- - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ; . ; _
- , . '
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -i : : . : ' ' t - -
- t
: 1'HE DAILY Eia.STURDAY , SEPTEMI13IiR 154 i383.
- - - - - _ _ _
saturday Morning , Sept. 15i
Weather IfldICfttIOflH.
For the upor IiiM1)I1 'ftlloy , fiir
weather , aout1ieat to southwest wndi ,
atationary or 1fght fall of temperature
.ana bftromoter. For the Missouri vi1
by , generally faire 8lightly cooler weather
. in southern and centraL portions , light
VM1C1)lo WiIIl1 8tMionary or lower
- - - -
-The freo.for.all race , with PUe of IOOO ,
announced In yotcrday' , rogrmtno , will h.
trotted thl aftorrmon at 1 o'clock. 'I'ha en
ttie will be the , .arno a animitticed on ycter.
d&y'i ; coro.cartt.
-SL Barnaban 1'aiih Rcl.ool . will rc.opon on
1o1klay next at ; 9 o'clock.
-Walking ( IflI1fll t4)Wfl CO1tltUOM % t4 ho
. yery muddy LLfll the Ixt blicks .arn inntdng
small forttinc ,
-Quito a number of IfAtirhanco of the
peace yesterday inornIn , a many aa a d.zcn ,
ana two ( lnlnkJ3 at the i.ollco . Court. .
. 4Ti dtnRvor Wanteul.
Can .uuy one tiring u a cao of kidney I.r
liver colO1)lnInt thiut Electric JHt.
. tern will not PeelIly cuire We kA7 they c.uu
not , n thoiiu.auith. of ciu.n. nlroaoly IcrInacuut. .
. ly CtITCd antI who are daily roeouiuuuiemlin
J.lectric 1lltter will prove. Jrlglit.'n tliu.ea.e ,
diabete , weak hack , or any uirli.arycointilnlnt
. qutckly curol. They imrlIy tb bhod , reui.
late the bowe1 and act. directly on the tI.
eael parts. Ivcry bottle guarantee. ! . } or
sale at &Oe a bottle by 0. F. Uouduiian.
. cnrneau'a ; crackor8 are the bct. alO.6L
The Ntiptlabu 01' Roliort J. SkitcH ,
E4I. , and Mimi SiIIIo V. Brown ,
31188 SalIjo V. Brown , oldot daughter
of Col.Yill Brown , inaetor of tranapor-
t.tioI in the QuarLorrnaator' department
n Omaha , vaa inarriod Thuraday to
'Robert J. Skilos , Esq. , of Colorado.
The ceremony took plutco at the residence
of Col. Brown , West Onialia , in the prc.
, . .enCo of rolativoB only , Rev. SYilliams , of
; St. Barnabai church , performing the
Mr. and MrB , Skilea .utarted for Dcii-
Tot and the regulation Colorado tour on
, the ovcnin train. The groom a the on
of Col. Skilos , forinorly of the Second
, Ohio , the famoue regiment in which Preft.
, Mont Hayo8 orvod , and ho i now a
0 prorninont owner of Bevoral importAnt
; mino5 in CoThrado The marriage waa
- 'very qulot and utioxpoeted and will be
4 flows to many of th9ir acquainthnco ,
1 who nevortheleu wili thorn the happiot
. . 0 f honeymoons , and one that will last
; , forever ,
. _ _
0 At Lifo Saving Vrcont.
, : Mr. M. K AIIIR0H , Ilutehingon , Kan. :
r . , saved l1H life by a u4int.l trial battle of 1)r.
I Kliug'.u Niuw DlMeovery forcoulMumption , whtch
I ' -cacHed blin to procure a large bottle that coin.
plot.oly r.'ired him when doctonu , cluunige of
-clirnat'i 'ui.l overythiuig oo htUl fallool. Austh.
I ma , bmnchitb , , hoarenosis , ovcro cougle. , and
; all thmat and lung uItRoaMes , it In guaranteed
. to cure , Trial bottlau free at 0. 1 ? . tioodlnan'li
, , ' t drug itoro. Large .dzoSLOO ,
. Ask your Grocer for Oarnoau'a Eagle
if Brand crackers , iulO.6t
. .
' .IvoryboIy Slinko-Beoktlio Next Vie.
p. tliu-"O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. "
E 'The above line of "holcs"rcprcsunts the
- score of the Port Ilurona in yestorday'e
' game. Thursday's game w lookedu1)on
1 u M havig boon "thrown" by the gentle.
, ' Inca from Michigan , by a large number
r of our citizens , an iuulprczusion we are happy -
py to say was dispelled by the brilliant
icLory of the U. P's. yesterday.
Tlio idea is too absurd to be entertain'
I otl for a inonient , When tIm records of
the two games are consulted , it roveuu
0 conclusively that the U. F's. H'mmnply outplayed -
, played the visitors. Thu U. P's. have
oIuly one error charged to timonuimu time two
j gaines , which , by the way , iui suuumutiuimig
rematknblo ,
% I ,
The l'ort lluromi'e nckmuowieuio that. it
. I . 13 a difficult matter to hit Salisbury or
t ? lclcelvy vliumi they "atrik0 their gait , "
u while on the otiuuur hand the U , 1"s , kClt
, ; I time P. fl's , sidrumuisiuing arouuid for bath.
I or right stuart ,
In yesterday's gauuie the l'out lIuuuml'a
only got one uuian to third base , while time
. home team succeeded iii rolling up six
good elegant tAllies , 'uVo ' know it alimuost
broke Watkimu's ' lieai't to wire the boys in
' Port huron that they had buomi "tuiuut
' out" Thuraday , but. , ( luent Scott , immuutgiuuo
t his fooliuugs when ho had to repeat time
dose leat n'mgimt. Atm imuuumuumuso thurotug
witnessed yesterday's gaumue , even athmul.
tug room being at a discount. An oflietur
. of the U. I' . club imuforumued 'rita Bun that
a 1are uuummnber of citizomus had asked tutu
, prmvilogo of reserving seats for to.day'um
. . game , which closes time omugugemuomit of
the l'ort huron's lucre , and which is time
amtte mu 'which bloom ! tolls , each tozeut
IutvlmIg % Y911 two of the four guemuos 1)layeol ) ,
Thu exettoummemut u.s at fever heat amid
' to.tlay's game is looked forward to with
great mntercat.
- - -
flucmkiun'a Armuie amo ,
The greatest unotlical wonder of the yorbi1.
( "Witrrauthd to apoodily cure Burns , Cute UI.
i . 081 5 , Halt flheumu , Foyer Bore ; Cancers'P1h.
I OId1b1a1u8 , Cerium , 'I'ottcr , Cimapped katids anti
. i.U skin orui.t1omu . , guarammtectl to cure In ercry
, tance , or money refunded , , 2. ' oont. nor
Oarnoau'a Ounaiui Oyster , time last
, .cajjkor macdo , lOmiw
- -
All furat.ciass Ciothuimig houses caut tell
m ' you .who Lii'iirr , TnAn & Co. are.
: alO mnc&w
MouI ENtato Tu'amuifcrs.
Time following deeds wore Eibed for rc-
. cord in time county ciemi ' oflicu Soqitemumber
14 , zoportcd for Tnu IJEi by Autos' real
, catato agency :
, Silts F. Conner mid wife to Alexander
* Albro , 'v. d. , nu.I sok , 11 , 14 , 10 , $ J2O.
( leo. 1' . Bemis amid wife toS'umm , Jtr-
thur and Times. iluid , w. d.'lot 2 , bl'Jc '
" 0 , " Prospect Place , $190.
Pierce 0. Ilimuobaughu amid vIfo to Emumi.
ly liuttorfiold , W. tl , , hiart lot 7 , Bartlett's
, add. , $1,000.
- _ _
To prercat iwj from dying , kill them. At
least thu Ithe late4 formula adopted by an
exeluinge , which eakiumg of sone .Ig. that
had boon bitten fiy * mad dog anti become ha.
ftictoolwith the virus of bydroudiobla , aay :
'rhu hogs dis In twemity.fourhourm , umtIei
The Fifth PayalltJnlla1illo nccoss ,
Excellent Racoa Begun anti Continued -
tinued to To-Day.
liner Mention of Snmo 1IIIJortamlt
i'alr 1'eat.tmro. ,
The Nclraska , State I'alr , begun on Monilay
154 , roliabiy reached Its lmlgiio.ut iuccc. yes.
teriay , , wlmen at leiuot 16,000 pcron were
I)1CJ'Omlt ) ( In the ground , , itt one time. T1mi wits
imot above time attendance on Thursday , lttt
differed , hum that on time iatkr nentlonwl day
time sisitonu caine and loft. In a few hones , wimilo
yesterday they remained for the day , and
there were lirobalilymmioro POllO1)fl ) ) time rroumnd
at tune muingle thuumo timami liMo over beau seen
on any day of aumy iirceilhmmm fair.
The weatlmer turned uumt flume , altirnugli It lied
threatened rain , ammd one after ammother time
exciirshn trains out the venous roads rolled
into time city witim timeir iomuis of oxcumrsio.Ist.s. , .
'fimo agommt of time ( immuttima .t SL l'nul road is
authority fur time stntonuent that time attend.
ammco 3'esterlIay , as gauged iy imI ticket sale. . ,
we. time largest of any day mimuring time week.
Time races rimmmmommnced tO take place at 10
, , 'clock ilid mmt comae oft , , wI mug to llmn fact that
It VM imnpossli.bo . to vet Limo track , irihmmotl mmmi. . !
In vnler , simaifo at timat thmmmo ,
'l'lmo first u-ace WM called aInmt two o'clock ,
Till. : 2r.O : CL.tMM ,
Time entries were : ibecky 'uI.umumtalmi Tommm ,
.John .Siieeiiy , 1.incol mu ; I buckeye , 'r , EvI mug ,
limucolmu' Victor .1 , ( ) , irammtz , Fricrmmlihie ;
iCittlo tradcr Ios ) 2UoiImthI ; Little Queomm , .1.
I I , ? tlcSlmeuio , ? ) mmueuma ; l'liot ulaumubrimmo , l'rammk
l'eami.on , Lhmmcoimm.
Rocky Mmmmmtahn Tomum came in first. 1mm timreo
straight Imat.s , Kuttlo Stramber second , Pilot
' .lnmnhrim . : ( , thiirui I.ittI Quiceum fourth , lbmck.
eye amuil Victor Jid not. appear. 'rhino , ii2 : ,
2lO : ammul 2:11 : , lit
rmmi ruonmNm& RACE
for foumr.yoer.ohls for time lmumrso of l0O there
were tlmroe entrici. , viz. : Chive , owmmntl by A.
j. I'oliieton ) Onunime ; Slmar.iwoud , owned by
( ; , \s . g , l3omi.ny , vrcmommt' Primico Alvin ,
OWflei ( by Ifomu. John 1. itodlck , Omaha.
In tue first imoat l'rinco Alvimm canto in first ,
Simarnwood socommul and ( ilivo timirci. 'l'hummo ,
Second heat Siiarnwoo.i . first , Chive second
and l'rluuco Alvintlmirti. 'l'htpe , 3O. :
Third heat ilmarsnoi , hirst , Clivo second
anti l'uince Alvin third , Thno , 2tM. :
In the rumnnhmmg race there wore the following
emutrie. : Itosumuuption , ownoui by Frer.k J'oar.
Non , Lincoln ; J'icicpockot , owumod by If. Pick.
eu-el , York , ammd licd Buick , owned ity .1 , II.
Silvis , VaterIoo ,
The first heat. resulted 1 lied Buick being
ruied tut , and Pickpocket oammmo in firston time
irMt anti second imoatim and .Hosummmmption ice.
anti. Time , 3Mj : ) mind 'lOO. : In time
2O : vnorrummu CIAHE
but one heat was trotted. The entries wore :
Illhllo , owned by E. 13. hammond , Slmawnco ,
will. ; Muimbrino hello , W. Ilumiver , Newark ,
tei ; . ; Sunlight , A. Itlevar Des Moines ; Bar.
fey B , H. Giddings , Des Ititoines ; Maggie 0 ,
3. II. McSluane , Omaha ; Yellow Jacket , It ,
14. Graham , Scrtbncr , anti Saturn. Only one
heat watt trottoti in timis race , time following
homes only jumrticij.atitug anti coming nut mit
the order nzuuned Saturn fme.t Sumuuhigimt see.
tititi. lilamnbrlno ioiio third , 'I Imute , 2:47. :
Timis race amid time freo.for.aii trot. for time
81,000 itum so were then sstpommod to 1 o'ciock
p. in. to.day. In the froo.for uull there are
three cmmtrles , viz : St. Cbotmul , owmtod by ( leo.
Sheldon , of St. .me ; Bmommze by Tamuuotu La
MMN0y , ICmnsai. City , and Vill Cody , by W.
11. llontor , Iciiigimtotowim , Itud ,
Thu vili ummake this aftormmnon's races exceed.
ingiy hmmtorothmmg , cud sel II ma , uloulit .iram' a
large crowd.
Titic cmmAltmoT nAcE
va9 rumi as usual amid re'sultod in time biacks ,
driven by lure , , lcDonall , comnimug out viii.
imee. . Time , 1:01 : ,
Thojuutiges on this miato were Lient. 1 , I ) .
Timoma ; I'ort Nlobrmtra , Ii. 0. ClOy , Iowa ,
amid Dr. Pock , Oummalia ,
Tmu LAIOT I.ty
of Limo fair iromuulses to ) bo oat , of unmusumal litter'
ott. The tlmrcatcmiiuug woatiitrhuas to m.omumn ox.
tout itchti oil tii crowd , limit to.day will likely
seQ naulimumy in atteuudanco in. onamuy itimer day
of time fair , anti but few of tlmo exhibits vhll be
( histurbool , mmcli an mire mutvo,1 only leavimig to
keep other omigagoumients. Atriomig time varii.it
exhibits uiuicii have henri mmotahly fine IN that
, , f 1.Ias . meyer anti ] Iro. , mmmumsic tionienu mind
j ewoicrn , who umuako a
miorAm. uuoi'm.m.v.
Among time ciimihltors mit time stab' ( muir , mmnmmo
.11.1 . timomumsolos immure credit. than tim veil kimowum
firma of rrut , Itloyar & Br , , . Aim all kmuow they
( ilVit a imammilsouno hittlo cottogo of their own on
thin grounds. It w.immlti occupy mm Po tt ) ibm.
scuibo , their eximibit umlommo , but so vobl is their
en'urpriso , tu'te : ammil generosity immuwui that it
wotubti ho umumuleca.tary . to go I umto details ,
They carry a stock such a few tirmmis iii time
oaiteruu cities can ioitst of , anti the lust
work iii time country immcltmlc , that whm'mchi
Collies miii. timeir hmoiie , wimoro time
beet skill it. employed mit nil timumos , 'I'lmoy lied
cml time grouuimds a sltlomidi 1 tli.ij tiny of hisq tie' . ,
olianuomitis , siiberwmmru timimi Sine Juwoimy of their
own mnammufactumro , aummi their ebegamut. ha.uir :
SVui.i time ceuiter ( if attrmtctiomm for thu hmuhies. lii
nmuothtcr tboiamrtmmioimt they oxhil dtetl mumumsical
i mistrmmmnomit. . of time must umot'ii iimimmimfmitimmtji :
amid fittest mnakt' , immel umdimig time toimmu'iiy ,
Clmicl.erimig mmmiiinitsO iiimmns' , : flume viol iui , ciii , '
loot om'glmmmts , tutu ovcmythuimig titis l i mme wlmicl
a firatclmtss latimso iii ( Jhmictjti : or Nout'rhc
ivommld keep , mmmiii t'Jmichi is l'oh.t . by thieni it
motock at their i.jileiutbid . lnmnsn num I'itrumaumi
mmmiii Eleventh stmects. I mm muhlitiijmm , to this
they hut. . ! a timie dis.iay of cigan. , imummorteil ammd
tiomumestle , ttiiceis uummd mimetmclttmummm pi his ;
ulso gummis amid ruvoivors uummil mill time PuIt'umpimt'r.
mmliii of time chase amid vmr. 'rIme iiilmmuuis
dmesimimmg caste. , imocketbtoks , hitdis' hugs , all
of their otvmm i immiu.rtetiumu , mire % 'ery flume , miuiii it
'viii repay ammy omrn to visit their tower lptmiii.
lug amid look mit thin stock they carry there.
Evtiit the ithoty cases itt 'iviilt'ii their goods
Yore eimiliiteti varo of thmeirowmt mmmmumtifgtcttmm'u
It ivtiuihi ito hard toscamo Uhl a unit that vio.
hotter nlio , to , mimake mm limmer cxiii bit on sumehi mmmi
. ) ccasiomm titan this , aim. ! certnimmly minute could
be fommumil Immommu reatiy tt. oxpemuti mmmtmmmoy , timmmo
amid tamumbie in uboimug so , hieing umvmmko to ( ho
iumtcrest.s f thu city , ii'itlm whmnmo growth thmo'
have boemm thmiir.ttmgly . idemmtiti.i for the izist
oighteemm years amid city city em. state cmiii comm.
giatuhate ltsoh ? for imavhmug m.uclm gemitlozumomi in
their muultlst it' . commultoso time linus of 21az Iey.
or & lire , mutt Max Meyer & Co.
Amimouir tiitm immtorestliig : igmiqmmbmmrai ( imut1ilo.
ummomit tilsitlaymi is thimit of
1' . I' . MAST M' ( ' 0 , ,
( if Svrinrfluitl , ( himimt. I mm their i'a ilion time
IiE ) relurter Wits slitiwum thin liumclcoyo duibi , ' .
actimig sPriuml.f wmibkiimg cultivator , Limo coot , .
ui mmml ritlimmi' mmmiii vzmIkliig I itmekityc drill amid
sooiler , ( liii Iiimtik.myo Hhmrimu } tooth ctmliymmtor (
mmmiii lmarromv , cmmuuthduititi , mmmi. ! the I lmut'koyo euler
mmmiii. 4 II iii them uihtmutimbe exlmiiits are mmlii. ,
under ( ito iteraimmith uiir.jctimmm of i.lr. . p , j ,
I'iigim , i'otstermi agent , with hmoatbIIlmirem. : , in
( ) mmmainm. 'l'1103' mu mm nil s mlemmdid l'icces of mmiii.
eimlmmory , aumd were ibii.orvtiubiy ammiummmg thin umios (
imttraetlvtm feature. , mit ( lie ( air veth eximiijis ,
rum : m.mEIEIImm : : mIETt'AlI' tiiJmI'tN' '
have nut im ummmtemuso tilsi day of mmgm ie''Ituriml iutt'
Lieumlt'mits ! of oio'ry kind , mm bare ( imtmummeratiou ,
( if which wommimi ttccm .y . tour entire i.pie.j. . :
.Amnnumg time tmttmot attractive femutures Iii thu lot
limit ) ' lit , iiiemmtinmmeii the .1 ohltit m'ime chuck rithiur ,
uuummmmmactumreti ! l. ' hhjmtft'ltjm & lellimmaum ) , of
, b oh let , i II inc ! . . I'hmis is cite iii ( ho iitmmm'a' ,
tiaii tvhiclt mmim.muk thu mien' cimi of vrogr'tss in
thin cent ithaumtiig line mutt ! ittllOmCiJtl , ) thmo ob.h
"humimmil mmmi. ! hoe" iir.css. I t smm vs time , labor
utmiui ttemiso , , mmiii ! is ( Ito litufeetinmu of skill
iii tIme way iii time tihjtlstlmmetmts mitt. ! iithiii .titioms :
Lit'cesomary to mmmmmke cluck solvers lrmmcflcih mmmiii
able to stuommil all tests , 'I'iio lohuiter immmmmumrac. :
tumeno gemmi'rmmbly ommilmirso mt , ammo ! tlmmit iii retty
sohiol pesif of itt. merit ,
'l'imo Barlow tiom a hdmumtcr h umnotier , , vabmi.
abbu article in time immiplemmiemot hue which is
mmotebiy line uimiii ( ii isi imittietsi mimmmomig mm thou.
sinai other article , . , It immm.o. a utoyh jug sceol
cmiii which sews time cent Ii' , o hills iii immivulmuCo.
before delmositlmmg itt timu gmommumil ,
liux ET. m'AtJL , m'iow iomms
otro represented hiero by Mr. 0. 1. C1olamol.
amid thm Norway Clipper tihow , muuaiiuitacmrtoti
1)7 them , hi a mumgmmiticommt tiulmug for ( Ito farmer.
' 1 bess itiows hate gaineil a wu'loi.wida meputa.
tlou by ( helm' sootiriumg immiti weau itig qualities ,
'rime works are sittmumtoti in St. I'nuh , time great.
'Mt ralir.ail center lit time Northwest , thins
machung all towns and cities in o1immmesota ,
. _ -
- - - -
Iakotum , Iowa mind Nobruka byone ma 1 , wit ! ,
no changing cars , Time goods tiuum coin
throuh ( it destination quickly and In good
order. Their walking and riding corn cumlti.
vsmt.ors torn first.chaM in every respect. The
Norway diamonti.tootim harrow Is so favorably
known ( list it does not need mmmcii eotmmmnent.
It can lie inmule Into , any size requmireti by add.
hog on sections. TIme harrow ishmitcimed fimually
to a long evomuer in front and will not wmuhibe
or trail even en a sitheimihl. The center section
is so arratigal that ( ho angles of time beamns
J iroject otmtwanl at time rear from hmoim sums.
fbe potato digger ii time most jractlcnh mna
chine maths for that PtmtPsO. It cohtiiates ,
lulls tmnd digs to Perfectioti.
Immforuimntlout For Vishnu's.
tfoTi. AccoummoumATIosms.
The followimug flit miliows time prindpxb hotels
of OmaIi * , location , nmmunber tIit can be accent.
modated st nachi , and rate l' ° ' day :
Itxon Jlouie , cot. 11th and } 'uirnain , t,00 ;
$3.00 iter dim ) ' , I micititliuig cot'o.
Millard li td , c'r. 13th anti Iougba' ) , 0 ;
( Jobls Ilouar , ( tonnerly Granti Pacific , ) 0dm
and liarnoy , 250 ; $2.00 , 2fIO and $3.00.
Canh'ttd Ilomoso' , 0th amm.1 1"imrmmamn ; 200 : 82.00 ,
3lefropotitan , 12th amid lsmuglas , 450 , itt'
clutling cot. $2.00.
J'hinler'a IIo'se , , 1t'ttii anti iotlgo , rio ; $2.00.
l'aclflc Jlomije , 10dm ahil Capital avenue , 40 ;
$1 , t'iO.
Oedrknfal hotel , 10th anti ] fmwarmi , 200 ;
$2,00 ,
Gosh/ant ! toup , Siteruimmum avenue , coimmer of
Coimtnr , liner fair gromimud , 7t ccitt' , $1.
TO itEAcli Ti15 IIItOUNIti.
Street Cars -Take Sixteommtbm or Eighmtecmith
street cams at 13. P. deptit to teruumintis , whiermi
tratusfer is tmmatio to time grtumnhs. Fern 16 ccmmts.
'i'o roach llaumsctnm hark , take St. Mary's aimti
l'ark avenue cars , which imitsum thin i'axtomm
every twenty umiumuutes , Fare ceumts.
(1mjon , J'aCijic , 'rrtuums : every iiotmr ( ruin time
10th street crossimmg. Fare h1 cemmt.s , 25 ceumt.u
for time rotird trip.
( ' . , st. I' . , if. .0 0. fl. II. , Traimms hmoimrhy
fenn time depot , ctnmer \Vcbuter anti 15th
street. ' , vhmicii cimm ho readied hmy 16dm street
cute. . Fare 15 cents , for rottimil trip 25 ccitt' .
vc/mic ! . , Carryall' timid expresiti' nut frttii
tIme lostihiCe ! corner regtmherhy. Fare 25 coot' .
hacks 50 comuP. .
JlmiVfa Ojiem JbmL3C , cor. 15th ani , Farnammi
streets. Iatio 1'.mtmmmni . , ' .tommtlay . ovenimig , iii
"Lomia , time Ziabcnhi ( ; " Tumosdmy : , ' 'Old Curiosity
4hmtl ) : ' ' \Veih umcahay : , 'Child of thin I t'gimmiommt ; "
Fay 'I'emimpletomu , 'I immursilay ovomming , In " 01:1. :
" "I'irates of l'oumzanco'i
vette ; Friday , ;
Sattmrthay , ' ' 4.lnscotto . ; " Sumturtlay mnetimuce ,
' 'lohimnthe. "
11 cailcnmy of .Mmsfr. I ) mugla' , iutwccn I 8th
aiim ! 14th , , tr'c'ts. TIme Chmlcagti Cimuiemly Ctmmi.
iammyIontiay evemuiumm in ' 'hatimhccn 'm1mmvotur.
" ' ' Cnxkctt " .Vethnes. .
mmcmi ; 'rmmestl:13' : tDavy ;
day , ' 'Ionemlm { , , ; " Tliimrstuay , ' 'I'hirtmitito , ; ' '
"Time 1)ead.Limrn. "
° .Iumumy . old soldiers remncmnler''the dati.himme"
mit 4tnhlersoumville , It was a iuuighty dangerous
uieighborimood. iyoqiestia , liliou'.nes' , amuti
liver and kithnoy olisomute. . are ftmll of ; , erihs for
the sick , but ) i'intocA' Jibed IIWerv are a ccr
taut rcunothy. Stilti everywhere.
Garnonu's Jolly Tarta and Wafers are
deli cious alO.6t
( Jarnoau'a frimit is very line.
An Imwontlomm t.VhulcIi Sor.oIs a Cold
Chill Over time 01.1 leo
Intilanepohis , Tournal ,
Short time ago this lizmpor gave a brief
notice of the ice.inaking machine invented -
od by George W. Stockman of this city ,
anti yesterday the reporter , in compammy
with several hrounimmcmit busimiess mmmcii ,
went o Kingan's pork.packimig establish-
macitt to ace tilt , inachhme work , Time
oimration of ice-immakimmg , as conducted by
tlmis htvemmtioum , is extremmiely simuiphe auiti
Imioxpeumsive. It is now turning out 15
totis of ice daily at , mm cost of louts titan $1
a toim , amid in larger quantities , the jut-
ventor aays , it can ho produced aim low as
50 cents a ton. No skilled labor , with
time oxceptiott of a uimaum vhmo Ions itemise
enotmgim to keep up a lire and tAke care of
mmmi eumgiime nmmd boiler , is required au
place about it. Acuum aumummon'ma of 3t. is
put lute a retort , whmiclt is Imemited and
time vaporized amnmnonia passes out timrougim
I ) ( which torummimmateut in a coil , 'I'Iiis
comi : , . .mmimmci'iteul iii a taulc of water , the
oll'ert of ti'huicim eutilimig by the water is to
luuify time mummumnommium , which then becomes
Imuro , tr , ammlmyditttmmo. % . . piio lending
frouim this lituuiryimmg coil connects with
amiotimer iii time refrigerator , in which is
juhitcod , in'zinc time water that is to
1)0 ) frozen , Botwecim time liquifying and re-
frigenitimig coils is it cock , whichi at time
proiicr mmioutiomtt is opom4ed atiol time amimummo.
nimm through imito time refrigcratiumg
coil , vaporizing amid expanding sovor.d
hmummdretl voltmmumcs , nuid absorbing heat
trout overytimiuig abotmt it , titus producimug
ituteitse cold imi time refriguratimug taitk ,
nuitl timeittiug time vatot' in time tiuuo maums to
ice. After time vaimor Immut domme its work
jut thio rofrigeratimug coil it. escapes to a
ioadimmg downwamd into mum absmwber
commtaimmiiug cold water mind Lerumminatiug iii
a coil. Time vapor hmmtvimmg inuosed thmrotmim
timis coil emmtormi imito mmd ummites with time
water iii time absorber , tutU mmmii ! itt that
immittant it rmmp'mtily Ptrts ; with time heat it
liiut timkeui um , . 'l'his wotmiti quickly heat
time alamorlimir to mm high temmiperatume nmmol
destroy its ohilcicutcy , but Mr , Stockumitmim
coumpeis time vapor or gaits to cutter time
water close to aim ttltlot ) iito commectoti
with a tmtimmtit which carries time heated
vmttor , omiricimed by time gas , away front
time absorber back to the retort , there Ic
omirich time weak iimjuor mmcl 1e again yap
orized imimol do it , wink tver agnium.
Time slabs of ice turumed omit before time
reporter's m'ouuloriumg eyes i'crti beautiftul
to look tipoum. Eutult auth 'tvmum S immcimes
timick , by 22 immebies wide nmmtl II feet boumg ,
veighium 8110 pottzmtls , It is frozemm at
frommi 10 to ir above r.ero , ammil lniuumd for
louumd outlastit mmaturai ice , it is tIme
stmmmplcmot ice muumcliino nuzulu anti the cheap.
tist , its first cost loimmg ti5 tim 81) ) pr ccitt
less titan otimer umacimimmos , mitt time wear
and tear at. least omie.timirtl less tiatm ; time
othora. Time first teat > . were mmmdc at
Kingami's as that is time largest summuuier
j.ackimmg.hmommso . itt time Ummitcd States , until
lmaviumg vu'ovetl satisfactory , ymiriomma ito :
pm'ovcmimoimts ycru mmmdc , aunt the s'ork lots
gimumo 0mm. t'lmu mmmaeitimmo immot aist. . beemi imm
troduceti and is iii oporatioum at Atliutta ,
( in. , and Louisville ammol I'mtdtucaim , Keum.
1t1atis'it brewmy , of this city , muses time
satmme imm'entitnt , witimout the ice punts , for
eooliimg time stor.mge roommmmm , etiuitaimming ovum'
100,000 ctmbmo feet of space , liesitis cool.
immg 110 lon'm'ula tf boor a hut ) ' , it iits : liceut
itt olmeratiomm commtiimusmmsly for mdx mnoumtims ,
nut ! is itt every Vtm ) ' mm success. One mmmi.
iioi'tiutt fentumro iii tlmmtt time iltmmttsjitoru Is
drier titan camm ho lmrt1ucctl by umuttural
ice , which inches a gm'omt : uoavimmg iii coop.
erage , there being ito mimololimug or m'ottiumg.
'I'lmo fool liii ! for limo mmmommtim of .Iuly wit
$219.85 for nil immmm'im.mscs , immelmmdimmg time
coolimmg ummacimimmu , tvhmilo without time miim- :
cimitmo time cost ol ice mioccasary for time
iroier cooiimmg of time lecr , ivomuld Imavo
beomm over $1,000-simowimig a savimmg by
reason of time imivcmmtiomm ( if umearly i80O in
one unommthm , It ; is commaidured invaluable
at time bm'owory , rapidly x'edueing time tummm.
LurZtUre of time beer as it commmes frommi time
surface cooler at 180' , wlmicim nnmst he
brought dowum before it titt bit atou'cd ,
Time coumpany ovuuImm timis valuable invoum.
tioum Is comuposeti emmtmruly osf limdiammnpoliu.
110311 , J. B. Leutho boitmg president , Times.
It. Cobb secretary amid treasurer , anti
( Io9rgo Vt' . Stockuumami aulmorimmtumitiemmt.
Timme ico.mmmaeimiume actually mmtakoa ice so
cheap timat umatural ice cnmmntt iossiWy
compote with it
A CliFffliUff Dcsritioll of Ox1or
Irolil the Pen of Liduldil-
alit Burke.
Time Trip frame Iilvcrpooh it ) bondon
l'lottmromtitiehy l'oii a ed.
We are permitted to print time following -
ing extracts from a letter received by a
friemmd in timis city fromn Captmmium Burke ,
nido.do.cnmp to ( Jeumcrai Crook , now tray-
eiimig wRit imis bride ut Europe. It do.
scribes the incideumtfi of a trip between
Limo two great cities of Liverpool and
London ,
" \Vo stopped in Liverpool two dayv ,
awo.atruck with ta twelve immibea of docks
mimade of cut atone and Imihed witim the
aimippimmg of time world , amid imimpresscd
with time imumnensity of its wealtIm as typi.
fled imm emmorummous blocks of stately build.
ings. Front tlmero to Clmcstcr , a qtmaimmt
aiml lovely town , replete with nil that
cotmld dchiglmt time ammtitiuarhmu , ¶ I'hme Ito-
mans occupied time pahace amid emmcircied it
witlm a srnil , still in existence , simortly
after time hirtim of Clmrist , numd anomug time
old coins lately titig imp omio of time
streets ulcer otmi' imotel were two timousauid
ceplera bcariimg tiates 278 A. D.-thmat is
to sity' , they bore time iumiprint of time Emit-
poror Vict.orimiue , wimo is said to have oc
copied time imumpcrial timroume for mm bmiof
Pel'iod about timid year.
"Timuti canto Sixoui , Dane anti Nor'
umlaut , Cavalier anti Itomuuitllmeatl , cccli add-
imug to or simbtractit.g fm'ommm time beauty of
time towum , A half imour's drive imi a cab
broughmt .is to the Itutlitce mind grounds of
the fluke of Vm'estmnitmstcr , ono of time
imiost alhimment of Emmghammtl'a umobility. The
estate runs for hifteeui or twenty mumiles
straight zmcm'oss somnit of time most exquis.
ito lnmmdacapcs oumo could imagine , amid is
temmdcd with as much care and skill
timrougimout its whole area us if it didn't
comitain uumore timamm half nut acre. Timero
wore to be scout lovely llowortm by time
million , ammo ! , iii ( ho parka reserved for
them ,
itnami n' vita ThOUSAND.
Next on our route was Loamiumgton.
Spa , a noted watering piacu , mtmcim patronized -
ronizod by wealthy people , as well as by
those devoted to imiatorical investigatitois
From this IOimit OttO radiates out to Var-
wick Castle , a perfect gem of a place ,
atufred with timings curious and rare , and
surrounded by a landscape that made
omme's soul fool at with the world.
Vo took iii Kemiilworth Castle , fatuous as
the ilaco whore Queomm Ehizaboth ntad.
fiery love to Dudley , Earl of Leiceater ,
her favorite , whose wife , Amy Robsart ,
alto is susi > octed to have foully murdered.
Five miles further on , timrough time steno
scenery of surpassing lovelimmoss , was
Coventry' , with its traditions and statues
of Lady Godiva and Peeping Tom. We
lunched in a grand old inn and visited
time silk factory amid thmo churcimes.
Stratford on-Avomi couldum't. be over-
hooked amid we examimiod ovorytlmimmg be-
loimgimig to Simakcspenm'c.
Oxford , time city of colleges , delighted
us beyoumd deseriptiomi. 'lucre are , all
told , sonmo tweutty.oigimt or thirty difler.
omit colleges , the size of which may be
inferred when I Bay that ouio of timetit ,
Magdaleii , by mme means the largest , coy-
era timirtoemi acres , buildings alone , wimilo
time grounds enclose one imumidred acres.
Place all timeso colleges with their wuilbed
gardens iii time mnidst of a beautiful city
of 2,000 iimliabitanta and you haye
You can walk along buatlimmg streets ,
amid , by darting ummdor an arched gate.
way , fluid yourself in a college 1)arkvitli
doer so tame that timoy will come up to
you as fearlessly as would a dog. Oh , I
toll you that Oxford is a dream. We
vomit immto Christ cimurcim , erected through
time priumceiy mnumiiicomico of Cardimumil
\srolsoy. Keblo college , erec.tod very ro-
ccimtly to tim memory of a very good moan of
time Ammgiucan cimurchm-tiio author of the
"Cliristiami Yea. . " ' It it ; a most izlorious
ummommumimomit.Vo wemmt to Oriel college ,
whore Cardiuial Newunaum , Dr. Pusey and
Dr. Koble were graduated ; to Uumiveriuity
college , Corpus Cimristi , Jesus , Bm'azu.
mtose , atmtl I don't kimow how ummammy be-
\Vo also cxamnimmed : t little Itounan
Catlmoiic cimairni , built ly Lady VmTildo ,
vhmo endowed it ; with about $300,000 of
her immoumey mutt her diatumonds. 'l'oui'Iitts.
are advised to mice it emi accoummt of its
nltar rail , a utmost artistic pieCe of work ,
of time rarest mmmullos. : , Lastly we itaw
tim now Exmtuminatmsui halls , perfect iii
timeir ray , with staim'cascs of costly bronze
amid atomic of price. itidley , Latimner
amid Craummer were but a block away
fromii our hotel-the Itammthdplm. 'limo
liothlemaim library I cummmmiot imtteumipt to do-
scriie. ; It ma ii museummm of iitem'ury won.
dee. , hero are over
a vmmuuu imuNmmtmn ) ) TImous.tNI ) 8Otii4
mmiii ! imimumuscripts. Lot immo uminuto 0mb
or two. There wt.s a smumall breviary , I
tlmiimk it was , comitaimiimig vsalmna in Latin ,
Portioums of time mmimmss iii honor of time
hlesseol Virgimm , printed by lmamid ott bol-
lummu mmml gorgeotmsiy illmitnimmatod , presented -
sented by Saimmt Gregory , thmemm I'opc , to
Smimmt : Auustimme its Ito was about to start
fin' Ifritcuim to convert time Smxomms , A. D ,
(100. ( TIme samne kmmmd of a book , mmcc time
iroperty of Ohmarleitiagno , A. I ) . 800 , and
ammol atm exquisite ommo , smtid by tIme libra-
nan to be jmricelcss , pniimtcd cmi eacim iae
by imuums. Time scoumes ruprcsemmteil time
life of our Lord ammo ! him. lulessed muotimer ,
cmiii the mmiost careful scrmmtimmy failed to
detect a blammmisim. Timemi timeru was a
imttbtt vork trtmuslntcd and i'i'ittumm by
Qmimon , Elizabeth , beautifully domme ; and
ii love hotter frommi Ilcutrietta I'olnria to
Cimarlea 1. , who aftorwanla becammmo lieu'
imusbumml-ntm : execrable sctaw'l.
Leaving Oxford we utoppuU imi W'iumd.
Bar , aceiumg time castle with time state apart.
mmmemmts , boli roommm , cutlietmee amni prescmmco
cimntmmhmn's , etc. lit time imiuscumum is a silver
aimielti immicid with gold , lreitommtOtl l , '
Frnumei I , of l'rammcc , to llcmmry Viii , , of
Emmgimmmmd , omm tIme liolil of time cloth of gold ,
It ; wits fabricated hq' Bomioveumto Cehlimmi ,
time fmummoims ni'tist. 'rime elumipol Of time
Kitigimlum of time Order of time Carter ,
frommi time roofs of wimichm imammg time silkemi
luammmmera onibroidered witim time coats of
aLumni of mill tIme royal atmol vtimicei' uuetmi
bert. , and time Albert immeimmumulal cimapel-
saul tw ho time loveliest itt time worid-cimmi.
mmtmt be described by ummy p ° I
i'utmmted to ride over to Stoke Pogis to see
time graveyard where ( ir.my wrote his
elegy , "Time curia tolls time h'mmeli of mit.
iimg duty. " Ii ) ' time vay , curfu is still
soumuleti frommm time belfries of time oitl Nor.
hunt cimurcimes in Covommtry , numd nil over
Emmglaumtl wiicmi time clock strikes time imour
the citimmie riuig ( ltmtitiiiOu'rY peal. "
Thmo Nobrmumlcn City I'rcsl.ytem'3' .
Cem'respoudoumco of thm Bsmi
1'L&rm'sMouvmF , Nob. , Soptoimibur 7-
Time Proabytom'y of Nebraska City comi-
vetted imi I'iattsmmioutlm cmi 'l'ueadimy even-
c-0 ; : ; ; : ; o'ciock , and was opened witii
witim a serm' by Rev. ( I. W Goodalo ,
after which 1ht' I : , 11 , ( tmrtis , of Liii.
colmm , was clmoczi n.10u't0u' . Itova. Dod.
der aim. . ! Dickey , 'f Walmoo and Auburn ,
respectively , were thiO0ll clerks of tue
Present sesajoim , Oii ricCO.'iImL of time lato.
ness of time trauma a hmget 00intbor of the
momnbora of the 1'rosbyfry Id : not. report -
port imutil "iVcdno8dny umimraTff. It be.
ung time amunual fail immec'ltAg i great
amneumit of busimiess liorfmivi1t. fo Jito
wmdosproad ititorest of time chreh cam. . '
tip for review and : uijustmezmt at thus
timmmo , The opouuiumg sessiomm of the day is
observed as a season of special devotion
in which wits developed a deep anti fer
vent piety and mmmtercs ( amnon thu mein-
berm. . Reports from time various points
emimbraced itt time wide range of tuft ecebo.
siasticai body give cimecriul indication of
progress amid gm'owtim 1mm cimurcim t'ork.
Many mmciv chmurchm btuiitlimigs have been
erected amid prosperous congregatioums
gatimured frommi time ilicomimimig ixpuiatioum
of our growing stAte.
On Wedmmesday ovemmimig Limo 11ev , 'limos.
Ii. Soxtomu , of Seward , preacimoti aim aIde
amid eloqtmommt acrmmmomm lmropm'iato to time
OcCftaiomm , lie is ono of time stromir' macmm
of time pm'esbytor ? ' , anti is making Imis iii.
flimenco felt , jim hmus work at , Seivam'd.
0mm Tiiimm'siay mumorimimmg , zmfter devotional
services , a gemmoral cud free oxpressioum of
opimmiomm % 'as givumi its to time coumdition of
timings imm time several churches. Time nuc.
ijimoil of titesin reports slmcw amm ndvaimco
8(01) for titus domiommiiimatiomm jim gaimmiutg a
stm'omig footimoiti iii timis umew state.
At time close of time gemmeral review , the
syuiotlical mnissiommnry , ' Rev. Gee , ' 1' , Criss-
mmmcmi , was called upoum to report tim i > ro'
gress ammo ! ) OlmtlitiOum of time work cmi- I
trusted to iuimn throtmglmotmt time state.
New cimurcim ttrgammizatioums are reported at
liraimmard cmiii Pammatuma , with time bright
prouuimso of tumaumy ummoi'u to be added to time
roil. Great imitercst was exhibited iii
timmtt , part of time report wimicimcailedattoim-
tmomi to time fact timat during time current
year five sclf.supportmmig cimurcimes laid
been added to time list , whicim is accotmnt-
ed a great gaul over its acimiovenomith of
formner years. .As a drnmomninatioum the
Prcsbyterianeimurch is mnakiumga gratifying
record imm building up their interests imi
every town and imeigiiborhmood throimgimout
time stAte , As a body , time l'rcsbytory of
Ndbraska City roprcscumts an intelligent
class of men , wh are doing a gramid work
for time cimtmrcim aimd for time state in gomi.
oral. The new college at Belloview , un.
tier tue care of timm Scyumod of Nebraska ,
Caine ifl for a good endorsomiiemit by time
iuioumbors of Presbytery , uiaimy of wimom
expressed a hearty entimusiasni and inter-
eat in the desirable educatiomial movement -
ment in this stAte. Pastor Baird , of
Piattamoutim , deserving of comnieumda'
tiomi for time pheasant courtesies mind Imos.
pmtaimtica extended to time various dole.
gates presommt. X. Y.
arid MALAI2A.
rrotn these courocit. miriso thrc'mourt1ms of
the dlseaitcs of the ilicitiL" " : u' . These
myumrtomsltttimcatothoir . ' . .om3si ol
4.pctItc , BoweI cc
ncie , ( u1Inci after
cxcrtioit of body p
of foot ! , rsitnI's
stunts , A. fop' ' . . , 3 . aol
soimodctv . &cssL , ittio
heart , 1) . . . once the c' m . . . ] .ty cci.
ered . . . ( , OJn4'riPA't'Oi , and do.
maad tim use ofa remneOytimat actS iUrcCtl -
on the i.lvcr. AsaLtvcrmedlchmurtTUTT'
PILLS Iminvo no ( eiual , Their netloim on tim
hCIduiOySmUid Sidais also prompt ; removing
all jmnjitiritles through these tlmroo "scav-
emigera of time syiitcm , " prodtuctng uppo.
tile , somuiul digestion , regular stool' , a emetiC
skthatuiayigorousbody. TUTT'M 1'1LJ3
calico ni nausea or gripimig nor interfere
with duim : work anti am'o apurfect
Sold overyvmer,2ao. ) Olblro.4lMimrrmySt..N.Y.
. GnAT hAm on WmtmSKritS cimamigeil In.
atantly to a GLOSST ] 3I.ACZ by a single ap.
pilcittion of this nyu. Sotti by Druggists ,
orsent by express ott receipt of $1
. Oiflcu , 44turm' Street , No'w York.
-p. tT'i rupjimL OF USEFUl. RECEIPTS FI1E.
Tut-'otmy , W'eilimusday. Timtmroihay. Frilay atil Satimr'
obey , Sejitemmitier mitim , 120i , iSti , , 14(1 , ciii ittli , 1S3
aame Called. at 4 . ,
.ktlmtiIs.lon 25 cemmts. ( lmml , Stahl 25 cents extra.
oc1a1s will PosIttvely not be Inserted
unless paid in advance.
TO LOAN-Money.
'IONF.Y TO LOAN-'Tho Onah Samitmgs liamik Is
I ii miow luelarud to mimatie buns out Omaha city or
Iouglas remimmt > ' real estate at eurent rate of Interest.
No comnuilisloum cbmamgvtI. i53-tf
ONni' Pt ) 1.OAN-Tho howsst rates of interest
.1 Hniilt' I.oeui Aemici , , hum & Iotiiita.'i. ) 23t.tf
UNIX 't'tI i.t.INCaU ) at La' chico cit JJ. b.
.1 Tltumnimi. noon 8 , Crulgtmtoui immock.
1ONEV LOANED-Cu Chattel meortEsge , room 7
ill Nelrake NstIomii flank ululidhtir. 184. U
' % joNv TO ) LOAN-J. T. i1tty oaims elm chattel
Isi promertV , 213 South 14th Itt. ieptbti
_ _ _ HELP WANThJJ. _ _ _ _
' ) A inca to work lit nmarktt gardemi itt
WANTE' cmiii tHOm iticet. ii. SV , ilAll , .
't,7ANTIl-GirIfor iiirsI , . Thsmiifl '
i 1 famnlmy. . % jIy cast itie ittim tro'.t. htwoti
hktlgIU amib Iugt. ! iIbS. ii. A. . tiTUIttlIS ,
. : ) - , i1rl as lotte' ' attctmihmnt
1 &mtmti item semier , N. v. corner t'armani imimob
maths stretI. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . tue-ti
' ' houcsork , i'crina.
'TtN'rII-nmil : for guimurah
- ' - ! _ miOmit timmmVhi mimunt. 2123 I'am mmimitt St. oil-tI -
' ' - % cxlerIetIeeI ilreuimmaker at 2517
' \TAN'i'I . . No . 'thmur uteed spiy , .
ANTmu-1vc. mit-itt ciai Coat Imkurs. i'ricc
\ icr miiaklmc , S.mck , mo ; fOr I'ro-Ii , i2.
11) ' to IionryJouiai , tiutie , liotitamma. emi.ti : -
' ) _ ( fotMi carlcmmtiirs mit iloly Fauihl-
' \7tNt'a1) , 15th ammd mud st , 0'tAI.LflY iuitog ,
1 TAN'i'tiA rio , i liarmietos mitater watmtcd for one
' 1 3Car or less tlmw , , at gobn umaes : I eait ii
milan that titis miiJt iliac sO the timmia I isauit ii gooi
honest luau. A. Ii. , hV0iCi , Vake5eld. Xci.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ st7'is : -
7.N'rnI-umrl : or geumerith imouscisork at * 4. W. I
' 1 ocr. ( 'aiis'cil md i'ier tiicti , $ httmi'a
VII prarimeiti ihimsifiltia. Ah'iy ; at ohm at 2407
C'imuihtmrs btrcet.
17ANTEt--A mooitl gtii for washtmmg , cooldmtg mood
1 1 Imoumlmig. OKKi so5 timid tmi mit luma eapi.
tel itoimtmc , bommth'e't cur. of 20th street. SmiG if
1TANTbt-1'O girls at 015 Eoutli ISIS St.
1 U7.s
1TAN'TEL-liiaclsuuIth * 1 time flornu cc Cut'ott.
1imiquIre , C. ! i"Y lit timeworts.620.mlf _ _ -
TAN'rtu-A conmpctent girl od wages , ismo
' I Itmivenpont St. 02i.tt
'UTANTID-UIritu mimi genomsI bouseork km fsni.
1 5 fly of two. imiquiru itWestenit hlouw. corner
14th and Jsctoim. -.5 %
. _ - -
" ' \ \ \ \ \ \ ' ' %
. 'Ltii
. .
Infants and Children.
I CnstorlaprnioteIigcstbon
'ittveromumcs liatuieumcy , IJontoimpa.
tlou , Sour Stonmacit , Diarriioa , and
b'everisimnoas , It ; ImmtmreH health and
atua1 sleep , witimout , fihorpimlue.
' castoria : ' well asnpt'd ? toClithohrt'n timmit
I recomnuenol it a smmp.irk'r to ony prescription
known mo mime. " 11. .1. . xc1usa , 11. 1) . ,
8'Portiimnm ! Ate. , llrbkTyu , N.Y.
CETAUR LIIt1JMENTnn absolutty cure for Rheuma-
tismum , S1)rnhmmm4 , Burn.Gnl1s , ; ic. Time most Fowcrflul and Ponc-
trating l'nhL-reliovilmg amid Ilcnlimmg Romsiedy knowzi to man.
The Product of American Industry !
Full assortment constanth on Hand anti for sale by
HENRY FUHRMAN , Fremont.Neb ,
1TATE1-GOOI1 girli for good families. Boat
Y wages. Apiy Imnmedtately at employniotit
Ureamm 217 N. moth t. No. office fee. 022-ti
TANTEDGOOd lft"do generafIiwork , at
S S hiT Chicago St. atoir'
rANTED-A good gith for family otthree. Ap.
1 pu' .outh side Charho' , street , bet. Irene amid
lames , the onby imouse. 6i5.1Li
IITANTED-An experienced salesman In general
, S ameichandise , easy work. Address 0. it. X. , I' .
) . box 4Sewar.t Nob. . 612.101
rANTED-A good cook who can wash aunt Iron.
' 1 Apply atthe i'axton hotel betceen P and 12
I. ifl. Licut. MssonYort Omaha.
1TANTED-ft 50041 IiTI br gemierai homework In
I 1 a small faintly , Aiply at 42v tiortim 18th street.
* I1ANTEL-t4mloarnen to carry our 11mm of Jeans ,
WV } ' ! aunels , etc. , , n coumiils.sbotm , In connectIon
; Ith their lirosontIIuies. jtthdremi. Manufacturers , It ,
uiEsswjLm. : & Co. , I'idha4eipmila. 0tJI'14'eod
. ' clerk well ) Otet In the elothimig
\ \.th'TEDA
huslr.oss iiuiii aillImig to do jmmstIe to his cm'
ibotcr. Oood referetices required.
039:11 mm. IIAVIIISON , Fremont. Net , .
lyMcrcn-A etimpeteit gIrl for general house'
, work. . 'tpily at S. V , cor. Imarmie ) ' ant 20th SL
btO'154 .TAMIsNEVIr.l.E.
A1LOIt WANTaC-TO do gcuiera1tamboijiig lull ,
cuttIng ann workingon betich , itt-atly wok
: oed pay to the right unami. Apmy for one week at
I ) . AV1IE.S. b'ouica , Nob. 527 14'
- cIass cook and launlu-es. at ii4O
y itmtrneystreet. _ 043-ti
t , ANTII-A .omnamitIiimmli aud trot , at t1i
V Emooct itott4e , _ _ _ _ 463.15
rANDr-A : dimmIng room girl at time Uroightoim
V V house ,
% TANTED-Lmuiy agents for the 'queemm t'rrtoct-
V or. ' . A new under garment for ladles , mnado of
molt , ftcxlhba rubber. Sum-c protection to the under.
veer , cuten necessary to Is worn. Retails for
ma fast mm' 3.imt.s calm show It. Lingo iroftt. Address
aith , taitp , "tAttles' Uuummicrgarmemmt ManufacturIng
No ii .Maystroct , ChIcago , 1.1. 706-Sm
17ANTEt-AI , omit-mi , 15 gIrt. at L'aimlohi's Ov'arali
y Factory , imo7 Ilzmrney street , 01 fleer. 4i5 tf
, ) . at No. 1080 Sherman avenua.
\ yANTEi.Oirl
284.tf limits. .1 , 51. COUNOMAN.
-'m a young nmmmim , competent hook.
loeler and corre'ieniIeitt 1mm F.ngllsh and titer-
riiaum. a hssitIohi a , clerk Iii a siholesale imouso , Jte.t
) f ChIcago reference' . Atidress "i It , " DaIly Lee.
AL alto itnileratanla GermimnamitlEmig.
11th 11) 3-oRes old tianto. to get cmopboynicuit 1mm
Ohio' itore , uimqtilre of S. Leimmnamm , iloS i'artman , St.
tmmT.U ,
WANTED-A 'mItuatloui a' . imiect or mastrI cook ,
S AIpy ) tot cor , 18th emil Weimster , 1Jd3.1S'
L A1IIES0II'OIINU MEN Iii city or country to
take mitco , lIght and pleasant vork at their own
mummies ; 2 to (5 a day easily antI quietly made ; wori
: oiit by titatm ; no cIummassmnmp ho stamp icr rally ,
lease aditresi Iieiiabl Maim Ig , Co. , i'Jdlamt'a , l'a. ,
trawor TI' , 47&Immiol-
' .NTmH--iioaril : mind room for lamly and child ,
I S imiburbi vrofcrret. 4timtmrt-5a 1. . I13. . lien ollice ,
\AFEl-A sitil lunmisliel rooumm for thu iimmtur ,
Imy .tlr'gmo . Oeumtk'tmian , wIll pay 3mO. tier mummUm.
ttldrcmms "It. C. I ) . " at "Onmaha lice , " omlice. 0mi.I6
STANTEI3.000 busheb of fresh jicked , rime to
mnathes , atilarris& Fisher's. 32t.tf
1.OIt RENT--Bouses anc Lots.
I 1011 RaNT-A tlnehy fmmrmlahed , lacier , to pmmrtca
preferrIng rooms lii a hirilate faummily , Ito. itml.
Ire. ' S lieu omlice , 008.15'
.4 tmt mtmNT-wareloumo : cmi Jomies itrect , betwewmt
moth and 11th , treets , Omiutimit. Imiqulis of I. . .1 ,
cenumard , moth andlolgu , 000.111
I ? ht 1IEN'F-l'Jea.ammt fmmrnlsbieI cott.a70 , orfmiz-nI.
ttiru for sale. Apmly 005 N , ittim btrtet. 607.m4
F OIthtENT-A ecahouse , well , cIstcnunmt collar ,
imaunmlton , near ireumu street near roil car lIne ,
miqulrn oil hIrcadeca. &bO'14t
r-I ° ° 1tE.Nr-A very eonhrtahle Imouse ( f 9
rooumts aim bOth .4rtet , mmear to itrownuil halt.
ity toater aimO clatertm Apmly to J. it. Clarkacs , of
omigdoum , Curkaomm & hart , cUrlier of 14th amid Pam' .
IIi. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ iti-17l
I 0ht itt.7Smnehh cuttni > , 821 8. 231 , near l.c3v.
cmmwonth , i'11 Per mmmommth. T. .3 , } 'Itzmmmorrs ! ; (112
1. 16th atreeL Stilt :
- - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - -
- - - - -
- - 4-
? OR IIENT--Two 1lommr emit biienment , Elvatou
attactmt1 , 1207 i'armmanm Shoot. 270'lmmmo
I ? ( tIi I IN'r-A imletly furumtshemi room , , 1318 Jackson
itreot ,
- -
I 't0lt tuc'- : mica hritk store 03 fct.t .1001) omm
hlonarml strctt , htit'.toum lOt ) , alit hCth streets.
mii1umra mt hiulmumamm's mlry goods store , 05i.tf
i Call IIEXT-\VelI tuiI.thc.t ; rooumus : at 0011 Welt.
_ m'L'-t ! boo. tf
1'tII RENT-S ruommi coMmige , now Seward stmcet ,
I l.ctecmi CaumihLmcll aumit Irene , ShIummm' addltlomm.
4T0-ll )
[ 'Oit IiE"i'-.i'urmmIsitsd rooimm. hlmimutru at Jicaiw , ' ,
I imimmalo amid art store , Iodro street. itoe.ti
roil itt : 'T lirlek store. Iumqulro at drug ) tOie ,
I rem' . 10th mmmiii Iommglas trcut. _ _ _ _ _ _ ; imoti
Iiu0lf1tENTTwo Stun mcmi tiasunmemmi. ElcVjm'
I attached. 11.07 } 'arnmumi itretit.
I [ ANIJSOMEI.S' ammil Iit-atiy 1'mirmmllmcd itioms1m
I stilt or slmmgk , limit anti uld battms. EtsIralilt
eatIummiT200opituiAtenue. _ 15.6k
ioii : itcr-pumImm.m and wifurmmishod rooi
L I'inc location. 1'kCK , o1ht 1' , 0.
l'ol ( liKnrr-ltt.lde-nres antI itore ljulldltmgs. lIED.
I lOuD KOUEH , lied Estate Agency , cocos
Mt ilde 14th sticot , imetsuen Eanmuta and DougiM
treets. 792-i
Felt SALE ,
[ -'lost SALE-house 21x50 feel with 7 rooms , i.hth
LI tt&tf cru lot , near Port lnios ooo cast , ,
r V700 ci , ttmu * . Address Jauui A. T.Ior. i'o-
Itimaha. 025-201
l'OtttmsLE-A helms. soil lt at a
I Marble , IT N 11th St.
What gIves oar Children rosfelieeks ,
'IS'litit cures their fevers , iaskeis them sloop ;
ens Cmmstorla.
W'hn batIe fret and cry by tunis ,
'Vbat cimrcs theIr colic , kills their wonns ,
Hut Castorl , , .
1mat qaickly t'mire' Constipation ,
Sour Smenimidi , Colds , IndigestIon ,
Thmt Castorims.
rarewehi thor , In Morpimina Syrups ,
Cimstcr Oil and l'aregonlc , antiflail
flail Cimstnrlat
r SAI.L CIfEAI'-A good "Ilmmdlant htoumme , "
coal Stole. ; almost now , Call mit thonuthwemt
corner of 230 and hurt streech. . 1 , 11. coorai
TJ'oa l.EASE-l' mir choIce lots on rOth'lIt , , long
.1. _ tIme , 217 N , 16th 1t. J. I. . . Maible. 525.tf
I-'out SALE-2014m Farnm street 77 feet frontage ,
.1 ? 125 depth , flte roomed house4.OOO. 6i4'mnot
riomi SALE-A well ostabhlshed hotel and reetSu.
.L' rant. Alsoelgar anti caudr etmind In main part
of cIty , doltmg good bustimeas. Address "A. IT. " Dome
cUbe. 595'lT'
-1-"olt SALE-Spi5d cook stove , hard cool heater
.1 : ' and extnslon tabo. Only been used three
iiionths. CAL. MARTIN ,
56-tf 120 8. I4thstreot , 20 floor.
.1-'omt SALE CIIEA1'-Parmor set and cook stove
U ltmqulro lomb ilarucy street. ; 563'l
T'oIi MALE-A general store In a growing coudtry
.I _ town , doIng a good buotnea. . Oljcct for sclllig
owierwiahes to cimmugo busIness , InquIre at the cent.
mIssIon store cf hi. lILtgham , ! c Co.,3i9 S. 13th streeh
street. J. 1. . MARBLE.
039-tf _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
] ui nAl.E-A boarding louse whim established
business , in good locatIon. ( toed reason given
for silting , Ssitmmmam , 12th amid Douglas. 554-151
. -omi 1 SAhE-At aba'gaim , mm small iosler ; , Dahnumnn
and Co's fire i > roof safe. Jnqiilro at this otilce.
OR SALE-Four lots In south Omaha. Good 10'
cation , $250. each , lnqulro at Bee 0111cc.834.tf
T-uoR SALE-A clean stock iirdivare. Bargain.
j4 F.mtsy terms. AdOres St. J , Work , 2lUford , Nob.
-T-j-uomt SALE-A numnoer one horse , will ( hive s1nIo
.1 or double and wIll be sold at a bargain. Inquire
at the ollIco of the Om'mmnd Unlomm Tea Co. , 110 S. 15th
St. 162-ti
-1--.uOlt SALE-'jno farm close to the city.
rsms-tf _ _ PECKOpposlto P.O.
300 yearlIng helfers , p
200 two year old holfers.
400 mIxed calm-c , , October delIvery.
' _ mo head yearling sthors , October delIvery.
701 head , .imooth tao and three year old steers.
Iowa stock ,
Cattle Contractors , hide , Wool and Tallow dealers ,
Sioux City. Iowa. ' 303-im
-l'Oit SALE-A first cha& . second hand top buggy.
_ A _ Call mit i3ms IIarmme- street 307tt
Foil SALE-Rommimbonce amid business yropert ) ' in
all parts of Omaha , amid Farm Lnds In all parts
of the uittato. BEDFOIII ) & souamt ,
793-tf 213 8. 14th St. bet. Farimain amid Douglas.
l1Out SALE Out EXCIIANGE-Fuhl lot and three
_ I dwelling , corner of 11th and Paciflo streets.
Nine tots 1mm south Onmtha. Also 160 acres of hand
near Santomm , Nebraska , aid building and stock of
ciotimIng No. 801 Tuath street. wiim exchange for
Nebraska farm linde. Fmurther particuiar at Ono.
IL I'etorsomfs ciouilmmg Store , 804 rentS street.
olt SALE-Olmi rewepapers 1mm large and sinai !
- 4tammtites ! at this cItico.
I IOUND A locket book , comminimmlng some notes
ammO otltcrp.iers. Owner camm harosimmoc by pay.
1mg clmargcsammi ( calllmmg out ( I , L. Green , Letter Car-
nor , mit ( immialma i'otolticv. 003.17
OST-A i'ncket Surglc-mtl lmmstrmmunemt Cae , eIther
_ _ J at Fair ( irimummoli or Iii thu city. l-'imeter n Hi
ilirase return to thi. ouR-c.
I 'S1'II.t\'l-l. : Ouie rot and wimitu cow tiltS vrt of
. _ 1 leather lmalte'r , LIberal reward to thu arty re-
turmmiimgsaid toeto I'A.\TON& ( IAIJAQmjltt ; ,
633-15 10th mud Jackson street ,
I 'I iiiimlerilguietl , cmmutlomm cicri-liomly nit to still
, to or lit ) ' ammytlmlmmg of Sits. i. Im. hiouis.m , iixcejii
mmmc being lersOmmaIly lirt-semit ,
030.17f E. II. IIOUIIIN. .
05'I' Oil STOLEN-A le-atlier wrltlmigde.k . comm.
A tairmlmmgpaptb-mo cml other articles of umo tehue to
aim > cue , uxctipt tRim owner. it liberal retvmrd will be
glmcmm for rctmmrmm iii content. to tids ottlce and no
.iuestlotm , asked , oai.iti
B LACKEMIFIf snot' TO.J.EASE illickamlttm
lImp commiplotu ammil dolimga good lmuslmmess In 11am.-
tlngs Nob. , a-Ill lease to a respommimblo Party for one
orinou'e years , Wammt to go out of liuslmess Iecauac
of or Imi-aith. . ' , thlresa Jacob Kolt , ltastlngs Zi'cb.
OST--At trmmiomm l'acItIo depot It , the cIty on % 'otl.
.4 Imesloy enmmmlmmg Sept. 12. mm rocket book about ,
boon. imortim 1mm umeotIablu l.Incoln County aarrammts.
'I'Iio itmmmier ullI be atmltality ruwariIc1 by ltiam'imig Sam. ,
Lit time lIce 0111cc , Ois-14f
XTES ! " 13 ,
1 o7&.17
I r ! tc..mmrthiolll iu gloom fer ( lit retunm of my
c I .L ) black , o.lmlt arid tan wetter , "L'JilDi , " toNe ,
205 5. 2..tl , street. No tIilCtloim aikeil ,
0111.171 v. j , JIAhISlIA.
'f 'lime MIllard ilftoi ) , cmer etcimlnguntil thu 10th ,
. / lcalers iilslilmg to see' I , W. Wells Gem. ' 1rael'
Ing . Agt. for tlmu La ft-lb l'agon Cit. , i'o.m du Lao
3t.l' . 3V111 Picaso coIl mit thu Millard lIntel evcmmImmzmm ,
amid at llammes& mmro. omm time F'alrgnium.dmtlmruimgu , time
day .lmero .am1k , wagomm can lie seem , , , 03l.l5
its. .i ULI.t SCl1lmOiRIt , Cimtcmmgo , time twist.
_ i. l"vrful mmagmietlcj healer , lotiatit all maim , ammO
IlIseamlu , Cures all tlmn.e gliemi up by other ImmO' .
slclaims. Ciiimtmmjtatlumm frie. S. It' . cor mOth ammO Cap.
ltuIavcnmmeIhmomm R 4.43-151
TOTICE A , ormmvr lot am.tl store room , opposite
. .4opera house l.aruckbtockt'alrmmomt , Neb. Omme of
tlmu best iuts.ltomms Ii towmm , for sale , at a bargain , If
soitimiltlmlmm twemitytlais , Almoastock of Orocerlo.i.
A good buslnessetst.Iishtot , i'ustoitlcc address , Ionic
, lrawt-r No. It , t'alrmjmommt , Xclj.
T RAVE OIttEIt.35'mr ) baggage , express crc-ar.
.1.4 . rlagos , to aim > ' I"38 tO tme ! rIty , at 2i3 S. 13th ilL "
Telt.phtems . No. 1404 A , P. KELLNER.
I I'vo.m wmmmmt ) Iioa 'lruiim for any murpoe. see W
b.dCannam iloums. 201.lma
im4olncrsrt : OF l'ALSIynrfllIiy AND COI4DmTION.
ALISI' , 408 Tenth Street , between Farnim &nol if if.
my , will , .itb lb. aid of guardian spirits , obtab Sir
WY tiCS C gisace of ti ipast and prnntt , ant
cedaiocmmdlt1onslcthofutura. 23 Hand (1ic %
tis..1st4 ryJ5f , Pemfia ss.tlztectkn gzsraoteCL