Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 15, 1883, Page 3, Image 3

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    rin DA1LS .tE--SATURDAY , SETEMER 15. . 188b.
The Nebraska National Bank.
& 1d ' 7p ( ' 4pltal . . $21fl,000
1urpui Fund. May1Ifi83 YI 000
, ,
\ n. ionso , pr.tdont , o' Steele , Johni i Co
' 1. roUz.ALIN , Viec I'rcIdent , of
w. V. 10RK , o ( W. V. M0ItSI Co.
Jon COLLINS , U It. & J S. CoItns.
, .t , wOOLWOIT1I , CouneUot & Attorney it ta' .
0. IURD , o Z3rot Reed & Co.
\v. YATcaIerfor m&n ye&ri cuber of U.
Ffrt N4Ioui Da.nk ol Oah& .
Th I&nk opned 1o buiLne April 27 , 1M2
Th DIItECtOI1S AND 8TOCfl0LDfl3 at.
among the 1cadIg buInn.a men of Otnaiha , and It.
biIn.u I. oonducte4 with eipectM re.rcnee to U.
best and Increa.thg tatoreet.otIt.mercantllo tatrons.
COLLECTIONS reoolvo ptumIt attention ant
charge. Iowet otinab1e here or e1s here.
Th-rEfltrr t1oweJ on time depott. , upon fvor.
' able terni ftflt UOfl ftccouiit of banks emi banken.
FOIIEIUN EXC1UNOE , Uovornment honda and
County arM Cty Secunttc houht anil eokI.
J. w. Rodefor , Broker ,
tockii , ttnnd. , CommercIal raper and all other
id.ecurItIci dealt 1n
Room 4 , No. 28 l'catt St. , Counell fliuft. , 1a
KV YORK , September 11.-il. U. 1)un &
'Co. , of the iiiercnutilo agency , topert tlrnt the
. avcnt. f the weokshowgonorally satisfactory
) roectH ) for the 1)115111384 * of thu country.
'The weather is fvorabIo to the progro.s of the
fall trade , esIect1y In dry good. , a businos
which 1ia. beoii very active during the week.
'I'rntmactioIu3 out3I(1o of ov York s1iv , con.
iteraI)1e ilicreaso , 1t1 a light decrease in the
dty. 1uinon a ; to thunago to thu corn crop
lead the effect of stimulating speculation in
that $ tal)113 V.11l AdVllflCtI1 the price. The
C * 4a100 roxnnrk may be nj)1)lied to cotton. Seine
'itIItroveuont ) is flotOd in the Iron trade , with
firmer prices. There is a better feeling in
oil , vriccs being vc1l upportett and busiiic.s
.ctiC. ' [ 'Ito grocery trade is satisfoctory.
Busiiiess at the stock exchange has been large ,
with a general improvement in prces of so.
. curitie , . Money is plenty nitel at low rates.
Altogether the situation is Inure satisfactory
than last vcck , and the prospect for the coin
ing mouths appears excellent. Business fail-
etres , while somewhat numerous , are , with few
exceptions , ucumportant , the number reported
during the week being 173 throughout the
United States and Canada.
NEW YOIIK , September 14.
. . Money-Easy at 2@2 per cent. .
Prime Paper-57 per cent.
Exchange bills , quiet and steady at 4,81 ;
demand , 4.85.
Governmonts-o higher and in good demand -
mand ; 3's are a shade easier on talk of a call
next eok.
Sthckq-This yas another 1uiot day in
stocks. At the opening there was a fair demand -
mand and ricos rose to lCrcelt ) , the latter
on Wabash PrCfClTel. Subsequently the bonr
.raidel the Villard shares , forcing Northern
Pacific clown from 41j to 39 , preferred from
75 to 7 , and Ornron Transcontinental from
{ ; Gg to G4. Rumors were current that the
. . . sdiorts on these stocks were compiling a circu-
t , . lar intended to show the financial condition of
. , I the company in an unfavorable light. Telegraphic -
graphic orders were sent to Philadelphia to
sell shares in this market with the view of
creating an impression that the long stock held
in Philadelphia was conting upon the market.
: : The general list responded to the dapression in
' Norti-iern Pacific to avez-y slightoxtecit , prices
falling only cJ1 per cent , In the final sales
. there was a rally of couros. P ° ' cent.
B's. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
'S 4'sCoupons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
' \ 48. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
, : Pacific 6' . of ' 05. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
American Express. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Burl. , Cedar 1lapith & Northern 79
. Central l'aciflc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Chicago & Aiton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
do do Pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
Clii. , Burl. & Quiicy , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
do pith , asked. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
. Fort\Vayne&Chago. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
Hannibal & St. Joaeph a.sked. . . . . . . . 39
do do do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . 02.4
Illinois Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
md. , Bloom. & Western. . . . . . . . . . . . 126
Kansas & Texs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Lake Shore & Michigan So. . . . . . . . . . 102 ;
Islichigan Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 82
Missouri l'aejfic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
orthern Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39'
ito cia Pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
orthiwestcrn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126'
(10 j)1'1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147.
New York Centjal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Ohio & MiHSiSilli. } . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
do (10 Jf(1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Peoria , Decatur & .Evansvhllo. . . . . . . . 14
Rock Islatid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
St. l'aul & Milwaukee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
do (10 do pftl. . . . . . . . . . . 121
St. l'aul , lirtii. & [ anitohia. . . . . . . . 109
t. Paul & Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141.
(10 do iftl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Union Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O1X
Wabash , St. 14. & l'acifio. . . . . . . . . . . . 21
do elo do Pfd. . . . . . . . . :35 :
Western Union Telegraph. . . . . . . . . . . . 82
. .
. CnlcAao , September 14.-Flour--Steady
, and unclmned.
\Vhoat-1air iletuand hut lower ; regular ,
)5A951c ) for September ; 'Jfl@96c fur Octo.
hot ; rJS@98Zc for November ; 1 00@1 00 for
] ) eceubor , No. 2 spring , ; No. : i
qring , 85(86 ( ; No. red siIIter , 1 02k.
Corn-Unsettled aiitl lower ; 50@56Jc for
cash and September ; 60Qi5Oc for October ;
It)4to ) ) for November ; for the year ;
tOAU ) ( or May.
' ( Jats-1)ulI , weak aiid Jower ; 27.c for cash ;
27'c for Settenibeii 27@,28c for October ;
2u for November ; 2'Jc for tile year ; 3lo
fur May.
llyo-Woaker at 57c.
ltarloy-1)uhl nut ! unchuigcd : at 60c.
Fl ax Secd.-Quiot anti lirtu at 1 31 ,
'fIlIOtIyBright , silver color iii good ilo.
iininl ; highs grade , 1 82 ( : I 8fl ; orthinury iiuality
dull ; Irhlm ) , 1 30 ; shark Jots , I 26J1 28.
l'oik-Ljnsettled 1001 lower ; 11 2'jlI ( ) ( 25
for calt Ulol September ; 11 20iJl.1 22i for
october ; 11 I0@11 12. for November ; 10 J2@ )
10 0.i for the year ; I 1 57C'i4l1 60 for .Ianuary ,
Lard-Lovor ; 8 0ZM O7. , for cash , Sop.
tendier nod october ; 7 87@7 ; 00 for Novoto.
her ; 7 82Q7 for the year ; 7 92t 7 05 for
Bulk Meats-1asier ; shoulders , 5 65 ; ihort
ribs , 6 ' 15 ; short clear , 6 50.
Iliatter-In fair demand at 222c ! ; ilairy ,
LTiilc ,
) gs-FirIn auth unchanged at 20u ,
\ \ hisky-Steady atid uncluinged at 1 iti ,
p Cheese-Market brIsk : supply good ; choice
full cream cheddar , , tJj10 , ; choke full creau
hats , 10&i10. fair togooti cheddar. anditats ,
t hard sidois , 2@.3c.
, . . . . Jlules-\1irket slow ; green salt cLued ,
. . light , 87c ; green salt heavy , Sc ; green salt
, damaged , 6c ; green Malt pall , lic ; dry salted , ,
11c dry calf , iSo.
; t 'fallow--No. 1 , To ; No. 2 , GJccake ; , 74c.
Call Hoard-Wheat-Irregular ; 05l69ic
for Septelnher ; 06o for Octhber ; tt8o ozN -
ember ; 1 01& for jecexnber.
Corn-Irregular ; Wo for September ; 50@
r30c for October ; 49c for November ; 48o for
' the yor.
Oats4Steady anti unchanged ; 7g28o ( or
- t SelteIner ; 28e for October ; 28o fur Novem.
Let ; 27o ( or the year ; 3lc fet May.
J'ork-IrregWsr ; 11 17. ( or Octber ; 11 27
_ _ - -
foriovoLnber10 ; ( )2@l09. ) fortlie year ; 11 60
for January.
Lard-lechinel 2c.
Totno , September 14.Whcat - Active
and lower ; No , 2 red winter , ca.qhi and Sep.
teiulor , 1 0l.
Corn-1'asler afll active ; bleli mtxot , 5e ;
No. 2. CMh aiil Septeiuler , 54c.
Osts-DuhhNo. ; 2cashand September , 29c.
flORtA ? ROIt'CI ,
PR0SIA , September 14.-Corn--Stoaihy ; high
mixed , 490c ; ; No. 2 ntied , 48'40c ,
1l'e-Steady ; now No. 2 , & 4So.
w hisk-'irm at 1 U , .
$ EW TOiK.
Nw Yornc , Seitctnbr l4.-\Vheat-1@ic
lower ; heav _ and irregular ; ungraded red ,
OTci O7 ; o. 4 reel , t)3e ) ; steamer No. 3
red , Ooc ; No 3 reil 1 0S1 0 , and 1 10
delivered ; No. 2 1 13631 l'J ; elevator ;
1 14@l l4 atloat.
, Corn-@t.o lower ; l2nralotl , 58j'62c ;
2 , 616.62.c elevator ; (3c ( atloat.
tats-filc lower ; tI1i'COl resterii , 32@35c ;
white ' 3l@43c.
l'or'k'-lull ; IItO' . , 12 75@l3 00.
1.zuii - e.ik ; hriino hternu , 8 08 55.
1 ItterIliiii anti III good ilcinanil at 10fjJ
2 , c.
, CITY , Seiteinber 14.-The DalI3' In.
( liue.4r reports :
\ \ htht-1.ower ; Ne' . 2 roil fall , $ ( "j87c "
for , ; 87c for October ; 88O for ? oveIober.
I2orn - 8c for cash ; 8To bitt for October ;
8Uo huh for November ; 81c for the year ,
Oats-Firmer ; 2lc forcasli ; no options ,
13A1.TIMOIt } , Septenther 14.-\Vheat--\Vost-
Cr11 , lower iiiul lossactivo ; O. 2 winter reel ,
cslI , 1 10 bid ; September , 1 1O5j1 10k.
Corn'-'eVcsterii , chill ; iuxed , caMhi , (0@601c. (
Oats-Slow and easier ; western white , 36 (
3c ; mixed , 3335c.
llyo-Quiet at ( fl7c
ltuttcr.-Stezuly ; western lCkCd , SQlCo ) ;
creamery 18@23c.
.Eggs-teady at 20Q2le.
Whisky-Steady anti iuiet at 1 1S.
T41vr.flt'ooL , September 13. - Itroalstuffs-
W'ieat-\Vititer. : 8. Sd@Os. ; sprhg , Si
Ss Os.
Corn-Now , fis Gd.
wr. L0U14 PIOIUc : ) } .
Sr. LouI $ , Sejt.eiober 1l-\Vhieat-Opoied :
lower , : ulvaiiceil , reacted : nnl doMed C lenver
than yesterday ; Ne. 2 reel , 1 00jz 1 fl0 for
cash ; 1 02 for October ; 1 05 for November.
Corn-Slow and lower ; 47@'I7i'c ' for cash ;
47'c ' for September ; 47c for October ; .15 for
Oats-Slow ael lower ; 25.25jc } for cash ;
25.c for September ; 2Gc bid for I'oAeInber ,
ltyo-Qeilet ; S2gc.
Barley-Unchanged ; G0665C.
} ggs-Uncheangeil ; 17.@lSc.
Corn Moal-Qttiot at 2 15.
Whiskey-i 14.
CLOSINO 1'it1cE-Wheat--Eudor : 1. 0l for
October ; 1 04 for November ; 1 OTA for December -
comber ; 1 00 for the year.
Corn-EweLer ; 41c for Octhber 44c bid for
Novouiber : 42c for the year ; 4flc for May.
Oats-Nothing done.
MILWAUICEIe , September 14.-Wheat-
Steady ; 95e for cash ; 96c for October ; tSc ) for
Corn-Unsettled ; no trading.
Oats-carco and firm ; No 2 , 28e.
Rye-Nothing dono.
Barley-Active and higher ; demand chiefly
slccultivo ; No. 2 , G2Ac.
NEw Onta.ts , September 14.-Corn--Quiet
and steady ; inixeil anl white , SOc.
Oats-Quiet and finn at 40c.
Corn Meal-Dull at 2 33.
Pork-Steady and III fair eloneand at 12 50.
Lard-Quiet and steady ; tierce , 8 ; keg , S.
Bulk Meats-J.asier.
\Vhisky-Firiit aiid unchanged.
CrNcINATr , September 14.-Wheat-Fair
demaiel ami lowcr 1 016J1 03 for cash.
Corn -Finn at 53c.
Oats-Steady nt'29c.
Rye-Fair dcnaiid at 56c.
Pork-Weaker at 12,0O312 25.
Lard-Dull at S 00.
Bulk Meats -1)uhl and nominal.
' 1 .
'Vlisky-Firniat _ 13.
CIIICAG0 , September 14-The Drovors'Jour-
nal reports :
1f-Mkot strong , active and lOc higher ;
packing , 4 055 00 ; packIng and shipping
5 0O@5 35 ; lihat , 4 90@j5 45 ; Sldl)8 , 2 404 (30. (
Cattle - Strong auth firm ; exports , 5 00
@ 6 30 ; good to choice shipping , 5 15@5 70 ;
common to medium , 4 OO5 00 ; inferior to
fair COWS , 2 10j2 00 ; medium to good , 3 OO
4 00 ; stockers , 3 00&J3 65 : feeders , 3 7534 25 ;
range cattle strong and firner ; , grass ' 1 oxans
lOc higher at 3 75J4 35 ; wintered Texans , 400
@ 4 35 ; Americans , 4 0O@5 00 ; half.brecds ,
3 'J&@l 50.
Sheep-Steady ; Inferior to fair , 2 23@2 00
per cwt. ; medium to good , 3 0O@3 40 ; choice
to extra , 3 7@4 130 ; lambs per head , 1 OO ©
3 75 ; 'I'exaa 811001) ) , 2 50@3 W.
ST. Louis , Scptenbcr : 1 1.-Cattle-Supply
small ; market slow ; good grades steady and
exports S O0@0 35 ; good to choice shipping ,
! 3 4O5 00 ; medIum to fair 4 755 23 ; Texans ,
3 50@1 23 ; Indians 3 60i)4 ) .9)
Sheep-Best grades in fair elenantl ; lower
grades dull ; faheto good : nuttis : : , 3.I0I 00 ;
' , 4 25 ,
ICANSAM Ciry , September 11.-The Indicator
reports :
Cattle-Steady ; natives , 4 93@ 20.
hogs-Lower and s'calc at 4 7 ° @ 4 87 , .
Shieop-Quiet at 240.
CHICAGO , Seetcrober l'l.-lteccipts and ship-
taunts of flour and graiti for the 9a5t 24 hours
have been as follows :
llecelpts. Slilp'ts.
Flour , bbhs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,000 4,000
"Vheut , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 103,000 . 19,000
Ccrii , . . . . . . . . . . . . , 528,000
Oats , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 137,000 . 188,000
1tyo , liwehols. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,000
Barley , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 27,000 13,000
KA'tAS CITY , Sontoiziber 1 -ltoceipts and
sldpeeiets : of grain fur the vast 2 1 hours have
beau 103 follows :
lieCoipIs. Ship'th.
Wheat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 20 000 57 000
Corn , bushiobe. . . . . . . . . . . . t,000 7,000
NEw YORK , September 14-htecciits ; and
ahlpIuoIIt.sof llouraiieh gruli : for tlio Past 2 I leours
leave boon as follows :
fleceipts ShII'ts.
\Vlteat , lnishols. . . . . . . . . . 173 000 : s ooo
Corn , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 159 000 133 000
Oats , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 88,000 . . . .
Ciiicteio , Soptoieheer I I.-Boccipt.s and shilli-
month of live stock ( or the uwt 2 1 hioni's have
been as folluvs :
llOcOit.5. ( SlIp'b. :
irgs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'JOO ( ) . . .
Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,004) . . .
Sheep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iooo . . . .
ST.LOLJft3Soletolnbor I I.-ltocolpts and sblp-
iiiojtof hlvo stock fur the vast 21 hiurs lease
lCCn tss follows :
- 1ccelpt.s. { Shelp'ts.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,100
Sheep , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,00' . ' )
KANMS CITY , Septeenheerl -Jtocoiiet I and
shlpiteiits : of live stock for the Iwt 21 hours
have bee : : as follows :
Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,900 . . .
Jieg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'troo , , . ,
Sheeej , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ujo . . .
Wholesale Prlceu ,
thr1cE ot 'J'tis OnAIIA IIEE ,
Friday EvenIng , Seleteinber 11 ,
The ohhewlng l)1'iC1 ) are charged retailers
by Jobbers , wholesalers and coenmisslon suer.
chants , witle the exception of grain , which Is
euo ted at the vrices furnished by thee elevators
afl(1 . other loca' ' buyers ;
\VJIEAT-Cash& No. 2 , 7Tc ; No , 3 , 68e ; re
liAUL5T-CMh No. 2 , 4Gc ; No. 3 , 40c.
Ilit-Cash , 41o.
COICK-Mixeti , 35o.
OAT-25t' .
Live Stock ,
PAT STieeene-hligheor at 3 tJO4 00.
FAT COctiS--2 Tb@3 lt.
hloas254 $ t0.
SIIEKt'-Finu at 2 7t,3 15.
CAI.vcs-Falrquahity 4 5O5 00 ; good butdi'
es's' steck , 0 00.
Cured Ment. .
JtAe'e-11@1r'o. '
BACO-UtIchangeet at l@l3c.
Snout.nits-luli at 8@8o
1)niico lleuw-14c.
1Aun-At t@iOc ) in tireo.
TAu.ow-Firin at. G6c In barrels ,
Pouhi ry , Pisis nud Game.
Sreuso ChIcKENS - Small , unchanged ,
1 2562 00 ; large , quiet at 3 00 ; old , 3 2.
l'ralrmo chickens , 2 0'3 00 h'r dot.
WJJITE Fmeeme-Unchouigotl , 910c , ; ; iko
and hake trout the suuc.
General t'renlmiee.
; - $ .
1ft"ii'em-Couimmon : ts geed , 7@lOc ; choice
dairy , 1l7 ( ; ( : sweet , hIgh colored grass , 12@
13c ; cooking , Sc.
l'esi.tiisis-Nov , ttetot aced market well sup-
idled -l5citOo ; per hem.
OIoNs-25e ! l'r let ,
Niw : C.umee.ue-70(3S5c ( Per dozen.
I 1ONV-Cahi1ierttIm : , in conb , 1cr hsuIId , 20
j2lc : straimue'el. 0@i12c.
CiiiesArtiv. : : : . , , \ em qemoto 0J1lc.
'I'Ol.tTOIs-lIOICt3 % groeim , ( ) OO@1 00 per
bush : .
Greeim F'rults.
'LEmIoNS-Quiet at 00 ci 7 50 per heox ,
I'KACIRS-Natles { I 00 a 1 25 Pr basket ;
California at 2 25@2 SO.
C.tT.1I'OIINIt 1'LUslS-In good dousated ;
2 25@2 50 POT box ,
IIANANAS-Umcheumged : : ; l'm bunch : , 2 0063J
4 00.
A1'I'I.KSOO3 50 h'e' bid.
Oisrotem.t 1tAmITI.Ir 1tiue-1me : osiui ii , ' .
tnuul : at $4 ( ) O@4 50 box. tohlferimi ,
lucheoss Iluerro , Clargean , etc. pears , per bo. ,
$ :3 OO@3 50.
CAr.woImI.t ( IIIAIK4-2 00G1J 50 Pe CASO.
Flour aisti iILllstufFe ,
WINTER WhEAT-heat quality , hatot1tat
3 25@3 65.
SicoNn : QUALITY-2 003 25.
Se'luNnViii' .
Se'luNn - quality , leatomet , at.
3 hO@3 65 ,
SEcoNn QUALITY-2 5O@3 25.
IIRAN-55C per cvt.
Ceioi'i'mm FEKIe-Per 00 lbs. 85c.
C0CIN MEAI-1 O0@1 10 cr cwt.
SCICEENINU-60700 l' ° ' . cwt.
Grocerm. LIst.
CANNED 0001)5-Oysters ( Standasd ) , Per : , 3 70@3 JO ; strnvberrhse , 2 Ib , pr ,
2 10 ; raspberries , 2 lb , ler case , 3 50 ; Bartlett
pears , per case , 2 40 ; wlmorthoberries , ver case ,
2 75 ; egg pluimis , 2 Ib , ior case , 2 90 ; green
gages , 11) , ver case , 2 90 ; do choice , 3 1 ! , , per
case , 4 5O iummo niieles , 2 11 , , r Ca.sO , 4 00@
5 75 ; poaemes , 2 Ib , r CMO , 3 00 ; do 3 Ib , r
case , 4 0O@4 50 ; do ( pie ) , 3 Ib , per cameo , 2 60 ;
do PlO 6 Ib , Icer dozen , 2 30.
RICE-Louisiana vriiime to choice , 7c ; fair
6.c : l'atma , Gc.
Fisu-No. 1 mimackerel , half bris. , 7 00 ; o.
1 mackerel , kits , 1 00 ; fancily mackerel , half
brls. , 5 25 ; family mackerel kits , 85c ; No. 1
white fish , half brls. , 7 00 ; No. 1 kets 1 05.
Simur-Standard Corn. , 35c , buls ; ! taimdard
do , .1 gallon kegs 1 85 ; Standard do , 4 gallon
kegs , 1 60.
Son.t-In lb palers , 3 30 ieer case ; keg
NEw PICKLES-i\Ieditlm , ill haxrels , 6 00 ; ( It )
in Imah ! barrels , 3 50 ; smemall , In barrels , 7 00 ; cIa
in half barrels , 4 00 ; ghterkins in barrels , 800 ;
do in half barrels , .1 50.
TEAS-Gunpowder , good , 4555c ; choice 60
(75c ( ; good lmnpornel , 4013c ; choice , (3OiJ65c ( ;
Young llyson , good , $ fl(3J50c ( ; choice ,
65cJ1 00 ; ,1 apait natural leaf , :35c : ; .1npan ,
choice , G0@75c ; olong , good , 35@40c ; Onloteg ,
choice , 40@SSc ; Souchong , good , 35@40c ;
choice , 3545c.
IIOPE-Sisal , ) inch and larger , 10c , Ini.i ,
tlc inch , 11c.
\TOOIENWARE-TWO hoop pails , 1 75 ;
three hiooi pails 2 00. Tubs , No. 1 , 8 50 ; Pta-
mieer waAhfioartls , 1 85 ; Double Crown 2 90 ;
Wellbuckets , 350.
LEAD-liar , 1 65.
SOAPS-Kirk's Savon Imperial , 3 .15 ; KIrk's
satinet 3 60 ; KIrk's standard , 3 75 ; Kirk's
white Russian , 5 25 ; Kirk's entoca , 2 15 ;
Kirk's l'raIrie Queen , (100 ( cakes , ) bc ; Kirk's
magnolia dat.
P0TASII-l'ennsylvanla cans , 4 case , In case ,
3 35 ; Babbitts ball , 2 doz. in case , 1 90 ; Anchor
ball 2 dot. in case , 1 50.
PEANUTtI-ltoLutted , choice , rod Tennessee ,
12c P' 1b fmncy 'white , 12c POt Ib ; raw-white
Vireinia raw lie ; roasted , 13c
CANII.Es-itoxcs , 40 lbs , 1Gm , 15c ; 8s , 15c ;
boxes 40 lbs 16 oz. , Os , l5jc.
MATCHEs-Per caddie , 02c ; round , cases ,
5 10 ; square cases , 3,40. .
CoriEEs-Ordinary grades , 3@9c ; fair lO ®
10c ; good ' 1011c ; prime , 1212c choice
1313c ; t'ancy green antI yellow , 14J15c ( ; old
government , lava , ' 20@26c ; Levering's roasted ,
14'c ; Arbuckle's roasted , 15c ; Mclaughliu'
x. . . : x roasted , iSo ; lIflItatiOll Java , 1G
VINEGAR-New 'orkapplo 1Cc ; Ohio ap-
jib , 13c.
SALT-I ) ray loads , jer bbh , ii ; Asliton , iii
teacks , 3 50 ; bbls thury 60 , Ss , 3 30.
StoAmm-l'owderctl , lOAc ; cut loaf , lOAc ;
granulated , Ogc ; confectioners' . .t , ftc : Stand-
arti extra C , 8c ; extra C' , 8c ; ineihiuin yellow -
low , 7c ; tlark yllow , 7c.
STAnCII-l't'arj , ' 1c ; Silver Gloss , Oc ; Cone
Starch , tic ; l'xcelslor Gloss , 7Ac ; Core : , Sc.
SI'ICES-l'eppcr , 17c ; alisitico , iSo ; cloves
25c ; cassia , ISc.
CeIIEsi-FeeIl : : cronmn , lie.
Lyi-Asnericaye 3 .I ; GreenwIch , 3 40 ;
\Vostcrie , 2 75 ; eerthi Star , 2 00 ; Lewis' lye
4 03 ; Jewchl lye , 2 75.
- Isy Geode ,
IlitowN COTTONS-Atlantic A 8c ; ApiIe
teen XX , 7c ; Atlumita A , Sc ; i3oot FF 8c ,
Buckeye 1411 , 1-4 , 7c ; Cabot 'IV , 7c ; Chitto.
naIlgo A Sic ; GreatFailee l 8c ; hoosier , ( 4c ;
I loimestVIdths , 8c ; lietilaim I toad A , Bc ; Intlimus
Staimdtrtl : A 8c ; Jitelian Orchard , d. w. , 6c ;
Lawrence 1414 , 6c ; Mystic ItIvcr , 7c ; I'equot
A , 8c ; Utica ( , 5c ; Waehusett Ii , 7c ! ; do
A , 8o cia I 18 , l2c.
FINE BRowN CorroNee-Allendale 4.4 7c ,
AllIgator :3-1 : , 3c' Argyle 4-I , 7c ; Atfatitle
1414 , 6c Badger ! tat.o x 4-I , SAc ; Jtoieulngton
0 1-1 , Ojc ; Buckeye S .1. 1 , SAc ; IndIan Orchard
AA 9-8 , 8c ; Lacuiili : 0 39 , 8c ; Lehigh : 1 l-4 ,
9c ; l'opIorehl N :9) : , 7c ; do 0 32 , 7c ; do IL
3e , , 7c ; do F : to , 8c ; Pocasset C 1-I , 7'c ;
\Vantsutta I-I , 13g.
IILKACIIIn CorroNe-Androscogglee Ii 1.I
! ) c ; lIlwkst.ote : : AA liolterlal 8c ; do do lealIL
leleachecil ' 1-I , Oc ; Cabot 4.1 , 8'jc ; JitloIity 'I-I ,
9c ; Irteit of thee I otirn , 9 J c ; tic , caicebrie . . I ,
121 ; cIa \'utur 'J'wlst , l0c ; ( irtact Falls Q , tie :
1 itellau I I owl shiruetIc 'I . I , I 2c ; J onsdalo , I Oc ;
4) caijibrie : ii , 12c ; New York Mills , 12c ;
I'eejiiot % , lOc ; 1'eeporel , N t ; ' [ 'wills , 12c ;
Pocaheoiitut 4-1 , tJc ; I'ocwesot 5.1 , 8 ; Utint ,
lie ; \S'eemnstitta 0 X N , 12o.
JHjcs ( Cohiu'ed-Ahleaay : 1 brown , Sc ; eta
a , driLls I I u ; do XX strIpes 101(1 IIIRICIS , I 2 1 .2c ;
cite Xk bri iwn iceol cInch , strli os jtieel plaids ,
12 l.2c ; Arlington fancy , Ilic ; Jtrteieeewlclc
browit , 8 1-2c ; Chariot fancy , 12 1-2e ; do ox-
tree heavy , 20c ; Ftehl JIverbrawo { , oxt.rahioavy ,
I I 1.2a ; Imetllttua A browse , 13c ; Nopooset A.
browie , 35t ,
' 1'iczius-Amnoskoag AC A32 , JOe ; tIn XX
blue 32 , 18 ] .2c ; Arrowaiteia , 9 1-2e ; Cluro-
iiiteiet J5I3 , 15 1-2c ; Caicestoga , extra , 17 l.2c ;
I laiollton 1 > , 11 l-2c ; Luwlceton A30 , ISo ; c1le :
neleahea .1. I , 2'.ic ; Omega , super extra I-I , 28c ;
l'ocrl : Jtlver :32 : , 1(1 ( 1Ic ; l'eetleala XX hihetu
strico , 12o ; Shetucket H , 10 1-2c ; do H , 12e ;
Youereau'ec blue 29 , te
] ) ENIMee-Anoskoag : , blue noel brownlui 1.2c ;
Andover Jfl ) blue , 15 1.2c ; Arlington X blue
Scotch : , 18 1.2c Cocicord 000 , blue amid
brow : : , 12 1.2c ; cia AAA , tin do , 13 1-2 ; do
XX to do tie , It '
, 1-2c ; Jleeyinaker'ae blue need
browse 9 1.2cr Mystic BlverlJstripe , 101.2c ;
Pearl hi0 , , ( clue aced browit , 1Cc ; Uncasvihlo ,
hileeo acid brow : : , 1 I i.2a.
( iAuItItIcce-Baniartl , Stmc ; Edilystosee lining ,
21 loch cheeublo face , 8&cGarnor ; A. glazed , f4c ;
Maselutttan glove finish , 5c ; Newport do , (4c : I
do glazed , bc ; l'oquot do , tic ; Lockwood kid I
finish , Sc.
CousEr JEANS-A InOry Ainlroscoggiem
satteen , 8c ; Clarondon tc' Coecostogga sat.
teens , 7jc ; hJahlowehl , Sc ; Intilaci Orchard , 7c ;
Narragansett , improved , I8v ; Pepperill sat.
toexi , 'Jc ; ltockport , Sc ,
) -
_ _ _ - - .
Is not sgning a pledge
or taking a solemn oath that
cannot be kCpt , bccause of
the non-removal ofthc cause
-liquor. The way to tiiake
a man temperate is to kill
the desire forthose dreadful
artificial stimulants that car-
1)P SO many bright iIltCllCCt3
to prelflatthre graves , aiitl
desolation , strife and tiit-
happiness into so iitany
Ihinilies ,
1tisa'tct ! flRO\vi'sIo
, Iitnvrs , a treic non-alcohol.
Ic tonic , niatle in htaltinore : , lirowet Chemical
. Company , who arc old drug.
. gifls and in every particu-
hat reliable , 'itI , by rcnov-
C ing tIme craving appetite of
. tIme drunkard , and by curing
( tic ncrvotesncss , 'e'cakness ,
nail general ill hecahth rcauht-
1 ing ( rein intemperance , do
IflOrC to lmIIOtc
in the strictest semite th.n
ntm ) _ other means imo' known.
It is a vcl ! authenticated
fact that IUflIIY nlediciiies ,
( sIecial1y' bitters , ' arc notli-
1g but cheap whiskeyvilely
concocted for use in local
OptiOil countries. Such is
not the case with I3flO\'N's
IRONI3ITTERS. Itisantedi.
chic , a cure for weakness
and decay in the ner'ous ,
muscular , and digestive organs -
gans of tile body , producing -
ing good , rich blood , health
and strength. Try Ofle bot-
tte , Price zoo
_ _ TIlE
I Admiration
op nw
Mrs. S. A.Alien's
1tblic jlonefnctrosn. Mrs. S.
A. Au.a'e ia4Ju4.iy carntd this th
ntiJ thoisacids arc this ay rcjoiciic
. 'cr a line itctd of far rroilticc.1 by
Itcr titc.u1cd ; pr.atatiou : for rester.
jag , nlgor.ttog , and hectititying tite
13ar , 11cr Vords link Hctorrr
iuckty cteaiis Liec r.csp , rernovin : ;
1)udrLtT , no.1 arcs : the fail : the
1iit. ifgrb c'esicd to it. nztturti
coke. ' ! ag I : tie : $ m.s v3athhy and
1uurioui quineI ! ' as in yctith.
COMPLThIEIT.d.itY. ' ' My
hair is 11OV restored to its
youthfUl color ; I have not
a gray hair left. I am satisfied -
isfied that the 1)rcparatiol %
is not a dye , but acts On
the secretions. My Itair
to fall w'hicii is
ceases , cer-
tLiIlly an adrantage to mc ,
who \va ; i11 ( lmngcr ; of becoming -
coming bald. " rlmis is
the testimony of all 'lto
iic I\lrs. S. A. ALLlN'S
V'ORLD'S JA1L& ! Risi'OREi.
'Cno Botlo did That titc
. : xorssIoII t , ii.tny ; t'hio I.cs'.i iictl
te ' : r grs ) hair i c.totcd to eta eiattirai
cthr , at. . ! thecr litid epot co cred
sj'It htir. after oenj' one hattie or
. . , . , ' \VOICLU'S
Mice. S. A : tist'cVOICLU'S IlAlet
It _ t eOtt. : I t is not a dye.
L ? ' . t ,
rp " . ' . 0 (
. . .
1Qz . . . . .
, :4 :
. .
dtt - -
' .
k'I' kr.
An excellent. stpetIzItig tonic of
1tit'i ozqielcltuilcenirnuwusetiaver lieu
_ / _ 5 whole world , cure , 1)yspepla
; 4 Jiarrlccia , ? ever and /sgue , anti all
0 ' : dieordersoftho 1)lgcLlve ( Urgan ,
: ' 4i' . A jaw drops impart a deiicloua
: i . . flavortoagiassorchampagiound
I fre to all summer drink. , J'ry It , but
g I beware of counterelt. . . .k tour
J Ii grocer ordruggl.tor titugenuleco
. , _ , A srttcle mnaituractured by Jill. J.
, -1 i . ! liiioiit't' : tiONS.
T j , , PrERMAHN , Sole Agent.
. Su.w4tQ J. W , II.coi ,
I3ron.dwn' . N. Y.
lILslonten ioknoledge'4 and mor. so at this clay
than Itey other. The aat ! h.1t cf ennileel .cienco 1 ,
, .r leicreaslng , anti ( l.a nuetesrous lttnehei ar.
brouhiI ticant and aar.z to . , rfcction , titl
no one man eats any l.agor risp thni all
liecite the neerssity fir dlitling the labor , And It is
true beyond all doubt th.t etisie.e , lffC.etLfl Ut. cn'
lto.umlnary organs nr..I .li..IM Study more than any.
thins eli. . If w. would tuoleretanci and know h.w to
treat thras proiiy.
1)11. TI. WAUNk'It is fatly aware that there ire
uliny phplelan. , iu1 aetna isnalbie l'caitl. , e ho ill
cadecn. hut : for enalng hls cli's of etisrear , cc .1o-
daIly , lteI heI.ha'it , to know that with ttictst iser.
son. of : sei.l lnteIlfeeieo a m.rc sithlglcl.en.
ed view I , taken of lb. sebject , and titif the ; 'hysio.
tan ilco desotee hienscit to rehleing the aflhlct'tl and
s.Ing them ttnm sore that : death , is flt ) less is t'hi
lsnthroplt smut lenefietor to hi. race than the .ur.
KC'i ' ( or lthysliaii who by chose alittllcation excels in
ieey other branch of his rote.heIe , Aced fettteeestel
for letenute : iI ) , tlt tly I , iii , , t1iI5 : lien tIm false I'
lieetlero.hy that c'ntienincti the , idiot. of folly tie
I tliii , like the leliers eiielrr tieo , J ewtie law , to die
teeteareti for lta.q l4ssrtl atcay.
A Few Reasons
it' . % oem phttiIii I F ) I he celebrated Dr. I I. Vcsgeter' .
ieeethotls of euro :
I. "ICr. II. Vitgiier I , it nstternh liityktaie. "
0. S. I'ees l.r ,
'lice ( Irostest TA lee , l'icrt'eeoieist.
2 , "Few , oeel '
car scite as a cloctor ,
let. ) .1 , SettMs ,
. 'lute \ Orlil'l Greatest i'Ies sI.gieoeeci4t.
S. ' ' eec sen cc nietht'rfeciiv lrtIlleIet in yater ) .etoo I.
i'tigo of tlb.t'i.o amid eteiilc'Itees. "
ISa. .1. M.ereresws.
1. ' 'lite ntflkted flihI teatly relief lee our lire , .
curt' , ' ls. .1 , Scene , ,
ft. "Dr. II. \ngncr k a retteehsr grailtiato fnlt :
lirilcemee lIo'qtltai , Now ork city ; lots Intl e try
tuee'.ie u itctliitai practice' , flied Is thOrottilci ) ' littett Ott
ccii Iiriicis , of iei ccl eciecet't' , e'qtcclaiiy on
cier cilo tilsntse , , '
PR , . ltistttvit.L , t i'wi'.ti.
0. ' ' Dr. Ii. W acIeer ies.s ltitiortallrt'tl : : ithiit.elf t ,
tel. e ontierfeel dinn erv cit CIit't'IIC $ rutit'.iios : for tin'
C ito nitil seCeal discia'.t's."Vlrgiiis , City Chroeeiclo.
7. "Thousaieils cit lees ahids chocte to see ltit.Salt
Frtteciseo : Citrocticlo.
8. " 'lice lKsctor' , tite ntlierlt.teco as a ClicehatIst
sittitihil recider Itleim e cry .tieet'iesfeet.-ltecky Mote : : '
( sit : ees _
Plain Facts Plainly Spoken.
At one tieno a clisetission of the seerer dee ecu , vie.
tirely ac attic,1. by the l'rfcsslitle , aced eitnhit'al cc onks of
but a few 3 OStS ago cc meld iiarihlv ciecle I liii. . it.
'I.tha tlio lilc tdelate is at a ditTerviet oiiieehiti , ho I.
a" are that It ic uk ciutv-.chlsagret'sltlo tieoeigi : it
11:53' bo-to ieiucdio tieis enatter ec ILitittet gItce cc necil
si"etk liahiel ' % ahuiuL It ; aetti ice t&'hilgeieL jnretits acid
gtearchiscis 'lii thatek blue for doing so.
Fho rt'stiits attentilug Cliii destructie e sict' cc cro tar.
mnerly teat teiitlvntao.I , or not liroieri' ectiteeteteti : neiti
lit , leicitortacecu hirilig nitieclecit to a subject a life ) : by
Its clatter , clot iiitc : c.ltio lti estigelloec , IL wits
' 5 fifliegly Ignored.
liu habit hi generally coietrnctt'cl by the youceg
w lillo attccitiictg , iclitsil : itliler tolitIsueloles through :
their uainjil , lila ) ' lie ne.1tonMbio fur it , or ii meaty ho
sequhet'ti through aeclittuL. 'l'ho ociteuieet once cx-
irieiiCtsl , tieo ltrtleo will ho repeated agitiet anti
agiti ii , until it laa the ititbit hiecoceici , ilru : aiti colit.
liletviY eee.laecs the victim. Mental suit ieerwou' , af-
ilictioce. are ttttally thu Iirinmsry restilts of ceilahuso.
Among tim itjunloto. citucts tiny lie cneiitioend lag. ! .
hide , dejection or IrraMelbillty of temper anti goteeral
, laiihity The boy aecka seclusion , anti rarely jolet.
lie tIn icports of his coinistlilons. If lee be a oeeelg
Iliac : ho es lit ho litUe foteteil Iei conipatey cc itie the oIlier
, ; vx nitt : is troubled w itie CX'CI.'ihhltg aetti cut cell ) itiR
baslefimhiie't lie their lireaccec'e. iiuicie liteig drciuns ,
ontbnion. nieti eni1itloie , on thu face , etc. , are also
lirontietent , _ % Inlitomi' .
It the irncti'o is e loicettly tiersietni in , citoro eterious
disturbances talco ii5C. ( Iroat lniitiLathi : of tlto
heart , or eliliclitlo elicit iilsioiii , are eiierleecetl : , and
the aufferer cony fail leto : a complete state of Idiocy tat.
torn , ! inahly , doatit relies vs hut : .
'Fe all theoso eligngtsl lie this daugeroni , Iimctic'c , I
evouhil etay , lhr.t at all , ettoli IL ill elite ; ceetico et cry
1OsitihilU eeiort to do so hut if e au fail , if your here tiles
Ii3.tecfl Is itiread e. tim minich : , tlnettertni , aced cause.
iucuetIy , ' citur etlihittiw or broke : : , take ettilno tier , u
tot : ie to itfil 3it : lie e our citort. I Iitt big tract ! yourself
fret : : tin habit , 1 ci oithii further counsel ) on to go
through a rt'geilar cottn.u of treatuutciet , fur it is a great
iuii4tako to stiieitu tInt aiiy otto duty , tar .oino tint ,
hiti it ce cry so little gie e hitieselt e : , to thii faseieeatuutg
hut uiartgerots : o\cltvuiteut evltitoiet setlferletg frolic its
Cl II nntsoiueeTeees at wtuetu futeiro tlietc. 'lieu iittutelivr
( it yttluit : cclvii w liii are feecaliaclated to till lIce duties
enjohtecti by a otliock i alierniltigly lsrgu , and he luto4
cit ettteli cases this uriftirtutiato coittiitioei of CitIng. can
be traced to the pntctieo at etelf.ahnso , which hail hevut
abauuioueedyeanie ago. heileni , a few ittoietlts iraetlco
of this habIt it , teutllciveit to letilucu sicriitatorricuas iii
later yearstuttl I huavo ultatey of teuclt cages metIer treat.
utteuit at thu lirescuet day.
Young Mer
Who tiny be suffering from the cflacts of youthful
follies or iuudiscretlonic es ill do well to ayail thunescl vs
of this , the greatest htooet cvnr laid at the altar of silt-
feriuig htuietaieuty. the. VAiiNucee will guarantee to for-
felt * cOO for us cry now it ? etcuutlucal et eakittiss or Itrivato
tIIMaCU of auiy kind mid character , wlilcli leo metier.
thktic to and tails to cure.
Middle Aged Men.
'There am tutauiy at lIeu ago at 80 to GOeehet , are
trocebloif es Ithe too freijutt'ett oeaeeatiiiuis : of then hilail.
tier , otteti aecoiit1taeticti hty a sligttt .iiiiartiutg dir hun :
lug eteittatIctut , anti ii a eakeutietg cit thtu s , iteiue it : a
uiciltiter tico Iiatitiutt caut etot eccettuuti for. ( Ste utantle , .
lueg thu urInary cluintitits a rt'py eteiilenottt cc ill otteit lot
fount ! , aittl soenetliutes .uttail iiarticie $ of aliteteutcie ci iii
appear , itt thu color a iii ho , if tithe uetiii.ish : httue'utgahi :
chtaitgieig It ) a lark itutii tirithii nhiiiearaulco. There arc
unatey 010111' tHen Cl hit , ciii' itt titl illilhtlilt ) , igeeoraeet cii
thu catios , sthilvlt i.e thu , cttttti titagu itt t.eutilttttl.aeitk.
iee'iM. lr. W. a ill guterictttco : a lerfeet cure lie all ciutce
atuti a ltcislthty rectomtloii of tin geutlttounlitary dir-
galtic.Coenteltatlout free , 'litorotughi oatttlnatloui aueti au.
C ice , ii. ' .
All t'tutitineietlcatlouis itlituiulil Ito aihiresseth , I Cr , hleuiry
htettrVaguter , I' . 0. tCLt9 , Ileiteer , Ctihiintiio.
Thu Yctuuig ! .lAJi'it I'ts.ket Cuttitlinhtliutu , by I Cr , II
W'auier , ic Sc orthe Its weighti iii galil ti , yotieg : hide ,
l'rk'e , i,23. Sent It ) ' mali to alt ) ' address.
Let your Light Shine ,
hr. iVagteer lice ceht'bratt'ui siteclailat cut icueier )
Cole. , iee : i.arlntcr street , iitiicect lit iettitg ( thuowuirlul
hii ow a lust icu cccii ut , , tciii , Ic uioletg tar tiuuutusiitul cii
his teiluto : eutjii. I ( ic treat eticte I for lost iittiithuiuuuil Ic
sit ru tu , Ce lie Itluit a utsettu that ittuMteritv S lii hilcs'c. 'Jute
tlutetsautul tcistitttuttlal fruitu all tie er thu thuultuil Statue
ft ( tutu thtou.c Ito hiss ctmruui , he lruiuut i uuuslti u that Ito hive
(11tU thu Ouirst cases cut titoso ilieascic. ' 11w alliletcul
frciiu : clirciceit , ittith etc stial cllstiasc cit us cry kiutui w ill
ihteul Itiuti their host friend. Heat ! hits iult ertiu.uiutiuett lie
nil lute r city i tiier. tuiuh csthl oil hut : for teuii icu , us sec
hituu' tin es iii cull riuliorato bc iii ctC ) hug Ito is the ant
terer's trite friendliocky alouctruiti Newel
Relief to the Afflicted ,
let ttttuIit'iiitiic , as In seicitco , the slueclahiebe aru the
hutcH se Ituu alt. ay.c 'ouitcis to tin trout auth aeaolJlLullahe
great rnetiltc , 'l'hiis ncuuuark it caijuccinily nluiulicnblu lit
to lie. It. Vugocr , 01 tItle city. liv stateuhit at the toll
( if $ > fCicbtlOIi , aittl thu citrus Ito huerforitot fur thu
, iuitortiiiisto a muhul , ueouu : wtiiiuierftil If iet prouucrly
tieuui lit thtullghutot , udeuttiflo aciieeireiiueletuc , lb I.
ctulorscih luy tito uutucut eitiiiieitt of thu ittuIlcith faculty ,
Ills ouilcu at six I.arauiulr .trvot , wiecro Ito elii shuechl'
II ) ' eektta turJ fuir thu , uiuterlitg ! itt olttier sue , ito ittat'
Icr liout' ( .oiiti.iicatsii their tsaetjilalietI'oiitcroyci
lcieiocrat ,
Chronic Complaints Require
Time for a Cure ,
l'vretouiic at a , hlst.'uutc'ct se ito a lehi toiiu treateui by Pr ,
% Vuuguuer juvaul hot fuel huac'keuani , Iotisiiuso .1 liiahuility
hi m 1.11 ltltti , j f thuu ) CS III a rite tut t tic uloctor Ito a iii
avutul a list uf ) tilit'iutiiutiS ltlt'lt ( 'ii uitulc hilut : lii , .ouid
It Oh lu'ltet'ic t'iuttitt.ui aiei itilb hut It , tiuotisututuI htu hail
itUtL't 500,1. 1 lu iet uittletttit fit Oi cry t it , tOw it ttuiii
stutioue let ( uuitraulo , ac sell icc all .tsur thee ( Jititoil
Statue , See lili auluiress lee hii uuientleeuiett.-Juii'
C CC 'lrliueteto.
Shall We Reform ?
HicciIlO rL'uuluiuiicil for till titseasoil is Ott , thucory
' at iIircsditt ( it utliecatuth aitul usierectico
cube ) siti4iee , auth lie nIh largu esuiiuiuttuuiitivic tItu ) ' huite e
their s1uttIaltlti , tei uxeel ii , which ItO ; ) ' direct fitch
uttthijit.'it tuid iiructko , hr. ' , Vugturr Is ii lttit'CcCsfutl II.
I iu.tratitjii .4 thtl nuouleri : ttcheouii of tciun'I.titluic. aitul lii
uitjrcacuitetteti suceocs lie tue troatiutteit rut u : icicle
cIl.c.i.ut ha us woutdtrtol ate It lie gl.ctterletg , - I'ruit. J ,
hI1ttilt.0 hcrotue a Ito ciuni uttvuik'tcl rcliu.f fur thu ijeoct
tleiit'ictet of dlMicUutil S ill Ileid sue aeouutilltieih antI siio
ceectitl : ihiyak'I.ue I , : thu h" ° of Pr. Vaguuer , Ncj.
u13 l.arluuivr ittrvet , e lieu he hIghly rcicuiutntdeultuui by thu
iiueuhincl at htuiiu auth ahtoard. l'iutiivroy a
Ic'uiutucruct. lllgcitry aul lgleiuraticAt ueeust gle U way to
' 4 Iahoue antI 11cc a Itu iueiitic lii hcttlie ltls
Iigtet .hlitu for thu glory ui lulic IvIluw uucetu , I'iettr' .
hiuk Ic thu torch lie tat , , host ue Ut guido the sectary
aetil etick auto to thuu tiuuiitaii of Iecaltte. it thil anthclui
ethiujull bu Iutstruuucciitai as ii 't'l'OltCh I IlJ hl'l' set uji.
oil a hulll to guldu sutferlutc humanIty 1o213 l4nlietor
street , Iltitmer , Colorado , it 'sill uttscr thu uturl1o
for whIch II teas a nIle : : , Auiilro.ic
I , . 0. box 23bIr LoU at lI1'J 1ariuuivr Street ,
Ilvuiver , ( Silo.
.fitcatl thu celuwn Ituadol 1tlltu Ncuetulty fur the
- . - . - .
Has tha Best Stock in Omaha and. Makes th&Lowost Prices ,
Mirrors , Bedding , Feathers ,
And Everything pertaining to the Furniture -
ture and Upholstery Trade.'a
. -'a
To SA.U 1oo. I 120(1 ( , 1208 oMUr4 amid 1210 , NEll. Farnani St.
1'lIS FloUr IS awlo at Salem , lticharttqon Car , Nehurashca , tic the Combined Roller Stone system. W
. . .
glee l'.CI.hJSl'it . aisle cit our hhoter to outo firut In is lilaoe. We hac , , Opoiteit a branch at 1613 CapItol asenu
Ontahiee. Write for L'niorL Aduirt'u either
7--x-.flrTPI1'TE d ,
m Salem or Omaha , Mab.
: E. ' ,
Hall's Safe and Lock Comp'y.
xaQ ' 1xI3.1Lm : txocst.
, S IN
: '
, Heating and Baking
\ eOei "e Ia emily attiumedbyuaiijg'
, -
_ _ _ - j l Stoves and Ranges ,
For sale by
( Chicago , Burlington & Qulnoy Railroad , )
- ; - ' ' i- , ,
w'Tb '
II ; I 5)X. _ es. - w . . - _ _ _ _
, 'I-
1 .f-s.d.a t . . _ _ _
p 4 . .
- . , % \ i . ,
I _ - . - _ _ .4
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
11:1 : sm.- ' - . iS' , - , . . .
I a , a . . , . _ _ . - _ _ _ _ I. _ _
. . . C .5' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
p.o. z s ii .9 .5
- : ' - . . - 0 n _ _ _ : _ . .
Elegant Iay Coaches , Parlor Cars , with flocHn . SOlid Trains of Elegant Day Coaches euut Pull-
in C inirus ( seats free ) , Smoking Citric. wittu ito. , man l'alaect Sleeping Cars are run dully to and
To clog Chairs i'ullman I'alaco oepingCars anti troun St. Louis , via Ifannibal , QuinceoIniZ
thin famouc C. lu & . Dining Cars run dallyto anti i Hu'rlington , Cedar Rapids and Al ore to St
from Chicago & Kansas City , Chicago l'aul and hhinneapolla ; I'arlorCarswith iteclin
I3luiT , Chicago & Ies Moines Chicago , St. Chairs to and from SI. Louis and Peoria and to
itephi , Atchison . Tocska. Only through line anti from St Louis and Ottumwa. Onhj on
tweenChicagoLinco n.t Denver. of cara between St. Louis an Dee
htetwec'n Intl aumapohis & Council Tbro9hmcars1chtange Iowa , Lincoln , Nebraska , and Denver
All connccflouuc maui , , in Union Denote. it Colorado.
known as the groatTIlItOUGIl CAIt NE. i It 15 univcrsauyadznltted to be the
FhnoBt Equlppod Railroad In the World for all Cla8sos of TravI.
' 1' . .1 , I'OTTER , 3d Vico.Prea't and tlon'I Mananr PEI1CEVAL LOWELL , Gon. PaaL Ag't , ChicagO.
II' ILTIIcxD : ,
Calvaniied IrooCornices1 YVindo Caps1Finials ;
flkligltts &o Thulrtociutli Street Neb
a11 Pager all \VillO \ Sliaes.
r- -
_ _
J l ru
EVfl ! a. . I
_ _ _ _
; ; i _
. '
o-- - - - - -
Boiler allif Sheet IiollVorks \ I
OMAhA , - . - - - . NEBRASKA.
lhuhlcl all kintie cit Steam liollure. 8uiiutlo Stacks , hircicchliuC Itrul , Water anil . Oil Tanks , and ¶ lo a guner
Iulstu'IrotI liusheicee. liupalrluug doueu hi : CII ) auth Country. All work
Done at Eastern Prices and Warranted !
fftieoitd'haied lhoilcr will ho ke it Oil ) taued , liavlitg hta4 ciusrey s'car4 uxporlenec lit the trilo In dtaereimt . parta
aitul toolic Ia the I3tato. hop
astlafactiouc , huaviuig thu shop
nt thu eouuitry : I an : cute ghu . .
C4)F. 115th auth ' ! crcutHtrciet4. J. M. WILSON Proprletor
Wholesale Clothierst
/3O1 AND 1303 FAR/lAM STREET COR. 13TH ,
OMAHA 5 - .u