Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 17, 1883, Page 6, Image 2
. _ _ _ _ _ _ . - - i _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7 : : : -T------ : r t G TIIE DAILY BEE -COUNCIL I3LOrTS , MONDAY , SEPTL 17 , 1883. t tifE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS , Monday Morning , Sept , 17. + r SUBSCRwrION RATES : " By Caroler - - - - - - - ! O ants per week ny Mal - - - - - - - - $1o.o0 per Ye.r OFFICE : o. 7 Pearl Street , Near Broadway , MINOR MENTION , See Joscpln,1toitor'a , fall goods , , ' Additional local on sovelth page. See rho ba nine in ribbons at Bliss' , Cheap Railroad Tickets at Bushnell's. Bliss leads the styles and low prices in millinery. There was no preaching service at the Prsbyterian church yesterday , 7' John Short has begun excavating fur his now brick building on Broadway. Leave to wed was Saturday given to Itichard Young and Isabella Davidson , both of this city , Ira Grayson cut Kish and instead of the moat m .1. P. Gouldon's market Satur day. It was a bad gash , . Jude N , M. Hubbard is to address a ' Ito publican gathering in Bloom tC Nixon - on 's hail Tuesday evening , the 24th. ; Adjourned business meeting of the Y , Lf. C. A , at their roans , No. 12 north Main etreot , Monday evening , at half past seven. Burglars raided the residence of Sam Campbell , of Avoca , a few : rights ago , , } and got away with his pocketbook , coil- taming $18. A telegram was received from Cobra. do , amouneing the death of IIoward Doughty , a brother of Mrs L. 0. Bruck- ott , but giving no particulars , Mrs. Stoycr , over whose head a chtargo of pointing a gun at Mrs. Ruby lute been hanging for a avicek or two , was discharged a charged by Justice Abbott yesterday. Rov. Mr. Armstrong , the paator , being absent from the city attending conference - once , there was no [ nrcachiI1g service at ' the Broadway Methodist church yester- day. Peter Belgor , a boy , was turned over to the ipolico to care for yesterday , his father having decided that ho was to bad a boy for him to try to manage any longer , An insane woman , a stranger in the city , was wandorin around in the First ward Saturday night , and was taken charge of b the oflicors and Placed in the jail fr safe keoPing. Itivcrten , in Fremont county , has anew now paper , called The Record , with A , D. Howard , editor and publisher. It is an eight page six column paper , and its initial number shows up well. Pat Harri an trio poreon who assaulted Chief Field , lies in the , cahibooso his body bing hold as security for $23 worth of fines and casts. His friends have been emit for to raise the money and got him free. There was too much water .Saturda Y oven for prohibitionists , and the purring rains and muddy roads , caused their pro. posed convention to fizzle out , there be. mg only a half dozen or so who gathered at the court house in response to the pub- liahed call , J It is hoped that another fair Limo will draw something else beside , , blood and murder plays and log shows to entertain the visitors evenings. Tim new opera ltouso will doubtless bring a different class of entertainments hero. If not it had better remain unfinished. , One absent minded expressman , do. spite the fact that the mud was knee- deep and the rain still pouring , on Saturday - day , startled what few stragglers wore on the street by shouting "Alt aboard for the fair grounds. Going right down. " Even a week's steady practice fosters a habit pretty strongly. Although the Chicago banks refuse to receive the new pestal notes on deposit , the Council Bluffs banks rocotvo then tight along , Council Bluffs bias more faith in Uncle Sam than Chicago , but it won't have long unlesa work is coin- monced soon on the now Government building. Mrs , C , Kennedy was sent to jail by h Justice Abbott. Saturday , for threatening ; , to shoot Ma IIo t and Sarah Benson , She oven kept u [ pher threat In the court nom , and , being unable to give boiids , the only thing the judge could do waste n lock bau p6 a rather sad duty , as she has a little child that demands hatt ° n- flea and care. + Miss Della Lfifclioll and Miss Currie Y. Davidson , of Macedonia , were tipped out of the roar seat of a buggy , as they wore riding hang from church. Both ladies a struck on their heads nd shoulders , and wore rendered unconscious. Miss Mitch. all was found not to be seriously injured but Miss Davidson , it is feared , has had her spine hurt badly. Mr. Covalt , the park policeman , had a . brothorwhom he has not seen for tweetp- Gvqyears , and whom he had hoard noth it6yof for several 3'ears. The other day ho came across the following paragraph i concerning him , which had Pone the rounds of the papers , and got into a ateruotypod form before he discovered it : y While pautinb the Ilighland house tramway , at Cincinnati , Janes B , Co. valt saw the cars of the inclined plane approaching , and laid down bur twoen the tracks , his hoed was torn oil and his body smashed into pulp. " Thu brothers formerly resided in Virginia , and the deceasehas been for iau Y years engaged in ateamboating. All races wore declared off Saturday Thu ram was a great disappointment t all , and especially as it prevented that race of the Sailor Boy against 2:18 : , ' 1'h fair folks have done nobly , however , t o give the public their mon's worth o f anthe mane gonnent is certainly ) ntited to credit. L a or Bownnan h n especially worked da and night and l as abilityin matters as well as much ontcr prise , 1h u is evidently the ri ht man for aucrutar y of the assoiation. J , T , hart , lien yy Eieernanf Jack Pere goy and oters hav ° kept their alcoves rolled U I ) too , old de aerv0 great credit. There has boon lee kickig and grumbling than is usual a fairs and races and the tuar'wineit cer truly deserves great credit. The Iowa Stun Tanporanco allianc } aas issued an address to tem'perane ' workers , in which it asks that Sunday October 7 , "be especially act apart in l the churches of ih State for pima er an a work in behalf of temperance , mud tha asters and others addrss thPeoPto in behalf this great cause-the cause o ' humanity , the cause of the people , o _ . . . , , . . . . . . , . . . .t. . purer homes , and better citizenship , ' At this request , John Chapman hrolda up his hands in holy horror at the desecra tion not of the ul pits but of the Sab bath , The publisher Hof the Sunday paper is getting very tender consciencod about t e Sabbtlt ll at onco. Ho will get over it after October , however , For the finest line of fall goods and "the styplishest" goods in town , call at Smith & Toller's , 7 and 0 Main street , A'BIO 01'I : NING , "r R Is , VIlled by Nosvspnpcr Men and Others who Test Oltlson's Cooking - ing at lleahtolc's hold. Yeatenlay Bechtelo's now European hotel and restaurant opened its doors to the newspaper fraternity to particular , and everybody in general , and under the personal supervision of Ed. Ollison , who has gained a name by catering to Council - cil Bluffs palates for several years , a moat enjoyable inieal was spread for the company - pany there gathered. The bill of faro was excellent , the tables very attractively - ly arranged and decorated , and there was a showing of the caterer's art which would do credit to any restaurant in any city. LTr , liechtelo 1s nn old 1tried ; and trim citizen , and the now hotel Ito is just finishing - ishing , is just such a one as might be expected - pected front so enterprising a man. The hill of faro at yesterday's dialler was as follows : Smrps-ClIICken with rico , oyster. Fis1a-Bakod white , bholorla sauco. Bulled-Corn beef , tongue , caper sauce , ham , uwtGm , Ituaat-Loin of beef , ribs of beef , lamb , mint sauce , pork , apple sauce , chicken. J utries-Kidney sauce , wino sauce , fillet of beef larded , with mushrooms , stuffed toma tool , n Ia Creole , bell fdttors , Imnou flavor , Cold dishes and salads-Lobster salad , sliced turnatoos pickled lambs' tongues. Vcgotnblcs-i'otntoo4 boiled 1na9hod - , , , browned ; French penx , corn , tomatoes , Sweets 011(1 dessert-Cram pie , lemon tncritgue pie , nonpareil Iouddl ° g , vanilla ice cakes croarn , a4sorted , frult4 , uubt. Coffee , chocolate , cocoa , Dr.Vest , dentist , 14 Pearl street , A ItUItUiat. lie Gotu lflg Soap into a Star Route Tre11bIC. Low Glenn's Big Soap is a sensational home , sure. After kicking the batten out of the pool box last Wednesday , and winning in 2:23 : heats a race in which ho sold for $1 in a $10 pool , ho created another - other and different sort of a sensation on Saturday. One of tire rubbers got him into the trouble which led to arrest by Marshal Jackson. The rubber was towing - ing 11ini through the horrible mud and drenching thin to the depot to got him in a car to o to Kansas City. The rubber thought that such feet as Big Soap had shown on the track hero wore entitled to something bettor titan mud Big Soap was therefore escorted by his rubber onto the aidawallt on Broadway , and then led along for two blocks erse , until stopped by Marshal Jackson , who informed the rubber that he lad bettor take the street , as sidewalks were not made for horses , 'rho rubber was so enthusiastic admirer of Big Soap that a city marshal seemed a very small affair in comparison , and ho gave Jackson such independent tht the latter caught hit the suspender and led hint to the police ata- tion , the rubber in turn loading Bi Son the trio forming quite n sensational procession they wadd up Broadway u the mud land am , Big Sea was so blanketed and hooded , ad looked so ashiamod'of the affair tht Jackson didn't recognize hum until some friends of the fleet footed horse cane to the front and gave his pedigree and record in such glowing colors that Jackson concluded to lot him o. Mr. Ilubbor found out that ho had the wrong mat to blufTwhon ho struck Jackson matthe only thin that kept hint from bolagiven a Sunday stay in the calabooso was that Mr. Glen is o much o a gentleman and Big Soap so good a stead that it scorned too bad to punish then for the sake of teaching the rubber not to ho so smart. Bid Soap , as ho appeared dejectedly standing up to his knees in thud , m a drenching rain , in front of the police station , was strangely in contrast with the wiener of 1Vcduus day's race , as he cane flying down the homestretch amidst the enthusiastic shoutiifga of sovunil thousand voices. A. Booth's select oysters rereivod daily atV. . P. Braun's , SNA'1'C11ED F1tOM Till ) BURNING , Ar. Olna1ULlllot her peeves tier 1)augli. Ii n Nest or Swnrtlsy l'rostltutes , Thu attention of the police being called to the fact that a young white girl bad boon soon around a colored louse of prostitution , Chief Field went to the place designated and got a chats o to talk to the girl , who at the time chanced to be in the back yard. The girl appeared very young and rather innocent to be found in such a place. She cried and took on considerably and said alto did net want to stay in such a place , and stops wore at once taken to remove her to the home for the friendloaa. She claims that her mother catno to this city from Omaha , whore they live , and that her mother loft her at this house to stay during fair wreck. She denied that any liberties had been taken witht her there , but was very eager to got away. She claims to be only , fourteen years ' of ago , and her looks corroborate this state. nwnt , It is difficult to cuncoivo what sort of a mother it could be that would latvu her daughter in such n place , and whht kind of a daughter it could bo that , would stay several ' day's unwillingly at such a pluco without attempting t ° run away. Thu girl's story is tvet at what it is worth , and the police will invosti gat' ing furthers and edeavor if possible to get the girl nto souse permanent. anti safe I home , if her own houtu is not such a ono. - 'roe drops uflAngosturn Bitters , Impart a dollcoua flavor to all ailddrluks and prevotit all Summer Diseases , 'try It and you will hover he without it , but ho sure to get the world renowned Aug ° stUra munufrieturud only by lbt J , G. B. SIIIUJtT & SUNS , s Five hundred dollars reward tor prow f t . that Dr. Jofluries has lost a patient by scarlet fovorintwentydivo 3'eusl 1Viiy 1 Throat complication controlled in eve e iustnnco by his Council Blulrs and Onnul u o dipthnria proventitivu and cure. Th e true apucift oo for all ulcerative , putrid an d l cutarhal conditions. - - - - - - - - - - t A CAitlr. n I have the right to wear what I do , an f thu city baa no right to interfere with it t S17-lt F , M , BoMsa. . . . . J.'aJb. : as - ltEPUBLICctN RALLY , Conceal Prentiss Gives a Telling SpecobIteplcte Wlth linen Wit. and Slinrp Logic. Saturday night , deapito the pouring ruin and deep mud , there was a largo gathering at Bloom & Nixon's hall , at the Republican rally hold there. General - oral Sherman , owing to the accident which befell him at the Pacific house , was unable to give the promised address , Col. Dailey introduced the other speaknr of this evening , Gtn. Prentiss , who occupied - pied the time , and occupied it well. Ho talked not so much to Republicans as to Demecra , and he told the latter some very plain facts about themselves , and in a very pointed , sharp- 1 ironical ntaunor , and yet through all tltero tvas a vein of good-natured humor , and such sallies of it that the audience -even those of the opposition-had to laugh and take it. Ho reviewed the hta- tory of the two parties , contparin 6g their pusittols on lending r uestions and great asues. Ilia tipeocli called forth much entlutsi.tatic npplarse , and was without doubt one of the best which this can- lmign will bring to Council Blul's ] , cit either aide of the ltouso. At the close his little son , Ned , who is tlio General's traveling cenpauion , sang "Monte , Sweet home , " and wog much applause. Ilenombor you cat save money by buying boots and shoes at the corner of Man street and First avenue , I'fRSONAILS. Dr. floss , of Shenandoah , dined at the 0g. den yesterday , C. F. Whitney , of Omaha , crossed to this side yesterday- . , lion. Leonard , of Wlntersot , Iowa , was in this city yesterday. T. 1 f. Babcock , of Oshkosh , arrived at the Pacific yesterday. II. U. Gardner , of Yankton , ranched the Pacific yesterday. lion. A. B. Keith , of Donisnn , spout Sunday - day at the Ogden. Judge Jarno4 G. Day , of Sidney , arrived in the city Saturday. Frank Bently and 0.0. Foreman , of 11,1 vent , spout Sunday in the city. II. L. Cleveland , agent for the FayTernplo- ton Opera company put in at tire Ogden over Sunday , Governor Sherman was at the Pacific , and "would be" Governor Iinne was at the Ogden over Sunday. , v. II. Qnickrof Dos Moines , Superintend- ant of the United States Express , was in the city yesterday. A. 1' . Cramer , of Avoca , one of the demo- cratlc aspirants for the legislature , spent Sunday - day with other dining lights of Ida camp at the Ogden. Itcv. G. G. Perkins is preparing to move from Avoca to Spencer , Iowa , being called to the paaturato of the Congregational church there. there.Mrs. Mrs. Sting , who ha4 boon spending several mouths hero with her parents , Mr , and Mrs. henry Paschol , has now returned to her home In St. lichens , Nebraska , Dr. J N : . Cunningham , formerly a resident of thins city , and now located at Las Vegas , Now Mexico , was married in Kansas City recently to Mrs , Ellen I. Burris of that place. J. A. Kahnody , who has boon one of the teachers at the Deaf aurl Dumb Itutltution hero , has been called to the suporlatmtdmncy of the Jachsoovule , Illinois , institution , and loft for that place last evening. Mrs. 0. M , Druso , wife of thooditor of The Nebraska Farmer , published athlncoln , Nob. , is in the city visiting her sister , Mrs. C. S. Clark , 3tra. Druso la accompanied by her little daughter Dot , Senator Konnon , of West Virginia , return. out to this city from Nebraska , Saturday evening - ning , and left yesterday for Missouri , accom paulod by his undo , Mr. Lewis , of Carroll county , In that state. THE BOSH GIRL , Slio 1VIll bo Namcd by the NewspaperMen Mon To Uay. The newspaper ntel upon when devolves - volves the duty of deciding who is the boss girl of western Iowa , and entitled to the sowing nnaclnino , to be awhrdod by the Driving'l'nrk red Fair Association , were to have nndt for a decision at the fair grounds at. 2 o'clock Saturday , but the rain interfered with tk progranuio. 'rho nuwspa ier men taut in the afternoon Kitt decided , not to take a ballot until Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock , whet they will meet in the parlors of the Pa- cilia 1101180. This postponement was taken so that the public and all concerned - cerned might know just wbmt and where the mattgr was to be decided , and have nn additional to present any now nmnes or oxhnblts if nii such there be. Those tvlto haveinado exhibits need not eomd any additional ones and their names or interests will not be forgotten - gotten , The postponement was more lit order to to have everything done above board and in daylight and to avoid any chance for the public to say that the newspaper met tout in secret or at an unknown tithe and place. This after. noon the discussion will be reached , and it will be announced in Tuesday orn- ing' , papom. ' 1'lo latest style of shopping satchels and atrap8 at Bliss' , SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE-Speclal admortlaemente , ouch u Lest , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Rent , LWants , hoard , lug , etc. , ttlll be btsurted In this column at the low rate of TEN CENTS i'Elt LINE for the tint Inwrtton and FIvE etNTti : I'ER ' LINE for each subsequent tin bender. Leave adterti.umeut. t our o0ke , No. I 1'oarl Strout , ricer ilradway WANTS , ' l ANTER-Etcry body iii Council lnua. to take Trirltsr. Dcllrerod by cafrlerat unly twrnty fonti a week. 1 lAN TEDA buy , with , ouy , to delher Tua Uas. } ) . . IANTO--Tu.r116,00Uyanl.offancyrllkribbon 17 for less than It cost to Import lien , , Ihst bar. gaa. ! over uaered in ribbons. J. J. ULISS , 823 Uruadway , lANTEI-linuudlatslya ) tint claw coat taker. I until ! &TOLLUn. 1 and U Maui trcet , Council lflue. . FOR SALE AND RENT , T4 ORSALII house and lut , t nrthar.t Corner of TeoLl , and ilroadway. Jogs w , ussau T P ACRINO nousnypn SAI.E Oll itENT-ms I Ortls t'ackinghouauroi chty Rx bogaporday , with all modem appliances ; wsii loakd : for solo or lea. . Api'ly Lo OUEI.L a DAY. Council Dial ! . , IL , September 10 , iSS3. VISITORS TO EITHER OF TILE 2 GREAT FAIRS 2 SHOULD SPEND AT LEAST ciie ° ] Elralf ] D tAT , -AT TIIE- A -OF- CASADY & ORCUTT 502 BROADWAY , Council Bluffs ! - - - Iowa. MAINE & PALMER DRALEI1S IN Lime LoisvilIe& MiCIIIOAN PLASTER , HAIR AND SEWER I'IL'E , HARD AND SOFT COAL AT LOWEST PRICK No , 630 Broadway , - - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. SMITH & TOLLER , il - 1 c Yal 1. . W 7 . ' ' PQ O W d r . : : : : : a . . h. C I I , 'v g1e : , . W a _ E W tl arc an = ai ors. ] _ 7 and 9 Main Street. aIRI3C . TORY , OO VNCJIT , BL VI'1' ! r X-- ii OHN KENO & CO aSK , ! 18 Maln street and 17 ' street. CRESTIIN HOUSE. MAg MORN , Grocery , 216 Maln Street. IJoiel , 217 and 210 Msln street. J. M , BARSTOVPr M. D. , Corner OFFICE Filth , etrcat and Filth ave. DR , J. F. VVHITE , Comer kialn and Fifth up staire. OFFICE Residence , , 000 Willow avenue. JUSTICE OFTIIEPEACE , N SCflURZ . OSlco over American Express. S . S. VVAGNER , will contralor luneral LIYERYAND at reasonable FEED , rates. 22 Fourth street. M ST. J0H N & CO CASH BUYERS. eggs , , , . , . . and . Ship to us. Draft by return mail. 140 Broadway. NEV BOOT AND SHOE STORE , S A PIERCE . Corner Main and First avenue. D , A , BENEDIOT , SION Otnca WINTER 3:7 : ! Broadway AND , Council finite , Iowa M 1 ACOB KO CH , Stock Complete. Suite MERCHANT made at reasonable TAILOR prices. , No. 805 Main St. a. . F SMITH . Comer 7th and Broadway. CONTRACTOR Plane AND and BUILDER specl0catlone , furnished. . . .vv. . V9' . SHERMAN , I have the vari ty that brings IN FINE patronage. hARNESS. 124 Main street. JAMES FRANEY , Artistic Work and re ° aeen bleTAILOIL . 872 Broadway. HOVPE & SON ) and household Supplies. FURNITURE STOVES , 803IIraulwap. IIINDT & B ART , James Bio k. ATTORNEYSstate and federal courts. And bath house , 421 and 423 nroadway. L. Sovereign , Prop. 1' . J. Mont SANITAR lUM gontary , M. D. I'hysician. . . .vv. ADE GARY , Olnce , Bray' ' , stable ETERINAIIY SU1tOE0NNo.12 Scott street. JUSTICE OF TILE PEACE , BDVPIN J. ABBOTT , Notary Public and General Conveyancer. 415 Broadway , REV.E EE HOUSE , Broadway opposite Now O era house. Ratted $1 , $1.50 per day SULLIVAN & FITZGERALD , DEALERS IN OY1S1OIIS , Boots aii Shoos' IA2MXCiR A TION E . .CiNT . DRAFTS OK Tllr BANK OF IRELAND , DUBLIN , FOIL SALE , 343 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS CRESTON HOUSE , MAX MORN , - - - - PROPRIETOR. 518 , 817 cnd 819 . Main i5trot , COtll IL BLUFFS' ; - - - - - - IOWA MRS. D , A. BENEDICT , TILE LEADING DEALER IN 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs , SKELTON ! HENDRICRS & RICE , TAILORS , 102 MAIN STREET ! COUNCIL BLUFFS. FALL AND WINTER STOCK NOW COMPLETE , EMBRACING MANY NOVELTIES LOT TO BE FOUND ELSEWHERE. BEYOUR YOUR TRADE IS SOLICITED S F t . ' : . ' : : To The Trade ] Wo tttkoploasuro in calling yourattention to the fact that wohavemade suck arranges monta as will enable us to sell you Slioe , Etc Here , as Low as you can buy them East. ' 'Write for further information , za T. CO. , 412Broadway ; Council Bluffs , Iowa. i t : _ x Emnkie Hardware Co rf. + , r : g17 1 A ; 1 Hardware ! yr' ' f ) 100 and 111 S , Main Street , ll'l.l , > a . COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. M tc3 1f WHOLESALE DEALERS IN HATS , CAPS BUCK GLOVES , 342 and 344 Broadway , - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. CreaPrut ! CollIecti onery , . Parties , Soclables and Picnics supplied on short notice , and goods delivered to nil parts of the city. Vienna Bread , and Pies. Fine Cigars. W , T. BRAUN'S European Restaurant , 404 West Broadway , - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS. HOUSES , LOTS AND LANDS Iotlght , sell mold. Money Loaned ! Abstracts Furnished It4 J. MoM _ uON' No. 4 Pearl Street , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS II.E. , EAMA1 . . Special Sale or Thirty Days -COMMENCING- Si Lt-cLrc1 L A UL 11 t f To reduce our stock and make room for n large steckof ' FALL AND HOLIDAY GO OB S We oiler at reducedP rites our stock o Toys , U1OllOy ! , ! . Boots .i PHOTOGRAPH ! OGRAPH ALBUMS , . Pocket Books ! Purses & Ladies' Arm Bags . , . , FANCY GOODS , Steel Engravings and Other Pictures---Cabinet Photograph - graph Frames , Parlor Easels. : ' 'ire cre n. E 'r ' , i.ia . ft f WALL POCKETS AND BRACKETS , . ! h , s : IDcd1t : wIxx1 ® W.l y Consisting of nil kind o1 1 Baskets---Clothes Baskets and Hampers. ALSO A LMtUE ASSORTMENT OF OTIIER GOODS. I I will Pay Yu to Call' ' and Look at Our Bargains. 5 H. E. SEAMAN 405 Broadway , - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA / I