Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 18, 1883, Image 1

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rFFfl2 OMA.HA = 1 ; , DAiLy BEE. . : :
T Bea1y Ye1Io Fever Booua1tug
the Cities of ITorideril
Guaymau , Mazatlin and Horma-
3 i11o Frightfully Ravaged
by the Disea8c.
The AutIiotitIc IlL Poor Cunditlou to
1attIc vitIt the 1)iscnse-Mnny
V1C1111114 Buticit P1Lo.
GUAYAMAS , Mcico , September 17-
It is now clearly cstb1is1tcd tlint the dis-
eao raging here is yellow foyer. A1
ivlio can are fleeing from the cig. Thu
medical corps is biing reinforc1 n rnp.
idly as poiIi1u. Twulvu of a 1atcy ar-
? iVCd opera troulo have died. Eighteen
L deaths Were reported yesterday ; Illany
, . others not reported. The streeth are at-
u. . ' 'rnot deserted , the only sounds heard being -
- ing the rumbling of the dead cart. Thu
board of health issued orders that dead
bodies be inunediatoly removed and
SAJ Fiuiicisco September 17.-A
party of twelve Americans who fled from
4 Guayma arrived last night. They say
the people are leaving the city
by the hundreds. There wa hard-
lyr house but contained a victim
of fever. The authorities had given out
the work ofburying the dead to a pack
of hired Indians , who went from house
to house carrying the bodies of those they
. supposed to be dead or dying. Thu
bodies were buried so rapidly that mistakes -
takes occurred. Many were put under
ground while still alive. This was mainly
i duo tothe discae , which , at the favors-
blo turning point , leaves the patient in a
comotoso state , mistaken by the IriUlans
as deaUz. The whole city iB panic stricken.
Merchants have closed their atores and
nailed the doors ; rcetaurant are all
closed. There is no assistance obtainable -
blo Roporta from Hermosillo state the
fever is raging there. At Mazatlan its
ravages are even more frightful than at
Gaynias. All who could were leaving
forthe mountains , carrying off what bedding -
ding they ouuld pack , and a little food.
Combination the Life of' Railroad.-
Tue Water Vays an Equal.
Izer. of flate * .
Naw Yeas , , September 17-Albort
Fink , commissioner of the trunk lines ,
, was the first witness before the Senate
1 committee on labor and education. He
cutated ho waa at the head of a bureau
11 composed of about forty railroad compa-
nba , who organized for the IUTP080 ol
- ! 3' establishing and maintaining uniform
tarilt The extensionof lineain the United
r Staths and fierce made
, competitioL or-
gsnized action necessary to their exist-
ence.'It would not do forcach to operate
and fIx it. own rates of transportation
without regardto otherroads.
In order to iinprovo the connection
and bettor the accommodations of th
'k public by establishing a uiiilorm syatoir
j 'I of rates , a joint executive committee wzn
\ ' formed. As a regulator of railroad thriffi
' - the water routes by way of the greal
lakes and the Mississippi river w r
very effectual. Atcort.ain seasons of th
year the canal routes were closed tc
traffic , and it was popularly .upposoc
that railroads had it alitheir own way
This waa not true , and the idea that thi
roads could extort any tariff they pleasec
by merely combining , was false Th
The association had nothing to do witI
local business , but only when there wai
.ompotition at some great distributin1
point for certain class of business. Thi
was necessary in order for the protectioi
of shippers , that roads competing for tht
business should have an undorstandini
by which rates should be known.
Fink thought legislation might be em
ployed to nasist railroads in niaintainini
uniform rates which wore incorporate
by the ? eneral Government , but no direc
legislatioii could avail. Hi said th (
Reagan trnsportationbill was utterly im
practicable. Freight rates of this coini
try were the cheapest in the 'world ai
I the teiideiicy was to atill lower them
Tim scheme that the Government shoult
* purcliiuio the railroads of the country nut
run them itself lie proaounccd the wildes
folly and one which no saiie innu wouk
for a 3noIlleIlt contemplate. The capital
ied value of 112,000 miles of railroad
in the lJaitcd Staten waa about $7,000 ,
000,000. Last year the gross roceipta o
all these different lines was $700,000,000
c not ; receipts the same time , $300,000,00 (
out. Of this latter sum 4100,000,00 (
, hitd been paid in dividends on stock 0
- P'-m.m.t.4 the reniainder a large portion was expended
pended in interest on bonda About 51
' per cent of the running expenios of at
railroads went to laborers employed a
brakemen , conductors , firemen and on
gincers. Witness did not think iher
wa. any evidence that the road wa
charging too high rates or that the roa ,
was jnynig 20 cent dividend on it
toek. 'rlu only thing to be regardci
was the rates.
Important lecIIons.
SAJ FRANCft3CO , Sotomber 17.-In
series of tax cases brought against th
Central I'acific railroad company l )
several counties the court rendered a
; cision to-tIny that under the new Stat
sonstitutiun the railroad companies aba ]
only be taxed on the value of thei
j ' property after reducing the innoun
which is inortgageil. Tito cases have at
tracted much attention both as regard
the interpretation of the law on thi
' point , as also on the large amount in
volyed. Atiother case involving the rigli
of the railroad coinmi.sionera to regiilat
. , fares , freight hfll ( ateaiiiors aiid otlic :
; Vessels hailing ( rein Cain Port. Jiidg
SI , Field ducitleti thiat all sea going vessel
, I wore under thu jUrisliCtion of the Unite
I : ' ' States null outside the control of mdi
V -jIual states.
'Hhird'N ItsiIrPnhi
SA FILCNCISeO , September 17-It I
h tatul thii evening the recent large e
I enditurcs for improvements of th
outh 1'aiflc Coastrailroacl and construc
tioll of a now pile road two miles ou
' Into the bay has been prOmJtod by a nei
r corporattoll called the San ranclaco nni
f1 Colorado Itnitway conipany , with hour
, i Villard at its bad. It is also affix-inc
that he luie bought the Northern ? acifl
' ' from San Fran-
.1 ail'vny , running -
. 'b alon the coMt to a point
' . - . Ott il. with the utontion
to corn. . . inction with his Oregon -
egon system. further nasortod ho
line bought the Snni.a Marie \'alloy railway -
way , a short line running from I'ost liar-
ford to Santi Barbara , and that lie intends -
tends to build a connection to join tlio
South Pacific Coast railway. With this
accomlished ho would have a continuous
coast 11110 from IugoL souxid to within a
linrt distance of San Diego , Boutliorn
Cjlifrni. , , 1 % dxst.anco of about 1,500
v.II1wooRTS ; WANTS.
) ? t' Y111 Lie SahKlled ( Ili Notlihiig
Sioi O [ ltelin.tateiiicitt ,
Pzrniiuno , September 17.-A prom'i-
itent. member of the 0. A , 1' . to-day ro-
COiWCl a letter from Patti Vandorvoort ,
ex-coniniandur in duet of the U. A. it , ,
ilk which the recent. action of Poattuaster
Ceneral Gresliatn in renloving bun front
service is reviewed at length. Vander-
voort admits ho was absent front ditty
205 days the last fIscal year , but say. this
was by permission of Postmasters Con-
oral [ lowe and Oroshatu , Under howe
his pay went on , but. since
Gresliani came into power ho has
only been paid for the tinto ott duty , In
any evetit , ho says , this charge has been
withdrawn and it is now urged against
tutu that he went to Idaho contrary to
initructions from Division Superintend-
mt White , his superior. This charge he I
denies , and says his visit to Idaho was
for the purpose of instructing men on
the now routes , and that White wanted
him to stay longer than ho did. He corn-
plain that he was removed without no-
tic. or investigation , and says Gresham
hM been imposed upon , and that he wifl
be satisfied with nothing short of rein.
TheApaohe. Break Loose AgaIn aad
Raid lIogRanch.
CHICAGo , September 17.-A special
from Tombstone , Ari , , the lath , sayx
eight hostile Apaches attacked Ho
ranch , at Antelope Springs , 16 milex
from this city , this ev.ning. Only two
men woro'thora at the time , George Ward
and Amos Williama The former was
.killed and the latter escaped and brought
the news here. Citizens armed wont is
pursuit , with.littlo chance of overtaking
- the hostiles. The Indians came frsin th
direction of Sonora , and probably are ix
part of those loft in the mountains by
Crook They were on horseback. The
horses are believed to be from ranchex
below liero Several parties left hero fox
Sonora the past few days and grave feari
arc entertained for their fato. The mair
body of hostiles are near Casas Grande ,
Their overtures for peace wore rejected
. by the Mexican authorities , and Col
Joaquin Terrozos was at last accounts or
ganizing a force to attack them in tIn
I mountains. News was received to-dal
via Sonora that Terrozos , while recoxi
noitering , was captured. Thn repor
lacks confirmation.
CoviioToN , Ky , September 17.-La
L Jockey CIubcontinued.tho autuini
I meeting to-day. Wohther cool , tx-ac ]
I fast , betting very he'vy. Miiidon tw
year olds , six furlongs , nine starters
3 l Jnvoy : won by a length , Buchanan sect :
t nd , Admiral third ; time , 1:17g. :
Mile and a half , devon starters , Matti
Rapture made first pace for a mile and i
. quarter , when Harry Gilinoro front thin
place cam. into the home run post , win
I niug by two lengths , Itatio Creel second
: t Mattie Rapture tlnrd ; time , 2:38k. :
i Mile and an eighth , Gleaxiur wenS
S Ascender aeond , Lucy Maythird ; time '
1:57. :
B Fourth race , milo heats , Belle of th
I Highlandswon in straight heats , Beoclion
a brook aecondKilrnony thirdtimo ; , 1:45 :
vIta i'icion ov J. I. C.
. BosToN , September 17.-Jay Eye See
t Phyllis and other trotters arrived a
I Mystic Park front Providence to-day
L Golden , the wall-known trainer. made a
I offer of e25,000 for Jay Eye See , but we
- informed the $30,000 was already ra
- fused. It is probable Case will not set
I the colt for less than $50,000.
I MaLIIOUaNP. , September 17.-There I
L chance of Laycock rowing a znatc
with HaitIan , as Laycoek baa a badi
I fractured leg.
- Toiano , September 17.-Toledo 3 , Ft
f Waynea 1. ,
. Quincv , September 17-Qunieys 7
: ; Bay City. 3.
) Naw YOItK , September 17.-New York
f 5 , Cleveland 0.
. PriIrnuLrurA , September 17.-Cam
3 stopped by rain in second hitting. But
1 labs had scored 6 , I'hiladelphia 4.
S PxoiuA- September 17.-l'eoi-iaa 11
- Grand Rapids 7.
S SI'JtINOYIISLu , September 17-Sagi
a nawa 5 , Springfielda 3
i : Naw Yojuc , Septornbor 17.-Mitche
and Shorifrtho "Prussian" are inatche
for a private contest with soft gloves
October lid next , for $1,000 a ido.
xiU Tim Zeziltis City.
Duiurii , Mimi. , September 17.- .
- portion of the Vilhard party. consistixi
U ( Jon. U. S. Grant , Fred Billings , e
U Prcsideiit ( if the Northern I'acitic toad
r Wflh. M. Evarts , ox-Secretary of Statc
t Ccii. Ceo , Cassof Now York ; ( ion. Job
, - Newton , the great engineer of hull Oat
5 fame , of New York ; ( ion , It. Mated1
a Quartermaster ( leneral of thu Unite
LStatea ; Jesse Grant , of New York , an
itV. . \V. Smith , of I'onnsylvnnia , arrive
0 this city to-day by special tr4in an
r WCt sitowsi about the city in a quit
0 WILT 1Y a committee of ciizona , 'l'lie
Es start for St. I'iiil to.niglit. ' thai
d arrived in Duluth 400 car loads of whoa
I. aggregating 200,000 bushels ; the largoi
aniount , ever before received iii one dxi
200 car loads ,
S rex-footing ( Ito State at lnkota ,
: - Sioux FALLS , Dak. , September 17. .
U The main features of the coixatitutia '
: . work to-day , were instructions to ti
t legislature requiring the enactment
V wholesome laws regulating transporb
:1 : . tiori tx-attic and tarifi's ; providing for U
, l. election by pijfllar ) vote , of three rai
xl road corniiiissiohiors ; a determination I
C elect State oiflccrs in November ; a pr
vhion for the retirement of Supreme
Judges ; fixing the number of State Soix-
atoi-a at $2 , Representatives 78 , The
final adjournment will probably take
place Wednesday evening.
The Clticngofloiu'd olTrailo Cleating
Ilouio nint Vlint. It will Ac.
ChicAnO , September 17.The Hoax-il
of Trade Clearing house will not be Ittit.
in actual operation till Thuradny. The
ronnie , ere opeit for the reception
of Incinbera , cards to be used in connec-
tioxi with getting out the itecossary
blanks , openilig books , etc. This how
clejax-turo iii settimnotit of trades on
boaid is begun on the same princithl as
the batik clearing liouso 2'feixxbcrs ' of
the hoird will be reqttircd to scud to the
cloaritightouso cacti ihity hieforo 11 o'clock
a list of trades niado during the clxi ) ' , 8C-
coinpanied by cheeks to tlitt ox-tier of
thesis to whiwn the1' eve max-guts , these
chiochin to be asiorted inn ! ilistributeil to
the proper parties at 1:80 : i.m. Failure
to tlCltSlt. cheeks for max-gills duo will
subject the delixiquotit to posting cit
change next day. Thu fact is hot gen-
endi ) ' knowix that a clvariitg house in ix
aixiall way has been in operation for some
tulito xunong a foxy heavy dealers on board
and fouttd to work well. Under the itor
syatens the niethiod known a's "ringin.c
trades will bo itisponsible. Under thto
cystons , 50 to 100 settling clerks would
nicet in the Board of Trade alley and the
aettloniont max-gills would be checked iutd
passed a'ound from firm to fix-in tilt it.
got back to the place of beginning , and
ittargins on raany thousand.
of bushels were settled with.
out any one having delivered
a check Substantial house. generally
su.port the now arrangement , while th.
weaker ones oppose it. The effect of it
will be to compel persona of small capital
to trade loss recklessly , as they will be
contpelled to ? rxy all max-gina against
L thorn before collecting margins in their
favor , which will requiru larger cash cap-
it1xl in proportion to the amounts of corn-
inodities dealt. in than under the old
regime , and aity financial weakness will
be more readily discovered.
I WAsiInaTor , September 17.Thi c
United States steamer Despatch now iii
L New York , tins been placed at the dia
- Posal of the Corean embassy by directior
; of the Secretary of the Navy.
Bonds redeemed up to hoots to-day un
. dcx- the l2lstcsllamounts to $18,140,850
rasrAsnINa ron AN
I The Secretary of the Navy to-day tale
graphed instructions to the contmniidini
I officer of the Powhattan to keel ) thin
I vessel at St. John , M F. , until furtlie
orders. The object of the Secretary s
L doing is to make use of sorno officers nut
. crow of the l'owhattanin inanningvesseli
. to be auiit to the relief of the Greelei
party in ease it. is decidad to send ou
r such an ex1tedition this fall.
of Cob. , hae been appointed agent a
Ouray , Utah , Indian agency.
ox-pardon clerk of the depart'ment c
- justice , is dying. He # as an intimat
friend of this late MatCarpontor an' '
prominent in Iowa politics for years.
0 ClucAoo , Septotiiber 17-F. M. ICeri
i who as clerk for Preston , Keats & Co.
I bankers , absconded with $5,000 worth c
- the bank's securities and was sftorvrard
, captured in Limit , Peru , recently , t.akoi
on board an American rnan-of-ar ani
, brought to this country , came befor
, Judge McAllister , of the Supreme Court under habeas corpus Proceedin
U for his release on the ground that ho wa
kidnapjted trout Pox-u and therefore no
. legally iii custody of the sheriff of Cool
county. The day was spent in argumonti
the court at the conclusion reserving do
'L ' cision , as several points involved ar
; rElay oor vita Moasy ,
a DAtVZLLB , Vxx , September 17.-Thro
. mcxi entered the house of "tVaahiugto
1 Odell. near Ridgeway , shot Odull an
threatexied to kill his wife if alto did no
money. She refused , and the utoxi fox
cibly took 132,000.
a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
h RUitIay Nlglies Frost.
Special 1)is1)atc to Tuix Bsu.
OsexonA , Neb , September 17.-W
had a little frost last night , but thi
amount of damage is not known. It
, estimated that the frost. has not doix
much damage. Many think it will ix
a hurt tha corn crop , which would hay
0 been out. .1 the way of the frost. in at
r other week.
Tox'EKA , ICan. , September 17.- Light
, last night but no daniage done , ix
L. corn is too far along to be hurt.
Sioux CITY , Ia. . September 17.
There wait a heavy frost in this sectio
taut night . Farixiers claim that corn
11 hiOt. hurt , but that. ripening is hiasteiie
d Standing hay is not injured. No othu
t , croini of any inslortarhco are liable to 1.
affected by frost.
DUIIUQUII , In. , September 17.-A shig )
frost aplcared hero th&fs inornihig. 1
4. . elaniago to crops.
; , LINCOLN , September 17.-This
c : narrowly escaped frost. thus znoz-nisi1
I. Ittiports of light touches at vhxricJi1s ho
) oirits , but Ito daxixages to corn ,
II -
0 Marrlwh tlit Wrong Naxi.
i M1rWAUKF.hi , Septevitber l7.-Mehind
1 1'ie , of Cenesee , 20 years nit ] , whiti wi
ti married last week by .Justjco ltardor ,
UI this city , toVxn. . Coulin , under 21 yea
U f ago , is soaking a ihivorce on the grouxi
t ,
that she meant t , have iitarried lx
y brother , but was deceived , mx they lei
U , exactly alike. ' 1'lio Conlin whom el
L wedded is said to be dissolute , while ti
I alto waixtod is steady and z'cspec
y able.
( lox' , Hlieriiiax'e Cliecic.
CouNcil , Bnvri's , September 17.-Go
. - Shiormaix's injuries , resulting from It
'it accidental fall on the stairs of the h'aci (
to house iii this city on Saturday evenin1
) f prove to ho lesit serious than at fix-st r
5. itortech. 'I'hierc are a few slight bruisi
10 und sonic ilislocatiori Ofl his cheek resul
1. J ing trout this fall. flu speaks to-tx-tori-n
o at harlan antI thereafter will continuQ I
) . lilt hits regular appointments.
The Oouthtion of Iho French in Ton-
nin Com1icatc 1y Disse
iolls at lloui.
Gen , Mantouffol Dot&rminod to
Wipe Out All Traoo8 of
the Pronoh in Mot ,
The 14 111cr of 1it1i'itter Carey Lauded
hit Etiglaittt-OtltCt' Itexits.
GflNlRAIi FOltltltlN NOTI4.
riiichi : TROUULx-.q ,
17.--.Thto 1"rcitch
14ONiO , September - ' -
govaritittettt. lrns vithtlrawn orders to nit
Eitgliali fix-itt for the cotistructton of river
guitboats for service in Tonquiit on no.
count of the inability to agree tipciii the
teruta of tim contract. -
' .Fhte ltepubhiquo Franctuso urges tltat
it is to the tuaterial interests of nil Eu.
ropenit PW0T3 fit ituxko common cause
with Fratice agalitat raising by Chitta of
harriers to coutinerco. Ruiiitiin of die-
sexteloite iii the Freitchx cit ) IflOt arc ro-
'ived. It. ii thought. thxoywiul result in
ttt' retirentent of t , Ohallentel Lacour.
The authorities at the Inet iniputa decided -
cidod to take O'Donnell to Soutantbn
instead of Plymouth. It was itot known
whether this course wixs thkeibecauso
of inforinatiou received by thO police
relative to rnoomonM of ympthyzers
with the tttisoior. O'Donnoll sthtes that
he had a Pleasant voyage , had not been
in irons nor hand-cuffed. The cuitodians
treated 1dm with remarkable kindness.
O'Donnell has an Irish cast count nanc ,
and piercing black eyes. He shook
hands heartily with the detectives who
received hitit from the Capetown police-
ini3fl. Thu railway car in which ODon.
- nell 'will be conveyed toLondon , will be
. preceded and followed by carriages filled
I with policemen.
Baron Manteuffol , military commander
of Alsaco-Lorraino , has issued a decree
proclnimiitg the use of the German language -
guage by judicial and municipal authori.
ties of Metz and Thienvilloihixil be ccrn-
puleory after January 1 , ISS4 na the use
- of the French language has osn utilized
1 to excite agitation for the restoration of
Alsaco-Lorraine to France. Manteuffel ,
- in a concihiatoryspirit , had heretofore cx-
emItted these ofhciala from .tlto oporatien
of the law iiiaking the use of the German
- language compulsory throughout Alaace-
t iOEIt5.
r One death from cholera , in Cairo today -
L Gladstone arrived in Copenhagen yes
3 terda on the yacht "Pembroke Castle. '
t lie dined with the royal faily to-day.
During the cavalry charges ' in the Ocr
man military maneuvera today iUhifl
troopers wore injured ewingto the blind
t ing dust. .
Two men , convicted of -upatlon ii
the massacres of Alexandria after the ox
f acuation by Arabi Psalm , were hanged
I , there to-day. 1 ;
d Genera ! Bourt , French commandornr
rived at Hongkong from Hanoi. Operations
ations in Tonquin are suspected until ax
rival of reinforcenients.
A member of Henry M. Stanley's partl
. , arrived at Madeira reports that thxi
French burned Loango because the na
if tives refused to sell certain territory t
8 thom.
1 The Paris National states that } rarquii
I Tying is treating directly with h'riini
0 Minister Ferry , and that Wsddiugton
French Ambassador to London , ic assist
ihtg in the negotiations.
t J/JDON , September 17.-The Stand
Ic ard's [ long Koitg special states that iii ,
I , severity of the blockade at Tonquin ha
- been so far relaxed as to allow vessels b
5 proceed to their ports of destination afte
being searched for irticles contraban
of war There is a lack of harmony be
5 tweon the French and the civil and mili
a tary authorities of Tonquin.
d . eminent professor of juriuprudenc. ii
- tim University of Connecticut , was killet
while climbing the Alps.
O'DONNELL Aiuuvxas.
The xstcanxer Mhteiiiau with O'Donnell
the murderer of Carey on board , ax-i-Fred
a Ho landed at Southampton. lie maui
e taimie an easy dumeanor. lIe reiterate
is lii. former atixternemit , that in kilhin
C Carey he emily acted iii self-defense , am
OXIx-C88CtS himself as confident of acquit
it ; tal.
' 0 A NIhIILIHF RUiOlhxff. )
I. j stated the Czarina lately dotecte
one of the Imperial Chiamnberhcins in th
it act of placing nihilistic docuinemita in he
18 apartments , and Ito fearitig the cozise
quencea , comiititted suicide.
- roox AN ! ) MoUTH UhHEASht.
ix The latest returns ( rota the agriculturt
is districts of England show a large increaxi
I. in the foot amid mouth discus amen
xr cattle.
'ritero was a mouse mneetiimg of the 1r1a
tt National Carrick-on-thio-Shiaxi
League at - - -
0 non , Sunday , Over fifty thiousazid IICI
soils vero present. 'I'hoinaa Powe
: ti O'Connor , ixtoinbexif limlinmneiit. to
- ( ialway , delivered a stirring ehteechi in fx
w yozof hiotixo rule for I reland , 1Ii
ineotiiig adopted I'tIhUtiikM dochax
lug that the I rish atlomia ! Lengu
will hover cease its offirte tinti
a native Irish hiirhiaiiiaX1t is established
Ia A large hixtetixig of the letigue was nls
Lii hold at iliirhow , at which \Vni. O'Briui
: tt N. P. , tulitcr of 'J'Iw United lrolnitd
ra mxtdu nix address. lie urgtal bile iteartix
j.u to persevere in their determination
Is will the intlupc'ndenco of Ireland tx-ox
k liighishi doxiiinatioit Iiy peaceable ziteami
: l,8iblU ) , but to Will at till hazards.
t- I iuIrovl , ng i lie ! sI IsIIHsIPI ,
CAnto , Ill. , Stipteruber 17.-C'aptni
Carter , of the "City of New Orleans ,
reports the channel much unproved li
I : . governixieuat work at l'inin I'oint. an
li Laka Providence at this stage of watci
IC Before , all boats had trouble ; ztow thou
. , 15 the deepest. water.
5. -
e A WrcketI Illark.
thALiFAX , N. S. , September 17.-'i'hi
xv hark Britannia was lost on Sable Jslan
to and tin , captain's wife aitl , three childre
.1 uitl eight of the cu-ew drowitd , iiicludiii
thto that and second mates. The captain
and rextinihiittf . three soaxtiexi arrived on
the Now Field. The survivors were
titrea days on the wreck when rescued ,
They lust ! attenipteil to roach shore on xi
raft , vhoxt a heavy sea swept them till
(1ff , Three sailors were saved nntl the
caittailt was able to reach the cr-aft again ,
carrying with tutu two of his chtldrctt ,
but they ilkil soortly after.
The Growth ot Odd Pollowattip ,
Pixovi mNcn : , Septoxxtbcr 17.-The soy-
oreign grnttd ledge of Odd Fellows began
its hifty.ttittthtnitntinl session to.tlay. ( mv.
lotiriio ! welcottied the delegates to the
state and the ittxiyor to the city. The
reltort Of tim grant ! secretary shows the
nrogress of the order is extremely grail-
lying. Not gain of membership , 18,050 ;
t tiil rullif nul'tn-deil , $ tSS2,440 ; total
revenue , $5,215.1) ) tO ; aggregate available
assets , 13.51,772 , The roveutto the past
year exceeded the epcitaes by $7Stk
Ott Whit Vnr.
CtlteAoo , September 17-The unseen.
lcr rate war between the Chicago , Lost-
isyihlu t , Now Alban ) rent ! antI the l'axt
llattdle road , couttinuos. 'l'liis afternoon
brokers wore selling tickets to Louisville
xtt $1.50 au $1.00. 'Io-night the Pan
lixiudhis attuouncos that it wilt uniko a
rate of $4.50 to-morrow utoriting. it is
atiticipated that before the week closes
it will be 50 cents.
The Pllgrhn' . Itoturn.
ChicAno , September 17.-Members of
the Apollo comnutandory , Knights Tent-
plar , reached home tx-eta their
European tour. They yero received itt
the depot by members of the command.
cry who did not. make the journey and
by sister comninauderioi. Addresses of
welcome and responses were delivered at
the asylum.
Masiunohnsotts Politici ,
BOSTON , September 17.-The preselit
Secretary of State , Treasurer , Auditor
and Attorney General , will be roaorni-
nated by acclamation by the Be1tubhicau
Convention. There is opposition to
Pierce for Governor swing to hisvotc
against c.unting Louisiana for hayes.
From Son to Sea.
PORTLAND , Mo. , September 17.-Thu
afternoon the first through freight ( ron
Portland , Mo , , to l'ortlaml , Ore , ova :
the Northern l'aciflc , atarted via th
Eastermi Albany anti Northxvestorn rail
roads ; ton cars loaded with canned corn
The internattoitat Convention of Cigi ,
Makers opened Ia Toronto yesterday.
Cadet E , 13. Bird , of Wisconsin , was dl ,
missed from the Naval Academy on accoun
. of hazing.
Jack Ryan ' tot-marty correapoudeitt of tb
Muscstlao ( l's ) Journal , ws.s mittmrtlorcd
Lordsburg , N. M. , uot known by wltoiir.
Pensacola I. still 1texlthy your new case
anti three deaths at the navy yard ycatcrda )
. l'ciisacola quarantined Mobile.
( box-go Graves , son of IL 11 Graves. tirosi
dent of the Commercial national bank of Dr
buque , died suddenly yesterday of heart dli
- ease. lie was a jromialt young man of 2
S. & Connept senior member of the wa
. known wealthy firm of S. S. C.nnspt & Bro
pork packers , St. Joseph. Mo , , sulaided ye hanging himflyelf io. a tree at Id
I farmtea miles huth of the city. lie wi
r subject to .phhopiy and banged himself 'iI'LII
I In a fit of temporary Insanity.
The steamier Ssinaw Jaft Cleveland Satu
( Ifty night with a large number of excuralor
- isbi on a round trip' to Detroit anl returi
- She was ( tue this inornitig but lijxd not arrlvs
- at midnight and no word was recolvo
Fricixti. of the pessengors are greatly alarms
lost .bo has Iteen lost during the heavy stern
The Cincinnati Nows-Joursal Publlshhi
I company was last night served with papers I
- a suIt brought by Uoiieral Andrew Illcksi
lo.por , who euca to recover * 100,000 as dan
ages for tub1i.bitig a libellous article.
I Specials report the steam barge "Osidand ,
) lumber laden from Bay City fur Ens , fout
dared yesterday mornlngolf Coniioatit Ca ; ,
Stovexis. second engineer Robert hiamini
Charles 1)icksonand the wLeolmsii naineun
known , are believed to be lost oil Ilixick rio
.TunIua Brutus Booth , eldest . .a of tim ii
nownod actorof that itamno and half-brother
- thiti celebrated actor1 Edwin Booth , iliutl
a fully at 10 otixinte , 1)Mt II o'clock last nigh
5 at Maxichoster , Mans , The docesactl was
a well knowmt wtor Previous to the war of U
r rebellion , about which time he retired trot
I the stsge.
The Itupturo or Railroad Pool. .
OnzoAoo , September 17-There ws
no change thu morning in the isssenge
i-ate war between Chicago amid Louiavillt
U The tickets from Chicago to Lou javill
:1 : remain at $5 , a cut of $4 on the regulu
rates. 'rhtoughx there is no direct cut t
Cinciitiiati , it is possible for tasseitgci
to buy their through tickets to Louiavill
I tuid acaljt thu COUpiI3 from Cimicinmititi t
: Jjruisville at the usual i-ate , .xiving
Thu othiciala of the ( li-and Tromik are ii
s secret session at this hour , 12:30 : p. ax
They are understood to ho cousiderin
. the quevtmozi of thu proposed cut. of rati
' betwien Chicago mid Buffitle , with th
probabilities that itwill be made ,
xl lloiixlng Mbtsuurl.
e Jicuawioic Czx ; Mo. , September 1'
r -Dutch Chancy , a notorious ex-convic
. Saturday uuioruing secretly irtforzned U
State 'I'reasurer of a plait laid to rob thi
state treasury at. noon 'l'uoaday by ova
ii thu clerks. lie ahnowou pe ;
fact knowledge of thia interior of thi
I U , treasury , and it is probable that a fort
n will ho prosoxit at the hour irnincd. 11
tailed to keep aim ajipointitient outdo li
that evenilig , and it is a question whethit
or not thxo whole thing is a linux.
- Euulgrzitlixt toni Yellow Peyci' .
\VAHIIINITON Stiptetithiur 17.- Mass
r chiusette cotniuiinsion of entigration rettli ;
- 89,000 cixiigrxuiit.a tainted at Jiostoit Ira
U . August 3rd , 1882 , to Juno 30th , , 1883 ;
these 17 voro tumble to hiku care
1) thientielven.
1 'I'huio nrc coitihicting accounts of tI
I. , f yellow fever and black voiti
0 at ! , ia.ntlau aini ( iuiiynias , ? tluxico , hi
I , thu 1)eput.y ( iohlector at Yuxita hue dire
I , inforixixition of death train black voiiuit
S ( ltiaynimas. 'fhtu contniunicatiomt urges tI
0 tixkiiig of delis to vruvutit sproati of tl
It fever into the Uuited States.
Is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
'cItis hoer Foamimlug.
\Vttiu iNOTN , September 17.-ltopr
U sentativws of Voiss Ileer Brewers' Ass
, , elation made an nrgIJIilunt before tI
conmlxtissioiwr of ijiturital revenue th :
xl inoriming in favor of auupunsioii of opor
r , Linux of hut recent order , iii regard to h
.0 thing beer ( rein casks. 'l'hio decision w
reserved ,
. The Greoloy ItehleC
IC WAHIIINOTON , September 17.-'l'
tl Coreani embassy left \Vsuuhiugton ti ;
II mornIng for New York , 'I'Jio Presitlo
g is there. llecrwtary Lincoln , Secrixta
Cltntutldr and Commodore Eitgllhhold xi
coitetiltatloit this morning for the purpose
of discussing the question of littempting
relIef of the Greeley party this fall.
After conference Secretar Chandler
sent word to Dxlkssele , a . well-known
Ax-tie explorer , Ito would lIke to confer
with itlin en the subject.
Correstondenoe of THu
FonT Fitun Svauue , Wyo. , Soittenilter
0 , 1833.-Our coiittnxttnl loft Fort. Fred
Steele , twit coxispaulos cottaisting of the
Seventh htfxuttry ( Hand C ) , for Fort
liridger and tnt at'rii'iltg there we urn-
ceoded with tWo coin1nanke of the Ninth
mInistry ( hand 0) ) towanle Fort. Titorn.
but-gb , which is situated 'ut jJtahi , Our
object. ivas to ntako atal repair xi wagoit
rent ! ( for tito bijuelit iuf the Aritty Iting )
as titerri iii nbtttidaiteo o1 boats , thoer inn !
other wild gauxo , thee euvein ! streams full
of uxountititi trout mint ! other ualatixllo
fish which the aritt' otl'icer likes so vull ,
as they cost mnitliiug , tint oven the labor
of catching them , for they can get thio'ir
dog robber to catch aim ! cook for theist ,
ti ) the saw multI which is located about 18
or 20 ittilea froxit Tltoritburgh. Well , vo
left Fort lridor on tito 8th of Juno at
about 1 or 2 e clock in the afternoon. It.
was allowing and ra'ttt'titg all that. day aitd
we made about six or seven tithes whoa
vo veitt. into catttp. Nothing of alt ) '
coitseiltionco hinpteited , only all of us have
been dantp , that is wet. through Next.
day we broke ciunp and wading soy-
oral creeks , some of theta four feet deep
and running about twelve or fourteen
miles an hour , after we got thoroughly
wet , the officers who were all muoutited ,
generously gave seine of us their Itorses
( goveruneut. horses ) to ford the remain-
tag croeksthatwore between us and whore
: we wore going to camp , which wa.u about.
twolvoi or thirteen imsilos from Fort
Bridgor. We made eight or huts miles a
day for three or four days and the con-
' tinutit fording of creeks and forks itearly
played out our officers , who by the way
were mounted all the tune otily whoti
they gave xi soldier tint loan of a horse to
cross a crook. We have some very good
I otigittoer ofileerti in the service which any
I body could tell you ( except of course
r teamsters who are not proper judges of
Li civil or mn'il'ttary engineering ) . Thu oft-
. cons with our counnand did seine tna .
. nificent tongue work. As I nut not at : I
oitgtncor I guess that's the way xii
onifleers work except the rnilroai I
engineers , bat of course they huve to USI
more or lines tongue with their work site ] I
Ift "fire up" to their fireman. Our engi
t itoora used to say , "look alive , now itten :
get. your picks mid shovels aitd comae tlti
, S t way , " or words to this ollct , "U contpa ,
fly , this way , " or"tlxia way , 0 company ,
and the amount. of s'ork tltiit would bL
: accoznphishted ut this way is beyond mui L
exprossiotL You must. bear in mind th'
Ithe ethers were mint. idleall ; were workin
I- with spades or picks or shovels or axes
I. their tomtgues , which wore all the tim I
3 , going. Anyhow wo mnatiaged to lix u
It the road and it. is at butt xiaviable , i
: that's 0 what you would cxi
L . place where , lisre at '
II sohoonor. an1 other live crafts to be me i
Le with ccasionally. There are soni
ranches along the rpad , Ycept. by ser
diers-Stoam . rcdies where a man Ca
get ; a little of the "ardenL" What tIme
( i make it of is one of the mysteries of th
I ago. We lmd several professors amid to ] I
d lows of spirits alottg with our coinmath
1. who tried to analyze theimi , but. not hax
K ing the time that is always allotted sue ] l
) oxporintemita , they failed to agree as t
1' the dilferuxit properties that were viaibl
in tIme barrels tested. Oae of tue pro
' , lessors said to thu best of his knowhedg
I. Ardent , or Utah Ardent , was ouitpose
t. of sax-a brush , lime tops , broken bottle
: of glass with extracts of ntosquitoo
. proboscis , with xiii occasional snake aLi
Litoad. . Anyhow , several of the bore wei
) f court-max-tinted for their scientific ru I
searches ,
t , Some left their spades , picks , an
Is axes in daylight , and a court-mnartiui I
tried them at imiglit , and tIm sentenc
was generally ( rein $3 to $5 , if not more I
We hind a portable guard house along , hi
there is itot a military oxjeliiloit coin
s Pleto without oiio , an our officers couhi
ir not ( they are so conscientious ) rofraii i
i. trout their usual expression , "pet hint i
the guard house , Sergeamit , " for sam
bronchi o' the art of
mshglit discipline on
0 soldier , and it's a consolation to the sal
.5 diermi that the guard house is itot a gruxv
to ytirel , for if it was it would take thu attic
0 three grand divisioits of juts earth '
. keep tiui our ax-fly. Then what would w
:1 do if such iroru the case ? how woul
I , WI ) be urotected front the inroads of tim L
g noble red man mid his collotiguos : thi 1
:5 : cow boys , stage robbers , and time Eurc I
Lu lCftfl duties who mitake things hivoly in tb
\Vest ? Mzxss Ivist ,
U. S. Army.
" Killed In a. ( JohIlt ii ,
t , AamlLaaD , 0. , September 17.-'hii I
10 ntrning freifbit train collided simtaehimm
(3 ( nitd telescoping the caboose , deixmolishiimi
rtltu car tiiid killing a lot. of fine bleeder '
r- cattle just fromus Scotland for Kansas.
0 Lucky .Jaok Gtts a l'aelcago Ex-
[ 0
r A reporter of th , , Amex-lean ylsiteti 1E
r .Jnck ( irlIvun , tim driver of 1tickoll ) hugit
No , 'I , to see II lie loch reclvcd the $ lO,0 (
nimnuxiccil drawn on ticket Ni , . 97,563 in ti
Atigust tlrxxwliig of thu 14)IlithiIili % i3tate Lu
tory. lb syas fiiiiid Iii CixIof ift.nekc1l's idlic
a. tal ki og iiboiit Itimyl uig a rtxiilcuico fur huh ixise
rt nod famiully. ' 'lucley Jack" tat ho Is no
lit called , caittal out 'xixJorsuy ) C. I'lerco , Ago : i
C of the Express , whit , haudwl aver the usu
Il yellow package , wIth a very itmiusual mnimub
of Of hruwii oals upumi mt Ito t.'oic out. tomi pite
hips. of grtseii1iicIcs unclu coixtitinlug 81,1)00 )
'a t120 hills. liii ii l ? ivihl still do nil her h&oi ; ,
ut work , lint ho iii glail that he drew the 810,0
it. lii 'l'Iie luiii.haiui State lottery , its hue e l
I lihijiseIf a ii flu Iiiimiitx titid 1)111 ) 5)00 ( ) out
ct hittorost hesitIud.-Naushvillu ( 'l'eiin. ) Antic
at iugiist 211 ,
to - -
to 'ii ) time l'iibhlc ,
it is a weil.knowxi fact to ahitost. eve
Ohio Lhttit. un promimiummis , diplonias
awards of any kititi ware given on an
0hmg innchiimies. Notwitiumitiumding , inn
) ; unscrupulous agents have filled il h
IIB papers , claiming thtmit. they laivo tale
prwniulna , awards , etc. , all of whichi
, t. untitme rind without. the shadow of foui I
lie datiomt , as nitty be ascertained frouin arty
time board of imianagurs or exatnimtimtg i
pronnumix list. A word to tim wise is at 1
ticient. Iteapoetfully ,
Ito Joint Y4siliWNtI ,
lilt -
nt Picture cards of all design itt Cotter
' 7 1814 Douglas St-sO (1 (
- -
. ,
. .
The liOrffloR llon1atas Thrown Inta
Convulsions y a Bon
The Politiolana Now Olamoring
for Logislatio Powers for .
the OOIflmiSi0fl.
Vhillc thin iiiOm'mlUitM Putstnn the
"EVett Tenor 01' Phd r W'tiy , "
( ) ctxastoitnlhy 81autkiht ! a
Gentile Iitlatluito.
Correpondcnco if TuE lIss.
SAIT LAKR City , Soptentber 14.-Dur-
ing the ltaat few days we lowe lint ! an
aiutmsimtg example of how excited people -
will occasiottally becoitie without any just
roasoit. A telegram reacited the city
purporting to give ft ayitops'ta of urn imtter-
view between President Arthur and Ed.
wards Pierrepomtt iii tlto Yellowstone Na-
tioniti l'ark. In Mr. Piorrcpoitt.'e supposed -
posed rentarks are semite very heavy atric-
tures on the conduct. of the commission-
era who nosy regulate political matters in
Utah. Conmimig fromnt such a source , the
Comumnineientora appear to have felt. deiply
aggrieved , amid they rushed into print ,
yet ittore , semit. official dispatches to the
department at. Wnahimigton , denying the
allegations in the interview , In their
report it is insinuated that thieyaroaware
where the false statemneitta with regard to
their conduct bad originated , Those
who i-end their defense more immediately
set it down that tlto Governor amid other
Federal ofilciale wore the ones to whom
refereiico was niado , and of course the
Federal officials In their turn
felt aggrieved. Tim M rmuons , too
felt disgusted. They hind always regarded
Mr. Piorrepont. as conservative on their
tiuestiomi amid lila uttem-amicee muoro than
surprised theta. Now the ox-attorney
goimeral comes to the tx-omit. atid asserts
that the whole telegram is bogus ; that at
the titan it. was published ho had not. inst
thin President. iii the National park , and
whoit ho did ho nevorexitresaod the son-
I titneitta attributed to him ; either with
i tegard to the coittinissionora or tim Utah
e question ; . in fact. they are not his sonti-
i iimuttt . So everybody is fooled , everybody -
. body annoyed , bail blood created ho-
' twoemi the conttflieeiInCrs and Govermior
1 ; and othiers , nmtd the whole thing an un-
mmiitigatod falsehood , There are seine
' hero vhto would like to consign such a
U corroslomldent. to durance vile , while
' othttirs would prefer to imtako the newsp&-
t p ° ' ho rultroseitte the defendant. iii an
1 ? action for datttagea. only possible
, good that it would it1)pbitt can ax-iso from
; . this wonderful muamimfestation of "news
) Pl' ' emtterpriso" is that we are prom-
f inied a publication of Mr. Pierropomit. ' .
11 real viowson the ittatter , which may be
C aluo should Congress again . take up
time Mormon question. ' '
t. The small portion of the Gentiles of.
:3 : IJOili who are bitterly anti Morrnon
- are still chmioriimg for a Legislative Corn
a but they by no means represent
y the wealth and imttolhigoiico of tIm non.
s Mormon commimunity in Utah. These who
; favor tItle schemno are7gemtorally those who
_ fancy that that there is a probability that
thQy may be appointed to a poattion en'
i tine commission , mid their immediate fol.
0 lowing. -
But the ataitie merchants of Utah , the
ufihmemit niinimi men , and these who have
real irmterasts lii the territory , and are not
anxious for such a x-adicnl change , as
a they believe such a commission would in
a settle tim Mormon question but
r titiglit a'gravnto the Mormons to thce so
I unfniomully nil attitude as to imperil the
- of the territory , and time conse.
a ( Iueiit. interfem-emice if not. destruction of
their imitorests. While taxes are low
amid business flourishing those who have
0 mtot nommio l)0litiCal axe to grind are very
, - willing that matters should remain
itt 8IU quo , and they do notboliove the
l disruption of tIm presomit. political coitdi-
tRill of affairs will have any effect in do-
i atroyimtg or avon weakomiing thie
n faith of the Mornions. Hovovor , we
a dishikc' : some touicts believed in
L amid practiced by these peculiar people we
- must recollect that they are terribly in
C earmiest , iii other words , Morznommiaui is a
r live rehgioim , as the number of its muis-
0 siominries tlmat are coimstamitly going "out
l inte , the world without jturso or scrip"
I abundamitly proves. Mormmioniszmi did miot
O die with Joseph Smimitha or Brigham
0 Young , nor does It show any sights of
- pioiomit exluxiuetiomi , 'Vhio deatir of it
(3 preatimit leader would have no more effect
cit it than did that of his prodoceasora ,
snmmmo other inami would occupy his place
and carry out the policy that time church
detcrnminea upomi. The compactness of
C its ( irgmnmlization is what ofleuds ninny
h , mnoro thtami its polgamny , as in that. they
: thiat , is coittittutilly growing
amid shows itt ) sigits of disintegration , ant !
aeeimmg tmnie , ihtammy are often imiclined to
miingmiify the ureaoiit position , liOWCx- and
Iiihlimomnc'o of the clturcln iii this intur.
mtmouiitaimi region. It. is probably as un-
r1 ; fortumitite to mitagnify tIne lwOrs of a foe ,
10 to umidorrate lila prowess , amid tinit is
ii , time presemit. tommdomtoy with regard to
t. l'iiorumionismn ' , as in other cases , it nitty be
0 , found that "time Devil is miot. as black as
Ito is painted , \VENo.
tt _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
iiiat x-5 not gel writ of Itself ; It requires caret , , ) . mer.
rl- attentiou itna a thtt viil isItt nature
to UirOW cit the cautie , an , ) tone up the digoods'u
organs Oil they merform theix- duties wliiingiy Sirs.
J.ioRworth , of . % rnhtent. N. IL , after trying many
"sure cur.s' without benezit , ( oumi that
: ; ; Ilood'sScirsaparilla
xv. t4tthe unit on the head and restored her t4 health ,
ito Among the ngonled eax-crienced by the dyspeptic , sie
distress betpreor after ea&g , mou of appetite , irregn.
o jy of the bowels , wOnt ur gas anL pain In the
tiinth , heart-burn , sour itomach , Ac. , causing
. deiireuion , nervous Irritability cud iiepLe.
iii net. . lfyousrod1'cOUmgedbeOfgOOdtheCr&n4t1
n. JlOO,5 MtlOP3siIb. . it hutS cwed hundreds. It will
of curuyouUyOUgtveitiUSfr chance.
lie to try hlood'sP.srsa.
r i'th114 tot iii1 wirt , tie its. ti.t tx-unWed wi in-
i Ctg.'sUozi ' anti dttOiiy for uv.rau you. . which
nnji7 renRret iwrlcebte. liefure she
LAca Us. tint botUe 'rr ' h.ntth ccnunenced to at-
pmv. . She is itow taitng Cia lourtti otUe. sad or
lealtil l.3 ncauuly aut parinanottur iflix-tOTCO. 5041
1 ilnniy iOIIOVC ( tOt'I I4U.t1OrULI is snUnjel to the
ertOL ui-O , w.iIOSWOitrltMntiesst ,
a , i'reparsibCJ , . l'zim