1 I l lIE y BEbMONDAyr ; 1r . a 5 ! lII3LI 17 , 1ST. 7 /4L\ Palace Musi Hall ! Y t r - ' o 1gEal ® tand . ® tail. ST. txz.z : : , COUNCIL BLUFFS , . IOWA. Proprietor of Music hall and General Manager for the Celebrated . Western Cottage Organ Cot , Of Mendota , Ills , for Western Iowa , Northern ICatisas and Missouri , Nehrska , Southern Minnesota , and _ g _ _ Dakota Territory , and Dealer in the Matchless 7 j I Y LINDE1YIAN ' , 'S AND HARDMAN -ALSO-- . DTJTEtDBTT r -AND- 1' P. ' COTTAGE ORGANS ! 41 BALL BINDS OF- . , i , MUSICAL MERCHANDISE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION , -SUCH AS- . r d FULL LINE OF- - Music Boxes , Best Italian Strings , Music Books and Binders , Sheet usicf Etc . , , Etc. r ' Also a Fine StockliFancy Goods , . r Kinds Toys. i . A $ M specialty ii the Piano line , I would recommend most heartily the .Zlardmaii Iiaiio ! , f A flue tone , finely finished , first-elass instrument in every respect ; they arc not the cheapest Pianos , but within the reach of all who really desire something that'will last a lifetime. TI Y THEM. . They are fully warranted for SEVEN YEARS. , SHODDY PIANOS AND ORGANS , I BO largely advertised like patent medicine , and like it , good for everything and nothing in particular , I DO j t NOT KDEP IN STOCK. Jcannot afford to soil them , lls I line too near homo. But if desired , I am prepared - ' . pared to furnish any of these clleap Pianos and Organs at eastern prices , save freight , provided I am not held respofBille. In connection with this I will state that my Organs contain G full octaves of Reeds , to one set , and do not call a single octavo of rends , a full set , as advertised by shoddy makers and dealers , 1 I sell Pianos and Organs on Monthly and Quarterly Payments ; also for cash ! , with small extra discount , 1 ' Send for circulars. Address J. MUELLER , t i . N 108 South Main Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa , r COUNOIL BLUFFS RAILROAD rmn TADLE The fdtowtng Rte the ttme of arrhxl and departure f train. ft.Tn the oral depute. TIn ) trainlatt from the Union Padna dcp.t atatnt ten miIUItC arlkr than below stated , and stdie at the depot about ten minutt , Lter. Train. on po(1olllne + and if. C. run on Chlagn time , a half hoot fader than It al. SyRba + h trAln , mum nn St. 1.onl. time , twenty minutv1 fa + ter than htmh U P , and Lincoln tralnq run on tbundI I3lU TR Ume. rlllalo0 , ROCK ILAND ANe rACITIC. ikpArt. Arrlrc. Atlanti&ERI , ,5:50pm : PaclflcEty. , . 040 ; m Ez and MALI. .m. Ez and lifil' k5 p , m i c Molne.ae' .7tlM1a.m. Iki Mont. . ao , e W i m C111CA00 , RUR61NOtON AND QVINCT. Delart. Arttic. ChlcageEx' . . , SJSp : m LbunRilh'ueez.P,45 ' I Uatlaud ) : zPV5 m Matt and itx' . . ? ; ip m CIIICAOO and NORtlllruTxn i. Ikpart. ATrlve , Atlanuo Ext..A.U . p m , Pidflo Eti..P:15 : a. in. uiii and Ex , . , P,2e , a , mil. MRil atul ix' : , 015 ; p uL Aooont ( Sit,5.O : p , nt Acttnn ( Man ) . 145 ; p. In. RANAAA CITY , T. JON AND NVACIL AIxvri ih'part. Arncc , knit and Ez. . . . 0:55 a , m Etprr. + . , . . . .545 p m. K1prnu.Q25 ; p , In , Malwd Ex . ,0.45 . p. m. UNIOX rAclna. l ept.rt. Ardva OverlAnt1 Fs : , , .11SOa : In. O rert tntI 2..4:00 : p. in. Lincoln Fz..11A0 : : a. in. Iknver ls..sN : ; L i. Denta . . . . . . : ( p. in. In al : . . , . . . , a , o. LocalEt..7:25 : a , m , ' } : A. . . . . . OOS : a , tat , Emlgrant.,52op.in. ; " 1 % . , . . .eoo a.ln. WARUII , liT. iAUIR AND PACIII , UeIarL Arnc , N.11 And Ei.,045 ; a tat , MftU and } : t. . 43o ; p. in. Cannel hail. , .efnp.In. ; I C.tnuon Il II. IIUa : ln. NIOux CiTT ANO i'ACInC. UrItart. Arrhn For Stout C1y.7.5aIn { ; , FrmSlonzClty0Op.m : , FarF.tSlohram FrtaiFort Nlnbusrn Nob' . . . . . . . . . . in. . . . . . . , . ' ; . , For St. pout. . . 750 ; p lit , i From St. l'nu1..85e ; a , lit riiiCAOO , MILWAURI N AND AT. t.enesOinaiu. Arlhe.atOuiaha , Stall and } : c. . . 715 ; a. m , h 1'nclnalx. . , 045 ; i. nt Atlanllo Et. . , , 340 ; p. un , i Mnil and IA. : , i ; s p , tat. All train , dally , flltCAQO , % IILIVAURM , AV11 aY , r.ll'L , fOAl e + Cmtncll llllltT. . Arlves ( tiucll lllufie. MAII and Et. , . . a : to n In , MRII nod ft.0:55 : : p , in , Atlanllo Ex.,15:15 : p. nt I AUaullo Ex .1910 ; n , in. COUNCIL Rldlrrn AN : ' OIIAIIA aTilxxT RAILW.li. i.eatoCuutid llililaa leww lhlwha , S a , tub 0 n , un 1O. nt 1 e n. 8 n , in. 0 a , m. nO n , m,11 in 1 p. lit. : i. nb 3 p.m.4 n. tai. I m. 2p. DI. a p. tn. . ( 'Ii. m , 0 p. mi. 4 p. iii. 5 p , iii. tip. min Strut car. mum haU hourly to the badan I'aclflo depot. On Sunday oho cnl begin thdr Irlp , nt a u'c nck a lit , anti nut regularly I iiIng Iho day at 0 , ti , 2 , 4 , 5 , anti 0 u clock , and nut la clty thou , t11Or. OYTICRR , II. U. 1'L'rRT. OFFICER & PUSSY UA IaERSN Cnundl Ulnas , I. Establishea - - 1856 Denier , in Furglcu and Dnuieeto ( } : xcimlguand ) Momma Sccurilic , . ® i . R VAUCHALL Justice of the Peace. Omaha and Council Bluffs. Beal oatato and n Old I'ellmv'e block , over Saving. Batik. JanAlt MORGAN , KELLER , & CO. , UNDERTAKERS. The finest quality and largest stockwc.t of Chlago of Wooden and MotaHo Case. Call. attended to at all hone , Wa dcty compatltlon In quality of good. or price. , Our Mr norgan Ilan served as undertaker for forty year. ana thoroughly uuderstAnds hi. . nose. Warernolns,311Uromlway UI'iIOLSTEItINO ! n ail Ito branchc. promptly attended to ; al.o carpet laying and inmbroquhi. . Tolograp1IO and mall a er , Cued without delay. R , Rice Mr Di or other ttunoreremoved nithoutthe CANCERS I knlfo or drawing of blood , CHRONIC DISEASES of klndn a rpeclalty. Over thirty years praelical experience. Omulco No. 5l'earl etreet , Celled lone. , 6.TConsultullon free. Mrs. H , J , 11111011 , M. B. , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , 222 Broadway. Council Blau. CURE OR NO PAY. I xLO ELM Mineral Springs ! We guarantee the cure of the following named dls ease. , erne pay : ItheunlatisuiScrofula , Ulcers , (3a tnrrh , all Uhomiatul dkln 1)nenie , , Dy'.peIp.la , Liver Complaint , Kidney meld Ulndder Dlaeaacs , Gout , Nou ralgla anda.thma. 'these N'orings ' are the faiorlte resort of the tired acid debilitated , and are the Fieblo Ladles' best friend. 0004 ! hotel , Livery and Uathing aecotnmudatlon , Locality highly plctureegne and healthy. Correepondence sullcllod. Addreai Iluv. M. 7.1. TiIOMl'SONtfalager. fifoatn ( lcdry Co. , Mu A C " f EI I rrusurww. I + r , . . .r. . , All ho , . .ho from Indl.rnmlon. , nr.e..r of ontrrenul ire . , k , unrrd , lnn.plrne 1 , { Igw.a ) lralnrvl , 11,1 nnebl. to p'rram IIf. . done. Ornprrir , eau bt ' , u I ) ied .n .a axed , Cured , w lli'oul _ to'urh ' . . iadunrd ii ) .Iwtri ninuter. end Ihr yr. . . . 71.1/Mfr , " flied , nr.l " 1h.xdd ICU rftrutl.r NrR'nu. nobllt I'S. .teni nr.'ar , .1 : , , . , Pi .l .u1 wp.nnl. l h.'y'tl is al I tls'I ItN iiu I.U $ . ' R.oa ii { . ' . . . , . . . . 1 dr.rl sin tet'.I/"n / in lab iii ner tut n.nuhnod. i' I. , awUrn ulr.uly , pluusat Cta3 r tr..t"P. On , ; . ' untI .111 ! IIhw + v/4a / tire , 'IC. ' . . ' , ; ( , N It 1 Irl'RP "I.n Sr.Jm , lit. Rev + ' .A' ' GOLD MEDAL , PABIO , 1870 BAKER'S Lk : Brokf88t Cticoii. 1Ynrrmltcd rlbsalufeffi j , , : r' Cbrrrs , from which thin excess o. ( ill hex IL has U.rre fttnrv t/r Afrruyf4 of Cosa Inlxrd wish Hmrcll , .lrrutvrnut or Hugnr , rand le Ihrndoru f Ir ntoru rcouuml cal. Il I. dellcluns , non rl.hing , .trcnglhrulug , easily digueled , and ndmhably ndaplcd for Initdlds a. ' will a. for perAUlie in hlvatthh ! fold by Ororere eecrytthere. ,1I , BAKER & CO. , Dorohoslcr1 Mass. tun nUM roe rAnt.aunaua T hMilk. Only Perfect substitute for Stother. Milk. 'iioutortluurlehlogl'letfor Invalidd and nurshi6 mothun. Corntnendod by all I'lly'slcians Keels In all elltoteii. Hold by all dniggl.ls. 75 anti. Send for the pamphlcL 'r.MFTCAI.F&CO. , mu lu&lh 28t 41 Central Wharf. Ilnstoi , Mi.s. Cornice-Norks IRON AN ! ) SLATF.ItOOFINO. C , SPECHTPROP. lll ! Douglas SL . Omaha , . 11ANUFACru1u1t OF Galvanizoc Iron Cornices ( iflormcr Window. , Finial. Tin , Iron and Slate footing Specht's iwte"t } letaillo Skylight , patent s4Justixl iLatehiet Bat and Urackut Shelving. I am Iho general agent for thu above line ul goods. Iruu Yeuclag , 0rctings , ltalustraduu , Veranda. , Iron flank ltahugs. Window lUludi , Cellar Ouardo ; also general gent fu l'iureoou & 11th patent lnklda tWttd. - COUNCIL BLUFFS , N1 11'S , ADDITIONAL I.OCAJ , TI1I. LOST CIi1JItClf , d1ev. Mr..llnokny ( ilve.i Itle Pe 01i10 SoutoPInln Tnlk About It. Yostonlay mornitug thu usually large' gathering at. St , l'nul's Episcopal Churc)1 ) , listeucd attottivcly to n vary intoreslhig and strong surtnou , by the rector , llev. Mr. Mackay , whose topic watlto frost Church. " Ile deplored the lack of cu tlutsiasni in the churches , anti gave clear- I ) ' t11o romota for this lack , as ho welder- , stood thous , and suggested the remedy. lie claimed that oho free.iug and crystal- izing into mere forms of ecclesiasticism , the various sects lighting , not for ( Ted but for their owit peculiar forms au1 errors , caused neon ) oulsidors to stand aloof front the church. Dhuty preferred to stay out nllogother tint to kct iiltu the church Iuud become utvolved in utoru dounminntiuunl con tests , Alltl of the gl'eittest troubles was that a line hod been drawn , a barrier built between the seeulnr and religious world , bleu had built a strong unll lain placed tie church ou one side , munti sled it elf , ' 1'luis was not time true prineiplo , No one should set aside uuo duty and say this is strictly religious , nod another put : of hie life its strictly secular. In nature thu flowers and weeds grow tor gether , lie deplored the establishing of so etllcd : roligiousschools. Dlnty of them hind been started on the claim that to. ligiun tvlls net ( night iii the public Nehttels. Iin did not believe this. Iho thought there nits religiait tintrho ; , it the ntbhc schools nod turn broad ruli Lion not religion. This claim for religions schools eshtblishel by churches was n duspe'atu uttenipt of dy fur ; , ecclesiltsticism , In Eughmtl the schools eshtblishcd by Ulu State wuru fast cousin r thu schols established b } ' tlm Church of hJii rhuld to die out. Out of thin scuwiug iudiil'ureuco in Um church , and of uulsidera to time church , le iQiIUVOI ( bud would bring about good ill the meld. ' 1'ho time would coma uu'lieii religion , IIiRteild of boiiig iaiuhe a doiurt moat of life , would become thin ruling principle of all life. ' 1'110 church life would beeomo the life of the natinu. Ile found oicomagenont in time fact that while nil in the church wuru not honest , all were lint bettor that some mon outside of the church. Yet the stanbtrd of the world wits coining up to that of the church more than that of the church was falling below the staullard of the cross. The church should get back to the old idea front which it hmdwaudored and bur come lost. This idea was that the church Tvlts not a particular form of worship , but a life of individual consecration. 'hut should gat back to the nano " Eutau iol , ' which meant not' 'God ' withu our churchi , " but God with us , God in the home , in the heart , in the luisiuess of time Jndi vidual in daily life , not merely in the church on Sunday. 'l'imo church should bo time moral sup. port of thu life , not the life itsulf. Thu old iujuuction should be heeded , 'Lot every man among you depart from iuiqutty , ltightewusuess alooo could save a nation , righteouslloss , thrtt is right dealing , alone could save the individual. 11'heu that time came that religion bar cline a part of the individual life and mint merely a part of church life , when it was made the ruling principle of life and the barriers between the religious mod secular broken down , thou would avery true heart be a temple of time living God and wherever human foot might trend or weary ( mead be laid would become a Bethel , Llemry'N Carbolic Salvc. The boat salve used In the world for Cuts , llrtises , Piles , Sores , Ulcers , Salt ithown , Totter , Chapped ] lands , Cldlbinins Corns anti all khuls of Skin Eruptions , Freckle mull 1'Imples , Thio Salvo is gnarantood to give perfect satisfaction In every case. Bn sure and got IIENItY'S CA111301410 SALVE , as all others are but imitation. amid counterfeits. Frico25 cants , A IIAI PAIdj Governor Shorniltll ! Heels With alt Uufortunntu Accident at thin Tactile IIouSO. Governor Sherman met with n rather queer and decidedly unfortunate accident at the Pacilic house Saturday ovemuitg lie wan about to go to the Rock island depot , expecting to meat Lin wife , mad Its , ho wits hurrying up time stairs to his room to got his overcoat , bin foot slipped , null ho fell striking his head , mud catmsing a bad wound on , the right side timid over the right uyo , fromii which time blued thawed freely. Time injury watt such as to teces- sit4do his retliniuuig quietly at time lintel , mmdcr Dr. Green's care , iuatcad of ad. dressing time mootuig at Illoon tS Nixotl's lmmtll nit advertised. Ibis pliyeieiau tines hot consider time injury ono which will prove sorioln , and yesterday the ( boy. errorr olio was onedhoro b Mrs. S1ier- man , was able toomit tumid about , and with her wont to Omaha to spotd time day Hero. Tim glory of u lnun is lilt strdngth. If you are wmtkelietl down through excessive study or by early hidlscrettu't , lien's ] Trait Foot will pornanently restore all lost vigor mod strongthcn nil the muacla of Brala amid hudy. $1 ; C for fir-Ali drum'vfsts COMMGItOIAL. couNCmL mmLUrrs IiAiIKKT. Wheat-No , 2 Nprhlg , 7Cc ; No , 3 , C1c ; to. jocted , roc ; good dematll. Cara-1)eders am paying 31r32o ; rujeetml corn , Chicago , ao@ tee ; now mixed 'IDs ; white corm , roc ; thin receipts of corm are light. Outs-Lt gtsnl deulund at 2Oc. l lay-4 00@0 00 per ton ; t Ac per halo , ltyo-40c ; light supply. Corn Himmel-1255 per 100 pounds , Wand-foot ) supply ; Prices at ynrdd , r OOQ G 00. Coallehivercd , bard,1100 per tun ; soft , r t o Per tom. lhlttcr-l'i mmty and in fair demnu ul at 25c ; txemitery Eggrl-Steady anle at Ira per dozoe , Lurd-lhdrnuuk , N , Syhiula.ahblg at lb. Poultry-F nn ; dedors urn puylug for chickens 11c ; Iivo , t3 r0 par dozuo , Vcgotnbles -'utnbms , fiOc ; onlons , iiOc Ip ; cab bagts , $ O4J lee per dozen ; apples , 3 r0d 00 per barrel. Flour-City flour , l C0@3 ' 10 , ] iroumirs 3 oow:100 : par due , , LIVE nrOCK. Cattle--1 00@3 ( A ; caivee , r 00Q7 tO. ] logs -Market for ha d quiut , mw Iii o paok hug hnueos are chusod ; shlppera are J aylmig'1 00 rj a 7' . 'l'o atrougtlomi amid build up time system a trial will couviucti you tlutt Brown's lieu Bitters fe the host i mtellieitu made. - , - - The Color I.Ino in Cmtllf'ornln. Sint Francisco Call , Sept. Dtll , 'l'ute color lute aeons to broaden and beconmo more stramigly narked in Cali fnrnia , instead , as was thought at out time , of hurrowiii uud gradually grow jug indistinct with time la1su , of tuna ° 1'RNTTUI E ? . -TIIE-- CHEAPEST' PLACE IN OMAHA TO BIIY Furniture IS AT- DEWEX & STONE'S They always , have the largest and best stock. NO STAIRS TO CLIMB ELEGANT PA88ENiE& ELEVATOR TO THE DIFFERENT FLOORS. 'T'his was shown by the utegnr attendance at Ulu hulduvin Ou 'Thur'sday ovouiug , w'hoi a bunelit for the Soeoud African DL E , church lvas advertisol , w'hfcll , frcuu the beggarly iteeoout of empty benches lit time muuditoriuut must hnvo been no boelit at mull , 'l\nkiug this rnsult iii con auction with tire exporlenten of time agent of time Cltllmtdurs , whoa be sought lintel aceountodltiiotts for the anu'aiyon their mu'rival in wino cit' the stunt' growth of ) ro'diee can easil ' soon. 'Iho nbrout time result of a sou de of in- terviuwuu a'itit hotel prprietrs , which w' eru auusin a l to li ill lee thou rlit , after nenrl ' it whole ( hay's tract ) , settled y ever thin with one landlord Itild when le arrived with bin eo ) le lie mts met b' die mularmed bomiihacu wRit the exelann titbit : "Cool heaven l who are those , and what do they vaut lore ? " "IVhy , lily dear sir , " said thin buaiuoss man blan' , "these arc time uoitustrole I slope to you about , eons to take li 4us IUh of them qualm's. " "Their quartert 1Vliatl in my house ? Not if I many myself Do you matt to ruin m } ' i'llsiiloss ? i muiurnlottl frommm you that they w'ero while noun who played durkies' Iut these nru thin oei rival.1imabs. Can't hue dour sir nt ally 'rieo. ' 1'II sell tat the imtol if you want o try 'our hnutl at it , but 1 can't take J 'cur 1 ) Ide , " Thu business limn had a'tougher Jmiter view nt another hmuuso , kept by n very calmed and out-spoken Irtshntnn. ] t was just at the dinner lour , mud Derris was utteut nit serving his guests what the Calletdere Novo uu sight. " 1Vhat are you dent' here wid thin minygursi" ho aakod bluntly. " 1Vait to son if I can get roouu and hi % rd for those professtalals for a few weeks , " replied the agent it a coucilia tory tone , "In yalil IIaveyou but to the Pallia9" "Thu rates are rather bight to stilt my , ' l'ltl'pnan. 'Soo that how. An' ' have y ez tuned DIr , lllddwiu'a hotel ? " Time agent said thin same objection ox- fated , unit' yea thought yor could palls thiim oil'ou mile , andl 1'd ' ho glad to take tltim. Sue lucre , taw , " coat nuod Dennia , grow. jug em11 liatiC 'if ez ) aid double board aol led riu' amid t } anti dollars a day besides - sides , every mat oYthimn I woudn't louse Ulinu hle. matAn' Yu'd butter bu'off wid tluint before my boarders hot wind of shat yoz want , amid rise a ruction. " 'i'lio business Ulan's eunclusious next tiny , as 'lac replaced his worn-out boots with n row pair , were that San Francisco hotcl keepers are Moro nice than ciao , A'POLICEMAWS DUTY , I'ullccnan : e. K. heath , 20 North Street „ fort. land , Me. May 11 , 1&83 , writes- : "I havobcen troubled for a good many years with Inflamatiun of the bladder , dating as far hack a , , dur lug lbw date 1 was iii the anuy. i suffered witli dull , heavy lain. hr my lack ail kldnoyn too bltetu.o for mica to deecrlhu , mid tried several eernedieo that were rceonuiendedaudwasoxmulned by ooofour beet physldani , who pronounced it inflmnniatlon of the bladderilmllwent to the hospital for lreatinent , lint all ntedichie sad truttutcnt lust soomcd to fall. 1 su , recoinmouded to try ] tent , ltuntody' , a. It hid beco usud in several such rfNa hero In l'ortlanll and vicinity , I purcharad a bottle at Smlthe drug store here , and found after uell g the first bottle that It reliuvod moo greatly , and after uilmg several , bottlc , found that It did me more good that all other nuod Ichics and lroahnont I have rccelved coubinod. And to told to my food oplniml of hunt's lloocdy , I hog ( II Xtate ti claelIg , that hilt wife has been for a bong tlmutroublwl with a wcakuoee amid Inilanmatlmt u lbw Lladder , with m m mgdlatlml of other dlDaem Iw' cullartowomcn , After ucing only two bottlun oho has bocu camplct ' cured ; and 1 an say ( lint my uu Ito ho loud in IIrdT40 of thle won'erful uiodlelno , and i would highly recouununll it toMl who are suffering fromu kidney dlecasesordleeauesofthebladder. " P.rtlaud , lie. , May Ii , 1881. I hereby certify that Iknow Thu facts of the sick. nursofMrs. IK Heathmid thatllloyar correctly stated lit the torrgoiug cerllfiate , and her curd was aceouipU.hwl by thin use of hunt's Ilutaiody , A. W , HMITllUnigglete , Cur , l'drtluid and Oreen Streets. , t NO MATERIAL CIfANOE. 'Fill , b to certify that l have used hunt' . Ileniedy for thtjMkldsy ewmpldut , and derlvcdnlueh , much bemioflf , fron'Its use , 1 hayobcen afllictitlalmutone year and received treatment front the local physicians , and used a nulu' bar of surnllod si cltlce without auy material help , I anifhappy to my , after using three bottles of lluufs heuuody , l wan completely cured. 1 never tall to recommend it , amid you art at llber ty to use my uaula In any manlier you nuay desire , JOllN W , Jo11NSTON. Neuwicta ( u110 , , May 7 , 11133. p 1 ON f3 x r-"Pails of the human body eiuiarged , durtlusal ; amid Ytrengthouod , etc , a and interesting advertiseulelit log run In our paper Iii reply to inquiries we will say that there is rio evidence , Oilnibug ahlliit thll. . On the contrary , tthis advertlserearevery htghlylndorsod. Interested ersonN may gut sealed circular. giving all 'artlcutare by widresshig lriu Madlcal ( ol O.box 513 , Uufale Si. V wTolwiu Evert , mlltly r United States DenPoBlto l Y , FIrst NallOll Bailk , -OF OMAIIA- Cor,13th and Farnam 5th. Tlio Oldest Banking Establis/meni Ill Omaha , BUOCKSSOitS TO KOUNTZI3 UnOTIII3IL9. Organized In 185 $ , Orguuiu ed as a Nldhonal hawk in 1809 , CAPI'l'tiL . . . . . . t4'.UUIIUU FJUIII'IjUS ANT ) I'ItOL9'1'S $150,000 orrmcas4 ASS DIUSC1ORi. IIRxeAs 1oustza , i'ruddcnt. Jous A , CasluuruN , Vice I'reslduut , AOaestes Iuvsrxi , 2d Viec l'r sldent. A , J , t'orrx.iTuN. F , Ii. DAVms , ( ladder. w , ii , Mseavlat , Asrlrtant cashier. Transacts a general lanktng busluesa Issued Urns curtlfl'atCsbtarhigInterest. Inws drafts on Han Frauclecuawl mIrlneipal cities iii the Unittd States. Also London fublln Edhiburxh and the pTludya dew of the wsiUuouC ul Euro r. TM use of Ilia term " 8hordt S H 0 RI Line" In connection with the corporate nano of a gteatrah cunvay. an lira of a + t whstl I I N E rapdrnl Inc' a shat by the Line trnrollug , Qaick Tlmi ' and thin beet of numtmnoda- U tint-a11 of which are furs- " lelual by the greatest rallsay in Amerka. CHICAGOMILWAUKEI And St. Paul. It onus nlul nprratxxi ouor 4,500 mllesof romtla' Northern illhlole , WIstroneln , Mhinosota , Iowa antl- Dakota ; cud n.i t + main Ilncs , brnichues and mnnee thous reach all the great liu + lnee + centres of the. Northaostnnd t'arWest , it naturally ausurors the de.crlptlou of Short Line , and heat Itoute lwtweon Chicago , Milwaukee , SL m'aul cod .Minnapolla ChlcngsIlllenukc , , La Croeso and Winona. Cldcgu , tthhvankee , Abcrlocn arud l ihondala cmihcn ro , Iallsattkce , Ean Clalro and Stillwater , ChlcnguhIlwautee , Vausnumud Mentll. Chitngu , I111wuukeo , lle ver Dam and Oshkosh. Chlago , Dllhtaukeo , trankesha anti Oconooowon. . Cldcego'lllwaukee , , Iladleon and l'rniriodim Cuba. Cldcago , Illl valkec , Owatonna and Ihldlatrit. t9dragu , lleloit , JnueevUls and Mineral Point Chicago , iIgin , Btwkford mul Duhuquo , Chlagu , Clinton , Itoclr lelaod and Cedar Itaphia. Chicago , Connell lilufiu and Omaha. Chlcngo , Stout City , Stout I'nhie and Yankton. Chlengo , Sfllwaukeu , Mitchell mod Chamberlain. flock ichi ud , lhlbnque , SL I'aul and Minna ooaa. Davcnlort , Calmar , St , Thin and Mhuueapulu. . I ithlman Slccprrs and this Finest Dtnho gCar. inlhe utorldartnu.onthetualullnesoftlmCH'ppap . MILWAUKEE &S . PAUL RpILWAY and ovary attcutlon h multi to pasaongera by courts oils unuploy'os of the company- . H , rl. 5iUItlti1L , A V. If. CARPENTER , Ccn'l Manager. Oen'1 Hasa Agent. J T. CLARK , CEO IL IIEAFFOILD , Cen'l Sop'k Aee t Ocn'l Paso. Ag'I. llas boon nuoro destructive to huotan hoalttt and e than tear , peslileutn and fauninu enntbintRL So saki a dietiligulehetl wrltermnny ears aI'oand it 1. as true today a then. Tlue poor Hotta of Bloat lilseaae Is druggu.l with Mercury to cuts the mniady and then duod with lotildes to cure Idnt of the Mercurial foie. oning ; but Inatead of relief , the flirt one breaks down hula geuaral health and awakes him a cripple , and thin other ruln + Idsni retlruorgans. To these afiUctod Inuits say Swift ii Speciflois llmo greatest Foot on earns , nud fi worth mitoru than its w'rlght in gold. It nutidutes thii Mercurial Polio ; , , toned up the Rpitcm and brings thu en0crcr lack to lieaithand happiness. Every person who has ever below sallvated ; should br all nueiuts take a thorough course of this remedy. JRrrNUONVILLN , Twmnos Co. , Gm Flue years ago I found mu my pluntatlon a colored man who was l.idly dlseaod. Uo slated that five fears before his had contracted a violent case of blood loieou , meld had been trated ; by many phyalo- Ilan. all failing tociro him. 1 treated him with 8wlft' . Specific , anti lea short line his was sound amlwdl , and has taut had a ey uu stout of the disease , inc , D. 5L IIUGh ES. One gentleman who had been eonflneh to his be six weeks with. . Ifuresrlal ltheumatismliashcencured rairely , mud speaks in the highest pralso of 8.8. S. ' CIIILEJ 0E1t1LY , Chattanooga , Tenn , $1,000 REWARD. will be paid to any Cltemiut who will find , on an. alysi.of bOObottlc.H.S.S , oneparticloof Mercury , Iodide Potassium , or any mineral substance , TIIEBWIFTBPEcwIo CO. , Drawer 3 , Atlanta , Ca. LiTWrlte for thuo little book , which will be mailed true. I'rico : Small size , @LO0 leer , bottle. Large size ( holding double qua"Uty ) , IL75arottia ) All drug. gist. sell lt. NEBRASKA LOAN'IANII TRUST Coe . IIASTINOB , NEIL. Capital , - - $250,000. JAB. D , IHLt.ltTSVET.L , Preuidont A. 1. . CLAillE Vice 1'resldent. K , (3. ( wnilw1'Itfrrcasuror. , C. P. 5VE118TEIL Cnshiar , DIIIECTOILS : muuelAlexander , O.waid011ver 1 , 1. Clarke , E. 0. Wobetar , 'tic. II l'ratt , Jas. D. llcartwcll , I . $ . McUIlnnoy.i first Mortgage Loans a Spaolalty Thl. Company furnlsheaa porrmnent homo institu- where school Dunds and other legally issued Mu- dual Securities to Nebraska an be negotiated an niax m nrahilutorn s. 1Aans mane alit unproved . . all well settled enuntlos of the atate through ,7oneilde , ocal eonosuondonts , ev NOTICE ! Tr/ 1 Public ! -T11E- COMMERCIAL HOTEL ! -AT- Olsioool4ar Nob.r Id now mudergohig tlirorough repairs , both within and without and the proprletor intend , it shall be SEC. ONI ) T11 NONE iii thin State , next to Omaha. r : . it. 1ILACKWELL , aug 21.2m l'roprletor. Nebraska Cornice -AND- Oliaiiiollt ! MANUFAOI'IKEIW OF GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES > Dor3trsox' W13ndowJ r ' FINIALS , WINDOW OAFS , TIN , IRON AND SLATE ROOFING , PATENT ML"FA1.10 SRYLID11T , Iron Fencin ! Crastltigs , lialu.trades , Voeudas , OtSceanti flank Italiiugs , Window mud CellarGuardd , Eta N. W , COil NINTH AND JONES 5Th. wM , GAlSElt , Manager. : : (1 ( i Io.ul.LTolieecerru. Inr I.iiuuh't OUswly far ' t , ' ° ttn'ruiv ut deranaeW"tls r S 1'f oho uvnrmlhom Rau + . [ Ilicq'I + uumblsln' iWUt ? I d. mrnxuncnl , ILe con 11C th'aaua r"tam "r lLIIU : r Tltltll'1' mrnurallnL' r FOR lippnlaml Ills' IW1. tfu + . 11. : "a talon them to he.dly u/ lieu IA , oat oonlnand r , Itu + .Ith L'latrle ro''ta \1 \ 'yt1 ; eLi humblvanlolnn dtcrsbixlle rear ill roar llli z , iLcciSfuo ' , I'rrnulmt n , , euteret ' ' 'etrluUhll'nmw'uvhuek'nNirtowm'll. R RANNOOD-Po.lUvely Itwtorud In from two to ID 1vl Jays by Mexkau Vegetable Confection. lot IarUculars addra's Sal. . Slotoo Medical Co , 1' . 0. . 418) , SL Lou 2l w lIa