Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 15, 1883, Page 7, Image 7

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! ? . YOU
\f \ If you buy your
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16 M u and 17 Pearl Street , Council Bluffs.
R. S. COLE & Co. ,
All the Most Iffiproved Kinds of Lightning Pods
Anti Orirnrnctit. Au Woot rtud Iron I'iImp , Wood Tuling nint ar Pipe nhlI Pipe rIxture , for both
No , G04 South . Main \Yood and . . . lroii . . . . 1iiinp. . . . . . . . . . Orders . . . . . . . iII . . recehu . . . . . . . prtnnpt . . . . . . . . ttentIoti. . BLUFFS , IOWA
. . cr I : . C ) E I 1E
Nosy Store , Fre1i Uood , Tow I'rkeg nml Polite Attondants.
; ,
l1-- { First Door east of Metropolitan Hotel ,
lq I YiaII-Paper and Yllndow Shades and Painting In all Its Ornches1
3 ci.ith Xocir1 at. . - cJcu.33.ci1 1L1.ft.
II ardvare.
i . , ( 504 Broadway and 10 and 12 Main Sf , , Council Bluffs.
! Broadway Steam Laundry !
7 w3II
, - - - - - Proprietor.
Model Steam Laundry I
N. A. CHRISTIANSON , - - - roprietor.
, Has just opened a new and well fitted steam laundry. Guarantee good
- work , Please give me a trial.
/ The following are thotimeof arrivsi and departure
I trains from the local depots. The train. staTt ( rcnn
the Union PacIfic depot about ten minutes earlIer
. . than below , tated , and rrIvo &t the depot about ten
' tulnutee later.
J TraIns on pool lines and K. C. run on Chteago Limo ,
& half hour faster than local. Wabash trains run on
St. Louis time , tcnty minutes faster than local. U.
I. . and Lincoln trains run on Council Bluffs Limo.
. . Depart. Arrive.
. . . Atlantt&Ext . . .5:30 : p. . acIflc Lxi..9:4 : ° m
I , ExandMaIl'.OO'.m. : ' Exand 1dail6:5 : p.m.
\ Do. Molneuio..7I5a.m. : Des MoInes &c..6-53 p. m.
' ChICAGO , suaz.ivoro AND QUINCY.
Depart. Arrive.
( hIcage Ex. . . . &Ssp.m. Counafi Enffsex..0.45
M&flandEx..045 in M&Il&nd Ex..7OOp.m :
Depart. Arrive.
AtlantIc Ext . . . . . .15 p. in. Paetllc Ext . . . .0:15 : a. m.
Mall and Ext. . .0O : a. ni. Mall and E. .0:15 : p. in.
Accom ( Sat.5..5O ) p. in. Acoom ( Mon ) . .1:45 p. in.
' . Depart. Arrive.
Mall and Ex..0:55 : a. in. . . . . . . . . . . p. in.
Express. . . . . . . . : Z5 p. in. Mail and Ex. . .C:45 : ' . in.
I Depart. AirIve.
p Overland Ex..liSOa.m. : OverIandEi. . .4:00 : p.m.
. , Lincoln Ex..11:30 : a. in. Denver Ex..8:00 : a. in.
Denver Ex..7:00 P. m , Local Ec..6:30a. , : in.
Local Ex..7:25 : a. in. ' E . . . . . .fls)5 a. in.
Emigrant..5:20 : p. in. " E . . . . . .OOO ; a. in.
Depart. Arrive.
MaIIandE.c..0:45a. : m. Malland Ex..4SO p. Zn.
cannon Ball.A P. ifl. Cannon flail. .11:05 a. in.
flepart. Arrive
Foi4'Stoux City.7:55 : a. in. Fun Sioux CityO:50 : p. in.
ForFwrtNlobrara Yrin Fort Niobrara
Neb..7ti5a. in. Nob..6:50 : p. in.
Eor St. I'aul . . . .7:40 : p. in. Frani St. Paul . .8:50 : a. m.
. Leaves Omaha. ArjIve at Oiraha.
stall and E. . . . 7:45 : a. in. I I'acilicE. . . . 9:35 : a. m.
Atlantic Ex . . . . 3:10 : p. m. Mail arid Eu . . 7:2 : p. in.
AIitrain daily ,
, , Leare Council Binff. Arives Council Itiut1.
. hail and Ex. . . .0:2i : ) a. In. Mail andlx. .O5 p. in.
Atlantic Ex . . . . 15:15 : p. in. Atlantic Ex . . 10:10 : a. in.
Leave Council liuiiff Leave Onialia.
8 a. in. a. in 10a.m. ha. S a. iii. 1) ) ii. in. Wa. in. ii
in. I p. in. 2 p. in 8 p. iii. 4 a. iii. i in. 2 p. iii. : i p. in.
p. in. 1 p. in. 8 ji. iii. 4 i. iii. 5 i. ni C in.
Struet cars rim half hourly to the Unioii l'acifIo
depot. On Sutiday the cars begin their tripe at 0
o'clock a. ilL , anti run regularly during the itay at 0 ,
11 , 2 , 4 , 5 , and 6 & dock , and run to city time.
' .4 TIIN. orncKR , II. M. iviiy.
CouncIl BiutTh , . . Ia.
Establishea - - 1856
Dealer. In Forgien . .nd Domestio Echftngo and
home Becuritto. .
Justice of the Peace.
Omaha and Council Bluffs.
Real estate and collection ageno. n 0'S' ' ! Fellowi
block , flyer Savine. flank. Janij.
The finest quality and Iargc.t etock west of Chleago
of Wooden and MLialio Case. . Calls attended to at
all liourL WO defy eoiiipetitlon iii quality of goods
or iirices. ( lur Mr iurgan has serod a undertaker
for forty years ani thoroughly understa'ols his bust.
, ness. Warerooins,311 liroada'ay. UPIiOLST1ltINU
'a In all It. branches proinitIy attended to ; also carpet
Iayin and taiiibrciUii , . Telegrajibia arid mall
( alers Oiled without delay. .
- - - -
- - - - -
, R.RiceM.D.
. . .
II A 3J1tPD or other tuinor reinood iltliout the
ULUULJItU1 knhfoor draiisig of Llood ,
( t HRUC ! B1SAE ollilriiiia Ipecialt ) ' .
( lie , thirty ) 'ears linetlc'd experience. 0111cc Kp.
, pearl street , Council lliulI ,
I jfCon5u1tAtlon tree.
II J. Hilton M. B
( , . , . , ,
222 Bro2dWay , Co'u'cht lUutr
Mineral Springs !
We guarantee the cure of the following named die'
eases , 0mb hay : itheutnatisin , Scrofula , Ulcers Ca'
tarrh , nil Bioodand Skin Dh.eese. , Dyspepsia , Live.
Complaint , Kidney and Bladder Diseases , Gout , Nen
raigla and Asthma.
'rheeo Snriiigs are the favorite resort of the tIred
and debiilt.atod , and are the Feeble Ladics bcl
Good lintel , Livery and Bathing acconnnodatlon
Locality highly picturesque and healthy.
Correspondence solicited.
Address Itev. Id. M. Ti1O3il'SO'Ianagcr.
Hiloam. Gentry Co.Mo
All ( ho , , who 0cm leIletloni , .s..i , . . 'r oilier cia. . . ITS
, .k. uui.Tved , lw ,1lnted , ib.lcsllv dri.lned , InS n.blI iS
perlorni iir&'a .iitk. iTOi'Ti ) . Clii t C'TtI5I7 & . & pTiI.
. . , . . , . . . . .
L.iiily CUTT.I. III i.u I .tonol ) ni'4h'iu. Eolr.'i b1'doiora ,
! Tliiipter. .n4 the ire , , TJi MCic'l II'ify , .T. i 7h Old
pins cfin..tlng Nervon. fleIliIt I'hiI..t h'cn .tc. ,
is lioIlv .Sp.T.TdeI by TIIF .i , % hci'oN uIUI.I. . Iye.
l.oiiks ce. , ' . . , , ur4 OICOT(5lU iii.Tottoii 10 IiII sf1 'er.
foci . . .iihoo.l. lSinpit. TflTetlv , ol. . ilj , IluIai. 5.iii
I'p i . .Iio. Cii.lIIlnii with pi , ) i iclsu ( .U.
. ' 1eTN llIllIY (5) 40 v. 141k St. . Net ? Yora
. I Ii. . 1111,1 or lli'iz'si.'ra'
. ; . . . ; br h ' 'iII'l . S.u
. .
; , . ' ' liii' . 'Uli' .1 ( Ii l.IIU.l I , Itl
. , ' or ilit gt'iit'i iitl n. 01 irlI IS.
. iCEEV Tlii , ' is io IllIctall , ' not
) ' BELI tlii I'IImi floti'uiIiItPIt , Oti UlIi , et tuft : ice. ' 'on.
FlBEL ; ) 1' I : I I ' I 'I' V I"'l'lII'itfIIi.
thu ' , I lii' Polls
Iic'tlii : 'l.iI I I i..m to IIP.11i13'
. _ . ? Igoli I ) , lint
. iIiI vltli 11L'etric . . ' 'I '
oi1L nl'rtiTi'il iii 'iii , . ijil Ilh
II S I 0111 Ii'ttil It , II , it Ii for
I Ii ' ON i ' ( '
liii' 'ji'Iiltis icI liii 11111 liifirniiiljoii giiiiii'es Cli'efCr
ll.'ctrlu Co , 101 Vililiigtoi St. . i'hici , , , . iii.
Bro8kfllt Cocoa ,
. \Varrnnictl sbsoluU'ljir
_ " Cocoa , ( ruin which the excess a
Oil liis : ln'tn r'ino'e'd , It hin t/ire
) fi7 \ dIIiC , Ue 6S'eipt/f ( of Cocon mliii
I l 'hlii Starch , % rrowrtot or 1'UgaX
r'L , 4Il1\t iiiid Is tinreforo ( .ir niurireconoml
I' ' I cal. It Is delicious , nourlshin
111 J l .trengtliciing , easily dlgcstt'd , an
'Si ' ) . ' L1 admirably adapted ( or iiivniids u
vciI 014 for Iiersons in hinith.
Sold by ( Irocers everywhere.
, BAKER & CO. , Dorchester , Iass
- Itestoreiiin from two to I
r 1ANII000-Posltlsulv
% days by MexIcan S'egctable eonfectiou. Fo
particulars addres San Mutoo Medical Co. P. 0. lloi
2181. St. Lou 22in liii
Wheat-Ni' , 2 spring , 7Cc ; No , 3 , 63c ; re
jected , 50c ; good tiernanil.
tjorn-1)ealors are iaylng 31t,32c ; rejecte
corn , ChIcago , 4o@4r , new mixed , 49c ; vlit
corn , LOc : the receiptis of corn arc flglit.
Oate-ln good Ieinantl at Oc.
lilly-4 ( ) oe1 ( 00 per toii tiOo Ier bale.
Jiyo-40c ; light stiqily.
Corn ! cai-l 25 iior 100 iotinds.
W'cOLl-GOOd supply ; iIric at yar.lie , OO (
0 00 ,
Coal -flelisercil , hard , 11 00 ir tozi ; soft
r r.o er ton.
] Iuttcr-I'Ienty aiiil iii fair ( lelnanhl at 25c
croaiiicry , l0c.
Iggs-JCeady sale at Ific POF 4ozcii ,
Ltril'-Fidrliaiik'i , wliulosnlitig at lie ,
] 'oultry-Ilnn ; lealore are nying ( ii
CIIICkCIIIf IGe ; Ike , 2 tA ) P ° ' iIozti.
Vcgetabito-Piitaboe , 1Oi ; oiiloiis , 50c ; cab
I)114Cd , 30l0 , her tlozcii liiOd ! , .1 iO@l 01
Per hiarre ) .
F1tiiir-Cty flour , 1 60@ ' 10.
] hiioins--2 0O(1 ( 00 ler dna.
CattIo-3 00.3 ( tO ; calves , fi 0O7 ! 'O.
11ogs-Ilarket foi bogs quiet , itif the Iac
lug bnu.tes are cucd ! ; sbippera are iayIrig 'I 0
© ' 1 i : ; .
- ' -
The electrio exhibition in Vhnicia Is irviu
a great bonanza t thu theaters , Thu oper
house Id full every evening , and on Wagiio
ulghatsi hundreds have to be turned away with
out. tickets. "Triston antI Iealdu"wIIl be pre
ilitced on October 4.
The Tacs.
It is sniil that Alnorie-aus arc tim only
Olles tiiitlcr the still who calt inect. lcntli
nilti the tnx collector with a iiiilo , lb
tiat ; thu Casu or not. there wiltsoou bu
allirtlcd an Opprtlllity % to Ineut the tax
collector , 811(1 WhO'.hCI with siitilt's ,
fnwns , or tears , the taxes lutist ho ikt.
. Thu county board wrestled vlt1t thu
ta ( Jtlustiol % itiul lutvo nidored a levy as
follows iii Cotln'il liltihls :
I'oll tax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .t4) )
State. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
County. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( I
School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
Poor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t
Bridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Coiiiity hood. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
liisaiio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Totiti..1 l
The school taics of the city , a , certified by
the scittiol board , Is as fo1Iovs :
School house. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
Toacheri' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contitigotit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Trim city taxes are as follotvs ;
City general ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . )
City liiiiil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
City i.nwerago. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
City library. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Titil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
hiikiiig tilt ) gi'aiiil totiil of the tnes :
State ittiti county..I l
City school. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
or nearly t cents on the ilolltw.
To stroligilloli aiid build UI ) the system
it trial swill convince you that , BrmwIt's
Iron Bitters is tim 1)est titedicinu niade.
Coy. Slierimmnu amid Ccii , l'i'entlss to
S1)ClLlc T.Niglit.
This evening there will be a grand republican
publican rally at Bloom S Nixon's hall
at 7:30 : o'clock , to whic1i everybody is in-
vited. ( by. Sliormama will be present
ittid address the citizens , as will also ( oim.
Prentiss , another hero of Shuloh. There
should be a rousing itttendance.
WTantedImmediatchy , a first.class coat
maker. SMITh & ,
7 aIld ( I Tfa111 street , Council Bluffs.
Miss Blanche Oliver , the woll.knnwii amid
lavorito singer , has gone to Chicago to resume
her musical studies.
Miss Ella Smith is recovering rapidly ( rain
the operation lately ierformed , and there Is
every reon to believe that shio vilI 5(100 be
perfectly amid permanently restored to health.
irr.Tcrmilhia , of Uniaiivihle , Iowa , a 1)ep.
uty United States Marshal , is in the city. lIe
hiv been in attendance at the Franle James
trial at ( ahlatiu , Missouri. Mr. V'ormillia
has the reputation of always fetching his tuna
when lie start. , iifter him. lie eiroiiiiod n nian
in.Jasper county , Missouri , vhio showed fight
and thought he had the drop on the Marshal.
Frank Crane , of Avoca , took diuiner at the
Ogden yesterday.
F. S. Corwin and i' . D. Daniels , of Crcs.
. Lou , wore among the boarders at the Ogden
: yesterday.
\v. II. Vaui'han come homo Thursday to
see the fair. lie expects to return toDcs
MOines th.flZOrW. Ho is managing unite an
extensive thing there in the electrin highit busi.
S. C. Osliorn and wife , and 11. N. huller
. and wife , of ( ilenwood , stopped at Limo Ogden
l"romont Bonjamnin , a pronlinent lawyer of
A voca , took iii the fair and Ogden hiousc
hoard yesterday.
lilies Kate 11em1iy , who lies booti on a visit
east , has returned home iii tiuno for the fair.
Mr. P. hlansoui nnI If. Meyer has returned
( rein Los 'Vegai , Now Mexico , where tlio
. have been for the past two xnoimtli with thi
luumd which left lucre to furnish music for thi
ghosts of the huitsl at the above ulaco. J'rof
A. Olcuuri nitti 1) . PtItbii , of thuo JEaruumlii3
hand , have left for Los Vegas to fill thcii
.Etmhiius Ayers , of EtnnsviIio , liii ! . , is iii tlui
city eu his return from thu t'est , 1 Eu is thui
guest of IC. \Vhittlcsciy , the local ? if Titi
(111)1)0. )
Mr. .1. T. honey , the PPtular euigiiio fore
milan at thu ljniiui I ' .tci tic yards Iii this ci ty _ , i
COlufiliCli tO Ills lieu. ZSr. ! honey Is tlio gcuitle
malt vhio during tint flood dieti ugumiehiud lii iii
self by reecuiuig it famiiily at. thu Peril of hi
flu. It i' cainestly laoiia.i iiI recovery wil
. ho sifCCllY.
S ' \ . S. Iiairl , lirotlier of John \V. Baird
LI left yesterday for Moumit Veniouu , hotsn , wlmor
, he will continue his Coumrso of stuly Itt Cormuol
r ; College.
if 11ev. J. Cl. Lemon was called to Greenville
S Ill. , to iezforiii time irmarrhigo ceremony ( a
$0010 frienils of his. lie Is expected boom to
( lay.
? 1r. hE , J4. Cleveland , the popular ogomit a
S the Fay 'fcml1)1en Star Opera company
O called at the IIEE (110CC and ftuifloltflcol thus
r the conipany luo represents will appear at 1)ii
1 , htaimy's hail next week Wculnes4ay. Tlie
: will be greeted by a ( miii hinuiso , ( or the h'a :
TeinlIlctofl coinpahmy hf well known and wel
C , hiendrlo , if Pacific City , as at the l'a
I cilia house yesterday. J. Itumnkles , of tb
Li 55010 cIty , lItopJOd there vithm hurt.
\v. I' , .101105 , of lavenjiort , fUrrliCllOl thi
score ciinls for time races , lie was the righi
man for thu tilace , ( or the cards were tb
iiiust cciiiveuuient. ever misirl In Council Bhimfis
S. Voile , of Chicago , yiis one of the guest
, at LIsa I'aciflc.
; Ashley Iahiaui , of Atlantic , caine iii to sia
thi races amid lmt Imp ut the Atlammtle.
Jr. S. 5iIoIwiuig and bride , of Shelby , iii.
r arim in thin city. Air. Melwluug Is a Proloinen
. farnier aii ( ( stock dealer of tilat. Place.
I )
Jhrulry'H Carhuila Sitlyt , .
'flie bust salve umied in the worll ( or ( Juts
Bruises , Piles , iorus Ulcers , Salt ithiwun
'fetter , Chnpj fOIl I I iiiiiis , ( Jldi lilni us , ( Jorns
II nil kiuuis sit Ski ii lruptlinus , Freckles aust
: - l'inhIltI4 , 'rile Salv.i is gtlar4ntcurl to givi
0 isrfct satisfaction in even case. lie smmr
and get llfNJtY'S OA1thlOilC SAI'J , w
all ethers are but irnitation and eolnmtorfcit ,
g l'rica ? cermbu.
a -
: . . Bliss , 128 Broadway , time luadimm
. mihlfimury and fancy goods hoUse of tin
Sati Fraiic. .
it was a close , lint , sultry 1103' Iii Itdy ,
18(10 ( , niid the crowd of gamuublors , mnimers
amid loafers , vhto hiatt been sitting in front
of time 1..ommg 'l'ommi simloomi on 'Vasiiimigtomm '
street , Sommora , anti lyhmg nrotmnil that
PPll1nr resort. itt time coo1 of the 81111(10 (
allbrtlid by time awning overhead and time
locmmst , trees , wlm'mcit looicetl wilted nitil
dirty frommt time Imeat ammtl itust , lyore
gatitereti aroummd a little kmtot of ahmgry
1111(1 uxcitcil mmemt mmuar the mmmin entramme e.
'l'hme stmbject of tlisptmtc was evidently mm
secret , for time liarticiIaltt talketi both
boil 111111 unit , gestictllllt'tllg wildly anti
gloweriimg at each other in a thveatemiimmg
' [ 'lie ccImtral figure of the grotip was a
wullkhmolvmt gammlhier fromn the iuijoiimimmg
cotmmmty of Calavetas eiied lmih1 I lartly.
lie was (1110 IZf three brothers , all sportihmg
lIlChI ittiti ( leslieflito cimaractera , 1'lit ) will
ho readily re'alled to the mmmemmmovy of
thtmsti vIiti liveti lit the sotmtlmurim mmdnes in
the early days. Surrotmndiimg huimm , itimil
emiguged in tite litiisy controversy , were
liii ! Lvie Cherokee Summ : , Frank
lngsdalo , Bill Ailemm , ammil t'o or three
others of time siwrt.cartl fnttermmity
Imulommgimmg to Sommora , thu beaut iftml amul
hlotmrisiuimg little cotmitty seat of ' 'Ohil
' ' '
ThU t'.ttsi ? UI , ' TilE Thtfl'hml.l (
Wits It race-horse ( ilVlIl'I liy thu I larti ) '
boys at lokclimmmmiu I liii , amid lmiiuveil by
thmeuim ( uZ be faster than nmtytiming Ott four
legs tlmnt ' [ 'noluimmimo cotmid lmriimg nIt time
track. Soumme recent exploits , fresh imm time
immemmiory of the Somtora sports , itimtl which
lint ! minnie themmi comae httlmlu .tithi emmipty
pockets , \vure imittorly IlbhiOttlmCed as
tmmmfair , I iardy , nit time other Immid , swore
his hmorso had vomt on his mmiurits , amid
allured to back himmt against his late amita.
golmist for all ) ' amimtmtmmmt of nIOmICY.
' 'i'll tell you what I'll ' do , Ilartly , mmd
yell can take it ill ) or back out of it , just
Its ) 'Ot ( Imleaso. I'll ' but ammo timou.suniti
dollars , itmiti limIt. tue mnomloy up in
1\iurphy's hmammds (1\Eurpimy ( was thu prIpri.
etor of the ' 'Lommg Tout" ) , that thu gray
hiorstu calm beat time black a mmmilo eli the
Slmitw'u Flat track at any time within the
miext. three muouths. "
' 'See hero , Frammk , " tue Calaver.ts mmmli
replied , "if you fellows give us ii sqimaru
deal i'll take the bet. 'Amd if you don't ,
thero'll be.- in czunp , or lhI 11111110 ain't.
Dull hardy. "
Amid so the nmatch was miiatlo , amid thu
PeWS spread over time country , far anti
hear. Time gray muiti black Iveru to coimme
together again , but title time on time
sacred soil of Old Tuoiumnne , where
nothing could be ' 'put. Ui ) , " arni no
"shiouaimigaii" nilowod.
the excitement which spread over several
states of the Union at tue time of the
inemmiorablo contests between Fashion anti
other of time famnous horses of that. tune.
On a smaller scale , the same thug was
witnessed in tue southermi mmmimius over the
race between : the black horsoof Cainveras
aumd the gray of Shaw's Flat. Thu
intorc8t was widespread , the fuelihmg
intense. hardly nnytiiing else was
talked about , and nearly everybody
wagered sommetimimig on the race.
Tuoluuimnc backed her favorite lnaufuliy ,
and it was almost as much as a mmmli's life
was wortit to say anything against. the
gallant gray , or oven question the cortaini-
ty of his winning. In Sonora tim feeiing
was redhot , and large sums vero wagered
on the result. .
The day of time great event saw a troin.
ommdoue gatheriumg at Shmaw's Flat , about
half-way 'between Soiiora and Columbia.
Mimiers kimocked air work amid made a
holiday of it. People flocked in from
Jiumicstown , Chimiese Caimip , Jacksonville ,
tine river bars , amid oven Big Oak Flat ,
while Brown's Flat , Sprimigfield , Sawmmtill
Flat and Yankee lull sent big dolegationt
to view' the sport.Tlllme day was fume , tIme
weather all that could be desired , amid time
track iii good commditiomm. At time olevoimthi
' imour , to the honor of those who hind
backed thu gray horse so liberally , it. vai
announced that
iii ; mA ! ) ( ZONE LAil
and was in nocolmdition to wimi. Tuoiumne
I was in ( k'spair and Calavoras triutmiphuatit ,
Sounotiiing VILs wrommg , nmmd foul piay
himitod itt. inimmiediatuly a great cinaimg
could be observe(1 in time buttiumg. Those
vito 1111(1 put up heavily oui the gray won
r anxious to ' 'hedge" by gutting on tint
black , mnot. only by time Cahil turns loepio
I hmt ( by tine Tuoiimunmiitoe as well. At thnh
I point. , aumd witinini aim hunt ( if tine race
Jiiui lesmnoiideomm , all oid ttmrfmami fron
p 'I'exaa , timought. hue enimeit. somutetiniiug rottum :
r time air.Vitin a knowing lYink , inc
took sonme of tIne Somiora loye oil' to
ciuummp f mimamm'.anit a bushes by time road
3 side , amid there , omit. of eight of time rowc
oil the track , Jimut told his friends that In
had ( liecovtlred sumumethiiimg was wrong
Accidcnntaily he hind dropped aim a littli
. gamnu of tine llni'dy crowd. 'iimoy won
13 qmmiotiy puttimm up their umoiioy omn thii
1' gray morsel \\TJuilo time 'J'nioiummummtcs won
. ofIuninmg big OdiS ( ( mit Cunlas'eruue favorite
ii time Ilardys amid them' iuummnedlitt.e fricmnd
I were actually takiuig the hots. .himmn mink
he was conifiduint. time ( Yunlaver'um slnarpur
imati put ilj ) tinousammile of riolhunrs aim Ui
, gray , amid couldn't. account. for it. 'J'1nu
Ii kimow tom well as anybody cisc tinat tin
I gy hind gone mine , aniU there was ii
(1UCstiOtm nbonmt. tine black imoree being ii
apleudid condition. Uzmdor those cit
cuinstazicce , withmout. soruietininmg wit
. rotteni , why should tIme other side bite ]
time gray ?
nil. , , UA'VlH.
" .toyIt , " said Ned hunter , tIme wir
little lawyer of Somnonin , wino imad been i
. ihlummhnlerablo dhuhicuities and was up
nil the tricks of the trade , ' 'leave timi
hr inmattor to in for tweimty uminmutce , and l'l
V finid out. all about. it. , Scatter imow , bu
I come back Imere at. that tinic , and if w
don't jmiuiy thmosi' 'stuart. Aloeks' for iii
- tinoy are worth , atmd beat theta at thui
U OWln gnnrmo , I'll leave time country. "
lluiiter , with tts'o ( Zr three friends , a
the chose of timis intunviuw , , inunted up liii
Ii Mitvie , Vil ( ) was tA ) ride time biack hmonso
t and hind a ' 'war.taik" witin hiinui , lii
Ii w5 a SliMy's Fiat ioy , and although
. yOUng and a light. wtmiglmt , lna(1 alroad
if established sonnutinimig of a reckless , ( litre
devil reputatiohl , "IJOi ( Inure , ilill , '
sairl I limuter , WIOZ I85 imie friend tutu iou
a got. imiun ( lilt ( if inoju thmamn tnio uggJ
IlCIlnuZO , ' 'tue I I andy hniys are putiimg u
, tincir mooney ( ill onmr 11(1150. I'ow1 yom
I ; kimnw time black cain win , if thus thmimig i
( Zn time square , 811(1 WO wanit. t kiiow whit
it mimelnhmif , All , % ' ( ) Ul' ( Jill fniemmde , ihmeludimmE
mimysoif , have bet. n the OitiltVtZtite imorsi ) ' , to try tiimtl FOt'o thiomuieuivcs , am
, if anmy nri'mnmmguhulommt hliyi boom mmmdc Li
, I 'throw time race , we winimt t.o khlOW i
niimt inoru. "
J'jOT ANtI coi7N'm'mmt.i'1.T.
'ntis aimlical tras too HtI'tJIIg ( ( Jr l.1it'ie ,
. So , without. lcise of tmhmmu or waste a :
s'ords , lie told thuom timmnt lie bid agneet
to mold tue black horse back and let tin
gray w iii time juice. ' I ' 11 tell yet
j what I'll do. If you follows will slam
by trio , anmd give rime ? 1,000 , I'll ride thu
black horse for all lie's wortim , itlul lot
the hardy crowd go to-- . " " 4il
right , " saul lltmmiter ; ' 'we accept your
tennis , amnd will stand hy you to time
doth , "
Thmo scone emi time track is one of mi1d
oxcitomimemnt , 'l'hio tillers are mtnmtmitteii 1111(1
ready for the race. A glammcont time imorses
reveals at. once a groat. tliliiIromlco letweomt
thmohmi. 'rite Cnirtveras horse is iii spiemitlid
commdit'mon , looking as If fit. to rnmmm ( or a
mmnamm's Pfe. Time grit ) ' , oh time cmhmtram' , is
spiritless amid Iamuo ; tmmammifestly , he is iii
mno comuiitiomm to will , 'tmmii yet , simmgmmiarly
emmotigim , tine much itto actually
Rlmahlimmt imp cory bet timat is ollored on
time hlitek , uvemi goilmg 140 far its to nmt. imp
01'ChI iillmtl\ ( _ ' that the gray viii vtil time
taco , Solmmotlmilmg is wrommg. 't'imo crowd
feeiii it , amiti aiixiotmsly awaits further
TIlE ltA ( ' .
: 1Tino black imorse , after a propnrlto7
gallop l)3 1111) of exercise to warimi hmimmi
till , imas ateipetl dowmi tine track to get. a
taste of vatet' ammd imavo mis mmmnuthsiomigeti
mutt. linlF I tardy is at time morse's head ,
amid iotmkinmg up into time face of his rider ,
with eyes that are tort'ihmio in timoir tieuully
mtmuiligmtity , imo Imisss , mittimor timimmt ivlmispenim ,
' ' \\'iii , m'tiimioimiler what. you've to do. If
you caimme iii t'mrtit , accident. or mill aeckiomit.
so imelp inc ( lad , I'll shoot. you ilk time
satidle. Now , go ' '
'l'hmo worth is givehm , and thu inotses are
oh' like a hhineim. 'l'hie black imas time inside
ithici ji ill time icitti , At time liitlf mmtito 1oie
they mire rtmmnltihmg side by smtIe , bimt. ml ma
80011 thmat. time black is boilmg held while
thit rkie of tine gray is whiipiimg fur'motms.
ly. lmnth' I hardy rimmis doivmi t imo I rack ,
1(11(1 ( mmorvously thrusts life Imammd into mis
hum 1ZOCkOL. 'ed I I tmimter and thu 4hlomt
follo's' hun closely , title Oil euneii side. 'l'Ime
horses comumim tearing like mmmamt down time
hmommmestrctch. ' "line gray is almond I' ' ammti
ft shtmtmt goes till ( rain the Onlavoras
crowd. 'rhme , mmhioot. hike arrows 1uud.
whore I tardy amid I I outer are stiuninmig :
timid soon , witii a 3'cll , the rider of time
black horse fit scent t' rise in his stirnimps ,
gLl.o (1110 torritllc cut. with mis whip , nimd
cn.oss tue acoro a winmier by over t.wo
Thin S1'AItTI.ISO iFFmLT. : :
Stick a scone of fierce xe'utemncnit. inns
mieltiommi boon WitliCssCd , oven on a race
coimrse. Men rltvoi anti cursed amid
o1lod , sinook hiuiilq , and shook their lists
1mm oacii otiners faces , threw' tlmeir hats in
tue mtnr , mind. tniumtimlcti thnomn mmmmtior foot. ;
Intmggei One uumothnur , alnit boluived hike a
mmmb of crazy iuei , Smiime were wild with
joy , otitors furious with rage nimiti disap.
pointimicuit. Dtill hlitrily ruum doivmi time
truck , with revolver in hand , crying
' 'Shoot tho- -I" Over fifty jilttOilI
yere out , in less thuui a mnintmte , ammd it
certainly htOkOd aS if bloody vork imiust.
emmd the cia ) 'a elcirt.
? mfavis , tine rider of the black , did not.
return to the jutlges' stand after passing
tine score. lie knew too mmcm for tiunt.
His life would not have beumi worth a
cent , but its sacrifice would have boemi
tim eignmi for alatiiiter. Fortuinatchy for
the hardy's , Inc dnd not comno back , but
rot. right on umitil lie mad gone nlmnoat.
half aroumid agailm , timon diamnounited ,
jummmped the fence and disappeared in tine
The hardy crowd swore that tine stakes
should inot. be givemn up , mind witin six-
shooters fin inand , dared any mumitmi to take
tIne mooney from tine track. ' [ 1ino mmnove-
macmit wits of great danger , for all were
terribly excited amid both sides armed tc
tooth. l'oreuaimiomi and reason vero of in
avail. Offers of comnpromuniso would iio
be lietomned to. TIme money sinouid nol
be taken awityl At. tiniie juincture Nec
Iluintor tniid D. 0. McCarthy , both ol
, Sonora , jtnimiled into an open buggy , tiic
bag of cairn and dust wets tinrowmn in al
' tincir feet , they drew tineir pistols , drovn
through time angry tinroatimimig crowd
rflmtliy of wineun atooti with rovi.mlvens im :
hand , and got off to Sonora inn safety.
L Strange to say mme ammo was seriousi )
I Inurt timat. day. But. tine ahE'aml
I WflS inot iiorlnitteci to stO1) , tinero. Simil
I WitS oiitci'ed in tine district. comnrt. agrtiiiel
time stake hnoldon , McCartimy , to nucovom
tine mooney , or pruvomnt hiinn froimn Istyimif
I it. over. Time trial cantie off at. Sonora im
time course of mi few immoiitina before liii
honor .Judgo B. ? ii' . Creamiorof Stockthmi
timemn Judge of time .Fiftin Inndical District.
I occupierl more tinnmn ii. week , aimil kep
time little town un a fever of expoctnmncj
nind excittimnont. Again time ciamme ralhiot
as Imoforo , all
AltMKim AN ltiAlV
I F'or time fray. 11111 Marvis vmts on hiammt
I vitmnesii. 'I'lmo Ilardys amid thmoi
I crowd CitimlO over un force. Qimiot. citizoim
I svore iii fear of their uses. Ji1inmmy anitici
I pitted a riot , witin great. lose of life
I Sonic feared tinit tine town ivoulel ii
I bnmnmied. lvomn un time court. roormn tnlmgr
L ahid fierce words voru oxcimaimgeti , whil
. itt ; every little cemmnmmmotiomm the click , click
1 click ( if time dcnimmgers , coils and ' 'peplmen
.3 lmxce" etimhtI ho incard vitii ttianmumiiugt1ie
. tiimctimulii.
: m Marvis , a4 mmnity be readily ihmiagiimel
Li WItH above itil oUnces tIne oimo mmiost imatoi
Li amid cnnnsuiil ly time Citliivoras ieimho Iii
1 life with LII ihmmimmihlemmt dammgon every loin
, of time ( hay , amid yet. imo thu not itipcar t
ft be imntmcii woni'ietl over time Imnoepuet. Iii
I deel , his rockiewsimeM eeiJmmmetl to immerons
i with tine von1 , : und timime timid ngaimn ii
Li faced ( leuttin ill it sjiirit. ( if vimro hirnvad.
V Nsthmimmg seemimoti IAZ ( latmhmt. imor terrify ImilmI
U lie proclitinied imimmiself ready for miiny
I ) timiimg iumti anybody.
in 'j'j ALAJm % II1AN.
Annommg time Calvoras party was a unit
: namumed Shm'mroiy , a tall , swartiny , bhutc
eyed .Aabamniamm ] , Tlnims mmian was a leant
oil life side. lie appeared to be brav
dutornumined and desperate , Several timnc
y during tine coursoof tine trial , Shiiroiy aim
In Mavis imiot and cursed eacin other fearfu
0 ly. Pistol fin imammd , drawim mid cockec
S eacin poured out imimomi the eLmer tine vn
El est words iii time Emmgiisin language. On
t muidermi mnigint imavo tinommghmt 00cm cowardi
( I Not. so , 'Fine closing scene proved them
1 dead game. 0mm inure tlnan otto occasio
r they walked frito thu middle of time stree
looked into eacin other's uycii nmmd ( hare
t onto armotimur te , simoot. 'I'hiis occurred a
I roost III VieW cii time court. , certainly with
' fin full view of time count.-Jnoumme , timid emil
I a few steps from time ( remit door. Fe
judges could inas'e kept cool under mitre
I ? circimmmnstarices. But , J tidno ( inoanor wii
- 0110 of time aid timimors. I I o had aim ira
' imervo , amid vts mint inn time lutist. ilietimrhe
1 i ) tine stnt ( mt mtmmgry h1lnasilIs rungimig nroiimm
V him. By tacit comiuumnt both sides roeo
, mmizcd ? 1mtvis mnnid Simiruly as their elmitim
1 pious , amid npntl'umi thy conch mmii ed to Ic
ft timcimn light. it ( Jut , miii Limtiii settle the dii
t uicmiity by simigle comimbmtt.
'i'liS S'l'iIOET IZIJEI ,
( lint , itftorxmoon , ivimemi count hind to
jounmmed timol tim crolvil s'ere miurgihm
: Limrougln time limilihl street , Siiiroly mmmc
Iayimi hear Caiiesut'me remitaimi'fnmmt , ill tim
iowcr jinn't. ( if Unu tOWIm. Vitildmig imp
mum tetmd clut.cimimig a cocked dumnimiger I
his right hninnd , lie aMked ' 'how iyili ye
f fight mmmci" 1'ilitvie ' quietly turmnwi awii
I without. ni 'on't1 , tutU Shi'nneiy entered thi
: m restaurant , After dimiimvr Simiroly wi
I ivmnlkimig \Vasuniimgtomm mitmoet , amid iEiiv
I stood mean Cinanley Fnidemnbuq'me start
i directly iii life itii , taikizmg with sommi
friends. Just as Shniroly got opposite ,
lnvis iimado one stop toward inimui , amid ,
rommirkimmg , ' 'Timid's how I'll figimt you , "
tired life tiorringor witimin an 111Cm of his
1reast. , ' ( 'lie latter staggancti , but imm
stantiy recorenimmg hminmsolf , thrust his der.
ringer immto Mavis's face amid hinzetl ' .
'l'hme sinot. struck time cimeek.bono , lilioC
iimg iIavis tlowmm and inliicting an ugly
l'Oilimti , Tineim Shmireiy , cha.nng imis lcf
breast tigimtly vItit ammo Imamul , cires' L
six.siuootor with time oIlier , amiti lst.galm
lmn'iimg alt time mmmii at. ins ( cot. , ' 1'IIO latter ,
with equni miiacity7 had got omit. his ro
Velvet amid fired i'imtlo in a sitting vostnro.
Shmireiy's first. simot 'itin thui revolver ,
stratmgoiy citotigim , struck Mavia's right ,
initmid , mmimntterimig it , but. ito instaintly
clutched the lvcnpomn with lotit inamuis ,
mtimd fired villn great rapidity , but sure
111111 , Slniroly , Immellhtwimlit ) , wmts iiolclimig
tight. to his left. lireast , nmul rmhmootiimg at
hum fnilmi foe. At thus juncture , Con.
stable Blake rinsimed in , seized Shirciy ,
nut ? this 1ittt. aim emmd to tine biontly encoun
ter. I n less titan a immimiutu inc vn. a dead
111th , Time hirst eliot had reacheti his
TIll' , lt'lulIMuNT. :
Forttnmmteiy fOr tine piece of time
towmm , anti time good of all concorin-
eti , this tntgedy 1mmtt an 011(1 to time hitter
dispute over timat iumommiorinbie race 'l'hio
mmmommuy Ivils awanicl to tine Sounonians , as
it. meinoulti have imcemn2 1111(1 tue Cult.
1.entil mmmcli tOOk itliny vithm timetmi time hotly
of time 1mrn' ninth desperate Aiahnimnian.
Shortly miftor rccovtiniimg frommn his i'omtmnds ,
1'thmt'is ' loft 'l\mimltmimnmmie , and vemnt. to time
lmOW mn'nlnilmg towmn ? thutitm , whore ho be-
ethic tithe of time mutest , 10)10(1 ) ftIH ! ( lrtlitleIl
deejiorn imies ovum' kmnowmm on that. side of
Sierras. lAke unost mmmcmi of imis etammip , lie
50(111 mmcml. a violent derithi , behmg kiiicti itt a
desperate light. with tine lmmtlinmms somime few
years later.
A Happy Family.
l'inhled from the tirrast , .queuze.t train the bottle
Sttmnitclis 1'iil sour anti nilik % , iii curdio'
114010' mialh.lrmjali all that iilglit ,
liousoliolil i > % , tuiliilig hieds iii awful frighiL
iouu't leiy 'tvM Uiu. tutu 'ictoria.
Itghit % as hi.leotis tt Itliotmt CASTOIIIA ;
lVhieiu eallo left ; for PvAfil siuuuibor ,
All said tiucir rmersamutl slept like thunder.
, ( t Sclmeumu of' IimmIgrntlon.
The ' 'llrew'rs" cimotilil to "itaita" go ,
' ' ' ' , ' ' all ' '
'l'im 'I liobios' to 'Scilly
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
'l'hu ( umakors' to Lime F'ri omidy Isles ,
' ' ' ' ' ' ' Cimlli ' '
[ 'lie 1tnrniers' to ,
'rluti little liiiltnliimg , caroling hiabios ,
\\'imo lircalc our tuigimtly rest
Siiriitiii imo iiacked Oil Li ) ' I lunbylon , ' '
' ' ' ' " ' ' "
( 'if 'li ( Itnol or to 'lireet.
Fnrun''Splthiounil"Cooks"go o'er to ' 'Greece , "
Amid w'imile tue ' 'liliser" yidts
hIh passage to time "Gtilunnzt Cuast "
"SiieuiltimtIfts" mire Inn time "Straits. "
I ' " ' ' ' ' '
'SiitiuLors" IfiIOtmli tO thin 'ootiles' go ,
"mVimio bibluors" to "ltumrgtmndy , "
'Jiolmrmiinmitln" ( simotuld itmmncin at ' 'Sandwich '
Isles , "
" \Vagmi" at the "Bay of Ftmmidy. "
' 'Itutcimeiors" to time "united
"Iilaid& ' to Limo "Isle of lilan , "
Lot "Gardeminre" go to ' 'Botany Bay , "
And "Since blacks" go to "Jopain. "
Tints emimigrato aimd mnisimiaceil nina
\vuhl them iii , lomigur vex tie
Amid till t'imo are hot rovideii for
had batten go to "I'oxas. "
-hiostoum reurmmal ,
Cmiumoso theater jiorfonmnmituicos in Portland ,
Oregomi , comnhulolucO mit 7 o'clock iii the ovommiuig
and last tmtitli 8 o'clrick thin next niioruiitmg.
( ' ; . 0. 11lmn OlIOliN opens huh eoasmn at
I , Jaumosvlllo , 'mVls. , Seiiteiuiber 8.
'I'iioro are m1tiut six inighuly successful stars
I niimoutg time 1,800 mictresses mmciv i1ayimig iii limo
L. Umulted States ,
Lnwroimco Barrett as Laimciotto , Lonil of
L Illuimiuui , whicin 1art ito first iinyotl 1mm Chicago ,
inns imitaio a ( lOChIlC.I lilt at time Star thmoatoi' ,
I Now 'York. lie tvill couitiumue it timerti ( imnrimig
imimmo week's scutsriui.
liliss Agmmos Ingersoll is imommie froimm Ocr.
Thu Eimiuuiui Abbott opera ceimipaimy will imumim.
I her 05 imensoims tluimi soutsomi.
Ammumia l'ixloy's brotimer ( ins is coimsidercal
the imust. IurmiiI siumg commncdiarm out the J'ncihic
coast. lie is iimly 14.
] , .Jolmn I" . , VnntI ruojmencd4timoPlttslmtmrg o1iers
L imoimso withn imie hew Irish play , ' 'Top e thu
1Iontiimmg , " viuicii iirovad a
Genevieve lingoes huts ncceiited mi position
n with thu ' ' 1i no iitaiin l'iumit' ' coimmiunimy. Sin
3 wIll iiiay Normdas. l'rank 1. Aikemn tilso joiuii
thu cOiimiiauly , Its (1(105 ( aiu .1 . I i. hauglioum.
: i iio. : riI i I I atmk iii , ( I miring tine nutumiti
amid winter , give mi series of ' 'operatic comncerts' '
in olin ieallilg ( cities , with tine uulsistlbumco a
, Mile. j ) , Sit11 , Sgr. 1oumtegriifo , Sgn. Piuuitmmill
1 ammil Mr. C. Steriuhmori.
I'aiiccman Kit. IC. bath , ill North Street , l'ort
I bout , Me. , Slay Ii , 1853 , wrItes- :
r , , have lieu trouhiled for a good miuauuy years a ILl
S iii hlatiuatioii Of the hlaihler , daLI mig us tar back as dimu
lug tue ii itio I a as I ii thin army , I siultercil t , itI ilimil
heat ) ' 1)51,15 iii iuiy back situ ki.liieys to. , iiitctuso fo
13 lute to , Ieei'riio , , anti tried several ruuuiolles that aer
y recouiiuiuesiiled , nail ti as uxiutiiiul by , , rio of our 1io
I ) 1,113 skiaris , tvlta iui'eii It luihlaruuuuiatioui of tli
lilaiiilcr ; aiuil I wont Li , the liiisiihtal for troatiuieui
' . iit nil muie'lichiio unit treitiuteiut liii ! ceouuue.l to fall
- I a tie recilliluio iuiltil Li , t ry I Iii it's lteiuioiy , as IL ha
lieu uuetl in suvim al splits inses lucre hi I'ortlanl app
vicinity. I lP1lrchael a IlOttia ut Hmnith's drug stp.r
it lucre , and foutid alter tuelt g the fIrst bottle that
it rdiot cii hue greatly , anil titer niltig several hittli
I. Initial thuutt IL iiil tutu lucre gi.o.l thaiu all other mute.
icliucs auiil trentmneiit I limo received counhincul , Au
I. to iiilil Li , lily good ipIuu harm 'if I limiut's Iteiuuedy , I Ia
state Is cI.iiuug t taiL muty a Ito has Lieu for ii Ins ,
U titan troululol a it'i it s''ukrses tusI huufhatuinmtioi
thu bladder , ti itlu ii cseisiilieatloim : of other diseases I
p. cuhltir to wiiiispup. A fter uwlmug amity two bottles .1
I ,
, . beer. . comiuiletily ctmred ; amid I hum say thuiut iii
wife is husluil hum liaise ut this womi.'urftml muiediciusu , au
I a ( utilil highly reasnsunterid It toali wlop are , nmlfvriui
frout ( kitlumey dlsea.e orlisoascsoftlsu Islaihiler. "
in l'nrtlruuul , Me. , May I I , 1883.
: - luereluy certify thuot. I know ( Isa tact. ( if the Icl
° ° Mrs. K K , 1iutlu , evil thattiucy are ourrecti
.tateil lii the foregoIng certificate , art , ! her cure at
.l aceouuupllsltial by the use ( St I I utut's lnonwly.
'I A. IV. HMITIItnmgglste. )
Car. i'ortlanii atuui ( I rue , , Striete.
: 11th I. to certify that I lists uusei limit's hooted
L. for the klshrucy ( loluljIaluit , arid tluritcul nuuchm nuuc
luertehit frommi mts muse ,
I. have liceum ahlllctat about , , usu year , antI receive
mn tretitmnerit froum the local mIi slilaits , arid used a nmmui
iitm her of wi.eiilIei cj.echllcs without nay waterial 11th
Ii I sun happy tO 54) after musing tlireu bottles
to hhimsut's Reisuesly , I tIOS comnphtehy curud.
I. never fail to rt'couuumuemud it , mouth you art sit hlbe
I. ty to muse may miausiu Irm tiuty itsarumier yp umuay ileslro.
y JOhN IV , JIiNslTON.
5. NOliWiCml ( ( .nm ( . , May 7 , 1883.
cod rNPisuruv Ito
It 'I'Ix Only . Perfect umuhictittito for ) ictlat
_ I II Ilk. .1 hue puiust uiusmrisiuirug , 'lei ' ( or list aIlils til :
(5 uimrsimig muintisers. Cupuunemidi'd , lay all l'hi blilusi
I ) ilLups iii all eIhiuatee , Sobi h.yuiI s1ragists. ii , ecuim
fur thu hamlsi.iukt. 'V. 3i'ft'tIi'l Cd ) . ,
nn tpse.tu&ti'Iili. ' 41 CuuituaI lYhart , Husfoup , Iusi.
U T ii
r , liuuiao i.uiiy etui4rgv'i , dot eiuiepi arud stromigthetir
e ' Is slut Isuterestirug apivertlsemiteuit Iurig you iii in Jim reply to liimtmirli'u ' lu melIl say that tIcr
( mm viduitcu i bnituibug about ( liii. ( Juu tiso cuntrar
'nim the uulvertiser. are mery highly itidursod. lmitsreti
Isirsoits 10117 gel st'alad circular. gmmhu'g ' all lt'tiCu1
3 , by aduhrtiesing Itrlu 8IcthiI Cu. , I' 0. box 518 , liu aI
IC tI. Y w'rueiidu ' unhI'2y
LiAfi itMRDy. An
unfailing curs for
Remittal Weak-
hoist , Impotency ,
nii all iiea.ei
that follow its a
eeqpmeiucc ( If Self.
Aliuse ; as lois of
lucifer , , Culver. 'C' % "
BEFORE TAKIND.sahliousltmidoI'aIn AVTER T IO.
uu thus hack , iimneq of 'ilon , h'roninture 1)1.1 Ase ,
end mnaumy otherdi.cne. that Ieal toinsanity crOon.
stimnptloii d ii h'reniature ( usia.
lirwAse 01 tnhertb'ements to refund money , when
slrugguste from whouit thus medItn. Is botijiit do not
refund , lout refer you ts the miupumlactureM , anil the
rOilPIltetuients are euc'lithtit t4roy ttr , seldoun , f .i'er
Onhl'lleil althi. lIce tIrwrittcnuiuassitoo A trial
of ( iflO single r4 ( run ' SI'e1u % t1I convinon
the niost kepticsiof N. viol merit. ,
On account ( it ooimiitoaictters , wo have adopted the
'cIhow'rapper ; fto emily genuine ,
irI'iII iertictmla ii , otm ; suuphlot , which we desire -
sire a send free ly nsait iii evcr oiae. tirrlss Spa.
iflo Melielmto us siPSi by nil kiugutots at , dli l' ° ' .
SRi. , or Pl tar 6 , or will be souL ts'o by
mail cmi the tCCOilS of the mnonot' ' by a.t.kvosus
1111 : ( IItAY MgIlClNnt.'t , , , nmtnllaio. I. . Y.
"Omnahs liv C. P ( iminwi , Jy iPni&o'eo
" The use of the term ° Short
Limre' In connection with the
S H 0 Ri"
co0.orIto hiatno ola greatroed ,
convoy. an tiles of ust whati
require. ! by the traveling pUb'
lie-s Sh.rt Line , Quick Time
anti tIm list of usecomnnioda.
U tlmu-'uelh of which are turn'
lilmi by LIsa greatest railway iii AuiicrIat.
And St. Paul.
It owns anti operaks Oer 40O adIos of rl'ioti It
Northern liliutots , lVlscouuin , Minnesota , Iowa and
Ilakotuo ; uttiul Mi ti , iuain litite , liranches anti connec.
tiout reach all tire great biitlis.v , centres of the
Nstrthuwet aisil Par 11'ost , It usaturaily nhswcm's the
iiest'rilstiouu Or Short l.Irue , usisti hmcst. lteute bettt ccli
Chicago , Milwaukee , St. l'aul intl Mlnncap.sile.
ClsIrags , .Mllwauksv , Ta Crosse suit Vimiousa.
Chicago , Mlhwnumkee , Alerticoiu anti Ellcrstlala
Chicago , illiwapukee , Ran Claire aiiti Stlllwater
Chilc'ngo , ) liinntikcu , Vntmuaii and Merrill.
Citlengi' , Illissuikee , heater iarn ) atiti Otshl.osh.
ChuIcngtu , Miiwuesikee , IVatukesha and Oconomowoc. .
Chicago , , Mtstiisouu antI I'rsttrlo.Iut Olden.
Cliltiego , Id iiwnukeu , Owatonna aied 'airibatiit.
Chicago , itcIolt , Jatsisihlie arid Mineral PoInt.
Chisago , Elgin , ltocktonl ant nuhimqtie.
Chicago , Cilmutout , block islaiitl anti Cedar lt&1lds.
Cimlctego , Council Bluff , anti ( ) uiiahsa.
Chicago , Slitnx city , Sistux Fall , anti Yimiktsn.
Chicago , Milwaukee , MItchell and Chamberlain.
Rock Ilan.l , hultuque , St. l'atih and Mlnuscajtoiit.
Dsi unport , Cainuar , St. l'aul auist MInneapolis.
I'ulimsn Sleepers mind the Finest Dhuilrugtare lnlii
wuirlul are ntui flu , the mnabuulinuci ofttno C H I C
antd every attenuttouu be l.iltt to paseomigere by courts.
one efllIIlO3'eS of tlto ciuuile.iuy.
S. u4 , ML'ltltlLt , A. V. ii. CARPgNTF.I1 ,
( leui'I Manuagor. ( lcn'I I'a"is. Agent.
J. 'I' . CI4AILlc , CEO 11. IIKAFFOItI ) ,
( iemu'l Sup'L Aiss't Oclul i'ius. Ag't ,
lIes' been niuore destrttctiva to humnami health atith a
thuaui war , liestilonee arid famine combinoth. So saId
us dlstiigtii.Isctiwriterrnanyyenre , agoauid it 1. as tnt.
to-day as therm. Tue uoor Ictim of 111004 Disease ii
druggett with Mercury to cure the inala.Iy 'antI the.
iioscd with loehltieti to cuure Isbnni of the Mercurial Pot * .
nuiiiig lout instead of relief , the 8usd clue break. down
hits general heAlth aunt make. him a cripple , aunt the
othuusr nuns hits uilgesttvo organ To those' itflir.ted
in thiia waySwift' . Spcclflo Is the greatest i'ean on
earth , amil is worth inure than It. weIght in gohiL It
untIdotca this Mercurial l'oion tones up the
ansi brings the , tmilerer back to tealtlmutntthappinostu.
Every iscreori vhui has over been , ahivatod elitiulut by
nil incurs , take a thorough eour'o of tIul. rennody.
JKpruraeosvmLue , TWIOON Co. , Ga.
Five years ago I found on imiy lshanUtIon a colored
miami lmo na. hiully , hieeasod. lie etatcil that Os.
years before ho hiatt contracted a violent cao of blood
Itoisitiui , amtd hush been trcatcil by many isi'slo.
Ian. all failing tocnro him. itrcatesl him with Swift's
Specific. anti Inn .huort tlurso lie was onmnd amislwclh ,
arid has nut hind a 53'muthttomra of the disease since ,
I , . 81. hIUGIIEi.
Omue goittloutistum who hadbeen confitued to his bed
cii weultS with McrcHrlal Itheinniatisun has boon cured
vuttlrely , and sittaks Imu thus Islurhuest rraieo of S. S. S.
ChilLEd& nuntity ,
( Thattauiooga , Tenu :
$1,000 REWARD.
IVIhI be ltsl to amiy Chctnist who 'vlll flnth , on an.
alysIs of moo bottles S. H. S. , one partlclo of Mercury ,
Iodide I'otausiuni , or any nilneral substance.
Drawer ii , Atlanta. Ga.
tjjWritc for thuo little book , s hich will be malloi
h'rlce : Small , ize , em.oo rer bottlo. Large .tae
( holding doumblo iiniauutlty ) , el.75a bottle. All drug.
m giste eoih It.
1 , Capital , - - $250,000.
' 4 JAR. hi. IhEARTWELL , Preel.Ient.
A. I. CLAIIKE , Vico.i'rusideniL
K. tI. IVKIISTEItlTreasUror. ,
- - 0. 1' . WEIISitIl. Cashier.
initEu'noiti :
- sound Alaxantdcr , Ois'all Oliver
' . L. Clarke , 1. (3. Webster ,
. ( ( U ii l'ratt , Jail. B. llenrtwell ,
It I ) . M. Mcliuliinney.I
: irst Mortgage LoanB a Speoialtv
r Title Company furnIshes a renhianenit bionic institu.
N tsitero school hiouitit , annul othtcr lcgahiy isssrul Mu.
it dual hicciurities tp , Nettraktt cant ls negotiated an
r'uosl. , , vorahlo tornis. learn , inaslo ouui nniIirOved
( I 1,5 in. all welt settIeti e'outnmtlc of the state through
) omnit.lo ecal corresuouttlent , , .
ro the Traveling Public !
K --ThIh-
U. -AT-
: ; cscoc1za ,
IN now nnnstlerg'tItg tItrtrosigh repairs. both'w lthuiui and
it without , anti tIle liroirlutor iumtetils It shall Ito SEC.
ig ON I ) TO NONE iii thu State , muixt to Ounaita.
K. it. 1ILACK WELL ,
aug 21.2ru l'roprietor.
; Nbraska Cornice
is -AND-
Orllataeut orks !
crzox 'WizcIvu ,
Iron Fencing !
Cri'stmutge , hialimotrad es , 'crandas , Ohlice arid flank
IlalIltigs , IVindow until Cellarbuards , I'te.
WM. ( IAISEhI , Manager.
Nesteo [ Coinice-Norks ,
C. : aop.
-'I till ihiuglM St. . . Ounn.hut Nib.
'ii '
u Calvanizearon Cornices
Z jrflornner Windows , P1mm ! . , TIn ' Iron amid R1a.
is itootiuig , S1seht's patent Metalluo S'kIIghit , latent
I' , adjusted hatchet liar anal Bracket bbeliuig , 1 am
til this gseral uginit for thu above Ilno of goodiu. irea
" 5 } 'cacthg , Cre.ting , , Balustrades , Veinoda , , ircu Man
ti Raitnoge , Wtudow tUhuds , Cellar Guards' aio
grist fur i'eem'sutm itOh patent mettle IllimaL