintor , I
ink is tine torch me ran , bust nec to guIde ttnu semsr
tuni sick nine to Unu fouutshni of health. If tints artlcit
.inuuli ho as a "TltCllLl.Ii'1 ) ( set ui.
VU ) a 1mW to guIde eulterling inuninainity to tIS Lanlint ;
, tnet , Ienver , Colorado , IL will anise , thu burluw
er shicti It at arlttemi. Address
p. o. te 231s9Ioe call at itU Iztnnner Street
ikuver , Cn.O.
L1LCa.t tine ccluamn headed "The Necessity forth ,
: - _
_ _ _ . ! - - - - S
Eas the Best Stock in Omaha and Makes the Lowest Prices
Mirrors , Bedding , Feathers ,
And Everything pertaining to the Furni V
ture and Upholstery Trade.
T " . . 1200 , 1208 nuel 1210 Fsarnam St.
0 .i. OO. OMAHA , NRB. V
- S
Ti.Is 1omtr I , , mule et Raviem , Itielnaritson Cor , Nebraska , It , the Combined fleil. Stone System. W
give HXCLtISIVi . sate ' of . our flour to one firm in a We hare opened o brooch at ; t18 Capitol avoou
Omaha. YrIte for l'ricea. Anidrea either
i1'x'xxi : t (
mu Italem or Omaha , Mob.
I : ] 3crrnt
Hall's Safe and Lock Comp'y.
.Qno ' 1P.rJ3.r4mV tror.t. mfl.b.A. ;
' . . Heating and Baking
.1 ' Is only attitnod by using '
_ _ _ - _
_ _ _ . - Stoves and Ranges ,
. . 1TH YiIIIE U1E OYEQ 1100RS
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ V FOr sale by '
( Chicago , Burlington _ & . Quincy Railroad. )
- - - V
0 A. : - 1 .m5i. : at .
. . . "
pLIi. e. -
1- ' '
0 . ' , ii& 5V V . , ' _ _
, s 0 Um . 4 V
a. , , . \ \ _ _
o.\\\ . . - . . S _
.4 _ _ _ ,0' .
0 _ _ ,
n.i X A U
- 5.5.155w y4Hb
- -V V
Elegant Day Coaches Parlor Cars. with fleclIn
leg ChaIrs ( BoAts tree ) Hmoklnp Cars. with Ito.
volving Chairs Pullman I'Mnco SleepIng Cars and
the famous C. h. & . INning Cars run datlyto and
from Chicago .t Kansas City , Chicago & Council
Bluffs , Chicago t fled MoInes. Chicago. Ill. . J0.
seph , Atehiion . Topeka. Only through line be '
twesin Chicago , Uncoin & 1)env'r , Throegh cars
between Inlllanapolls t Council Illume via i'eorla
All conntcUons mania in Union Iepota. it Is
kLOwn as the groatTlIROUGlI CAR LINE.
foUnt TraIns of Elegant Day Coaches and Puhij'
man I'aiaee SleepIng Cars are run daily to andp
from 81 LouIs , via hannIbal , Qulncy , Keokuk ,
lb'rllngton Cedar Rapids and Albert lea to St I
Paul and 3ilnneapolls ; ParlorCarowith Rec1bnIng
ChaIrs to and from St LouIs and Peoria and to
'and from lIt Louis and Ottuniwa. Only one
change of cars between St. Louis and Uj
Moine. Iowa , Lincoln , Nebraska , and Denver.
It lit unlversaUyadmitted to be the
FIno5t Equipped Rnllroad In the World for lI Classes ofTravel. I V
'r. .i. ro'rrzn , &t Vlco.Pre&land ( Joel Macacer PBUCRVAL I.OWELL , Gen.Pau. Ag't , ChIc1O.j
IIIm ITI3cxmI3 : ,
aIvoDiled IIODCOIDiCOS ; Niudow CapsfiDiaIs ,
Skylights &o ThIrteenth fitroet Neb
\Vall \ Paper au ! uo Sliaffes.
wII-c-'T ,
Boiler allif Sheet 11011 oi'ks I
OMAhA , . . . . . . NEBRASKA.
liuild all kinds of HtsanI ; . Boilers. Smoke Stacks , Drenching Lari , SYator and . Oil Tsinks , tuid do a genera
llatu.lronl businnes. Ikpairling donna lit ( Sty and Country. All work
Done at Eastern Prices and Warranted I
ceonnd imatnd Jloilnrs will bo kept ott hand. Having hat many ycarsexporlonecln time tradu in dilterunt . parts
if tine coulitry I nuns coimfideut I cant give satlsImactiuni , inst log the last . . sinop and tools in the State. Shop .
'er. lOll , ' ' , . , . .4. " WILSON Proprietor.
M. HELLMAN & Co. ,
Wholesale Clothiers !
' /301 AND 1303 FWFINAM &TREET COB 13TH ,
OMAhA , . . a .
- -