Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 14, 1883, Page 4, Image 4

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i -
l I'Ilhltched cver ) morning , cxroptjSunday , The
t onli Monday morning dally ,
x0.Ne eT NAIL
he Year$10.00IThree Menlhe$1,00
Six Moncna. , , , . . . 5,03 Onobfonth , , . . . , . .1.00
Tlla WXULT 1Rx , ruM4stIeDevexT WCDNNIDAT.
One Year . $ . Three Months 60
SIx Menthe. . . . , . . . , $2.00l One Month , m
American News Company , Sole , AgenteNewedeal
Sri In the United Stetet. :
/ooaaa + rosoesnt
A Communlatlona robting to News and Mltorlel
rptlen phould Le aUlm " 1 to the Fonua-or Till
I eeelapsiI LsrreA.
Atl nuelnea Letten and ltemlttencre shoidd be
addroesol to Tn. nee l'riwelllNo OONrANT , ON"u.
Dratta , Check. and l'otothce onion to be made pay.
ebb to the order of the company.
Ma. GOULD soya that money is no
longer an object and that wrecking roads
kas become merely t ploanant pastime.
Hr. Gould is in a fair way to bccotno a
profces1onal humorist of largo diinonsions.
Ma. Lunn still preserves an undigni-
fioh sileroo in the face of charges which
are eihor slanderous or serious in tlio
oxtronio. Mr. Laird owes it to himself
and to his constituents to make a prompt
CITIGnNS of Nobraskaaro not interested
in hating a Democratic or a Republican
supreme bench , but they are interested
in securing judges who cannot be bribed
by railroad favors or bulldozed by cor-
\ poratiori threats and whose Standing and
ability will be guarantees of a proper
r performance of the responsible duties of
their position.
1VITU Senator Logan threatening to
throw Sitting Bull into irons and Senator
Vest's daring Flathead Charles to the
, fray our senators scorn to be using tire
vacation to some advantage in keeping
h tludr names before an admiring country.
i But than bulldozing captive Indians is
not as difficult a job as on6a6i6 in able
pl debate with one's squale ,
. A DoT fifteen years old died the other
. , day from excoss1vo cigarette smoking.
HIS heart ceased to perform its functions
from sheer weakness. This is a warning
1 which is not likely to be hooded. The
great majority of manufactured cigarettes
are doctored and drugged with doath-
. . dealin6 materials whose certain effect is
I tp seriously impair time nervous system of
, those who use then.
Tmu Ohio democracy are growing bluer
and bluer as election approaches and
r Hoadly's defeat is conceded in several in-
p t fluottial quartors. Wash MaLcan's op.
position to Judge lioathey is generally
considered as the grounds of the differ.
. moos which are now splitting the Ohio
bourbons. McLean is the editor of the
Cincinnati Rngufrerand hates Pendleton
with a mortal hatred' . The friendship of
" Hoadly for the senator is the rock in
' " the path of his support 'by McLean , whio
prefers do defeat of the democratic party
to the success of his porso al onomy.
3lcnntimo do iocratfo journals which two
months ago were jubilating over the pros.
i M pecte of a certain victory are preparing to
hang crape on their front door knobs and
i I g the unknown Forakeris prancing through
u tire state on a stumping tour which is
j ' lorgely increasing his acquamtanco with
'voters and his chances for an old limo
Ohio majority. ,
Tim hotter of the International Work.
mat's association to the Now York Work.
I s ingtnot denouncing Dents Kearney as a
traitor to the cause of labor is a well
merited rebuke to the San Francisco
blatherskite and places liiap in his true
positlomi before the laboring classes of the
t country. It declares that Kearney is in
the pay of the monopolists ; that 11o has
not done an honest day's work in five
mt. .
1 mt..l .l years ; that his expenses during his last
trip east were defrayed by eapitmilists4tnd
{ I , that photographs of recoipta given by hiln
! for money recoiled as bribes can be pro.
duced if called for. Now that the labor.
jj fug noel Imvu found Kcarmioy out his occupation -
cupation will be gone. ITu was long aqo
+ discarded by tire San Francisco labor
UHIOns and his attotnpt to play sucomid
fiddle to time California railroad sharks 01
his Into eastern tour was exposed belur o
it began. The honest laboring loot u
I time country have no longer any use fa
111011 of time ICoarmicy stamp.
Tima brilliant editors and rural rooster s
I who are busily engaged in reading ' 1'U R
Bus out of tlio ltepubllcami party will lrav u
their labor for their pains. Tins Jims
stands on a platform which those g01ptlu
men arc not competent to criticise. I
believes that au hoiiest democrat is bet
tor than a diahonost repuhliean every da y
in time week mind every week in the year
It holds tlmat tltoso mini are host fu
I the country who will sore u
beat the intrusts of the citizens irroapect
lye of what party they ullillate with , Ii 1
refuses and will hereafter rofusu to sup
port or endorse any seeker uftar office
belie Republican or Donumcrat , who ha
betrayed his official trust or assisted otl 1
ere to defeat time will of the poplo at ( hi
polls or in posithone of olilcimd ruspona i
bility. 1Vlliho now its iii tire gnat , full
in accord with limo boat ltepublicami se
t tirnet 'l'og 1f)11r lays min claim
I to being suflciently of
party organ to palllata
spologizo for the misdoimige of time It o
publican ringstere or to support Republ
cm organizatioim which are used as
shield for the designs of corporate tool o
In local issues 'rila lips is for the bo
uman every ( line , regardlusa of party.
' 1'bls is a platforms which we can luatt
ly expect to see ondnrsed by the ml
road capporx and monopoly mimics wit
t train in the wake of the Jeepubfioun , hi :
J for all that it will receive the ordora o
I mont of the sober minded and thlukin
yoters of this city and State.
Capt. . , F , V. Orcono , of the Enginnor
Corps , on duty at 1Vnslrington , has put a
miolowortlmy endorsement upon time appli
cotton of a telegraph company to erect
now holes imi time atreoa there ;
" \ot roc01ninonded , In place of setting
ting now and larger 'roles ' , tits trunk line
should bo placed under ground without
If , as is also intimated , Major Lydeck-
or and Capt. Oroon are procoodimig to jus
tify this conclusion by examining plans
for underground telegraphing , with a
view to practical oxporimtnts in it , they
will be of still more service to the Wlah
ington people , In I'hiladolphia and
Chicago three are already short working
undorgreund lines-N Y Sun ,
The polo and wire nuisance is attract
hug attention in other cities besides
1Vnshington , Sooner or later line right
of telegraph , telephone and electric light
companies to monopolize our streets and
alloys to thodfseouifort and danger of our
citizmis will become an issue in Omaha
Every firn shows the danger to life
which is threatened by a network of
wires in front of stores amid residences ,
In Milwaukee munerous lives were lost
by mho obstruction which mho telegraph
wires offered to time use of tire escapes
amid ladders in front of time ill fated Now-
hall lmouso ; In Omimha both sides of
Farnau street and tlmo adjoining alloys
ago blockaded by a forest of poles and
wires which are strung in front arid to
time rear of our business buildings and
our leading botch. It cannot lomigTO-
m dim a question whether or not time wires
and poles nest go.
So long as underground telegraphy was
at unsolved problum the 1)001)10 wore
disposed to submit to what semncd to be
a necessity , even at the cost of disfguro
mint to tire city and of danger to tire
lives of its inhabitants. But Chicago
has solved the problem and tire under.
ground conduits of the posbtl telegraph
company have proved that such a system
is not only practicable , but in the cud
cheaper to time companies. It may lie
several years yet before public sentiment
is aroused suflieiontly to demand the removal -
moval of the poles and the placing of nil
wires in underground conduits , but the
time must come before long. The publia
hiss sono rights which oven corporations
are bound to respect , and they will assort
thorn the moment they are assured that
such an assertion will work no private
injury , and will secure a great public
Wnian Dorsoy is revamping his atalo
lies ngainsE time dead Garfield , the charges
tint tire last star-route jury was bribed
are taking slmapo , and it is now assorted
that at least three jurors are involved ,
that the amount paid each is known , and
that their purchase was made with Dor-
soy's money. It is said that time total
amount it cost him to escape conviction
was larger drat the government's ox-
p01180 for special counsel. The grand
jury at Washington , which moots October -
ber 8 , will have tire facts before tlrom.
SournucuiN republicans , which means
southern ollico.hioldora , are organizing for
their usual raid on mho iiext national coi-
vontion , and from this time until next
Juno , Washington will bo visited by
throngs of pilgrims with disinterested
suggestions for redeeming various states
frotii Bourbon mnisrulo , All will agree
that the work of political regeneration
can only b acconphishod by an abuid
mince of soali.
Tun editorial page of the .RCpubucan
was unusually brilliant this morning. It
was blank.
IT looks as if Mr. Laird was preparing
to rush rashly into private life.
" ' ,
A Turuveroin is to bo organized at Frernont.
Oxford's miew elevator will soon be cont.
Lincoln is to have a now M. E , church to
cost $10,000.
Ilubbell will soon have a second psgor ) ; it
will be Dumucratlc ,
'rho Dixon Comity Fair to appehitod for the
18th , IJth amid 20111 of this tumuli ,
Thutu Is nn active du naod for freight tunas
botu'uu SidOoy amid the Black Villa ,
A catfish which wuighud 105 pound tvaa
I caught lit the Missouri hear 1'anca one day
Iran week ,
'l'wentp.two farmers of ] fall county public.
f ly warn motors to keep elf their pruuddod anti
avoid prodccutiun.
Six Sioux City k Pacific conductors were
Ienlneoti at Norfolk la4t week. 'ritoy go to
tucuttheir U. P , bruthlun ,
'rho Netnulia Cuummty Bank amid tire Bank of
Auburn cunsulldatod their IutortwG and to.
urgauizod as the Bash of Auburn ,
lhero b a fielti of broom corn betweo Fro'
i tnorrt mod North fetid which wiuprisod about
200 nerus , and It Is in line condition ,
Prairie fires are ripmring , 'rime ' very hoar y
L erotal of pgrass this year will make tlont uz
cuudiugly dangoruus nhon once started ,
'l'hu "N lckol Phltto" B , , l . DI , liaud u f
1'lattuwuth have gone to Douver on on mix
uurslort prulfered by tlw railroad comupauy ,
r The new railroad town iii the center of Ce
dar County i4 llarriugtouuud the huts is ill b u
cold without a building claueu in tlm deodd ,
'l'lm corn crop hr thu northwestori couutia
la lookout upon us so safe that atockmumi ar a
boginulog to buy up cattle for whiter feed
lug ,
/ One huntirod million budhola h tlm estimnat
a on Nubriska corn told year , About 7,500 , )
buihuis of halt ) 'par'e orup atilt rurualus ht th o
' Sutu
o 'rho Ia , au Valley herald says that tire no w
, towat hl thu couter of Cudmir oomity will b wu
kmiuwu as llaugur , instead of 1'Atnpunaa here
y tuforu uuted ,
h 1lruoka , a railroad engineer , recently corn
a udttod u foul assault upon a member of thi
Llnooln dumhuorulo. At loot ucouu0ts th
a w'nnmami was likIdy to tile , and Brooks
or ball haw bucu lucrused from $200 to 2Gn0.
At Columbus tire other day a wee bit of
child + vaudun d front honto , and whoa fount
i. by the auxiuu4 mother was slttlu
by the ruadsiutu uud clods by was coiled
a largo sueku. 'lrlie child wad rescued unin
Suit has boon brought againet thin St. l'au
Rnllroad company for $5,000 damages far th
st kllhug of San hued In the ucchdoat near Nu
folk lust fiprimig , 'I'Itu company has olIeroti t
bottle for. 2,000 , , but thu pru1esltlou has boom
I rejected.
I ' The legal representatives of A , J. Robert
0 sea , this young non twhe tiled Irma the etiec
of alcohol adnilaistorod la nu antidote to
t eualubite , at Schuyler , hew eouuuenced sal
a alnstlb. Mahurutime physieian who jut
aiahud the alcuiwl , ( or daulagu ruaultiug I
g ltuburtsou'a death.
At 1'lattsmouth the 14 year old daugbter o
Pendleton 1) , Leo wanted to marry an nbjec
tionablo young man named McCall , which sean
an enraged Leo that ho flogged the girl un
morclfullyfor which ho was arrested and laid
a fine. hut ho iestiened the tnarriago ail the
Ponca is coming to tlto front as Abdck man.
ufacturing faint. There are three yards run.
hing there one a dry press , the other a dry
press and tjlo third a harm mado. About2,000 ,
000 brick will be madn at Ponca during the
soasonand the most of these will be put into
the wall of the Lawn ,
Cangrosernan Valentino has scoured half In.
terest in an invention for aging and purifying
wines by electricity and has organized a corn.
'racy ' iii San Francisco , with a capital of
$ IOoo,000 , to put it In operation , It Is sold
he refused V0,000 for the right of California
The number of young hoodlums who are
constantly Jum , Ing on and off trains at rail.
way stations are increasing and are becoming
a great nuisance LA ) etatlorl and trainmen
iSvcry weak chronicles the t ; aiming of some
yuuugcter , and frequentlya young life in sacri
fieed , but the lesson goes unlteadad.
At O'Neill City the other day IV , .1. Ja.
coby , ropriotur of the Commercial benne , was
thum1 ail by Billy llnmilton , thn ata
lion agent. 7 Lo former hod a + sumcd the rnla
of informer and hall reported the agent
to the railroad company for some a + sutned
deriloctiunofduty , and hence the puhunol
'Pima action of the managers of the Saunders
County Fairiu offering a prize of S5 for the
best baby , lira brought a strongest protest
( ruin newly married people. One of the
kickers writes G ) the Wahoo Tunes that "the
Fair comes off a little too early this year for
idtn , inrt if they will offer a promhtm for next
year lee will be on hand like a house afire , "
birs.lichen Tl11unpeblishosacard in The
Ponca .Journal infuuning the public that site
Is satisiml tvid1 her husband ; that there is
hothiug wrong between lair sister and Mr.
'rhuhr , nor never was , and finally : "As for
a our fatally matters are concerned theio is
no need of watching ray husband at
eight , and those moo who do will oblige too
very uuteh by staying away from the house. "
Tito pea de of llubbell do not sit idly in tlto
shade while booms are flying psat. 'they
snatch tllmh baldheaded and hmug to them
while a nickel is i0 sight. The tuwmi is : sow
ovt rcrewtlod and the supply of residences does
uut begin to uccumnodato the number of now
settlers. The sehuuls are being enlarged to
give the youttg idmt room to shoot. All things
considered lhdpboil serous to be a huuuuring ,
11th ipitOA1) NOTES.
'I'Ino great tunnel through the Cascade mona
twins for time Csacado branch of the Northern
Pacific tuilnnul will be from 10,000 to 18,000
feet long.
It is reported that a largo block of the stock
of the Atchison , Topeka k Santa Fe , annoullt
fad to about $2,00D,000 , has been sold to a
European syndicate.
'rrack layhag on the Mexicami NAtioaal rail.
Way hoe beat resumed on the other aide of
Muroliu. It is expected to have it completed
to that city by tlio 15th.
'l'lte Mllwaukeo company huts dofrosited a
chock in the First Natimtitl bank of Ottumwa
to the amount of $12,368 , to liquidate tire
dutnagoi for riglit of waylthrugh that city.
' % The Brotherlroodl of Locomotive 1'mv veers
iiolll their annual nicetitig at Denver from
September 18th to 21nd , The delegates frmn
the National Association of Conductors meet
at I\arlsatu City on the third Tuesday iii Octo
ber.- " - . . ' 0aPa3ia
, The Atchison , Topeka k Santa Fo Railroad
company has completed the purchase of the
Valley house , and adjoininv valuable proper
ty in ichita , Kansas , fronting on Douglas
avenue , hoar thocommodlous freight depotof ;
By the separation of the Northern Pacific
Into two divisions , hmhini ; ] colon" the livid.
in line , the eastern division will corn priso
1,1310 miles , and tine western division 1,235
unites , The latter includes the lines of the
Oregon 1ailwa y k Navigation company and
the Oregon ti California railroad.
The Denver k Rio Grande company to day
place ealigrant sleeping cars on all through
passenger trains. 'Ehoso cars are fitted up in
excollorit style with slatted hunks marble
wash bawls snap other conveniences , L t ar
taut supplied with any upholstery. They ar :
mountedeu paper wheels , similar to those use d
oh Pullman care.
On the Wabash road near Albia , Iowa , on e
day last week there was a collision caused b
the engineer of a freight train falling Asleep a
hits ' ) oet and runulug by a station' whore lie
should have side-tracked. The locomotives
were badly wrecked , but no persons were bati
ly injured. The engineer had been on dut y
for several nights and was completely ox.
haustod and worn out ,
The gravel banks of the 11. k M , road at
Salem , Nab. , are lighted by electricity , en
that work can be carried on at night as well
as day. P. H. Daily , who has charge of this
beds , is now working 50 or more hands , and
with his steam shovel is loading from 60 to 7 0
cars of gravel daily. Thfs is used for ballast
all cluing the road. The old Atchison anti
Nebraska is being putt hr better repair than
ever before.-Pawnee ] tepublican.
To time Anti-Monopoly Party of the
State of Nebraska.
FALLOW CITmzSNN : Time nonination o f
Hon. Jas. W. Savage for the Judge 0 t
the Supreme Court by the AntiMonopoly
poly couvontioi just held at Grand Is -
hand may cause surprise to unary of you ,
lie moving previously boot neninated b y
the Domocratio party ; and it is possibl e
( limit Bottle nay charge that there h as
been collusion and an attenmpt to form a
coalition buweomi the two parties. Such n
is not the ease. Thu nouimrati'in was the
speitmoous act of the delcgatod to tli a
Auti.iEonopoly comiventionAfter fro e
consnlbttion with each other , uniuiu
ousel by outside pressure amid urso
lieited by Judge Savage or his friends.
Sumo of the considerations which in
lluenced the con"outiomi not to presort a
third candidate for Supromu Judge war o
as follows : 1st , It was generally though t
that tire nonimiation of a third camudidat o
at this timiro would result iii the election 1
of thou Republican uomiuco , wliouvur lie
might be , and it is well known the
Bema of the utmost devoted h01mehumem r
of the corporations arc aspimuts for tIm c
ltu ) ullican numinution. 2nd , The gem
oral belief that time court , as mil prusemi t
constituted , is a partisan court and is in
Iluuuced iii its decuuuuss by the intensely
partisan atmosphere surrounding it ha d
gnat weight with the eonvontioL Thu u
delegates expressed their conviction ( hint
I this tribunal Bimuhl be nou partisan , amid
( hint a man of irreproachable character ,
' Who was not identified with time doom
count party , would be mirnst likely to ulu
vato it to that high plauo upon which i
the 1)001)10 visit it to stand , 3rd , Th o
dohosatos considered tliat in snaking timi s
nununatinn tliuy would ahtow' plninly to
the pco'le ' of thus State that the Anti
. Monopoly party w s animated more b
an eantdeire asfur good 6overurnem t
and a pure 'judiciary , rand to rescue thi s
o high ollico from tire control of a 1art sy
0 which hue become time willilmg tool oI } eor
ponnttois , muauagora aid contract thieves
than by time wish to build up their owl
I j tarty ' by a lnrrulY Partisan contest
rlmeru wra no desire and mi u
I uitemmtier min thu part of the couventium
. to form any coalition with tlto done
eratfa party , or to Burromider ono jot o r
1 title of its organization or its drimieilpica
For uuysolf , have been a life.iong to
o publican , l ant nor as earueetly devotee
a to time success of the Amiti.I lonopoly'part '
us met man in file State , mid 1 would b
the last nian tvlio would injure its inter
to oats or sacrifice its future , But 1 cast nn
t note in the convuntiun for Judge Savage
- ur time firn conviction that r was don
n time best tlmimm g for the state , for good gov
ernmuait and for the future of ui part y
f Thu SuImime Court lots declairod t puI
it has no power to protect the treasury of
the State from plunderers--no Irower to
ittvalidaio n contractgonarallq believed to
have boon made in plain violation of
statute law. If this decision is good law ,
time law needsanending. ; If it is merely
oil opinion , it needs to be reversed. In
any ovelmt , the personlrel of the court
needs to be charsgcd. In the matter of
this great judicial office let us ourselves
rise bove lartiw1almi ) and lace this
court above time reach il of partisanship.
Lot us consider only the great interests f
our State and the purity f its judiciary ,
which is the highest pled o of the intoll
gemico mind morality of a country , as well
as one of the surest safegu trds f a free
rpee lo , .1 , lli'ltitow5 ,
Batman Anti-Monopoly , Leto Central
MELItOY , Neb , , Sept. 10 , 1883.
Aunnal Dlcctingof time State Alliance ,
The regular annual meeting of time
State Farmers' Alliance for 1883 was
11131(1 puratlant to call at Grand Island on
tine fitly inst. Time attendance was not as
largo as usual , owing to time G , A. R , re
union , which was hmm progress at llast-
ings. But miottvitlmslamiding time reumiion ,
delegates were present fron a largo miumn-
her of allimuccs in Webster , Nance ,
Thnyor , Bulfala , Adams , Hall , Snline ,
Clay , Seward , Boone , Platte , lIauilton ,
Fillmore , Polk , GagoYork , Merrickand
other counties ,
P B , Itoynolds , president , of Ilamil
ton county , occupied tire chair , and J.
Burrows acted as secretary.
Upon time election of oficers , I' . B ,
Reynolds was ru elcctod president , mid
Charles IL Madely , of Adams county ,
was elected secretary.
Mr. Madoly has since declined to servo ,
amid Mr. Burrows will act as secretary ad
interim until the executive coimmnitteo
can fill the vacancy.
Mr. Burrows was temmdored thoolico of
secretary by a uuaninious vote , but lie
absolutely declined to accept tire position
for a fourth teen. Upon leis retirmmimnt
the following resnhition was unanimously
adopted :
RCSOlucrl , That in accepting the resignation -
nation of Capt. 1. Burrows and his positive -
tivo refusal to again accept time respoisi-
blo position of Secretary of the State
Alliance , we fuel that time State Alliance
huts mot with a loss ; and..wiiilo we pledge
our confidence in and hearty support of
the now Secretary , we unanimously express -
press our earnest and heartfelt thnmiks to
Capt. Burrows for his cflicicnt , faithful ,
unselfish and untiring work.
Hon , 1Vnr. Blakely , of Gage County ;
Hon. Allen hoot , of Douglas County ,
and Ilon , A. A. Stedwoll , of Buffalo
County , were unaimously elected Vice-
Presidents for the ensuing year ,
Hon , H. C , Bigelow , of Thayer Coun
ty ; J. H , Powers , of Hall County , and
W. A. Pointer , of Boone County , wore
elected meabera of the executive con
inittee , and H. C Bigolow was re-elected
chairman of the same.
Time constitution was amended so as to
continue time ofico of Secretary and
Treasurer imi one person , and for holding
the annual meeting in January y instead
of September.
Thu committee on resolutions , consisting -
ing of Messrs. Blakoley , Powers , Dodd ,
Hawthorn and Burrows , reported a resolution -
lution reaflruing the adhesion of the
State Alliance to the Hastings platform ,
which was unanimously adopted.
It was resolved to hod a e ecial meet-
big at Kearney , Buffalo county , in Janu
a next , and he delegates om that
count emised to furnish a hall to the
Alliance free and to secure proper accommodations -
commodations for time delegates.
After which time Allianro'adjeurned to
meet in Kearney in January , 1884.
Time meeting was harmonious throu h
out. The delegates wore men of high
personal characters , and evinced a strong
determination to mnatntain and sustain
the Farmers' Alliance.
( official. ) P. B. RRyNoLnu ,
J. BGltnows , Secretary ad interim ,
Remarkable Aolf-P.saesslmp of a
Dian Doomed to Sure Death.
Buffalo Commercial Advertiser ,
At sundown yesterday a man was car-
nod over tic falls. 1Vlmo lie was is not
known. His dress and appearance imidi-
cated respectability , and after he got into
the rapids his aelf.possession was extraordinary -
ordinary Jifs boat was a very good one ,
decked over time bow , and , i should
think , would carry three .r four tons.
No other thin a person unacquainted
aswith thu current above time rapids would
venture so miear then. I was on tlmo
head of Goat Jslnnd whew I first diseor
ored ( lie boat , then near half a mile be.
low the foot of Navy Island , and nearly
two miles above time falls , 'Thor ) semncd
to be two fmi time boat. It was directed
toward the Amurieami shore-the wind
blowing fronp time shore , and the sail
was still atanding. Buieg well acquainted -
ed with time river , I regarded the position
of the boat as oxtraurdin.ery and hazard.
sus , amid waatched it with inteiso anxiety.
Soon J discovered time inotiolof an oar ,
and , fron time chaugimig direction of time
boat , concluded it hind but one. While
constantly a ppruacliing noarerand nearer
the rapids , I could discover it was gain-
jog tiAerican shore and b thm- lime
it hind got near time first fall in time rap-
I half a mile above Goat Island it wits
directly above the island. There it was
turned up the river , amid for sonic tines
time wind kept it scarpy stationary , Time
oil pro pu seemed to be to commie directly
to ( lent Isinnd and whether I ahoultll
mu half a nmile to give an niacin , or t o-
umain to assist iu case tin boat attempted
to umako the island , was a quostiuu of
painful doubt. But soon the boat was
again turned toward tie Amnorican shore ,
'Them it was certain that it must go down
time Amoricam rapids ,
I run to the bridge , rallied a mat at
the tollgate , and two ran to the unan
bridge in time to see the boat just before
it got to the first largo fall is time rapids ,
Then I saw but ono man he standing at
the stern with his oar climiging time course
of the boat down the current , and as it
plus bred over lie sat down. I was actomi
iahed to see time boat rise , with time mast
, still staudiag , amid time mnami again erect
i directing the boat forward to time shore.
Aim lie came to tlw next and eacim sue.
ceuding fall lop sat down , amid tim mi would
n rise amid apply lips oar Ln time istermedhute
earrent btmll , there was lmope that lie
would commie near enough to tire pier
, to jump , but in a nmonreut it was
. gone. Another , that he muiglit jump
I upon the rock near the bridge ; but
y time current dashed him froap mt tinder
) thie bridge , breaking time mast , Again hu
rose on time opposite side , Taking his
y oar , amid pointing his boat toward the
, mimain Simon ) , ho cried : "Had I butte r
g jump from time boats 1Vo could not an-
. swur , for either sooned certain destriic
, Lion , \Yitlmiu a few rode of the frills ( hit
boat struck a rock , turned over ami d
'Fho 'IVenl n n tIc tlto Impure.
. 'l'ime merry little mruntain brook ,
as it lightly dances ovct the rocks
clnd sparkles m time sunshi1c on its
way own to the river , is ) ur' and
can. It is active ; therefore , it is
tazlthy It is vigorous ; therefore ,
it resists impurity.
But the sluggish pool , where the
current is not enoughm to keep
tlmc water in motion , is stagnant and
foul. Dirt and rubbish arc thrown
into it , and stay there. Impurities
and vile odors make it a breeder of
disease and an object to be avoided.
When the blood is strong and rich
end red , and vigorously rourscs its
accustomed rounds throw a arteries
and veins , the systcul is hearty aid
When the blood is thin and poor
and weak , impurities and defilements
creep into it , and it has no strength
to cast them out. Then the system
runs down.
Brown's Iron Bitters contains the
only preparation of iron which can
enrichm time blood , and nmake it pure ,
vigorous , and healthy. A dollar a
bottle , at th nearest drueeist's 0
lodged , lie appeared to crawl from under -
der it , and swam with time oar in his hand
till he mvomt over time precipice. Without
tire power to render assistance , for half
mm hour watching a strong norm atrtmg-
glin with every nerve or lhfo , of
doommied with almst the certainty of destiny -
tiny to mm immediate and awful death ,
still Imoping with every effort for his deliverance
livorance , caused am miitonsity of excite-
meimt I pray God never again to experi-
An Arlcansas Preacher Caught in a
llmtrnovt by a Colored
From tlio Arkansas Traveller.
"Van , I has gibom up my bench in time
church , " said a colored brother ; " 1
kaiut 'ford ter b'lomg ' to a congregation
what employe ahclu a thief ob a preacher ,
Ise dumi vvul hum , am done 'low lmium tor
speak.ter miouo ob my faui'ly. "
"Your preacher is a bad man , I sup.
thrall , I rockin lee is. Dat mom aint
Imotres' . "
"liave you proof of his dishonesty ? "
' 'Wall , I rockin I has , Tuther niglmt
I went down tar a lmon imousg habini
hoarn a mighty fiuttorin"momg do chick-
elms , aia who should I fin dar but dor
precher a lmoppin loss' f tor do chickens.
Dat's whiny I sags ho aint homes' . In fack ,
salt , I'se alines 'winced dat dar's autlmimi
wrong wid de man , "
"About what time was itwhonyouwent
to time henalmousol"
" 'Bout 3 o'rlock iii do morniii' , sali. "
"And you found the minister there ? "
"Yas sah ; foun' bun lif'in' down the
chickens , an' ' dat's why I'm foun' fault
wid do cimurcim"
"Does the hen-houso belong to you ? "
"No , ash ; it b'loimgs ter Mr. Jack-
semi ,
" Huh , what were you doing there ? "
"I say , what business did you have at
the henhouse at timat early hour ? "
"What business I had ? Wlmy , salt , I-
why salt , I heard the chickens aculllin'
an event dar. I didn't want none of
do chickens , salt. I'se got all the chickens
I wants. I happeumed ter be outer bed at
do time. "
"What work are you engaged in ? "
"Holm ? "
"I say what's your business ? "
"I his boon a preacher , "
"Why did you happen to be out of bed
at 3 o'clock ? "
"I got up ter 'gage in arly pra'r , sale.
Do t'a'r ob de any riser is do soonea' an.
swered , "
"If you waited to pray , what made you
go "Hui ?
"You lmeard what I said. "
"Wall , I went dar to see dat du chickens -
ens wus all right. "
"And you found tune preacher there ? "
"Yes , aah. "
"What did you say to hind"
"Hui ? "
"You know very well wlmat I asked. "
"What did I say to him ? Why , salt , I
tole him tor turn loose do dorninecker
hen , Dat's what I said , "
"Why did you want him to turn loose
time hen ? "
"Huh ? I wanted do hen myself ,
soh , "
"Then you are as much of a thief as he
I nin't'case ; the don't 'long to do
mimic church , I'se a Mofrodist , I is ; dat
mnamm is a Baptist. Anyhow , it gin mu
such a disgust dat I quit do church. Dat's
surficiont I'so a gwino to try sonio
udder 'ligios , 'case all dat I unit tried is
dishones' . 1Vheneber I fin's a clmurch
dnt'hl keep nmo from stealin' , dat's niiso.
Up ter dis tune I ain't foci' it , I ain't
got so confldenco in a nigger , nohow , "
The h"urlous Fianiev.
Thdeiiefs of time Fire Departments ro-
cotnmend time great pain bauislmar , St. Jacobs -
cobs Oil. nfattlmow Brady , EsfJ . , Chief
gineer Fire De parnnemt Sam Francisco -
co , Cal. ' 1V , A. Bart Esq. , Chief En i
ricr Fire DeIarlmort Potandr Oregon r
endorse it. It conquers pain.
Cholera Trebabilities ,
CnxcAGo , September 13-Tire Daily
News publishes a large number of letters
frommi physicians of this city in mtswcr to
n circular asking their opmiuon as to time
probability of a cholera opidenio in this
country next year or withln the next few
) e era , Most of thorn anticipate more or
leas cholera iii this country next year ,
and urge time necessity of tlmoeough eli
servaice of aamitary precautions , mimunici
pal and personal ,
,1s' LC. i '
a A . .
Rheumatism Neuralgia , Sciatica ,
Lumbago , Oaci the. Headache , Toothache ,
N"rYlLrautNsreliings.tpradn.IMuLM ,
mtnrne. A.'A.da. 5' . 1 rifle. ,
Lull iii. orilLil iuuitr ; i 5iti. ADN rlnix.
6oWOr " . ' . )1a , Ge"e Lum4
nia"I lti m.aalt'fak.e ,
Tula Cil : A , vouiI.Eit : 4'I
IFr + r..M 1.1 h.Wae oam IL.lila.raim. . ss 1.
Dry Goods/ !
CO. ,
Washington Avenue and Eifth Street , - - - ST. LOUIS MO
Wholesale Grocers !
Cigars and Manufactured Tobacco.
LuMber , Lath , liillg1e r , Pieke1 = , , l
Near Union Pacific Depot , - - OMAHA , NEB
ID "
Palilts , Oils , Yarilisiles aid ¶ iudo Glass
Grower of Live Stock' and Others
Our Ground O ® Cake vt t
It 1. the beet and cheapest toed for stock of any kind. One pound la equal to three pounds of eorim t.4
Stock fed with Ground eli Cake in the Fail and Winter , instead of running down , will increase Iu welgb'i
and be in good marketable condition In the spring. Dairymen , as well as others , who use it an testify
its merits. . Try it and judge for yoursolvca.i.l'rico $25.00 per ton ; min charge for sacks. Addrers
Double and Single Acting Power and Hand i
Engine Trimmings , Mining Machinery , Belting , Hose , Brass and Iron Fitti
Steam Packing at wholesale and rolail. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , CHUB
Corner 10th Farnam ! St. , Omaha Neb.
fs _ . r -
Cd ' M .
. '
, . , , . . ; 1 Keg and B ® ttled Beer
. flits Excellent Boer speaks for itself.
r , ' " "
. 1 BUSCNEft . , . ,
j BL10U15 ii0 , Promptly Shipped.
c : c-ULr
Sole Agent for Omaha and the Went.
Car. 0thi Street and Capitol Avenue , '
/ 1 PIPES x A '
Reina Victorias , Lspeciales , Roses in 7 Sizes from $60
to $120 per 1000.
Combination , Grapes , Progress , Nebraska , Wyoming a
Brigands ,
s ea. .