--w- - , t - NI ' . . t : - ; . : F . Ir DAILY 31'-MONDAV i7. , l8. _ _ _ - DAiLY BEE. OMAU& tL & Monday Morning , opt. 17 ; . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wcathcr 1n4lIcfttIOiH. : . For tim upper MiisipIi ftllC7 fiir 4 ; . wo.thor , it.attaty or hght no of toni : oraturo northerly WiflIJ , bocornhig var lablo , foilowed by ftIIing baromet.cr dur. ing the nighL / LOOAL BREVITILS. i -The rnarriag of Mmle . intl Forct 0. RLvin1n occurs this evening , zitid the receplon will be held nt the roI.lence Qet. W. Ambroie , 1924 FarnMfl RtTSt. c -Hgrry } rchmftn receIod c4erde7 front Sst Fr&ncIco a IeU.er from 1)r. George . Rudling , of I3altitnore , the great eye and ear ' doctor , who re4orod ) aii eyeiIgIi after ho WM \ tot.alIy ) ) lIfltI , titt ) ho Wt1I ( tojt over n the ; " , Patort lintel frotu WodnoiJity morning till : Frltlay afternoon. In&o -The fifteenth anntvcmary ot tim Coirnor ! dia occur. next Thtirstlay evolnog In Tirner' , ball , anti yiIi be colelirat.cil with a concert anti ball anti a pcoc1rni from Mr. liar. mann. . -Eu. Schneider , formerly of thi. city , a : lrorninont musician , , iio 1ia. . liceit abrotI for ; Borne Unto , i iooit to marry a wenitity liorlin lady. , . -Frank Powlor , a conductor on the lied JJno car. , IIM an aeti.tott to Iio1i lilitt out In hi artiuottR 41nt105. 'I'lie now ntatt arrived . 'Votineaday night , anil I a nltio.poiin4er. -trt ; . $ opltia flawitzcr , Twentieth atiti , Pierce gtroot.i , cornp1aIn that ho wto charged a dollar anti fifty cents , when idio Rilotilti have onlypald ono dollar , to got acow out of lIanR. corn l'ark which had been Iii there over night. & -A little child wait run over nit Sixteenth atroot Friday 1)7 fl man vILix a faet horiio , who Immediately stopped antI Jutnpotl out , l txclaIming , "I wotId % rather have lust one thousand doh1ar titan have done thh.t" The ddld WM picked up and found not to have 1. been very Berlously Injured , -A Hultablo reward vIhi ho iald at thh , office for the return of a pocket hOok which L . : , 'WM bet at the U. P. depot a ( ow tiayl4 ego , - : containing ; oo in LInctln County vnrraiih , and no qucetlone ai.ked. -Quito a , tonitation wait caned In Saratoga precinct Friday by the rumor that Loub. JAttlefiold , who had tim contract for fnruirh , lug all the milk from the .itato fair , had fallen from hie wagon and boon killed. Touiii 1 atIhI a lively corpo , and judgthg from the way In which ho hiand1o Jieccljor k not In any Ito. mediate danger of dkolutlon. -Mr. George Cauftold I adiguantly repatli. atee the etatement that ho 19 going to run for Sheriff of Douglaa county tide fall. Ho ways , ho wouldn't have the place If It wan voluntarl. : tendered him , and that Ito l a ] Javo Miller 'nan ritt , 1at and all the time. The Senator moanR what ho aaye , anti never gooi back on lilA frionde. ; A Llfo avlng Present. . Mr. ? ! . E. Alihion , Itutchinson , ICon. : avod his life by a elixiplo trial bottle of Dr. King's New Diecovery for conBumption , which caused him to itrocuro a large bottle that comrn plotoly n'ired him when , doctors , change of ditnat'i xnd everything else had failed. Asth. . ma , bronchitlH , hoarsenotui , severe coughs , and . all throat end lung disetuce , it lit guaranteed to cure. TrILtI bottles free at C. F. Goodman's (1mg store. Large size $1.00. HARTINOTON. p r The Coming Metropolis of NorIhciut- . cm Nohrwka. . In reply to the numoroua inquiriei that .wo have boon rocoivong for thto paat mnontli aa to when Iota in the town of JiartingIen would boofl'orod for sale , wo i -would saythoplatting had just boon corn. t plothd , and we have arranged to open , dab of lots at the town on Tuesday , ° i'- tembor 18 , at 2 p. in , Dooming it our duty to tim ninny itiquirora far and. itoar 'to give at' least one wooke notice before . commencing irnie , we will not until thou nell or offer for eala any of the property. A largo crowd of purchasers is 1)romiae(1 for the oponin sale , No preferences will : be shown. Tickets vihI be isnued and , t drawn for the first chance. Satisfactory discounts from prico.lIBL yi11 be made to abeoluto settlers according to the un- f ( provcmonte they mako. For the benefit : of these unacquainted with th country t wo would say Hartington will bo the ter minus of the Lujan Valley branch of thue ' Chicago , St , Paul , Minneapolis and t Omaha railroad ; located ut the geographic. ; al center of Cedar county , and at the junctrnn of the Logan anti Ilow valloys. ' The 5oil surrounding the town is of thu , most fertile nature , and the country is , well settled 'y a thrifty class of farmers , The grading is entirely done , and it is expected the rouid will be In 01)OrntiOU at this point between Ooctobor 1 and 15. A pint can be soon at our oflico any Limo after \Vcdnosday of title week. ] ? oi further informatimi ca1 on or tuidrosa PEAVIuY B1LO3. , Sioux City. j Glory Emioughm. $ t The Wuurra Sawrna Miciiuru , at tli I Iat4 state fair was contiiuahly surrounded ti by a crowd of ladies and was univorsa1l pronouncoJ. the best sowing maclimo ol : the ground. Over fifty wore sobi durint the fair and we are ha1)1)y to state thai it requires no bombast or false atatomnunh th soil tho\Vhuito , as it eolI on its merits t It i a well known fact , to every one thin there were no premiums or awards om ; 3ewing machines whatever at the stati lair , and all statements to the coittrar are ( also and only published to mnishnu the public amid palm oil imuferiormnachimies We arc happy to state that Tmii YIuT atands at the head. Its sales are enornloUs , tim company turiming out complete iuiachiiiiti every two mnlnutw and still thu demand is im excess of tim nupply , It rctiuirea no falsu or bombastic stat monte either by word or publication I sell the White. Over ton thousand Whit mmuhines nra in use in the State Nobrwuka , all giving portoct satisfactiom And still the cry is , give us snore Whit snuchnea. Should the , time ever con when we are COiiijOllCd to resort to falm tatemeiits and publications to soil tI WliitM , WO shall retire from the sewit nachino trade , Our motto is 1air am quuro dealing or not at all , Wo co thtally invite all ureouis desiring a fir clau sowing machine to call on or addre , Jojig 1I1IWNJ 121 North 15th street , Omaha , Nob. Your health dopeucs on thu purity you ! blood. People who realize Umis ni raking Hood's araaparilla 'itht the bu teaulte. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - , All first.clau Clothing Houses can t you who Ln'i'irr , La tCo , are. , .ilO we&ur - - - TIlE STATEFAfRI _ Thc Great Exposilloll Ar611y oi se 1y 1h Woalhull. A Paw ItoniN ( it' Intcre.t FLMIICII Out of' IJIC S'U tr Mutt. The heavy rids which se In Friday night and contiitued all. day Satunlay , shuit out the racee anti kept all visitors away from the grounds. Time tidying itarkwat once morn deserted and tlosolato , anti tjock , machinery and exhibits were 1ehuig ralldl removod. voUn' . rAw. IIAnVICCTIU wonKs are rtqlresontMd os the grotmntli iy Mr. A. A. l'uion , , geseral agent for NohrMka anti Vmtern Iowa , with headtimtarters at Council hlluffs. Til. kouse inamiufaotir : the cele. bratod light draft binder. While there are dozens of oUter meeltines fitted out with the AliIC1)Y itinder , ttis differ. from all the rest in the cutting aiid delivery of grain and MY' opal pointti .1 superior excellence caut ho demonstrated , The company , In a congratulatory aildres. to the trailo , sa'sm "Never In the history of lmarvwiti'tg inachtn. cry htu there ever been such a hrlllmat record as that matte by the St. l'aul. Front the start. log of the first machines in the fertile fields 1)1 Southern 'rouuimcn until the close of liar- yost ott the broad jirsirici hmi the land of the I ) akotas , ' 1)110 corutitied succession of trinmnlihis linit been enrolled ui > oti our hianiters. In fact , our coin 1iotlt0 thought 'I t. % vta : I ii the air , ' hint tlwy wore mnistihen-It wu. in thin ma chino.Vo have itiot : oil , 'atuiiiishicd every thing Jim the hutider line. only tue hiigI : uhnt' IiiV the 'low downs. ' 'I'ho solid , uld.tI iii , , feattirot iii this harvester , stick : t'i thin only ml. I tintable elevator , the emily iuIjn4ahle ream sup. ) teil at 1)0th nuuuI , Its coin tiloto cutting utit. tmratUs , itt simple uttiti effective ralitlmig amid lowering attuchitfltuiit , mend lt. very it1iiitrcmit : highutumoss of draft , have imover shiowmi imp mniro , grandly tItan is thmo past harvest. Ott the iuti mit alone of higlitiio.is of draft vol times comm lii hut written and it line hucemu the key unto of time cauumpafgui. \Vliou we couimo to spook of thu hinder i > art of thOt uuunclulne , words full us. 'I'o use tIme vernacular , It hiatt just 'iiaraiyzeil ' " S time opiosltloui , Mr. I'arsons thinks as mmmcli of the machine ho roha'scutut $ as a liaremat tlcei of him , first chillil , and ha is a most convIncing talker , nimil am : efficient agent for his conipally. Thu NIITIaASKA yAIuihR Prize , a silver imitchor , offered for the hoit fat XW steer .r heifer , of any ago or bronil , lout finally been won by Mr. It. laniol , of Sarjiy county , after having mumatie three suooaeEul contests ( LW It. "NIuIIIIAHKA JIM" won time first prernitmum as is addle horse , and thereby made hi , owner , Mr. 0. N : . lruso , very vroud of hula , "tvTMAS CbTEfl5 EDtJOATOII. " The above was tIme title of a neat , well cull' ted amid well iirlntod Journal which wits extou- alvely circulated duritiK the week at the 1'atIr grounds , devoted , as tim title modestly sayH , to commercial otlucaticu as vtmrduod at Wymmman'iu Comnimiurcial College , % Ve have no' tlcec.l at length the advantages of that lnstltu- tinti , liii remarkable grmnvth : and the splerm. tilti field before it , It Is no mere comnhilimnent which we spay Pro ! , \Vymnnn In , aying that lila accoimnodatluns are as good mu , those of any commercial coliego iii the great cIties of the east and that the faculty cannot ho excelled anywhnro , Prof.Vynuuimu vent lOts ) this enterprise with unbounded faith : ii lii , ability to wIn the approbation of thin hub. lie generally , and 1w liwi done so. Ills energy , tiotormnimmatlon and ability as the hiomi of tIme college cannot be disputed by anyone emit ! 'rite lure hiopesone of theta days to see time tail splroi rho fromn ii splendid building In some convenient alto ii : ( ) imutha , which lutll assemubiu tim youth : from all the broad traits. 'itls.wuri ' cimipiro to fit timmn for discharging time duties of liwilimnis life in a buitiness'hiko omen. net. TILE STATIt ? AIR JOuRNAl , was the official organ of the Board of Mane. gent this year anti lies imeon oditoti by hilly hlorrleon and joibhished by SinaI. iteose. Mr. Morrison In common with the rest of thmo fratarnlty worked under many di.advmtntagos but Ito limos done excellently and the Ihoarti coulti not have omnployod is bettor man for time imiace. l'LTMOUTII ROCKH. In the exhibition of Poultry at the Stmmto Fair this year , the fimiost Plymouth hock fowLs wore exhibited by Mr. A. Brackott , of Atlantic , Iowa , who received the only two first prommmiumnus awarded to thmmtt brood , A CONCERT wa.s given yesterday afternoon at the Max Meyer headquarters am : th State Fair grounds by Mr. 01mM , Stephens , time lianist , amid A. Slommdolborg , tIme violinist , emit ! drew an Imunmoimso crowd. 'rime idmeco was literally j amnmnotl all day , 1)11. 13. J. CIIAitIflmu4. Visitors to the State FaIr title week Imavo lied their attention ummlvorsmslly attracted to tIme elegant luromumlam anti utoat bullditigil em : Shormiman avenue , occupied by lr. S. J. Chain. , bern , tIme well known veteulnary surgeon. 1)r. Chambers estabhishmoil this lufirimmary for liormies about olghtteom : mimoutims ago. It , wits HImmmttllmmg that Immui long boon mmoedoui , and he went to am much iuaimms to fit it up comfortably atm if liii imationt hail beet : leummman hicimmiru Inettmad of brutes. lii short lie realizes tim fact that time hi rso Is mmext to imuan in iimtohllgonco and mmobli. ity anti ito has mnmido it a life study ti ) relieve thin ills that equine Ilesh is helm' to. Ilium beautiful place on Sherummam : ave. oIttiO , just mmortlm of lion. A. J. l'oppioton's plM0 , Is well adapted to 1:1mm object , Ito Imami a neat cottage ii : fromit amid time ited Barns are ii : time rejtr , the latter , two it : mmtmimmbor , Imimig ainjilo to acoomumodato about 35 lined. 'I'hay are fitted UJ ) lit elegimmt shape , wiLl : every urn. vision for time comfort of tht patlenU. , with : fine , airy box stalls , etc. ' 1'o114mommo cemmuec. tions are hail with all Imart.s of t1m city mmd Cuumieil'BlutIsso timat the doctor can be caileti at any time , anti ho smut seen I'mimd it necessary to remnahim itt liuatiqumarterim all the timmie 1mm i > cr. ' 50mm , Dr. Clisummitoiti is not timily an immtuillgout amtd ac.omnimlhuimed gemmtlmnimummm but a sklliod votorlmiuu'y surgeon , one of thu ow who devote tlmeir gemmius and time to that ProfosslomI , hits success Imaut ieomm unprecodomitod , cmiii lmht In. tIrunmry Is crowded oil time tlmmmo , cmiii still time greatest ettemitlon Is imald to each : iiationt. 'rime immatittmtlon may lmroperlY Imo regarded as omit of the monet immmimortaut it : Ommmahns mmd it is mmc , wonder tlmmmt tltoumiitmids of lmmujtmtrles ware'immmuic ebotmt It iluririg the vook. L A 0001) IIHAI3ON. P Ininapoctlng the various exhibits in Floral I huM 'ruM lisle reporter was surprised to Simm ] tlmitt Oittt of time greatest establishmirnats tm Oomaima , it : loltmt of imnportammco to time vssterm 1. country , was mmet represommtod , Vo relor tt time Omnmmlmus Safe \'iurks , conducted by Messrs I Aimtlreomm and Valloim. The reporter immqtmlret . of the senior muomimberuf time tint : wlmy tIny lmm L immado tin clIsliiaT amid loarmmoil tint. they 1mm bean too busy to tb ito , 'rlmoy are mmw it 1 yurk ott a bi job for time National hank comm struetlug a deposit vault , wlmlclm timoy vIll be V gin to 1imt Ii : mmoxt week. It is tlmeir policy t 1 keel ) fuiltim witim mall custoumers , amid whom , order are received tim fill thmomim on timne. 'l'huy commit ' . not do U : ! . mmmmd s1)eimd timmmo Ii : exhiblilmig tlmei I- gtOds at , time fair , and commsoqumumitly imad t htmeu the latttum' jirivilego. 'l'hmuy are rmislmeu a cii time tlmuo , imat'limg ortlers front all vart mm ii time Stmmte , mmmi they did mmot fool It Imocossar U to tixhilbit their goods vlmoim iimiyome cam : cal and mice their ilispimmy zimmy time mini-lug tim year. 'they cmmililoy nummu but mikiil ti work 3- immomm , cmiii thimuy tiumt't take accomuti itiuc 0 to ammy ummmmmufaettmrmur 1mm tutu hlmmt :0 : 'J'hiey are always lirulmarOd to take ordmums if mmmmd mmmorcimammtmi vil1 fimmd It to thmeir ativammtag i.e see thitumn before goimig olsuwimuro , A IiN.UTIFUL IC Ommo of time flriit exhibitors It ) get lmls were ' 0 oum time gmomimti was J , V. ilwoonoy , dealer Ii mimarbie anti gramiite , 21' Nortim 1"iftoemmtl mu street. On 'Summday last rimu hir.e m-oImorte ui fommmmd timis oimkrprimilng mmmummmufactmmror Imavim : d lila goods mmii In iilce. men ! a umoru credmtabl rmihitiVimig imaum Imever heoum mimado tim Ommimnima. 'l'ii at exhibit was oume of the great attractions I tii .FImmo 4trte imall , the mmmomimmmmmumit as boitig thu fittest over soot : oma exhib ] tion 1mm the State of Ntmirajk u 1mm time west. Timousamuis of visitors of tI fair amimumired tins heatmty ammd skill of time won of umammslmlp , .1 . V. Sweemmuy , the liroitrietor 4 ro time Nebraska Marble ammil ( iranite won ! st spared mme tiimme or mmiomioy to make the fine display omm time fair grouutmiis , anti has show the Pooi'le of Omnalma and State of Nebruemki II that they don't imave to go east for fmmme wag anti low 1)dCmi. Iii , display on exhtbitic consisted of a large Rutland Marble Mon went , for thmo wife of F , hiehlone , of thmzaka ; beautifnl arched Menumont , to be erected In \Veaping Water Net , . , material ltmmtland blue on a marble tabot ! , Ithi , ioso , cuses end an' eliot beautifully carvol on top. A dIsiiay of 11mm work , alm , a lario % French blue monument to be erected In lalrviow CemeLery , Sarpy county , Net , , atol a very fine 1remmclm gray montmrnent to ho erected to the memory of . .1V. . King , of Omuilma , witim other work t.oo nuniernmms IA ) mention , aimowetl thmo klhi of the buildesi. YINH AflTh mut.L Thiia was one of the best filled anl , most at. tractivo Pla oil thm groumnihs anti wM In charge of Mmi.W. hi. ltnmnlngton , whosuperlmm' teniled the seine oximibits so plcndIdly Inst year. Time hail wai late In beIng filled up , hut wait crowded with artidns of all kinds before time fair WItS OVOF. It would be nimnost impossible to enumerate all time attractive features and a few mimut suffice , Horn were eif the jainttmmrn crayons anti other fine work , as vohl as textile fabrics of time meet ilelicato chiutrrmctcr. In time Stat class nmny be mentioneul ii beautiful pns' torah cene by Mrs. W. hi.Ihiis , which Itt slinhily poifect anti worthy .f the brmmh of Hose hiommimeur. Timia Imati heemi aclmmiired by all and the commmulttee incubi special mention of it , addIng words of oncouragormment to time art. let to commtlnuo , espocluillyln that miepartmont of motlntimmg , Mrs.Vlhlis receives a diploma. A inInted imoll froimm MIsi , May Swartzlmmmol' er , is beautiful and took 1st iiromniumii. MIss M. Androwt , , the art tonelmer , lmns a mo tilt' lusty , tome of thm best. iiiet'mi being a lortrait of Charlotte Corday. Shin had time largest collection cii tima grouimutlit , cmiii autumn of thin work of imer jiump'mln d'splayeil great talent , mIlss XIttIe Lowe csummtriiuttoI a landscape and in donkeys head , aimmi Miss 14' . 1 Icmmtleriomm , of the leai amid limmnb I mmtutittito , tOok time ircummiummmis for tlmo bent palntlumg by uitmy No' braska artist , amid lImo best coilcctiomm of oil PaIiitiiis exiilidtod. Mrs. MeKemizie html time Shiest collection of water colors nUll time bait erayomm work mmtiil Mrs. 1stclla .1. l'rumzcrrmf 1.hmmcolim ctnmtrIjuteil sotimo llimn craynim iiturtrtits : , tlmitt of itlary Am : ' tiersoim taking first prommmiuuimi. Pr. lemm semit imm two beautiful oil udntmmigum on tldte velvet cmi lmammil ommubroidorci. i1rn. Alma h. ICeitim lied a splendid iilsplay of haIr vork amiul took first iremrultimmm. l'rof , Lutimteryoui , time artmt , oxhiluittal snimmo of hiimi work ; whIch : It tm muectlless to say was fmmm' , . lie Is recorimizul as time best landscape mtmmd mnariemo painter 1mm this hart of time comummtry , mmd lmi exhibit vns ummmivemitally atiummlromi. TTru ( ( leo. S. Gilbert limo ! it line collection of paiumtingit , "timo Neopohitamm Boy" heimmg the best of all. Mrs. Clmitrlcs hialbaclm took first imremnluin for time best fruit picture ; Mrs. Dr. Moore for time best lmand imalmmtcd tea set , and A. hiospo , witim Imis imsuni courtesy , sent 1mm a fine colloc' tIomm of itlctmires summmply to lientitify chmo hall , Mr. h1oimck' irnrtralt of Mrs. liospo wait a fine timing. J.ittie l'cnrl hfmmrtmnmtmm took first promlum 0mm tidies , p The committee omm 5mm arts , commsisted of Judge KInney. Maj.Volls anti ltev. France , anti Mrs. Ella Cooper was very efficient am su- herinterimlemt of the tlopartmmmotmt of textil feb. rita ; , . S Mrs. Cathanlne Nichols took several firmib ) renmltmumit' for lace mmd embroidery , making time hiirgetmt hispiay of laces on the grounds , mlimd Miss lmnmna Nicimola took a proinlummi omm mm imammdsome Ieee collar , while Mrs.Clmarloi Hew buy contributed one of the most beautiful lace collars mm eximibitiomu. - - Army Ortierui. Leave of abeonco for one month , to ditto from October 1 , 1883 , is granted Olmaphmiin S. M. Merrill , U. S. A. , ( Fort D. A. ItuBsoll , Wyo. ) A board of officers to comisist of Cap. lain Emmuil Adam , 5thm Cavalry , Captain Saimmford P. Kellogg , 5th Cavalry , Cap. fain Charles it , Barrett , A. Q. M. , is ap. P0i1mt01 to nucot atFortMcKinnoyWyo. , on the 22d day of September , issi : , or as soon thereafter aim practicable , to doter. mine the value of one public Imorso , for which Captain W. 0. Forbush , 5th Cay- airy , is rospomusiblo , with a t'iow to put. cliMe by LioutonantColonol Charles E. Camnpton , SUm Cavalry. Paragraph 5 , special orders No , 07 , curS rommt series fronm tlmose headquarters , is re yoked. Time followingtnmod mon enlisted at Forts Douglas , Utah , and Omalma , Nob. , a.e assigiiod as folios : Citation Hello to comupammy H , Sixtim infantry. Plmilipp Holmmmlingor to the Fourth in- fantry. Leave of absence for ten days , on ant- goon's ' ccrtiumcato of disability , is granted Captain J , Scott l'ayno , Fifth cavalry. Colonel Jolmn S. Mason , Ninth : infami- try , will proceed to Fort Bridgor , Wyo. , oil 1iublic bualumeuts , and on completion thereof vihl roturim to lmia proper station , Fort D. A. Itussell , Wyo. UhmulLion's JrnIca 8mxTve , The greatest medical wonder of time 'world. \Varrammteti to speedily ctim Burns , Cute ' U ! . cmi , Salt lihoum , Fever Sores , Cancturs'Piien Chliblahma , Corns , Totter , Chapped hammdscnd all aklmm eruptIons , guarammtood to cure in every instance , or money rofuimdotl , , ,25 coats nether her 1IA1LVES1 IIOMFL Giving Timanmcs For a BountIful liar vest at. Trinity Catimotiral Yesterday. Time annual harvest hmotimo festival o tIme Episcopal church was celebrated yea tot-day at Trinity Catimodral , time chapo where the services wore hold bein1 trimmed witim fruits and flowers cud lolif stands of corn tumid other grain. Thu congregation was unusually large , amu were treated to a jlcasamit ) discourse b Ilimmimop Clarksou , who presented , immatomu of a sermuoim , comae roimiarkmm portinemmt t : the approaciming coimupiution of the gnumu catimodral. Thu Ihiahmop saul that whmomi the catho I dral wan first planned it was to cos I at time imiost $25,000 , but that as it no 1 stands it has coat $60,000 , of which : ci m but $1,500 lmad boon paid , auidt title las I uimouut mmiuat be raised before the catbe i dm1 could be comisocratod , Over lift , I different articles imoceasary to catimedre I uses had boon donated as imicimmorials , aim t a tower amid chmimuio of belie was aho to ii ' gtvomm. lie immdo a strong plea for tim ; organization of a choir of aurpliced boym H In checking time remmmommatrancea of times 1 dmo timougimt. sommw of the wealth layishmo r on time catimedral should be giveim to cout try cimurcimea , he quotud , very portineni f I ) ' , time beautiful story ( if time alehmmtstt V box , to simow timmit. nil time atltrimmnemmta 1 the now buildimmg were to time glory t mu 00(1 , : - - - - hinrsfin'd's Atilti ' . mm i'imospimat 0. p. TonIc ( or Overworked Men. I 0 , Pr , .1 , (3'ilsomm Plmiladelphmia , Pa says : "I have naomi it as a gumiorni tonit amud imi imtrtiCUlztr in time debility aim tlyapomimt of overworked titan , with an H mm isfactory results , " W'Jmcmi imiFroumont , Nob. , vail at ti m : Now York lmotQi , wlmoro you vi1l fiuuti be C tot aceommummodatiomma than in any Imot 1) west. of Ommrnha house entirely imo : very huumdsomolyfurniited. Omumi PIl1tSONAL. . Myron \Vlmeoler , one of Major "mVlmoolem eons , who lmam locommme mum export piionogmmtiimc t imuds imeoum apitointeul court. reporter for Jud U Post's juuIciai dIstrict , mind has gone to C Il lumnbue to reside. 0 Mrs. Thomas Nolan , wife of time U. a- Freight Agent , emit ! sister returned ( rote t a east yesterday , HIllINA HACK. A 1all Throatcn to Arrest a llc- man if Ho is Ocrharefl. Time linokmnim Ovcrcimnrgcc , Ic Ar- reded nimt l'apm I lye Dollars anti Coste , Saturday Mr. John > ohrnng , do. siring to secure a carriage to take huts wife and son , Mr. Frank e1mrummg of Lincoln , to the 0. b , P. N , & 0 , depot for time 8 o'clock train , engaged a hack that. stood at tIme I'axton hotel nod placed his people ill it , ofFering the hmackmncum one dollar , time proper fare , Time driver derzandeul two dollars and said ho would not take them over to the depot for less , as it was raining. Mr. Zehrung thereupon replied that if Imo wait cimarged two dollars for two 1)001110 wlmontimo legal rate was fifty coats apiece , Ime almould make comnplaimmt agaimmat huiimm , Time lmackmnamm would nut commme dtwn , told him to commiplaimm if ito wanted to , and as PuIr , ohirtumig liRd ill ) aitorima. tivo , lrnckc buimig scarce , ho paid time two dollars anti soimt Mrs. uhmrung amid semi to the depot. VAITEI ) FOR hiM , Timen lie sat dowim iii Limo hotel am ! waited for hmi macit , ho snout returned mmd ehmrtmuig tlmon told imini that ito dlii. liked to nppousr in tIme 1iico court , and if ho would repay him time dollar 1w would not prosecute imitn , Time omaim rtu- fused to do time square timing , telling Mr , Zelirung to take the nmattor to time j)0lCu cour' if imo waimtcd to ; lmo lied boon timoro before , Mr. uimrumig thmereupomi swore out a cornilmiimmt against himn , .Josoph Cormmiami , driver of hack No. 10 , and ho was arrested , takuit before .Judge Anderson anti fimmeil five dollars amid costs. The fine was ligimt , considering time strictitesa of the ordinance , which makes five , dollars the iniuimnunm ammd ono hun' dred dollars the znaximnanm. An example lies boon made of one maim , howevcrand it will have A WIIOLIiSOMS ERFSOT upon otimorti , and Mr. ohrummg deserves tue thanks of time commoumuity. Dur. ing timia week , espocialiy , there has boon constant complaint oL xthrtion being practiced upon travel- era. Omie Imackinan is said to havochargod two ladies yesterday $3 for taking thorn out to thu fair grounds , and as Gorman imimnself saidomi the etaumd this morning , mmoarly all the hackmnen were charging a dollar a head. Most of this was done by nina who ran independent hacks , aimd they would imavo the effrontery to refer atraimgors wimo protested - tested to Keminard amid Slmarp. Gormnan referred Mr. oimrummg Saturday to Komutard amid Sharp , with which lirmn Imo hind no connection wlmatovor , as Mr. Zeiirun soot : found out , Notice I Our cuatthnars and the public in gcn- orai.aro imoroby kindly notified that Mr. George Ileminiimg is , siumceycsterdayafter. nooim , not conmiectcd withm the Animeuser' lusclm Brewing Association , nor their agency at timis place any macro. Mr. Hennmmmg is not allowed to receive or col. loct any outhtandiiuga'duo ' thoabovo firm , nor receipt ii : their name. F. SCULIEF , Agent. OMAhA , Neb , Sept. 12 , 1883. sept 13 mn&o 3t LOUt ) BYRON. A. FaniousMedaI Iteaurrectemi In Ommialma. A curious find 'was made Friday by Cliarlen Finntorornan of the Sovcntoonth abroct grading. 'While at work in front of Brownefl ball , whore quite a cut is boimmg made , a plow turned up at a depth of sixteen feet aim old French mnida1. Tutu Bv.a reporter I'm not up iii time science of nuinismnmmtics , but is informed that it is one of time rar- oat mimedaha in Limo world : On the face of thmo medal , wimich is of copper arid about three imichos in d'iamo. tor , is a bust of Lord Byron in bums relic ! amid on time obverse side a imarp on' circled u y a laurel wroatim , about wimiclm is tIme inscription , "Nahms Abordeomi MDCOI4XXXVI1I Obiit Miaaolommglmi MDCCCXXIV , " It is stated that this is otto of one hmuim. . dred mimudals cast by the orders of time Freimcii Assembly iii hemmer of time great soet cmiii there ore , it is said , but twc others in the United States Time great question is , how did it csmiw I to be iii time solid earth sixteen feet be : . low time surface. There lied boom : no veh there and it was itnbedded in the cay ] am 1 jf it lied boon there for centuries , Ii ; WItS black and scarcely rocogmmizable whet 7 taken out , but by the use of strong chain icals it was cleaned off and is perfect mm a ovary respect. I An Aiiswor Wanted. V Can soy one bring us a came of kidmisy o I liver comimlaint that Electric Bit cm tern will not speedily cure ? We say they cci I not , tot thousand. of cases already l > ermmmanemmt ly cured anti wimo are daily recoimimendimi iiectrIo Bitters ivihl prove. BrIght a diseast I' diabetes , weak buick , or ally urhiaryconiplain t quickly cured. Timay iinrify the blood , rage V late the bowels amid act directly oim time tilt Ii eased partx. Every bottle gimarautsemI. ] u sale at t,00 bottle by 0 , F. Iloedmoan , 4 ( . is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ V. 1I. C. A. i There will be song service at time Autac l cimition room to.imigiit. Everybody is ir ' 3 vited to attend , e The Bible class 'will macct in the kssc ' ; ciatiogm parior to.rnorrow mimorzmimig at 9:1 : ii o'clock. I' Services will be held at time jail at Lo'clock , m Geim , 0. 0. howard will conduct tim : gospel mmueetimmg 1mm tim Association lie C immmmmmunciimg at 4 o clock. Mp. I . Smith will assist ; in time simmghlig. thmero be a large attemalaimco , Aim immvuti tiomi is extended to you. 'l'iie weatlmer nermtittiimg , timere vill I : ' - oiiemt air mimuathig iii JolIcrsoi * Squat at ( I ji , in , SingermmnroesPocmnlly inwitem hlr.mimia'a hitussia Salve uuicots with wmidc fui success iii aU cases of skin ihisoasO. 'I ry I - ' - - - me t. 'riiii oi'lit5t hOUSE. ( 'I 'Iw w Time CelniirnWd Actress , Nile , Ithe 'V 04)11111mg Ne't Weak. Mile. lilies , the celebrated Freimu r's actress , will apjiearat Boyd's ' OpOra lion in next Friday and Saturday. Friday eve b'O jug site will lucy tAdriemihlo , " Saturdi 0 'School forScaiidai , " with "Fm 1' Frou" at time Saturd'ay mnat'iuoo. Mr. b Q. Steno , the maiiager , is in the city at informs us that Mile. lUioa opened U now Grand opera house imi 1ansaa City this week to one of time finest audiences that over gatiicrcd timoro. Time Fay Templeton company played "Pirates of Pejizanco" last imighmt a largo house. Miss Touiiplotomi diJ not ap. hear. Timia afternoon tue play was a ' 1olamthme" This cvonimmg ' ' 1'fascotto" ' is given , in which Fay Templeton lies always beau such a success , She appears in it. as if thopiay were written for her. Among this troupe one of time actresses who is attracting considerable attention is Miss Adele Barker , of Clmicago , who took the part of 3loatiquc in "Olivettu" time otimor night. Taken altogetimer the lady support is excellent. thmLs year. MAD MAESTRK. Ho [ Cuts Bseuioo1s ! llimsclf With a KllifCifl Freak , And Timomi Rushes ( a time Missouri timid Throws hilmnseli Iii , It vIll ho rcmmicnmbercd timat Framik Maestrick,1iving about two miles below time city , act his house emi lire emily iii the nummimmmier aimd thou stood iii time doorway with a gun amid fought. off time neighbors , lie was declared imiseume timid takoim to time asylum at Limicoin , froimi which Ito escaped , - caped about a month ago. lie was calm. tured by time Sheriff hero , placed in jail , and fimually returimemi to Limicoiim. Ills S'II'iI , and her botlmer , however , were miot antis t'med and mimaimaged to have him released from time hospital amid brought hmommo tu Omimaima nbotmt two weeks ago. Tlmoy thought lie had got rid of all his crazy ideas , but they were as tlmick a over. lie scouted to ho broodimmg over some trouble after lie rcturmmcdamid sat listlessly aroumid but insisted every day that his wife milmould take a walk into tlmo vaods with him , which alto did. All was well until timreo days ago , wimen auddemily at the house ho 5n1z140 A KGFX , and stabbed hinisolf ott time left aide , mucking three frightful holes over the heart , but not mot so deep tot to enter time vital organs. Ho tlmomi conithenced the operatiomi of disoambowclimmg hiniaolf , amid managed to cut a hole in lmiuisolf through which the intcstiimcs protruded , whemi ho was diBeoverod. Dr. Grosmnan was called iii immimodiate. ly , drescd the wounds and sowed the moan up. Ho was then put in bed , but ThurBday night , acting und r some hal- limcimiation , he jumped up , got away , and , ruimnimmg to the river bank , TiIiEW IIIMiIEIF IL Such violent action as this of course almost killed the mmian-would hmave killed amiy but a crazy mmmcmi , amid lie is now lying at time poimit of death , time jumnp into the river having broken open his terrible wounds mmfrcshi. - - - ' A SURE 4 . ECIIPE or fln Comp18xIoll. Positive rollefand immuni. ty from complexional bleni- Ishes niaybelound inilagan's Magnolia Balm. A delicate and harmless article. Sold by druggists everywhere. It Imparts the most bril- Ilant anti life-like tints , and the closest scrutiny cannot'- detect its use. All unsightly Discolorations , Eruptions , ltiiig ? ilarks under the eyes , Sallowness liedness , Rough- hess , aiid fiLe flUSh ot'fatlguo' anti xcitcniont are at once disFellod by tim Mnnoliui IJalni. It 1. ; tiLe cue Incomparable Cosmetic. - ' - SPECIAL NOTIOES. . ilrSveclals will Positively not be inserted unless nid In advance. u TO LOAN-Money. 'ONEV TO LOAN-The OniStt savumis Bank Is .1V1 new prepared to make loans 0. . ommalma dly , om Douglas county real estate at currant rate is Interest , No oommnlsalorm cImargeI , 35041 i ( ONEYTOLOAN-ThOI0We5t rates of Interesi S , jj , Imenils' Loan Agency , 11th & Dutiiai. 2.14 tt t Ti _ ONEV TO LOAN-Cail at Law ottico of U. L j _ Iluomna. , root , , 8 , Cruhihtommilloek. _ - a g ONEY LOANED-On Chattel umonigage , room I Nebraska National flankituildhmir. 154. if J1ONRY TO LOAN-J. T , Beatty cans on chiatte Jyl property. 2i3 iouth 14th St. sept18 hELP WM4TIW. r . . ' , AhhOtS wArim-vwo coni smut two 1ant cm ummekers. Steal ) ' work ama ! bet tirIt. ; ' sgit'ru.v : , mIuNI'mueRmm ' & ieicI. 6.11.17 102 Mafmi Street , ( ioumcil hhlumfs. t iTANTgJJl'dy at Eaton' . ruhlerj , ISimi i'armi V ' hmmmui , to card nut spat out ium0t0Xr5I. ss'i r l'ANTIn-InmniemIateh , , Si suammutreuses at Can nemvs Omerail factory. Steady work , 1107 11am nes street , 3I IttOr. Sli'tf TANTRD-A girl for general Imousowerk , Appi , . _ ! ' ' It.9S. iSthtrect ' i'NrIIiImmumicdIstely , a imurso girl to go to Fl I- 1 McKimuumey a Itim aim omticcr's foully eu douuda , next , Vates US , hleforoumees reitmiruti , Aiply a o'co , ' at 1O 5 , mOth street , Oii5 ITANTRIuini for gemmeral housework at 141 ) Pamenport street. slim. $ fEFiF.N ( , 051'il * _ _ _ _ _ _ 1TANThim-A goal girl at 1015 tIns , , street. 1 553.15 ! 1rANTmi-A : ) good wommian cook , 1015 mmnemmo - - 651.1st e _ _ _ - - - - - - - - ii 't'rANTRt-Gie1 for emcrai housework itt nina ; 1 1 Sammtly , Apply 1400 tmortlm hStI' St. 05'ii' it I TAN'i1l-AdnilnJ roummi girl at thu CUimluimtrt'hi ! . ' hotel , 0th street , _ _ _ _ _ 650.151 ' ' - anti mllmuhmg , roomim girl at N W , \7AN'rEn-cook IsieuuIort. O55.tf 10 7tNTRI-A mimaum to wock 1mm mn3rket garden a imortim emit 14th street. 11. Vt' , IIAIL I , 6J5'i7f 'I 7t T1t-(1lnI for geumuraf louses ork ii , niuia r' ! fummmmtly , ' .j1iy (5 $ nile 18th etret , hetwet It , Doui1a.mmtmd Dodge. shim. ii , A , . STUR(1iu3 ( , . UI5.tf \17ANTI'1)Conmieteuut girl as uales' attender S 1 mmd 5laln aemi Cr , N. is' . curmmun Farmmemn am - psti , street. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a , 'iTAWrn-IIri : for gemmeral imoumuwok. l'errn V S rmemmt .uupiojutont. 2423 F.mrmimmmn St. d$7.tf VTANTKu-An expcrlemmt'od droomaker at iD V 1 houLsa iArtot , Nd otlmtmt mmced apply , h 630 iii % ITAN1'kU-Uetyt carpenters at holy EnnuI Se I ! Church 18th , , mat land t. O'MALLRY mto ii. , - - - - - % v 't'TANTF.D-A No. I harness mnnker wanted for or J V V year or ices time , at going wages ; I want U. oman that does riot smIte all the tIme. 1 want a honest moan , A. ii. LYDICR , WakeSsid , Nub. I. I.id id .Ji ANTF.tlii of m or i to work Iii store. At vi prsctmth thiiiulth. Apply at omice at 241 ito CumInu deed , 593'lTf r ' . ' ' " - - Infants and ChIft'en Wft.hiont MopMno or Narooline. - 'What gives our ChIldren rosy ciieek , L What cures their lovers , makes themu sloop ; , 'TIn Cv.tnrla. Wheui l3abies fret , mind cry' by tutu , , , .What cures their colic , kills their womma , . Unt C.uutnrin. 'What quickly cures Conxtlpation , Bour Stomach , Colds , IndlesUon : . hut Cantons , , Farewell then to ? mtorplmlne Syrups , Castor 011 anti l'arcgonlc , andHalt Halt CnntonIa. Contnur'LInImoflt.-'Ab. sointo onro for Rhoumatiam , Sprains , Burns , Galls , &o. , and an instantaneous PaIn.rellovor , - - : : Broom Corn MACHINERY I A FIJtL LiNhi-CONSISTINO 01' I : 3 ? i 3 , DOUBLE CYLINDER 6 CRAPERS ' -AND- HORSE POWERS r i.toi. . The Best in the Market Manufactured by byC. . D. COLTON & Co. , Galesiurg , IL stsJtemmd for Circumlar nrmd Price Limit. ' [ THE ESTTHREAD FOR SEWING MACHINES I SIXkCOB SPOOL COTTBN' IS ENTItlliY 4 The P.roducb of American Industry ! PRONOUNCED BY EXIERTS TO BE THE BEST THREAD IN THE WORLD FOIL HAND AND MACHINE SEWING. ' FuU aesom'tmezmt constantly on Hand anti fr sale by HENRY FUHRMAN , Premont , Neb. girl for washhmig , cooking amid V 1 ironIng. Good wages call at 1915 tlijd' tot avenue , southeast cor. ot 20th etreot. &OO.tf ' , 7ANTJiD-Two girls at Oi South 18th Mt. ii 027-15 TANTRTi-Bmacksnmhthat the Florcumiio Cmmt'ofT. ImmquhroofJ.C.Mumphyaitho _ works. 610-171 - 1'TANTEI-A competent girl goti wages , 1310 y Darenpont St. ti1'tf I TANTR11-Olrito do gommerat hnusoworlc In faai. 1' fly of two. inquire at Western Ilouss , corner 14th amidjackon. , 622.15 girl. for good t.mmnilieo , Rest Y 1 wage. . Apply Imnmncdmat.oly at ummuploynuent bureau 217 N. 10th St. No. ciRce fee. 022tf 1TANELmi-Od iIri tv 1717 ChIcago St. . OtO.iS' \7ANTED-A god girl for faunmiy of three. imp. 1 pmy nouth aide Charles street , bet. Irene and James , the onhy house , 015.15 iTANTED-An experienced naleemnan 1mm gcrcni ' V memchandmsc , easy work. Adiromis 0. II. X. , 1' . 0. box 4Seward Nob. , 012.imiI 7ANTmD-A good cook wimo can waslm and iron , Vi Apply mmttho L'axton hotel between C and 12 a. m , Licut. Macon , Fort Omaha. Seht1-m.o'3t TXTAN'TED-A , c000 gin ror genurni huwork in V V a amali famliy. Apply at 42 miortli itch street. 60815' ANTED-A clerk weil posted in the cIotImin W buekesa and s-tiling to do Jmm..tice to bit emu' pmover. Good references repmired. 659-15 U. DAVIDSON , Fromozut. Nob. tXTANTED-A cemopetemit girt for gemmcrnl house. I , i' work. , AV1)ly at S. W. con. Hnrimey mmd Qotim St. 533.151 JASIES NRVII.L11. 1TANTED-FInit'ciastt cook audlaimmidrea , at 2420 V V Ilarney street , 543.tL ' IL I ANTED-A woman to wash amid iron at the vv Emamot Ilouto , 403'lS 1TANTEn-A diuming room girl at the Creltibtorm V V Ilouse. ' "tTANTED-Lady , agents for the "Qumeen Protect. vi or. ' . A new under garment for ladies , mimado of soft , tiexihie rubber. Sure protection to the under. wear. when neceatary to be worn. Retells for $2.00 as fast a't ants can show it. Lam'go promits. Address with stamp , "Ladles' Uundergarment Ilanufactunleg Co. , No S .Iiayatreot. Chicago , 1.1. 7063m 17ANTF.U-Oini at No , 1058 Sherman avenue. Y ! I1ICS.J. 3 ! . CiUNSMAN. ( SITUAT1ON WA1ED. V V keeper and correspondent In English and tier. man , a juositiorm as clerk in a wholecalo house , Rest of Chicago referemicot. Address "l. II. " Daily lice. 629 15' A Young man ho understands Gennanand Log. ti , litim 19 years old wants to got cnmploymcmmt in 501115 atone. Imuqulre of S. Lehmuan , 1102 Farmman : St. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 617.tf. 17ANTED-A reltuatlon as toast or psutry cook. ! ! Apply at cor , 15th and Webster , 003.15' ; LADIOI5YOUNO SIF.Nin city orcodimtry to take nice , lIght and ieasant work at themr own honme , ; 4'J to $5 a day easily and quietly made ; work nent by mail ; no canvaasimm ; rio utamp tor rciy. . I'Ieano address Reliable Man t'g. Co. , i'huilat'a. [ 'a , , drawer TT. 4784m01 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. 1 ' 1TANTRD floard anti roomi : foi inly and child , ' V V suburbs lrererma. kddr . . F. 11. Iieeotilee , . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - 570.151 r'ANTED-3.OO0 bushels of fresh ricked , thee to muatoet , at iiarrle& Fisher's. aa'r cc ron RENT--Houses an Lots. : stilt or mingle , hot amid cold bitis , Desirable . location. l72OCapltolimvenue. 64321 C 011 IIRNT.-Threu now stOroeror , moth and , .trt'ets EnquIre of Mrt. 'r. Kennel ) , ti. K. ear , ldtlm amid Jackson , $ i7'tf - 'OltULNT-A mukely turnb.lied room 1310 Jackson i , atreet. 542.2mt . 7 Oil IIRNT-Two rooms Lupatalremoutlieast con. ' 4 ' 13th and Causatreets. 050.15' . . 1joft : IIRNT-A.tlnely furninhed parlor , to parties .j. _ preferring nouns In a Private fanmily. i5. Ad. dress K lieu otilco. 108.15' - 'thlt ' ( ltnsv-lioue 12 roommis. Inquire 800 liOtigtm 8treut , 657.15 * : - OUsil 'it ) IILN'l'-A ' , try coruf wtatio Imoume ml 0 roormis Oti 0th etrcet , near to flrowmmell lIeU. - City i'ater amid cistenm Apply to J , IL Clarkuon , of 2 CoulgtlonCLarkson & lIed , corner of 1411 : and Far. namim - F10 hlr.NT-Waruhouue nit Jones , tret , betwc.tm 10th amid ilth mttre.ts , Omueha. Irqutm. of L. J. lieunummrd , iliUm ammdlodge. 600.181 - i-"oht ; immsr-tunii cottne , 821 8. 231 , smear l.oe , . y j cnworthi , 111 Itt imionth. 'P. J. } 'itmnmonri , ; 012 S. 16th street. _ _ _ _ _ W4tf II j"Oit IIENT-Two fleer. nut batcuent. Lienator 1 attcmclmtd. ipmul Farmmamum utroet , 210.1mm' ; 'oit RINT-A new brick store foot deep on 1 howard street , between 15th mmmii 15th atreets. 7 Immquruat , iiesbuuan'tlrygnodmbtorO , _ _ , _ b8l't ! ' Ii 011 Rm'.N"r-Weil turmisuiei ruomusat 1014 Web. . ; tcratreet. 100.11 ' , oil RCNT-Furmilehud room. inqelme at hrotl.u's - - - _ _ _ _ _ ooI ii ioit 1Ui"T-mrlek store. Iimqmilre at drug steno , 0 [ I amid Douglu street. _ _ 8L Lmevator 4 attacluoi. 15.01 Fanimam street. 270-11 - it it it mtENT-Funminhcd and wmfurmitshod rooms. 1 li Fine location. I'ECK , Opp. 1' . 0 , ss - - ; : r'oii 1tEN'1'-lteslieces and etontibutldings. [ ILl ) . .11 101W & SOULII , Real Estate Agemucy. OSlo. - ccci aid , 14th etroet , between j'arnaoi and Douglas 17 streets. _ _ _ _ 7021 - FOR SALB , I ) , MA Lhi-Twolote , dusitlIoesuon , and clmoap , S. 4 Each 1'75 , cii good terms. inquire at ill , - alice. 1L 20 SAL1I-l'haeton , cheap for cash. [ 'arty w&nt , , j team o town. 445 lId .treet , bet. haney and IlL Ifar ? . avenue. 647.221 - -r"oit SAL-1Zous. SlxiO feet with 7 roomni , with so - J hail e'o lot , near ron Omalma. Pnloo $ d0ocauh , )7 or $700 cit theme. Addzes * Jausms A , Taylor. Fort Omaha. 65520 , iomt mlALa-200-very desirable cottage , S . I _ lot 6'x163 feet , south front , easy , tennis. liar. gain , . $2,100. 250-Cottage five room , , barn , half acre ground , . south : front , Dun ettect , $2,100. 311Four cholee iote , Ilatmecom 1'laco , each 6700. ! 03--Suilendid residence , 9 rooms , eamit front , 10th street. Imargain. 213-Cottage 7 room , , barn , large lot , near w flume. l5a.y tenon. 83- Lot , Shinn'a addItion , south front , 3tf. 32.3Corner lot , Shlnn's addition , $725 , Lola I. Royl's addition , each $100. A vaitmabte Stone Quarry A celebrated Fire clay Ifank in cea. County. 042.21 SIililYE1t & BuLL , TJIOR SALL-.Ahotmo and ioto.tasacroflcetd , t , J Marble , 217 N. 16th St. 623.tf ' 11015 MALL tJ1IEAL'-A goad "muadlamit hIome , .1. coal atoves , almost now. Call at the rm.nthwes * corner of lId and Burt stresota. F. I ) . CtJeI'Llt. 040.17 FOR [ LASS-Four choice Iota on2otim St. , Ion tIme , 21 ? N , 16th cUt. .3 , L Macblo , 525'tf' ' 1j'l0lt SAi.E-26i4 Pennant street 77 feet frommtage , .J 125 tieptit , five roomed houe$4.OOJ. 01l.mot 011 SAIL-A uveil established hot i and ref an. F , ant. Aisocigar and candy stand in nmain part of city , tloluig gooti busimmee , . Address "A. Ii. " Re 0111cc. 695.17 ' " if -TuiL _ MALL-Splendid cook stove , hard coal beater I and extenslomi table. Oimly been used three nuommths. CAL. MARTIN. 556-tI 120 S. l4thatreet , 2d hoot. lit SALE-A gemmerni store In a growing country F town , doimug a good business. Object tar nellinig owmior wishes to charugo busbiemis. lrmqulre at the corn. missIon store cIt IL Riugham & Co.S10 13. 13th street. 570.15 ' 1Oit SAIL-Good buelnese chances mit 217 N. 10th _ L atneet. J. L , IIAI1BLE. 5313.tf ste , ion NALL-A boarding bouno with establtuhe4. . I business , In good location. Good reason givea lorselling. Spetmoan , 12th andnouglas , 553.119 ; ioit SALF.-At abargain , a small iiosler , ilatnmana mind Co's fire proof safe. Inquire at this cOke.if if ioit MALIi-A clean stock hardware. Bargain. i. Easy terms. Addres hi. J. Work , Slilloni , Nub. / 31i.itnt 011 SALE-A number one horse , will drive slngl4 F or double and will be setS at a bargain. Inquire at time elite. of the Orand Union Tea Co. , 119 8. 15th St. 102.10 . .ijtoa SALL-Ylne farui close to the city. : ! _ _ 848.tf PECK , O.osito : I' . 0. ATTLE. Volt SALE- C 300 jeamllmig heiforn. 200 two 3ear old heifors. . 400 mixed cairo. , October delIvery. 200 head yearling ateers , October deh1vey. Tot head , immootlm two and three year old iileezs. Iowa eto.k. STRANGE DRO'S , Oattle Contractors , tilde , Wool amid Tallow dealers , Sioux cityIowa. ; 2O3'Inm 1OR SALE-A first class second lund top bumggy. 1 _ Call at 1310 ilanimey street. 5971.0 Foit MALL-Residence and business property in all part. of Omaha , and Farnm Lands in nil parts of the State , flEUFOItO & SOULII , 703.tf 213 8. 14th St. bet. } 'arnam and Douglas. , 'i-lOit SALE 011 EXChANGE-Full lot amid three IT' dwellings .orner of 11th and Pacific utreots. Nine lots in south Omaha. Also 160 acres of land near Santon , Nebraska , and buildIng and stock ol 'I ' iothln No. 804 Tenth street. Will exchange for Nebraska farm mandi , . Further particulars at Quo. 11. Petersen's Clothing Store. 804 Tenth street. 466-eomt.tt 1lo1t SALE-Old cewepapero to mrge mmd small . [ _ irantitle ! at thIs cOlon Ii ) USCELLANZOU $ . fOMlW.dne.day evemumiug bay mare'with halter. --4 % % hlte utnpt , t face and blind In left eye. Two hInd feet white and IOtIr " ) i , ' , cn right ahouldet. $5.00 reward a-ill be paid if leftat Blue Ham , 0i9'lT * TlOtiNDA pocket hook , containing name sole's _ U gumd other papers. Owner comm have naImmo by lay. lag charges mind calling on Ci. L. ( ireen , Letter Car' nor , at Ommmatia i'ototllce. 653.17 T OST-A Pocket Surgical inatrimnent Cao , sither iI mit Fair Orounds or in time city. Fimmder wIR ileaso returnto this oSlo. . 628.11 * 1'i4Tlt'mYLD-One red and white cow with part ol .1 ± 4 leather halter. Liberal rewanil to the party re- turriimmg said cow to I'AXTON It (3ALLAGIIISI ( , 63d.i5 10th amid Jackson street. T TIme umidcrlgmieI , caution everybody riot' to sell I to or buy nutytiming of line. N. 11. Itouison , except the icing lersonelly presemit. 639.17 * ' II : , n. IIOUI1EN. OdT Olt sTol.Li-A leather writing demik con. L taiimmg , utapers arid other articles of no value to nmiy one except time owner , A liberal rowari will b. gi'oii for returmm of contents to Ills oSlo. nd ti , juestloni nukel , C34.1 I . "TF.S ! "II. " I 575.17 * Ci I r llo.arI u-Ill bu given fer the return of my , i , i , ) black , ubbito auth tutu setter , " ( 'Itlhli ; ' , tuNo. 205 H. SAtlu street. No ( tuestiont asid , 501.17 * tt' . J. IiAIISIIA. T The Millard lintel , ovcr' ovoningumutil thu 15th. Dealers sishiuig to see h. W , % t'emms ( Jan , 'Fennel. , Agt. for tie La Ikile t'agon Co. , I'om mlii Leo ttIs , Viii lileaso call at tIc Millard lintel tuvemulimps , mmd at llanes& lire. elm time FaIr grousththmigii lbs day wimere sample angorm can b aeon. , ' 1-i.h5t ' 'jf'ltS. JULIA 14C1IIIODEII , Chicago , the most , i 11 iwwcnful mmuagmmetio healer , locates all palo and disease. Cures aU those giscri up by other phy. siclarms , 'ConaultaUon trio , S. V. cur iitlm arid ( Ya. . Itoh atenue. 110cm 6. 413'ls * ' ' 41' EA'15 ORDEItS-For baggage , express or ccr. _ I 1i34je5 , to any part of the city , at 213 5. 13th St. I Tehepimone No. 1432 , A. F. KELLNI11L 221'Imoh . - I Fyou want lilIes driven lorany purpose , eceW lhsydCanIield louse. 2Ol.lm EDWARD KUEHL , ULQ1STE1t OF i'AuiYtrrEiw AND CONDITION. ' . ALIST. 4116 Tenth street , between Yermmam amid Mae. nor , wili , with the aid of guardian spirits. obta.b Ii , . idhl e& I jjjer.jeejiwjjiwj